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7/21/2019 TES 7-Ecotourism Final Report [Edited].docx http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/tes-7-ecotourism-final-report-editeddocx 1/76 COMMUNITY TOURISM A Model for a Regional Network in the Bajo Lempa Monterey Institute of International Studies  Team El Salvador 7 Arianne Renée Dilt Am! "eler Annie Ro#e $
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COMMUNITY TOURISMA Model for a Regional Network in the Bajo


Monterey Institute of International Studies Team El Salvador 7

Arianne Renée DiltAm! "elerAnnie Ro#e


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 January 2013

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%earing the e&perien'e and viion of the people from the Bajo Lempa ha(een an enri'hing and motivating e&perien'e) (oth peronall! andprofeionall!* +e thank them for haring their torie and idea with #)

epe'iall! thoe individ#al we were privileged to have met d#ring the'omm#nit! meeting* +e f#rther thank them for their hopitalit! in howing# their 'omm#nitie and (ea#tif#l #rro#nding*

+e e&tend a pe'ial thank to ,né Davila) -iovanni Dia.) L#i Ramo andNohé Re!e for haring their knowledge and g#iding o#r t#d!* +itho#t theirdire'tion) e&pertie and organi.ational #pport) o#r e/ort wo#ld not have(een a fr#itf#l* +e additionall! wo#ld like to thank David Marro0#1n) 2oéDolore Roja and Ri'ardo %ern3nde. a well a La 4oordinadora ta/)epe'iall! -erman Re!e and Ana Re!e) for their logiti'al #pport andhopitalit!*

Additionall!) we wo#ld like to a'knowledge the inval#a(le #pport of o#rinterpreter Brittan! 5vila* %er role wa eential in fa'ilitating in6'o#ntr!'omm#ni'ation*

+e wo#ld f#rther like to thank o#r hot familie for wel'oming # into theirhome and providing # a deli'io# tate of El Salvadorian food* Thro#ghthem we were privileged to gain a (etter #ndertanding of El Salvadorian'#lt#re and life*

Latl!) we wo#ld like to e&pre o#r appre'iation for the g#idan'e ande&pertie of o#r TES 7 'oordinator) Adele Negro* +itho#t her #pport) o#rwork wo#ld not have (een poi(le*

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Ta$le of Contents

I% Introduction%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1

II% Met&odolo"y%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'

III% Results and Reco##endations%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(

I)% Conclusions%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%22

A**endi+ I, Met&odolo"y%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2'

A**endi+ II% Al$u#s of Co##unity Touris#%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2-

A**endi+ III% Co##unity .ro/les%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-

A**endi+ I), lossary%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%'

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I% Introduction

1%1 Conte+t

A a joint e/ort (etween the Millenni#m 4hallenge 4orporation and the *S*-overnment) the 8artnerhip for -rowth with the government of El Salvadorma! lead to an in9ow of invetment to the Bajo Lempa region in the 'oming!ear: th#) it i important to prepare 'omm#nitie to (et take advantage of thee f#nd* A likel! poi(ilit! for the appli'ation of thi invetment itoward the development of to#rim thro#gho#t the region*

Sit#ated at the wetern end of the Ba! of 2i0#ili'o along the 8a'i;' 'oat ofEl Salvador) the Bajo Lempa i an e'ologi'all! ri'h 'enter for (iodiverit!home to ome of the larget mangrove in 4entral Ameri'a* The (a! and it#rro#nding area provide ha(itat for a divere arra! of wildlife and o/er ana(#ndan'e of reo#r'e of interet for an e'oto#rim network) in'l#dingmangrove) ;h) 'ra( and moll#k) (ird) and ea t#rtle*

 The development of an e'oto#rim network wo#ld o/er the region a n#m(erof o'ioe'onomi' (ene;t) in'l#ding improvement to the 0#alit! of lo'alinfratr#'t#re) the 'reation of jo( and opport#nitie that 'o#ld involve lo'al!o#th) and the generation of an additional o#r'e of in'ome* ,f tr#'t#red'orre'tl!) #'h a to#rim network wo#ld en'o#rage development witho#tpla'ing pre#re on the region< deli'ate e'o!tem* ,ntead) it wo#lden'o#rage 'omm#nitie to 'onerve and prote't their nat#ral reo#r'e)while providing them with an in'entive and the #pport needed to do o*

+ith the region< high potential for e'oto#rim) the 8artnerhip for -rowthpreent (oth an opport#nit! and a threat to the 'omm#nitie of the BajoLempa* =n one hand) the in'oming f#nding 'o#ld provide the reo#r'e todevelop the ne'ear! infratr#'t#re to (#ild a #''ef#l to#rim network*%owever) on the other hand) man! 'omm#nit! leader fear that if theinvetment 'ome in too fat or witho#t proper pre6eta(lihed planning) it'o#ld lead to the 'ontr#'tion of large 'ommer'ial reort* S#'h large6'aledevelopment wo#ld (e likel! to iolate generated in'ome and emplo!mentopport#nitie) preventing 'omm#nitie from reali.ing the potentialo'ioe'onomi' (ene;t that the! 'o#ld otherwie re'eive from thedevelopment of to#rim in the region*

 To in'reae the likelihood of greater in'l#ion of 'omm#nit! mem(er into#rim development) it i eential for the 'omm#nitie of the Bajo Lempato arti'#late their viion of regional to#rim* Additionall!) for thedevelopment of to#rim in the region to (e #taina(le) 'omm#nitie ho#ld'ontr#'t an integrated network of 'omm#nit! to#rim* B! in'l#ding all


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'omm#nitie in the Bajo Lempa and di/#ing the impa't of to#rimthro#gho#t the region) the to#rim network 'o#ld (etter prevent thee&ploitation of an! one 'omm#nit!< reo#r'e while helping to preerve thenat#ral reo#r'e of the region a a whole* >#rthermore) an in'l#ive to#rimnetwork 'o#ld alo help to en#re that ea'h 'omm#nit! i in'orporated in

the development plan o that the! 'an hare in the (ene;t from theinvetment*+ithin thi 'onte&t) we a the Team El Salvador 7 ?TES 7@ E'oto#rim -ro#pfo'#ed o#r t#d! on two main o(je'tive

$* To help 'omm#nitie de;ne and arti'#late) (oth thro#gh word andgraphi') the regional viion of 'omm#nit! to#rim

* To develop a model for a regional network of to#rim (! eta(lihinghort) medi#m and long6term re'ommendation for the 'omm#nitie

 Thi report e&plain how we applied and a''omplihed thee o(je'tive foreven ke! 'omm#nitie in the +etern Se'tor of the Bajo Lempa LaMeita) Lo 43li&) La 4ha'atera) La 4ano1ta) Lo Lote) La Ba(ilonia) and,la Monte'rito* The remaining e'tion of 8art , provide a #mmar! of theleon we learned (aed on previo# reear'h) a well a the eval#ation of a#''ef#l model for e&iting to#rim development in one 'omm#nit! in theregion* 8art ,, e&plain the methodolog! we #ed to a'hieve o#r o(je'tive*8art ,,, preent the re#lt of o#r ;nding and ela(orate #pon hort)medi#m) and long6term re'ommendation for ea'h 'omm#nit!* >inall!) 8art,C provide a #mmar! of the ke! 'on'l#ion of thi report*

1%2 .reious Researc&

,n 2an#ar! $$) the Team El Salvador ?TES @ Environmental Team (eganthe invetigation to fa'ilitate the pro'e of deigning a 'omm#nit!e'oto#rim network for the Bajo Lempa) pe'i;'all! for the 'omm#nitie ofFone $* Their team 'ond#'ted a erie of 'omm#nit!6mapping workhop tohelp ea'h 'omm#nit! re9e't on the feai(ilit! of their goal for ane'oto#rim network) and o/ered pe'i;' re'ommendation for ea'h'omm#nit! and for the .one a a whole* Altogether) the! viited ;ve

'omm#nitie in Fone $ ,la de Mende.) El Ag#a'ate) 4ei(a Do(lado) San 2#an del -o.o) and Lo Llano* Their re'ommendation provided the tartingpoint for Team El Salvador ?TES 7@ to eval#ate development progre andidentif! what had (een the periting 'hallenge of regional to#rim in thelat two !ear*

A the TES report indi'ate) a great diparit! in the tage of developmentof the ;ve e&amined 'omm#nitie till e&it* =f the e&amined 'omm#nitie)


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,la de Mende. Galread! the mot developed of the ;veG had made the motprogre in a'hieving the re'ommended hort6term goal) in'l#ding mainl!improvement to general infratr#'t#re* >or the mot part) the ledeveloped 'omm#nitie had remained organi.ed and hopef#l toward f#t#redevelopment goal for to#rim: however) the! had fo#nd it more 'hallenging

to implement the re'ommendation #ggeted (! TES * =verall) a igni;'antgap remain in eta(lihing the fo#ndation for an inter'omm#nit!6(aedapproa'h to to#rim that 'o#ld link 'omm#nitie together to hare reo#r'eand ma&imi.e the (ene;t of to#rim* o+ 1 #mmari.e the main leonthe TES 7 team learned in the eval#ation of the previo# proje't*

o+ 1% 4essons 4earned fro# Tea# 5l Salador

Isla de Mende6, Ac&iee#ents and .ersistin" C&allen"es

• T&e co##unity &as successfully #ade s&ort7ter#i#*roe#ents to local infrastructure%  The attainment of thee

(ai' improvement ha (een the ;rt tep toward regional to#rimdevelopment) and the 'omm#nit! i now prepared to work towardmore ela(orate medi#m and long6term goal*

• T&e co##unity s&ould "ain a $etter understandin" of its*otential to *roide a linin" role in a co##unity net!or%  Aa leader in the region) ,la de Mende. ho#ld a#me a leaderhip rolein haring reo#r'e with other 'omm#nitie and g#iding thedevelopment of the region* >or e&ample) #ing their e&iting fa'ilitie)the! 'o#ld e&pand the '#rrent wate management program to in'l#deneigh(oring 'omm#nitie* Thi will help to maintain a 'leaner

environment on a wider 'ale that) a a whole) will attra't moreto#rit to the region*

• T&e deelo*#ent of touris# s&ould $e a co##unity7ledinitiatie%  The 'omm#nit! ho#ld trive for a more a'tive role inena'ting re'ommendation and 'ontin#ing to make improvement onit own witho#t e&ternal overight*

T&e co##unity s&ould create and *ost a #a* t&at includes allsites of interest in t&e re"ion% 4omm#nitie like ,la de Mende.that are alread! a(le to attra't to#rit ho#ld in'reae the 9ow ofinformation in order to g#ide viitor to parti'ipate in to#riti' a'tivitie

in other 'omm#nitie in the region* En'o#raging to#rit to viit othernear(! 'omm#nitie ma! alo en'o#rage them to ta! longer in theregion* A ,la de Mende. i '#rrentl! the onl! 'omm#nit! in Fone $with the appropriate infratr#'t#re to provide overnight lodging) thiwo#ld mean that the longer to#rit pend in the region) the morenight the! wo#ld ta! in ,la de Mende.* The end re#lt wo#ld (e ahared (ene;t and reven#e generation for all 'omm#nitie*


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  T&e co##unity could $e #ore creatie !it& &u#an resources%,n addition to developing ph!i'al infratr#'t#re) 'omm#nit! mem(er'o#ld develop greater awarene of potential opport#nitie for'omm#nit! involvement in the to#rim ind#tr!*

• T&ere is a *ersistin" need for increased co##unication !it&nei"&$orin" co##unities%  4onitent 'omm#ni'ation (etween'omm#nitie in the region i eential to en#re the 'ontin#it! ofproje't and to pro'eed forward with a (etter and more #ni;ed viion*

• Isla de Mende6 s&ould colla$orate not only !it& t&eco##unities in 8one 19 $ut also !it& t&e co##unities in t&e"reater a:o 4e#*a9 *articularly t&ose of t&e ;estern Sector% The more e&tenive the regional network) the eaier it will (e to attra'tto#rit and maintain a higher level of to#rim in the region*

4os 4lanos and 5l A"uacate, Ac&iee#ents and .ersistin"C&allen"es

• T&ese co##unities are !ell or"ani6ed and &ae actiely*artici*atin" #e#$ers% 8arti'ipation i a vital 'omponent of the'omm#nit!6(aed approa'h and will (e a ke! reo#r'e in eta(lihing ato#rim network*

• T&ese co##unities &ae $een ery creatie in t&e use of t&eirli#ited resources%  The! have demontrated 'reativit! in re'!'lingand rep#rpoing ph!i'al material to 'ompenate for the reo#r'e

the! la'k* The! ho#ld 'ontin#e to implement thi reo#r'ef#lne inproje't geared toward to#rim*

• Any *ro:ect t&at can attract touris# s&ould also &el* to #eett&e $asic needs of t&e co##unity%  Thee 'omm#nitie 'onider ita priorit! to ;rt en#re the well6(eing of their own 'omm#nit!mem(er* The development of (ai' infratr#'t#re) #'h a the'onitent proviion of pota(le water and ele'tri'it!) are alone'ear! to #pport hoting viitor in the 'omm#nit!* 8roje't inthee 'omm#nitie might fo'# on improvement to en#re the (ai'need of the lo'al people) and mot likel! thi wo#ld help to provide

the ne'ear! infratr#'t#re to develop to#rim at the ame time*• Co##unities s&ould !or to"et&er !it& Isla de Mende6 and

t&e ot&er co##unities in t&e re"ion%  Thee 'omm#nitiee&preed a degree of diappointment with the m#ni'ipalit!<tenden'! to prioriti.e more developed 'omm#nitie* %owever) inteadof (ran'hing o/ independentl! and f#rther iolating themelve forma''e to reo#r'e) the! ho#ld aim to foter a 'olla(orative network*


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  Co##unities #ust "uarantee t&e *rotection of naturalresources% A a''e to ;nan'ial reo#r'e i o limited) f#rtherdevelopment m#t not jeopardi.e the availa(ilit! or 0#alit! of thee&iting nat#ral reo#r'e that thee 'omm#nitie do have*

S&ortco#in"s of .reious Researc&,• >irt and foremot) it i eential to en#re the ditri(#tion of

information and ;nal proje't ;nding to all takeholder* ,t i #n'learfrom the eval#ation of the pat proje't e&a'tl! who re'eived a ;nal'op! of the report or to what e&tent re'ommendation were e&plainedand #ndertood* >#t#re proje't m#t en#re that all parti'ipating'omm#nitie re'eive the ;nal re'ommendation and) moreimportantl!) that the! #ndertand what f#t#re tep to take*

• ,t i alo imperative to provide 'onitent follow6#p with 'omm#nitie

to g#arantee that an! o(ta'le that arie are promptl! addreed othat development for 'omm#nit! to#rim 'ontin#e to progre*

1%3 Ciudad Ro#ero, An 5+istin" Model for Touris# in t&e Re"ion

,n addition to eval#ating the progre of the 'omm#nitie that parti'ipated inprevio# reear'h) we alo o(erved the e&iting model for 4i#dad RomeroG

a lo'al 'omm#nit! that '#rrentl! provide a well6eta(lihed e&ample of how'omm#nit! to#rim 'an (e organi.ed* 4i#dad Romero em(ra'e it#ni0#ene and val#e a a hitori'al ite) and ha 'reated a to#rim model(aed on it ri'h hitor!* The tor! of 4i#dad Romero a told (! vario#'omm#nit! leader provide important leon that ho#ld alo (e'onidered in f#t#re planning for the region* o+ 2 highlight ome of theke! feat#re of their model for to#rim that have allowed for #''e*

o+ 2% Ciudad Ro#ero, An 5+istin" Model for Co##unity Touris#

Current Touris#,• <a#ily &o#estays, provide an intimate opport#nit! for '#lt#ralimmerion*

• 4a Coordinadora Center, provide a 'omm#nit! pa'e for a'tivitieand lodging*

• =istorical site repreent the oldet 'omm#nit! in the region*  <ar# tours, o/er the opport#nit! to e&plore their #ni0#e agri'#lt#ral


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te'hni0#e*• .artners&i*s, work in 'loe 'olla(oration with the MangroveAo'iation*

• Actie "rou*s, demontrate 'onitent parti'ipation from all#(gro#p within the


=o! T&ey >e/ne T&eir Role,

4i#dad Romero eem to re'ogni.e it 'entral role within the regional'omm#nit! network* The! provide a 'entral h#( that ;rt (ring varieddelegation into the region and en'o#rage them to e&plore neigh(oring'omm#nitie*

 Together) the leon learned from TES and 4i#dad Romero a the '#rrente&ample of to#rim in the region provided a (aeline to e&plore theopport#nitie for a more e&tenive regional to#rim network* Theee&ample demontrated what have (een 'ertain limitation to developmentin the pat) and indi'ated what might (e leading fa'tor for #''e in thef#t#re* B#ilding on thi eta(lihed (aeline) we helped e&pand the viion ofa regional to#rim network to the +etern Se'tor of the Bajo Lempa*


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II% Met&odolo"y

,n order to a'hieve o#r main proje't o(je'tive) o#r team of fo#r t#dentfrom the Montere! ,ntit#te of ,nternational St#die ?M,,S@ 'ond#'tedreear'h in the +etern Region of the Ba! of 2i0#ili'o) El Salvador) from

 2an#ar! 7) $H to 2an#ar! $H) $H* =#r reear'h wa g#ided andfa'ilitated (! the Mangrove Ao'iation and it governing lo'al 'omm#nit!6(aed organi.ation La 4oordinadora of the Bajo Lempa* 8rior to o#r arrival inEl Salvador) we 'orreponded with thee lo'al organi.ation to fo'# andtr#'t#re o#r reear'h*

2%1 Selection of Co##unities

=n'e we were on ite) the initial tage of o#r reear'h wa to gain an#ndertanding of ea'h 'omm#nit!< viion and '#rrent 'apa'it! for to#rim*D#e to time 'ontraint) we were #na(le to viit 'omm#nitie from all threee'tor of the Bajo Lempa* Th#) we re0#eted to hold 'omm#nit! meetingwith everal ke! 'omm#nitie thro#gho#t the region* +e enviioned thatother imilar 'omm#nitie in the area 'o#ld then repli'ate the modeldeveloped from thee repreentative 'omm#nitie* >o'#ing on the +eternSe'tor) the Mangrove Ao'iation helped # ele't i& of the eight regional'omm#nitie to viit La Meita) Lo 43li&) La 4ha'atera) La Ba(ilonia) LoLote) and ,la Monte'rito* D#ring o#r reear'h) we alo met withrepreentative from La 4ano1ta) 4i#dad Romero and ,la de Mende.*

After ele'ting the 'omm#nitie with the aid of o#r Mangrove Ao'iationliaion) we then made a lit of the repreentative e'tor and organi.ationfor ea'h 'omm#nit!* =#r liaion 'onta'ted the point peron?@ of ea'he'tor and 'omm#nit! organi.ation and arranged for # to hold a meetingwith ea'h 'omm#nit!* D#e to the pro&imit! and mall i.e of Lo 43li& andLa 4ha'atera) a well a La Ba(ilonia and Lo Lote) we arranged to holdtwo joint meeting for thee neigh(oring 'omm#nitie* Th# in total we heldfo#r on6ite 'omm#nit! meeting $@ ,la Monte'rito) @ Lo 43li& and La4ha'atera ?with additional repreentative from La 4ano1ta@) H@ La Meita)and I@ La Ba(ilonia and Lo Lote*

2%2 Meetin" .rotocol

>or ea'h 'omm#nit! meeting) we (egan (! (rie9! introd#'ing o#relve ande&plaining o#r relationhip with the Mangrove Ao'iation) a well a thep#rpoe and methodolog! of o#r t#d!* The 'omm#nit! mem(er preentlikewie gave (rief introd#'tion* The ;rt part of ea'h 'omm#nit! meetingwa a three6tep a'tivit!* At ea'h tep) we poed a 0#etion to the


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'omm#nit! mem(er) for whi'h the! then reponded individ#all! on one tothree pie'e of paper* >or thoe that needed help writing) we worked withthe individ#al to 'apt#re their idea on paper* Ne&t) ea'h mem(er 'ame tothe front of the room and e&plained hi or her repone* %e or he thenpoted hi or her repone on eael paper for ever!one to ee) attempting

to gro#p the repone (! reo''#rring theme or idea ?Appendi& $*Methodolog!@* +hen ne'ear!) we helped g#ide the gro#ping of repone(! #ggeting theme that had alread! (een formed* After all the'omm#nit! mem(er had e&plained and gro#ped their repone) we akedif an!one wo#ld like to make an! 'hange to the 'ategori.ed theme andJorif an!one tho#ght an!thing wa miing* The three 0#etion we poed werethe following

$* %ow do !o# identif! !o#relve a a 'omm#nit!K +hat di/erentiate!o#r 'omm#nit! from other 'omm#nitieK

* +hat wo#ld !o# like to ee improved or developed with repe't toto#rimK

H* +hat i !o#r viion of to#rim for the f#t#reK

2%3 rainstor#in" a )ision

After 'ompleting the a(ove a'tivit!) we aked for the 'omm#nit! mem(er to(raintorm a hared viion of 'omm#nit! to#rim) keeping in mind therepone and 'ommon theme eli'ited from the ;rt a'tivit!* D#ring the

(raintorm) we allowed for 'omm#nit! mem(er to e&pre their tho#ghtand 'on'ern more freel!) (#ilding o/ the previo#l! arti'#lated idea* +e'on'#rrentl! do'#mented their idea on eael paper for ever!one to ee)'larif!ing ke! theme when ne'ear! and reiterating the 'entral idea athe! were repeated*

2%? .&oto >ocu#entation

>or the ;nal part of ea'h 'omm#nit! meeting) we provided the 'omm#nit!mem(er preent with fo#r 'amera to hare among them two dipoa(le

and two digital* +e intr#'ted the 'omm#nit! mem(er to take photo thenand there of the ite or a'tivitie in their 'omm#nit! that the! 'onideredeither #ni0#e or deira(le to develop for to#rim in the f#t#re* +e e&plainedthat the photo 'o#ld highlight 'ertain ape't of their 'omm#nit! that makethem pro#d andJor repreent potential for f#t#re 'omm#nit! to#rimdevelopment* The 'omm#nit! mem(er left for appro&imatel! one to twoho#r) after whi'h the! ret#rned to de'ri(e what photo the! had taken andwh!* Additionall!) we aked them how the! enviioned the #(je't of their


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photo within a framework of 'omm#nit! to#rim and how the! wo#ld like toee it (e developed in the f#t#re ?Appendi& ,* Methodolog!@*

2% Site )isits

After ea'h 'omm#nit! meeting) we took a to#r of the 'omm#nit! to viit theite that the 'omm#nit! mem(er had mentioned d#ring the meeting) awell a an! additional ite of interet for to#rim* +e re'orded the lo'ationof ea'h pla'e we viited and took #pplementar! photo of ea'h ite) holdinginformal interview with an! 'omm#nit! mem(er that we en'o#ntered*

2%' Concludin" .&ase 

>rom the repone and information that we gathered d#ring the 'omm#nit!meeting) we then form#lated the hared viion of 'omm#nit! to#rim

'ontained in thi report* +e apired to portra! the idea and intention ofthe 'omm#nit! mem(er a a''#ratel! a poi(le thro#gh the haredviion* A #'h) we in'l#ded (oth the dire't word of the 'omm#nit!mem(er) along with o#r arti'#lation of their idea) to 'ompoe a'omprehenive hared viion for the whole region* The ;nal regional viionre9e't the theme that were 'ommon to and emphai.ed (! ea'h'omm#nit!*

 To provide a vi#al repreentation of their idea and apiration for'omm#nit! to#rim) o#r proje't team then 'ontr#'ted an Al(#m of4omm#nit! To#rim for ea'h 'omm#nit! ?Appendi& ,,* Al(#m of 4omm#nit!

 To#rim@* +e #ed (oth the photo taken (! the 'omm#nit! mem(er andthe #pplementar! photo that we took d#ring o#r to#r of the 'omm#nitie* The Al(#m of 4omm#nit! To#rim highlight the a'tivitie and ite thatea'h 'omm#nit! 'o#ld '#rrentl! o/er to#rit) a well a idea to develop'omm#nit! to#rim in the f#t#re*

,n thee al(#m) we alo in'l#ded 'omm#nit! pro;le that preent 'ompileddata on the o'ial and e'onomi' tat# of ea'h 'omm#nit! ?Appendi& ,,,*4omm#nit! 8ro;le@* +e 'olle'ted thi data mainl! from the DiagnósticoSocioeconómico de 8 comunidades del sector occidental de la Bahía de Jiquilisco) a pe'ial o'ioe'onomi' report prepared (! the ,ntit#to de

4ien'ia del Mar ! Limnolog1a de El Salvador ?,4MARES@ in *Additionall!) we #pplemented thee ;g#re with o#r own ;eld o(ervation*

=n the (ai of the hared 'omm#nit! viion) we developed a model forregional to#rim) deignating pe'i;' re'ommendation for ea'h 'omm#nit!*+e 'reated ta(le to organi.e thee re'ommendation into hort) medi#mand long6term o(je'tive* +e alo e&preed thi model vi#all! (!deigning 'omm#nit! to#rim map that highlight ea'h 'omm#nit!<


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repe'tive to#riti' pe'iali.ation) in addition to the potential for anintegrated regional to#rim network*


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III% Results and Reco##endations

3% 1 S&ared Co##unity )isions

 To de;ne the regional viion for 'omm#nit! to#rim) we 'ompoed thefollowing hared viion

4as Mesitas, La Meita enviion a #taina(le and elf6reali.eddevelopment of 'omm#nit! to#rim that improve the 0#alit! of life andprote't their nat#ral reo#r'e for '#rrent and f#t#re generation* To doo the! arti'#late the need to develop a plan for the #taina(lee&tra'tion and #e of their nat#ral reo#r'e with a m#ltigenerationalemphai* The! additionall! tate the need to maintain and trengthenrelation with #pporting organi.ation #'h a the Mangrove Ao'iationand M,,S) a well a improve the do'#mentation of 'omm#nit! proje'tand meeting* >inall!) the! emphai.e the need to en#re that'omm#nit! mem(er are dire'tl! involved in the deign anddevelopment of to#rim o a to g#arantee that the! will (e the primar!(ene;'iarie*

4a C&acastera9 4os C@li+9 and 4a Canota, The 'omm#nitie of La4ha'atera) Lo 43li& and La 4ano1ta enviion a #ni;ed and in'l#ivedevelopment of 'omm#nit! to#rim that prote't their nat#ral reo#r'ein addition to providing a variet! of jo( opport#nitie for in'omegeneration) pe'i;'all! for the !o#th* The! tre the importan'e of'omprehenive 'omm#nit! 'olla(oration thro#gh demo'rati' pro'ee*Spe'i;'all!) the! arti'#late the need for a 'omm#nit! gro#p in 'harge ofto#rim development) a well a the need to improve their watemanagement program thro#gh tronger 'omm#nit! organi.ation anded#'ational 'ampaign* The! f#rther emphai.e the need for long6termplanning to en#re that development (ene;t f#t#re generation)improve the 0#alit! of life) and trengthen a range of work6relatedkill of '#rrent 'omm#nit! mem(er* >inall!) the! enviion 'omm#nit!to#rim that i (aed on m#t#al repe't and #ndertanding) that'onerve the afe and tran0#il environment of their 'omm#nit!) andthat trengthen their pea'ef#l relation nationall! and internationall!*

4os 4otes and 4a a$ilonia, The 'omm#nitie of Ba(ilonia and LoLote enviion trengthening their organi.ational and individ#al'apa'itie to develop a 'omm#nal to#rim (aed on the #taina(le #eof their ri'h nat#ral reo#r'e and fertile land* S#'h 'omm#nal to#rimwo#ld highlight their trategi' lo'ation ne&t to the river mo#th a well atheir agrarian '#lt#re and lo'al food prod#'tion* The! emphai.e the


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need to improve intit#tional #pport and infratr#'t#re in order toen#re a afe and e'#re environment for to#rim development*

Isla de Montecristo, ,la Monte'rito enviion a 'olla(orative andin'l#ive development of 'omm#nit! to#rim that prote't their nat#ral

reo#r'e in addition to providing a variet! of jo( opport#nitie forin'ome generation and training for emplo!ment) pe'i;'all! for the!o#th and women* The! tre the importan'e of long6term planning toen#re that the pea'ef#l and afe environment of their 'omm#nit! imaintained a well a the p#rit! of their #rro#nding air and nat#re* Todo o) the! arti'#late the need to develop a plan for #taina(lee&tra'tion and 'onervation of their nat#ral reo#r'e*

3%2 S&ared Re"ional )ision

 The hared regional viion of 'omm#nit! to#rim wa de;ned a follow

 The 'omm#nitie of ,la Mende.) La Meita) Lo 43li&) La 4ha'atera)La 4ano1ta) Lo Lote) La Ba(ilonia) and ,la Monte'rito enviion thein'l#ive and elf6reali.ed development of regional 'omm#nit! to#rimthat prote't their nat#ral reo#r'e in addition to providing a variet! of jo( opport#nitie for in'ome generation) pe'i;'all! for the !o#th*4omm#nitie emphai.e the need for m#ltigenerational 'oniderationand long6term planning for the #taina(le e&tra'tion and 'onervationof their nat#ral reo#r'e in order to en#re that development (ene;tf#t#re generation in addition to improving the 0#alit! of life of '#rrent

'omm#nit! mem(er* The! f#rther tre the need to trengthen theirorgani.ational 'apa'it! and 'omprehenive 'olla(oration thro#gh'reating a demo'rati'all! r#n 'omm#nit! gro#p in 'harge of to#rimdevelopment* S#'h a gro#p wo#ld en#re that 'omm#nit! mem(erwere (oth the primar! pla!er involved in the deign and developmentof to#rim a well a the primar! (ene;'iarie* >inall!) the 'omm#nitieenviion a model of 'omm#nit! to#rim that i (aed on m#t#al repe'tand #ndertanding) that maintain the pea'ef#l and afe environment oftheir 'omm#nitie) and that maintain the p#rit! of their #rro#nding airand nat#re*

3%3 Al$u#s of Co##unity Touris#

+e 'reated photographi' repreentation of the hared viion in the Al(#mof 4omm#nit! To#rim for ea'h 'omm#nit!* Ea'h al(#m 'ontain anaem(lage of photo that repreent ea'h 'omm#nit!< '#rrent andenviioned potential for to#rim development ?Appendi& ,,* Al(#m of4omm#nit! To#rim@*


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3%? Reco##endation Ta$les

Baed on the regional hared viion) we form#lated pe'i;'

re'ommendation for ea'h 'omm#nit!) in'l#ding hort) medi#m and long6term o(je'tive* Thee re'ommendation are intended to erve ag#ideline in eta(lihing an order of prioritie for ea'h 'omm#nit! to followin developing the regional model for a 'omm#nit! to#rim network* Ta$le 1indi'ate the 'ommon o(je'tive for all 'omm#nitie) and Ta$les 27 indi'ate 'omm#nit!6pe'i;' goal*Ta$le 1% Reco##endations for All Co##unities

S=ORT7T5RM M5>IUM7T5RM 4ONTourismCommittee

• 4reate a ditin't to#rim'ommittee for ea'h

'omm#nit! to organi.eprogre) and

=veree'omm#ni'ation withother 'omm#nitie

En'o#rage 'omm#nit!parti'ipation (!engaging lo'al gro#p?i*e* !o#th) women)et'*@

En#re e'#rit! and

pea'ef#l atmophere En#re to#rim doe

not e&ploit nat#ralreo#r'e

Ed#'ate the 'omm#nit!on to#rimopport#nitie

• Eta(lih point6peronfrom ea'h 'omm#nit!'ommittee to'omm#ni'ate with TES)Mangle

• Eval#ate and organi.eto#rim progre

•  Take 'harge of advertiingand p#(li'it!

• 4ontin#e to en#re e'#rit!and pea'ef#l atmophere

,ntall treet lighting

• 4ontin#e to en#re to#rimdoe not e&ploit nat#ralreo#r'e

• 4ontin#e toorgani.e to

• 4ontin#e toadvertiing

• 4ontin#e toand pea'ef 

 Train ang#ard f a'tivitie

• 4ontin#e todoe not e&reo#r'e


• Eta(lih 'lear line ofreg#lar 'omm#ni'ation(etween 'omm#nitie

• De;ne to#rimpe'iali.ation for ea'h'omm#nit!

• Maintain 'lear line of reg#lar'omm#ni'ation (etween'omm#nitie

• Maintain 'leardo'#mentation ofimprovement) work in

• Maintain 'le'omm#ni'a'omm#nitie

• Maintain 'leof improveprogre) vi


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• Begin 'lear do'#mentationof improvement) work6in6progre) viitorinformation

• Maintain 'omm#ni'ation

with TES) Mangle

progre) viitor information

• Maintain 'omm#ni'ation with TES) Mangle

• Maintain 'o TES) Mangle

 Advertising/ Publicit

• ,n'reae ignage in'omm#nitie

• Ea'h 'omm#nit! ho#ldparti'ipate in regionaladvertiing 

4reate a we(ite

4reate radioadvertiement

4reate regional (ro'h#re

• =/er informto#rim a'tiand internatagen'ie


• Eta(lih a watemanagement 'ommitteefor ea'h 'omm#nit! withreponi(ilitie to

4olla(orate withto#rim 'ommittee

4olla(orate withADES4= and Mangle

Ed#'ate the 'omm#nit!on wate management

4reate anti6poll#tion


• ,ntall more wate (in into#riti' ite

• ,ntall more wate (inthro#gho#t 'omm#nitie

• Eta(lih 'ore'!'ling pred#'ational


•  Train to#r g#ide forto#riti' ro#te

•  Train 'omm#nit! mem(er into#rim hopitalit!

,n'l#de Englih leon

• 8rovide training for

>ihermen to howto#rit how to 'at'h and

prepare;hJhrimpJ %unche 'ra(

>ihermen to howto#rit how to make net

Mangrove to#r g#ide toidentif! plant and animalpe'ie

• 4ontin#e trahopitalit!

• 4ontin#e toleon

• 4ontin#e trag#ide 

&atural • Maintain 'leanline of • Maintain 'leanline of • Maintain 'le


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$esources mangrove) foret) hrimpfarm

• Maintain e/ort to red#'ee&ploitive a'tivitie

• 4ompl! with 8LES

mandate• +ork with reo#r'e


• 4reate #taina(ilit! plan

mangrove) foret) hrimpfarm

• Maintain e/ort to red#'ee&ploitive a'tivitie

• 4ompl! with 8LES mandate

• +ork with reo#r'e ranger

• Maintain #taina(ilit! plan


• Maintain e/ e&ploitive a

• 4ompl! wit

• +ork with r

• Maintain #


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Ta$le 2% 4as Mesitas, Reco##endations Ta$le

S=ORT7T5RM M5>IUM7T5RM 4O'n(rastructur e

• ,nvetigate a''e topota(le water

4lean and maintain mainroad

• 4lean p#(li' latrine

• 4lean 'anal and removewood

• A'0#ire megaphone atLook6=#t Tower

• ,mprove ignage for'omm#nit! o/ main road

• A'0#ire pota(le water ?o/er(ottled water@

,mprove main road• ,mproveJrepair a''e road to


• Maintain 'anal 'leanline

• ,mprove anitation

Maintain latrine on trail

• RemodelJref#rnih information'enter

Eta(lih market at

information 'enter to ellartianal good) fr#it)drink

,ntall hammo'k

• B#ild tilapi


• Eta(lih tranportationnetwork with Lo 43li&) La4ha'atera) La 4ano1ta

• ,mprove tranportationnetwork to in'l#de otherneigh(oring 'omm#nitie LaBa(ilonia) Lo Lote) ,laMonte'rito

Eta(lih hore(a'kJ(ikero#te to neigh(oring


• A'0#ire la

• ,mprove trnetwork tMende.

 Advertising/ Publicit 

• ,n'reae ignage o/ mainroad

+omen< 4ooperativeBaker!

Mangrove trail

• 8arti'ipate in regionaladvertiing

• %ighlight to#rim tationalong Mangrove Trail and+omen< 4ooperative Baker!


• Eta(lih home availa(lefor to#rit lodging

• 4reate plan for f#t#re to#ritlodging

• B#ild 'a(a


Deignate 'omm#nit!'enter a to#riminformation ite

• 8ot TES map of to#rimnetwork at information ite

8rovide at information ite Regional (ro'h#re

,nformation on to#riti'ro#teJa'tivitie

,nformation on mangrove) %unche 'ra() hrimpfarm

pdate inf to#riti' ravaila(le


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%itori'al information

,nformation on 'onne'tingto other 'omm#nitie


• De;ne potential ro#te

Mangrove to#r Shrimp pond to#r

Bea'h to#r

%ore(a'k to#r

4o'on#t palm to#r

• Make map of all poi(lero#te

• Eta(lih ro#te

Mangrove to#r ,dentif! plant andanimal pe'ie

=/er leon on how totrap and prepare

 %unche 'ra(

Shrimp pond to#r =/er leon on how to

make hrimp net =/er leon on how to

'at'h and prepare

hrimp 4o'on#t palm to#r

Show how 'o'on#t areplantedJprod#'ed forweet) oil) prod#'t

• 8#t #p ign to indi'ate ro#te

• =/er hore(a'kJ(ike to#r

• Set #p to#on'e (#ilt


• Maintain hrimp pond • 4reate garden to pi'k6!o#r6own fr#it and vegeta(le

• 4reate food tand at

information 'enter with lo'alfood

• B#ild rancand grillJt?for fee@ ''ook what

on to#r

Ta$le 3% 4os C@li+9 4a C&acastera9 and 4a Canota, Reco##endationsTa$le

S=ORT7T5RM M5>IUM7T5RM 4ON'n(rastructure   • 4lean 'anal

• De'ide what to do with'h#r'h open pa'e

,dea (#ild (ooktore)

park) 'lini') internet'afé) or 'h#r'h(#ilding

• ,mprove road

• B#ild do'k on 'anal

• 4lean and repair Lo 43li&pool

B#ild rancho 

Sell fr#it on ite

• Repair La 4ano1ta'hoolho#e to #e a a'omm#nal (#ildingJ9oodhelter

• 4reate park

Sell fr#itite

B#ild 'a



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• Eta(lih tranportationnetwork with La Meita

• ,mprove tranportationnetwork to in'l#de otherneigh(oring 'omm#nitieLa Ba(ilonia) Lo Lote) ,laMonte'rito

Eta(lih hore(a'kJ(ikero#te to 'onne'tneigh(oring 'omm#nitie

• A'0#ire more lancha6(oat

• ,mprove tranetwork to iMende.

 Advertising/ Publicit 

• ,n'reae ignage o/ mainroad

La 4ha'ateraReta#rant

Ea'h 'omm#nit!<information ite

• 8arti'ipate in regionaladvertiing

• %ighlight

La 4ha'ateraReta#rant

Shrimp 'ooperative

Lo 43li& pool


• Deignate Lo 43li&information ite and La4ha'atera Reta#rant ato#rit information ite

• 8ot TES map of to#rimnetwork at informationite

• 8rovide at information ite

Regional (ro'h#re

,nformation on to#rita'tivitie in region

,nformation on'onne'ting to other'omm#nitie

• Sell prod#'t at information

ite >r#it) %unche 'ra()

hrimp) weet

• pdate inforo#teJa'tivi


• De;ne potential ro#te

Mangrove to#r

 To#r to %idden,land

• Make map of all poi(lero#te

• Eta(lih ro#te

Mangrove and %idden,land to#r ,dentif! plant and

animal pe'ie

>ih to#r =/er leon on how

to 'at'h and prepare;h and on how tomake net

• 8#t #p ign to indi'atero#te

• A'0#ire ka!akJ'anoe torent o#t to to#rit

• ,mprove ;

Sell arti

Rent o#t

• ,mprove ma

B#ild ranwhere to



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• Sell fr#it and vegeta(leon ite at La 4ha'ateraReta#rant

• >i& 9oor and rood at La4ha'atera Reta#rant

• Sell fr#it and vegeta(le atLo 43li& pool

• ,n'reae 'a4ha'ateramore peopl

• 8rod#'e winfr#it to ell



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Ta$le ?% 4os 4otes and 4a a$ilonia, Reco##endations Ta$le


'n(rastructure   • 4lean #p (oat loadingpoint

• ,n'reae ignage at >ork in the road

Boat loading point

 To#riti' retingpoint

,mprove main road• B#ild rancho with

hammo'k at (oat loadingpoint

Set #p ite to ellprod#'t

8ot tide 'hart

B#ild p#(li' latrine

• Strengthen ph!i'alinfratr#'t#re for 9ood

prote'tion• Repair La Ba(ilonia

'hoolho#e to alo ervea a m#ltip#rpoe'omm#nal (#ilding

• B#ild a ?d#ra(


• 8ave main roaallow@


• Eta(lih plan fortranportation networkwith ,la Monte'rito

• ,mprove tranportationnetwork with ,laMonte'rito

4oordinate (oat'hed#le

• Eta(lih regionalhore(a'kJ(ike ro#te to'onne't neigh(oring'omm#nitie

• A'0#ire lancha6(oat

• Better e0#ip l





Communit Advertising/ Publicit 

• ,n'reae ignage to (oatloading ite and to#riminformation ite

• 8arti'ipate in regionaladvertiing

• %ighlight (oat loading iteand to#riti' ro#te


• Sele't a home at a'entral lo'ation for LaBa(ilonia and Lo Loteto erve a temporar!to#rim information ite

Serve ahead0#arter to hire

• 4ontr#'t ranchos at the(oat loading ite torepla'e to#rim informationite and provide

Regional (ro'h#re

,nformation on to#riti'ro#teJa'tivitie

• 4ontr#'t a pfor to#rim inentran'e of L

• pdate informro#teJa'tiviti


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to#r g#ide

• 8ot TES map of to#rimnetwork at informationite

,nformation on'onne'ting to other'omm#nitie


• De;ne potential ro#te >r#it plantation trail

River trail

• Make map of all poi(lero#te

• Eta(lih plantation to#rthat how to#rit how to

Make #gar 'ane hone!

Make traditional weet

Make #gar 'ane j#i'e

Milk a 'ow

Make home6made'heee

• 8#t #p ign to indi'atero#te

• =/er to#r on hore(a'k

• A'0#ire ka!akJ'anoe torent to to#rit


• 4oordinate with to#rg#ide to providena'kJfr#it for to#ritgro#p in'l#ding

4o'on#t water

S#gar 'ane j#i'e

>reh fr#it andvegeta(le

• Set #p a vending point atthe ran'ho at (oat loadingpoint


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Ta$le % Isla Montecristo, Reco##endations Ta$le

S=ORT7T5RM M5>IUM7T5RM 4ON'n(rastructure   • Maintain pota(le water

infratr#'t#re ?o/er(ottled watered@

• 4lean #p (oat loadingpoint 

o 4oordinate with LaBa(ilonia and LoLote

o ,ntall trah (in

• ,mprove main road

• Maintain pota(le water

infratr#'t#re ?o/er (ottledwater@

• B#ild rancho 'over withhammo'k at (oat loadingpoint

Set #p ite to ellprod#'t

8ot tide 'hart

B#ild p#(li' latrine

• Maintain potainfratr#'t#rewater@

• B#ild a ?d#ra(

4oordinateand Lo Lo

• pgrade 'ahplant

,ntall ma'

 Train empl



• Eta(lih plan for

tranportation networkwith La Ba(ilonia and LoLote

• ,mprove tranportation

network with La Ba(iloniaand Lo Lote

4oordinate (oat'hed#le

• Better e0#ip l






• Reintate program forto#rit to ta! withfamilie

• B#ild more 'a

Communit Advertising/ Publicit 

• ,n'reae ignage o/main road and at (oatloading point for


 T#rtle hat'her!

• 8arti'ipate in regionaladvertiing

• %ighlight t#rtle hat'her!


• Deignate ite near (oatloading point a to#riminformation ite

• 8ot TES map of to#rimnetwork at informationite

• 4ontr#'t a rancho ?near(oat loading point@

• 8rovide at information ite

Regional (ro'h#re

,nformation onreta#rantJpla'e to getfoodJ(everage

,nformation on to#riti'ro#te

,nformation onmangrove) (ird) t#rtle);h) li.ard) 'ro'odilepe'ie

• 4ontr#'t a pfor the inform

• pdate informro#teJa'tiviti


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%itori'al information

,nformation on'onne'ting to other'omm#nitie


$outes• De;ne potential ro#te

Mangrove to#r

 T#rtle to#r

>ihing to#r

>r#it trail  Mango) 'o'on#t)

 jo'ote Sell fr#it

• Make map of all poi(lero#te

• Eta(lih ro#te

Mangrove to#r ,dentif! animal

pe'ie (ird)li.ard) 'ro'odile

>ihing to#r =/er leon on how

to 'at'h and prepare;h and on how tomake net 

>r#it trail Add 4ahew trail Make and ell jell!

• 8#t #p ign to indi'atero#te

• ,mprove ;hin

Sell artia

Rent o#t ;

• Set #p to#r ofpro'eing pldeveloped


• Make ign for o#tide ofthe reta#rant andthro#gho#t town

• 8la! Salvadorian m#i'at the reta#rant

• Set #p vending point (!river

• B#ild reta#ra

3% Co##unity Ma*s

+e deigned three map to vi#all! dipla! the propoed model for aregional to#rim network Ma* 1 for La Meita) Lo 43li&) La 4ha'atera)and La 4ano1ta: Ma* 2 for Lo Lote) La Ba(ilonia) and ,la Monte'rito: and)Ma* 3 for all of the 'omm#nitie together* The indi'ated point of interethighlight the e&iting reo#r'e and infratr#'t#re within ea'h 'omm#nit! toill#trate the potential pathwa! for linking to#rim opport#nitie (etween

'omm#nitie* Altogether) thee map erve a vi#al repreentation of howthe 'omm#nitie of the +etern Se'tor of the Bajo Lempa 'o#ld feai(l!implement the propoed re'ommendation (! (#ilding #pon e&itingreo#r'e and 'olla(orating for to#rim development*

 The legend indi'ate the e&iting to#rit attra'tion in ea'h 'omm#nit!)in'l#ding the mangrove foret ?Mangrove $6I@) hrimp pond and ;hingpot lo'ation ?Shrimp 8ondJ>ihing Spot $6I@) wimming area ?Swimming


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Area $6H@) reting point ranchos ?Ran'ho $67@) fr#it or'hard and lo'al farm?>r#it =r'hard $6P@) and reta#rant ?Reta#rant $6H@* The map how howea'h 'omm#nit! 'o#ld o/er a #ni0#e e&perien'e (aed on their pe'i;'availa(ilit! of reo#r'e*

A''ording to the propoed re'ommendation) ea'h 'omm#nit! might'onider eta(lihing an information ite to provide to#rit with regionalinformation on to#riti' ro#te and a'tivitie) a well a information on howto 'hed#le a to#r or organi.e tranport to and from other 'omm#nitie*Some 'omm#nitie) like La Meita and Lo 43li&) alread! have a'omm#nit! 'enter) whi'h 'o#ld eail! (e tranformed into thi pa'e?,nformation Site $6@* Lo Lote and La Ba(ilonia) however) do not '#rrentl!have a 'omm#nal (#ilding* A the map #gget) in the hort6term the!might intead deignate a 'omm#nit! mem(er< home near the entran'e toLo Lote to erve a the temporar! information ite ?,nformation Site H@*,la Monte'rito) on the other hand) ha an e&iting ran'ho ?Ran'ho 7@ at the

(oat loading point that wo#ld erve a a 'onvenient lo'ation to eta(lih atemporar! information ite*

 The map alo how the #ni0#e e&iting infratr#'t#re and reo#r'e thatea'h 'omm#nit! ha to 'ontri(#te to the development of a divere network

• 4as Mesitas ha a look6o#t tower ?Look6o#t Tower@) whi'h 'o#ld (ein'l#ded a a panorami' vita point along the mangrove to#r*

• ,f repaired) the a(andoned 'hool in 4a Canota 'o#ld erve a a'omm#nal (#ilding and 9ood helter ?4omm#nit! 4enter $@*

• 4os C@li+ ha an open pa'e a'ro from the 'omm#nit! 'enter?4h#r'h =pen Spa'e@ that 'o#ld (e developed to erve m#lti6f#n'tion) in'l#ding a 'h#r'h) (ooktore) park) 'lini') or ,nternet'afé*

4os C@li+ alo ha a pool ?Swimming Area $@ that 'o#ld (erenovated to 'reate a park*

  Isla Montecristo o/er to#rit the opport#nit! to viit the t#rtle

hat'herie ?T#rtle %at'her!@* Together thee reo#r'e provide #ni0#e a'tivitie that ea'h 'omm#nit!'o#ld o/er along the network) all together 'ontri(#ting to a more'omprehenive) integrated regional to#rim network*

Ma* 1% 4as Mesitas9 4os C@li+9 4a C&acastera9 and 4a Canota


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Ma* 2% 4os 4otes9 4a a$ilonia9 and Isla Montecristo

,n addition mapping o#t e&iting reo#r'e) the map alo indi'ate how'omm#nitie might improve the tranportation network among 'omm#nitie)



Boat loading point

Shrimp ponds

Restaurant and a!er"

#n$ormation site

S%imming &rea

Bi!e route



/ommunit" enter 

ruit orhard

orsea! route

/hurh open spae

.ransportation to

#sla de Mende

'oo!out .o%er 

,-.(*.#&' /-MM*#. *(.-R 


Boat loading point

ishing spot


#n$ormation site

S%imming area

Bi!e route


/ommunit" enter 

ruit orhard

orsea! route

.urtle hather"

River delta

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Swimming areaBoat loading point%ore(a'k ro#teRan'hoReta#rant

in #pport of the hort) medi#m) and long6term re'ommendation a lited inthe previo# e'tion of thi report* Spe'i;'all!) Ma* 1 how where the'omm#nitie 'o#ld eta(lih (i'!'le and hore(a'k ro#te ?Bike Ro#te)%ore(a'k Ro#te@ (etween to#riti' ite to 'onne't La Meita) Lo 43li&)La 4ha'atera) and La 4ano1ta via land* Ma* 2 how a water6(aed

tranport !tem 'ompried of a total of fo#r (oat loading point An'hor $ inLo Lote) An'hor and H in La Ba(ilonia) and An'hor I in ,la Monte'rito*Both map f#rther demontrate how thee two tranportation network 'o#ldalo (e 'onne'ted) fa'ilitating tranportation to and from all 'omm#nitie inthe region (oth (! land and water* >#rthermore) Ma* 2 alo pinpoint alo'ation to 'oordinate tranportation to and from ,la de Mende.?Tranportation to ,la de Mende.@ a well) f#rther e&panding thetranportation network in the long6term*

,n 'on'l#ion) Ma* 3 how the overall potential network to link all even'omm#nitie together* The red (o&e #mmari.e the main point of

attra'tion for ea'h 'omm#nit!* Thi ;nal map alo erve a an e&ample of aimilar map that 'o#ld (e poted at all of information 'enter to 'learl!inform to#rit of all availa(le opport#nitie in the region*

Ma* 3% Re"ional Touris# Net!or 


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'oo!out to%er 


Shrimp pondsishing spot

#n$ormation Site

/ommunit" /enter 

/hurh open spae

.urtle hather"

Bi!e route

ruit orhard

River mouth

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I)% Conclusions

,n 'ontin#ation of TES < $$ t#d! and in preparation for potential

in'oming invetment with the 8artnerhip for -rowth) the TES 7 E'oto#rim-ro#p 'ond#'ted reear'h in i& 'omm#nitie La Meita) Lo 43li&) La4ha'atera) La 4ano1ta) Lo Lote) La Ba(ilonia) and ,la Monte'rito* =#rproje't had two main o(je'tive

$* T&e de/nition and articulation of t&e re"ional ision forco##unity touris#,  Thi wa reali.ed in two format i@ in writtenform6 thro#gh the 'reation of hared viion tatement) (oth for ea'h'omm#nit! and for the region a a whole) and ii@ in vi#al form6thro#gh Al(#m of 4omm#nit! To#rim that how'ae the 'omm#nit!val#e and opport#nitie for to#rim in ea'h 'omm#nit!*

* T&e deelo*#ent of a #odel for a re"ional touris# net!or, Baed #pon the hared viion of 'omm#nit! to#rim) we deviedpe'i;' re'ommendation for ea'h 'omm#nit! in the hort) medi#m)and long6term* +e formed thee re'ommendation with the goal ofeta(lihing a model for a regional network of 'omm#nit! to#rim thatre'ogni.e and promote the pe'iali.ation of ea'h 'omm#nit!* ,naddition to the of lit re'ommendation) another 'riti'al element of thimodel wa the 'reation of 'omm#nit! map that vi#all! ill#trate thepathwa! for f#t#re 'olla(oration and 'oordination of reo#r'e among'omm#nitie of the +etern Se'tor of the Bajo Lempa*

=#r ;nding in thi report provide a (aeline #ndertanding a to where theBajo Lempa '#rrentl! tand in regard to lo'al to#rim) and #gget whattep 'omm#nitie might take in order to develop and (#ild #pon a'olla(orative regional network* +e o/er ea'h 'omm#nit! a #ni0#e et ofre'ommendation that will allow for a #ni0#e pe'iali.ation among adiveri;ed 'omm#nit! to#rim network* To 'oordinate and fa'ilitatedevelopment) we re'ommend that ea'h 'omm#nit! 'reate a to#rim'ommittee to organi.e and overee to#rim progre* Thi 'ommittee wo#ldaim to involve a man! mem(er within the lo'al 'omm#nit! a poi(le)while alo maintaining 'lear line of 'omm#ni'ation with neigh(oring

'omm#nitie to en'o#rage !nergiti' and 'omprehenive 'olla(oration*

>#rthermore) all 'omm#nitie ho#ld trive to prote't and maintain thehealth and pritine nat#re of the mangrove) foret) and other nat#ralreo#r'e* Together with the region< #ni0#e hitori'al '#lt#re) thi nat#ral(iodiverit! provide a #ni0#e 'entral attra'tion with high potential todevelop the lo'al e'oto#rim ind#tr!*


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A**endi+ I, Met&odolo"y

.icture 1%  Methodolog! for 'ontr#'ting the hared viion of 'omm#nit!to#rim: Q#etion $ %ow do !o# identif! !o#relf a a 'omm#nit!K


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.icture 2% Methodolog! for 'ontr#'ting the Al(#m of 4omm#nit! To#rim: 'omm#nit! mem(er e&planation of the photo To#rim of Lo

43li&) La 4ha'atera and La 4ano1ta 8reent and >#t#re


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A**endi+ II% Al$u#s of Co##unity Touris#

ienenidos a4as Mesitas

: Lo m#rale del 4entro de ,nterpreta'in il#tran la vive.a dela 'om#nidad ! # ri0#e.a nat#ral*



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5.4ORAN>O 4A COMUNI>A>La Meita e #na 'om#nidad grande ! divera 'on m#'ho para


Se p#ede montar a'a(allo

para paear por la'alle*

; En la 'om#nidad)a(#ndan lo ar(ole de'o'o* S# fr#ta e p#edepro'ear para o(tener #navariedad de prod#'to)in'l#!endod#l'e ! a'eite*

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  254 MAND >5 4AS M5SITASLa 4ooperativa de m#jere ela(ora ! vende pan fre'o re'ién


Se prepara #nagran ele''in depan para todo log#to) in'l#!endopan de le'he) piOa)! 'ho'olate*

; Se p#ede viitar la4ooperativa para'ono'er 'omo eela(ora el panarteanal*

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UN TOEU5 ARTISTICOEl -r#po de jvene ela(ora jo!er1a arteanal*

; Se p#ede ele''ionar toda 'lae de jo!er1aarito) p#lera) 'ollare) o anillo*

; La artean1a on he'ha de materiale nat#rale) in'l#!endomadera) emilla) h#eo) 'o'o) ! morro*

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UNA RIEU58A NATURA4El endero t#r1ti'o preenta la oport#nidad de de'#(rir la ri0#e.anat#ral 0#e poee La Meita) dede lo (o0#e d#l'e hata lomanglare*

: El endero paa por El Llorn) el itiodnde el ag#a alada e en'#entra 'onel ag#a d#l'e*

< Lo 'a!#'o on el medio detranporte para viajar por lo'anale ! difr#tar de lo manglare*

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; Lo manglare de La Meita repreentan #n e'oitema vivo !vi(rante*

; La glorieta ofre'e #n itio para de'anar en 'ompaO1a de lomanglare*

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E&iten varia eta'ione t#r1ti'a en el endero donde lo viitantep#eden de'anar ! difr#tar de la panor3mi'a*

El re'orrido empie.a enla torre de alerta 0#eadem3 irve 'omomirador*

; La vita de la torre6mirador ofre'e #na ampliapanor3mi'a de la regin*

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.5SCAN>O COMO UNA TRA>ICIFNEn La Meita) la pe'a e #na tradi'in ! #na forma de vivir*

; El p#n'he repreenta #na parte importante de la dieta ! la '#lt#ra*

; Se #tili.an trampa para atrapar lo p#n'he*

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 ; Se atrapan pe'ado ! 'amarone 'on atarra!a he'ha a mano por

lo mimo pe'adore*

; Se p#ede o(ervar la 4ooperativa 'amaronera en a''in*

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)isiGn co#*artida de 4as Mesitas,

La Meita ap#eta por #n dearrollo oteni(le del t#rimo

'om#nitario 0#e mejore la 'alidad de vida ! proteja lo re'#ro nat#ralepara la genera'ione f#t#ra ! a't#ale* 8ara lograrlo) han e&preado lane'eidad de dearrollar #n plan para la e&tra''in ! #o oteni(le de lore'#ro nat#rale 'on #n énfai en la varia genera'ione* Tam(iénre'ono'en la ne'eidad de mantener ! fortale'er la rela'ione 'onorgani.a'ione de apo!o 'omo Mangle ! el ,ntit#to Montere!) ! 0#ierenmejorar la do'#menta'in de lo pro!e'to ! re#nione de la 'om#nidad*>inalmente) deta'an la ne'eidad de 'apa'itar a lo re'#ro h#mano einvol#'rare dire'tamente en el dieOo ! dearrollo del t#rimo paraaeg#rar 0#e lo miem(ro de la 'om#nidad ean lo (ene;'iarioprin'ipale*

A"radeci#ientos a,

 Ana "arit+a $ivera

 Jos, -on+ales

 Julio Cesar )andaverde

 Jos, Antonio

 2e -on.3le.

8edro 4atro

 2#an Bonilla


por # 'ontri(#'in en la toma de fotograf1a ! por 'ompartir la idea !viione de t#rimo 'om#nitario 0#e apare'en en ete 3l(#m*

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ienenidos a

4os C@li+4a C&acastera


4a Canota

U La 'om#nidade de Lo 43li& ! La 4ha'atera on 'ono'ida por #'ooperativa 'amaronera*


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TR5S COMUNI>A>5S9MARA)I44AS SIN 4IMIT5Lo 43li&) La 4ha'atera) ! La 4ano1ta ofre'en #na ri0#e.a de re'#ronat#rale ! tradi'ione '#lt#rale*

; La ila e'ondida preerva #na e''in de (o0#e de manglarvirgen*

; La 'om#nidade reali.an a'tividade agr1'ola ! ganaderaa pe0#eOa e'ala*

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>5SARRO44AN>O .ARA 54 <UTUROEta 'om#nidade dem#etran poten'ial para dearrollar a'tividadet#r1ti'a*

; En el f#t#ro) e pretende reta#rar la pi'ina 'om#nitaria de Lo43li&! 'ontr#ir #n par0#e donde lo viitante p#edan de'anar*

; Lo 43li& poee #n amplio epa'io donde e podr1a 'ontr#ir #n 'entro'om#nitario para divero #o mer'ado) 'l1ni'a) '!(er) par0#e) entre


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U5NA A4IM5NTACIFNEl 'omedor de La 4ha'atera et3 #(i'ado a #no metro de la


; E&ite #n ran'ho 0#e ofre'e #n variado men de platillo lo'ale)'on vita ha'ia lo etan0#e 'amaronero*

; E&ite #n ran'ho 0#e ofre'e #n variado men de platillo lo'ale)'on vita ha'ia lo etan0#e 'amaronero*

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UNA RAN )ARI5>A> >5 <RUTASLa 'om#nidade '#entan 'on #na variedad de fr#ta*

: Se podr1a difr#tar

de #na deli'ioa ag#ade 'o'o re'ién 'ortado*

< La h#erta depl3tano adem3 de lafr#ta ofre'en om(rapara de'anar*

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UN TRAAJO CO45CTI)OLa 'om#nidade de Lo 43li& ! La 4ha'atera tra(ajan en'ooperativa 'amaronera*

; 4#entan 'on vario etan0#e) alg#no e p#eden apre'iardede la 'arretera*

; En el f#t#ro) e pretende mejorar la prod#''in en lo etan0#epara ofre'er 'amarone fre'o a lo viitante*

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)isiGn co#*artida de4a C&acastera9 4os C@li+ y 4a Canota,

La 'om#nidade de La 4ha'atera) Lo 43li& ! La 4ano1ta ap#etan

por #n dearrollo #ni;'ado e in'l#ivo del t#rimo 'om#nitario 0#e proteja# re'#ro nat#rale ! 0#e provea oport#nidade de tra(ajo para lagenera'in de ingreo) epe'1;'amente a travé de la 'apa'ita'in delo jvene* Enfati.an la importan'ia de la organi.a'in 'ole'tiva ! la'ola(ora'in 'om#nitaria a travé de pro'eo demo'r3ti'o*Epe'1;'amente) e&prean la ne'eidad de tener #n gr#po de la'om#nidad 0#e e en'arg#e del dearrollo del t#rimo ! de mejorar elmanejo de lo dee'ho lido 'on la organi.a'in 'om#nitaria ! 'on'ampaOa ed#'ativa m3 f#erte* Tam(ién ha'en hin'apié en laplani;'a'in a largo pla.o del dearrollo para 0#e (ene;'ie a la f#t#ragenera'ione ! 0#e mejore la 'alidad de vida de lo miem(ro a't#ale de

la 'om#nidad* >inalmente) ap#etan por #n t#rimo 'om#nitario 0#e e(ae en el entendimiento ! repeto m#t#o) 0#e 'onerve el am(ienteeg#ro ! tran0#ilo de # 'om#nidad ! 0#e fortale.'a # rela'ionena'ionale e interna'ionale de pa.*

A"radeci#ientos a,

$osa .lena de Soriano

$amón Antonio Corea

'rma del Carmen )andaverde

 Jos, Atilio

Carmelo *lores

'srael Día+ 

 ngel S0en+ 

"iguel ngel "urcia

por # 'ontri(#'in en la toma de fotograf1a ! por 'ompartir la idea !viione de t#rimo 'om#nitario 0#e apare'en en ete 3l(#m*

ienenidos a

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4os 4otesy

4a a$ilonia

U Lo rt#lo indi'an el 'amino ha'ia Lo Lote ! La Ba(ilonia*


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UNA TI5RRA <HRTI44on #na tierra fértil) la 'om#nidade de Lo Lote ! La Ba(ilonia epretan para #na agri'#lt#ra prol1;'a) a la ve. 0#e ofre'en #n amplia3rea verde

V En la par'ela e prod#'e ma1.) verd#ra ! otro vegetale ena(#ndan'ia*

V En eta 'om#nidade) la a'tividad ganadera permitela prod#''in de le'he ! 0#eo*

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UN R5CO>O >54 RO 45M.ALa orilla del R1o Lempa '#enta 'on vario itio tran0#ilo para (aOare! de'anar*

V Lo t#rita vienen a La Ba(ilonia para pe'ar) 'o'inar) ! 0#edarela no'he difr#tando del r1o*

V De lo em(ar'adero) e p#ede a(ordar la lan'ha para dirigire ala ,la Monte'rito*

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<INCAS <RUTA45SLo viitante de la 'om#nidade p#eden viitar ;n'a 0#e ofre'en#na variedad de fr#ta ! vegetale*

V A0#1 e p#ede reali.ar #n re'orrido para o(ervar 'omo e '#ltivanel 'o'o) el pl3tano ! la !#'a) entre otro*

V En el re'orrido) e p#ede pro(ar la fr#ta fre'a 0#e a(#ndanpor todo lado*

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R5CORRI>OS CON TRA>ICION5SEl re'orrido por la ;n'a preenta la oport#nidad de 'ono'er latradi'ione prod#'tiva de Lo Lote ! La Ba(ilonia*

En el re'orrido e p#ededifr#tar de lo prod#'toderivado de la 'aOaprod#'ido en trapi'he)'omo la miel de 'aOa) eld#l'e de panela ! el j#gode 'aOa*

W = tam(ién) e p#ede pro(ar

! difr#tar de #na ri'a 'aOa fre'a*

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)isiGn co#*artida de 4os 4otes y 4a a$ilonia,

La 'om#nidade de La Ba(ilonia ! Lo Lote ap#etan por elfortale'imiento de # 'apa'idade organi.ativa ! de re'#ro h#manopara 0#e p#edan dearrollar el t#rimo 'om#nitario (a3ndoe en el #ooteni(le de # a(#ndante re'#ro nat#rale ! tierra fértil* Tal t#rimo'om#nitario har1a hin'apié en # #(i'a'in etratégi'a ?p#eto 0#e et3 allado de la (o'ana del r1o@ en # '#lt#ra agr1'ola ! en # prod#''in lo'alde 'omida* Enfati.an la ne'eidad de mejorar el apo!o intit#'ional ! lainfraetr#'t#ra para aeg#rar #n am(iente eg#ro para el dearrollo delt#rimo*

A"radeci#ientos a,

"aría .lena "urcia

'rma Allende

)eonicio #ern0nde+ 

12lio Andr,s


por 'ompartir la idea ! viione de t#rimo 'om#nitario 0#e apare'enen ete 3l(#m*

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ienenidos a

Isla Montecristo

U La tort#ga marina e #na de lo animale m3 re'ono'ida de la ila*


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UN .ARASO NATURA4,la Monte'rito ofre'e #n para1o nat#ral dede el momento del


; Lo ran'ho ofre'en om(ra para de'anar a la orilla del r1o Lempa*

; Se p#ede llegar en lan'ha dede La Ba(ilonia o Lo Lote*

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Se tiene #na vita panor3mi'a epe'ta'#lar a la ve. 0#e #n am(ientetran0#ilo*

; E&iten vario itio donde e p#ede de'anar a la orilla del mar*

; Tam(ién) ha! m3 de 7 kilmetro de pla!a v1rgene*

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U5NA A4IM5NTACIFNLo 'omedore de la ila ofre'en (#ena alimenta'in*

; En el men e in'l#!e 'omo plato t1pi'o el pe'ado* 

; Se ofre'en 'omo prod#'to fre'o toda 'lae de mari'o !pe'ado*

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UNA RAN )ARI5>A> >5 <RUTASSe '#enta 'on #na gran a(#ndan'ia de fr#ta lo'ale*

; En el f#t#ro) e pretende pro'ear lo maraOone 0#e a(#ndan en laila*

; La palma de 'o'o ofre'en fr#ta fre'a ! om(ra para de'anar*

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UN 5NCU5NTROCON 4AS TORTUAS MARINASSe p#ede viitar lo vivero donde e in'#(an la tort#ga marina*

< De a0#1) e li(eran lo neonato*

; Re'ién li(erado) lo neonatoe dirigen en dire''in ha'ia el mar*

)isiGn co#*artida de Isla Montecristo,

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,la Monte'rito ap#eta por #n dearrollo 'ola(orativo e in'l#ivodel t#rimo 'om#nitario 0#e proteja lo re'#ro nat#rale ! proveaoport#nidade de tra(ajo para la genera'in de ingreo) epe'ialmentepara lo jvene ! la m#jere* Enfati.an la importan'ia de la plani;'a'in

a largo pla.o ! de aeg#rar 0#e el am(iente de la 'om#nidad emantenga eg#ro ! tran0#ilo* Adem3) 0#iere mantener la p#re.a del aire! de la nat#rale.a* 8ara lograrlo) han e&preado la ne'eidad dedearrollar #n plan para la e&tra''in oteni(le ! la 'onerva'in de #re'#ro nat#rale* Deta'an la ne'eidad de 'apa'itar a lo re'#roh#mano) parti'#larmente la in'orpora'in de lo jvene en la reali.a'inde lo pro!e'to de dearrollo*

A"radeci#ientos a,

Brenda )eticia Argueta

Boanerges )obo

-iovanni Día+ 

 Jos, Dimas "olina

)uis 1rellana

Pedro "urcia

por # 'ontri(#'in en la toma de fotograf1a ! por 'ompartir la idea !viione de t#rimo 'om#nitario 0#e apare'en en ete 3l(#m*

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A**endi+ III% Co##unity .ro/les

.er/l Co#unitario, 4as Mesitas

>5MORD<ICAN#mero de ha(itante H$N#mero de familia 7


>#ente?@ prin'ipal?e@ deingreo

pe'a) a'#i'#lt#ra)agri'#lt#ra) empleo formal

e informal8romedio de ingreo an#alper '3pita



8rod#'to marinoprin'ipale 'amarone) pe'ado

N#mero de pe'adore HN#mero de p#n'hero $A''eo a 'a!#'o NoEtan0#e 'amaronero SiMétodo?@ de pe'a rede agallera) atarra!a

ARICU4TURA>r#ta prin'ipale4#ltivo mai.) frijolAnimale va'a) 'erdo) ave

IN<RA5STRUCTURA4o(ert#ra elé'tri'a ZH[4o(ert#ra de ag#a pota(le P7[4omer'io de alimento $ panader1aSitio de alojamiento E'#ela Si4entro 'om#nal Si

ACTI)I>A>5S TURISTICAS-#1a t#r1ti'o No

Re'orrido terretre NoRe'orrido a'#3ti'o Si4omer'io de alimento NoA''eo a la pla!a NoA''eo al r1o SiA''eo a lo manglare SiA''eo al em(ar'adero NoSitio?@ o a'tividade deinteré

Artean1a) (o0#e d#l'e)'aOone

T5JI>O SOCIA44ooperativa?@ El H

ADES4= Si4omité?@ De m#jere

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-r#po Lo'al Si

.er/l Co#unitario, 4os C@li+


N#mero de ha(itante $P$N#mero de familia I

5CONOMA>#ente?@ prin'ipal?e@ deingreo

a'#i'#lt#ra) empleo formale informal

8romedio de ingreo an#alper '3pita


.5SCA8rod#'to marinoprin'ipale

'amarone) pe'ado

N#mero de pe'adore N#mero de p#n'hero $A''eo a 'a!#'o SiEtan0#e 'amaronero SiMétodo?@ de pe'a Atarra!a


>r#ta prin'ipale'o'o) mango) limn)

g#ineo) maranon4#ltivo mai.) frijol)ganadero


4o(ert#ra elé'tri'a 7[4o(ert#ra de ag#a pota(le 7[4omer'io de alimento $ 'omedorSitio de alojamiento NoE'#ela No4entro 'om#nal Si

ACTI)I>A>5S TURISTICAS-#1a t#r1ti'o NoRe'orrido terretre NoRe'orrido a'#3ti'o No

4omer'io de alimento NoA''eo a la pla!a NoA''eo al r1o SiA''eo a lo manglare SiA''eo al em(ar'adero NoSitio?@ o a'tividade deinteré



4ooperativa?@4amaronera) M#jere

ganader1aADES4= Si-r#po Lo'al Si

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.er/l Co#unitario, 4a C&acastera

>5MORD<ICAN#mero de ha(itante ZN#mero de familia $

5CONOMA>#ente?@ prin'ipal?e@ deingreo

pe'a) a'#i'#lt#ra

8romedio de ingreo an#alper '3pita


.5SCA8rod#'to marinoprin'ipale


N#mero de pe'adore $N#mero de p#n'hero H

A''eo a 'a!#'o NoEtan0#e 'amaronero SiMétodo?@ de pe'a atarra!a


>r#ta prin'ipale'o'o) mango) limn)

g#ineo) maranon4#ltivo mai.) ganaderoAnimale 'erdo) ave

IN<RA5STRUCTURA4o(ert#ra elé'tri'a H7[

4o(ert#ra de ag#a pota(le H[4omer'io de alimento $ 'omedorSitio de alojamiento NoE'#ela No4entro 'om#nal No

ACTI)I>A>5S TURISTICAS-#1a t#r1ti'o NoRe'orrido terretre NoRe'orrido a'#3ti'o No4omer'io de alimento NoA''eo a la pla!a NoA''eo al r1o SiA''eo a lo manglare SiA''eo al em(ar'adero NoSitio?@ o a'tividade deinteré


T5JI>O SOCIA44ooperativa?@ 8e'adore) 4amaroneraADES4= Si4omité?@ Medio Am(iental-r#po Lo'al Si

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.er/l Co#unitario, 4a Canota

>5MORD<ICAN#mero de ha(itante $$N#mero de familia

5CONOMA>#ente?@ prin'ipal?e@ deingreo

empleo formal e informal

8romedio de ingreo an#alper '3pita


.5SCA8rod#'to marinoprin'ipale 'amarone) pe'adoN#mero de pe'adore IN#mero de p#n'hero H

A''eo a 'a!#'o NoEtan0#e 'amaronero NoMétodo?@ de pe'a atarra!a

ARICU4TURA>r#ta prin'ipale mango) maranon) 'o'o4#ltivo mai.) frijolAnimale va'a) 'erdo) ave

IN<RA5STRUCTURA4o(ert#ra elé'tri'a PH[4o(ert#ra de ag#a pota(le PH[

4omer'io de alimento NoSitio de alojamiento NoE'#ela No en #o4entro 'om#nal No

ACTI)I>A>5S TURISTICAS-#1a t#r1ti'o NoRe'orrido terretre NoRe'orrido a'#3ti'o No4omer'io de alimento NoA''eo a la pla!a No

A''eo al r1o SiA''eo a lo manglare SiA''eo al em(ar'adero NoSitio?@ o a'tividade deinteré 4aOone

T5JI>O SOCIA44ooperativa?@ 8e'adore) 4amaroneraADES4= Si4omité?@ Si-r#po Lo'al PH[

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.er/l Co#unitario, 4os 4otes

>5MORD<ICAN#mero de ha(itante 7$N#mero de familia $Z

5CONOMA>#ente?@ prin'ipal?e@ deingreo

agri'#lt#ra ?ganader1a@

8romedio de ingreo an#alper '3pita


.5SCA8rod#'to marinoprin'ipale


N#mero de pe'adore No regitradoN#mero de p#n'hero No regitrado

A''eo a 'a!#'o SiEtan0#e 'amaronero SiMétodo?@ de pe'a No

ARICU4TURA>r#ta prin'ipale4#ltivo g#ineoAnimale mai.

IN<RA5STRUCTURA4o(ert#ra elé'tri'a 7Z[4o(ert#ra de ag#a pota(le $[

4omer'io de alimento NoSitio de alojamiento NoE'#ela No4entro 'om#nal No

ACTI)I>A>5S TURISTICAS-#1a t#r1ti'o NoRe'orrido terretre NoRe'orrido a'#3ti'o No4omer'io de alimento NoA''eo a la pla!a No

A''eo al r1o SiA''eo a lo manglare NoA''eo al em(ar'adero SiSitio?@ o a'tividade deinteré

T5JI>O SOCIA44ooperativa?@ SiADES4= Si4omité?@ 7Z[-r#po Lo'al $[

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.er/l Co#unitario, 4a a$ilonia

>5MORD<ICAN#mero de ha(itante N#mero de familia $Z

5CONOMA>#ente?@ prin'ipal?e@ deingreo

agri'#lt#ra ?ganader1a@

8romedio de ingreo an#alper '3pita


.5SCA8rod#'to marinoprin'ipale


N#mero de pe'adore $N#mero de p#n'hero H

A''eo a 'a!#'o NoEtan0#e 'amaronero NoMétodo?@ de pe'a No

ARICU4TURA>r#ta prin'ipale4#ltivo g#ineoAnimale mai.

IN<RA5STRUCTURA4o(ert#ra elé'tri'a I$[4o(ert#ra de ag#a pota(le 7P[

4omer'io de alimento NoSitio de alojamiento NoE'#ela No en #o4entro 'om#nal No

ACTI)I>A>5S TURISTICAS-#1a t#r1ti'o NoRe'orrido terretre SiRe'orrido a'#3ti'o No4omer'io de alimento NoA''eo a la pla!a No

A''eo al r1o SiA''eo a lo manglare NoA''eo al em(ar'adero SiSitio?@ o a'tividade deinteré

T5JI>O SOCIA44ooperativa?@ SiADES4= Si-r#po Lo'al I$[

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.er/l Co#unitario, Isla Montecristo

>5MORD<ICAN#mero de ha(itante $IN#mero de familia H

5CONOMA>#ente?@ prin'ipal?e@ deingreo

pe'a) agri'#lt#ra

8romedio de ingreo an#alper '3pita


.5SCA8rod#'to marinoprin'ipale

pe'ado) 'angrejo)'amarone

N#mero de pe'adore $$N#mero de p#n'hero H

A''eo a 'a!#'o Si ?I por 'ada $ familia@Etan0#e 'amaronero SiMétodo?@ de pe'a No

ARICU4TURA>r#ta prin'ipale4#ltivo maraOn) 'o'o) jo'ote)

mangoAnimale mai.

IN<RA5STRUCTURA4o(ert#ra elé'tri'a 7Z[

4o(ert#ra de ag#a pota(le [4omer'io de alimento

Sitio de alojamiento$ Y e&perien'ia 'on

etan'ia 'on familiaE'#ela Si4entro 'om#nal Si

ACTI)I>A>5S TURISTICAS-#1a t#r1ti'o SiRe'orrido terretre SiRe'orrido a'#3ti'o Si

4omer'io de alimento SiA''eo a la pla!a SiA''eo al r1o SiA''eo a lo manglare SiA''eo al em(ar'adero SiSitio?@ o a'tividade deinteré

Civero de tort#ga)ig#ana

T5JI>O SOCIA44ooperativa?@ 8e'adore) 4amaroneraADES4= Si4omité?@ Medio Am(iental-r#po Lo'al Si

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A**endi+ I), lossary

Co##unity center, ?el 'entro de interpreta'in@ 'omm#nal (#ilding'#rrentl! #ed for 'omm#nit! gathering

Co##unity touris#, a form of to#rim that i enviioned and developed(! the 'omm#nitie and that e'#re the widepread haring of(ene;t thro#gho#t the 'omm#nitie

5co )ia, work in partnerhip and olidarit! with low6in'ome'omm#nitie in 4entral Ameri'a with the o(je'tive of a'hievingenvironmental #taina(ilit!) e'onomi' elf6#\'ien'!) o'ial j#ti'eand pea'e: work dire'tl! with the Mangrove Ao'iation and La4oordinadora in the Bajo Lempa a well a Team El Salvador?www*e'o6viva*org@

<und for t&e A#ericas Initiatie 5l Salador K<IA5SL, (ilateralagreement (etween the government of the *S* and El Salvador:originated in $H when the two government agreed to forgiveappro&imatel! XIP million in (ilateral de(t: f#nd from >,AES have(een ditri(#ted thro#gh SA,D to lo'al 'omm#nit! organi.ation inEl Salvador to ;nan'e 'omm#nit! led environmental) diaterrepone and development proje't ?elalvador*#aid*gov@

Infor#ation center 'entrall! lo'ated kiok or 'omm#nit! (#ilding thatprovide viitor with informational (ro'h#re on the region ?hitor!)'#lt#re) 9ora and fa#na) et'@) to#riti' ro#te and a'tivitie) and

information on 'onne'ting to other 'omm#nitie ?in'l#ding a map ofthe to#rim network@: the 'enter wo#ld alo erve a a lo'ation to'hed#le to#r

4a Coordinadora, ?La 4oordainadora of the Bajo Lempa and the Ba! of 2i0#ili'o@ a lo'al 'omm#nit!6(aed organi.ation 'reated (! a o'ialmovement in $P (! the r#ral 'omm#nitie of the Bajo Lampa inorder to improve their organi.ational 'apa'it! and ta'kle thedevelopment 'hallenge the 'omm#nitie fa'e?mangle(ajolempa*org@

4anc&a7$oat Small motori.ed river(oat that 'an eat $6$ peopleMillenniu# C&allen"e Cor*oration KMCCL, an independent *S*

foreign aid agen'! that aim to help lead the ;ght againt glo(alpovert! thro#gh forming partnerhip with developing 'o#ntrie'ommitted to good governan'e) e'onomi' freedom and #pport fortheir 'iti.en: the *S* 4ongre 'reated the M44 in 2an#ar! Iwith trong (ipartian #pport ?www*m''*gov@

.artners&i* for ro!t& K.<L, a joint e'onomi' development program(etween the government of the *S* and El Salvador with the

o(je'tive of identif!ing ke! i#e or o(ta'le preventing ElSalvador from developing: 'reated in $$ (! a *S* -overnment

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delegation 'oniting of repreentative from SA,D) the Millenni#m4hallenge 4orporation and the *S* Department of State) Trea#r!) 2#ti'e and 4ommer'e: El Salvador i one of onl! fo#r 'o#ntrie inthe world ele'ted to partake in the program: the Bajo LempaRegion ha re'entl! (een named a 'ite for e&pe'ted invetment

thro#gh the 8>- ?analvador*#em(a!*[email protected] 4ocal de 5+tracciGn Sosteni$le K.45SL, Lo'al 8lan for

S#taina(le Nat#ral Reo#r'e E&tra'tion: eta(lihed in $$ (! theMangrove Ao'iation and the Environmental and Nat#ral Reo#r'eMinitr! of El Salvador in 'olla(oration with lo'al takeholder andthe #pport of the >,AES) E'o Civa) and the niverit! of El Salvador:reg#late the e&tra'tion of 'ra() ;h and hrimp) and thedeforetation or #e of mangrove ?mangle(ajolempa*org@

.unc&e cra$s, a pe'i;' pe'ie of 'ra( fo#nd in the Bajo Lempa that i

a main o#r'e of livelihood and n#trition for man! familie in theregion

Ranc&o, a (#ilding with a hat'hJtraw roof that 'an erve a a pla'e forpeople to ret and take 'over from the #nJrain ?t!pi'all! mall@

Resource ran"er, ?lo g#ardare'#ro@ 'ontra'ted thro#gh theEnvironmental and Nat#ral Reo#r'e Minitr! of El Salvador and theMangrove Ao'iation) the reo#r'e ranger manage the nat#ralreo#r'e and environmental legilation of the region

T&e Man"roe Association, ?La Ao'ia'in Mangle@ lo'al 'omm#nit!6

(aed organi.ation that work to improve the 0#alit! of life for thepeople and 'omm#nitie of La 4oordinadora of the Bajo Lempa andBa! of 2i0#ili'o) #lt3n Department: 'reated in $ (! mem(erof La 4oordinadora of the Bajo Lempa ?mangle(ajolempa*org@

 Trans*ortation net!or, 'onne'ting the 'omm#nitie thro#gh a

regional network of trail for (i'!'le or hore with tation at ea'h'omm#nit! to park the (ike or leave the hore e'#red: a 'o#ple'omm#nitie wo#ld alo erve a the 'entral lo'ation to rent (ikeand 'hed#le hore to#r

Re"ional touris#, 'omm#nit! to#rim pread thro#gho#t the BajoLempa Region
