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Texas Education Structure (1)

Date post: 05-Apr-2018
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  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)


  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)



  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)


    Sec. 7.102 (c)

    (1) The board shall develop and update a long-

    range plan for public education. (4) The board shall establish curriculum and

    graduation requirements.

    (5) The board shall establish a standard ofperformance considered satisfactory on studentassessment instruments.

    Texas Educational Code

    Adopting rules, criteria, and procedures; approving

    programs; designating and mandating instruction that isessential to a well-balanced curriculum.

  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)


    The members are accountable to the statelegislature and to the people who vote in the

    districts (Organizational Chart).

  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)


    Sec. 7.101

    COMPOSITION. (b) Members of the board areelected at biennial general elections held incompliance with the Election Code.

    Texas Educational Code

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    Sec. 7.104

    TERMS. (a) At each general election immediatelyfollowing a decennial reapportionment of districts, onemember shall be elected to the board from eachdistrict. Except as provided by Subsection (b),members of the board serve staggered terms of four

    years with the terms of eight members expiring onJanuary 1 of one odd-numbered year and the terms ofseven members expiring on January 1 of the next odd-numbered year.

    (b) Seven members of the board elected at each

    general election following a decennial reapportionmentof districts shall serve two-year terms and eightmembers shall serve four-year terms. Members shalldraw lots to determine who serves which terms.

    Texas Educational Code

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    Barbara Cargill, a science educatorfrom The Woodlands, was appointedchair of the SBOE on July 1, 2011.She will serve in this leadership role

    through Feb. 1, 2013.Sec. 7.107.

    OFFICERS. (a) The governor, with the adviceand consent of the senate, shall appoint the chair

    from among the membership of the board.The chair serves a term of two years.

    Texas Educational Code

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    Sec. 7.101.

    COMPOSITION. (a) The State Board of Education iscomposed of15 members elected from districts.

    Sec. 7.103.

    ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP. (a) A person is noteligible for election to or service on the board if theperson holds an office with this state or any politicalsubdivision of this state.

    (b) A person may not be elected from or serve in adistrict who is not a bona fide resident of the districtwith one year's continuous residence before election.A person is not eligible for election to or service onthe board unless the person is a qualified voter of thedistrict in which the person resides and is at least 26years of age.

    Texas Educational Code

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  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)


    To recognize public school educators as professionalsand grant educators the authority to govern thestandards of their profession. The Board oversees allaspects of the preparation, certification and standardsof conduct of public school educators.The Board will: Seek the tools and resources to ensure the education,

    safety, and welfare of Texas schoolchildren.

    Monitor and improve the quality and effectiveness ofeducator preparation programs.

    Improve the effectiveness and the efficiency of businessoperations by expanding the use of technology.

  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)


    The Texas Education Code requires that thegovernor appoint the following 11 votingmembers of the board, each serving a six-yearterm: four classroom teachers, one counselor,

    two administrators and four citizens. Threenon-voting members also serve on the Board: adean of a college of education is appointed by thegovernor; a staff member of the Texas EducationAgency is appointed by the Commissioner of

    Education; and a staff member of the Texas HigherEducation Coordinating Board is appointed by theCommissioner of Higher Education.

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    Bonny L. Cain, Ed D., Board Chair, is theSuperintendent of the Waco Independent SchoolDistrict. Dr. Cains term will expire February 1,


  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)


    Classroom teachers must complete 150 clockhours every five years.

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    CPE (professional development) hours may be obtained online or inperson through an approved CPE Provider, such as: workshops, conferences, and in-service or staff development

    delivered by an approved registered provider; undergraduate and graduate coursework through an accredited

    institution of higher education, with one semester credit being

    equivalent to 15 CPE clock hours; interactive distance learning, video conferencing, or on-line

    activities; independent study, not to exceed 20% of the required clock hours;

    development of curriculum or CPE training materials; presentingCPE activities, not to exceed 10% of the required clock hours;

    serving as a mentor, not to exceed 30% of the required clock hours; serving as an assessor for the principal assessment, not to exceed

    10% of the required clock hours

  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)


    Title 19, Part 7, Chapter 249, SubChapter B,

    Rule 249.15 (a) Pursuant to this chapter, the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) may takeany of the following actions:

    (1) place restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holdingof a certificate, either indefinitely or for a set term;

    (2) issue an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand; (3) suspend a certificate for a set term or issue a

    probated suspension for a set term; (4) revoke or cancel, which includes accepting the

    surrender of, a certificate without opportunity forreapplication for a set term or permanently; or

    (5) impose any additional conditions or restrictions upon acertificate that the SBEC deems necessary to facilitate therehabilitation and professional development of the educatoror to protect students, parents of students, school personnel,or school officials.

    Texas Administrative Code

  • 8/2/2019 Texas Education Structure (1)


    Shaine Glass&

    Irina Minina-Mentz
