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The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating

26 Tips and Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

Ask Questions

One of the best things you can do to succeed at dating is to ask questions. Asking questions allows you to discover if you are on the

path to success. Many women are afraid to ask questions because they

are afraid of the answers they may receive. Which sounds better to

you? Option A) Asking a question that reveals the truth immediately or Option B) not asking the question only to find out when the truth

reveals itself much later down the road?

If you look at both options, you ultimately wind up at the same place (the truth) but in option A you get there much quicker. Yes,

sometimes the truth hurts but since you’re going to find out the truth

anyway wouldn’t you rather know much sooner? If you are the type of woman who is afraid to ask questions for fear of finding out the truth

you might want to ask yourself “why?” Why would you rather avoid the truth?

Now, I don’t live in fantasyland. I realize some men lie. But if you get

good at asking questions and observing his actions it will be much easier to expose a guy who belongs to the “liar’s club.” (see O: Open Your Eyes).

It’s also a good idea to learn how to ask a man questions. Do you like to be interrogated? Well, neither does a man. If you were to show up

on your first date with a list of 99 questions which you just start firing

off at him there is a 99.9% probability that you will never have a second date.

The best way to ask a question from a guy is to ask with a natural

state of curiosity. The best questions are those which you naturally work into a conversation so that he doesn’t even realize you are

questioning him. Which sounds better?

1) Hey Bob, do you want to get married?

2) Hey Bob, what are your thoughts on marriage?

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

In #1 Bob will probably feel like you are pressuring him. But in #2, by asking with a natural curiosity you allow Bob to communicate his

thoughts & feelings on marriage without feeling like he has to give you the answer you are looking for.

Instead of wondering what a guy is thinking or feeling you simply have

to do one thing…ASK!

Believe You Deserve a Great Man

Perhaps one of the b i g g e s t reasons women f i n d dating a n d

relationships so difficult is that they don’t believe they deserve a great man. Ask any woman and they will logically tell you they deserve a great man, but if you were to look at their dating & relationship history

the results say otherwise.

If you do not believe you deserve a great guy and “OWN IT” in every part of your being finding true love and the man of your dreams

becomes much more difficult.

Choose Carefully

If you were clothes shopping would you buy the very first item you tried on? What about if you went out to dinner. Would you order the

first thing you spotted on the menu? I hope not. In both cases the

first choice may have been the best, but how would you know if you didn’t at least look at the other options available? One of the keys to

making dating easier and more enjoyable is to make better, smarter

choices with your men.

By making choices which are more in alignment with who you are and where you want to go in your relationship your dating will not only

become easier but you will give yourself a much greater chance of

succeeding. The truth is the reason dating and relationships are so difficult for so many women is that they make really poor choices.

Making better, smarter choices not only increases your odds of landing the man of your dreams it takes 99% of the drama & games out of the

process. Can you think of any more incentive to make better choices?

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

Don’t Play Games

One of the surest ways to increase the stress and drama in dating and

relationships is to play games. Games are great if you are a child on the playground or you want to gather a bunch of friends over to play

charades. There is absolutely no place in a relationship for games.

Observe those individuals who are in relationships in which they are unhappy & unfulfilled and invariably you will notice that one or both

persons are playing games.

One of the best and easiest ways to cut out the stress and drama of

dating is to immediately get rid of a guy who plays games. Unless you

are the type of woman who is addicted to the drama, I strongly urge you to get rid of all the “players” as soon as you recognize them.

It will be in your best long term interest to avoid game playing

altogether. We’re not in high school anymore and if you continue to

play games or allow a guy to play games you will continue to get the

same results. IS that what you want?

Evaluate a Guy’s Life

If you want a “Good Guy,”a guy to be your partner for life look at how

he lives his life. How does he treat people? Is he respectful and

courteous or is he rude and obnoxious? Does he go out of his way for others or does he expect the world to cater to him? Does he lie or is

he a man of his word?

There is an old philosophy that says to see how a man will treat his wife look at the way he treats his mother. Well, I believe that the way

a guy treats the people in his life, not just his mother is a great example of how he will be in a relationship. Once you see how he is in

his normal, everyday routine ask yourself this question: “Is this the type of guy I want to be in a relationship with?” Remember, a leopard

does not change it*/s spots, and neither does a man!

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

Forgive Those Who Hurt You

One of the best ways to push a guy away is to constantly talk about

how your “ex” hurt you. In fact, the best way to make a guy run away on the first date is to vomit all over him how your ex screwed you over

& broke your heart. Would you like to be held accountable for the actions of someone else? Well, neither does a man? Just because your

ex crapped all over you does not mean that the new guy will.

Carrying around all the baggage about how you’ve been wronged or

how you’ve been screwed over is one of the best things you can do to

kill any chance of having a relationship with a guy. If you still are having unresolved anger & resentment towards an ex there is only one

thing you need to do to move on. Forgive him. No matter how much you don’t want to move on and have the relationship you desire you

must forgive. Forgiveness, is not for your ex IT IS FOR YOU! It allows you to move into the new relationship and get rid of the

baggage from your past. Because if you continue to carry it into a new relationship you are starting off making it much more difficult for

your relationship to succeed.

Get Off Your A**

“God helps those who help themselves.”

---Ben Franklin

If you’re waiting for the doorbell to ring & the man of your dreams to

come walking thru I’ve got some news for you. It’s probably not going to happen. Sure, it can, but the odds of it happening are less than

having all the members of our government pass a lie detector’s test. Just because you join a gym does not mean you are going to get in

shape. And just because you joined an online dating site does not

mean that you will meet a guy.

You’ve got to take action! You must put yourself out there. You don’t have to use every piece of equipment in the gym to get in shape & you

don’t have to go to every single’s event in the world to meet your guy. The key to Smarter Dating is to find those things that work for you. Do

not waste your time on things that require a tremendous amount of

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

effort. In fact, that is a great way to know if you are on the right

path. If you find what you are doing is draining and requires too much energy you are probably on the wrong path. When you are having fun

and enjoying the process you are much closer to creating the results you desire.

Hold Out for The Great

Are you willing to give up the good to go for the great? What would

you rather have: a good relationship tomorrow or GREAT relationship a year from now? If you were to study those individuals who have great

relationships, you will see that very often they walked away from relationships where they knew they were settling. There was a part of

them that knew in order to have the type of relationship they wanted they had to cut bait. In fact, this attitude is what separates those who

succeed in life from those who don’t.

Holding out for the “Great” does not mean that you search the globe

looking for the “perfect guy”. Because much like the tooth fairy, Santa Clause and the Easter bunny the “perfect guy” does not exist. Sorry to

burst your bubble.

The perfect guy, the one u think that is out there that will never do

anything wrong, will say all of the right things and that will treat you like a princess 24 hours a day for the rest of your life while looking

like a Greek Adonis… JUST DOESN” T EXIST! SO, stop searching for him.

However, there is good news. There is a guy that is just “perfect for

you”. The guy that you can be attracted to and realize that he will be

able to provide all the important things that you need to be happy

and fulfilled for as long as you both may live.

When I first met my wife, I knew she was the girl for me because she

had ALL the important qualities and characteristics I was looking for. I wasn’t looking for perfection but I was looking for the perfect girl

for me and within a few months of dating her it was clear to me that

she was “the one”.

Holding out for the Great does not mean you have some unrealistic

expectations that you keep searching for. It means knowing what is

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

really important to you and making sure you don’t settle for anyone who doesn’t give you those things.

Any time we settle in life, especially when it comes to relationships there is a part of us that feels unhappy & unfulfilled. There is a reason

that 85% of all relationships fail. The choice is yours, you can search

the world over looking for the “perfect guy” or you can grab the “perfect guy for you” the minute you identify him.

Those who succeed in having great relationships are simply willing to do things and make choices that the others aren’t. Remember, “The

difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra!”

Imagine a Great Relationship

The human brain is one of the most fascinating things in our universe. It functions much like a search engine on a computer. If you were to type something in Google on your computer, it will search the web until it finds what you are looking for. Well, that is exactly how the human brain works.

Have you ever decided to buy a new car? The second you started thinking about this new type of car what did you notice. You probably noticed that you started seeing that type of car all over the place. Those cars were there before but your brain was not programmed to look for them.

One of the major reasons women think it is hard to find a good guy is because they have programmed their mind with a lot of negative beliefs. Some of these are: “A ll the good men are taken”, “A good man is hard to find”,” I’ll never find a good man”, “I have bad luck when it comes to men” and “Men don’t know how to be honest”. Now, I’m not saying that these things sometimes aren ’t true but if this is how your brain has been “programmed” guess what it is going to continue to search for. PROOF!

One of the biggest changes that led to my dating smarter was when I changed my mental programs. I used to believe that “I just can’t find a nice girl who doesn’t play games”. Up until that point, that had been my experience in the single world. But once I realized that there were tons of nice, honest women out there guess what happened to my dating? It skyrocketed!!! I went from hardly dating to dating several women a week. I’m the first to admit I’m no Brad Pitt, so if it can happen for me it can happen for you. In fact, that is why I first created the smarter dating programs. I wanted to share the “Secrets to my dating success”. If I could meet my soulmate in less than 90 days, why couldn’t you?

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

There is no doubt in my mind that if you learn to date s m a r t e r you can have the same results…that is unless your brain has been programmed to believe otherwise.

Just Be Yourself

Have you ever dated a guy who pretended to be a certain way only to reveal his true nature a few months later? Have you ever dated a guy and pretended to be a certain way in the beginning only to let your hair down a few months later? C’mon be honest.

Relationships in which a person pretends to be someone they are not are destined to fail because sooner or later the parties realize that their relationship is built on a foundation of lies & deception.

One of the best way to ensure the death of a relationship is to pretend to be something or someone you are not. If a guy isn’t going to love you for who you are why would you want to be with him? The right guy is going to love you for who you are and how you treat him. By being yourself from the very beginning you give the relationship a much greater chance of succeeding because it is based on honesty & integrity.

A t the end of the day each new relationship is going down one of two paths. It is going to succeed or it is going to fail. That’s it. Those are the only two options!!!. If you choose to pretend to be someone else or your partner pretends to be someone else, you ultimately will wind up with a failed relationship. The problem is that you would have failed much quicker and saved yourself a lot of time and energy if you both were yourselves from the very beginning.

Are you familiar with Baskin Robbins, the Ice cream store? If you are you know that they make 31 flavors. Why? Because people have different tastes. If a guy

doesn’t like you for who you are it is not a reflection of you it is a reflection of his

tastes. So, if he chooses Rocky Road & you’re Cookies and Cream why are you

taking it personally?

Know What You Need in a Man

One of the best ways to find Mr. Right is to know EXACTLY what it is you need and want from him. If you wanted to buy a new house wouldn’t it be in your best interest to know what your needs and wants were? What is your price range? What city or town do you want to live in? What type of home do you like? What are the taxes and school system like? There are certain things that are important to you and you wouldn’t think of buying that house without knowing all your buying criteria were being met, would you?

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

Knowing what you want & need from “YOUR MAN” is essential to the success of your dating. You wouldn’t have the real estate broker take you to house that doesn’t meet your needs and wants, would you? So, why would you date a guy who didn’t meet your needs?

Knowing your wants and needs is important because it takes a lot of the emotion out of the decision-making process. A guy either has what you are looking for or

he doesn’t. If he does, keep him. If he doesn’t get rid of him…It’s that easy!

Learn from the Past

There is no such thing as a mistake if you learn from it. The past can be one of the most important and valuable l earning tools we have. Instead of looking at your past and focusing on what went wrong, look to see how you can make the future better. Unfortunately, especially when it comes to dating & relationships, many women tend to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Instead of learning from the past they keep repeating it. What’s really amusing, well, not really, it’s actually quite sad, is that these women will continue to blame the guys. Instead of looking in the mirror and seeing how their choices and actions contributed to the problems they sit back & point fingers. Unfortunately, these women are the ones who go from one bad relationship to another. YUCK!

Make Room for a Man in Your Life

Is there room for a man in your life? Do you make him feel like he’s important and you want him in your life? A sure way to succeed at dati ng and create a great relationship is to make a guy feel like he’s important and you value and appreciate his role in your life. Men have HUGE EGO’s and love the idea that their women cherish & appreciate them. Look back over all the fairytal es of our youth. There is usually a part where a prince or a knight in shining armor comes to rescue the damsel in distress. A nd when the he shows up the woman clasps her hands, puts them over her heart and says with a loving sigh…” My HERO”. Guys eat that stuff up. Very few things make a guy feel like a MA N than knowing he is taking care of his woman.

The more a man feels valued and appreciated the more he will want to take care of you. Men by nature are “protectors”. They love fighting for their woman’s honor. It may sound corny or childish but that is the way most men are. By showing him how important and cherished he is you will have him eating out of your hand and if he doesn ’t it will best serve you to toss his A ** to the curb and move on to a guy who will.

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

Never Expect a Guy to Change

I am often asked, “What’s the biggest mistake women make in dating & their relationships?”. There are several common mistakes but by far the biggest & most common is that many women expect a guy to change. Two of the most dangerous things a woman can ever say about a guy/relationship is: 1) “He’ll

change” and 2) “Things will get better”. No, he won’t and No, they won’t!

If you study human behavior it is very difficult for people to change. Let’s look at weight loss. The majority of our population is overweight. They know they are overweight and they know the effects of the excess weight in their life. They know if they lost the weight they would feel much better physically & mentally.

They know all they must do to lose the weight is eat better and exercise! That’s it! That’s all they have to do. Just two things, neither of which is very complicated.

99.9% of those individuals who are overweight know this…. yet they still don’t do it. Yes, they try. They have the best of intentions. They really want to lose the weight & they try to lose it but more often than not they don’t succeed. No matter how many weight loss programs or fad diets they try they wind up at the same place they started. WHY? Because on some level they really don’t want to change.

Well, expecting a guy to change is like expecting an obese person to get in shape. Can it happen, absolutely! Will it happen? Probably not. So, expecting them to change is statistically setting yourself up for disappointment. I’m not a betting man, but if I were I would only bet on things that I was reasonably sure I had a chance of winning? Wouldn’t you?

So, what makes more sense to you: being in a relationship with someone and hoping they will change (but statistically knowing they won’t) or being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t have to change because they already have those important qualities you are looking for? Note: see C: Choose Carefully again to see how to avoid this problem)

Open Your Eyes

When it comes to dating, we have an incredible ability to not see things which are right in front of our eyes. Human beings are very emotional creatures and often let their emotions cloud their vision. It’s not that they don’t see the

things in front of them it’s that they don’t want to see them. It’s this type of behavior that often causes women to stay in relationships in which they are unhappy and unfulfilled.

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

There is an expression that says: “if it walks like a duck, swims like a duck & quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.” Well, if it walks like a jerk, talks like a jerk and acts like a jerk. Guess what? It’s a JERK!!! So, if u choose to stay with him, what does that make you?

Have you ever had a girlfriend who said “I just can’t meet a nice guy?” Yet she continued to date one jerk after another? A re you that girlfriend? If you continue to date a guy who lies, doesn’t call & doesn’t treat you with the love and respect you desire guess what you are going to continue to get? QUA CK QUACK!!!!

Do you want to know a great way to instantly know if you are with the right or wrong guy? Open Your Eyes and observe how is he treating you. Ask yourself

this one question: “Is this guy treating me the way I REALLY want to be treated?” Another great way of knowing if you are with a “keeper” is to notice how you are feeling. Your feelings are great indicators of how well your needs are being met. If you are happy, I mean really happy there is a great chance you are with a good guy. However, if you are constantly angry, frustrated, upset or full of resentment there is a 99.9% chance that he is not the right guy for you. If you continue to stay in a relationship where you are constantly unhappy it won’t be his fault, it will be yours!!! The more you open your eyes the easier it is to see if you are in a relationship you want. If you are stay the course. If not…RUN!!!!

Put Yourself Out there

“You can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket” ---Anonymous

One of the most common phrases I hear from single women is “I just can’t meet

a good man?” When I ask them what they are doing to meet the type of man they are looking for most these women respond, “Well, I’m not really doing anything.” Those women who state that they are taking action often reply that they are going to bars/clubs or are doing the online dating thing. Online dating can be one of the best and quickest ways to succeed at dating but it must be done right! There are a lot of men who are misrepresenting themselves and preying on innocent women. The good news is that most these men are very transparent & can be immediately exposed by a woman who knows how to date smarter. The truth is there no shortage of men out there. Just as you are having trouble finding a good man there are millions of men who are having trouble finding a good woman.

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

Right now, there are 100 million single adults in our country. On average, there

are 86 single men to every single woman. Yes, there is a slightly higher

percentage of single women to single men but it’s not that much. The trick is learning how to find the guy you are looking for without wasting your time &


Finding a guy is a lot like trying to catch a fish. You must know what kind of fish you are looking for. If you’re not sure of what kind of fish you are looking for you can catch a fish in any lake, river or stream but the odds that it’ll be the one you are looking for will be minimal.

Once you understand exactly what kind of fish you want it is best to figure out where that fish hangs out. If you wanted an Alaska Salmon where would be the best place to find it? That’s right. Alaska!!! If you went down to the Gulf of Mexico what would be your odds of catching the salmon? Right A gain…slim to none!!!! Even if you had the best bait in the world you’re not going to catch one because you’re in the wrong place.

If you are having trouble finding a man, the first thing you need to do is be clear on what kind of guy you are looking for. Once you are clear you need to figure out where that type of guy hangs out. Once you figure that out it is time to go fishing. The more you cast your rod into the water the greater your chances are of making “The Catch”. That is what Smarter Dating is all about. There is no shortage of single men out there. The key to Smarter Dating is knowing how to find them and attract them because ironically, they are looking to be caught. Well, the good ones are anyway.

Question Yourself

A s stated in O: Open Your Eyes, we human beings are really good at fooling ourselves. One of the ways to see right thru our own BS is to ask ourselves 2

questions. The first is: “Is this taking me closer to my destination?”. If you answer “yes” you may want to stay on the path you are on but if you answer “no” you may want to reconsider, because, as we previously stated if you think he’ll change or things will get better you are lying to yourself.

The second question you can ask is “How’s it working for me?” This is by far my most favorite question when I am working with my clients. Human beings, especially women in relationships have amazing ways of rationalizing, justifying & distorting their reality. I’ve learned a long time ago that you can’t make a person see something that they don’t want to see. So, whenever I work with a

client I simply ask them, “How’s it working for you?” & they invariably say “It’s not”. A nd then I simply point out that they have a choice. They can stay & hope things will get better or they make a change. It’s that simple!

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

One of the things I’ve noticed in studying successful people is that they don’t get caught up in the emotion & drama of their lives. They simply see if they are producing the results they desire. If they aren ’t they don’t look to blame others. They simply look within, take responsibility for their role and see what they need to do to make the necessary changes to produce the outcome they desire.

Read Your Feelings

Your feelings are one of the best indicators of where you’re at in your dating and

relationships. Your feelings never lie. Unlike our minds and egos which have a tremendous ability to distort our perception, our feelings are 100% indicative of what’s really going on. How you’re feeling about a situation is a much better indicator of the results you are creating than how you are thinking about it. If you are feeling happy and your dating is going smoothly your feelings will reflect that you are on the right path. If however, you are feeling frustrated, angry, depressed or resentful what do you think your feelings are trying to tell you.

I like to think of our feelings as our internal guidance system trying to steer us down the right path. When I was in relationship hell for almost 3 years my feelings were telling me I was in the wrong relationship. But unfortunately I didn’t listen. I had to learn the hard way. Had I listened I would have saved myself a tremendous amount of time and energy. Not to mention all the $$ I lost on a wedding that never happened!

Instead of judging your feelings as “right” or “wrong” simply notice them. Your feelings are trying to guide you. Think of your feelings like lighthouse beaming the light t h r u the fog into the ocean. They are there to guide you to safety so you don’t crash. If you follow the signal you will get to your destination quicker, easier and more safely. By listening and following the guidance that your feelings provide you’ll learn that the process of dating becomes much easier & thus, more enjoyable.

Screen a Man Before Entering a Relationship with Him

Perhaps one of the biggest reasons many women fail in their relationships is that they don’t screen a guy before they enter a relationship with him. If you were the CEO of a successful company would you hire the first person who applied for the VP position. If you study the hiring process of successful companies, you see that they go thru a very detailed and purposeful hiring process. These companies want to make sure that the person they are hiring is well suited for the position and will be worth the money they will be paying them.

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

I’m not saying that you need to do a background check or have him do a urinalysis before you get involved with him but wouldn’t it be smart to get to know a guy before you get involved with him. Invariably when you talk to most women they say that most the mistakes they make could have been avoided if they had taken a little more time before jumping into a relationship.

If you want to make sure you are entering the right relationship for the right reasons it may be wise to take some time to “interview’ the guy you are going to

hire for the role of your boyfriend.

Trust Your Gut

One of the best ways to know whether you should move forward or run away from a guy is to trust your gut. Look back over your past. Have there been times

when your gut instinct was telling you to walk away but for whatever your

reasons, you didn’t? Yeah, well, how did that work out for you? Wouldn’t it have been much easier if you walked away when your gut was telling you to?

Your gut is your true and highest self trying to guide you in the direction that is best for you. Think of it as the internal guidance system. Just like your feelings are neve r wrong, neither is your gut. Listen to it and you will notice that you make better decisions and you wind up saving yourself from much of the emotional drama and turmoil that most women experience in dating.

Understand the Difference Between Dating and Relationships

There is a huge difference between dating & relationships, one that is often overlooked by many women. Many women go out with a guy once or twice and the next thing you know is that they are in a full blown, committed relationship. The problem is they wake up several months later realizing they should have never gotten involved with the guy in the first place. You’ve never done that have you? WINK WINK!!

The purpose of dating is to get to know a guy to see if he is the type of guy who you want to be in a relationship with. Just like it wouldn’t be wise to hire the first person who interviewed for a job it is not wise to jump into a relationship with a guy before you really get to know him. Think of dating as the job interview process and the relationship as probation period. Once you decide to “hire” him it is simply a matter of working together to see if you are both right for each other.

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

Does every hiring work out? Of course not. But if you get good at the interviewing and screening process you will see that you will no longer enter relationships with guys who aren’t right for you. A s a result you virtually eliminate most the games and drama from dating.

Volunteer Your Thoughts and Feelings

Men are not mind readers so expecting them to know or say what you want

them to is not only unrealistic, but foolish. If you read the book “Men A re From Mars and Women are From Venus”, you will understand that there are huge differences between the thought processes of men and women. By nature women tend to be more emotional and men tend to be more logical.

Have you ever had a man ask you what’s wrong and you replied “Nothing!”? Well, when you say “nothing” he logically thinks that “nothing’s wrong”. He does not think that you want him to dig deeper to find out what’s bothering you. He just assumes nothing’s wrong. Why? Because you told him so.

If something is upsetting, you simply have to tell him. The best way to do that is to tell him how your feeling. Do not tell him what he did wrong, no one likes to be criticized, especially the ego driven, testosterone producing man. By telling him how you’re feeling without making him wrong you give him the opportunity to make you feel better. Men love to take care of their women and b y telling him what’s bothering you give him the road map on how to fix the problem.

Write a Top 10 List

If you made a list of the top 10 qualities and characteristics you were looking for in a guy wouldn’t it be much easier to know when you found him? For instance, let’s say one of the things on your top 10 list was that you wanted a man you could trust. You start dating him and he doesn’t call when he says he will or he makes plans with you but he doesn’t follow through. What does that tell you about him?

Right off the bat this guy is showing you that you cannot rely on him or trust him to keep his agreements, right? So, why would you continue going out with him? He is showing that he doesn’t have one of the most important qualities you are looking for. He is Mr. Wrong & he will never turn into Mr. Right, no matter how much you try to convince yourself that he will. Having your Top 10 List makes it easy to recognize the guys who have what you are looking for. It also makes it easy to spot those guys who do not have what you are looking for.

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

Think of your Top 10 List as a Checklist for a Successful relationship. The right guy will have all the qualities that are important to you. So, when you recognize that a guy has what you are looking for it is easy to be sure that he is “the one”.

X-cuses Don’t Work

If you are the type of woman who makes excuses for a man who does not treat you the way you want to be treated it is time for a reality check. I want you to look back over your past relationships and see how making excuses has worked for you. Did it lead to the success of the relationship? Did you wind up in a relationship where you were happy & fulfilled? Or did you just prolong the misery?

If you’re honest you will realize that making excuses will never lead to the type of relationship you really want.

The next time you see yourself making excuses take a time out and look back

over you past. Remember it did not work in the past and it’s not going to work in the future. So why continue?

You Create the Quality of Your Relationship

If you study those individuals who have successful relationships, you will see that their relationships don’t just happen. These individuals are not lucky, they make their luck. The reason their relationships work well is because both individuals take responsibility for their roles in the relationship. Their

relationships succeed because they make smart choices and decisions.

If you really want a great relationship take responsibility for your role in the relationship and find a man who is willing to accept responsibility for his role. If you find yourself with a guy who isn’t willing to take responsibility …RUN!!! He is not the right guy for you.

Zone in On Your Happiness

The best way to know if you are in a successful relationship is by knowing how happy you are. Let’s think about it for a second. Fast forward to the end of your life. You are on your deathbed, ready to make your transition. You are asked the magic question. How great was your relationship? If you were to be honest you will see that your answer and the success of your relationship will revolve around one major thing…how happy you were. Yes, there will be

The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com

other factors that will influence your answer such as finances, stress levels,

health, etc. But if you are 100% honest you will see that each of those factors will ultimately come down to one thing…YOUR HAPPINESS!

If you want to succeed in your relationship make sure EVERYTHING you do is designed to produce happiness for you and your partner. If you do, you undoubtedly will create the type of relationship that m any dream about but few experience.

Conclusion: One of my philosophies in life is that I try to take at least one positive thing out of every learning experience and apply it to my life. A s you read this report there will be some things which connect and mean more to you than others. Instead of focusing on what you don’t like focus on those things you do like and see how you can apply them to your dating and relationships. I am not foolish enough to think that this report is the Holy Grail for all single women. If you can read this report and get one thing out of it that you can apply to make your dating and relationships better than I can go to bed a happy man.

The key to life is to find those things that work and apply them to our lives so that tomorrow is easier and better than the day before.

I wrote this to let you know that dating and relationships do not have to be hard. More often than not the reason we make them hard is because we make poor


You are much smarter and more powerful than you can imagine and it is my

intention that this report helps make your journey in dating a little easier and a lot more enjoyable.

Enjoy the ride!

Much Love,


The ABC’s of Smarter Dating: 26 Tips & Strategies to Improve Your Love Life

©2017 Lifeskilz, LLC - All Rights Reserved http://GPSForLove.com
