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The Advanced Guide to PPC Marketing for Real Estate Investors

Date post: 08-Jan-2017
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The Advanced PPC Guide For Real Estate Investors + 804 Of The Top Motivated Seller Keywords

The Advanced PPC Guide For Real Estate Investors + 804 Of The Top Motivated

Seller Keywords

Who This Guide Is For:We teamed up with Dan Barrett with AdwordsNerds, who analyzed over 3 million keywords and 5,500 leads to create this report to get a more advanced guide out there for those real estate investors and marketing vendors who are already investing consistently into PPC marketing. Those who already have some months under your belt running ads, already have invested into the thousands in click costs, and who are looking to eliminate the waste in your account and hone in on the keywords and ad groups that will return the most profits in your pocket over the long-term.

If you’re a newer real estate investor or just exploring PPC marketing, save this post for later. You may start at some of our other blog posts on PPC marketing for real estate investors to get your start.

How Much Of This Guide Should You Read?This guide was meant to be read cover to cover. I know it’s tempting, but don’t go straight to the keyword list and think you’re going to just download a list and upload it to your PPC account. Great PPC performance doesn’t work that way.

Let’s dive into the Advanced PPC Guide for Real Estate Investors!

Real Estate Investors Have One Of The Toughest (And Weirdest) AdWords Markets In The World

So Why Is Online Marketing For REI So Nuts?● High potential reward with real estate.

● There’s a lack of good data on what actually works.

● Competition can be fierce.

Why You Shouldn’t Just Grab The KeywordsOne of the biggest reasons so many investors PPC campaigns are bleeding money is because many tend to take the “easy” way out.

You just wanna grab the high ROI keywords in this report and paste them into your campaign right?


PPC Is Not SEO - Here’s Why…SEO keywords are pretty well-understood in the REI space - but when you move those keywords to Pay Per Click, however, you start to run into problems.

PPC exploits the difference between Keywords and Search Queries.

● Keywords are what you tell Google you want to target.

● Search Query is the phrase the searcher actually types in.

Actual PPC Search Terms

Can You Spot The Problem?

Every single one of these searches – every single one – is

from a person who is looking to buy a home, not sell one.

Want to know how many of these searches got us a lead?

Zero - Not A Single LeadIn Pay-Per-Click, we have to worry not just about what

keyword we’re using, but how that keyword will be

matched up with the search queries we want. And it’s not

always obvious.

So how do we STOP wasting money on people not looking to sell?

“Match Types” – How To Use Them CorrectlyEach keyword has four different variations. These variations are called “match types.”

Let’s use the example keyword sell my home. That single keyword has four different match types:

sell my home – Broad Match+sell +my +home – Modified Broad Match“sell my home” – Phrase Match[sell my home] – Exact Match

Broad Match KeywordsGive Google as much freedom as possible, letting it match you up with whatever searches it thinks are relevant.

So, the keyword sell my house might get matched up with the following searches:

● Houses for sale near me● Zillow com● Real estate● How to sell my house

Broad Match Keywords

Modified Broad Match KeywordsWith +sell +my +house, for example, we are requiring that Google only match us up with people using the terms sell, my, and house – though not necessarily in that order.

So, we might get matched up with queries like:

● My house is for sale● How to sell my house● Sell my home cooked meals● Sell my soul house dance remix

Modified Broad Match Keywords

Phrase Match KeywordsReign in Google a bit more…

So, the keyword “sell my house” might match us up with these search queries:

● Sell my house fast● How to sell my house● I can’t sell my house● Sell my house boat

Phrase Match Keywords

Exact Match KeywordsThe most limiting match type.

So, if our keyword is [sell my house], our ads will only trigger when someone searches for:

● Sell my house

Exact Match Keywords

Broad = More Volume + Less Targeted while Exact Match = Less Volume + More Targeted

How We Gathered The DataWe looked at over 3 million individual search queries, generated by over 35,000 different keywords (that’s right – 35,000).

All told, those searches generated more than 5500 conversions.

The idea is…

“The more keywords I have, the more leads I’ll get.”

Get The Advanced PPC Guide for Real Estate Investors

4 Reasons Why This Is A Big Problem:1 Running keywords carries risk. Any keyword you run can overspend, cause you to hit your budget cap, and prevent you from getting leads from your other keywords.

2 Keywords that get low Quality Scores can weigh down your account and cause you to pay more…and it’s very hard to monitor the quality scores of thousands of keywords at once.

4 Reasons Why This Is A Big Problem...3 Huge numbers of keywords are really hard to manage, so very large campaigns tend to overspend and underperform.

4 Simply slapping together a big list of keywords and running them all is a recipe for disaster.

Focused On A Few Key Metrics:Click Through Rate (CTR) – The percentage of folks that clicked on the ad after seeing it.

Number of conversions (Conv) – The number of leads a keyword generates.

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) – Gives us a sense of how competitive a keyword is. More competitors means higher bids, which means we pay more for leads.

Cost-Per-Conversion (CPA) – Gives us a sense of how easy it is to turn these clicks into leads, and what those leads cost.

Which Keywords Should You Go With?We wanted a convenient way of condensing a keyword’s

many characteristics into a single number that could tell


How likely is this keyword to benefit my bottom line?To do that, we had to create a new way of analyzing

keyword performance.

We Call It The MAP Number.

MAP Number solves the problem of lead quality by incorporating a weighting factor determined by a keywords match type.

It uses our real-world experience to factor in the likelihood that keywords of certain types are more likely to generate leads that become deals.

It also takes into account the high average transaction values in Real Estate Investing.

Seeing The Differences Between Keywords A Bit More Clearly:Using the MAP calculation, we can see…

1 The Broad Match keyword will generate more leads, but at a lower profit margin.

2 The Exact Match keyword will generate fewer leads, but with a higher profit margin.

The Results Of Our Analysis

Here Are A Few Takeaways:1 Less than 5% of all keywords ever generate a single lead.

This was the big shocker. Only a tiny percentage of all the keywords investors are targeting ever generate a single lead.

Of those that did get leads, more than half generated only one lead apiece.

2 Different match types perform very differently.

The same keyword will perform very differently depending on the match type you’re targeting.

Broad Match keywords get the most conversions, but cost the most per lead.

Exact Match keywords ultimately offer the best compromise between lead quality and price.

Phrase and MBM fall somewhere in the middle, getting you decent lead costs, but also helping to boost your overall lead volume.

3 Localized keywords can be extremely valuable (but not always).

Localized keywords (keywords that contain some geographically-specific word, like “sell my house in houston”) ranked among some of the absolute best keywords we looked at.

If your housing market is active and well-educated about what investors do, you can see a large number of highly-motivated leads searching for this type of keyword.

If you’re in a smaller market, these keywords won’t do as well. Smaller markets with lower search volumes will get a bigger boost by targeting more generalized keywords.

Finally: The KeywordsWe’ve included our complete PPC keyword list with this article, so you’ll be able to see the specific rankings we uncovered and compare them to your own account.

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