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THB BEE E IO - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bk35mb20v/data/0404.pdfTHB BEE E RLINTON IO...

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r rqF r pa q r r qo r r yw t L1Sf7PTtwxur c J THB BEE E RLINTON IO e rP1 WfJ TottsliIlsFOR i 1 A torpid liver deranges tile whole l SICKHEADACHE = DyspepsraCostivenessRheuI ¬ There ts no better remedy for these common diseases TUTTS j c proveTake I i1J SHORT LOCALS jBolll to Mr and Mrs John Vin > son Saturday morning a 12pound Ii boy Rev W C Wilson who was pas tor of the EarllugtoiTclrcult 11 E church last year goes to theOnto- circuit In Webster county 3 J B Dean has so far recovered from his recent siege of la grippe countert week off- Chas jj W Wright son of Mr and Mrs CD Wright of Blchland who y has been In the regular army since August 11 was when last heard from at Fort Riley Kansas He ex ¬ pected to be transferred to Nebraska j soon HHMi MKaii WHMaiM e Rev C 0 Hall and family of Ma i kandy lilt passed through Earllng ton Tuesday They will visit at Madlsonvlllo and other points In Kentucky before returning home 1 Mr Hall holds his appointment at j i Makandy for another year i Nat Curren has returned from a months visit to his parents In Carolina Nats friends expecte that he would bring a betterhalf home with him but it Is thought Jso i home Rev E B rimmous has been as signed to the Earlington circuit M E church for the ensuing year an will hold his first regular services a the Earlington church next Friday Rev Jupin who has just finished a very acceptable years work here goes to Calhoun with the bpstwishe of many friends he has made while- s here Rev B M Currle returned Tues- day qightfrom Conference to begi n ouy people Providence been added to the EarlingtonNebo charge and one Sunday in each month will be given to that city making but one willf ap polntments which will be published j as soon as fixed upon Earllngton citizens irregardless of religious de- nominations are delighted over Brot Curries return i1 I Union Association 11 The Union Association the Gen ¬ eral Baptists will convene with the Earlington General Baptist Church on Friday morning October 18th at j 900 oclock and will continue in ses- sion ¬ o until Sunday There will bo about fifteen ministers and sixty delegates Services will b3 held each day and night and all should all should come out and hear some able preaching and enjoy a spiritdal feast The sacrament of the Lords supper will bo administered on Sun ¬ alli BUUDENI women and Jeweis Jewels candy flowers manthat is the order of a womans prefer ¬ ences Jewelsform a magnet of mighty avoragewoman jewelshealth ¬ ous efforts to make or savo the mon ¬ teyto purchase them If a woman risk her to get a coveted gem then let her fortify herself against the insiduous consequences of coughs colds and bronchial affec ¬ by tho regular use of Dr Boschees German Syrup It will promptly arrest consumption in its early and heal the affected I and bronchial tubes and drive 4the dread disease from the system It is not a cureall but it is a certain cure for coughs colds and all bron- chial ¬ s troubles You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at St Bernard Drug Store Get Greens Special Almanac i League Program Monday evening Oct 7th 1001 Topic Dark Days and Their LessonsLeader Mrs John Rule Song Prayer 4 Scripture lesson by Leader Bible references Song Select readings Remarks by society Announcements Song League Benediction Deafness Cannot be Cured By local applications ns they cannot reach the portion of the ear There is only one way to cure deafness and that Is by constitu- tional remedies Deatness Is caused by an Inflamed condition of the mu- cous lining of the Eustaohian Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a sound or imperfect entirelyn ° unless the Inflammation can be- taken out and this tube restored to its condition hearing will be ofs ten are nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces Wo will give One Hundred Dol- lars for any case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for cir- culars ¬ free F J CHENEY dd Co Toledo O Sold by Druggists 7Bc Halls Family Pills are the best The peculiar climatic conditions- of the past summer favored the man who planted poor seed and planted nia corn late Because he wins out this year it Is no reason why his ex ample should be followed as be would fail nine years out of ten A Fiendish Attack An attack was lately made on C F Collier of Cherokee Iowa that nearly proved fatal It came Hill baok got withoutd propped bY cushions No remedy helped him until he tried Electric wond a new man This marvelous medicine cures backache and kidney trouole purifies the blood and huilds your Only title at St Bernard Drug Store tot corn will be in the cribs containing what is loft of the 1000 crop but be years 1 every man seed corn for next year Tot Causes Night Alarm One brothers baby was Jr i seemed It would strangle before we- could get a doctor so we gave It Dr Kings New Discovery which gave quick relief and permanently cured It We always keep it in house to protect our children from Croup- and Wnooping Cough It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve 1 Infallable for Coughs Colds Throat and Lung troubles 60o and 100 Trial bottles free at St Bernard Drug Store Sheboygan county Wis main ¬ tains 105 cheese factories and but one creamery and this Is preparing to make cheese instead of butter It would seem as though the calf would have a hard road to travel in that country Whats Your Face Worth Sometimes a fortune but never if fou have a sallow complexion a aundiced look moth patches and blotches on the skin all of Liver Trouble But Dr King s New Life Pllla Clear Skin Rosy Cheeks Rich Complexion Only 25 conts at St Bernard Drug Store Hereafter postal parcels front Ger ¬ many to Boston Phlladelplia Chi ¬ cago and St Louis will not be ex- amined ¬ in New York City Stepped Into Live Coals When a child I burned my foot frightfully writes W H Eads of Jones vllle V which caused hor nblo leg sores for thirty Buoklens Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed Infallible for Burns Cuts Sores Bruises and Piles Sold by St Bernard Drug Store There are at least three kinds of dogs that never barkthe Austra- lian dog the Egyptian shepherd dog and the lionheaded dogof Tibet 7f This signature lion every box of tho gennto Laxative BroraoQuinine Tablets- i the romed that cure n cold fa one day W11011111110111111N11011101111111111N1111111 1 ic J Pratt President JF D Ramsey Vlce Praldent I Z 0 W Waddlll Cashier C J Pratt > Directors < > i JJ i HOPKINS COUNTY BANK I i y i Incorporated 1890 t iMADISONVILLE KENTUCKY A o 011000111110M1N001N0100111100110Nj1111011N011Z ROJAR MASONS COMEDIANS Supporting La Petite Eileen the Wonder ful Child Star in An Arizona Girl The Temple Theatre was filled to Its capacity last Monday night with a highly pleased lot of people to witness the production of the four act melodrama An Arizona Girl It was one of tho most pleasant en- tertainments ¬ that it has over been our fortune to witness The play Is full of interesting situations without vulgarity or slang from the raising of the curtain in the first act until the fall in the last La Petite Eileen as Flip an Arizona Girl displayed an ability that older artists might be proud to possess This child though but ten years of age was equal to the situa- tion ¬ whether on the rough unsettled plains of Arizona or In the city par- lor ¬ Her songs and dances were re- fined ¬ and uptodate and were re- ceived ¬ with round after round of ap ¬ plauseMr P 0 Rosar In the difficult role of Ah Lee the much abused Chinaman proved himself to be a comedian of rare ability and kept the audience in continual laughter Mr Arthur Byron played the part of the tramp to perfection Delaney and Marie Estella in their travesty acts are very clover and received a great deal of merited applauseMr D Donald the design- ing ¬ villain looked and acted the partMr Lyell as the rich mine OWner was good The Rosar Musical Trio was the greatest act of the kind over seen In Earlington The instruments were beautiful and expensive and the music furnished the best Mrs P C Rosar as Bridget the overworked wife of the heathen proved herself to be a character woman as well as a thorough musicianTake all in all it was one of the best shows with the accent on the best that has ever been given in the Temple Theatre It Happened In a Drugstore One day last winter a came to my drug store and asked for a brand of cough medicine that I did not have in stock says Mr O R Grandln the popular druggist of Ontario N Y She was disap pointed and wanted to know what cough preparation I could recom ¬ mend I said to her that I could freely recommend Chamberlains Cough Remedy and that she could take a bottle of the remedy and af ter giving it a fair trial It she did not find it worth the money to bring back the bottle and I would rotund the price paid In the course of a day or two came back In with a friend in need of a cough medicine and advised her to buy a bottle of Chamberlains Cough Remedy I consider that a very good recommendation for the rem edy It Is for sale by St Bernard Store Ben T Rob StlCharlee A Copenhagen dispatch to London states that the Danish Ministry has decided to accept the United States offer of 4000000 for the Danish West Indies Mrs T Briddleman of Parshall vllle Mich was troubled with salt rheum for thirteen years and had tried a number of doctors without relief After two applications of Banner Salve her became better and in a short time she was entirely cured Beware of substi tutes Jno X Taylor Among the improvements to be placed in Buckingham Palace by the order of King Edward are three American automatic electric ele- vators ¬ Keep Your Bowels Strong Constipation or diarrhoea when your bowels are out of order Cas carets Candy Cathartic will make them act naturally Genuine tablets stamped C C C Never sold in All druggists roc The late Dowager Empress Fred ¬ erick of Germany was worth 11 000000 marks One million marks goes to each of her six children S A Ingalls Crown Point N Y writes My wife suffered from kidney trouble for She was FOLEYpKIDNEYOURS greatlyimproved her Jno X Taylor The members of the Salvation Army throughout the United States are preparing for the reception of their aged commander General William Booth who is to arrive from England this month To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure E W Groves signature is on each box loc Assessor Weldon Jenkins of Mad Isouvllle has been here several days tho past week assessing tho tax list After exposure or when you feel a cold coming on take a dose of Fo LEYS HONEY AND TAU It never falls to stop a cold if taken In time Jno X Taylor V < ORPHANS PRAYER By H ZEILER Copyright 1833 by Frank K Root Co Chicago JLI firt4n vA4 There is much to be said for and storyin people By KENNETT F HARRISobject to being kept in suspense A weeku or from month to month as the case may be while others enjoy the sense of expectation thereby cre ¬ atedit One thing is certain A literary work taken in homeopathic doses is much more lasting and beneficial in its effect than when swallowed at a gulp and as it were without any intervening mastication buti nounced mental indigestion and biliousnesswitness the professional i critics i But after the worst is said against the lengthened sweetness or otherwiseof the continued story we know that in course of time all will be made known to us mysteries will become revealed riddles read our presentiment that the engaging hero and heroine will be come engaged in the final chapter will be fulfilled or we will know the reason why which is some satisfaction at least It is otherwise with the fragmentary romances that come tQ us in the shape ofwhat we call news A dispatch from Squeehawket tells us briefly of an elopement or a murder Then eternal silence We never know whether the eloping couple evaded the pursuit of an irate parent or guardian and we are left to guess whether they were married and consequently lived happy ever after v I We know or nothing of the causes that led to the mysteri ¬ ous murder Was the deed prompted by overwhelming necessity ava ¬ rice jealousy or was it a just revenge for an unforgivable wrong Who shall say Certainly not the particular paper giving the first meager account f titgrrine A- k GOT HIS CERTIFICATE Prof C M Lutz Republican Nominee for School Superintendent Made a Good Average Prof C M Lutz Republican nominee for Superintendent of Schools of Hopkins county lias reo celved his certificate of qualifica- tion ¬ He stoodthe examination as required by law and now has his credentials He made the following grade Spelling 00 Rending 05 Writing 92 Arithmetic 100 Grammar 80 Com ¬ position 05 Geography 00 History 07 Physiology 07 Civil Government 100 Theory and Practice 100 This makes a general average of 05 811 which is a most excellent record Prof Lutz has been engaged In teaching for many years and was for sometime a student in Vander- bilt University at Nashville Glenns Graphic For sprains swellings and lame ¬ ness there is nothing so good as Chamberlains Pain Balm Try It For sale by St Bernard Drug Store tons GapGeorge King St Charles ¬ Miss Ellen Mahar returned Fri ¬ day to her home in New Madrid Mo after a pleasant visit to relat- ives here ri When suffering from racking cough take a dose of FoLEYs HONEY AND TAu Tile soreness grateful r experiencedJno eBig Laughing Night Tuesday Oct 8 AT THE TEMPLE THEATRE THE NE- WRailroad Jack The Funniest Play r Ever Written 12 Big Specialties 12 SEE TilE 1Grent Explosion MidnightExpress Switch at Dawson 1 ti Special Scenery and Mechanical Effects More Laughs in Railroad Jack Than Grains in a Bushel of Wheat ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY An Enormous I South African Lion HairbreadthClimax CageWith VeryPaws i Done in Full View of the Audience Sensation and Realism Umarpassed Prices 25 35 50c Street Parade Daily at Noon Coenen Bros Painting and Paper Hanging 1 We keep on hand a nice line of WallPaper AND MOULDING s Telephone us and we will Call on you with samples All work guaranteed TELEPHONE 203 Agents for AntiCorrosive Tin Roof Paint F V ZIMME- RAttorneyatLaw MADISQNVILLE KY Hopkins ¬ JOB WORK- Will a receive prompt atten tion at this office Estimates furnished upon application L
Page 1: THB BEE E IO - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7bk35mb20v/data/0404.pdfTHB BEE E RLINTON IO e rP1 WfJ i TottsliIlsFOR 1 A torpid liver deranges tile whole l SICKHEADACHE =

r rqF r pa q r r qo r ryw t L1Sf7PTtwxur




1 A torpid liver deranges tile whole

l SICKHEADACHE =DyspepsraCostivenessRheuI ¬

There ts no better remedy for thesecommon diseases TUTTS

jc proveTake I


jBolll to Mr and Mrs John Vin> son Saturday morning a 12poundIi boy

Rev W C Wilson who was pastor of the EarllugtoiTclrcult 11 Echurch last year goes to theOnto-circuit In Webster county


J B Dean has so far recoveredfrom his recent siege of la grippecountertweek off-

Chasjj W Wright son of Mr andMrs C D Wright of Blchland who

y has been In the regular army sinceAugust 11 was when last heardfrom at Fort Riley Kansas He ex ¬

pected to be transferred to Nebraskaj soon


e Rev C 0 Hall and family of Mai kandy lilt passed through Earllng

ton Tuesday They will visit atMadlsonvlllo and other points InKentucky before returning home

1 Mr Hall holds his appointment atj i Makandy for another year

i Nat Curren has returned from amonths visit to his parents InCarolina Nats friends expectethat he would bring a betterhalfhome with him but it Is thoughtJsoi home

Rev E B rimmous has been assigned to the Earlington circuit ME church for the ensuing year anwill hold his first regular services athe Earlington church next FridayRev Jupin who has just finished avery acceptable years work heregoes to Calhoun with the bpstwisheof many friends he has made while-

s here

Rev B M Currle returned Tues-day qightfrom Conference to begi nouypeople Providence been addedto the EarlingtonNebo charge andone Sunday in each month will begiven to that city making but onewillfappolntments which will be published

j as soon as fixed upon Earllngtoncitizens irregardless of religious de-

nominations are delighted over BrotCurries returni1

IUnion Association

11 The Union Association the Gen ¬

eral Baptists will convene with theEarlington General Baptist Churchon Friday morning October 18th at

j 900 oclock and will continue in ses-


o until Sunday There will bo

about fifteen ministers and sixtydelegates Services will b3 heldeach day and night and all shouldall should come out and hear someable preaching and enjoy a spiritdalfeast The sacrament of the Lordssupper will bo administered on Sun ¬alliBUUDENI

women and Jeweis

Jewels candy flowers manthatis the order of a womans prefer ¬

ences Jewelsform a magnet ofmighty avoragewoman


ous efforts to make or savo the mon ¬teyto purchase them If a womanrisk her to get a coveted

gem then let her fortify herselfagainst the insiduous consequencesof coughs colds and bronchial affec ¬

by tho regular use of DrBoschees German Syrup It willpromptly arrest consumption in itsearly and heal the affected

I and bronchial tubes and drive4the dread disease from the systemIt is not a cureall but it is a certaincure for coughs colds and all bron-chial

¬s troubles You can get Dr

G G Greens reliable remedies atSt Bernard Drug Store

Get Greens Special Almanaci

League Program

Monday evening Oct 7th 1001

Topic Dark Days and Their

LessonsLeaderMrs John Rule



Scripture lesson by LeaderBible referencesSongSelect readingsRemarks by societyAnnouncementsSongLeague Benediction

Deafness Cannot be CuredBy local applications ns they cannotreach the portion of theear There is only one way to curedeafness and that Is by constitu-tional remedies Deatness Is causedby an Inflamed condition of the mu-cous lining of the Eustaohian TubeWhen this tube is inflamed youhave a sound or imperfectentirelyn°unless the Inflammation can be-

taken out and this tube restored toits condition hearing will beofsten arenothing but an inflamed conditionof the mucous surfaces

Wo will give One Hundred Dol-lars for any case of Deafness causedby catarrh that cannot be cured byHalls Catarrh Cure Send for cir-culars


freeF J CHENEY dd Co Toledo O

Sold by Druggists 7BcHalls Family Pills are the best

The peculiar climatic conditions-of the past summer favored the manwho planted poor seed and plantednia corn late Because he wins outthis year it Is no reason why his example should be followed as bewould fail nine years out of ten

A Fiendish Attack

An attack was lately made on CF Collier of Cherokee Iowa thatnearly proved fatal It came

Hill baok gotwithoutdpropped bY cushions No remedyhelped him until he tried Electricwonda new man This marvelousmedicine cures backache and kidneytrouole purifies the blood andhuilds your Only title atSt Bernard Drug Storetotcorn will be in the cribs containingwhat is loft of the 1000 crop but beyears 1

every manseed corn for next year

Tot Causes Night Alarm

One brothers baby wasJr i

seemed It would strangle before we-could get a doctor so we gave It DrKings New Discovery which gavequick relief and permanently curedIt We always keep it in houseto protect our children from Croup-and Wnooping Cough It cured meof a chronic bronchial trouble thatno other remedy would relieve 1

Infallable for Coughs Colds Throatand Lung troubles 60o and 100Trial bottles free at St BernardDrug Store

Sheboygan county Wis main ¬

tains 105 cheese factories and but onecreamery and this Is preparing tomake cheese instead of butter Itwould seem as though the calf wouldhave a hard road to travel in thatcountry

Whats Your Face Worth

Sometimes a fortune but never iffou have a sallow complexion aaundiced look moth patches and

blotches on the skin all ofLiver Trouble But Dr King s NewLife Pllla Clear Skin RosyCheeks Rich Complexion Only 25conts at St Bernard Drug Store

Hereafter postal parcels front Ger¬

many to Boston Phlladelplia Chi ¬

cago and St Louis will not be ex-


in New York City

Stepped Into Live Coals

When a child I burned my footfrightfully writes W H Eads ofJonesvllle V which caused hornblo leg sores for thirtyBuoklens Arnica Salve whollycured me after everything elsefailed Infallible for BurnsCuts Sores Bruises and Piles Soldby St Bernard Drug Store

There are at least three kinds ofdogs that never barkthe Austra-lian dog the Egyptian shepherd dogand the lionheaded dogof Tibet

7fThis signature lion every box of tho genntoLaxative BroraoQuinine Tablets-

i the romed that cure n cold fa one day

W11011111110111111N11011101111111111N1111111 1

ic J Pratt President JFD Ramsey Vlce PraldentI Z 0 W Waddlll Cashier C J Pratt > Directors < >

i JJi HOPKINS COUNTY BANK Ii y i Incorporated 1890 t




Supporting La Petite Eileen the Wonder

ful Child Star in An Arizona Girl

The Temple Theatre was filled toIts capacity last Monday night witha highly pleased lot of people towitness the production of the fouract melodrama An Arizona GirlIt was one of tho most pleasant en-


that it has over beenour fortune to witness The play Isfull of interesting situations withoutvulgarity or slang from the raisingof the curtain in the first act untilthe fall in the last

La Petite Eileen as Flip anArizona Girl displayed an abilitythat older artists might be proud topossess This child though but tenyears of age was equal to the situa-tion


whether on the rough unsettledplains of Arizona or In the city par-


Her songs and dances were re-


and uptodate and were re-


with round after round of ap ¬

plauseMrP 0 Rosar In the difficult

role of Ah Lee the much abusedChinaman proved himself to be acomedian of rare ability and keptthe audience in continual laughter

Mr Arthur Byron played the partof the tramp to perfection

Delaney and Marie Estella intheir travesty acts are very cloverand received a great deal of meritedapplauseMr

D Donald the design-ing


villain looked and acted thepartMr

Lyell as the rich mine OWnerwas good

The Rosar Musical Trio was thegreatest act of the kind over seen InEarlington The instruments werebeautiful and expensive and themusic furnished the best

Mrs P C Rosar as Bridget theoverworked wife of the heathenproved herself to be a characterwoman as well as a thorough

musicianTakeall in all it was one of the

best shows with the accent on thebest that has ever been given in theTemple Theatre

It Happened In a DrugstoreOne day last winter a came

to my drug store and asked for abrand of cough medicine that I didnot have in stock says Mr O RGrandln the popular druggist ofOntario N Y She was disappointed and wanted to know whatcough preparation I could recom ¬

mend I said to her that I couldfreely recommend ChamberlainsCough Remedy and that she couldtake a bottle of the remedy and after giving it a fair trial It she didnot find it worth the money tobring back the bottle and I wouldrotund the price paid In the courseof a day or two came backIn with a friend in need ofa cough medicine and advised her tobuy a bottle of Chamberlains CoughRemedy I consider that a verygood recommendation for the remedy It Is for sale by St Bernard

Store Ben T Rob

StlCharleeA Copenhagen dispatch to London

states that the Danish Ministry hasdecided to accept the United States

offer of 4000000 for the DanishWest Indies

Mrs T Briddleman of Parshallvllle Mich was troubled with saltrheum for thirteen years and hadtried a number of doctors withoutrelief After two applications ofBanner Salve her becamebetter and in a short time she wasentirely cured Beware of substitutes Jno X Taylor

Among the improvements to beplaced in Buckingham Palace bythe order of King Edward are threeAmerican automatic electric ele-


Keep Your Bowels StrongConstipation or diarrhoea when

your bowels are out of order Cascarets Candy Cathartic will makethem act naturally Genuine tabletsstamped C C C Never sold in

All druggists roc

The late Dowager Empress Fred ¬

erick of Germany was worth 11

000000 marks One million marksgoes to each of her six children

S A Ingalls Crown Point N Ywrites My wife suffered fromkidney trouble for She wasFOLEYpKIDNEYOURSgreatlyimprovedher Jno X Taylor

The members of the SalvationArmy throughout the United Statesare preparing for the reception oftheir aged commander GeneralWilliam Booth who is to arrivefrom England this month

To Cure a Cold In One Day

Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund themoney If It falls to cure E WGroves signature is on each box loc

Assessor Weldon Jenkins of MadIsouvllle has been here several daystho past week assessing tho tax list

After exposure or when you feel acold coming on take a dose of FoLEYS HONEY AND TAU It neverfalls to stop a cold if taken In timeJno X Taylor

V <


Copyright 1833 by Frank K Root Co Chicago

JLIfirt4n vA4 There is much to be said for andstoryin people

By KENNETT F HARRISobject to being kept in suspense

Aweekuor from month to month as thecase may be while others enjoy the sense of expectation thereby cre ¬ateditOne thing is certain A literary work taken in homeopathic dosesis much more lasting and beneficial in its effect than when swallowedat a gulp and as it were without any intervening masticationbutinounced mental indigestion and biliousnesswitness the professional


critics i

But after the worst is said against the lengthened sweetness orotherwiseof the continued story we know that in course of time allwill be made known to us mysteries will become revealed riddlesread our presentiment that the engaging hero and heroine will become engaged in the final chapter will be fulfilled or we will knowthe reason why which is some satisfaction at least It is otherwisewith the fragmentary romances that come tQ us in the shape ofwhatwe call news

A dispatch from Squeehawket tells us briefly of an elopement ora murder Then eternal silence

We never know whether the eloping couple evaded the pursuitof an irate parent or guardian and we are left to guess whether theywere married and consequently lived happy ever after v


We know or nothing of the causes that led to the mysteri ¬

ous murder Was the deed prompted by overwhelming necessity ava ¬

rice jealousy or was it a just revenge for an unforgivable wrongWho shall sayCertainly not the particular paper giving the first meager account

f titgrrine




Prof C M Lutz Republican Nominee

for School Superintendent Made a

Good Average

Prof C M Lutz Republicannominee for Superintendent ofSchools of Hopkins county lias reocelved his certificate of qualifica-tion


He stoodthe examination asrequired by law and now has hiscredentials

He made the following gradeSpelling 00 Rending 05 Writing 92Arithmetic 100 Grammar 80 Com ¬

position 05 Geography 00 History07 Physiology 07 Civil Government100 Theory and Practice 100 Thismakes a general average of 05 811which is a most excellent recordProf Lutz has been engaged Inteaching for many years and wasfor sometime a student in Vander-bilt University at NashvilleGlenns Graphic

For sprains swellings and lame ¬

ness there is nothing so good asChamberlains Pain Balm Try ItFor sale by St Bernard Drug Store

tons GapGeorge King St Charles¬

Miss Ellen Mahar returned Fri ¬

day to her home in New MadridMo after a pleasant visit to relat-ives here


When suffering from rackingcough take a dose of FoLEYsHONEY AND TAu Tile sorenessgrateful rexperiencedJno

eBig Laughing Night

Tuesday Oct 8AT THE


THE NE-WRailroad Jack

The Funniest Play r

Ever Written

12 Big Specialties 12




Switchat Dawson 1

tiSpecial Scenery and Mechanical Effects

More Laughs in Railroad JackThan Grains in a Bushel

of Wheat


An EnormousI South African


HairbreadthClimaxCageWithVeryPaws iDone in Full View of the AudienceSensation and Realism Umarpassed

Prices 25 35 50c

Street Parade Daily at Noon

Coenen Bros

Painting and Paper Hanging 1

We keep on hand a nice line of



Telephone us and we willCall on you with samplesAll work guaranteed

TELEPHONE 203Agents for AntiCorrosiveTin Roof Paint

F V ZIMME-RAttorneyatLaw




receive prompt attention at this office Estimatesfurnished upon application

