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The 3,000 Gods

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  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    The 3,000 Gods

    "For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods

    many, and lords many,) But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things,

    and we in him; even one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him." 1

    Corinthians 8:5-6

    Name Gender Location (Description of Powers or Function).

    A Goddess Chaldean: Goddess of the Moon

    Aahmes-nefertari Goddess Egypt: An Egyptian Queen, circa 1540 B.C.E., who was

    elevated to goddess stature as a protector or punisher of humans.

    Aakuluujjusi Goddess Inuit

    Aasith Goddess Egypt

    Ab Kin Xoc Maya

    Abaangui Guarani

    Aba-khatun Goddess Russia

    Abaris Greek

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  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Abundantia Goddess Roman

    Acamas Greek

    Acantha Goddess Greek

    Acat Maya

    Acaviser Goddess Roman

    Acca GoddessRoman

    Acca Larentia Goddess Roman

    Achall Goddess Irish

    Achall Goddess Ireland

    Achelois Goddess Greek

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    Achelous Greek

    Achilles Greek

    Achimi African

    Achiyalatopa Zuni American Indian

    Achtan Goddess Irish

    AchtanGoddess Ireland

    Achtland Goddess Celtic

    Acis Greek

    Aclla Goddess Inca

    Acna Goddess Maya

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    Actaeon Greek

    Acuecueyotlcihuatl Aztec

    Adad Babylonian

    Adamanthea Goddess Greek

    Adamisil Wedo Goddess Haiti

    Adapa Babylonian

    Adaro Oceania

    Adekagagwaa Iroquois

    Adeona Goddess Roman

    Aditi Goddess Asian

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    Adityas Asian

    Admeta Goddess Roman

    Admete Goddess Greek

    Admetus Greek

    Adonis Greek

    Adrammelech Babylonia

    Adrastus Greek

    Adriambahomanana Africa

    Adroa Lugbara


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    Adsagsona Goddess Celtic

    Adsullata Goddess

    Adu Ogyinae Ashanti Africa

    Adro African

    Adroa African

    Adroanzi Africa

    Aeacus Greek

    Aebh Goddess Celtic

    Aed Celtic

    Adon Goddess Greek

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    Aedos Goddess Roman

    Aega Goddess Greek

    Aegeria Goddess Roman

    Aegeus Greek

    Aegina Goddess Greek

    Aegir Norse

    Aegis Greek

    Aegisthus Greek

    Aegyptus Greek

    Aello Goddess Greek

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    Aeneas Greek

    Aeneas Roman

    Aeolus Greek

    Aero Goddess Greek

    Aeron Celtic

    Aerope Goddess Greek

    s Sdhe Celtic

    Aesculapius Asclepius Greek

    Aesir Norse

    Aestas Goddess Roman

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    Aether Greek

    Aethra Goddess Greek

    Aetna Goddess Roman

    Aeval Goddess Ireland.

    Afekan Goddess Oceania

    Agaman Nibo Goddess Haiti

    Agamedes Greek

    Agamemnon Greek

    Agasaya Goddess Semite

    Agave Goddess Greek

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    Agdos Goddess Asia Minor

    Ag Dahomey Africa

    Aglaia Goddess Greek

    Aglauros Goddess Greek

    Agni Hindu: God of fire

    Agrona Goddesss Wales

    Agwe Goddess Benin Africa

    Agwe Goddess Haiti

    Agweta GoddessHaiti

    Ah Chuy Kak Maya

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    Ah Cun Can Maya

    Ah Kinchil Maya

    Ah Puch Maya

    Ah Uaynih Goddess Guatemala

    Ah Uaynih Goddess Haiti

    Ah Wink-ir Masa Goddess Guatemala

    Aha Njoku, Ibo, Africa

    Ahat Goddess Egypt: A cow goddess.

    Ahau Chamahez Maya

    Ahaw Kin Maya: Sun God.

    Ahemait Goddess Egypt: An Egyptian underworld goddess who is part lion, part

    hippopotamus, and part crocodile, and who eats the souls of the unworthy dead.

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    Ahmakiq Maya

    Ahnt Alis Pok Goddess

    Ahnt Kai Goddess

    Aho Njoku Africa

    Aholi Hopi American Indian

    Ahriman Persia

    Ahsonnutli Navajo

    Ahti Goddess Egypt: A malevolent goddess, depicted with the head of a wasp and the body

    of a hippotamus.

    Ahti Finland: God of streams, lakes and seas.

    Ahuic Goddess Aztec

    Ahulane Maya

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    Ahura Mazda Persia

    Ahurani Goddess Persia

    Ai Tupuai Goddess Oceania

    Ai-ada Turkey

    Aiaru Goddess Oceania

    Aibell Goddess Ireland

    Aibheaog Goddess Ireland

    Aida Wedo Goddess Benin Africa

    Aida Wedo Goddess Haiti

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    Aide Goddess Irish.

    Aidin Goddess Ireland

    Aigamuxa Africa

    Aige Goddess Ireland

    Aigiarm Goddess Mongolia

    Ailinn Goddess Ireland

    Aille Goddess Ireland

    Aille Ireland

    Ailuros Goddess Egypt: A cat-deity of ancient Egypt, also called Bastet.

    Ain Goddess Ireland

    Ain Goddess Celtic

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    Aine Goddess Ireland

    Ainia Goddess Greek

    Airesekui Huron

    Airmed Goddess Irish

    Airmed Goddess

    Aja Goddess Babylonia

    Aja Yoruba Africa

    Aje Goddess Yoruba Africa

    Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone Japan: God of Thunder.

    Ajok Lotuko Africa

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    Ajtzak American Indian

    Ajysyt Goddess Siberia

    Aka Goddess Turkey

    Aker Egypt

    Akert-khentet-auset-s Goddess Egypt

    Akewa Goddess Argentina

    Akhet Goddess Egypt: Goddess of the seasons and sunset, sometimes called Goddess of the


    Akhushtal Goddess Maya

    Akonadi Goddess Ghana Africa

    Akongo Africa

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    Akuj Africa

    Akusaa Goddess Egypt: Goddess of Sunset, wife of Atum.

    Akycha American Indian

    Ala, Goddess, Ibo, Africa

    Ala Muki Goddess Oceania

    Alaghom Naom Tzentel Goddess Maya

    Alalahe Goddess Oceania

    Alastor Greek

    Alator Britain

    Alberich Norse

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    Albina Goddess Roman

    Albina Goddess Britain

    Albion Greek

    Albunea Goddess Roman

    Alcestis Goddess Greek

    Alcibie Goddess Greek

    Alcimedes Greek

    Alcippe Goddess Greek

    Alcippe Greek

    Alcmaeon Greek

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    Alcmene Goddess Greek

    Alcyon Goddess Greek

    Ale Africa

    Alecto Goddess Greek

    Alectrona Goddess Greek

    Alectryon Greek

    Alemona Goddess Roman

    Alfhild Goddess Scandinavia

    Alfs Germanic

    Alinga Goddess Australia

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    Alkaia Goddess Greek

    Alkonost Goddess Russia

    Al-Lat Goddess Arabia

    Alla Africa

    Allowat Sakima Latvia

    Almha (Almu) Goddess Ireland

    Almoshi Goddess Russia

    Alourous Africa

    Alpan Goddess Etruscan

    Alphito Goddess Greek

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    Altan-Telgey Goddess Mongol

    Altjira Australian Aboriginal

    Altria Goddess Roman

    Alu Babylonia

    Alvis Germanic

    Ama Goddess Russia

    Ama no Uzume Goddess Japan

    Amaethon Britain

    Amalthea Goddess Greek

    Amalthea Greek

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    Ama-no-Uzume: Fertility Goddess.

    Amaterasu Goddess Japan: Sun Goddess.

    Amatsu Mikaboshi Japan: God of Evil.

    Amaunet Goddess Egypt: Mother goddess, called the Hidden One. She is the

    personification of the life-bringing northern wind. She belongs to the Ogdoad of

    Hermopolis. Within this group of gods her consort is the god Amun. She is referred to asthe mother who is father and in this capacity she needs no husband. Amaunet was

    regarded as a tutelary deity of the Egyptian pharaohs and had a prominent part in their

    accession ceremonies. She is portrayed as a snake or a snake-head on which the crown ofLower Egypt rests.

    Ambika Goddess Hindu

    Ambrosia Greek

    Amelia Goddess Haiti

    Amemet Goddess Egypt: Goddess of the underworld, listed in the Book of the Dead.

    Ament Goddess Egypt: Ancient Hawk Goddess. Libyan and Egyptian Goddess of the

    West. She lived in a tree at the edge of the desert where She watched the gates of theunderworld and welcomed the newly deceased. She appears with an ostrich feather on Her


    Amenti Egypt: (Amentet) An Egyptian goddess, the personification of the West (amenti),

    as well as the western areas where the sun sets and where the entrance to the underworldreputedly lies. Here she welcomes the deceased who enter the city of the dead.

    Amit Goddess Egypt: Fire goddess of Tuat (the underworld).

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    Amma Goddess Norse

    Amma Dogon Africa

    Ammavaru Goddess Hindu

    Ammit Goddess Egypt: Part crocodile, part lion, and part hippopotamus, she is a goddess

    of the underworld.

    Ammut Egypt Goddess

    Amn Goddess Egypt: Another goddess of the underworld.

    Amon Egypt

    Amor Roman

    Amotken Salish

    Amphitrite Goddess Greek

    Amphitryon Greek

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    Amset Egypt

    Amymone Goddess Greek

    An Sumeria

    Anagtia Goddess Roman

    Anahita Goddess Persia

    Ananke Goddess Greek

    Ananse Africa

    Anansi Ashanti West Africa

    Ananta Shesha Hindu

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    Anapel Goddess Russia

    Anath Anat Goddess Phoenician Ugarit: War goddess.

    Anatha Goddess Egypt: Goddess of love and war. Also known as a mountain goddess.

    Anatis Goddess Egypt: A goddess of the moon.

    Anatu Goddess Mesopotamia

    Anaxarete Goddess Greek

    Anceta Goddess Roman

    Anchises Greek

    Andraste Goddess Britain

    Andriamahilala Africa

    Androgyne Greek

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    Andromache Goddess Greek

    Andromache Greek

    Andromeda Goddess Greek

    Andromeda Goddess Greek

    Androphonos Greek

    Angerboda Goddess Scandinavia

    Angerona Goddess Roman

    Angina Goddess Roman

    Angita Goddess Roman

    Angitia Goddess Greek

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    Angpetu Wi American Indian

    Angus Celtic

    Angwusnasomtaka Hopi American Indian

    Anieros Goddess Roman

    Anima Mundi Goddess Roman

    Anius Greek

    Anjea Goddess Australia

    Anka Goddess Egypt: A creator goddess, wife of Khnum.

    Ankhtith Goddess Egypt: Goddess depicted as a serpent with the head of a woman.

    Ankt Goddess Egypt: A spear-carrying Egyptian war goddess.

    Anna Livia Plurabelle Goddess

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    Anna Perenna Goddess Etruscan

    Annapurna Hindu

    Annis Goddess Britain

    Annwn Britain

    Anshar: Father of heaven.

    Antaboga Indonesia

    Antaeus Greek

    Antaios Egypt

    Antandre Goddess Greek

    Anteros Greek

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    Anteros Roman

    Antevorta Goddess Roman

    Anthat Goddess Egypt

    Antianara Goddess Greek

    Antianara Goddess Greek

    Antibrote Goddess Greek

    Anticlea Goddess Greek

    Antigone Goddess Greek

    Antinuous Greek

    Antiope Goddess Greek

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    Antiope Goddess Greek

    Anu Goddess Ireland

    Anu Babylonian: The god of the highest heaven.

    Anu Celtic

    Anubis Egypt: Embalming, friend of the dead.

    Anuket Goddess Egypt: (Anukis) (the clasper or the embracer) The goddess

    personifying the Yonic source of the Nile Flood, whose symbol was the cowrie. The

    bringer of food, the creator of all good things, The filler of granaries, patroness of the poor

    and needy. She was depicted wearing a feather headdress. In Upper Egypt, aroundElephantine, Anuket was worshipped as the companion (generally the daughter) of Khnum

    and Sati. Her sacred animal was the gazelle. She was believed to be the dispenser of cool

    water, and wore a feathered crown on her human head. She was later merged with Nepthys.

    Anunitu Goddess Babylonia

    An-Zu Goddess Assyria

    Aobh Goddess Ireland

    Aoife Goddess. Scotland

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    Apate Goddess Greek

    Apep Egypt: Serpent of the underworld, enemy of Rs

    Aphareus Greek

    Aphrodite Goddess Greek: Goddess of beauty, love.

    Apis Egypt

    Apis Egypt

    Aplu Estruscan

    Apollo Greek, Roman: God of poetry, music, and the sun.

    Apoyan Tachi Zuni

    Apozanolotl Goddess Aztec

    Appiades, The Goddess Roman

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    Appias Goddess Roman

    Apsu Babylonian. The ruler of gods and underworld oceans.

    Apunga Goddess Australia

    Arachne Goddess Greek

    Arahuta Goddess New Zealand

    Ararat Goddess Anatolia

    Arbha Goddess British Isles

    Ardwinna Celtic

    Arebati Pygmy Africa

    Arenmetia Goddess Britain

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    Ares Greek. God of war.

    Arete Goddess Greek

    Arethusa Goddess Greek

    Areto Goddess Greek

    Aretz Goddess Israel

    Argante Goddess Britain

    Argonaut Greek

    Argos Greek

    Argus Greek

    Argus Greek

    Ariadne Goddess Greek

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    Arianrhod Goddess Wales

    Arianrhod Wales

    Aricia Goddess Roman

    Ariki Goddess New Zealand

    Arinna Goddess Hittite

    Arion Greek

    Arnamentia Goddess Britain

    Arnamentia Goddess Britain

    Arne Goddess Greek

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    Arohirohi Goddess New Zealand

    Arria Goddess Roman

    Arsino Goddess Greek: The wet-nurse of Orestes (the son of Agamemnon), or according

    to some, she is the mother of Asclepius by Apollo. She has also been referred to as the wife

    and sister of King Ptolemy Philadelphos, deified and identified with both Aphrodite andIsis. A temple was built for her at Zephyrion on the Egyptain coast.

    Artemis Goddess Greek: Goddess of the hunt.

    Artio Goddess Britain, Switzerland

    Artio Celtic

    Aruna Goddess Hindu

    Aryong Jong Goddess Korea

    Asase Yaa Goddess Ashanti Ghana Africa

    As-ava Goddess Russia

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    Ascanius Roman

    Asclepius Greek


    Asgaya Gigagei Cherokee

    Asherali Goddess Canaan

    Ashiakle Goddess Ghana Africa

    Ashnan Goddess Sumeria

    Ashtoreth Goddess Egypt: Moon goddess and goddess of war. She is depicted with thehead of a lion. Probably devolved from the Syrian Astarte.

    Ashtoreth Phoenician

    Ashur Assyria: National god of the Assyrians.

    Ashvins Hindu

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    Askr and Embla Norse

    Assa Goddess Ireland

    Astarte Goddess Phoenicia

    Asteria Goddess Greek

    Asteria Goddess Greek

    Astraea Goddess Greek

    Astraeos Greek

    Astrea Goddess Roman

    Asura, The Hindue

    Aswini, The Hindu: Gods of sunrise and sunset.

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    Atai, Efik, Africa

    Ataokoloinona Africa

    Atalanta Goddess Greek

    Atanea Goddess South Pacific

    Atar Goddess Iran

    Ate Goddess Greek

    Atea Polynesian

    Ategina Lusitani

    At-Em Goddess Egypt: Goddess of time.

    Aten Egypt: Suns rays.

    Athena Goddess Greek: Goddess of wisdom, defensive war.

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    Athirat Goddess Canaan Ugarit: Mother goddess.

    Athor Goddess Egypt: The personification of Mother Night, the primordial element

    covering the infinite abyss.

    Athtart Goddess Canaan Ugarit: Goddess of fertility.

    Atl Aztec

    Atlacamani Goddess Aztec

    Atlacoya Goddess Aztec

    Atlas Greek

    Atlatonin Goddess Aztec

    Atreus Greek

    Atropos Goddess Greek

    Attis Roman

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    Atum Egypt: Creator deity.

    Auchimalgen Goddess Chile

    Au-Co Vietnamese

    Audjal Goddess Caroline Islands

    Aukert: A name for the Underworld which is sometimes personified as a goddess.

    Auilix Maya

    Aunt Nancy Africa

    Aura Goddess Greek

    Aurita Goddess Roman

    Aurora Goddess Roman

    Ausaas Goddess Egyptian: The wife of Harakhti, one of the manifestations of Horus.

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    Ausaitis Lithuania

    Auseklis Latvia

    Auset: Referred to by the Greeks as Isis the Oldest of the Old, from Whom all things

    arose, Eternal Savior of the race of men. She was the Egyptian throne, the pharaohs sat onher lap, protected by Her arms or wings. She was worshipped throughout the Greco-Roman

    world as well as in Egypt where she was known as Au Set, the Lady of the Moon, the

    Mother of the Crops. She was made Offerings of baskets of grain, and was guarded bysacred serpent. The swallow was her sacred bird, the sycamore, tamarisk and water lily her

    sacred plants, bloodstone and turquoise her sacred stones. The One Who is All helddominion over life and death, marriage, healing, handicrafts and writing, fertility andimmortality. The Daughter of Nut, the Sky and Geb, the Earth, She was born in the swamp

    land of the Nile. The ankh is the symbol of the union of AuSet (Isis) and Osiris. Her wings

    and solar disc nestled between lunar bovine horns denotes her protection of the Pharaohs(the male spirit) and her promise of rebirth.

    Austeja Lithuania

    Autolycus Greek

    Autonoe Goddess Greek

    Auxesia Goddess Greek

    Averna Goddess Roman

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    Avernales Goddess Roman

    Averruncus Goddess Roman

    Aversa Goddess Roman

    Awonawilona Goddess Pueblo Zuni

    Aya Goddess Mesopotamia

    Ayaba Goddess Dahomey Africa

    Ayauhteotl Goddess Aztec

    Ayida Goddess Haiti

    Ayizan Goddess Haiti

    Aytar Russia

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    Azacca Haiti

    Aziri Goddess Africa

    Azrall Africa

    Azrail Africa

    Ba Goddess China

    Baal Bel Phoenicia

    BaAlat Goddess Phoenicia

    Baatsi Africa

    Baau Goddess Phoenicia

    Baba Yaga Goddess Slavic

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    Babalu Aye, Africa

    Babaluaya Africa

    Babayanmi Africa

    Babamik Goddess Oceania

    Bacabs Maya: Gods of the four direction.

    Bacchantes Goddess Greek

    Bacchus Roman: God of wine.

    Bachue Goddess Chibcha

    Backlum Chaam Maya

    Badb Goddess Ireland

    Badb Goddess Irish

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    Badba Goddess Ireland

    Badh Goddess Ireland

    Ba Dima Africa

    Badimo Africa

    Baimae Australian Aboriginal

    Bainleannan Goddess Ireland

    Bakha Egypt

    Balac Maya: War God.

    Balam Maya: Protector god.

    Balder Norse

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    Balios Greek

    Balor Goddess Irish

    Bamapana Australian Aboriginal

    Ban Naomha Goddess Ireland

    Ban Nighechain Goddess Scotland

    Banaitja Australian Aboriginal

    Banb (Bandha) Goddess Ireland

    BanbaGoddess Irish

    Bandonga Lusitani

    Banga Africa

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    Bangputtis Baltic

    Banka-MundiGoddess Hindu

    Banna Goddess Ireland

    Bansch Goddess Ireland

    Banshee Gaelic

    Banshees Goddess Ireland

    Barghest England

    Baron Samedi Goddess Haiti

    Bast or Bastet, Goddess Egypt: Goddess of cats.

    Bathkol Goddess Israel

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    Baubo Goddess Greek

    Baucis Roman

    Bayani Africa

    Bayanni Goddess Africa

    Be Find Goddess Ireland

    Beag Goddess Ireland

    Bean Nighe Goddess Ireland, Scotland

    Bean Sidhe Goddess Ireland

    Bebhionn Goddess Ireland

    BebhionnGoddess Irish

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    Bebo Goddess Ireland

    Bec Fola Goddess Ireland

    Becuma Goddess Ireland

    Beelsamin Phoenicia

    Befana Goddess Italy

    Begoe Goddess Roman

    Beiwe Goddess Lappland

    Belatucadros Celtic

    Bele Alua Goddess Africa

    Belenus Celtic

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    Beli Mawr Celtic

    Belisama Goddess Celtic

    Belit-Seri Goddess Babylonia

    Bellerophon Greek

    Bellona Goddess Roman

    Belobog Slavic

    Bendis Goddess Thracian

    Benten Goddess Japan

    Benvarry Goddess Isle of Man

    Benzai-Ten Japan: Goddess of money, eloquent persuasion, knowledge, one of seven gods

    of fortune.

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    Beowulf Germanic

    Bergelmir Germanic

    Berserk, Berserker Norse

    Bertha Goddess Norse

    Beruth Goddess Phoenicia

    Bes Egypt: God-Demon of protection, childbirth and entertainment.

    Bestla Goddess Scandinavia

    Bhairav iGoddess Hindu

    Bheara Celtic Ireland

    Bia Ashanti

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    Bia Greek

    Biame Australia

    Biblys Goddess Greek

    Biddy Mannion Goddess Ireland

    Bidhgoe Goddess Ireland

    Bifrost Norse

    Bikeh Hozho Goddess Navajo

    Bila Goddess Australia

    Bil Celtic

    Billing Germanic

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    Birog Goddess Ireland

    Bishamon-ten Japan: God of happiness and war, one of the seven gods of fortune.

    Blanaid Goddess Ireland

    Blathnat Goddess Ireland

    Blodeuwedd Goddess Wales

    Bo Find Goddess Ireland

    BoaliriGoddess Australia

    Boann Goddess Ireland

    Boann Goddess Irish

    Bobd Goddess Ireland

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    Boibhniu Celtic

    Bolbe Goddess Greek

    Boldogasszony Goddess Russia

    Bolon tza cab: Ruling god of all.


    Bomo Rambi Goddess Africa

    Bona Dea Goddess Roman

    Bona Goddess Roman

    Bone of Ull Norse

    Botes Greek

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    Bor Norse

    Boreas Greek

    Bormonia Goddess Roman

    Bormanico Lusitani

    Bors Celtic

    Borvo Gaul

    Bragi Norse

    Brag-srin-mo Goddess Tibet

    Brahma Hindu: The creator.

    Bran Britain

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    Branwen Goddess Ireland

    Branwen Goddess Wales

    Breath of Wind Goddess Iroquois

    Breg Goddess Ireland

    Breksta Goddess Lithuania

    Bremusa Greek

    Bres Gaelic

    Bri Goddess Ireland

    Briareus Greek

    Bride Goddess Scotland

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    Brigandu Goddess Celtic France

    Brigantia Goddess Celtic Briton

    Brighid Goddess Gaelic

    Brihaspati Asian

    Brimo Goddess Greek

    Brisa Goddess Greek

    Briseis Goddess Greek

    Britomartis Goddess Greek

    Brize Goddess Greek

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    Brizo Goddess Greek

    Brome Goddess Greek

    Bronach Goddess Irish

    Brono Norse

    Brontes Greek

    Brownie Scotland

    Broxa Jewish

    Brunhild, Goddess Germanic

    Buk Africa

    Buku Africa

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    Bumba Africa

    Bunjil Australian Aboriginal

    Bubastis Goddess Egypt

    Bubona Goddess Roman

    Budhi Pallien Goddess Hindu

    Bugady Musun Goddess Siberia

    Buk Goddess Africa

    Buku Africa

    Bunbulama Goddess Australia

    Bunzi Goddess Africa

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    Buri Norse

    Buring une Goddess Oceania

    Busiris Egypt

    Butes Greek

    Byblis Goddess Roman

    Bylgja Goddess Norse

    Cabiri Greek

    Caca Goddess Roman

    Cacus Greek

    Cacus Roman

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    Cadmus Greek

    Caduceus Greek

    Caelestis Goddess Middle East

    Caenis Goddess Greek

    Caer Goddess Ireland

    Caer Goddess Irish

    Caerus Greek

    Cagn Mantis Africa

    Cailleach Beara Goddess Scotland

    Cailleach Bheur Goddess Ireland

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    Cailleach Bolus Goddess Ireland

    Cailleach Corca Duibhne Goddess Ireland

    Cailleach Mor Goddess Scotland

    Cailleach Goddess Irish

    Cairbre Celtic

    Caireen Goddess Ireland

    Cairpre Celtic

    Caishen China

    Cakulha Maya

    Calais Greek

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    Calchas Greek

    Caligo Goddess Greek

    Calliope Goddess Greek

    Callipygos Goddess Greek

    Callirhoe Goddess Greek

    Callisto Goddess Greek

    Calybe Goddess Roman

    Calyce Goddess Greek

    Calypso Goddess Greek

    Cameira Goddess Ireland

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    Camenae Roman

    Camilla Roman

    Camise Goddess Roman

    Camozotz Maya

    Campe Greek

    Campestres Goddess Celtic

    Camulus Gaul

    Candace Goddess Egypt

    Candelifera Goddess Roman

    Candi Goddess Hindu

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    Candit Goddess Africa

    Canente Goddess Roman

    Canidia Goddess Greek

    Canola Goddess Ireland

    Canopus Lakota American Indian

    Caoineag Goddess Britain

    Caradawc Celtic

    Cardea Roman

    Cariocecus Lusitani

    Carlin Goddess Scotland

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    Carlin Goddess Scotland

    Carman Goddess Ireland

    Carman Goddess Irish

    Carmenta Roman

    Carna Roman

    Carravogue Goddess Ireland

    Cartimandua Goddess Britain

    Carya Goddess Greek

    Cassandra Goddess Greek

    Cassiopeia Goddess Greek

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    Cassios Goddess Phoenicia

    Castalia Goddess Greek

    Castor and Pollux Greek

    Catequil Inca

    Cathubodia Goddess Britain

    Cathubodva Celtic

    Cecrops Greek

    Ceibhfhionn Goddess Irish

    Celaneo Goddess Greek

    Cenn Cruaich Gaelic

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    Centaur Greek

    Centaur Greek

    Cephalus Greek

    CerGoddess Greek

    Cerberus Greek

    Cerberus Greek

    Cercopes Greek

    Cercyon Greek

    Ceres Goddess Roman: Goddess of the harvest.

    Cernunnos Celtic

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    Cerridwen Goddess Wales

    Cerynean Greek

    CessairGoddess Irish

    Cethe Celtic

    Cethlion Goddess Irish

    Cetlenn Celtic

    Ceto Goddess Greek

    Cghene, Isoko, Africa

    Chac Maya: Rain God.

    Chalchiuhtlicue Goddess Aztec: Goddess of lakes and streams.

    Challalamma Goddess Hindu

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    Chandra Hindu

    Chang Fei China

    Chang Hsien China

    Chang Pan China

    Chango Africa

    Chang Tsai China

    Chang-O Goddess China

    Chantico Goddess Aztec

    Chao San-Niang Goddess China

    Chao Teng-kang China

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    Chaos Greek

    Chaos Goddess Middle East

    Chariboea Goddess Greek

    Chariot Greek

    Charis Goddess Greek

    Charites Goddess Greek

    Charon Greek

    Charybdis Goddess Greek

    Chedi Bumba Africa

    Chelone Goddess Greek

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    Chem Egypt

    Chemosh Moab

    Chen Kao China

    Cheng Huang China

    Cheng Huan-ho China

    Cheng San-Kung China

    Chernobog Slavic

    Chi Po China

    Chibiabos Algonquin

    Chichevache German

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    Chien-TiGoddess China

    Chih Jih China

    Chih Nu Goddess China

    Chih Sung-tzu China

    Chih-Nii Goddess China

    Chimaera Greek

    Chimata-No-Kami Japan: God of crossroads, highways and footpaths.

    Ching Ling Tzu China

    Ching Lung China

    Chin-hua Niang-niang China

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    Chinnintamma Goddess Hindu

    Chio Yuan-Tsu China

    Chione Goddess Greek

    Chiron Greek

    Chiuta Tumbuka Africa

    Chloe Goddess Greek

    Chloris Goddess Greek

    Chonganda Africa

    Chonso Egypt

    Chou Wang China

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    Chryseis Goddess Greek

    Chryses Greek

    Chu Niao China

    Chu Ying China

    Chuang-Mu Goddess China

    Chu-jung China

    Chuku, Ibo, Africa

    Chun TiGoddess China

    Chung Ling-yu China

    Chung Liu China

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    Chung-kuei China

    Chung-li Chan China

    Chup-Kamui Goddess Japan

    Cian Celtic

    Cihuacoatl Goddess Nahua

    Cilissa Goddess Greek

    Cinei-new Goddess Russia

    Cinteotl Aztec: God of maize.

    Circe Goddess Greek

    Cislobog Slavic

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    Cleite Goddess Greek

    Cleone Goddess Greek

    Clio Goddess Greek

    Cliodna Goddess Gaelic

    Cloacina Goddess Roman

    Cloelia Roman

    Cld Goddess Celtic

    Clymene Goddess Greek

    Clytemnestra Goddess Greek

    Clytie Goddess Greek

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    Coatlicue Goddess Aztec

    Cocidius Britain

    Coinquenda Goddess Roman

    Collatina Goddess Roman

    Colleda Goddess Serbia

    Comitia Goddess Roman

    Comus Roman

    Conair Celtic

    Conall Cernach Irish

    Conchobar Celtic

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    Conciliatrix Goddess Roman

    Concordia Roman

    Condatis Britain

    Consentes Dii Roman

    Consus Roman

    Copia Goddess Roman

    Copil Aztec

    Copreus Greek

    Coranians Celtic

    Corb Celtic

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    Cormac Celtic

    Coronis Goddess Greek

    Corra Goddess Scotland

    Corunetes Greek

    Corvus Celtic

    Corythus Greek

    Cottus Greek

    Cotys Goddess Greek

    Cotys Goddess Middle East

    Cotytto Goddess Greek

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    Coventina Goddess Britain

    Coyolxauhqui Goddess Aztec: The Moon.

    Cratos Greek

    Creidhne Celtic

    Creon Greek

    Cressida Greek

    Creusa Goddess Greek

    Crius Greek

    Crnobog Slavic

    Cronus Greek

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    Crotus Greek

    Cu Roi Irish

    Cuba Goddess Roman

    Cuchulainn Celtic

    Cuda Goddess Britain

    Culsa Goddess Roman

    Cumhau Maya

    Cunina Goddess Roman

    Cunnembeille Goddess Australia

    Cupid Roman: God of love.

    Cupra Goddess Roman

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    Cura Roman

    Curetes Greek

    Curto-ara Goddess Russia

    Cyane Goddess Roman

    Cybele Goddess Middle East

    Cybele Goddess Roman

    Cyclopes Greek

    Cygnus Greek

    Cyone Goddess Greek

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    Cyrene Goddess Greek

    Da Dahomey, Africa

    Dabog Vid, Daba Slavic

    Dactyls Greek

    Daedalus Greek

    Daena Goddess Middle East

    Daevas Babylonia

    Dag Goddess Scandinavia

    Dagda Celtic

    Dagdas Cauldron Celtic

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    Dagdas Harp Celtic

    Daghdha In Dagda Celtic

    Dagon Ugarit Mesopotamia: God of Earth.

    Dagwanoenyent Goddess American Indian

    Dahut Goddess Britain

    Daikoku-ten Japan: One of the seven gods of fortune.

    Dair Celtic

    Dais Goddess Greek

    Dajbog Slavic

    Dakini Goddess Hindu

    Dali Goddess Russia

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    Damia Goddess Greek

    Damkina Goddess Sumeria: Earth mother.

    Damma Gaul

    Damocles Greek

    Damon and Pythias Greek

    Damona Goddess Gaul

    Dan Africa

    Dana Anu Goddess Celtic

    DanaeGoddess Greek

    Danaus Greek

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    Danu Goddess Ireland

    Danu Goddess Greek

    Daphne Goddess Greek

    Daphnis Greek

    Darago Goddess Philippines

    Daramulum Australian Aboriginal

    Darzamat Latvia

    Drzu-mte Goddess Russia

    Dawen Goddess Ireland

    Dayang-Raca Goddess Borneo

  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Dazhbog Slavic

    Dazimus Goddess Middle East

    De ai Goddess Micronesia

    Dea DiaGoddess Roman

    Dea Domnann (goddesss) Ireland

    Dea Marica Goddess Roman

    Debena Goddess Russia

    Dechtere Goddess Irish

    Dechtire Goddess Ireland

    Decuma Goddess Roman

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    Dee Goddess Scotland

    Deianira Goddess Greek

    Deianira Goddess Greek

    Deidamia Goddess Greek

    Deidre Goddess Celtic

    Deimos Greek

    Deiphobe Goddess Greek

    Deiphobus Greek

    Deirdre Goddess Ireland

    Delka Latvia

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    Delphinus Greek

    Delphyne Goddess Greek

    Demeter Goddess Greek: Goddess of the harvest, nature.

    Demogorgon Greek

    Dendrites Greek

    Deng Africa

    Denka Dinka African

    Deohako Goddess American Indian

    Derceto Goddess Greek

    Derimacheia Goddess Greek

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    Derinoe Goddess Greek

    Derketo Goddess Middle East

    Dervonnae Goddess Europe

    Despoena Goddess Greek

    Deucalion Greek

    Deva Goddess Britain

    DevanaGoddess Russia

    Devas Asian

    Deverra Goddess Roman

    Devi Goddess Asian

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    Devona Goddess Ireland

    Dewi Nawang Sasih Goddess Sundanese

    Dewi Shri Goddess Bali

    Dewi Wales

    Dharma Hindu

    Dhat-Badan Goddess Yemen

    Dhisana Goddess Hindu

    Di Jun Goddess China

    Dia Griene Goddess Scotland

    Dia Griene Goddess Scotland

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    Dia Goddess Roman

    Diana Goddess Roman: Goddess of the hunt.

    Diancecht Irish

    Dido Goddess Greek

    Dido Goddess Roman

    Dievs Latvia

    Diiwica Goddess Russia

    Dike Goddess Greek

    Dil Goddess Ireland

    Dil Goddess Irish

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    Dilga Goddess Australian Aboriginal

    Dilmun Sumeria

    Diomedes Greek

    Dione Goddess Greek

    Dionysus Greek: God of wine.

    Dirce Goddess Greek

    Dis Pater Roman

    Disciplina Goddess Roman

    Discordia Goddess Roman

    Ditaolane Africa

    Diti Goddess Hindu

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    Diviriks Lithuania

    Diwya Goddess Greek

    Djanggawul Goddess Australian Aboriginal

    Djigonasee Goddess American Indian

    Dobhinia Goddess Ireland

    Doda Goddess Serbia

    Dogai Oceania

    Dolya Goddess Russia

    Domfe Africa

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    Domnu Goddess Ireland

    Domnu Celtic

    Don Goddess Wales

    Donar Germanic

    Dongo Africa

    Doon Buidhe Goddess Arts

    Doris Goddess Greek

    Dornoll Goddess Ireland

    Dragon Ancient

    Dragoni Russia

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    Draupadi Goddess Hindu

    Draupnir Norse

    Druantia Goddess Britain

    Druantia Goddess Celtic

    Dryads Goddess Greek

    Dryope Goddess Greek

    Duberdicus Lusitani

    Dubh Goddess Ireland

    Dubh Lacha Goddess Ireland

    Dubiaku Africa

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    Dugnai Goddess Lithuania

    Dumuzi Sumerian

    Dunne Enin Goddess Siberia

    Durga Goddess Hindu

    Duttur Goddess Middle East

    Dxui Africa

    Dyaush Hindu

    Dyaus-pitar Hindu: Cognate of the Roman god Jupiter.

    Dyinyinga Africa

    Dysnomia Goddess Greek

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    Dzalarhons Goddess American Indian

    Dziewona Poland

    Dziva Africa

    Ea Babylonian: God wisdom.

    Eadon Goddess Irish

    Eagenci Seneca

    Ebisu/Yebisu Japan: One of the seven gods of fortune.

    Ececheira Goddess Greek

    Echenais Goddess Greek

    Echidna Greek

    Echidna Goddess Greek

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    Echo Goddess Greek

    Edda Goddess Norse

    Edinkira Goddess Africa

    Edji Goddess Russia

    Edusa Goddess Roman

    Efreisone Greek

    Egeria Goddess Roman

    Egungun-oya Goddess Yoruba Africa

    Eidothea Goddess Greek

    Eidyia Greek

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    EileithyiaGoddess Greek

    Eingana Goddess Australian Aboriginal

    Eir Goddess Norse

    Eireisone Goddess Greek

    Eirene Goddess Greek

    Eka Abassi Goddess Africa

    El Phoenician

    Elais Goddess Greek

    Elate Goddess Greek

    Elathan Celtic

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    Electra Goddess Greek

    Electryon Greek

    Elen Goddess Wales

    Elena Goddess Russian

    Eleos Goddess Greek

    Eleuthera Goddess Greek

    Elle Goddess Norse

    Embla Goddess Norse

    Emer Goddess Irish

    Emma-O Japan

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    Empanda Goddess Roman

    Empusa Goddess Greek

    Enceladus Greek

    Enda semangko Goddess Oceania

    Endovelicus Lusitani

    Endukugga Sumeria

    Endymion Greek

    Enekpe Goddess Africa

    Enki Sumeria

    Enlil Babylonian: God of weather and storms.

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    Ennugi Mesopotamia

    Enodia Goddess Greek

    Enurta Mesopotamia: God of War.

    Enyo Goddess Greek

    Eos Goddess Greek: Goddess of dawn.

    Epeus Greek

    Ephialtes Greek

    Epigoni Greek

    Epimenides Greek

    Epimetheus Greek

    Epione Goddess Greek

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    Epona Goddess Celtic

    Equestris Goddess Roman

    Erathipa Australian Aboriginal

    Erato Goddess Greek

    Erc Celtic

    Erce Goddess Slavic

    Erda Goddess German

    Erebus Greek

    Erectheus Greek

    Erecthonius Greek

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    Eremon Celtic

    Eri Goddess Irish

    Erichthonius Roman

    Erigone Goddess Greek

    Erinnyes Goddess Greek

    Eris Goddess Greek: Goddess of discord.

    Erishkigal Goddess Sumeria

    Eriu Goddess Irish

    Ermutu Goddess Egypt

    Eros Greek

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    Erysicthon Greek

    Erytheia Goddess Greek

    Eseasar Goddess Africa

    Eshara Goddess Chaldean

    Eshmun Canaan

    Eshu Fon

    Estanatelhi Navajo American Indian

    Esu Yoruba Africa

    Esus Gaul

    Etain Goddess Irish

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    Etan Celtic

    Eteocles Greek

    Ethausva Goddess Roman

    Ethne Goddess Irish

    Ethniu Celtic

    Etugen Goddess Mongol

    Eumaeus Greek

    Eumenides Goddess Greek

    Eumolpus Greek

    Eunomia Goddess Greek

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    Eunostos Goddess Greek

    Euphrosyne Goddess Greek

    Europa Goddess Greek

    Eurus Greek

    Euryale Goddess Greek

    Eurybia Goddess Greek

    Eurycleia Goddess Greek

    Eurydice Goddess Greek

    Eurylochus Greek

    Eurynome Goddess Greek

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    Euryphaessa Goddess Greek

    Eurystheus Greek

    Euterpe Goddess Greek

    Euthymus Greek

    Eutychia Goddess Greek

    Evadne Goddess Greek

    Fa Africa

    Fachea Goddess Irish

    Fafnir Scandinavian

    Fagus Gaul

  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Falvara Russia

    Fama Goddess Roman

    Fan Kuei China

    Fand Goddess Celtic

    Faran Songhay Africa

    Farbanti Norse

    Fatouma Goddess Africa

    Faumea Goddess Polynesia

    Fauna Goddess Roman

    Faunus Roman

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    Faustulus Roman

    Fea Goddess Celtic

    Febris Goddess Roman

    Februa Goddess Roman

    Februlis Goddess Roman

    Februus Roman

    Fecunditas Goddess Roman

    Fedelma Goddess Irish

    Fei Lien China

    Feidiline Goddess Irish

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    Felicitas Goddess Roman

    Feng PhoPho Goddess China

    Fengbo China

    Fengi Goddess Norse

    Fenris Norse

    Ferghus Irish

    Feronia Goddess Roman

    Fideal Goddess Scotland

    Fides Goddess Roman

    Finchoem Goddess Irish

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    Findabar Goddess Irish

    Finn Irish

    Finvarra Celtic

    Fiongalla Goddess Irish

    Fionnuala Irish

    Firanak Goddess Persia

    Fithir Goddess Irish

    Fjalar Norse

    Fjorgyn Goddess Norse

    Flidais Goddess Irish

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    Flora Goddess Roman

    Fluonia Goddess Roman

    Fodla Goddess Gaelic

    Fons Goddess Roman

    Fornax Goddess Roman

    Forseti Norse

    Fortuna Goddess Roman

    Fraud Goddess Roman

    Fravashi Goddess Persia

    Frey Norse

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    Freyja Goddess Norse

    Frigg Goddess Norse

    Fu Hsing China

    Fudo Japan

    Fudo-Myoo Japan

    Fuji Goddess Japan

    Fukurokuju Japan: One of the seven gods of fortune.

    Fulgora Goddess Roman

    Fulla Goddess Norse

    Fu-Pao China

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    Furies, The Goddess Roman

    Furina Goddess Roman

    Furrina Goddess Roman

    Fylgja Norse

    Gabija Goddess Russia

    Gaea Goddess Greek: Goddess of earth.

    Galanthis Goddess Greek

    Galatea Goddess Greek

    Galeru Australian Aboriginal

    Galiana Goddess Roman

    Galinthias Greek

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    Gamab Khoikhoi

    Ganesa Hindu

    Ganesh Hindu: God of wisdom, intelligence, education and prudence.

    Ganga GoddessHindu

    Ganiklis Lithuania

    Ganymeda Goddess Greek

    Ganymede Greek

    Gaol, Iroquois, American Indian

    Gaomei Goddess China

    Garm Norse

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    Garuda Hindu

    Gatamdug Goddess Mid-East

    Gauri Hindu

    Gauri-Sankar Goddess Hindu

    Gawaunduk Goddess Ojibwa, American Indian,


    Geb Egypt: God of the Earth.

    Gebeleizis Dacian

    Geezhigo-Quae Goddess Ojibwa, American Indian,

    Gefion Goddess Norse

  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Gefjon Scandinavian

    Geirrod Norse

    Gekka-O Japan

    Gendenwitha Goddess Iroquois, American Indian

    Genea Goddess Phoenicia

    Genetaska Goddess Iroquois, American Indian

    Genita Mana Goddess Roman

    Genos Phoenicia

    Geofon Goddess Britain

    Geras Goddess Greek

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    Gerd Goddess Scandinavian

    Geryon Greek

    Gestinanna Goddess Egypt

    Giane Goddess Roman

    Gidja Australia

    Giltine Goddess Russia

    Ginnunggap Norse

    Gioll Norse

    Girdle of Thor Norse

    Giri Devi Goddess Sri Lanka

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    Giriputri Goddess Bali

    Gjallahorn Norse

    Glauce Goddess Greek

    Glaucus Greek

    Glaucus Roman

    Gleipnir Norse

    Gleipnir Scandinavian

    Gleti Goddess, Dahomey, Africa

    Glispa Navajo American Indian

    Gna Goddess Norse

  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Gnome Greek

    Gnowee Goddess Australian Aboriginal

    Godar Scandinavian

    Goga Goddess Oceania

    Goibhniu Celtic

    Gohone, Iroquois, American Indian

    Goidel, Celtic

    Goilveig, Goddess, Scandinavia

    Goleuddydd, Goddess, Wales

    Gondul Goddess Norse

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    Gonlod Goddess Scandinavia

    Gonzuole Goddess Africa

    Gopis Goddess Hindu

    Gordius Greek

    Govannon Wales

    Grainne Goddess Irish

    Grendel Norse

    Grhadevi Hindu

    Grian Goddess Wales

    Groa Goddess Scandinavia

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    Gryphon Mid-East

    Gu Dahomey Africa

    Gua Africa

    Guan Di China

    Gucumatz Maya

    Gujeswari Hindu

    Gula Goddess Babylonia

    Gulltopr Norse

    Gulu Dinka Africa

    Gum Lin China

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    Gunab Africa

    Gungnir Norse

    Gwendydd Goddess Wales

    Gwyar Goddess Wales

    Gwyllion Goddess Wales

    Gwyn ap Nudd Celtic

    Gyges Greek

    Gyhldeptis, Haida

    Habetrot Goddess Britain

    Hachiman Japan

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    Hadad Canaan: Weather god.

    Haddu Ugarit: Commonly called Baal, rain and storm god.

    Hades Greek: God of underworld.

    Haemon Greek

    Hagno Goddess Greek

    Hagones Seneca

    Hahgwehdaetgan, Iroquois, American Indian

    Hahgwehdiyu, Iroquois, American Indian

    Hak Goddess Egypt

    Halia Goddess Greek

    Halirrhothius Greek

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    Halsodyne Goddess Greek

    Hanghepi Wi American Indian Dakota

    Hannahanna Hittite

    Hanuman Hindu

    Hao Chiu China

    Haokah Lakota American Indian

    Hapi Egypt: One of the four sons of Horus.

    Hapimou Egypt

    Hapy Egypt: God of the Nile and fertility.

    Hari-Hara Hindu

    Hariti Goddess Buddhist

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    Harmonia Goddess Greek

    Harmothoe Goddess Greek

    Harpalyce Goddess Greek

    Harpies Goddess Greek

    Harpocrates Egypt

    Harpocrates Greek

    Harpy Greek

    Hast Goddess Egypt

    Hastsehogan American Indian Navajo

    Hastseoltoi Goddess Navajo, American Indian

  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Hastsezini American Indian Navajo

    Hathor Goddess Egypt: Goddess of love and music.

    Hatti Goddess Middle East

    Haumea Polynesian

    Haumia New Zealand

    Hawenniyo Senneca

    Hea Goddess Middle East

    Hebe Goddess Greek: Wife of Hercules.

    Hecate Goddess Greek: Goddess of witchcraft and crossroads.

    Hecuba Goddess Greek

    Hedetet Goddess Egypt

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    Heget Egypt: Goddess of childbirth.

    Hegemone Goddess Greek

    Heimdall Norse

    Heitsi-eibib Khoikhoi

    HeketGoddess Egypt

    Hel Goddess Norse

    Helen Goddess Greek

    Helena Goddess Greek

    Helia Goddess Greek

    Helios Greek: God who drives the sun.

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    Helle Goddess Greek

    Hellen Greek

    Hemera Goddess Greek

    Heng Huron, American Indian

    Heng-o Goddess China

    Hephaestus Greek: God of smiths.

    Hera Goddess Greek: Chief goddess, goddess of marriage.

    Heracles Herakles Greek

    Hercules Roman

    Hermaphroditus Greek

    Hermes Greek: Messenger of the gods.

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    Hermione Goddess Greek

    Hermod Norse

    Hero and Leander Goddess Greek

    Herse Goddess Greek

    Hesperia Greek

    Hesperides Greek

    Hesperos Goddess Greek

    Hestia Goddess Greek: Goddess of the hearth.

    Hettsui No Kami Goddess Japan

    Hiiaka Goddess Polynesia

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    Hilaeira Goddess Greek

    Himalia Goddess Greek

    Hina Goddess Oceania

    Hine Polynesia

    Hine titama Goddess New Zealand

    Hippasus Greek

    Hippe Goddess Greek

    Hippocampus Roman

    Hippodameia Goddess Greek

    Hippodamia Goddess Greek

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    Hippolytus Greek

    Hippomenes Greek

    Hippona Goddess Roman

    Hiribi Goddess Canaan

    Hisagita-imisi American Indian, Creek

    Hlin Goddess Scandinavia

    Hnossa Goddess Scandinavia

    Ho Po Ping-I China

    Hoa-Tapu Tahiti

    Hodur Norse

  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Hogni Norse

    Holda Goddess Norse

    Ho-Masubi Goddess Japan: God of fire.

    Honir Norse

    Hora Goddess Roman

    Horae Goddess Greek

    Horos Slavic

    Horta Goddess Roman

    Horus Egypt: Falcon headed god.

    Hosia Goddess Greek

    Hostilina Goddess Roman

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    Hotei-osho Japan: One of the seven gods of fortune.

    Hotogov Goddess Russia

    Hotoru American Indian Pawnee

    Hou Chi China

    Hou TuGoddess China

    Houri, The Goddess Middle East

    Hov-ava Goddess Russia

    Hresvelgr Norse

    Hsi Ling-ssu Goddess China

    Hsi Shih China

  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Hsi Wang Mu Goddess China

    Hsiao Wu China

    Hsieh Tien-chun China

    Hsien Nung China

    Hsien Se China

    Hsi-shen China

    Hsu Chang China

    Hsuan Wen-hua China

    Huang Ti China

    Huang Ting China

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    Huehueteotl Aztec: Hearth and the fire of life god.

    Huitzilopochtli Aztec: God of sun, fire and war.

    Hugi Norse

    Hulka Devi Goddess Hindu

    Humban Middle East

    Hun Nal Maya

    Hunah Ku Maya

    Hunahpu Maya

    Hunin Norse

    Huo Pu China

    Hurakan Maya

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    Hu-shen China

    Hyacinthus Greek

    Hyades Goddess Greek

    Hybla Goddess Roman

    Hybris Goddess Greek

    Hygieia Goddess Greek

    Hygieia Goddess Roman

    Hymen Greek

    Hymen Roman

    Hymir Norse

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    Hyperion Greek

    Hypnos Greek

    Hypsiple Goddess Greek

    Iambe Goddess Greek

    Ianthe Goddess Greek

    Iapetus Greek

    Iarila Goddess Russia

    Iaso Goddess Greek

    Iaso Goddess Roman

  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Ichneumon Egypt

    Idas Lyncaeus Greek

    Idises Goddess Germanic

    Idliragijenget Goddess Inuit

    Idlirvirisong Eskimo

    Idomeneus Greek

    Idun Goddess Norse

    Iduna Goddess Norse

    Igaluk Inuit

    Iku Africa Nigeria

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    Ilamatecuhtli Goddess Aztec: God of earth, death and the milky way.

    Ilankaka Goddess Africa

    Ilia Goddess Roman

    Ilithyia Goddess Greek

    Ilmarinen Celtic

    Imana Africa

    Imhotep Egypt: God of wisdom, medicine and magic.

    Imoa Goddess Polynesia

    Ina Polynesian

    Inari Japan: God of rice.

    Incubus Medieval

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    Indra Hindu: God of weather and war.

    Ingridi Goddess Australia

    Innana Goddess Sumeria

    Intercidona Goddess Roman

    Interduca Goddess Roman

    Inti/Punchau, Incan, Peru

    Invidia Goddess Greek

    Inyx Goddess Greek

    Io Oceania

    Io Goddess Greek

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    Iole Goddess Greek

    Ioskeha Iroquois

    Ipalnemohuani Aztec

    Iphigenia Goddess Greek

    Iphimedeia Goddess Greek

    Iphis Greek

    Iphito Goddess Greek

    Iris Goddess Greek

    Irus Greek

    Iruwa Africa Kenya

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    Ishkur Mesopotamia

    Ishtar Goddess Babylonian: Goddess of love.

    Isis Egypt Goddess: Goddess of magic, sister of Nephthys.

    Ismene Goddess Greek

    Isten Hungary

    Ite Goddess Oglala

    Ithm Goddess Canaan

    Itzamna Maya: Reptile creator god.

    Itzlacoliuhqui-Ixquimilli: God of hard stone.

    Ix Chel Goddess Mayan: Moon Goddess.

    Ixion Greek

    Izanagi Goddess, Japan: Creator goddess.

    Izanami Japan: Creator god.

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    Jabme-akka Goddess Norse

    Jagganath Hindu

    Jamshid Jamshyd Persia

    Ja-neb Goddess Russia

    Janas Goddess Sardinian: Goddess of death.

    Janus Roman: God of beginnings and ends.

    Jarina Goddess Brazil

    Jaro Slavic

    Jedza Goddess Russia

    Jen An China

    Jocasta Goddess Greek

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    Jormungandr Norse

    Jotunheim Norse

    Jubbu-jang-sangne Goddess Brazil

    Judur Goddess Norse

    Juga Goddess Roman

    Julana Australia

    Julunggul Goddess Australian Aboriginal

    Jumala Finland

    Junkgowa Goddess Australia

    Juno Goddess Roman:Chief goddess, marriage.

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    Juok, Shilluk, Dahomey, Africa

    Jupiter Roman: Chief god, sky.

    Jurojin Japan: One of the seven gods of fortune.

    Jurupari Guarani

    Justitia Goddess Roman

    Juturna Goddess Roman

    Juventas Goddess Roman

    Jyeshtha Goddess Hindu

    Kaakwha Seneca

    Kabta Sumeria

    Kadi Goddess Assyria

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    Kagutsuchi Japan: God of fire.

    Kajsa Goddess Norse

    Kaldas Goddess Russia

    Kali Goddess Hindu

    Kalma Goddess Finland

    Kalma Goddess Finland

    Kaltes Goddess Russia

    Kamado-no-kami Shinto Japan

    Kami Japan

    Kamrusepas Hittite

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    Kanaloa Polynesian

    Kanati Cherokee

    Kane Milohai Polynesian

    Kapo Goddess Oceania

    Kara Goddess Norse

    Karora Australia

    Karta Latvia

    Karttikeya Japan

    Katsinas Acoma

    Kava Oceania

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    Kawa-No-Kami Japan

    Kaya-Nu-HimaGoddess Japan

    Keng Yen-cheng China

    Keretkun Russia

    Kerres Goddess Roman

    Ketq Skwaye Goddess Huron

    Kewkwaxawe Kwakiutl

    Khadau Russia

    Khepry Egypt: Scarab beetle, embodiment of the dawn.

    Khnum Egypt: Creator deity.

    Khonsu Egypt

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    Khonvoum Pygmy Africa

    Khursun Iran

    Kibuka Dinka Africa

    Kidili Australian Aboriginal

    Kiki Goddess Babylonia

    King Wan China

    Kingu Babylonia: Husband of Tiamat.

    Kinich Ahau Maya

    Kinich Kakmo Maya

    Kintu Dinka Africa

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    Kishar Mesopotamia: Father of earth.

    Kishelemukong Latvia

    Kishijoten Goddess Japan

    Kishi-Mojin Goddess Buddhism Japan

    Klotes Goddess Greek

    Ko Hsien-Weng China

    Kokopelli Hopi American Indian

    Koledo Slavic

    Kolga Norse

    Kolias Goddess Greek

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    Kolpia Middle East

    Komodia Goddess Greek

    Kon Incan Peru

    Konori Oceania

    Kore Goddess Greek

    Kornjunfer Germanic

    Koros Goddess Greek

    Kostrubonko Russia

    Kothar-u-Khasis Goddess Canaan

    Kouei China

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    Kovas Lithuania

    Kratesis Goddess Greek

    Krishna Hindu: Eighth avatar of Vishnu.

    Krtya Goddess Hindu

    Krumine Lithuania

    Ku Oceania

    Kuan Ti China

    Kubera Hindu

    Kubjika Goddess Hindu

    Kuei-ku Tzu China

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    Kuklikimoku Polynesia

    Kukulcan: Feathered serpent god.

    KulsuGoddess Roman

    Kun Aymara


    Kunitokotatchi Shinto Japan

    Kuo Tzu-i China

    Kupala Goddess Slavic

    Kupalo Goddess Russia

    Kura-Okami: God of rain.

    Kvasir Norse

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    Lachesis Goddess Greek

    Lactura Goddess Greek

    Lada and Lado Baltic

    Ladon Greek

    Laelaps Greek

    Laertes Greek

    Laestrygones Greek

    Lagua Haida

    Lahar Goddess Babylonian

    Lai Cho China

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    Laidamlulum Kule Goddess

    Laka Goddess Polynesian

    Lakshmi Goddess Hindu: Goddess of fortune, luck, beauty and fertility.

    Lalal Goddess Roman

    Lamastu Middle East

    Lamia Greek

    Lampus Greek

    Lao Lang China

    Laodamia Goddess Greek

    Lara Goddess Roman

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    Lares Roman

    Larunda Goddess Roman

    Lasa Goddess Roman

    Lasa-Rakuneta Goddess Roman

    Latinus Goddess Roman

    Latis Goddess Britain

    Laulaati Oceania

    Laverna Goddess Roman

    Lavinia Goddess Roman

    Leda Goddess Greek

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    Legba Dahomey Africa

    Lei Kung China

    Lei Tsu China

    Leib-Olmai Lapland

    Leiriope Goddess Greek

    Lemurs Roman

    Lennaxidaq Goddess

    Leshy Slavic

    Le-tkakawash Goddess

    Leto Goddess Greek

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    Letsaaplelana Goddess Bella Coola

    Leucothea Goddess Greek

    Li Lao-chun China

    Li Tien China

    Lia Goddess Australia

    Libanza Africa

    Libentina Goddess Roman

    Liber Roman

    Libera Goddess Roman

    Liberalitas Roman

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    Libertas Goddess Roman

    Libitina Goddess Roman

    Lif and Lifthrasir Goddess Norse

    Lignaco Dex Goddess Roman

    Limentina Roman

    Lina Goddess Greek

    Linda Goddess Norse

    LipseGoddess Greek

    Lir Gaelic

    Lisa Dohomey Africa

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    Lituolone Africa

    Liu Meng China

    Liu Pei China

    Lleu Wales

    Lo Shen Goddess China

    Lo Yu China

    Loa Goddess Haiti

    Lofn Goddess Norse

    Loha Goddess

    Lohasur Devi Hindu

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    Loki Norse

    Loko Yoruba Africa

    Lono Polynesian

    Loo-wit Goddess

    Lorelei Goddess Germanic

    Losna Goddess Roman

    Lo-Tsu Ta-Hsien China

    Lu Hsing China

    Lua Goddess Roman

    Luandinha Goddess Brazil

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    Luchtaine Celtic

    Lucifera Goddess Roman

    Lucina Goddess Roman

    Ludd Britain

    Lufn Goddess Norse

    Lugh Celtic

    Luna Goddess Roman

    Lung Yen China

    Luonnotar Goddess Norse

    Lupa Goddess Roman

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    Lu-pan China

    Luperca Goddess Roman

    Lupercus Roman

    Lupi Aymara

    Lutinus Roman

    Lyco Goddess Greek

    Lycos Greek

    Lymnades Greek

    Lympha Goddess Roman

    Lynceus Greek

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    Maahes Egypt

    Maan-emo Goddess Norse

    Maat Goddess Egypt: Goddess of truth, balance and order.

    Mabon Celtic

    Mac Da Tho Irish

    Macaw Woman Goddess Maya

    Macha Goddess Irish

    Machaon Greek

    Macris Goddess Greek

    Macuilxochitl Aztec Mixtec

  • 7/31/2019 The 3,000 Gods


    Madalait Goddess Australia

    Madder-Akka Goddess Lapland

    Magna Mater Goddess Roman

    Magni Norse

    Mahiuki Oceania

    Mahucutah Maya

    Maia Goddess Greek

    Maia Goddess Roman: The good goddess, spring.

    Maina Luyia Africa

    Majestas Roman

    Makara Goddess Australia

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    Make Make Oceania

    Ma-Ku Goddess China

    Malophoros Goddess Greek

    Mama Cocha Goddess Incan Peru

    Mama Quila Godess Incan Peru

    Mambo Lovedu Africa

    Mamlambo Zulu Africa

    Mana Goddess Roman

    Manannan mac Lir Celtic

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    Manasha Goddess Hindu

    Manco Capac Inca

    Manes Roman

    Mang Chin-I Goddess China

    Mang Shen China

    Manger-Kunger-Kunja Australian Aboriginal

    Mani Scandinavian

    Mania Goddess Roman

    Manticore Persia

    Mantis !Kung

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    Manu Hindu

    Mao Meng China

    Mara Latvia

    Marduk Babylonian: National god of the Babylonians.

    Mari Goddess Middle East

    Marica Goddess Roman

    Marici Goddess Japan

    Marina Slavic

    Marjatta Goddess Norse

    Marpessa Goddess Greek

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    Marruni Melanesia

    Mars Roman: God war.

    Mars Cariocecus Lusitani

    Marsyas Greek

    Marwe Goddess Chaga Africa

    Marzana Poland

    Masauwu Hopi

    Massim Biambe Congo Africa

    Mater Matuta Goddess Roman

    Matergabiae Lithuania

    Math ap Mathonwy Wales

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    Mati Syra Zemlya Goddess Slavic

    Matrona Goddess Celtic

    Matrona Goddess Roman

    Maui Polynesian

    Mawu Dahomey Africa

    Maya Goddess Hindu

    Mayahuel Goddess Maya: Goddess of maguey.

    Mayavel Hindu

    Maymom:God of Hades.

    Mbaba Mwana Waresa Zulu Africa

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    Mboze Goddess Africa

    Mebeli Goddess Congo Africa

    Medb Goddess Irish

    Medea Goddess Greek

    Medeine Lithuania

    Meditrina Goddess Roman

    Medusa Goddess Greek

    Megaera Goddess Greek

    Mehturt Goddess Egypt

    Meiboia Goddess Greek

    Meilichia Goddess Greek

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    Melampus Greek

    Melanius Greek

    Meleager Greek

    Melgart Canaan

    Melinoe Goddess Greek

    Melissa Goddess Greek

    Melletele Baltic

    Mellona Goddess Roman

    Melobosis Goddess Greek

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    Melpomene Goddess Greek

    Melu Oceania

    Memnon Greek

    Men Shen China

    Menalippe Goddess Greek

    Menehune Oceania

    Menelaus Greek

    Menhit Goddess Egypt: Goddess of war.

    Meni Middle East

    Menrva Etruscan

    Mens Goddess Roman

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    Menthu Egypt

    Mentor Greek

    Menu Menulis Baltic

    Mephitis Goddess Roman

    Mercury Roman: Messenger of the gods.

    Mermaid Ancient

    Merodach Middle East

    Merope Goddess Greek

    Meru Hindu

    Meskhenet Goddess Egypt

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    Messia Goddess Roman

    Metis Goddess Greek

    Metra Goddess Greek

    Metsarhatija Goddess Finland

    Miao Hu China

    Mictlantecuhtli: Death.

    Mida Goddess Greek

    Midas Greek

    Mider Celtic

    Midgard Scandinavian

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    Mielikki Finland: Tapios wife.

    Mi-lo Fo China

    Mimir Norse

    Mimir Norse

    Mimirs Head Norse

    Min Egypt

    Min Egypt

    Minepa Macoua Africa

    Minerva Roman: Goddess of wisdom and civilization.

    Ming Shang China

    Minnehaha Goddess Blackfoot

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    Minos Greek

    Minotaur Greek

    Mir-susne-khun Russia

    Miseria Goddess Roman

    Misor Middle East

    Mithra Hindu: God of honesty, friendship and contracts.

    Mlakukh Goddess Roman

    Mnemosyne Goddess Greek

    Modgud Goddess Norse

    Modron Goddess Wales

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    Moeuhane Oceania

    Mogons Britain

    Moirae Goddess Greek

    Mokkuralfi Norse

    Molae, The Goddess Roman

    Moloch Canaan

    Molpadia Goddess Greek

    Molpadia Goddess Greek

    Momu Goddess Scotland

    Momus Greek

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    Moneta Goddess Roman

    Monju-Bosatsu Japan

    Mont Egypt: God of War.

    Moombi Goddess Kikuyu Africa

    Mor Celtic

    Morgen Goddess Celtic

    Mormo Goddess Greek

    Moros Greek

    Morpheus Greek

    Morrigan Goddess Celtic

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    Mors Roman

    Morta Goddess Roman

    Mot Phoenician Ugarit: God of death.

    Mothir Goddess Norse

    Mukasa Buganda Africa

    Mulhhalmoni Goddess Korea

    Muliebris Goddess Roman

    Muluku Macoua Africa

    Mulungu East Africa

    Mummu: God mists.

    Munin Norse

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    Munthukh Goddess Roman

    Muses Goddess Greek

    Mushdama Mesopotamia

    Muspelheim Norse

    Mut Goddess Egypt

    Muta Goddess Roman

    Muyingwa Hopi American Indian

    Mwambu Luyia Africa

    Myesyats Slavic

    Mylitta Goddess Babylonian

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    Myrddin Celtic

    Myrmidons Greek

    Myrrha Goddess Greek

    Mystis Goddess Greek

    NaamahGoddess Canaan

    Nabia Lusitani

    Nabu Babylonian: God of the scribal arts.

    Nabudi Goddess Australia

    Naenia Goddess Roman

    Nagas Hindu

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    Naiads Goddess Greek

    Nai-No-Kami Japan: God of earthquakes.

    Nairyosangha Iran

    Nambi Goddess Buganda Africa

    Nammu Goddess Sumeria

    Namtar Babylonian

    Namtaru Assyria

    Nana Buluku Goddess Fon Africa

    Nanabozho Native American, Chippewa

    Nanan-Bouclou Africa

    Nan-chi Hsien-weng China

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    Nankilslas Haida

    Nanna Goddess Norse

    Nanna Sumeria

    Nanook Inuit

    Nantosuelta Goddess Gaul

    Nantosvelta Lusitani

    Naoise Irish

    Napaea, The Goddess Greek

    Naraka Hindu

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    Narcissus Greek

    Nascio Goddess Roman

    Nastasija Goddess Russia

    Nastrand Norse

    Naunet Egypt: The primal waters.

    Nausicaa Goddess Greek

    Nausithoe Goddess Greek

    Ndauthina Fiji

    Ne Te-reere Goddess Micronesia

    NeaeraGoddess Greek

    Nebo Middle East

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    Neb-Ti Goddess Egypt

    Necessitas Goddess Roman

    Nectar Greek

    Neda Goddess Greek

    Nehalennia Goddess Gaul

    Nehallenia Goddess Holland

    Neith Goddess Egypt: The great mother goddess.

    NelaimaGoddess Russia

    Nemain Celtic

    Nemea Goddess Greek

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    Nemean Lion Greek

    Nemesis Goddess Greek

    Nemetoma Goddess Celtic

    Nemon Goddess Celtic

    Nephthys Goddess Egypt: Mother of Anubis.

    Neptune Roman: God of the sea.

    NereidsGoddess Greek

    Nereus Greek

    Nergal Babylonian

    Nerine Goddess Roman

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    Nerio Goddess Roman

    Nerrivik Inuit

    Nesaru Arikara

    Nethuns Etruscan

    Nevinbimbaau Melanesia

    Ng ai Masai Africa

    Ngendei Oceania

    Nicothoe Goddess Greek

    Nidaba Goddess Sumeria

    Nidhogg Norse

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    Nike Goddess Greek

    Ninhursag or Nintu Goddess Sumerian

    Ninlil Sumeria

    Ninsar Goddess Sumeria

    Nintu Goddess Babylonia: Mother of all gods.

    Ninurta Sumeria

    Ni-O Buddhist

    Niobe Goddess Greek

    Niord Norse

    Nirriti Goddess Hindu

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    Nishanu Arikara

    Nissa Goddess Greek

    Niu Wang China

    Nobu Oceania

    Nodens Britain

    No-Il Ja-Dae Goddess Korea

    Nona Goddess Roman

    Norov Russia

    Nortia Goddess Roman

    Notos Greek

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    Nott Goddess Norse

    Nox Goddess Roman

    Nu Wa Goddess China

    Nuada Celtic

    Nu-kua Goddess China

    Numakulla Australian Aboriginal

    Numeria Goddess Roman

    Numina Roman

    Numi-tarem Russia

    Nundina Goddess Roman

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    Nut Goddess Egypt: Goddess of heaven and the sky.

    Nyalitch, Dinka, Africa

    Nyambe, Western Tropics, Africa

    Nyankopon, Ashanti, Africa

    Nyasaye Africa

    Nyia Slavic

    Nyx Goddess Greek

    Nzame Africa

    Oba Yoruba Africa

    Obatala Yoruba

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    Oberon Britain

    Oboto Goddess Africa

    Occupirn Baltic

    Oceanides, The Goddess Greek

    Oceanus Greek

    Ocypete Goddess Greek

    OdduduaGoddess Puerto Rico

    Odin Norse

    Odudua-Orishala Yoruba Africa

    Odyne Goddess Greek

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    Oenghus Irish

    Oeno Greek

    Oenone Goddess Greek

    Ogmios Celtic

    Ogoun Haiti

    Ogun Yoruba Africa

    Ogyrvran Celtic

    Oisin Irish

    Oklatabashin Choctaw

    O-Kuni-Nushi Japan: God of sorcery and medicine.

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    Olokum Goddess West Indies

    Olokun Yoruba Africa

    Olorun Yoruba Africa

    Olosa Goddess Puerto Rico

    Ometeotl God and Godess Aztec: God of heaven.

    Omoigane Japan

    Omphale Goddess Greek

    Onagh Celtic

    Onatha, Iroquois, American Indian

    Oncaea, Goddess, Greek

    Oneroi, Greek

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    Ophion, Greek

    Ophiuchus, Greek

    Ophthalmitis Goddess Greek

    Opigena Goddess Roman

    Ops Goddess Roman

    Ora Goddess Russia

    Orbona Goddess Roman

    Orestes Greek

    Orion Greek

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    Orisha Nla Yoruba Africa

    Ornis Greek

    Oro Oceania

    Orseis Goddess Greek

    Orunmila Yoruba Africa

    Osanyin Africa

    Oshe Yoruba Africa

    Oshun Goddess West Indies

    Oshunmare Yoruba Africa

    Osiris Egypt: God of the underworld, fertility and agriculture.

    Ossa Goddess Greek

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    Osun Goddess Africa

    Ot Goddess Russia

    Otso Finland: King of the forest.

    Otrere Goddess Greek

    Ottar Norse

    Quetzalcoatl Aztec: God of the breath of life.

    Outgard Norse

    Ove Oceania

    O-Wata-Tsu-Mi, Japan: God of the sea.

    Oya Goddess Yoruba Africa

    Oya Goddess West Indies

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    Pa Cha Goddess China

    Pa Goddess Canaan

    Pa Goddess China

    Pacha Camac Incan Peru

    Paen Greek

    Pah Pawnee American Indian

    Pai Chung China

    Pai Liu-Fang China

    Pai Yu China

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    Paiowa Goddess Yana

    Pakaa Oceania

    Palamedes Greek

    Palato Goddess Roman

    Pales Goddess Roman

    Pallas Goddess Greek

    Pallor Goddess Roman

    Palpinkalare Goddess Australia

    Pamphile Goddess Greek

    Pan Greek: God of sheperds.

    Pan Niang Goddess China

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    Pana Goddess Inuit

    Panacea Goddess Greek

    Panacea Goddess Roman

    Panas Goddesses Sardinian: Goddesses of reproduction.

    Panatis Goddess Greek

    Pan-Chin-Lien Goddess China

    Pandia Goddess Greek

    Pandora Goddess Greek

    Pandrosos Goddess Greek

    Panope Goddess Greek

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    Pao Yuan-chuan China

    Papa Goddess Polynesian

    Parashurama Hindu

    Parca Goddess Roman

    Paregoros Goddess Greek

    Parjanya Hindu

    Parmaceia Goddess Greek

    Parnassides, The Goddess Greek

    Parthenope Goddess Roman

    Partholon Irish

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    Parvati Goddess Hindu: Wife of Shiva.

    Pasht Goddess Egypt

    Pasiphae Goddess Greek

    Patella Goddess Roman

    Patollo Baltic

    Patrimpas Lithuania

    Patroclus Greek

    Paurnamasi Goddess Hindu

    Pax Goddess Roman

    Pazuzu Babylonia

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    Pecunia Goddess Roman

    Peitho Goddess Greek

    Pekko Finland God or Goddess: God or Goddess of fields and agriculture.

    Pele Goddess Polynesia

    Pelonia Goddess Roman

    Penates Roman

    Penelope Goddess Greek

    Penia Goddess Greek

    Penthus Greek

    Pereplut Goddess Slavic

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    Peri Persia

    Perkele Finland

    Perkons Latvia

    Perkunos Baltic

    Persephone Goddess Greek: Daughter of Demeter, the queen of the dead.

    Perseus Greek

    Pertunda Goddess Roman

    Perun Slavic

    Phaea Goddess Greek

    Phaedra Goddess Greek

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    Phan Ku China

    Phantasos Greek

    Phebele Congo Africa

    Pheme Greek

    Phemonoe Goddess Greek

    Philemon Roman

    Philoctetes Greek

    Philotes Goddess Greek

    Phobetus Greek

    Phobus Greek

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    Phoebe Goddess Greek

    Phorcys Greek

    Phospherus Greek

    Phthonus Greek

    Physis Goddess Greek

    Phytalus Goddess Greek

    Phytia Goddess Greek

    Pi Chia-Ma China

    Picus Roman

    Pien Ho Hindu

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    Pietas Goddess Roman

    Pikullos Baltic

    Pikuolis Lithuania

    Pilnytis Lithuania

    Piluitus Goddess Russia

    Pinga Inuit

    Pipleia Goddess Greek

    Pithys Goddess Greek

    Pleiades Goddess Greek

    Ploto Goddess Greek

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    Pluto Roman: God of the underworld.

    Plutus Greek: God of wealth.

    Po Yan Dari Goddess Cambodia

    Poena Goddess Roman

    Poene Goddess Greek

    Polyhymnia Goddess Greek

    Polynices Greek

    Polyphemus Greek

    Polyxena Goddess Greek

    Pomona Goddess Roman

    Portunus Roman

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    Porus Roman

    Poseidon Greek: God the sea.

    Poshjo-akka Goddess Scandinavian

    Postvorta Goddess Roman

    Pothos Greek

    Potina Roman

    Potrimpos Baltic

    Prajapati Hindu

    Praxidice Goddess Greek

    Praxidike Goddess Roman

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    Priam Greek

    Priapus Greek

    Priapus Roman

    Prishiboro !Kung

    Prithivi mata, Goddess Hindu

    The Eaerth goddess

    Procrustes Greek

    Prometheus Greek

    Proserpina Goddess Roman: Queen of the underworld.

    Prosymna Goddess Greek

    Proteus Greek

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    Protogenia Goddess Greek

    Protogonus Greek

    Psamathe Goddess Greek

    Psyche Goddess Roman

    Ptah Egypt: Creator deity.

    Puchan Asian

    Pudicitia Goddess Greek

    Pudicitia Goddess Roman

    Pukkeenegak Goddess Eskimo

    Punchau/Inti Incan Peru

    Punjdel Australian Aboriginal

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    Purandhi Goddess Hindu

    Purusha Hindu: The Cosmic-Man.

    Puskaitis Lithuania

    Puta Goddess Roman

    Pwyll Celtic

    Pygmalion Greek

    Pygmies Greek

    Pyrene Goddess Greek

    Pyrrha Goddess Greek

    Python Greek

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    Qadshu Goddess Syria

    Qakma Goddess Bella Coola

    Qetesh Goddess Egypt

    Quan Yin Goddess China

    Quat Melanesia

    Quetzalcoatl Aztec

    Quies Goddess Roman

    Quirinus Roman

    Quiritis Goddess Roman

    Quootis-hooi Goddess Chinook

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    Ra: The sun god.

    Radagast Slavic

    Radha Goddess Hindu

    Ragno Goddess Hopi

    Raiden Japan

    Rainha Barba Goddess Brazil Belem

    Raksava Hindu

    Rakshas Hindu

    Rama Hindu

    RanGoddess Norse

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    Rana Nedia Goddess Lapland

    Rangi Maori Polynesian

    Ranno Egypt

    Rapithwin Persia

    Rashnu Iran

    Rati Goddess Bali

    Rati Goddess Hindu

    Rati-mbati-ndua Oceania

    Ratri Goddess Hindu Vedic

    Ratu-Mai-Mbula Fiji

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    Rauni Goddess Finland: Ukkos wife, goddess of fertility.

    Ravi, Surya Hindu: The sun gods.

    Re Egypt

    Renenet Goddess Egypt

    Resheph Mikal Phoenician

    Rhacius Greek

    Rhadamanthys Greek

    Rhaecus Greek

    Rhea Silvia Goddess Roman

    Rhea Goddess Greek: Mother of the six Olympians.

    Rhene Goddess Greek

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    Rhesus Greek

    Rhiannon Goddess Wales

    Rhode Goddess Greek

    Rhodope Goddess Greek

    Rhodopis Goddess Greek

    Rhodos Goddess Greek

    Rhoecus Greek

    Rhoetus Greek

    Rigosamos Celtic

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    Rimmon Middle East

    RindGoddess Germanic

    Ripheus Greek

    Robigo Goddess Roman

    Robigus Roman

    Rod Slavic

    Rodasi Goddess Hindu Vedic

    Roma Goddess Roman

    Romulus and Remus Roman

    Rongo Maori Polynesian

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    RoskvaGoddess Norse

    Rosmerta Gaul

    Rota Goddess Scandinavian

    Rua Tahiti

    Ruahatu Oceania

    Rudras, The, Hindu: Storm deities.

    Rudrani Goddess Hindu

    Rugaba Africa Uganda

    Rugiviet Slavic

    Rukko Goddess Mandan

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    Rultennin Russian

    Rumia Dea Goddess Roman

    Rumina Goddess Hindu

    Rumina Goddess Roman

    Rumor Greek

    Rumor Goddess Greek

    Runcina Goddess Roman

    Runeocesius Lusitani

    Rusalki Goddess Slavic Russian

    Rusina Goddess Roman

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    Sabazius Greek

    Sadarnuna Goddess Sumeria

    Sadb Celtic

    Saga Goddess Norse

    Sagbata Dahomey Africa

    Sakpata Dahomey, Africa

    Salacia Goddess Roman

    Salamis Goddess Greek

    Salmacis Goddess Greek

    Salmaone Goddess Greek

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    Salmoneus Greek

    Salus Goddess Roman

    Samantha-Bhadra Goddess Tibet

    Samon Greek

    Samon Greek

    Samundra Goddess Hindu

    San Kuan China

    Sanape Goddess Greek

    Sangarius Greek

    Sang-rgyas-mkh Goddess Tibet

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    Saning Sri Goddess Java

    Sanjna Goddess Hindu

    Sao Goddess Greek

    Sao-ching Niang Goddess China

    Saoshyant Iran

    SapentiaGoddess Roman

    SapphoGoddess Greek

    Sarasvati Goddess Hindu: Goddess of intelligence, consciousness and cosmic knowledge.

    Sargon Mesopotamia

    Sarpedon Greek

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    Sarudahiko China

    Sati Satis, Satet Goddess Egypt

    Sati Goddess Hindu

    Saturn Roman: Father of Jupiter.

    Satyr Greek

    Satyrs Greek

    Saule Goddess Latvia

    Saurus Greek

    Savitar Hindu

    Scabies Goddess Roman

    Scamander Greek

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    Scamandrius Greek

    Schedius Greek

    Schoeneus Greek

    Sciapodes Greek

    Sciron Greek

    Scotia Goddess Greek

    Scylla and Charybdis Goddess Greek

    Scythes Greek

    Sebek Egypt

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    Secia Goddess Roman

    Sedna Goddess Inuit

    Segetia Seja Goddess Roman

    Seker Egypt

    Sekhet Goddess Egypt

    Sekhmet Goddess Egypt: Goddess of war and battles.

    Selene Goddess Greek: Goddess who drives the moon.

    Selinus Greek

    Selket Goddess Egypt

    Selu Goddess Cherokee

    Semargl Slavic

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    Semele Goddess Greek

    Semiramis Goddess Greek

    Senecta Goddess Greek

    Sengdroma Goddess Tibet

    Sengen-Sama Goddess Japan: Goddess of the Mt. Fujiyama.

    Sentia Roman

    Sequona Goddess Celtic

    Serapis Egypt

    Serestus Greek

    Sergestus Greek

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    Serket Egypt

    Seshat Goddess Egypt

    Sessrumnir Germanic

    Set Egypt: God of storms.

    Setekh Egypt

    Sgeg-mo-ma Goddess Tibet

    Shagpona Yoruba Africa

    Shahar Canaan

    Shai Egypt

    Shakuru Pawnee

    Shalim Canaan

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    Shamash Babylonian: God of the sun and justice.

    Shang Chien China

    Shang Ti China

    Shango Yoruba Africa

    Shapshu Goddess Canaan

    Shashti Goddess Hindu

    She chi China

    Sheger Canaan

    Shen Hsui-Chih China

    Shen Nung China

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    Sheng Mu Goddess China

    Shih Liang China

    Shilup Chito Osh Choctaw

    Shina-To-Be Japan: Goddess of wind.

    Shina-Tsu-Hiko Japan: God of wind.

    Shiu Fang China

    Shiva Hindu: The destroyer.

    Shony Celtic

    Shoten Japan

    Shou-lao China

    Shu and Tefnut Egypt

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    Shun I Fu-jen Goddess China

    Shuzanghu Hindu

    Si Goddess Peru

    Sibyls Goddess Greek

    Siden Goddess Greek

    Sidero Goddess Greek

    Sien-Tsang Goddess China

    Sif Goddess Norse

    Signy Goddess Norse

    Sigurd Germanic

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    Sigyn Goddess Germanic

    Silenus Greek

    Silenus Greek

    Silvanus Roman

    Simargl Slavic

    Sin Babylonian: Moon god.

    Sinis Greek

    Sinon Greek

    Sinope Goddess Greek

    Sint Holo, Native American, Chippewa

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    Sio Humis Hopi

    Sirne Goddess Haiti

    Sirens, The Goddess Greek

    Siris Goddess Babylonian

    Sirona Goddess Gaul

    Sisyphus Greek

    Sitala Shatala Goddess Hindu

    Sithon Greek

    Siva Shiva Hindu Hindu

    Sjofn Goddess Norse

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    Skadi Skade Goddess Norse

    Skanda Hindu

    Skidbladnir Norse

    Skirnir Norse

    Skuld Goddess Scandinavia

    Sleipnir Norse

    Smotef Egypt

    Smyrna Myrrh Goddess Greek

    Snotra Goddess Norse

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    Snouf Egypt

    Sobek Egypt: Crocodile god.

    Sogbo Dahomey, Africa

    Sojobo Japan: King of the tengu.

    Sol Roman

    Solois Greek

    Soma Asian

    Soma Hindu: The lunar deity.

    Somnus Roman

    Sopatrus Greek

    Sophax Greek

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    Sophrosyne Goddess Greek

    Sopona Yoruba Africa

    Soteira Goddess Greek

    Sottef Egypt

    Souconna Goddess Celtic

    Sparta Goddess Greek

    Speio Goddess Greek

    Spercheius Greek

    Spermo Greek

    Sphinx Egypt Greek

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    Sraddha Goddess Hindu

    Sraosha Iran

    Sreng Celtic

    Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju China

    Staphylus Greek

    Stentor Greek

    Sterope Goddess Greek

    Stheneboea Goddess Greek

    Sthenelus Greek

    Stilbe Goddess Greek

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    Strenia Goddess Roman

    Strenua Goddess Roman

    Stribog Slavic

    Strymo Goddess Greek

    Strymon Greek

    Stymphalian Birds Greek

    Styx Goddess Greek

    Suada Roman

    Sualtam Celtic

    Succubus Medieval

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    Sura Goddess Hindu

    Surabhi Goddess Hindu

    Surtr Norse

    Surya Hindu

    Susa-no-wo Japan: God of storms and thunder, snakes and farming.

    Svantovit Slavic

    Svarazic Slavic

    Svarog Slavic

    Svasti-devi Goddess Hindu

    Svetovid Slavic

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    Swaigstigr Baltic

    Syleus Goddess Greek

    Sylvanus Roman

    Syme Goddess Greek

    Syn Goddess Norse

    Syrinx Goddess Greek

    Syrus Greek

    Taaroa Tahiti

    Taaxet, Haida

    Taautos Phoenicia

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    Tabliope Greek

    Tages Roman

    Tagni Roman

    Tailtiu Celtic

    Taiowa Hopi American Indian

    Tajika-no-mikoto Japan

    Taka-Mikazuchi Japan: God of thunder.

    Taka-Okami Japan: God of rain.

    Talaus Greek

    Talos Talus Greek

    Talthybius Greek

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    Talus Greek

    Tamakaia Oceania

    Tammuz Babylonian

    Tan Chu China

    Tana Roman

    Tanagra Greek

    Tane Maori

    Tane Oceania

    Tanemahuta Polynesian

    Tang Ming Huang China

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    Tangaroa Maori

    Tangaroa Polynesian

    Tanit Canaan

    Tanit Roman

    Tankun Korean

    Tano Togo Africa

    Tantalus Greek

    Tanus Roman

    Tao Kung China

    Taphius Greek

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    Tapio Finland: God of forest and wild animals.

    Taranis Gaul

    Tarhuhyiawahku Iroquois

    Tarpeia Roman

    Tarquinius Priscus Roman

    Tarquinius Superbus Roman

    Tartarus Greek

    Taru Middle East

    Tasimmet Hittite

    Tauret Egypt

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    Taurt Goddess Egypt

    Tawa Pueblo

    Tawhaki Oceania

    Tawiri-ma-tea Maori


    Taygeta Greek

    Taygete Greek

    Tche-yeou China

    Teashub Anatolia

    Tecciztecatl Aztec

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    Techne Greek

    Tecmessa Greek

    Tefnut Goddess Egypt: Goddess of order, justice, time, heaven, hell and weather.

    Tekkeitserto Eskimo

    Telamon Greek

    Telamos Greek

    Telchines Greek

    Telecleia Greek

    Teledamos Greek

    Teledice Greek

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    Telegonus Greek

    Telemachus Greek

    Telephassa Greek

    Telephus Greek

    Telepinu Hittite

    Teles Greek

    Telesphorus Greek

    Telesphorus Roman

    Telesto Greek

    Telete Greek

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    Tellus Mater Roman

    Telphusa Greek

    Telphusia Greek

    Tempestates Roman

    Tengri Mongolia

    Tengu Japan: Minor trickster deities.

    Teoyaomqui Aztec

    Tepeyollotl Aztec: God of earthquakes.

    Tepoztecatl Aztec: God of discord.

    Tereus Greek

    Terminus Roman

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    Terpsichore Greek

    Tesana Roman

    Tethys Greek

    Teucer Greek

    Teutates Celtic

    Tezcatlipoca Aztec

    Thalassa Greek

    Thaleja Greek

    Thalia Greek

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    Thallo Greek

    Thalna Roman

    Thamyris Greek

    Thanatos Greek

    Thanit Goddess Sardinian: Goddess of Earth and fertility.

    Thaumas Greek

    Theban Pantheon Egypt

    Thebe Greek

    Theia Greek

    Theisoa Greek

    Thelchtereia Greek

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    Thelxiepeia Greek

    Themis Greek

    Themisto Greek

    Themisto Greek

    Theophane Greek

    Therimachos Greek

    Thermia Roman

    Thersites Greek

    Theseus Greek

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    Thespius Greek

    Thessalos Greek

    Thetis Greek

    Thiassi Norse

    Tho Greek

    Thoe Greek

    Thokk Norse

    Tho-og Tibet

    Thoon Greek

    Thoosa Greek

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    Thor Norse

    Thoth Egypt: God of the moon, writing geometry, wisdom, medicine, music, astronomy

    and magic.

    Thrasymedes Greek

    Thriae Greek

    Thrud Germanic

    Thrym Germanic


    Thunderbolt Multi

    Thunor Germanic

    Thyestes Greek

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    Thyia Greek

    Thyrsus Greek

    Tia Haida

    Tiamat Babylonian: Dragon goddess.

    Tiberinus Roman

    Tieholtsodi Navajo

    Tien Fei China

    Tien Mu China

    Tiki Oceania

    Tilo Mozambique Africa

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