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Tenuta Rolettoi in few words

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A small presentation of our winery
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OSPITALITÀ Hospitality

Page 2: Tenuta Rolettoi in few words

Tenuta Roletto is a family run winery in Canavese, a small area in Piemonte, north of Turin.The tradition of making wine here started in 1871, when Mr Tinetti (present owners’ great grandfather) decided to make a business from his passion for wine.

Today, Antonino and Domenica continue the tradition with the same passion and attention to detail, but using the latest technology and innovation to optimize the production cycle and maintain the highest level of quality.

Since several years, Tenuta Roletto is also a site of studies and research, in cooperation with Politecnico and University of Science and Technology of Turin, aimed at enhancing the value of the Erbaluce grapevine.

Our winery is located in Cuceglio, a small village situated along the green Morainic hills of Canavese.The morainic origins have given the soil high acidity, little limestone but plenty of phospho-rous and potassium, all chemical elements that are easily recognisable in our musts and wines. This peculiar ground characterizes the Erbaluce grapevine production: actually this grapevine is able to offer its precious fruits only in its specific territory and nowhere else.

Our History

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Leggenda vuole che, nel tempo dei tempi, Ninfe e Dei della natura aves-

sero trovato dimora sulle colli-ne moreniche, allora sponde di un grande lago. Ben oltre i colli giungeva la fama di Albaluce, ninfa nata dall’amore tra la Dea Alba ed il Sole, la cui straordi-naria bellezza richiamava ogni anno contadini, pastori, pescato-ri desiderosi di omaggiarla con i

prodotti della terra e del lago.Un giorno l’arrivo improvviso di tribù nomadi guidate dalla regina Yppa mise fi ne al gioioso clima di festa. Necessitando di terreni da coltivare, Yppa si adoperò affi n-ché le acque del lago defl uissero per lasciare posto a nuovi campi da semina, trasformando così le verdi rive in distese di arbusti rinsecchiti. Di fronte all’amato paesaggio ormai distrutto, Alba-

luce non riuscì a trattenere un triste pianto. Ma le sue lacrime, cadute a terra, divennero nuova fonte di vita: dalla stessa terra si innalzarono viti dai lunghi tralci e dolci grappoli dorati di succosa uva bianca.Come dono della Dea ai suoi fe-deli, nacque così sui colli canave-sani il vitigno Erbaluce.

Un Grappolo Divino

È così che nasce Tenuta Roletto in questo angolo del comune di Cuceglio, località situata tra le verdi colline moreniche del

Canavese, nel nord Piemonte. Queste terre han-no dato vita alla nostra storia, ai nostri vigneti, ai nostri vini: l’Erbaluce, antico e autoctono vitigno che, grazie alla sua duttilità, si esprime al meglio, oltre che come vino fermo, anche nelle varianti Passito e Metodo classico.Non tralasciamo i grandi rossi del territorio: Cana-vese Rosso, Rosato, Barbera e Canavese Nebbiolo, che grazie ad una sempre più accurata selezione delle uve, vengono riproposti in una nuova versio-

ne dal grande equilibrio e struttura.La tenuta si estende per circa 30 ettari di proprietà raccolti in un unico ap-pezzamento.La produzione si basa inoltre sull’ac-quisto di uve dei soci conferitori, ac-curatamente controllate e certifi cate dal nostro staff, per raggiungere tra-guardi ambiziosi nello scenario vitivi-nicolo canavesano. “Tenuta Roletto” è anche sede di stu-di e ricerca intrapresi da alcuni anni, che vede la collaborazione con Poli-tecnico ed Università degli studi di Torino, fi nalizzato alla valorizzazione del vitigno erbaluce.

Oggi | Today

Ieri | Yesterday

L’AziendaTenuta Roletto’s most prestigious wine isErbaluce di Caluso DOCG.The Erbaluce grape is steeped in the history of the Piemonte region, with the first written records dating back to 1606. Different local folks tales tell about its origins: a gift from the Nymph Albaluce (born from the unthinkable love between the goddess Alba and the Sun) to the loyal people of the Canavese area.The name Erbaluce mirrors the strong amber colour and fresh perfume that characterizes its fruits before the harvest.

The DOC was established forty years ago, but in 2010 it was transformed in DOCG: in all this time Erbaluce grape has maintained itself as a powerful representative.

With the Erbaluce grape we produce:

- Erbaluce di Caluso DOCG: a still, basic wine with greenish but bright colour notes. The Bouquet is intense with floral sensations and citrus. The taste is dry and fresh with a good level of acidity but well balanced.

- Erbaluce di Caluso ‘Mulinè’ DOCG: the special reserve of Erbaluce DOCG. Its colour is bright yellow with greenish highlights that turn into gold overtime. Extremely fine to the nose with notes of peach and pear. The intense, long lasting and refreshing acidity is soften by the ‘Mulinè’ full and round body.

- Erbaluce di Caluso Brut Metodo Classico VSQPRD (36 months of ageing): a high-quality sparkling wine that takes advantage and enhances the characteristics of Erbaluce grapevine, that is very suitable for such kind of production.

- Erbaluce di Caluso Passito DOCG (Sweet wine): this unique wine is different from traditional Passito thanks to its special process that has always been used for its production.


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The final result is a ruby red wine with tenuous shades of garnet and touches of cherry red. The aroma isintense and lingering of ripe fruit and wild berries. Its taste is hot and dry, acidic vigour , lingering finish of raspberry jam, with hints of toffee.

With Canavese Rosso DOC we produce a still red wine, a still rose’ Canavese Rosato DOC (its fra-grance offers notes of fresh fruits, summer fruit salad, strawberry and raspberry and its taste is fresh and refreshing) and a sparkling wine Rosato Metodo Classico VSQ.

Barbera is a widely spread grapevine across the Piemonte region.It has continually been cultivated in the last th-ree centuries and in particular from the second half of 1800 since it was known to be an enduring and strong vine, capable of producing a fine and elegant wine. Our Canavese Barbera DOC is vi-nificated with 100% Barbera grapes.This wine is characterized by ruby red colour with violet notes, its bouquets is intense, with hint of spices and withered fruits. In the mouth is mild, dry, with long lasting flavours of ripe fruits.

Canavese Rosso Doc and Canavese Barbera Doc

The second most important wine of the Tenuta Roletto is Ca-navese Rosso DOC, a wine based 60% on the Barbera grape and the remaining 40% Nebbiolo, Freisa, Neretto or Chatus. All these grape types are collected and worked together, using a short maceration process, to avoid the tannins being extracted.

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The Erbaluce grapevine is unique but very versatile.Thanks to its fantastic organoleptic properties, the Erbaluce grape is perfect for the Spumante Erbaluce Metodo Clas-sico VSQPRD. This sparkling wine has greenish shimmers, bright colour, fine and long lasting perlage. The bubble is creamy and wrapping with savoury endnotes. The bouquet is intense with notes of citrus and acacia flowers. Hints of bread and butter embrace the palate at first, citrus and herbaceous then.As it was said before, from Canavese Rosso DOC we can produce also the rosè sparkling wine Rosato Metodo Classi-co VSQ, characterized by an intense pink colour, appealing, creamy foam and fine perlage. Its flavour reminds of bread crust that melts together with hints of fresh red fruits. The bubble in the mouth is embra-cing and long lasting. It is very fresh, such as the Canavese Rosato DOC.

The Erbaluce di Caluso Passito is a sweet wine. Its name reminds the first process of his production: the ‘passitura’ (drying process). ‘Passito’ means ‘dri-ed and dessicated’. Actually, every grape is carefully hung by hand on racks or placed on mats, exactly as it was done in past, in the drying area, the Passitaia.Once dried, the grapes go through a very long fer-mentation process: it takes 5 years to produce our Passito (4 years of ageing in wooden barrels).Passito has an intense golden colour and a bouquet made of dry fruit, roasted hazelnut and almond. Its taste is sweet, the alcohol and acidity are well balanced, the aftertaste is long, of spices and dry fruits.

The “Metodo Classico”: Erbaluce and Rosè

Passito DOCG

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Con la recente ristrutturazione, la Famiglia Roletto ha investito notevolmente su impianti di

produzione all’avanguardia in modo da ottenere standard di qualità molto elevati che soddisfi no il disciplinare di produzione DOC e DOCG.

The Roletto family has invested heavily in winery renovations for modernization. They have introduced the latest technologies for production to ensure production of the highest quality products that measure up to DOC and DOCG standards.

La cantina

The wineryToday, the fourth generation of Mr. Tinetti family, transfor-med a small family run winery, formerly used for a small production of wine for local consumption into a modern winery, introducing the latest technologies for production that keep on ensuring the highest quality and the respect for the tradition.

The Winery

Driven by the desire to spread our wine varieties in the world and because of international demands, Tenuta Roletto has expanded into the global market. For this reason Tenuta Roletto opened a beautiful and modern shop in Shanghai, China, in 2011.

Around The World

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In 2012 Tenuta Roletto developed part of our estate into a beautiful 12 bed-roomed ‘re-sort’, two of which are family rooms. Each room has WIFI and air conditioning.

Based on your need, we can also organize events such as:- Parties- Company meeting- Wedding parties- Conferencesin our events hall, that can easily accommodate 300 people.


There are also 10 powered caravan sites overloo-king the vineyards.

We can offer memorable experiences such as wine tasting, tours of our vineyard and winery but also training courses for wine lovers and cookery courses in the art of Piemontese/Italian cuisine can be customized for you.

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TENUTA ROLETTO s.c.a.Via Porta Pia, 69/7110090 Cuceglio (To) - ItalyT +39 +124 492293F +39 +124 32113

[email protected]/tenutaroletto.cuceglio

Shanghai Office:[email protected] +86 (21) 61073839



TENUTA ROLETTO s.c.a.Via Porta Pia, 69/71

10090 Cuceglio (To) • Italy T +39 +124 492293

F +39 +124 32113

[email protected]

Shanghai Offi ce :[email protected]

T +86 ( 21) 61073839

30 min/by car from Turin Airport

By car: Highway A5, exit San Giorgio Canavese (4 Km far from Cuceglio)








