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Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right....

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Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny ….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush …settled the state quickly Texas acquistion Each expansion reopened slavery debate.
Page 1: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Territorial Expansion

Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right.

Mexican Cession

California Gold Rush…settled the state quickly

Texas acquistion

Each expansion reopened slavery debate.

Page 2: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Compromises• Series of compromises pushed the

decision over slavery– Missouri Compromise of 1820…..divided

slave and free territory at the southern border of Missouri

– Compromise of 1850 … • CA was admitted as a free state• Utah and New Mexico territories decide by Popular

sovereignty…..states could decide• Fugitive Slave Act…north required to return fugitive

slaves or face action

• Kansas Nebraska Act

Page 3: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Proslavery Argument• Ban slavery =deprivation of property• slaves better off• free slaves=job competition

Antislavery Argument• slavery morally wrong• harmful to society

Page 4: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Missouri Compromise

Page 5: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 6: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 7: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

• Republican party born 1854… opposed slavery–Abraham Lincoln candidate

•Platform called for end of slavery in territories….leave where it existed

•Moderate ….seen as ideal solution

• Democrats split…ran two candidates

Page 8: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

• different ways of life…goals, beliefs, economic and political systems etc.

• views on slavery– North….morally wrong (no slavery)– South- slaves property and integral to way of

life• Fight to keep

Page 9: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.


“The Second Civil War”


Page 10: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Over What was the Civil War Fought?• secession

• states’ rights vs. Federal govt.• westward expansion=increased tension

over slavery• Sectionalism---excessive emphasis on

sectional interests– South viewed southerners first.

• Nationalism– North saw nation as most important.

• slavery

Page 11: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Differences Profound, Unchanging, and Deep

• different ways of life…goals, beliefs, economic and political systems etc.– did not change after compromise…differences


Page 12: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Why did the North Win the Civil War?

• Northern Advantages– resources/industry– military tech/supplies– population– military leaders

developed– Emancipation

Proclamation– Lincoln’s leadership– no civilian


• Southern Advantages– military leaders– psychological

advantage– did not have to defeat

only defend

Page 13: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

What made the Civil War Different than Prior Wars?

• higher casualties• new military technologies• “brother against brother”• civilian casualties/destruction• photographed extensively

Page 14: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Mathew BradyThe “Father” of Photojournalism

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Page 16: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Confederate deadFredericksburg

Page 17: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Civil War hospital

Dead at Antietam

Destruction in VA (1862)

Page 18: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 19: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.


Restore the southern states to the Union

Rebuild the ruined economy

Repair the destruction of the south

Rights of former slaves

Page 20: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

How should southern states rejoin Union?

• Confederate states….–punish or not?– How do they get their seats back in


• What rights should former slaves have?

• How should the economy be rebuilt?

• Who should lead Reconstruction?

Page 21: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

How should the economy be rebuilt?• Devastated economy• Land…most valuable (almost only) asset • Redistribution plans were suggested.

– Land would be confiscated and given to former slaves.

– “40 Acres and a Mule”– Land was returned to owners– Sharecropping system develops

Page 22: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

South Physical Toll

• Destroyed:–2/3 of shipping industry–9,000 miles of railroads–Farmland, livestock, machinery,

bridges, dams, levees, and roads• Factories, cities burned• Land values down 70%

Page 23: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Human TollGeneration(s) of healthy young men

killed260,000 dead…..;1/4 of its pop of white

men (20-40)1 out of 3 killed /wounded

Orphans, widows4 million freed slaves

homeless, joblessDestitute whites and blacks Plantations

3 billion $$$in lost slave laborNo $$ to hire workers Sharecropping system develops

debt slaverychanges south geographically

Page 24: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 25: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 26: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 27: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 28: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Rights for African Americans• What rights should they have?• Many Republicans favored citizenship

rights• Opposition present in south

Page 29: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan

• forgiving…non-punitive

• Offered a pardon….official forgiveness of a crime to any confederate who:– took an oath of allegiance– would accept slavery policy

• Denied pardons to:– govt. & military officials & those who killed

war prisoners• 10% Plan…states could participate after

10% of voters swore allegiance

Page 30: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

“”With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds …to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.”

-Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address March 1865

Page 31: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Lincoln’s Assassination• Assassinated at Ford’s Theater April 14,

1865 by John Wilkes Booth– Proslavery and blamed Lincoln for war

• The loss of Lincoln changed history’s course

Page 32: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

President Andrew Johnson• Took over after Lincoln’s


Southern Democrat

Reconstruction plan ….

largely followed Lincoln’s at firstRequired states to ratify 13th Amendment

Supported states’ rights

Largely unconcerned with A. A. rights

Conflict with Congress inevitable

Page 33: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Congressional Opposition Radical Republicans –

Republicans opposed to President Johnson’s moderate positions….controlled Congress.

Led by Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner

• 2 main goals:1. Break power of rich planters …punishment for south2. Freed slaves should receive full citizenship rights

Page 34: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Constitutional help• 13th Amendment – abolished slavery• 14th Amendment – citizenship to all men

*did not include American Indians• 15th Amendment – voting rights for black men

Page 35: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Impeachment of Johnson

• Johnson -not w/ Rad Rep.• Vetoed legislation, spoke against

amendments, called Rad. Reps. traitors• Had no real power• Congress impeached …accusation to

remove an official from office…..– failed by one vote

Page 36: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

• South resisted policies• Govt. sent federal troops in to occupy

“uncooperative” areas• scalawag –name used by southerners to

describe southern whites who cooperated with Reconstruction.

• carpetbagger –name used by southerners to describe northerners who settled in south after the war.

Page 37: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 38: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

What did freed slaves need most?• education/schools

– 90% illiterate • clothing, food, land

*Freedmen’s Bureau - relief organization: food, education etc to freed slaves

Page 39: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Southern resistance: established “Black Codes”

• state laws that limited the freedom of Black Americans.

• most little different than slavery… examples…– apprentice laws– literacy tests– poll taxes– marriage, gun ownership, discrimination etc.

Page 40: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Southern States Passed Black Codes

These state laws were unconstitutional and often did not allow many of the things we take for granted.

Page 42: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Media Control with devices like political cartoons

Carpetbagger and Black man lynched. “One less vote.”

1868 Election: “This is a white man’s election”

“Worse than slavery.”

Page 43: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Birth of the Ku Klux Klan• The KKK formed

1865 to destroy Radical Reconstruction

• used violence and hate to keep blacks “in their place.”

• The KKK also against immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and women’s rights.

Symbol of KKK pride = Parade

Displaying anti-Semitism The Imperial Wizard

Page 44: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

• 1876- 1965• Legal discrimination in south against Black

Americans• “separate but equal” law of the land

–segregation…separation is O.K.– facilities unequal

Page 45: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Plessy V. Ferguson (1896): Just the facts.

• Originated when Homer Plessy brought argument against Louisiana for being forced to sit in “colored” section of train.

• Supreme Court ruled that separate (segregated) facilities were constitutional as long as they were equal.

• Covered many areas of public life (restaurants, theaters, restroom, schools)

• Gave birth to Jim Crow Laws (name came from minstrel show)

Examples of inequality 1902: 1. Mississippi education $22.25 per white student, $2.00 per black2. Louisiana :130,000 registered black voters, only 1,300 voted

Page 46: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 47: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.
Page 48: Territorial Expansion Manifest Destiny….. expansion was across the country was a God given right. Mexican Cession California Gold Rush…settled the state.

Essential Questions

• What were the main goals of Radical Republicans?

• How did the White South resist Reconstruction?

• Why did the Whites South resist Reconstruction?

• What were the main goals of the KKK?

• Why did the Federal Government not do a better job of enforcing the 14th and 15th amendments, and other Reconstruction policies?
