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Ten Reasons to Skip Turkey This Thanksgiving

Date post: 20-Feb-2018
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  • 7/24/2019 Ten Reasons to Skip Turkey This Thanksgiving


    Many times I'm told I should stop protecting animals and start protecting people. I'm deeply

    concerned about the poor/the children/the elderly/the sick and those persecuted because of race, color and

    creed. Their suffering is my suffering, but at least they can talk for their own defense; animals cannot!"#.

    $ichard #alore, %merican %uthor and %nimal %cti&ist

    Around this time of the year, many, many individual turkeys,

    around 40 million individuals a year, suffer and die, just on the time around

    thanksgiving. It is a terrible time for them. There is no mercy, nor any

    compassion, given to these innocent creatures. They are simply treated like

    commodities and have their lives, emotions, minds, and bodies, completely

    and utterly broken under the brutality, callousness, and indifference of human

    beings. I have decided to write this article to help give them a voice. I know

    that If I were about to die, I would want someone to speak out for me, and try

    to make a difference for me.

  • 7/24/2019 Ten Reasons to Skip Turkey This Thanksgiving


    rom the beginnings of their lives in

    indifferent and pitiless hatcheries, waiting to

    be sent to their miserable lives in factory


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    This is a machine where the chicks are callously and painfully being debeaked. This is done

    without anesthetic, or any kind of pain reliever. !ater on, their toes are also removed in a way that

    is e"ually painful and without any kind of relief from suffering, including bleeding, chipping, or

    fractures. The fact that they are having their natural bodies being deformed and mutilated in the

    first place, especially at such a young and tender age, is already corrupt enough.

  • 7/24/2019 Ten Reasons to Skip Turkey This Thanksgiving


    To their time as adolescent turkeys wasted

    languishing in cruel and overcrowded farms.

    #ebeaking is a common act of violence and mutilation forced upon many farmed

    birds, but especially turkeys and chickens. This merciless practice of is enforced upon them because

    otherwise, the stress of the cramped, filthy, noisy, and overcrowded conditions of the filthy farms

    they$re living in would otherwise kill all of them. Turkeys, as well as chickens and other farmed

    birds, decide their social status based upon a pecking order, so softly pecking at one another, forhealthy turkeys and chickens, would be a normal social behavior. %ut because there are too many

    birds to make any kind of society or community, and the stress of the environment is overwhelming,

    turkeys, chickens, and other birds, peck at each other incessantly, obsessively and constantly, and

    thus are debeaked and detoed to prevent them from killing each other and bruising and injuring

    each other. &owever, the primary

    concern to those raising them is usually the degradation of the held "uality of the products their

    bodies will be deformed and mutilated into after reaching the slaughterhouses, and not their

    suffering and death. There is no e'cuse for this kind of brutality in the first place, so the simple

    answer would be to never force them to live or breathe in these horrid conditions to begin with. I

    see this treatment as a testament to the fact that we humans have an incredibly shallow and vapid

    understanding of other animals. There would be no way to inflict these abominations and atrocitiesupon them unless we thought of them as being absolutely meaningless and without any purpose,

    dignity, or beauty.

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    A genetically created white turkey, suffering in a filthy andabominable farm. Turkeys in this farm like In the above image are stuck living in inches upon

    inches of their own waste, and have no way out of their suffering and misery in these terrible places.

    There is a high risk of disease from the filth, feces, mold, and other disgusting things in their

    environments. %ecause they are crammed together, they are also under threat of catching diseases

    from other turkeys. (any of these turkeys may have to be fed antibiotics to keep them from

  • 7/24/2019 Ten Reasons to Skip Turkey This Thanksgiving


    suffering from diseases.

    This is not an isolated case, nor something rare in the

    industry) this cruelty has been going on for decades. To meet the enormous demand for the animal$s

    flesh and body parts like legs, wings, thighs, and necks, as many as 40 million individual turkeys

    every year are bred, and in a single shed on the average modern farm, there may be hundreds of

    thousands of turkeys. It is not just a handful running around a barn, which is far too small and

    unrealistic for the massive amounts that are brought into e'istence, all for the sole purpose of being

    subjected to a mercilessly enforced death. It is also not realistic to e'pect any small amount of birds

    to satiate the desires of around over *00 million Americans.

    As many as *00 million turkeys are killed in total every year.

    The number of turkeys is not the only problem. These turkeys are bred to grow five times faster

    than would be natural or normal for any turkey, or any living being to grow. In particular, the

    breasts of turkeys grow grotes"uely overweight before their young bodies are ready to handle it.

    (any turkeys, during this terrible time of their lives,

    may actually just cease to be able to walk, or drop dead before they are even able to be transported

    to their deaths. The health and respiratory problems, the issues with their bones and tissues

    carrying their weight, in addition to the already filthy, loveless, stressful, overcrowded and terrible

    living environments they are in is often enough to kill them by itself. +o matter what scale of thefarm, there are far to many turkeys to ever be raised in any comfortable manner. ven if they could

    be raised comfortably, it wouldn$t even matter.

    At the end, they would just be killed, denying

    them their right and desire to live a happy, natural, and normal life. -illing and enforcing death is

    the most e'treme act of violence, and the right to live is a simple desire of all life. -illing a turkey,

    just as killing any kind of animal, is something which is by it$s very definition, nature, and essence

    unmerciful, brutal, and cruel. They would also e'perience the e'act same transportation and killing

    techni"ues as birds from any type of farm would.

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    To being packed up and treated like commodities on

    trucks. +o animals in particular are protected when it comes to transportation.Turkeys and chickens are treated absolutely the worst, along with other farmed birds, as birds in

    general are not even given attempted protection by the law. These animals are thought of as units or

    commodities by the industry. They have numbers put onto their ears and bodies, are crammed into

    tiny crates, are separated from their mothers, siblings, and young, and are raised and fed in the

    first place purely to be killed and turned into products. They are transported in any weather, hot,

    cold, snowing, raining, through hail, and on any kind of road, whether it is bumpy or smooth,

    because there is simply no concern for their wellbeing beyond what their bodies may provide when

    turned into products.

    There is no room for love, compassion, or any real, genuine respect, or

    consideration In all of that mess, and there is no way for them to have peace as long as they arebeing farmed. The sort of raising that takes place with them, and the fact that they are called

    /livestock which is an e'tremely objectifying term, is testament enough to this. I don$t think they

    are even considered living beings. &ow do you truly love, cherish, and respect a being, and know

    that they have a life that is precious to them, when that being is referred to and thought of as

    someone$s property or a product1

    To think that there would be any active attempt to save or relieve

    the suffering of turkeys, chickens, or any farmed animals, which would be highly inconvenient to

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    the industry, is very na2ve. Their only real freedom is in an absolute right to have, at the very least,

    their lives, to have their young, or to have their mothers, and other individuals they care about, and

    their freedom from humankind$s e'ploitation.

    To being

    painfully, repetitively, and mercilessly killed in

    slaughterhouses and abattoirs, turkeys are never treated

    with dignity or respect they deserve, or ever given the right

    to live in peace or without humanenforced torment or

    e'ploitation for a single moment of their lives.

    A group of turkeys, swinging upside down and undoubtedly terrified from the noise andsmell of blood and fear around them, in an assembly line. (ost turkeys today are killed when they are only 30

    to 40 days old. They are still basically babies, without a mother or anyone to care for them, being brutally

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    destroyed and killed over something petty and arbitrary that they do not even understand. Imagine if you

    were screaming for your life in a place where no one could hear you and that was legal.

    5hat only makes this worse is the fact that turkeys and other birds, especially

    chickens, are not in any way, at all protected by law from cruelty in slaughter. Any amount of abuse, cruelty,

    inaccuracy, clumsiness, or apathy from the workers can regularly spell immense injury and torment, even

    more than they were already being forced to e'perience. arming is animal cruelty, abuse, and torment

    by it$s very nature. Any kind of forced suffering, death, or torment upon an animal can bedescribed as such, regardless of what purpose it$s for or why anyone wants it to happen.

    &ere are ten very good

    reasons to spare a turkey$s life this

    thanksgiving, and to choose a harmless and

    compassionate alternative instead.


    6easons to 7kip 7erving Turkey this


    By Lori Zito on This Dish is Veg

    Lori's Top Ten Reasons to Skip the Turkey this Year

    . 8ou are what you eat. 5hen you choose to eat foods that nourish your body

    A+# soul 9not ones that contain the energy of suffering and cruelty they

    endured: you will feel e'traordinary.

    2. You will have more room on your plate or all the other goo! stu.

    ". You #an have an e$tra glass o wine without alling into the turkey%in!u#e!


    . (t might stimulate some V)RY interesting #onversation at your !inner ta&le.

  • 7/24/2019 Ten Reasons to Skip Turkey This Thanksgiving


    ;. 8ou will set an e'ample that may create a ripple effect and save hundreds of

    animals< lives.

    *. You won't have to #hoose &etween the +light or !ark meat+... that's a really gross

    ,uestion when you think a&out it anyway-

    =. 8ou will give your body a reprieve from gobs of cholesterol, saturated fats,

    and hormones. Turkey is +>T a health food. Turkey is loaded with fat and

    cholesterol, and it has ?ero fiber. Turkey is also fre"uently tainted with

    salmonella and campylobacter bacteria.

    . Less #alories at !inner leaves more #alories or !essert-

    @. #ining sans animals ensures that the food on your plate wasn

  • 7/24/2019 Ten Reasons to Skip Turkey This Thanksgiving


    The death toll of

    holidays like thanksgiving, and the eating of animals brutalized

    esh, dried blood, the growth hormones and chemicals embedded

    in their esh, and dead fat in general does not only come upon

    turkeys and other animals however. It also falls upon theenvironment and mankind, like an unseen haze of death and

    suering. The death toll of these animals, and the number In

    total, in ust !merica by itself, "# billion animals are killed every

    year so that their esh can be served in grocery stores,

    restaurants, public eateries, fast food places, and homes all over

    the country, all to satiate the appetite that around $## million

    !mericans have for their esh. This death toll not only speaks of

    unspeakable amounts of animal suering, abuse, and neglect,

    gone unheard and unnoticed, but also of a great amount ofwreaked upon the earth and upon mankind.


    collective amount of food in the form of grain, and water eaten

    and drunken by turkeys and other farmed birds and animals in

    general, takes an enormous strain on the crop soil, and on the

    water supply of not only !merica, but also other nations.

    %uch of

    the feed and grain, as well as the water that these animals drink,is sourced from other countries, many of them being poorer than

    !merica. These grains and this water could easily go into satiating

    the hunger and &uenching the thirst of countless human beings

    whom are starving and living without clean water all throughout

    the world, including those in our own country. This is not the only

    thing however. Imagine if "# billion people lived in tiny, crowded

    spaces all over the country, and had no sewer systems. They

    would produce a whole lot of waste, with no kind of intelligent or

    e'cient means to get rid of that waste.This is the reality of

    having "# billion conscious, living, breathing, and feeling beings

    kept as commodities, brought into e(istence and life merely for

    the human)devised purpose of being killed and cut and mutilated

    into small pieces of themselves which are then called products.

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    The waste of animals is often disposed of in careless and

    threatening ways, such as being released into the air, dumped

    into waterways, and heaped into the soil. This has resulted in the

    death and suering of many wild animals, as well as a great

    amount of discomfort and severe health detriment of those incommunities around factory farms, or otherwise known as

    intensive farms, where most of these animals are raised.


    enoying thanksgiving dinner at *arm +anctuary. This is their right to live, and live

    well, being respected. eing free to live natural, normal, happy and healthy lives is

    the right of all living beings. -uman or animal, it does not matter. These beautiful

    turkeys have everything in the world to be thankful for, which this sanctuary has

    helped to prepare and give them life, love, happiness, and freedom. /o one should

    ever be deprived of these things. !ll beings deserve to have them.

    The esh industry, and animal farming industries in general,

    are not only causing untold, uncountable suering, death,torment, and misery to animals, but also great harm to the

    environment and people all throughout the world. 0eople who

    dont have anything to eat, and who are losing their food to feed

    the farmed animals of wealthier or more powerful nations, and

    those who are living in locations or areas around intensive farms,

  • 7/24/2019 Ten Reasons to Skip Turkey This Thanksgiving


    and suer great problems to their health, &uality of life, and well)

    being from the stench, chemicals, and pollution. esides all of this

    however, please do consider yourself. 1ust as the list says, turkeys

    and other modern factory farmed animals are inected and fed

    with everything from growth hormones to keep them from beingtoo small for market weight, antibiotics to make sure they dont

    die of disease from their 2lthy living conditions, and kept in

    horribly small crates, or crowded, noisy, dark sheds, 2lling their

    esh with the chemicals of misery, torment, fear, and horror.

    0lease understand that your choices in what you choose to eat,

    has a great on the individual beings you choose to eat, a terrible

    aect on the environment, on other people, and on things on

    earth as a whole, including yourself.

    3ets work towards healing and respecting animals, the earth,

    other people, and ourselves through our food choices. 4e can do

    better5! 6egan Thanksgiving ook

    7Twas the /ight efore

    Thanksgiving By Dav Pikey This book is

    all about a group of children, who discover that after playing with eight funny,

    e(uberant turkeys on a farm, that the turkeys were going to be saved for

    thanksgiving. +hocked and scared for the turkeys lives, they later adopt these

    turkeys, and have a wonderful vegetarian thanksgiving dinner.
