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The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1903-12-16 [p...

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L IiN 1 > Y V THE ADMR COUNTY NEWS VOLUME 7 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY DECEMBER x6 J 1903 NUMBER 5 DOST OFJ10EDffiEOTORY J M RUSSELL PQ3TMA8TE- BHT SABER DEPUTY POSTMASTER Office bout week days 700u m to 830 p m COURT DIRECTOR I 01 KOttiT COURT Three session a yearThlra taadajr In Jaaniry third Monday fklrdlf 8d y IB September Jlrcult Judje W W Jones ommonwealthAttorneyN W Aaron 8heritFPW Miller Olrcalt Olerii JBOoaeyn OOOJTTT OOUM Pint Monday In each moot JmdgeTi AMnmU- Couaty oterkT AttorneyJSEOtaettJrk Jailer J KP Conprer- AstftBsor B W Button coIurveyorR School Bapt WD Jane 1 coronerO M Bnsee- n1tmoansrRegalaroourteeCOadMenday lo itJgdger Attorney Gordon Mont omry xrhaI4I T P1owerllt CHURCH DIRECTORY FftMBYTBUAtt aQfZVrLLP1 8TilTReT W c Clemeni CMtor Scrrictl second and fourth 8nnd eatSabbath y sight MBTHOOI8T 8v XVIU 8TBMTKeT F RLesitpar- h tot Sernce I J and 3 SUDdaJII tn each moat 4uod j ehool every Sabbath at 9am Prayera mEting Thursday nlithtI BAPTIST QBBif IBOKB STMBT Bev J P Scruggs ptutor First and third Sunday tneachmoot S ladaynoboo every Sabbath 9 a m Praye- meeting Tneaday night CHRISTIAN CAiirBkUSTiLL Pin Eld W RAzbi- Paitor ScrttMr Second and Fourth Sundays la ooh mouth Snadaycboot eVer1 Sab bath IU3O am Prayer meeting Wednesday p night of LODGES MASONIC TjjllUl BO NoS8 P and A MBegu on FrJ banktat eaeht In S ighor month WItl W A Coffey W D Jonw Secretary us o 7 meets rldaalibtattertuUmooDa Horace Jeffries W WBBAMBAW Secretary YETIHERI SURGEON b I Flatulo Pollevil splints spavin or rvV any surgical work done at fair prices th Jammed to take care of stock Iiis Wh S D OBEN8HAW- H sails from Columbia on Oliappointment S c NEAT 8fe WITH OTTER COwi WHOLESALEwt GROCERS and COMMISSION MERCHANTSN SlLoulsvtUe Scientific Sboeingof 0 J am ready to do Blaok Smith xng of any kind from horse shoe Bho ng to the repairing of the finQstdll vehicles I will make a ePeoialt- of shoeing horses with diseased to hoofs and guarantee satisfaction My shop is located back of liveryw ask Barbee Robertson Give j duo me your work 3W COFFEY iau WiliortJWCjiW the tiradyville Kentucky HSKB IS no better place to i stoj ifl > IiGood table Bates very reasonable Fe stable attached fug 1 I IDENTIST g t c f S wok tdd Filling Crown and Bridpe iSJ h t F po I 0 J over Russell W JfM xrells Store CJolnmhla Ky ixl ft Ti 1 t LETTER OF CONDOLENCE 01908t Star IothcrJ After T cniving fathers me Bagy yesterday I wrote a letter and mailed it then went down town to nswer the telegram and was shocked to fiud another message advising me of poor Owens death I didnt receive the firetmsyag h T lftpatt o It beiijg nudayV the operators didnt know to lacate me promptly ot- nowing my residence address It paiued me to write that I uldnt game hot it was next to frme to off and knowing that I c uidut get there 1D timN tosee the dear boy again i woe nueleFs toaryto go It makes my heart bleed t o- thiukthat eve can never haves an other complete family reunion on North but I shall strive to lead air upright life in the sight of God andman and be prepared tojmnet yiU all in a better world Ohas my dear good mother I do long to ho with you allof you in this dark hour but thanks to An All WISH Creator we can all come tnJ gut her at His throne of grace and for the comforting influence of spirit pledging ourselves to His service throughout the re uisinder of our lives t bhearts teuderelt yniiya thiesgiert outto Mattie and the livtt voted are uow without a fathers proteotipUjaudaiiBelfish loon and Mat t tiiswbam ihelnyer his boyapdeft heart may God give 8tl hHFgrxanndetrengtUsuchi motb rtHgpiatJ the little feetfjn right path and shape their lit lives in a way that will be ac ceptable to Him who Batches over all Andyo dear mother nd iabherrwhat ISllY toward cOlleol 1g you whet lam so brok enhearted I do pray that youj Uiuot tiorrnw ins t those wn6 ihatyotiiH1ave truat the Gear lilirist to carry vour hurdeus io the end of your j mr j f uey 4 Pray for PIO ldn fairt iiyttiafcw A mUy be < rne sfrYuyts uf Gudeud hot pre I13r is p34e t r wfpiuiyCCimPa4 yt < If tfl t hatdesItr Onfefi ha8 r6ft thto oaN why have houwwSrGodand iu thitt geld below Ciirieien m ot JJ roSi e will t St IiWijJbelihi grivt 018t wbHL theyrip Oa11Kd t JI hII Thfee r arcctBHjpus toByinvutniee our triHivvmd lieighnra > urn visit d with s like affl r iN t and will never b r until explained by the Oreg VV l With the teuderest Bympatjblvfir b a broken heart to yon allb GEORGE BANKS ASAb DEATH t- Everybody in Stillwater ivaV ckyd beyond w expression TUes nlcruruBb the announce firsy pam H her only about two hours after m ehohttdglveu life oa8on and was unexpected being directly to heart failure The m moria seryjces were hiifd yeeterdcy o 1 at the Chris eM church of which the scriuken huabitudla pastor TJie iatiirur or building had beentastefuliy decorated with blackand whit beeps Bile > nlma i find ilioLura were evwry where in pr fusici The Lousy was filled tu its atmnst capacity and many wrV tvirju awuy in order to SvoidjcroVrdjug h6JB ieeaMwetbou iinctied by Giinirr of Ee rKmsJ w o was il Siciceed eharob r furnished the music sitigiiJg dur C the gfrvico Cbmft ye fiiiscou soluto ZtMust TellVjeBn t 1 j Neirer MyGodto Th er e Ross Teoitedi the Twentythird Pwiiim and < ifTirMrl nrtver RV retidtherSoriptaVe lees o n Rv Garner > spoke abjut u ndj yr MltrgrtEHuuo was born if tht anaWJitit tJt its d Pk cI i If 3 1876 Sh0 came with liar par ents Mr and Mrs L N Sutra to Stillwateriu 1892vand was mar rfed about three years ago to Rev 9hildrel the other the infant whost hurt t cost his mother her life Great sorrow is felt for un ime ly death but no one sorrows e ththose t > her was but a pasaiug on to a richer and fuller life with Him whonfahe served hero Stillwater OklaM Paper BLA KBVRN AND McCREAR Special to the Louisville Times from Washington Kenuckys Senators and Representatives ar ot only Democrafcic in politics Thl3Yfa yxetmajtbh ¬ r Statue Mpst of them are poor men and they dr not live on snob an expensive and elaborate scale a Se thnators have more senatorial dignity that than many men in the upper chimbrtf but it is a rare occasion onwhen desk to see4 persons who send iim ckt theV r will see ybnatouce Both the Kentucky Seuator- e well but modestly Both are ular in thnir attendance at the BusaiouB of the Senate The death of Herbert Spet oer troves the world the poorer as bis life made it the better JIis years ot conflict with blind creeds have paved the way for therealizatipn that every true creed has as its basis u foundation of fixed and un ¬ changeable law slid that the mss¬ ter mind which planned the uni ¬ verse built not hythe day nor for the day but for all tote By the fOtCOOf Spencers intellect weak faith has been shaken true faith hasbeen made stronger through the recognition that science in stead of overthrowing all religion o r 7Htne outward manifestation of tbeplane aiifl > Mirr iBQo nt the Clnrl f tblJgs ns trioyarcHerbs Sncei kh d a iydnflyhtut- htitia i tive He haa exposed IiBliet dawnaiiduvtttbruwn iniio at waa falsely bjjneved to true LoiaiBville Times r GOEBEliMO IB P + failrContraC rSt titllyl be t fa 1 to finish and put IOPIJsftton thGo v Gebel mewJrJ tn4nument atFda tort said Mr George Adams e ftXlngtou monuuiutsUiAn but itS e will complete the work in th Sprlog o Tnebase1s of solid giraolte 40 feet quire the jar esp1 dhnentions tbat tlut could possibly be transported by 11 jt i rniiruads All of the modUinent will Totiiranite except tbellsruicbrttuL- ie ie nt WUUam Goebel tea feat high t xoffceeoluuih upon hkn his le ftut nandand lTe bronza figure etty GrletJl ltunttb acelltla Jill mat rlal Lb attwtil bdurd fOrever > anotso nstiurt wlth ont 1JIIll8tt fences tfrcatch 1 trasby tJ1atl can kept cleanby the rain tatlor wit very little trouble petGR8bel mQ ument frourbksti uiwpof statue wll 32 feet nii wil bBOqcof h tt whole Country The fironze status wlllroQresGuvGoebel in thee of speaking In an easy manner wi 6nUtsrigtl ar nextteud ed agdhisleftaralrfsting oa a brp JUl1m d t f t Ii THE FRANCHISE lIJJ EJllJtl MarkHanua In the last campaign SSrhuttlbiottteh4 aaGta3 ibti v Lilt wll i enough alone and we most respectful HiJc i1 neiid lsiUese empoiata 6t Kentucky who are burning with z salk u> atuefiilf our electlonlanSf so as dlsfrSncnise tbosp i wfiff tan not re- laViewed strictly froma partystn pd M poidt thwdemoctaiicr party needs no mt t1 OMTp orrthe qualifications ot the voters It han but recently car led theStae b tan old time discouragedv and have no earthly cajacelif wlpnlng In Kentucky If the Democratstact but half way decent In thetfacvof thfs condition of affairs JK it not beet UJ let well enough alone wil Agalathbot bCtnfarrodgcatl anal t et acatlc b ixrtYe vdtB rOti8 fi ti rei1outotthudeslfztadislrauc lilac f D t i tb ellliterateio IfltatoPpedthere no very grwitl niura wouldbe done It mlghtpiroye a bnefit but It does not stop there we can not nnfor der the restrictions of the Fedelal con dfru but the Javjr that will take the ballot1st away from thirty thousand Illiterate negroes will take It away from twice Ias manyllllterate white voters Manyof se white voters are property own era and men of good practical lutelll gence Thousands f them have en joved the rlthts of citizens tor forty years They became voters when there were no free schools and when there were no opportunities for poor boys to learn to read and write To deprive Wlf that might accrue to titter the State cheh negroescou We believe In an educational quail Station l voters but we can neither seeienecesaltyor the justice of a tetroadtivelaarWhlchmbaacitlzearat t many years We believe In an educat tonal qualification that looks to the future and provides this restriction those who will shortly become of Forty years ago it was almost possible for the very poor to receive an education now with our splendid apI anede lon for voters both as an elevation of the franchise and as- a stimulus to education but provide that It will go into effect from two to four years from the time of its adopt ion and apply to those who will come of age after the specified time This will be a good thing for Goth the State and the citizen and will work an in justice to no man Ellzabethtown News SPICY PARAGRAPHS e Dowie refuses to talk Then he is bard hit The trackless trolley promises to follow wireless telegraphy Captain Hobson is an expansionist after the true jingo heart It is stock water not holy water that has submerged Prophet Dowie rtBrother Plerpont Morllan sees n reasonwhy hp should got profit by canal water also tKjf ebhrnpoor Bl1thelsllladder he didnt stay pour Dld6liote Colomlilaois Mr Cle mean y Ignore CQloneCBrY n Anyhow Perry Heath and some others have looked up their status under the statute of lltbltations Wp shall see how strenuous Jandl date Roosevelt is in his diplomatic d ealings with Warwick HSnnaT Major Bath Done isdoingbla heat to exemplify the truth of the old provxrb yhe rpgnesliU ant efo An Indian chief named Big Turkey in Oklahoma celebrated his OIDe first birthday on Thanksgiving day A Canadlan court has just ruled that a husband is responsible for what h wife eayn Pjctqre Ittblnk of it maulh experleoa the same kind of a time with the irmy wita h he naval clique Sir Arthur Clark the English natur myrarchusobact Vmcenv t Tis a bud of a t commandsize Prophet Dowie referrlngof course to cash Why not do a llttle private diremjf yourself Llge l Mrs Langtry finds the splendid Cv c age perfectly fascinating Oh the giddy iTary MacSandlsh old girl a always labored under the tottliatdear old London was a adslow aoncherktiountil we read ithaa a special hospital for football payers V > Atlantans vwho have braved the1y retrlsty 6m predate e feelings of the victims of the anthracite trdst last winter We notice that all those sporty tradesmen InQreat Britain who maythis challenge for the Americas cup next yearieizernegleet to add their lieu of basin i6stoth8 aunouncament At llJt J r < tc EARLY AND It is surprising LATkFB17JTI fruit trees planted use in each home Yet many farmers pay very high prices for early it says a correspondent of Epitom Take for instance early peaches which sell tor from 160 thebushel cheaper than that Che answer is unquestionably yes and furthermore the man who raises them enjoys many more than If he had to pay these prices There Is no reason why w should not set plenty of early apples at least forborne consumption Be ¬ sides fresh fruit they supply abuse fur pies cobblers rolls etc at a time other things are scarce many in between the berries and fall fruitPrtceson early peaches pears rries an3plums are high this sea- son ¬ and this snot feant dont raise a bite in good season When raising for market plant shoo one third as moos early as late vari ¬ sties for the latter should be the malacropasthecanaingaadpresersem on and many times more fruit Is required There are a few kinds of fruit that should not be overlooked for they are marvel of productiveness beauty and size They are theKeiffer pear Elberta peach Gold plum and Grimes gulden There are many other good ds which should be planted and dot not overlook these if quantity count a with you Mr Uoosevelt argues that When the Congress directed that we should take the Panama route under treaty with Colombia the essence of the con ditions of course referred not to the Governmant which controlled that route buffo the route Itself to the territory across white the route lay not to the name which for a moment the territory borp on the map The chief value of this argument Is that the county under treaty with which Panama route was to be taken was Colombia Had it been England Ger many or Russia the question of the Government controlling the rqute would have been discovered in short order to be of very motorist irapor tance Louisville Times 01111IHTb OF LICCA BEES ythy 6Tent His bright and cheerful face wi- eet with us no more but Bart not mans only abiding placet Ve are born for a h ber vthan Qthe lod rhis ions will stay iu our presence for ever Who will take the place t tho precious one We will do our lees Here the tad cry of th grieved hearts that saltwif neighborsloved 1 be 000 insurance with our order r which has been fully pid Suv n doge aft + r I mailed the uec BBitry papHrH I received check in full KId A MAN OF MARK The famous newspaper correspond ant who operated at Mole Sc Nich during the war with Spain suit e quently figuring at Cbefoo and one ofcal two points of vantage hail finally land froeel m t tile London Dally Telegrah to this importT edThe real purpose of the vleltori1 William J Bryan to Great Britain U a to engage John Devlin prisldent ut the executive council of the United Irish League to come to the UijlttdJ States to ze the Irish vot laet ctimlh nu presidential campaign Compared with this all the previ Nlchobit las at ad newspaper the t days when Ananias contributed the snake stories to The Jerusalem Week Baz jo pale Into absolute Insignia cance agp imlibe now confined to Belfast AI- m u with such marvelous conception of news that is news ought never leave country He would be in bis element in the offices of New York reformlinowtiltap9rs during the mak tog of ibwe Jaoonrate ante le itIoD +w o it lr a tliiiti oamICutfoe oj 1 Sy THE 1NA UV VBA T10N PfaflkortK Ara 8Speclal DeCeinUnder nnsblbar a stealing through ahe stood with bare bead and uphftedbadGoy Beckbam at 160 oclock this street con took for third time in his brief publlccareer the oatb as chief executive rarer of the Commonwealth It was adrninls Trahaves Ape ¬ one Republicans now In- State office The formal takinir of tin oath was witnessed by a crowd of mreI than five thousand persons vhoche cr- od lustily at the close of the jnltu u ural address of the Governor and jKb raised his hand and declared t am tutu ready to tale the oath as GoVrn 1 or Its formal taking though tin ture of the day was one of th small lucidents of the occasslon The witnesst erected ed it as did the address of the Govern ¬ which was well received by the as ¬ bled thousandsUH 31R TIIOKNE SWORN IK Following the oath of office as Lieu- tenant Governor was administered to the Hon W P Thorne the new Lieu ¬ tenant Governor and the crowd dis ¬ persed to accept or Frankfurts baser tallts A feature of Inaugurations the past which was noticeably missing from the affair was the speech of a re ng Executive To day the Govern tirior succeeds himself and is tin first In ninetytwo years of Kentucky history to do so was presented by the Mayor of the State Capital Ina few remarks following a beautiful prayer by a local minister of the Gospel The inaugural ceremonies proper he I an a few minutes pastl ocock after of the State troops and par atfclpants in the parade bad been nek by Gov Beckbam and his official staff These officers resplendent in the re ¬ galia of office had been his escort in the parade and accompanied him through the line ot cadets to tbe io- n i ural stand ISEEN jf any on I who has ever hen president IU wc > v birn in 1817 In that year Mar i Bureu wdsiuauguratedpn tdeu nsequently Mr Cleveland has liven BurerI Ilanh term which Tyler succeeded also to the irttninlstrations PolK Taylor Fil ore Pi rce Buchanan Lincoln fl two terms of Grant n F Anther Beoj men tlarriho UfKmley and thus far in the admt aof d In own Mr Cleveland has not only lived Ir tbe administrations mentioned but fas lived tu sew six vicepresidents su- cctd to the presldt nCr three of that n > Johnson Auhur and RiIlStVlt irnru nif to the White House tbnuub th- at aslnIHiD of tbiir prtdccSlIrt The others wr Vtin Bureml eriino- Fnnirre 01 Loly four VP ri Ifterhl first anmmlstrull1n va other unusual things snout his pelt UrnN Y Sun The book trust have reaped a nit arvest from tbe Kentucky field here era 800000 children of xcboo in this State It the trusts make net proht of twenty five cents on Ut- hallkNof each child ihey would clear J 200rOOO vrry year If their pr flh re fifty cents for taO cLitd they poet 8400000 every twelve mnnxhs IT they make one dollar on each pup tbere would be an annual clearance SSOOoOO Of course nobody contends that all these calldren are In school at the same time but a large majorltp- hemaremattendancesumotimed ol n r Ing the twelve months and it is safe to say at least fifty cents a year is the profit of the book trust on each pa who attends In Tennessee and In- nti where school book laws arc io c1i the estimate in saving In cost varies from twenty five to forty per cone but never lower than tbo former figures Furry centsbp tbe dollar la a saving so great that it needs futbcr calling attention toanil twenty Cents on the dollar ia worth litekiupt tnQrUdIC t a f b > < 50BB1TT HOTEL ti LEBANON KY ue J D BOBBIn < SON Proprietors Railroad Street Within Fifty k Yards of tho Depot 0 rarUishe 1Newly and neatly ales beds Special J far commercial men accommOdatIons de of reasons Adam r and adjoining solicited COunt les J a STONE i 1i AItorneYAi Lawyt r NTUCKY1Lj 0 1Ve 111 practice in the courts in this aud ad- joining counties 0 Special attention given collections BELLS HOTELb6- banon Ky Frank Bell Piwletor e 0 fhis hotel Is located opposite the L N Depot and is a splendid place at whicbto step Good meals excellent attention and the rates very reasona ¬ ble Trade of Adair and adjoining ountteo ollcited ff BIG FOUR The Bnxt Line to- INDIANAPOLIS PEORIA OHIOAGOl And all points m Indiuana Michigan BUFFALO CLEVELAND i NEW YORK BOSTON And all Points East Information cheerfully f nished on application City Ticket Office uri Four Rut No 259 Av or wnt H J toI Gnl Ann Pu mpnt LU1vitlely PEOPLE Q- FADAIR COUNTV Can save money by mailing goodsn l listed below I Caetarfa17CnF Peruna 67c wamp Root670 Ben LUinient 2o loo Paracbnip 13c Everything at cut rates CITY HALL PHARMUK uisville Kentucky MPCDSTONE nave an Excellent MAD STONE which has been tried casesh bites with good results I can cite o to many of the casoq Trite or caU on me CAMP KNOX KY AII LYYOA4TI COLUMBIA HA11KBT i1f ofBEPOIlT1D BY SAX LEWIS Wool Grease olean tft Washed Wool v 25 Y Beeswax 22 Feathers > 44 6Jl IO ctt S g I > t i i 400 Spring Chickens c > t Ii 7 Old BQaePYiQ Eggs rrrrrv > VTV 18 1flue ti Ia I relpor61fIlY tcbja tt r > orik fsTeb tabk3K u i j <
Page 1: The Adair County news.. (Columbia, Kentucky) 1903-12-16 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt773n20d973/data/0205.pdf · L IiN 1 > Y V THE ADMR COUNTY NEWS VOLUME 7 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY

L IiN 1 > Y



1903 NUMBER 5



Office bout week days 700u m to 830 p m


01KOttiT COURT Three session a yearThlrataadajr InJaaniry third Monday

fklrdlf 8d y IB SeptemberJlrcult Judje W W JonesommonwealthAttorneyN W Aaron

8heritFPW MillerOlrcalt Olerii JBOoaeynOOOJTTT OOUM Pint Monday In each mootJmdgeTi AMnmU-CouatyoterkTAttorneyJSEOtaettJrkJailer J K P Conprer-

AstftBsor B W ButtoncoIurveyorRSchool Bapt WD Jane 1

coronerO M Bnsee-

n1tmoansrRegalaroourteeCOadMenday loitJgdgerAttorney Gordon Mont omry


FftMBYTBUAttaQfZVrLLP1 8TilTReT W c Clemeni

CMtor Scrrictl second and fourth 8nnd

eatSabbath y



8v XVIU 8TBMTKeT F RLesitpar-htot Sernce I J and 3 SUDdaJII tn each moat

4uod j ehool every Sabbath at 9am PrayeramEting ThursdaynlithtI


QBBif IBOKB STMBT Bev J P Scruggsptutor First and third Sunday tneachmootS ladaynoboo every Sabbath 9 a m Praye-

meeting Tneaday night


CAiirBkUSTiLL Pin Eld W RAzbi-Paitor ScrttMr Second and Fourth Sundaysla ooh mouth Snadaycboot eVer1 Sabbath IU3O am Prayer meeting Wednesday pnight



TjjllUl BO NoS8 P and A MBeguon FrJbanktat eaehtIn

S ighormonth WItlW A Coffey

W D Jonw Secretaryus

o 7 meets

rldaalibtattertuUmooDaHorace Jeffries

W WBBAMBAW Secretary



Flatulo Pollevil splints spavin or

rvV any surgical work done at fair prices thJammed to take care of stock Iiis

WhS D OBEN8HAW-H sails from Columbia on Oliappointment



MERCHANTSNSlLoulsvtUeScientific Sboeingof0J am ready to do Blaok Smithxng of any kind from horse shoe Bho

ng to the repairing of the finQstdllvehicles I will make a ePeoialt-of shoeing horses with diseased tohoofs and guarantee satisfactionMy shop is located back of liverywask Barbee Robertson Give j duo

me your work



tiradyville KentuckyHSKB IS no better place to i stoj ifl>IiGoodtable Bates very reasonable Fe

stable attached

fug1 I



Swoktdd Filling Crown and Bridpe iSJ

h t F po I 0 J over RussellW

JfM xrells Store CJolnmhla Ky


ftTi 1



01908tStar IothcrJAfter T cniving fathers me Bagy

yesterday I wrote a letter andmailed it then went down town to

nswer the telegram and wasshocked to fiud another messageadvising me of poor Owens deathI didnt receive the firetmsyag

hTlftpatt o It beiijg

nudayV the operators didnt knowto lacate me promptly ot-

nowing my residence addressIt paiued me to write that Iuldnt game hot it was next to

frme to off andknowing that I c uidut get there1D timN tosee the dear boy again i

woe nueleFs toaryto go

It makes my heart bleed to-

thiukthat eve can never haves another complete family reunion onNorth but I shall strive to lead airupright life in the sight of Godandman and be prepared tojmnetyiU all in a better world Ohasmy dear good mother I do long toho with you allof you in thisdark hour but thanks to An AllWISH Creator we can all come tnJgut her at His throne of grace and

for the comforting influence ofspirit pledging ourselves to

His service throughout the reuisinder of our lives t

bhearts teuderelt yniiya

thiesgiert outto Mattie and thelivttvoted are uow without a fathersproteotipUjaudaiiBelfish loon and

Mat t tiiswbam ihelnyerhis boyapdeft heart may God



motb rtHgpiatJ the little feetfjnright path and shape their litlives in a way that will be ac

ceptable to Him who Batches overall Andyo dear mother

nd iabherrwhat ISllY towardcOlleol 1g you whet lam so brokenhearted I do pray that youj

Uiuot tiorrnw ins t those wn6

ihatyotiiH1avetruat the Gear lilirist to carry vourhurdeus io the end of your j mr

j fuey 4Pray for PIO ldn fairtiiyttiafcw A mUy be < rne sfrYuyts

uf Gudeud hot preI13r isp34et rwfpiuiyCCimPa4 yt <

Iftfl t hatdesItr Onfefi ha8 r6ftthtooaN why have houwwSrGodandiu thitt geld below

Ciirieienm ot JJ roSi e will

t St IiWijJbelihigrivt018twbHL theyrip Oa11Kd t JI hIIThfee r arcctBHjpus toByinvutniee

our triHivvmd lieighnra> urn visit d with s like affl riNt

and will never b runtil explained by the Oreg

VV l

With the teuderest Bympatjblvfir ba broken heart to yon allbGEORGE BANKS


Everybody in Stillwater ivaV

ckyd beyondwexpression TUes

nlcruruBb the announcefirsypam H

her only about two hours after mehohttdglveu life oa8on and was

unexpected being directlyto heart failure

The m moria seryjces were hiifdyeeterdcy o 1 at the Chris eM

church of which the scriukenhuabitudla pastor TJie iatiirur or

building had beentastefuliydecorated with blackand whitbeeps Bile >nlma i find ilioLura

were evwry where in pr fusiciThe Lousy was filled tu its atmnstcapacity and many wrV tvirjuawuy in order to SvoidjcroVrdjug

h6JB ieeaMwetbou iinctied byGiinirr of EerKmsJ w o was ilSiciceedeharob r

furnished the music sitigiiJg dur Cthe gfrvico Cbmft ye fiiiscou

soluto ZtMust TellVjeBn t 1 jNeirer MyGodto Ther e

Ross Teoitedi the TwentythirdPwiiim and < ifTirMrl nrtver RV

retidtherSoriptaVe lees onRv Garner > spoke abjut

u ndjyrMltrgrtEHuuo was born iftht anaWJitit tJtits d PkcI i


3 1876 Sh0 came with liar parents Mr and Mrs L N Sutrato Stillwateriu 1892vand was marrfed about three years ago to Rev

9hildrelthe other the infant whost hurt t

cost his mother her lifeGreat sorrow is felt for un ime

ly death but no one sorrows eththoset > her was but a pasaiug on to aricher and fuller life with Himwhonfahe served hero StillwaterOklaM Paper

BLA KBVRN AND McCREARSpecial to the Louisville Times

from Washington KenuckysSenators and Representatives arot only Democrafcic in politics

Thl3Yfayxetmajtbh ¬


Statue Mpst of them are poormen and they dr not live on snoban expensive and elaborate scale

aSethnatorshave more senatorial dignity thatthan many men in the upperchimbrtf but it is a rare occasiononwhendesk to see4 persons who send iimckttheVr will see ybnatouce

Both the Kentucky Seuator-e well but modestly Both areular in thnir attendance at the

BusaiouB of the Senate

The death of Herbert Spet oertroves the world the poorer as bislife made it the better JIis yearsot conflict with blind creeds havepaved the way for therealizatipnthat every true creed has as itsbasis u foundation of fixed and un ¬

changeable law slid that the mss¬ter mind which planned the uni ¬

verse built not hythe day nor forthe day but for all tote By thefOtCOOf Spencers intellect weakfaith has been shaken true faithhasbeen made stronger throughthe recognition that science instead of overthrowing all religiono r

7Htne outward manifestation oftbeplane aiifl > Mirr iBQo nt the Clnrl

f tblJgs ns trioyarcHerbsSncei kh d a iydnflyhtut-htitia


tive He haa exposedIiBliet dawnaiiduvtttbruwn iniio

at waa falsely bjjneved totrue LoiaiBville Timesr


failrContraC rSt titllyl be t fa 1to finish and put IOPIJsftton thGo v

Gebel mewJrJ tn4nument atFdatort said Mr George Adams eftXlngtou monuuiutsUiAn but


ewill complete the work in th Sprlog


Tnebase1s of solid giraolte 40 feetquire the jar esp1 dhnentions tbat

tlut could possibly be transported by11 jt i

rniiruads All of the modUinent will

Totiiranite except tbellsruicbrttuL-


nt WUUam Goebel tea feat high txoffceeoluuih upon hkn his leftutnandand lTe bronza figure ettyGrletJl ltunttb acelltla Ji ll

mat rlal Lb attwtil bdurd fOrever >anotso nstiurt wlth ont 1JIIll8ttfences tfrcatch

1trasby tJ1atl can

kept cleanby the rain tatlor wit

very little trouble petGR8bel mQ

ument frourbksti uiwpof statue wll

32 feet nii wil bBOqcof httwhole Country The fironze statuswlllroQresGuvGoebel in thee

of speaking In an easymanner wi 6nUtsrigtl ar nextteuded

agdhisleftaralrfsting oa a brp

JUl1m dt f t Ii

THE FRANCHISE lIJJ EJllJtlMarkHanua In the last campaign

SSrhuttlbiottteh4 aaGta3 ibti v Lilt wll i

enough alone and we most respectfulHiJc i1 neiid lsiUese empoiata 6tKentucky who are burning with zsalku> atuefiilf our electlonlanSf so asdlsfrSncnise tbosp i wfiff tan not re-

laViewed strictly froma partystn pdM

poidt thwdemoctaiicr party needs nomt t1OMTp orrthe qualifications otthe voters It han but recently carled theStae b tan old timediscouragedv and

have no earthly cajacelif wlpnlng InKentucky If the Democratstact buthalf way decent In thetfacvof thfs

condition of affairs JK it not beet UJ letwell enough alone wil

Agalathbot bCtnfarrodgcatl analt et acatlc b ixrtYe vdtB rOti8 fiti rei1outotthudeslfztadislrauc lilac

f D


tbellliterateio IfltatoPpedthereno very grwitl niura wouldbe done

It mlghtpiroye a bnefit butIt does not stop there we can not nnforder the restrictions of the Fedelal condfrubut the Javjr that will take the ballot1staway from thirty thousand Illiteratenegroes will take It away from twice

Ias manyllllterate white voters Manyofse white voters are property own

era and men of good practical lutelllgence Thousands f them have enjoved the rlthts of citizens tor fortyyears They became voters when therewere no free schools and when therewere no opportunities for poor boys tolearn to read and write To depriveWlfthat might accrue to titter the Statechehnegroescou

We believe In an educational quailStation l voters but we can neitherseeienecesaltyor the justice of a

tetroadtivelaarWhlchmbaacitlzearat t

many years We believe In an educattonal qualification that looks to thefuture and provides this restriction

those who will shortly become ofForty years ago it was almost

possible for the very poor to receivean education now with our splendidapIanedelon for voters bothas an elevation of the franchise and as-

a stimulus to education but providethat It will go into effect from two tofour years from the time of its adoption and apply to those who will come

of age after the specified time Thiswill be a good thing for Goth the Stateand the citizen and will work an injustice to no man EllzabethtownNews

SPICY PARAGRAPHSe Dowie refuses to talk Then he

is bard hitThe trackless trolley promises to

follow wireless telegraphyCaptain Hobson is an expansionist

after the true jingo heartIt is stock water not holy water

that has submerged Prophet Dowie

rtBrother Plerpont Morllan sees nreasonwhy hp should got profit by

canal water alsotKjfebhrnpoor Bl1thelsllladder he didntstay pour

Dld6liote ColomlilaoisMr Cle mean yIgnore CQloneCBrY n

Anyhow Perry Heath and some

others have looked up their statusunder the statute of lltbltations

Wp shall see how strenuous Jandl

date Roosevelt is in his diplomaticd ealings with Warwick HSnnaT

Major Bath Done isdoingbla heat toexemplify the truth of the old provxrb

yhe rpgnesliU ant efo

An Indian chief named Big Turkeyin Oklahoma celebrated his OIDe

first birthday on Thanksgiving day

A Canadlan court has just ruled thata husband is responsible for what h

wife eayn Pjctqre Ittblnk of it

maulhexperleoathe same kind of a time with the irmywita hhe naval clique

Sir Arthur Clark the English natur

myrarchusobactVmcenv tTis abud of a

tcommandsizeProphet Dowie referrlngof course

to cash Why not do a llttle privatediremjf yourself Llge l

Mrs Langtry finds the splendidCvcage perfectly fascinating Oh thegiddy iTary MacSandlsh old girl

a always labored under thetottliatdear old London was a

adslow aoncherktiountil we read

ithaa a special hospital for footballpayers V


Atlantans vwho have braved the1yretrlsty 6m

predate e feelings of the victims of

the anthracite trdst last winter

We notice that all those sportytradesmen InQreat Britain who maythischallenge for the Americas cup nextyearieizernegleet to add their lieu ofbasin i6stoth8 aunouncament AtllJt J r




It is surprising LATkFB17JTIfruit trees planted

use in each home Yet manyfarmers pay very high prices for early

it says a correspondent of EpitomTake for instance early peaches

which sell tor from 160thebushelcheaper than that Che answer isunquestionably yes and furthermorethe man who raises them enjoys manymore than If he had to pay theseprices There Is no reason why wshould not set plenty of early applesat least forborne consumption Be¬

sides fresh fruit they supply abuse furpies cobblers rolls etc at a time

other things are scarce manyin between the berries and fall

fruitPrtceson early peaches pearsrries an3plums are high this sea-


and this snotfeantdont raise a bite in good seasonWhen raising for market plant shooone third as moos early as late vari ¬

sties for the latter should be themalacropasthecanaingaadpresersem

on and manytimes more fruit Is required Thereare a few kinds of fruit that shouldnot be overlooked for they are marvelof productiveness beauty and sizeThey are theKeiffer pear Elbertapeach Gold plum and Grimes gulden

There are many other goodds which should be planted and dot

not overlook these if quantity countawith you

Mr Uoosevelt argues that Whenthe Congress directed that we shouldtake the Panama route under treatywith Colombia the essence of the conditions of course referred not to theGovernmant which controlled thatroute buffo the route Itself to theterritory across white the route laynot to the name which for a momentthe territory borp on the map Thechief value of this argument Is thatthe county under treaty with whichPanama route was to be taken wasColombia Had it been England Germany or Russia the question of theGovernment controlling the rqutewould have been discovered in shortorder to be of very motorist iraportance Louisville Times

01111IHTb OF LICCA BEESythy6TentHis bright and cheerful face wi-

eet with us no more but Bartnot mans only abiding placet

Ve are born for a h bervthanQthelodrhisions will stay iu our presence forever Who will take the place ttho precious one We will do ourlees Here the tad cry of thgrieved hearts that saltwifneighborsloved 1


000 insurance with our order rwhich has been fully pid Suv ndoge aft +r I mailed the uec BBitrypapHrH I received check in fullKIdA MAN OF MARK

The famous newspaper correspondant who operated at Mole Sc Nichduring the war with Spain suit e

quently figuring at Cbefoo and one ofcaltwo points of vantage hail finally landfroeel m

t tile London Dally Telegrahto this importTedThe real purpose of the vleltori1William J Bryan to Great Britain U ato engage John Devlin prisldent utthe executive council of the UnitedIrish League to come to the UijlttdJStates to ze the Irish vot laetctimlh nupresidential campaign

Compared with this all the previ

Nlchobit lasatadnewspaper the t

days when Ananias contributed thesnake stories to The Jerusalem Week

Baz jo pale Into absolute Insigniacanceagpimlibe now confined to Belfast AI-m u with such marvelous conceptionof news that is news ought never leave

country He would be in biselement in the offices of New York

reformlinowtiltap9rs during the maktog of ibwe Jaoonrate ante le itIoD+woitlratliiiti oamICutfoe oj



PfaflkortK Ara 8Speclal

DeCeinUndernnsblbar astealing through ahe stood with barebead and uphftedbadGoy Beckbamat 160 oclock this street con took for

third time in his brief publlccareerthe oatb as chief executive rarer ofthe Commonwealth It was adrninls

TrahavesApe ¬

one Republicans now In-

State office The formal takinir of tinoath was witnessed by a crowd of mreIthan five thousand persons vhoche cr-

od lustily at the close of the jnltu u uraladdress of the Governor and jKbraised his hand and declared t a m

tutu ready to tale the oath as GoVrn 1

or Its formal taking though tinture of the day was one of th

small lucidents of the occasslon The

witnessterecteded it as did the address of the Govern ¬

which was well received by the as ¬



Following the oath of office as Lieu-

tenant Governor was administered tothe Hon W P Thorne the new Lieu ¬

tenant Governor and the crowd dis¬

persed to accept or Frankfurts basertallts A feature of Inaugurationsthe past which was noticeably missingfrom the affair was the speech of a re

ng Executive To day the Governtirior

succeeds himself and is tinfirst In ninetytwo years of Kentuckyhistory to do so was presented by theMayor of the State Capital Ina few

remarks following a beautiful prayerby a local minister of the Gospel

The inaugural ceremonies proper he Ian a few minutes pastl ocock after

of the State troops and paratfclpants

in the parade bad been nekby Gov Beckbam and his official staffThese officers resplendent in the re¬

galia of office had been his escort inthe parade and accompanied himthrough the line ot cadets to tbe io-

ni ural stand

ISEENjf any on

Iwho has ever hen president IU wc > vbirn in 1817 In that year Mar i

Bureu wdsiuauguratedpn tdeunsequently Mr Cleveland has livenBurerIIlanhtermwhich Tyler succeeded also to the

irttninlstrations PolK Taylor Filore Pi rce Buchanan Lincoln

fl two terms of Grant n F

Anther Beoj men tlarrihoUfKmley and thus far in the admtaof d

In ownMr Cleveland has not only lived Ir

tbe administrations mentioned butfas lived tu sew six vicepresidents su-cctd to the presldt nCr three of that n >

Johnson Auhur and RiIlStVlt irnru

nif to the White House tbnuub th-

ataslnIHiD of tbiir prtdccSlIrtThe others wr Vtin Bureml eriino-Fnnirre

01Lolyfour VP ri Ifterhl first anmmlstrull1nvaother unusual things snout his peltUrnN Y Sun

The book trust have reaped a nit

arvest from tbe Kentucky field

here era 800000 children of xcboo

in this State It the trusts make

net proht of twenty five cents on Ut-

hallkNof each child ihey would clear J200rOOO vrry year If their pr flhre fifty cents for taO cLitd they poet

8400000 every twelve mnnxhs IT

they make one dollar on each pup

tbere would be an annual clearanceSSOOoOO Of course nobody contendsthat all these calldren are In school atthe same time but a large majorltp-


nrIng the twelve months and it is safeto say at least fifty cents a year is theprofit of the book trust on each pawho attends In Tennessee and In-

nti where school book laws arc ioc1i the estimate in saving In cost

varies from twenty five to forty percone but never lower than tbo formerfigures Furry centsbp tbe dollar la asaving so great that it needs futbcrcalling attention toanil twentyCents on the dollar ia worth litekiupttnQrUdIC ta

f b




ue J D BOBBIn < SON Proprietors

Railroad Street Within Fifty kYards of tho Depot


rarUishe1Newly and neatlyales beds Special Jfar commercial men


de of reasonsAdam r and adjoining

solicited COunt les



NTUCKY1Lj01Ve 111 practice in thecourts in this aud ad-

joining counties0

Special attention given collections


banon Ky

Frank Bell Piwletor e


fhis hotel Is located opposite the LN Depot and is a splendid place at

whicbto step Good meals excellentattention and the rates very reasona ¬

ble Trade of Adair and adjoiningountteo ollcited


The Bnxt Line to-


OHIOAGOlAnd all points m Indiuana




And all Points EastInformation cheerfully f

nished on applicationCity Ticket Office uriFour Rut No 259Av or wnt

H JtoIGnl Ann Pumpnt LU1vitlely


FADAIR COUNTVCan save money by mailinggoodsn l

listed below I

Caetarfa17CnFPeruna 67c

wamp Root670Ben LUinient 2o looParacbnip 13c

Everything at cut rates


uisville Kentucky

MPCDSTONEnave an Excellent MAD

STONE which has been triedcaseshbites with good results Ican cite o to many of thecasoq Trite or caU on me




Wool Grease olean tftWashed Wool v 25YBeeswax 22Feathers > 446JlIOcttS g I > t i i 400Spring Chickens c > t Ii 7Old BQaePYiQEggs rrrrrv >VTV 18

1flue ti IaI relpor61fIlY tcbja tt r


orik fsTeb tabk3Ku



