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Textual research

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One of the genre conventions for this film is crime. The setting for this movie is in the dark and dangerous Gotham City, where the police are struggling to keep it in order. Gotham is full of crime, and Batman is the superhero who tries to stop and prevent crime and catch the criminals. He also tries to help protect the people. It is your typical action movie because Batman has his binary opposition, the Joker who he encounters more than once. There are many fight scenes where Batman encounters criminals. Batman also has the Bat-mobile, and many technologies and gadgets that also make it an action packed film. It is also a typical superhero movie because Bruce Wayne has become ‘Batman’ due to his tragic past where his parents were killed by the Joker. Batman’s costume and mask, also adds to this genre because he is hiding his identity so that his loved ones won’t get hurt. It also shows his character which is someone who is mysterious and has dark things happened to them in the past. Batman also has his butler Alfred who helps him out and he is

rich and owns his own business inherited by his father called Wayne Enterprises. As well as an action, a crime story, and a thriller it is also a love story. Bruce Wayne falls in love with the reporter Vicky Vale therefore there is some romance in this movie.

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I think that the target audience for Batman would be males because the main protagonist is a male. Also, recent studies show that males prefer action and comedy movies and since this movie is action packed with plenty of fight scenes I think that it would appeal to them. However, I also think that a secondary audience would be females because Batman also has the Romeo and Juliet storyline where he falls in love with the reporter Vicky Vale; and recent studies show that women prefer this type of story line. I think that the target audience’s age would range from teenagers to adults; this is because the plot is complex. Also, teenagers are normally the ones who buy comic books such as Batman; therefore I think that this movie would also appeal to them. It wouldn’t be targeted at kids as the rating for this movie is PG 13 because of the sexual references, violence, smoking and drugs.

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I think that the film has some elements that allow it to fit in with Vogler’s theory. For example, Batman’s ordinary world as Bruce Wayne is clearly shown. You get an insight into what happened in his past, and why he has become a superhero. However, Batman doesn’t really have a mentor, or refuse to save Gotham, in fact he is the opposite; he is willing to do so. He crosses the first threshold by creating Batman so he can fight crime in Gotham. It fits in with Vogler’s story because Batman is tested by the Joker his enemy, and various criminals. However, it does gradually fit in with the story near the end. The resurrection stage shows Batman’s dangerous meeting with death as he fights the Joker because he has kidnapped his girlfriend Vicky Vale, and because he killed his parents. The elixir Batman returns with is that he has the girl. He also gives Gotham city a hero, and the police made the bat symbol so they can call him when they need him to protect the citizens from crime.

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Batman definitely reinforces the stereotypes. He is the main protagonist and the hero in the movie, and he is seen as the strong, willing male character. He is successful, and owns his own company Wayne Enterprises. Also, the Joker’s character is a frivolous, flamboyant character which suggests that men shouldn’t be emotional or serious. The main female protagonist in the movie is Vicky Vale. She is seen as the weaker character, and waits to get rescued by Batman. She is also a blonde woman, who wears make –up and is wears a lot of different outfits, which are also stereotypical female characteristics.

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One example is when Batman rescues Vicky Vale when she is kidnapped by the Joker. This is targeted at females, who are generally into romance storylines.

A second example is when Batman encounters the Joker and they have a fight scene where the Joker gets thrown into the deadly chemicals which gave him ‘the Joker look’. This shows plenty of action for the male audience.

Another example is when Batman is in his aeroplane and in the Bat-mobile, trying to get rid of the Jokers poisonous gas he has stored in his balloons when he features at the parade. Teenagers would remember his gadgets and his Bat-mobile from the comic books.

Another example is at the beginning when we are first introduced to Batman, as he deals with those criminals who mugged people; we get straight into the action.

A final example is when the Joker trashes the art gallery/museum we see his loquacious character.

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The genre conventions in this movie are action, fantasy, superhero, sci-fi and adventure. It is a typical action movie because it has fight scenes regarding the Fantastic 4 and Victor. It also features a lot of graphics and explosions to help dramatise the action scenes. It sticks to the sci-fi & superhero conventions because the Fantastic Four gain their powers from a cosmic radiation exposure in space when they go on a mission because they are astronauts. They also have the stereotypical superhero costumes, as well as different superhero powers that they use to fight their villain (binary opposition) Doctor Victor ‘Doom’ and also to help people in trouble. Fantastic Four also originated from comic books which most superhero movies do. They are portrayed as a loving, dysfunctional family but they break conventions with other comic-book archetypes of the time; they would squabble and hold grudges both deep and petty, and avoid anonymity or secret identities in favour of celebrity status.

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The target audience I think is aimed at teenagers to young adults. This is because teenagers are more likely to read the comic books, and so it would appeal to them more. However, it appeals to both males and females and young adults because it features both men and women. I think it would slightly appeal more too men, because there are more male protagonists in the film than female. The rating for this movie is PG 13 therefore it would be aimed at people over this age range, due to violence etc.

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I think that this film does fit in with the model quite well. This is because their ordinary world is being astronauts and going on missions, the call to adventure is when they get their powers and become the Thing, Invisible woman, the Human Torch, and Mr Fantastic. The refusal of the call is when they don’t know what’s going on, and want to get back to normal because ‘the Thing’ has lost his appearance. They then start to get comfortable with their powers and start to help people like when ‘the Thing’ saved the fire-truck from falling into the river. Then they face Doctor Victor and so on. I think that Vogler’s model fits in with the plot of Fantastic Four.

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I think that this movie reinforces male stereotypes, because the majority of Fantastic Four are mainly males, which shows that they are the ones in power. It shows them being the stronger characters via The Thing and the muscular characters (Mr Fantastic is the leader). I think it does stereotype the invisible woman because she wears make-up, and wears revealing costumes. However, she does have powers and she and Mr Fantastic are seen as the more intelligent type people. They all play a part such as when the invisible woman fights Doctor Victor. So I think it challenges stereotypes in a way, but it reinforces the stereotypes more.

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Scene when they are in space and get released to radiation – explosion and this leads to a lot of action.

When Sue aka Invisible Woman has a fight with Doctor Victor – appeals to a male/female audience

When ‘the Human Torch’ is skiing and he turns into fire and falls into a pool of melted ice –comedy appeals to both males and females

The gradual romance between Mr Fantastic and the Invisible Woman

When ‘the thing’ saves the fire truck and saves the man from a car accident – action -males

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Kick Ass is a film that fits in the genres of Action, Comedy, Adventure and Superhero. The story line of a high school student Dave Lizewski, wanting to become a superhero even though he has no training, powers or skills is what makes it funny. He is also seen as a nerdy, comic book geek character, which is opposite of typical superhero conventions because they are muscular, brainy and have special powers. Kick Ass breaks conventions because it differs from your average superhero movie; Kick Ass creates his character over time. However Kick Ass’s binary opposition is Frank aka a mobster type character who is the main villain. Kick Ass doesn’t have any gadgets except two sticks that he uses to fight with. However, his accomplices Hit Girl and Big Daddy have loads of weaponry and gadgets. The normal convention of a superhero movie is the costume for hiding the secret identities of the character, which this movie does via Hit girl, Big Daddy, Red Mist & Kick Ass. Kick Ass also has a love interest, a girl called Katie in his school and he finally gets the girl, again a typical Romeo & Juliet storyline. There is also action in this movie as Kick Ass tries to fight Frank and there are scenes where he fights various criminals and thugs, alongside Hit Girl & Big Daddy. Kick Ass also originated from a comic book.

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The main target audience for this film is teenagers; this is because the main protagonist is a teenager. The movie is also from a teenager’s perspective, and a lot of teenagers can relate to the hero’s ordinary world, they are also normally the ones who would be reading comic books. It would also be targeted at young adults, via Big Daddy, Frank but also I think that this movie targets both genders because it is a comedy; and recent studies show that both genders like comedy movies. Also, there is a female in the character ‘Hit Girl’ (Mindy) she is the main female protagonist.

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I think in most ways Kick Ass does fit in with Vogler’s model. Vogler’s model starts off with the hero’s ordinary world, which in this case is an average high school student who is nerdy and likes to read comic books. His call to adventure is the fact that no-one tries to become superheroes, so he tries to become one because he is sick and tired of people not helping when they see someone about to get mugged etc. He refuses because he doesn’t think he can do it, but then after he gets his costume he learns from his previous battles. He faces criminals, such as saving a guy from a fight and his fight with Rasul, the guy who has been intimidating Katie his love interest. His main problem is Frank, the guy who kidnaps him and beats him up. Hit Girl saves them both, and they have a show down. They escape and Kick Ass reveals his identity to Hit Girl. He returns with the girl Katie. So at the beginning it follows Vogler’s story but near the end it differs slightly.

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I think that this movie challenges gender stereotypes. When Kick Ass first starts off he is weak, and doesn’t really have any skills. Stereotypically the man is supposed to be the strong character that is in control which in some ways is portrayed by Big Daddy. However, Hit Girl is the strong girl, who is clever, knows her stuff about weaponry, and has the skills. This is not how a stereotypical female is portrayed. They are normally portrayed as the weaker characters, which are into fashion, hair, and make-up which Hit Girl isn’t, and she is the one who saves Big Daddy and Kick Ass. Therefore I think more than anything it challenges gender stereotypes.

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When Hit Girl gets revenge on Frank for

killing ‘Big Daddy’ and when she has the

final showdown with all the men/guards &

when Kick Ass comes with a machine gun

flying outside the window –Action

The way the Dave Lizewski is portrayed at

school and when he tries to talk to ‘Red Mist’

and his bouncer swears at him – Comedy

When Frank’s shop is getting burnt

down, and Red Mist/Kick-Ass go into the

burning building to help

When Hit-Girl and Big Daddy are practising

getting shot – Comedy – unexpected –

breaking conventions

Big Daddy having a showdown with the bad

guys at Frank’s shop where he interrogates


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The genres of X men are Action, Sci-Fi and Adventure, as well as superhero. It is your typical action movie because it has various fighting scenes, and scenes with explosions and special effects to keep the audience entertained. It is an Adventure and Sci-Fi movie as the ‘mutants’ have different powers and gradually learn how to uses these powers as they fight against Magneto. They have costumes and secret identities for example Wolverine, Storm & Cyclops. They also have diverse/special powers between them which they gradually learn to control. ‘X-Men’ is a classic comic book, and the movies originated from there. They also have the typical binary oppositions, as the X-Men being the good guys and Magneto and his gang (‘Sabre-Tooth’etc) are the villains. They also have extraordinary powers and technology that help them. They are born with their powers and they are rare mutants, which is typical in a superhero movie as they normally are born with or gain their powers. They also have each other; they are in a group together. There aren’t many groups of superheroes in movies apart from X-Men & Fantastic Four, so in a way it differs from the individual superhero movies.

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I think the main target audience for this movie would be young adults onwards because of the complex storyline. I think that it would appeal to both males and females because there are a variety of different protagonists equally spread out. A secondary audience could be teenagers because it stars people like ‘Rogue’, who is a teenager. Another factor why is because most teenagers are the ones that buy these comic books, so I think that it would definitely appeal to them. It will be targeted at young adults to adults because it relates to the characters in X-Men, as they are in the same sort of age range. However, these type of movies would appeal to a wide variety of audiences, because of the diverse characters.

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I think that when you use Vogler’s model on a certain character in X-Men such as ‘Wolverine’ that it fits quite well. Wolverine’s ordinary world is that he is a loner and he is a cage fighter. He lives in a hostile world where the humans are fearful of the mutants. He is seen as an outcast, but when he meets Rogue his call to adventure is when they both get attacked by ‘Sabre-tooth’ and Storm/Cyclops rescue them and take them to the mutant school. They offer him a place there, but Wolverine refuses. His meeting with the mentor is when he meets Professor X, and he agrees so he can learn more about who he is and where he came from. Near the end he has a battle with the brotherhood, and he saves Rogue risking his life whilst doing so. However, his resurrection is that he comes back and his elixir is that he finds out what his powers are, and he gains information about his roots and his past so he can heal emotional wounds. Therefore, I think that Vogler’s story fits in well with X-Men when you apply it to the main protagonist Wolverine.

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I think that this challenges stereotypes in a way because in this movie there are female protagonists as well as male protagonists, and they play lead roles as well like the characters Rogue, Storm and Jean. However, it reinforces them in a way because Rogue is under Wolverine’s wing, and near the end he is the one who has to save her. However, to be fair she is in a trance and under Magneto’s control. The women are also seen wearing make-up, and tight costumes, which reinforces women stereotypes as the girls are seen as weaker, and that they like wearing make-up, into fashion etc. The males are also stereotypically tough, built, mean-looking, and quite masculine characters like Wolverine.

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Wolverine’s cage fight near the beginning

– appeals to a male audience

Jean & Cyclops relationship – female


The showdown near the end with

Wolverine, Rogue, and Magneto’s Brotherhood. The special effects and the

characters as well as the action would

appeal to the audiences.

The characters look like the ones in the

comic books – so sticking to their origins

The mutant school and all the special

effects in there as well as learning about

different characters with diverse powers.

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Superhero Movie – Costume/Ring helps him gain powers/originated from a comic book/tries to save the universe and protect people from trouble

Action – fight scenes/explosions/CGI

Comedy/Humour – Characters ordinary world – love interest/ pilot

Sci-Fi- Another Alien type world/Hal Gordon needs to save the universe by becoming a Green Lantern

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Teenagers who read comic


Males – Main Male

Protagonist Hal Gordon

played by Ryan Reynolds

Females – Romance

storyline – Love interest

Both Genders –

Comedy/Action scenes

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I think it fits in with Vogler’s story, it’s hard to

tell as the movie isn’t out yet. However, the

hero’s ordinary world is that he is a pilot and

lives a normal life. However, Hal Gordon

then gets chosen by the Green Lantern race

to take the ring and protect the universe

which would be his call to adventure. He

doesn’t think he can do this which is his

refusal of the call. The meeting with the

mentor would be going back to the alien

planet, and find out about the Green

Lantern. I think that in the end he will end up

getting the girl, and know that he has done

something good to save the planet.

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From the trailer I think that the typical male stereotypes will apply: that he is less organised, that he is a strong character a bit of a jock, ladies man type character.

The girl featured in the trailer is his work friend who also flies planes. She is pretty and sounds like she will be the clever character who is more organised.

I think that this film will probably reinforce male/female stereotypes.

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A lot of action with the special effects/CGI/ fight scenes

The character Hal Gordon seems like a light hearted funny character


Alien race of Green Lantern’s different from the ordinary world
