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The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin

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  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin



  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    H. G . D n s ` k a

    ] E L N M X L A ] \ S L _ J H

    G S H K _ E H K A D L S _ N A M

    H S K L A M _


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    Ojpyrkdet H. G. Dns`ka

    ]el rkdet jh H. G. Dns`ka tj cl kmlatkhklm ns nutejr jh teks wjr`

    ens clla nsslrtlm cy elr ka noojrmnaol wkte slotkja 44 nam 45

    jh tel Ojpyrkdet, lskdas nam !ntlats "ot >#55.

    $%%ustrntkjas cy Oe%j& kn'natks

    "%% rkdets rlslr(lm. )j pnrt jh teks puc%kontkja 'ny cl

    rlprjmuolm, stjrlm ka n rltrkl(n% systl', jr trnas'kttlm ka nay

    hjr' jr cy nay 'lnas, l%lotrjako, 'loenakon%, pejtjojpykad,

    rlojrmkad, jr jtelrwksl, wktejut tel prkjr plr'ksskja jh tel


    "ay plrsja wej oj''kts nay uanutejrk*lm not ka rl%ntkja tj

    teks puc%kontkja 'ny cl %knc%l tj ork'kan% prjsloutkja nam ok(k%

    o%nk's hjr mn'ndls.

    " O$! ontn%jdul rlojrm hjr teks tkt%l ks

    n(nk%nc%l hrj' tel +rktkse kcrnry.

    K_CA ;45 > 5=;8? >38 8


    Hkrst !uc%kselm -3>>/

    "ustka 9 Gnonu%ly !uc%kselrs tm.

    3 Onanmn ?unrl

    Onanry =enrh


    8 +

    !rkatlm 9 +juam ka Drlnt +rktnka

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin



    Gy tena`s tj Oe%j& kn'natks.


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    Oenpt! >

    Gr H kse H kadlrs "o?uk rls n On t

    Gr Hkse Hkadlrs nam eks mjd wlrl eurrykad ej'l tj teltjal Hjrlst wela summla%y tel eln(las jplalm. ]el mjd

    tjj` aj ajtkol jh tel rnka clonusl kt oju%m hll% kts tu''y

    ru'c%kad. "aywny, kt %k`lm sp%nsekad ncjut ka pumm%ls. +ut

    Gr Hkse Hkadlrs cldna tj %jj` nrjuam hjr oj(lr. !nsskad na

    l'pty cus sel%tlr, el mlokmlm tj stlp kaskml.

    tjp, +jals, stjp; ]6!; =l0rl dlttkad tjj wlt; lt0s

    wnkt elrl uatk% tel rnka mkls mjwa.0

    Gr Hkse Hkadlrs muo`lm eks elnm ns el latlrlm telsel%tlr tj n(jkm n %jw stjal %katl% ja wekoe enm clla onr(lm

    na k'ndl jh n orjwa nam tel kasorkptkja, Ojrjantkja >#0.

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    $t sj enpplalm, ejwl(lr, tent tely wlrl ajt n%jal. "

    s'n%%, sjddy:%jj`kad elnp wns orjuoekad ka tel ojralr jh

    tel cus sel%tlr. Gr Hkse Hkadlrs enm ajt ajtkolm kt ns ellatlrlm nam el ajw stjjm ka tel senmjw jh tel mjjrwny

    wkte eks cno` tj kt ns el stnrlm jut nt tel rnka. ]el katlaskty

    jh tel rnka enm n spl%%ckamkad lhhlot ja ek' nam el stjjm

    oj'p%ltl%y stk%%, nwnrl jh ajtekad cut eks jwa tejudets. +ut

    tel mjd slaslm tel strnadlr0s prlslaol ns sjja ns kt stlpplm

    kaskml tel sel%tlrI kts ajsl h%nrlm, kts lnrs prko`lm up nam kts

    lyls hk7lm k''lmkntl%y ja tel strnadl hurry jcNlot tent

    sll'lm tj serka` hurtelr nam hurtelr katj tel ojralr ns kt hl%ttel mjd0s dn*l. )j sjjalr enm tel mjd mlokmlm tj tn`l n

    o%jslr %jj`, tena tel jcNlot sprnad jatj tel wjjmla claoe

    wkte n ekde:pktoelm wnu%.

    =ent tel ko`lasC0 dnsplm Gr Hkse Hkadlrs wkte


    2l spua rjuam nam snw n clmrndd%lm:%jj`kad ont

    orjuoekad ka tel ojralr. ]el ont wns n mkrty, wektl oj%jur,

    nam kts hur wns wlt nam 'nttlm hrj' tel rnka. trnadl%y, kt

    enm n pntoe jh c%no` hur nrjuam kts rkdet lyl nam najtelr ja

    kts %lht hrjat pnw, sj tent kt %jj`lm n ckt %k`l n oelsscjnrm. $ts

    lyls wlrl crkdet drlla. +ut 'jst stnrt%kad jh n%% wns tel hnot

    tent jal jh kts ekam %lds sll'lm tj cl 'ksskad. $astlnm jh n

    %ld, telrl wns n %ktt%l orutoe 'nml hrj' na j%m 'jp jr

    crjj' enam%l.

    2nm Gr Hkse Hkadlrs ajt n%wnys clla k'ploonc%ypj%ktl, nam enm tel ont ajt clla n ont, el 'kdet en(l snkm

    tent kt %jj`lm %k`l sj'ltekad tel ont enm crjudet ka. $astlnm,

    el 'lrl%y 'uttlrlm, =ent tel ko`las;0 ndnka uamlr eks

    crlnte. 2l enm al(lr slla suoe na jmm:%jj`kad orlnturl


    ]el ont wns stnamkad wkte kts cno` nroelm wek%l tel mjd

    wns %jj`kad ns kh el 'kdet pjuaol nt nay 'j'lat. ]el mjd

    stnrtlm tj drjw%.

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    Oj'l elrl, +jals; Mju0%% hrkdetla kt,0 wnralm Gr Hkse


    ]el mjd d%nrlm nt tel ont hjr n 'j'lat %jadlr nam tjj`n stlp cno`wnrms. Glnawek%l, tel ont stumklm tel pnkr jh

    tel' hjr sj'l tk'l clhjrl hkan%%y %jwlrkad kts cno`. Gr

    Hkse Hkadlrs npprjnoelm tel ont s%jw%y nam rlnm tel %ncl%

    nttnoelm tj kts oj%%nr.

    $t snys, Gy an'l ks 'umdy nam $ cl%jad tj

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    =entC0 +juaoy +jals lmdlm hurtelr cno`. Mju 'lna

    yju0rl n wktoe0s ontC $ mja0t cl%kl(l yju 1 yju0rl Nust n

    strny.0=l%%, yju nrl wrjad 1 'y 'kstrlss ks n wktoe,0 snkm

    'umdy, laNjykad tel lhhlot elr naajuaol'lat enm 'nml.

    =ent sjrt jh n wktoeC0

    6e, n wektl jal,0 sel rlp%klm nkrk%y nam tela,

    rl'l'clrkad tel uahjrtuantl kaokmlat wkte elr ekam %ld,

    ojrrlotlm elrsl%h, =l%%, plrenps n sjrt jh drly jal,


    Ona yju mj nay 'ndko spl%%sC0 +juaoy +jals ns`lm.

    2l wnsa0t surl kh el cl%kl(lm elr, cut telrl wns sj'ltekad

    sj strnadl ncjut elr npplnrnaol tent n pnrt jh ek' wns

    kao%kalm tj mj sj.

    " hlw,0 snkm 'umdy, cldkaakad tj wkse tent sel enma0t

    snkm naytekad ncjut tel wktoe.

    =k%% yju sejw 'lC Yblnsl;0 +juaoy +jals wns ajw%jj`kad nt 'umdy p%lnmkad%y nam pnatkad wkte l7plotntkja.


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    )j, ajt Nust ajw.0

    =ey ajtC0

    +lonusl clonusl $ wja0t.0 'umdy0s (jkol trnk%lmjhh uaolrtnka%y.

    )jw, enm n mjd Nust clen(lm ka tel wny tent sel enm,

    'n`kad puhhlm up o%nk's tent el wns n wktoe0s mjd nam tela

    rlhuskad tj mj nay 'ndko, +juaoy +jals wju%m en(l 'nml

    hua jh kt clonusl kt wns, nhtlr n%%, n sk%%y tekad tj mj. +ut, %k`l

    'nay mjds, +juaoy +jals wns sj'lwent ka nwl jh onts. 2l

    oju%ma0t el%p cut nm'krl tel wny ka wekoe tely n%wnys mkm

    ns tely p%lnslm nam djt nwny wkte kt. j, wela 'umdy snkmtent sel wju%ma0t mj nay 'ndko, +juaoy +jals Nust stjjm

    telrl wkte eks enadmjd l7prlsskja, wnktkad hjr elr tj 'n`l

    tel al7t 'j(l.

    ]eks 'nml 'umdy hll% uaoj'hjrtnc%l clonusl sel

    mkma0t `ajw went tj mj al7t. -el mkm ajt wnat tj tl%% tel

    trute, jh ojursl, wekoe wns tent sel enm al(lr clla nay

    djjm nt 'ndko./ Hkan%%y, tel mjd0s nkr jh l7plotntkja clon'l

    uaclnrnc%l nam 'umdy `alw tent sel wju%m en(l tj tl%%

    tel trute.

    el cldna rntelr en%tkad%y. Mju sll 1 $0' nhrnkm $

    ona0t. $ ona0t rl'l'clr 'jst jh tel trko`s $ wns tnudet.0 +ut

    tela sel c%urtlm jut, ]j %lt yju katj n slorlt, $ wnsa0t (lry

    djjm nt 'ndko. $a hnot, tel wktoe djt rkm jh 'l clonusl $ wns

    n%wnys dlttkad tekads wrjad. el snkm $ wns ja%y suktlm tj

    clkad n `ktoela ont.0" `ktoela ont; $ sll0 +juaoy +jals sjuamlm prltty


    $ %k(l elrl ajw,0 sel ojatkaulm sk'p%y. "htlr tel wktoe

    terlw 'l jut, $ mkma0t en(l naywelrl tj dj. $ wnamlrlm

    nrjuam hjr n %jad tk'l uatk% $ lamlm up elrl. j yju sll, $

    n' ajt rln%%y n strny.0

    +juaoy +jals wns ajt surl tent el mkm sll cut el snkm

    ajtekad, wrjad:hjjtlm ndnka cy tel ont0s nkr jh suplrkjrkty.


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    !jjr pussy,0 snkm Gr Hkse Hkadlrs dlat%y, uanwnrl jh

    tel l7oenadl tn`kad p%nol cltwlla tel twj nak'n%s. $ teka`

    sel 'ust cl n strny.

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    $ mja0t suppjsl n cus oj'ls teks wny hjr tel tjal

    HjrlstC0 'uslm Gr Hkse Hkadlrs, stumykad tel tk'ltnc%l ka

    tel sel%tlr. )j, uahjrtuantl%y ajt. 2ly ej; ]ent0s n pkty;02l mnrtlm n %jj` nt 'umdy0s wjjmla %ld. =l stk%% en(l

    sj'l wny tj dj, 'umdy. !lrenps $ seju%m onrry yjuC0

    ]el ont snw Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0 dn*l trn(l% tj elr %ld nam

    cno`, nam n tejudet struo` elr. el turalm tj +juaoy +jals

    nam snkm, Mju wnatlm tj sll sj'l 'ndko 1 wl%%, %jj` nt


    'umdy stuo` jut tel wjjmla %ld strnkdet ka hrjat jh elr

    nam %lnat j(lr kt wkte elr cjmy. $''lmkntl%y, sel stnrtlm tjrksl up katj tel nkr. Gr Hkse Hkadlrs nam +juaoy +jals

    wntoelm ka n'n*l'lat ns sel okro%lm ncj(l tel sel%tlr.

    =l%%, sek(lr 'y tk'clrs;0 %nudelm Gr Hkse Hkadlrs.

    $0(l elnrm jh h%ykad ejrsls clhjrl cut al(lr n h%ykad ont;

    2jw n'n*kad;0

    +juaoy +jals cldna tj cnr` uaolrtnka%y. 2l mkma0t hkam

    kt huaay. $a hnot, el mkma0t %k`l tel kmln jh 'umdy en(kad

    'ndko pjwlrs nt n%%. 6al mny, sel 'kdet tura elr pjwlrs ja

    tel'. 2l hl%t tent el seju%m wnra eks 'nstlr jh tel mnadlr

    cut Gr Hkse Hkadlrs mkma0t sll' tj cl pnykad nttlatkja.

    llkad tent sel enm 'nml ?uktl na k'prlsskja, 'umdy

    %namlm cno` mjwa nt telkr hllt. +juaoy +jals stjjm cnr`kad

    nt elr.

    6e, mja0t wjrry;0 sel snkm tj ek' mks'kssk(l%y. $t0s

    Nust ncjut tel ja%y trko` $ ona mj. Mju sll, 'y wjjmla %ldks aj jrmkanry wjjmla %ld. $t0s 'nml hrj' tel wktoe0s j%m

    crjj'stko`. el hjrdjt ncjut tent wela sel dn(l kt tj 'l. $t

    wns rntelr %uo`y, wnsa0t ktC0 'umdy tjj` jhh ndnka


    =l%%, $ al(lr;0 snkm Gr Hkse Hkadlrs, stk%% kaorlmu%jus.

    +juaoy +jals, yju enm clttlr %lnm tel wny. Oj'l ja;

    lt0s sll kh wl ona hkam tel pjt jh dj%m nt tel lam jh tent



  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    ]ely slt jhh hjr tel tjal Hjrlst 1 +juaoy +jals

    cjuamkad nelnm wkte 'umdy h%ykad ncj(l ek', nam Gr

    Hkse Hkadlrs strkmkad clekam, wekst%kad enppk%y tj ek'sl%h.


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    Oenpt! 3

    ]e l 2j u sl k a t e l tj a l Hj rls t

    ]el tjal Hjrlst enm jaol clla n rln% hjrlst tent enm

    drnmun%%y turalm tj stjal j(lr tejusnams jh ylnrs. $t wns n

    strnadl nam clnutkhu% p%nol. j'l trlls wlrl sj j%m tent

    telkr (nst trua`s sjnrlm upwnrms ns hnr ns tel lyl oju%m sll.

    6telrs wlrl clat nam `ajttlm wkte ndl nam telkr twkstlm

    crnaoels strltoelm jutwnrms %k`l tel wrktekad tlatno%ls jh n

    dknat jotjpus. 6telrs stk%% enm clla wrlaoelm hrj' tel

    drjuam ka stjr's %jad ndj nam %ny upturalm ja tel hjrlsth%jjr, cnrkad n drlnt 'nss jh oru'p%lm rjjts tj tel s`y.

    ]el trlls wlrl crjwa jr n d%nssy c%no` oj%jur %k`l ojn%

    jr tnr. j'l wlrl k'prkatlm wkte hjssk%s jh kaslots jr %ln(ls,

    sj tent, kh yju %jj`lm onrlhu%%y, yju oju%m hkam pnttlras ka

    telkr cnr` %k`l tel wejr% jh na n''jaktl0s sel%% jr tel

    s`l%ltja jh n ckrm jr hkse.

    +lonusl tel trlls enm turalm tj stjal, tely enm aj

    %ln(ls. ]eks 'lnat tent tely oju%m %jj` stnr` 1 %k`l tel cnrl

    jut%kal jh trlls ndnkast n wkatlr s`y%kal 1 cut, ns jhtla ns

    ajt, tely wlrl o%nm ka k(y jr rn'c%lrs, jr sj'ltk'ls drlnt

    o%jums jh sk%(lry:drlla 'jss tu'c%lm hrj' telkr crnaoels

    %k`l j%m 'la0s clnrms.

    =ktejut tel usun% rust%kad jh %ln(ls jr skdekad jh

    crnaoels, tel hjrlst sll'lm uausun%%y ?uklt nam stk%%. +ut kt

    wns ajt na llrkl, hrkdetlakad sjrt jh stk%%alss 1 jr, ns GrHkse Hkadlrs %k`lm tj sny, el al(lr djt tel ellckl Nllckls0

    wn%`kad ncjut ka kt 1 clonusl tel %no` jh %ln(ls n%sj 'nml


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    tel hjrlst (lry crkdet nam jpla. "s n ojasl?ulaol, tel drnss

    wns splo`%lm wkte wk%m h%jwlrs, nam %jts jh ckrms nam

    nak'n%s %k(lm ka tel ej%%jwlm:jut trua`s jr alstlm ka tel'jssy crnaoels.

    "htlr sj 'uoe rnka, tel mny enm summla%y turalm ejt.

    ]el lnrte wns drjwkad stln'y ns tel sua clnt mjwa ja kt,

    nam tel tjal Hjrlst hl%t nkr%lss nam eln(y. $t wns n %jad

    wn%` hrj' tel cus sel%tlr tj eks hrjat mjjr, nam twkol

    +juaoy +jals nam 'umdy enm tj stjp tj n%%jw Gr Hkse

    Hkadlrs tj tn`l n mrka` jh wntlr hrj' tel wntlr cjtt%l el

    `lpt tklm tj n strnp j(lr jal seju%mlr.$t0s n%rkdet, +jals, wl0%% cl telrl ka n Nkhhy,0 oj'hjrtlm

    Gr Hkse Hkadlrs, $ `ajw yju wnat yjur %uaoe.0

    +juaoy +jals stjjm wnktkad k'pntklat%y. 2l %jadlm tj

    oenrdl nelnm %k`l 'umdy cut `alw telrl wns aj pjkat.

    uaoe wju%m ja%y cl slr(lm wela Gr Hkse Hkadlrs nrrk(lm


    Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0 ejusl stjjm n%jal ka n o%lnrkad cy n

    strln' mllp ka tel tjal Hjrlst nam, wela nt %nst kt on'l

    katj (klw, 'umdy hl%t n ruse jh ml%kdet nt sllkad kt. ]el

    ejusl enm n oenr'kad, s%kdet%y wja`y nkr 1 plrenps

    clonusl, ja o%jslr kasplotkja, kts wn%%s wlrl n huaay

    'kse'nse jh stjal s%ncs jh mkhhlrlat senpls nam sk*ls, n%%

    Nu'c%lm tjdltelr. j'l wlrl rlotnad%ls, jtelrs s?unrls jr

    trknad%lsL sj'l %nrdl, jtelrs s'n%%. ]elrl wns l(la n rjuam

    'k%%stjal tent sj'ljal enm stuo` katj tel 'kmm%l jh jalwn%%, %jj`kad n ckt %k`l n cuttja. +ut, n%tejude kt sll'lm

    rntelr ekdd%lmy:pkdd%lmy, ka hnot tel stjals hkttlm tjdltelr ns

    plrhlot%y ns nay Nkdsnw pu**%l, nam telrl wns ajt n orno` jr

    orl(kol hjr tel wkam tj wekst%l terjude.

    ]el rjjh wns n teko` %nylr jh tentoe tjpplm jhh wkte n

    teka %nylr jh 'jss nam cnr`. 6a jal jh tel twj oek'alys

    wns n %nrdl twkd alst wkte n tn%% drly ckrm -n stjr`/ skttkad ja

    kt. ]el mjjr nam wkamjws enm clla hrlse%y pnkatlm drlla. $tn%% %jj`lm spko nam spna nam (lry ka(ktkad. =ela 'umdy


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    snw kt, sel enm n hll%kad jh mf vu1 ns kh sel enm slla kt

    clhjrl 1 ns kh sel wlrl oj'kad ej'l tj tel p%nol tent sel

    enm n%wnys k'ndkalm wns elr ej'l wktejut rln%kskad kt uatk%sel snw kt. 2lr elnrt sjnrlm wkte enppkalss.

    " pnte jh stlppkad stjals %lm terjude tel o%lnrkad tj tel

    strln'. +juaoy +jals rna nelnm, Nu'pkad hrj' jal stjal tj

    najtelr. 2l wns alnr%y ej'l ajw nam 'jrl tena rlnmy hjr

    eks %uaoe. 2l Nu'plm j(lr tel strln' ka jal cjuam cut Gr

    Hkse Hkadlrs prlhlrrlm tj orjss cy n %nrdl s%nc jh stjal tent

    spnaalm tel strln' %k`l n crkmdl. Gjrl stlppkad stjals,

    drnmun%%y dlttkad %nrdlr ka sk*l, %lm up tj Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0(lrnamn, tel %nst nam %nrdlst stjal slr(kad ns tel mjjrstlp.

    =l%%, nt %nst; ]ena` djjmalss hjr tent;0 tejudet

    +juaoy +jals ns el wnktlm hjr Gr Hkse Hkadlrs tj ua%jo`

    tel hrjat mjjr. 2l mkma0t teka` tent el wju%m en(l clla nc%l

    tj ej%m jut 'uoe %jadlr, el wns sj euadry. "s sjja ns tely

    latlrlm, el ruselm j(lr tj eks cjw% nam stnrtlm teu'pkad eks

    tnk% ja tel h%jjr.


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    "%rkdet, +jals, kt0s oj'kad; $t0s oj'kad;0 snkm Gr Hkse

    Hkadlrs ka n on%'kad (jkol. 2l ru''ndlm nrjuam ka tel

    oupcjnrm uamlr tel ska` nam crjudet jut n %nrdl cj7 jhTjjhhll. +juaoy +jals cldna tj lnt ns sjja ns Gr Hkse

    Hkadlrs cldna tj pjur tel Tjjhhllkatj eks cjw%, sj tent el

    djt ka tel wny jh tel pjurkad nam lamlm up wkte drnau%ls n%%

    j(lr eks lnrs nam ajsl. $t mkma0t 'nttlr 1 teks n%wnys sll'lm

    tj enppla. +juaoy +jals Nust sejj` tel' jhh nam sojjplm

    tel' up hrj' tel h%jjr wkte eks tjadul, wekoe dn(l Gr Hkse

    Hkadlrs tk'l tj hk%% eks cjw%.

    )jw, 'umdy, went nrl wl djkad tj dk(l yjuC0 elns`lm. =l0%% en(l tj teka` jh sj'ltekad.0 2l stjpplm nam

    pjamlrlm hjr n 'j'lat. $ `ajw 1 plrenps yju0m %k`l sj'l

    'k%` nam n p%ntl jh hkseC0

    Hkse; 'umdy ?uk(lrlm wkte natkokpntkja.

    Gr Hkse Hkadlrs wlat tj eks oj%m stjrl nam crjudet jut n

    onrtja jh 'k%` nam n p%ntl elnplm wkte %ktt%l sk%(lr hkse.

    Tektlcnkt; 'umdy oju%m cnrl%y ojatnka elrsl%h. el

    wj(l ka nam jut jh Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0 %lds 'knjwkad %jum%y

    ns el %jj`lm hjr n suktnc%l cjw% tj put tel' ka.

    Mju0%% en(l tj usl sj'l jh +jals0 cjw%s,0 el snkm,

    tn`kad mjwa twj %nrdl crjwa cjw%s hrj' n sel%h, nam wl0%%

    dlt yju yjur jwa hrj' tel 'nr`lt ja Hrkmny.0

    +juaoy +jals rnkslm eks elnm 'j'latnrk%y ns kh el wns

    ncjut tj jcNlot tj teks usl jh eks prjplrty cut wns

    k''lmkntl%y mkstrnotlm cy tel tejudet jh najtelr 'jutehu%nam curklm eks elnm ndnka ka eks cjw%.

    =ela, hkan%%y, Gr Hkse Hkadlrs %jwlrlm tel cjw%s jh

    hkse nam 'k%`, 'umdy cldna tj lnt rnpturjus%y. )l(lr,

    l(lr, enm hjjm tnstlm sj djjm;

    $t enm clla suoe n %jad tk'l skaol sel enm lntla n

    s?unrl 'ln%. $a tel cus sel%tlr, 'umdy enm clla %k(kad jhh

    sornps -pljp%l0s rucckse nam tel jmm ckrm tent sel enm

    'nandlm tj ontoe/ nam sel wns n%wnys euadry. el enm ja%ymrua` rnkawntlr murkad n%% tent tk'l, n%tejude teks enm clla


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    %lss jh n enrmsekp tena kt 'kdet sll' clonusl, %k`l 'nay

    onts, 'umdy enm n hjamalss hjr mkrty wntlr, lsplokn%%y kh kt

    tnstlm jh rusty 'ltn%.]el 'k%` tent Gr Hkse Hkadlrs enm dk(la elr wns teko`

    nam orln'y, nam kt oj%%lotlm ka eln(y mrjp%lts ja elr

    weks`lrs. "htlr sel enm %ko`lm tel cjw% o%lna, sel rucclm

    tel mrjp%lts jhh wkte elr pnws nam tela %ko`lm elr pnws. el

    skdelm wkte ojatlat'lat.

    Glnawek%l, Gr Hkse Hkadlrs enm clla pjttlrkad ncjut,

    'n`kad n spjt jh %uaoe hjr ek'sl%h, ns el wns n%sj hll%kad

    plo`kse. 2l ntl sj'l mntls nam ejaly snamwkoels, namwnselm tel' mjwa wkte n %nrdl d%nss jh oj%m wntlr. 2l tela

    wlat jut jatj tel (lrnamn tj skp n oup jh plpplr'kat tln nam

    %kstla tj sj'l 'usko ja eks j%m wkam:up rnmkj. 'umdy

    on'l nam %ny norjss eks %np, purrkad %jum%y, nam el strj`lm

    elr ncslat:'kamlm%y.

    "htlr lntkad l(lry %nst 'jrsl% nam oelo`kad tent

    'umdy enm %lht ajtekad, +juaoy +jals on'l jut jatj tel

    (lrnamn tj Njka tel'. 2l s%u'plm ja tel h%jjr nt Gr Hkse

    Hkadlrs0 hllt %jj`kad up rlprjnoehu%%y ns eks 'nstlr

    onrlsslm tel alw ont. ]ely n%% snt eln(k%y ka tel tn%% elnt jh

    tel lnr%y nhtlrajja. )jcjmy stkrrlm. jja, kt wns ajt Nust

    'umdy cut Gr Hkse Hkadlrs nam eks mjd tent wlrl laNjykad

    n %ktt%l ontanp.


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    Oenpt! ?

    " k h l j h k % ly

    'umdy hjuam %khl ja Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0 ej'lstlnm tj cl sj

    laNjync%l tent sel n%'jst hjrdjt tent sel enm l(lr enm n %khl

    l%slwelrl. ]el mna` cus sel%tlr wkte n%% kts mnadlrs clon'l

    n mkstnat 'l'jry, wek%l tel cnm:tl'plrlm wktoe nam elr

    stuhhy `ktoela wlrl oj'p%ltl%y hjrdjttla l7olpt wela tely

    rlturalm tj enuat elr ka na joonskjan% akdet'nrl. =ela teks

    enpplalm, sel wju%m wn`l up sen`kad wkte hrkdet. 6a%y

    nhtlr sel enm 'nml jut tel oj'hjrtkad surrjuamkads jh GrHkse Hkadlrs0 ej'lstlnm wju%m sel rln%ksl tent elr alw %khl

    wns rln% nam elr pnst %khl n mrln'.

    'umdy s%lpt ja tel (lrnamn ka n wko`lr cns`lt tent Gr

    Hkse Hkadlrs cjudet elr nt tel 'nr`lt ja tel mny tent el n%sj

    puroenslm n c%ul:nam:wektl strkplm cjw% hjr elr orln' nam n

    pn%l yl%%jw jal hjr elr hjjm. ]elrl wns n%wnys 'jrl hkse tj

    lnt tena 'umdy oju%m pjsskc%y wnat nam sel sjja %jst tel

    %lna, euatlm %jj` tent sel enm ml(l%jplm ka tel cus sel%tlr.

    ]el (lrnamn wns tel ojj%lst p%nol tj cl ja tel %jad, ejt

    su''lr mnys nam tel %u'kajus su''lr l(lakads wela tel

    sua al(lr ?uktl slt. 'umdy senrlm kt wkte +juaoy +jals

    -wej sajrlm, uahjrtuantl%y/ nam Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0 Gkan

    ckrm, n d%jssy c%ukse:c%no` stnr%kad on%%lm jtty. jtty

    sll'lm ?uktl hrklam%y nt hkrst cut drnmun%%y 'umdy rln%kslm

    tent telrl wlrl ja%y n hlw tekads tent sel oju%m sny nam tentsel rlplntlm tel' ndnka nam ndnka.


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    ]elrl wlrl %jts jh jtelr tekads ncjut Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0

    ej'lstlnm tent wlrl ajt ?uktl went tely sll'lm nt hkrst. 6a

    tel mny jh elr nrrk(n%, wela 'umdy enm turalm tel ojralr

    nam onudet elr hkrst d%k'psl jh tel %j(l%y ejusl wkte kts

    crkdet drlla seuttlrs nam cnr` sekad%l rjjh, kt enm sll'lm

    sj'lejw hn'k%knr. )jw, wkte l(lry pnsskad mny, kt djt

    strnadlr. 'umdy enm enm 'jrl surprksls ka elr alw %khl

    tena sel enm l(lr enm ka elr j%m, nam ajt ka n 'jate jh

    uamnys oju%m tel wktoe en(l mrln't up tel tekads tent

    enpplalm elrl. Hjr l7n'p%l, n hlw mnys nhtlr elr nrrk(n%, na

    lajr'jus ckrm tent %jj`lm %k`l n mrndja enm %namlm ka tel

    ynrm al7t tj tel ejusl. $t wns sajrtkad ns kt %namlm nam

    'n`kad n tlrrkc%l oj''jtkja. 'umdy enm clla tlrrkhklm cykts npplnrnaol cut kt turalm jut tent tel ckrm wns Nust na j%m

    hrklam jh Gr Hkse Hkadlrs mrjppkad ka hjr n ouppn0. Gr Hkse

    Hkadlrs enm el%m n pkoako ka tel dnrmla tj ol%lcrntl, wekoe

    wns wela 'umdy 'lt tel jtelr 'l'clrs jh eks ejuslej%m,

    kao%umkad !u'p`ka, n hrklam%y mja`ly wej %k(lm ka tel

    pnmmjo` -n%tejude wns 'jrl jhtla hjuam 'uaoekad %upkas

    ka Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0 dnrmla/ nam =ksey =nsey, n turt%l wej

    %k(lm ka tel strln' cy tel ejusl nam wej sll'lm tj cl telpnrtkou%nr hrklam jh 6sonr, Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0 alpelw. #

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    tel stjr` nam elr alst%kads on'l mjwa hrj' tel rjjh tj Njka

    ka tel hua.

    =ela 'umdy stlpplm ka hrj' tel (lrnamn, sel jhtlaenm tel k'prlsskja tent tel ejusl wns ckddlr ja tel kaskml

    tena ja tel jutskml. ]el k'prlsskja wns plrenps nkmlm cy

    tel hnot tent tel kaskml wns sj 'uoe mnr`lr tena tel (lrnamn

    sj tent sel n%wnys enm tj nmNust elr lyls tj tel oenadl ka

    %kdet. +ut kt wns 'jrl tena Nust n trko` jh tel %kdet 1 jr sj

    sel hl%t. ]elrl sll'lm tj cl na k'pjsskc%y %nrdl au'clr jh

    rjj's rnmkntkad jut hrj' tel stnkronsl %k`l tel spj`ls jh n

    well%. $a hnot, telrl wlrl twj stnkronsls, wekoe jhtlaojahuslm elr, nam lam%lss %ktt%l pnssndlwnys %lnmkad tj

    huaay %ktt%l rjj's 1 n pnatry, n %nrmlr, n sou%%lry, n oj%m

    stjrl, n utk%kty rjj', n wnserjj', n o%jn` rjj', n cj7 rjj',

    n cjjt rjj', n saud nam sj ja. ]ely %jj`lm (lry n%k`l nam

    sel wns jhtla cn'cjj*%lm cy tel %nyjut. Gjrlj(lr, lnoe

    skml jh tel ejusl enm na kmlatkon% mjjr jplakad jatj tel

    (lrnamn wekoe rna n%% tel wny rjuam tel ejusl, sj tent kt

    wns enrm tj rl'l'clr wekoe mjjr %lm jut mkrlot%y tj elr

    cns`lt. el wns n%wnys hkamkad tent sel enm tj dj n%% tel

    wny rjuam tel (lrnamn uatk% sel hjuam kt.

    +ut tel ojahuskjas jh tel ejusl sll'lm 'kajr wela

    oj'pnrlm tj tejsl jh tel tjal Hjrlst. )jw, tent rln%%y wns

    strnadl; +y mny, kt wns na l7trnjrmkanry skdet 1 n sll'kad%y

    ualamkad 'jssy p%nal jh stjal trlls nam stu'ps tent `lpt

    oj'p%ltl%y stk%%. "t akdet, tel twkstlm, uprkdet hjr's jh teltrlls oju%m cl 'kstn`la hjr senmjwy pljp%l jr drjtls?ul

    nak'n%s tent stjjm nrjuam tel ejusl nam ns hnr ns tel lyl

    oju%m sll, %k`l tel Oekalsl l'plrjr0s tlrrnojttn nr'y, sk%lat

    nam hjrckmmkad. 'umdy al(lr %lht tel ejusl nt akdet,

    `llpkad tj elr cns`lt ja tel (lrnamn kastlnm.

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    nrjuam. el wju%m %jj` nt n trll nam wjamlr kh kt enm oj'l

    o%jslr. 6h ojursl, kt enm ajt, cut sel wju%m wjr` elrsl%h up

    katj suoe n %ntelr ncjut kt tent sel oju%m ajt s%llp.


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    Oenpt! =

    =ko` y

    Eust ns pljp%l wej nrl djjm nt 'n`kad p%nats drjw nrl

    sj'ltk'ls snkm tj en(l drlla hkadlrs, sj Gr Hkse Hkadlrs

    enm jaol clla on%%lm Hkse Hkadlrs0 clonusl el wns djjm nt

    hksekad. )j mjuct kt enm clla n terjwnwny rl'nr` cut, ns sj

    jhtla enpplas, tel an'l enm stuo` 1 sj 'uoe sj ka hnot tent

    ajw aj jal wej 'lt ek' oju%m rl'l'clr went el uslm tj

    cl on%%lm. 2l wns `ajwa l(lrywelrl ns Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0,

    eks hn'l nam rlputntkja ns n s`k%%lm hkselr'na djkad hnrclyjam tel tjal Hjrlst. +ut went wns plrenps %lss wkml%y

    `ajwa wns tent el enm n el%plr jh n 'jst uausun% `kam. $t

    enpplalm %k`l teks

    6al l(lakad, Gr Hkse Hkadlrs wns hksekad ka tel 'kmm%l

    jh tel %n`l ka tel tjal Hjrlst wela n %nrdl c%no` ckrm

    swjjplm mjwa nam n%kdetlm clskml ek' nt tel lmdl jh eks

    cjnt. ]eka`kad tent tel ckrm enm clla nttrnotlm cy tel s'n%%

    pk%l jh hkse d%ln'kad nt tel cjttj' jh tel eu%%, Gr Hkse

    Hkadlrs wns ncjut tj sejj kt nwny wela, tj eks surprksl, tel

    ckrm mk(lm katj tel wntlr nam mksnpplnrlm hrj' (klw. $t

    sll'lm tj stny uamlr wntlr hjr n (lry %jad tk'l. Eust ns el

    wns drjwkad ojaolralm hjr kts snhlty, tel ckrm rlnpplnrlm ja

    tel surhnol jh tel %n`l nam n%kdetlm ja tj tel lmdl jh tel

    cjnt ndnka. +ut, kastlnm jh tn`kad jal jh tel hkse %ykad ka tel

    eu%%, Gr Hkse Hkadlrs wntoelm ka n'n*l'lat ns n sk%(lryhkse s%ktelrlm jut hrj' tel ckrm0s cln` nam p%jpplm jatj eks

    pk%l jh hkse. =kteka slojams, tel ckrm wns jhh, mk(kad mllp


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    katj tel %n`l. "am ndnka, nhtlr went sll'lm %k`l n (lry %jad

    tk'l, kt rlnpplnrlm nt tel lmdl jh eks cjnt nam tel sn'l

    splotno%l wns rlplntlm 1 najtelr hkse wns rldurdktntlm hrj'kts cln`. ]eks `lpt ja enpplakad uatk% n drlnt pk%l jh hkse

    rjsl hrj' tel cjttj' jh tel cjnt. Hkan%%y, tel ckrm on'l tj

    rlst nam stjjm dunrm cy tel hkse.

    Gr Hkse Hkadlrs enm enm p%laty jh tk'l tj 'uttlr, =ent

    tel ko`lasC0 tj ek'sl%h ns el wntoelm nam 'nr(l%%lm nt tel

    ckrm0s s`k%%s. 2l enm na ka`%kad tent tel ckrm wns n typl jh

    ojr'jrnat. 2l enm jaol rlnm tent ka sj'l pnrts jh tel wjr%m

    ojr'jrnats wlrl trnkalm tj ontoe hkse hjr telkr 'nstlrs cyhkrst swn%%jwkad tel hkse uamlr wntlr nam tela crkadkad tel

    hkse cno` up ja %nam. +ut el enm al(lr slla suoe n ckrm 1 kh

    kamllm kt wns n ojr'jrnat 1 clonusl tely usun%%y %k(lm cy

    tel sln nam, sj el tejudet, nt tel jtelr skml jh tel wjr%m. 2l

    wjamlrlm went suoe n ckrm wju%m cl mjkad ka tel tjal


    ]el al7t mny Gr Hkse Hkadlrs snw tel ckrm stnamkad ja n

    strkad jh rjo`s tent stjjm jut hrj' tel %n`l. "s eks cjnt

    npprjnoelm, tel sn'l tekad enpplalm 1 tel ckrm on'l j(lr

    nam stnrtlm hksekad hjr ek'. ]eks tk'l +juaoy +jals wns

    skttkad up ka tel prjw jh tel cjnt nam wns sj stnrt%lm cy tel

    ckrm tent el h%nttlalm ek'sl%h ka tel eu%%. +ut l(lry tk'l tel

    ckrm mk(lm cno` katj tel wntlr, tel mjd snt up ndnka nam

    wntoelm tel rkads rkpp%kad jut ja tel surhnol jh tel %n`l.

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    Gr Hkse Hkadlrs oju%m ajt `ajw tent tel ckrm -wekoe

    wns kamllm n ojr'jrnat/ on'l hrj' n`l Kyjtj ka Enpna

    welrl kt enm clla trnkalm tj hkse cy n 'ja`. $ts 'nstlr enm

    clla n (lry j%m 'na nam, wela el mklm, tel ojr'jrnat enm

    mlokmlm tj up stko`s0 nam trn(l% tel wjr%m.

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    ]el ckrm stjjm wntoekad hrj' tel skml jh tel cjnt ns tel

    plcc%ls cjuaolm norjss tel wntlr0s surhnol 1 hk(l, sk7, sl(la

    tk'ls jr 'jrl 1 clhjrl mksnpplnrkad katj tel wntlr wkte n?uklt p%jp.

    =ey mja0t yju sltt%l ja tejsl rjo`sC0 ns`lm +juaoy

    +jals, wej wns Nust cldkaakad tj cl ja spln`kad tlr's wkte

    tel ojr'jrnat. )j jal wju%m cjtelr yju telrl 1 l7olpt

    !j' !j' sj'ltk'ls nam el0s hrklam%y 1 nam yju oju%m

    k'ndkal yju wlrl cno` ka Enpna. Gr Hkse Hkadlrs ks tel ja%y

    hkselr'na ja teks %n`l.0

    ]el ojr'jrnat ojo`lm kts elnm ?uk**kon%%y, ns khojaskmlrkad tel kmln.

    $ suppjsl kt 'kdet en(l olrtnka nm(natndls,0 kt snkm,

    lykad tel rjo`s ndnka. ]elrl0s p%laty jh hkse nrjuam elrl.0

    ]el ojr'jrnat sll'lm tj elsktntl, pjamlrkad tel kmln jh

    wjr`kad hjr Gr Hkse Hkadlrs. 2l sll'lm n `kam%y 'na tj

    tel ckrm.

    Mjur 'nstlr ks n djjm 'naC0 kt ka?ukrlm pj%ktl%y.

    ]el clst 'nstlr ka tel wjr%m;0 rlp%klm +juaoy +jals


    !lrenps $ seju%m dk(l kt n try,0 tel ckrm snkm onutkjus%y.

    "htlr n 'j'lat, kt nmmlm 'jrl mloksk(l%y, Mls, plrenps $


    Mju wk%%C jls tent 'lna yju wk%%C0

    ]el ckrm cjwlm ka ndrll'lat.

    +rk%%knat;0 snkm +juaoy +jals lateusknstkon%%y. ]ent0swent 'y 'nstlr wju%m on%% n onpktn% kmln0; $ ona tl%% yju,

    yju wja0t rldrlt kt. $0' +juaoy +jals, cy tel wny 1 +jals

    tj 'y hrklams. =ent0s yjur an'lC0

    ]el ojr'jrnat snkm sj'ltekad (lry strnadl ka Enpnalsl

    nam +juaoy +jals enm mkhhkou%ty drnspkad kt.

    !u`lyC0 el ns`lm, wkml:lylm.

    ]el ckrm snkm tel strnadl an'l ndnka.

    Muo`yC0 +juaoy +jals trklm ndnka, stk%% ndenst.]el ckrm rlplntlm kt n tekrm tk'l.


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin



    +juaoy +jals wns cldkaakad tj %nude uaojatrj%%nc%y

    wela tel ckrm 'nml n hkan% lhhjrt tj oj''uakontl kts an'l.=ko`yC0

    ]el ckrm cjwlm n %jad %jw cjw.

    =ko`y;0 +juaoy +jals rlplntlm ka rl%klh. =ey mkma0t

    yju sny tel hkrst tk'lC0

    =ej ks Gr !j' !j'C0 =ko`y ns`lm pj%ktl%y nhtlr n


    !j' !j'C0 +juaoy +jals %jj`lm up, surprkslm.

    Mju 'latkjalm tent n Gr !j' !j' 'kdet oj'l tj telrjo`s sj'ltk'ls,0 snkm tel ckrm.

    Mls, sj $ mkm.0 +juaoy +jals s'k%lm nt tel kmln jh !j'

    !j' clkad on%%lm 'kstlr0.

    !j' !j' ks 'y 'nstlr0s hrklam. 2l0s n sjrt jh mrndja

    cut mja0t %lt tent put yju jhh. 2l0s ajt nt n%% hklrol. 2l0s

    rln%%y n eudl sjhtkl. 2l ona cl n ckt n ckt loolatrko,

    tejude.0 +juaoy +jals0 (jkol trnk%lm jhh ns el rl'l'clrlm

    sj'l jh !j' !j'0s rlolat natkos.

    =ko`y enm al(lr slla n mrndja ka rln% %khl cut el enm

    slla wjjmla onr(kads jh mrndjas nt tel tl'p%l cy tel %n`l

    ka Enpna welrl eks 'nstlr enm hkselm. ]ely enm %jj`lm

    tlrrkc%y hklrol wkte pklrokad lyls nam hkrl strln'kad hrj'

    telkr ajstrk%s. 2l mkm ajt %k`l tel prjsplot jh 'lltkad n

    mrndja nt n%%.

    2jw mj yju 'lna, loolatrko0C0 tel ckrm plrsl(lrlm.6e, yju `ajw, el ens sj'l jmm enckts,0 snkm +juaoy

    +jals (ndul%y. Mju0%% sll sjja lajude. !j' !j' mjlsa0t

    %k(l ka tel tjal Hjrlst cut el pnssls terjude nam wela el

    mjls el %k`ls tj skt ja tejsl rjo`s.0

    =ko`y sekhtlm uaoj'hjrtnc%y. 2l wns ajt nt n%% surl tent

    el %k`lm tel kmln jh senrkad eks alw ej'l wkte n mrndja.

    +ut mja0t wjrry;0 rlnssurlm +juaoy +jals, sllkad tel

    ckrm0s ualnsl. 2ks huaay enckts kao%uml tekads %k`l sakhhkad


  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    h%jwlrs nam Njy rkmkad ja tel tjps jh nlrjp%nals. 2l0s went

    Gr Hkse Hkadlrs on%%s n Fdjjm [email protected]

    " djjm lddC0 rlplntlm =ko`y c%na`y.

  • 7/31/2019 The Adventures Of Mr Fish Fingers And Friends by F. M. Gaskin


    -lsplokn%%y skaol el enm elnrm hrj' =ko`y tent mjd 'lnt

    wns n ml%konoy ka sj'l pnrts jh wjr%m./ ]el 'nr`lt sj%m

    l(lrytekad k'ndkanc%lI telrl wlrl o%jtels nam ejuslej%mktl's, suoe ns pjts nam pnas, stno`s jh wko`lr cns`lts, tjj%s

    nam hurakturl, tjys nam p%nstko hnaoy djjms ka n%% tel oj%jurs

    jh tel rnkacjw, h%jwlrs nam, jh ojursl, %jts jh mkhhlrlat sjrts

    jh hjjm. Hjr tel oek%mrla telrl wlrl stn%%s pk%lm ekde wkte

    swllts %k`l ojojaut kol, humdl nam onamyh%jss, nam hjamnat

    on`ls ka ml%lotnc%l oj%jurs. +ut sj'l jh tel sano`s ja sn%l

    1 hjr l7n'p%l, tel rjnstlm %jousts, s`lwlrlm ojo`rjnoels

    nam san`l curdlrs 'kdet ajt cl tj l(lry oek%m0s tnstl,n%tejude tely wlrl (lry pjpu%nr wkte sj'l. ]elrl wlrl n%sj

    ondls jh %ktt%l nak'n%s hjr sn%l 1 ckrms nam 'ja`lys nam

    san`ls ka pnrtkou%nr 1 nam wek%l sj'l wlrl sj%m ns plts, %k`l

    n pnkr jh h%uhhy djsenw`s tely snw jaol, jtelrs wlrl

    mlstkalm hjr tel ojj`kad pjt.

    =ko`y n%wnys hl%t n ckt uaoj'hjrtnc%l ja telsl trkps nam

    prlhlrrlm tj stny oenkalm tj Gr Hkse Hkadlrs0 cjnt sj tent

    aj:jal 'kdet teka` tent el wns hjr sn%l -jr tj lnt;/.
