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The Adventures of John and Sally

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  • 8/8/2019 The Adventures of John and Sally



    A conversation


    For Conversation Expansion

    Dr. Paul R. FriesenNamseoul University


  • 8/8/2019 The Adventures of John and Sally




    This 10 chapter set is based on a system I use inconversation. There are a few basics to learn when youhave a conversation with someone. Each chapter has themembedded in them as a template for the student to inputtheir own ideas.

    The first is to have a topic question.

    You need to have a reason to have a conversation. This topic

    question sets the direction for the conversation. This shouldbe followed by questions related to the topic. This allows theconversation to develop a bit and both persons will have anenjoyable time.

    The second to make things longer.

    Longer responses will give more information, andcommunicate what you want better. I teach longer is

    better. Longer also requires fewer questions to achieve thecommunication and enjoyment that you want.

    The third is to use the Question Answer Questionsequence.

    This sequence allows both continuing the conversationeasily, and changing directions smoothly. An interview hasonly the first two sections of this sequence. A conversation

    requires active participation and the second question willdemonstrate interest in continuing the conversation.

    Each team of students is required to write a chapter a weekfor ten weeks. Combining two teams they write their finalconversation and read all ten chapters at one time. Thisallows the students to see how silly some of theirconversation is, experience a simulated conversation fromtheir life on ten topics, and affirm the above three ideals

    used in real everyday conversations.

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  • 8/8/2019 The Adventures of John and Sally




    Let Me Introduce myselfI am new in school and want to join a Club. Everybody isnew so I need to connect so I can have a good time.

    Break the ice

    John: Hey! Is this the Newspaper Club?1

    Person: Yes! Are you a new student? 2

    John: Yes! I get lost on campus because it is so large.


    Sally: Hello John! . I am also new here.Why do you want to join the Newspaper Club?3

    John: Well! I need to learn to write better. Why are youhere? 4

    Sally: Well! I like looking on the Internet for silly newsstories. It helps my English and they are sometimesvery funny. Do you look at English newspapers on the

    internet? 5

    John: Not often! I only look at the headlines. How does ithelp your English? 6 I find it very boring.

    Sally: I find a lot of interesting words. It helps me build myvocabulary. You should try it! Have you looked at thensuspirit blog? 7 I put the new words I find there. Ithelps other students learn them too.

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    John: That sounds like a good idea. There are not manystudents here. Do you think there are enough studentsinterested? 8

    Sally: I think that it is more interesting if there are not toomany. Have you done a podcast? 9

    John: No! Is it fun? 10

    Sally: I think that we are going to do a few in this club.Sounds like a great idea. Lets meet again to talk moreabout pod-casting ideas.


    What do you do?

    John: Ok! I will have to some research so we can make thisNewspaper Club even more exciting. Sally! What doesyour father do? 1

    Sally: He owns his own business. Do you work after school?2

    John: No! I need to study. What kind of business is he in? 3

    Sally: He makes bricks. You know like the ones on thesidewalk. Does your Dad have a business or is he inManagement in a larger Company? 4

    John: My father is a Middle Manager for LG. He is in qualitycontrol. So if you have an LG TV he had maybeapproved it. Bricks sounds like a heavy job. Is yourDad a muscular man? 5

    Sally: No! He is just a small guy. He has machines to do thelifting. LG sounds like a good career. Does he like hisjob? 6

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    John: He works long hours. It is hard to spend time withhim. Does your father stay at the office at night? 7

    Sally: Yes! He often spends long hours there. How manypeople does your father manage? 8

    John: I have only been in the office once. I think there wereabout 50 people there. Some people may have beengone. How many people work for your father? 9

    Sally: I dont know exactly. It is not a big company. Possiblyonly 20 if you count the cleaning lady. Does your

    father work in Seoul or in Osan? 10

    John: He works in Osan. Where is your fathers Company

    located? 11

    Sally: His factory is located in Danjin. They have to be closeto the sand to make bricks. How many products doesyour father manage for LG? 12

    John: He manages mostly the flat screen TVs. They arealways changing things. How many kinds of bricksdoes your father make? 13

    Sally: Well! I have only seen the one style. It seems to bewhat people want most. We have English class soon.Did you do your homework?

    John: Yes! I think it is fun but it is getting longer all the

    time. Dont give up. See you in class.

    Sally: Ok! Bye!

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    Do you like Noodles?John: Hey Sally! How was your Chusok holiday? 1

    Sally: Well, it rained every day. I wanted to take it and make

    noodle soup. Do you like noodle soup? 2

    John: My mother always makes noodle soup when we are

    sick. She says there is some magic in the bones whencook them. Do you believe that? 3

    Sally: There is some truth in that, I think! Talking about food

    makes me hungry. Would you like to go for lunch? 4

    John: Sure! Where would you like to go? 5

    Sally: My favorite is Joes Diner. He has a wide variety of

    food on the menu, and he serves large servings. Im

    sure he would have something for you. Whats your

    favorite? 6

    John: Joes Diner is a well known restaurant. I usually order

    noodles. Pasta is usually not as heavy as meat, and

    noodles are usually in a soup. I think it is the broth

    from the bones that gives the good flavor.

    They go to Joes Diner.

    Sally: Here comes the waiter. Are you ready to order? 7

    Waiter: May I take your order? 8

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    John: Sure! I will have a club sandwich, bowl of chicken

    noodle soup, and coffee.

    Sally: I think Ill have a cheese omelet and a side of greensalad. I will have water with ice, if you have it. Do you

    have Thousand Island dressing? 9

    Waiter: Yes! It is not a problem!

    John: Sally! What new foods have you tried lately? 10

    Sally: I went to a small restaurant for some very spicy

    kimchi last week. It was delicious and came with sliced

    pork. Have you ever had the spicy Korean kimchi?

    Waiter: Here are your orders! Enjoy!

    John: Thank you! Lets see how this tastes. I will have to go

    to the gym later. Do you go to the gym?

    Sally: I havent yet. Perhaps a yoga class later. I need to


    After the meal

    John: Well, I have an appointment with the Professor. I will

    have to run. It was good having lunch with you today.

    Sally: Yes! It was a good lunch. Maybe next time we will

    meet in the gym. Bye!

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    How often do you do yoga?John is looking at the list of classes.

    John: No baseball. What else do I enjoy doing? Maybe I will

    try tennis.

    Sign up person: Did you see any activity you would like to

    join? 1

    John: I think I will try tennis. How much is tennis? 2

    Sign up person: It is $70 a month, but then you can use the

    weights as well. If you sign up for the year you will get

    a 40% discount. How does that sound? 3

    SALLY: John! Are you signing up for baseball? 4I didnt

    think they had baseball, but you never know, the list is

    always changing.

    John: NO! I think I will buy a tennis membership. What are

    you doing here? 5

    SALLY: I came to do yoga for an hour. It relaxes my mind.How often will you come to play tennis? 6

    John: Hmmm! I have time in the late afternoon usually. The

    time is good for me so I can go relax after. How often

    do you do yoga? 7

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    SALLY: I usually come here twice a week. I am not always in

    town so I come when I can. Perhaps we could play

    some tennis later. I am not good at it but you can

    challenge me. How often would you like to play arookie like me? 8

    John: Lets see! I dont have a partner so anytime you can

    make it would be good. I need to keep fit, because I

    sit all day in a chair at work. Have you ever tried Tai

    Chi? 9

    SALLY: I have thought of that. It is a combination of kungfu

    and yoga. Do you swim? 10 It is supposed to be the

    best exercise to keep in shape. A friend of mine lost 25

    pounds in just a couple of months.

    John: I thought of swimming as an option. I am just a bit

    shy to show my sexy snow white legs, and I swim like

    a sick frog. I prefer to go to the beach and swim in amore open pool of water. Sometimes I just go

    swimming at the beach in the summer.

    SALLY: Well the class will start in a few minutes. It was good

    to meet again. I will try to stop by later in the

    afternoon sometimes for a tennis lesson. Call me if you

    need a partner. My schedule is often flexible.

    John: Sounds like a good plan! Have a good yoga class and I

    will try not to hurt myself with the tennis ball.

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    Opening telephone callComing into the dorm room with other students doing something.

    John: Hi guys! What are you watching?

    Sally: We are watching a new episode of DesperateStudents. The story is all about a group ofstudentswho find themselves under a lot of pressure. Theyhave been having a lot of fun but the tests are nextweek. What are you doing? 1

    John: I was going to check my e-mail. My partner told me heis going to be on the net at 8. We have to do ourEnglish homework. When are you going to do yourhomework? 2

    Sally: Well! My friends and I are going to take bit of time

    from our study. This show is very funny. Watchit for a bit, then tell me if we are as stupid as they arein real life. Do you have time? 3

    John: I dont have much time, but if I watch I am going toget a coke from the fridge. Is there any food leftover? 4

    Sally: There isnt much left. I am ordering chicken after the

    show is finished. That will be in about thirty minutes.Not everybody will stay. Some of them are going to goto a movie. I am too tired to go. With tests coming Ihave to study. Are you ready for the tests? 5

    John: No! Not yet! I am reading the textbook pages. Thereis so much to read. I think I will be anencyclopedia whenI am finished. Oh! Someone istexting me on my phone! Can we meet later? 6

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    Sally: Sure: I am going to see my professor later. I havequestions about his homework. He is going to explainit to me. I think I understand, but I want the best

    mark I can get. Homework marks are important, if Idont do well on my first test. Are you a good testtaker? 7

    John: Not really!I studyand usually get a B. I want to goto New Zealand as an exchange student next year.This conversation class is hard but it pushes me to ahigher level. How often do you watch this TV show? 8

    Sally: I usually watch it once a week. I dont have time towatch it more often. I usually dont watch TV. I go tothe theatre. It is more fun to be with friends than sit athome watching TV. How often do you chat with yourpartner? 9 Doing homework together on the internet isa good idea. You can work together but you dont haveto be in the same place. I think it is more relaxing andcan be more fun.

    John: I chat with my partner about twice a week. We spendabout 2 hours at a time to work on the homework.Thinking about conversation ideas is hard, but in theend we have learned a lot and we practice in class.Have you ever tried it? 10

    Sally: I havent yet. Usually my partner and I meet atschool, and work at it in our free time.

    John: You should try it sometime.

    Sally: Sounds like a good idea. Well, I have to go get readythe show is over. Have fun guys!

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    Meeting at the Do It Again Coffee ShopSally: Hey! Where were you yesterday? 1 I thought we were

    to meet and do our homework for English class.

    John: I know. Im sorry. I was going to phone you but I had

    another appointment. I was running late and I forgot

    to do it. What did you do yesterday? 2

    Sally: Well, I went shopping in the morning. I usually goshopping on the weekend. I have more time, and I

    enjoy it a bit more. Then I went to the coffee shop, but

    you didnt show up. Luckily I had my notebook so I

    worked on the homework alone. What appointment did

    you forget yesterday? 3

    John: I had made a plan a long time ago to meet a friend

    from New Zealand. It was a little embarrassing. They

    were waiting and I was still trying to get there. I know

    homework is important and it is my turn to do it.

    Where did you shop yesterday? 4

    Sally: I usually shop at AK PLAZA. It is a bit expensive but it

    is close to my house. I dont have to take a bus or get

    run over by some motorcycle. There is also a nice foodcourt. Kraze Burgers are a really good. They are much

    better than the fast food ones you get many other

    places. Where did you your New Zealand friend

    yesterday? 5

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    John: We met at Yak and Everest. It is a Nepalese restaurant

    downtown. I enjoy curry but Indian curry usually is

    quite expensive and you get such a small amount. This

    was great, and their tea, which is usually black tea waslike a good chai. You should go there sometime. Did

    you buy anything special yesterday? 6

    Sally: No! Nothing too special! There were some shoes I like,

    but they were too expensive. I am a student so I

    usually just dream about things, and try them on.

    Maybe for Christmas I can suggest it to my parents.

    Santa can bring some strange things. I need to do the

    homework to keep my grade up. Where did you go

    after your meeting yesterday? 7

    John: We met for about 2 hours so I thought it was too late

    to meet with you. I had to get a few groceries for my

    mother. I stopped at the local small supermarket. The

    groceries are too heavy to carry far. Then I went home

    to do homework as well. There is too much before the

    test. Did you catch up on the homework? 8

    Sally: I did do most of it. You understand we need to have 6

    pages before midterms, and number 5 we need a

    video or audio. When do you think we can meet again

    to do this audio or video for the teacher? 9

    John: We can meet at school and ask a professor. That is the

    easy way. Remember that we are to do a conversation

    not an interview only. That makes it harder. We need

    to have good questions. When is a good time for

    you? 10

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    Sally: Tomorrow is great. We need to finish it. Then we can

    continue with the other homework we need to do.

    Tests are coming fast.


    Meeting on the street

    Sally: Hey John! How were your tests? 1

    John: I dont think I got an A+, but I did ok. The English

    conversation class was harder than I thought. The

    professor even told us what to study, and I felt silly

    not knowing some of the questions. Do you think you

    did ok? 2

    Sally: Ok? Yes! A+! Not likely. Im going to go shopping with

    some Filipino friends. Do you want to join us? 3

    John: Sounds good! I dont have much money though. I will

    maybe go to cheer you on. I would have to buy the

    cheaper one. Where do you want to shop? 4

    Sally: I think I will go to Myoungdong market. They have a

    great selection, and if I get there early in the morning

    I heard the price is lower. Then I can buy name brandstuff cheaper. Is early in the morning ok with you? 5

    John: Sounds great! Oh! Look at those computers. They are

    so small. Which one would you choose, if you were to

    buy a computer? The smaller one or the prettier one? 6

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    Sally: Well, I am not a computer person, but I would choose

    the cheaper one. I have some friends who would like

    the prettier one, because they like color more than

    speed or size. What is more important, speed orcolor? 7

    John: Speed is more important than color today to me. What

    else do you want to shop for? 8

    Sally: I thought Id look for a jacket. Its getting cold out

    now. Theres a shop over there with some nice ones.

    They are cheaper than other shops. Maybe because

    they are in the market not a big store. Which one do

    you like better, the wool or the leather one? 9

    John: I like the leather one. Leather is warmer than nylon,

    but more expensive. The best one is the light wool

    one. They are the best for dressing up, when you dont

    have to walk too far. Leather is easier to clean thanthe wool though. Do you like the color of the leather

    one? 10

    Sally: No! I like the wool coats color better. John! Have you

    ever met the Filipino professors? They are always

    dressed so well, and smile all the time.

    John: I will have to meet them. I wonder what they are like.Lets go to their office next week.

    Sally: Ok! Sounds great! Next week! I can hardly wait.

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    Chapter 8

    Going to the Filipino professors officeJohn: Hi Sally! Are you ready? 1

    Sally: I am a bit nervous. What do you think they are like? 2

    John: From what I have heard I think they are very warmpeople. Have you ever met any Filipino workers? 3There are a lot in Korea now. They work in thefactories.

    Sally: Have I met any? I have seen a few but never had aconversation with them. They almost look Koreansometimes. They dont look like bad people. I have

    some friends who went to the Philippines to study on ascholarship. They said the weather was great and thepeople were friendly. Do you think they have anaccent? 4

    John: I have heard some foreigners talk, while I was waitingfor the train and they talk so fast. They seem nicethough. They hang out together and dont get to close

    to Koreans. Do you Koreans are scared of them? 5

    Sally: I dont think so. I think they are just nervous becausethey cant speak or understand their language. I have

    traveled a bit and you feel a bit lost when you cantunderstand. They seem to smile a lot though. Isnt that

    a good thing? 6

    John: Smiling is a good thing. It is better than violence. I

    think Filipinos are quite gentle really. They love

    children and family. I read that many people hire them

    to be nannys for their children. Being a nanny means

    that your boss trusts you a lot doesnt it? 7

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    Sally: Yes! It does mean there is a lot of trust. Children are

    precious. I think the professor we are going to see is

    very nice. She is a nurse and her students like her a

    lot. Have you seen the Nigerian Professor? 8 I wonderwhat she is like.

    John: I have seen her. I think she teaches Business. She

    seems like a very nice lady. I think she brought her

    children one day in her car. I wonder if she has an

    accent. I have heard other black people talking and its

    hard to listen to, but they seem to love music and

    community. Most of them can speak Korean very well

    too. I have heard that they are mostly business

    people. They buy used cars and stuff. How about going

    to her office sometime? 9Then we dont have to guess

    what she is like. We can know for sure.

    Sally: Ok! Sounds like a great idea. Im nervous. All these

    ideas we have about what people are like, and wedont really know. I think we should meet a few more.

    What do you think? 10Why be nervous when we dont

    have to be!

    John: I think it is a great idea. What are you going to do

    after we meet this professor today?

    Sally: Im going to plan a vacation trip to Arizona and Guam.

    John: What can you do there?

    Sally: That is what I need to find out. Oh! Here is the office.

    Are you ready?

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    John and Sally meet the Filipino Professor to finish

    their homework assignment.


    After meeting with the Filipino Professor

    John: Well that wasnt so bad. She didnt even have a bad

    accent. She was nicer than I thought. The Professor inthe next office, who dropped in, was nice as well. Areyou going to change your vacation spot from Arizona

    to the Philippines? 1

    Sally: I dont know. What can you do in the Philippines? 2

    John: We forgot to ask about that. Silly us! They export a lotof fruit I would imagine. I have seen packages of driedfruit in the store. Maybe you could pick fruit on theplantations. Doesnt that sound like a good touristidea? 3

    Sally: If I wanted a working vacation I would go to Australia.The Philippines are composed of many islands. I thinkhiring a boat to go to a few would be better. Wouldntyou like to get out of the city if you were a tourist? 4

    John: I think it would be great, if you have time. I think yousee culture in real life out of the city. What would you

    do in Arizona? It is just desert. 5

    Sally: Yes! That is almost true. There is the Grand Canyon aswell. The desert has many special things in it. ImagineAustralia with a large desert. There are still lots ofthings to do in Australia. The aborigines have a veryinteresting culture. How about a vacation living withthe aborigines? 6

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    John: That would be interesting. Does Arizona haveaborigines to live with? 7

    Sally: I dont think so. They have Native Indians. I think

    they make jewelry and stuff. Maybe even haveranches. I read that they have jeep trips into thecanyons. That sounds like fun. How about a jeep trip? 8

    John: Well, I would be scared of snakes or something. Theyhave those rattlesnakes, which are dangerous. Maybea balloon ride is safer. Have you ever tried something

    like hang-gliding or something like that? 9

    Sally: That sounds like a lot of fun. Do you know how muchit is for a balloon ride? 10

    John: I have no idea, but we could check on the internet.Lets check it out. There are so many things to do if welook a little bit. There is just no time to do it all.


    Is there a bank around here?

    Sally: Hey John! Did you check for stuff on the internet? 1

    John: No! My computer broke so I havent had a chance. I

    was looking for a bank. I need to take out somemoney so I can fix the computer. Have you seen abank around here? 2

    Sally: I thought there was a Royal Bank about two blocksfrom here. Do you need a specific bank, or can anybank do? 3

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    John: Any bank will do. I just need an ATM. Do you needanything? Maybe we can go for coffee or do someshopping? 4

    Sally: Well, we should find an internet caf. Then we canhave a coffee and a find that information on theinternet like we wanted to last time. Are you hungry? 5We could also go to a cheap restaurant first.

    John: That sounds like a good idea. Have you seen anInternet caf, or a cheap restaurant around here? 6

    Sally: This area is new to me. I thought I saw a caf on thebus, but it was down the street a bit. We should go tothe bank first. Then we can ask someone if there isone closer. We can maybe find a computer shop aswell. Oh! Do you see the restaurants over there? 7They are across the street from the bank.

    John: Yes! I see them. I will go to the bank while you look atthe restaurants. You can choose the food you like. How

    long do you think it will take? 8

    Sally: It shouldnt take long. Should I ask about the

    computer shop for you? 9

    John: Sounds like a great idea.

    John and Sally go different directions and differentplaces. Sally is in the restaurant.

    Sally: Excuse me! I am looking for a computer shop. Is therea computer shop around here? 10 My friend, John,needs to buy some parts for his computer.

    Restaurant Person: Yes! Henrys Computer Shop is about tenminutes away on the next block, close to MarketStreet. Will you have something to eat first? 11

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    Sally: Yes! I think we will have time. What are the priceshere? 12 We were looking for a less expensive placebecause we are both students.

    Restaurant Person: We are the cheapest on this street, andwe serve larger portions than other restaurants.Usually we are quite busy, but it is about one hourbefore the rush comes.

    Sally: Great! John will be here soon.

    Sally waits for John to show up so she can tell him thegood news.

    ? ?


    . .
