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The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry - Capgemini · The Aftermarket in the Automotive...

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The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry How to Optimize Aftermarket Performance in Established and Emerging Markets

The Aftermarket in the Automotive IndustryHow to Optimize Aftermarket Performance in Established andEmerging Markets

3The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

1 Executive Summary 4

2 The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry 6

3 Characteristics of the Aftermarket 8

4 Investments Into Key Initiatives in the Aftermarket 13

5 Performance in the Aftermarket 16

6 Management Approach for Winning the Aftermarket 17

7 Conclusions 34



analysis. The main aim of thisanalysis was to develop a framesetthat allows automotive companies tobest prepare for challenges in theglobal aftermarket business. Theanalysis is based on an in-depthsurvey in combination with additionalinterviews with over 150 aftermarketmanagers of the world’s leadingautomotive companies.

Based on the results of this study, thefollowing key conclusions can bedrawn for the aftermarket:

1.The Western Europeanaftermarket is a rather maturemarket with flat aftermarketvolumes. The competitive intensityremains at a high level and will befurther accelerated by newregulations and competitors.

2.Improvement of marketing andsales activities is the maintrigger to remain competitive inWestern Europe. Because of theflat nature of the WesternEuropean aftermarket, marketingand sales activities mustconcentrate on keeping thecustomer loyal to dealers andrepair shops across the carlifecycle.

3.Emerging markets offerattractive growth rates withrelatively moderate competitiveintensity in Eastern Europe,Russia and India but with highcompetitive intensity in China.In the future, the competitiveintensity is expected to increase toa similar level as in WesternEurope. To benefit from theattractive growth rates requiresimmediate managerial action,before the growing competitionmakes it more difficult to succeedin the aftermarket. Still, low-performing companies in particularneed to focus on selected marketsthat best fit their strategy and theircurrent capabilities.

The automotive industry isexperiencing significant changes inglobal market volumes, with flat salesin Western Europe and increasingimportance of the emerging marketsof Eastern Europe, Russia, China andIndia. This growing importanceincludes not only new car sales, butalso the aftermarket. Given the factthat the aftermarket business createsattractive revenues and margins,aftermarket activities are on themanagement agenda in bothestablished and emerging markets.Winning the aftermarket is far fromeasy, since it entails significantcomplexity, a large number ofmaintenance and parts activities, andcrucial supply chains.

To identify key patterns about how tobest operate in the established as wellas in these fairly new markets,Capgemini Consulting, together withthe University of St. Gallen (ITEM-HSG), conducted an aftermarket

Exhibit 1: Global Revenues and Headquarters of Participants

Asia Pacific9%


Rest of Europe31%


Headquarters of participating companiesGlobal revenue distribution of participating companies


<100m 100m-500m


1bn-5bn >5bn













Capgemini Consulting

1 Executive Summary

5The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

different phases to optimize theaftermarket performance in WesternEurope and the emerging markets.This model helps companies to betterposition themselves and developstrategic options to boost theiraftermarket performance in therespective markets to the point wherethey can become a global aftermarketchampion. To accomplish this, themodel uses three different levels: theexploration, exploitation and finallythe aftermarket champion phaseleading into the global aftermarketchampion phase.

In each of these levels companieshave to focus on differentimprovements in their aftermarketoperations. Most companies have leftthe level of exploration in WesternEurope, but have re-entered this levelin the emerging markets. Companiesshould strive to become emergingmarket champions in theiraftermarket activities in the next fiveyears. Of course, not every companycan and will succeed, but the pace ofprogress towards that objective willmake the distinction between marketshare losers and gainers, not only foraftermarket revenues and profits.

In the final level companies shouldalign their strategy and operationstowards a vision in which globalaftermarket champions concentrateon a control-tower type of supplychain operation. In this case, thecompany takes over full end-to-endresponsibility for the supply chainfrom its suppliers up to itscustomers. Global aftermarketchampions operate optimized multi-echelon networks of warehouses anduse worldwide benchmarks totransfer best experiences amongwarehouses, dealers and repaircenters.

4.Each emerging market (EasternEurope, Russia, China and India)is specific in terms of thecompetitive environment andcustomer needs. The differentcharacteristics of the marketsrequire a localization of theaftermarket. Companies trying toexploit the aftermarket with astandardized global approach willmost likely fail. Finding anindividual approach becomesessential.

� Surprisingly, most companies arenot prepared to exploit thepotential of the EasternEuropean aftermarket and no onereaches high performance. Themajority of companies areconfronted with improvementactivities across marketing andsales, sourcing, distribution,planning and reverse-logisticsprocesses.

� Russia’s geographic expansionrequires improvements in thedistribution processes. A moredense distribution network wouldenable a stronger penetration ofthe Russian aftermarket beyondthe major cities.

� China is the most challengingemerging market. To succeedhere, major improvements arenecessary in marketing and sales,sourcing, distribution andplanning processes to become andalso to remain competitive.

� In general, India is a ratherneglected market for WesternEuropean car manufacturers andis increasingly being led by top-performing Asian companies.Western European companiesmust learn from the successfulaftermarket practices of theirAsian competitors.

The results of the study led to thedevelopment of a model designed byCapgemini and the University ofSt. Gallen that evaluates the overallaftermarket performance (CHAMP –Capgemini’s Health Check forAftermarket Performance). Themodel visualizes the currentperformance and development needsof a company by identifying three


definition also includes anyadditional innovative services thathelp to optimize the use of thevehicle.

Exhibit 2 summarizes the maincomponents of the automotiveaftermarket and also gives an outlineof average margin expectations percomponent. In addition, theillustration shows how the valuechain of an OEM (OriginalEquipment Manufacturer) and OES(Original Equipment Supplier) isstructured and where the after salesactivities are based in the chain.

Globally, aftermarket volume,including retail sales, is growingrapidly and becoming increasinglyimportant to automotive companiescompared to new car sales due to the

This section provides an overview ofthe automotive industry’s aftermarketto set the scene for further analysis.Growth rates in the different regionsare discussed as well as how basicvalue propositions are set in thisindustry.

Aftermarket VolumesAftermarket operations have a verybroad scope and contain all activitiesrelated to maintaining a car after itsinitial sale and until the end of itslifecycle. The relevant activities arealso referred to as aftermarket partsand services. The aftermarketencompasses all parts and servicespurchased for light- and heavy-dutyvehicles after the original sale,including replacement parts,accessories, lubricants, appearanceproducts and service repairs. This

2 The Aftermarket in the AutomotiveIndustry

Exhibit 2: Value Chain of OEM/OES and Focus of Study

Upstream Downstream

Accessories AppearanceProducts

Lubricants& Tires





Parts Services

OEM/OES Margin OEM/OES Margin

New car sales is relevant for OEMs only. For OESs theequivalent is parts/components sales to OEMs

* The relevancy of the different elements varies forOEMs/OESs due to the nature of their meaning



facturingNew CarSales*


After Sales Used CarSales Recycling

Capgemini Consulting

7The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

Aftermarket Revenue andProfitsInnovative services such as telematicsand mobility service bundles offeradditional opportunities to generatebusiness and revenue improvementsand account for a growing share ofthe aftermarket. These services areincreasingly embedded into newtechnologies. In addition to morecomplex parts, they can compensatefor the declining share of traditionalparts, repair and maintenanceservices during a car’s lifecycle due tohigher general quality and reliabilityof cars and parts. Considering thetotal revenue stream of a typical 13-year car lifetime,1 only 37% of thetotal revenue stems from the new carsale. The aftermarket businessaccounts for the remaining 63% inWestern Europe.2

higher margins. As can be seen inFigure 3, the Western Europeanaftermarket is more or less flat, whileattractive growth rates exist inemerging markets such as EasternEurope. The average growth rate peryear is estimated at about 1% inWestern Europe, whereas in EasternEurope it is about 5.3% per annumover the past seven years. AmongWestern European markets with atotal aftermarket volume ofapproximately 165 billion euros,Germany has the highest sales with48 billion euros and thus contributedabout 30% of the overall WesternEuropean aftermarket sales in 2008.

Exhibit 3: Automotive Aftermarket Growth in Western and Eastern Europe

Automotive aftermarket retail value in billion EURin Eastern Europe b

Automotive aftermarket retail value in billion EURin Western Europe a

a) Based on data from Germany, UK, France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Austria/Switzerland

b) Based on data from Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic















































































Increase 27%Increase 5%


Datamonitor, Capgemini Consulting

1 The automotive passenger car lifecycle model splits the average use of an automotive passenger vehicle over a period of 13 years into three phases. The first phase runs fromone to four years of the car’s age, mainly through the warranty period of the car. Phase two describes the years from four to seven. Finally the third phase describes the yearsfrom seven to typically 13. This model is relevant for the management of the automotive aftermarket business as it can be used to describe the usage patterns of endcustomers in their consumption of parts and services over the different phases. Typically, the older the car gets, the more sales of parts at OEM-owned retail and franchiseddealerships decrease in favor of independent retailers. OEMs are continually seeking solutions to minimize this situation as the parts business offers attractive margins.

2 Capgemini Consulting, internal research3 Capgemini Consulting, internal research

In 2007, the aftermarket businessaccounted for about half of theprofits of European automotiveOEMs/OESs, compared to 26% fornew car sales and 18% for carmanufacturing. In the aftermarket,the turnover for car and partsmanufacturers has increased to about63 billion euros and operating profitsgrew from 13 billion euros to 16billion euros, compared with theprevious year.3 In 2009/2010 this isexpected to level off due to the effectsof the vehicle scrapping programs,such as the Abwrackpraemie inGermany, on the service and partsbusiness in the major markets inWestern Europe. In addition, the costof warranty is expected to increaseover the next three years.


marketing and sales capabilities tomaintain their market position inlight of the increased competition.Moreover, the market will likelywitness the emergence of additionaland changed business models.

On average, OEMs’ parts revenue isexpected to decline by up to 5% inthe next three years, indicating thatmargins could come under increasedpressure. On the demand side ofstandard high-volume parts, specialtychains and fast fitters such as Kwik-Fit, PitStop and A.T.U. will benefitand have more power to negotiateprices. Independent vendors,supplying, for example, Bosch RepairCenters, may also increasinglyreplace OEMs in the aftermarket.These shifts may result in lowerprices for standard and high-volumeparts by 10% to 15% in the next fiveyears. This means that most marketplayers except for copymanufacturers and specialty chainswill face a reduction in overallturnover. Additionally, margins aswell as profits will be squeezedthroughout the industry.

Total aftermarket volume in EasternEurope is low compared to WesternEurope (see Exhibit 3). The region’smarket volume is estimated at8.6 billion euros.6 But with an annualgrowth rate of more than 5%anticipated by the study’s participantsin the next few years, the overallgrowth is expected to be considerablyhigher in Eastern than in WesternEurope. The aftermarket developmentin Poland, Hungary and the CzechRepublic is the main growth driver.

To establish a management guide, thecharacteristics of each aftermarketfirst have to be defined. This sectiondescribes the competitiveenvironment, market growth andpotential as well as the marketspecifics. Differences across marketsdo not only occur between themature Western Europeanaftermarket and the aftermarket inthe emerging regions but also amongthe different emerging marketsthemselves.

Market Potential and GrowthThe Western European aftermarketis a rather mature market with flatvolumes. However, with 165.4billion euros in 2008 it remains thebiggest of the study’s markets when itcomes to volume.4 In the research,54% of the respondents expectincremental growth of up to 5% until2013.

Competitors that are able to utilizethe new European Union BlockExemption Regulation in 2010(BER2010)5 for their own purposecan expect additional growth rates of5% to 10%, compared with themarket average. BER2010 will notonly help companies to shape theircompetitive edge but should alsofurther increase competition in theaftermarket. The regulation will mostprobably attract more suppliers tothe aftermarket, since original partscan command a premium andinsurance companies often requirethem for repairs. This means thatOEMs and OESs will face significantprice competition from copymanufacturers. They need to showstrong operational excellence and

3 Characteristics of the Aftermarket

Key FindingWestern, Eastern Europe and

Russia will increasingly betreated as “one” common

investment region, whereasChina and India are still focused

on independently.

Key FindingWhereas the Western European

aftermarket is in the maturitystage, strong annual growth

rates of 5% to 15% are expectedfor the emerging Eastern

European, Russian, Chinese andIndian markets.

4 Datamonitor, Germany – Total Aftermarket Value 2008, 20095 The Block Exemption Regulation 1400/2002 restructured the automotive sales and after sales market and led to an increase in competition. For the aftermarket this meant

several changes such as, for example, more liberal access to relevant service information for independent dealers. This regulation will end May 2010 and be replaced by anautomotive aftermarket specific regulation (BER2010). This will continue to further liberalize the automotive aftermarket and increase competition in the parts and servicemarket. Source: Capgemini Consulting, internal research; European Commission, SEC(2009) 1053, 2009

6 Datamonitor, European Aftermarket Houseview 2009, 2009

9The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

Competitive Situation in theAftermarketSimilar to market potential andmarket growth, the current andfuture competitive situation in theaftermarket differs depending on theregion.

In Western Europe, the competitiveintensity is currently at a rather highlevel, according to the respondents.They categorized the market as beingone of the two most challenging interms of competitive activity (theother being China). All participantswere almost certain that WesternEurope can be considered a maturemarket, and on average they expect amoderate increase in the competitiveintensity.

The picture for Eastern Europe isdifferent. Here, it was noted that onaverage the current competitiveintensity is somewhat moderate butwith future increases anticipated.This can be seen in Exhibit 4, whichshows the positioning of the marketsin terms of their estimatedcompetitive intensity.

rates to be higher than 5% and halfexpect growth rates to climb up to10% to 15% within the next threeyears. The total volume of theChinese aftermarket is about 5.1billion euros.8

In general, India is a rather neglectedmarket for Western European carmanufacturers. The country is stilldominated by three carmanufacturers, namely MarutiSuzuki, Tata Motors and Hyundai,which account for 75% of the marketshare. Aftermarket volume is about 2billion euros, but the aftermarketshare for Western Europeancompanies is relatively small.9 Thegrowth rate in the Indian aftermarketis lower than in China, but stillexceeds most mature markets. In ourresearch 70% of the participantsexpect the aftermarket in India togrow between 5% and 10%, and24% anticipate growth rates between10% and 15%. Only 6% assume agrowth rate of less than 5%.

The Russian car market, in general,was expected to surpass the Germanmarket in 2008. Within the first sixmonths of that year, about 1.64million new cars were registered inRussia, resulting in 100,000additional cars compared toGermany. However, the Russianautomotive market has been heavilyhit by the financial crisis, leading to adecline of more than 50% in the lastmonths of 2008.7 The total after salesmarket volume in 2008 wasestimated at about 8.2 billion euros.The expected growth rates are onaverage similar to Eastern Europe.However, in our researchrespondents were split about equallyin expecting that the growth rateswould be up to 5%, 5% to 10%, andbetween 10% and 15%. This equalsplit indicates uncertainty about howmuch the Russian aftermarket willgrow.

The Chinese aftermarket has alreadyachieved relatively high volumes andthis success story is expected tocontinue. The vast majority of thecompanies surveyed expect growth

Exhibit 4: Current Competitive Intensity

Low Medium High Very HighAverage

(1 = low; 4 = very high)

Level of current competitive intensity

10% 62% 23% 5%


0% 100%


0% 100%


0% 100%

23% 25%

0% 100% 1 4

EasternEurope 0% 100%


0% 100%


0% 100%


0% 100%


1 4

Russia0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 1 4

China0% 100%


0% 100%


0% 100%


0% 100%


1 4

India0% 100%


0% 100%


0% 100%


0% 100%


1 4






Capgemini Consulting

7 Ibid8 Datamonitor, 2008 – 2012 Global Aftermarket – Recession and Growth Beyond, 20099 Ibid


very high level. The majority of theparticipants considered this marketto be even more competitive thanWestern Europe. In the future,competition in China, along withIndia, is expected to increase furtherbut with less momentum than inRussia, according to the respondents.The main rationale for thisdevelopment stems from two factors.First, there are an increasing numberof local Chinese car manufacturerscompeting successfully withinternational car manufacturers.Examples include Chery, Geely,SAIC10 and BYD11 for cars, andYutong, Dongfeng and Beiqi Fotonfor commercial vehicles. Second, alot of local suppliers still substituteoriginal with imitated parts meaningthat traditional OEMs will experiencefurther pressure in their aftermarketactivities.

Through the dominating role of thebig three market players in India –Maruti Suzuki, Tata Motors andHyundai – the current competitiveintensity is rather low. However,because other market players aremotivated to break through thedomination of the three mainplayers, the competitive intensity isexpected to increase in the future.The majority of the participants ratedIndia similar to China, meaning thatthe competitive increase through thenext years will be high, however stilla bit less than in Russia.

Exhibit 5 summarizes thecharacteristics of the differentmarkets by combining the marketgrowth, market volume andcompetitive intensity.

Russia will make an important leapwith regard to competitive intensity.Today, the participants estimated thecompetitive intensity on average asbeing the most moderate of allmarkets. This is likely due to theexisting weakness of the domestic carmanufacturers. Russian carmanufacturers such as AvtoVAZ andGAZ still have strong disadvantagescompared to internationalmanufacturers due to theirorganizational infrastructure.

In the future, the competitiveintensity will increase dramatically,according to the participants. Theincrease in competitive intensity isexpected to come from the marketentry of nearly all international carmanufacturers. This includes theexpected strong presence of Chinese,South Korean and Japanesemanufacturers in Eastern Russia,with the Western Europeanmanufacturers concentrating not onlyon major cities such as St. Petersburgand Moscow, but also on the morerural areas in Western Russia.

The competitive intensity in theChinese aftermarket is already at a

Expert’s QuoteChristian Hummel, Capgemini

Consulting China:“China’sautomotive market generally is

fairly young and mainly driven byfirst-time buyers. So the

aftermarket will see high growthrates soon. And due to

customers’ high expectations,the installation of a dense and

professional service chainbecomes a critical

differentiation factorfor market success.”

Exhibit 5: Market Growth and Competitive Intensity

(bln EUR)











Future Competitive Intensity

Strongly IncreasingConstant




8.6Eastern Europe

165.4 Western Europe


Capgemini Consulting

10 SAIC: Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation11 BYD: Build Your Dreams, Chinese automotive manufacturer in Shenzen

11The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

of customization, proximity tocustomers and offering services forattractive prices play an importantrole as well. This is even moreimportant during times in whichcustomers are increasingly buyingparts on the Internet or fromindependent repair centers.Outstanding service quality, quickresponse and reaction times, andbranding of service can no longer beconsidered as differentiating factors.Furthermore, companies unable tolive up to these commodityrequirements will fail.

Eastern Europe is similar to Indiawith regard to branding andinnovative services. These are notdifferentiating factors. The sameapplies for service quality and quickresponse and reaction times. As longas prices are attractive, customers aresatisfied with relatively low servicelevels and more or less standardservices, according to respondents.Customization of services is also of

Achieving CompetitiveAdvantageWhen it comes to the parts business,the way to achieve competitiveadvantage is very similar acrossmarkets, according to the findings.Regarding business opportunities forcar manufacturers, parts sales aretightly linked to their respective carsales. Moreover, price is thedominant factor especially in highlycompetitive markets. Both factors canbe seen as hygienic factors thoughthe main differentiating factors areparts availability and originality ofspare parts. When respondents wereasked about the service business, itbecame clear that factors thatdifferentiate the service offering varysignificantly for each market.

In Western Europe, the main factorsfor differentiating the serviceofferings are innovative services, thehigh emphasis on specific customerrequirements and customization ofservices. In line with the importance

Exhibit 6: Importance of Factors Differentiating the Service Offering

AverageAll Markets

1 Emphasis on service requirements

2 Customization of services

3 Outstanding service quality

4 Quick response and reaction times

5 Branding of the services

6 Originality of spare parts

7 Price of services

8 Proximity to customers

9 Innovative services

10 Parts availability

11 Proximity to dealers

12 Proximity to workshops

Average per market






























































































































































4Note: 1 = low; 4 = very high

2.4 1.8 2.1 2.2 1.9 2.1

Capgemini Consulting


not provide sustainable competitiveadvantage. This means that theChinese market is challenging ashigh price sensitivity together withhigh requirements for logistics,marketing and service quality doesnot provide an attractive margin. Inaddition, the effort to satisfycustomer requirements is higher thanin other markets. Maximizing marketpenetration therefore requiressignificant economies of scale.

As shown in Exhibit 6, India seemsto be the least ambitious market interms of differentiation. Neitherservice innovation, service quality,branding nor service levels seem tooffer significant differentiationopportunities. The most importantways to achieve differentiation areservice price and availability of parts.Furthermore, there seem to bespecific service requirements that aremost relevant to Indian consumers.Emphasizing these specificrequirements is a potential way toachieve differentiation. In this marketcompanies can be profitable byutilizing a strong logistics networkthat helps them maintain a highservice level and by a focus on costcutting and basic service offerings,while keeping an eye on customers’specific service requirements.

little interest to most customers,resulting in few differentiationopportunities. For marketcompetitors this leads to a lowmargin per unit sold, but profit canstill be made by either cutting coststhrough limiting the service offeringand quality of service or by achievingeconomies of scale.

Russia is particularly demandingwhen it comes to branding ofservices.12 Prices are not consideredto be a differentiator for serviceofferings as price sensitivity forservices seems to be relatively low.More important is that reasonableprices are in line with sophisticatedservice quality and close proximity tocustomers. Russian customers do notfully value quick response andreaction times, as shown in Exhibit6, limiting this as a differentiatingfactor. The sheer size of Russiacombined with customers’ serviceprice sensibility is leadingaftermarket champions to changetheir network strategy to set up high-quality dealerships in close proximityto their target customer groups’accepted locations such as bigshopping centers. Thanks to lowerRussian price sensitivity, participantsexpect companies to be able toachieve a reasonable margin if theyprovide good marketing and logisticsservices. Achieving high volume doesnot seem to be as critical.

In China, the price of services is themost important factor to achievemarket differentiation. However,besides attractive prices customersrequest quick response and reactiontimes and sufficient service quality. Inaddition, the service level is relevantfor Chinese customers as well asbranding of service, although priceshave to be quite attractive. The maintarget groups are less demandingwhen it comes to innovation andcustomization of services. Comparedto Western Europe these factors do

12 In addition to the results described in this study please also refer to Capgemini Consulting, Cars Online 08/09:Besides a very high Internet affinity for online car and after sales research, both Russian and Indian consumersare rather ambitious in selecting their after sales services.

Key FindingThe large Russian territory drivesaftermarket champions to adopt

new distribution networkstrategies. Russian customers

also look for high-quality brandsand are less price sensitive

compared to other markets.

13The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

to evaluating future businesspotential and making strategicinvestment decisions. Thus,according to their own judgment,with the current budget spent, theparticipants are hardly prepared forfuture regional market developmentsand risk their future profitability inthe aftermarket.

Main Strategic Initiatives andDirection of InvestmentsThe participants were also asked toprioritize strategic initiatives thatshould help them compete in theaftermarket. Four initiatives wereidentified as most important:

� Improving and extending theservice offering

� Adapting service offerings to localrequirements

� Increasing the local marketpenetration

� Optimizing the planning processes

To respond to the variouscharacteristics of the markets, thestudy participants developed keyinitiatives and implemented themdifferently according to theirindividual assessments. Thefollowing section outlines theinvestment behavior into theaftermarket, the different strategicinitiatives as well as companies’readiness for the aftermarket.

Total Amount of Investments inthe AftermarketAccording to Exhibit 7, theinvestments in the aftermarket tendto be quite low. As a consequence,only a few participants consider theiractual investment level to besufficient, and no one stated that theinvestments are fully sufficient. Thefindings indicate that, at least untilnow, the aftermarket appears not tohave received appropriate topmanagement attention when it comes

4 Investments Into Key Initiatives in the Aftermarket

Exhibit 7: Investments in the Aftermarket and Evaluation of the Investments

Estimate of actual amount of investmentscompared to requiredInvestments in the aftermarket

Very LowLowMediumHigh Not SufficientSufficient



















Very Sufficient

% of companies % of companies

Capgemini Consulting


centralized and decentralizedorganizations. Additionally, industrychallenges such as increasingcompetition, price erosion, highercustomer requirements and financialuncertainty may have sensitizedmanagement to rethink thetraditional business. These factorsmay have caused managerialattention to switch from marketingand customer relationship topicstowards more seriously consideringthe exploitation of the aftermarketpotential. The major focus is onincreasing efficiency in global supplyprocesses.

Companies’ Readiness for theAftermarketThe lack of investment correspondsto companies’ insufficient preparationfor regional market developments.This is particularly true for EasternEurope, Russia and India. In all theseregions only 35% of the participantssaid that companies are prepared forregional market developments. Incontrast, more than 50% indicatedthat they are at least largely preparedfor regional market developments inChina. And more than 80% said theyare largely or fully prepared forregional market developments inWestern Europe.

In the next step, participants had todetail their investment budgets forthese initiatives. Interestingly, bothamount and order of investments donot correspond to the priority ofinitiatives, as can be seen in Exhibit 8.

The direction of investments reflectsroughly the participants’ assessmentof the overall key initiatives toexploit the aftermarket potential.However, improving and extendingthe service offering, which wasevaluated as important by manyrespondents, receives significantlylower investments compared to othertop-ranked initiatives. Furthermore,optimizing the planning processeswas among the most importantinitiatives but receives the lowestinvestments.

As a consequence, there is a large gapbetween required and actualinvestments. The reasons might bethat the current situation calls for achange of investment directiontowards new strategic initiatives orformer initiatives that need revision.For example, optimizing theplanning processes seems to havegained in importance because itrepresents an essential factor for aglobal aftermarket business with

Exhibit 8: Key Initiatives Assessed as Important

Amount of investments in aftermarket initiativesKey initiatives to exploit the potential of the aftermarket

Establishing cooperation to achievecompetitive advantage

Improving the relationship withwholesalers

Improving the relationship withdealers and workshops

Optimizing the planning processesamong central, regional anddecentralized organizations

Increasing the market penetrationby setting up local organizations

Adapting the service offeringsto local requirements

Improving and extending the serviceoffering

Optimizing the planning processesamong central, regional anddecentralized organizations

Establishing cooperation toachieve competitive advantages

Improving the relationshipwith wholesalers

Improving the relationship withdealers and workshops

Improving and extendingthe service offering

Increasing the market penetrationby setting up local organizations

Adapting the service offeringsto local requirements

Very Low


1 2 3 4















0% 20% 40%




Capgemini Consulting

Key FindingTo really be successful in the

aftermarket, companies’investments need to be

drastically increased.

Key FindingHigh and low performers need toapply different market strategiesdue to their specific learningcurves. Whereas high performers’development is evolutionary,low performers need to berevolutionary in order to catch up.

The lack of preparation in most ofthe emerging markets is evident invarious statements. Because theinvestments are rather low,companies only act reactively in theemerging markets. They do notapproach the aftermarketsystematically and not in strategicresponse to changing customerneeds. As a consequence, newcompetitors seem to increasingly winmarket share. This is in principleconfirmed by more than 60% of thestudy participants.

The next goal was to betterunderstand how this investmentbehavior leads to low marketpreparation and finally results inincreasing competition. Here, theindicated loss of market share anddecreasing revenues and margin areaccelerated by a poor fit betweenexisting service offerings and theactual


Exhibit 9: Companies’ Preparedness for Regional Market Developments

% of companies

“We are fully prepared for regional market developments”

IndiaChinaRussiaEastern EuropeWestern Europe



























Does Not Apply

Rarely Applies

Largely Applies

Fully Applies

Capgemini Consulting

customer requests. This poor fit isdriven by the companies’performance in the main elements ofa service offering. According to theanalysis of the study results, theseelements are basically the type ofservices offered on site – servicequality as well as service innovation.

For example, more than half of theparticipants indicated that existingservice offerings often do not fit tolocal requirements. The respondentsalso do not recognize the importanceof pushing new service innovationsto protect their existing market shareand/or to regain lost share. Finally, interms of service quality offered, againmore than half of the participantsindicated that the quality offered issubstandard to customerrequirements.


companies show considerableimprovement potential for theaftermarket. Specifically, theperformance in Eastern Europe issurprising because companies shouldbe able to transfer their successfulWestern European aftermarketpractices to Eastern Europe. Theresults indicate that this transfer is farfrom easy and not a straight road tosuccess.

High- and Low-PerformancePeer GroupsThe performance of the participants,based on their self-estimation, varieswidely across markets. Nevertheless,as pointed out earlier, the analysisuncovered a dichotomy betweenhigh- and low-performing groups.Also, the results of the study show adirect relationship between theseperformance groups and theiractivities in the markets.

The following section examines themarket behavior of high-performingcompanies and identifies what lowperformers must do to become highperformers. These results areexamined by market, as the group ofhigh performers can vary per market,with a few exceptions.

in the aftermarket differently inWestern Europe than in the emergingmarkets.

As can be seen in Exhibit 10, theparticipants stated that highperformance varies considerably:Whereas in Western Europe 67% ofrespondents said they were highperforming, no one seems to be ahigh performer in Eastern Europe. Incontrast, 17% said they were a highperformer in Russia, 4% in Chinaand 7% in India. This reflects astrong focus on excellence inestablished markets while the newermarkets are currently left for thelocal or regional competition.Established Western OEMs and OESsneed to react soon if they areplanning to take a share of thisbusiness potential.

The right graphic of Exhibit 10shows that average performance isnot consistent. Companies achieve arelatively high performance inWestern Europe (3.7). Interestingly,even companies with highperformance in Western Europe donot achieve even mediumperformance in the aftermarket inemerging regions. Across all markets,

It is fundamental to understand acompany’s current marketperformance in relation to its peers.Interestingly, the performance differswidely across markets and across thecompanies represented by the studyparticipants. These points arediscussed in the following sectionand lead into clustering high and lowperformers to start examining lessonslearned.

Regional PerformanceConsistent with the different degreesof preparation for marketdevelopment, the performance in theaftermarket differs between WesternEurope and the emerging markets.Participants also rate the currentexploitation of the financial potential

5 Performance in the Aftermarket

Key FindingEven companies that perform

relatively well in Western Europestill do not achieve medium

performance in the emergingmarkets, indicating strong

potential for improvement.

Exhibit 10: Detail and Average Performance in the Different Markets

Performance in Western Europe and in emerging markets Average performance in Western Europe and in emerging markets







Western Europe


Eastern Europe







Proneto Issues

Medium Good HighPerformance





11% 17%4%













28% Prone toIssues





% of companies % of companies

Capgemini Consulting

17The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

The following section presents amodel designed to help companiesmanage the challenges in theaftermarket and providesrecommendations on how to bestpursue these markets.

6.1 Capgemini’s HealthCheck for AftermarketPerformanceDespite their high potential,aftermarket operations in theemerging markets are fairly young.There are examples of first moverssuch as Honda, Nissan and Toyotawith their initiatives in high-speedand off-road test track camps open tocar owners. Other examples includeDaimler’s telematics joint venturewith Deutsche Telekom, GeneralMotors’ former investments in U.S.dealers, or Renault’s joint venturewith Autobacs Seven to establish anautomotive accessories retail chain inEurope. Examples in the emergingmarkets include Maruti Suzuki’sinvestments into Maruti DrivingSchools13 or Mahindra & Mahindra’sinvestments in early aftermarketcustomer loyalty programs.14

Clearly, approaching the emergingmarkets is not a short-termmanagement trend, but a keyelement in a manufacturer’s long-term strategy. Still, aftermarketoperations in emerging markets areimmature. Only 7% of theparticipants say they have a globalapproach that is already operational.Approximately one-third have animplementation in progress, and56% indicate they are at best still inthe planning phase.

Given the link between aftermarketperformance, service managementactivities and benchmarks to thedevelopments in other industries, itis likely that most companies willdecide to professionalize their servicemanagement operations in theemerging markets and to developfrom a cost- to a profit-centeroriented organization. Together withcontinual and incrementalimprovements in Western Europe,companies will be able to takeoptimal advantage of theopportunities in the globalaftermarket.

To help companies achieve thisobjective Capgemini’s Health Checkfor Aftermarket Performance(CHAMP) has been developed. Thismodel indicates the level thatcompanies have reached on theirindividual path to aftermarketexcellence in the different marketsand serves as a vital guide to furthersharpen companies’ competitiveedge. This model helps companiesunderstand their current positionand plot the actions required toexploit the opportunities in theaftermarket. Because of the strongdifferences in the performancebetween mature and emergingmarkets, the model distinguishesamong the markets. For each distinctmarket, the data suggest three levels:explorer, exploiter and aftermarketchampions.

� Explorer level means thatcompanies have created their firstexperiences in the aftermarket andare mainly in the planning phasewith some early, but limited returnsfrom the aftermarket.

6 Management Approach for Winning the Aftermarket

13 Asian joint venture Maruti Suzuki is a main facility for obtaining driving licenses in India (e.g., 500,000 mostlycommercial driving licenses are sponsored by Maruti Suzuki).

14 Mahindra & Mahindra’s daughter company First Choice, India’s largest multi-brand used car provider, offers abroad choice of good quality used cars and services such as different warranty packages for engine andtransmission (e.g., silver service level: three months and 5,000 km warranty, or gold service level: 12 months –three months for free plus nine months – and 12,000 km warranty).

Key FindingTrue global aftermarketoperations are still in their infantstate. But the aftermarket offerssignificant potential andpromising opportunities.


Western European AftermarketStage 1: Exploring the WesternEuropean AftermarketIn stage 1, companies havediscovered the strategic opportunitiesin the aftermarket. Companies arestarting to set up an aftermarketinfrastructure and develop processes.According to the aftermarketperformance, companies achievesmall returns on their activities. Theaftermarket approach is still in theplanning phase and few activitieshave been implemented.

Stage 2: Exploiting the WesternEuropean AftermarketIn stage 2, companies can beconsidered as exploiting the strategicopportunities in Western Europe.The aftermarket approach has movedfrom the planning phase and is nowunder implementation. Activitiesrelated to various issues such asorganizational and network design,IT support and operational functionsare not fully implemented. As aresult, performance is only at amedium level. Of course, given thematurity of the Western Europeanaftermarket most companies havealready left the exploring andexploiting levels.

� Exploiter level involves leaving theplanning stage and trying toimplement a broad scope ofaftermarket activities. In this level,the aftermarket creates higherreturns than in the explorer level,but there is still strong potential toimprove the aftermarket activitiesand create additional benefits.

� At the level of the aftermarketchampion, companies havesuccessfully implemented efficiencyimprovements and are exploitingaftermarket opportunities.Aftermarket champions areconscious of continually improvingtheir aftermarket activities.

As illustrated on the vertical axis inExhibit 11, companies can be still inthe stages of exploring or exploitingthe aftermarket potential in anemerging market and already anaftermarket champion in WesternEurope. This model in principle isintended to be a guide to optimizethe performance in any of the focusmarkets regardless of the origin ofthe OEM/OES and does notrecommend a market sequence onwhich to follow up.

Exhibit 11: Model for Approaching the Aftermarket

Mature Markets Emerging Markets % % of participating companiesassigned to this stage

Stage 7: GlobalAftermarket ChampionStage 3

Stage 5

Stage 6




Stage 1

Stage 2







11% 25%



89% 75%79%58%

Stage 4



EasternEurope Russia China India

CHAMP – Capgemini’s Health Check for Aftermarket Performance

Capgemini Consulting

19The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

of preliminary defined services tomeet local requirements. Theoperations are kept under tightcontrol by the central aftermarketunit.

Stage 6: Emerging MarketChampionBesides performing key functionssuch as those already listed, essentialaftermarket operations are alsoinstalled in emerging markets. Theseare relatively independent from theheadquarters to adapt aftermarketapproaches to specific localrequirements. Emerging marketchampions complement centralwarehouses with decentralizedwarehouses (local parts distributioncenters) for optimizing partsavailability and delivery times. Inaddition, they strongly penetrate theemerging markets with dependentdealers and repair centers. They lookfor integration in planning andpurchasing processes betweendeveloped and emerging markets andadapt local service offerings to thespecific customer requirements.

As illustrated in Exhibit 11, stages 4to 6 are repeated for each emergingmarket.

The percentage of companiespositioned in each of the stagesindicates that achieving the“emerging market champion” level intheir aftermarket activities will be theprimary driver behind manycompanies’ “global champion”initiatives in the next five years. Theresults indicate that failing to reachthe local champion position meansrisking global aftermarket successand losing traction in the race tobecome a true global aftermarketchampion. Of course, not everycompany can and will reach thatlevel and that is where the markets inEastern Europe, Russia, China andIndia will automatically make thedistinction between market sharelosers and gainers.

Stage 3: Optimizing the WesternEuropean Aftermarket (MatureAftermarket Champion)Mature aftermarket champions haveincreased their performance over thelast years and are now in the stage ofoptimizing aftermarket activities.These companies have stronglyintegrated with dependentdealers/repair centers. They keepconsumers loyal for most of theproduct lifecycle. If customerschange to independent repaircenters, the goal is to sell parts tothese repair centers. Matureaftermarket champions strive tocontrol the whole breadth ofdistribution channels.

Aftermarket in Emerging RegionsThe three levels of explorer, exploiterand aftermarket champion also occurin the emerging markets.

Stage 4: Exploring the Aftermarketin Emerging RegionsExplorers in the emerging marketsperform key functions such as R&D,sourcing, manufacturing and sales inemerging countries, but theaftermarket presence is still in theearly implementation stage. Thisincludes defining operationalactivities for marketing and sales,sourcing, planning, distribution andreverse logistics as well asconsiderations for the whole supplyand distribution chain.

Stage 5: Exploiting the Aftermarketin Emerging RegionsExploiters in the emerging marketshave succeeded in their firstimplementation efforts, but theaftermarket presence still can beimproved and optimized.Nevertheless, the early implementationeffort has proved the aftermarketapproach to be successful and hasled to defined operational activities.Cost considerations limit exploitersto operate a central warehouse ineach emerging country and a smallnumber of dependent dealers/repaircenters. Compared to the maturemarkets, these dealers and repaircenters offer only a narrow selection

Stage 7: Global AftermarketChampionAs global aftermarket champions,companies maintain optimizedaftermarket activities in variousregions/countries and integratedifferent local approaches into agreater regional or one globalaftermarket approach. They operateoptimized multi-echelon networks ofwarehouses and use worldwidebenchmarks to transfer best practicesamong warehouses, dealers andrepair centers. The centralaftermarket unit employs majorintegration of central anddecentralized warehouses, andoptimizes planning and purchasingprocesses across the network of localwarehouses. At this final level, globalaftermarket champions concentrateon a control-tower type ofaftermarket operation whereby thecompany takes over full end-to-endresponsibility for the supply chainfrom suppliers up to customers.

As stated before, the performance ofparticipating companies helped toshape a profile of high and lowperformers. Low performers areassociated with the exploring level.In more detail, explorers are thoseparticipants rating their performanceas medium or prone to issues. Incontrast, exploiters are thoseconsidered to be strong performers.Finally, high performancecorresponds with the level ofaftermarket champions in WesternEurope, various emerging markets oreven on a global scale. Note thatcompanies can be at different stagesof performance in different markets.


increase transparency both inprocess execution as well as on themanagement level. Typicaldecisions include the usage ofstandard or individual software.

The four levers in the aftermarketmodel essentially enable performancemanagement in the aftermarket.Aftermarket champions seem to havereached a distinctly different maturitylevel in the operational excellenceperformance lever, compared withcompanies performing at a relativelylow level. Similarly, organizationaldesign, network and IT also seem tobe potential differentiators forexplorers and aftermarketchampions. In the following sections,the main levers for both low andhigh performers are described. Thelevers are further detailed accordingto the strategic initiatives with afocus on the most important ones.

characterizes the managementwithin the aftermarket units. Thisincludes decision-making authoritybetween central aftermarketfunctions and market units.

3.Network Excellence: The networklever represents the inter-firmcollaboration with suppliers,wholesalers, distributors anddealers/repair shops, and thuscovers all partner relationshipsboth in the supply chain and indistribution chains.

4.Information Technology: Thislever is a key business enabler andis essential to run the aftermarketbusiness. The most common usageis automation and coordination ofprocesses with high opportunitycost. That cost occurs in organizingthe process other than with thesupport of ERP or planningsoftware. Also, it is used to

Performance Levers in theAftermarket ModelAs a result of the analysis, this studylays out four levers that are essentialto all the participants in order tooperate successfully in theaftermarket (see Exhibit 12). Theyform the basis for CHAMP and serveas a guide to allow positioning of thecompanies in the model.

1.Operational Excellence: Thislever represents indicators forfunctional excellence in variousoperational activities. Theseinclude sourcing, planning,marketing and sales, distributionand reverse-logistics processes.

2.Organizational Design:Organizational design indicateshow the relationship betweenorganizational entities anddecision-making authority isstructured. Decentralization

Exhibit 12: Dimensions in the Aftermarket Model

Strategic and operational excellence in the management of the value chain

Structure of warehouse, wholesaler and service center locations

Network Lever

Control levels selected by the company

Organizational Design Lever

Information Technology Lever

Operational Excellence Lever


IT for coordinating and supportingthe processes in the aftermarket


Control Autonomy

Supplier/Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Repair Shops/Customer

Marketing & SalesReverse Logistics


Marketing & Sales Reverse LogisticsDistributionSourcingPlanning

Capgemini Consulting

21The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

6.2 Aftermarket Model forWestern EuropePerformance LeversThe profile of the operationalexcellence lever attributed to bothgroups suggests which processesshould be improved and what areascompanies should further develop.Both explorers and aftermarketchampions share similarities in thepotential and priority attributed tothe marketing and sales process.Improvements in sourcing,distribution, planning and reverse-logistics processes are of low priority,and seem to have low potential foraftermarket champions.

In contrast, to change from low tohigh performance, explorers typicallyput a high priority on reverse-logistics processes, which only entailsmedium potential for their businesssuccess. In addition, changing fromlow to high performance requiresfurther reducing the emphasis onsourcing, distribution and planningprocesses and freeing up resources tofurther push marketing and salesactivities. For explorers, theseprocesses currently are givenmedium priority and offer mediumpotential for improvements.

Interestingly, aftermarket championsin the Western European markets donot run the densest networks. In fact,confronted with stagnant WesternEuropean markets, these companieshave already started to restructuretheir network and distribution

Exhibit 13: Comparison of Operational Excellence Levers Between Explorers andAftermarket Champions

Potential High




Marketing& Sales

Group of Explorers(Low performers/33% of participants)

Group of Aftermarket Champions(High performers/67% of participants)

Sourcing Distribution Planning ReverseLogistics


Capgemini Consulting

Expert’s QuoteFrank Tennstedt, Vice President,Strategic Service Management,Capgemini Consulting:“Decreasing product-orientedprofits, the tendency to bulkcommodity, and intense globalcompetition have compelledexecutives to increasingly rely onpost-sales service to stimulatecorporate growth. It is no longerregarded as an inevitable cost ofdoing business, but as an activelever to drive revenue, profit andcustomer retention. It representsa fundamental shift in howservice operations are managed– moving away from a tacticalcost-center approach tomanaging it as a strategic profitcenter.”

channels. This leads to more cost-effective warehouses, wholesalers andservice centers. The balance betweencosts and customer proximity leadsto improved performance. Accordingto the IT lever, aftermarketchampions concentrate on acombination of standard andindividual IT solutions. Explorershave invested in individual softwaresolutions, but the higher costsassociated with individual softwaredo not seem to create thecorresponding higher returns.

That means that changing from lowto high performance primarilyrequires a more cost-efficientnetwork, leading potentially to areduction in the density ofwarehouse locations, wholesalers andservice centers.

decisions and to allow local groupsless flexibility in self-management.

The study shows that aftermarketchampions control fewer levels in theaftermarket. The local decision-making authority is stronger in high-performing companies. In contrast,explorers restrict local initiatives andagree to only limited local decision-making authority. From this it can beconcluded that controlling thedistribution chain up to the very end


To analyze the organizational set-upand control mechanisms of the wholedistribution chain, the studyparticipants were asked when to bestuse integrated organizational and ITsystems. These systems are defined asa main lever to increase transparencywithin the supply chain and to allowbetter control and realization of end-to-end decisions. The mainassumption here is that the moreelements of the chain are controlled,the higher the trend to centralize

Exhibit 14: Comparison of Network and IT Levers for Explorers and Aftermarket Champions

Which IT solution(s) do you use for coordinating processesin the aftermarket? (multiple answers permitted)Comparison of network for explorers and aftermarket champions

Medium Dense Very Dense

Target Current Performance

Medium Dense Very Dense

Medium Dense Very Dense

Explorers(Low performer)

Aftermarket Champions(High performer)

Individual SoftwareBest of BreedStandard Combination

Aftermarket ChampionsExplorers



16% 16% 14%

44% 44%







Warehouse Locations

Service Centers

Wholesaler Locations

Capgemini Consulting

Key FindingHigh performers reduce

distribution network density andoptimize cost. They also managetheir distribution based on fewer

organization levels adhering tothe subordination principle.

Exhibit 15: Comparison of Organizational Design Lever for Explorers and Aftermarket Champions







For which levels of the aftermarket do you use integrated systems?












Explorers(Low performer)

Aftermarket Champions(High performer)

Central, decentralized/regional warehouse,

wholesalers andworkshops

Central, decentralized/regional warehouse,

wholesalers anddealers

Central, decentralized/regional warehouse

and wholesalers


warehouse andwholesalers

Central and localwholesalers

Capgemini Consulting

23The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

is time consuming and difficult tomanage, whereas the potentialbenefits, which are increasedtransparency and commonlyimplemented decisions, do not seemto outweigh the disadvantages.Therefore, through well-plannedchange-management activitiesfocused on the organizational design,explorers should take steps to reducetheir control and allow moreflexibility.15 This helps enable localadaptation of centrally madedecisions.

Strategic InitiativesBesides the performance levers, thestrategic initiatives introduced inchapter 4 play an important role inmanaging the aftermarket business ofthe study participants. In most cases,the strategic initiatives arecontributing to multiple levers at thesame time – a straight one-to-onerelationship could not be identified.For example, “adapting the serviceoffering to local requirements” mainlyaffects the sales and marketingprocess, but it might also involve therepair center infrastructure necessaryto provide local services and the IT

integration to manage relevant data.Contrary to this, “increasing themarket penetration by setting up localorganizations” can be linked to thelever of distribution and supply chainnetwork definition.

Aftermarket champions and explorersdiffer essentially in the strategicinitiatives. These are listed by theirdiscriminating power and withdecreasing priority:

1.Adapting the service offerings tolocal requirements

2.Improving the relationship withwholesalers

3.Improving the relationship withdealers and workshops

4.Improving and extending theservice offering

These strategic initiatives are drivenby nearly all aftermarket champions,whereas only a few explorers focuson them. Others – such as increasingthe market penetration by setting uplocal organizations; optimizing theplanning processes among central,regional and decentralizedorganizations; and establishing

Key FindingHigh performers win by regularlyinnovating new services that canbe customized to localrequirements and by runningintense loyalty programs for boththe wholesale and retail levels.

Exhibit 16: Strategic Initiatives Implemented by Aftermarket Champions and Explorers

Establishing cooperation to achieve competitive advantages










0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%






Optimizing the planning processes among central,regional and decentralized organizations

Increasing the market penetration by setting uplocal organizations

Improving and extending the service offering

Improving the relationship with dealers and workshops

Improving the relationship with wholesalers

Adapting the service offerings to local requirements

ExplorersAftermarket Champions

Capgemini Consulting

15 Change-management activities play an important role in transformation projects and should be thoroughlyplanned. Often those activities are given lower priority than functional-oriented work streams. For furtherinformation please also see: Martin Classen/Felicitas von Kyaw, “Warum der Wandel meist misslingt” (“Whychange mostly fails”), Harvard Business Manager, December 2009


its lifetime and improving theadaptation of existing service offeringstowards local customer needs. Themain objective is to be able to furtherdifferentiate from competition. Thiscannot be achieved by improvingservice quality only, since quality as acharacteristic of either services orphysical goods starts to become acommodity. Service innovations aredriven by offering customer-specificsolutions and professionalizingproduct-related services (forexample, inspection, maintenance,spare parts and insurance). In anycase, customers’ requirements haveto be known quite well.

The participants rated down- andupsizing service offerings to localrequirements as the second mostimportant item of this initiative.Quite often, OEMs centrally seem tobundle services into packages thatare not yet ready to be locallyimplemented. Therefore, the localorganization, as mentioned before,must have deep insights about theircustomers to optimize thelocalization of these offerings.

In summary, it can be said that thecompanies will achieve a competitiveadvantage if they regularly use theirservice marketing to gain insightsabout customers’ requirements andtheir perception about the currentlevel of services. Here, aftermarketchampions frequently integraterepresentatives of both the value

cooperation to achieve competitiveadvantages – have less discriminatingpower. The difference in thepercentage of companiesconcentrating on these last threeactivities is relatively small comparedto the first four initiatives. To movefrom the levels of exploration andexploitation to local aftermarketchampions, companies need tobalance both prioritization as well asinvestments into key initiativesaccording to the level they areplanning to enter.

The prioritization was obtainedsubjectively from the participantsand does not reflect the effectivenessof each strategic initiative. Whereas,for example, increasing the marketpenetration by setting up localorganizations and optimizing theplanning processes create mid-termcost reductions and revenue increase,improving the relationship withwholesalers, dealers and workshopsmost probably creates long-termbenefits.

The four main initiatives requirefurther analysis, starting with theadaptation of the service offeringsto local requirements.

As can be seen in exhibit 17, the mostimportant element of this initiative isto focus on innovating new services.Here, major changes can be seen indefining improved options to makeuse of the vehicle more enjoyable over

Expert’s QuoteProf. Dr. Heiko Gebauer,

University of St. Gallen: “In theautomotive industry highperformers increasingly

concentrate on successful globalaftermarket operations. Winning

in these markets requiresmanaging both a creative and

efficient service innovationprocess that is one core

component to satisfy thegrowing customer


Exhibit 17:Required Changes for Adapting the Service Offerings to Local Needs

Adapting service quality

Adapting service levels

Upgrading the service offering to local requirements











0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Downsizing the service offering to local requirements

Innovating new services

ExplorersAftermarket Champions

Capgemini Consulting

25The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

Concluding this line of reasoning,high performers seem to successfullyinvest in business concepts that helpto both improve wholesalers’ loyaltyas well as the service level to fulfilltheir needs better and faster. Bothelements have an immediate effect onthe OEM’s business, since on the oneside the wholesaler feels tied to theOEM and on the other side the OEMgives the wholesaler more freedom todo business, from which the OEMfinally participates as well. Explorersneed to improve in this area.

chain as well as of different phases ofthe customer lifecycle16 in the servicecreation process. Furthermore, thosecompanies will be favored that spendeffort on matching up theserequirements with centrally offered“prepackaged” service solutions.Also, it is advisable to set up astandardized innovation process thatsystematically develops serviceinnovations in an effort to changemanagement’s mindset in favor ofservices. Finally, companies have tosearch for new service innovationsbased on technological developmentsand new IT opportunities.

The relationship with wholesalersstill offers improvement potential,since it is the second most importantinitiative. Recommended changesinclude setting up strategic programsto improve wholesalers’ loyalty andimproving the service level to bettersatisfy their needs. These changesseem to increasingly be important tosuccessfully market both services aswell as parts due to their relationshipto retail. Therefore, pushing thewholesalers’ business and increasingtheir loyalty towards the own brandseems to have an immediate positiveeffect on the OEM’s results.

It is also recommended thatcompanies improve the reaction timetowards wholesalers’ needs, whichmeans an immediate benefit sinceagain own business is positivelyinfluenced as well. Fewer changes arenecessary in setting up servicequality and service level programs tosupport wholesalers in business withretail and for improving theinformation exchange withwholesalers. Improving the usage andadaptation of integrated IT systemsfor wholesaler relations seems to beof low importance. Because ITintegration with a focus on thesupply and distribution chain hasbeen on companies’ agendas for quitea while, the level of perfection can beconsidered relatively high.

Exhibit 18: Required Changes for Improving the Relationship with Wholesalers

Improving the usage and adaptation of integratedIT systems for wholesaler relations

Improving the information exchange with wholesalers

Setting up programs to support wholesalers in improvingthe service quality and service level

Improving service level to better satisfy wholesalers

Setting up programs to improve wholesaler loyalty56%










0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

ExplorersAftermarket Champions

Capgemini Consulting

16 The characteristics of representatives of different stages of the customer lifecycle have been laid out in Capgemini’s Cars Online study and can be used as valuable input forthe service innovation process. This should help to develop services suitable to both extend phases of the customer lifecycle as well as to move customers between particularstages of the lifecycle: Capgemini Consulting, Cars Online 08/09

Exhibit 19: Required Changes for Improving the Relationship with Dealers andWorkshops

Improving the usage and adaptation of integratedIT systems for dealer and workshop relations

Setting up programs to support dealers and workshopsin improving the service quality and level

Improving the information exchange withdealers and workshops

Improving service level to better satisfydealers and workshops

Setting up programs to improve dealerand workshop loyalty











0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

ExplorersAftermarket Champions

Capgemini Consulting

The relationship with dealers andworkshops seems to require evenmore improvement. Here, the trendto source at least parts from thirdparties has an immediate negativeeffect on the OEM’s business. To helpturn this trend around, loyalty andservice level improvement programsare on the aftermarket champions’agenda already.

Information exchange programs alsosupport this aim. In contrast toprograms on the wholesale level,


not a differentiating factor anylonger. Premium services tend toturn into commodity services amongproviders and do not guaranteecustomer loyalty. Instead, premiumservices have reached a stage ofmaturity. Here, it is important tounderstand that explorers still put ahigher emphasis on providing theseservices compared to aftermarketchampions.

Summarizing the key implicationsfrom the management perspectiveleads to the following conclusions:

� Overall, improvements in the fieldof service offerings are the mainbundle of strategic initiatives onwhich explorers shouldconcentrate. Within this bundle,managers have to emphasize theinnovation of new services, insteadof simply focusing on the servicesalready offered.

� For both wholesalers and dealers,IT integration creates relatively littlecorresponding return, leading to arelatively low importance of IT-related initiatives. Loyalty programsand service levels are moreimportant and create quick wins.Their ratio between investmentsand return is much better than forIT-related initiatives.

Key FindingSuperior Western OEMs

continually push retail programsto drastically improve service

sales and delivery capabilities onthe retail level. This positivelybenefits the OEM’s parts and

service business. Understandinglocal requirements and

implementation time is key here.

Exhibit 20: Required Changes for Improving and Extending the Service Offering

Concentrating on premium services

Improving the service quality through better qualifyingown service personnel

Improving the service quality through professionalizing customersupport services (e.g., consulting, training, financial solutions)

Improving the service quality through offering different servicelevels (e.g., basic, extended, premium)

Improving the service quality through professionalizingproduct-related services (e.g., inspection, maintenance, spare parts)

Improving the service quality through offeringcustomer-specific solutions

Improving the adaptation of existing service offeringtowards local customer needs

Supporting wholesalers to improveservice quality and level

Innovating new services83%
















0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

ExplorersAftermarket Champions

Capgemini Consulting

which are already mature, the retaillevel has been ignored so far, at leastby explorers. Similar to the currentdevelopment on the wholesale level,changes in the service quality andservice programs for dealers andworkshops and the usage andadaptation of integrated IT systemsfor dealer and workshop relations areless relevant. Associated costs ofimproving the dealer integration intoIT systems do not seem to pay offcompletely. The expected returns aretoo low. Other changes offer a moreattractive cost/benefit ratio and createsignificant returns with relatively lowinvestments.

The last major strategic initiative,improving and extending theservice offering, is closely related tothe first initiative in terms ofadapting the service offering to localrequirements. Similar to thatinitiative, focusing on serviceinnovation is the most critical topic.Furthermore, companies have tosupport their wholesalers inimproving service quality and level.Few changes are necessary to qualifytheir own service personnel andconcentrating on premium services.

The results of the study imply thatpremium services are basic and are

27The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

shown in exhibit 21. Therefore, inthe following discussion explorerswill be compared to exploiters in thismarket. Still, exploiters, althoughbeing the best performers in thismarket, need to drastically improveto turn into high performers. Toachieve this, the results indicate theimportance of learning from WesternEuropean aftermarket champions asthis is the market with the closestgeographic reach and fewest culturaldifferences. Also, in a direct peer-to-peer market comparison, the Westernand Eastern European markets showthe most similar requirements forcustomer service offerings. This canbe seen in Exhibit 6. This impliesthat the actions taken in WesternEurope require fine adaptation toEastern European marketrequirements.

Explorers are concentrating stronglyon improving the marketing andsales activities. Less improvement

6.3 Aftermarket Model forthe Emerging MarketsThe aftermarket model for theemerging markets is similar toWestern Europe. It also covers themain levers that were alreadydescribed. In addition, the mainstrategic initiatives play an importantrole, similar to Western Europe.17

Performance LeversOperational Excellence LeverUsing a similar approach withaftermarket champions and explorersfor the emerging markets also leadsto specific profiles for each market.The characteristics of the profilescorrespond to the market featuresoutlined in the section onaftermarket characteristics.

In Eastern Europe, a strong majorityof companies are still in theexploration phase and no companieshave achieved high performance, as

Exhibit 21: Profiles of Operational Excellence Levers for the Emerging Markets

Marketing & Sales

Group of Explorers(Low performers)

Group of Exploiters(Low performers)

Group of Aftermarket Champions(High performers)




Reverse Logistics


Eastern Europe























Capgemini Consulting

17 The following initiatives are relevant for Western Europe: Adapting the service offerings to local requirements,improving the relationship with wholesalers, improving the relationship with dealers and workshops, andimproving and extending the service offering.


functional processes. Theimprovements are assigned highpriority and potential. Even currenthigh-performing companies haveimprovements in marketing andsales, sourcing, distribution andfinally the planning process on theirmanagement agenda. However,aftermarket champions have alreadyimplemented elements of necessaryimprovement activities tosuccessfully exploit the aftermarket.The marginal rate of aftermarketexploitation is decreasing andadditional investments in processescreate only limited increases in theexploitation of the aftermarket.

Nevertheless, aftermarket championsfocus the most on reverse-logisticsprocesses. This could link back todemanding customers who are usedto returning parts at the smallest signof malfunction. In general it alsocould be a clear symbol of qualityissues combined with low cost ofrepair as well as an effort to generallyimprove margin wherever possibledue to the tight market situation. Incontrast, explorers can still increasetheir aftermarket success by makingimprovements in any kind ofprocesses that already show a highpriority.

Finally in India, there is a generalbalance between priority andpotential associated withimprovement activities. Explorers areconfronted with multiple challengesin the marketing and sales,distribution, sourcing and planningareas. Aftermarket champions seemto have already positionedthemselves and to have overcomemost of the initial challenges such assetting up local warehouses anddealer networks as well as integratinglocal warehouses and dealernetworks into their planning,sourcing and reverse-logisticsprocesses. Additionally, the Indianmarket does not provide significantvolume nor very demandingcustomers. This indicates that effortsin the operational level can bemanaged with cost focus and thataftermarket champions prioritize

potential is associated withimproving sourcing and distributionprocesses, but the priority of theseimprovements is very high. Thatmeans that explorers are still in thephase of setting up the basics forthese processes. Implementing thebasics will not directly lead toincreased market share, but ratherenable them to maintain theirexisting performance levels.

Even for exploiters in EasternEurope, improvements in marketingand sales hold high potential.Nevertheless, at the current state, thepriority assigned to suchimprovement activities is quite low.This indicates that changes inmarketing and sales are mostprobably long-term initiatives takinginto account potential synergies withWestern Europe. In addition to these,planning processes seem to be mostrelevant for exploiters, indicating thatthe efficient supply of the market is akey competitive component.Explorers should consider this aswell when budgeting initiatives thatare planned for implementation.

In Russia, explorers are on the edgeof losing the markets. The prioritiesof all improvement activities wererated very high. Without a broadscope of improvement activities,explorers seem to risk losing marketshare to competitors. Therefore, theexpansion and focus on thedistribution process is estimated ashaving the highest potential. This isin line with the former reasoning thatdespite quite a few market entriesalready, the competitive intensity isexpected to increase dramatically inthe next few years. High performershave achieved considerable successesin terms of market penetration andshare. Improvement activities aremore long term and concentrate ondefending an existing competitiveposition. They also have the potentialto gain market share wheneverexplorers are struggling or are toolate in their improvement efforts.

In China, low-performing companiesconcentrate on improving all

Expert’s Quote:Nick Gill, Global Leader of

Automotive, CapgeminiConsulting: “Foreign high

performers have an ongoingchance to further develop the

Russian automotive aftermarketdue to the weakness of the local

OEMs. One critical componentfor these market share gainers is

to develop the retail servicecapabilities to both service

technologically advanced foreignvehicles and simultaneously to

cover the existing localstandards throughout the wholecountry while keeping an eye on

the Russian customer servicerequirements.”

Key FindingThe challenge for explorers is to

understand their corecapabilities per market and tofocus on dedicated topics they

are good at. This requires astrictly managed strategicdevelopment process that

considers the market specifics.

29The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

tier cities but also third- and fourth-tier cities due to either regional scopeor very high customer requirements.

Further differences can be found inthe warehouse and wholesalerlocation structure. In addition to thefact that high performers run adenser warehouse, wholesaler andservice center structure, companiesapproach the aftermarket in differentways. Here, infrastructure as well asdistance from the central warehouseseem to play an important role.Whereas Western, Eastern Europeand Russia are easier to reach, theAsian markets are harder to supplyfrom Europe and suffer from a lower-quality infrastructure.

The described trend of density ofwarehouse and distribution networkis contradictory when it comes tosales and distribution networks.Companies can either use existingand proven sales channels anddistribution networks or create newchannels and networks, dependingon their current situation. Highperformers often start by setting up ajoint venture with a partner, who

their efforts in this market accordingto the current market maturity stage.They seem to hold back until thismarket really becomes attractive.

Organizational Design LeverSimilar to Western Europe, eachemerging market requires a specificorganizational design. Theorganizational design starts withintegration and control of differentlevels. Whereas in Western Europethe existing industry structure makesit difficult to control all levels, thestructure in the emerging markets isnot fixed and companies can try tocontrol more levels efficiently. Thisstarts with setting up a centralwarehouse, participating in wholesalechannels and investing in own repairand service shops.

The difficulty comes from the cost-intensive set-up and control of thevarious levels. But as the comparisonof aftermarket champions andexplorers indicates, this createsessential competitive advantages.Specifically in Russia, China andIndia the number of control levelsdifferentiates aftermarket championsand explorers. In these markets,aftermarket champions tend to favormore control levels than explorers.To a lesser extent, this also appliesfor Eastern Europe.

Supply Chain and DistributionNetwork LeverIn the emerging markets, setting up adense network seems to be adeterminant for success. Thisespecially applies for service centers.However, in Eastern Europe andChina, the difference in the densityof service centers betweenaftermarket champions and explorersis smaller than in India and Russia,as shown in exhibit 22. This meansthat in both India and Russia,aftermarket champions and explorersoften cluster their network aroundfirst- and second-tier cities and havenot strongly penetrated the morerural areas in both countries. Incontrast, Eastern Europe and Chinaare characterized by high performerscovering not only first- and second-

Exhibit 22: Network Structure in the Emerging Markets



Eastern Europe




Eastern Europe




Eastern Europe



Density of the network structure

Explorers(Low performer)

Aftermarket Champions(High performer)

Exploiters(Medium performer)

What is the structure ofwarehouse locations

in the aftermarket?

What is the structure ofservice centers in the


What is the structure ofwholesaler locations in

the aftermarket?

Capgemini Consulting

Key FindingThe early market phases of theemerging markets offer a uniqueopportunity to control morevalue levels and to collaborateintensively with wholesalers.This helps to build a customer-centric organization to finallyturn into an aftermarketchampion.

successful entry, companies shouldstart to adapt the existing network.

Information Technology LeverEven if the emerging markets showunique characteristics, companies donot necessarily have to invest inindividual IT solutions. Bothaftermarket champions and explorersrecognize that standard IT solutionsoffer well-accepted and beneficialfunctionality. Also, individual ITsolutions might create furtherbenefits, but those do not outweighthe higher costs for implementationand maintenance. Standard andindividual IT solutions do notdifferentiate aftermarket championsand explorers, but all participantsseem to agree that using standard ITsolutions is a road to success in thedeveloping regions.

runs those networks. In addition,they also invest in adapting thesenetworks to fit their own needs.

In contrast, explorers oftenunderestimate the investmentsneeded to create complete new saleschannels and distribution networksor simply are forced to make theseinvestments because of difficulties in,for example, finding the right partnerto deal with, as illustrated in exhibit23. The high investments are notlikely to lead to corresponding higherreturns. Thus, the study recommendsusing existing sales channels and a

distribution network as a marketentry for the aftermarket in

emerging regions.After a

Key FindingIn early market entry phases,

companies should avoidinvestments in own sales

channels, but should rather relyon joint ventures with access to

proven sales channels.

Exhibit 23: Design Networks in Emerging Markets

Use existing and provensales channels and

distribution network andimplement in the new


Create new sales channelsand distribution network

downsized to market needs

Use existing sales channelsand distribution network for

adapting and installing anown network

0% 50% 100%

0% 50% 100%

0% 50% 100%

Percentage of companies concentrating on the outlined concepts

Aftermarket Champions(High performer)

Explorers(Low performer)

Capgemini Consulting

Key FindingStandard IT solutions have a

superior cost-benefit ratio overindividual IT solutions and are

supportive in building up awinning governance structure

that gives transparency andsimultaneously allows

flexibility on themarket



31The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

Participants also were asked toevaluate the ability to fullyparticipate in the market growth inthe various emerging regions. Here,aftermarket champions and explorersresponded differently. Most explorersindicated they were not reallyprepared for exploiting the growth inthese markets whereas aftermarketchampions said they were fullyprepared. This explains why ingeneral the importance of theimplementation of the followingstrategic initiatives is relatively highacross all four emerging markets.

Strategic InitiativesCompanies often face limitedfinancial and personnel resources.Thus, it is important for them tounderstand which strategic initiativesthey should invest in to best allocatepeople and budgets.

Exhibit 24 illustrates that each regionrequires a different set of strategicinitiatives. This map can serve as abasic investment guide since thepriorities of the various initiatives canbe identified.

Further evidence arises from thepreparation for exploiting the marketgrowth in various emerging regions.

Exhibit 24: Investments in Aftermarket Initiatives Across Different Emerging Markets

Eastern Europe Russia


























AM ChampionExplorer

AM ChampionExplorer


AM ChampionExplorer

Scale: 1 = very low to 4 = high


A Improving and extending the service offering

B Optimizing the planning processes among central,regional and decentralized organizations

C Improving the relationship with wholesalers

D Improving the relationship with dealers andworkshops

E Increasing the market penetration by setting uplocal organizations

F Establishing cooperation to achieve competitiveadvantages

G Adapting the service offerings to local requirements

















Capgemini Consulting


It should be noted, however, that thestudy participants weighted items 2and 3 the same and the differencecompared to item 4 was only veryminor. This indicates that thestrategy for the Russian marketincludes a mixture of market shareincrease and stabilization with a cleartendency towards stabilization-oriented initiatives, as again the lastthree initiatives are more oriented tomarket share stabilization.

Russia is the only emerging market inwhich explorers already follow thestrategy of the high-performingcompanies in terms of initiativeprioritization. They only need toincrease the effort to follow up. Here,they can make up for competitivedisadvantages if they increase theireffort in adapting the serviceofferings to local requirements byalmost 40%.

The Chinese market shows a slightlydifferent set-up when it comes to themain initiatives:

1.Improving the relationship withwholesalers

2.Adapting service offerings tolocal requirements

3.Increasing market penetrationthrough setting up localorganizations

4.Improving and extending theservice offering

The main difference is basically thesequence of selected initiatives andthe inclusion of building up an ownlocal organization to better penetratethe market. The strategy is a mixtureof securing increased market shareand winning new share through thethird initiative. As explorers arefocusing on adapting service offeringsto local requirements, which is also amarket share stabilization strategy,they are advised to change theirfocus to better improve therelationship with their wholesalers.

The results of the study make it clearthat each market profile of the mostimportant initiatives in which theaftermarket champions allocate theirbudgets shows similarities, but eachstill can be considered a unique set-up. The exceptions are Russia andIndia where the set of the four mostrelevant strategic initiatives appear tobe the same regardless of the order ofinitiatives within the set. The majoroverall difference is the priority theseinvestments are given. Whereas therespondents’ investments in thestrategic initiatives were, on average,the highest in the Chinese market,the average investments in the othermarkets were ranked somewhatlower, with a difference of 15% to35%. Again, Eastern Europe isdifferent in that no aftermarketchampions could be identified.

As indicated before, due to thespecific situation in the EasternEuropean market the studyconcludes that explorers shouldorient towards business practices ofexploiters, which, in turn, shouldrefer to aftermarket champions inWestern Europe. If strong explorersfollow the practice of the exploiters,this could be a shortcut for explorersand provide them with a chance toform the future group of aftermarketchampions. This requires a strongfocus on marketing to be able toanalyze customer habits and totransfer these findings in theadaptation and creation of newservice offerings.

The participants weighted thepriorities for Russia somewhatdifferently, yet the same initiativesstill apply:

1.Adapting the service offerings tolocal requirements

2.Improving the relationship withdealers and workshops

3.Improving and extending theservice offering

4.Improving the relationship withwholesalers

Key FindingHigh performers have already

transformed or at leastare transforming their after sales

business from a cost- to aprofit-and-loss-centered

organization. Explorersneed to evaluate whether

this organizational change is arelevant option as well.

dealers and workshops, which isvoted second by the aftermarketchampions. And of course their pushin these investments is very differentsince they basically invest with anaverage prioritization factor of 2.6,compared with 3.2 for theaftermarket champions.

Summarizing, the study indicatesthat, on the one hand, explorers arewell advised to follow up oninitiatives that help stabilize theirmarket position, as aftermarketchampions on average paid the mostattention to balancing their effort toboth stabilize increased market shareas well as to expand their footprint.On the other hand, explorers alreadyset basically the right focus becausethe initiatives they paid the mostattention to regularly are chosen byaftermarket champions as well. Thebiggest difference in this case is theconsequent push that is required toimplement these initiatives. It’s clearthat explorers have to improve quitea bit in order to become aftermarketchampions and reach a higherposition in CHAMP.

Finally, in India the focus of theparticipants is to shape anestablished platform from which toconquer additional market share. Thefirst three initiatives again are typicalmarket share stabilization strategiesand only the fourth is somewhatmore expansion oriented:

1.Improving the relationship withwholesalers

2.Improving the relationship withdealers and workshops

3.Improving and extending theservice offering

4.Adapting the service offerings tolocal requirements

As can be seen, a similar situationapplies for India as for Russia. Thepicture is again a mixture ofstabilization as well as expansion,although the focus shifts to morestabilization-related topics whenconsidering the first three initiatives.Only the last one focuses on marketacquisition. Furthermore, theintensity to follow up the initiativesis almost 10% lower in India,compared with Russia. Explorersmight need to rethink theirinvestment behavior since theirhighest priority is on improving therelationship with

Key FindingIn the beginning, explorersshould consider a tightpartnership model to leverageeconomies of scale and build astrong execution model.



for repair, maintenance and partsservices will most probably require aconsolidation of the sales anddistribution channels and networks.In addition, keeping existingwholesalers and dealers loyal can beaccomplished through fundamentalloyalty programs based on improvedservice quality, customization ofservices and service branding.

Explorers should focus on their keystrengths, know their customers’requirements in order to catch upwith champions and try to build upgovernance structures to bettermanage the organization. This courseof action can also be applied to theemerging markets. Whereverpossible, partnering models shouldbe applied to profit from economiesof scale.

Bringing together the findings onhow companies can strengthen theirposition in the mature WesternEuropean aftermarket and also canchallenge in the emerging regionsleads to the following keyimplications:

In Western Europe, markets aremature and most respondents’companies have already reached theexploiter or aftermarket championlevel. Nevertheless, the position of anaftermarket champion has to bedefended daily and requires strongefforts in innovating new services.New service innovations should gobeyond traditional offerings andconcentrate on the emergingtechnologies in the field oftelematics, navigation andentertainment. The expectedstagnation in the traditional demand

7 Conclusions

Exhibit 25: Summary of the Aftermarket Approach in Western Europe

Strategic Initiatives in Western Europe




• Set up basic infrastructure at a central organizational level

• Define marketing and sales processes for services

• Establish cooperation with wholesalers

• Create a network of dependent repair shops• Define basic logistics functionality for planning, distribution and reverse logistics

• Improve service quality of repair shops and parts logistics performance

• Increase the density of dealer and repair shop network• Extend the breadth of wholesaler activities with independent dealers and repair shops

• Increase the usage of standard IT solutions

• Innovate new services• Restructure sales and distribution channels• Implement loyalty programs for wholesalers and dealers

• Improve service quality and service customization at dealer and repair shop levels• Create brand awareness for services

• Reduce the network density



Network InformationTechnology

Capgemini Consulting

35The Aftermarket in the Automotive Industry

not entail specific solutions for eachregion. Across all emerging markets,it is sufficient to set up standard ITsolutions in the early stages ofexploring and exploiting theaftermarket. In addition, aftermarketchampions across all emergingregions have strongly penetrated themarket and try to control the variousvalue levels starting with central toregional and ending up at adecentralized level. For explorers andexploiters to catch up they have tocarefully plan their investments dueto limited resources and shouldadapt the aftermarket champion’sstrategies wherever meaningful.

In any case, these companies shouldtry to avoid taking the same learningcurve as aftermarket champions andrather try to identify shortcuts ordevelopment leaps. This is a complextask.

Differences across the emergingmarkets can be found in theoperational layers. Aftermarket

Typical pitfalls on the way fromexploiting the aftermarket toaftermarket champion come fromemphasizing individual IT solutionsand trying to control too many levelsof the value chain. The additionalbenefits offered by individual ITsolutions do not seem to cover thecorresponding higher costs. Thehistorical development of theWestern European aftermarketindustry with strong players andfragmentation limits companies tocontrol every level of their valuechain. Instead of trying to penetratethe aftermarket with an ownorganization it seems to be moreimportant to cooperate withwholesalers and dealers. Thecooperation should be focused onimproving their loyalty by stronglyemphasizing a loyalty program.

A similar summary can beformulated for the emerging markets.The main dimensions such as IT,network or organizational designhave strong global attention and do

Exhibit 26: Summary of the Aftermarket Approach in Emerging Markets

Strategic Initiatives for the Emerging Markets of Eastern Europe, Russia, China and India




• Set up central warehouses to guarantee basic parts availability• Establish joint ventures to penetrate the geographically disperse emerging markets

• Define basic services offered in each emerging aftermarket

• Define planning, sourcing, distribution and reverse-logistics processes• Define preliminary sales and marketing processes• Introduce standard IT solutions

• Try to break free from former joint venture partner and invest in own networks of dealersand wholesalers

• Adapt service offerings to specific requirements of each market

• Redesign the marketing and sales processes and consider advanced and adaptedservices offerings

• Optimize the warehouse network, parts availability and service level

• Run and control dense networks of dealers and wholesalers beyond first- and second-tier cities• Adapt standard IT solutions to more dense networks and extended service offerings

• Continually improve the planning, sourcing, distribution and reverse-logistics processes• Let the local aftermarket management break free from headquarter formalities



Network InformationTechnology

Capgemini Consulting


champions in Russia have to respondto customers’ strong brandawareness, whereas Eastern Europeshould be approached with anaftermarket model focusing on costs.China seems to be the mostdemanding market where allprocesses including marketing andsales, sourcing, planning, distributionand reverse logistics are designed toachieve low costs and high servicelevels. Finally, all respondents arewaiting for India to show significantgrowth rates. Customers there seemto honor a strong focus onstandardization through theirprioritization of service requirementsand an attractive price/benefit ratio.

These various activities lay thefoundation for achieving globalaftermarket excellence. As globalaftermarket champions, companiestransform into a profit-centerstructure and maintain optimizedaftermarket activities across variousregions/countries fitting theirindividual set-up. They also integratedifferent local approaches into agreater regional or one globalaftermarket approach. They operate,for example, optimized multi-echelon networks of warehouses anduse worldwide benchmarks totransfer best practices amongwarehouses, dealers and repaircenters. The central aftermarket unitincorporates a major integration ofcentral and decentralized

warehouses, optimizes planning andpurchasing processes across thenetwork of local warehouses, anduses worldwide quality standardsacross local dealers/repair centers.

With regard to future marketdevelopments, both the results of thisstudy and the current economicsituation highlight that there is notraditional path for achieving success.Market players have to break throughtheir traditional course of action andfocus more on developing trueunique selling propositions –simultaneously making sure theydon’t lose focus on the consumer’srequirements. One key element inthis can be looking for newcollaboration that opens up the valuechain either horizontally or verticallyand especially focusing oncontinually developing serviceinnovations – for example, throughcollaboration with insuranceproviders.

Whatever the future scenario of theautomotive industry will be, astronger investment in theaftermarket is imperative. OEMs andOESs will be continually challengedto defend and even more to furtherdevelop their business models. Beinga global aftermarket championbecomes a vital success factor fordelivering outstanding businessresults.



About Capgemini’s GlobalAutomotive PracticeCapgemini’s Automotive practice serves 14 of the world’s15 largest vehicle manufacturers and 12 of the 15 largestautomotive suppliers. The sector generates value forclients through global delivery capabilities andautomotive-specific service offerings such as Marketing& Sales Optimization, Strategic Service Management,Supplier Transformation, Optimization of Dealer-FocusedOperations, Global Emerging-Market Sourcing,Organizational Development as well as Operating Cost-Cutting Strategies.

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