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The 7 Deadly Sins of Small Business Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Date post: 19-Jul-2015
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Internet Marketing Services & Tools

James OmdahlDirector of Online Marketing at Kutenda

The 7 Deadly Sins of

Small Business Pay-

Per-Click Marketing

and How to Avoid an

Eternity in PPC

Purgatory (Can I Get an



The 7 Deadly Sins of PPC:

• Lust

• Gluttony

• Greed

• Envy

• Sloth

• Wrath

• Pride

Why Sinners aren’t


Starting a new PPC

account is too easy.

Yet most small

business PPC

accounts fail…why?

They Fail By…

• Not creating leads at all

• Not generating qualified leads

• Not generating qualified leads at a viable price

• Not optimizing the account to maximize the dollars that are spent

Starting a

successful PPC

account is easy but



Google’s not much

of a help…Ease of Account Creation

# of Accounts Opened



7 Deadly Sins of


Sin #1:



Starting your

account without a


Why a Plan is Important

• Creates an overall strategy for the account

• Makes you think about your targeting

• Makes you prioritize your offerings

• Makes you think beyond your PPC account

• Helps you really think about your budget

• Creates clarity on conversion and tracking

What’s in a PPC Plan

• Products & Services

– What products do you want to market?

– Which ones are your highest priority?

• Geographic Targeting

– What geographic areas do you want to sell to?

– What are your highest priority areas?

What’s in a PPC Plan

• Conversion Points

– What is your primary conversion goal?

– What is your secondary conversion goal?

– Do you need to create anything to give away as a low-commitment conversion point?

• Tracking

– How will you track conversions?

– How will you track after your conversion point?

What’s in a PPC Plan

• Cost Metrics

– What is the lifetime value of a client?

– What is your target cost-per-sale?

– What is your target lead to sale conversion rate?

– What is your target lead cost?

• Budgeting

– How much is your overall monthly budget?

– What is your tolerance for testing/learning?

What’s in a PPC Plan

• Website Considerations

– Do you need to create landing pages?

– How many landing pages will you need?

• Timing & Execution

– What is your target goal to have campaign live?

– Are there any barriers to getting this done?

– Do you have all needed resources and tools to execute?

The Point:The more thought and planning you do on the front end, the less time

you will spend correcting on the back end.

Can I Get an


Sin #2:



Too many keywords

in a single AdGroup

Why Keyword Gluttony is a Sin

By having too many keywords in one AdGroup you:

• Reduce the relevancy of your ads

• Decrease your overall click-through-rate

• Decrease your on-page conversion rate

• Lower your quality score

• Increase your cost-per-click

Proper AdGroup Structure is Key

AdGroups should:

• Contain no more than 10 keywords

• Have ads that use the keywords specifically

• Point to landing pages that are highly related to the keywords being used

• Use dozens, if not hundreds of negative keywords to improve targeting

AdGroup Structure Example

AdGroup #1

• IT support

• IT support company

• IT support companies

• company IT support

• companies IT support

• IT support services

AdGroup #2

• IT services

• IT service

• IT services company

• IT service company

• IT services companies

• IT service companies

• Company IT services

Negative Keyword Examples

• Don’t pay for clicks from people looking for jobs

Jobs and Careers

• If you can’t deliver on the pricing being searched for, add the word as a negative

Free or Other Pricing

• Block terms that might be triggered in the earliest stages of the purchasing process

Early in the Buying Process

• If there is a popular brand or model you don’t sell, block your bidding

Unsupported Products and Brands

The Point:Gluttonous keyword usage

in your AdGroups will wreck your results. Keep your AdGroups thin and


Can I Get an


Sin #3:



Being too stingy

with your account

budget or CPC.

Why Greed is Not Good

Being too frugal with your PPC account can cause:

• Zero impressions or click-throughs

• Poor positioning in the search results

• Avoidance of profitable keywords

• Unwillingness to test and learn

How to Look at Budget/CPC



Sales Process


What is one lead worth?

The Big Question:Are you making


The Point:Don’t be overly sensitive

to per-click costs and having a set budget –

focus on the bottom line result instead.

Can I Get an


Sin #4:



Copying your

competitors without

verifying what you

are doing is working.

Why Envy Ain’t Purdy

Copying your competitors is OK except:

• They may not have any idea what they are doing

• They could be using products as loss-leaders

• They might have better margins that you do

• They might be missing a lot of good keywords and tactics

Competitive Research & Testing

• Services like SEM Rush will show you what keywords competitors are bidding on and what ads they are running

Run a Competitive Report

• Look at the offers that compete with yours, analyze landing pages and conversion points

Dig Deeper into Competitor’s Offers

• Focus on keywords that look like they will work, and do what you can to improve upon ads and offers

Use Your Research to Improve

• Test and make sure any campaign you run is profitable for you


The Point:Even if your most web

savvy competitor is running PPC accounts, it

does not mean that copying what they do will


Can I Get an


Sin #5:



Not testing, tracking

or using features

like geo-targeting

and negative


Why Sloth Will Slow You Down

Being lazy with your PPC can cause:

• Bad keywords and bad ads to eat up your budget

• Overspending on clicks

• No visibility into what is working and what isn’t

• Payment for non-targeted traffic that you can’t sell to

Avoiding Sloth

Testing• Create multiple ad types

• Try out keywords and track results

• Try multiple landing page variations

• Use tools like Google Website Optimizer

Avoiding Sloth

Tracking• Track your leads and sales down to the

AdGroup or keyword level

• Focus on your ROI – not your spend or lead count whenever possible

• Create automated reports

• Set up regular reviews of the data and make sure you do it!

Avoiding Sloth

Geo-Targeting• Create different campaigns for different

geographic areas if it makes sense

• Exclude areas that do not work well for you

• Get hyper-local – focus on office parks, shopping areas, demographic zones, etc.

Avoiding Sloth

Use Negative Keywords• Focus on getting negative keywords into your

account monthly if not weekly

• Find negative keyword ideas using the search query report in AdWords

• Realize that negative keywords are the easiest way to target only the customers you want

The Point:PPC accounts should never be treated as a “set it and

forget it” marketing channel. The more work you put in, the better the


Can I Get an


Sin #6:



Getting frustrated

and giving up.

Don’t Market Angry

Making emotional decisions with your PPC will:

• Reduce the effectiveness of your campaigns

• Prevent you from doing proper testing

• Often leads to a premature shut down of a PPC account

• Can lead to a complete distrust in PPC marketing

Staying Cool Like the Fonz

Ways to keep a cool head with your PPC:

• Realize that testing and failing is a part of learning

• Only use money that you can survive without

• Have a plan and stick to it

• Base decisions on data, not feeling

• Admit that if you failed in the past, it was probably your fault, not PPC marketing's

The Point:PPC marketing is a data driven channel that lets

you have extreme visibility. Let the numbers

drive your actions.

Can I Get an


Sin #7:



Not asking for

assistance, self-

educating or hiring

someone with

experience to help.

Why Pride is Gonna Bite Ya

Being too proud to get help will:

• Cause you to dig a deeper and deeper hole

• Make you fall behind the information curve

• Lead to increased frustration and confusion

• End up costing you more money for fewer results

Where to Turn for Help

• Sites include Search Engine Land, PPC Hero, Kutenda Quick Tips, Search Engine Watch, Andrew Goodman, and many more

Industry Websites, Blogs, Podcasts & eBooks

• There are some great resources out there such as “Dummies” books and “Mastering Search Advertising” by Richard Stokes

Books and Magazines

• Go to search engine marketing meet-ups and big conferences like SMX, Search Engine Strategies, Affiliate Summit, etc.

Conferences and Meet-Ups

• If you don’t have the time to do this stuff well, hire someone who does

Hire an Expert

The Point:The PPC world is

extremely open – making good connections and

learning from other people’s tests will save you time and money

Can I Get an


In Summary…

The 7 Deadly Sins of PPC:

• Lust

• Gluttony

• Greed

• Envy

• Sloth

• Wrath

• Pride

7 Deadly Sins of



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