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THE ABUNDANCE BUILDER Creating your perfect future...

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The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold. 1 THE ABUNDANCE BUILDER Creating your perfect future reality once you have completed The Abundance Index and identified your area of greatest potential The abundance index is a tool for creating energy and momentum. Once you decide to create positive change in your life it will quickly become irresistible and almost addictive. Just the decision...just the adoption of a lifetimes commitment to bringing out the best in yourselfthat is plenty to get started with. It is the start of a journey that will define who you are and what you are capable of becoming. But first you need to know about a sinister, invisible force which is currently undermining all of your efforts to make positive lasting improvements to your results and experiences. Static Energy- The Powerful Force For Resisting Change As human beings we have a powerful craving. A universal instinct. We will do almost anything to satisfy it. It is so powerful and irresistible that at times it seems to be hardwired into our behaviors and habits.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.



Creating your perfect future reality once you have completed

The Abundance Index and identified your area of greatest


The abundance index is a tool for creating energy and momentum.

Once you decide to create positive change in your life it will quickly

become irresistible and almost addictive. Just the decision...just the

adoption of a lifetime‘s commitment to bringing out the best in

yourself—that is plenty to get started with.

It is the start of a journey that will define who you are and what you

are capable of becoming. But first you need to know about a sinister,

invisible force which is currently undermining all of your efforts to

make positive lasting improvements to your results and experiences.

‘Static Energy’ - The Powerful Force For Resisting Change

As human beings we have a powerful craving. A universal instinct.

We will do almost anything to satisfy it.

It is so powerful and irresistible that at times it seems to be hardwired

into our behaviors and habits.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


No. I'm not talking about the instinct for survival. I'm talking about

something that all too often overrides the survival instinct.

I'm talking about the instinct to stay still—or, in its most frustrating

manifestation—to keep bringing us back to the same place.

This ‗static energy‘ is strong and it is affecting your ability to realize

your ambitions and dreams.

OK. I can hear your objections about the survival instinct being the

strongest of all. I sense your shock and disbelief—"Surely nothing is

more powerful than our instinct to survive?" Isn't this what we are

taught by our earliest school science teachers?

Well consider the following all too familiar story.

True...tragic...unexplainable by science.

Death in the wilderness

A young family is lost in the outback of Australia. Death from

dehydration will take just 48 hours. The body's natural tendency to be

repelled by water in this situation causes them to make bad decisions

about finding fresh water. They follow their instincts to walk in what

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


they feel is precisely the right direction to get themselves out of the

situation. But they fail.

Their bodies...their minds are programmed for them to walk in circles.

They soon find themselves back in the same spot where they started.

They will lose their lives. They will perish and the harder they try to

escape...the more entangled they will become in that web of


Every day we lead ourselves through micro examples of this urgent

quest to ‗stay in the same place‘.

Many scientists used to believe that people lost in the wilderness

didn't in fact walk round in circles—that it was a myth. They simply

walked in random patterns.

A couple of years ago—due to the availability of GPS navigation

technology—researchers in fact proved the myth was reality. We do

walk in circles when we are lost. And science struggles to even begin

to explain why.

If this phenomenon doesn't sound familiar to you then what about one

of the following three examples...

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Everyday Examples of Static Energy

1. Invisible Ceilings

Most of us believe deep down that we can only earn a certain amount

of money...get promoted to a certain level...lose a certain amount of

weight...achieve a certain golf handicap...date a certain kind of


And when something happens to suggest to the contrary, we

sabotage our results.

I've seen golfers who are playing the round of their lives, absolutely

destroy their game in the last few holes—disappointing certainly but

at least they don't have to change their perception of their ‗level‘ of


I've seen people lose weight again and again only to put it back on

again. Often they put on a bit extra in order to teach themselves a

lesson for trying to escape the inevitable—how dare they try to be

something they're not.

I've seen people ignore career or business opportunities because the

reward was too great. Why chase something that will inevitably cause


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2. The Comfortable Familiar

Ever wondered why people in abusive relationships stay in those

relationships? Why is it so difficult for them to escape?

Why, when someone leaves an abusive relationship, do they so

often go back again?

Why do people stay in jobs they hate?

Why do people moan about their lot in life—day after day after

day—but do nothing to change it?

Why does the baby elephant chained to a two foot post remain

chained to that post as an adult elephant—even though breaking free

from it would be as simple as snapping a toothpick would be for you

or I?

Static energy creates constant illusions of being trapped when to the

outside observer the answers seem so obvious.

3. The Tomorrow Illusion

It's not the behavior of saying, "I'll do it tomorrow", "I'll get onto that

soon" that is the problem. It's the belief that it's true which really hurts


I have a friend who is going to get a better job. He's going to do it

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


very soon, probably next week. He really means it...He is an honest

and a good person. He seriously believes that he is going to get a

better job next week.

The only problem is that he's been saying this for many years—ever

since I've known him.

Although he sincerely wants something different and exciting...more

challenging...more rewarding...the truth is that static energy

convinces him that it's more comfortable to stay exactly where he is.

He's stuck in a place which has unfortunately over time become


So How Do You Get Out of the Wilderness?

How do you stop walking in circles?

How do you literally move your comfort zone so that you can make

the positive changes you crave?

Well, there are four ways to find your way out of a ‗trapped in the

wilderness‘ type situation:

1. Hope to be lucky This is extremely dangerous. It's like buying

lottery tickets each week as a strategy to achieve your dream life.

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2. Hope to be rescued Similar risky strategy.

3. Use an internal compass Trust yourself to find your way back

using your training and skills. Follow rivers and landmarks etc. The

danger here is that you absolutely must know what you're doing.

Otherwise this ‗internal compass‘ can keep you walking in circles or

worse—get you even deeper into trouble.

4. Use some external navigation (a map, a GPS navigational

device etc.)

Number 4 is by far the safest and most certain means of escape.

The philosophy of the Abundance Index is based on this navigational

way of winning in life.

To overcome inertia, procrastination, frustration or even the insidious

instinct of ‗static energy‘ you need to know where you are and where

you are going...how to get there...and how to overcome the exact

(and often invisible) obstacle currently in your way.

NB. You might think there are lots of obstacles in your way. There

aren't. There is only ever just one key obstacle (or constraint) and

before too long I will prove that to you.

If you've never been exposed to this Abundance Index way of

thinking—life is about to get very exciting for you!

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


The Abundance Index - A Way of Thinking...

The Abundance Index is not just a two- or even three-dimensional

tool. It is multi-dimensional approach to thinking differently about your

life...your potential...and the rate of change you can achieve towards

a truly abundant life.

There are three reasons I created it and have an obsession for

continuously improving its potential breakthrough applications.

1. It is your GPS navigational device for life. It shows you precisely

where you need to put your efforts and focus in order to create much

more 'change-energy'.

2. It naturally creates balance. A balanced life is a great life. If you

just want to be successful with money but don't care about your

health... it won't serve you.

If you just want a wonderful romantic relationship but don't want

health, wealth or career success... it won't serve you.

If you want a balanced life with great levels of abundance in all areas

of your experience and results then it is a perfect fit for you.

3. It is a tool for life. That's why it's designed to be used again and


The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


Like a course-correcting, self-optimizing tool for your life's journey.

It is a way of seeing where static energy is interfering with your

ambitions and dreams and gives you instant clues and obvious


A True Story

A friend contacted me recently. She was literally in tears. Here's


I'd shared a news story with her. It was a story about research carried

out with staff in hospitals and hospices—those working with the

elderly and the dying.

The research showed one thing, absolutely conclusively—that when

people are dying and in their final days, when they list their regrets in

life, they almost never regret the things they did. They bitterly regret

the things they didn't do—the risks and chances they never took—the

dreams they never chased down...the unrealized 'bucket list' if you


My friend was inspired by the article. It awoke something in her. But

that night she had a depressing realization. On the one hand she felt

that her future self was calling back to her from the future—urging her

to chase her dreams and make her life extraordinary.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


On the other hand, her thoughts were inundated with all of her

problems...the 'gotchas'...her limitations and doubts...her worries and

blocks. So much seemed to be wrong. An unending and

overwhelming list of obstacles—internal and external.

But then something wonderful happened.

I told her about the project I was working on—the Abundance Index. I

explained the philosophy and asked her if she would be interested in

being a ‗guinea pig‘.

She completed the questionnaire and the result was breathtaking. It

was beyond anything I expected and it confirmed that I was on to

something big. Something that would impact on people on a

profoundly positive and effective level.

She discovered she had one single abundance constraint. The big list

of problems evaporated and now she had a single question. "How do

I break though my abundance constraint?"

Her abundance constraint turned out to be worrying about the

negative thoughts and opinions of others. She was surprised...

without the Abundance Index process she never would have

identified this as the root case of most of her challenges in life.

Her constraint automatically identified her area of most potential.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


She simply needed to grow the following affirmation into a reality for


"I never worry what other people think about me. I am free of

the negative thoughts and opinions of others."

Never before had she been this focused on exactly what needed to

be worked on in order to achieve maximum results in all areas of her

life. It was like a light had been turned on for her.

Understanding her area of greatest potential was just the start. Next I

shared with her 12 different ideas and tools that could be used to shift

that constraint and release the potential. In just a moment I'll share

the same tools with you. But, if you haven't yet completed the index

for yourself, first there are a few things you need to understand.

Completing the Abundance Index - What You Need to Know

1. This test is an ‗instinctive test‘. Your replies to the 112 statements

are not to be carefully considered or rationalized logically. In fact, if

you take more than 10 or 20 seconds on any one statement, then you

are way overthinking it.

The answers should come from your instincts—your automatic and

intuitive answers. That is what drives the abundance index and gives

you the breakthrough.

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2. Your constraint and your lowest scores may end up surprising you.

You may feel surprised. That is fine. Often the obvious can hide from

us in clever ways. Once you've uncovered the constraint it can hide

from you no longer.

3. Once you uncover the constraint, it may feel impossible or

overwhelming. Don't panic...that's just a natural internal resistance to

change rearing its stubborn head. Once you've worked through the

list of 12 practical tools for change, it will start to shift...your score will

increase and the next time you complete the abundance index you

will see that everything has changed.

4. Each time you do the test, your scores will realign. That's the

beauty of the AIQ (abundance index quotient). It does change.

Everybody—even the most successful person in the world—has a

constraint on the abundance index. It's never a bad thing—it's just

what it is...a measure of your area of greatest potential.

5. Your overall AIQ score is unique to you. The whole objective is to

bring it up to a higher level over time. And as you do, feel how much

more abundant, happy, successful you become.

What you mustn't do is to compare your score to other people. The

scoring system is subjective—in other words it's your own

understanding of the scoring levels that really counts.

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Much like when a doctor or nurse asks someone how 'strong the pain

is' between 1 and 10 (10 being the highest). One person with a

pricked finger may say 'nine'. Someone else with a broken leg might

say 'six'. Clearly there is no objective rationale for the numbers. What

the medical staff want to do is take a snapshot of the pain level and

see that number reducing over time—for each person as their pain

subsides and the pain relief kicks in.

The Abundance Index Promise

Completing the Abundance Index is like using a laser to hone all of

your challenges and problems down into a single point of greatest

impact. That is what identifying your abundance constraint and

affirmation gives you.

Now it is time to reverse the energy. In order to evaporate the

constraint and realize your potential you need to attack the constraint

from every possible direction. You need to target it with the power of

an atomic explosion.

Have you completed the test? Do you have your Abundance

affirmation in front of you? If so...it's time to start dealing with it once

and for all.

I need to make a VERY important point for you here. Some of these

tools might not work too well for you personally...some will work quite

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


well...some will work so well they will literally take your breath away!

So please persevere. Go through and practice ALL of them. You

never know when you will get that extraordinary breakthrough—that

moment of personal magic that we all live for.

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The 12 Tools For Success

1. 'Super-affirmation' - the ONE thing you should be more

focused on than anything else

A lot of people have affirmations for different things. "I'm a wonderful

person. Rich, successful, healthy", etc...

These affirmations are often weak in the results they achieve.

Sometimes they could even be described as impotent.

The affirmation you have obtained from The Abundance Index is so

much more specific and powerful. It is something that—should you

increase its power— will impact positively in virtually every area of

your life.

Side Note: I have helped my personal clients—thousands of

individuals as well as countless businesses, major health

professionals and groups—to make real and lasting changes. So

please, don't ever trivialize what I'm teaching you here...don't ever

mistake me for a positive thinking crusader or anything like that. I

worked in the trenches of change and personal growth for many

years and I have all the badges to prove it.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


What I'm giving you works. So please carry out each of these

exercises in earnest. They truly will make a difference.

Back to affirmations. What I want you to do is to get a pen and paper

and actually write down your abundance affirmation several times. If

you remember, my friend's abundance affirmation was...

"I never worry what other people think about me. I am free of the

negative thoughts and opinions of others."

The super-affirmation is of course taken directly from your abundance

index results. Yours will probably be different. Once you have your

results, write your affirmation down. The physical act of doing so will

have a different effect on you than simply reading it. Once you have

written it down then you should keep copies of it with you in

convenient locations. It's important early on to keep reminding

yourself of precisely what it is that you are working on.

The law of focus states that what you focus on gets done.

2. Go multi-dimensional - Start to have fun with your super-


If you've worked with affirmations before, then you'll know that there

are many different ways to play around with them. If you've ever used

a vision board for instance, then you'll immediately see the potential

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


for an ultra-focused version.

A vision board is simply a visual image of your affirmation. Pictures

that tell a story and inspire change within you and around you. Maybe

images that portray the feelings you hope to have when you are

successful with this affirmation—when it becomes real. Pictures of

people who have already achieved it or have it by the bucket load.

Pictures of words that inspire you to make the change...and so on.

Don't limit it just to visual ideas. There are probably songs or pieces

of music that inspire you to believe you could make great progress.

For instance, if motivation is your constraint then listen to motivating


I believe in the concept of heavy artillery. In other words, once you

have your abundance-affirmation and you know the constraint you

are looking to evaporate—hit it with absolutely everything at your

disposal...as well as any other resources you can beg, borrow or

ethically steal.

What you are doing here is letting your constraint know that you

mean business. That the constraint, negative energy or block is an

unwelcome guest in your house!

The law of fun. If you have fun you can make changes much more

quickly. Children will learn a new language much faster than you or I.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


They understand the fun you can have with change and learning new


3. Turn your super affirmation into super powerful suggestions

Suggestions are like seeds. You plant them to see if they will grow.

Plant enough and some will definitely take root and flourish.

Sometimes a blunt affirmation simply won't work. It bounces away. It

refuses to grow like a seed planted in unfertile ground.

By blunt I mean too general...or too unrealistic.

A powerful example of this is when people suffering from depression

are asked to repeat the affirmation "I am a happy and deserving


It doesn't work. They simply don't believe it. The leap is too great.

Recent research has shown this to be the case.

However, just a little bit of elegant and artistic re-sculpting and the

affirmations can be so much more powerful and effective.

Here are some different ways you can reword the "I am happy "

affirmation into hard-hitting, breakthrough-causing personal

suggestions. Please go through the list below and adopt the same

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


approaches for your own abundance affirmation.

Write each down specifically for your own situation. In other words,

your abundance-affirmation and not the "I am happy" example given


(Remember, if you don't do the work, you will struggle to get the

results! These kinds of elegant suggestions are like the stepping

stones from where you are now leading up to the point of achieving

your abundance-affirmation. )

"I am a happy person"

"Day by day I am becoming a more happy person"

"I am starting to feel like a more happy person. I can feel the changes

happening. I can see the results starting to show. More and more

every day."

"I wonder what it will be like when I first start to feel myself becoming

a slightly more happy person. I wonder what it will be like when that

happiness starts to grow gradually stronger and stronger all the time."

"Everything that happens holds a key. Everything that

happens...every situation...everyone I meet...every new

experience...all of this is helping me in some way to become happier

and happier."

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"I am so glad I have decided to focus on becoming happier. Just

deciding to focus is already creating gentle, gradual and powerful

changes in me."

I hope you can see this is just the beginning. The power of these

personal suggestions is only limited by your own imagination and


The law of time and change. Sometimes change is almost instant...an

epiphany...a powerful transformational breakthrough. But more often

it is steady and gentle—day-by-day. Trying to force the pace is like

trying to change the seasons.

Perhaps you light a fire in the winter to keep you warm? Well, you

don't light the fire according to the calendar. You light it when the

weather becomes cold. Take the pressure off yourself with these

affirmations and suggestions. The changes will come. Follow the law

of focus but give things the time they need. Enjoy the process.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


4. Train yourself to focus on precisely what you want (not what

you don't want)

As the famous saying goes "It's the squeaky wheel that gets the

grease". If you focus on what you do want, it gets much more of your

subconscious attention. It starts to grow and to become stronger.

Let me give you three specific examples:

Quit smoking - One of the main reasons smokers struggle to quit is

that they continually think about smoking. They focus on exactly what

they don't want. When I have worked with smokers to help them quit

(and I've done this thousands of times so I can assure you it's super-

effective) I help them build suggestions and affirmations that keep

them permanently focused on being a non-smoker.

Every time they even think about smoking they immediately say

something positive to themselves...such as "I love being a non-

smoker. I am healthy and I am free!"

It pulls them back to the positive focus and it soon becomes a habit.

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Golf – This will work with any sport but let‘s use golf as an example.

Golfers fire their shots into bunkers and other hazards because they

are "trying not to". Funnily enough, it is their thinking about not finding

the hazards that causes them to do so.

Powerful suggestions and affirmations that help keep on track whilst

in the performance arena go like this:

"I only see where I want the ball to go. I can see it going there...I can

picture it...My body knows exactly what to do."

When a golfer uses this kind of internal language, the bunkers and

other obstacles simply fail to exist.

Stress, Worry and Anxiety - People who are suffering with stress,

worry and anxiety often have wonderful, creative imaginations. They

really are skilled in their ability to create internal images and realities.

Unfortunately they do this in a way which makes them feel really bad,

by imagining the worst.

The fantastic news is this—A great imagination is a great imagination.

You just have to use it for what you want, not what you don't want.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


Simple suggestions and affirmations for 'feeling relaxed, safe,

peaceful, free from worry' can be very powerful. It's like redirecting an

internal spotlight away from the bad stuff and towards the good stuff.

I hope you can see that whatever constraint you are personally

working on...the abundance affirmation you have written down—and

the snappy suggestions you have installed—these are YOUR

personal spotlight. Whenever you feel negative or lacking or you start

to doubt—simply fire the suggestions...focus the spotlight.

The law of habits. If something you do is positive...it has a pleasing

positive and beneficial effect for you—then you won't have to repeat it

too many times for it to stick...permanently. So get started using your

suggestions and affirmations to build a success habit.

5. Stop trying so hard - The secret of the Dream Machine

I believe in a concept called the Dream Machine. I use it all the time

and I can promise you...the more proficient you become at using it

and the more you trust its power...the more abundance you will build

in all areas.

The Dream Machine lives in your imagination.

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To activate your Dream Machine simply tell it what you want and then

let it do its job. Put a new belief in there. Request a new habit...a new

skill...an actual goal...whatever you want.

Did you ever watch the movie The Matrix? The main character Neo

learns new skills such as black belt kung fu, in a matter of seconds by

simply plugging the program into his mind.

Your dream machine works just like that.

Look at your abundance affirmation once again. You scored low on

that statement when you completed the abundance index. You want

to score higher. Put that request into your dream machine and then

literally 'walk away'.

Your imagination, you see, is your strongest asset for change. But it

doesn't want to be micro-managed. It doesn't want you standing over

it at all times.

The law of strategic daydreaming. Let your imagination wander.

Every idea you have...every book you read...everything you watch on

TV...every story you are exposed to...let your imagination and

specifically your dream machine feed off it. It is doing its job—

manifesting your abundance affirmation—at all times. The less you

'try to force it', the easier everything becomes.

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6. A photo album of the future - Literally creating the outcomes

you want

Here is a very powerful way to use your imagination.

It's a technique you will want to practice often. The best time to do it

is just before you fall asleep at night. Alternatively any time you get a

chance during the day to take some time to yourself. When your

attention isn't required anywhere else and you can be undisturbed.

You don't need to perfect this technique right here. It's included, with

many other powerful techniques, on the free audio recording that

comes complimentary with the Abundance Index.

Basically this is how it works though. You close your eyes and you

begin to relax so that your conscious, logical mind 'goes quiet for a

while' and stops interfering with the power and unlimited potential of

your imagination. Once you are deeply focused, you literally go into

the future and place your positive outcomes and stunning results

there. Just as surely as you can place your favorite photos and

memories into a photo album of the past and know that they are

real—so you can also place your images, feeling, words and sounds

of success into your personal future. Your imagination is that


The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


The law of achieving positive outcomes. The future you design for

yourself must be both desirable and believable. And it mustn't conjure

up any negative side effects of achieving it. Get this formula right and

future reprogramming becomes a walk in the park. By the way, great

advertisers already understand this. They know that to sell you their

product they need to get you to desire it...to believe it will work...and

to literally program its results into your internal future—in other words

to powerfully imagine yourself using and benefitting from it.

7. Fixing the past - Removing the ghosts in the machine

This technique is so gentle and so respectful of you and your

personal integrity that I think you'll want to use it often. Again, it's

included on your abundance audio so you can practice it with that

recording. Here, you just need to understand the basic principle.

I call this technique 'defragging'. It's not the prettiest word but it

describes exactly what the process does.

You see, in psychiatry and psychology there is a tradition of laying

someone on a couch and getting them to talk about their childhood.

This longwinded and painful process is becoming less and less the

norm—even the thought of it prevents many people from ever

seeking professional help with anything. Even athletes sometimes

avoid working with sports psychologists because they are terrified of

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


being forced to dredge up the past (and relive pain, embarrassment

and failure all over again.)

I have an easier way which often works extremely well. You let your

imagination...your dream machine...your personal hard drive...do the

same job that your home PC or laptop does when it has become

infected with a virus...slowed down...or compromised in some way.

Your computer does something called 'defragging'. Getting rid of all

the negative stuff, cleaning up your ‗baggage‘ and improving your

performance to make you fitter, faster and more efficient. The real

beauty of 'defragging' is that it can be done in the background. Its

effects and benefits can be felt whilst you are busy doing something


Imagine giving your Dream Machine...your deep imagination the

following instruction....

"Here is my abundance affirmation...my goal. This is what I want.

However there is stuff from the past (negative experiences,

disappointments, other people's false beliefs, flawed assumptions

and various other 'junk') that is preventing me from achieving the

goal...more abundance.

Dream Machine, please get rid of all of it. Clean things up. Optimize

my performance. Time to clear out the junk. And by the way, when

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


you remove the negative stuff from the past in my mind...please keep

all the lessons learned. I want to stay protected. I just don't need the

excess negative energies compromising my performance."

The law of letting go of past negative energies and experiences. Your

subconscious mind...your instincts...your imagination are ALWAYS

working to protect you. It's just sometimes they do that in unpleasant


Giving you painful pictures, feelings and memories of the past to

prevent you from doing things you wish you could do now. Your

subconscious will only let go of that stuff if it can retain the lessons

learned and continue to protect you at that deeper level.

It's like your body will recover much faster from an accident-injury if

your subconscious mind is convinced you won't 'do it again'.

You don't need to hang on to memories that tell you that you can't do

something or you won't be capable of becoming someone successful.

All of that stuff and plenty more besides...can definitely be banished

from the kingdom.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


8. Teach other people to achieve true abundance

Once you have seen the benefits of the Abundance Index—enjoyed

great results for yourself—it is highly recommended that you help

others get their own breakthroughs.

Getting somebody else to use the index and being exposed to the

philosophy is a gift in itself. Actually helping them implement the

strategies and tools is a priceless help.

Some people will struggle to get the idea. Some will be nervous to

implement the changes or will doubt themselves...procrastinate...skip

steps...give up.

You can help them so much!

So who can you help? Friends and family and anyone you can see

has far more potential than they are currently achieving in their life. If

you see someone stuck or struggling but you know they are capable

of so much more...this could be the answer for them. And if you've

already made progress yourself you could help guide and support

them to try out the process for themselves.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


The law of teaching people to change. Revelation trumps explanation

every time. Show people—don't tell them. The Abundance Index

gives people the chance to find strengths, resources and answers

inside themselves that they didn't know existed. So don't try to make

them change—don't try to force, dictate or pull the rug from under

their feet. Just encourage and support and even guide a little, but let

the other person make their own discoveries and breakthroughs so

that they can actually own their success.

If you are medically trained you can help your patients... If you are a

therapist you can support and help your clients...If you are a teacher

you can help your students. Everyone can be a teacher or a mentor

or a buddy to somebody else.

9. Call on your 'Virtual Personal Trainer'

What would it be like if you had a voice in your mind that told you

what to do and said things about you? Well, you do. All of us have

this inner voice and often it's not a very nice voice.

It's called 'Self-Talk'

It often makes negative comments such as:

"Ah, do it tomorrow...do it later."

"You idiot!"

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


"Oh no not again."

"You tried this before—It didn't work."

"You can't do this."

"This is impossible"

Sometimes it gets really nasty:

"You look so FAT in that mirror."

"You're ugly and useless!"

If you have ever witnessed golfers playing a bad shot you may have

heard this self-talk expressed out loud. It can get very personal...very

rude and very aggressive.

I once ordered a bowl of fries in a restaurant and accidentally poured

sugar over them instead of salt. Lots of fellow diners turned round in

shock as my self-talk accidentally externalized itself.

The best way to deal with self-talk is to recognize that it exists but to

change it into something far more positive. Something that is

kind...supportive...encouraging and motivating. I call this your 'virtual

personal trainer'. I have seen this technique achieve apparent

miracles with people. It's amazing to think that you can actually train

your self-talk to behave and sound far more positive.

If you have problems motivating yourself...staying the

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


course...resisting temptation...being kind and supportive to yourself

then this will be irresistible to you. I've included it on the abundance


The law of positive self-talk. If you want to install a virtual personal

trainer then be sure to tell it what its job is. It needs to be always

supportive and benevolent. Kind, gentle and encouraging when that

is required—firm and motivating, even pushy when that is required.

Very much like a real personal trainer who will keep you on track and

operating at your peak level.

10. The power of the mastermind

Over 100 years ago, Napolean Hill wrote the seminal book entitled

"Think and Grow Rich." You may have read it. It encapsulates a 25

year project where Mr Hill had access to THE most successful and

wealthiest individuals in the world.

He found that all of these mega-successful people had certain traits

that they all shared.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


One of them was what he called the ―power of the mastermind‖.

Imagine that the Abundance Index philosophy was used for a

business. Well if the business had a constraint in the area of

'optimism' and it was harming their results—they could simply hire an

optimistic new member of staff (or several of them).

However you can't hire someone to cover your constraint. What you

can do however is find people you know...friends...friends of friends

who are literally rich in abundance in the area you are currently

lacking. And you could enlist their help.

You can take it one step further. You can find famous people,

celebrities, successful entrepreneurs, inventors, athletes and artists

who have or had what you want. You could read their

autobiographies...watch interviews with them...get into their minds

and start to enjoy some of their abundance in that area—directly in

the area of your constraint). This is called unconscious modeling.

The law of modeling. You don't 'model' other people consciously or


You don't analyze in precise detail how they do what they do. You

just enjoy being with them (in reality or in your imagination) and you

let the Dream Machine extract all of the juice and the magic. It's

amazing when you are exposed to a successful person for any length

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


of time how you read between the lines and pick up unconscious and

priceless gifts from them. You can literally 'extract their genius'

without ever particularly trying—you simply focus the radar on them.

Autobiographies and the Discovery channel truly are great resources!

Just because you want to model someone it doesn't mean you have

to like them—It certainly doesn't mean you have to model all of their

characteristics and values. My friend whose constraint was 'worrying

what others thought of her'—she modeled the Enron chairman...It

didn't turn her into a dishonest mega-criminal. She just found ways to

become mentally tougher. It changed her life.

On the same topic, I once modeled a racehorse because I wanted to

develop a winning mindset—Thankfully I didn't start eating sugar

lumps and jumping over fences!

11. Successful people ALWAYS ask questions - This is your

royal road to success in ANY area of your life

I can tell you for a fact—and you're very welcome to go test this—ALL

successful people are curious and inquisitive, and everyday they ask

themselves the exact questions that will lead to the answers which

make them even more successful.

Remember my friend? Her constraint was as follows...

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


"I never worry what other people think about me. I am free of the

negative thoughts and opinions of others."

I got her to write that at the top of a sheet of paper. I then got her to

write the following questions:

1. What can I do to get better at this?

2. What have I tried recently?

3. What happened?

4. What have I learned?

5. What is getting in the way of my progress?

6. What can I do to overcome that?

7. What will it be like when I achieve this abundance affirmation?

What will be the benefits and results of it?

8. Who do I know or who have I heard of that already has this? How

can I model them?

9. What will happen if I don't bother changing the situation?

10. What's the next step?

I encouraged her to answer each of these questions every day. To

spend at least a half hour each day on it.

She loved it! She added several of her own questions. It was "her

list" and she considered it a treat to take time out of a busy day and

really focus on it—on her self growth—her area of highest potential. I

sincerely recommend that you do exactly the same.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


I've also included the '20 questions of successful people' product in

your bonus package. You will find this extremely useful as you work

on your abundance constraint.

The law of questions. If you ask the right question, you are at least

50% of your way to success. All you need now is the answers.

Seems trite but it's one of the most powerful truths I know of.

12. The Source Code For Success - How the concept of

'Extension' will accelerate your personal success and life-


Here in New Zealand, our school system has evolved a concept

called 'extension'. This basically means that when you show talent in

a certain area (science, music, sports, literature, whatever) the school

will make sure you are given extra time and resources to focus on

that talent so you can become even better at it.

The law of strengths. There is no doubt, if you focus on the things you

are already talented at then you can become world class at those

things in a relatively small amount of time. The problem is that most

humans spend most of their time trying to get good at things that

aren't their natural talents.

I am not good at handyman stuff. Putting up shelves or dealing with

self-assembly furniture—that for me is like having teeth extracted.

The Abundance Index and all associated materials are © The Art of Optimism Ltd. They must not be copied, shared or sold.


Some people can do those kinds of jobs with their eyes closed.

What are your natural talents? Your abundance index higher scores

will give you clues. So will your past. Your strengths and talents are

often like butterflies in the sunshine—they are almost invisible to you.

But the clues are there.

Are you:


Right now, once again, write down your abundance affirmation at the

top of a piece of paper. Next think about how you can use your

natural strengths, competencies and aptitudes to evaporate the

constraint...to achieve the breakthrough.

This source code for success is your success DNA. It is part of your

instincts...It's what potentially makes you great. The answers and the

power won't necessarily reveal themselves overnight but they will

unravel as you apply gentle but relentless pressure to the constraint.

If you are interested in finding out about our product 'The Source

Code For Success - The Self Confidence Miracle'. you can find out

more details at http://sourcecodeforsuccess.com. There is far more

potential inside of you just waiting to be unleashed.
