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GEOS–CHEM: The Agony and The Ecstasy Bob Yantosca Software Engineer Atmospheric Chemistry Modeling Group Harvard University Group Meeting / Telecon 06 October 2004

GEOS–CHEM: The Agony and The Ecstasy

Bob YantoscaSoftware EngineerAtmospheric Chemistry Modeling GroupHarvard University

Group Meeting / Telecon06 October 2004

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy2


1. Transition to GEOS–4 Met Fields

2. A Summary of Recent Scientific Upgrades to GEOS–CHEM

3. GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02: New User Interface!

4. Future Directions

Appendix: ICARTT NRT Simulations

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy3

Part 1

Transition to GEOS–4

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy4

Transition to GEOS–4GEOS–4 Overview As of October 31, 2002, GEOS–4 is now the “operational”

data product generated by NASA GMAO

GEOS–4 is very different than GEOS–3 in many ways: GEOS–4 uses a different GCM than before (NCAR fvCCM) GEOS–4 is a hybrid grid (55 vertical levels) GEOS–4 has a 1 x 1.25 horizontal grid (not 1 x 1!) Several GEOS–4 quantities have different units than GEOS–3 Some GEOS–4 fields did not exist in GEOS–3 Et cetera …

GEOS–CHEM had to evolve to deal with GEOS–4!!

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy5

Transition to GEOS–4 Comparison of GEOS vertical layers in the PBL

GEOS–3 has 8 levels up to ~850 hPa, but GEOS–4 only has 4

850 hPa

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy6

Transition to GEOS–4Differences from GEOS–3 Some GEOS–4 quantities can be very different than

GEOS–3, for example: Cloud optical depth & cloud mass fluxes Surface wetness, snow cover, roughness height Precipitation fields

How does this impact a GEOS–CHEM simulation? Cloud optical depth affects J-Values Cloud mass fluxes affects cloud convection Surface wetness & snow cover affects dust mobilization Roughness height affects dry deposition Precipitation affects rainout & washout

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy7

Transition to GEOS–4Slide fromJ. Logan & S. Wu


GEOS–4 July mean Cld Frac GEOS–3 July mean Cld Frac

GEOS–4 July mean OPTD GEOS–3 July mean OPTDCloud frac does not show up as cloud

opt depth!

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy8

Transition to GEOS–4GEOS–3 Column OPTD, July 2001 GEOS–4 Column OPTD, July 2003

Slide fromJ. Logan & S. Wu

Larger O1D over Asian Subcontient!

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy9

Transition to GEOS–4

0 4

GWET = surface wetnessranges from 0 (dry) to 1 (totally wet)

GWET has important implications for dust mobilization. Where it’s wet you

don’t have dust, but mud – this suppresses dust mobilization!

GEOS–4 is much wetter in Africa, SE

Asia & Americas!

-0.33 0 0.78 [unitless]

GEOS–3 GWET at 0 GMT 2002/07/01 GEOS–4 GWET at 0 GMT 2002/07/01

Abs Diff GEOS–4 – GEOS–3

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy10

Transition to GEOS–4

Roughness height (Z0) is a function of land type and is used for dry deposition computations.

The differences in roughness height indicate that GEOS–4 uses a much different land-surface model than GEOS–3. (Don’t know if it’s better!)

GEOS–3 Z0 at 0 GMT 2002/07/01 GEOS–4 Z0 at 0 GMT 2002/07/01

Abs Diff GEOS–4 – GEOS–3

-1.96 0 1.27 [m]

0.0 1.30 2.60 [m]

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy11

Transition to GEOS–4Differences in the WINDS Synoptic values (GEOS–3) Averaged values (GEOS–4)

U and V winds, Specific Humidity, Temperature, Vis. Albedo

GEOS–4 winds required brand-new transport code We added a totally new version of TPCORE (cf. S-J Lin) We also installed the LLNL P-Fixer (cf. Phil Cameron-Smith)

TPCORE mass-flux diags were rewritten for GEOS–4 Brendan Field recently did this; will be added in v7–01–02

Nested grid does not yet work with GEOS–4 New TPCORE has yet to be modified for boundary conditions Also, GEOS–4 horizontal grid is 1 x 1.25, not 1 x 1

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy12

Transition to GEOS–4Differences in CLOUD CONVECTION GEOS–4 cloud convection fields are totally different

GEOS–3 style CLDMAS and DTRAIN are no longer provided

GEOS–4 uses the NCAR convection scheme (cf. P Rasch) Hack (shallow) convection: HKETA, HKBETA Zhang/McFarlane (deep) convection: ZMMU, ZMMD, ZMEU Scheme includes both updrafts & downdrafts

New GEOS–4 met fields required new convection code Convection code had to be stripped out of MATCH model We also had to re-install the wet scavenging in cloud updrafts Almost all of this work was done by Shiliang Wu

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy13

Transition to GEOS–4Differences between GEOS–4 and GEOS–4 To complicate matters, there were 2 versions of GEOS–4

Version 3: (GMAO: 1.3 r7) was made from 2002 thru Jan 2004 Version 4: (GMAO: 1.4 r2) was introduced in Jan 2004

GMAO says V4 contains improvements over V3: New Land Model Improvements to Skin Temperature analysis NOAA-17 satellite assimilation MODIS cloud track winds assimilation over the poles Relative Humidity fix near surface Diag wind output stream for stratospheric transport customers


06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy14

Transition to GEOS–4Differences between GEOS–4 and GEOS–4 An annoyance: the averaging periods for certain fields

were different in GEOS–4 V4 than in GEOS–4 V3 In GEOS–4 v4, the averaging periods for “A6” fields are the

same as in the GEOS–1, GEOS–STRAT, and GEOS–3

In GEOS–4 v3, the averaging periods for the “A6” fields are shifted 3 hours later than V4.

“A6” fields = 6-hour average fields. In GEOS–4, these include winds, temperature, specific humidity.


06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy15

Transition to GEOS–4

Z = “Zulu” = abbreviation for GMT

From the fvDAS file spec on GMAO’s website




GEOS-4 ver. 4

GEOS-4 ver. 3

(now obsolete)

A-6 fields

A-3 fields

A-6 fields

A-3 fields

Times of day when you need to read 6-hr avg met fields

Start of day Start of next day

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy16

Transition to GEOS–4Differences between GEOS–4 and GEOS–4 File formats between GMAO “raw” data files vary

GEOS–4 V3: most are HDF–EOS; some are HDF GEOS–4 V4: all files are HDF–EOS

Problems To process the GEOS–4 V3 files, I had to write new F90 code

that could read the HDF data files. When GEOS–4 V4 was introduced, I didn’t need to use the code

to read the HDF reader code anymore. Some of the file and variable names in GEOS–4 V4 were

different from V3, which required me to modify the scripts & code that I used to process the data.


06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy17

Transition to GEOS–4GEOS–CHEM v6–01–05 was 1st GEOS–4 compatible version This version contained the following features:

Release Date: 09 April 2004 Could only support GEOS–4 V3 met fields Introduced support for compiling on Altix platform Contained new GEOS–4 transport code & LLNL P-fixer Contained new convection code for GEOS–4 met fields GEOS–4 Lightning emissions are now scaled to 6 Tg N/yr Bug fix: ACET emissions are the same independent of grid Other fixes here and there to enable GEOS–4 met fields

A 1-yr benchmark was done with v6–01–05 (year 2003) See: www-as.harvard.edu/chemistry/trop/geos/geos_1yr.html

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy18

Transition to GEOS–4Philosophy of 1–year benchmarks: Conduct simulations that are as similar as possible with two

sets of met. data - from different GCMs.

Met. data: GEOS–3 run for 2001, GEOS–4 (V3) run for 2003 (same year would have been ideal)

Chemical mechanism and reaction rates: Identical

Emissions: Identical—anthropogenic, biomass burning Scaled to the same annual total—isoprene, NOx from lightning

SYNOZ (stratospheric source of ozone) Spun up for each model (494 Tg/yr in GEOS–4)

Slide fromJ. Logan

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy19

Transition to GEOS–4 OH (x 106) MCF lifetime (yr)GEOS-STRATrvm, V. 4.26 1.21 5.61 Old Chem.Sept. 96-Aug. 97

GEOS-3V. 5.07.08 1.08 6.53 New chem.2001

GEOS-4 V. 6.01.05 1.17 5.55 New chem2003

Ozone budget GEOS-3 GEOS-4 GEOS-STRAT

Prod. ozone (Tg/y) 4383 5087 4924Loss ozone (Tg/y) 3830 4540 4377

Slide fromJ. Logan

OH changes

by approx 10% from

GEOS–3 to GEOS–4!!

O3 P&L are 16–18%larger in GEOS-4

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy20

Transition to GEOS–4

Why did OH change so much?

It is not easy to change mean OH by 10% when the chemistry is the same, water vapor is similar, the ozone column is the same.

One likely candidate is the cloud optical depth, as these are very different in the tropics.

Slide fromJ. Logan

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy21

Too much ozone at high latitudes in winterGEOS-STRAT, GEOS-3, and GEOS-4

Slide from J. Logan

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy22

Transition to GEOS–4GEOS–4 Summary GEOS–4 V4 is now the stable, operational GMAO data set

We have GEOS–4 V4 data for 2004 to date GEOS–4 V3 is now obsolete; 2003 data will be replaced

GMAO is reanalyzing GEOS–4 data for years prior to 2004 This is the CERES reanalysis product Soon we will have GEOS–4 V4 data from 2001 thru 2004

GEOS–CHEM v6 & higher are now GEOS–4 compatible

GEOS–CHEM OH & Ozone are higher with GEOS–4 Likely culprit: lower GEOS–4 cloud optical depths

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy23

Part 2

A Summary of Recent Scientific Upgrades


06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy24

Scientific UpgradesScientific Upgrades to GEOS–CHEM The transition to GEOS–4 took longer than planned

For all of the reasons mentioned previously, plus… Spin-up simulation w/ offline Tagged Ox was necessary in order

to generate initial conditions w/ Ox in steady-state (for Synoz)

In the meantime, several additional scientific upgrades had become mature, but were languishing in the pipeline Black Carbon and Organic Carbon Aerosols (R. Park) Secondary Organic Aerosols (H. Liao, CALTECH) Desert Dust Aerosols (D. Fairlie) Sea Salt Aerosols and SO2 Emissions from Ships (B. Alexander)

These upgrades were fast-tracked to be ready for ICARTT

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy25

Scientific UpgradesBlack Carbon & Organic Carbon Aerosols (cf. Rokjin Park): Adds 4 more transported tracers to previous fullchem sim

Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Black Carbon Hydrophilic and Hydrophobic Organic Carbon

Emissions: Anthropogenic: From Bond et al 2004 (default) or

Cooke et al 1999 with seasonality imposed by R. Park Biomass: From GEOS–CHEM (default) or Bond et al 2004

Chemistry: A fraction of hydrophobic BC & OC hydrophilic BC & OC Hydrophobic BC & OC dry deposit Hydrophilic BC & OC dry deposit and wet deposit BC & OC aerosols also affect J-values and het chem rates

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy26

Scientific UpgradesBlack Carbon & Organic Carbon Aerosols (cf. Rokjin Park): Emission totals with GEOS–4 2003 (Tg C/yr) are below 20% of total BC emitted is Hydrophilic 50% of total OC emitted is Hydrophilic

Emissions Anthro Biofuel Biomass Biogenic TotalH-phobic BC 2.51 1.31 1.83 - 5.65

H-philic BC 0.62 0.33 0.46 - 1.41

Total BC 3.13 1.64 2.29 - 7.06

H-phobic OC 1.22 3.24 9.35 6.02 19.83

H-philic OC 1.22 3.24 9.35 6.02 19.83

Total OC 2.44 6.48 18.70 12.04 39.66

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy27

Scientific UpgradesSecondary Organic Aerosols (cf. Hong Liao, Caltech): Adds 9 more transported tracers

ALPH: a-pinene, b-pinene, sabinene, carene, terpenoid ketones LIMO: Limonene ALCO: myrcene, terpenoid alcohols, ocimene SOG1: lump of gas products of ALPH+LIMO+TERP HC ox. SOG2: gas product of ALCO oxidation SOG3: gas product of SESQ oxidation SOA1: lump of aerosol products of ALPH+LIMO+TERP) HC ox. SOA2: aerosol product of ALCO oxidation SOA3: aerosol product of SESQ oxidation

You can use these in both the FULLCHEM or OFFLINE AEROSOL simulations!

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy28

Scientific UpgradesDesert Dust Aerosols (cf. Duncan Fairlie): Adds 4 more transported tracers to G–C fullchem sim

Dust bins w/ Reff = 0.7, 1.4, 2.4, and 4.5 µm (NOTE: there are 4 transport dust bins, but 7 FAST–J bins)

Emissions: Source function from either the DEAD model (C. Zender) or

from GOCART (P. Ginoux) can be used. DEAD is the default. DEAD scheme is more detailed than the GOCART scheme, and

also takes as input more physical fields

Chemistry: Dust aerosols both dry settle and dry deposit Dust aerosols also affect J-values and het chem rates

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy29

Scientific UpgradesDesert Dust Aerosols (cf. Duncan Fairlie): GEOS–4 dust emissions are 3 – 4 X lower than GEOS–3

This may be due to the higher surface wetness in GEOS–4 Duncan is currently looking into this…

Dust Reff(µm)

GEOS–3 2001 (Tg/yr)

GEOS–4 2003 (Tg/yr)

0.7 117.6 35.2

1.4 243.3 72.8

2.4 310.0 92.8

4.5 290.4 86.9

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy30

Scientific UpgradesSea Salt Aerosols (cf. Becky Alexander): Adds 2 more transported tracers to G–C fullchem sim

Accumulation Mode: Reff = 0.1 – 2.5 µm• NOTE: Accumulation mode seasalt should REALLY be 0.1 – 0.5

µm. This will be the default in v7–01–02. Coarse Mode: Reff = 2.5 – 10.0 µm

Emissions: Uses parameterization from Monahan et al (1996) as described

by Gong et al (1997) (Ask Becky to explain!)

Chemistry: Sea salt aerosols wet settle, wet deposit, and dry deposit Sea salt aerosols also affect J-values and het chem rates

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy31

Scientific UpgradesAccum Sea Salt, Jan 2003

Accum Sea Salt, Jul 2003

Coarse Sea Salt, Jan 2003

Coarse Sea Salt, Jul 2003


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 [Tg]

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy32

Scientific UpgradesMonth Accumulation

(0.1 – 2.5 mm)Coarse

(2.5 – 10 mm)Jan 387 257

Feb 346 229Mar 367 244

Apr 363 241May 384 255Jun 344 228

Jul 416 276Aug 367 243

Sep 346 230

Oct 344 228Nov 353 234

Dec 376 250

Total 4394 2913

Emission totals for

Accumulation Mode and

Coarse Mode Sea Salt

Aerosols in GEOS–CHEM using GEOS–4 winds for 2003

Units: Tg/yr

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy33

Scientific UpgradesShip SO2 emissions (cf. Becky Alexander): Doesn’t add any extra tracers to G–C fullchem simulation

Ship SO2 exhaust is added to anthropogenic SO2 emissions

Emissions From Corbett et al. Original emissions are on a 2 x 2 degree grid Regridded to 2 x 2.5 and 4 x 5 GEOS grids by Becky Alexander

Global Total 4.2 Tg S/yr is emitted from ship exhaust

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy34

Scientific UpgradesAnnual Avg Distribution of SO2 Emissions from Ship Exhaust

Major shipping lanes are readily visible in this plot!

0 6.6 [Mg S]2.2 4.4

Rotterdam, NL

Annual Total = 4.2 Tg S /yr

Great Lakes

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy35

Scientific UpgradesSummary: GEOS–CHEM v6–02–05 contains the following mature

scientific upgrades over v6–01–05 Black carbon & organic carbon aerosols Mineral dust aerosols Sea salt aerosols Ship SO2 exhaust is added to anthropogenic SO2 emissions

GEOS–CHEM v6–03–02 (internal release) contains Secondary organic aerosols

GEOS–CHEM v6–02–05, v6–03–02: & higher can use: GEOS–4 V4 met data GEOS–4 V3 met data

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy36

Part 3

GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02:New User Interface!

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy37

GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02 Logistical shortcomings in existing GEOS–CHEM versions: GEOS–CHEM user interface is too confusing!

Switches have to be set in 6 or 7 files to specify output options It is easy to make mistakes It is hard to add new functionality There is LOTS OF HISTORICAL BAGGAGE in the input files There is a steep learning curve for GEOS–CHEM users

Timeseries diagnostics need rewriting Tracer #’s were not consistent between ND49, ND50, ND51 ND48 station timeseries diagnostic output is hard to understand Timeseries diagnostics were not parallelized

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy38

GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02 Existing GEOS–CHEM user input files:

input.geos: specifies start & end dates; turn operations on/off input.ctm: schedule diagnostics and dates for output inptr.ctm: specifies tracer names & molecular weights tracer.dat: specifies which tracer constituents are emitted prodloss.dat: specifies prod/loss families for diagnostic output diag.dat: specifies which tracers you want to print out timeseries.dat: specifies options for ND49, ND50, ND51

These are now all rolled into a single file! The new input.geos

Some “sneak peeks” of the new input.geos file follow…

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy39

GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02 GEOS-CHEM SIMULATION v7-01-02 ------------------------+-------------------------------------------%%% SIMULATION MENU %%% :Start YYYYMMDD, HHMMSS : 20020915 000000End YYYYMMDD, HHMMSS : 20020916 000000Run directory : /users/ctm/bmy/T/run.v7-01-02.2x25/Input restart file : restart.YYYYMMDDhhMake new restart file? : TOutput restart file(s) : restart.YYYYMMDDhhRoot data directory : /data/ctm/GEOS_2x2.5/ -- GEOS-1 subdir : GEOS_1/YYYY/MM/ -- GEOS-STRAT subdir : GEOS_STRAT/YYYY/MM/ -- GEOS-3 subdir : GEOS_3/YYYY/MM/ -- GEOS-4 subdir : GEOS_4_v4/YYYY/MM/Temporary directory : /users/ctm/bmy/TEMP/T1/Unzip met fields? : FWait for met fields? : FGlobal offsets I0, J0 : 0 0

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy40

GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02 %%% TRACER MENU %%% : Type of simulation : 3Number of Tracers : 41 Tracer Entries -------> : TR# Name g/mole Tracer Members; ()= emTracer #1 : 1 NOx 46.0 NO2 (NO) NO3 HNO2

Tracer #2 : 2 Ox 48.0 O3 NO2 2NO3Tracer #3 : 3 PAN 121.0Tracer #4 : 4 CO 28.0 (CO)Tracer #5 : 5 ALK4 12.0 (4C)Tracer #6 : 6 ISOP 12.0 (5C)Tracer #7 : 7 HNO3 63.0Tracer #8 : 8 H2O2 34.0Tracer #9 : 9 ACET 12.0 (3C)Tracer #10 : 10 MEK 12.0 (4C)Tracer #11 : 11 ALD2 12.0 (2C)Tracer #12 : 12 RCHO 58.0Tracer #13 : 13 MVK 70.0Etc . . .

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy41

GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02 %%% TRANSPORT MENU %%% :Turn on Transport : T -- Use Flux Correction?: F -- Fill Negative Values: T -- IORD, JORD, KORD : 3 3 7Transport Timestep [min]: 30 Use strat O3/NOy BC's : T------------------------+--------------------------------------------%%% CONVECTION MENU %%% :Turn on Cloud Conv? : TTurn on PBL Mixing? : TConvect Timestep (min) : 30------------------------+--------------------------------------------%%% DEPOSITION MENU %%% :Turn on Dry Deposition? : TTurn on Wet Deposition? : T

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy42

GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02 %%% EMISSIONS MENU %%% :Turn on emissions? : TEmiss timestep (min) : 60 Include anthro emiss? : T -- scale 1985 to year : 1995Include biofuel emiss? : TInclude biogenic emiss? : T -- Scale ISOP to MONOT?: TInclude biomass emiss? : T -- Seasonal biomass? : T -- Scaled to TOMSAI? : FIndividual NOx sources :--- -- Use aircraft NOx? : T -- Use lightning NOx : T -- Use soil NOx : TUse ship SO2 emissions? : T

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy43

GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02 Other improvements in GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02

Timeseries diagnostics were rewritten for consistency All logical switches were grouped into a single module All GEOS–CHEM directory paths grouped into a single module WETDEP code now parallelizes on the Altix platform Convection code now parallelizes on the Altix platform AOD’s can be saved from both fullchem & offline aerosol runs Tracer array is now allocatable; this will save memory Family prod/loss diagnostics (ND65) were cleaned up Mean OH diagnostic (ND23) were cleaned up Mass-flux diagnostics implemented into GEOS–4 TPCORE

v7– 01–02 should make everyone’s lives MUCH easier!

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy44

GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02 Thanks to GEOS–CHEM v7–01–02 Beta Testers!

Prasad Kasibhatla Randall Martin Aaron von Donkelaar Becky Alexander Colette Heald Brendan Field (for mass-flux diagnostics!) and others!

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy45

Part 4

Future Directions

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy46

Future Directions Continue pulling met data for GEOS–4 V4 late-look data

2001, 2003 is now available 1996, 1997 may be available soon

JPL is interested in doing the following … To solve the scalability problem in GEOS–CHEM ?? To code GEOS–CHEM for MPI parallelization so that it can be

used on distributed memory machines (e.g. Linux clusters) People:

• Qinbin Li et al (JPL), • Daven Henze (Caltech), • Hamid Oloso (GSFC), • Bob Y, Jack Yatteau, Daniel Jacob (Harvard)

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy47

Future Directions Creating an adjoint of GEOS–CHEM

Monika Kopacz, Parvadha Suntharalingam (Harvard) Dylan Jones (U. Toronto) Daven Henze (Caltech)

Aerosol microphysics modules Peter Adams et al (CMU)

Mercury chemistry Lyatt Jaegle et al (UWA) Noelle Eckley (Harvard)

CO2 chemistry Parvadha Suntharalingam (Harvard)

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy48

Future Directions Interface with CMAQ model

Daewon Byun (U. Houston) Joshua Fu (U. Tenn) Rokjin Park (Harvard)

Online data assimilation at GMAO Steven Pawson (GMAO) Daniel Jacob (Harvard)

GCAP: Interface with GISS–GCM winds Loretta Mickley & Shiliang Wu (Harvard) David Rind, Jean Lerner (GISS) Etc.

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy49

Future Directions GEOS–5 is coming!

GEOS–5 will become the operational GMAO data set in 2005 GEOS–4 will be turned off sometime next year

We will need to evaluate GEOS–CHEM with GEOS–5 fields Spinup with Synoz Ozone for 10 or 11 years Emissions will have to be tested (e.g. isoprene, acetone) Lightning NOx will have to be re-scaled What if cloud convection / optical depths change again? We will have to do a 1-year benchmark again

INTEX–B: 2006 GEOS–CHEM will have to use GEOS–5 fields for this Visualization website will be set up

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy50


ICARTT Near-Real-Time Simulations

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy51

ICARTT NRT SimulationsOverview Harvard did daily NRT simulations for ICARTT

NRT = Near Real Time fullchem–aerosol coupled runs People: Solene, Carine & Bob. Also thanks to Rynda & Lyatt!

ICARTT model was v6–02–05 w/ minor modifications User starts each model run w/ a script – everything else (model

run & data transfer) happens automatically! Daily flight tracks were obtained for each DC8, P3B, Falcon, etc.

flight and imported into GEOS–CHEM Model output was saved as daily means, 3-D timeseries, daily

columns, and along the mission flight tracks Output data was archived on geos.as.harvard.edu server Output data was also downloaded by Lyatt’s web server at UW

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy52

ICARTT NRT SimulationsMy part of ICARTT Script & code to obtain the GEOS–4 met data from GMAO

Pre-programmed to start automatically each day!

IDL code to make input files for G–C plane flight diag. Ingests flt tracks from NASA DC-8, NOAA, WP-3B, DLR Falcon

Script to start GEOS–CHEM runs automatically Downloads input and restart files from geos.as.harvard.edu Submits a GEOS–CHEM job to Europa via the queue system Pushes diagnostic output files to geos.as.harvard.edu

Other Stuff EPA emissions prep, regular GAMAP development

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy53

Extra Slides …

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy54

Transition to GEOS–4GEOS–4 vertical grid is hybrid; GEOS–3 is pure-sigma

Pure-sigma formula for computing pressure:1) P(I,J,L) = σ(L) * ( Ps(I,J) – PTOP ) + PTOP

Hybrid formula for computing pressure:2) P(I,J,L) = ( Bp(L) * Ps(I,J) ) + Ap(L)

The pure-sigma formula can be expressed in hybrid terms if: Bp(L) = σe(L) and Ap(L) = PTOP for all L

All instances of Eq. 1 in the code had to be replaced by Eq. 2

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy55

Transition to GEOS–4GEOS–3 OPTD at 0 GMT 2002/07/01 GEOS–4 OPTD at 0 GMT 2002/07/01

Where arethe clouds?

0 1 2 4 [unitless] 0 1 2 4 [unitless]

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy56

Scientific Upgrades0.7 µm 1.4 µm

2.4 µm 4.5 µm

GEOS-3 dust in July

06 October 2004GEOS-CHEM: The Agony and the Ecstacy57

Scientific Upgrades0.7 µm 1.4 µm

2.4 µm 4.5 µm

GEOS-4 dust in July
