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t I ! - x; tfffllU- -- Mil II IllWWfl H IHI iiIM IlimiilllUt vc v - - z. :v- - c -- - v. i-- jjz: r' v. Viii-i-- csP " True to his charge He comes, the Herald of a noisy world "News from .ill nations lumb'ring at his back.' LEXINGTON, OCTOBER 17. To A Correspondent. A tiev Translation of Virgil's First Pasto- ral is received, and shall be inserted in our next. Married, on Thursday lad, Mr. James Kelly, Merchant, of Paris, to the amiable Miss Elizabeth Clarke, daughter of Mr. John Clarke, of Bourbon county. On Thursday last the dwelling home ot iUr. K.irfcpatnck near this town was entirely consumed by sire. He was from home or. his ordinary business, and Mrs. Kirkpatrick on a visit at a neighbour's house. The whole of the houlhold furniture was entirely destroyed. Ind. Gaz. The lecriflltllre of the Tndiann territn Ji not Nautilus Meflina. gun- boats was following the Purser. promoted. ry enacted, all Gamble, do. mulattoes brought Cutbufli, doL under fifteen years age, are to be re- - Wallace Wormly, do, and until the are it Redfhaw, do. i ,i.- - r.m ,i.. a ii j taken b:fore the prothonatorv and an Nicholas Harwood, Surgeon's agreement fora term, and is Jonathan do. the term brings them to 45, or over, the.Wm. Anderson, Capt's. clerk, matter to give with security of s, that they fliall not r n c chargeable to the country-- all J""?" "U6. aauiiMKi:!, the paffage of the serve, (Richard Stevenlon, the males till thirty years or age, iemaies till 28 j they are to be under trie dame regulation as apprentices, and can be removed in of maltreatment. lb. NORFOLK, Sept. 11. United SUtefor Yesterday loads the United Frigate' rlPolli Irrelident, Lo'iimodore liarron, Capt. James Barron, in 38 days from Gibraltar. By this Ihip we "are relieved from all anxiety upon inteiftirtg subject, for not only r?nfi flif- - brine thn fprtjm nrrnnnlfl1 lft. of and lhe!board ha of Baltimore, our unfortunate' countrv-jw:l- s captured sent into Barra-.men- - but has Lco3' and who this Bainbridge, his officers and part ofj ' his crew, a number of are . .now in town. We ofFer them our felicitations upon this happy occa-fio- n, and sincerely hope that the pleasures they will meet in their na- tive country, in the embraces of 'their friends, will compenlate in a measure for their pad fuflerings. AVe are sorry to understand Com- modore has returned in ve- ry The particulars which we collected are corroborative of what has already published Gcnej ral Eaton deserves great credit; tjf his enterprize and courage we atffi piinupully indebted for the atarxij TniMit ot tneie important oDjeeis.Tjv e understand that Gen. Eaton reach- ed Derne about the hit of April, when he i'lltantlv attacked tlie Ba fliaw's army, and defeated witli little, lols, himself being wounded in the riht arm so as to render it use-les- s. The sew Americans who were iu t"he displayed a cou- rage that confounded, the Turks were appointed to lead the tack, which performed in a that did theji country. We underlland trut at the time General Eaton attacked army by land, captain Hull In the Argus, captain Dent in the Nautilus, and Evaiis of the bou.b ketch, attacked the batteries by sea General Eaton's army was, we un- desftand, cornpofeJ of men, & that of the B lhaw's 6000. This intrepid little band had 800 rnuesacrols the tlroueh a country, and had several partial actions bsfore the decilive one at, Gen. Eaton Was wounded tvhen in the acl of down a Seik of the liafliaw's arm. The of this action appears to have been an immediate propolal from th Ealhaw for peace col. Lear went immediately $0 Tripoli, and a tratv of peace was ligned on the 3d of June, and our countrymen the next day. 1 lie terms we can.iot learn sully, but we under- ftand that as far as we had Tripoli-tan- s thev were exchanged man for Trail, for the balance of Americans remaining, we are to pay 60,000 dollars. provision, but what Aye cannot understand, is made for tlit 4 his wise and famils yk$ wWc detained a3 hottages, art p be liberated. As the o(Sc:al'S- - caunf! ate Rone WafluiiKtoi v.x tu.'ift fuip"endour as t the other articles at present The President lest Syracuse 7:! July the following was the . bjition of the An.ciicin '"'".iltj'i a1 that time. The frigates ConWi-- 1 tion, Constellation and flex, V'OROM the brirq Syren - and Vixen, and.1- - . in. ' 11.. . '.... s i . aOitKcL mai., tiireejca.s oiui-s- t, October, is taken bomb ketch Hornet were at Svra-ifp'''n- "P.oF "'""- -, ' brand W wiaWij months, vill be sent to cufe ; the Argus has for E gypt and the for The frigate John Adams and a anchored the day the President Gen Eaton f.iiled for the U. S. in a merchant veflel. The was at Syracuse when the President sailed. The President on her paffage to Gibraltar got near! the Spanish coast; taken for yr. miuui irigate, ana nrea upon irom the It may be grateful the friends of the officers who nave been in cap tivity, to know where .now arc, we procured the ac- count of Returned in President. Wm. Bainbridge, captain. Jacob Jones, ad Lieut. Keith Spence, Benjamin P Read,lieut. James Gibbon, do. do. Daniel T Patterson, do. . Wm. Ofborne, Lieut. Marines, iJiddle, lVlidlhipman, have that negroes and Robert into that territory, Wm. of corded serve males -- a ., ., James mate. made certain Cowdry, bond Clnr Hn,l, Rn,fr,;- - dollni become ' "' 500 r 1 i 1 children born aster lawto Gunner, thej case this peace whom and have been ; they they manner honor the lieutenant 1,500 - cutting result ; S.ome onto curiosity s diftri which sailed batteries. they have thern. Remained in tie Mediterranean. David Porter, Theodore Hunt, Benjamin Smith, Bernard Henry, Matter, Dr J. Ridgly remains as C n Hampton! ATms for ,he States' j bimon ivliclihipman, and Wm. Godby, carpenter. CHARLES 4. Mr. J. B. Jarbee, and Mr. fames Love, Silk-make- r, on being concluded, Jane' which Veleafe of ai.d file broucht Canta'in arrived at port in Barron bad health. it aftion, service to that Hornet marched bandy holtile Derne. rek'dled faileTl. to James Lieut. arrived amith, TOM, Sept. gunner, the brig Lear, have furniihed us, with the following particulars of that action : On the morning of the 15th July, off the Platform, were engaged by the French privateer Superb, cap- tain Dominique, mounting 6 guns. with 87 men, completely accoutered with muikets, &c. Ihejanemoun ted 16 carriage-guns- , and at the commencement of the action had 4 men, li". or eight ot which were too sick toi'tand the deck ; her cqrnman dsr, cjpt. Wm. Kennedy, was killed early in the action, which hfted a- - tout one hour, when the privateers- - Ten carried the Jane by boarding. mUet being twice before beaten off in attempting it. On e V rer.chmen behaved in ful and cruel manner : Mr.tAiA'V son the mate, who was wounded in the arm, and was the only officer re maining on deck when tiny came on board was immediately cut down with their tabres, as were also one man and a boy, who had not secured their retreat by running below. Mv. 1' annmg lupercargo ei the schooner which was captured in company, and who had taken pas-- lage 111 thebrigfor lafety, was thrwn overboard, and endeavoring to swim to tle privateer, was wantonly Jlfot while in the water. The remainder of the crew of the Jane were crew-ell- y treated by 'the privateerfmen, and plundered of every thing. The following are the names, which can be recollected, of those who were killed and wounded on board the e,. .The whole num- ber was 17 killed, and o wounded. Killed, William Kennedy, Matter, Mr. Anderson,. lirft mate ; William Dexter, boatswain ; Henry Smits boatfvvains lpate ; Alexander Moul- - ton, Carpenter ; William Johnson, Charles Lewel, Robert Vallient, Joseph Pembleton, Francis Bowen, Wm. Grenell, John Baker, John Cooney sea,men. Wounded and in the hofpnal at Barracoa; Jeremiah Pv Davis sec- - ond mate, dahgeroufly, John Jen nings, Thomas olowell,and George Davis, leamen ; the Look and h mate. The fch'r Saltellite ; capt. Hall, of Baltimore with a cargo of coffee, valued at 14, 000 dollars, was also captured and sent into Barracoa. AN OUT LOT OR SALE by Vendue, on Sat- - fdav next, ltli iitelant, containing Tne Acres, f.,nt - on romth.ee fifth street , Tl ..- - ...Mtj ! .n.l l.n.nrr Mfv ,7 in l.'llllill 1T XM. .V.. J ., i.w , ... ho plan of the to. 1. . A lKgoti. U note at SO divs'will t..ken. V. MACBEAH, Au.'r. iuc Sin -- , 1 !b'J5 Sanders's STR.YED, ( mv firm ne Lexinfto. , a EL ZZ til tVC XJ05t Office JLCXingtOll, Oil tOC U. M C.arty ." out I'eay made, withahze ...vv., no or , ,. IT. other maik uollectet The above mare was 'PC general J'OSt Uj,tce as UCaa L.CI raised at mr. Lough-d'- near Col. "Sj&sXters. and purchad at his late salk reward will (riven to have hertent! rcasonaaie home, or (oi- - notice wh e she is to be sou: R)BERJ BABR October 12th. 1805. 2.v TWO APffiENTICES ill be token by iVt'hls Cotton on Water street, Lcan.'rton. TdHN TONES, Maliuictory, Saddh October 16, 1805 WMmm wmmwJ JOHN BRYAN, er, Cap &? Harness Maker. RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of in gener J, that he has commenced business in Main tercet, and as he is furnished with an assojtment of the best materials, and has in his employ some of ""-;"- , lie nancrs iiimjelt trorn the quality of his ivoik, the moderation of his pri- ces and assiduity to business, to intrit a share ot public Tims? ihn m r r.ia..L,. 10 i.,or him with their commands, cm be fur- nished ivith Ladie's Saddles with hog skm, buck sm, and plush seats Gentlemens' best c.o. maae on hnglish Trees and chiefiy EnKlish I MlllP- - Ul .. f. .1.11.. , n , . .. iiuaiw owmes sniueu (to. in- laid with Leopard skin Common Saddles Plated Bribes with guard, hidf guard, dukes' branch, bit and b.uLine. P.irtnmnutl. !m and snafflle bitts Common Bric'les Martin-golcsS- c Colliis Plated stirmpsUid ng whips Smvr.no!., spii'S Horse-nUEn- caps buckets on an improved plmPditmKntreiiis 1i (Ueiags Carnage, Waggon, and Cait Har- - IICB5, txc. CvC. October irtli, 1805 JUST. PUBLISHEDV Bv Joseph CharIefs,V" nu solttattlie di tt erent P this state and Ohio, . A TO JOHN P. 'CAJ1P. unUngX32ic5in BELL'S Strictures on Atonement DV BASTOSW, STONE. The Phiiittirei ie titot tkee. JjmJmn And he brake the j.ithes. at a tlicadofto is !,mt, viketi it toacheth tkejire. Judges. To those who purchase by the dozen, a 'iLe. iaKil'0' anre Mill be made. 3t EVENING SCHOOL. THE fubfqriber's Evenintr Schoo- - will comtnence en tho.4th evening in Nov ember. Those who rleasejo fayor him, may be taught oaclng, witting, ait)imct.c,"cnd the Afferent Brandies ot tlie Mathematics, on as goid tcims Us in any place in the union, and theaccommn. dations cqual'to any in Lexington. 1 am tne publics out libte. sent. Wm. J. DUTY. October 16, 1805. . TOBACCO MANUFACTORY. JACOB LAUDEMAN, INFORMS his friends and the pub- - ic 111 general, that he continues his Tobacco Manufactory, Lexington on Main Street, nearly fpofite Wilson's Inn, where he ha lined himself with all necefiarv cois, and liaves ot his own, so that he .an manufacture about twenty or thirty thousand weight of Tobacco a year. by wh,ch means'he is enabled to ft 11 or die lowest thrms fpr ca1h, or he will give from three to7nine;montrs credit, on giving bond With approved security ; he will also takycordjrrs e rood (lore in Lexington, tfd goods, terfons applying, may be.furniflied with thefol-lowin- g kinds of Tobacco viz. Chewing, tn twists, pigtail of differ- ent kinds, smojting tobacco 0 dif- ferent ki)ids, cut and in papers, s, scotch and rappee snuff of differrent kinds. The whole of which he will warrant equal is notfu-peri- or to any manufactured in the (late. Lexington, Oct. 17, 1805. N. B. A good price will be given for one or two hogsheads 01 good Kitefoot tobacco. Any lerfon wilhinir to pur- - chase, can be fujiplicd with tobacco of the rinterent kinds at the (tore of lo fepli Hudfou eppoiite the Court House 111 Lexington. STATE OF KENTUCKY. Fayette Circuit, set September Term 180c. Thomas Lewtj, Compt. 'against. James M'DoWtll, William Stewart and Sarah hi&j wise, Adminiftra- - to.rs of Joseph M'Chin dec. a' Joseph M'Chin, James M'Cl and Ann M'Chin, children 'J, heirs of the laid Joseph M'Chin dec. JJelenuants. In Chancery. Qn the motion the Complainant, it is filtered that James M'L pwcll be afligncd Gfiardian to defend the infant heirs in this cauic. And it appealing .ths satisfaction of the Court, tltittlic Defendants William Stew- art and'arah Ins Wise, and Joftpli, James and AonTu'C'laijijaie not inhabitants ci'tlns It is oidered that the fiid defen ,ul Willi a pojt and rail fence, well set with d'int5 do aPPar here en the thitd day oi our Be v ao. of to next. Manh Teim, and jnfwi-- r the Com pUininti bill, and thara copy of ihis order be mic.ted in lonae autl.oufed paper t.ccoidiiig to Lav- - ,'. IV CojvTcfie Tkas.sJlyiC I. C. C. ' a r Ruben Anderson Nathl. Afliby t Thomas Arden Joseph Akers Benj. Atkinson Will. Adams Jas. Armstrong B Joseph C. Breck-Rirhar- d Bibb inridee Miss H. H. Blair Robert Barr George Barr.y Val. Barnhart Steptoe Blackwell Elila Browne John Barnard Samuel Biles John W. Baylor Leon. R. BradleyWm. Baw Levy Boon Rev. Jas. Blythe Geo. T. Brent' Cornel. Bradford G. 8t W. Bhydes Robert Boggs Hez. Bradley John Brntow David Brown Tames Barbour Robert Bell John Button Ezekiel Bragg James Bettis Brown & Yarnoll Joseph Beard James Biadford Phillip Br,hiTi Natl. Burt Joseph Barb'e bamuel lilair VJ y. hn Baxter Wm. ChapmafT Charles II. Car'r George Caldwell Cornelius Cozen Robt. Campbell William Cox Tho. Cohoon John A. Capei Pleas. Craddock Robert Clark Fred. Cabel William Clark 1 abitha L.ampbellr"rs. t. LloHfier Wrn. Club fames CamnMl? Far. Coleman 2 James Carnes JefTe Cole Robert Coeft Samuel Clinton Jno. & Gf. John Cuningham Marg. Calhoon John Cox Tlio'mss Cox George Clarke Peter Conflea D Ducker James Dickerfon aThos. Dickerfon C. 2 James Dowdall Thaddius Gen. Dayton E t - Dudley , Jlebecca Ellioa, Ellefton Edwards.. Thomas Early Fleming John F.razer Feather-hous- e Grayfon Gist amuel Benjamin Cuftor tharjes-Jac- ob Clear Math. CalwelN Robert Davis Mar. Thos. DulingJohn Di'le Miss. Devenport Ellis Enfell Robert Robert Jona. Jocob E'ckler Wm. Wm. Wm. Robert Arnold Joteph Eliza. Ficklin Robt. Faihis Joseph Faulkner G John Graves Benjamin. John Greenwood John Grayfon James Goreon Arch'd. Garvin Gofe John Gafliright Elilha Gordon William Gels H Daniel Halhird Simon Hickey Benj. How-Edwi- n Hord ard Abraham Hite Johh'W. Hinde Leo. Houston WilL Hofkins Joseph Houston r lizabeth HattonWm. Halley John Holmes jr. 3II. Harnfon Robert Hufton Thos. Helm' Andrew Holman Wm. t 2 Arch'd. Harris 3jofeph Horn Howard Thomas Hamphill John Hamilton George Harfhmanllobt. Hamilton Savel rlaroen Joleph Hunt Mrs. Harrison James Johnson Elijahjohnflon- - Wm. Johnson acop-fone- s Martha Irvine Joh'n'Johnfton Thomas Jones Thos. Jinnings Joseph Jones' John Jackson Kauffman Bart. Kendric Henry William Kifo Edward Karrick L John Lowman Hugh Logan Hen. G. Letzue John Laird , Thos. L'euly Stephen Leay Thos. Lincoln John Leece james Monter John S. Maner QuiiuMortoii 2. James Martin 2 Peter M' Carty bamuel lVliller John M'Donald ohn A'atchtt William Miller Will. Marfliall A; W. Oboufiier Beeler Berry r K. John Fowler Sen. Gai ns John Hon Hai Hai: 1 T ti 1 nT. G. Kile 2 Gea Charles M'Mi&J en fen. James M'Nabb James M'Kay Jqhn R. John Mitchel John Ma rflial V Crow Davis Eliza, lames T Isaac Wm. .Varfhall n Morifon-Geo- . M'Gaharry Maj'. Mongomery James May hew Robert Marfliall Robt. M'Elheney ColvMorrel Elijah Milton lames Mares N Ben. Nctherlin John Newell Nathl. Nicholas Peter Nicholas Over O John Ogalby V 2 Patri'-- O'Neal P Edward Pcarfon Willi? Patter Hugh S. Parker Nancy Poaee Wm. Pollard Saml. Parke Garret-Peikin-3 Jonathan Powel James C Picket 2Roer Pattoa I Ch?.rlt?2 Pn-lic- ic Rc-lt- . Pagc 1 ayne Eliia B.j W'n. Robertson Sally Reading John Perce James Peters Merrjman Payrs R Randolph Curtis Roberts Jamts Rose John Richardson Mary Roie I'ofeph Uealon Mary Reynolds JohriC. Richard-Mrs'- . son Vincent Rozzi Saymour RojWill. Reading s ' Jacob II. Sherleyjohn Stenf.ni llaac bmith J.icob Smith John Swift Thos. Sthrtlhly John Scott Alex. Scott Edmond Single ton . Peyton Short Mi, ah button M Rev. Jo iuyv- - Ri'bert St Scott epiiens Thos. Shanklin 2 2 T. S. Role II. 3utli hn Sale Sen. y Sar.derfon F. 2 John W. Semple Sampson Sawyers 1 Hubart Taylor John Tipton fkc. Buc. Thrufton Nihell Tanner Eli Thomas John Thompson Shropshire Elijah-Sentor- t late Tompkins Tc ard Thompson, Thor.aon Bsnnet Thomas 2George Talbot V. Jabez Vigus William Walker Henry Wallace George Walker Rachel Walker James wood lfrael W.ight' Cot. Williams Peter Ratley litmond Jerh. John Shelt Wm. Samuel Scott Wrn. Stony Daniel Shanne's Gideon Salhn-fta- ll Robert John John John Tavlor Sarah Wm. W David WU'iams . William Williams Charles Williams Jean Wiley Jno. W. Wo-ld- - ridge Baker Vallace Edward Williams Joseph Ward Lawrence Ward John Waghon Francis Walker Edward White Jer. Weaver Patrick iVatioti William White John Wright Mis. Willfon Nathaniel White Joseph WinfcottGeorge Willfon. lohn Wallrfoa . Rebecca WIQflSrj - ; WorIt Y Jacob Yager Jfaac Yarne'.l Elizabeth Ymiles John Jordan Jr. P. M. TAKEN UP' by Joseph Hedcr- - ick, in Garrard Countv, near M'Cojs Mill; a .BAY HORSE, fourteen hands and one inch high five years olda fmallftar in his so eheart, a part o lus near hind soot white: bramleil an n.e near buttock thus H June the lft, 1305. tppraif. ed to 50 Dollars' , t CHARLES SPILMAN. MADISON COUNTY Sa. TAKEN up by Barnet 0. Vgs, livingg on the JCentucIo River, about th-e- mi'es bflow i t!ie nn uth of Diowning Cheek; one GltEY MAJIE, about six vear old, tourtecn hands and .lyclf liigb, no brands ptrceivablc ; dollars, v " : 'Nathan Lipscomb, J. P. July 4t!i.iS35- - . CLARK COUNTY Sa. I'AKEN UP-b- y Henry Kelfoe liv ing on the waters of Stoner, Shieh'sr bettlement, one iSay Aiare nine years old Thirteen hands and a' hals: high, branded on the near Ihoujder, W. L. and near Buttock I B.! Some white Spots, on her Back : Appriied to . 11. Before . D. HAMPTON. TAKEN UP by Geo. Caldwtri on South Elkhorn, near tlf Frank- fort road ; a Two year old Brown Filly with a fftiall star in her Fo. andthe off I ind soot whre about fourteen- - and a hlf Iunds high ; Appraised t,o thirtv Dojlars. AcopyTelt. D. TODD D. C. July sa, 1 3c j. y NOTICE. THE Public arc forwarned sro: nvf creditinsr mv wise Sarah', on mv ac- - count, as ihe has abtconded from my bed and board, without any jult cause, and am determined not to' pay'any of her conttaas. Andrew JSVClar.ohan. Itladifon County, Sep. 28, 1805. Fayetts, scl. TAKEN up by Geoige St.ne on Steele's Run, about Csven miles from Lexington, One Bay Filled, about thirteen hands high, th near hind soot vhite, appraik-- to 27 dol- lars, before" Edward Pai nejr. July ift. 1805. UOi hereby cautioit all pcrfens againd traJ J dirg for a NO I'E, given by me 10 El'ias Miers, for Eighty Dollars; payable the 25r.l1,. of December lKOJ. As I am determinetl n xS to pay it unlels cpmpelled by law; as 1 havo been deceived in the conlideration lor which" note was given. James Lheatham. Chrke ciilnty, 2;tn, l3oy. 3tt?3A( Wanted Immedhtch; A JOUKNIiYMAN 'l hat unuerftands his bolinels, tJ whom peirefGUJ wanes viH be gnen.- -- lI'i'O'Mic at t'.is orrce. i J S Sept "H
Page 1: tfffllU- Mil II IllWWfl H IHInyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74b853fv9g/data/0636.pdf · born aster lawto Gunner, thej case this peace whom and have been; they they manner honor the lieutenant





tfffllU- - - Mil II IllWWfl H IHI iiIM IlimiilllUt

vcv - -

z. :v-- c -- - v.i-- jjz: r' v.

Viii-i-- csP" True to his charge

He comes, the Herald of a noisy world"News from .ill nations lumb'ring at his back.'


To A Correspondent.A tiev Translation of Virgil's First Pasto-

ral is received, and shall be inserted in our next.

Married, on Thursday lad, Mr.James Kelly, Merchant, of Paris, tothe amiable Miss Elizabeth Clarke,daughter of Mr. John Clarke, ofBourbon county.

On Thursday last the dwellinghome ot iUr. K.irfcpatnck near thistown was entirely consumed by sire.He was from home or. his ordinarybusiness, and Mrs. Kirkpatrick on avisit at a neighbour's house. Thewhole of the houlhold furniture wasentirely destroyed. Ind. Gaz.

The lecriflltllre of the Tndiann territn


Nautilus Meflina.gun-






ry enacted, all Gamble, do.mulattoes brought Cutbufli, doLunder fifteen years age, are to be re- - Wallace Wormly, do,

and until the are it Redfhaw, do.i ,i.- - r.m ,i.. a ii

j taken b:fore the prothonatorv and an Nicholas Harwood, Surgeon'sagreement fora term, and is Jonathan do.the term brings them to 45, or over, the.Wm. Anderson, Capt's. clerk,matter to give with security of

s, that they fliall not r n cchargeable to the country-- all J""?" "U6. aauiiMKi:!,

the paffage of the serve, (Richard Stevenlon,the males till thirty years or age,iemaies till 28 j they are to be under triedame regulation as apprentices, and canbe removed in of maltreatment.


NORFOLK, Sept. 11. United SUteforYesterdayloads the United Frigate' rlPolli

Irrelident, Lo'iimodore liarron,Capt. James Barron, in 38 daysfrom Gibraltar. By this Ihip we"are relieved from all anxiety upon

inteiftirtg subject, for not onlyr?nfi flif- - brine thn fprtjm nrrnnnlfl1


of and lhe!board ha of Baltimore,our unfortunate' countrv-jw:l- s captured sent into Barra-.men- -

but has Lco3' and who thisBainbridge, his officers and part ofj

' his crew, a number of are. .now in town. We ofFer them our

felicitations upon this happy occa-fio- n,

and sincerely hope that thepleasures they will meet in their na-

tive country, in the embracesof 'their friends, will compenlatein a measure for their pad fuflerings.AVe are sorry to understand Com-

modore has returned in ve-

ryThe particulars which we

collected are corroborative of whathas already published Gcnejral Eaton deserves great credit; tjfhis enterprize and courage we atffipiinupully indebted for the atarxijTniMit ot tneie important oDjeeis.Tjv e

understand that Gen. Eaton reach-

ed Derne about the hit of April,when he i'lltantlv attacked tlie Bafliaw's army, and defeated witlilittle, lols, himself being wounded in

the riht arm so as to render it use-les- s.

The sew Americans whowere iu t"he displayed a cou-

rage that confounded, the Turkswere appointed to lead the

tack, which performedin a that did thejicountry. We underlland trut atthe time General Eaton attacked

army by land, captain HullIn the Argus, captain Dent in theNautilus, and Evaiis ofthe bou.b ketch, attackedthe batteries by sea

General Eaton's army was, we un-

desftand, cornpofeJ of men,& that of the B lhaw's 6000. Thisintrepid little band had800 rnuesacrols thetlroueh a country, and hadseveral partial actions bsfore thedecilive one at, Gen. EatonWas wounded tvhen in the acl of

down a Seik of the liafliaw'sarm.

The of this action appearsto have been an immediate propolalfrom th Ealhaw for peace col.Lear went immediately $0 Tripoli,and a tratv of peace was ligned on

the 3d of June, and our countrymenthe next day. 1 lie terms

we can.iot learn sully, but we under-ftand that as far as we had Tripoli-tan- s

thev were exchanged man for

Trail, for the balance of Americansremaining, we are to pay 60,000dollars. provision, but what

Aye cannot understand, is made fortlit 4 his wise and familsyk$ wWc detained a3 hottages, artp be liberated. As the o(Sc:al'S- -

caunf! ate Rone WafluiiKtoiv.x tu.'ift fuip"endour as t

the other articles at presentThe President lest Syracuse 7:!

July the following was the. bjition of the An.ciicin '"'".iltj'i a1

that time. The frigates ConWi-- 1

tion, Constellation and flex, V'OROMthe brirq Syren-

and Vixen, and.1- -. in. ' 11.. . '.... s i .

aOitKcL mai., tiireejca.s oiui-s- t, October, is takenbomb ketch Hornet were at Svra-ifp'''n- "P.oF "'""- -, '

brandW wiaWij months, vill be sent tocufe ; the Argus has for Egypt and the forThe frigate John Adams and a

anchored the day the PresidentGen Eaton f.iiled for the U.

S. in a merchant veflel. Thewas at Syracuse when the

President sailed. The President onher paffage to Gibraltar got near!the Spanish coast; taken for yr.miuui irigate, ana nrea upon iromthe

It may be grateful the friendsof the officers who nave been in captivity, to know where .now arc,we procured the ac-

count of

Returned in President.Wm. Bainbridge, captain.Jacob Jones, ad Lieut.Keith Spence,Benjamin P Read,lieut.James Gibbon, do. do.Daniel T Patterson, do. .

Wm. Ofborne, Lieut. Marines,iJiddle, lVlidlhipman,

have that negroes and Robertinto that territory, Wm.

ofcorded serve males-- a ., ., James

mate.made certain Cowdry,

bond Clnr Hn,l, Rn,fr,;- -dollni become ' "'500 r 1 i 1

childrenborn aster lawto Gunner,











manner honor









s diftri






Remained in tie Mediterranean.David Porter,

Theodore Hunt,Benjamin Smith,

Bernard Henry, Matter,Dr J. Ridgly remains as C

n Hampton! ATms for ,he

States'j bimon ivliclihipman, andWm. Godby, carpenter.

CHARLES 4.Mr. J. B. Jarbee, and

Mr. fames Love, Silk-make- r, on

being concluded, Jane' which

Veleafe of ai.d

file broucht Canta'in arrived at port in

Barronbad health.
















TOM, Sept.gunner,

the brig Lear, have furniihed us,with the following particulars ofthat action :

On the morning of the 15th July,off the Platform, were engaged bythe French privateer Superb, cap-

tain Dominique, mounting 6 guns.with 87 men, completely accouteredwith muikets, &c. Ihejanemounted 16 carriage-guns- , and at thecommencement of the action had 4men, li". or eight ot which were toosick toi'tand the deck ; her cqrnmandsr, cjpt. Wm. Kennedy, was killedearly in the action, which hfted a- -

tout one hour, when the privateers- -

Ten carried the Jane by boarding.mUet being twice before beaten offin attempting it. On eV rer.chmen behaved inful and cruel manner : Mr.tAiA'Vson the mate, who was wounded inthe arm, and was the only officer remaining on deck when tiny came onboard was immediately cut downwith their tabres, as were also oneman and a boy, who had not securedtheir retreat by running below.Mv. 1' annmg lupercargo ei theschooner which was captured incompany, and who had taken pas--

lage 111 thebrigfor lafety, was thrwnoverboard, and endeavoring to swimto tle privateer, was wantonly Jlfotwhile in the water. The remainderof the crew of the Jane were crew-ell- y

treated by 'the privateerfmen,and plundered of every thing.

The following are the names,which can be recollected, of thosewho were killed and wounded onboard the e,. .The whole num-

ber was 17 killed, and o wounded.Killed, William Kennedy, Matter,

Mr. Anderson,. lirft mate ; WilliamDexter, boatswain ; Henry Smitsboatfvvains lpate ; Alexander Moul- -

ton, Carpenter ; William Johnson,Charles Lewel, Robert Vallient,Joseph Pembleton, Francis Bowen,Wm. Grenell, John Baker, JohnCooney sea,men.

Wounded and in the hofpnal atBarracoa; Jeremiah Pv Davis sec- -

ond mate, dahgeroufly, John Jennings, Thomas olowell,and GeorgeDavis, leamen ; the Look and h

mate.The fch'r Saltellite ; capt. Hall,

of Baltimore with a cargo of coffee,valued at 14, 000 dollars, was alsocaptured and sent into Barracoa.

AN OUT LOTOR SALE by Vendue, on Sat- -

fdav next, ltli iitelant, containing Tne Acres,

f.,nt - on romth.ee fifth street ,Tl ..- - ...Mtj ! .n.l l.n.nrr Mfv ,7 inl.'llllill 1T XM. .V.. J ., i.w , ...

ho plan of the to. 1. .

A lKgoti. U note at SO divs'will t..ken.V. MACBEAH, Au.'r.

iuc Sin --, 1 !b'J5



mv firm ne Lexinfto. , a EL ZZ til tVC XJ05t Office JLCXingtOll, Oil tOC U. M C.arty." out

I'eay made, withahze ...vv., no or , ,. IT.other maik uollectet The above mare was 'PC general J'OSt Uj,tce as UCaa L.CIraised at mr. Lough-d'- near Col. "Sj&sXters.

and purchad at his late salkreward will (riven to have hertent!rcasonaaie

home, or (oi- - notice wh e she is to be sou:

R)BERJ BABROctober 12th. 1805. 2.v

TWO APffiENTICESill be token by

iVt'hls Cotton on Water street,Lcan.'rton.

TdHN TONES,Maliuictory,


October 16, 1805


er, Cap &? Harness Maker.RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of

in gener J, thathe has commenced business in Main tercet, andas he is furnished with an assojtment of thebest materials, and has in his employ some of""-;"- ,

lie nancrs iiimjelt trorn thequality of his ivoik, the moderation of his pri-ces and assiduity to business, to intrit a shareot public Tims? ihn m r r.ia..L,.10 i.,or him with their commands, cm be fur-nished ivith Ladie's Saddles with hog skm,buck sm, and plush seats Gentlemens' bestc.o. maae on hnglish Trees and chiefiy EnKlishI MlllP- - Ul .. f. .1.11.. , n , ... iiuaiw owmes sniueu (to. in-laid with Leopard skin Common SaddlesPlated Bribes with guard, hidf guard, dukes'branch, bit and b.uLine. P.irtnmnutl. !mand snafflle bitts Common Bric'les Martin-golcsS- c

Colliis Plated stirmpsUid ng whipsSmvr.no!., spii'S Horse-nUEn-

caps buckets on animproved plmPditmKntreiiis 1i(Ueiags Carnage, Waggon, and Cait Har--IICB5, txc. CvC.

October irtli, 1805


nu solttattlie di tt erent Pthis state and Ohio,



BELL'SStrictures on Atonement


The Phiiittirei ie titot tkee. JjmJmn Andhe brake the j.ithes. at a tlicadofto is !,mt,viketi it toacheth tkejire. Judges.

To those who purchase by the dozen, a 'iLe.iaKil'0' anre Mill be made. 3t

EVENING SCHOOL.THE fubfqriber's Evenintr Schoo- -

will comtnence en tho.4th evening in Nov ember.Those who rleasejo fayor him, may be taughtoaclng, witting, ait)imct.c,"cnd the AfferentBrandies ot tlie Mathematics, on as goid tcimsUs in any place in the union, and theaccommn.dations cqual'to any in Lexington.

1 am tne publics out libte. sent.Wm. J. DUTY.

October 16, 1805. .


JACOB LAUDEMAN,INFORMS his friends and the pub- -

ic 111 general, that he continues hisTobacco Manufactory,

Lexington on Main Street, nearlyfpofite Wilson's Inn, where he ha

lined himself with all necefiarvcois, and liaves ot his own, so that he

.an manufacture about twenty or thirtythousand weight of Tobacco a year.by wh,ch means'he is enabled to ft 11 ordie lowest thrms fpr ca1h, or he willgive from three to7nine;montrs credit,on giving bond With approved security ;he will also takycordjrrs e rood(lore in Lexington, tfd goods, terfonsapplying, may be.furniflied with thefol-lowin- g

kinds of Tobacco viz.Chewing, tn twists, pigtail of differ-

ent kinds, smojting tobacco 0 dif-ferent ki)ids, cut and in papers, s,

scotch and rappee snuff ofdifferrent kinds. The whole

of which he will warrant equal is notfu-peri- or

to any manufactured in the (late.Lexington, Oct. 17, 1805.

N. B. A good price will be given forone or two hogsheads 01 good Kitefoottobacco. Any lerfon wilhinir to pur- -

chase, can be fujiplicd with tobacco ofthe rinterent kinds at the (tore of lofepli Hudfou eppoiite the Court House111 Lexington.

STATE OF KENTUCKY.Fayette Circuit, set

September Term 180c.Thomas Lewtj, Compt.

'against.James M'DoWtll, William Stewart

and Sarah hi&j wise, Adminiftra- -

to.rs of Joseph M'Chin dec. a'

Joseph M'Chin, James M'Cland Ann M'Chin, children 'J,

heirs of the laid Joseph M'Chindec. JJelenuants.

In Chancery.Qn the motion the Complainant, it is

filtered that James M'L pwcll be afligncdGfiardian to defend the infant heirs in thiscauic. And it appealing .ths satisfaction ofthe Court, tltittlic Defendants William Stew-art and'arah Ins Wise, and Joftpli, James andAonTu'C'laijijaie not inhabitants ci'tlns

It is oidered that the fiid defen,ul Willi a pojt and rail fence, well set with d'int5 do aPPar here en the thitd day oi our






next. Manh Teim, and jnfwi-- r the CompUininti bill, and thara copy of ihis order bemic.ted in lonae autl.oufed paper t.ccoidiiigto Lav- - ,'.

IV CojvTcfieTkas.sJlyiC I. C. C.

'a rRuben Anderson Nathl. Afliby tThomas Arden Joseph AkersBenj. Atkinson Will. AdamsJas. Armstrong

BJoseph C. Breck-Rirhar- d Bibbinridee Miss H. H. BlairRobert Barr George Barr.yVal. Barnhart Steptoe BlackwellElila Browne John BarnardSamuel Biles John W. BaylorLeon. R. BradleyWm. BawLevy Boon Rev. Jas. BlytheGeo. T. Brent' Cornel. BradfordG. 8t W. Bhydes Robert BoggsHez. Bradley John BrntowDavid Brown Tames BarbourRobert Bell John ButtonEzekiel Bragg James BettisBrown & Yarnoll Joseph BeardJames Biadford Phillip Br,hiTiNatl. BurtJoseph Barb'ebamuel lilair


y.hn Baxter

Wm. ChapmafT Charles II. Car'rGeorge Caldwell Cornelius CozenRobt. Campbell William CoxTho. Cohoon John A. CapeiPleas. Craddock Robert ClarkFred. Cabel William Clark1 abitha L.ampbellr"rs. t. LloHfierWrn. Club fames CamnMl?Far. Coleman 2 James CarnesJefTe Cole Robert CoeftSamuel Clinton Jno. & Gf.John Cuningham Marg. CalhoonJohn CoxTlio'mss CoxGeorge ClarkePeter Conflea

DDucker James

Dickerfon aThos. DickerfonC. 2 James Dowdall

ThaddiusGen. Dayton

Et -

Dudley , JlebeccaEllioa, Ellefton

Edwards.. Thomas Early

FlemingJohn F.razer

Feather-hous- e



Cuftortharjes-Jac- ob

ClearMath. CalwelN

Robert DavisMar.Thos.

DulingJohn Di'leMiss. Devenport

Ellis EnfellRobert RobertJona.Jocob E'ckler





Eliza. FicklinRobt. Faihis

Joseph FaulknerGJohn GravesBenjamin.

John Greenwood John GrayfonJames Goreon Arch'd. Garvin

Gofe John GaflirightElilha Gordon William Gels

HDaniel Halhird Simon Hickey

Benj. How-Edwi- n Hordard Abraham Hite

Johh'W. Hinde Leo. HoustonWilL Hofkins Joseph Houstonr lizabeth HattonWm. HalleyJohn Holmes jr. 3II. HarnfonRobert Hufton Thos. Helm'Andrew Holman Wm. t 2Arch'd. Harris 3jofeph Horn

Howard ThomasHamphill John Hamilton

George Harfhmanllobt. HamiltonSavel rlaroen Joleph HuntMrs. Harrison

James Johnson Elijahjohnflon- -

Wm. Johnson acop-fone-s

Martha Irvine Joh'n'JohnftonThomas Jones Thos. JinningsJoseph Jones' John Jackson

Kauffman Bart. KendricHenry William KifoEdward Karrick

LJohn Lowman Hugh LoganHen. G. Letzue John Laird ,

Thos. L'euly Stephen LeayThos. Lincoln John Leece

james MonterJohn S. ManerQuiiuMortoii 2.

James Martin 2Peter M' Cartybamuel lVlillerJohn M'Donald

ohn A'atchttWilliam MillerWill. Marfliall

A; W.Oboufiier




John Fowler

Sen.Gai ns





1 T

ti 1



Kile 2


Charles M'Mi&Jen fen.

James M'NabbJames M'KayJqhn R.John MitchelJohn Ma rflial







Wm. .Varfhall

nMorifon-Geo- .


Maj'. Mongomery James May hewRobert Marfliall Robt. M'ElheneyColvMorrel Elijah Miltonlames Mares

NBen. Nctherlin John NewellNathl. Nicholas Peter Nicholas


John Ogalby V2 Patri'-- O'Neal

PEdward Pcarfon Willi? PatterHugh S. Parker Nancy PoaeeWm. Pollard Saml. ParkeGarret-Peikin-3 Jonathan PowelJames C Picket 2Roer Pattoa

I Ch?.rlt?2 Pn-lic- ic Rc-lt- . Pagc

1 ayne

Eliia B.jW'n. RobertsonSally Reading

John PerceJames PetersMerrjman Payrs


Curtis Roberts Jamts RoseJohn Richardson Mary RoieI'ofeph Uealon Mary ReynoldsJohriC. Richard-Mrs'- .

son Vincent RozziSaymour RojWill. Reading

s '

Jacob II. Sherleyjohn Stenf.nillaac bmith J.icob SmithJohn Swift Thos. SthrtlhlyJohn Scott Alex. ScottEdmond Single

ton .

Peyton ShortMi, ah button

M Rev. Jo

iuyv- -



Thos. Shanklin



T. S.




hn Sale




John W. Semple Sampson Sawyers1

Hubart Taylor John Tipton fkc.Buc. ThruftonNihell TannerEli ThomasJohn Thompson


Elijah-Sentor- t

lateTompkinsTc ard

Thompson, Thor.aonBsnnet Thomas 2George Talbot

V.Jabez Vigus

William WalkerHenry WallaceGeorge WalkerRachel WalkerJames woodlfrael W.ight'Cot. Williams



Jerh.John SheltWm.Samuel ScottWrn. Stony

Daniel Shanne'sGideon Salhn-fta- ll

RobertJohnJohnJohn Tavlor

Sarah Wm.

WDavid WU'iams .

William WilliamsCharles WilliamsJean WileyJno. W. Wo-ld- -

ridgeBaker Vallace

Edward Williams Joseph WardLawrence Ward John WaghonFrancis Walker Edward WhiteJer. Weaver Patrick iVatiotiWilliam White John WrightMis. Willfon Nathaniel WhiteJoseph WinfcottGeorge Willfon.lohn Wallrfoa . Rebecca

WIQflSrj -



Jacob Yager Jfaac Yarne'.lElizabeth Ymiles

John Jordan Jr. P. M.

TAKEN UP' by Joseph Hedcr- -ick, in Garrard Countv, near M'Cojs Mill; a

.BAY HORSE,fourteen hands and one inch high five yearsolda fmallftar in his so eheart, a part o lusnear hind soot white: bramleil an n.e nearbuttock thus H June the lft, 1305. tppraif.ed to 50 Dollars' , t


MADISON COUNTY Sa.TAKEN up by Barnet 0. Vgs, livingg on

the JCentucIo River, about th-e- mi'es bflow it!ie nn uth of Diowning Cheek; one GltEYMAJIE, about six vear old, tourtecn handsand .lyclf liigb, no brands ptrceivablc ;

dollars, v

" : 'Nathan Lipscomb, J. P.July 4t!i.iS35- - .

CLARK COUNTY Sa.I'AKEN UP-b- y Henry Kelfoe liv

ing on the waters of Stoner, Shieh'srbettlement, one iSay Aiare nineyears old Thirteen hands and a' hals:high, branded on the near Ihoujder,W. L. and near Buttock I B.! Somewhite Spots, on her Back : Appriiedto . 11. Before .


TAKEN UP by Geo. Caldwtrion South Elkhorn, near tlf Frank-fort road ; a Two year old BrownFilly with a fftiall star in her Fo.

andthe off I ind soot whreabout fourteen- - and a hlf Iundshigh ; Appraised t,o thirtv Dojlars.AcopyTelt. D. TODD D. C.July sa, 1 3c j. y

NOTICE.THE Public arc forwarned sro:nvf

creditinsr mv wise Sarah', on mv ac- -count, as ihe has abtconded from mybed and board, without any jultcause, and am determined not to'pay'any of her conttaas.

Andrew JSVClar.ohan.Itladifon County, Sep. 28, 1805.

Fayetts, scl.TAKEN up by Geoige St.ne

on Steele's Run, about Csven milesfrom Lexington,

One Bay Filled,about thirteen hands high, th nearhind soot vhite, appraik-- to 27 dol-

lars, before"Edward Pai nejr.

July ift. 1805.UOi hereby cautioit all pcrfens againd traJ

J dirg for a NO I'E, given by me 10 El'iasMiers, for Eighty Dollars; payable the 25r.l1,.of December lKOJ. As I am determinetl n xSto pay it unlels cpmpelled by law; as 1 havobeen deceived in the conlideration lor which"

note was given.

James Lheatham.Chrke ciilnty, 2;tn, l3oy. 3tt?3A(

Wanted Immedhtch;A JOUKNIiYMAN

'l hat unuerftands his bolinels, tJwhom peirefGUJ wanes viH be gnen.- --

lI'i'O'Mic at t'.is orrce.




