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The ABCs of Being a 3rd Grade Teacher

Date post: 31-Mar-2016
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The ABC’s Of Being a 3 rd Grade Teacher Written & Illustrated by Ms. Hurd

The ABC’s

Of Being a 3rd Grade Teacher

Written & Illustrated byMs. Hurd

A is for Apple.For many years, students have been bringing their teacher an apple for a treat. It is a tradition in the United States. Third grade teachers should learn to love apples!

B is for Bess Beetle.These little creatures make a home in the classroom for several weeks. We study them during science. Third grade teachers have to get really comfortable holding these beetles! You’ll get your turn too!

C is for Crayfish.This is another creature that makes a home in the third grade classroom in some schools. A third grade teacher gets to handle these each day trying not to get pinched! You will too!

D is for Desk.The biggest desk in the classroom belongs to the third grade

teacher. The teacher will spend many hours here planning out each and every day, even when you are at home playing!

E is for Energy.It takes a lot of energy to be a third grade teacher. Energy for a teacher comes from a good night sleep, healthy breakfast, and lots and lots and lots of


F is for Friday.Fridays are teachers’ favorite days. Just like you, teachers look forward to having a couple of days to sleep in and do fun stuff with their family and friends. But teachers love seeing their kids on Mondays!

G is for Grading.Teachers grade your papers to see how much you have learned about things we do in class. Then we know what to help you with. Grading papers can sometimes take lots of hours!

H is for Help.One of the most important jobs of a third grade teacher is to help students.

We want to help you so that you can keep on learning. We might help you read a word or figure out a math problem!

I is for Ideas.Teachers are always looking for new ideas and coming up with new ideas to use in the classroom. Teachers love hearing great ideas come from their students, too. Third graders are full of them!

J is for Jokes.Although third grade teachers work hard, we try to take time to laugh. Jokes are a good way to take a brain break from learning. Your teacher would love to hear a funny joke if you have one!

K is for Keyboard.Teachers do a lot of work using their keyboards and computers. Sometimes we

use them to record your scores or design projects for you. We might even use them to email your parents.

L is for Lounge.Teachers get to eat lunch and relax in the Teacher’s Lounge. This place is usually off limits to students so teachers have a place to take a break. Don’t you wonder what teachers do in there?

M is for Meetings.Third grade teachers have lots of meetings, just like other teachers. Sometimes we learn new things. Sometimes we hear about special things going on. Sometimes we are talking about you!

N is for Nurture.Teachers nurture

students by supporting them and encouraging them. We try very hard to help you and make it so you are successful. When we tell you positive things, we are nurturing you!

O is for Organize.Teachers organize each day of your learning. We organize the lessons we teach. We organize the materials to use.

We organize the groups you’ll be in. We organize the entire classroom!

P is for Parents.Third grade teachers get to know the students’ parents. Sometimes we even become good friends with them. We work with your parents to make sure you are doing your best!

Q is for Questions.Third grade teachers ask you a lot of questions each day. That is one way we help you learn. Teachers get asked lots of questions too! When students ask us questions, we learn new things!

R is for Reading.Third grade teachers know that being a

good reader is going to be very important for you. That’s why we spend lots of time reading with all of our students and we give lots of time for you to practice yourself.

S is for Students.Third grade teachers love their students as much as they love their own families. We think about you when we go home. We talk

about you with our own friends and families. You are special to us!

T is for Teaching.Third grade teachers teach kids about lots of things so we have to know a lot about them. We are experts in math, reading, writing, science, social studies, friendships, and family!

U is for Understand.Sometimes it is very hard to make students understand the lessons. Teachers have to ask questions, give assignments, and give tests to see if students understand what they are trying to teach.

V is for Vacations.Teachers get to take vacations from school, just

like students. All teachers get excited for Christmas Vacation, Summer Vacation, and Spring Break. We need breaks from learning too!

W is for Work. Being a third grade teacher takes lots of time and hard work. We plan each lesson, get everything ready, help you in the classroom,

grade your papers, and look out for you. That’s a lot!

X is for eXample.Good teachers try to set a good example for their students. They show you how to work together, share ideas, listen carefully, and treat others with respect. We want you to be good people too!

Y is for Year.Being a third grade teacher is great because you get to spend almost a whole year with the same bunch of kids. During that year, we get to know you very well. By the end of the year, we are a close family!

Z is for Zany.Third grade teachers spend a lot of time with 8, 9, and 10 year olds. You

guys are crazy and silly and fun! So it isn’t surprising that third grade teachers are zany too. Sometimes our class is a real zoo!
