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The 12 Questions You Must Ask Before Starting A Home Based Business

Date post: 26-Jul-2016
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Starting a home based business can be a challenge. Most of us have been educated to think of being employed as being the norm, so becoming self employed is a totally alien concept. Do you have what it takes? Building a successful home based business takes discipline, time and commitment. Are you prepared to invest in YOU?
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Table of ContentsThe 12 QuestionsYou Absolutely Must Ask Before Choosing

a Home-Based BusinessIntroduction

1. Why do you want to start a home based business?

2. What are your income goals?

3. Can the business provide that level of income?

4. What will you invest in your business?

5. Can you talk to someone working the business?

6. Can you deal with the Dream Stealers?

7. Are you prepared to commit?

8. Can you earn great commissions?

9. How will I find leads?

10.Will I get support?

11.Do I need previous experience?

12. Are you ready to get started?


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12 Questions Introduction

Approximately every eleven seconds someone takes their destiny into their own hands and leaps into the world of entrepreneurship, and in my mind that’s no bad thing!

The reasons people make the leap are manyfold, from being sick and fed up of struggling for money and looking to generate greater cash flow, to having total financial, time and location freedom with absolute freedom of choice and control over their day to day activities.

Because you are reading this eBook, chances are you are intrigued at the pros-pect of being your own boss too.

By the numbers, home-based businesses look to be a very attractive option for being your own boss and living out your dreams. Consider that home-based businesses:

1. Generate $427 billion per year. Yes, nearly half a trillion dollars! That’s more than the pharmaceutical, food and consumer goods industries combined!

2. Earn on average $65,000 per year.

3. Number an estimated 18.3 million enterprises (12% of U.S. households).

4. The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) estimates that more than half of all the small businesses in the country (52%) are home-based.

But home-based doesn’t mean small change. The SBA’s Office of Advocacy notes more than 20,000 home-based entrepreneurs grossed over $1 million each.


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Even more than the logic of opening a home-based business is the emotional component. A survey conducted by Home Office Computing Magazine showed that:

• 98% of respondents are happier working from home

• 96% of respondents would recommend working from home

• 88% of people surveyed would never return to the Corporate World

The most attractive aspects of home-based businesses include generally low en-try costs (40% to 44% of all home-based businesses require less than $5,000 to start), excellent tax deductions and flexible hours.

And, don’t forget, the power of the Internet to supercharge a business’s poten-tial. The World is your customer as opposed to just the people in your own back-yard.

More than 70 percent of Americans would prefer to be self-employed, but the truth is that many won’t take the leap and some of those who do simply won’t succeed.

Often that’s because they didn’t take the time to investigate their options and en-sure that their chosen business was properly aligned both to their goals and aspi-rations and their own personal values.

The kinds of home-based businesses vary but most fall in to one of two catego-ries.


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One option many people are familiar with is to be a distributor for a network mar-keting company, generally termed MLM. In this case, you typically approach fam-ily and friends with the products and services offered by the company with which you are affiliated.

I’ve done that and it’s much harder than most people think when they get started. People face a huge amount of rejection from their peers and that’s hard to handle.

There are some phenomenal success stories in MLM and I am sure there will be many more. However it takes a particular type of person to succeed and if that’s you, find a great company, with a great product and go to work.

Even though I personally made over a million dollars in MLM, I saw too many people struggle and I will never again make network marketing my primary fo-cus.

Internet Marketing

Another type of home-based business and the one that I’m now most excited about is an online home-based business.

You don’t need to begin with your friends and family (though they are more than welcome to join us) and you don’t need to talk with people if that makes you un-comfortable. You can do all of your business activities from the comfort of your own home.

In this eBook, we’ll focus on online home-based businesses.

Starting an online home-based business is easy. Sustaining that business and succeeding requires the correct formula of systems and support.

That’s something I know a little bit about. You see, after coming away from MLM as my mainstream activity I decided that the internet was the way forward.


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I needed to be able to teach people how to do something that the majority could genuinely succeed at. That’s the reverse in MLM, where it’s accepted that the majority will fail.

My journey took me down some interesting paths, many of which culminated in dead ends. But each and every endeavor undertaken showed me what would be critical characteristics of the right online home-based business, as well as other things that I thought were important at the time, but really weren’t.

Through this eBook, I’d like to share my experience with you and help you to se-lect an online home-based business that will fulfill all your requirements and al-low you to live the life of your dreams. I’ll do this largely through telling my story.

In the past 20 years through striking out on my own and eventually starting Dia-mond Wealth Mastery, I’ve discovered that when it comes to teaching and train-ing others, nothing beats a story.

Stories illustrate points and invite you in to experience truths in an engaging and imaginative way and we remember much more through stories than we ever will with facts and statistics.

That’s because a story’s emotional component resonates with us.

As you read this eBook, you may find yourself feeling my fears and, ultimately, celebrating my successes.

And, the good news is you can have these same successes, too.

So, let’s get started with the first and most important question.


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Question 1

Why Do You Want To?

For you to succeed in any venture, including an online home-based business, it must mean something to you. It must offer you something defined, that you can’t get anywhere else.

You might desire greater income, personal fulfillment or the freedom to do what you want when you want without asking “permission” from the boss...

...maybe you are retired or heading into retirement and want to see your income going up instead of down.

Maybe you feel you have much more to contribute, but on your terms and to your own timetable, and would like to get out of the enterprise in proportion to what you put in.

Perhaps you are in mid-life and find yourself faced with being downsized or maybe you are still in the corporate world but looking for more...

...you’ve seen those 9-to-5 days turn into 7-to-7 days, and all the while your kids get older and you see them less and less. You’ve missed football games and piano recitals and sacrificed so much time with your family with not enough to show for it.

That’s the main issue for me with regular jobs. You work harder and harder to give your family everything they want and need, when what they really want is you.... time with you and experiences with you.

Nothing delivers that like a home-based business where you are in control of your own time.

Whether you want freedom, income or fulfillment, an online home-based business can be the vehicle that gets you where you want to go.

Take a moment to write down a few things you plan to achieve through self-employment, (I’ve started a few of the sentences for you to get your creative juices flowing) make them


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exciting, the sort of things that will get you through the early days when everything will be new and the challenges might be daunting...

• I want to experience….

• I want to purchase…

• I want to achieve…

• I want to own...

• I want to prove...

• I…

What do you really want to achieve in your lifetime?

Your list may include travel to exotic locations, a beautiful new home or the car of your dreams, but whatever you write down on your list, I encourage you to keep them front and center in your mind at all times.

Not only will that keep you motivated, but it will also provide the momentum you need, to move you toward your goals.


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Question 2

What Are Your Income Goals?

In the question above, we discussed the reasons you might want to begin a home-based business.

You even had a chance to list some of those dream items and experiences you’d like to have.

Now we need to consider, what amount of money is necessary to move those things from dream to reality?

In my experience the majority of people don’t have massive income goals. They just want enough money to add some quality to their life, and that’s fine. Whether you need an extra $500 to $1000 a month to balance the budget or you are looking to replace a substantial six figure primary income, I’ll cover that.

I’ve spent my primary career as a Financial advisor. I realised pretty early on that working for someone else always makes the someone else rich, so I have had my own Financial Practice and have had several suc-cessful offline businesses.

I was introduced to “Personal Development” in the 1990’s and that really interested me. I’d never studied the psychology of success before and found the sub-ject captivating.

Getting involved in MLM was pretty much as a consequence of what I was learning. I needed to know if I could influence people to improve their lives with an understanding of how the mind works and if I could help them to make a few changes and materially impact beneficially on their lives.

That process was incredibly rewarding in many ways. Financially I earned a lot of money but more importantly I coached thousands of people to success.

Along the way I grew to appreciate that we all need to have clarity of purpose and that we should not restrict our aspirations because of what are usually totally false self limiting be-liefs.


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No one actually puts any limits on our earning capability other than ourselves.

So I would advise that you stretch yourself a little in considering your income goals, don’t fall in to the trap of belittling your dreams and your capabilities. Set the bar high, and if you fall short, then there’s no cause for alarm.

Similarly if you over achieve, that’s good too and you can maybe help out a relative in need or a charity of your choosing.

The challenge with setting small income goals is that you probably won’t make the commit-ment to make your business work. So most likely, if you are just looking for a little bit of ex-tra cash, then some part time work or overtime hours might be more suitable.

However if you are truly ambitious and are prepared to extend yourself, I’m pretty sure I can help you.


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Question 3

Can The Business You Choose Provide The Income You Require?

You need to consider this really carefully.

We tend to measure success by our hourly rate. That’s wrong, but that’s the way most of us have been trained to think and its incredibly restrictive.

You need to eliminate that sort of thinking entirely.

When you are in business for yourself, inevitably you will put in many hours at the begin-ning for which you will not get paid at all. That’s the investment you make in setting things up and going through a learning curve.

All business owners have been through this.

However you do need to consider carefully where you are going to invest your time and you need to make sure that which ever business you decide to start can provide the income you require in the time frame that you set for your-self.

One of the biggest challenges in MLM is that you never really have control over this aspect of your business.

Your income is dependent upon the activities of others and rest assured, that can be in-credibly frustrating.

Ultimately that’s why I decided to focus on Internet Marketing, where my results are de-pendent entirely on my own activities as that gives me the control that I need and takes away the uncertainty.

Whilst the concept of Internet Marketing was incredibly appealing, getting started was a lot more challenging than I anticipated. That’s why I set up Diamond Wealth Mastery so that I could help other entrepreneurs avoid some of the pitfalls that I encountered.

There are no limits on our earnings in this business and you’ll understand that more as we progress.

So long as you are not just seeking out “Pocket Money” and coming to the table with a “Pocket Money” mentality, our partnership will be exceedingly profitable.


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Question 4

What Will You Invest In Your Business?

The reality is, that if we think we can make make a “Hobby” investment, but expect the fi-nancial return of a genuine business, we will probably be disillusioned.

If you want the upside and income potential of a true and legitimate business, you will need to make an investment that correlates with a real business.

Now I’m not suggesting you invest McDonalds franchise type money. That would be crazy for most of us.

Franchisees invest between $1 million and $2 million to start with McDonalds and are happy to do it because they are buying into a proven system with lots of tools and support available.

However, whether you are online or offline you need to be prepared to invest in getting set up.

In the offline world, probably the simplest business to set up is as a window cleaner...

...but even a window cleaner needs a ladder, a sponge and a bucket and most likely a van too, to get around to his customers.

The online world is exactly the same, you will need tools and resources and you will have to learn your craft.

I will show you how to create a six figure income online without even having to make the sort of investment a window cleaner would have to make.

All you have to do is leave your ego behind, ego never put bread on the table, listen and learn and follow all of the steps to the letter.

If you are prepared to do that, and roll your sleeves up, then we will have a very profitable partnership indeed, as I too have a proven system, and all of the tools and support you will need.


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Question 5

Can you talk to someone who isworking the business?

That’s an easy one, just login at:


...and go to the support page and message me.

Your success really is my success so I am available to help you. That’s what I do, I help people to get ahead...

Connect with me at:

Skype: moneywikia

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/markprosserblog

Email: [email protected]

Mark Prosser


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Question 6

Can You Deal With The Dream Stealers?

Business owners require both staying power and a thick skin.

You have to be ready to commit to making the business work.

I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen start a business and then let their friends and family get in their ear.

• “Are you sure you want to do this?”

• “What if it’s a scam?”

• “Do you really think you can make money on the Internet? It’s impossible...”

You are going to have to wrap yourself in a cloak of invincibility and shrug it off.

Here’s how I do it...

...I keep in my mind something one of my mentors taught me:

“If you want to be successful, take a look at what the unsuccessful people are doing and do exactly the opposite of what they are telling you.”

That’s always resonated with me and maybe it will with you too.

Here’s a cold, hard truth about your well-meaning friends and family: They are comfortable with you exactly the way you are.

They like you living in the house you live in, driving the car you drive and earning exactly what your boss is willing to pay you.

Because what really happens if you go after your dreams and actually succeed?

You begin living in bigger and better houses, taking dream trips around the world and driv-ing the cars they’ve only seen in James Bond movies.

Essentially, you are showing them that it can be done. That it’s not impossible. And that, my friend, is decidedly uncomfortable for them...


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Question 7

Are you prepared to totally committo your home-based business?

Here’s an interesting thing about home-based businesses. When you commit everything to working a program, failure isn’t an option.

I’ve consistently found that my chances for success are directly proportional to my level of commitment, and that includes both financial and emotional commitment.

This doesn’t just apply to business it applies to everything in life.

Providence rewards Commitment...

...when you get committed all sorts of things start to happen that you never expected.

In 1519, Captain Hernán Cortés landed in Veracruz to begin his great conquest of what we now know as Mexico.

Upon arriving, he gave the order to his men to burn the ships.

Cortés had just 600 men, 16 horses and 11 boats.

However Cortes and his men planned to con-quer the great Aztec Empire, and its people, who had famously hoarded a vast treasure of gold, silver and jewels.

They were hugely outnumbered but he wanted to guarantee victory, so be destroyed their only escape route. He eliminated retreat as an option.

Retreat is far too easy when you have the option.

Think about that for a moment.

We all seek to cling to something that represents our “Escape Route”.

It’s our safety net “just in case…”

What we don’t do is honestly complete that sentence.


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We lie to ourselves. If we were honest, we would say:

“This is my safety net for when I get scared.”

We postpone action until we no longer feel fear. In reality, we must learn to act decisively in spite of our fear.

So my advice to you is be prepared. The “Dream Stealers” will do everything in their power to hold you back.

Stay focused, stay committed and you will place yourself in that minority of people who achieve at the highest level in life, guaranteed...






It might well seem like there’s a lot to learn at first, but just like riding a bike, stick at it and it will soon become “Child’s Play”.


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Question 8

Can I earn good commissions?

The challenge that I have found is that the majority of MLM businesses and Affiliate pro-grams offer very small commissions for each new team member or sale.

If the product offering is priced at just a few hundred dollars, that’s inevitable.

When you are earning commissions at the rate of $50 a sale, or less in many cases, it takes a lot of sales and a lot of sweat to start building a decent income.

I think that’s probably why so many people give up, they are put-ting lots of work in and not seeing the returns they were hoping for.

That’s always going to be the case with most of the programs available today.

A successful business needs a range of “Tiered” products and needs to be set up so that you benefit from the sale of higher ticket products at the back end.

In many Affiliate programs you will find that whilst you are working hard and only earning small commissions, you are building a list for the product owner and he is taking all the benefit from selling higher ticket products to the customers you sent.

So you need to watch out for that.

I only work with programs that have a “Top Tier” product range and I suggest you do too.

When you wake up in the morning and find you have just earned $1000, $5000 or even $9000 whilst you were sleeping, that’s when you know you are in the right place!

When you partner with me you will find that I have all that set up for you.

Come over and take a look around:

http://diamondwealthmastery.com and click on the “Join” link at the top of the page. There’s no charge for looking and if you think there’s a fit, it would be great to Partner with you.


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Question 9

How will I find leads?

That’s a great question and that’s what we concentrate on when you join our team.

Creating a really successful online business is just about sending the right traffic to an opti-mized sales funnel.

We have done all that work for you so you can take full advantage and you can watch over our shoulders as we show you how to attract literally thousands of highly targeted leads to the optin pages that have been designed and tested to convert for you.

You will never have to talk to anyone.

Internet Marketing is not about calling friends and relatives, in fact they don’t even need to know what you are doing to make money.

They’ll probably get curious though and might well come and ask you to share with them what you are doing...

...especially when you drive past in your shiny new car!

The reality is that all over the World today there are peo-ple who are desperate to learn the secrets of making money online.

We know how to do that so its not hard to find people who are actively seeking out what we have to share.

We are not selling to anybody, they have already made their minds up and just need to become part of a strong team with an excellent support system and the best training...

...and we have that waiting for them.

We will share all of these traffic generating secrets with you once you are logged into the Members area at http://diamondwealthmastery.com.


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Question 10

Does your chosen online home-based business offer support?

The biggest thing I learned through this journey is that you need a great team around you.

It’s not easy to run an online home-based business if you have to wear all the hats.

We all have different skill sets so it doesn’t make sense to try and do everything yourself, especially if its already been done for you and the system is proven and profitable.

By selecting a strong Partner you don’t need to be good at sales, marketing, accounting, design, programming and all the other skills normally needed to start a business and jump-start it to success quickly.

So check that out and make sure that level of support is in place.

I wanted to create a full complement of training programs that could lead others to the suc-cess I’ve enjoyed, and the whole team has worked tremendously hard to get that right for you.

Once you’ve been in the business for a few weeks, you’ll understand how key the front end products are.

They do the selling for you and when your clients start with a knockout front end prod-uct, they will be very receptive to future programs you offer.

This is a great book and a fabulous “Ice Breaker”.

Rest assured there are many people who will be interested in reading it, so all we need to do is offer it into the market place.

Being successful online is about offering value and we do that with all of the products we share.

As a Member of The Diamond Wealth Mastery team you will be in business for yourself, but never by yourself.


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Question 11

If I have no experience can I still do this?


You don’t have to be an expert at anything. We give you the websites and funnel the traffic you generate to the best phone sales team in the business. All you do is generate traffic.

When you are new, you don’t know what you don’t know.

You can’t possibly anticipate the types of questions people will ask.

Our phone sales team are experts in our programs and in the science of selling. You don’t have to learn the hard way, like I did.

As a Member of Diamond Wealth Mastery you will promote our products, and those of our Partners, that have made several of the team millionaires.

You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. You’ll have a persuasive front end product with an easy entry fee.

You will have the best tools and the best 1-on-1 coaching.

All you need to do is send the traffic, and we’ve got that covered too.


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Question 12

Are you ready to get started?

if you’ve searched for a true opportunity that can begin small and change your life in every way, I encourage you to become a Diamond Wealth Mastery partner.

Remember, that we make it easy, you can participate instantly:

• Without creating your own products

• Without any business or management experience

• Without capital or investors

• Without dealing with customers, returns or fulfillment

• Without building websites

• Without selling anything over the phone or in person

• Without any computer skills at all

• Without leaving the comfort of your own home

You simply partner with me and my worldwide Partnership. You bring the leads (and we will show you exactly how to do that) and we do everything else.

You don’t need to sell anything because we have the best sales team in the world working for us to ensure that YOU earn a commission.

If everything I’ve shared in this eBook about what we do, describes exactly what you are looking for in an online home-based business, I urge you to enroll today.

Follow the steps below to begin the journey that can change your life just like it changed mine.

1. Sign up as an affiliate using the link below (it’s free)

2. Grab your Affiliate Links from your back office

3. Start placing ads to your links, and share them with your followers, customers and new leads


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4. Get paid commissions for any sales that were generated from your links

If you are ready to stop dreaming your life away and begin living your dreams, take the leap with Diamond Wealth Mastery.

I look forward to welcoming you into partnership with me and my worldwide network of successful affiliate marketers.

To your success!

Mark Prosser

To get started with No.1 affiliate system in the home business industry simply go here:


