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Testo - Industry

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td Nm 3 /h NO 2 hPa L/h SO 2 NO °C mbar g/m 3 H 2 S CO 2 Nl bar Lux Measurement Solutions for Industry O 2 C X H Y m/s CO %RH
Page 1: Testo - Industry







°C mbar




bar Lux

Measurement Solutionsfor Industry



m/s CO


Page 2: Testo - Industry


Measurement Solutions for Industry

Research anddevelopment

Project planning Production & QualityAssurance

Cleanroom & buildingclimate

Maintenance Storage & transport

Keeping the heart of industry beating.Out of tradition, with modern technology: Testo offers you precise measurement

technology for various applications.

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More service, more security:

With our subsidiary Testo Industrial Services

(TIS), we offer you specialized, certified services

for quality assurance. TIS has a worldwide

unique combination of DAkkS-accredited labora-

tories for 112 measurement procedures at vari-

ous sites. Thanks to the high level of quality, they

always fulfil the required norms and legislation.

Thanks to new measurement and calibration pro-

cedures, new media and individual services, TIS

increases the availability of your test and meas-

urement equipment.

For many applications in industry, Testo offers a special solution: For guaranteeing system availability, improving production security, or when youcontinuously monitor temperature and humidity, for example.

Testo offers:

• Measurement solutions for different applications in


• Professional measurement technology with highest


• Service guarantee and efficient support

• Professional services, consultation, seminars, training

Raw materials, energy and complex system technology are

the main components of highly organized production. In-

dustry spends billions annually on these. And for that rea-

son, invests large sums in more efficient processes which

save raw materials and energy, keep machines and systems

running, and improve process security, and thus also prod-

uct quality. Innovative measurement technology from Testo

supports production processes in every phase, from devel-

opment to the finished product.

With the expertise of a global player, we meet you as equal

partners. Because we offer professional products and serv-

ices on site worldwide. But also because we have the same

background: The origins of measurement technology are

found in the tradition of fine mechanics in Germany.

Our practice-oriented measurement solutions have their

roots here. Your strength lies in the diversity of the techno-

logical methods.

Testo instruments measure, analyze and document parame-

ters such as temperature, humidity, air flow velocity, pres-

sure, pH value, CO2 concentration and many more reliably,

safely and accurately. All Testo measuring instruments are

provided with ISO or DAkkS calibration certificates. And in

courses, seminars and trainings, Testo transfers up-to-date,

practice-oriented know-how on measurement technology

and your applications.

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In many applications in research and development,

the measurement of temperature and temperature cur-

ves is essential. Because unfavourable temperature

developments, e. g. on electronic components, can

reduce the quality of the product. The use of a ther-

mal imager, which presents the infrared radiation of

the measurement as an image, allows the reliable

measurement of surface temperature, even on the

smallest objects in the micrometre range. Thermal

imagers thus already support the maintenance of the

quality and specifications of the final product at the

development stage.

Your Testo benefits in research and development:

• Exact monitoring of the measurement parameters

and ambient conditions

• Measurement solutions for the verification of


• Reference measurement technology for product and

process development

• More accurate results thanks to precision

Research and development

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Controlled ambient conditions such as constant temperature and humidity values are a basic prerequisite for successful research in laboratories. testo Sa-verisTM (Fig. centre) takes over the central monitoring and documentation of ambient conditions or measurement series, in stationary as well as in trans-port applications.

Thermal imager

testo 890

On the long path from the idea to the product, the risk of in-

conclusive test series must be minimized in the interests of

economic viability. However, it is possible to guarantee

constant parameters as a prerequisite for successful re-

search and development. Precise Testo measurement tech-

nology supports you reliably when you are recreating

corrosive environmental influences in a laboratory, simulat-

ing loads on an engine test bench or testing integrated cir-

cuits in a cleanroom.

The optimization of the heat flow in assemblies and compo-

nents is a central topic in product development. With the

thermal imager testo 890, you not only measure surface

temperature, you also record thermal processes exactly in

real time. The data of the thermographic video recording

can be stopped and analyzed at any point: at any moment,

all temperature measurement points per pixel are available.

With Testo measuring instruments, you create standardized conditions for

reliable results.

In the name of progress.

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For the purposes of lowering costs in production

and in the final product, industry is reliant on re-

source-efficient processes, on machines whose

mechanical, electric or pneumatic drives con-

sume as little energy as possible. The expression

used is “green automation” – the technical pro-

duction prerequsite for “green” consumer prod-

ucts. This includes grippers made of lightweight

materials or pneumatic systems with low com-

pressed air consumption, robots which use less

electricity, gearbox units with minimized friction,

abrasion-proof cable carriers which work with

rolling resistance rather than slide friction, effi-

cient drive technology as well as intelligent con-

trol and ventilation systems.

With Testo measurement technology, you develop innovative and energy-saving

solutions for all areas of industry.

Designed, optimized, built for the sakeof simplification.

Project planning

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Temperature is one of the most important process parameters in industry. The necessary know-how for this is provided by our sensor specialist TestoSensor GmbH. They develop and produce temperature probes – individually tailored to your areas of application: from a custom-made one-off produc-tion to a large series.



testo 6621

Your Testo advantages in the project planning of

machines and systems:

• Flexible solutions for various measurement tasks

• Diverse interfaces for the integration of measurement


• High application competence

You are familiar with industrial processes. As a manager or

employee in an engineering office or consulting company,

you are an expert for the project planning, installation, com-

missioning, maintenance and servicing of all kinds of sys-

tems. As a planner and consultant, you show your

customers what can be improved regarding process effi-

ciency and costs. The basis of every industrial process –

and therefore also of the project planning – is the exact

recording of measurement values. This can be achieved

only with high-performance measurement technology. Testo

supports you in all measurement tasks, with precise and ro-

bust instruments which always fulfil the required norms and

guidelines, and are also able to cope with dirt and challeng-

ing process conditions.

Convince yourself of the diversity of our measurement so-

lutions: From stationary transmitters via special solutions

such as cleanroom-compliant pressure measuring instru-

ments for the exact diagnosis and detection of critical con-

ditions, up to monitoring systems for the recording and

documentation of measurement data, we offer you every-

thing you need for efficient and successful work in your

field. For example the transmitter testo 6621 with a

patented humidity sensor: It fulfils the high requirements

placed on accuracy, reliability and safety in project plan-


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For media such as electricity, water or even gases,

complete transparency exists in every industrial

company. Compressed air, on the other hand, is

generated internally and distributed without know-

ing how much is consumed in total and in individ-

ual areas. Without this knowledge, however, there

is no motivation to repair leaks or to aim for more

economical consumption. An expensive error. In-

dependent research has shown that up to 40 % of

compressed air produced is wasted. In an aver-

age industrial company, this waste adds up to

over 100,000 Euros per year.

Measured by the product.In the end, only quality counts. With Testo measurement technology,

you achieve this safely and efficiently.

Production & Quality Assurance

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Your Testo advantages in production and quality


• Mobile measurement technology for fast testing

on site

• Stationary measurement technology for process

control and quality assurance

• Data monitoring for continuous testing

Measurement data

monitoring system

testo SaverisTM

The compressed air counter testo 6441 serves to record, monitor, control and document the compressed air consumption, thus ensuring transparency.This increases the motivation of those responsible for the process to undertake cost reduction measures and to save energy.

You are already well familiar with our precise portable meas-

uring instruments, designed for fast use on site, and your

daily practical testing would often be unthinkable without

them. However, Testo is also a specialist for innovative and

convenient measurement technology which is used in con-

tinuous process control and quality assurance. The monitor-

ing system testo SaverisTM automates the monitoring and

documentation of temperature data. SaverisTM collects all

necessary data, forwards them wirelessly or via Ethernet

and alarms you when upper or lower limit values are ex-

ceeded – in real time by SMS or e-mail.

You manufacture goods with a consistently high standard of

technology, and invest in the most modern equipment.

Solid background knowledge and years of experience are

the basis for your always being able to safely reproduce the

results. You are reliant on permanent system availability and

process security. One of the most important prerequisites

for this is the monitoring of all parameters which influence

quality, such as temperature and humidity, but also flow

velocity, pressure or gas concentration. Testo offers you

absolutely reliable measurement systems with which you

can consistently monitor and regulate the production cli-

mate and the optimum adjustment of your systems. You in-

crease product quality and reduce energy consumption.

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Sensitive products, the staff who produce them and the in-

struments used for the purpose, are dependent on good cli-

matic conditions during the critical phase of the production

process. Reliable monitoring of temperatures, fresh air sup-

ply and humidity values in production halls, warehouses and

office buildings is therefore crucial to industry. Taking the

already energy-intensive production into account, this must

be carried out particularly efficiently. Technology from Testo

makes it easier for you to reliably fulfil and prove your obliga-

tion to excercise care.

The testo 480 is the professional climate measuring instru-

ment for the monitoring of temperature and relative humidity

in work and storerooms. It records, stores, prints and evalu-

ates all required values continuously.

The highly sensitive world of cleanrooms requires extraordi-

narily precise measurement technology. Only the right hu-

midity and temperature as well as exactly determined

pressures guarantee absolute safety from contamination

with the smallest possible particles or microoorganisms.

The differential pressure transmitter testo 6381 was devel-

oped specially for monitoring differential pressure from 10

Pa to 1000 hPa. In order to keep the conditions constant,

the testo 6381 additionally calculates the parameters vol-

ume flow and flow velocity. The automatic zero point ad-

justment as well as the integrated self-monitoring and

early warning function guarantee a high level of measure-

ment accuracy and system availability.

Your Testo advantages in cleanrooms and buil-

ding climate:

• Reliable testing of all factors relevant to the ambient


• Avoidance of quality loss due to ambient conditions

• Creation of optimum ambient conditions

• Ensurance of staff well-being

Measurement solutions from Testo make reliable climate control easier for you.

Precision not only in cleanrooms.

Cleanroom & building climate

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Cleanrooms are classified in ISO classes from 1

to 9 based on particle measurements, ISO 1 being

the cleanest level. The “cleanest cleanroom in the

world”, which is operated by the Fraunhofer IPA

in Stuttgart, exceeds the ISO Class 1 by a factor

of ten: Only one single particle, with a size of 100

nanometres (0.1 micrometres) is allowed to occur

in one cubic metre of air. In the semi-conductor

industry, one particle with a diameter of 0.1 mi-

crometres can destroy a chip. And in the automo-

tive industry, a 100-micrometre particle can dis-

able an injection jet.

Climate measuring


testo 480

In cleanroom technology, the maintenance of positive pressure prevents the entry of contaminated air. In order to keep the cleanroom conditionsconstant, the transmitter testo 6381 additionally calculates the parameters volume flow and flow velocity from the measured differential pressure.Thanks to optional measurement probes, the simultaneous recording of humidity and temperature in one instrument is possible.

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With Testo measurement technology, you ensure system availability, and minimize

operating costs.

Improve life cycle performance.


The acquisistion of energy-efficient technologies is

often more expensive than that of standard technolo-

gies, and they frequently only pay for themselves

through lower energy costs in use. In order to ade-

quately evaluate this economically, the total life cycle

costs must be included in the calculation, in addition

to the initial investment. For this reason, “Total Cost

of Ownership” is increasingly the basis of purchase

decisions for machines. Industry, in particular the

large automotive manufacturers and the electrical in-

dustry, demands from machine suppliers guaranteed

statements on the maintenance costs and the sys-

tem availablility to be expected.

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Your Testo advantages in the servicing of

machines and systems:

• Early recognition of possible problems

• Avoidance of malfunctions and downtimes

• Cost efficiency thanks to smooth operation

Thermal imager

testo 885

For the daily inspection and servicing of your production plants, we offer you a comprehensive range of measuring instruments for almost anyapplication – e. g. the climate measuring instrument testo 480 for all measurement tasks in the air conditioning and ventilation field.

Complex production plants are necessary to keep indus-

trial production running. Their acquisition is expensive, how-

ever the operative costs amount to many times the

investment sum. Savings represent a great competitive po-

tential for the operator, and for this reason, the focus today

is on the costs over the entire life cycle. Downtimes have an

especially negative influence on this calculation, not to

mention production losses. This is why the electrical, air

conditioning, media and mechanical supply must be pre-

ventively maintained.

Testo measurement technology for industrial thermography

simplifies the monitoring of critical areas which threaten to

disable operation. With a temperature resolution of < 30

mK, the thermal imager testo 885 makes even the smallest

difference visible, its 30° lens records the heat distribution

in large image sections. You thus prevent malfunctions and

fire risks, and never have to wonder whether, behind the de-

ceptive calm, the system might not just be going out of


With Testo SiteRecognition technology, you moreover save

time and effort in periodic inspections. The recognition,

storage and administration of the thermal images after each

measurement tour is carried out by the thermal imager fully


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Your Testo advantages in transport and storage:

• Measurement solutions for a completely self-suffi-

cient 24-hour documentation

• Automatic warning when upper or lower limit values

are exceeded

• Uninterrupted documentation of proof in case of


Storage & transport

Many raw materials, intermediate products and

end products in various fields are hygroscopic:

they bond with humidity in the ambient air . Fine

granular substances such as dry chemicals,

powders, granulates, effervescent tablets or pig-

ments, which are used in the manufacture of

medicaments, foods or paints, tend towards ad-

hesion and agglutination. Corrosion due to incor-

rect humidity values in storage and transport is a

threat to electronic components. Humidity can

thus make products unusable for further process-

ing or sale.

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The testo Saveris probes (fig. centre) transfer their measurement data wirelessly or by Ethernet to the testo Saveris base station. When deviations fromdefined limit values occur, the system triggers optical or audible alarms, by SMS or e-mail.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week. High availablility is the real-

ity in industrial manufacturung – and in logistics. Raw ma-

terials, intermediate products and end products must

circulate freely, and be at the right place at the right time. A

jam threatens the entire supply chain. These are always

high-value, and often extremely sensitive products, whose

absolute quality you guarantee. Strict customer specifica-

tions define ambient conditions, the compliance with which

must be constantly monitored, and documented without in-

terruption – in order, in case of damage, to be able to pro-

vide legal proof. Testo measurement technology makes this

highly responsible work easier for you.

The most important thing in storerooms, containers or walk-

in refrigerators are exact temperatures and humidity values.

The instruments of the data logger series testo 176 are es-

pecially well suited to applications in demanding surround-

ings. They allow the parallel measurement of temperature

and humidity at several measurement sites. Robust metal

housings which protect from mechanical influences ensure

reliable measurement results.

Testo measurement solutions simplify the uninterrupted monitoring and documentation

of climate data.

For safe turnover of goods in industry.

Logger series

testo 176

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Project planning Production & Quality AssuranceResearch and development

Temperature probes

For the important process parameter tem-perature, Testo offers tailor-made tempera-ture probes for various areas of application.

Measurement data monitoring systemtesto SaverisTM

The monitoring system testo SaverisTM pro-vides uninterupted and fully automated moni-toring and documentation of ambient data instorage and during transport. It records allnecessary data centrally, forwards them wire-lessly or via Ethernet and alarms you whenlimit values are exceeded – in real timeby SMS or e-mail.


Data loggerstesto 175-H1

The data logger testo 175 H1 is used for theprofessional long-term monitoring of tempera-ture and humidity in work and storerooms. Ithas a USB and an SD card interface, makingreadout of the data fast and easy.

°C %RH

Humidity/temperature transmittertesto 6621

The testo 6621 stands out due to its patentedhumidity sensor which guarantees highest ac-curacy. Via the external interface, the P2Asoftware can be used to adjust, analyze andparameterize the sensors and the analog out-puts.

Nl Nm3/h

Compressed air metertesto 6441

The compressed air counter testo 6441 is de-signed for the recording, monitoring, checkingand documentation of compressed air con-sumption, and thus not only for the identifica-tion of leakages in compressed air systemsand the allocation of costs by consumption,but also for the implementation of peak loadmanagement.


Thermal imagertesto 890

Thanks to the 640 x 480-pixel detector, thethermal imager testo 890 fulfils the highestdemands. In combination with the SuperReso-lution technology, thermal images inmegapixel quality can be recorded.Thanks to the fully radiometric video measure-ment, thermal processes can be recorded inreal time.

Product overview

Here is a short extract from the Testo measuring world for industry.

Quality is measurable.

%RH %RH°C°C hPa bar mbar L/h


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Flue gas analyzertesto 350

With the portable flue gas analyzer testo 350,the optimization and operational measurementof industrial burners, stationary industrial en-gines or flue gas scrubbers, as well as thechecking and monitoring of officially prescribedemission limits, can be carried out in flue gasanalysis.


More products at www.testo.com

Thermal imagertesto 885

The thermal imager testo 885 in new cam-corder design, offers many innovative featuresand ideal ergonomics, with a rotatable handleand a rotatable, fold-out display. The 320 x240-pixel detector, combined with the out-standing NETD < 30 mK, ensures sharp-focusthermal images and more safety in mainte-nance and quality assurance.

Maintenance Storage & transportCleanroom & building climate


Infrared thermometertesto 830-T4

The testo 830-T4 is an infrared thermometerfor non-contact temperature measurement.Even small, difficult-to-access or dangerousmeasurement objects can be measured with-out any problems from a safe distance.


Differential pressure transmitterswith high accuracy and long-term stability

testo 6381

In order to keep cleanroom conditions con-stant, the transmitter testo 6381 calculatesthe parameters volume flow and flow velocityfrom the differential pressure measured withan accuracy of ± 0.8 % of the measuringrange final value.

Logger seriestesto 176

The loggers of the series testo 176 allow theparallel measurement of temperature and hu-midity at several measurement sites. Robustmetal housings ensure reliable measurementresults, USB and SD card interfaces make thereadout of the data fast and easy.

td g/m3

°C %RH hPa m/s

CO2 Lux

Climate measuring instrumenttesto 480

The climate measuring instrument testo 480provides support in all applications in the airconditioing and ventilation field. In addition toduct flow and grid measurements, the testo480 records all measurement parameters rele-vant for energy consumption and humancomfort.

°C %RH mbar


NOlow SO2 H2S CxHy

°C O2 CO NOCOlow

NO2 hPa



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The essenceof precision.

We are Testo

The requirements for practical measurement solutions are be-

coming increasingly more complex and customized. At Testo

we have made it our business to recognize these customer

requirements in industry and trade, and to translate them per-

manently into new technologies. We carry out our own inten-

sive research, and for decades have been at the cutting edge

of the market. Real innovations in sensor systems as well as

advances made in microelectronics, measurement data stor-

age or communication with other media such as a PCs and

portable terminals benefit all Testo customers.

Competent service

Testo offers professional and reliable consultation for all

questions pertaining to measuring technology. We provide

users quick assistance also after the purchase is made –


Research and development

Testo invests roughly 10 percent of turnover in Research

and Development annually. Staff from many different disci-

plines such as physics, chemistry, biology, electrotechnol-

ogy and process technology conduct applied research in

sensor and measurement technology. Testo maintains inter-

national cooperation with universities and research insti-

tutes, and is represented in a number of committees which

are concerned with innovative measurement technology for

various fields.

Made in Germany – on the job for

you worldwide.

Certified reliability

Quality assurance allows no leeway. Testo Industrial Services

offers certified calibration according to all valid guidelines,

as well as the qualification and validation of portable and sta-

tionary measurement technology. The calibrations take

place in Testo’s own accredited high-tech laboratories at

our facility, or directly on site at the customer’s business.

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Worldwide presence

Climate protection, energy efficiency, legislation and guide-

lines play a global role, and Testo always provides you with

expert support. For us, what counts is being close to the

customer and supporting him on site. We achieve this

with 31 subsidiaries worldwide and over 80 distribution

partners. Testo is represented all over the world with

more than 2300 employees.

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Our customers worldwide rely on Testo’s 50 years of experience and quality.
