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terrorism by Adam part 2
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Terrorism 10-1 Adam Friday, December 2, 2011
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10-1 Adam

Friday, December 2, 2011

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Points of View

Friday, December 2, 2011

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View from U.S. Department of State

Terrorism is defined as politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience. -----------------------the U.S. Department of State (2000) has used Title 22 of the United States Code, Section 2656f(d), to define terrorism.

Friday, December 2, 2011

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Analyze the bias

I am sure this point of view is bias, because first of all this was written from U.S. Department of State. America was one of the victims of terrorism, so their government will define terrorism as the politically motivated violence which is bias. The second reason why I am sure this is a bias because “ Terrorism is not always a politically violence.” In fact that there are many other types of terrorism, politically is only one of them. Many other types, such as the terrorism for religion. And the third reason that I am sure this is bias is that they said terrorism “against noncombatant targets.” Terrorism not always attack the noncombatant, it also attack the government armed soldiers. For example, in October 2000, Al-Qaeda succeeded to bombed the American warship USS Cole.

America warship,USS Cole

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View from س�ؤ�ا�ل �ج�ر�ئ 41 �ا�ل�ج�ه�ا�د �ب�ي�ن �ا�ل�ع�ق�ي�د�ة �و�ا�ل�و�ا�ق�ع� (Jihad Between Doctrine

and Reality) Documentary

We must fight to defend the land of Islam, even if the local Muslim inhabitants abandon it. This is the reason we fight Jews, which place the duty of Jihad as an individual duty. Anyone who is killed while doing this (Jihad) is a martyr. And for this reason, I had allowed the suicide bombings because it is a martyrdom for Allah.----------Al-Sheikh Al Qaradawi

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Analyze the bias I am sure this is also bias because first of all this is written by one of the Muslim, and the Muslims think the land of Israel is part of their land which is not objective, and it is bias. The second reason that I think this is bias, because he use the word “ Jihad” to describe, and “Jihad” doesn’t mean suicide bombings. Suicide bombings usually killed the innocent citizens and the act is usually violent. Who they hate is government, not the innocent citizens! Third, they often think they do this is for Allah, but do they really think about the feelings about the victim? They attack the innocent citizens, and is murder really a martyrdom for Allah? Or are they using the reasons of protecting their land to cover their crime?

Friday, December 2, 2011

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The view from the paper--The concept of peace and terrorism

Terrorism was from the people who was forced to the impasse. Impasse comes from Ignorant. Personal and social, if the education and knowledge is not enough, then there is a problem.------ Osman Cubu

<Translate by Adam>

Friday, December 2, 2011

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Analyze the bias

I think this view has less bias than other two. The only bias I can find is that not all the terrorist are people who forced to the impasse. For example, Bin Laden is a rich person and he hasn’t faced poverty and hunger.

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1.Ruby, Charles L. "The Definition of Terrorism." Charles L. Ruby, 2002. Web. 21 Oct. 2011. <http://www.asap-spssi.org/pdf/asap019.pdf>.Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, p. 9–p14

2."Timeline of Al-Qaeda Attacks." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc., 19 Oct. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_al-Qaeda_attacks>.

3. Documentary:

English Sub. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. AlhayatFan, 21 Feb. 2011. Web. 21 Oct. 2011. - سؤال جرئ 41 الجهاد ب, العقيدة والواقع.><http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP0o9xr-10o


CUBUK, OSMAN. The Concept of Peace and Terrorism in Islam. Rep. no. 096AU000183003-001. Taipei: OSMAN CUBUK, 2008. Print.Title of Thesis:The Concept of Peace and Terrorism in Islam Key words:Islam, Terrorism, peace, tolerance, extremism, jihad Name of Institute: Aletheia University Graduated Religious Department Graduate Date:130 Degree Conferred:Master Degree Name of Student:Osman Cubuk Advisor:Lin Chan-Kuan,Ph.D.

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Explaining Global Terror

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History of terrorism

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History of Terrorism

1. The word “Terrorism” come from

Terrorist act already had a long history, for example like Caesar’s assassination. The word “ Terrorism” started around the year 1975. The word was from the French Revolution, and the Jacobins started the “Society of Friends of the Constitution” in the year 1789. The organization supported Robespierre and became the tool of terror. At that time, Robespierre used the guillotine to threaten the people who are counter revolution and he created the “ Religion of Terror.”

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History of Terrorism

2.The history of modern Terrorism

1. The Holocaust of the Jews

The start of the modern terrorism was from World War 2. Hitler and his followers start the holocaust of the European Jewry. In March 1939, Heydrich, the SS officer who was director of the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA), opened a special “Jewish” office under the RSHA’s Security-Police Bureau.On July 31, 1941 the Final Solution of dealing the Jews was formed. The final solution: The Jews now should be brought under appropriate direction...to the East for labor utilization. 5.9 million Jews citizens were killed during the second world war. Before the war 57 percent of Jews live in Europe, but after the war there were only 32 percent that lives in Europe. And this resulted the formed of Israel.

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History of Terrorism

2.The formed of Israel:

The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine adopted on 29 November 1947. This plan break the Palestine into two states, Jewish and Arab. The Jewish state,Israel was found. From that day on, the Middle East started the conflict between culture and land. America and its allies support Israel and ignore the fact of “Israel is on the land of Palestine.”

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History of Terrorism

3.The Growth of PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)

The Palestine Liberation Organization was found in 1964 and their aim is to create an independent country of Palestine and to get rid of Israel. The PLO was responsible for many terrorist attack in Israel. After the Madrid Conference in 1991, PLO was no longer a terrorist group. In 1993, PLO agreed with the UN Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338 and agreed to the right of Israel to exist. After that Israel officially agreed that PLO as a representative of Palestinian people.

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War on Terrorism

4.War on terror:

War on terror was lead by the America and England, it was because the 911 attack. US and its allies invade Iraq and Afghanistan. The purpose of war on terror is to defeat the terrorist group like Al Qaeda and end the state sponsorship of terrorism. In 2001 October, US and its allies’ troops enter the Afghanistan to fight against the Taliban government of Afghanistan. Taliban government was believed to have link to the terrorist group Al Qaeda. America also invade the Iraq in March, 20, 2003, and it is also known as the Second Gulf War. The reason why America invade Iraq is that America believed the Iraq had a weapon of mass destruction (WMD), but no evidence was ever found. Another reason why America invade Iraq is that Iraqi Present Saddam had support the Al Qaeda terrorist group, but there is no evidence at all. America also said that Iraq had support the Palestine suicide bombers, and they also said they want to spread the democracy to the country. The UNHCR reported that 16% of the Iraq population, about 4.7 million were refugees, and 35% of the Iraqi children, about 5 million children were orphans. The invasion of Iraq had killed the president of Iraq,Saddam Hussein, for crime against the humanity.

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History of Terrorism

Holocaust of Jews during the World War 2

United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine (The Birth of Israel)

The exist of PLO (Anger created in Arab world)

The Gulf War (America and its allies’ troop enter Mecca and Medina)

Bin Laden started to attack America (911 attack)

America’s war on terrorFriday, December 2, 2011

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The root of Terrorism

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The root of Terrorism


Individual Organization


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The root of Terrorism

The Chart Above showed that Terrorism was caused by multi reasons. The most important factors of terrorism are: Environment, Individual, Organization.

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Psychological Explanation of Terrorism

Psychological theories

Psychoanalytic Theories Non-psychoanalytic Theories

Group Theories

Identity Theory

Narcissism Theory

Paranoia Theory

Novelty-seeking Theory

Cognitive Theory Humiliation-

revenge Theory

Theories of Group Process

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Psychological Explanation Theory Main Motives for Terrorist’s Use of Violence

Identity Theory

Young and lacking in self-esteem, the terrorist harbors a need to strengthen his or her identity.

Narcissism Theory

Lack of empathy (e.g., from parents) creates narcissistic injury and a desire to harm the source of that injury.

Paranoia Theory

Acute distrust and suspicion of others, who are perceived as evil and harmful. The terrorist’s struggle is in reality one against his own “bad self.”

Cognitive Theory

Diminished mental functions such as memory, attention, concentration, language, ability to learn and follow rules and/or make sensible decisions increase the likelihood

that an individual will engage in violence.

Novelty-Seeking Theory

Innate aspects of temperament, such as aggression, the need for thrill and excitement, and risk-taking.

Humiliation-Revenge Theory

Humiliation by an oppressive state or community creates internal pressure to take the revenge against the source of the humiliation.

Theory of Group Process

Group forces, such as ideological indoctrination, repetitive training, peer pressure, and the lifting of constraints influence the decision to perpetrate acts of terrorism.

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Psychological Explanation

These theories explained why individual wants to join terrorism and why do they engage in violence. Studying in psychologic can explain the “ Individual” factors that led to the terrorism.

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Organizational Explanation of Terrorism

Terrorist are usually a group activity. There are some benefits that group organization have:

1. As a group, terrorist can attack multiply targets at the same moment.

2. Terrorist group usually have a money support and with an organization, terrorists are more easy to get the weapons.

3. Within a group, terrorists will have plans which are very detailed.

4. The social media will pay more attention to the terrorist group rather than the individual.

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Organizational Explanation of Terrorism

5. Members training and it is more easy to find new members with a group.

Nowadays, terrorists attack are usually as a group. With the same purpose terrorists formed in groups. Groups will train and convinced many individuals to join them and this is how Organization will effect on the individuals.

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Environment Explanation of Terrorism

Environment is the most important factor of terrorism, and environment can effect on both individuals and group, and there are the followings environment will cause terrorism.

1.History factory:

The unfair issues between countries and societies will caused many people join terrorism. For example, the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine caused the anger of Muslims and anger resulted in terrorism. Many Muslims used violence suicide attacks to protect their land and get rid of Israel. “ Protect the land of Muslim” becomes the main reason of their attack.

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Environment Explanation of Terrorism

2.The social problems:

Poverty, low education, hunger, and other social problems will increase the number of terrorism. Terrorism comes from the darkness and the increase of the social problems can easily spread terrorism.

3. Religion and Culture:

The low understanding of Culture and religion will also caused terrorism. Some terrorist group had been deeply effect by the religion and used religion as a reason to attack others. For example, in Muslims’ religion, every Muslims had a right to protect their land and Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups used this to make others believed that they are fighting for their God, and many people in America and Western countries now thinks terrorism equals to Islam, and started to hate and limit Muslim believers and people from Middle East’s freedom. For example, France banned the female Muslims to cover the face.

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Environment Explanation of Terrorism

4. The political factor:

Politic is also a factor of terrorism, for example, the countries which choose sides with America are the enemies for many terrorist groups, and the invasion of Iraq by America resulted in many people in Iraq started to hate America.

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Modern Terrorism

1. Modern terrorism becomes a special type of war.

2. Terrorism will do “everything” just to meet their aim.

3. Modern terrorism used advanced skills and weapons to create terrorist attack

4. The plan of terrorism started to change due to the anti-terrorist group

5. Terrorist attack’s target changed from random to special target

6. Terrorism started to become global.

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Reflect on War on Terror

In my opinion, War on Terror will not end terrorism, and it will increase more social problems. For example,after the war on terror 16% of the Iraq population, about 4.7 million were refugees, and 35% of the Iraqi children, about 5 million children were orphans. Poverty and hungry will increase the number of terrorism, and children without parents are easily control or brainwash by the terrorists and this is the Narcissism Theory. Each children needs love to develop normally. These social problems are created after the War on Terror. Not even that, many people in Iraq started to hate America because of the invasion. War on terror is a revenge of America due to the 911 terrorist attack, but their revenge caused many refugees and orphans. More and more social problems will increase the number of terrorists. Terrorists in Middle East will fight against Western power to protect their land and also their belief, because of the invasion. Wars never caused by a single incident, when we look through history we will find out each events are connected to each other, and each events will have many reasons.

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Reflect on War on Terror

When we look through the history, terrorism was already exist for a long period of time. The modern history terrorist attack had been used for individual or groups fighting against nation or protest on some issues. They choose violence attack to grab the world’s attention. Environment, Individual, and Organization are the three cause of terrorism. The environment such as the unfair resolution “United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine”, the invasion of Iraq, Afghan will cause terrorism. Poverty and other social problems will also increase the members of terrorist. Organization is another reason of terrorism. With groups, training its member to involve the suicide mission and also planned the attack. Terrorist groups are like teams of professional murders. The third reason that cause the attack is the individual reasons. At last, the only way to end the terrorism is to solve the unfair and other social problems. War on terror will never end terrorism and it may let more people join the terrorism because more problems are created after the war. Global Terrorism is not caused by a single incident, but it is the development of many history events.

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1.Ehrenfeld, Rachel. "Palestine Liberation Organization." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc., 9 Oct. 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_Liberation_Organization>.

2."United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc., 22 Oct. 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine>.

3."Gulf War." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc., 20 Oct. 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Gulf_War>.

4."Execution of Saddam Hussein." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc., 21 Oct. 2011. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_of_Saddam_Hussein>.

5.2008, March. "Iraq War." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc., 22 Oct. 2011. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq_War>.

6."War on Terror." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc., 20 Oct. 2011. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_Terrorism>.

7."CNN.com Specials." CNN.com International - Breaking, World, Business, Sports, Entertainment and Video News. CNN© 2011 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc., 2005. Web. 23 Oct. 2011. <http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2001/trade.center/>.

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Books Used:

1.Moghadam, Assaf. The Roots of Terrorism. New York: Chelsea House, 2006. Print.

2.Sachar, Howard M. A History of the Jews in the Modern World. New York: Knopf, 2005. Print.

3.Robertson, Ann E. Terrorism and Global Security. New York: Facts On File, 2007. Print.

4.Greenberger, Robert. Suicide Bombers. New York: Rosen Pub., 2007. Print.

5.Landau, Elaine. Suicide Bombers: [foot Soldiers of the Terrorist Movement]. Minneapolis, MN: Twenty-First Century, 2007. Print.

6.Casil, Amy Sterling. Coping with Terrorism. New York: Rosen, 2004. Print.

Paper Used:

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1.陳, 鶴洲. The Modern Terrorism and the Rebuilt of the Communication of Rationality. Rep. no. Etd-0608108-191159. Taipei: 陳鶴洲, 2008. Print.

2.鄧, 瑋仁. The Influence of Terrorism on Peace Process between Israel and Palestine. Rep. no. Fb111009221141. Taipei: 鄧瑋仁, 2010. Print.

3. CUBUK, OSMAN. The Concept of Peace and Terrorism in Islam. Rep. no. 096AU000183003-001. Taipei: OSMAN CUBUK, 2008. Print.Title of Thesis:The Concept of Peace and Terrorism in Islam Key words:Islam, Terrorism, peace, tolerance, extremism, jihad Name of Institute: Aletheia University Graduated Religious Department Graduate Date:130 Degree Conferred:Master Degree Name of Student:Osman Cubuk Advisor:Lin Chan-Kuan,Ph.D.

4.林, 文成. 論全球化的國家安全 以恐怖主義為例. Rep. no. 201001. Taipei: 林文成, 2009. Print.

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