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th January 2020 - YCIS

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26 th January 2020 71 st Republic day of India Issue: IIIrd Parijatak e-wall magazine
Page 1: th January 2020 - YCIS

26th January 2020

71st Republic day of India

Issue: IIIrd


e-wall magazine

Page 2: th January 2020 - YCIS
Page 3: th January 2020 - YCIS




Page 4: th January 2020 - YCIS

आऩरा ततयंगा झेंडा

Page 5: th January 2020 - YCIS

केळयी फरवागय बायत शोलो वलश्लात ळोबूनी याशो

मा ओऱी कानालय ऩडताच अगदी योभ योभ पुरून मेतात. जगाच्मा ऩटरालय वलवच षेत्राभध्मे उत्ुगं झेऩ घेऊन स्लत्च ं एक लेगऱ स्थान तनभावण कयणाऱ्मा बायताचा इततशाव एका षणात डोळ्मावभोरून जातो. इथरी वंस्कृती त्मागाची आशे, बोगाची नाशी शे इथल्मा भातीत झारेल्मा यक्तयंजजत ऩयाक्रभाने सवद्ध केरं. छ. सळलाजी भशायाजांच्मा भालळ्मांनी अटकेऩाय बगला पडकालरा आणण बायताच्माच नव्शे तय जगाच्मा इततशावात भयाठमांचा बगला यंग वुलणावषयात कोयरा. मा बगव्मा यंगाकडे फघनूच भग इथल्मा फसरदानाचा अथव वभजतो.

बगला यंग...त्माग, फसरदान,ळौमव दळवलतो. इततशावातल्मा यक्तयंजजत ऩयाक्रभाप्रभाणे आजशी देळातल्मा नागरयकांच्मा भनात आगीवायखी ऩेट घेणायी उभी शे मा बगव्मा यंगाच ंप्रतीक आशे. वकाऱच्मा उगलत्मा वूमावचा यंग देखीर बगलाच! वकाऱच्मा प्रशयात जे नलचतैन्म आशे ते इथल्मा बायतीमांच्मा भनात वदोददत फशयत याशालआंणण प्रत्मेक षेत्रात उगलत्मा वूमावप्रभाणे भाझा देळ नेशभीच उबायता याशाल.ं अवा शा तीयांग्माभाध्रा बगला यंग इततशावाची ऩाने चाऱत, त्माग आणण ळौमावची बूसभका जफयदस्त लठलतो आणण प्रत्मेक बायतीमाच्मा भनात ‘याष्ट्रीम एकात्भता’ दश बालना जागी कयतो.

कु. बक्ती चंद्रकांत ऩानवये

फी . एस्वी. II पोयेजन्वक वाएन्व

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पाांढरा प्रततक ळांतेचे..... वलवलधतेने नटरेल्मा बायतबूसभरा एकवंघ कयणाऱ्मा बायताच्मा ततयंग्माचे तीन यंग म्शणजे बायतीमांच्मा भूल्मांची प्रतीकेच. देळाचा ऩदशरा याष्ट्रीम ध्लज १९०६ भध्मे तमाय कयण्मात आरा. केवयी, वऩलऱा ल दशयला यंग आणण त्मात अधवलट पुररेल्मा कभऱाच चचन्श अव त्माच स्लरूऩ शोत. ऩण खऱ्मा अथावने ततयंग्माचा प्रलाव १९२१ ऩावून वुरु झारा. भशात्भा गांधीजींच्मा कल्ऩनेतून याष्ट्रध्लजाचे स्लरूऩ ठयलण्मात आरे. क गें्रवचा ध्लज शाच बायताचा ध्लज म्शणून घोवऴत कयाला अवे ठयरे. पक्त चयख्माऐलजी वायनाथच्मा सवशंभुद्रीलयीर अळोकचक्र ध्लजेच्मा भध्मबागी वलयाजभान झारे आणण २२ जरु ै१९४७ योजी बायतीम याष्ट्रध्लज म्शणून ततयंग्माचा स्लीकाय झारा. लयती केळयी, भध्मे ऩांढया, खारी दशयला ल ऩांढमाव यंगाचा भध्मबागी २४ आऱ्मा अवरेरे तनळ्मा यंगाच ं अळोकचक्र शे बायतीम ततयंग्माच दैददव्मभान स्लरूऩ. त्मातीर ऩांढया यंग म्शणजे प्रकाळ, ळांती, वत्म, ऩावलत्र्माच प्रतीक आणण माच्मा अगदी भधोभध वलयाजभान झारेर ंअळोकचक्र म्शणजे २४ फदु्ध्मानी ददरेल्मा ४ वत्मांच प्रतीक. वागयात्रभाणेअथांग ल काल्चाक्रप्रभाणे फदरत जाणाऱ्मा जगाची व्माख्मा स्ऩष्ट्ट कयणाय शे अळोकचक्र म्शणजे बायतीम करा, तत्त्लसान, इततशाव, वंस्कृती मांचा वुयेख वगंभ दळवलते. ऩण आज कुठेतयी मा ऩांढमाव यंगाच्मा अततत्लाच्मा अऩलु्मारा वलवय ऩडतोम कायण केलऱ याष्ट्रीम वणाऩयुता भमावददत आऩरा ततयंग्मा प्रतीचा

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आदय जागतृ शोतो आणण त्मानतंय भात्र जातीऩातीचे झेंडे सभयलत आऩण त्मा श्लेत यंगाचे ऩावलत्र्म नष्ट्ट कयतो. ळान्तेतेचे प्रततर म्शणून बायताच्मा गौयलळारी ततयंग्माने ऩांढमाव यंगाचा स्लीकाय केरा ऩण आज आम्शा बायतीमांनाच त्माच्मा अजस्तत्लाभागच्मा शेतूचा वलवय ऩडतोम दश खयी ळोकांततका, जातीजातीन्भधीर दंगरी, जस्त्रमांलयीर अत्माचाय, दशळतलाद, याज्मायाज्मांभधीर अतंगवत लाद अळा ककत्मेक गोष्ट्टी त्मा ळांततेच प्रतीक अवणामाव तीयांग्मातीर ऩांढमाव यंगालय भर भोठ प्रश्नाचचन्श उब कयत आशेत. त्माच्मा ळांततेच ऩावलत्र्माचा, वत्माचा प्रकाळ आऩल्मा डोळ्माऩमतं ऩोशचत नाशीमे कायण आऩणच आऩल्मा डोळ्मांबोलती अधंकायांची, अळांततेची काऱी ऩट्टी फांधनू घेतरीमे. वलध्लन्वाची दश लाट ळेलटी वलनाळाकडे घेऊन जाईर. आणण शा वलनाळ योखामचा अवेर तय ळांततेच प्रतीक अवणामाव ततयंग्माच्मा अजस्तत्लाची जाणील प्रत्मेकाच्मा भनाभनात रुजामरा शली. एकदा का ती रुजरी तय ळांततेने, वत्माने, ऩावलत्र्माने जग जजकंण्माची ताकद प्रत्मेक बायतीमाभध्मे नव्माने तनभावण शोईर.

क्षषततजा तानाजी देळभुख

फी . एस्वी . ३ (लनस्ऩतीळास्त्र वलसान)

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हिरवा यंग भाझा लेगऱा लगेऱा म्शणता म्शणता, यंग भाझा बगला, यंग भाझा दशयला, यंग भाझा ऩांढया आणण यंग भाझा नीऱा कधी शोऊन गेरा; कऱाराच नाशी. तनवगावच्मा नलराईने नटरेरा बायत देळ. वंस्कृतीने फशयरेरा बायत देळ. वूमावच्मा बगव्मा ककयणांनी प्रकासळत झारेरा बायत देळ. जातीऩातीच्मा याजकायणांभध्मे प्रत्मेक जातीचे अजस्तत्ल दशक्लण्मावाठी लाऩयरे जाणाये ल वलबागून घेतरेरे आणण माच बायत देळात वलावना एकात्भतेचे आणण ळांतता, फधंतुा, आऩरुकीचा वंदेळ देणाया ल डौराने पडकणाया बायताचा झेंडा. मा तनवगावने चोदशकड ेआत्भवात केरेरे अनेक यंग तनवगावराशी असबप्रत ल वभाजाराशी चतैन्माचे प्रतीक देणाया दशयला यंग.

दशयली ऩानी, दशयली पुरे आणण तुम्शा आम्शारा यंगाची झुर. दशयलऱ, दशयलऱ झाडी, ऩाने, पुरे, यंग अनेकांना बुयऱ ऩाडून जातो. दशयव्मा यंगातून तमाय झारेरे अन्न शे कोणत्मा एका जातीचे, ऩतीचे प्रतीक अवू ळकत नाशी.

दशयलाईचे नल ेस्लप्न योज योज ऩदशरे तय

योज योजचे वलवरून थोडे जया लगेऱे लागरे तय

नेवून फघडुे दशयला ळारू कवे ददवुमा दोखी म तनवगावने दश नेवरा शा दशयला ळारू. तनवगावचे देणे आपरे देऊ वायी दशयली ऩाने पुरे. बायत देळाच्मा झेंड्माभध्मे प्रत्मेक यंग

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शा आऩरी ओऱख वामाव जगारा दाखलत आशेआईनी तो डौराने ताट भानाने पडकत आशे

बगला ळौमावचा प्रतीक, ऩधंया यंग ळांततेच ं प्रतीक आणण दशयला यंग शा चतैन्माचे प्रतीक आऩल्मा वलावना दाखलत आशे. अवा शा दशयला यंग आऩरी ओऱख तनवगावत अ आऩल्मा भनाभनांत चतैन्माची ज्लारा तनभावण कयीत आशे. दशयली ऩाने, दशयले पुरे

तनवगावराशी दशयलाईचे बुरे

प्रलीण याजेंद्र कोऱऩ े

फी . ए’स्वी. II

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Nature is Art of God

When colourful flowers blossom in greenery, it is the painting of God

When trees swing with the breeze, it is dance of God

When birds chirp with treating leaves, it is the song of God

When water flows down like a cascade, it is music of God

When a drop of water splits light into seven colours, it is the

experiment of God

When volcano erupts to form rocks, it is sculpturing of earth by God

When flower prepares nectar, it is the holy potion of God

When leaves fall in autumn, when it rains in monsoons and snows in

winter, it is directed by God

When Sun rises at dawn and sets at dusk, it is the photography of God

When leaves bear veination, animals bear legs, fins and wings; it is

designing of God

When all these interact it is acting of God,

And when they together form a life, it is the miracle of God

Pradnya Mohite

B. Sc. III Zoology

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जीलनगाण े

जखभा ताज्मा वरणाऱ्मा कैक ह्रदमात जयी

खऩरी झाकून शास्माची त्मात काऱीज आऩुरे नशाले

जीलनगाणे वुख दखुाचे आनंदाने गाले ! नदीकाठी तुझे भाझे

अटर इथे वयण जयी जगून माच षणारा

भयणाचे बम वंऩून जाले

जीलनगाणे वुख दखुाचे आनंदाने गाले ! देशात इथल्मा वाधूच्मा

तस्कयी देलाची जयी भाम फाऩ भाणवारा

स्लगव शे्रष्ट्ठ भानाले

जीलनगाणे वुख दखुाचे आनंदाने गाले ! अंधुक झारेम जग शे

उऩेक्षषतान्ऩावी जयी ळबदांव ळबद जोडूनी तमांव डोऱव कयाले

जीलनगाणे वुख दखुाचे आनंदाने गाले !

कु. बक्ती चंद्रकांत ऩानवये

फी . ए’स्वी. II पोयेजन्वक वाएन्व

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ध्मेमलेड े पे्रयक ळक्ती यस्ता दाखलते, अनेक वंकटे दयू ऩयतलते।

अजग्नददव्म याजऩथ भागवक्रभण घडते, ध्मेमलेडे भन कृती घडलते।

प्रमत्नऩलूवक तनमतीळी झगडते, ऩयाकोदटच्मा प्रमत्नाने रक्ष्म वाधते। जजद्दीने, चचकाटीने स्लप्न वाकायते, वंघऴावरा उत्कऴावची प्रततभा आकायते।

जेव्शा वंकल्ऩसवध्दीची ऩतूवता शोते, तेव्शा आत्भवलश्लावाची प्रचचती मेते।

कृतकृत्म मळ सभऱते, अग्रगण्मस्थान वखुांळी गगनी सबडते।

वन्भान, प्रततष्ट्ठेच ेमोग राबते, कामवपऱाचे श्रभवापल्म शोते।

सळदें शऴवदा याजेंद्र

एव. लाम. फी. एस्वी. प येजन्वक वामन्व, वाताया.

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आमषु्ट्माच्मा लाटेलय चारताना, द:ुख मेतात प्रत्मेकारा ऩादशरम भी व्मक्त शोताना, सभत्र-भैत्रत्रणी अन नातेलाईकांना वलऴम आशे शा, कधीच न वंऩणाया….. जन्भानरा मेणाऱ्मा प्रत्मेकारा, वाभोये जाल ेरागते त्मारा भाणुव कयतो लणलण, वुखावाठी पक्त….

ळत्र,ु द्लेऴ, अऩमळ, गयीफी, भुऱ आशे द:ुखाच ेभैत्री, पे्रभ, मळ, वंऩत्ी भुऱ आशे वुखाचे

भाणूव धालतो वुखाच्माऩाठी, तयी द:ुख मेते गाठी काभ, क्रोध, भोश, भामा, शे अलगुण असानी जनांच ेवत्म, वत्ल, ळांती,नम्रता शे वद्गुण सानी जनांच े

सान-असान, वुख-दखु मांतीर अतंय वायखेच असानी कधी नवतो वुखी, कायण द:ुख अवते त्माच ेध्मानी

सानी कधी नवतो वुखी, कायण वुख अवते त्माच ेभनी शे वाये कळाभुऱे…? तय वद्गणु-दगुुवण मांच्मा अजस्तत्त्लाभुऱे भग आमषु्ट्माच्मा लाटेलय चारताना, वुखावाठी एकच उऩाम

दगुुवणांचा नाळ कया, वद्गुणांना अचंगकाया.

लैष्ट्णली ददऩक जाधल

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ज्माचं त्मान ंठयलामच…ं.. भन खूऩ भोठी गोष्ट्ट आशे, त्मा भनारा ताबमात ठेलामच,ं

कक जगाच्मा ऩादठलय बयकटून द्मामच,ं शे ज्माच ंत्माने ठयलामच ंअवत…ं…..

आनदं शा वगळ्मांनाच अवतो, त्मा आनदंात भनवोक्त जगामच,ं कक त्मा आनदंारा शयलनू जगामच ंशे ज्माच ंत्माने ठयलामच ंअवत…ं…

भी म्शणून स्लत:चा असबभान फाऱगामचा, कक भी ऩणाच्मा अशंभऩणात आमषू्ट्म घारलत जगामच ं

शे ज्माच ंत्माने ठयलामच ंअवत…ं.. द:ुख तय वगळ्मांनाच अवत,ं त्मा द:ुखालय भात करून जगामच,ं

की त्मा द:ुखात ऩीचत जगामच ंशे ज्माच ंत्माने ठयलामच ंअवत…ं.

त्राव तय प्रत्मेकाकडून सभऱतो, त्मा त्रावारा फाजरूा कयामच,ं कक त्मा तयडत आमषू्ट्म काढामचं, शे ज्माच ंत्माने ठयलामच ंअवत…ं..

काऱ शा प्रत्मेकाच्मा आमषु्ट्माचा घटक आशे, त्मा काऱारा वाभोये जामच,ं कक त्माच ंकाऱाच्मा ओघात लाशून भरून जामच,ं

शे ज्माच ंत्माने ठयलामच ंअवत…ं. जीलन खूऩ छोटवं आशे, भ त्मात ध्मेमप्राप्ती कयामची,

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कक दवुऱ्मांनी सभऱलरेल्मा ध्मेमाकड ेपक्त फघत फवामच,ं शे ज्माच ंत्मांने ठयलामच ंअवत…ं.

गलव शा चांगल्मा गोष्ट्टींचा फाऱगामचा, कक लाईट गोष्ट्टींचा फाऱगत जगामच,ं

शे ज्माच ंत्माने ठयलमच ंअवत…ं. स्लाथव अवामराच ंशला, ऩण तो स्लाथव ध्मेम प्राप्तीवाठीचा अवाला,

कक दवुऱ्मांच लाईट फघण्मावाठी अवाला, शे ज्माच ंत्माने ठयलामच ंअवत…ं..

मळ शे प्रत्मेकाच ंआशे, ते सभऱलण्मावाठी जीलाऩाड कष्ट्ट कयामच,े की ते पक्त देलाकडे भागत फवामच ं

शे ज्माच ंत्माने ठयलामच ंअवत…ं.

आकांषा याजेंद्र षीयवागय एप. लाम. फी. एस्वी.

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जीलनाची गरुुककल्री फतघतरेर ंस्लप्न पक्त स्लप्न ठेऊ नका,

तय ते वत्मात उतयला. प्रमत्न इतके कया की देणाऱ्मारा ऩण,

ते तुम्शांराच द्माल ंरागेर.ं स्लत:लय ठाभ यशामरा सळका,

स्लत:लय वलश्लाव ठेला, तयच तूभच ंअजस्तत्ल तनभावण शोईर.

प्रत्मेक व्मजक्तने तूम्शांरा घाफरूण नाशी, तय आदयाने नभस्काय केरा ऩादशजे.

नसळफ शे देलाने सरशीरेरे अवते, ऩण ते वत्मात उतयलण,ं शे आऩल्माच ंशातात अवत,ं

काशीजण फोरतात झारेरी गोष्ट्ट भाझ्मा नसळफात नव्शती, अये! का अवेर नसळफात

तू जय ती गोष्ट्ट सभऱलण्मावाठी प्रमत्नच ंकेरे नाशीत, तय का बेटेर ती गोष्ट्ट

प्रमत्न कयत यशा मळ तूभचचं आशे, प्रमत्न इतके कया की मळ तभूच्मा भागे धालर ऩादशजे

आकांषा याजेंद्र षीयवागय

एप. लाम. फी. एस्वी.

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वलचायाचंे भोती…… नसळफ देलाने सरशीरेरे अवते, ऩण ते वत्मात उतयलून ते चांगरे नसळफ भाझचं कवं आशे शे ज्मारा सवद्ध कयता मेतं तोच खया नसळफलान अवतो…..

स्लप्न भात्र आबाऱाएलढं आशे, ऩण त्मारा आबाऱाऩेषा भोठं कयामचं आशे अडथऱे भात्र खूऩ आशेत ऩण मातून शी भागव काढामचा आशे भागव तय खूऩ वोप्ऩा आशे ऩण वुरूलात कळी करू वभजतं नाशी….

प्रसवद्धी म्शणजे छोटं भोठं काभ करून, सभऱलरेरा आनंद नव्शे, तय आऩल्मा फाऩाच्मा नालारा सभऱारेरा भान-वन्भान आणण फाऩाच्मा डोळ्मातीर वभाधान म्शणजेच प्रसवद्धी……

जीलन म्शणजे आई-लडडरांच्मा डोळ्मातीर वभाधान आणण रृदमातीर अवणायं प्रेभ…..

आमुष्ट्म खूऩ वोप्ऩ आशे, त्मात खूऩ जगामचं आशे, काशी तयी कयामचं आशे, खूऩ भोठं व्शमचं आशे, आबाऱात उंच उडामचं आशे ऩषी फनून आकाळात वत्ा गाजलामची आशे, भन भात्र बयकटत आशे, काशीतयी कयामचं आशे……. काशीतयी कयामचं आशे…….

आकांषा याजेंद्र षीयवागय एप. लाम. फी. एस्वी.

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BE LIKE ME, WALK LIKE ME How smart the clock is, teaches us the precious

lesson Be like me, Walk like me,

Till your last breath Till your last beat

Be like me, Walk like me Never wait!

Neither for rain nor the hot sunlight Be like me, Walk like me

With a huge smile on your face Go ahead,

Opportunites are waiting, journey is incomplete Be like me, Walk like me….

Lekha Narayan Jadhav

B. Sc. I

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cja >kya iwjk vkykl rw---

cja >kya iwjk vkykl rw

ek.klkryk ek.kwl tkxk dsykl rw ||/kqz||

tsOgk vkykl rw rsOgk usyal okgwu rw lkja dkgh

ukgh ikghyal rw ygku&eksB] [kaj&[kksV

eanhj] efLtn vkf.k ukgh ikghyal ppZykgh---

ukgh fopkjykl 7@12 dq.kkyk

rsOgk dqB dGyk rq>k fu/kZehZi.kk vkEgkyk

cja >kya iwjk vkykl rw

vkeP;krykgh fu/kehZi.kk tkxoykla rw ||1||

rq÷;keqGs lokZauh xekoya cjap dkagh

i.k uohugh cjap dkgh nsÅu xsykl rw

vkiY;k ek.klkauk xekoY;kpa nq%[k izpaM gksr

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loZ dkgh u’V >kya ;kph osnukgh gksrh [kqi

i.k nqlÚ;kyk txok;pa dla

gs ek= f”kdowu xsykl rw

ek.klkryk ek.kwl tkxk dsykla rw ||2||

bFks gksrk tkrh&/keZ vkf.k Hksn&Hkko

;k lxG;k fujFkZd xks’Vhaoj ?kkrykl rw ?kko

;sÅu ,dp ukra nk[kfoyl rw

esysY;k ek.kqldhyk ftoar dsyl rw

iqUgk ,dnk lxG;kauk ,dtwV dsyl rw

cja >kya iwjk vkykl rw

ek.klkP;k nsgkryk nsogh tkxoykl rw ||3||

cja >kya iwjk vkykl rw---

rstfLork vt; vkQGs

ch-,Llh Hkkx&2

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Pravin kolpe B. Sc. Ii

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Shubham Avhad B. Sc I Forensic Science

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जीवन एक रहस्यमय गणणत

बसल्या बसल्या मनी माझ्या एक णवचार आला ;

गणणत ,गणणत णिकतोय खरं त्या गणणतामागे दडलंय

तरी काय ?मग , मी गणणताच्या पुस्तकानंाच णवचारल े

‘अरे ! तमुच्यामध्य ेअस ेदडलंय तरी काय ?’

पुस्तके सांगू लागली ,‘ गणणत ’ तर जीवनाचे

कोडसेोडवण्याचे एक उत्तर आह े.

जीवनाच्या रणभूमीवर यणेा-या संकटाचे

भागाकाराप्रमाण ेयोग्य क्षमतेत णवभाजन करुन ,

बेरजेप्रमाण‘ेिक्तीचे’ व ‘यकु्तीचे’ एकणिकरण करुन ,

वजाबाकीप्रमाण ेििुच्या िक्तीचे खचीकरण करावे

व गुणाकाराप्रमाण ेआपल्या रणनीतीचा

ििुवर अणधक प्रहार करावा

आणण अकंगणणताप्रमाणे जीवनातील परणस्थतीची आकडेमोड जलद गतीन ेकरावी .

‘ Sin ’आणण‘ Cos ’ यांचे आलखे जण ुजीवनातील चढ उतारचं . जीवन म्हणजे जणु

माणसुकी , ऐक्य , ज्ञान ,राष्ट्रप्रेम , पयाावरण ,कताव्य , पररवतान , यि , आणण ससं्कार

याचे समीकरणच .ररती , ररवाज , परंपरा , ससं्कृती , णवचार याच्या मयााद्यते( limit )

राहुन उज्ज्वल भणवष्याचा समतोल ( = ) राखावा .

जीवनातील प्रत्यके गोष्टीचे वास्तव आणण अवास्तव

ररत्या णवSलेषण ( Analysis ) करुनं मगचं एखादा

णनणाय घ्यावा व णनणाय घेताना कनरटन्यअूस

फंक्िन( Continuous function ) प्रमाणे तत्वज्ञानाला

खंड पडु नय े. कॉन्स्टन्ट फंक्िन ( Constant function ) प्रमाण ेजीवनातील चढ-

उतारामध्य ेमनोधैया णस्थर असायला हवे . उदाहरणाचे उत्तर सांगत ेकी , “ यिाचे वेध

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घेत असताना होणा-या चुकाची भणवष्यातील वाटचालीत पुनरावृत्ती होता कामा नय े” .

‘सुख – समृध्दी ’ची वाटचाल ही िुन्यापासनु अनतंाकड ेजाणारी असावी . मुखातून

णनघणारी वाणी ही सरळ रेषेसारखी सरळ असावीव ककरणाप्रमाण ेइतराचं्या जीवनाला

चांगली कदिा दणेारी असावी .सुख ह ेया मानवणनर्ममत भौणमणतक रचनात्मक वास्तुमध्ये

नसत ेतर घरातील व्यक्तीच्या एकमकेांच्या णवSवासावरती व प्रेमामध्य ेअसते . गणणत

जणु कदव्यज्ञानाचा एक प्रकाि स्त्रोत . उज्ज्वल जीवनाकड ेजाण्याचा मलुमिं म्हणजे ‘

गणणत ’ . सषृ्टीतील प्रत्येक जैणवक व अजैणवक घटकात गणणताचे अणस्तत्व मृता व अमृता

स्वरुपात असतेच ह ेप्रत्येकान ेणवसरता कामा नय े.

मी णवSवास दतेो पसु्तकानंो तुम्हाला , जीवनाच्या या जडणघडणीत गणणत ठरेल माझा

साथी . तुम्हीच हाती कदली मला जीवन जगण्यातील सुिे, आता नष्ट करीन मी

जीवनातील संकटाची सिे . गणणत म्हणजे काय? हा आता माझा प्रSनच सपंला . बेरीज ,

वजाबाकी,गुणाकार ,भागाकार यांनी माझ्या जीवनाला वेगळा मागाकदला . जीवनाच्या

मागाावरुन प्रवास करताना साथी कोणी माझा नसला,तरी सदवै माझ्या पाठी गणणत

असणार हा णवSवास माि पक्का ठरला .वजाबाकीप्रमाण े अपयि पचवून मी बेरजेप्रमाण े

यि वाढवत राहणार . उद्या याच गणणताच्या ज्ञानावर जीवनात यिस्वी व्यक्ती म्हणून

चमकणार .

“ साथ मला गणणताच्या ज्ञानाची,

आस मला यिाच्याणिखराची ,

णिखरापयात पोहचण्यासाठी

रांग आता आयुष्यातील समीकरणाची,

राणहली नाही णभती मला कोणाची

कारण साथ लाभली मला आता गणणताची . ”

नाव :- केदार उध्दवराव जगदाळे

M.Sc I - ( Mathematics )

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James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST or "Webb") is a space telescope that is

planned to be the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope. The JWST will provide greatly

improved resolution and sensitivity over the Hubble, and will enable a broad range of

investigations across the fields of astronomy and cosmology, including observing some of the

most distant events and objects in the universe, such as the formation of the first galaxies. Other

goals include understanding the formation of stars and planets, and direct

imaging of exoplanets and novas.

The primary mirror of the JWST, the Optical Telescope Element, is composed of 18

hexagonal mirror segments which combine to create a 6.5-meter (21 ft; 260 in) diameter mirror

that is much larger than the Hubble's 2.4-meter (7.9 ft; 94 in) mirror. Unlike the Hubble, which

observes in the near ultraviolet, visible, and near infrared (0.1 to 1 μm) spectra, the JWST will

observe in a lower frequency range, from long-wavelength visible light through mid-infrared (0.6

to 27 μm), which will allow it to observe high redshift objects that are too old and too distant for

the Hubble to observe. The telescope must be kept very cold in order to observe in the infrared

without interference, so it will be deployed in space near the Earth–Sun L2 Lagrangian point,

and a large sunshield will keep its mirror and instruments below 50 K (−220 °C; −370 °F).

The JWST is being developed by NASA—with significant contributions from the

European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency—and is named for James E. Webb,

who was the administrator of NASA from 1961 to 1968 and played an integral role in the Apollo

program. Development began in 1996 for a launch that was initially planned for 2007, but the

project has had numerous delays and cost overruns, and underwent a major redesign in 2005.

The JWST's construction was completed in late 2016, after which its extensive testing phase

began. In March 2018, NASA delayed the launch after the telescope's sunshield ripped during a

practice deployment. Launch was delayed again in June 2018 following recommendations from

Three-quarter view of the top

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an independent review board, and is currently scheduled for March 2021. On 28 August 2019, it

was confirmed by NASA that construction was completely finished.


The JWST has an expected mass about half of Hubble Space Telescope's, but its primary

mirror (a 6.5 meter diameter gold-coated beryllium reflector) will have a collecting area about

five times as large (25 m2 or 270 sq ft vs. 4.5 m2 or 48 sq ft). The JWST is oriented toward near-

infrared astronomy, but can also see orange and red visible light, as well as the mid-infrared

region, depending on the instrument. The design emphasizes the near to mid-infrared for three

main reasons: High-redshift objects have their visible emissions shifted into the infrared, cold

objects such as debris disks and planets emit most strongly in the infrared, and this band is

difficult to study from the ground or by existing space telescopes such as Hubble. Ground-based

telescopes must look through the atmosphere, which is opaque in many infrared bands (see

figure of atmospheric transmission). Even where the atmosphere is transparent, many of the

target chemical compounds, such as water, carbon dioxide, and methane, also exist in the Earth's

atmosphere, vastly complicating analysis. Existing space telescopes such as Hubble cannot study

these bands since their mirrors are not cool enough (the Hubble mirror is maintained at about 15

°C (288 K)) and hence the telescope itself radiates strongly in the infrared bands.

The JWST will operate near the Earth–Sun L2 (Lagrange) point, approximately

1,500,000 km (930,000 mi) beyond Earth's orbit. By way of comparison, Hubble orbits 550

kilometres (340 mi) above Earth's surface, and the Moon is roughly 400,000 kilometres (250,000

mi) from Earth. This distance makes post-launch repair or upgrade of the JWST hardware

virtually impossible. Objects near this point can orbit the Sun in synchrony with the Earth,

allowing the telescope to remain at a roughly constant distance and use a single sunshield to

block heat and light from the Sun and Earth. This will keep the temperature of the spacecraft

Bottom (sun-facing side)

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below 50 K (−220 °C; −370 °F), necessary for infrared observations. The prime contractor is

Northrop Grumman.

Sunshield protection

To make observations in the infrared spectrum, the JWST must be kept very cold (under

50 K (−220 °C; −370 °F)), otherwise infrared radiation from the telescope itself would

overwhelm its instruments. Therefore, it uses a large sunshield to block light and heat from the

Sun, Earth, and Moon, and its position near the Earth–Sun L2 point keeps all three bodies on the

same side of the spacecraft at all times. Its halo orbit around L2 avoids the shadow of the Earth

and Moon, maintaining a constant environment for the sunshield and solar arrays. The shielding

maintains a stable temperature throughout the structures on the dark side, which is critical to

maintaining precise alignment of the primary mirror segments.

The five-layer sunshield is constructed from polyimide film, with membranes coated with

aluminum on one side and silicon on the other. Accidental tears of the delicate film structure

during testing are one factor delaying the project.

The sunshield is designed to be folded twelve times so it will fit within the Ariane 5 rocket's 4.57

m (5 yards) × 16.19 m (17.7 yards) payload fairing. Once deployed at the L2 point, it will unfold

to 21.197 m (23.18 yards) × 14.162 m (15.55 yards). The sunshield was hand-assembled at

ManTech (NeXolve) in Huntsville, Alabama, before it was delivered to Northrop Grumman in

Redondo Beach, California, USA for testing.


JWST's primary mirror is a 6.5-meter-diameter gold-coated beryllium reflector with a

collecting area of 25 m2. This is too large for existing launch vehicles, so the mirror is composed

of 18 hexagonal segments, which will unfold after the telescope is launched. Image plane

wavefront sensing through phase retrieval will be used to position the mirror segments in the

correct location using very precise micro-motors. Subsequent to this initial configuration they

will only need occasional updates every few days to retain optimal focus. This is unlike

terrestrial telescopes like the Keck which continually adjust their mirror segments using active

optics to overcome the effects of gravitational and wind loading, and is made possible because of

the lack of environmental disturbances of a telescope in space.

JWST's optical design is a three-mirror anastigmat, which makes use of curved secondary

and tertiary mirrors to deliver images that are free of optical aberrations over a wide field. In

addition, there is a fast steering mirror, which can adjust its position many times per second to

provide image stabilization.

Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. is the principal optical subcontractor for the JWST

project, led by prime contractor Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, under a contract from

the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, in Greenbelt, Maryland. Eighteen primary mirror

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segments, secondary, tertiary and fine steering mirrors, plus flight spares have been fabricated

and polished by Ball Aerospace based on beryllium segment blanks manufactured by several

companies including Axsys, Brush Wellman, and Tinsley Laboratories.

The final segment of the primary mirror was installed on 3 February 2016, and the

secondary mirror was installed on 3 March 2016.

Scientific instruments

The Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) is a framework that provides electrical

power, computing resources, cooling capability as well as structural stability to the Webb

telescope. It is made with bonded graphite-epoxy composite attached to the underside of Webb's

telescope structure. The ISIM holds the four science instruments and a guide camera.

Near InfraRed Camera (NIRCam) is an infrared imager which will have a spectral

coverage ranging from the edge of the visible (0.6 micrometers) through the near infrared (5

micrometers). NIRCam will also serve as the observatory's wavefront sensor, which is

required for wavefront sensing and control activities. NIRCam was built by a team led by

the University of Arizona, with Principal Investigator Marcia J. Rieke. The industrial partner

is Lockheed-Martin's Advanced Technology Center located in Palo Alto, California.

Near InfraRed Spectrograph (NIRSpec) will also perform spectroscopy over the same

wavelength range. It was built by the European Space

Agency at ESTEC in Noordwijk, Netherlands. The leading development team is composed

of people from Airbus Defence and Space, Ottobrunn and Friedrichshafen, Germany, and

the Goddard Space Flight Center; with Pierre Ferruit (École normale supérieure de Lyon) as

NIRSpec project scientist. The NIRSpec design provides three observing modes: a low-

resolution mode using a prism, an R~1000 multi-object mode and an R~2700 integral field

unit or long-slit spectroscopy mode. Switching of the modes is done by operating a

wavelength preselection mechanism called the Filter Wheel Assembly, and selecting a

corresponding dispersive element (prism or grating) using the Grating Wheel Assembly

mechanism. Both mechanisms are based on the successful ISOPHOT wheel mechanisms of

the Infrared Space Observatory. The multi-object mode relies on a complex micro-shutter

mechanism to allow for simultaneous observations of hundreds of individual objects

anywhere in NIRSpec's field of view. The mechanisms and their optical elements were

designed, integrated and tested by Carl Zeiss Optronics GmbH of Oberkochen, Germany,

under contract from Astrium.

Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI) will measure the mid-to-long-infrared wavelength range

from 5 to 27 micrometers. It contains both a mid-infrared camera and an

imaging spectrometer. MIRI was developed as a collaboration between NASA and a

consortium of European countries, and is led by George Rieke (University of Arizona) and

Gillian Wright (UK Astronomy Technology Centre, Edinburgh, part of the Science and

Technology Facilities Council (STFC)). MIRI features similar wheel mechanisms as

NIRSpec which are also developed and built by Carl Zeiss Optronics GmbH under contract

from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg. The completed Optical Bench

Assembly of MIRI was delivered to Goddard in mid-2012 for eventual integration into the

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ISIM. The temperature of the MIRI must not exceed 6 Kelvin (K): a helium gas mechanical

cooler sited on the warm side of the environmental shield provides this cooling.

Fine Guidance Sensor and Near InfraRed Imager and Slitless

Spectrograph (FGS/NIRISS), led by the Canadian Space Agency under project scientist

John Hutchings (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada),

is used to stabilize the line-of-sight of the observatory during science observations.

Measurements by the FGS are used both to control the overall orientation of the spacecraft

and to drive the fine steering mirror for image stabilization. The Canadian Space Agency is

also providing a Near Infrared Imager and Slitless Spectrograph (NIRISS) module for

astronomical imaging and spectroscopy in the 0.8 to 5 micrometer wavelength range, led by

principal investigator René Doyon at the University of Montreal. Because the NIRISS is

physically mounted together with the FGS, they are often referred to as a single unit, but they

serve entirely different purposes, with one being a scientific instrument and the other being a

part of the observatory's support infrastructure.

NIRCam and MIRI feature starlight-blocking coronagraphs for observation of faint targets such

as extrasolar planets and circumstellar disks very close to bright stars.

The infrared detectors for the NIRCam, NIRSpec, FGS, and NIRISS modules are being provided

by Teledyne Imaging Sensors (formerly Rockwell Scientific Company). The James Webb Space

Telescope (JWST) Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) and Command and Data

Handling (ICDH) engineering team use SpaceWire to send data between the science instruments

and the data-handling equipment.

Spacecraft Bus

The Spacecraft Bus is the primary support component of the James Webb Space

Telescope, that hosts a multitude of computing, communication, propulsion, and structural parts,

bringing the different parts of the telescope together. Along with the Sunshield, it forms the

Spacecraft Element of the space telescope. The other two major elements of the JWST are

the Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) and the Optical Telescope

Element (OTE). Region 3 of ISIM is also inside the Spacecraft Bus; region 3 includes ISIM

Command and Data Handling subsystem and the MIRI cryocooler.

The Spacecraft Bus is connected to Optical Telescope Element via the Deployable Tower

Assembly, which also connects to the sunshield.

Diagram of the Spacecraft Bus. The

solar panel is in green and the light

purple flats are radiators shades.

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The structure of the Spacecraft Bus must support the 6.5-ton space telescope, while it

itself weighs 350 kg (about 770 lb). It is made primarily of graphite composite material. It was

assembled in California by 2015, and after that it had to be integrated with the rest of the space

telescope leading up to its planned 2021 launch. The bus can provide pointing of one-arcsecond

and isolates vibration down to two milliarcseconds.

The Spacecraft Bus is on the Sun-facing "warm" side and operates at a temperature of

about 300 K. Everything on the Sun facing side must be able to handle the thermal conditions of

JWST's halo orbit, which has one side in continuous sunlight and the other in the shade of the

spacecraft sunshield.

Another important aspect of the Spacecraft Bus is the central computing, memory

storage, and communications equipment. The processor and software direct data to and from the

instruments, to the solid-state memory core, and to the radio system which can send data back to

Earth and receive commands. The computer also controls the pointing and moment of the

spacecraft, taking in sensor data from the gyroscopes and star tracker, and sending the necessary

commands to the reaction wheels or thrusters depending.


The JWST will be located near the second Lagrange point (L2) of the Earth-Sun system,

which is 1,500,000 kilometers (930,000 mi) from Earth, directly opposite to the Sun. Normally

an object circling the Sun farther out than Earth would take longer than one year to complete its

orbit, but near the L2 point the combined gravitational pull of the Earth and the Sun allow a

spacecraft to orbit the Sun in the same time it takes the Earth. The telescope will circle about the

L2 point in a halo orbit, which will be inclined with respect to the ecliptic, have a radius of

approximately 800,000 kilometers (500,000 mi), and take about half a year to complete. Since

L2 is just an equilibrium point with no gravitational pull, a halo orbit is not an orbit in the usual

sense: the spacecraft is actually in orbit around the Sun, and the halo orbit can be thought of as

controlled drifting to remain in the vicinity of the L2 point. This requires some station-keeping:

around 2–4 m/s per year from the total budget of 150 m/s. Two sets of thrusters constitute the

observatory's propulsion system.

JWST will not be exactly at the L2 point,

but circle around it in a halo orbit.

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Infrared range

Webb's instruments will be designed to work primarily in the infrared range of the

electromagnetic spectrum, with some capability in the visible range. It will be sensitive to light

from 0.6 (orange) to 28 micrometers (μm) in wavelength.

- Shreedhar Balasaheb Shinde

S.Y. B.Sc.

Infrared observations can see

objects hidden in visible light,

such as HUDF-JD2 shown.

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The End…
