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Text A. China's Great Western Development Campaign. Text Learning. After-reading exercises. China's Great Western Development Campaign. China's Great Western Development Campaign. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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China's Great China's Great Western Development Western Development Campaign Campaign
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China's Great Western China's Great Western Development Development


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China's Great Western China's Great Western Development Development

CampaignCampaign•Text Learning

•After-reading exercises

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1 In the late 1970s, Deng Xiaoping made a dramatic break with China's decades-long practice of egalitarianism by declaring that some people and some regions in China should be allowed to get rich before others so that these people and regions would lead the way to common prosperity for all.

2 That decision marked the start of a 20-year boom that has raised the living standards of hundreds of millions of people and transformed China into the global economic and trading power it is today.

China's Great Western China's Great Western Development CampaignDevelopment Campaign


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3 True to Mr. Deng's word, however, the greater part of the wealth has landed in the lap of "some people and some regions". Chinas coastal provinces, with their better-educated work- force, richer land, many ports and more advanced infrastructure, raced ahead of the vast, poor and thinly populated inland western region. Now, Chinese leaders say, the time has come to even things out.


China's Great Western China's Great Western Development CampaignDevelopment Campaign

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4 Welcome to the Great Western Development Campaign. Launched last year, the campaign is an ambitious top-down effort to steer state investment, outside expertise, foreign loans and private capital into the parts of China most in need but the least likely to attract aid on their own. The central government says it steered $9 billion worth of state investment into the region last year and plans to increase that annual figure this year and next.


China's Great Western China's Great Western Development CampaignDevelopment Campaign

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5 Also known as the "Go West" campaign, the scheme targets an area that includes Yunnan, Gansu, Sichuan, Guangxi , Guizhou, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Ningxia , Xinjiang and Tibet, as well as the city of Chongqing. Average incomes in the western region are typically one-third of those in the east, and only a tiny fraction of foreign investment has gone westward. Though the region boasts rich reserves of mineral and energy resources, its development is held back by vast distances and the lack of adequate infrastructure.


China's Great Western China's Great Western Development CampaignDevelopment Campaign

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6 In support of the western development drive, the Asian Development Bank has shifted virtually all of its roadway financing for China away from the richer areas in the east where there is enough commercial potential to support publicly listed or privately invested highways.

7 The World Bank likewise supports the western development program, and plans to apply half of its $3 billion China lending portfolio over the next three years to projects in the western region. T

China's Great Western China's Great Western Development CampaignDevelopment Campaign

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1 20 世纪 70 年代后期,邓小平提出了“让中国的一部分人和地区先富起来,先富的人和地区带动后富的人和地区,最终达到共同富裕”,这一提法一下子打破了中国实行了很长时间的“大锅饭”制度。2 这个决定标志着一个 20 年经济繁荣局面的开端,亿万中国人的生活水平有了提高,今日的中国也转变成为全球经济和贸易大国。



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3 然而,正如邓先生所言,如今的财富已大部分落入“部分地区和部分人”的手中。由于中国的沿海省份拥有受过较好教育的劳动力资源,更为肥沃的土地,以及众多的港口和更发达的基础设施,这些地区已经远远地超过了广袤贫瘠、人口稀少的西部内陆地区。中国领导人认为现在已经到了使两地平衡发展的时候了。



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4 欢迎参加西部大开发。去年发起的西部大开发运动是一场自上而下、雄心勃勃的尝试,它致力于将政府投资、外来专业技术、国外借贷以及私人资本引入中国的那些最需要外援、而又最不易靠自身谋得 外援的地区。中央政府声称,去年已将相当于 90 亿美元的国家投资投放至西部地区,并计划在今年和明年增加年度投放量。



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5 这场运动又被称作“西进”运动,所涵盖的地区包括云南、甘肃、四川、广西、贵州、青海、陕西、宁夏、新疆、西藏以及重庆市。西部地区的人均收入通常只有东部地区的三分之一,而仅有极少量的海外投资流入西部。尽管这一地区有丰富的矿藏和能源,但它的发展却由于其地域广大、基础设施匮乏而受到阻碍。



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6 为了支持西部开发计划,亚洲开发银行已经将其对中国几乎所有的道路资金从富裕的东部地区转移出来,因为那里已有足够的商业潜力支持由政府或民间机构投资的公路建设。7 世界银行也同样支持西部开发计划,并计划在未来的三年中将对华贷款总额(即 30 亿美元)的一半用于西部地区的项目。



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… China’s decades-long practice of egalitarianism…

For decades, China has developed according to the principle of social equality …

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prosperity prosperity n. a good economic period 繁荣昌盛


After the war ended ,a period of prosperity began.战争结束以后开始了一段繁荣的时期。 prosperous adj. successful in business, flourishing 成功的 , 繁荣的 , 昌盛的


That family grew prosperous as its business grew.那个家族随着生意的兴隆也发达了。 Compareproperty n. 财产 , 性质 , 属性


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boomboomn. a period of sudden economic growth, especially one that results in a lot of money being made经济繁荣的一段时期 , 特别是在此期间积累了大量金钱


This year has seen a boom in book sales.今年是图书销售旺盛的一年。 v. to prosper (an economy, industry) 迅速增长


The leisure industry is booming (= is very successful).休闲业搞得非常成功。


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transformtransformv. to change completely the appearance or character of something or someone, especially so that they are improved彻底改变某人或某事的面貌性质 , 特指他们有改进的时候 e.

g.The reorganization will transform the British entertainment industry.重组将改变英国的娱乐业。


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transformtransformtransformation n.


Local people have mixed feelings about the planned transformation of their town into a regional capital.地方百姓对把他们的城镇改造成地方首都有一种复杂的感情。 I'd never seen Carlo in smart evening clothes before; it was quite a transformation.以前我从未见过卡罗穿过如此时髦的晚服 , 真是很大的改变。


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advanced advanced adj.a) highly developed 高度发达的 , 非常先进的


This is the most advanced type of engine available.这是目前所能使用的最先进的发动机。


b) far on in life or progress 年事高的;程度高的;高深的 e.g.

advanced courses of study 高级课程 advanced in years 年事已高的

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advanced advanced advancement n. promotion; preferment; improvement擢升,促进;改进;进步


The aim of a university should be the advancement of learning.大学的目标应该是促进学术的发展。 in advance


I have made some arrangements in advance.我已经预先做了一些安排。


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China's coastal provinces, with their better educated workforce, richer land, many ports8 and more advanced infrastructure, raced ahead of the vast, poor and thinly populated inland western region.

这里句子的主干是: China‘s coastal provinces raced ahead of the vast, poor and thinly populated inland western region. 而 with 引导的部分是修饰前面的provinces 的。句子的主干的意思是: The provinces along the coast developed faster than the western regions far from the coast.


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launchlaunchv. to send something out, such as a new ship into water or a rocket into space发起,发动,把船推下水,发射火箭上天


A spokesman for the dockyard said they hoped to launch the first submarine within two years.船厂发言人讲他们将在两年内发射第一艘潜艇。


n. 发起,发动,发射 e.g.

The launch of the space shuttle was delayed for 24 hours because of bad weather.由于天气不好,宇宙飞船的发射推迟了 24小时。

to launch a missile 发射导弹

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ambitious ambitious adj. a) having a great desire to be successful, powerful or wealthy 雄心勃勃的,有抱负的,有野心的


an ambitious young lawyer 一个雄心勃勃的年轻律师

b) 进取的,大胆的 e.g.

The government has announced an ambitious program to modernize the railway network.政府宣布了使铁路网络现代化的大胆的计划。

He's very ambitious for his children. 他非常渴望他的孩子能成材。


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ambition n. a strong desire for success, achievement, power or wealth 野心;雄心 e.g.

His ambition is ultimately to run his own business.他的雄心是最终创办自己的企业。

ambitious ambitious


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steer steer v. a) to control the direction of a vehicle控制车辆的方向


She carefully steered the car around the potholes.在坑洞周围她仔细地调控着汽车的方向。 b) if a vehicle steers, it follows a particular route or direction 指车辆沿特殊的路线或方向走


The ship passed Land's End, then steered towards southern Ireland.船在陆地的尽头驶过,然后向爱尔兰南部方向前进。 Text

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steer steer c) [ usually + adverb or preposition] to take someone or something, or cause them to go, in the direction in which you want them to go带着某人或某物按你希望的方向促使他们前进 e.g.

I'd like to steer our discussion back to our original topic.我倾向于促使讨论回到我们开始的主题上来。


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boastboastv. to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own过分骄傲或兴奋地讲述你所做的事或拥有的东西


Parents enjoy boasting about their children's achievements.父母乐于夸耀自己的孩子取得的成绩。


n. words used in praise of oneself, one’s acts, belongings, etc 自夸之词;自夸;自吹自擂 e.g.

It is her proud boast that she has never missed a single episode of the soap opera.那是她自豪的夸口她从未错过一集肥皂剧。

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boastboastn. cause for satisfaction; sth. of which one may rightly be proud 足以自豪、自负或自傲的事 e.g.

It was his boast that he had never failed in an examination.他考试从来没失败过,这是他引以为傲的事。


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reserve reserve v. a) to save a place in a hotel room, on an airplane, etc, [synonym: book] 预定


He reserved a room for three nights in the hotel.他在那家旅馆订了一个房间打算住三宿。 b) to keep or hold for oneself 保留;留住


We are reserving these seats for my parents.我们把这些座位留给我父母。 These seats are reserved for the elderly and women with babies.这些座位为老人和孕妇保留。 Text

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reserve reserve n. a) 储备 b) 冷淡;寡言少语 c) 后备部队;预备部队 d) 保护区


She keeps a cash reserve in a savings account in case of emergencies.她在储蓄账户中留有现金储备以备急用。 The man answered questions with a cool reserve and without smiling.那人回答问题时毫无表情。 He left the regular army and joined the reserves.他离开了正规部队加入了后备部队。 You can sometimes see wild animals at the nature reserve.你在自然保护区有时能看到野生动物。 Text

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reserve reserve in reserve to keep sth. for later use 留待备用


I keep a small radio in reserve, so I can listen to music if my stereo system breaks.如果我的立体声音响坏了,我还有小的收音机备用,仍可以听音乐。 reservation n. 储备 a) [C or U] when you arrange to have something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant kept for you指安排订购机票预订餐桌之事


I'd like to make a table reservation for two people for 9 o'clock.我想为两位客人订购九点的餐桌。 Text

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reserve reserve b) [C]an area of land made available for a particular group of people to live in方便特殊人群居住的地方 ; 居留地


We visited a Native American reservation in Arizona.我们参观了亚利桑那州美国土著人的居留地。 without reservationhaving no doubt or concern 无保留地


I recommend her for the job without reservation.我无条件地推荐她做这份工作。 Text

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reserve reserve reserved adj. a) 预留的;保留的 b) 寡言少语的,同” restrained”


That seat is reserved for Mr. Johnes.那个座位是琼斯先生预定的。 He is a very quite and reserved person.他是一个缄默寡言的人。


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lacklackv. to not have or not have enough of something that is needed or wanted缺少或缺少足够的必须品或想要的东西


He just lacks a little confidence.他正是缺少自信心。 What we lack in this house is space to store things.屋子里我们缺少的是储存东西的空间。 n. lack of sth. the absence of something or when there is not enough of it指缺少或缺少足够东西的状态


Her only problem is lack of confidence.她唯一的问题是自信心的缺乏。 同义词组 be short of be in shortage of Text

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adequate adequate


adj. enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose充足的,足够的 e.g.

Have we got adequate food for twenty guests?我们有足够的食物供 20名客人享用吗? [+ to infinitive] Will future oil supplies be adequate to meet world needs?未来石油的供应能足够满足世界的需要吗 ?

adequacy n. 充足inadequate adj. 不足的;不够的inadequacy n. 不足

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… the Asian Development Bank has shifted virtually all of its roadway financing for China away from the richer areas …

… it will be the western inland region rather than the rich areas that will receive almost all of the roadway financing from the Asian Development Bank …

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shiftshiftv. a) change (speed, etc) 改变 ( 速度等 )


I shifted into fourth (gear).我把速度调到第四档上 b) to (cause something or someone to) move or change from one position or direction to another, especially slightly特指少许改变某人或某物的位置或方向


Media attention has shifted recently onto environmental issues.媒体焦点己转移到环境问题上来了 Text

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shiftshiftn. a change in position or direction位置或方向的改变


a shift in the wind/temperature风和温度的变化


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investinvestv. to put money, effort, time etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage把金钱 ,努力 , 时间投入到某件事上以得到利润或益处


The institute will invest 5 million in the project.研究所将投资 5 百万在此项目上。 investment 投资 investor 投资商


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The World Bank likewise supports the western development program, …

Like the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank also supports the program that aims to develop the west, …


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likewiselikewiseadv. in the same way 同样地


Just water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the bedroom.每星期给这些植物浇两次水,寝室里的植物也一样。


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After-readingAfter-reading ExercisesExercisesTranslation十年坚持社会平等

几十年的记忆 提高生活水平

提高嗓门 改变中国

decades-long commitment to social equality

decades-long memory

raise the living standard

raise one’s voice

transform China 转换能量 transform energy

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After-readingAfter-reading ExercisesExercisesTranslation

领先于 落后于

人口稀少的内地 人口密集的城市


race ahead of

fall behind

thinly populated inland

a densely populated city

even things out 消除差别 even out the difference

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After-readingAfter-reading ExercisesExercisesTranslation

自上而下的努力 至下而上的努力

靠自身吸引外援 独立生活


top-down effort

bottom-up effort

attract aid on one’s own

live on one’s own

hold back 抑制眼泪 hold back tears

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After-readingAfter-reading ExercisesExercisesTranslation


支持某人的想法 in support of

in support of one’s idea
