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3 Assessment of Animal Behavior Rachel L. Galli CONTENTS 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Unconditioned Behavior 3.2.1 General Activity 3.2.2 Exploratory Activity 3.2.3 Motor Skills 3.3 Conditioned Behavior 3.3.1 Classical Conditioning 3.3.2 Operant Conditioning 3.3.3 Motor Learning 3.3.4 Simple Maze Learning 3.3.5 Complex Maze Learning 3.3.6 Morris Water Maze 3.3.7 Radial Arm Water Maze 3.4 Animal Models of Disorders 3.4.1 Forced Swim Test of Depression 3.4.2 Elevated Plus Maze Measure of Anxiety 3.4.3 The APP + PS1 Genetic Model of Alzheimer’s Disease 3.5 Conclusion References 3.1 INTRODUCTION Nutritional neuroscience, with its focus on the workings of the nervous system, is often concerned with behavioral outcomes. Assessment of animal behavior encompasses a huge variety of method- ologies and species. [For a review see Waddell and Desai (1981).] This chapter provides a general overview of some of the most frequently used paradigms with the most commonly used animal model, the rat. Conditioned and unconditioned behavior and animal models of human disorders are addressed as to methodology, variables, and experimental considerations. Many laboratory animals have been used in neuroscience research, ranging from worms and flies to hedgehogs and primates; however, the vast majority of behavioral studies are performed with rodents. Using rats for experimental purposes has many advantages. Rats are relatively easy and inexpensive to obtain and house. They are hardy, reproduce readily, and their lifespan of 2 to 3 years facilitates longitudinal studies. There is a large body of literature available regarding their dietary requirements, genetics, anatomy, physiology, and metabolism. They are smart and docile when handled correctly. Rats are omnivorous, continue to gain weight throughout their lifespan, and have the same amino acid requirements as humans do, particular benefits for nutrition research. Copyright © 2005 by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

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Assessment of Animal Behavior

Rachel L. Galli


3.1 Introduction3.2 Unconditioned Behavior

3.2.1 General Activity3.2.2 Exploratory Activity3.2.3 Motor Skills

3.3 Conditioned Behavior3.3.1 Classical Conditioning3.3.2 Operant Conditioning3.3.3 Motor Learning3.3.4 Simple Maze Learning3.3.5 Complex Maze Learning3.3.6 Morris Water Maze3.3.7 Radial Arm Water Maze

3.4 Animal Models of Disorders3.4.1 Forced Swim Test of Depression3.4.2 Elevated Plus Maze Measure of Anxiety3.4.3 The APP + PS1 Genetic Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

3.5 ConclusionReferences


Nutritional neuroscience, with its focus on the workings of the nervous system, is often concernedwith behavioral outcomes. Assessment of animal behavior encompasses a huge variety of method-ologies and species. [For a review see Waddell and Desai (1981).] This chapter provides a generaloverview of some of the most frequently used paradigms with the most commonly used animalmodel, the rat. Conditioned and unconditioned behavior and animal models of human disordersare addressed as to methodology, variables, and experimental considerations.

Many laboratory animals have been used in neuroscience research, ranging from worms andflies to hedgehogs and primates; however, the vast majority of behavioral studies are performedwith rodents. Using rats for experimental purposes has many advantages. Rats are relatively easyand inexpensive to obtain and house. They are hardy, reproduce readily, and their lifespan of 2 to3 years facilitates longitudinal studies. There is a large body of literature available regarding theirdietary requirements, genetics, anatomy, physiology, and metabolism. They are smart and docilewhen handled correctly. Rats are omnivorous, continue to gain weight throughout their lifespan,

and have the same amino acid requirements as humans do, particular benefits for nutrition research.

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When selecting laboratory animals or interpreting results, it can be important to consider strain

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differences. Of the more than 200 known strains of rat, the following five are most frequently usedin research: Fischer 344, Sprague-Dawley, Long-Evans, Wistar, and Brown Norway (Weindruch andMasoro, 1991; van der Staay, 2000). Experiments have demonstrated that along with age, sex, andhealth status, strain differences can affect physiological and behavioral parameters. [For a reviewsee Kacew et al. (1998).] The use of inbred strains limits genetic variability but can introduce strain-related differences in performance, in response to treatments, and in vulnerability to pathologies.

Housing conditions and feeding regimens can also affect central nervous system (CNS) devel-opment and behavior patterns. In evaluating research, it can be important to note whether theanimals have been housed individually in standard laboratory cages as is typical or whether theyhave been housed in groups or in enriched environments. Enriched environments generally includerelatively large multioccupant chambers with opportunities for exercise and with a changing arrayof novel stimuli for the animals to interact with. The presence of cage mates, novel stimuli, andthe opportunity for exercise (i.e., a running wheel) can lead to enhanced neuronal complexity(Greenough and Bailey, 1998). The standard laboratory feeding regimen for rats is ad libitum (free)access to food and water. Nutritionally balanced rat chows are commercially available, and speciallydesigned diets can be ordered. Although some behavioral tasks maintain animals on restricted foodor water intake in order to use food or water as a reward, this is generally applied only for a limitedtime period before and during testing. As discussed later, in nutritional research it is often desirableto use other forms of motivation where possible.

Experimental considerations extend beyond choice of strain, housing, and feeding regimen toinclude time of day, lighting, temperature, noise level, odors, and other conditions (Clark et al.,1997). Rats must be accustomed to human contact by repeated exposure to handling beforebehavioral testing in a process referred to as gentling. Petting and holding the animals for a fewminutes each day for several days have a notable effect. The animals quickly become comfortablewith being handled and this decreases the stress response, which might otherwise confound results(Schmitt and Hiemke, 1998; Vigas, 1989) Successful analysis of animal behavior requires investi-gators to have extensive training and practice in methodology, knowledge of testing considerationsspecific to each task (i.e., sample size, room size, environmental cues), and an understanding ofnational and institutional regulations regarding the use of laboratory animals. (Information onregulations can be found at www.nal.usda.gov/awic/legislat/awicregs.htm.)

In the study of CNS function, nutrition–brain, and brain–behavior relationships, it is oftenuseful to employ a battery of behavioral tests. This chapter provides an overview of a number ofcommonly used methods, including information on the interpretation of variables and importanttesting considerations. First, several examples of unconditioned behavior are discussed, followedby sections on classical conditioning, operant conditioning, maze tasks, and animal models ofdisorders. Although the behavioral tests are discussed as they apply to rats, all the tasks discussedhave been used with mice, as illustrated in the final example. This chapter is not intended as astand-alone guide to the implementation of behavioral measures. (For more detailed methodologicalinformation consult the references cited.) It is intended to provide a general understanding of manyof the methodologies in use at present in the behavioral neurosciences.


This section focuses on the analysis of motor skills and spontaneously emitted behaviors.


The advent of photo beam activity monitoring cages connected to a computerized recording systemnow allows for the automated and continuous measure of general motor activity in home cages ornovel environments. Depending on the number and placement of the photo beams and the

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sophistication of the software programming, further divisions of activity into fine movement, ambu-

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latory movement, and rearing can be made based on photo beam interruptions (Casadesus et al.,2001; Yu et al., 1985). Increases or decreases in the level of motor activity and changes in thepattern of activity can provide general but useful information on the effects of nutritional, pharma-cological, and environmental manipulations.


Measurement of exploratory behavior can take place in a variety of environments. [For reviews seeAlleva and Sorace (2000) and Kelley et al. (1989).] Most commonly used is the open field. Forrats, this is a 1 m2 white open box with the floor marked by a grid dividing the region into innerand outer units. Animals are placed individually into the open field and their movement (unitcrossings), rearings, and time spent grooming and being inactive are measured either manually orby a computer-assisted image analysis system for a time period of 2 to 30 min. Activity in the openfield is a complex behavior interpreted as a measure of motor activity, emotional reactivity, andexploration. Novel objects can be introduced into the field to increase the opportunities for explo-ration. Behavior patterns in the open field can be affected by circadian rhythm, age, hunger, levelof arousal, and food, drug, or neurotransmitter manipulations (Kelley et al., 1989; Schmitt andHiemke, 1998).


A variety of tests can be used to assess motor performance. The four tasks described here aresimple in design and have demonstrated reliability for the measure of strength, balance, andcoordination (Ingram, 1983; Shukitt-Hale, 1999). Grip strength is measured by the wire hang, inwhich the rat grips a thick insulated wire and latency to fall to a cushioned surface is timed. Balanceand coordination are measured with a rat balance beam. Animals are placed on the center of anarrow plank or a cylindrical rod and the distance that they locomote and the time they remainbalanced are recorded. Muscle tone, strength, and balance are tested by using an inclined screen.Each rat is placed in a compartment of wire mesh that is tilted 80° to the horizontal plane of thetable. Latency to slide on the screen is timed. The rotorod is a thick, textured rod that slowly rotatesat a gradually accelerating pace. The rat is placed onto the rotorod and, like a lumberjack, mustbalance and adjust its position while the rod rotates. The length of time that the animal retains itsposition on the accelerating rod before falling to a cushioned surface is recorded as a measure ofmotor coordination, agility, and balance. Performance on these tasks declines with age and hasbeen shown to respond to dietary supplementation (Galli et al., 2002; Joseph et al., 1999; Shukitt-Hale, 1999).


In the study of animal behavior, the terms conditioned and conditioning are synonymous withlearned and learning.


In classical conditioning, also called Pavlovian conditioning, a neutral stimulus is paired with anunconditioned stimulus, one that automatically elicits an unconditioned (unlearned) response. Forexample, presenting a food stimulus will elicit salivation: this is a naturally occurring or unlearnedresponse. In classical conditioning, presentation of a neutral stimulus, say the sound of a bell, ispaired with presentation of the unconditioned stimulus, in this example, food. After repeatedpairings, the sound of the bell will elicit the response of salivation even in the absence of food.Learning has occurred and the sound of bell has become a conditioned stimulus eliciting a learned

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response; salivation following the bell ring is now a conditioned response. Compared with more

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complex forms of learning, the neurophysiological substrates that support classical conditioningare fairly well understood, making the process a useful tool to investigate the effects of treatmentson cognitive behavior.

Depending on the nature and timing of a dietary manipulation, it may be possible to distinguishtreatment effects on learning and memory. Treatments given before and during conditioning mayaffect acquisition of the learned response. Giving a treatment immediately following the initialtraining session may affect consolidation, the process by which learned associations becomeestablished in long-term memory. Finally, treatments given before retest trials may affect retention.

Recently, there has been a resurgence in the use of one classical conditioning paradigm inparticular, the conditioned emotional response (Alleva and Sorace, 2000). A classically conditionedemotional response occurs when a neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with an aversive stimulusuntil the initially neutral stimulus alone elicits the same fearful response as the aversive stimulus.The fear response in rats includes increases in heart rate, breathing, and stress hormone levels anda species-typical posture called freezing. Usually, a brief foot shock is used as the aversive stimulusevoking the automatic emotional response and a tone is used as the initially neutral stimulus. Afterseveral pairing of the tone with the painful stimulus, the tone alone elicits the conditioned emotionalresponse (Pare, 1969).

One way to assess the effects of a nutritional treatment on conditioning is to measure thestrength of the conditioned response after a period of time ranging from minutes to days followingthe establishment of the response. One can also test the number of trials it takes to extinguish theconditioned response. If the conditioned stimulus, the tone, is repeatedly presented without anyfurther pairing with the unconditioned stimulus, the foot shock, the conditioned emotional responsedecreases and eventually ends and is said to be extinguished. The number of trials taken tocompletely extinguish the conditioned emotional response can be used as a measure of how wellthe association was learned and remembered.

Conditioned place preference is a form of classical conditioning that can be used to assess arodent’s preference between two stimuli (Spiteri et al., 2000; Stohr et al., 1998). The rat is placedin the center of a chamber with three compartments. The small center start compartment has accessto two side compartments equivalent in size but with distinctive appearances provided by patternsand textures on the walls and floors and by the lighting. The stimuli to be tested are placed inseparate compartments. In the first stage of testing, the rat is placed in the central start area andallowed access only to one side of the apparatus with its stimulus. The process is repeated severaltimes for each stimulus–compartment pair. In the next stage, the rat is placed in the center startarea and allowed open access to both sides of the apparatus. The relative amount of time the animalspends in each compartment is seen as indicative of its preference for the stimulus presented inthat location. It is important to counterbalance the pairing of stimuli with compartment, and theorder of presentation, across subjects (Spiteri et al., 2000).


Typically, in operant conditioning, also called instrumental conditioning, an animal learns toperform a specific behavior, i.e., a lever press, in order to obtain a reward or to avoid an aversiveconsequence. In contrast to classical conditioning in which the animal learns associations aboutpredictable signals (the tone predicts the shock), in operant conditioning the subject learns toassociate a behavior with its consequences (perform the behavior and get the reward). The rela-tionship or contingency between the behavioral response and its consequence can be manipulatedon four basic schedules. The reward or reinforcement can be provided on a fixed ratio, whereinfor every specified number of responses one reward is given, or on a variable ratio schedule, whereinthe number of responses necessary for reinforcement is varied around a set average. Two otherschedules provide reinforcement after a fixed or a variable length of time performing the response.

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Most scheduled forms of operant conditioning in rodents take place in a specially designed

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operant chamber, which was originally developed by Skinner (1966). The animal is placed in aninsulated chamber with controlled light, sound, and temperature and the mechanism on which toperform the behavior, i.e., the lever, and the mechanism to deliver the reward. Modern equipmentis controlled by computer software that also records and analyzes the characteristics of the animal’sbehavior. Various treatments will influence the response profile to a particular schedule of rein-forcement (Weiss and O’Donoghue, 1994).

The active avoidance task is another form of operant conditioning and it requires a differentstyle of apparatus. In active avoidance, the animal has to perform a motor behavior to avoid anaversive stimulus. Basically, the animal is placed in a chamber with a floor wired to deliver a briefshock and two compartments separated by a low wall. The animal learns to avoid the shock byjumping to the other side of the chamber. The passive avoidance task uses a divided chamber withone brightly lit and one dark compartment with a doorway allowing open access between the twosides (Alleva and Sorace, 2000). The rat is placed in the lighted side and the latency for it to enterthe dark compartment is measured. (Rats naturally prefer dark spaces.) Once the animal enters thedark compartment, it receives a brief foot shock and is removed from the apparatus. After a periodof time, the animal is returned to the bright compartment and latency to enter the dark side shouldbe increased if the animal has learned the association between moving into the dark compartmentand the consequent shock. Treatments that improve learning should enhance performance in bothavoidance tasks.


Motor learning is a category of operant conditioning in which the animal learns a new behavioralresponse. Motor learning is not simply the occurrence of a new voluntary movement or a repeatedpattern of movement; it involves improvements in the execution of the movement as a result ofexperience. Rats can learn a wide range of motor behaviors; however, one task in particular, therunway rod walking task, has proved to be a useful and reliable measure of motor learning in alaboratory setting (Lalonde and Botez, 1990; Watson and McElligott, 1984).

The runway rod walking task consists of a straight runway with a platform at either end. Rodsextend across the runway and provide obstacles to the subject’s progress. Initially, the rods arecovered by a plexiglass plate and food- or water-deprived rats learn to move from one end of therunway to the other to receive a reward. Once the behavior is established, the cover plate is removedand the animals must negotiate over the evenly spaced obstacles to reach the goal location. To testthe effects of a treatment, the rods are placed in a new irregular pattern, which increases the difficultyof the task. Running time is calculated for a set number of trials over several days of testing. Thismeasure of motor learning has already proved sensitive to nutritional manipulation (Bickford etal., 1999).


In maze learning, the animal moves from a start position to a goal location by learning informationabout spatial locations. Performance is motivated either by a food or water reward in animals thathave been partially deprived to increase their appetite or by escape from an aversive stimulus suchas shock or water. Simple maze learning tasks present a limited number of choices; most frequentlyused is a Y- or T-shaped runway maze in which the animal faces two choices. The demands of thetask can be increased by using delays between trials or by manipulating the pattern of reinforcement(Sarter, 1987). Rats in a Y- or T-maze will spontaneously alternate their left and right arm choices.However, increasing the interval of time between trials will reduce spontaneous alternation in apredictable fashion, enabling the testing of treatments that might be expected to improve perfor-mance (Ragozzino et al., 1994). Other versions of the simple two-choice mazes begin by blocking

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one of the arms on the first trial and allowing the rat to receive the reward at the end of the unblocked

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arm. On the next trial, both arms are open and the reward can be placed in the same arm, askingthe subject to match its performance to the previous trial. This design is called matching to sampleas opposed to having the blocked arm from the sample trial baited, which is called nonmatchingto sample. By adjusting the intertrial intervals, the difficulty of both designs can be manipulatedto a level at which it is possible to measure positive and negative treatment effects (Ingram et al.,1994). Because rats have well-developed spatial abilities, it is important to pilot behavioral teststo avoid ceiling effects that might prevent accurate assessment of nutritional treatments (Galli etal., 2000; Ragozzino et al., 1994).


Damage to the hippocampal regions of the brain results in impairments in the ability to form newmemories in humans. Disrupting the activity of the hippocampus in rats creates deficits in complexspatial learning and memory tasks but leaves simpler forms of learning intact. Since this discovery,a large variety of tests have been designed to assess the navigational skills of rodents (Alleva andSorace, 2000; McLay et al., 1999; Olton and Samuelson, 1976). Nowadays, the most commonlyused tasks are the radial arm maze and the Morris water maze.

The radial arm maze consists of a circular start area from which radiate eight arms (Olton andSamuelson, 1976; Olton, 1987). At the end of each arm is a food cup that may be filled with afood or liquid reward. Not all of the arms are baited, and the rat is placed in the central start positionand allowed to explore the arms for a set period of time. After repeated trials over 10 to 15 days,the animal learns the position of the rewards and rarely enters unbaited arms or arms that havealready been visited on that trial. Because there are no visual cues within the maze, rats must relyon distal cues for accurate navigation in the maze.

A benefit of the radial arm maze is that it allows for the distinction between reference and workingmemory errors. Reference memory is a measure of how well the animal has learned the general rulesof the task. Reference memory errors are a count of the number of times that the animal visits anunbaited arm. Working memory is assessed by the number of reentries into an arm on a single trial.Working memory relies on information gained within the trial and is short term in nature, whereasreference memory requires long-term storage of information across trials and days.

The effect of a treatment can be measured by the rate of acquisition of the task and the numberand type of errors committed compared with control conditions. Alternatively, once animals meeta set performance criterion, e.g., no more than two errors on five consecutive trials, nutritionalmanipulations may be introduced to assess their effect on retention. Other versions of the radialarm maze differ by the period of time between trials, the number of arms in the apparatus, or thecues available in the environment (Ingram et al., 1994; McLay et al., 1999).

An important consideration for nutritional neuroscience studies involves the use of food orliquid rewards to motivate performance in many complex spatial learning and memory tasks.Appetite-motivated tests require some level of deprivation to the animals before and during testing.One standard regimen is to provide subjects with 80% of their normal food intake; another is tolimit access to water to 1 h/day. Also, subjects within a group may get an unequal number ofrewards, typically food pellets, fruit loops, or sweet water, based on their individual performance.Depending on the experimental manipulation under investigation, this may be a concern for studiesfocused on nutrition. To avoid potential problems related to the use of consumable rewards, manyresearchers employ water mazes to test spatial learning and memory.


The Morris water maze is a circular pool, approximately 1 m in diameter, filled with room-temperature water (Morris, 1984). A small platform is hidden just below the surface of the water

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in the center of one of the imaginary quadrants of the pool. Rats are unable to see the platform

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and must use distal cues to navigate and locate the hidden platform. Rats swim well and aremotivated to escape from the water onto the platform. The escape latency (time to locate and escapeonto the platform) and path searched are monitored through a video camera connected to imagetracking software. A learning curve for performance on each day as well as multiple measures ofretention can be evaluated.

Testing in the water maze begins when the rat is placed gently into the pool facing the rim.The trial ends when the rat finds the platform and climbs onto it. If at the end of a set period oftime, usually 1 min, the animal has not found the platform, it is guided to it by the experimenter.The rat remains on the platform for 10 to 20 sec. This time allows the rat to observe its positionrelative to cues around the room — there are no intramaze cues. After six to ten trials in the maze,a healthy young adult rat can swim to the platform in less than 10 sec from any point on thecircumference of the pool. Normal rats perform well on spatial learning tasks and it can sometimesbe difficult to detect beneficial effects of treatments. Therefore, performance may be artificiallyimpaired with a low dose of scopolamine, a cholinergic antagonist (Galli et al., 2000; Ragozzinoet al., 1994; Wongwitdecha and Marsden, 1996).

There are many versions of the Morris water maze task. [For reviews see Brandeis et al. (1989)and D’Hooge and De Deyn (2001).] A typical training regimen consists of 10 trials a day for 2 to4 days, with a constant platform location and varying start positions. This allows for the applicationof treatments before, during, and between sessions. The number of trials per day and the platformposition, start location, and intertrial interval can be varied to manipulate the difficulty of the task.A probe trial can be introduced; the platform is removed and the areas searched and the numberof crossings of the former platform location evaluated to assess search strategies. Reversal learningcan be measured by moving the platform to another quadrant of the pool. A working memoryprocedure trains the subjects for two trials per day with a short intertrial interval for 4 days (Brandeiset al., 1989; Shukitt-Hale, 1999). The platform location is changed each day. Performance in thisversion of the swim task primarily examines short-term working memory, based on scores on thesecond of each pair of trials.

Some investigators measure the angle of the swim path as the rat leaves the start position andthe amount of time the animal spends within a set area around the platform location (Brandeis etal., 1989; Zyzak et al., 1995). These qualitative measures are not confounded by the motor abilitiesof the subjects. A visible platform trial can be completed at the end of testing to determine whetherthere are any differences between groups in the noncognitive abilities needed to successfully findand mount the platform.

Use of the Morris water maze does not require appetitive rewards, and therefore satiety is nota factor in motivation. This permits a greater number of trials to be run per day and shortens thelength of time necessary to complete testing (D’Hooge and De Deyn, 2001). Periods of inactivitydo not occur in the water maze, thus avoiding the failure to respond that can happen in the radialarm maze. Also, any possible effects of odor cues that may be present in the radial arm maze areremoved in water mazes.


The radial arm water maze combines many of the advantages of both the radial arm and the Morriswater mazes (Hodges, 1996; Shukitt-Hale, 2004). The apparatus consists of a round pool fittedwith walls to create eight arms radiating out from a central circular area. The arms are uniform inappearance and there are no intramaze cues. The platform goal is hidden just below the surface ofthe water at the end of one of the arms. Similar to the traditional radial arm maze, this task allowsthe simultaneous measurement of reference and working memory but avoids the problems presentedby the use of consumable rewards. As in the Morris water maze, the task promotes efficient learningand requires fewer days to complete testing as compared with the radial arm maze.

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Testing in the radial arm water maze is generally conducted over 3 to 5 days (Hodges, 1996;

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Shukitt-Hale, 2004). On each trial, the rat is placed gently into the maze at the end of one of thearms that does not contain the platform. The trial ends when the animal finds the platform or atthe end of 2 min. If the platform is not found by the end of the trial, the rat is guided to it. Onceon the platform, the rat remains there for 15 sec before being removed from the maze. The timeon the platform enables the rat to observe its location relative to distal cues in the environment. Avideo camera connected to an image tracking software collects information on latency to find theplatform, swim speed, order of arm entry, and distance traveled per trial. Performance is assessedby calculating reference and working memory errors and differences in latencies between groups.As memory errors are considered to be independent of motor skills, these variables can be used incases in which experimental conditions cause a difference in swim speed (Bursova et al., 1985;van der Staay and de Jonge, 1993).

The difficulty of the radial arm water maze can be adjusted by varying the training regimen.Increasing the intertrial interval or decreasing the number of trials per day makes the task morechallenging. Once subjects learn the location of the platform, a reversal learning paradigm can beintroduced. The platform is moved to a new location, and performance, as the animals relearn thetask, is monitored as a measure of how well the original position was learned and how well thesubjects are able to shift set and learn the new position. It is not possible to use multiple goalplatforms on a single trial as rats will not leave a platform to continue searching for a second orthird target. Despite its advantages, the radial arm water maze is used by a relatively small numberof laboratories, perhaps in part because the apparatus is not commercially available and must beconstructed on site.


In the behavioral neurosciences, a wide range of animal models of human disorders has beendeveloped. The most relevant models possess face validity, construct validity, and predictive validity.[For reviews see van der Staay (2000) and Willner (1984).] Face validity refers to how well thebehavioral symptoms, underlying pathology, and treatment effects seen in the model resemble thosepresent in humans. Construct validity is related to how well the theoretical underpinnings of themodel correspond to those of the human condition. Generally, an animal model is considered tohave predictive validity if it predicts how well a therapeutic treatment will work in humans. Giventhe limitations imposed by using nonhuman animals and by our limited understanding of theneurophysiology of most disorders, it is not surprising that few animal models meet the criteria forall three concepts of validity (Redei et al., 2001; Willner, 1984). However, many models haveproved useful for assessing treatment strategies and have provided insight into underlying mecha-nisms relevant to human disease. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to review the many animalmodels currently in use. However, three examples of rodent models are addressed in some detail:the forced swim test of depression, the elevated plus maze measure of anxiety, and a genetic modelof Alzheimer’s disease.


The Porsolt forced swim test is the most extensively used assessment of treatments postulated tohave an antidepressant effect (Lucki, 1997; Porsolt et al., 1977). In this task, each rat is individuallyplaced into a bucket-shaped container filled with water to a depth that forces the animal to swimand that also prevents any chance of escape over the walls. Initially the animal seeks to escape,swimming and attempting to climb, then swims in place, and eventually becomes immobile, floatingon the surface of the water with only occasional movements. When the rat is returned to the watera day later, the length of time until it assumes an immobile posture is shorter than on the first trial.Antidepressant treatments that are effective in humans lengthen the latency to immobility and

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increase swimming and climbing on the second trial relative to control conditions. The high

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reliability of this test has resulted in it being used to assess the efficacy and potency of potentialtreatments (Lucki, 1997; Redei et al., 2001; Willner, 1984).

Although the predictive validity of the forced swim test is high, it does not score as well onthe other measures of validity. In regards to construct validity, the predominant theoretical inter-pretation of the immobility measure of depressed state corresponds to the learned helplessnesstheory of depression (Maier, 1984; Redei et al., 2001). In animals, a state of learned helplessnessis induced by exposure to an inescapable aversive stimulus (Seligman and Maier, 1967). Onceanimals are in a conditioned state of learned helplessness, they display motivational, emotional,and cognitive deficits. These deficits are postulated to correspond to depression in humans. However,in humans, a state of learned helplessness is thought to rely on attribution style, the way in whicha person explains life events (Seligman, 1991). The underlying mechanism by which long-standingthought patterns lead to the emergence of learned helplessness in people is unlikely to be replicatedby the process induced by exposure to the forced swim test in rats. Also, the time course of theeffect of antidepressant drugs, in which 2 to 4 weeks of medication is typically required fortherapeutic activity in people, is not mirrored in the forced swim animal model. Although thesediscrepancies weaken the construct and face validity of the task, its strong predictive validity andease of use support its widespread use as an animal model of depression (Maier, 1984; Redei etal., 2001).


Anxiety in animals is frequently assessed in the elevated plus maze. [For reviews see Hogg (1996)and Wall and Messier (2001).] In fact, pharmaceutical companies routinely use it as a reliable firstscreen in testing potential antianxiety drugs. The plus maze apparatus is elevated from the floorand consists of four arms radiating out from a central platform at right angles to each other. Twoof the arms are enclosed with high walls and two of the arms are open like gangplanks. Rats freelyexplore the maze, and passage onto the open arms elicits physiological and behavioral signs ofanxiety, i.e., increases in stress hormone levels, production of fecal boli, freezing postures, andflight. Anxiogenic manipulations increase the tendency of subjects to remain in the closed arms,whereas anxiolytic treatments promote exploration in the open arms.

Behavioral assessment in the elevated plus maze begins with placement of the rat on the centerstart platform. The number of open arm entries and the amount of time spent on the open arms arerecorded and expressed as percents of total arm entries and total time in the maze, respectively.The maze is thought to evoke both a drive to explore and a state of anxiety and fear, thus creatingan approach-avoidance conflict. Open arm entries and time spent on these arms are considered tobe measures of anxiety.

Given the sensitivity of the elevated plus maze, it is important to attend to procedural factorsthat may influence anxiety levels. Housing, transport, and handling, as well as qualities of theapparatus and the testing environment, can affect results (Hogg, 1996). Raised lips around the edgesof open arms, sometimes added to decrease the likelihood of falling, have been shown to increasebaseline open arm entries and reduce the chance of measuring an anxiolytic effect. Conversely,testing in an unfamiliar or brightly lit area can decrease baseline entries into open arms. This canintroduce a floor effect when assessing anxiogenic manipulations. The definition of what constitutesan arm entry can also affect the outcome of studies. Scoring criteria vary between laboratories asto whether two paws or all four paws must cross the threshold to constitute an arm entry. Automatedphoto beam systems do not allow for this distinction in paw placement and therefore are notrecommended for use with the plus maze.

The elevated plus maze has high predictive validity for testing experimentally induced differ-ences in state anxiety in rats. The sensitivity of the measure to drug manipulations of neurotrans-mitter levels corresponds to pharmacological effects seen in humans. Despite extensive testing of

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factors relevant to the face and construct validity of the model, debate continues over the interpre-

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tation of results (Wall and Messier, 2001). The relations between novelty, fear, exploration (activity),and motivation and their contributions to anxiety as measured in animals and humans remainambiguous. Nevertheless, the elevated plus maze remains the most widely used animal model ofanxiety.


Once the genetic basis of a disorder is discovered, it enables the use of transgenic engineeringtechniques to create animal models (Taratino and Bucan, 2000). Changes in two genes have beenidentified as contributing to the inheritable form of early onset Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Mutationsin the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilin-1 (PS1) genes are linked with the distinctivechanges seen in the brain and behavior of individuals with familial AD. [For reviews see Hardy(1997) and St. George-Hyslop (2000).] Based on these findings, an APP + PS1 double transgenicmouse was developed as an animal model of AD (Arendash et al., 2001; Price and Sisodia, 1998).

To make a transgenic mouse, first a copy of the genetic sequence of interest is isolated orsynthesized in the laboratory (Tsien, 2000). An in vitro technique is used to insert the geneticmaterial into a fertilized egg. The egg is implanted into the mother and, in time, offspring are testedto determine whether they carry one copy of the inserted genetic sequence, the transgene. Micecontaining a single copy are crossbred to produce animals with two copies of the transgene. Fordouble transgenic mice, another step of crossbreeding is required. For example, in the case of theAPP + PS1 mouse line, a transgenic mouse with mutated copies of the APP gene is bred with atransgenic mouse with mutated copies of the PS1 gene. The resulting offspring are tested to assesstheir genetic makeup and further evaluated on behavioral and neuroanatomical parameters.

The APP + PS1 double transgenic mouse displays brain pathology characteristic of AD (Citronet al., 1992; Price and Sisodia, 1998). Behavioral evaluation determined that compared with controlsubjects, the APP+PS1 mice were impaired on the open field task, the balance beam motor test,on spontaneous alternation behavior in the Y-maze, on acquisition of a Morris water maze task,and on measures of working memory in the radial arm water maze (Arendash et al., 2001; Holcombet al., 1999). There were no differences between groups on the elevated plus maze or on retentionin the Morris water maze. The deficits in balance, learning, and memory correspond to human ADsymptomatology. Furthermore, several of the behavioral changes were progressive and corre-sponded to brain neuropathology. The face and construct validity of the APP+PS1 mouse modelare supported by the genetic mutations and resulting brain and behavior alterations. The predictivevalidity of this model is under investigation; however, one recent study found it to be sensitive toa nutritional treatment targeting neuronal and behavioral functioning (Joseph et al., 2003).


This chapter has only skimmed the surface of a number of animal models of normal and abnormalhuman behavioral processes. The effects of diet on behavior can be subtle; therefore, behavioralmeasures must be finely tuned for each study, and choosing accurate, reliable, and valid tests isessential. Even when it is possible to study a nutritional manipulation in humans, it can beadvantageous to choose laboratory animals for the amount of control possible over diet, individualhistory, genetics, and environmental conditions. In humans, it can be difficult to attribute anychanges in a behavioral response solely to the dietary manipulation, due in part to lack of controland high variability and in part to nonnutritional factors such as the fact that eating is associatedwith cultural beliefs regarding foods (Kanarek, 1986). Nutritional neuroscience is a particularlychallenging field of study given the complex and dynamic interactions among behavior, environ-ment, nutrition, and neural activity. Although all animal models have their shortcomings, theyprovide a scientific approach to the study of nutrition–brain–behavior relationships. Caution must

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be used when extrapolating results; however, animal models often represent the best approximationsavailable for studying nutritional manipulations relevant to humans.


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