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Zoologica Scripta. Vol. 4, 37-40, 1975 Terminology in Phoronida Christian C. Emig Station Marine d'Endoume, Marseille, France Receiced 1974-12-/6 Abstract Emig, C. C. (Station Marine d'Endoumc, 13007 Marseille. France.) Termina/ogy in Phoronida. Zoo!. Ser. 4 (1): 37--40. 1975.-A termina- logy (in three languages) of the main descriptive terms of the anatorny of the phylum Phoronida is estabLished and proposed to facilitate com- munication in future anatomieal studics and taxonomieal works. A bricf discussion is given of the names (Latin and comman) of Ibis phylum. The present note must be considered as a preliminary work on nomenclature problems. (racha (Latin name of the larva): an actinotroch. une actino- troque, eine Actinotroche. As general common Dame of the phylum (phoronid and actinotroch together), the following terms should he applied: the Phoronida, les phoronidiens, die Phoronideen. 3. Terminology ne np 3.1. Pharonid termina/ogy Three diagrams iIlustrate the termioology and their captioos group the main technical terms of the phoronid morphology and anatomy (Figs. 1-3). Yet, sorne remarks should follow Fig. 1. Diagram of a mature PllOronis hippocrepia vicwcd From the distal end (species characters, sec Emig, 1974). a, anus - anus - After. ep, epistome - épistome - Epistom. m, mouth - bouche - Mund. ne, nephridiopore - néphridiopore - Nephroporus. np, nephridial papilia - papille néphridiale - Nephridienpapille. arg, accessory reproductive glands - glandes sexuelles annexes - Fort- pflanzungsnebendrüsen. 01, lophophoral organ (accessory spermatophoral organ) - organe lophophoral - Lophophororgan. bng, basal nidamenlal gland - glande nidamenlaire basale - Basal- brutdrüse. Ing, tenlacular nidamental gland - glande nidamentaire tentaculaire- Tentakelbrutdrüse. 10, lophophore - lophophore - Lophophor. of, outer tentac1e row - tentacules externes (rangée de) - âussere Tentakelreihe. il, ioner tenlac1c row - tentacules internes (rangée de) - innere Tentakel- reihe. /cc, lophophoral eoncavily - coneavilé lophophorale - Lophophor- konkaviUl.l. /C, lophophoral cavily - cavité lophophorale - Lophophorkavitât. e, end of the lophophore (horseshoe-shaped, spiral-coiled or heli- coidal) - pointe du lophophore (forme de fer à cheval, enroulée en spirale ou hélicoidale) - Lophophorarm (hufeisenformig, spiralig eingeroUt oder helikoidal). 'b o o Icc o o -t-Ic .1 '-----e ep arg 01 1 0 bn! 0 0 0 0 Ing 0 '" 'bD 00 0"0 00 1. Introduction 2. Names of the phylum Phoronida Müller (1846) named Actinatracha the larva of the phoronids, which was considered by him to be an adult animal. The adult was described by Wright (1856) under the name Phoronis, which corresponds, according to this author, (0 a sumame of the Egyptian goddess Isis.' Gilchrist (1907) created a second genus, called Phoronopsis. In order to clarify our understanding, the present author proposes as common name for the adult: a phoronid, une phoronide, eine Phoronide (Phoronis and Phoronopsis are strictly used as genus names), and as common name of Actino- The terminology used at the moment is frequcntly obscure and Dot entirely satisfactory; in sorne cases it is even ambi- guous, the same ward being useful for several different senses or organs. Aiso the comparison of the terminology in English, French or German studies often leads to a very confusing situation. ln the present work, in order to facilitate communication and easy exchange between research workers, 1 propose a compiled list of main descriptive terms applied to the anatomy and morphology of Phoronida: this list is given in Englisb, French and German for each word. With the intention of establishing a c1ear and precise terminology in these languages, it was found necessary to create new terms in sorne of the languages. An exhaustive inventory through the bibliography of the phylum Phoronida has been compiled, especially in Cori (1889, 1939), Selys-Longchamps (1907), Hyman (1959), Zimmer (1964), Emig (1971, 1973, 1974). Ali (erms are pre- sented in diagram form and indicated without aoy definition (these definitions are given by.the cited authors). Schemes and lerms have also been established to make easier the taxonomy and systematics of the species of Phoronida. 1 Zimmer (1964) cODsiders that this name corresponds to Phoroneus. one of the two sons of the chief river-god Inachos, from the people of Argolis. Zoologica Scripfa 4
Page 1: Terminology in Phoronida - RedIRISpaleopolis.rediris.es/Phoronida/EMIG/REPRINTS/37.pdf · and unambiguous terminology in Phoronida. 1 al50 suggest that in future ail new terms applied

Zoologica Scripta. Vol. 4, 37-40, 1975

Terminology in PhoronidaChristian C. Emig

Station Marine d'Endoume, Marseille, France

Receiced 1974-12-/6


Emig, C. C. (Station Marine d'Endoumc, F· 13007 Marseille. France.)Termina/ogy in Phoronida. Zoo!. Ser. 4 (1): 37--40. 1975.-A termina­logy (in three languages) of the main descriptive terms of the anatornyof the phylum Phoronida is estabLished and proposed to facilitate com­munication in future anatomieal studics and taxonomieal works. Abricf discussion is given of the names (Latin and comman) of Ibisphylum. The present note must be considered as a preliminary work onnomenclature problems.

(racha (Latin name of the larva): an actinotroch. une actino­

troque, eine Actinotroche. As general common Dame of thephylum (phoronid and actinotroch together), the followingterms should he applied: the Phoronida, les phoronidiens, die


3. Terminology

ne np

3.1. Pharonid termina/ogy

Three diagrams iIlustrate the termioology and their captioosgroup the main technical terms of the phoronid morphology

and anatomy (Figs. 1-3). Yet, sorne remarks should follow

Fig. 1. Diagram of a mature PllOronis hippocrepia vicwcd From the distalend (species characters, sec Emig, 1974).a, anus - anus - After.ep, epistome - épistome - Epistom.m, mouth - bouche - Mund.ne, nephridiopore - néphridiopore - Nephroporus.np, nephridial papi lia - papille néphridiale - Nephridienpapille.arg, accessory reproductive glands - glandes sexuelles annexes - Fort­

pflanzungsnebendrüsen.01, lophophoral organ (accessory spermatophoral organ) - organe

lophophoral - Lophophororgan.bng, basal nidamenlal gland - glande nidamenlaire basale - Basal­

brutdrüse.Ing, tenlacular nidamental gland - glande nidamentaire tentaculaire­

Tentakelbrutdrüse.10, lophophore - lophophore - Lophophor.

of, outer tentac1e row - tentacules externes (rangée de) - âussereTentakelreihe.

il, ioner tenlac1c row - tentacules internes (rangée de) - innere Tentakel­reihe.

/cc, lophophoral eoncavily - coneavilé lophophorale - Lophophor­konkaviUl.l.

/C, lophophoral cavily - cavité lophophorale - Lophophorkavitât.e, end of the lophophore (horseshoe-shaped, spiral-coiled or heli­

coidal) - pointe du lophophore (forme de fer à cheval, enroulée enspirale ou hélicoidale) - Lophophorarm (hufeisenformig, spiraligeingeroUt oder helikoidal).

'boo Iccoo







bn! 0





1. Introduction

2. Names of the phylum Phoronida

Müller (1846) named Actinatracha the larva of the phoronids,which was considered by him to be an adult animal. The

adult was described by Wright (1856) under the name Phoronis,

which corresponds, according to this author, (0 a sumame of

the Egyptian goddess Isis.' Gilchrist (1907) created a secondgenus, called Phoronopsis.

In order to clarify our understanding, the present authorproposes as common name for the adult: a phoronid, unephoronide, eine Phoronide (Phoronis and Phoronopsis are

strictly used as genus names), and as common name of Actino-

The terminology used at the moment is frequcntly obscure

and Dot entirely satisfactory; in sorne cases it is even ambi­

guous, the same ward being useful for several different sensesor organs.

Aiso the comparison of the terminology in English, Frenchor German studies often leads to a very confusing situation.

ln the present work, in order to facilitate communication and

easy exchange between research workers, 1 propose a compiledlist of main descriptive terms applied to the anatomy andmorphology of Phoronida: this list is given in Englisb, French

and German for each word. With the intention of establishinga c1ear and precise terminology in these languages, it wasfound necessary to create new terms in sorne of the languages.

An exhaustive inventory through the bibliography of thephylum Phoronida has been compiled, especially in Cori

(1889, 1939), Selys-Longchamps (1907), Hyman (1959),

Zimmer (1964), Emig (1971, 1973, 1974). Ali (erms are pre­sented in diagram form and indicated without aoy definition(these definitions are given by.the cited authors). Schemes and

lerms have also been established to make easier the taxonomyand systematics of the species of Phoronida.

1 Zimmer (1964) cODsiders that this na me corresponds to Phoroneus.one of the two sons of the chief river-god Inachos, from the people ofArgolis.

Zoologica Scripfa 4

Page 2: Terminology in Phoronida - RedIRISpaleopolis.rediris.es/Phoronida/EMIG/REPRINTS/37.pdf · and unambiguous terminology in Phoronida. 1 al50 suggest that in future ail new terms applied

38 Co Co Emig





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aFig. 2. (a) Diagram of a phoronid, Phoronis psammophila (speciescharaeters. see Emig, ]974); (b) cross-section of the met8some; cavitiesand mesenteries are used to establish the conventional muscuJarformula (Selys~Longchamps. 1907) as follows:


IIm loc 1roc rlmlac rae


a. anus (sec Fig. 1).amp. ampuUa - ampoule - Ampulla.op, anal papiUa - papille anale - Analpapilla oder Afterpapille.cf. collaT raid - repli ~pidermique - Ringfalte.~P. epistome (sec Fig. 1).ino, invagination - invagination - Einfaltung.m, moutb (sec Fig. 1).mtp, muscular trunlc part - r~gion musculaire du tronc - Muskelrumpf­

lei!.Cal. coetam - cœlome - Cœlom oder Côlom.

p, prosome, protocœlom (or epistomecœlom)prosome, protocœ!ome (ou cœlome de l'épistome)Prosome, Protocœlom (oder Epistomcœlom)

m, mesosome, mesocœlom (or lophophorecœlom)

mésosome, mésocœlome (ou cœlome du lophophore)Mesosoma, Mesosomcœlom (oder Lophophorcœlom)

M, metasome, metacœlom (or trunkcœlom)métasome, métacœlome (ou coelome du tronc)Metasoma, Metasomcœlom (oder Rumpfcœlom)

foc. left oral cavity - cavité orale gauche - linke OralhOhleTOC, right oral cavity - cavité oraIe droite - rechte Oralhohleloc,kft anal cavity - cavité anale gauche -linke AnalhohleTOC, rigbt anal cavity - cavité anale droite - recbte AnalbObie

d, diaphragm - diaphragme - Diaphragma.am, anal mesentery - mésent~re anal - Analmesenterium.mm, Median mesentery - mésentère médian - Mediaomesenterium.om, oral mesentery - mésentère oral - Oralmesenterium/lm, left lateraI mesentery - rMsentère lateral gauche - tinkes Lateral­

mesenterium.dm, rigbt lateral mesentery - mésentère latéral droit - recbtes Lateral­

mesenterium.DS, digestive system - tractus digestif - Darmtractus

as, oesophagus - œsophage - CEsophagus.ps, prestomach - préestomac - Vannagen

cs, ciliated strip - gouttière cilée - Wimpcrrinne.i, intestine - intestin - Dünndarm oder Intestinum.s, stomach - estomac - Magen.py, pylorus - pylore - Ringklappe.

Zoologico Scr;pto 4

Page 3: Terminology in Phoronida - RedIRISpaleopolis.rediris.es/Phoronida/EMIG/REPRINTS/37.pdf · and unambiguous terminology in Phoronida. 1 al50 suggest that in future ail new terms applied





Fig. 4. Diagram of an actinotroch (Aclino1rol'hu brancltiata) near ilsmctamorphosis. Sorne species show only one lenladc type: larvallentac!es become adult tcntades (Emig, 1973). Il stems also that thepiriform organ docs not appear in ail Jarva. For a, i. m, 11(:', tu, PY• .l':sec Fig. 2, and gn: see Fig. S.ap. apical plate - plaque upicale - Scheitclplattc.tif, adull tentacle - tentacule adulte - Adulttentakel.It, larval tentade - tentacule larvaire - Larvaltentakcl.m. mesocœl - mésocœlc - Mcsocôl.M, metacœl - métacœle - Mctaci)1.M.f. mctasomal sac - sac mélasomique - Metasomdivcrtikcl.P, protocoel (or preoral lobe cœlom) - protocœlc (ou cœlome du lobe

préoral) - Prolacôl (oder Pracorallappencœlom).per, perÎanal cilialcd ring - couronne ciliée pèrianale - .mal Wimperring.pn, proloncphridium - protonephridie - Protonephridium.

o,piriform-organ (or sensory papilla) -organe piriforme - Piriformorgan•

(oder Sinnesorgan).pol, preoral lobe (or prcoral hood) - lobe préoral - Praeorallappen (odcr

Episphaere).psc, preseplal cavity - cavilé préseptale - Vorseptalhôhle.sd. stomacal divertÎculuOl - diverlicule stomacal - Darmdiverlikel..ft', septum - seplum - Septum.v, vestibule - vestibule - Yeslibulum.vm, ventral mesenlery - mésentére ventral - Yentralmesenterium.Fig. 5. Schcme of Ihe lurval nervous syslem in an aClinotroch (Aclino­Irocha A, after Zimmcr, 1964).cnr, collar nerve ring - nerf circulaire collaire - Kragenringnerv.gn, nervous ganglion - ganglion nerveux - Nervenganglion.Ine, laierai nerves of collar - nerfs latéraux collaires - Kragenlateral·


.,,",trl, major nerve ring of lobe - nerf circulaire majeur du lobe - Gross­ringnerv des Praeorallappens.

11/11'1, minor nerve ring of lobe - nerf circulaire mineur du lobe - Minder­ringnerv des Praeorallappens.

tn, tenlucular nerve - nerf tentaculaire - Tentakelnerv.("l, Iripartite median ncrve of lobe - triple nerf médian du lobe - drei

Mcdiannervenfiiserzüge.SS, ser.sory papi lia - plaque sensorielle - Sinnespapille (sec also: po,

Fig. 4).Fig. 6. Diagrams of Ihe musculalure of various actinotrochs (based onCori, 1939, and Zimmer, 1964); ra: is no! rcprescnted in Ihe rigurc.clml', circular and longitudinal muscles of collar - muscles circulaires et

longitudinaux colla ires - Ring- u. Langmuskeln des Kragens.l'mt, circular muscles of Irunk - muscles circulaires du tronc - Rumpf­

ringmuskeln.dr, dorsal retractor muscle - musele rétracteur dorsal - Dorsalretraktor­

muskcl.co, eXlensor muscle of œsophagus - muscle extenseur de rœsophage ­

Exlensormuskel des Œsophagus.Ims, levator muscle of melasomal sac - muscle élévateur du sac méla­

somique - Levalormuskel des Metasomdivenikel.Irm, lobe retractor muscle - muscle rétracteur du lobe - Retraktormuskcl

des Lappens:ra, retraetor muscle of anus - muscle rétracteur de l'anus - Afterrelrak­

tormuskeLrami, radial and annular muscles of lobe - muscles radiaires et annu·

laires du lobe - Radial und Ringmuskeln des Praeorallappens.Irm. trunk retraclor muscle - muscle rétracteur du tronc - Rumprre­


N, nephridium - ncphridie - Nephridium.ne, nephridiopore (see FiC. 1).ob. ascending nephridiaJ branch - branche néphridiale ascendante ­

aufsteigender Nephridienkanal./, funnel (if two: oral and anal funne!) - entonnoir (si deux: entonnoir

oral et entonnoir anal) - Trichter (wenn zwei: Oral- u. Analtrichter).db, descending nephridial branch - branche néphridiale descendante ­

absteigender NephridienkanalNS, nervous system - système nerveux - Nervensystem.

gn, nervous ganglion - ganglion nerveux - Nervcngangliollm, ring nerve - nerf circulaire - Ringncrv.Ig/, Idt giant fibre - fibre nerveuse géante gauche - linker Lateralnerv

oder Langnerv.rg/. right giant fibre - fibre nerveuse géante droite - rechter Lateralnerv

oder Langnerv.enp, epilhelial nervous plexus - plexus nerveux épithéliale - epithe­

liales Nervennetz.Fig. 3. Diagrams of the circulatory system in Phorotlis Ol>alis (b) and inthe other species (a).

0100, afferenl lophophoral ring vessel - arc lophophoral afférentausteigendes Lophophorringgefass

00, "accessory" vessel - vaisseau "accessoire" - "Nebengefass".cc, capîllary ccteum - cœcum sanguin - Cœcalgefiiss.eloo, ereerent lophophoral ring vessel - arc lophophoral effcrent

abstcigendcs lophophorringgefâss.lib, left lateral branch - branche latéral gauche - linker lateralast.I/u, !cft lateral vessel - vaisseau latéral gauche - Iinkes Lateralgefass.lou, Lophophoral vessel - vaisseau lophophoral - Lophophoralgefâss.lu, laierai yesscl - vaisseau latéral - Lateralgefâss.mu, median vessel - vaisseau médian - Mediangefüss.rlb, right lateral branch - branche latéral droite - reehter Lateralast.rio, righl lateral vessel - vaisseau latéral droit - rechtes Lateralgefass.sbp, stomacal bloodplexus - sinus péristomacal- Magcnblutsinus.slu, secondary lateral vessel - vaisseau latéral secondaire - Neben­

lateralgefâss.tu, tentaeular vessel - capillaire tentaculaire - Tentakelgefass.

Zoologico Sl'ripta 4

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40 C. C. Emig

to define the morphological orientation that leads to an casiernomenclature of the phoronid body: the terros oral and anal(Fig. 2) take, respectively, the place of ventral and dorsal

(ventral and dorsal must no longer he used in phoronids

because of their ontogenetic orientation: dorsal correspondsal the median site mouth-anus); the ferros anterior, antérieur,vorder- and distal specify the regions towards the lophophoral

extremity (Fig. 2) in contrast to posterior, postérieur, hinterw

and proximal towards the ampuJIa (these definitions do nottake the ontogenetic disposition ioto account). Body. corps,

Korper shows the whole animal; trunk. tronc, Rumpf. dividedioto two regions (Fig. 2), particularizes the cylindrical body

part ( ~metasoma).

3.2. Actinotroch termin%gy

The actinotroch terminology is illustratcd by three schemes

and explained by their captions (Figs. 4-6). The larval body

is composed of two extemal regions, the preoral lobe and the

trunk. It presents a dorsal and ventral side (Fig. 4): the body

orientation appears different in the actinotroch and thephoronid.

Special terms are used to describe corresponding organs

in the adult and the larva in order to avoid all possible future

confusing situations (as proposed by Emig, 1973): in the

phoronid., the name of the cœlomic cavities ends in -cœlorn

(Fig. 2) and in the actinotroch, in -cccl (Fig. 4); also, the term

diaphragm is used in the adult and septum in the larva.

4. Conclusion

The present short terminology of Phoronida only affects the

main organs and specifie terms of this phylum. There are

many more. Thus this tenninology represents ooly a pre­

Iiminary and basic work on nomenclature problems and the

author considers this paper as the beginning of a cJear, precise

and unambiguous terminology in Phoronida. 1 al50 suggest

that in future ail new terms applied to this phylum are esta­

blished in the three languages (English. French, German) to

facilitate communication and to avoid ail confusion.


Cori, C. J. 1889. Untersuchungen über die Anatomic und Histologieder Gattung Phoronis. - Z. wiss. Zool. 51: 480-568.

- 1939. Phoronidea. - Bronn's KI. Ordn. Tierreîchs 4 (4): 1-183.Emig, C. C. 1971. Taxonomie et systématique des Phoronidiens.

Bull. Mus. natn. Hist. nat., Paris (Zool.) 8: 469-568.- 1973. Les processus de l'ontogenèse, comparés à ceux de la régé­

nération des Phoronida. - Z. Morph. Tiere 75: 329-350.- 1974. The systematics and evolution of the phylum Phoronida. - Z.

zool. Syst. Evolut.-forsch. 12: 128-151.Gilchrist, J. D. 1907. New fonns of the Hemichordata from South

Arrica. - Trans. S. Arr. phil. Soc. 17: 151-l76.Hyman, L. H. 1959. The Invertebrates, Vol. 5. - McGraw-HiII, New

York.Müller, J. 1846. Bcricht über einige neue Thierforrnen der Nordsee. ­

Arch. Anal. Physiol. 1846: 101-104.Selys-Longchamps, M. de 1907. Phoronis. - Fauna Flora Golf. Neapel

30, 1-280.Wright, T. S. 1856. Description of two tubicolar animaIs. - Proc. R.

Soc. Edinb. 1: 165-167.Zimmer, R. L. 1964. Reproductive biology and development of PhOTO­

nida. - Univ. Microfilm, Ann Arbor.

Zoologica Scripta 4

Dr Christian C. EmigStation Marine d'EndoumeRue de la Batterie·des-LionsF-J3007 MarseilleFrance

Printed 1975-06-20
