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The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast © Derek Rydall

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

By Derek Rydall

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

What if I told you that you have been under a spell?

And that it’s the spell, and nothing else, that has been keeping you from having the

kind of success you want to have in life? Would you want to know how to break it?

We all like to think of ourselves as smart people, aware of ourselves and in charge of

our circumstances. But the truth is, even the most tuned in, intelligent and spiritual

people sometimes go through life on autopilot, accepting and complaining about

what is, without realizing that a few simple shifts can tip the scales of abundance in

their favor.

Think of yourself as a computer hard drive. That spell I mentioned earlier? It’s a

virus; a collection of deep-rooted limiting beliefs and bad habits that are sabotaging

the efficiency of your hard drive.

The good news is that you can absolutely “update and restart” and create for

yourself a foundation that supports the flow of prosperity and activates your wealth


Money is a beautiful thing. A beautiful energy. And when we understand the Law of

Circulation—that what we desire, we must give—the challenges we face will start to

fall away, and in their place, a pattern of peace and abundance will begin to take


The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

I wrote this book because it saddens me to see bright and gifted people working

hard and struggling to make ends meet.

You get one life. And part of living that life to the fullest is staying aligned not to just

to the needs of others, but to our own!

IMAGINE... earning what you deserve without working yourself to exhaustion,

and being able to help the people and causes that you care about.

IMAGINE... having no doubt that money will come (and keep coming!) easily to

you all by way of doing what you love.

IMAGINE... having more than enough all the time.

This is not a get-rich gimmick and it’s not a process that’s reserved for the lucky.

Anyone can get these kinds of results because we all have access to the same

internal wealth-creating machine — when we know how to turn it on.

What if I told you that the wealth you want is already yours?

What if I told you that the wealth you want is already deposited in a Trust Account

with your name on it — you just need to know where it is, what its real nature is,

and how to access it — in other words, the right combination to open the lock?

For the last twenty years I have been a student of what I call ‘conscious wealth

creation,’ and over the last several years I finally cracked that code and began to

teach it to people all around the world.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

The unique proven process is what I call the 7 Gifts that Give You Everything.

And the result has been helping people earn MILLIONS more, heal major money

issues, transform their businesses and relationships around money, and much more.

It’s not personal, it’s principle; so it works for anyone willing to commit to it. And I

know that from personal experience.

I know what it’s like to live on broken belief systems.

I've gone from being broke, broken, living in a one room apartment, eating 19 cent

boxes of macaroni to living in million dollar homes, living my dream, making an

abundant living doing what I love — making more in one hour than I made in the

first five years of my working life!

And doing it all from an ever deepening spiritual connection with the Divine, free

from any guilt or shame that the shadow side of spiritual beliefs have wounded

people with.

And, like I said, I've helped thousands of people do it from all walks of life.

When you understand and master these gifts you not only prosper yourself, but

every transaction and interaction you have with others actually increases their good!

Not just here and there, but always and forever, the way it was intended.

Here are the most important things you need to remember to radically transform

your prosperity flow.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

You don’t need to GET more money,

you simply need to access what you already have!

Your wealth is not something you need to go out and get,

but something you need to tune into and let out.

You can change your f inancial future, start ing r ight now,

without even leaving your l iv ing room!

From the Emergence model, everything you need is already within you -- and it’s

energy. Therefore, whatever’s missing is what you’re not generating.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything are a proven way to turn on that inner power

plant and start circulating more of this wealth-creating energy.

I am sharing these 7 Gifts because I believe wholeheartedly that abundance is a

ripple effect. We dive much more deeply into the mastery of these in my Awakened

Wealth Home-Study Program, but for now, even the abridged versions will jump

start your quantum money transformation.

Commit to practicing these principles, especially the gifts that have the strongest

charge to them, and watch your heart open, your mind expand, and your abundance

grow. Your life will change and will set off a domino effect of change for the people

you love, the people you serve and world at large.

This isn’t just wealth mastery, this is LIFE mastery.

Let’s get started.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

The First Gift GIVING OUT

Giving out is about giving your Time, Talent, and Treasure, especially in areas where

you’re holding back. Time is about helping or serving others without conditions.

Talent is about giving more value through your abilities. And Treasure is about giving

money to your source of spiritual nourishment.

Giving out is about adding more value through your time, talent, and treasure,

especially if you have fallen into the trap of ‘waiting’ for things to change, for the

right time, opportunity, or windfall to start generating this form of energy.

The lie is that you have to wait. The truth is that now is the only time you can start

generating this energy. This gift is about finding ways now to serve, to express your

talents, and to give of your substance, usually in the form of tithing or charity.

Any successful business person will tell you that the key to wealth is to figure out

what problem a great number of people have, and solve it for them.

This may sound very left-brained and strategic, but there is a very deep, underlying

spiritual element to this strategy and that’s why it works!

We are put on this earth to add value where value is needed. We provide value and

are compensated for it. It’s a beautiful exchange of energy, and a win/win.

Where can you add value? What talents can you share and who might need them?

What resources can you give (and to whom) that will align with your values and

consequently strengthen your spirit?

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

The Second Gift GIVING AWAY

Giving away is about releasing things you don’t need or use anymore. All the stuff

you’re holding on to in your closets, cupboards, garage, that you can’t let go of.

It’s stuck energy with a story of lack or limitation attached. As you let this energy

flow again, in the form of giving away, throwing away, or selling these things, it

makes room for the NEW abundance trying to flow.

Cleaning out your closet or your desk feels good for a reason. It’s symbolic of a

greater overhaul. When we take time to clear out any excess—anything from clothes

we don’t need to friendships we’ve outgrown to business tasks that drain us—we

clear the way for new and productive energy to flow freely.

It might sound like a simplistic task, but consider the fact that an entire movement

(Feng Shui) is based on clearing and maximizing the energy of your environment. We

are, on a soul level, linked to the spaces we occupy. Most of the time, the space

around us mirrors our internal state.

Take a look at your desk when you are feeling frazzled and overwhelmed at work.

I’m willing to bet that you will see quite a mess there. How about your bedroom?

Are you struggling to relax at night? Could a bedroom packed with everything from

clothes to exercise equipment be the culprit?

Remember, you are not truly separate from anything. We are part of a whole. Chaos

and clutter causes both internal and external gridlock! Clean out and clear the way

for peace, creativity and most certainly wealth to flow to you.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

The Third Gift GIVING UP

Giving up is about letting go of habitual resentment, criticism, judgment,

complaining, or physical habits that aren’t congruent with your higher vision or goal.

Something more is trying to emerge, but if you’re holding on to these vibrationally

heavier habits, they’re holding you down, blocking the flow, and increasing your

struggle and pain.

Have you ever heard yourself say anything like: It’s just too hard. I never seem to get

ahead. Why is it so easy for other people? And have you found yourself feeling:

Jealous? Judgmental? Resentful? If you have ever thought or felt any of these things,

you are (accidentally of course) aligning yourself to a lower frequency.

Sure, you have a RIGHT to feel angry or sad, but does it feel good? Of course not.

Our feelings are the bridge to our circumstances. We need to give up feeling bad!

When you allow yourself to stay in a state of jealousy or despair, that jealousy or

despair is heightened and continues. When you hold onto negativity, you block the

flow of abundance.

Align with what you DO want. Raise yourself to a higher frequency by being mindful

of your thoughts and feelings. Make an effort to feel only positive emotions.

Sure, things are going to happen and we all dip in energy, but the faster you become

aware of it, the faster you can shift it and the faster you are back to being parallel

with the frequency of wealth and results you most desire.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

The Fourth Gift GIVING IN

You’re ready. Ready to activate a deeper, prosperous and more joyful experience of

life. So if you are feeling so ready, why do the same patterns keep happening and

the same roadblocks keep popping up?

Giving in is about surrender. It is about identifying those areas of pain, struggle, or

stuckness—which are symptoms that you’re living in a world too small. You’ve

activated a larger life but are still holding on to smaller self-concepts. You will not be

able to grow to the next level without releasing this resistance and surrendering to

what’s trying to emerge. When you can open yourself up to a true surrender of what

is keeping you stuck, only then can you begin to shift and release it.

Sometimes discomfort is a great messenger. Our discomfort is a clue that we are

primed for expansion, and the greater the resistance you feel, the greater the

expansion you are in for! All too often, people mistake resistance for intuitive fear.

And they stop. They (or rather their egos) begin to rationalize with them and

convince them of all the reasons they shouldn’t move forward. If your ego is

speaking extra loud and producing some serious negative mental chatter, you’re in

luck. It just means that the floodgates of blessings will open if you can quiet the

voice of the ego and trust the guidance of the Divine.

Something amazing is trying to emerge. Take a moment to breathe. Recognize the

voice of the ego, call it by name and release it. Surrender what’s holding you back.

Then, the door is open for all forms of abundance to emerge.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall


An embrace from your partner, a smile from your child, laughter with friends. The

very best things in life don’t cost a thing. Abundance in all form begins to flow when

we release our rigid definition of wealth.

Wealth simply means “a multitude of something.”

Wealth of love, wealth of creativity, wealth of energy. If you take a moment to

inventory your life, you will likely find that you are already quite wealthy in many

areas. And it’s at that moment that you can activate a partnership with the universe

by maintaining a deep feeling of gratitude for all that you already have.

An attitude of gratitude is the foundation of abundance, the sign that the gift has

already been given.

What you appreciate, appreciates. The more thankful you are for the intangible

wealth that’s already been bestowed upon you, the more that wealth in all forms

will manifest in your life.

When you live in gratitude, the universe gives you things to be grateful for!

Align yourself to the same frequency as abundance. How? By knowing, without a

doubt, how rich you already are.

The arc of gratitude goes like this: No reason to be grateful. Grateful for something.

Grateful for everything. Grateful for no reason. Practice this cycle.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall


Whatever you’re trying to get from “out there” is blocking the flow of it in your life,

because whatever’s missing is what you’re not giving.

And the first place you must give is to yourself! Do you desire acceptance?

Unconditional love? Appreciation? Pick a need and ask, “How can I give this to


We teach others and the world how to treat us by way of example. Much like a

parent might want to demonstrate respect for their spouse so that the children in

the home learn respect, your own feelings about yourself send powerful signals.

When you demonstrate love for yourself, you send a signal that you are to be loved.

When you set boundaries, you teach people about what is most important to you.

When you follow your heart and live a life of purpose, the universe rises and meets

you halfway, graciously revealing your next best steps.

It’s easy as adults to put the needs of others first. But when our own needs fall by

the wayside, we tire physically and emotionally, and then we are out of alignment.

It’s difficult to be there for anyone else when we’re out of alignment with ourselves.

Your feelings are begging for your attention. What feels good? What feels draining?

What could you do more or less of to stay on a plane of peace and gratitude?

As you strive to spend more of your moments in alignment with your deepest

desires, the law of attraction begins to work in your favor and the blessings pour in.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

The Seventh Gift FORGIVING

Forgiving is a powerful gift and principle. The magic is in the word itself, ‘for-giving.’

It’s about giving not getting, it’s about extending yourself not withholding. It’s about

loving your enemies, praying for those who hurt you, returning love for hate,

releasing everyone from karmic, emotional, and maybe even financial debt, so that

in your heart nobody owes you anything and vice versa.

When you lock someone out, for whatever reason, you are closing a door not just to

that person, but to all sorts of things. You may have closed the door to further pain,

but what we often don’t realize is that a closed door is a closed door! Sure, pain

won’t get through, but neither will love, or peace, or abundance.

There’s a deeper connection between a lack of forgiveness and wealth issues. When

you don’t forgive yourself, you’re saying, “I owe you” When you don’t forgive

another, you’re saying, “You owe me.” Both are states of mental, emotional, and

energetic debt, and will create debt and lack in your life.

When you forgive, you free yourself and the other party from emotional debt, and

that energy gets freed up.

Forgiveness does not make you weak. On the contrary, it takes great strength and

the compassion of a leader to forgive someone who has wronged you and to forgive

yourself. As the forgiver, you regain control of your thoughts and emotions. Your

energy had been on loan to another, and forgiveness restores it to you.

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

YOUR AWAKENED WEALTH By now, I hope you are beginning to realize how deeply connected your internal

state is to your external circumstances. It is also my hope that you are experiencing a

recognition of your own power!

Remember, you set the Law of Circulation in motion when you share your talents

and gifts in a spirit of service. As you give of the wealth within, all forms of wealth

will come to you. As you learn to receive tangible wealth, you have more to give,

allowing abundance to flow freely between you and those you serve.

When you commit to practicing these gifts, you are, in essence committing to a

greater way of living. You are awakening and activating the wealth within!

As you give generously of yourself, your talents and your purpose, you become the

catalyst for new forms of abundance and prosperity to emerge, and the catalyst for

change in others, and it’s in that space that universal transformation can manifest.

If you haven't watched the latest Awakened Wealth video trainings, click HERE...

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

About Derek Rydall Derek Rydall is the founder and creator of the

Law of Emergence.

Part of the new generation of spiritual visionaries

and thought leaders, Derek Rydall is the author of

the #1 Amazon/Barnes & Noble best-seller

EMERGENCE: Seven Steps for Radical Life

Change and the world’s #1 expert on the

revolutionary Law of Emergence. He has trained

top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in

empowered leadership and communications, and has coached celebrities and media

professionals, including Oscar and Emmy winners, on creating conscious

entertainment. As a regular Huffington Post contributor, and host of the top-

rated Emergence podcast on iTunes, he reveals cutting-edge spiritual principles and

success strategies to achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity

and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness. With his global platform, Derek

has touched hundreds of thousands around the planet with his message on finding

your path, living your purpose and making a powerful impact!

The 7 Gifts that Give You Everything: Simple Steps to Activating More Wealth Fast

© Derek Rydall

Copyright © Derek Rydall

All rights reserved. This eBook or any portion thereof may not be reproduced, redistributed or

used in any manner whatsoever other than its intended purpose for personal viewing without the

express written permission of the author. You may download and print this report for your own

personal reading. If you wish to share this report with someone, please direct them to my website

where they may sign up for their own copy.
