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TF Talk Back and Youre Dead

Date post: 31-Oct-2015
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( - Talk Back and You're Dead

( - Talk Back and You're Dead!)By : Wang GiDae. Translated By : ELLE(CH. 1-12, 36-39), LYDIA(CH. 12-35) and DOLCEBABY(Starting from CH. 40)

= Chapter One =


"Hey! Why do I have to meet your boyfriend?!"

"Come on~ I promised Jong Hoh I was gonna let him meet you~ ^O^"


=_=^ Dragging me all over the place, we were going to meet my friend's boyfriend. But why does she have to take me?

... *sigh* What was I doing all my life? I long for a man. ...-.,-;

"Hey! Park Jong Hoh, whatever his name is, he's a GongGo, right? [A type of high school...not really a high school, but something like that. =_=] GongGo kids are scary... Don't go too close to them."

Those are the words of mine because I'm worrying about my best friend, not because I'm jealous. ...Sigh. MinHaWon, you pathetic woman. =_=


"...JongHoh's different."

"Different my butt. GongGo's live in shacks. -,.-;"

"...-__-^ Shut up!"

"I bet you guys are gonna probally break up by the end of this week."

"Whatever. -__-Look at you, just jealous so you're saying all this crap! Wahahahahah~~~~!"

... You're laugh probally scares all the guys away from this place. =_=From my point of you, you're just a yapping ET...That show off Min HanBum was washing the dishes as I came in. -.,-; How could he have such interest in washing the dishes... when he's such a jerk and talks back... that little ant's poop... =_=

"....^... Hey... did you even go to school?"

"... Nope. Crap. Mommy told me to do the dishes."

Just because he had english school when he was young, he began calling our mother 'Mommy' [... instead of ] Not even going to school... and just rotting in the house... all he could do was the chores.

"... But HanBum ah... Can you take off that ugly strawberry apron?...=_="

"I don't want to. I bought it yesterday... Because it was pretty... -__-^"



You little jerk, you... Aren't you going psyco because you're doing so much of the house chores? *sigh*...


"Ahhhhhhhhh! >_________< let's run before Lee BanJi and his gang comes and tackle me...-0-...

Suddenly.. However......


"What the?! Min HaWon. W..WHy are you here?! Are you gonna make me wash the dishes again?!....? Did Mommy tell you to pick me up?! Does she want me to do the laundry again!!?"


You fricken drunk man Min HanBum!!! In result, I turned around... HanBum's drunk and he's already embarrassing me... _....!!

"......Um.. Um.. I don't know who you are..."

-.,- I tried to camoflauge my resemblance between me and my brother.. and tried to pretend like I didn't know him. T___T Just kill me. I wanna die~~~~~ >__< really?! No.. that' can't be true... You guys don't look alike!! This nuna's weird...>_< Her nostrils are flaring..."

....That little freak...

">_____< It's NOSTRIL ANGEL!! Her nostrils flare too much... You can't forgive her....!!"

"=_= DIE---"

Whoops. It slipped out of my mouth to the yellow horseshoe guy... -0-!! He's fricken annoying... oh. my. goodness. !!


Hrm. So, I can go now right?

I probally can....

I began walking away from them, towards the door, but suddenly, one of the SangGo guys grabbed my shirt.

"....Huh? What do you want?"

His bright and happy face annoys me. -___-^

"...If it's alright with you... let's drink together! ^-^;;;"

O_O. Together? >____< My head...ahhk!!

"What is this... What the f.ck?!!" Lee BanJi said that..I think. Who cares. =_=!!

I'm so tired...TT_________TT


"What did you do to me!! Did you do this on purpose?"

...>.,__< It's so dark...

My head's getting worse and worse...

Man.. I guess i'll have to do what HanBum says..If I go home now...my mom will fricken kill me. -.,-!!

Probally... she'll kill me when I go home tomorrow...

Oh... God almighty ... >_< Help me again...


A dark shadow...!! Ahhk!! >__< ... Nostril Angel... raped BanJi?! O______O!!!"

"No.. -0-.. That's not it. The thing is.. I thought he was my stuffed animal... 0..."

Shut up, you yellow lookin horse shoe guy! >__"I really thought he was my stuffed animal so that's why I slept with him...."

"AHHK! Fck!! Don't say that I slept with you! Don't ever say it again!!"

*Huk* !! Fine... Fine. Just stop yelling at me...T_T My heart's beating faster and faster everytime you scream...

Time went by fast as we were silence. Gosh. I'm so annoyed by this. =_=!! I didn't mean to sleep with him... I really thought he was Lucky...T___T!!

I can't take this anymore.

Let's leave...

*Chul Kuk* The sound of the door opening.

I quitely tried to squeeze through the door.. when suddenly,

"Min HaWon... are you okay...?"

Randomly, HanBum's voice was heard behind me.

"... -__-^ Dude.. It's alright... get your act together, man... if you thought that Lee BanJi was Lucky then it's okay..."

"T_T Is it really okay?"

"Sure... I mean, you only slept with him, you didn't do anything else..."

"Yea...you're right. All I did was sleep with him..."

"But...why is it BanJi Hyung...why!!"

"....-.,- I don't know... I just saw him as Lucky."

"That guy doesn't like girls at all... I'm totally serious. He probally didn't even kiss anyone yet..."


It kept going through my head. Why me. Why me. T___T Even though I just slept with him and didn't do anything else, sleeping with him is sleeping with him. I'll probally have to go through life trying to avoid him... *huk* T______T. I'll just quietly avoid him...

= Home =

"Mommy!! You're son's home!!"

"I'm home..____." [Elle's note ^-^ HaWon said it in a proper manner. .]

Without any stregnth inside of me, I quickly closed the door. I came home so dirty. My mom'll think I'm crazy or something. -0-!

"... You kids want to kill me!! Right?! ! Coming in so late!!"

"..T_T No mom.. Mom!! no!! I really just tried to take HanBum home, but--"

"But what?! -___-^"

".... I mean..Um..."

How can I say to my mother that I slept at some other kid's house with another man because I thought he was Lucky?! -____-^

"..I'll just take the punishment. -0-"

"That's good that you're faster at telling me these things. Go and change your clothes. I'm going to make sure you actually walk this time. =_=!!"


I ran upstairs and wore as much as clothes I could find. Even though it was fricken hot outside and humid in the summer, I wore long jeans, my fur jacket, my winter gloves with little dangly things on the side, a mask, and my bunny mufflers. This is because, my mother is the most craziest mother there is. -__-^ You don't know how my mother punishes us. =_= In the middle of summer, she makes us go walk outside with winter clothes on...

"... Gosh. I can't take this anymore!! >_< It's probally better to just have all your blood dry up and die, you scary mommy!!"

Next to me was HanBum with his ski outfit out... How sad...how sad..

"...T___T What's wrong with today..."

First, it was the SangGo guys and now it's my mom's punishment. In the middle of summer...>__< Her.. Nostril Angel!! >_< --

All of a sudden, I heard someone else's voice on the phone. Hm. I guess he's with his friends..

- "Nostril...? Oh... GongHak..." -

"Yea. I'm a GongHak."

- "Why are you calling me?" - He asked, with his deep and rusty voice...-0-

"Oh. Um.. You see..."

SuYoon was next to me, trying to listen on the phone. -oo-... I can't tell him that I wanna meet him.. Crap..-.,- It'll sound too weird.

Um..I just suddenly told him as I held my breath. Ahhk!! >__< And he began to squeeze my hand tighter and tighter...As though if he was mad at me.-_____-++ Please... don't break this poor girl's hand. -0- She only has two. >_"talk back and you're dead!" #13


"AAAHH!!!! AAAHCCK!!!!!!!!!!"

yes... while i was flying across the room to save my Ban Ji...i grabbed the "VERY THICK AND STURDY" kareoke song book and threw it as hard as i could at the monster's head......

TARGET: monster's big ol' head

mission ACCOMPLISHED ^^v

OH YeAH~ UH HUH UH HUH UH HUH~ (doesn't that remind you of emperor's new groove?) >..<


*SLAM SLAM SLAM* !!!!!........>..___< LOOK AT ALL THE DRINKS!!!! ALCOHOL!!!!!>____<

