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Tenth Convention - Wa

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r, _ rLA!NTJH':i I.'r ,J'lTTfC). ;·. -$/d I M& 3 NE d n b d 8 d 3 HSSSftdK S " d t 5 d S d d 3 n DS Ra 3 a REPORT OF THE General Secretary. Treasurer Industrial Worke n of the World Tenth Convention ONE LABEL ! ONE UNION! PR ICE TEN CENTS ONE EN EMY! H eld at Chicago, Nov.•Dec., 1916
Page 1: Tenth Convention - Wa

r , FlmNT7FP'~ P;1r~~ _rLA!NTJH':i I.'r,J'lTTfC).;·. -$/dIM& 3 NEd n b d 8 d 3 HSSSftdK S" d t 5 d S d d 3 n DS Ra 3 a


General Secretary.TreasurerIndustrial W orken of the World

Tenth ConventionONE LABEL!




H eld at Chica go, Nov.•Dec., 1916

Page 2: Tenth Convention - Wa


English. Weekly, $1.00 per ('fhe Rebel )year. Published by the T. W. W . Spanish. Hi-weekly, ODc •Publishing Bureau, 1001 West year. Bundle rate 2 cents perMadison Bt., Chicago, Ill. copy. Address a ll communion-

tions lind remittances to Admin-INDUSTRIAL WORKER istrator, El Rebeldc, Box 12i9,En glish. Weekly, $1.00 per Los Angeles, Cal.

year. Bundle r ate, 2 cents percopy. Address, Box 1857, Se- A LUZnt tle, Wash. (L ight). Portuguese. Semi - month I.",

A BERMUNKAS Subscription, 50 cents a year.(T he W age Worker ) Bundles of 50 at 1 cent per

Hungar-i an. Semi-monthly , $1 copy. Adrlrcss, 699 South FirstpH year. 350 EM' 81st St ., St., New Bedford, Mass.New York, N. Y.


('fhe Voice of 'f he Workers) Swedish - Norwegian. Danish.Lithuanian. 'Weekly, siro $1.00 a year. 232 Cedar Ave.,per year. 869 TIollim; St ., Bal- Minneapolis, Minn.

t imore, Md .


('l'he Proletariat )(Solidarity)

Italian. Weekly, $1.00 per Polish . Semi-monthly, $1.00 a

year. Gen. Del. Hanover Sta- ycnr. 307· lG4 W. "~lIshington

ticn, Boston, Mass. sr., Chteeco, Ill.


.Iewish. Monthly, [,oe a veer. Jewish . Published (>vpr;r threeBox 7, Station l' Brooklyn, mont hs. Price, 15 cents a y ear ,,

Address Box 7, Station l'N. Y. ,Brooklyn, K Y.

RABOCHY('f he voice of L abOL' ) AUSTRALIAN

HU8Sian. weeklv, :)() r-ents a ADMINISTRATIONyear. Bund le rates, 1 cent per "Direet Actiou." ( English.)copy outside Chicago. Address : '\"('cld.r , *1.50 per yen!'. 3301146 South Deepleines St., Chi - Caatlereagh St., Sydney, N. S.cego, III.. w., Austral ia.

Literature in foreign languages shou ld be orderedfrom papers in respective language as l isted here.

Page 3: Tenth Convention - Wa


G eneral Secretary-T reasurerIndu.biaI Wor....en ofthe World

Tenth Convention

ONE LAB£l..1





Page 4: Tenth Convention - Wa
Page 5: Tenth Convention - Wa


. To the Delegates in Convention Assembledand Members 01 the InduslIial

Workers 01 the World

F l!'lIo. " Wor b ra ,

In ""mpha"", witb the rutea (>f thp o~.ni.Ql l ion. I ha ve ('autull)"..ompill!d a fina nl' ia l report rJlOwin j!' . 11 of the mo netary traw;.actiollllf ro m &optrmher I, 1914, to &opll"mbt'r I, 1916, with. t abul. tior, 01rfff'iplJ and di.bul'M'menls fo r ee eh mOllth d urinl!' till" period, andmonthly l<Ummar iMl and II fina l reeap it ula tion.

ClUl h on hand ~I'tl'mher 1, 1914 .• ', • . • .. . . . .. .. .. .. ... ... f 274,26Till,,) T1'el!'i pts for th e year end ing Au¥U~t 31, 1915. . . . . . . . B,934.47

TOla l disbursements )'<'81'endiu f!,' Au~u~t 31, 191[1. • • • • • • • • • •

$ 9,20!:!.13


C,a..h nn han d September 1, 19Hi $ !122.44

Total no<-f'ipt" for t ill' year endinz AU¥Uht 31, 1916 _ f49,114.64


Total disbu.....mt:nl. yl'ar ending AUjnlKt 31, 1916 .• • . . . . ..• . 31,29 1.75

Cv.b on hand l:>t>rtrm~r 1, 1916 . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . ... . ....•..$Ul,74:i.53

Durinf!: tbr two ,ours several old aeeounlll hay e been 1lQ~ up ;inlrret<t on a 5tand in~ no~ or $300.00 a#ai mrt the or~izal ion b,·J ohn A. fW<,ko-r ; 1i'2'~.69 to ('Jffi~ Sp<'«!.. a~ n t"nt"1'1l1 Orlo-'1U1iu-r , , ' U alltandin¥ a("('Ouu l. Ko l>i& ha,.r bHll eontra~ttd during the 1&Iit t . o, ·u .... but ...-....t han been paid. A larve amount of IRIppliftl a"" onl an d ...-hieh 1 Ia" e en utIlrl'1ll«l 011aepanle r;h"'t11 or Ihi.. ff'l'Ort.

Deill' inducted into offil'e of Genl'ral ~aTy-T",1ISUn'r at IItime when the tide of Ih e orK&Jlization wu at ita lowest ebb , naturally ,th l!' finaul' ial re port of the two fi!l("111 Yl!'&n eliding September I, 191G,.iII .....ow a r1f'CirlE'd in l"n'asI!' in the volume of th e ....or k th at hILI beendoue, wilh II l"otTe'lpOnd~ lnl"fe lUie ih the reeeipts a nd disbursem ent..lIowIPVPr, we havlP II balauee on hand to ",",t th e requ in'm"n1.8 of II


Page 6: Tenth Convention - Wa


vigorous campaign of orpanlaatlo n t hat I trust will be maplwd outh)' t hia cunventiou during th e )·car.

K ine t houl<&l1d ~ix hu ndred and eig hty-five (9,685) letters ha vebeen written exc lusi ve of re ports, bulleti ns an d ci",ula r let te rs,

1 had been a t t he d esk but a few da)'R " .. hen a lette r eame fmma Fellow Work"f who had inhe ri ted a tew thousand dolla rs, to which Ireplied Oil .Janu a ry 4, 1915 ,

" Fellow w orker •" I am in ree-eip t of yo ur leiter of Dec ember 29th, in which yeu

st at e ) "011 have come into a sum of money , oom.,t hinl(' like $2 ,700.and request m}' ad vice as to how it ea n he used to advance theprinciples of Indust ria l Unionism.

. " If ) '011 are incl ined to dOlJa te a sum of this IL/Ilount for t hecaus e, I woul d N1Y tha t th,>rf" ;s no beUl'r ave nue of re lwh irl" }'onrp"rpOf;e tha n in helping Solidarity.

" The paper has been st t"Ul('g l illg aloll!! alld it is th e intent ion,II " soon as possible, to make it an eig ht-page sheet. 1t is a splend idmed ium of prupa gunda, and t here il; no pla l'e I know of wherey vur eontrtbutirm will be ul<Cd t o betler ad\·nn t age.

" A part of what you are goi ng to contribute could he sen t tome for orgall irillg purposes. it is t he imeutiou th is spring to holda ("l!nv{'n ti"n of th e Mi~rah)l)' Worker s in Kanl<llsCi t)'. and a litt lemone}' could 'he us ed there to good purpos e.

" Wit h best wishes, l am,

" YOUI'll for I ndu strial F reedom.

(Sign ed) ",nL D. HA YWOOD,"General Sec'y.-T reas." .

In r eply to this letter a chee k for One Th ousand Dell a rs ($1,000.00)wa.s received with th e r equest tha t the dOllor'a. nam e be withheld.Another One TI 'OIw m d Dolla rs ($l,Il(lll.OO) WM II('lIt to So lidarity, an dthe followin~ month Fello w 'Worker Ettor tu rn ed in $3f>O.C9 that WILlI

given to him b)' the same ma n,It is useless to sar the t the monel ' at th a t hour was like the fluid

of lifl' injected into t he veins of a bod}' hadly in need of ueurisbrn ent,The reaction tha t had come aft er ma ny bit ter st rugglet; had left uspoor indeed. There wee little but the fouudation of principles andsp iri t to de pend upon. Upon th ese we are bui ldi ng an or ganizationmultiplied in strength and of perm anency th at cannot be dest royedor ~hak l'n exc ept b}' th e mit<takes and (lissen~ions within onraelves.

_ _ _ _ 1

Page 7: Tenth Convention - Wa


Durinfl th e two )·e8.1"lI f'nd in~ September 1. 1916. the followiDltuni OIll h.a"e been ehartered ;

'I'n.Uk> Won......• h " I...l rbol t 'nkon f';o. 211. 110"1 1<.... R C.&optf'Dlbfor t . 1914-

BIllE W<rrti'rs' 1"""' 11&1 I In lon No. 212. ilum lllll . K J1lt1~..m'..... 1ft, 1111-1.

!l1~1 " 1ioI",... W,.n...n· In,I.... l r u. l t·..I<... S o. 5, 101. T . W~

8 100:l-t<a, CaL~f'",I..... 23, 1\IH _

Pn~~..1Mla I~. ~I,_ J ..... !lalol<~ " .. "a da..~""r26. 11I1"-

La d ..... TIIIInn. An..... II. No _1P'l. 1"-1110".... . 'Id ,!If'VI......... III, 1111. _

~..1Mla ~. 1lcJo.t.-.... ),I ......

k\.......,r.r llO, 19 H

~,Il..h 8 ..""" 1"0. 3, 1"" I .... _ Il Jto. \r. ·b i"l'''''.Oct_r 1:' 11114.

f'I'<lp8.p1lda ~~. 8...... Cit,. 1.,...-. _Ot1ot.t- H . WH.

Ih rInP Tft""JlOl'1 W"r\;..n· b .d""tnal I ' ....., S o. Ii. Fort WiHu._OD,.rlo" C........

OrIol..... H . 11<14.

Pnopop oda~. U.~ CoIl.Ottot.t- 21. 11114.

),I !n<>t 100 ""1....1 I ·n "'.. 1"0_[,loCI. IoIlt1<'Ol . N.on" I..",...Ltw..,_ I . I l ' l ..

W........,·. I "r<o(o&p nda~. tllniE l<ft. CoILl"<__..... 1~ 1M I.

l ta l"'n Pn" P ",ItI 1_ ,........ ~ A..~w.. cal,...,...... t...r 30, 1!J14.

~t~, 11........ 1,... N , " ,

I ............' 21. Illl ..

0 ..."'" W,..k,· • 11>1'1...111&1 I :,." ", 1"0. 167. •:a~l TIIUbI.... . I t.....~111 22. Ill" .

c....1 IoI h • h .d .. . l r ... l L"n"'" 1"0. :In • •1.-10...... ('ruo..1looc<:'IDI"", 30, 1lI14_

'I'Pn r u ... 1<":1 ..." 1011 U.. l. ... No. :.'1. T..u rk .". Ar b .......J . nU&'7 2tJ. 11l1l\.

l talltln p ..., ,.p nd a la~.".,. Lt 'll'bt> ell 1"r' '''''J:&nda 1""",10- U a lia" -.Boo" Ma..

I:!ktu. Cll r I nd lrl. 1 1,,, 1,., No. N~..l, I'I< ~." ell,. I,,,, ·•.M&,,", 10, 11<1r..

Page 8: Tenth Convention - Wa

6 1U,,'l'ORT. GEroE ltA L HOCItETAR}:.TRE.&.l<t 'REIl.. I . W. W.


___ _ _ J

IIbl.! Worb-n<' l"dUl4 .I ~1 ( In k... x... l!~ "'..... Yo", cer . N. \ ' .Il!.al'<'h I!>, UlL...

11'(11I, 8 ' ....1 il Tlll 1 1lI~ W.....kPn' 1J>dU>1.1aI t"1lioo. I'o. 30\1. EIwt'Od.1",l lana .

MlOf'("h ~. 191r.

{"~..I !.AI h.,.....,.· 1,..lo-ln.1 l ' uk .... N.... 1I:2t. B<..c,1Il, Ma-...W....b 29. 1111("

H", ... il " ...... " ....1 w...........· Ind ....I . "'1 l 'n k ... 1':0. 112. x ..... Y...... .K 1:.

M. ...b :lll. 191!\.

~i".."'n Ii......b 11:0. !. No. IT!!. 1l<'a11"', W• • tL(lct.-t..r t:l. I IlU

C1l1ts,:o \ 'r OO" 1Ikk' h oduotrlal l'" k... :'<0. 5W,t~ I lIInoi:f,.A.I>I11 !:t. W I:<

Avirull lLn1 w.............' (, ' n nl..tlm :-0. "" 1.AI"U 21. UoI.5.

N lo-b Ii.-.nm "' D. :!, S CI. 611. Old FPrJI:l", ...Apr'" 2lI. 1\11 .5.

~oo.~.~ Ut1Io.1I. r 'tl. 1fIL:i.

JI<-1gjao Ii..",-b 1'0, 4. "' .... liOO, Ol....,.rll.... R- I .lia r 12. 19L.5.

( ....."" l od ""Ir\a1 ["D~ PO... 5Ri" e-ba. XfotJnIoLa..J ulr e, I~I :'>,

' '''''''''" Il.lulf- In,h OOl •• 1 1".. _ No. :iIltI. l ..-.....u Bhdr.. 1_ •.J ulr :!II. 1111.5-

H _ n.n 11..'.... So. 1. So.. Il:I, Ol~ 111_A_, ~ IIlI .5.

(Ill W....k.. ..... 11.01""' ..1 l'u~ So. t :ot. CUo bllc. OULJ UbO' n . WI ll.

000,_ " I"d ....lr\a l t ·uk... No. G>I. O.hDab. Ans.J 21. nus,

Ap\nlln l w._ Ind .-' NI l'nlm r.>o. t.«, l'acnmmto, CIlL1_ . 1M" 11m.

l 'ml M \\"<>tLpn' IodUl<t .la l I 'n lm No. lI«'I, J1lI I.... l-'w....1 '1lI... lIl. 19 1:<

c .,.1 Mb ,.. \\", .t ko-..• h " luootr\a1 t"IlIo.. No. 00 1. A....ln n " !llbu, PetwI.lotn-mb<-r 21. 11ll[;.

U'b" .., la" li••1I<'h S " 2. r>o. 00. Rockford, Ill .v....."'I,... ~ 11'11\.

" ",k-Io- wort · l "d UIII. lal l''' kln too, 300. P lt b<bulll b. P"nn.De<'ellll 28. 1911'>.

Page 9: Tenth Convention - Wa

REPORT, GE."F.RA I, tlF.CRETAU¥-TREA}lnUm .. L w, W. 7

CooII ),l iD<' W_..... 1....,.......1 l"1I..... No. lItlllo. Pa~ 1'toI:In.

I .............. I l\" 11l1:\.

Ila llN-.d Wortns'~ rD". :000. eon. Cbn,:o. IIII...,..."...... IS. 1915.

•11....1'<.,( W.,..Loon' lI..h ......1 t "nidl. s ... 301 , Lno'll: 1..11II CilJ'. N. T.

1Joo<'o1abrt" L l ll l l\"

Rfo.'ndl in&: UQI IIId.....1 l ' .. ion ~o. 499. &on J_ . CaLl"oft'Dl l... 2, Ill l S,

Tn Uk> WoJ'''''''''' I lMln..c. la i t.'1I1oD No. 47l1. :-;.... Rn ll......id<. N. J .Son-lUh... :no11115.

c.",t Min.. W" . kP...• ' IIt'"" Irl8 1 t~lI io11 No. tAli!, Plttt.t ,'" J un« l..... I...N<'.......bPr 111, 1915.

0.1 MI" .. W"rk " ... ' " ..lI ,,<I.1a1 UILhlll. No. :;10. lliDOOlo.a. PeI1n.No~01Dlol'l' I ll. lM 5.

",,11. 0J><t...- .l 8brlmp W. ...... ,.,.. I ndU>ll • .bo . 1"1,10 .., S o. tJOl . Apal..id_C'<>ia. FIoe1da.~ u. Ulu..

1U<TW.1~ Lntal I Bd,..Uial r._NtL 002. l.- /ulI:f'If'II. CaL

"'..-...- :no11115.

COIO.I K iDP w,.-kln" b >d_ ..... l "nk'o:! Xo. :lOT. 1"'-1. I'M:aI.O<.-f_ 25. 191 :1.

Colo) 1I i1w " ....... ..... Illduoolril l I ' DI<", N<L :~1Il, U....,.... ....... ...00."t<Jbf'r 2, lfl15.

a..u...d 8 b<>p w orll • 11ld....rll.1 rlll<m :"i... 2IIG. F....I DedbuD,lola--t>.-t ...

No1.w tn l... . 2, 11116.

MH al A Ma cb in.. .,. W o rk ....• I nd uotrl. 1 I Tn lop !'i'... 310, W atf'rl>UFJ.

eon"""l l<'Ilt.fI<',>l"w1", . 2, 111111.

Iolupr Work.....· Ind m t..... r ul<", No. 400, n .....,klyn. No T.~""r 2(), 11l15-

0.:-1 lime Wv.Ii....• l ",hu.I.1oI1 l"lJioo !W. ~ }'II...... Penn.J -.nUUT 19. Ill iG.

('-:J WiJw \\·on.....• ['D k1o No>. 511. lMiI....._ R ........ SC, a.Old F""",. J'ooDD.

J -.n..1']' 27. I llIG.

_ WorI<rn· Ind.-tn.l l ·.."'" :so. 11T, l'Io'l: ,.,n. MIttl.J ....U&I']' 2:i, rete,

Mrtal JI ltat' Wort....... I""......... . l ' nVol No>. f\lO" lolu..-p<>Iia. lIII1fIn.......... ..,. 3, 1111..

TMtlJoo W_en' 100 ""'..... . r ..1on No. 3."#.. fl<ub 1I&rn'. )I . ....

FPb.... ..,. H . 11116.




Page 10: Tenth Convention - Wa

'" REI'ORT. G F,S }:It AI. f;EC RETAR \' ,T It}:.U:rR F.R, I , W, W.

Mt'taI H i".. .. f;.....l ter Work......• I Ild_ rial 1I111oo> No, 603, Wel:>bn t,. N o.

Ff'!.,ruar, IG. ll'llI.

Ll tb I'r'<""'Jll/l dtl Loq-... <'~od, O hio.J . II rr 20 , 1111(1,

C_truct lon W... ........• IDtI.-..t rial LTnioll 1'0. 573, N _ poI.iI., M inD­Jolan-h &. 11118-

f' ipJ' W ""I;_ 1",I.-..t r llol l 'rl""" :O;o. 100. P blladP-lpb ia, 1'ftID.FttJruary IT. 1lI1G.

I~II~ l 'olono "II. WI>. B""""IYII. S r .y ..rll llI. I lli G.

ULb.-ala n IlnDC"b So. I'." ~... !>5, Cbloral:<\ Il litw>oocloIa n-b 13, I lIl r.

MH . I )f lbl' II< _ I.... W..n...... h odmot"'l l ·. q No. Ins. Jln.D<'b 1,Pton......nw. Qol.

U . "" b 14. 11118-

('_ I Y IN- .....-.n...... 1"".......1 l"nkcJ "'0. 501. J _ p.. rmn.M..m 14. UIlG.

~illnj; l ' " q !'i ll. _ . l 'b ....llO- I U,llan-l> :!!I. I ll iG.

h-.lk' \\', .. I;cn' 1".h...I.'" l'ClIoo S o. 113. I leQ,""' . Cc>Io.Y arrlI, 27. til ll:.

C'ar Rf«,lr w_ ....· IDtI""' rl.a1 J'lla So.. :l&7. u.,lton. IIIY.n,b ::-1. 11< 16-

c... Ill' ... Worto- ...• I... h....tnal I ·...... S.... [,11(1. w J"OID'inI:. -....Apn) f. 1ll1G.

~1I1lc I 'n\<lo "'0. GOO. JarboD, Y ldlA pril II, WIll.

e-I ld iM won.....· l .... w.U .... 1' ll kcJ S o. :ioIll. P1aiJu"TiUe,. PftIILApril 10. Illi G.

Tn lllr l oduar.....1 W,,..k.....· l"nh .. S o. 350. "'• ...,IlII. "'"" Ha "'p'IlIno.Api'll I:l, 1\l1ll.

A.D.a1l II<0-"'"'1 W..........• I .... III't ria l rllion No. .... 1.Il'tI'oit. Mieh.April II. IflJ 6.

Qua...,. W,""'.....• InrlllOtrtal I 'n "'" No. ll6-t. LoIlrTlIk>. W ls.AlJ<"lI 11.. 11I1tl.

Mt'tIIl ill U.r bl' .....,. W {>1"U n" 11Id uanlal CiliA:> S o. 300.~ In.Aptll 14. IHIlL

M.rl.... TT. n'"!_lI"I \\"0I'loo...... l ""ulln " l 111> 101> No. 2~[~ Duluth. N inn.Ap.rll 18. 11118.

CoDaIrtK"tlflll WoI1r........ Ind ,,,,nlal I Toklo No. 1l14. R<>ekt~ mApril 2 4. 1111(1..



Page 11: Tenth Convention - Wa




R...rull~ U"i<JJI No. eoo. C1e.e1aJ>d. Ohio.AJl"II 24. Il1l l1.

TnUJe "'orb ..' t ·"Ic", No. "1&, IJlb ...... lIon linll<"b No. I , 1..,..e11.lol_ ctI.-tu.

Apri l 24. 111 111.

or..m.. Work..... lin.... So. UlI, """_ 8 n Ddl S... Z. I.oootiLM.._d1_I..

April U . l11UL

RO!'<TUltilllf t:..1<>D So. 00i. W~. ~

llIay 2. lPl ll

8-.111..."..• 1I... ....b.,. IbU...d Work,,"' 1_ l rb l TIn""" :"0. IJlO, BaJ.­I lllKlft" 1lId.

W. 7 JI" 1" 111.

11•.(..1 '" KoooI: ........ "'orhn ' I Dduot~1a1 rnloa S o- eoR.Wa.1 10. lf11l1.

I _ it" Won....• I Dd..td ..1 I '..... 1'>0. lit. F.olt La b- Ot]', n llb.101.7 10, 19111. •

1'• ...1, ....... 11_ Woru ... ' IDdU4N I 1' .._ S o. 800. CbD,p>, 11L

IrkJ" rt. 1918-

Iol.rt>~ 11nlM'b. <t-..,. Wonon' 1I" 1" ,,U"I1I1 r ... S o. 3M,u.~. W I&.

"'1 H. 11' 111.

1:.....,...... . w.ft.....· 11><1 ..., .... . '""in> No . 41<7. N<-w l'ork. :00, Y.Ill.,. ea, 1(1111

~It w.............. 11ld......l1al r ...... 1"0. 111(1" 1'tI........lpb ioo. ~D.

libJ st, U1111,

BallO•." w........... Ind""'r"l I ,.. if.. 1\0. ...."' . p..,.,~. R L

ll uil <lu...- Wcrln1o' l a d ....... I ' .. .... S o. \,;7:;. ("""""nd., Uh lo.J UPO' 1. Illia

Pill"" W<,"~....• 1..<I_rlIo l ( ' .. _ 1'\0. r.ta, :0;_ \"01"1<, S . }",

J .. .... II, rsre.

SlIPr ~lluo'tf " ., .......... 1I><I""'ri.. l l ",,1oo r-<.. « 111, Ptl I........ lpIl.ia. 1'11,J_ JI" Will

lII ...l>lk 1I...D<'b. M I Mine Wor1o:N1l' 11I00_rl.1 1'11I0Il No. ~Bi ".!>i'" 1I1 ...

J u .... 17. nil (\.

" lr J lllla lIn'd , lI" tal WI" .. Worktorlj' Illol""tr"'l l'n~ So. f!lO.\'I....lnla, Idln lL

Ju.... 17. 1Y16.

R .........1I11I¥ l 'n loo Xo 6Jl . AI..upo\rl . , 11M! .J u .... H , lll lfL

Page 12: Tenth Convention - Wa

t n RF.roRT, GEXF.RA I. REC'RETA RY,TUEAlll'J{ }:R, I. w. W.

8 roo1<J::JIl n n och. Bat...,. Woo. .. ...' h .<1....."'1 I:".. .. S o. 46, ti ....._Isn. x. T ,

.I .."," I :;' 11116.

8_ a.,.,1...n' lod..I ....1 1".... .. No. fIl:' I'hlla ..... pb ia. r.tl n..I...... 1:1., 19 16.

f':TO"lftb~ !>StUl N fDo. Wor1l~ h ••lN'tn.1 r ..iQo Nn. 4!'O.I:~b. WinD..

.1..- l fl. 19 16.

(; 11"'" Iln!>rb. X .uoI ) 11w W....Iu'n· h .d....Uial r ...... S o. 4KJ..1_ II>. 11116.

t"b"'W", 8 M~.I W i.I... W .....rno· ..", ...Irial l 1".. _ S o. _.('Il.b.boI. llill n.

J un.. 19 , UlI8.

" .... ,..,- It .." ..... M~. I .1.11. ... W <>ri<fO.... h " I....U I.1 1'"..... No. 4Pn.K ill" "'-. WinII.

J Ul>'" Ill . W It\.

IIll ot-l" l: I ln n.:h. 11..'.1 MI.... W.... k......· I" dwotrl .1 1'" 1,,.. S o. -t!1O,"J1 ~,ill~. l\1hl",

.I""., Ill. 1li 16.

c ,... nr n .."eh MPI.. I 1tUfw Wo.k....· 1,,<1 ...<,,1. 1 r ill".. 1'0. ~,.o,

1:, ,,.<1'1. N IHil,J u".. J!l. nus,

Auron Un n('ll.. Meta l Min.. W" .k.....• Ind "."la l 1' .. 100 No. 41U.IUD.. 111. 1111t1.

tiubl 11nndt, 111..1.1 },Ii.u .. Worb ...· Ind ...trla l " ,, 000 1'0. 4:1(1.J ..., f' I ll . 19 16.

l 'blla ,Jooltoilla It .."'.... Ind tm: . la l r " .. .., No, tlOO. P b iladt>J.I,b"'. f'<otd1.J IIrl .. lJl. IIlUI.

tIoooal 1"\-. bo-nJ>rop h>dUl¢rb.' I'nkc> N o. 4-f9. N lb-bn""h. CalJ = f' 20, JI>I6.

tltw.. Ro-r-I. Wun..-n- h .d ...""" I·. ..... :ria. 81:1,~. UhIo.I ...... 30. 1~1 6.

( ·...1 ld i".. W,d..ts' Ind u.....W r"kIIl No. 6lS3. I.............~l Ui, 1. 11>16.

k bmro'la d:r flr a td>, Ioll'lal 4 JoI. <'b!DrTJ Worilln' IDd..ulal I:.....Na. :«J, Srbf.-pofladJ. S , Y.

l ulJ fl. 11/18.

).........1 W"orl ......• hullll'lrial l ',,1oa No. W2. I .......". nly, X J .J ulJ 11. 1916-

Auton t1.....,b. l tail....d w..... ...... 100_,"'1 ( ' 11 1<... N"n 000. " .........1m ......

J uly 21. UII6.

Page 13: Tenth Convention - Wa


~ l ud ""l r"'l '[' Ilk". No. Mfi, P bi h" h 'lpb ia , P m.AU&lIRt 2, rain

lI od (;. rr;~I"II ' Indunt t ia! 1:0;0[1 r\o. 46J" r-e w y .>tk Clt r , X. Y.Aui""'l 5. nne.

Thl" wor k of organiz ing for thi~ bil"nnial t>E'riod hill< beeu thegreat est in the history of the 1. W. W . One hundred and sixte en (1l6 )charte rs have been issued to workers in th e various indu steie s.

Une of the new unions, Agricultura l wo rkers " Imlustri a l l'n iHnNo. 400, chartered April 21, 1915, has achiev ed marvelo us res ul ts , 1I0 t

onl,- ill Ille.ubership. eighteen th ousa n<l (18,000) ml'llIb<:,n; being I'll ,

rol l..d , but ill the improvem..nt of wages, hou rs ani! working ('ond it ion s.

Thl' IJll'mbPr>; of ~o. 400 were ahra,-s r eferred to as the IInd t'1>ir·able element of ,;ori" t,· : .. lI ol.....s, " " l'esky Goa boub," ""a~, " ani!118 sud . were subj ect ed to t he ab use and hostifities of petty authorit ieseve rywhe re. Compelled to stea l ri des OIL the railroads to and fromt he blln 'est fields ; fi ~ht ill j! w ilh tra inm en lind ~ua rr.l8 for the I,ri vil l'g<';r isk ing life , l imb, lind health t o ~et 1I chance for a few week s " wor k :jail ed for vagrancy when out of work, and s!.an'ing an d e llsla ved wh e"on the job,

The Iudusma t Workers of the World ea uie as a rnight~· boon tot hese harvc~t wor kers . Wb at t hc~· he vc done for t hemSl'I\"~8 in thelas t t wo >;~abOlI" il; hul a marker in eOl"I' ll. r;~"n 10 wha t will be eccom­pliahed in t he fu tu re, With II eonsalerable minority of fann laborersan d har vest workers organized and educated, with th e kn owlf'll!!e oft h.. l ,r illC;llleH of Industria l l:nioll;sln , tli e rf'"Ht of the wo rld will beIIHking the III,luht ria l Workers of th e World, " W hat /Ire "-e goiug toha ve for break fast in th e momio~ ! "

ThilJ k ;lI~ t l,a l perhej», Ihc Inten-tllte COllllll{'t('e ('<IulJlli"Hlon, whohah much 10 sa}- aho ut th.. rail roads lind t he disl"'sit ion of t r..igh t lindpassengers f ro m st ate to sta te , and t hat borne h..Ip mij!ht bf' s"" uretlfrom that source in the IIlellJlH of t ran"porllllion, preventing suchle ,·ribl .. l1iHa HI{'r>; al; ....l'l" ....d a t Tril' !' , Korth Ijeketa, .Iuring th eharwst hl''''''''' , O il till' 20t h of III>;t Apr il I wrot e the following h,lter:

" 11I 1.~ r>;ta l e L'umnn-ree (' omllLi ..... i.." , WR..h;uglol) D. C.

"Gemlemen :-In the eOlll'He of II llJonth or ...ix wel'k.. t huu ­Mllds of memhet-s of till' Ind ust ria l Work"rl\ ..f the World will 10..I!niug to t he hllrv f'st , ( 'mnlllf'lwilll! ill 'J'f'xas, Ok lah oma and 1\1'-'1­"" .., about t he first of .lune.

Page 14: Tenth Convention - Wa


" H er etofore these men who hane~t an,} ~arner t h(' food su p­Vl)- of the na ti on have been compelled to bum their way , rid ing inbox ears, Oil t he wI'. lind 0 11 th c rods un derneath, at great dan gerto tht'ir health. th('i r Ihn bR.lind their li ves.

" I.list fa ll. when th e propoeltion of eon veyiug th ese Agricul­tura l Workers from state t o state was submitted to th e Railn"u}Companies for li redu ced Jere, it W illi th e exc use of the Railro lldC~'IUJ 'llJl i Cl< that ('e rl lli" ruk a of the In teMlw le Comme rc e Commis­sion l"t''1u ired th ...t a,lvlinee not lce be ~iven" I II other count rieshllr \"ed workers receive tnmspo rtation to and from t he hllJ'vE'l\tfields"

" We demand for th e A~'1'icu1tural \\' orkeI1l of thill OrfBnil'.a­t ion home eonslderatlo n commclIsuratc with the social value oftheir labor_ As t he l uters l llt e Com merc e Commi""iou has a voicein t he regulation of railroads, and can inc re ese the fan' liI, we de­man d tha t th e Comm i!'4iion mllke arrangement!! wit h al l rai lroad st hroughout the grain and frui t belts, t o t he end th at proper ac com­mod ations be furnished , and tha t the harvest workeT!l receive Ireet ransportat ion t o a nd frOln their places of labor,

" YOUi'll. res pectfully.

(Signed) " WJl.I. D. H AYWOOD." Oeneral Sec'y-Treea"

T his is the re ply re ceived :

" Mr. Wm. V" H aywood , Oeneral Sec ·~" -Tnll~,.

"T ndust rial '\l,Tor keI1l of tne " ' orl ll . ('hicago. IlL

"Dear S ir :--Your letter- of April 20th. re 'IIle>t1 ing tha t theColIunu...ion make errangernents with r ... i1rvtll1" throughout th egrain Rnd fru it bela for the fre e t ra nsportat ion of hllr\"COlt I...bor­ers , has been r eceiv ed.

" T h" rt' i~ being ma iled to yo u, und er separa te "o ver . e copyof the act t o regulate eemm ere e, Sect ions 1 and 22 of wh ich pre­scri be th e classes of pe rsona eligible t o r eceive free or r educed-ratet ransporta tion. You will note tha t th e carriers could nut. Widerthe pr esent law. t ransport harvest laboreI'& fr ee of charge,

"Bectio n 22 of th e 1I('t pr ovid ..", tnlll 'nothi ng in t hiRAct shallpre vent • • • t he issuance of mileag e. t'x cUI1lion or comm u­tation pt\8>;cnger tiek eta." T hill pr oviJ<iOIl bill; been eonetrued b;)'t he Commission lUI con ferring speeilil authority upon th e carriers

Page 15: Tenth Convention - Wa


HEi'ORT , GE:\'EHAL IIOCR E TA R Y·TIU:A l<rnF.Jt, I . W. W 13

to furni,;), red uced ra t es or fares th rough th c i""us oce of mileage,excursion and commutat ion t ickets . However, it is I{'ft to thediscreti on of t he carrie" whe ther or not such redUCl'<1 rid es orIares llhgll be gra.ntl'<l, and t he Cc mmjssio n hill; no aut hority tocoml'd ellr ri l'Ill to t'Rtablish slll'h fa rC!<.

" Re b1'<'CtlUI1;r ,

(Signed) " G. B. M"GU\ TY,"~cr{'t aD·· "

YOIi will note tha t t be Ra ilroad C(llnpani~ have Hll' IIO Wl'r wit h­out ad ditional legislat ion t o re duce r at es or give eecommed e tiona t othe harvellt workers. There are few eoun tries in t he worM whl're Al!"r i­eultura l Worke rs ar e not carried fre e of charge to an d from t he harvestfields. It ill up to th e I. ' V. " ". to en forc e th is safety mea sure Oil therailroads of thu. count ry , A memb<:"."h ij' ('ani in good Illll.lld in lJ," shouldbe a free pa IlS for transporta tion, especially during t he ha r-vest season.

Metal Min e W orkerll

Anot hH of the new unio ns, Meta l Mine Workers ' I ndust ri a lUnion No, 490, charter ed r 'ebrUIlT)' 3, 1916, orgllDized chietl)' duri llgthe reeent str-ike -on t he Mesaba Range, added some thousa nds to thegeneral IDl'mbl'Tl<" il"

Th l' head quarters of th ill union ill at Vir !!"inia , Minnesota , wi thbrall('h ,,'Il in th e eurmunding mining eempe v Virginia , Biwabik ,E veleth, Gilbert, Ch iAAolm, K inne)', Hibbing, Cro sby, Au rora, I luh l,W int on, and Keew atin. Some of t hese camps e re orglillized to II man,with th e workers ill other- ind ust rie s lining up.

The un ions in th e iron mining country bid fa ir to become a per .manent feat ure of t he I nd ustria l Wo rken; of the W nr ld. NOlle oft belle branches of th e ) [et al Mine W or keIll are shackled w ith an)' t imea~ent.f< or t he check -off s)~tem so milch sought aftl"r b)' th e U. M.W . A. and the W . F . M, In every min e t he cond itions han been ma le­rially improved, whi le the men ere free-handed W Wilke demands forbetterment wh.m tb e t ime ill opportune.

Prospects ill ILl' COPI,er min es of th e west a re showin g up fine.Uni ons aTl' established in I;e""ral "s mpa in Arizonll.

Page 16: Tenth Convention - Wa

14 lt F..I'ORT, GEfIo'ERAL SEOl.ETAlt Y-TW';.H't'Rf'Jt. J W. W.

At CoI'I~r Hill , where II so-calle d ol¥aniy.eT of t ht' " Ch· il izro1'111. 11 .. " o're r ('{'elltl." r ...·eived ""-'rut' hllN.h treatme nt, the 1. W, W. hasll. l;!Tl>w i n~ mem bfor!'Jlil" The lIIexieana of that st at e who have II.lway sbeen '!is"rimin llted agsinst h~' working men aud 00"-_ alike liresh owing pronounc ed lIctiv it.r in th e orlJllnization, an d will t.eeome earn­fflt membe-rs of the r. W. W ,

The lIiluation at But te Montanll , the !!Teetest c....p l'eT ("Il lnp in theworld , where ll. IIpl.-ndid union was des t royed throu~h the mee hinat jons ),of bosses, stool pigeons, and so-called intern a tional oftieial s, an inter- . \<'I<ti,,/o: stor~' ('ou lJ he t old of the Iocl-ha rdiness of SlI iJ officials, hut suffi· jdent for our putpo"" is to 1180)", it is iml,nwing. The merubl'n<hil' is 'ii?lIinin/o: in strength, aud iu the nellt fu ture will be able to ass ert th em-''' e-h 'es and wo rk under their own chart er.

In t he Jopl in, MiAAOuri, lead d ist rict an effort WIIS made to eond ueta n Op l' U uuion, hu t t he 0PI'ositioll of the mine own ers and bus inessele ment WI\8 to o st ron!!. Th e delega te system will have to be ('tlr r iNlon for some time amonp the lead mille-rs.

Coal Mille Worken

In the an th racite region of Pennsylv ania spJend ill h{'lldwa)" h ll.abeen made amon g the Poli"},, Lithua nian ami Italian workt'T!< of tha tdistri et, whcre the mil'e!·". orl!a" il.ed and UI",r~lIn il.e<1 al ike, are upin a rllls lI ~ai nst t.ill' f'l1lr j ears ' contract imp ol<t'd upon th em b~' the{)ffi..i ll.l~ of th e United Mine workers of Americli . Thi" contrac t illan afterlllalh of tile infamouH ~ct t le ill e ll t a rrived at b.y th e ('ommiso;ionappointed b~' ;\lr. Roosevelt when P u sidfn t, and th rough hi~ con­nivance au ll th l' H ~~i ~l all(,1' of :Mark Hanna , th e)' cajoled ,John :'I itehel ,t he " (Jr.-at e"t I•abor Le ade r t he world hal< ever- known," int o accept­in lr ll "rust when the millers at t hat time had II l'han ee 10 get a h i!!.'pa r t of t he whole It,"£.

Ther e has never hl'{'11 ., Irrl'llt ~tri kl' in the ('olll milll'!j of l'enllJ<y l­" ania sineI' th l' pernicious settlement which Mr. Roosevelt e ffeete d, lindwhi ch 8111:"UI1''' no t for illd\)~tria l pellN', but securely fas tened indus­tr ial slavery up on th e men of the pi t". Th e <>1 >11.1 mi neT!< have j ustawakened t o t his Iac t an d are beeo mtnp edu cated to t he powe r they1>l1"Sf'>lll when or glln i¥.ed in One BiJ!." rnion, flot l<t,ri,"i"J!." for ha rmoll)'

Page 17: Tenth Convention - Wa


I.Dd cont ent ment betWfffl !helll8l'h"", an d their I'mplOff'nI, bUI f" rbread. lIleat , and a.hl.Detollleo l for Iheir eI_

T he fut ure bodes good for t he Dl I'II of the dl"f.th... Xo <"Olltral"t..and DO cont raclon is th eir ~IOpD.

Railroad Worktn

Aflf' r "",me pnolimilluy mffiiul:& a <'ha rt l'r "'1Il'l I;r&Jlt f'fl 10 Ih.Ra ilroad Workl"rs ' Ind U£tria l l'n ion l\o. tiOO, on Decem ber 15, 1915.1_ th an oee ' "I'a r old, t hu. un ion ball millie ..lead)" I,ro lrr '-"'ll, an d i....mr mhfo""hill loda," eompraes men in "ra<'linllf all "0I"31iollll in theindu..lr)· ; oTl:'& niud b,· a few Italwa rt .. who have given t hl' qllf'f'tionma lure t hought lind d ...liber ll.lf' ('(JI,t.idI'Tll li ,," t he union W ill; formedand is l"ltRb li ..hed on R firm b.... i... Wit h several delega te.. 011 1101'mlltl ..Irlld)" pro g rees i~ brin~ malII'"

)<0. 6UI i ....ued t he " llii ilrolUl 8 p1'l"il<l " o r Mlida ri lJ, ...hlch ha ..b" ru l 'rOlloUul"('(\ to he th e best p;('('1' of prol'.IIll"Rn<1a for Railroad Work"I'nJ I'\"rr pr inted.

The al'l ion of the four hroth l'rb oo<la in vol inI' for a strt ke tor.tenboun' I'a)" on an eight-hour hMil , and th e res ultaut le¢ slalion h, "ConlO"'"'" h lUl lli,le-tTllo: ked tb l' ag it.lltion in 10011I1' quart ers. But Ibi.will not flag tbe art ivit ," of No. too, ....hwb ill 011 th e mllin line, wi tbth .. r ig bl-of·.. . )· to nrarly • mill ion ulKll'J!1l niud railroad .....or k!'""who IN' ,... il inlt for the hi gh Iii~ of t be On... Hi, Union . With a liveman on t he joh, .hu u n d",,·ot hill entire time to the int erntll ofKo. 6O), it ..ould be u f... 10 pn'di 1 • !>t ro ll' mernl>e rtlhir in thiol uni onbero-e the ti lne o f Ihe nes.t eon venticn rtl lbl lround.

At thl' mf't't ing 01 t he G.... l!'ral Es ......u ti ve Board. in April, I wlI&

inlltn!<·toll'd to illlltle a ...barter 10 llll'tal and Mac hinery Wo rkers.' Indus­tri al Union No. 300. Tbe idea b...ing to orpniu Lrand:ea of tt:i , uuio nill th... 111......1 and In.II.chinel'')· «>ntl' rs. tbnlU~h()ul t h... oountl")·.

Page 18: Tenth Convention - Wa

r16 REI'ORT, GE:.rERA.L SU 'RI.'"TAIU·TRio:Al\UR}:Il.. I. W. W.

The wor k of building up tht membership hall bee n alow, but thatit ill I'f'rtain of success ill Khown in __\"tral p1areR, l ike Srh("fl.....t.-J l.New York , C1t' "l'land and Toledo, Ob to, I.lId Detroit, Mithigan, whf'nth.. _fri'. l ion for 2':0. 300 if< bforomin, Blrong. Tha union allIO req ui,,"• ~I"r'l.ary. who t an . 1110 a('1 lUI an oryaniU'r. Witb Pl'OvW OIl an dearTW'tll hl'lp of t he ~bf.rshil' AI~"", will 1>f' 1Ul!>U1"l'<t

II beeame llrt'l'1Nlry OW;O!! to th e dt l;n'llll'nr,· of th e S«-n-tarya.nd T N'll5urrr of the Kation.1 Jlld....' ri . 1 r umn ()f Tl'dil f' W orkf'T1l,to f'10lIf' Ib t' (>nob and take O\'r t t he l'!l:eo:-tlI o f t hat un ion un t il IWt htime lUI it could be re-<;'1;ltlbli!Jlrd 011 • pe rmanent working' besis ...ithIU"Il,lolu llr1 l' l'lI.

1M. I!.diOll " 'h ;('h took plaH haa ill nO ...a, - re tarded th e Tt'J,t ilet 'n ;(lI11I, ,,'I,i,·" arl' now united dirN"t with '''I' G'm{'ral Orgllni l-lltion,II Tul payin l'" per- capita lit Ih l' ~lIm(' rRlp liB ot her unions.

Hpdu pl ion ill hou l"I! ~nd a "PIIPral inc rea se in wagP8 are th"marked improvements lO moll ll the Tuti le W()rkpr~ during th p lut t ,.;n)"cal"!!. A t P lItp niOU. New ,T{,l'IlI'r. a nine"hour till)" bllli been secured , a tJ..aw rpnf e. ~hl;h". a Ii,of pf'r 1'(',,1 rll i ~(' ,,- ~ ~ gr.nll'd in J anual1-, andI"'''' r II l..n rer r-ent increase to the ,.....r kpr!! ill t hp woohm millr..

T h" bof;....." of ~i lk , {'...t ten and ..-oolfll man"' a lg ~t a hl'JlLhhy I_lIOn from th e litrikpt; ecndueted by t he 1. W. W. in recent Yl'an.

Wh en th e boob of the Katio" .1 I ndu~trial Cnion of TUlile Wor k­fO... 1< t' ff .-1.-0. Man'h 12, 1916. thtll orpnizatioo wa.~ indebted t ohf',ld'l uartt'1"5 in d :1' sum of Sill. Th oulo&nd T ....o lfulld r'fd. .nd Eilth1y.e ill"ht 0 011...... and E.i~ty_fiTe ('fOllt. ($G.28&.b.'i) .

Th e deeedenee of X.tMmal Indlllllri. 1 t :nioll. wu ,Jw,m .t anearl )' d.~ in the Marine 1'ratlllp<lrl Ind ""t ry . Though lI.IJ indebted ­nl"l*i of $1,390.75 to (kllenl lleadl luartera in 1911 Will! e&Deell rd, the


Page 19: Tenth Convention - Wa



BE l'ORT , (l E.~ERAL In:CII.ETAII.Y.TR£Al>l'Rt:Il, I. W. W. IT

National Willi not able to survive, and the boob we", elosed on April20,1915. The following letter Willi add.-d 10 the unions ,

"New Yvrk, N. Y.. April 20, 1915.

" To AU t--alz .00 Members of the llarine Tn.nsport Worke rsof the l. W, W,

"r'ellow Worken :-Under tee prcseot emting 6nallci.a1 t rm.and unempl oymmt ea used h}' t be Europea n ...lIr , it ill a boiolut ely,,~1"tI'I&IJ' for tb e welf~ of th p (,rpniZllt ion to elose t he nffil'P oft he Na tional Imh urtri al L nifm nf Marin" 7 Jlll1t;port W or kt'l'&. Th erel1lflflll fnr thill ~tion I re I. fo llm... :

" I . It tabs about one hun dred ancl t wenty-6vp doll. "( 125 ) per mvnth lUI expense 1.0 k('f'p th e oflic::e o f th e :.I. 1. U. of)1.7. W . gninf('. It would he better if th e lIII id amoun t willi use-dfor IIOmp th;n~ pilot.

"2. Till' Gf-IlPrBl llead 'lu ar'tl'rB could p llli.i1) · take cere of t heI'r f'tlPnt hn8in l'f'H tran sacted loy the Nlit innal Union Offiee wi tiJOlltanr ed ditjona l expenses to General II f'11d'1Ullrten. In ll() dning, itwould IIl1"e what ever expeudituree a re horne loy the Kal ionalOffi,·p.

"3. All the mnney thut will lone to I.., ea peuded to rcain talnt hp l\'a ti onal Offil'e ean be bl'tl rr Ulot,) f(lr a~;t at ion and nl"(l."f\D;u ,t ion work in thia particular indmtry. II)' doin i!' th at we ~hall heable to eceouiplish more tl'IInUlI t ha n b)' kl'ol"ping all olliee.

" So after the 20t h of AI,nl, 1915. aU duet! atampti aDd supplit'llart to be pun-h...oo d in"Ct from t he Gt'nen.1 Hpadqual"kn of the

· Ind lll<tri a l Wor kert< or thf' Wl.r ld , ,,-hi..h l>ffi~ iJi loca ted at 164W l'llt Was hinflon St~, Cb.... fro. Ill. Wm. D. lIa)""..ood, Genf'ral&-erPta!')··1'rt'uurn.

" Jt iJi~rtanl tha t all t hf' mf'llllN-n of the lorarin t' Tnuu<portWorken lihould know that thf' Genersl Jlead 'luarten. of the 0~11-

ization h... done all wit h in its po t'r to a id e e Kaliona' IDdw4 rialUnion of Man Dl' Tra nsport W or k in a~i ta tion sn d orvaniutionwork. In th" )·"ar or 1914. Gf'n~1 Jll"Ill ,jua rt..... donated th l' 811mof 11,39(1.. 5. whidl iii an 8\"era~ of abou t 1116 per mont h fvr one)·ea r .

" Then hasn 't been an y fn('tinn btotWPt"ll Of'neral llt"8dqnar­I I' ''' and t he Xat ional Ind ustrial Union ollil'etl a l any time, ... noth -

Page 20: Tenth Convention - Wa

18 REPORT, GE :\'"EIt AL S~:cRETARl'.TnEASt:RER, 1. W. W.

; ug hut the best of relat ions and ell-opera tion baa existe d at a lltiml'f'.

"Tbe mat Uo r of closin g the office of th e Na tio nal I nd ustr ia lUn ion of Ma ri ne 'fnm "JlOrt W"or ke l"8 has been t aken up wi th th eGeneral E xectrtiv e Board and th e General Otttoers , and it is theconse nsus of opin ion of all tha t t he best th ing which can be donea t this time iN to d os e it up.

" Tbl'N;' isn 't any tlouLt tha t if we put our IIl'tiv itit.'ll in to ti ll'organization like a g("lUine union man should, we lSha U be in aposi tion to make th e offi!'!' of t be Nat ional Indnst rjal Un ion of1I1arine Transport Workers indispensable in the near future. Weeau make the National Offiee func tion aeeording to the programof organization lIS laid down by the I mlust rial ''\'orke", of theWor ld , if \H' once make ni' onr mind to do M. It is allleft up W liN

now to do whatever we can, and to I'rO\'e to t he bosses t ha t wemeaD hillS iDes!;.

" Yours for Industrial F re edom ,

"C. r, FILlGNO," Nat iona l Bt'Crf'tary.Trt'llNurer."


It mig ht be remarked h{,re that the expensive and hittet- eX)lCri ennw ith Natio na l Ind ustria l Unions should c1l'l1rl~" demo ns trate that the~"

are a fa ilure as a work i l1 ~ pa rt of the I. '\". W .

The :'I[arine Trans port WorkeI1l wero on the r ucks whe" tbc~"

became uni ted with headquartem S ince this eve ry efff1rt has beenm M e to build them up. The General Office advanced $100.00 as aloan to 1'\0. Huf Philadelj'h ia ; hae an organizer under pay in that port .The General Offi,,,,, halS a lHo Inadl' allowll.n('e for nrgaulzaing to No. ),Marine Transport ' Vor ken;, New York City, N. Y., of about $800.00.But HOme special wo rk iH nece l;l;ll.r)" to cryetal iae the efforts in the:'Ifa rine Transport I ndust ry', which is show ing act ivit,. not only on th e ~

Atlant ic Coast , but on the Great LakC8, anti in aU por ts of the PacificCoast,

Lumber Workel'tl

T he Lumber Wor kefll un ited 'wi th No. 400, and did splendid workfor t hemselves las t f ilII and winter. raising th e wages in man)' p leees

Page 21: Tenth Convention - Wa


from $16.00 to $40 .00 a month an d board. In stances we re reportedof t he lumber camps being .fixed up with iron bun ks, good bedding.an d mower bath~ inst al led.

This winter t he lumber j acks, if united in a eolid phalanx, canellllily increase their W&geli to not lel'if\ t han $60.00 a month and board,(rOOd food, with other cond itions mu ch better t han they are at pre>;eot.

Delegate SYltem

This method hall pro ved to be the most efleetive sys te m of or gan­izing ever ad opted. The dd"Rates are o rg ani1.e1'll on the jo l, under thecon tro l an d responsible to a l'ecl'nitill R or inolustrial union, wh ich iSBUl'llthe credentials. DeleJ!"nlea ar e equipped with me mbersh ip boob, duelrtamt >l< , constitu tions, app liea t ion blanks, report bla nks, an d lite ratu re.They arl' l'mpowered to ini t iate new Illembe rs wbe revee the)' fllLd thcm,making out th eir card, p utting in sta mps fur dll", " uid . runlish ill~ are po rt to the Secretary for all moueyl< collected.

To t he Delega te ~)-l:<! e ", il< Iarpely due t he thousands of new mem­hen;, eBpM'ialJ)' these init ia ted h)' A. W. O. No. 400 during t he las t year ,


A "mall !<t r ike t ook place at n,nckf ord , Ill inoi s, at thc Speugle­Loomis plant , which resul ted ill iU'l' ro,'cmenw of the wor kiu l!.' eo ruli­t iool<, but W8S follo'nd ,,)" the arrest of s ixteen of nul' members, whowere ""nu llc..d t-fl from t hirty d8Y~ to six mouth" ill the county ja il.

Numero us ~1fll<1l st rik es haw' occu rred in the authr"cit.e regionsof Pe nnsylvania. eu lmill/ltiul!' in a gene ral strike (If nea rly thirt~· thou­6811(1 (30,OIXl) miners, mainly li b II protes t aga ihst the arrest and im­pri sonme nt of t he st ri kers and orl:lln izer~ 011 t he Mesaba Rall J,.'f'.Minnesota.

T he .Marille Tra=poJ1 " ' orkers hu,'f' had several ~t ri kt"ll ill Phila ­delphia and ~"'\\" Yo rk. Mort" 'll"1I~e " and hl'ttl'r cond it ions ha ve beenst'<.'u red at bot h pla ces to)' a ll wo rkers in this l ine of in dust ry.

Page 22: Tenth Convention - Wa

:10 R EPORT, G I:""I;I :RA L SI:CRF.TARY-T REA>lt 1R F.R, I . W. W.

The Text ile " ' orkeTS of Nashua, New H ampshi r e, a ftfor lnmn" a.llt r ike un der th e mio;management of United Textile w or kers, calledupo n t he I. W. W. for organizers. Fellow W or ke rs Etter and Schmidtresponded. Th ey got their un ion st a rted again an d have bettered th eir.('ond' t ionl<.

Til£' Grani l£' ' ''' nrh ", at Lohn· il1e, Wi8l'ollllin , won t wo strikt'tjhan ds down, ecmpellln g th e company to disc har ge a super intendent.and re ins tate an I. " ' . W. blacksmith, who had been d iscr imina tedagain st,

'f he Baker y Wor ken; of New York and Philadelphia have set apace for others to follow. The Ita lian ba kers oj New Y or k are wo rkingeill'ht hOUTS, no night shift, a t wag", f rom six to e i!:"h t doll an; a wr ekmor e t han is being paid to members of t he A. F , of L..

T he Silk Wo rk ""·,, a t Pat er""n, New .l erscy, demande d an eil!:h t­hour day and a ne w seale of pric es, which has l 'ee n ellfnf'('ed ill muny<If Ole mills of O,e sil k city.

P apers and Literature

The Indust ria l W orkers of th e 'Vor ld is not altoge ther a trad it ion,but willI>£' band ed down to the ooru; of men in th (' wr itt en word as we lles in ma ny differe nt la nguages.

Solidarity, t he official }:ni!:l ilJl paper, has ha d a despera te s tru(!'gleto ex ist. The General Office has been ca lled upon to ai d the paper int imes of ~tr('!;.<; , hut in t urn Solid"rit~· hliS I,cell the suppo rt of the or­ganizat ion in many l\t'ri()ll~ eri~,,~. Wit h a I< e('lIer appreeia t jon of the~Jll pndid prnpapenda value of this paper eve ry lll('m},H will 1I0t 0111:,'he a ~ub8<'riber hi mself, bu t tireless in h i~ efforts to spread it amongot her wor kers who lire ~eardl ifl ll' for knowll'd ge on I nd ust rial Uni onism.

Thllt improvement can be mad e ill Solidarit~· will be admitted I ,~'

Ill!. One gn'llt need ill m)· humh1e opinion is a ...lose r IIllllOc iatioll witht he Genera l Organ ization and a better acquain tance with the act h-emember ship.

T he I nd rn;t r ial Worker wee st arted ag ain abo ut t he first week inApril of this yetJ. r. I t speaks for itself eve ry il!ll ue. I t u. a living. pule­ing message to the wor king elass, not only on the Pacific Coast, buteveryv...hera. It tal ks in a lan~a~e all workers unders tand. T he

Page 23: Tenth Convention - Wa


n EI'mIT, GEN EIlAL BEC fl ETAIl Y.lf REA lIl'REll, I. W. W. 21

m l'mbl'nI wbo know Th.. Worker wear it under their H 'St. T he bestthinK lh a t ean be ... id about th .. I lldud ri aJ Wor kl-t iIl l..hat it ill a rt' ..ta gi tato r 011 t hE' j ol . and ill loa.ek to ....)',

Dil'ftt Art ion. t he I. W. W . pa pE'r put.1il<h rd a t !'idn..)·, AURMllia.,haa for t hE' put fe-".. montbJI .....n iNlue-d ....t'f'lJ) · unt il on ~pte-mhf'r

.3O, 1916, Ihl' offi« was wvadl'd.. the editor. ThowlUl GIJ"nn. Pete r l.arkin,

.T. H awilto n, B. ~nt and P, Rf'rlf', the e-n ti", fon 'f'. were arrftitrdand t hro " "11 in to pri"",... l'har::::f'd ....ith hij.!h tru ,.,..n . )1E'o;l"'l'l'hip book...d ues f;tampa., and $2,000 ....orth 01 literature we re OOI,bc"lPd. ThE'latnt rl' pnrta aM" that two mr nllol'n of thE' ol'lf&nwtion ...... e sincebrflt a",",lt'd aod _tf'ol'E'd 10 dt'lllh, l 'ut U>E' Idot )' of tbe iOl'llI'inn ofthe- phlDt and confiM-a lioo of t bl' prope-rt)' u. 1~ told in thE' foll o,,"1011:"l rttE'r:

" !'idol')', A\l>Itra] ia, Oclobfor 1. 1916.

" To thE' Gf'tlf'r al lWl'rt'lat)',Trl'lll'u rl"r, I. v,' . W.• U. S. A.

" Dtoa t Ha)' wood : Bince ~)' 1a><1 eoui munleation l'lwl"";I,geight pounds fo r s upplies an d drllt owinp 011 ("()nl<t i lUti{m~ f"r .weed .....1 to T. ll llr ker, which ) '01,1 have not pe-t hapl! l'ffe i,'OO and maynot evee reeeive It he cl'''>;<'l'IIhip U<'iIlK t;() Kttid now), th ings half'nt,·..I0l'l'r1 some. T he milita ry 1'''w<' 1'II lUI"''' l a!41"1L full control andwithout a l"tuall)" declaring martial law, l ilt industr ia l l ,a r<'O Kha"1'th ro wn IIl1i(\1" th e Kui...., U 110t .1II"f'd td, ..-a lIl'd til ... people's rightll.H '. t he nnl i~h ' Va l' om..-... thai ta lka in AIIIII" I,a tod ay under alaw ..allf'd the war precaution a<,t. Any an d eve ..y lhil 'g ;,. DOlletbllt t hf')' want to do t o Ii1,lpprPR< th e \\'orki"lI:" da""- Con...·ri ptioneem.... into lotCe b)' prod amat ion on T uPllda)' nut. Octo I>l'T 3rd.We are wakin~ II d f't'pI"ratr I'f!'o rt to gI'l t he workiDII:" I'!R.R; toigno re t he pro..tarnation. ' \.e han wftle h"lle of ~tt inlt' a gl'lIl'tlIl..trike on Wednf'Sda}' ned for ODe da)' durati on.. Th e w{>rk inp:e l.... a re ,,"'orlull )" \lIlpl'l'p.red fOT Ihe immediate lltrUn:ll' 0011,

rro nl inl:' t hf ld. F OII r hu ndred aml tift)' th nd pou uds hu beend ;"trihn tl'd amon~ th l'- PM"liJl an d trad union 6f"('l'danK, tomWl!tld the "",orkel1l.

"8rptemkr 23rd last, tbiTt) · plaw.('lnth~ pnli~ wit.h militarypowl'n ..wooJlfd down OD our hl'adquarten; and arrest f'd all mfnon IhE' pl'E'~ holdi oll:" th ...ID a ll for t hr ...... hours, and final lychat(tin¥ T. Glynn, f;f'('1'f'lal')".T",»-urn I.Dl'al . &lid Editor '"~

V il'r1:t Aetioo; Ptt('1' Larkin, J , Uamilton, B. Bt'-ant, P , Rre-l' 1!wi th lrrll8OD. Since then eight mot e lO'obbliPfl han been BTI'P5If'd

Page 24: Tenth Convention - Wa

22 RF.f'ORT. l; f';XF.kAL 8F:e R£'TAR\:-T1I F.AIWtU·.IL L W. W.

011 ,'.riOIUl c-h.,.~ftI. " ' o rd h.'a<.>h ed 111< Ihu. momin", Ih . 1 IhrH'

more I. W. W.'ll haw· been arrKtfi! c-baJ")O'd ...itb mllnle'~oot­

irl¥ • polieemau, T he- pollee that 5"'OOpf'd d01lrll on t he' hall too k..... ). ('ha rtfl' , . 11 ol1i« hooks . nd lltamp&, . IODII,' ..-ilh 400 pou nd..worth of lil",l u",. Howf'\"pr, ,"'f' . n' doin" bu~inf'fo& u usu....

" P d l"1' L.c-kin .... ntll ) 'OU 10 inf om. hi>. I.rolhpf J im (1 don 'tkno ......hf'rf' .li m ill III the- time' o( 'l"r ilinR, hnt J:>el ie'TC' be' i~ inChk-agu).

" 1 (ea r thfrf i~ a bad t illlf' in store (or t he working dill'll hl'r l'in the nut (('W months, Malle..e Ja.'" end Chiuel!f' coolie labor illI,. illjl: ~hil 'I,(' i1 in I,)' t hp thom"lIld~ , with t " ..ir o..-n police to keel '1".111 ri ~h t . I 'm writ in jl" t hi ~ 1l(\~t·hIl.NI' ·, . ' f llow worker on ,,11'0,,"wa iti ng 10 llDlll(l:gJ C' t hill aboard Aml'rkll.n mail boot , will l 'Of;t inAIllf'r i,,1l. to )·ou. 11011(' mine", Itn winning out on t h.. rail,",.Ho>t... \\" i~llMl i" fil:hl . I 'm Upl'("t inK 10 II(' a rrE'Stffi m), ~..lf nu tl'OU pl(' o( d.)'''' Th to int tontionll o( t h(' .ntbori l il'6 ill to ar"",1 allpromine nt I. W. W. "~ak ('l'll and hold t he-m (or dure t jen o( war_

1I"II ..f a .I"" Ihe'.' · ba "f' 'ake'" on. t"h'

" Youno (or the lot,

•. £. A. GIFF XE Y." G..n, M ·y·TreaR. G. E. R.

"Xo bail ".. nt td I. W. W. me-II. "

The' loapt' 1"II prin ted in for l'il!:" lIUlRU.~_A Bermunkall, H un­¥lIria n; II Prole-tario, Ita lian ; l'olidarnOtl, Polillll ; Dllrbininku 01011111-11.Li t huan ian ; Rabochar a. RllllO'ian ; EI R('I...Ide, "'I'a n i~h ; IDll ll~t r ial

Unio nist , J e", i,," ; A Lue, Portug uese : Allann, Swedish , Ind ust rij a lniRlllln ik , SJovonian_a'i \\'('11 as the Indust rt a l Work e- I'I< pu blil<lll'd inIJClndon, J.:n l::la nd , lire a ll doi ng IIp lcll.lio1 wor k for the mOV PIII('lIt IlIlilmerit a much wid('r d ill1:riuut ion.

Other papers, l ike' L ·Avv('ni re. ( 'ultura O ·lIn'ra . and ' ·hl' Inl..r .r.aUon al Socia list HC'vie-w, the fi""t mMllinn..d pllt lf'r L '_-\""('u;"', pub..Iil<hf'd b)- Carlo T""", 'II, ,,·or king OOIl~"'tl'll t lr in t he' iuteres t of Ih e­I . w. W .. th_ pal"' ....e re entitl,.d to the- .upport Df t he ofglUliu t iolL

"·to should ilC''!"u... U1fllIlt! for II " 'On' ¥e-ne-ral dil<t rib utioll o( t heP.I~rs, pempbleta, ltoa tl..l" R"l! !lOnl:' 1•.,o kH " f Ih e' Ind ulltr ilo.l Wor k......of the' World. h DU...t boo N'Dle-mllf'red t h.t th e printed ...on!. ill t hto l_tmedium of aRitation . nd edneatjou. Jlo", . nd newer pa mp hle-IJI aref't'<jni red, d l'6l'ri pt i\"f' o( indUllt ril'5,-lIg ri<.'td tu l'l', minin~. t ran"loorta -


Page 25: Tenth Convention - Wa

R Y.. 'OKT, GE~ERAI. N~X'RETAttY-TIt.; AIW IlF.Il , I. W" W. 2:1

tion, be th r a ilr oad and marine, as well as othe r gr oups ~howinlJ t hem ethods of product ion and the conditions un der wh ich t he pr oducersI»bor.

Management of Strike.

E xperie nce in cond uct ing st rikes of large proport ions hu~ tIl.u l:"htus t he nect'fI8 il)' of de \"t'iopin f(' a COrl)~ of wo rke rs capable of effieien tl)'hand ling the several mechanica l departments t ha t Wll~t cO-()p"rat t' tohrill!\" success. It is impossible to expec t worke~ to st ep fro m theirj nl... and lake up bookkcqling im"oh 'ill g th ousand s of aeeoun ts,

In ti me of s trike g re at exei tpm('ut pr"'Hdt~ and accu racy undersuc h eireums tam-es is out of the qu""tion for lin)" but sk illed aceonnt­an ts. Likewise, pub licity wor k is of grea t importance. ~f all)" ti me>;fa d s and details properly pr esented t o the public, hrillb'S supp ort tothe strike tha t eou ld Lt> secured in noot he r- war .

Capita iisl papers ('811 never be depen ded upon t o I:"ivt' th t' stri kers"side of the st ru I:"l:le " Bulletins must 1,1' issued; circ ulllllS, pamphlets,post ers and stick ers gotten out, a lld widely d ist ribu ted.

Th e uiauageruent of t he st r ike it,S{' lf will, a'; !learl)' as poss ible, II{'left in t he hand~ of the st j-ikers. A G~neMlI Office Committ ee compos edexcl usively of nlew ben< of th e un ion, jol, commilteffi, pi ekpt lint', ;" vp!;,tigation commit tees , Pllt prtainmpnt commit tee, r eli"f com mittee, erc.,f:;ho\l ln I.e formed . With sm'h a cor ps of worker s,-linll.lld tll, pub licityand relief ag ents, wit h well equipp eu or ganise rs, "0 strike will eve rbe lest.


The growing dema nd for a "Chonl eond ueted by the Iudus t rielWorkers of th e ' \·orld prel;('nls a nee d which deserves earnest ennsid­e ra t lou. Wh ile our membership are pe rhaps hettPr i" foMnHl 011 eco­nomics th an lin)' oth er body of tile worki nj!," class, we have t housandsof youn g men who have been de nied more than t he th ird grade of acommon >;('hoo l educ a tio n, and have no lea rnin g whatever aB to t heiractual re la t ion>; to lif ". kllowl"d j:(p of indust ria l eh ll.ngCl<, new I'n ocel';l;t'i!of menufaetu re, t he den lopment of machiner)", wh)' t he)' a re wage

Page 26: Tenth Convention - Wa

Idav e,;, " "h.r we must organiw to cont rol and operate illdU>ltry, andhow to organi1-e iy th e vital message. Suc h a school with a littleassistance at the beglnning- would , I believe, bl"l'owe seff-sustaining.

Free Speech

Many earnest fight s have been made b.y th e Industrial ' Vorkersof th e World to re-I'$tllblish lhe r ijl"ht of F ree 8pee<.-h in the UnitedStatl't', several ha\'inc: occurred with in th e last tw o years,

At 8 iouJ: Cit.\--, Iowa, t he au tho riti l's a ttempt ed to ,leny this ln­heren t r i~ht. f.;om e plain-clothes po licemen invaded t he hall of th eunion thr re and att empted to t ake OUt one of ti le mewbr l'l<, when four­teen odIe,..; who were I' re>;en t insist l'(l on the plnin -clc thes man show­i u~ a warra nt , wh ich he did not han . Thl'J' all went to th .. stauou,aud wer'" lat er sentenced to jail. A CHI! was issued a nd meml,o>rs fromd ifferent partl< of th e count ry went t o th eir d",fem;e. Th e au thoritiesattempt ed to prevent them from Sl)('aking on ti,e st reet. More th aneigh t.), were arreste d and thrown into pri son. The.\-" declared a hun!!,"erstrike and so cond ucted themselves in othe r WIlJS Bll to badly frightl'nt he chi ..f of polic(", the judll'e of til e cnurt, who wcre fillllll~' compelledt o capi tula te.

The fight for Fr ee Speech was won and celebrated Oil t he roek pi leby a ~reat demo nstra t ion. Th e bloek~ of grani te broll !!,"I Jt to " iouJ< Cityfor the entertainment of memhers of the 1. " -. W. will remain unb rokenun t il they pa y tile ~oi llg wugea an d establish uniOIl conditions.

Fur a tim e it looked as th oug h anot her F ree Speech fi~ ht wou ldhave W tak e pilleI' at Spokane , Washington. The hUKi Il"llS c1ewent weetr)' in/l' t o drive t he soap oo xers from thei r e1JOsen comer. A eom­pr omise was ",fleeted with no loss or ad YanlaRe to th e u nions.

Ma.)·or Fo r dyce and Chief Bimsou of Pate rson, New .TeMl"y. work­ing in the interest of th e silk boAAes, athmpted to preven t meeti nWlof the I. W" W. f rom " eiIll/" held in t hat citJ". F cllow Wor ker E . G.F1~cnn was arre>;t "d and dl' l,or ted from the to wn when she went thereW speak at II meetinR th at had been IIlrlllljt..o Cor he r by Textile Work­er s ' Un ion No. H'2. W hen I was apprised of t his fac t I sent the fol.lowing te legram to Pr esident Wilson,


Page 27: Tenth Convention - Wa

REPORT, G DiERAL S})CIlF:T ARY.TI t EA 8r n y.lI., I . W. W. 25

"Chieaj;fO, ru, Sept ember 15, 1915.

"Mr. 'Wl">Ol1row T. WihlOll,"President of t he United ~tatel<,

" Washington. D. C.

" :Eliz&bet h Gurley nrnn has r ecently.. been derortf'O fro m P at ­eeson, New Jen<e~·. :Miss Flj-un is Il. resident of New Yor k City, &Il

orj;faniU'r of the Industr ial VtTor kc Mi of th e World , a labor orl\"ani·zetion. A uninn of this I'ody is located at 90 Mar ket s treet , Pa t ­erson, They arranged a meet ing j MiSE Flynn was t o hal'e bee nthe speaker. ""hen she arr iveil Chief of Police Biml«ln, act ingunder ordeMi of 1\la)' or Ford)·ee, cauf\{'d her to 10{' arreste d, Theehief said : ' You may hal'e the nl!-"ht to speak , hut we have th epower t o preve nt .r ou.' She was led to t he depot and plae('(l onan out going t ra in. New J en<ey denied the civic rijl;hti<, th" in ­al ienslole r igh ts gu aranteed t o citizens. We are not a ~k ing pro_tection of th e Fe dera l Govemjnent now. I am hut s,l\'isinjl J ·OII

t ha t New JeMiey has violated the con st ituti on \mo..r which the"tate was chartered. The Indus teia l Wor ken; or the World pro­POGf'S 1(1 fig l!t th is issue to re-('~t ablish the ri l!"ht of free speec hand the ri ght of f ree assemldy.

"W~r. n HAYWoon," Recre t8 ry_Tffa>;urer,1. W. ' Y."

Fellow Wo rk er Firm) ha" hf'1<.l meetings in Paterson since ; a lsoother ()r!l"anl?.e .....

The affa ir now on at Ev ere tt, W a"hi llgtoll, h ll8 the ""lllhlll.IlCe ofa free speech fight, hut it really bel:an 1111 an otgllnizinl\" Cllml,a ilPl.After the terr iMe t ragedy in which sev eral of our members were killl'dand ot hers badly wounded, I rec eived the following telegram :

" Wm. D. Haywood, Chicago, Ill.

"All members charged first degree murder reported goodauthori ty . All will hI' t ransferred to Ewrett, where mob law willhe ena"ted . l l!;f' a ll a\·ai lli.bll' m p arl$ of prote ction; not ify Prl\6i_dent WilllOn. Situation serious. Act and answer;


I immedia t ely wl f'gr aph ed to th e J'rffildpnt &8 follows:

" Presiden t WiJllOn, W &><hington, D. C.

" Men and women, membe rs of the Industri al W(lr ken of the

Page 28: Tenth Convention - Wa

26 REPORT , GEN~:RAL SECIlf:TAItY-TlIfl:ASUlIEll, Y. w. W.

'''orld , involved in the tragic occu rrence at Everett, w eabtugton,are in imminent dallJ:f'r of Dl Ol> action. Twenty dead , menywounded , and t hr l'f' hundred jailed. Th ey were making an effortt o r e-establish free speech. They were attacked by henchmen ofthe Lutnber T ru st.

"Le st September members of th is organlaanon were met bycitizens of Ev erett, and were esco rted by a band to the park to"pe ak . Tbi s fact is ment ioned to sho w that t he peopl e of E vere ttwere not opposed to the or ganiza t ion.

" There a re several nat ionalities among the prisoners. Inter_na tional complications may ar i>;e if mor e than even-han ded jus­tire if; done.

" WM. D. HAYWOOn,.. Gener al !'loc 'y -Tr l"all. I. W. W."

To whil"h I N'eeiv ed th i" repl~· ,

vWm. D. Ha~'wood, Sl"c'J··TI't'S". I. W. W .. Chicago. Jll.

" Your wire of th e sevent h to Presid ent r eferred to th is de­pa rtmen t S]lO W" no fact s ma kin g for federal j nrisd ict ion, hut be.cause of posalbilitv of j u riGliictio n account of boa t fl"atu re, ma Ul"rhas bee n re ferred to United St ates Attorney at Sea ttle .


The Ever ett metter is 8 0 Sl'riOI18 in its nature, and involved theorganizati on to suc h All ex tent that it will r equir e the eous ofidatedeffort to the end th at th e r igh t to oq :ani!U' will be estal.l i..hed in thatpart of ·Wa shington.

The General Offi ce ha s a>;l; i"ted to th e limit of ih ability in thedefen "e of our fell ow workers, and no matter upon what charge theyhad been arrested. While hu ndreds of men ha ve beeu impr illOlJed, fewhave I)(,en convic t ed and most of th ose for min or offenses,

F rank Shafter- was eharged with murder at P lent.ywood, Montana,but was acquit ted.

J ame6 Rowan and F ellow "" orki-r RlUTI"tt , held on th e same cha rgeat Edmonton, Alberta. , Canada, were rel caood withou t ball .

Page 29: Tenth Convention - Wa

fl.f:I'O ltT, GES J:ltA L f'FX:' lt t:rAl lr .TIIF.A lmn ER. L W. w. :r.

J am....~hlll.id t, at Alot'rdfi"lI. &olh Dakota. Will> also eha rgoo wi tbmurdtr, hi!; tria l r.....d t illl! in a hun j!: ju r~r. Later t ht c~ ll¥a i""1 him.......~.

("ha rl", Clint a t NOll An tonio, Tn » . W&II Mnnrtl'd at 1he founhl rial and senteneed to lift impri"Onmt ot.

Tht IM'n raJ l'#ri<>..... ..,.""'" ptodinl1 art Ca rlo Ttftoea, Sam f'c-arlttt,J e-ph !'O<-hmidl, ).1 ilit. a Ma>;oonovit..h , I"hilip MIll!OIIO\'iwh, J ot' Ch ..r .nolrOrWhtvich• •Joe S icitt-h, and J oe Or lan d itl'h• • nd t h.. m..n cha,"¥M....ith murd er a t E n n'lt. \\·uhin~oll. It mUl't bf' rPlnf'lll....red, too,that Feed .nd Bull r . re ~t ill ill p rioon, a rId th e egit.hon to lIE'("llft th..irrtll". o;e mus t l.oI" ulll'E'asi ng.

T he batt le nn the l'('(IlIOm;.. 61"Id i.. 100000min R wore definl"d. T hl"t:r:l' loitiuK ..I. ... hu, in man~' illl<t""Cl'tl, thrown ."ide Ihe mll><k of h,\"l >O('r~~' and . ha 'ocl.-Iy l'm ploJ ed th.. poliee, lItale Iffin!<tahula r:r.milit ia , detectjves and " rh'li le gtllllll' " in t heir .." vl'n dl' liirt> to k....pt he wor kin", da\ili ill ind ust ri al rdanr)'.

WI' heve exper t..need tw o cruel, bitter )'f11Il1, Man)' of our memobe", have been <:lllIr(\ upon to Wilke hell\')' , plIinful !'Ilcrifi"t'8. Morethan It HI'ore hll\ 'l' I""e" murdered h)' h'~lIl 1I. 1,tllOrit it·~. hir l'd ~""' I"n,

ami I,rivale cit il.('IlS banded toveU;;r /I,l\ rrd handed vigllantes. H un­dn'rls of meu all,II'ome women have I.....n ra~t in to noisome, filth~, j ai l&:insulted, a1,Wlfd, and maltreated because t lo(')' daN'll in their OW" "'a~'

10 turn til l' ....an.·hlight of truth Ill...n 110(' mt'rt"il""ll H)l'IWIP of eaploite -tion that t'oill~ t hl' I rs a"d MOOtl of ,,'orkl"flI' t'Jlilrll'i'll int o diamondaand Illbi .... 10 d('('(l tt' tht- bl'l'u; of ban kl'l'lI' wil"",.

Th _ piti l_ pirates arr abroad in al l 1>&1111 of th .. C»UDtry. in aU1. ...111 of th.. world ; la nll'u.Il.lil' and nationalit,. bav e no mtaning to t h..m,thl'y art' a ll thl' IlIW". " "h..thef it bf' GO\'l"r nor 8pl}', t h.. IMml 'l"r1l oft h.. Bupreme ( Gurt. and th .. W . rdl'n d thl" RI.... {Of Utah, who, . a thl'l>UD. ..... on tha t ~ov..mbef morn ing , r.uHi! .J(>(' Hill t o be led ou t and.shot to d...t h ; or {"y(I \-",mof Buruqui. t. . 10....... t..l l',""ffi to ~IJ..rif!}lfr minK of !o'i . Louis Cou uty, MinnfSOta. " be att ributc.J the a "",,,to f hundred. of st ri king mine n; on th .. M I.. RaDIl"'. and ,,-ho ....uJ>f'rh.p" di rrt't IJ' n'lIponHit.le for th.. killi"K of thr l'"'p1e for ..-hil'h ,,",•..nt ....n of (lu r m('lII\.ers I'hargt"d w ith fint d..~ murder, ..i~b t ofwhom are st ill u"drr indi tm..nt , six --earlo TtC'l'C&, Sam Rcarll'tt, J oeCh t'rJloFf'r1ehnil'h, .Iot Kicitl'h, and J oe Or lan d it.cb--in priwn. l'oI ra.Jfilitza ),fuono\' it ch an d J Obt'ph Sc hm id t I'o' efe ....1......,·d on two thou­sand 1$2,000) dollan ba it All of thl'm ar.. bf'inll' h..ld for trial. Or


Page 30: Tenth Convention - Wa

·28 REl'Oll T, GE."ER.-\L 8f)CJn:rAU V·TIl ~:AIlUltF.R, L W. W.

She ri ff Ben R l'hil!ip~ and t he aut bor jties of Pe nn syjvama, who in­vlided a 1"'lu.:dul union meet ing at Old Pu rge, and without warrant orlawf ul procedure of eny kind roumled up two hu ndroo and Kixt~··twl>

(262 ) innocen t r nal millf'n; and !lallII'd t hem to jail , whil e th eir aTJ­guished wi,'es an d chil dren cried in vain for t he li b..rat ion of theirhu sl'IIDl\8 lind fa t hers. Or like Sherifl Donald :\ffRae, Governor L ist er­Rnd the black- hearted hnnd; '" of t he Cumme ....,i" l l1ul. of Everett,Wa~hin l!:t oll , who murd..red in cold I>1 00d a seoro of wor l<illg men whohad vent ured to come t o that town 10 SII)' publicly upon t he Irtre{'u;th a t they wer e mem bers of the Industrial Wor kers of t he Wor ld , badlywounded fifly nih !'"" Emd ,'Ilu8ed th e state milit ia and police to im­pr ioon an d hold mcommun tcado two hnudeed and ninety-seven (29, )men , crowded to ~Ilffocati on in t he F:..attll' j ail.

In t he f/lee of thf'~f' illi 'luiti M;, th e~l' !:"r i<""OUK Ollt rl4'f'K, t here iKncert to pled l;! e oursel ves again to the onl)" orpauization t hat can giverelief to the working d ll.l;s, to the principles of I ndust ria l Cnil>lli>illl,which means II World of th .. Workers , for the '\Tork en;, and b~" th e' ''ork l'",.

Reoommendati oIlll

As the organi7.ut ioll gr ows and denlopli it will be found t hat Ihl'energies nf ml'n and material mu~1; "l' conce ntrated.

A Gl'neraJ Headquarters will IJIl ve to I.e establis hed whf're t heoffices and departmen ts can he loca t ed, Th e Pul,lishinl:" Bllrt,.au audthe General Offiee umle r one roof. FInch a move wou ld lessen the ex­pense of mai nta ining t he organization. Al l of our own l,r in t iul:" couldbe done I,~· the P ublishing B"rl'au. The r elit pa id coul d be cut in half.The Executive Ik.a rd will , I believe, embon~· in tl lI,ir repo rt some rec­olIlInl'udllliom; in t his r egerd,

I would sa~· for Tl'a~ons previously I'f't forth, tha t th l' worn " KA­TIONAL" be el iminated fro m the constitution lind by -laws of theI nllustria l 'Yor kers of t he Wo rld.

It has occurrell to mp that the formation of a Gene ral Recrui ting{;ni on would fill a preselng need. T he r ellSOn 'for t his proposi tion ist ha t the re has been SlI1IIP comment, if not com pla int, ebout th e A. 'W.o . No. 400 alul other unions lin ing up individu al>; not eligible in the

Page 31: Tenth Convention - Wa

industries unde-r their j uril<dk t ion. The th ought expressed was th eAgri~u1tura l Workers ' Union i8 becoming a mass organization in~tNld

of, lI& it>; charter provides, an I ndustrial Union. A Recruiting Fmonwould fill t he requirements t hat han: de\'clop"d , This union wouldbe in toueh with all dd 'l:at(~ and organiy.E."rI; in th.., field . E very dele­gate and organizer would ('arry creden tials and supplies o[ the gel",ralrecruiting union, th e office of which eoul d be established a t t he DeneralH eadqua rters .

A recruiting sec retary would Le llece_ry and recruiting uni onsnow or f!'aniZ<'d would work for the G..ncral Rel'roit ing Un ion, even­tually 8"""1llbling t he entire membership of casua l, seaso nal and migra­tory workers.

T he General R ecruiting Unio n would be the dearing office, t rans_fE."rrin g me mLers of re crui ti ng unions t o their prope r i ndu~tri al un ions,H\n-e d l'll'g lltCll lind organizers eont inu all )· lit wor k, w it h a uuivcrsa]init ia t ion fee a nd dues , a fea ture to he a year'll subsc ription t o 1111)"pa per tha t a new meml 'cr dl'~ireJ; ; dcll'gates and org llnizcn; t o he pa idin part by comm ission, as th is has proved to be an incentive and sho uldnot be over looked .

ThE." Gener a l Recruiti ng Filion would be the means of organizingI ndustri a l Cn ioflll, anl.1, in my opinion, woul d gro w to be a mightyllux iliar.l' for organization work,

The Union-at-Large does not fill the IlN'U he re St't forth , l<8 thething in mind is to have some psrt of th e orgsni,.ati on where unat­taehed pers ons ca n become active members of t he or gan izati on, wherethey can hold membership unt il a union in th e industry an d vic inityin which th e)' are employed is orgll niz('ll

In eOn>< idering tht'lle alld otlll' r sugg<'6tio ns coming Lefor" t his{'(lll\"en t ion, it must be remember ed tha t lIIen have a riglrt to diff ...r­cn cc of opinion which, if hon""tl~· expn>l<Soo, will r l"8u lt in llOUildennc lusious.

The principles of th is organization are es roun d and ring as true­as worthy metal. TIlE." idea of ThE." Indus trial Wo rker s of the World,fou nded, es it is, on the class st ruggle, iIi iwper iNhaLlc. I ts ideal s.qu icken the pulse and st rengthen the heart of ever)' mem lJer . lis mem _bers are to a retlIRrkaLle d eJ!l'l'<;! free fro m all r elig ious sup erstitions,no longer hoodwinked b)' politica l cbk allcry,-lookinll' upon t he ex·plo iter, whether II. fa rmer, a small bus iness man or II t rust magnat e.,,-ith a c1E."ar visio n that reeoguieo, II. common enemy.

Page 32: Tenth Convention - Wa

30 It EI"OHT. GE S E RAL l:! 1:<:RET ARY·T1lE.\ Ii\"["REIl, I. W, w.

Youthful, ('01l.",gc.:1Uli, and fu ll or vigor , thn. organiza tion is beinga future ' ....millg with fruil ful p<-ibil il it'l<.

Trw<li" lt 10 ...... tl l(' l im.. in our da~' ",·tWll I'\'e ry worker will enjoyt hf' fullllU nlif('ht of life, I am,

Gtll(' ral ~rdaT)··Tre.!<u ",r.

Page 33: Tenth Convention - Wa

Industrial Workers of the World1001 West Madison Street



To secure u Cluu1l"r of the Iutlustrfal w orkars of tile Wor ld, get thenames of {w{'llty Hefun l WII.,,-e wcr xers-c t bosc who m ake a living b}' work­lug' for \V'tIoWS,

All who aign t he c nurter APIlUClltion Bla nk pledl.oe m emseives t o beIn accord with tHe prlnclplf'1I of the I . W. W.• all onfltned in UK" P reumble.

The Charter fee Is ten dol lars. Thi!< cowrs t he CO!'t of fill books amis uppll l'i'l 1l('('(k :1 to full~' eq ui p 1I Uu lun of twentr-nve members.

Dues pa lrl I,)' the Unlun to the Gt'uern l Ol'/-,'lIlt izntioll uro fifteen ecnteper metuber Jler mo nth.

It t hose who l'igu the CIlllrter Appllcutlon Hlau k are employed In t besame Iudust ry, th('y w ill be ehn rtered ee IUl I ndu str-in l Union w it h j ur i&­dietlou over 11.11 we gc workers employed in that ind us try in that loca lity.It t he ",t~"tlen; of the Cllllr ll'r AppliC>l tion a r e employed In t wo or m oretndu strtes, they wUl he chll r teT('(l as a Ik('ruilin J.( tjnton or as a n Iudust r fulUnion of t he Iminstry In w hleh a major ity of t hose who silm('(1 t he Clmrt('ra nnucauon a r e emplo)'('d. wlfh till' uuck-r- ua udlng t ha t t hey are al jowedto take In m l'mlwrs of other Imlw<trh-s unt il Uwy hlln' a eurncten numberto be eh nrtered a s an I ud ustrja l Union of t he inonl<try In whtcli t hey n rvemploYNl. Rec rutttng Un ions a te tem po rary OI'g"Ulizatlom, rormet for tbepurpose of hfl\' l uJo: orga nteattons 10 Clir ry on tbe ernceuonur work n(~ry

for the ron aauon of I nelustrbrl Umons,As "oon a " there urc t WPIlly members in II Ib "',rul tl n.ll: Union w ho a re

emplo~'ed in the Min e lnd ust ry, m er wm he ('h lll'tend II.S a n I nelustrfa lUnion of ttint Indm;try,

Tile m('fhml s u~ (...l i ll I-"('tti n~ a Cutou s t nr ted l'l('IWIl(ls upon the circum ­stnuees ill t he locllll ty where me Ueton 1>1 to he formed. Yon can call ameottnc. nd , l'r tisi llg til l' snux-, I[ t uere are IIny among you who are ableto exphrln the Ilri nciple>; of the I . " ' . W " have them 110 M t o tbORe whoattend till' lII('(-'tiug.

After Ihe ex ptnnetton I llig been made, you can 01 11 upon IIl1 those pres­eut, who fin.' tn RC('flr!l with the pri lJcilJles of the Ocgantsauon, to com eforwnnl nnd SI:':11 t jn- C hn r te r Appilca llon . Or YOIl CIID circulate the Ch a r terAppllentioll nmong those wi th whom SO U come In COlltJICt, and explain t hep rindpil'S of the I ll(l u~ t rlal \\'o rkl'1'l' o f t ne World to thew illli h ifluflll y.If they dl'l<ire 10 orcent ec , ba ve them ",;1.'11 t heir- uumes lind ntldn;'~es unthe Char fer Appll cn t ioll.

when YOIl hnvo t wenty nSIllf'1l or more, ~'OU can notify t!Jem to attendtill' rueetlng, forlll a It' mpora ry ofglllil:f.lltion by electlJiK u terupo rury ~'('_

retnry and Chnirmnn. Colteet t ue CllHr t er fee from those who sij.,"1l OwA IJ!llieat!oll. forWllrtl the sa me t o t bill ofbee, wtth the AIII,Ucatloll. 'Thr­Charter and llUllPU('I< w ill he sent t o you a t once,

I n forwardin)l; the C'hllr ter Appllcatioll be sure 10 l<!J(>('lfy in w tin ttnuust rv tnose who shm HI" Bl ank ure employed, IoI(l Wto will kn ow IIOWt o run ke out the Chllr ler .

'.r I'U~ti llg t bn t tIl(' 11100\'(' will he of nssdstance t o yon 111 o t'",nnh: inf;': 3'ourf l'lI ow workers, I nm ,

YOUI"l! fol' lndUllt rlal It' teetlolll ,WM. D, HAYWOOD,

(k'IJ('r,d St'("y-T1'1'8S.

Page 34: Tenth Convention - Wa



Tbe working clastt aDd t be l'm(lloylng class bat"P nothing In OOmmlG.

'I'hPr'e can be no peace so long 1.8 hUDget" and want are found aJDOIlg mu­lIolls of working people and the r_. woo meke np the 1Mn1.lo)1D/l; ('!1UllI bave

all the good thJngs or 1Iff"_

lWtween these t wo clalll'ell a ~t nlgglp must go 011 until tJvo workeM1 of

the world ofl1:llntw IlS a CIllAA, tnke (It.I6.''€'8!Ilon of the eurtb and 11M> mao

l"hlller)" of production , atld abolish the wage IlYMteni.

We find th at the (-entering of management of lucl lll<t rlC*; IntO fe werAnd fe wer h ands ma kM the t r ade uutona unable t o CUIJIJ with t he P'I"Pf­

growing power or the empJoyl lli' cluse, The t rade nnlnZlIl f Ollter n s ta te of

aaaino which aucws onE' Illi't of workers to be pittl.'d nga.Jl1Ht nnotber set ofworken in t be same !rulullt ry. thereby lJelplng uereet ODP another in wage

wanl. Moreover, the tn.dt" unlOlUl aid the f'tDploying cbulI! to mi slead the

worke", Into tIM> bPlief IhR! the worlwrs baTe lntenof'fll jn common with

U..-Ir PUlployerR.

Tllf'M' COIlditiOWl can lit"~ and t hE> Intf'n"fi.t of tlJl" working claAA

u(llw:>ld only b, an oIJ:lln lza tioo formed in such a way t hat a ll Ita me mbe l'll

in a n, one indU8try, or In a ll Indu..trll'S, If Df'C'I'fl"IU'Y, <'t'tlJOl' work wbt1levf'!'

a lillike or lockout ill on In any d t"(lftrtIDPnt n e eecr, IJIll>' roakln~ a n injUl"J'

to one an Injury to all,

Illl!lt t"lld of t be «In"".,".. II,l' motto, "A fa ir ltRY'" WP.J:e (or 110 t a lr day'"

wcork," we must lnserjbe on our ila" Ill'r 11K" n'\'nlullorUUT ""RlcbwanJ,"Aholltlon o( the 'W8Jtt.! "Y"lplD,"

It I" the h\$;toric mh<l<lon o( ue ....orkfng -ctnss to do ..WBy with cnp­

tta tb-m, TbP IIrill)' (j( (ll'Ollu<-1 l00 must be orgaull'.("(I, not 0111)' fo r 111(' (' ''I'f)·­

lillY "tr~le with ('..II.(llIal""", hUI to carl')' on prndllctlon wueu ('IlIII!llli /oim

/oI llIIlI have been 01'('rtbmWII, By orgnnb: lnf::" inu ::a'<t rl a lly W(> liN' form ing

thl' etruetnre o( t he IWW p,(ldptr within the 01.1.

Knowillg , therefore, Ih" t aucu au organization I" absolutely lH'CeAAnry

for out emauctronon. we unltp U1ul('r !Iip (ollowhl/o; coIII.lltuUon :
