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The 5 Keys to Engaging Millennials

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Engaging Millennials The 5 Keys to
Page 1: The 5 Keys to Engaging Millennials

Engaging Millennials

The 5 Keys to

Page 2: The 5 Keys to Engaging Millennials

Is there anything more important than ensuring

your millennial employees are completely engaged?

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So how can you fully harness the insane

potential that your young employees are ready to unleash- given the right


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Simply focus on the following 6 areas:

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Simply focus on the following 6 areas:

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Communication consistently ranks as the

most important leadership trait, yet it is also the one

most lacking amongst leaders today.

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The way millennials communicate is

instantaneous and they expect, and need, clear

communication and immediate feedback.

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However, according to a recent Gallup report: 

Managers aren't providing the feedback millennials

want or need.www.E3.solutions

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Only 21% of millennials meet with their manager on

a weekly basis.

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However managers that meet with their direct

reports on a consistent basis see engagement

scores more than double (44% as opposed to 20%).

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So check-in with your millennials at least once a


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They also need to know what their work priorities

are and why it's important to the big picture. 

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Don't ever assume they have those answers!

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And as their manager don't be afraid of over communication!

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Remember, the quality and frequency of your

communication with your employees has a direct impact on their level of

engagement and performance! 

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Millennials are connected to everything and everyone.

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They want and expect their boss to be more than a

delegator of orders!

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Remember 1 out of 2 employees will leave their

job because of a lousy boss- one they didn't

feel any connection to.www.E3.solutions

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Not to mention that leaders with strong personal ties to

their direct reports have employees with far higher engagement rates than

those that don’t.www.E3.solutions

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To connect with your millennials, create greater trust and loyalty by being

more authentic.

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Great leaders don’t fret over public opinion and

neither should you.

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Let go of who you think you should be, and just be


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You will gain their trust and respect in the process.

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Be vulnerable and Show them the real you.

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We all have the same fears of not being good enough,

smart enough or worthy enough, so why pretend you are the exception?

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Focus on your social and emotional intelligence.

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How are you coming across?

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Are you seeing yourself in their shoes?

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What are they feeling?

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Really listen to them, focusing on their tone and body language, and what's not being sad as much as

what is.www.E3.solutions

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Carve out some time each week to grab lunch or a

coffee with your key team members.

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Find out what they enjoy doing outside of work and

get to know them personally.

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Let them know that you and the company care for


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As their need to belong is met, they will give more of themselves, which, in turn, fuels their next need: their

need to contribute.www.E3.solutions

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We all want to be doing something significant with our lives and have those

efforts recognized.

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According to Gallup's latest report on millennials:

Young employees find purpose to be more

important than paycheck.www.E3.solutions

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If your millennials have no idea how their work makes

a difference than you'll probably be looking for their replacement in the

very near future.www.E3.solutions

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Employees are happiest when they know they are making a difference and helping others, however, their contribution often

goes unnoticed.www.E3.solutions

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This can quickly lead to resentment and disengagement.

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Don't forget that for the last twenty years we've rewarded them for

everything- including twelfth place finishes.

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So recognize and publicly celebrate their

accomplishments whenever possible.

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You could also share a client's story that shows

them how they made a difference in someone

else's life.www.E3.solutions

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Self-direction is the key to performance, creativity and


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Employees are far more loyal and productive in

workplace environments that respect their freedom and encourage their self-


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Millennials get this better than the rest of us, yet we are still stifling their creativity- holding onto outdated management

theories that don’t work.www.E3.solutions

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To ensure they feel a sense of autonomy:

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Remind them that everything they do is their


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Choice is power, and when your junior workers believe they have a choice they will become more engaged in

the process.www.E3.solutions

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Align their choices with their values, not their fears.

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When we choose from fear, our actions lack power.

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When we choose from our values our actions have

more power, more meaning and more energy.

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You can also give your employees more flexibility

to accommodate their schedules.

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Self-direction is the key to performance, creativity and


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Who works 9-5 anymore?www.E3.solutions

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And decentralize whatever authority you can so your

workers have more decision-making power.

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This will empower your team members and make your company much more


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If your millennials feel they aren't making progress in

their personal and/or professional development

they will soon become disconnected and seek opportunities elsewhere.

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Ensure that each employee is constantly challenged so

that they can grow.

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Talk to your millennials about their career path and

provide ways they can develop their leadership


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More than six in ten millennials (63 percent) say their “leadership skills are not being fully developed” according to a report by


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If you can’t offer them onsite leadership

development then let them attend conferences

or workshops that will develop them so they can advance in their careers.

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You could also encourage them to attend a

local Toastmasters club- or better yet- start one at your


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You can also help your millennials grow and build confidence by ensuring

they focus on their unique strengths and capabilities:

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If your millennials feel they aren't making progress in

their personal and/or professional development

they will soon become disconnected and seek opportunities elsewhere.

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Focusing on their weaknesses is the

quickest way to disengagement land.

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Another way to promote growth is through


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Have inexperienced employees watch other

colleagues with similar skills perform more advanced


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Seeing others with similar abilities succeed at a task

will help them develop positive, “can-do” beliefs.

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Finally, optimize the working environment so it inspires

high productivity.

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Make sure it’s a vibrant, energetic, stress-free

workplace where employees get the food, exercise, rest and water

their bodies need so they can perform at their best.

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Focusing on their weaknesses is the

quickest way to disengagement land.

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Focusing on their weaknesses is the

quickest way to disengagement land.

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The most engaging leaders are unleashing the

full power and creative energy of their millennials by focusing

on these five areas:www.E3.solutions

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Communication Connection Contribution

Freedom Growthwww.E3.solutions

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Great leaders know that what really motivates

millennials – once their basic financial needs have

been met.…www.E3.solutions

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….is their desire to learn, grow and develop as leaders, connect and

collaborate with others and contribute meaningful work.

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