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The 11th Competition Under the auspices of the Household ...contest.cdafricaa.com/english/The 11th...

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The 11 th Competition Under the auspices of the Household and the Companions and those who follow them in the Two Holy Mosques Contestant Particulars Name of contestant * Passport number (optional) National ID Number * Sex * Nationality * Date of Birth * City (or nearest city) * Country of Residence * Mobile number (1) * Mobile No. (2) (optional) Email (optional) Certificate Source * The latest Educational Certificate * Current Employment (optional) Certificate Date * The asterisk is mandatory Competition rules and Conditions 1. The winner of Hajj must not have previously performed hajj. 2. The winner of the contest must be ready to answer questions verbally. 3. A winner of the contest shall be one who answered all but two questions. 4. It is forbidden to provide more than one answer from the contestant, and who does that shall be disqualified. 5. Deadline for receiving answers on-line is on 25/8/1440 AH corresponding to 20/4/2019 6. The answers must be given electronically via the competition website. If on the other hand, the answers are provided on paper they should be recorded on the website. Competition Prices The final winners shall be determined by lot at the headquarters of the Islamic Call in Africa committee, and then the first seven winners in each country shall be awarded one of the following prizes: 1. Hajj trip. 2. Computers 3. Mobile phones لغة الزيةإنجلي ال
  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    Contestant Particulars

    Name of contestant *

    Passport number (optional) National ID Number *

    Sex * Nationality *

    Date of Birth *

    City (or nearest city) * Country of Residence *

    Mobile number (1) *

    Mobile No. (2) (optional)

    Email (optional)

    Certificate Source * The latest Educational

    Certificate *

    Current Employment

    (optional) Certificate Date *

    The asterisk is mandatory Competition rules and Conditions

    1. The winner of Hajj must not have previously performed hajj.

    2. The winner of the contest must be ready to answer questions verbally.

    3. A winner of the contest shall be one who answered all but two questions.

    4. It is forbidden to provide more than one answer from the contestant, and who does that

    shall be disqualified.

    5. Deadline for receiving answers on-line is on 25/8/1440 AH corresponding to


    6. The answers must be given electronically via the competition website. If on the other

    hand, the answers are provided on paper they should be recorded on the website.

    Competition Prices

    The final winners shall be determined by lot at the headquarters of the Islamic Call in Africa committee, and then the first seven winners in each

    country shall be awarded one of the following prizes:

    1. Hajj trip. 2. Computers 3. Mobile phones

    الإنجليزية اللغة

  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    1سأراد لو أن رجلا ): ٱَّ رئ ّٰ ِّ ُّ َّ ٍّ ٌّ ٰى ٰر ُّٱ: جاء في تفسير قول هللا تعالى

    لجليل:( ورد هذا التفسير عن الصحابي اأذاقه هللا من العذاب األليم ،َن يَ فيه بإلحاد بظلم، وهو بَعَدن أب

    Q1 Q1. It was stated in the interpretation of the saying of Allah Almighty: (…and any whose

    purpose therein is profanity or wrong-doing - them will We cause to taste of a most Grievous

    Penalty). (If a man wanted to have atheism with injustice, and he is in Aden Abyan, God

    shall taste him a painful torment). This interpretation was given by a venerable companion:

    ابن عباس 1ج

    ابن مسعود

    ابن عمر

    A1 Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him Ibn Masood

    Ibn Umar, may Allah

    be pleased with them

    2س. في األمر بالتوجه إلى البيت الحرام داللة اآلية َّ جب...هئ مئ خئ حئ جئ ٱُّٱ قال هللا تعالى:


    Q2 Allah, the Almighty said: (Turn then Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque). The directive to face the Holy Mosque indicates:

    مكانة البيت الحرام 2ج

    وجوب استقبال الكعبة عند الصلة

    جميع ما سبق

    A2 The position of the Haram Mosque

    The obligation of facing the

    Kaaba when praying All of the above

    3س .اآلية َّ جب...هئ مئ خئ حئ ُّٱ قال هللا تعالى في البيت الحرام:

    ا ملن دخل فيه، وذلك في: يخبر هللا تعالى في هذه اآلية أنه جعل البيت الحرام أمانا

    Q3 God said about the Holy Mosque: { And whoever enters it shall be safe....} الجاهلية 3ج


    جميع ما سبق

    A3 The ignorance Islam Both of them

  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    4سا . : )يعني: اآلية َّ ...ٍّ ٌّ ٰى ٰر ٰذ يي ىي ُّٱجاء في تفسير قول هللا تعالى: قياما

    . ورد هذا التفسير عن الصحابي الجليل:) لدينهم، ومعالم لحجهم

    Q4 It is stated in the interpretation of the saying of Allah Almighty: (Allah has made the Kaʿbah,

    the Sacred House, a [means of] sustentation for mankind) (meaning: To practice their

    religion, and the landmarks of their pilgrimage). This interpretation came from the venerable


    ابن عباس 4ج

    ابن مسعود

    ابن عمر

    A4 Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them

    Ibn Massoud Ibn Umar, may Allah be

    pleased with them

    5س :آليةوهو يتلو هذه ا مفتاح الكعبة يوم الفتح دفع إليه النبي ، حاجب البيت الحرامصحابي جليل، كان

    . وبقي ذلك في عقبه حتى الوقت الحاضر، فمن هو؟اآلية َّ ... خس حس جس مخ جخ مح جح مج ُّ

    Q5 A venerable companion, the usher of the Holy Mosque, was given the key of the Kaaba by

    the prophet on the day of Conquest while reading this verse: {Verily, Allah commands that

    you should render back the trusts to those to whom they are due.}, and it remained in Aqabah

    till today, who was the companion?

    عثمان بن عفان 5ج

    عثمان بن أبي العاص

    عثمان بن طلحة

    A5 Uthman Ibn Affan Uthman Ibn Abi al-Aas, Uthman ibn Talha,

    ...( : )أعظم الشعائر ابن عمرقال . َّ ُّ َّ ٍّ ٌّ ٰى ٰر ٰذ يي ىيميُّٱقال هللا تعالى: 6س

    Q6 Allah Almighty said: ﴾Such (is his state): and whoever holds in honour the symbols of Allah,

    (in the sacrifice of animals), such (honour) should come truly from piety of heart﴿ Ibn Umar,

    may he be blessed, explained that… ( the most honored symbol) is….

    الحرام البيت 6ج

    املشعر الحرام


    A6 Bait al-Haram Mash-ar al-Haram arafat

  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    أتا بناي عباد امل لاب ر إلاى البيات الحارام )ملا أفاا مان مناى ياوم الن ا أن النبي عن جابر بن عبد هللا

    . "انزعاوا بناي عباد امل لاب، فلاوال أن ي لابكم النااس علاى ساقايتكم ل عات معكام: "يسقون على زمزم، فقال

    (. رواه مسلم. هذا الحديث يدل على: ا فشرب منهفناولوه دلوا

    Q7 Jaber narrated that when the Prophet peace upon him set off from Mina and arrived at the

    Holy Mosque, he came to the tribe of Abd Al-Muttalib, who were supplying water at

    Zamzam, and said: Draw water. O Bani 'Abd Al-Muttalib; were it not that people would

    usurp this right of supplying water from you, I would have drawn it along with you. So they

    handed him a bucket and he drank from it. Narrated by Muslim. This hadeeth indicates:

    فضل بني عبدامل لب 7ج

    فضل سقاية الحاج

    جميع ما سبق

    A7 The prestige of the tribe of Abd Al-Muttalib

    The blessing of offering

    water to the pilgrim All of the above

    8س سااااجدوم ،املسااااجد الحاااارام :ال تشااااد الرحااااال إال إلااااى ل ااااة مساااااجدقااااال: ) عاااان النبااااي عاااان أبااااي هر اااارة

    متفق عليه. هذا الحديث يدل على: )ومسجد األقص ى الرسول

    Q8 Narrated by Abu Huraira: The Prophet said, "Do not set out on a journey except for three

    Mosques i.e. the Holy Mosque of Makkah, the Mosque of Allah's Prophet, and the Mosque

    of Al-Aqsa, (Mosque of Jerusalem)."

    This hadeeth indicates that:

    8جعدم جواز شد الرحال ل ير

    هذه املساجد

    أن هناك مساجد أخرى يجوز شد

    الرحال إليها

    جواز شد الرحال


    A8 It is not permissible to

    set out to any mosque

    other than these mosques

    There are other mosques that

    one can set out to.

    It is permissible to

    set out to the


    يصاالي الفجاار، فيشااهد معااه ساااء ماان لقااد كااان رسااول هللا ) قالاات: ا رضاا ي هللا عنهااا أم املاانمنين ا عاان عاةشااة

    ، اام ياارجعن إلااى بيااوههن، مااا يعاارفهن أحااد املنمنااات ااو( رواه ا متلفعاااتب ُبُمااُروُطهنمَلَلبخااارو ومساالم . ماان ال

    يدل هذا الحديث على:

    Q9 It was related from Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, that: " Allah’s Prophet used to

    observe the Fajr prayer together with some believing women who were covered with their

    woolen sheets, and then they would return to their homes unrecognized.. (Narrated by Al-

    Bukhaari and Muslim).This hadeeth shows:

    9جحرص الصحابيات ا رض ي هللا عنهن ا

    على الصلة في املسجد النبوو

    جواز خروج النساء للصلة في املسجد

    مع االلت ام بالحجاب والعفة

    جميع ما سبق

    A9 The zeal of the female

    companions to pray in the

    Prophet's mosque

    Permission for women to observe

    prayers at the mosque while

    adhering to hijab and chastity.

    All of the


  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    10سالعشاء اآلخرة، م يرجع إلى كان يصلي مع رسول هللا أن معاذ بن جبل عن جابر بن عبد هللا

    على: حرص الصحابة يدل هذا الحديث علىمتفق عليه. ه فيصلي بهم تلك الصلة.قوم

    Q10 Jaber bin Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated that Moaz bin Jabal, may Allah

    be pleased with him, was praying with the messenger of God (SAW) the last ‘ishaa prayer. He

    then went back to his people and led them in that prayer. An authentic Hadeeth. This Hadeeth

    signifies the keenness of the companions on:

    الصلة مع رسول هللا 10ج

    إدراك فضيلة الصلة في املسجد النبوو

    جميع ما سبق

    A10 Prayer with the Messenger of God

    Attainment of blessings from

    praying in the Prophet's mosque All of the above


    املجاورة توسعة املسجد النبوو بأر العباس بن عبدامل لب عمر بن الخ اب أراد الفاروق

    أن فآ ر العباس ،أو يتصدق بها للمسجد ،أخرى اعوضه أرضا يأو ،للمسجد، ف لب منه أن يبيع األر

    املوقف يدل على:هذا يتصدق بها للمسجد.

    Q11 Al-Farouk, may God be pleased with him, wanted to expand the Prophet's mosque to include

    the land of al-Abbas ibn Abd al-Muttalib, may God be pleased with him, adjacent to the

    mosque. He asked him to sell the land, or take in exchange another land, or release it as charity

    to the mosque. Abbas chose to give it as charity to the mosque. This position indicates:

    11جعلى نفع حرص اآلل واألصحاب

    املسلمين والتوسعة عليهم

    التسابق في املساهمة في األوقاف

    الحرمينالسيما في

    سبق جميع ما

    A11 The keenness of the Household

    and the Companions about the

    interest of Muslims and support

    to them.

    Competition in contributing

    to the endowment (Waqf)

    especially in the two Holy


    All of the above

    ل من قام بتوسعة املسجد الحرام من الخلفاء الراشدين هو: أو 12س

    Q12 The first caliph to have expanded the Holy Mosque was……,

    أبو بكر الصديق 12ج

    عمر بن الخ اب

    علي بن أبي طالب

    A12 Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Umar Ibn al-Khattab Ali Ibn Abi Talib

  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    13سإلااى باملسااجد الحاارام بااأمر ماان رسااول هللا ياانذن ، وكااان ا وأطيبااهماان أناادى الناااس ااوتا ياال، كااان صااحابي جل

    ، فمن هو؟سنة تسع وخمسين أن توفي

    Q13 A venerable companion with the most resounding and nicest voice used to call to prayers at

    the Holy Mosque on the instruction of the Messenger of God (SAW) until his death in the

    year 59 AD, who was he?

    بلل بن رباح 13ج

    أبو م ذورة الجمحي


    ُ بو ثعلبة الخ

    A13 Bilal ibn Rabah Abu Mahzurah al-Jamhi Abu Tha’labah al-Khushanee

    ، فمن هو؟ لهم دروس في املسجد الحرام بعد وفاة الرسول من أبرز العلماء الذينصحابي جليل، كان 14س

    Q14 A venerable Companion, and one of the most prominent scholars who gave lessons in the Holy Mosque after the death of the Prophet was:

    عبدهللا بن عباس 14ج

    خالد بن الوليد

    أسامة بن ز د

    A14 Abdullah bin Abbas Khalid ibn al-Walid Usama bin Zaid

    ، فمن هو؟يلقب بساقي الحرمينصحابي جليل، كان 15س

    Q15 A venerable companion, was nicknamed water server of the two holy Mosques, who was he?

    العباس بن عبد امل لب 15ج

    عبدهللا بن عباس

    ير بن العوامالزب

    A15 al-Abbas Ibn Abd al-Muttalib

    Abdullah Ibn al-Abbas al-Zubair Ibn al-


    :بالحرمين الشر فين من مظاهر اهتمام اآلل واألصحاب 16س

    Q16 Among the manifestations of the attention given by the Household and the Companions to the Two Holy Mosques is (are):

    ا لنشر العلمجعلهما منبرا 16ج

    العناية بهماتوسعتهما و

    سبق جميع ما

    A16 Making the Mosques a

    forum for the

    dissemination of


    The expansions of the

    Mosques and the care

    given to them

    All of the above

  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    بتوسعة املسجد النبوو، فزاد أبوابه إلى: الخ اب قام عمر بن 17س

    Q17 Umar Ibn al-Khattab expanded the Prophet's mosque, increasing its doors to: أربعة أبواب 17ج

    ستة أبواب

    مانية أبواب

    A17 four doors six doors eight doors


    ته، بتوسااااع أحااااد الخلفاااااء الراشاااادين لين؛ لكثاااارة الناااااس، فقااااامباملصاااا النبااااوو ضاااااق املسااااجد هااااا29فاااي عااااام

    ص، وجعااال أعمدتاااه مااان الحجاااارة جااااعتناااى ببنائاااه عناياااة ثبيااارة، حياااث بناااي جاااداره مااان الحجاااارة املنقوشاااة والو

    ، فمن هو؟ املنقورة، وبداخلها قضبان من الحديد مثبتة بالر اص، وساقفه بخشاب السااج


    In the year 29 H. The Masjid al-Nabawi (The Prophet’s mosque) became congested by

    worshippers, with an increase in population. One of the Caliphs embarked on its expansion,

    and took care of the construction with great care, where he built the walls with carved stones

    and plaster, and made its columns of engraved stones and iron rods installed in lead, and its

    roof of teak wood. Who was he?

    أبوبكر الصديق 18ج

    عمر بن الخ اب

    عثمان بن عفان

    A18 Abubakr al-Siddiq Omar ibn al-Khattab Osman ibn Affan

    ؟هو فمن، البط 800 النبوو سجدفي امل تهحلقتلميذ د بلغ عدصحابي جليل، 19س

    Q19 A venerable companion, had the number of his students in the Holy Mosque reaching 800 students, who was he?

    معاذ بن جبل 19ج

    عبدالرحمن بن صخر

    ز د بن ابت

    A19 Moaz bin Jabal Abdul-Rahman Ibn Sakhr Zaid Ibn Thabet

    20سيجتماع النااس إلياه ف ، ارح لاه فاي مساجد رساول هللا ي بساا لاه ، كاان صحابي جليل ومن آل بيت النباي

    ، فمن هو؟ في علم النسب وأيام العرب

    Q20 A venerable companion from the household of Prophet (SAW), had a rug spread at the

    Prophet’s Mosque, and people used to gather around him for lessons on genealogy and the

    days of the Arab, who was he?

    عقيل بن أبي طالب 20ج

    جعفر بن أبي طالب

    علي بن أبي طالب

    A20 Aqeel bin Abi Taleb Jaafar bin Abi Taleb Ali bin Abi Taleb

  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    21سا فقراء، منهم أبو هر رة الصحابة كانوا يبيتون في مسجد رسول هللا جماعة من . ، وكانوا أناسا

    ما االسم الذو كان ي لق عليهم؟

    Q21 A group of Companions used to sleep in the mosque of Prophet (SAW), and they were poor people, including Abu Huraira, may God be pleased with him. What name were they called?

    أهل قباء 21ج

    أهل الصفة

    أهل الذثر

    A21 Ahlu Qubaa Ahl al-Suffah Ahl al-Zikr

    22سكانت قريش تجمع األموال لتقوم بإعداد ال عام للحجاج باعتبارهم ضيوف الكعبة، وكان أول من قام بهذا

    وهذا العمل يسمى: – جد الرسول –قص ي بن ثلب

    Q22 The Quraish used to raise money in order to prepare food for pilgrims, who were regarded as

    the guests of the Kaaba. One who started this activity was Qusai Bin Kaab – grandfather of the

    Prophet (SAW). This noble act is called:

    السقاية 22ج



    A22 Al-Siqaaya Al-Rafada Al-Sadaana

    23سفاال املسااجد الحاارام قاتاال أبيااه أو أخيااه فااي كااان الرجاال يلقااقااال عباادالرحمن باان ز ااد باان أساالم، رحمااه هللا : )

    يدل هذا القول على: )يتعر له

    Q23 Abdul Rahman ibn Zeid ibn Aslam, may God be pleased with him, said: "A man used to met

    his father's or brother’s murderer in the Masjid al-Haram and he never confronted him". This

    statement indicates:

    حرمة املسجد الحرام 23ج

    تعظيم العرب للمسجد الحرام

    جميع ما سبق

    A23 The sanctity of the Holy Mosque

    Veneration of the Arabs for

    the Holy Mosque All of the above,

  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    24سل ها اعتدت فرقة )القرام ة( على املسجد الحرام فانتهكوا حرمته وقتلوا الحجاج ونهبوا أموا 317في عام

    م فبقي عندهم:الناس ورموا القتلى في بئر زمزم وقلعوا باب الكعبة واقتلعوا الحجر األسود وأخذوه معه

    Q24 In the year 317 AH, a band of Rejectionists (Carmatians) attacked the Holy Mosque,

    desecrated its sanctity, killed the pilgrims, looted people's money, threw the dead in the

    Zamzam well, removed the door of the Ka'aba and removed the Black stone and took it

    away, which remained with them for:

    ا 12 24ج عاما

    ا 18 عاما

    ا 22 عاما

    A24 12 years 18 years 22 years

    ا: 25س يبلغ عدد أبوب املسجد الحرام حاليا

    Q25 The number of gates of the Holy Mosque currently is up to: باب 200 25ج

    أبواب 210

    ا 220 بابا

    A25 200 gates 210 gates 220 gates

    26ستم إ شاء بوابات للحجر )الح يم( لتنظيم آلية دخول وخروج املصلين خلل أوقات الصلوات، وأ ناء

    أعمال النظافة والصيانة، ألول مرة في التار خ في العهد:

    Q26 The Gates of the Stone (al-Hateem) were built to regulate the activities of entry and exit of

    worshippers during prayer times and during the cleaning and maintenance work for the first

    time in history during the era of:

    العباس ي 26ج



    A26 The Abbasids The Mumluks The Saudis

    27سا خا ة بصناعة ثسوة أ شأ امللك املنسو عبدالعز ز بن عبدالرحمن آل سعود ا طيب هللا راه ا دارا

    الكعبة املشرفة في مكة املكرمة ألول مرة في التأر خ عام:

    Q27 The founding king, Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al Saud, established a special house for the cladding of the Kaaba in Makkah for the first time in history in the year:

    ها1346 27ج



    A27 1346 AH 1347 AH 1349 AH

  • The 11th Competition

    Under the auspices of the Household and

    the Companions and those who follow

    them in the Two Holy Mosques

    أ ش ئ معهد الحرم املكي الشر ف باملسجد الحرام في عام: 28س

    Q28 Al Haram Al Sharif Institute was established in the Holy Mosque in the year: ها1385 28ج



    A28 1385 AH 13387 AH 1388 AH

    29ستقوم الرئاسة العامة لشنون املسجد الحرام واملسجد النبوو بترجمة خ ب الحرمين الشر فين إلى

    العديد من الل ات، فكم عددها؟

    Q29 The central authority of the Holy Mosque in Mecca and the Prophet's mosque in Madinah

    oversee the translation of the sermons of the two holy Mosques into many languages. How

    many languages are they?

    ل ات 8 29ج

    ل ات 10

    ل ة 12

    A29 8 languages 10 languages 12 languages

    30س يسااامى فمااااذا ببعضاااهما الشااار فين الحااارمين تااارب للق اااار شااابكة بإ شااااء الساااعودية العربياااة اململكاااة قامااات

    واملدينة؟ مكة بين يرب الذو الق ار

    Q30 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has established a train network linking the two Holy mosques with each other. So what is the train linking Mecca and Medina called?

    الحرمين ق ار 30ج

    املشاعر ق ار

    اململكة ق ار

    A30 Al Haramain Train Compassion Train The Kingdom Train
