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Το water & Waste ξεκινάει μια προσπάθεια εισό-δου στις αγορές της «γειτονιάς» της Ελλάδας. Τιςαναδυόμενες αγορές της Ν.Α. Ευρώπης που στηφάση της ανάπτυξης ή και ανασυγκρότησής τουςαναζητούν συνεργάτες και τεχνολογίες που η ελ-ληνική αγορά μπορεί να προσφέρει. Το περιοδικό

φιλοδοξεί να γίνει το όχημα και ο δίαυλος επικοινωνίας με-ταξύ των δύο πλευρών με στόχο, όπως πάντα, την προ-ώθηση των ελληνικών εταιρειών σε νέες αγορές. Αφετη-

ρία αυτού του εγχειρήματος η παρουσία του W&W στοiSWa BEaCoN που πραγματοποιείται το Δεκέμβριο στο Νό-βισατ της Σερβίας. Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που στις επόμε-νες σελίδες του περιοδικού θα δείτε μια μεγάλη ενότηταύλης στην αγγλική γλώσσα. Πιστεύουμε ότι η κίνησή μαςαυτή θα έχει συνέχεια αλλά και αποτελέσματα.

Με εκτίμηση Α. Ζευγίτης Σύμβουλος έκδοσης W&W


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Στο Ευρωδικαστήριο έξι κράτη-μέληγια μη χορήγηση αδειών σε βιομηχανίες

Ηχρηματοδότηση των αναγκαίων μελετώνκαι των έργων παροχής υποστηρικτικώνυπηρεσιών τεχνικού συμβούλου, αποτε-

λούν σημαντικά προαπαιτούμενα για τη σωστήπροετοιμασία και την επιτυχή υλοποίηση όλωντων έργων και παρεμβάσεων και ειδικά εκείνωνπου θα χρηματοδοτηθούν από το ΕΣΠΑ. Οι υπη-ρεσίες αυτές δεν είναι περιττή πολυτέλεια,αλλά απολύτως αναγκαίες για τη διασφάλισητης καλής ποιότητας των έργων, άρα τελικά τουδημόσιου συμφέροντος. Τα παραπάνω επιση-μαίνει το διοικητικό συμβούλιο του ΣυνδέσμουΕλληνικών Εταιρειών - Γραφείων Μελετών(ΣΕΓΜ), με υπόμνημά του προς όλα τα πολιτικάκόμματα, εν όψει των εκλογών της 5ης Οκτω-βρίου 2009. Για την έξοδο από την κρίση ο ΣΕΓΜπροτείνει: Η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή παραπέμπειέξι κράτη μέλη στο Δικαστήριο των ΕυρωπαϊκώνΚοινοτήτων, επειδή παρέλειψαν να εκδώσουννέες ή αναπροσαρμοσμένες άδειες για πάνωαπό 1.500 βιομηχανικές εγκαταστάσεις που λει-τουργούν στο έδαφος τους. Οι έξι χώρες είναι ηΔανία, η Ελλάδα, οι Κάτω Χώρες, η Πορτογαλία,

η Σλοβενία και η Ισπανία. Η Επιτροπή αποστέλ-λει επίσης πρώτη γραπτή προειδοποίηση στηνΑυστρία, τη Γαλλία και τη Σουηδία για άλλες1.700 εγκαταστάσεις που λειτουργούν χωρίςάδεια. Σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις οι άδειες έπρεπενα έχουν εκδοθεί μέχρι τις 30 Οκτωβρίου 2007.Οι παραβάσεις αφορούν την οδηγία της ΕΕ σχε-τικά με την ολοκληρωμένη πρόληψη και έλεγχοτης ρύπανσης (οδηγία «iPPC» 96/61/ΕΚ), στόχοςτης οποίας είναι η πρόληψη και ο έλεγχος τωνβιομηχανικών εκπομπών στον ατμοσφαιρικόαέρα, στο νερό και στο έδαφος.Η οδηγία υπο-χρέωνε τα κράτη μέλη να εκδώσουν μέχρι τις30 Οκτωβρίου 2007 νέες άδειες ή να επανεξε-τάσουν, και όπου απαιτείται να αναπροσαρμό-σουν τις υφιστάμενες άδειες για όλες τις βιομη-χανικές εγκαταστάσεις που λειτουργούσαν πριναπό τις 30 Οκτωβρίου 1999.Από τα στοιχεία που υπέβαλαν η Δανία, η Ελλά-δα, οι Κάτω Χώρες, η Πορτογαλία, η Σλοβενίακαι η Ισπανία, προέκυψε ότι για κάτι παραπάνωαπό 1.500 εγκαταστάσεις στα εν λόγω κράτημέλη δεν έχουν εκδοθεί νέες ή αναπροσαρμο-

σμένες άδειες.Κατά συνέπεια, έχοντας αποστείλει ήδη δύογραπτές προειδοποιήσεις, η Επιτροπή αποφάσι-σε να παραπέμψει τα έξη κράτη μέλη στο Δικα-στήριο για παράβαση της οδηγίας. Ωστόσο, οαριθμός των αδειών που δεν έχουν εκδοθεί εί-ναι σαφώς μικρότερος από τις περισσότερεςτων 4.500 που ίσχυαν στα εν λόγω κράτη μέληόταν η Επιτροπή κίνησε τις διαδικασίες επί πα-ραβάσει το Μάιο του 2008.Η Επιτροπή έχει επίσης αποστείλει πρώτη γρα-πτή προειδοποίηση στην Αυστρία, τη Γαλλία καιτη Σουηδία για ανεπαρκή πρόοδο όσον αφοράτην έκδοση αδειών για 1.700 περίπου εγκατα-στάσεις που λειτουργούν στις εν λόγω χώρες,από τις οποίες 1.647 βρίσκονται μόνο στη Γαλ-λία. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με τηνοδηγία iPPC και την εφαρμογή της διατίθενταιστις ιστοσελίδες:http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/pollu-tants/stationary/ippc/index.htmhttp://ec.europa.eu/environment/ippc/ippc_in-dic_permits.htm

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Ηποσότητα των οικιακών αποβλή-των που ανακυκλώνεται είναι οπλέον χρήσιμος δείκτης καθώς

κάνει σύγκριση μεταξύ των κρατών με-λών δίνοντας έτσι μεγαλύτερο νόημα.Όμως οι στατιστικές για τα οικιακά από-

βλητα δεν είναι πρόσφατα διαθέσιμεςκαθόσον το συγκεκριμένο ρεύμα απο-βλήτων συνήθως περιλαμβάνεται στομεγάλο εύρος του ορισμού των δημο-

τικών αποβλήτων.Δευτερογενή υλικά

Η τιμή των δευτερογενών υλικών επη-ρεάζεται πολύ από την τιμή των πρω-τογενών υλικών και κατ’ επέκταση απότην συνολική οικονομική ανάπτυξη.Τα έσοδα από τα δευτερογενή υλικάπαίζουν σημαντικό ρόλο στην διαχείρισηδιαφόρων σχημάτων αποβλήτων.Κά-ποια ανακυκλώσιμα υλικά όπως τογυαλί, χαρτί και πλαστικό αναγράφονταιστις στατιστικές του εξωτερικού εμπο-ρίου, αμφότερα σε όγκο και αξία. Τα δεδομένα αναφέρονται σε πρόσφα-τες εμπορικές δραστηριότητες. Έτσι

περιλαμβάνουν πρόσφατες τιμές καθώςκαι μακροπρόθεσμες ,από συμβάσειςπου πραγματοποιήθηκαν.Ο δείκτης απεικονίζει ένα αριθμό τιμών(ευρώ/τόνο) των ανακυκλώσιμων υλι-κών (γυαλί, χαρτιού και πλαστικού).Για κάθε υλικό η Στατιστική για το Εξω-τερικό Εμπόριο έχει διάφορες θέσεις,από την στιγμή που απορρίπτεται σαναπόβλητο από τον καταναλωτή μέχριτην υψηλή τιμή του όταν αυτή καθορί-ζεται.Για να τονισθεί η επίδραση στα διάφορασχήματα διαχείρισης αποβλήτων ο δεί-κτης κατασκευάζεται από μία επιλογή

κοινών ανακυκλώσιμων υλικών.Για κάθε ανακυκλώσιμο υλικό αναπτύσ-σεται ένας δείκτης τιμών που να μηνσυμπεριλαμβάνει παράγωγες τιμές πουαπλά αντανακλούν διαφορετικούς όγ-κους αποβλήτων.Ο δείκτης σκοπεύει να παρακολουθείτην ειδική τιμή ενός καθορισμένου στα-θερού σετ υλικών και όχι απλώς μίαμέση τιμή.Για τα έτη 2000-2008 η κατανομή κάθευποκατηγορίας (όγκος υποκατηγορίαςπρος τον συνολικό όγκο) υπολογίζεταικαι λαμβάνεται υπόψη σαν σταθερή κα-τανομή του δείκτη στον υπολογισμότου.Σαν πρόσθετος δείκτης παρουσιάζεταιο συνολικός όγκος (εισαγωγών – εξα-γωγών) των εμπορευομένων υλικών.Ο δείκτης αυτός ( τόνοι/μήνα) δείχνειτην δραστηριότητα της αγοράς.Τα στοιχεία καλύπτουν εσωτερικό καιεξωτερικό εμπόριο στα 27 κράτη μέλητης Ε.Ε.Τα στατιστικά στοιχεία του εξωτερικούεμπορίου δημοσιεύονται μία φορά τονμήνα, με μία καθυστέρηση περίπου 3,5μηνών. Το έτος 2000 επελέγη σαν ση-μείο έναρξης λόγω του ότι από το 2000και μετά υπήρχαν αξιόπιστα στοιχεία γιαδιάθεση.Γυαλί

Η διαμόρφωση της τιμής και του όγκουτων υλικών υάλου στα 27 κράτη μέλητης ΕΕ.Ο δείκτης τιμών και όγκου εμπορίου ετη-σίως και μηνιαίως σε (€/τόνο και όγκουσε τόνους)http://tinyurl.com/yz79q3c Γραφική παράσταση :Η διαμόρφωση της τιμής και του όγκουτων υλικών υάλου στα 27 κράτη μέλητης ΕΕ.http://tinyurl.com/ykx27gu Χαρτί

Η διαμόρφωση της τιμής και του όγκουτων υλικών χάρτου στα 27 κράτη μέλητης ΕΕ.Ο δείκτης τιμών και όγκου εμπορίου ετη-σίως και μηνιαίως σε (€/τόνο και όγκουσε τόνους)http://tinyurl.com/ygvlmgy Γραφική παράσταση:Η διαμόρφωση της τιμής και του όγκουτων υλικών χάρτου στα 27 κράτη μέλητης ΕΕ.http://tinyurl.com/yfshxpm Πλαστικό

Η διαμόρφωση της τιμής και του όγκουτων υλικών πλαστικού στα 27 κράτημέλη της ΕΕ.Ο δείκτης τιμών και όγκου εμπορίου ετη-σίως και μηνιαίως σε (€/τόνο και όγκουσε τόνους)http://tinyurl.com/ylgxguoΓραφική παράσταση :Η διαμόρφωση της τιμής και του όγκουτων υλικών πλαστικού στα 27 κράτημέλη της ΕΕ.http://tinyurl.com/yhog3sj

ΠοΣοΣτο ΑνΑκυκλωΣηΣ οικιΑκων ΑΠοβλητων

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Την κατασκευή ενός νέου φω-τοβολταϊκού πάρκου συνολικήςισχύος 504kW ανέλαβε η iN-

traKat στον Νομό Αιτωλοακαρνανίας.Το ύψος της επένδυσης ανέρχεταισε 1,93 εκατ. Ευρώ.

Ο σχεδιασμός, η προμήθεια και ηεγκατάσταση του συστήματος θαυλοποιηθούν εξ ολοκλήρου από τηνiNtraKat. Οι εργασίες κατασκευήςαναμένεται να ξεκινήσουν στο τέλοςΝοεμβρίου και να ολοκληρωθούν

εντός τεσσάρων μηνών. Η iNtraKatειδικεύεται στην ανάληψη έργων(turn key) Φωτοβολταϊκών Πάρκωνκατασκευάζοντας μεσαίας και με-γάλης κλίμακας συστήματα απευ-θείας Σύνδεσης στο Κύριο Δίκτυο

Διανομής και Μεταφοράς Ενέργειας,Σταθερά Αυτόνομα Συστήματα καιΦορητά Συστήματα Αυτόνομης (aoSS)για βιομηχανικές, αγροτικές και επεν-δυτικές εφαρμογές. Από την αρχήτου έτους η iNtraKat έχει αναλάβεικαι εκτελεί έργα συνολικής ισχύος1,3MW σε όλη την Ελλάδα, αξιο-ποιώντας την υψηλή τεχνογνωσίακαι εξειδίκευση που διαθέτει στονσυγκεκριμένο τομέα.

Στο πλαίσιο της προώθησης νέωντρόπων χρησιμοποίησης τωνχρηματοδοτήσεων της Ευρω-

παϊκής Επιτροπής, αναπτύχθηκε απότην Ε.Ε. και την Ευρωπαϊκή ΤράπεζαΕπενδύσεων (ΕΤΕπ), σε συνεργασίαμε την Τράπεζα Ανάπτυξης του Συμ-βουλίου της Ευρώπης (CEB), το χρη-ματοδοτικό εργαλείο JESSiCa (ΚοινοίΕυρωπαϊκοί Πόροι για Αειφόρες Επεν-δύσεις στα Αστικά Κέντρα - Joint Eu-ropean Support for Sustainable inve-stment in City areas), το οποίο ανα-μένεται να βοηθήσει στην προώθησηβιώσιμων επενδύσεων και στην προ-αγωγή της ανάπτυξης σε αστικές πε-ριοχές. Το εργαλείο JESSiCa, ουσιαστικάεισαγάγει μια σειρά νέων διαδικασιών,βάση των οποίων παρέχεται στα κράτημέλη η ευχέρεια να χρησιμοποιήσουνμέρος των επιχορηγήσεων που λαμ-βάνουν από την Ε.Ε., για να δημιουρ-γήσουν ένα νέο Ταμείο Αστικής Ανά-πτυξης (ΤΑΑ), το οποίο θα διαχειρίζεταιΕιδική Επιτροπή. Οι πόροι του ΤΑΑ θαεπενδύονται σε έργα που εντάσσονταιστα πλαίσια ολοκληρωμένων σχεδίωνγια την προαγωγή βιώσιμης αστικήςανάπτυξης (π.χ. Διαχείριση ΣτερεώνΑποβλήτων (ΔΣΑ), Εξοικονόμηση Ενέρ-γειας). Στο παραπάνω πλαίσιο, η ΕΤΕπ,σε συνέχεια της υπογραφής μνημονίουσυνεργασίας με το Υπουργείο Οικο-νομίας, ανέθεσε στην ένωση νομικώνπροσώπων ΕΥΡΩΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΟΙ Α.Ε. καιΕ.Π.Τ.Α. Ε.Π.Ε. τη «Μελέτη αξιολόγησηςτων δυνατοτήτων εφαρμογής τουχρηματοδοτικού εργαλείου JESSiCaγια τη χρηματοδότηση έργων ΔΣΑστην Ελλάδα». Στόχοι της μελέτης,είναι η ανάπτυξη ενός μηχανισμούεφαρμογής του χρηματοδοτικού ερ-γαλείου για την ΔΣΑ στην Ελλάδα,καθώς και η αξιολόγηση και πρότασησυγκεκριμένων έργων ΔΣΑ, τα οποίαμπορούν να χρηματοδοτηθούν απότο εργαλείο JESSiCa.

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Ητεχνολογία SMart log αποτελείμία καινοτομία στο χώρο της αυ-τόματης καταγραφής μετρή-

σεων των υδρομετρτηών. Ταυτόχροναόμως αποτελεί και μία από τις πλέονπρακτικές λύσεις για την αυτόματησυλλογή δεδομένων και την αδιάλει-πτη παρακολούθηση της οικιακής κα-τανάλωσης. Η τεχνολογία SMart logαναπτύχθηκε από την εταιρεία radiotech με στόχο τη δημιουργία ενός εξε-λιγμένου τεχνολογικά συστήματος, τοοποίο θα είναι σε θέση να καταγράφεισε πραγματικό χρόνο την προσφερό-μενη παροχή.

Το καταγραφικό της SMart log κα-ταγράφει και αποθηκεύει την παροχήτου νερού που διέρχεται από τον οι-κιακό υδρομετρητή. Τα δεδομένα κα-ταγράφονται ως παλμοί και στη συνέ-χεια εκπέμπονται για να διαβαστούναπό την αντίστοιχε συσκευή συλλογήςδεδομένων. Η πληροφορία αυτή απο-στέλλεται σε ψηφιακή μορφή κάθε 2δευτερόλεπτα. Η συχνή εκπομπή δε-δομένων επιτρέπει τη συλλογή πλη-ροφοριών με πολύ εύκολο τρόπο,ακόμη και μέσα από οχήματα εν κινή-σει!!

Ακόμη και στην περίπτωση που τοτηλεμετρικό-καταγραφικό έχει τοπο-θετηθεί υπογείως μέσα σε φρεάτιο (μέ-χρι ενός μέτρου), ή σε κιβώτιο υδρο-μετρητή, παρέχει τη δυνατότητααπόμακρυσμένης ανάγνωσης από κι-νούμενο όχημα (π.χ. αυτοκίνητο) απόαπόσταση έως και 100 μέτρων!

Η ευκολία με την οποία πραγματο-ποιούνται οι μετρήσεις, καθότι δεναπαιτείται πλέον άμεση πρόσβαση στουδρόμετρο, αλλάζει τα δεδομένα στηδιαδικασία καταγραφής μετρήσεων.

Περισσότερο από

ένα απλό τηλεμετρικό

Πέραν του προφανούς πλεονεκτήμα-τος της απομακρυσμένης μέτρησης,και της μέτρησης εν κινήσει (drive-bymetering), το SMart log προσφέρεικάτι πραγματικά πρωτοποριακό, τοοποίο θα αλλάξει τα δεδομένα της δια-δικασίας μετρήσεων.

Για πρώτη φορά προσφέρεται η δυ-νατότητα διαδραστικής επικοινωνίαςανάμεσα στην εταιρεία παροχής νερού,στον καταναλωτή, και τη συσκευή μέ-τρησης!

Το SMart log μπορεί να χρησιμο-ποιηθεί για να παρακολουθεί τηνύπαρξη διαρροών από την πλευρά τουκαταναλωτή, να επιβάλλει περιορι-σμούς κατανάλωσης σε περιόδους ξη-ρασίας, να πραγματοποιεί με ακρίβειατην κοστολόγηση του καταναλισκού-

μενου νερού, να εφαρμόζει κλιμακωτήτιμολόγηση για αυξημένη κατανάλωση,και τέλος να ανιχνεύει τυχόν κακόβου-λες απόπειρες επέμβασης στη μετρη-τική διάταξη.

Οι δυνατότητες που προσφέρει τοSMart log είναι πρωτοποριακές για τοχώρο της αυτόματης καταγραφήςκαι

μετάδοσηςμετρήσεωνκαι υπόσχε-ται να απα-λείψει τιςδυσκολίεςπου ενέχον-ται στις δια-δικασίες αυ-τές. ΤοSMart log εί-ναι σε θέση να μεταφέρειασύρματα μέσα σε μόλις2-3 δευτερόλεπτα όλες τιςμετρήσεις ενός μήνα γιαένα οικιακό υδρόμετρο!!(για μεσοδιάστημα μετρήσεων 30 λε-πτών κατά τη διάρκεια του μήνα)

Με τον τρόπο αυτό μειώνεται δρα-ματικά το κόστος της διαδικασίας κα-ταμέτρησης και καταγραφής των με-τρούμενων ποσοτήτων ανά υδρόμετροκαι καταργεί την ανάγκη για «εκτίμηση»της κατανάλωσης και έναντι χρεώ-σεων.

Το λογισμικό SMart Patrol PC έχει

σχεδιαστεί για το SMart log και επι-τρέπει στον καταμετρητή να σχεδιάσειαποτελεσματικότερα το δρομολόγιοπου πρέπει να ακολουθήσει για την κα-ταγραφή των μετρήσεων, και επιτρέπειτον καθορισμό νέων θέσεων τοποθέ-τησης συσκευών.

Με τη χρήση χρωματιστών δεικτώνπροόδου (progresss bars) ο κα-

ταμετρητής είναι συνέχειαενήμερος για τη φάσηστην οποία βρίσκεται η με-τάδοση των δεδομένων.Μεγιστοποιείται έτσι η

αποδοτικότητα του όλου συ-στήματος, καθώς επιτρέπει στον χειρι-στή του SMart Patrol PC να κινείται μετη βέλτιστη μέγιστη ταχύτητα για τησυλλογή δεδομένων. Επίσης, όλα ταδεδομένα των καταγεγραμμένων κα-ταναλώσεων επεξεργάζονται και ανα-λύονται σε πραγματικό χρόνο.

Η καινοτομία

του SMART View

Το SMart log συνεργάζεται με από-λυτα με το SMart View. Το SMart Viewαποτελεί μία πρωτοποριακή καινοτομίαπου υπόσχεται να αλλάξει τον τρόπομε τον οποίο αντιμετωπίζεται το νερόσήμερα και να περιορίσει τις όποιες συ-νήθειες υπερκατανάλωσης νερού.

Το SMart View αποτελείται από μίασυσκευή η οποία επικοινωνεί με τοSMart log και με τη βοήθεια μίας ευ-μεγέθους και ευανάγνωστης οθόνης,επιτρέπει στον καταναλωτή να παρα-κολουθεί σε πραγματικό χρόνο τη συ-νολική, μέση και στιγμιαία οικιακή τουκατανάλωση νερού.

Το SMart View τροφοδοτείται ενερ-

γειακά από μία μικρή συστοιχεία φω-τοβολταϊκών, η οποία είναι ενσωματο-μένη στη συσκευή. Δε χρειάζεται δη-λαδή εξωτερική πηγή τροφοδοσίαηλεκτρικού ρεύματος ή μπαταρίες!

Σε πιλοτική εφαρμογή του εν λόγωσυστήματος στο Weymouth της Αγ-γλίας, ένα ηλικιωμένο ζευγάρι κατά-φερε με τη βοήθεια του SMart log καιτου SMart View να επιτύχει μείωση τηςοικιακής κατανάλωσης κατά 39% !!

Οι ian και Jean reekie υπήρξαν οιπρώτοι οικιακοί χρήστες του SMartView. Μέσα σε λιγότερο από ένα μήνααπό την τοποθέτηση του SMart logκαι του SMart View στο διαμέρισμάτους, κατάφεραν να μειώσουν τη μέσηημερήσια κατανάλωση νερού από τα222 λίτρα στα 136. Οι ίδιοι δηλώνουν:

«Η πρωταρχική αξία του SMart Viewεντοπίζεται στην ευκολία εντοπισμούτου πιο αποδοτικού τρόπου εξοικονό-μησης νερού. Δοκιμάσαμε διάφορεςμεθόδους και είμασταν σε θέση να βλέ-πουμε αμέσως τη διαφορά. Επίσης εί-μασταν σε θέση να εντοπίσουμε άμεσακαι σε πραγματικό χρόνο τις μεγάλεςοικιακές καταναλώσεις και να λάβουμετα μέτρα μας.»

Το SMart View απαλείφει τηνανάγκη να «μαντεύει» το ηλικωμένοζευγάρι ποιος θα είναι ο επόμενος λο-γαριασμός, κάτι πολύ σημαντικό αναναλογιστεί κανείς ότι οι καταμετρήσειςπραγματοποιούνταν κάθε έξι μήνες!Τώρα πια ο ian δε χρειάζεται να κατε-βαίνει στο πεζοδρόμιο και να προσπα-θεί να διαβάσει την ένδειξη του υδρο-μέτρου μέσα από το φρεάτιο.

Το αυτόνομο ενεργειακά SMartView παρουσιάζει ευανάγνωστα και ευ-νόητα όλα τα απαραίτητα αρθιθμητικάμεγέθη και γραφήματα που χρειάζονταιγια την εύκολη και άμεση σύγκριση τωνκαταναλώσεων. “Η Jean κι εγώ πι-στεύουμε ότι το νερό σύντομα θα απο-τελέσει ένα σπάνιο και πολύτιμοαγαθό» λέει ο ian. “Τώρα είναι η ώραγια να αρχίσουμε να προσέχουμε καινα διαφυλάσσουμε το νερό. Απαιτείταισυλλογική συμμετοχή και θέλουμε ναεκπληρώσουμε επιτυχώς το μικρό κομ-μάτι του έργου που μας αναλογεί.”

Αξίζει τέλος να αναφέρουμε ότι τοSMart View αποτελεί έναν απαραίτητοσύμμαχο στην προσπάθεια για τονενεργητικό εντοπισμό των διαρροών,την ώρα που αυτές παρουσιάζονται.

Το SMart log αποτελεί μία πολύπροσιτή πρόταση στον τομέα της αυ-τόματης ανάγνωσης ενδείξεων, ηοποία ταυτόχρονα προσφέρει μία σειράαπό πολύτιμα και πρωτοποριακά χα-ρακτηριστικά. Το σύστημα είναι σε θέση

KainotomΕΣ λυΣΕιΣ Στην ΑυτομΑτηκΑτΑγρΑφη μΕτρηΣΕων των υδρομΕτρων

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να λειτουργήσει και με υφιστάμενεςπαλμοδοτικές διατάξεις.

Η μονάδα καταγραφής μετρά τουςπαλμούς και τους μεταφράζει σε πα-ροχή και κατανάλωση. Τα δεδομένααυτά στη συνέχεια εκπέμπονται κάθεδύο δευτερόλεπτα μέσω μίας ασφα-λούς ασύρματης σύνδεσης σε ένα δέ-κτη με συνδεσιμότητα USB, ο οποίοςμπορεί να είναι τοποθετημένος και σεκινούμενο όχημα. Ακόμη και σε περί-πτωση υπόγειας τοποθέτησης, τοSMart log είναι σε θέση να μεταδόσειασύρματα τα δεδομένα του σε από-σταση έως και 100 μέτρων.

Το κάθε SMart log είναι σε θέσηνα αποθηκεύσει έως και 17.000 μετρή-σεις στην του τοπική μνήμη. Για παρά-δειγμα, οι καταναλώσεις ενός μηνόςπου είναι αποθηκευμένες τοπικά στημνήμη του SMart log, μπορούν να με-ταδοθούν ασύρματα στον κινούμενοδέκτη εντός 2-3 δευτερολέπτων(ισχύει για μεσοδιάστημα μετρήσεωντης τάξης των 30 λεπτών).

Το SMart log επιτρέπει στις εται-ρείες ύδρευσης τη δυνατότητα ναπραγματοποιούν με αυξημένη ακρίβειατην τιμολόγηση, να παρακολουθούνγια τυχόν διαρροές στα σπίτια των κα-ταναλωτών, να επιβάλλουν περιορι-στικά μέτρα κατανάλωσης σε περιό-δους ξηρασίας, να εφαρμόζουνκλιμακωτές ή/και εποχιακές τιμολογή-σεις, και να ανιχνεύουν κακόβουλεςενέργειες στο υδρόμετρο, χωρίς ναχρειαστεί ποτέ επιτόπου επίσκεψη καιάμεση επαφή με το υδρόμετρο.

Η συσκευή προμηθεύεται με μπα-ταρία διάρκειας 10 ετών, και μία προ-αιρετική οικιακή μονάδα παρακολού-θησης, η οποία επιτρέπει στουςκαταναλωτές να παρακολουθούν σεπραγματικό χρόνο την οικιακή κατανά-λωση και να εντοπίζουν τυχόν εστίεςδιαρροών.

Κύρια Χαρακτηριστικά και Προτερή-ματα του SMart log4Χαμηλού κόστους εναλλακτική τωνΑΜΡ σταθερού δικτύου αναμετάδο-σης.4Χωρίς περιορισμούς υποδομής καικάλυψης παρόχων κινητήςς τηλεφω-νίας.4Απαλείφει του λογαριασμούς«έναντι»4Τα δεδομένα είναι 100% σίγουρακαι ασφαλή κατά τη μετάδοση.4Επιτρέπει τον υπολογισμό υδατι-κών ισοζυγίων μέσα σε μία ζώνη μέ-τρησης (dMa) για ανάλυση ανίχνευ-σης διαρροών.4Συναγερμοί με φωνητική λειτουρ-γία για την ανίχνευση διαρροών,επέμβασης, και αντίστροφης ροής,κατά τη διάρκεια της απομακρυσμέ-νης συλλογής δεδομένων.4Συμβατό με όλες τις υφιστάμενεςπαλμοδοτικές διατάξεις.4Μοναδικό μαγνητικό σύστημα στή-ριξης για μεγαλύτερο εύρος λειτουρ-

γίας.4Αυτόνομο ενεργειακά (φωτοβολ-ταϊκά) ασύρματο οικιακό σύστημα εν-δείξεων με συναγερμό εντοπισμούδιαρροών.4Δυνατότητα λειτουργίας σε «κατά-σταση ταχείας συλλογής δεδομένων»(rapid data collection mode) η οποίασυλλέγει το τελευταίο σύνολο κατα-γεγραμένων παλμών, συναγερμόδιαρροής, συναγερμό επεμβάσεων,συναγερμό αντίστροφης ροής, και συ-ναγερμό χαμηλής μπαταρίας.4Αποθηκεύει τα δεδομένα ενός

έτους για μεσοδιάστημα μετρήσεων30 λεπτών.4Υποστηρίζει reed switch, ηλεκτρονι-κό κωδικοποιητή παλμών, και τουρμ-πίνες ροής.4Γρήγορη, ασφαλής και αμφίδρομηασύρματη επικοινωνία δεδομένων μεευελιξία στις συχνότητες επικοινω-νίας.4Συναγερμοί φωνητικής ειδοποίησηςδιαρροής και επέμβασης στον υδρο-μετρητή κατά τη διάρκεια της ασύρ-ματης μετάδοσης, για την ενεργητικήδιαχείριση και συντήρηση του δι-

κτύου.4Δυνατότητα λειτουργίας ταχείαςλήψης δεδομένων για ανάγνωση απόκινούμενο όχημα. Η λειοτυργία αυτήεπιτρέπει ακόμη γρηγορότερους ρυθ-μούς λήψης των δεδομένων.4Λογισμικό SMart Patrol το οποίοδείχνει τον κωδικό συσκευής τουSMart log id, διεύθυνση, κατάστασημετρητή και κατανάλωση στην ίδιασελίδα.Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες απευ-θυνθείτε στην εταιρεία Ολύμπιος Εμ-πορική ΑΕΕ. Τηλ. 210.600.4.600

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to μΕγΑλο ρΑντΕβου των ΕγκΑτΑΣτΑτωνΣτη WiLo: μιΑ νΕΑ ΠΑρΑδοΣη γΕννηΘηκΕ

ΗWilo Hellas διοργάνωσε μιαημέρα ανοικτής επικοινωνίαςαφιερωμένη στους εγκατα-

στάτες. H εκδήλωση πραγματοποι-ήθηκε στις εγκαταστάσεις της στηνΆνοιξη Αττικής. Δεν υπήρχε πρό-γραμμα, η προσέλευση ήταν ελεύ-θερη από τις 10 το πρωί ως τις 6 τοαπόγευμα και ο κρύος καιρός δενστάθηκε ικανός να κρατήσει τουςεπαγγελματίες μακριά από την εται-ρεία που παραδοσιακά τους στηρίζει,τους ενημερώνει και τους δίνει ταεφόδια για ακόμα ποιοτικότερη δου-λειά εδώ και 36 χρόνια. Οι άνθρωποι της Wilo καλωσόρισαντους επισκέπτες και τους ξενάγησανστην Αίθουσα Πρακτικής «Κωνσταν-τίνα Πρέντζα», όπου ήταν σε λει-τουργία εκθέματα με 50 αντλίες δια-φόρων εφαρμογών, όπως και στηνμονάδα συναρμολόγησης υποβρυ-

χίων αντλιών, πιεστικών και πυρο-σβεστικών συγκροτημάτων, στις εγ-καταστάσεις του Service και στηνκεντρική αποθήκη.Φυσικά την ατμό-

σφαιρα ζέστανε η γνήσια γερμανικήμπύρα και τα λουκάνικα που ψήνον-ταν στο μπάρμπεκιου, αλλά πάνωαπ’ όλα η καλή διάθεση και το αμοι-

βαίο ενδιαφέρον για επαγγελματικάκαι άλλα θέματα. Η εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας, η απο-τελεσματικότερη εγκατάσταση γιατην αποφυγή επαναλαμβανόμενωνεπισκέψεων (χωρίς χρέωση) των εγ-καταστατών, καθώς και η ευρύτατηγκάμα προϊόντων για όλες τις εφαρ-μογές μεταφοράς νερού, έκλεψαντο ενδιαφέρον.Όλοι οι επισκέπτεςσυμμετείχαν σε κλήρωση, η οποίαπραγματοποιήθηκε στα γραφεία τηςεταιρείας στις 10 Νοεμβρίου 2009από τον κο Αλεβίζο, υπάλληλο τηςΘερμογκρούπ, η οποία ανέδειξε 37νικητές! Η Ημέρα του Εγκαταστάτη θα πραγ-ματοποιείται στο εξής κάθε χρόνοστη Wilo, το ζήτησαν οι εγκαταστάτεςκαι χαίρονται να το ζουν οι άνθρωποιτης. Αυτό είναι κάτι που στη Wiloονομάζουν Pumpen intelligenz.

ΣυΣτημΑ ΑνΑΖωογονηΣηΣ βοΘρων


Ησυσκευή οξυγόνωσης aQUaBUBBlE-StrEaM, εισάγει αέραστον βόθρο για επίτευξη αε-

ρόβιων συνθηκών επεξεργασίας, καιανάπτυξη αερό-βιων βακτηρίων. Ημεταφορά οξυγό-νου στο νερό με-γιστοποιείται μέσωοξυγόνωσης λε-πτής φυσαλίδας.Τα αερόβια βακτή-ρια (μικροοργανι-σμοί) επιτυγχάνουναποδεδειγμένα,γρήγορη και απο-τελεσματική επεξεργασία των λυ-μάτων, με αποτέλεσμα να αποφεύ-γονται οι οσμές, οι αποφράξεις καιτο συχνό άδειασμα. Η διαδικασίααυτή αυξάνει τα χρόνια που ο βόθροςπαραμένει απορροφητικός και λει-τουργεί χωρίς προβλήματα, στις πε-ρισσότερες δε περιπτώσεις, επανα-

φέρει την αρχική (χαμένη) απορρο-φητικότητα.Η διαδικασία της ανα-ζωογόνησης αρχίζει αμέσως μετάτην - πολύ απλή - τοποθέτηση του

aQUa BUBBlE-StrEaM και τααποτελέσματα εί-ναι φανερά από τιςπρώτες εβδομά-δες.Σε συνδυασμόμε το CESClEaN ηεπαναφορά τουβόθρου στην κα-νονική λειτουργίαείναι μόνιμη καισυγχρόνως επι-

τυγχάνεται διάσπαση των στερεώνυπολειμμάτων (λάσπη) έως και 95%.Η μονάδα αερισμού aQUa BUBBlE-StrEaM έχει σχεδιασθεί για εύκολητοποθέτηση και πρακτικά αθόρυβηλειτουργία. Το δε κόστος λειτουργίαςδεν είναι μεγαλύτερο από την κατα-νάλωση μιας λάμπας των 60W.

Επισκέπτες στον χώρο συναρμολόγησης δίπλα στις εντυπωσιακέςαντλίες λυμάτων της Wilo EMU

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ΕΞΑγορΑ του 50% τηΣ ΠριΣμΑ δομη ΑτΕ ΑΠο την ιντρΑκΑτ

Στο πλαίσιο του στρατηγικού τηςσχεδιασμού η iNtraKat επεκτεί-νεται στον τομέα των περιβαλ-

λοντικών έργων και των έργων δια-χείρισης φυσικών πόρων με την εξα-γορά του 50% της εξειδικευμένης σεαντίστοιχα έργα εταιρείας ΠΡΙΣΜΑΔΟΜΗ ΑΤΕ, η οποία κατέχει εργοληπτικόπτυχίο 5ης τάξης ΜΕΕΠ.

Το πτυχίο 5ης τάξης της ΠΡΙΣΜΑΔΟΜΗ ΑΤΕ θα αξιοποιηθεί τόσο στηνδιεκδίκηση και την παροχή ολοκλη-ρωμένων λύσεων σε περιβαλλοντικάέργα υψηλής τεχνολογίας όσο και σεδημόσια έργα υποδομών. Η ΠΡΙΣΜΑΔΟΜΗ ΑΤΕ ιδρύθηκε το 1994 και δια-θέτει μακρόχρονη και επιτυχημένη πα-ρουσία στον κατασκευαστικό κλάδο.Στο ανθρώπινο δυναμικό της συγκα-ταλέγονται εξειδικευμένοι επιστήμονεςμε μεγάλη εμπειρία και τεχνογνωσίασε περιβαλλοντολογικά έργα.

Η εταιρεία έχει εκτελέσει έργα προ-στασίας περιβάλλοντος, έργα διαχεί-ρισης υγρών, στερεών, αερίων καιεπικίνδυνων αποβλήτων, έργα επε-ξεργασίας υδάτων με έμφαση σε βιο-λογικούς καθαρισμούς και σε διυλι-στήρια υδάτων. Επιπλέον η ΠΡΙΣΜΑΔΟΜΗ ΑΤΕ έχει συμμετάσχει στην εκτέ-λεση έργων οδοποιίας, έργων κατα-σκευής λιμένων υδραυλικών, κτιριακώνυποδομών και έργων παραγωγής ενέρ-γειας από ΑΠΕ.

Μεταξύ των σημαντικότερων έργωνπου έχει εκτελέσει, περιλαμβάνονταιη εξυγίανση των εδαφών και οι συμ-πληρωματικές εργασίες στο τεχνολο-γικό και πολιτιστικό πάρκο Λαυρίου, ηκατασκευή των εγκαταστάσεων υδρο-δότησης και επεξεργασίας πόσιμουνερού της Θήβας, η αποκατάστασητων χώρων ανεξέλεγκτης διάθεσηςαπορριμμάτων της περιφέρειας δυτικήςΜακεδονίας και τα έργα αποκατάστα-σης ζώνης Α1 πάρκου Σχοινιά.

Η διοίκηση της iNtraKat εκτιμά ότιη συνεργασία με την ΠΡΙΣΜΑ ΔΟΜΗΑΤΕ έρχεται να λειτουργήσει συμπλη-ρωματικά στις προοπτικές ανάπτυξηςπου προκύπτουν από την υπάρχουσαστρατηγική συνεργασία με τη SUEZEnvironnment στον τομέα της διαχεί-ρισης στερεών αποβλήτων, καθώςεξασφαλίζεται η δυνατότητα παροχήςβιώσιμων, τεχνολογικά προηγμένωνκαι περιβαλλοντικά φιλικών λύσεωνπου καλύπτουν ένα ευρύ φάσμα έργωνπράσινης ανάπτυξης.

Θεσμικό Πλαίσιο: Στα παρα-

κάτω links θα βρείτε για την ενημέρωσή σας

επικαιροποιημένη τόσο την Κοινοτική, όσο και

την Εθνική Νομοθεσία που λειτουργεί με


Κοινοτική: http://tinyurl.com/yb9jh4f

Ελληνική: http://tinyurl.com/ygo7hzp

*Διόρθωση: Στο τεύχος Οκτωβρίου στο άρθρο «ΠΡΟΣ ΜΙΑ

ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΚΥΚΛΩΣΗΣ» έγινε λανθασμένη αναφορά

στον αριθμό των κάδων που έχει τοποθετήσει η ΑΦΗΣ. Στην

πραγματικότητα ο αριθμός των κάδων είναι 45.500 (αριθ-

μός που μας φέρνει στην δεύτερη θέση στην Ευρώπη μετά

τη Γερμανία) και όχι 16.150 όπως αναγράφεται στο άρθρο.

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the english section

a)Recycling1.Serbia to establish large-scale alu-minium recycling plant by EditorialStaff. october 21, 2009Serbia / Switzerland / Serbia’sDeputy Prime minister & minister ofthe Economy, mladjan Dinkic and mr.Jan Driessens, former President ofamerican company Ball PackagingEurope, said today that work will be-gin on constructing a US $ 150 miL-Lion aLUminiUm RECYCLinG PLantin tHE anCiEnt CitY oF Sremskamitrovica, about 60 miles west ofthe Serbian capital. For more :http://www.recyclingbizz.com/non-ferrous/La906770.htmlsource: www.recyclingbizz.com 2.Waste management in Romaniaoffers new opportunities for Ger-man waste disposal technologyBucharest - a completely new mar-ket for German sorting, recyclingand disposal technology is currentlybeing built in Romania. about 99percent of Romania's waste hasended up without any sort on oneof the many heaps. Under pressurefrom the EU, Romanians have tobuild more waste produced everyyear, 117 sorting and 79 compost-ing facilities, 93 transfer stationsand 33 EU-compliant landfill. alsomaking a number of mechanical-bi-ological treatment plant (mBt) areformed, reports Germany trade &invest. For more at:http://tinyurl.com/ylxf375 3. E-scrap processing plant for Ro-maniaRomania | a new e-scrap recyclingventure named GreenWEEE hasopened its doors in Bazau, Romania.Described as the first WEEE recy-cling facility of its kind in south-eastern Europe, the plant has thecapacity to process 50 000 tonnesof e-scrap each year covering tentypes of electrical and electronicequipment. For more: http://www.recyclingbizz.com/glass/La864637.html acknowledgementwww.greenweee.roSource: a cooperation of Recycling

international and Recyclenet 4. EBRD to finance paper productionin albania albania. the European Bank for Re-costruction and Development(EBRD) is making an equity invest-ment of Euro 2 million (US $ 2.58miLLion) in Edipack Sh.a, the onlypaper –producing company in alba-nia, to support the company’s plansto install recycled paper productionline and establish paper recyclingnetworks throughout albania. Formore:http://www.recyclingbizz.com/pa-per_textile/La851459.html Source: a cooperation of Recyclinginternational and Recyclenet5.municipal Waste in Europe – to-wards a European Recycling Societyan analysis of European waste pre-vention and recycling has been pub-lished by the aCR+, with the sup-port of Suez Environnement and itswaste subsidiary Sita. the study in-cludes, in particular, data on thevarious waste management modelsin the 27 European capitals. thebook "municipal Waste in Europe –towards a European Recycling Soci-ety" brings together Europe’s wastemanagement policies and outlinesthe challenges which public authori-ties need to address. For more at:http://www.recyclingportal.eu/ar-tikel/22911.shtmlSource: www.recyclingportal.eu/ 6.new Zero Waste Places Standard!the Zero Waste Places Standard hasbeen developed by Defra, the BREWCentre for Local authorities and theUniversity of northampton, formorehttp://www.lga.gov.uk/lga/core/page.do?pageid=4684811 Source: http://www.lga.gov.uk/ B)PaCKaGinG1.a non – technical guidance docu-ment for corporate decision makersaiming to achieve a common under-standing of sustainability principlesamong packaging supply chainstakeholders covering the entire lifecycle.Packaging in the Sustainability

agenda: a Guide for Corporate Deci-sion makers28 pages (44 pages including appen-dices and bibliography), July 2009,free of chargeYou can download it at:http://tinyurl.com/ykcuuteSource: http://www.europen.be 2.a comprehensive and wide rang-ing study of how much packaging atypical household shopping basketcontains and what materials it ismade of, published by the EuropeanShopping Baskets Program (ESB), ajoint project of EURoPEn (the Euro-pean organization for Packagingand the Environment)Public Report – the European Shop-ping Baskets, Packaging trends forFast-moving Consumer Goods in Se-lected European Countries. Part 1:First data collection. You can down-load at: http://tinyurl.com/yfkulk9Source: http://www.europen.be 2.aceptance criteria in Denmark andthe EUEnvironmental Project no. 1269,2009in connection with an environmen-tal and emergency-planning reviewof major hazard establishments inDenmark, the Danish Emergencymanagement agency, the agencyfor Spatial and Environmental Plan-ning, and the Environmental Protec-tion agency decided to investigatethe use of acceptance criteria forrisk to third parties in other EUcountries, and compare these withDanish criteria. major hazard author-ities need risk acceptance criteriathat can be used in the followingsituations:o when auditing environmental per-mits for existing major hazard es-tablishments, o when planning changes in landuse (in municipal or local plans)close to existing major hazard estab-lishments, o in connection with environmentalimpact assessment and environ-mental permit for expansion orchanges to existing major hazard es-tablishments, and

o when establishing new major haz-ard establishments. http://www2.mst.dk/common/Ud-givramme/Frame.asp?http://www2.mst.dk/udgiv/publica-tions/2009/978-87-7052-920-4/html/helepubl_eng.htmSource: http://www2.mst.dk/ 3. ireland Environmental Protectionagency 194 pages Published 2009municipal Waste Characterisation2008 Surveys - Final Report http://www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/waste/plans/EPa_waste_characteri-sation_2008_final_report.pdfSource: http://www.epa.ie 4.the norwegian Pollution ControlauthorityCooperation with Romania on Envi-ronmental technology and GreenPublic Procurementthe norwegian and Romanian min-istries of the Environment havelaunched a joint project on Environ-mental technology and Green PublicProcurement. the aim of the projectis to strengthen the national infra-structure in Romania in order tosupport eco-innovation...http://tinyurl.com/yc2532r5.Cleaning up polluted soil in day-care centers and playgrounds5. Guide for soil pollution assess-ments in existing day – care centersand playgrounds: Soil contaminationin day-care centers and play-grounds.http://www.sft.no/pub-likasjoner/2550/ta2550.pdfSource: http://www.sft.no/

WaStE manaGEmEnt EVEntSWaste management 2010: Fifth in-ternational Conference on Wastemanagement and the Environmenthttp://www.wessex.ac.uk/10-con-ferences/waste-management-2010.htmlSource: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/

Via EXPo (BULGaRia)http://www.viaexpo.com/index.php?lang=enSource: http://www.viaexpo.com/


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Corporations should not only focuson the profitable site of “green busi-ness strategies”, but also feel thatthey contribute to making theworld a better place to live in, ar-gues Mr. Polychronopoulos, generalmanager of Polyeco, the leadingwaste Management & valorizationindustry in the Balkans. in his in-terview he underlines that the timeto act is now, because the environ-mental crisis is systemic, and thatgovernments and local authoritiesin the Balkans should adopt moreradical actions in order to complywith the eu environmental stan-dards.

wWhy is it so crucial to succeedin reaching an agreement toCopenhagen?

New estimates are being daily releasedregarding the seriousness of GlobalWarming, the reduction of oxygen,acidic rain, the toxic waste, the acceler-ating pace of disappearance of typesspecies’ extinction and the exhaustion

of natural re-sources. Most en-terprise’s activi-ties and practicesiin the beginningof the 21st cen-tury the way withwhich most en-terprises prac-ticed their activi-

ties, had as an exclusive objective theincrease maximization of profits, while,at the same time, being they were in-different to the effect of these activitiesto the environment. Consequently, thedamage in the global ecosystem has re-ceived shocking dimensions. it is non-negotiable anymore that citi-zens, organizations, companies and gov-ernments have to take certain measuresin favor of the environmental protectionto protect the environment. When Pres-ident obama undertook his duties, hecharacterized this period as “New Era ofresponsibility” concerning environmen-tal issues. the international trend re-quires from us to prove our Environ-mental responsibility. the protection of environment is a oneway road street for the necessary qualityof life both for the present and the fu-ture generations. Governments andmodern enterprises, by acting as organ-izations of growth and social responsi-bility, owe to undertake the initiativeand engage in the worldwide effort ac-tion to protect the environment. it isour duty to decrease in the minimal pos-sibleminimize, as much as possible, thenegative effects of our existence to theenvironment. We must act now, tomor-row will be too late.

mr. Polychronopoulos, you are theGeneral manager of Polyeco the no1Waste management & Valorization in-dustry in the Balkan Region; do youbelieve that green development proj-ects could boost our economy?the crisis is systemic and requires thechange transformation of the traditionaldevelopment models towards throughsustainable development strategies. Formany environmentally developed coun-tries, such as denmark and Sweden,green entrepreneurship for manydecades constitutes an essential factorthat contributes to the nationaleconomies for many decades. the business opportunities that thissector offers are great unique. Butwhat is even greater more importantis the contribution to making theworld a better place to live in. Envi-ronmentally burdened areas can be

rehabilitated and developed fortouristic or other purposes. Municipaland industrial waste can be convertedinto energy and replace fossil fuels.Polyeco, loyal to its vision for sustain-able development, leads in this effort,by investing in infrastructure and ex-pertise so that it can offer modern,direct, financially viable and in fullcompliance with National and Euro-pean legislation, integrated environ-mental services.

For many of the Balkan countries themanagement of the municipal wasteremains an unsolved problem. Do youconsider this as an obstacle for theharmonization with the EU environ-mental standards?all Balkan countries are trying hard toachieve the harmonization with the EUstandards. Progressive However, more

radical decisions need to be taken in or-der to meet the EU standards. indeed,municipal waste management is a majorproblem and unless local authorities un-dertake the correct rigth action, thesituation will worsen in the near future. Concerning the management of munic-ipal waste, there are have been manydifferent methods applicable to manyof the EU countries over the last fourdecades. Nowadays, among them themost preferred ones is the waste- to-energy method in which municipalwaste is converted into energy and re-places fossil fuels. above all, what is important is to designsustainable, financially feasible municipalwaste strategies. in addition, thesestrategies should take into considerationthe actual needs, the local characteris-tics, the national as well as the Europeanlegislation. w&w

“the environmental crisis is systemic and requires Radical sustainable development strategies”

the former Hellenic Chem-ical industries plant in Vasil-ico, Cyprus, were was con-structed there in 1982.and were located in Vasi-liko, Cyprus, an area Vasilikois located 25klm east oflemesos. the plant ceasedits operations in 1995. anda after the shut down, thearea was abandoned, whilewith various hazardouschemicals and other wasteswere left unmanaged,which were posing signifi-cant risk to the local com-munity and the wider en-vironment in general. tΤhe main hazards to the lo-cal area were around100.000 tons of phospho-gypsum dumped next tothe sea without any barrierprotective measure to con-trol obstruct their leakage., vVarious strong acidsfrom the fertilizer produc-tion process were left pres-ent throughout in thebroader area, while anhy-drous ammonia quantitiesin the ammonia spheres ofthe plant and various met-als were contaminated withradioactivity from by theraw materials of the phos-phoric fertilizer productionprocess.

the Ministry of Commerce,industry and tourism ofCyprus managed to raisethe funds to decontami-nate the area, with the aimto recreate the wider arearegenerate the district byconstructing a new com-mercial port and liquefiedNatural Gas (lNG) terminal.the contract for the de-commissioning, decontam-ination, remediation anddemolition of the former

Hellenic Chemical industriesplant was awarded to theConsortium of Polyeco S.a.,Environmental ProtectionEngineering S.a. and VanVliet Sloopwerken B.V. in2005.at first in the beginning, allbuildings were decontami-nated and waste was trans-ferred to Polyeco S.a. andto other dedicated wastetreatment and storage ar-eas within the EU for fur-

ther management. Basedon its characteristics, wastewas either treated on siteor transferred to Polyeo’slicensed waste manage-ment facilities in Greece,following issuance of all rel-evant licenses and certifi-cates by the competentauthorities.at the same time, decom-missioning and demolitionworks were taking placeprogressing. all buildingson site were demolishedand demolition productsdebris were was removed.Scrap derived from demo-lition was and transferredto recycling facilitiesabroad, whilst concretematerial was crushed insmall pieces shattered andwas re-used as fill materialon site after suitable theappropriate testing.a geosynthetic liner, cov-ered by a thick compactedsoil layer, was placed at thephosphogypsum area in or-der to prevent potential re-leases emissions of phos-phogypsum to theenvironment. at the sametime a barrier was con-structed at the sea front toprevent the wash out ofthe material. after completion of dem-olition, remediation of thearea was undertaken. thesite was finally handed overclean and ready for futuredevelopment.

a practical example of how an environmentallyBurdened area can be rehabilitated

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16 interview

the serbian government is ready toembark in a streak of privatizationsin the sector of waste management,and this is a golden opportunity forforeign companies to acquire anearly mover advantage in whatseems to be a potentially growingmarket, argues goran vujic, in hisinterview with water & waste. ser-bia doesn’t posses the required cap-ital to promote advanced technol-ogy in waste treatment and islooking for public-private partner-ships with waste management com-panies that have knowledge of theregion and the peculiarities of theBalkan societies.

give us a description of the wastemanagement in Serbia, and, inmore details, inform us about

the waste production, the treatmenttechnologies etc. is there any wastemanagement plan for the future? Canyou give us more information aboutthat? Waste management in the republic ofSerbia is typical for countries in transi-tion. republic of Serbia is at the begin-ning of solving the problem of waste.the Ministry of Environment and SpatialPlanning of republic of Serbia foundeda project where the Faculty of technicalScience - department of EnvironmentalEngineering in Novi Sad, implement theanalysis analyses of the composition andquantities of municipal waste in Serbia.the results show that Serbia annualygenerates annually over 2.200.000 tonsof municipal solid waste, or 0.76 kg percapita per day. it should be noted thatthe quantity of generated waste variessignificantly, depending on the devel-opment and socio-economic parame-ters of a each particular region. , iinother words, smaller and less developedmunicipalities in Serbia produces onlyabout 0.4 kg/capita/day, while residentsof major cities such as Belgrade and NoviSad created produce over 1kg of wasteper day. regarding the morphologicalcomposition of the waste, the resultsof the analysis indicate that organicwaste, which include garden and otherbiodegradable waste, is the dominantfraction (about 40% of total sampleweight), followed by plastics and paperwith cardboard (10% -15%) . Glass, tex-tiles, and metal contribute by 2% to 10%.republic of Serbia adopted the Strategyfor Waste Management in 2002, andwhile this year adopted a new wastemanagement strategy. Serbia is haschoose chosen to build regional sanitarylandfills as a first step, and it is need toadopt a wait-and-see approach for fur-ther adoption of the strategy.

Waste management in Europe is based

mostly on Recycling, followed by thethermal treatment of the residuals.Please give us the stance of Serbia’sposition on various waste manage-ment technologies; especially abouton energy recovery methods and me-chanical biological treatment meth-ods.Waste management in Europe is notmostly based mostly on recycling. ,wWaste management in Europe is stillbased on quality landfiling, waste com-posting or using MBt and incineration.But you are right about the fact that inthe last few years EU has a tendencytends to increase the percentage of re-cycling, reuse and reduction. However,, but most represented treatments arethose that we have just mentioned. thistendency is a great challenge for Serbia,because in cases where a large part ofthe waste ends up in wild dumps, thereis the question of whether it is possibleto start recycling as a major decision, orforce the landfiling or incineration. olsoFurthermore, there must be taken intoaccount several facts that follow SWMin Serbia must be taken into account:there is still a significant number part ofthe population which is not covered withby organized collection (research of de-partment of Environmental Engineering,shows that in the northern province ofVojvodina, even 17% is not included inthe system of organized collection),prices of collection service vary, and it isabout 3 € per household per month, orabout 35 Euros per household per year.the Ffact that organic waste is domi-nated the dominant waste fraction(about 40%), saying implies that Serbiais not ready for advanced technology inwaste treatment. the Pprice of inciner-ation is about 100€ per ton, and of re-

cycling about 80€ per ton. achievingtthe main objectives of waste manage-ment, which include protection of en-vironment and protecting people'shealth in these conditions, can reach beachieved only with by the constructionof regional landfills and importing importof the MBt, as well as the gradualy im-plementation of waste recycling. incin-eration and WtE is something that is aare only targets for the distant futurefor Serbia.

Can you inform us about the Serbia’slegal framework of Serbia on wastemanagement? the future investmentson waste management will be underpublic or private funds? is there in Ser-bia any project, constructed or underplanning, under Pubic Private Partner-ship (PPP)? Serbia was belonged to Yugoslavia as asocialist country with communist sys-tem. if we agree that the way to solvingthe problem with waste solve the wasteproblem is the construction of regionalsanitary landfill and MBt plants, thendefinitely it is clear that Serbia as a coun-try will not have sufficient funds to fi-nance these projects. including the pri-vate sector is needed We need theprivate sector to participate in theseprojects and it is obvious that most ofthe waste management sector will endup in private hands. Private capital beganto appeared in Serbia when somemedium and smaller cities have chosenits their strategic partners. there are cur-rently no laws, guidelines or recommen-dations on how to work with PPP in thefield of SWM in Serbia. We hope thatthe Government of Serbia and the EUwill as soon as possible find ways to makehelp Serbia a guide and law for selection

of PPP partners reach efficient PPPagreements as soon as possible. this isimportant because municipal authoritiesare not able to choose and make a verygood contract for the PPPs. if the pri-vate strategic partners are not choosenin the right way correctly, or if contractsare not made correct badly negotiated,that in the future may cause we willface major problems in the future. toreiterate, the PPP is a good solution, butwe hope that the Government will alsofind the strength in to cooperation co-operate with some partners from theEU (and why not Greece - EPEM com-pany has excellent experience in thisarea), in order to make recommenda-tions for the PPP, wich will assist munic-ipal officials to find the best strategicpartner.

How many companies are activated inSerbia on waste management proj-ects? Can you give us a reference anidea of the most important ones?Which are your thoughts (perspectivesor drawbacks) about the collaborationbetween Balkan countries?Serbia is a market of 7.5 million peopleand 176 existing municipalities, but only5 to 6 municipalities made the privati-zation of companies managed to priva-tize companies in the sector of wastemanagement. there is a are several aus-trian company companies in the Serbianmarket as like aSa and, Brantner. , thereis also Spider Environmental Services,from Greece. although there is are stillno legal guides guidelines as we havesaid, the chance potentials for the Greekcompany is largeare huge and gaining afirst mover advantage taking up seatsin the first row is very important. theGovernment has announced a massive

Serbia is about to open its waste management sector to private investors

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privatization of utility companies for thenext year. i will not say whether is that agood move comment on if this is a goodchoice, but definitely more of city publiccompanies that collect waste will be pri-vatized. Currently, several landfills in Ser-bia are in process of projecting, andsome of them will surely seek a strategicpartner. it is difficult for Germany, dutchor, British companies to understand thefunctioning of society in the Balkanpe-culiarities of Balkan societies., and thereis a chance So this creates opportunitiesfor brand-name companies fromGreece, who which know how to workin the Balkans, and are also familiar withalso knowing how to comply with EUstandards compliance and have enoughmoney capital for investments. in thepProjecting and consulting there arealso developing markets, where one ofthe most famous companies in theBalkans, EPEM, is present in Bosnia andHerzegovina, romania, Hungary and Ser-bia. in the field of collection and land-filling, and in the field of projecting ismuch easier to cooperate with strongcompanies from the Balkans than thosewhich operating operate in Western Eu-rope, primarily because of the Balkancompanies understand market condi-tions and imperfect legal regulations inSerbia.

Who are the organizers of the “iSWaBeacon Conference: Strategic Wastemanagement Planning in South East-ern European, middle East andmediterranean Region”? Could yougive us more information about thesubject of the conference? What areyou expectations for that conference?the international Solid Waste associa-tion- (iSWa), the Serbian Solid Waste as-sociation (SeSWa), the Faculty of tech-nical Sciences-department ofEnvironment Engineering from Novi Sadand the Provincial Secretariat for archi-tecture and Urban Planning of Vojvodinatogether 3 years organize workshops,for three year now, and this year wehave permission from iSWa to organizean international conference. the goal isclear, exactly what we are now told, aswe have said, the way to solve problemsis not the same is not the same way ofsolving problems in the Netherlands,italy, Greece, Serbia, turkey, etc. Eachcountry has a different approach ,andthis conference continues with ap-proaching and presentationaims at pre-senting of good solutions for people inSerbia and the region, in order to knowhow to solve our problems. it should benotedWe should underline the greatmerit of Mr. antonis Mavropoulos, Chairof scientific-technical sector in iSWa,who participates every year and helpsthe citizens of Serbia to to get acquirenew knowledge. to the citizens of Serbia.this year in the conference will partici-pate a number of very professional lec-turers who are interesting interested notonly for in Serbia, but for in the entireregion. w&w

Water Technologies

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PPaPaNtoNatoS S.a.offers a completerange of waste-

water pumps up to 95kWwith practical features asstandard and an intelligentand user-friendly design assome of the key charac-teristics. all pumps seriesincluded the following fea-tures:4internal motorcooling system with“ECoFlU “(closed loopthrough a cooling jacket)4Cartridge sealing system“ Fast Seal “4Easily ad-

justable channel impellerclearance system “re-ducer”, for improved per-formance and less clog-ging occurrences4oil tapdrain4Free choice chan-nel or vortex impeller thatcan be fitted to the samevolute4Fast lock assem-bly/disassembly featurewith only two (PX1&2) orfour (PX3) or six (PX4) latchbolts for quick and easyvolute/impeller inspec-tion.(major advantage isthe significant reduction

of man-hours)4High effi-ciency EFF2 rated PXFloW– SiEMENS motor4Motorpower up 95kWmajor maintenance andservice advantages4Same connection flange

with the old design 4interchangeable partswith other manufactures 4discharge flange con-nection and adapter de-signed for quick and easyreplacement of other man-ufactures pumps.our manufacture pro-gram includedHigh head pump serieswith vortex impeller upto 100m headGrinder pumps up to12,5kW and max head76m

intelligent pumps by Papantonatos S.a.

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18 article

the sustainable management of wa-ter resources often requires theidentification of wastewater as avalued source of water. the benefitsof wastewater reuse and reclama-tion have increased significantly ineurope because of the advances ineffectiveness of wastewater treat-ment and disinfection technologies.in greece due to the existing euro-pean Commission legislation con-cerning effluent discharge limita-tions, secondary biologicaltreatment is the minimum treat-ment employed, usually with full orpartial nitrogen removal in about80% of the cases. therefore, al-though there is absence of an ana-lytical guidance and legal frame-work for wastewater reuse ingreece, restricted wastewaterreclamation is an already feasiblepossibility. additionally the qualityneeded for unrestricted reuse canbe achieved at a moderate cost,through upgrading of existingplants.

By evina gavalakis,Civil-Environmental Engineer, Phd.EMViS Consultant Engineers ltd*

as a result of a basic research, aset of wastewater reuse recom-mendations has been proposed

in order to enhance wastewater recla-mation and to form a basis for furtherconsultation, involving all interested par-ties. the recommendations are presented inrelation to the different types of reuse,with appropriate specific standards andrecommended treatment systems wher-ever applicable. the identified varioustypes of wastewater reuse are as fol-lows:4restricted agricultural reuse (Forests

and areas where access to the public isnot expected, fodder, industrial crops,pastures, trees (including fruit bearingtrees on the condition that during col-lection the fruits do not come into con-tact with the ground), seed crops, cropsthat produce products which areprocessed before consumption) 4Unrestricted agricultural reuse (allcrops such as vegetables, vineyards,crops with products, which are consumedraw, greenhouses. Unrestricted irrigationallows for different irrigation methodsincluding spray irrigation)4Urban non potable reuse – Habitatrestoration – recreation (landscape areas(cemeteries, freeway landscaping, golfcourses, parks), landscape and recre-ational impoundments, fire fighting, soilcompaction, dust control, cleaning roads,sidewalks, toilet and urinal flushing, dec-orative fountains)4industrial reuse4Groundwater recharge for non potablereuse 4direct and planned indirect potablereusethe recommended guidelines for mi-crobiological and conventional parame-ters for wastewater reuse are presentedin table 1. it is recommended thatpotable reuse of any kind should not beallowed and therefore no specifications

are included for this type of reuse. the major points regarding treatmentspecifications required to achieve theproposed wastewater guidelines are thefollowing:4recommended methods for secondarytreatment include various types of acti-vated sludge process, biological filtersand rotating biological contactors. othersystems producing effluents of equivalentquality (Bod5/SS = 25/35 for 80% ofsamples) can be accepted on the basisof adequate documentation. Nitrogenconcentrations in the effluent thesemust be lower than 35 mg/l except incases of long term surface storage orirrigation of nitrogen vulnerable zones,where an average concentration of 15mg/l for nitrogen must be adopted. incases of small agglomerations with pop-ulation equivalent less than 2000, it ispossible to apply treatment systemsthat cannot achieve the Bod5/SS stan-dard, under the condition that there isno direct contact of the public or thefarmers with the treated wastewater. inthese cases a median value of 1000FC/100 ml for faecal coliforms can beadopted. 4Chlorination, ozonation, UV radiationor other methods for reduction ofpathogens may be used to disinfectsecondary effluent as long as they canensure the required median concentra-tion of faecal coliforms at the effluent.in all cases during chlorination theproduct of residual chlorine and contacttime (C•t) must be greater or equal to30 mg•min/l. When disinfection is prac-ticed with UV, a minimum dose of 70 mWsec/cm2 at the end of the life of thelamps should be ensured and the designof the UV system must be based at amaximum value of transparency equalto 50%. 4appropriate tertiary treatment schemesthat ensure the limit values with respectto Bod5 and turbidity should be basedon the following minimum requirements:a) alum addition at doses greater than10 mg/l and b) direct filtration at sandfilters with the following characteristics:depth of sand filter (l) ³ 1.40 m, effectivediameter of sand (de) ~ 1 mm, uniformitycoefficient of sand (u) 1.45-1.6 and hy-

draulic surface load £ 8 m3/m2/h fornormal operation. 4Chlorination, ozonation, UV radiationor other disinfection methods may beused to disinfect tertiary effluent aslong as they can ensure the requiredconcentration of faecal coliforms at theeffluent, for 80% of the samples. in allcases during chlorination a minimumresidual chlorine concentration of 2 mg/land a minimum contact time of 60 min,must be ensured, while the necessity ofdechlorination prior to wastewater reusemust be examined on a case-by-casebasis. When disinfection is practicedwith UV, a minimum dose of 50 mWsec/cm2 at the end of the life of thelamps should be ensured and the designof the UV system must be based at amaximum value of transparency equalto 70%.


Andreadakis, A., Gavalakis, E., Mamais, D., Tzimas,

A. (2001). “Wastewater reuse criteria in Greece”,

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference

on Environmental Science and Technology, pp

7- 14, Syros, Greece.

Andreadakis, A., Mamais, D., Christoulas, D. ,

Kabylafka, S. (1999). “Ultraviolet disinfection of

secondary and tertiary effluent in the Mediter-

ranean region”, Wat. Sci. Tech., 40 (4/5), 253-


*Dr. Evina Gavalakis has more than fourteen

years experience as a consultant engineer in

projects related to Water Resources and Envi-

ronment Management. She has participated in

60 management and environmental studies,

including the design of hydraulic works, water,

wastewater, sludge and municipal solids treat-

ment plants and the development and imple-

mentation of software applications. She pro-

vides consultancy services to the Ministry of

Environment for issues related to the imple-

mentation of European Union legislation (Di-

rective 91/271 for urban wastewater treat-

ment and disposal, the Water Framework Di-

rective 2000/60/EC) and the United Nations

Environment Programme (UNEP). Her re-

search activity includes participation in 20

sponsored research projects and 26 publica-

tions in International Journals and Conference



table 1: Recommended Guidelines for microbiological and conventional parameters for agricultural wastewater reuse in Greece

Faecal BoD5 (mg/l) SS(mg/l) turbidity(ntU) Recommended

coliforms/100 ml treatment

restricted irrigation 200 as median value 25 for 80% 35 for 80% - -secondary biological industrial reuse of samples of samples treatment once through cooling -disinfectionwatersUnrestricted irrigation 5 for 80% of samples 10 for 80% 10 for 80% 2 as median value -secondary biologicalUrban reuse of samples of samples treatmentindustrial reuse1 -tertiary treatmentGroundwater recharge -disinfectionNot used for drinking purposes1recirculated cooling systems, boiler and process waters

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We take care of the environment on your behalf…

Polyeco16th km Athens-Corinth Ntl. Road P.O. Box24, 19300 Aspropyrgos, GreeceTel: +30 210 5530600 Fax: +30 210 5574684 33)) BBeellggrraaddeePolyeco Belgrade Doo 30 Tadeusa Koscuskog 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Tel : +381 11 2635184 Fax: +381 11 263834911)) SSkkooppjjee Polyeco Balkans Dooel Str. Mt. Teodosij Gologanov 44, loc.4, 1000 Skopje, Fyrom Tel: +389 23 211 956 Fax: +389 23 111 959 22)) TTiirraannaaPolyeco Albania sh.p.k. European Trade Center


POLYECO S.A. was founded in 2001 by Ioannis Polychronopoulos family, pro-viding integrated waste management and valorization services in the BalkanRegion.

POLYECO S.A. is specialized in the following sectors: • Planning, management and safe final disposal of waste.• Valorization of hazardous and non hazardous industrial waste, through con-version into: secondary fuel, raw materials for industrial use and commercialby-products.• Transportation of waste to fully authorized facilities in the EU for final dis-posal.• Production of additives for the cement industry.

POLYECO S.A. provides modern, financially viable and integrated services in the en-vironmental sector. Particularly:11.. FFuunnddiinngg:: POLYECO offers consultancy services regarding fund-raising for environ-mental infrastructure projects.22.. DDeessiiggnn:: POLYECO designs environmental infrastructure projects, based on theforty-year experience and know-how in the environmental sector of its mother com-pany Environmental Protection Engineering S.A. (EPE), cooperation with distinguishedexperts, consultancy companies and in full compliance with the National and Euro-pean Legislation. In the design process the company applies the Best Available Tech-niques and guarantees the most favourable financial terms. 33.. IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn -- CCoonnssttrruuccttiioonn:: POLYECO, in cooperation with its affiliated com-pany ALKTIR Technical Constructions S.A., guarantees the integrated construction ofenvironmental infrastructure projects following the strictest environmental protectionstandards. 44.. OOppeerraattiioonn:: POLYECO, depending on the client’s requirements, can offer the fol-lowing services after the project delivery: facility management under service levelagreements, provision of consultancy services and personnel training in new tech-nologies and developments, as well as full undertaking of the project operation.

With substantial infrastructure and investments is:No 1 Waste management and valorization industryServes:More than 900 companies1200 industrial and other sites

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20 business

enviteC s.a. is publicly listed onthe atHeX alternative marketstock exchange, active in greeceas well as abroad, contracting andcompleting successfully major proj-ects in the Public and Private sec-tor providing services in consult-ing, design, construction andoperatinon of environmental pro-tection projects.

as a result of a basic research, aset of wastewater reuse recom-mendations has been proposed

in order to enhance wastewater recla-mation and to form a basis for furtherconsultation, involving all interestedparties. ENVitEC Sa undertakes the design, con-struction and commissioning to full op-eration of Plants regarding:4domestic Sewage treatment, Waste-water treatment 4Potable Water Purification Projects4Solid Waste treatment4Solar drying Sludge Plants4Electricity Production from renewableEnergy Sources ENVitEC Sa is a major contractor in thesector of Mechanical Biological treat-ment Plants (MBt) of municipal wastes,and has undertaken the design, con-struction and commissioning of the fol-lowing plants located in Greece:4MBt plant of West attica in the Mu-nicipality of athens, 4MBt plant of the Prefecture of Chaniain Crete, 4MBt plant of the Municipality of Kala-mata.the project of W. attica is one of thebiggest in Europe in the field of themunicipal solid wastes management,treating over 300,000 tnMSW/year andprovides a complete solution for mu-nicipal solid wastes treatment and dis-posal, producing Solid Fuel (rdF), soil

amendments (Compost), ferrous andaluminium recyclable materials.the recycling and Composting Plant ofChania Prefecture in Crete, constitutesthe final solution in the “Kouroupitosgorge” problem of the managementof municipal solid waste of the area. ENVitEC Sa also designed and carriedout the remediation of the uncon-trolled waste disposal site in the“Kouroupitos gorge” and transformedthe old dumping site into parkland, re-sulting in the suspension of the heavefine imposed by the E.U. to the GreekGovernment.ENVitEC Sa has also constructed andoperated some of the most importantWastewater treatment Plants in majorMunicipalities of Greece (W.W.t.P. ofrhodes, Corfu, Korinthos-loutraki, Kala-mata, Serres, etc.). a number of thosewastewater treatment facilities arecomplemented by units for the reuseof the final effluent for irrigation andbiogas production from the digestionof sludge.lately ENVitEC Sa has signed a majorcontract for the design, construction,operation and full maintenance fortwelve (12) years of the Waste Watertreatment Plant in Municipality of Pafosin Cyprus. the plant treats20,000m3/day, producing water thatis used for irrigation purposes, and bio-gas from the anaerobic stabilization ofthe activated sludge. the biogas is usedin electricity generation, while the sta-bilized sludge is dried in a solar treat-ment unit and used in local agriculture.it has always been tradition in ENVitECS.a., to invest in new technologies andthrough research and development, wehave developed our own in house tech-nology and turn key solution to envi-ronmental management and waste-water treatment. BioBloCK is our newWastewater Management System, suit-

able for the treatment of domestic,agricultural and organic industrialwastewater. this patented product uti-lizes fluidized bed reactor technologyto achieve exceptional treatment effi-ciency and produce tertiary water suit-able for irrigation, with minimal energyconsumption and operational cost. thesystem is fully covered, creating no nui-sance to the surroundings, and occu-pyies minimal space through its com-pact design.ENVitEC Sa also undertakes projects re-garding Energy production from re-newable Sources, such as utilization ofBiogas, Biomass and Wind Energy, hav-ing built and currently operational WindFarms of over 15MW installed capacityand an active portfolio of over 200MWof renewable energy plants spread overwind, solar and biomass energy.

enviROnMental PROJeCts FROMenviteC s.a.mSW Recycling & Composting Plants(m.B.t.) of towns:West attica - athens : 330,000 tn/y ,Products: rdF, Fe & al, Compost, re-jects: 8% (of capacity) to Sanitary land-fill, Chania - Crete : 75,000 tn/y, Prod-ucts: Compost, Fe & al, Paper, Plastic,rdFKalamata - : 20,000 – 40,000 tn/y, Prod-ucts: Compost, Fe, dry FractionSanitary Landfills - Construction /Restoration & Remediation of Uncon-trolled Waste Disposal SitesW. attica - athens : 11.000.000m3, Cha-nia - Crete : 1.200.000m3, larisa, Patra,Zakinthosremediation of Kouroupitos gorgedumping site

Wastewater treatment Plants(W.W.t.P.) of municipalities:Pafos Cyprus, rhodes, Korinthos,loutraki, Serres, Corfu (Phases 1 & 2),

alexandroupoliKalamata (Phases 1, 2, 3), orestiada, Za-kinthos, dedemoticho, Filiatra, Pylos,Kalambaka – Meteora, Kimi Wastewater Plant Effluent manage-ment - Submarine Pipelines of mu-nicipalities :alexandroupolis, Corfu, P y l o s ,Kamiros rhodes, Nestoras, MessiniaSolar Drying Sludge Plant Biological Sludge: in W.W.t.P. of Pafos,CyprusBioBlock Biological Wastewater treatment Re-actor & Water Production for irriga-tion capacity for 500 – 250.000 e.p.advantages4Minimal use of land4Environmentally friendly unit, easilyadapted to any environment4Fully covered unit, no odors, noaerosol4reduction of energy consumption4High effluent quality, suitable forreuse4low maintenance cost4Simple in operation4Standard dimensions4reduction of produced sludge4ready for operation, in 3-14 monthsW.W.t.P. with BioBlock system Extension and reconstruction of Kre-masti in Municipality of Petaloudesrhodes (20.000 e.p.) ,Municipality ofEleftheres, Kavala (phase a’ 20.000 e.p.– phase B’ 40.000 e.p.), Municipality ofNestoros, Messinia (13.000 e.p.), Mu-nicipality of Kamiros, rhodes (12.000e.p.),Municipality of Vitina, arkadia(BioBlock 3.000 e.p.), Settlement ofdamatria in Municipality of Petaloudesrhodes (1.100 e.p.), Settlement of the-ologos in Municipality of Petaloudesrhodes (1.000 e.p.), Settlement ofMaurika, Karditsa (600 e.p.), Municipalityof artemida, Volos (380 e.p.), Settle-ment of askas, Cyprus (350 e.p.), Mu-

EnViRonmEntaL manaGEmEnt PRoJECtS & PoWER

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MesOgeOs s.a. is a leading greek environ-mental group with significant presence insoutheast europe and Mediterranean mar-kets, in the fields of water and waste wa-ter management and solid waste manage-ment.the Group’s activity includes three sectors:1.the environmental services sector includes:4Waste and water treatment plants operationand maintenance services: MESoGEoS operatesmore than 10 water and waste water treatmentplants.4Water supply – sewage networks management:MESoGEoS supplies to Municipalities more than20.000.000 m3 of potable water per year. 4Solid waste treatment facilities and Sanitarylandfill Sites operation: MESoGEoS operates 8landfills and 2 Mechanical Biological solid wastetreatment plants.the engineering procurement and construc-tion (EPC) sector:MESoGEoS has undertaken the engineering andconstruction of more than 70 environmentalprotection integrated projects (20 sanitary land-fills, 28 waste water treatment plants, 5 watertreatment plants, 2 Mechanical-Biological solidwaste treatment facilities etc). the said projectswere, by majority, turn key constructions. inother words, MESoGEoS was responsible for theirdesign, construction and commissioning. thus,

we have significant experience and know-howthat can be utilised both in Greece as well as inneighbouring Balkan countries.the Environmental technology supply sector:the development and trade promotion of inno-vative technologies and environmental protec-tion systems is a promising sector for MESoGEoSgroup. innovative products developed by theGroup, having commercial application, are:4MBBr – compact system of water waste treat-ment for towns with 500- 5000 residents.4CSdP- Containerized dewatering plant forsludge dewatering of small waste treatmentplants4Ultra Clear System, compact system of biological

treatment using the technology of moving bedbioreactor (MBBr) and UF membranes (ΜΒr). MESoGEoS have permanent presence in Greece,romania and Cyprus. also the group export pre-fabricated waste water treatment systems in 8countries. MESoGEoS annual turnover is 50 Meuro, totally on environmental projects. Someindicative projects of MESoGEoS Group are thefollowing:4Plant for the mechanical biological treatmentof 75.000 t/year of municipal solid waste man-agement in Heraclion – Kreta.4Sanitary landfill site of theshaloniki with ca-pacity 700.000 t/y of solid waste.4Sanitary landfill site of west Macedonia withcapacity 120.000 ton/yer of solid waste.4reverse osmosis desalination plant for theproduction of 30.000 m3/day of potable waterfrom sea water. the project is a concessioncontract awarded by the Ministry of the Envi-ronment of Cyprus.4Kozani asbestos mines polluted site remedia-tion. 4athens – Grammatico sanitary landfill engi-neering and construction.MESoGEoS planning for 2010 is the expansionof its activities in new markets like Serbia. Forthis purpose partnership proposals from localcompanies will be examined.


mESoGEoS: innovation in water and waste management

PRoDUCtion FRom REnEWaBLE EnERGY SoURCESnicipality of Korinthos (1.100 e.p.)POweR PRODuCtiOn FROM RenewaBle eneRgY sOuRCesENVitEC S.a. is active on the develop-ment, construction and operation ofrenewable Energy Power Plants (WindParks, Photovoltaic Parks and Biomass-Bioenergy projects)Wind Energy / Wind Farms (in oper-ation) W.P. antiskari,inthe Municipality ofMires – Heraklion Crete / 5,6 MW, W.P.Vatali, in the Municipality of Mousouronand an. Selinou – Chania Crete / 5,4MW, W.P. Vardia, in the Municipality ofMousouron and an. Selinou – ChaniaCrete / 5,4 MW

Wind Energy / Wind Farms (Underdevelopment)W.P. Korifi, Eksostis, lagofolia in theMunicipality of Steira, Eboia / 5,6 MW,W.P. Peristeri, Pirgos in the Municipalityof Marmarion Eboia / 180 MW

Small Size Solar Power Plants (Underdevelopment)S.P. Komboi, Eresos, in the Municipalityof lesbos / 630 Kw, S.P. Pirikos in theMunicipality of Pythagoras of Samos140 kW, S.P. antiskari in the Munici-pality of Mires - Heraclion, S.P. Poti riza

in the Municipality of rethymnon Crete/ 640 kWBiomass to Energy Plant (Under de-velopment)B.P. Meligalas in the district of Messinia/ 5 MW

Biogas to Energy PlantCoupled with the Sweage Sludgeanaerobic digestion Unit in the WasteWater treatment Plant in Municipalityof Pafos in Cyprus / 100 kW

waste tReatMent – new teCH-nOlOgiesEHo (Evaporation - Hydrolysis-oxi-dation)industrial and agricultural wastewatertreatment unit producing fully treatedand disinfected water ready for reuse,as well as recovering useful by-prod-ucts contained in the wastewater. thesystem has been tested and proven inlaboratory, pilot as well as industrialscale units.applications: the system is suitable for the treat-ment of wastewater in the olive millindustry, livestock production, agricul-tural industry, electroplating plants, aswell as the treatment of landfillleachate.

advantages:4High effluent quality, suitable forreuse4Great stability of product quality4low operational and maintenancecost4Minimal time of construction (4 – 5months)4Minimal use of land4High environmental protection anaERoBiC DiGEStion REaCtoR FoRoRGaniC WaStESingle stage anaerobic thermophilic re-actor (based on oWS’s technology)specially designed for the high-solidanaerobic digestion of the organic partof Municipal Solid Waste and variousother biodegradable waste, ideally fol-lowed by aerobic composting of thedigestate.the reactor’s advantages include: 4High yields in biogas production. 4High quality end product. 4Minimization of odors and dust. 4Minimization of required area. 4Fully controlled external inoculationof the incoming feed.

wastewateR tReatMent teCHnOlOgiesRaPiD ComPoStinG BioREaCtoRlow revolution aerated cylindrical re-

actor (developed by ENVitEC S.a.) spe-cially designed for the rapid compost-ing of MSW organics. in the reactorthe feed undergoes a series of physicaland biochemical processes that leadto a product of reduced size, and afully grown biomass in the substratefor the successful composting of theproduct downstream.

ComPoSt tURninG maCHinESautomated turning machine, designedby ENVitEC S.a. & i.U.t. austria for theaccurate turning and composting ofbiodegradable material under forcedaeration. the machine comes fully au-tomated with all the necessary hy-draulics and electronics, equipped witha cylindrical digger and a conveyor beltcarrier capable of delivering a variableheight of widrow as needed.

ComPoSt tURninG aUGER UnitSdesigned by ENVitEC S.a., the systemis composed of a pair of bridgemounted augers specially designed tobe installed in open rectangular forcedaeration composting channels. theunit also moves the composted mate-rial along the channel and unload thefinal product downstream.


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the use of membranes in the sec-ondary treatment stage ofwastewater is an advanced tech-nology which has emerged in thelast years. this technology con-sists of an alternative system ofwastewater treatment, insteadof the classical system of acti-vated sludge, which is usuallyemployed and is known as Mem-brane Bioreactor (MBR). MBR sys-tems consist of the biological re-actors where all the biologicalprocesses take place (e.g. oxida-tion of organic matter, nitrifica-tion, denitrification etc) and themembrane units where thesolid/liquid separation takesplace.

the novelty of MBr systems isthat no Final Sedimentationtank (FSt) is needed, since the

separation of the final effluent fromthe biomass is achieved through thefiltration process that takes placewithin the membrane units. the abo-lition of the FSt in MBr systems re-sults in significant variations in thesystem’s operation and is extremelybeneficial mainly with respect to thefinal effluent quality and to the totalfootprint required for the system’sinstallation. MBr systems can operateefficiently at high sludge retentiontimes (typically 10-50 days) andtherefore at high biomass concen-trations (typically 8000-14000mg/l),since the sludge settling problemswhich are exacerbated with highMlSS in conventional activatedSludge Processes (aSP) are not an is-sue in MBr. the membranes act as abarrier and do not permit suspendedsolids and most pathogenic micro-organisms to escape with the finaleffluent.

Siemens memcormembrane technologythe Siemens MBr process is a com-bination of biological waste oxidationwith membrane separation utilizinga Membrane operating System (MoS).the MoS replaces secondary clarifiersfor liquid solids separation. Followingthe activated sludge process, mem-branes in the MoS are immersed inmixed liquor. Vacuum pumps createsuction on the membranes, whichseparate treated effluent from themixed liquor.Wastewater is screened before en-tering the biological treatment tank.aeration within this aerobic reactorzone provides oxygen for the biolog-ical respiration and maintains solidsin suspension. to retain the activebiomass in the process, the MBr re-

lies on submerged membranes ratherthan clarifiers, eliminating sludge set-tleability as an issue. the submerged Memcor membranesare located in a separated membranetank and consist of polymeric hollowfibers. these hollow fibbers arebound together into modules usinga unique dual-potting system. By ap-plying a low vacuum to the inside ofthe hollow fibers, the fully and nitri-fied water is filtered through themembranes. Meanwhile, mixed liquorand air are pumped continuouslyacross each membrane module fiberbundle. the resulting flow across themembrane (known as cross-flow)continuously scours the membranesurface, preventing solids build upon the membrane surface.Siemens Memcor brand productshave developed, manufactured anddelivered high-performance, low-pressure membranes for nearly twodecades. as membrane technologycontinues to evolve, Memcor prod-ucts remain at the forefront of theindustry.

Case StudiesBei Xiao He Sewage treatmentPlant, Beijing, China

Challengethe Bei Xiao He Sewage treatmentPlant was built in the 1980’s with acapacity of 40 Ml/d. the 2008olympic Games in Beijing created the

need to significantly upgrade the ex-isting facility. treated water had tobe suitable for use in water featuresand agriculture.the technology used for the upgradeneed to have a small footprint dueto the limited space available for ex-pansion. it was, also, required to beenvironmentally friendly, due to theoverall nature of the olympic village.

SolutionMemcor Membrane Bio reactor (MBr)technology was chosen due to itshigh quality output water and itssmall footprint. the addition of theMBr raises the plant’s output by 60Ml/d to a total of 100 Ml/d.in addition the plant includes a re-verse osmosis (ro) system built bySiemens to produce 10 Ml/d of highpurity water.

ResultsScreened feed is first delivered to ananoxic zone and mixed with a recyclemixed liquor stream. this mix is thensent to the aerobic zone before be-ing lifted into a feed channel for dis-tribution to the bank of Membraneoperating Systems (MoS) housing themembrane filters.Each MoS operates in the same man-ner. Feed mixed liquor flows undergravity to each MoS. Feed is distrib-uted to each membrane rack housinga number of membrane modules.Feed combines with a continuous air

flow to scour membrane bundles andprevent build up of solids/sludge inthe system. a filtrate pump drawsthe feed water through the Mem-cor® Ultrafiltration membranes.residual sludge is recirculated withinthe plant to the biological stage ofthe process.

Calls Creek WWtP, City of Watkinsville, Georgia.

Siemens Water technologies has in-stalled its immersed Membrane Biore-actor System (MBr) to expand theCalls Creek wastewater facility in theCity of Watkinsville, Georgia.the Calls Creek facility has had a long-standing policy restricting the waste-water plant usage for residential usein order to leave enough treatmentcapacity to accommodate commer-cial business. With the expansion,their current wastewater treatmentcapacity will increase from 1,5*106l/d to over 2,5*106 l/d. in the futurethe plant can easily be expanded to3,8*106 l/d with the addition of asingle membrane tank to accommo-date commercial growth as well asservice to unincorporated areas forfuture use.the previous wastewater treatmentfacility was a three-channel loopedreactor activated sludge process.With the addition of the MBr system,the facility accomplishes a superiorlevel of biological treatment as wellas increases capacity of the UV sys-tem. the biological treatmentprocess also includes a digester toenhance biological reduction ofwaste sludge. at the start of this project, Siemensperformed a pilot study incorporatingthe MBr into the biological plant loopof the facility in a three-stageprocess. as a result of the pilot study,Siemens installed two Ultrafinescreens and added a one million gal-lon per day (MGd) membrane oper-ating system (MoS). the screens havea nominal opening of 250 micronsand screen 100 percent of the for-ward flow plus the recycle flow be-tween the Biological and the MoS sys-tem. in addition to the Ultrafinescreen, Siemens Water technologiesincorporated an inert removal side-stream from the sump of the screensystem. By installing the screeningsand the inerts removal system, alongwith the Bioreactor, biosolids will bereduced by less than half. in addition,the removal of these componentsfrom the mixed liquor enhances themembrane bioreactor performance.the facility was started up in early2004.

Use of the mBR technologyfor the Wastewater treatment

Water QualityBoD tSS (mg/l) tKn turbidity

(mg/l) (mg/l)influent (avg.) 250 250 28Effluent (avg.) <2 <2 <1 <2ntU

Fine Screening

Aeration Basin

Aerobic Digester

Anoxic Basin

Membrane Operating System



Reuse Quality Effluent

Typical membrane bioreactor system


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24 interview

we must cultivate a social consciousness that willaccept and support waste-to-energy technology,in order to align with eu directives and lead usto the goal of meeting eu’s target that by 2020renewable energy will correspond to the 20% oftotal energy consumption. this is the messageby ella stengler, of CeweP, in her interview withwater & waste. she also underlines the crucialrole sYneRgia has to play in helping greece re-duce its high dependence on landfills and de-scribes how some environmentally sensitive eu-ropean states, like germany, have managed tointegrate waste management policy in order toreduce waste from landfilling.

Can you give us a description about of CEWEPand its activities? Who can be a member ofacquire a CEWEP membership and what do

you provide for your members?CEWEP (Confederation of European Waste-to-EnergyPlants) represents about 380 Waste-to-Energy plantsfrom across Europe. Members of CEWEP are mostlynational Waste-to-Energy associations. However, , butalso individual plants can also become members. Membership of CEWEP underlines a Waste-to-EnergyPlant’s commitment to ensuring high environmentalstandards, achieving low emissions by operating Bestavailable techniques and maintaining state of the artenergy production from household and similar wastethat remains after waste prevention, reuse and recy-cling. We represent European Waste-to-Energy Plantsat the European level, through analysis of legislation onthe environment, on sustainable development and byproviding information about the Waste-to-Energy sectorto the public and the European institutions.throughthis work, CEWEP aims to participate in the decisionmaking process from the earliest stage on, maintaininga closely in contact with the decision makers in theCommission, the Council and the European Parliament.CEWEP also provides a forum for the exchange of ex-perience between members, advances scientific, tech-nical and practical aspects of Waste-to-Energy and pro-motes research, development and dissemination ofknowledge towards sustainable waste management andenergy recovery.

Which European country, at your personal opinion,implements the most effective and environmentalfriendly municipal Solid Waste (mSW) managementstrategy? Can you describe it in a few words?Please see the EUroStat graph below, which illustrateshow some Member States through integrated wastemanagement policy have succeeded in diverting wastefrom landfilling, to 5% or less: Germany, the Netherlands,Sweden, Belgium and denmark. they did this througha combination of recycling, including composting, andWaste-to-Energy. the European landfill directive with its aim to divertbiodegradable waste from landfills is a positive driver

towards sustainable waste management. However, it isimportant that it is implemented properly in all MemberStates.

according to your experience in Waste managementacross Europe, how does Waste to Energy technologyinfluence Recycling recycling rates?it is well known that the European Member States whichhave with the highest rates of recycling also includeWaste-to-Energy as an integral part of their waste man-agement systems, and have lower rates of landfilling.While Member States with lower rates of recycling tendto have less Waste-to-Energy treatment and higherrates of landfilling. it is also worth bearing in mind thatresidues from recycling processes quite often need tobe thermally treated in Waste-to-Energy plants.

Up-to-date Waste to Energy (WtE) plants have man-aged to maximize the energy efficiency and to controlthe stack emissions at the rate of 1% of the Europeanlimits by using state of the art air Pollution Control(aPC) systems. Do you believe that these advancesincrease the social acceptance of the WtE technol-ogy? Do social reactions still exist for new WtE plants?Efficient WtE plants substitute a significant amount offossil fuels which would otherwise be used in conven-tional power plants in order to produce energy. this ishow they contribute to the reduction of Co2 emissionsand to the security of energy supply. Energy fromwaste also counts moves towards the target to of gen-erate generating 20% of energy from renewable energysources, as about approximately 50% of municipal wasteis biodegradable biomass, thus a renewable energysource according to the European renewable Energydirective. it is worth noting that about 68% of the EU27’s renewable energy sources come from biomassand waste, 12% of which is from municipal waste. regarding emissions, the Waste incineration directivefrom 2000 has introduced the most stringent emissionslimit values of any single industry for Waste-to-EnergyPlants. thus they achieve very low emissions, which arestrictly controlled. We hope that these European lawswill help to improve broaden public acceptance. al-though Waste-to-Energy technology has made greatstrides in energy efficiency and reducing reduction ofemissions over in recent years, public perception ofthe industry has not always kept up with these advances.in Member States where WtE is more common, publicopinion is better supportive, but in countries wherethe industry is not well known opinion tends to revertto old ideas of incineration - that it is a dirty technology.in the meantime many studies have been published bycompetent authorities stating that modern Waste-to-Energy plants, achieving which achieve very low emis-sions, do not pose any health risks to their neighbouringareas (if you want to find out more about these studiesplease visit our website http://www.cewep.eu/healthandenvironment/index.html). Communicatingthe role Waste-to-Energy plays within integrated sus-

tainable waste management to the public and decisionmakers is of utmost importance for CEWEP and theWaste-to-Energy industry as a whole.

taking into consideration the last most recent pub-lished EU directives; becomes evident that there is atrend to upgrade the energy recovery processes andespecially incineration with energy production. Whatis your answer to those who claim that the numberof WtE plants decreases over the years? Give us aprediction for the evolution of the WtE technologiesfor the future, according your experience.regarding growth in the number of Waste-to-Energyplants, for the period 2005-2013 the top three coun-tries, where the highest increase is observed, are Ger-many, the Netherlands and Sweden - countries thatare well known for being environmentally consciousand which have reduced dependence on landfilling tobelow 4%.With the implementation of the European landfill di-rective that sets targets to divert biodegradable wastefrom landfills, many Member States still have a greatdeal of work to do in order to avoid being fined. thismeans, increasing recycling activities, but for the re-maining waste, Waste-to-Energy can play an importantrole to in diverting this waste from landfills. alsoFurthermore, the directive on Energy from renew-able sources recognises that the biodegradable part ofmunicipal and industrial waste is biomass, and so a re-newable energy source. this means that Waste-to-Energy plants not only help to avoid the methane emis-sions (25 times more significant in mass to globalwarming than Co2) that would have resulted throughlandfilling, but also move towards meeting the EU’s20% renewable energy target by 2020. this should giveMember States added strong incentive to turn to highlyefficient Waste-to-Energy technology.We estimate that during the next 6 years about 80Waste-to-Energy plants, adding about 22 million tonnesof annual capacity, will be built in Europe.

You were invited in the foundation ceremony of theGreek Waste to Energy Research and technologyCouncil (SYnERGia). What are your views about SYn-ERGia, as a member and colleague of the council?What do you believe for the implementation of theWtE technology in Greece?i believe that SYNErGia can be very useful in order todrive Greece towards sustainable waste management.Promoting Waste-to-Energy via SYNErGia can help toreduce Greece’s high dependence on landfills and tofulfil the European landfill directive. SYNErGia will playan important role in order to communicate to the publicand to decision makers the facts about Waste-to-Energyand that it can help Greece: - to fulfillfulfil the targetsof renewable energy production - to contribute to se-curity of energy supply - to save limited fossil fuels - toreduce greenhouse gas emissions which are emittedby landfills - to fulfil the landfill directive w&w

“EU member states and public opinion must embrace Waste-to-Energy technology”

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26 article

Dr. efstratios Kalogirou

Earth Engineering Center, Columbia University,NY, USa, President SYNErGia, [email protected]

Dr efstratios Kalogirou from the earth engi-neering Center, Columbia university and thepresident of sYneRgia (wteRt greece) par-ticipated in the iswa world Congress 2009,held between 12-15 October 2009, in lisbon,Portugal and was attended by more than 700participants worldwide.

the event was organised by the internationalSolid Waste association (iSWa) and the Por-tuguese association of Sanitary and Envi-

ronmental Engineering (aPESB) and constitute apremier scientific and technical international eventin the field of solid waste management. the themeof the Congress “turning Waste into ideas” was astarting point for exchange knowledge and expe-riences in order to reach the best waste manage-ment solutions for all the sectors of our society,from industry to arts. Besides the classic scientificsessions, the Congress activities also included anibero-american symposium. the Programme Com-mittee invited recognized world leaders to anchoreach Congress theme, and also additional platformspeakers and poster presenters to complementthe invited speakers.the main objectives of the conference were :- Peer to peer learning and network development. - Fostering innovation solutions in the solid wastesector. - Covering gaps in international legal and develop-ment targets. - developing a research and technology agenda. - Socializing and establishment of links betweentechnical practitioners and policy makers.

the main thematic sessions were:1. innovative Waste Solutions 2. Sustainable Waste Management3. Waste to Energy4. Waste&Climate Change5. iberoamerican Symposiumregarding Waste to Energy the conclusions werethat, in line with the new EU directive of 2008/98,Waste to Energy is getting higher in the hierarchyof Waste Management and the percentage of theuse of this technology will be higher within thenext years in Europe, USa and also in developing

countries in order to reduce use of fossil fuels.

two technical visits took place with partici-pation of synergia (wteRt).

1. Visit to Lipor’s integrated Waste managementSystemlipor (intermunicipal waste management serviceof greater oporto) in the entity responsible for themanagement, valorisation and treatment of mu-nicipal solid waste produced by eight associatedmunicipalities. there are Espinho, Gondomar, Maia,Matosinhos, Porto, Povoa de Varzim, Valongo andVila do Conde. lipor was originally created as anassociation of municipalities in 1982 and it hascome to implement an integrated managementof waste. lipor treats around 500,000 tonnes ofmunicipal solid waste, produced by 972,000 in-habitants per year. Sustaining modern municipalsolid waste management concepts such as theadoption of integrated systems and minimisingdisposal in landfills, lipor has developed an inte-grated treatment, valorisation and confinementstrategy for municipal solid waste based on threemain components: Multimaterial valorisation, or-ganic valorisation, energy recovery. all these arecomplemented by a sanitary landfill for the finaldisposal of residuals.

Visit to Lipor’s Recycling Circuitin the Multimaterial lipor recycling Circuit, thewhole process was seen from their deposition inthe Eco- Containers and drop-of-sites to their pas-sage by the Sorting Plant, where they are sortedand baled for recycling. lipor’s Sorting Plant is pre-

pared to treat 35.000 tons of waste per year com-ing from selective collection.

Visit to Lipor’s organic Recovery Circuitthe organic recovery Circuit included a visit to theHome Composting Plant – Horta da Formiga – anda visit to the Composting Plant, where the organicwaste is processed to be transformed in compostfor agricultural use. the Composting Plant has thecapacity to treat about 60.000 tons/year of organicwaste and produces about 20.000 tons/year ofhigh quality compost. any residuals produced fromnon-organic material found in the waste such aspaper, plastics etc is sent to the energy recoverycircuit.

Visit to Lipor’s Energy Recovery Circuit– maiathe “Energy recovery Circuit and Sanitary landfill”included a visit to the Energy recovery Plant, lo-cated 8 kilometres from the center of Porto andto lipor’s Sanitary landfill. the Plant, with two linesof treatment with continuous and almost auto-matic production, combusts nearly 1.000 tons ofwaste a day, producing 25 MWe of electrical power,enough to supply a population group of around150 thousands.the lipor’s Sanitary landfill located next to the En-ergy recovery Plant and was designed under strictenvironmental control and protection standards.the amount of residue and ash deposited on thislandfill is estimated at about 75.000 tons annualy

technical Details:1.Capacity :1.000 tpd MSW x 330 days2.10 years of operation3.26 MWe, 60 tph steam x 2 lines4.incineration temperature at the time of visit wason the grate 1050°C and flue gas temperature950-970°C. Normal operating temperatures on thegrate are (1000-1200°C) 5.Gate fee 40 €/ton6.Electricity selling price 80 €/MWh7.Semi wet scrubbers, SNCr (levels of Nox emis-sions 150-190 mg/Nm3)8.Solidification of fly ash with cement, on site (0,2ha), and then is driven to landfill9.Bottom ash is inert and is driven either to landfillor road construction10.the plant was constructed by CNiM (Grate typeMartiN) and is operated by a subsidiary companyof VEolia11.the total leachates from all ashes are biologicalcleaned through Ultra Filtration & reverse osmo-

WtERt (Greece and U.S.)PaRtiCiPation in iSWa-aPESB 2009 WoRLD ConGRESS:“turning Waste into ideas” (oct 12-15, Lisbon, Portugal)

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2. Visit to Valorsul’s Waste to EnergyPlantthe Valorsul WtE plant is locatedaround 6 kilometres from the centerof lisbon. the Plant receives daily ap-proximately 2000 tons of waste andproduces enough energy to supply acity of 150 thousand inhabitants. itoccupies an area of 4 ha and has anominal processing capacity of 662thousand tons/year (90% availability).a very complete environmental mon-itoring programme is implemented inorder to evaluate the impact of theplant in the involving area.

technical Details:1.technological process: Mass Burningwith energy recovery2.location: S. Joao de talha, Munici-pality of loures3.area occupied: 4 ha4.origin of the municipal solid waste:mixed collection by municipalities orprivates entities5.Nominal processing capacity:662.000 tonnes per year (90% avail-ability)6.Calorific Value of the MSW: nominal7820 kJ/kg7.Firebox grid: detroit Stoker reverse-acting Stoker8.Steam production boilers: 2 unitswith natural circulation of a waterpanel with superheating9.Steam discharge in the turbine:222.000 kg/h10.Superheated steam: 52.8 bar11.Gross electrical production: 525.71kWh per tonne of MSW12.Electrical Self Concumption: 71.13per tonne of MSW13.Nitrogen oxides removal systemthrough SNCr14.acid gases removal systemthrough semi dry process through in-jection of lime wash

15.dioxins and Furans removal sys-tems and heavy metals removal sys-tems through injection of activatedcarbon16.Particle removal system throughhigh performance baghouse filtersthe Valorsul Sanitary landfill is usedto deposit waste that cannot be in-cinerated and also the mixed wastecollection when the WtE ProcessingPlant is not operating. it is consti-tuted of cells lined with imperviousmaterials to retain the leached ma-terials. there are also specific cells inwhich stabilized fly ash is deposited.in the landfill, there is also a biogasextraction and burning network. inthe sanitary landfill, there is also aBottom-ash recovery Plant that re-ceives the ash of the WtE Plant andseparates ferrous and non-ferrousmetals from the ash. the metal is ledto the recycling and the inert materialmay be used in civil construction. theferrous metal recovered was statedto be enough to manufacture 16,500vehicles a year. the total amount ofmaterials deposited in the Valorsullandfill was estimated at 130.000tons per year for bottom ash occu-pying an area of 2,8 hectares. the Waste to Energy research andtechnology council (“SYNErGia”,www.wtert.gr, www.synergia.com.gr)as founded in July 2008 by the EarthEngineering Center of Columbia Uni-versity, U.S.a., members of the ther-modynamics and transport Phenom-ena laboratory, School of ChemicalEngineering, National technical Uni-versity of athens, Greece, membersof the laboratory of Heat transferand Environmental Engineering, de-partment of Mechanical Engineering,aristotle University of thessaloniki,Greece, and the company iNtraKatS.a. of Greece. also, CEWEP and manyother professors from Greek and for-eign universities, participate.

arViS ENViroNMENtal GroUP consists of four companies that coverthe field of recycling, waste disposal, renewable energy resources and,generally, of the environment. these companies are able to resolve vertically any problem of their clientsthat is related to waste management and recycling. they undertake thenecessary studies, planning, (with selection of the best solution amongalternative scenarios), and the realization of the project by installing theappropriate equipment, and by supplying suitable services during theoperation of the project by managing special waste and recyclable ma-terial.the four companies comprise the dynamic Group of Environmental Com-panies “arViS”, which operates in the field of the Environment and es-pecially in the field of recycling and solid waste management.technical equipment – installations and special studies, concerning recy-cling, waste management and the environment.Department of technical equipment & installations: Exclusive rep-resentation of prominent European companies covering all the range ofcollection, transfer and disposal of waste (including hospital waste andrecyclable material). recycling and Composting plants, transfer stations,separation systems for recycling centers, equipment for the managementof hospital waste, biogas pumping and burning units for installation atlandfill sites, containers for the separate collection of recyclable material,composting bins, presses of vertical & horizontal compression of wasteand recyclable material, systems for the automatic distribution of fuelsfor public petrol stations, beach cleaning systems, special vehicles, greenwaste shredders etc. Department of technical studies: arViS participates in European Proj-ects (e.g. ΠΑΒΕ, rEtEX, liFE, JoUlE, iNFo 2000, EQUal etc.) in co-operationwith research institutions and universities, as well as companies of theprivate sector which are based all over Europe. www.arvis.gr aRvis ZiMMeRMan ltd has been created aiming to contribute specialwaste management. the know-how of the company to the below sectors,in combination with its experience has rendered it one of the most im-portant ones in its field.arViS - ZiMMErMaNN operates in the following sectors: a) Management services, waste and hazardous toxic waste treatmentand recycling. b) Studies, construction and operation of installations related to thetreatment of waste and hazardous toxic waste. c) Studies and works for the cleaning and remedy of environment.d) Supply of equipment for the management of special hazardous -toxic waste.www.arzim.gr the EUroPEaN rECYCliNG CENtEr ltd. undertakes the collection of non-hazardous waste, which include waste that come from factories, frompackaging or from recycling bins. Specifically, the company can undertake: a) the study, the organizationand the realization of recycling programs for and on behalf of public aswell as private entities, including issuing of the special relevant certificate,b) the organization and realization of collection and destruction of clas-sified documents for and on behalf of public as well as private entities,including issuing of the special relevant certificate. www.ekarecycle.gr aRvis sOlaR, in cooperation with the well-known German companySunEnergy Europe, specialises in the exploitation of renewable energyresources. arViS Solar is an affiliated company of arViS S.a., a companywith long-standing experience in environmental protection and sustain-able development.arViS Solar offers comprehensive technical and financial support forproducing electric power from the sun, which pertains to:4business planning for each project4designing and planning for the PV systems according to current as

well as to future needs4planning permission, grants towards capital cost, bank loans4installation, start-up and optimum operation4electric grid connection and selling contracts4monitoring and operational technical support of the project – main-tenance – spare partswww.arvisolar.gr 4, Marni str. 104 33 athens Τ. + 30 210 8232703 F. + 30 210 8232045

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28 business

last year ePeM successfully completed theproject “technical assistance for the reviewand qualitative improvement of waste man-agement and remediation programme docu-ments supported by the Cohesion Fund inHungary (europeaid/119341/D/sv/Hu)”.

the project was implemented in the frame-work of the iSPa (instrument for StructuralPolicies for Pre-accession) Program for the

Hungarian Ministry of Environment and Water andthe budget was 1,7 mil. EUr. EPEM was the leaderof the Consortium “EPEM Sa – BC Berlin GmbH –Kszl” with 60% participation.the project’s main goal was to provide technicalassistance to the Hungarian competent authorities(Ministry of Environment and Water, Municipalities,

National development office etc), in order to en-sure the technically and economically effective im-plementation of the scheduled solid waste man-agement and site remediation projects, as well asto accomplish the optimum utilization of the fi-nancing deriving from the Cohesion Fund. the project referred to works to be developed ineight areas of Hungary and involved the construc-tion of 15 landfills, 20 transfer stations, 10 materialrecycling facilities, 40 composting plants and 2waste incinerators, as well as the restoration ofsites of ~3.000 m2 and the utilization of ~300 wastedumpsites.the project’s specific objectives included:4review and assessment of the feasibility, Eiaand techno-economic studies4Selection of the optimum waste management

solution, in terms of technical and economic per-formance 4Preparation of the application Forms to the Co-hesion Fund 4Preparation of the tender documents for theconstruction works 4Support during the tendering phase 4training of the actors involved in the preparationand implementation of the construction works(PiU, Municipal authorities, MoEW etc)4Preparation of the Public relations planadditionally, EPEM provided the conceptual studyfor waste incineration in Hungary, the strategy andaction plan in implementing waste managementprojects utilizing Public Private Partnerships andEU funds and the prioritization of the works to befinanced by EU funds.

technical assistance for Waste management and RemediationProjects Supported by the Cohesion Fund, in Hungary

through the eC «liFe+ 2007» Programme, ePeMis implementing the project "Development oflocal plans for climate change mitigation by2020” (liFe07env/gR/00028». the project Ben-eficiary is the Municipality of volos, in greece.the project started in January 2009 and its du-ration is 3 years. the total budget is 2,8 mil.euR and the eC is financing 50% of the eligiblecosts.

the project aims at providing an innovative ap-proach to meet future and much stringentnational targets for reducing emissions of

greenhouse gases (GHG). Until now, in Greece andmost of the EU Member States, the debate aboutthe goals of reducing GHG emissions beyond 2012 islimited at a national level. it is assumed that localcommunities will be activated once the new nationaltarget will be set and the new policies will be adopted

at a central level. this assumption ignores some im-portant elements, the principal of which is that alarge number of measures requires the involvementof local communities, in order to effectively imple-ment them (e.g. energy saving in buildings) or atleast their consensus (e.g. exploitation of wind energyat a large scale). at the same time, a number ofchoices and investments are made at local level,defining to a large extent the evolution of GHG emis-sions during the next decade, without possibility ofreversing trends at a later stage. the CliM-loCal2020 project will address climatechange at a local level (Municipality of Volos) withthe ambition to reduce GHG emissions, through theimplementation of a series of measures and the activeparticipation of citizens. Moreover, the expected proj-ect results include: 4User-friendly tools for calculating GHG and basicair pollutants emissions

4local inventory of GHG emissions 4tools for the forecast of GHG emissions at locallevel by 2020 4Methods of assessment measures to reduce GHGemissions 4tool for cost – benefit analysis of measures toreduce GHG emissions, including external environmentalcosts 4local action Plan for the short and medium-termreduction of GHG emissions 4Practical guidelines for implementing the measures 4development of evaluation indicators on theprogress of the measures 4Public awareness, training material, disseminationof information on climate change issues the project website is already established(http://www.epem.gr/climlocal) providing informa-tion on climate change, as well as the progress ofthe project activities.

tackling Climate Change at Local Level

last year ePeM successfully com-pleted the project “technical assis-tance for the review and qualita-tive improvement of wastemanagement and remediation pro-gramme documents supported bythe Cohesion Fund in Hungary (eu-ropeaid/119341/ D/sv/Hu)”.

the project was implemented inthe framework of the iSPa (in-strument for Structural Policies

for Pre-accession) Program for theHungarian Ministry of Environment andWater and the budget was 1,7 mil. EUr.EPEM was the leader of the Consortium“EPEM Sa – BC Berlin GmbH – Kszl” with60% participation.the project’s main goal was to providetechnical assistance to the Hungariancompetent authorities (Ministry of En-vironment and Water, Municipalities,National development office etc), inorder to ensure the technically and eco-nomically effective implementation ofthe scheduled solid waste managementand site remediation projects, as wellas to accomplish the optimum utiliza-

tion of the financing deriving from theCohesion Fund. the project referred toworks to be developed in eight areasof Hungary and involved the construc-

tion of 15 landfills, 20 transfer stations,10 material recycling facilities, 40 com-posting plants and 2 waste incinerators,as well as the restoration of sites of

~3.000 m2 and the utilization of ~300waste dumpsites. the project’s specificobjectives included:4review and assessment of the feasi-bility, Eia and techno-economic stud-ies4Selection of the optimum waste man-agement solution, in terms of technicaland economic performance 4Preparation of the application Formsto the Cohesion Fund 4Preparation of the tender documentsfor the construction works 4Support during the tendering phase 4training of the actors involved in thepreparation and implementation of theconstruction works (PiU, Municipal au-thorities, MoEW etc)4Preparation of the Public relationsplanadditionally, EPEM provided the con-ceptual study for waste incineration inHungary, the strategy and action planin implementing waste managementprojects utilizing Public Private Partner-ships and EU funds and the prioritizationof the works to be financed by EUfunds.

Development of a Recycling net-work (Green Points) and the Waste

to Energy Strategy, in Cyprus

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1the waste industry occupies a unique position as a potentialreducer of greenhouse gas (gHg) emissions. as industriesand countries worldwide struggle to address their carbon

footprint, waste sector activities represent an opportunity forcarbon reduction which has yet to be fully exploited.• Between 1990 and 2003, total global GHG emissions from the wastesector declined 14–19% for the 36 industrialised countries and Economiesin transition (Eit) listed in annex 1 of the United Nations Framework Con-vention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). this reduction was mainly due toincreased landfill methane recovery.• at the city and local community level, there are numerous examples ofwaste management solutions involving new technologies and integratedsystems, which have resulted in net greenhouse gas reductions as well asother associated sustainable development benefits.• in the EU region, municipal waste management activities alone couldpotentially account for 18% of the 2012 Kyoto GHGreduction target set for the original 15 member statesof the EU. the European municipal waste system iswell on the way to becoming a net reducer of GHGemissions as increased material recycling and energyrecovery outweigh direct emissions.

2the waste sector offers a portfolio ofproven, practical and cost effective tech-nologies which can contribute to gHg mit-

igation. when adapted and deployed accordingto local traditions and needs, they can help se-cure significant global gHg emission savings.• Solutions might include waste prevention, recyclingand reuse, biological treatment with land use of prod-ucts, energy recovery, and engineered landfilling.Waste industry expertise lies in applying decades ofexperience and advanced technology to establish in-tegrated systems around local conditions, rather thanattempting to transfer any single solution from oneregion to another. • Waste industry research and development pro-grammes are crucial to the continued developmentof solutions which minimise impact on resources, theenvironment and our climate.

3waste prevention, minimisation,reuse and recycling are onthe increase across the globe, representing a growing po-tential for reducing gHg emissions by conserving raw mate-

rials and fossil fuels.• the potential GHG savings from waste prevention and minimisationcould greatly exceed the savings that can beachieved by advanced technologies managing post-consumer waste.• recycling is an integral part of waste management systems and a fun-damental waste management tool. recycling materials such as paper,card-board, metal and glass can help to limit resource consumption and achieveenergy savings.• in 2007, 85 million tonnes of materials were recycled from municipalsolid waste in the US (including recycling through composting) achievinga total national recycling rate of 33.4%.

4through aerobic and anaerobic biological treatment tech-nologies, organic wastes can be recovered and transformedinto soil conditioners and fertilisers. these processes reduce

gHg emissions by sequestering biogenic carbon in soils, improvingsoil physical properties, and adding soil nutrients.• the organic component of waste (e.g. paper, cardboard, food waste orgarden waste) ranges from 30-70% of total municipal waste production.if collected separately, it can offer a valuablecontribution to GHG emissions reduction and soil improvement.• organics recovery is particularly effective where soil and organic matterare being eroded due to deforestation, cultivation practices, or as a con-sequence of climate change.• anaerobic technologies provide an added energy benefit (see 5 below).

5waste offers a significant source of renewable energy. in-cineration and other thermal processes for waste-to-energy,landfill gas recovery and utilisation, and use of anaer-

obic digester biogas can play important roles in reducing fossilfuel consumption and gHg emission.• Globally, more than 130 million tonnes of waste are incinerated everyyear at over 600 waste-to-energy plants, producing over 1000 PJ of elec-tricity per annum. this is equivalent to the electrical energy demand ofapproximately 10 million European consumers (100GJ per annum).• in 2008 in the US alone, landfill gas utilisation projects offset 84.3million tonnes of Co2 eq.; comparable to the emissions from 15.5 millionpassenger vehicles.

6the transfer of sustainable technology to developing coun-tries is crucial to reducing gHg emissions. the Clean Devel-

opment Mechanism (CDM), introduced underthe Kyoto protocol, has provided an opportu-nity for the waste sector to make significantadvances towards this goal. However, struc-tural and administrative improvements to theCDM registration process are needed.• the waste sector is well represented amongst theregistered projects. as of october 2009, 18% of the1834 projects are waste related.• Waste projects currently registered as CdM are ontrack to deliver 209 million carbon credits by the endof 2012. (one carbon credit corresponds to an emis-sion reduction of one tonne of Co2 equivalent.)• So far, most solid waste management projectshave centred on landfill gas recovery. there is signif-icant potential for additional CdM projects focusingon recycling systems, composting, incineration andanaerobic digestion.• the CdM flexible mechanism can assist developingcountries to achieve environmentally-sound wastemanagement practices through technology transferand added revenue from GHG emission credits

7waste policies and regulations can be strong national driversto reduce gHg emissions.

• Progress in reducing GHG emissions in the EU between 1990 and 2007was made through policy and regulations based on the Waste Hierarchy.the legislative framework included specific targets and directives regardingpackaging waste and diversion of organic waste from landfill.• in the US, landfill methane emissions decreased by 11% between 1990and 2007 due to increased landfill gas recovery resulting from economicincentives, policies, and regulations.• in developing countries, it is important to focus on waste policies andregulations which are practical and sustainable. initiatives from one countrycannot be exported to another without taking into account local wastecomposition and quantities, infrastructure, preferences, economic re-sources, and climate.

8accurate measurement and quantification of gHg emissionsis vital in order to set and monitor realistic reduction targetsat all levels. Current methodologies form a valuable database

for assessment of gHg emissions from waste activities, however,improvements are required to adequately represent the full life-cycle of materials and energy.• iPCC national waste GHG inventory methodologies estimate direct emis-sions, but do not include indirect emissions and environmental benefits,especially those which impact other sectors.• improved, harmonised and transparent approaches for both the directand indirect emissions associated with waste management activities mustbe developed to complement existing methodologies.• More consistent and coordinated data collection is needed to supportthe improved methodologies and reduce accounting uncertainties.

iSWa key messages

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Εκδότης: Εύη βροντίση

Σύμβουλος Έκδοσης: Αντώνης Ζευγίτης

Διευθυντής: μάρκος κοτούφος

Επιστημονικός Συνεργάτης: Ευστράτιος καλογήρου,

διδάκτωρ Χημικός μηχανικός Ε.μ.Π.

Νομικός Σύμβουλος: γεώργιος γ. καρατζογιάννης

δικηγόρος παρ’ Αρείω Πάγω

Δημιουργικό - Επιμέλεια έκδοσης: Remusicate

Διεύθυνση: νερούτσου 4β, Αθήνα. τ.κ.104-45 Τ.: 210-8824015, 6972-923740

Fax.: 211-2686607 e-mail: [email protected]. www.water-waste.gr


Hydravlis ltd was founded in January 2001. Belongs to a group ofcompanies with a total turnover that exceeds 10 million euros inthe greek Market, with manpower of 30 persons.

Ηeadquarters and main warehouse facilities are located in East Pelo-ponnesus at the inahos area of argos, at an owned area of 2500m2. the two branches are located in athens and thessalonica. the

basic field of interest is technical sales in the water supplying market. ouractivities expand to irrigation (both agricultural and environmental), wa-terworks (potable water and big irrigation projects), sewage plants and in-dustry. the customer’s group consists of: • Public water companies • Major tech-nical companies • Merchants and retailers.Customers are located throughout the country.Hydravlis Ltd is the exclusive importer and distributor for the followingfactories:HUNtEr www.hunterindustries.com USaHaWlE www.hawle.at austriaalPE www.ahs.it italyEiNdor www.eindor.com israelKraUSZ www.krausz.com israelKoMEt www.kometirrigation.com italyClaVal www.cla-val.ch SwitzerlandooVal www.ooval.com israelViKiNG JoHNSoN www.vikingjohnson.com Great BritainFriatEC www.friatec.de GermanyPradiNSa www.pradinsa.com SpainMaCPlaSt www.macplastsrl.it italy

Hydravlis is iSo 9001:2000 certifiedHydravlis Ltdinahos, argos 212 00, Greece. Branch office: 4 thessalonikis St. 141 21 ν.iraklio, athens tel: +30 210-28 16 890 Fax:+30 210- 28 23 102www.hydravlis.gr

Hydravlis Ltd: technical sales in the water supplying market

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