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Terrestrial Biomes What is a biome? A biome is a geographic area with the same climate, flora, and...

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Terrestrial Terrestrial Biomes Biomes

Terrestrial BiomesTerrestrial Biomes

What is a biome?What is a biome?

A biome is a geographic area with the same climate, flora, and fauna.

Abiotic factorsAbiotic factors

Abiotic factors: never living things of the environment.

– Examples: soil, air, light, temperature, water

Biotic factorsBiotic factors

Biotic factors: living or once living things of the environment.

Examples: people, bacteria, animals, plants, fungi, insects, dead plants and animals, etc.

Levels of OrganizationLevels of Organization

Terrestrial Biomes: differ by Terrestrial Biomes: differ by location, plants, and animalslocation, plants, and animals

Temperate/Deciduous Forest (TDF) Tropical Rain Forest (TRF) Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous Forest Tropical Grassland/Savanna Temperate Grassland/Prairie Tropical Desert Cold Desert Chaparral Tundra Mountain

Biomes of the WorldBiomes of the WorldEach of the world’s biomes has its own unique


3 Main Climate Zones3 Main Climate ZonesPolar to 66.5 N


66.5N to 23.5N

Tropical 23.5 N to 23.5 S


66.5S to 23.5S

Polar to 66.5 S

Polar ZonePolar Zone

Located from the Poles to 66.5

N and S.Coldest Temperatures of all 3 zonesTundra BiomeTaiga Biome

Temperate ZoneTemperate Zone

Located from 66.5 N and S to 23.5

N and S. Change of Seasons Experience hot and cold temperatures. Temperate Forest Prairie Chaparral Desert

Tropical ZoneTropical Zone

Located from 23.5 N to 23.5 S.Area along the equator.Receives most solar radiation.High temperatures/Precipitation variesDesertRain forestSavanna

Earth’s Climate ZonesEarth’s Climate Zones

Complete the diagram: Draw the lines at the correct latitude and label the lines of latitude. Label the zones: Temperate, Tropical and Polar. Color the Tropical zone red, the Temperate zone green and the Polar zone blue.

Temperate Deciduous ForestTemperate Deciduous Forest

Temperature: -22 to 86º FahrenheitPrecipitation: 24-60 inches annuallyCharacteristics:

– Has 4 distinct seasons– You live here– Leaves change color in autumn

Zone: Temperate

Temperate Deciduous ForestTemperate Deciduous Forest

Flora: the plants of a biome– Examples: oak tree, maple tree, azaleas, shrubs,


Fauna: the animals of a biome– Examples: ants, deer, turkeys, frogs, eagles

Interesting facts:– Deciduous trees lose their leaves to conserve


Temperate Deciduous ForestTemperate Deciduous Forest

Covers 1/3 of the Earth’s area

Dominated by trees and woody vegetation

Precipitation is distributed evenly throughout the year

Animal life includes many things such as bears, deer,and rodents

Pictures of TDF FloraPictures of TDF Flora White oak, Genus:

Uercus Species: albaLady Fern,

Genus: Athyrium Species: felix-femina

Pictures of TDF faunaPictures of TDF fauna American Bald Eagle European Red Squirrel White-tailed Deer

Insects of the TDFInsects of the TDF

Rain ForestRain Forest

Tropical Rain ForestTropical Rain Forest Temperature: 75 to 85º Fahrenheit Precipitation: 50-260+ inches annually

Characteristics: – 12 hours of daylight– 2 seasons: rainy and dry– Poor soil

Interesting facts: – Most diverse biome– Many plants there could be used for medicines.– 85% of the world’s TRF have been deforested.

Tropical Rain ForestTropical Rain ForestThe Rain Forest is made of 3 layers:

– The first layer is the canopy.– The second layer is the understory.– The third is the forest floor.

The Rain Forest contains about 45% of all animal species in the world making it the biome with highest biological diversity.

TRF Flora and FaunaTRF Flora and Fauna

Flora: the plants of a biome– Examples: orchids, ferns, trees—would

find many buttress trunks here– Fauna of the TRF is very shallow rooted.

Fauna: the animals of a biome– Examples: birds, bats, insects, frogs, &

small mammals

Flora of the TRFFlora of the TRF

BougainvilleaGenus: BougainvilleaSpecies: spectabilis

Mangrove Forests

TualangCommon Names: Mengaris, Honey Bee Tree, DëohGenus: KoompassiaSpecies: excelsa

Fauna of the TRFFauna of the TRF

Fauna of the TFRFauna of the TFR

Golden Lion TamarinGenus: LeontopithecusSpecies: rosalia

African Forest ElephantCommon Names: Pygmy ElephantGenus: LoxodontaSpecies: cyclotis

Toco ToucanGenus: PamphastosSpecies: toco


Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous ForestForest

Temperature: 14 to 57º Fahrenheit

Precipitation: 14-30 inches annually

Zone: Temperate

FYI: Current extensive logging may soon cause the taiga to disappear.

Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous ForestForest

Characteristics: – Animals migrate, hibernate, or insulate to

survive.– Cone shape of trees helps them shed

snow & prevents damage to trees.– Soil is low in nutrients & high in acid. Why?– Found in the Northern Hemisphere near

the polar region & very few people live there.

Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous ForestForest

Interesting facts:– Find in Moscow, Toronto, etc.– Taiga is the Russian word for marshy pine

forest.– It is home to bogs and ponds.– It has some permafrost but not as much as

the tundra.– It occupies about 17% of the Earth’s land


Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous Taiga/Boreal Forest/Coniferous ForestForest

Flora of the Taiga:– Include conifers (cone-producing plants)

such as spruce, firs, and pines– Rarely see birch and aspen trees

(deciduous trees)

Fauna of the Taiga:– Include moose, deer, bears, bobcats,

squirrels, moles, eagles, birds, and insects

Taiga FloraTaiga Flora

Eastern Red CedarCommon Names: Red Cedar, grave yard treeGenus: JuniperusSpecies: virginiana

Black SpruceCommon Names: Black Spruce, Bog Spruce, Swamp Spruce, épinette noireGenus: PiceaSpecies: mariana

Taiga FaunaTaiga Fauna

Long-Eared OwlCommon Names: Cat OwlGenus: AisoSpecies: otus

Snowshoe RabbitCommon Names: Varying HareGenus: LepusSpecies: americanus

American Black BearGenus: UrsusSpecies: americanus

WolverineGenus: GuloSpecies: luscus

Tropical Grassland/SavannaTropical Grassland/Savanna

Tropical Grassland/SavannaTropical Grassland/Savanna

Temperature: 61 to 93º Fahrenheit

Precipitation: 20-50 inches annually

Zone: Tropical

Tropical Grassland/SavannaTropical Grassland/Savanna

Characteristics: – Has trees– Has wet and dry seasons– Dry season is always followed by fire and

is necessary for survival of the savanna.

Tropical Grassland/SavannaTropical Grassland/Savanna Flora: grass, trees, and shrubs

Elephant GrassCommon Name: Napier grass, Uganda grassGenus: PennistumSpecies: purpureum

Jackal Berry TreeCommon Names: Jackalberry Tree, Jakkalbessie, African EbonyGenus: DiospyrosSpecies: mespiliformis

Tropical Grassland/SavannaTropical Grassland/Savanna Fauna: giraffe, zebras, gazelles, elephants,


Grant's ZebraCommon Names: Plains ZebraGenus: EquusSpecies: burchelli bohmi


Temperate Grassland (Prairie)Temperate Grassland (Prairie)

Temperature: -40 to 100 +º Fahrenheit

Precipitation: 20-35 inches annually

Zone: Temperate

Temperate GrasslandTemperate Grassland

Characteristics:– Few grasslands left due to clearing of land

for farms—for croplands

Interesting facts: – Biome with the richest/most fertile soil

Temperate Grassland Temperate Grassland Flora: grasses, flowers, and

trees, only near water

Fauna: spiders, insects, rabbits, coyotes, mice, prairie dogs

Tropical DesertsTropical Deserts

Temperature: -0.4 to 120º Fahrenheit

Precipitation: less than 20 inches annually

Zone: Tropical

Tropical DesertsTropical DesertsCharacteristics:

– Cover 1/5 of the Earth’s surface

– Have rich soil

– Hot and dry

Interesting facts:– 4 deserts in North America

– Plants have shallow roots near the soil surface, waxy coverings, & spiny leaves to conserve water.

– Sahara Desert in Africa is the world’s largest, covering over 3.5 million acres of land.

Deserts of North Deserts of North AmericaAmerica

Fauna examples: also include Fauna examples: also include spiders, insects, birdsspiders, insects, birds

Desert Kangaroo Rat

Genus: DipodomysSpecies: deserti

Sonoran Pronghorn AntelopeCommon Names: Genus: AntilocartaSpecies: americana sonoriensis

CoyoteCommon Names: CoyoteGenus: CanisSpecies: latrans

Desert TortoiseCommon Names: Gopher TortoiseGenus: GopherusSpecies: agassizii

Fauna ExamplesFauna ExamplesSonoran Desert ToadCommon Names: Sonoran ToadGenus: BufoSpecies: alvarius



Cactus Ferruginous Pygmy OwlGenus: GlaucidiumSpecies: brasilianum cactorum



Flora: Also include shrubs, small Flora: Also include shrubs, small trees, yuccas, and agaves trees, yuccas, and agaves

Joshua TreeGenus: YuccaSpecies:


Saguaro CactusGenus: CarnegieaSpecies: gigantea


Blue agave farm in MexicoBlue agave farm in Mexico


Agave plant Agave plant in bloom—in bloom—

called called century century plants in plants in the south the south since they since they

take 25 take 25 years to years to bloombloom


The flower The flower of an of an agave agave plantplant

Aloe Vera not to be confused Aloe Vera not to be confused with Agavewith Agave

Polar (cold) DesertPolar (cold) Desert

Temperature: 28-79º Fahrenheit

Precipitation: 6-10 inches annually

Zone: polar

Polar desert characteristics & Polar desert characteristics & factsfacts

Cold winters with high precipitation

Short summers

Soil is heavy and salty

Find in Antarctica, Greenland, and Asia

Fauna of the Cold DesertFauna of the Cold Desert Emperor penguins and gazelles

Flora of the cold desertFlora of the cold desert


Pin cushion mossFire moss (above and algae below)


Temperature: 50-104º Fahrenheit

Precipitation: 15-40 inches annually

Zone: Temperate

Chaparral Chaparral

Characteristics:– shrubby coastal

area with hot, dry summers and cool, mild, wet winters

Interesting Facts:– Shallow-rooted

plants– Drought and fire

are common– Plants are

adapted to fire

Chaparral Flora Examples: Also Chaparral Flora Examples: Also include scrub oak, cacti, yuccasinclude scrub oak, cacti, yuccas

Common SagebrushCommon Name: Sagebrush, Big SagebrushGenus: Artemisia

Species: tridentata

Blue OakCommon Name: Californis Blue Oak, Iron Oak, Mountain White Oak, Mountain OakGenus: QuecusSpecies: douglasii



Chaparral Fauna Examples:Chaparral Fauna Examples:Also include birds, insects, & reptilesAlso include birds, insects, & reptiles

Black-tailed JackrabbitGenus: LepusSpecies: californicus

Golden JackalGenus: CanisSpecies: aureus

Bezoar GoatCommon Names: wild goatGenus: CapraSpecies: aegagrus


Temperature: -30 to 57º Fahrenheit

Precipitation: 6-10 inches annually

Zone: polar


Characteristics:– Coldest of all biomes– Low diversity– Experiences large

changes in population numbers due to migration

Interesting facts:– Much permafrost

found in this layer– Animals migrate,

hibernate, or insulate to survive the cold of this biome.

TundraTundra Flora: lichen, hedges,

shrubs Fauna: hares, birds, wolves, elk, sheep

Caribou MossCommon Name: Caribou Moss, Reindeer LichenGenus: CladoniaSpecies: rangiferina



Arctic FoxCommon Names: Polar Fox, White FoxGenus: LagopusSpecies: alopex

CaribouCommon Names: Caribou, ReindeerGenus: RangiferSpecies: tarandus


Temperature: 10-59º Fahrenheit

Precipitation: 12 inches annually

Zone: temperate


– Too cold and too much UV from sun, causing few organisms to live there

– Found at elevations of 10,000 feet– Animals migrate, hibernate, or insulate

to survive the cold of this biome.– Animals have shorter tails, legs, & ears

to reduce heat loss. – Animals have larger lungs and more red

blood cells

Mountain/AlpineMountain/Alpine Interesting facts:

– Very dry– Cover 16% of Earth’s surface area– Sandy, rocky, well drained soil– Temperature can go from warm to freezing

in a few hours to a day– Rainshadow effect– Every 3,280 feet increase in elevation = 18

degree drop in temperature

Mountain flora and faunaMountain flora and fauna

Not many plants because of little carbon dioxide.

Find small plants near the ground and dwarf trees, grasses, heaths, and shrubs.

Fauna include goats, sheep, elk, beetles, grasshoppers, and butterflies.

Mountain flora examplesMountain flora examplesBristlecone PineGenus: PinusSpecies: longaeva

Pygmy BitterrootCommon Names: Alpine Bitterroot, PurshGenus: LewisiaSpecies: pygmaea

Mountain fauna examples:Mountain fauna examples:ChinchillaGenus: ChinchillaSpecies: brevicaudasa

Snow LeopardGenus: PantheraSpecies: uncia


