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- THE ANACONDA STANDARD, SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 29, 1892. 3fte gonial W&F1& ONE THING AND ANOTHhK WHICH SOCIETY PEOPLE LIKE TO TALK ABOl'T. T HIS wrck brought annul Ion spring season MM lingered too lout;. It lias ls>cti II week of filial sunshine andtbedays hutbeen talo n up willi riding, ili ii ine. teiini- ami trips tu tho canyons in scat-cli of flowers. h. K. MacDniiald •|H'in a part of th<* past «rrk III Hullo. Mrs. John U'Niel of IM-.-t Lodge anillior dniigtilci'. Mrs. Arthur MMM) of (i.uri- Bnii.vixited Mrs. I'. M. (iciger In-i Tin winy fwi<! |WiMiv< M. MaiV« Build will meet next Thurs- day nflct-nisiu al the residence «»f Mi*-. Krauk Kennedy. Mn>. Thomas l .avolle anil k*T iMMPMI ml nurse and M M Ku k|iatrii k ii tiiiiii'il In MMM 011 Tin MI.IV , Mr«. L. «i. Iwitti gave a i!i litfhlfill New- market |«iii> mi Tliursilay evening ut lirr NHM in 'I*'' Mmitaiia- l.a-l Sunday aflci noon was «|n>nt plcas- iiully l>> a III:nilM 1 nl |s-nplo vvlm vi lli. M M on linrM-huck anil otlwi* in car- II. .t< —. si IM d islam c up tin - MM •I. I.. I'icrce. «ho ha* for some IIIIH- M i n d know 11 and well liked in Ana- conda, h'fl th - 1 iii last i M k f I" M" III. no M ay is-iina neiitly, MM < . W. I.,sums cave a pio-.-rosi.ivf- M M pnr'y UMM iMVWMMllM pallots ol tin- Molilalia in hoiiia-of her ii.u.uiiu r. Mrs I M I A •M|. M M M I n licshuictit- MM N1111I ami IM MM pi ucs. u autiltil Japanese l.oiil-ou ihsli mill a t |iia.iii JD| UIICSC inkstand- to Mrs. Irani. Kiininly anil J V. PWM M>" rial lailas < HI for I be IwMJ MM *i MMl MM W, H. HIIMMMMMI hiMtlii il. a jumping .'in k. lull- 1o I.. \N . Katie II- stem M aw.-iili il tiii* gcnili M *l 1-ooby 11 toy iMk Oil the -.Mil of thin Ml Wade CMMM1 M M !• "tail 011 all <M<nihil 1 iI> through 1 III- I ast. Tin' MM of the I'ansoplllali < till> v ill Ml IMMMM MMMMM in Ml rooms ol Mi- I. II. | M M Sunday M M M I Miss Blm kfiuil. vv In» Mi to this oily to M M M 4 IM WMPM M M I rot in in 11 to In'i' I M M HI M1 Mi Mr. .'ml Mrs. Shelley A M M H Ml* ! (•. Smitii vent to Until- on Kriduy to i«- 1 1 in in 111111I MMJll as Ml MMM ol Mi M M O M I M I U aioml IM Milt'crBu*r 1-I11I1 i-cccptinu. l-asl 'J liursday Father 1 Sun liapli/c<| Mii'hai-I anil Anna. IM <*l111« 11• u i»f '1 M M ami Anna Hei'lsili-o, Mr ami Mrs. QMgMj "I Peer l.ndg«- spent a purt ol tin MM vvi-ok at IM M> M M H. A. Kuiiklo, foinur'y nl MMBV spent last Suiiduy in tin- city. The Dupliruti' Whist club ui'l IIJUM M M M M M J with MM4. KwMlMi in Ml parlors of tin Molilalia. On iMMM) I'll. I IMM ami Mr. IIml Mr*. L.<". * 'rafts, with thi-ir sail 'IVt i*», let I thiH city to visit \i« York. DM.CaVCMh.CM.0.0« IMMJI< > - Vuulkiirr. S. I . tolpati ii k. iMi (imu hv MM C L. Vanler eatne from Helena las .t Momla> lo Instiliiu* thi» Anaiomla Onh -i of KMV NO. ttt. All MM ••' IM I.Iks who were presruf al tin' meelilMl Mmulay MMinCi «#Siell AS se\eral |Kn|ile fruin Unite wIm wcri' IK ir pMMi MMM Ml MJMH #MII luoif I'lijoyiible ihau ihoy hull am iripatiil. F. V.. Sarijeaiii was a nueut at ihe Mon- tana last MjMttVi I. . J. 'riiomas. \\ h«i i ami* to tins rily t.i M M 'IK- PIMN I i " iin.III, M M J M Ihltti- last Siimlax. Father Hi'K>i ki iT of llerr LOMIRP, IHKI Fathi 'i I'auw< l> n of Huito. MSIII il Futln i l>o SUTI' on Thursilav. D. J. FitXfferahl ivun ni 'il to Anarumla Inst Sumluy alter an almence of M-vi-rul w<»oks. John Matfuin 1 was r-'cihtoriil at the Montana last Wi ll in—il .i> . tin |WM) I'. .1. Ihoph) of MMM> M H M IIIS MM*) Mrs. (.. O'NHI. of lAMiiston. \V\o.. anil In* emiHiu. Mi^s MMjTMfMl H' AriA of Joliot. III., al tlir Montana. The Oak MMl Whisl rM "HHMMM ncki \Vi-ilni'sila> f a v«*iiiii|j ill tin- i -4'suli'io-I- of Mr ami Mis. Haitlctt. I«i«t eveniuu Mrs. I". S. Ma\- fci'll PMl * ih'hchlftil M M M H M M M J part> in lionoi ol In i sisii-r. Mi-- I oliiirn. T'lio-o pn-senl w in-; Mpsilaim-s Smith. 1'utih*. Kai/- !r II-III. lluriis, MMk LHISIHV ami Itlllsloli; Mlsia -»ll .lll .ll .ll- MHtMfsMM MMTenanl. IN-lern ami lliir- •ton. anil Mi---i s. Mmili. Will lains. K it j- ensn ni. WVIh DM . I"II/I;I rahl. M H IIIHI- n lil. Mai liiniii--. h<ll\. Ihu n.-. |>aw-.-n. r-pel man and l .insh >. MNMCl M i in I M kV Butt* >i»i-|i -l> luins iini lor tin* Noil •*rt I IM I I nut ol tin- srii.int. Bt'lTi., Mat Mi IVMfMl "s MM pai -iotis liouii' w as till-'il up ilu- Silt i-iTtow rluh has •-ntertainctl its frii-mla Mi f**r- mal wa>. I'lu* nt'i'ptiou titin I rn|;»t liijllil M* dintllliliuslnsl I it n- kit isli h*»s- pllalllt tin- ei III Ii nu n of ila- i luli a | M ,,\, do thc-ii MtfMt4*MMJ|M• MMl way. So earefull.t li.nl .ill the details tor Hint af- fair M M niitii'it-ated. that nothing MM iMMMMlrMMl nutflit I'oiitrihiiii- in tin- pleabun of Ihe iiueatt and to MM -i»t- will. While tin* hosl- iiiaih- fMMMIi pi< parutioii. ii run IM- said that IIIOM- who were invit «l for the MMMJMMl i s|>e- eial effort to honor tin- afTnii Ihnti- >-o- eiety waft seen at lift MM last l*i ulat ni ^lii. The »rciic presented w In n the Mt*MM> tmntiiii im heieln was one of ran heauty and hrilliam t. The weuhh ol -jewels worn h\ tla 1.idles was Unit di«/- lllng. Hie costumes wt»rc remarkahle lor their elegance the ladies hurl n irtnnll) donn «d thejr newest and iln ir tery lte»l and tin- lieauit of Hn. |noi- nre was i M M i ht I In- artistic hgliiint! ol ili<- MM and tin wealth of floral decorations which had been provided without Hint. There w as no dancing, but an excellent programme of choiceat selections was MMMMl l'\ tin- Vienna ladies' orclitstra. In tin- spacious parlors there MM ample MM faff all the guests to seat themselves in informal (roups and enjot the music or disru-s t In pHt -sinc gossip in a ri-iliil wat. Tin floral d o orations MMMlMMMlM tin evening's chief attraction*. Tin se WI-M the woik ol Mrs. Knov la Mi MMl on the flfior In-low that occupied lit ihei tuh a tempi II,B him h prepainl h) liMMf M *er\<tl during the- nilin- evening. I^tc- in the night much wus said in praise of t lie Niter How club's er.i clie nt punch. Il wat Beneroual) patroniretl. yet the curioua coincident i' is 11. at MMV individual met i on ihi- sircct* lo-day is Ihe pari icular in- MvMMl "ho "wenl houie MM* early ill tin- evening." Ix-fore the punch (lotted heely. 'I lie M M M of Kriil.it night ! MffMk MM tin- MMl of the club to whose • (Tolls the success of lliclrcop- I lion was so largely due 'I h e member" of | the iccipdon MMAMHM were I'. II. l'al- ! nier, F . F.. ( oris tt. J. I . Dawson, J. K. ! I M M A. C Holmes.*;. W. hi in II., F. I K. Miller. J. F linking. N. C Hay. F. Mcgi'l, J. II. Welle,,inc. I I . (.. Hill! 1'- I. Hi niiew-y, K, W. S. Tingle M M chnnmaii ! of the ct'in tu it (ce ol in MM < MM and \V. Y, F M M I M M the < luiniitce on im ita- lions. Among the n,dels of lbe M *Mj were thcuc: Mrs. M . H . Ilrow ulee, elegant g<iwii of old ruse Inoi-adi- trimmed ttilh tello-t moire and f-bitfon. court traim-ihri'il w iih gold .-.paliglca. IMNIICC diH -oltntu and slcct i-- less:>c]|ott Initterciip.-i in coifTure: diu- uiomls; lM*|iiet of American lieautiea. Mrs. M . J . ( oiim-ll. importi-d costume of black cmhi'oidereil uiousi-cline do soie : Willi heliotro|ie ribbon*, a full garland of I hyacinth* was fahteni-cl at ihe buck o f the IMKIII-C. passed over the right shoulder ami exleiuliil M Ila* foot of the skirt ut the I lefl side, black prince of Wah s feather* at ||f**M M M T | diainoinU. Ml s, John I'. I'oi biN, grey silk embroil' ' crcd in pink l ow-knots, M M M I M M M in grey hilfou. pink velvet sleeve*; mtr- IIK-1 ro-t -: po.it Is and diamonds. Mrs. ( . r. Hough wore an elegant mi poind ci'stllllie of i-ix-am II,unlet- Ince MM poiiip.nh'Ui gn < n silk, bodice trim- null ttilh la v eiidtr nhl ens, diamond or- MM* Mia. -I. H. W'elh-i ice, princes* gown o f w I, He coid) il silk ti n nx d w ith point Ineo and seed praih . decollete. MMM of Wil- liam I'nmei* Heiinet rosis mil with a ill" ii riUM Mi s. J. It. Itn-si II, grey silk and velvet with ItfaMMJi of MMMMl and diichcssc luei-; brah- rose*. Mr*. II. Knox, gown of hl.uk MMM silk ; diamond*. Ml *. James Tallsit. black chautillt Ince otcr black silk : ibamond MJMM Mr*. A. H. Harrei. calling MMMI of grey Hrilforil )'ortl with passtntciiicric. MMM to MMMk Mis* Mic Ilaldw in. gow n o f w hile satin and ehitlou. willi MM ornament*. Mis* (ora Young, black embroidered cli itlt n mail)- ot er golil and | li-m changv- ahla silk. Mitsl'arrie Jnrtihe. reception gnwn of M M shot s.lk. trimnicil in hlncl. i liillon, oil- 1-0*1- glove* and slippi rai pink MMb Mrs. M M (•oitlon. geldeii l -rown silk re- M ion ilress. Mis. I'.ahnweilli-r, elegant bi.vrk silk ttilh tesf i,| yi-Hotv l-lllbloiilered cl-l'pe, p)-rh- KMM) luce ami jet boiini-i. Mil TV* I. I.ippim oit. gow n of Hie d °Or silk, eii iritinc. skirt flounced with chan- tilly lace, hot IsMlice irinttm-d in lace and jet. willi black ami yellow birds a t t h e MVHIMMH diamond oi-mimeni*. MM Young of Ib-lcna. MMMMl gown of ceil hi lie. draped otcr i toll icon t 11 in i met] uiih a flounce of |M)iut dc Fari* luce. Mr*. Thomas Favelle, wiiite iM'ngaline tiiiiiiiied w iili a i-biffiiii flounce l*inler)-d with many row* of satin MMMH perle de jiirdin rosi-* ; diamonils. Miss Florence Kirkpalrick worean even- iug ilress of lavender cn-|H> M M in gold, wiib girdle of gold paaaetnenteric, and carried a biim h of lilacs. Miss Laura Haker. w lute anil pale blue >1ri|>e<l silk, likirt Isirtlered with band of blue velvet headed w ith diu-lies* lace, cor- sage ornamented with blue velvet ribhona and lace, bride rose*. M is* I'V.inkye Horst, corii-colorcl -ilk wnb low Uidiee. full Iter!ha and sleeve* of chiffon, bouquet o f la France roses. Mis* Kenyoii wore a beautiful gown of MMM MMM wnb front of embroidered elntfon. deep MMM and Watte.in MMM era ol ehillon.la Fr inco and Albaiiv nim-s. Mis* hirkpatrick. peachhlnw silk gown, MMM -mil M M MMMM of white lilac*. Mis*I luru Wilcox wore a most beeom- iug i-vemiig ilix-s* of w hin-sat in brocade. Illtinned wnb pearl pas-i iiicni.n ic and carried hniii|iii»l of pink roses. Mis* Hat tu- Ft an*, pink silk MMMM MMMal Willi yellow M M M ) broad giitlle anil ISIWH of yellow ribholi. yellow hhholl cm t\ ii,,| in BoMMff) glut es and slippel s in yellow . hand botiipiel of perle de jaltbn |-o*os. Mrs. F. I.. Miller.grey embroidered ereno princes-gow ii. ruffle of pink chiffon sur- rounding lb,' neck and cxii-nding diagon- ally down the M M of tin- skirl, pink IMM) Mrs. In. Allison, white Irish M J M ) M M M M Flench luce, i -ar M M M hrvMM'li, bracelet* mid mt klace ol |iearla ami MMMMM) Mrs. II. F. MMMMMM Xnacoiiila. black whip conl i-eei'pi ion die--. Mr* J. I . C Tliornton. MMMM MM over heat y black silk. MMMMM of jet. Mrs. Sam Johnstone, black ml with pink silk. Unmet of black with pink iillu- ming*. Mrs. I.ay lord, street nut ami bonnet. Mrs. Hen ( ulkllls. black luce nith pink chiffon. Mr>. Han i lloering. cream figured silk wnb cream CMMMI diamonds. Mrs. F. T. McHrnle, cosiiiim. of stei -l gray .mil black w i t h ftteel li iinni nig*; uiei met rose*. Mis \. J. |)a\in. black chanidly net; diamond*. Mrs. John Hordeaiix. yellow eiepe de M M I M M M M M M ! ! diamond*. Ml*. B> F. I.tin.ill. black and while stripi-il silk. MMM w ith black. Miss Nellie M M M J M I MMM silk cos- tume em w uli Vainly ke hoi I ice. M 'ft* 1' ,\r» v. w bile silk gow n. MMMMM) trimmed Willi prolusion of ruby velvet nbboii, M M Ml ro»cs. Mr-. Knliurd*. white china silk with clutTon. Miss Rum ley of Helena. M M M M M IM-1! akirt MiMMl with MM nu ln of *mi- lax and iiiaigueriii*. fungi- of margticr- ni - a* ,, MMM) MMM ol pmk and w Inn- carnation*. Mis- Thornton. Pari* gown MMMM watered silk dotted wiili inraya "f HI.W. I- in M M M M hodkil icr.dai mik anil vvaisl with M M M I UMUM of helio- MjW « hifl'on. huge M M o( Hl»fl M M M M HOW el -. Mi-- r UdU ThorntM, g. »n of m.iis •M|»»> MM ikiri inmm.il B -Htl l,,|| put ol Mh MraMglk pi.is.int fjMMff, M k- laei- of MM) bride MM -. | Miss Kale MMW)flMMM blue and copper changeable silk, brocaded with while flower spray s. streamer* and butter !flyhow* of while rihlxni. l u nch bodiee, trimmed in chiffon and riMM. Mr*. J . M . Qiiinn. black roMMMa MM dm In s* of Alliany i o-e-. Mrs. K. B. Haddow. fawn rolored silk and velvet visiting gown with bonnet; Ben net roses. Mr*. James Hoatson. MMMeoslume of grey silk mid MMMMM Ml Mm* Mary Jones, mle gix-en princess gown, lull skirt eoniinuing into a pointed bodice. Mis. W. ('. Tvvohy, black lace costume, M M M how of MMl i, hi on. Uncalled with gold: garniture of inargucrites. Mrs. H. S. ('lurk, black silk MMflMMi dreks; pink row*. Mi*. William MMM gown of black pi-au de soie with velvet; la MMM roses. Mis* Surah Hi rger.gic.v v i*itiiigco*tuiue with MM Mis- Crowe, bluck reception dress; pink carnation*. Mr*. O'Ncil.durk brow n, w ith brow mind rose hrtx-adc. Mrs. Janus lynch, black brocade trimmed w ith luce; superb diamonds. Mi*. C. F. Booth, gown of white silk en triune, decollete. Miss Laekie, white silk evening dress triinnnd w ith swim'* dow n. Mr*. Ferdinand Sands, MMMMl gown of MMMMJMMM silk trimmed with cream lace. Mr*. Fayette Harrington, black lace costume, fan M M i with red M M M M Mrs. \. C, Hay. black net over silk, bou- quet of M M M Mis* Hirdseye. lavender silk w ith chiffon, la France roses. Miss Sue Hiidscyc. while india silk, bride roses. Mi** Hammond, becoming costume of MMM colored china sill.. Mi-- Hattic Hiiuunond, hluo silk trimmed w ith point de Paris MMM lace. Mrs. llr. Heed, black silk gow n, mertnet rose*. Mrs. James Murphy, bluck costume with long g.'iinituie of duchess of Albany roses. Mrs. I'cuthcrly, cream silk and lace, corsage MMMM of Albany rosesand hand bouquet of la France rose*. Mrs. Hin Tihhcy, black laco gown; dm hes* and la Fiance rosea. Mrs. F. W. S. Tingle, silver striped gauze over white silk : diamond pendant, senrlol carnation*. Mrs. Judge Mcllatlon, cream India silk and diamond*. Mrs. J. M. White, princess gown of lemon and pale hcliotbrope fancy silk. Mr*. Frank Leonard. *trni green recep- tion goW II. Mrs. Dr. Ciilli*pie, black gowu of heavy eordod silk. Mrs. J. F . Dawson, black velvet gow n, court train. Uidicc trimmed in jel and w bile chiffon, diamond-. Miss Daisy DIIW KOII, MMfflMM silk white i ililM>II trimmings and sash. Mrs. him tson. black *ilk mid jet. Mr*. Shelley Tultle of Anaconda, ele. g-int OMM and cream sal in MlMM>l eoiirt train, corsage trimmed with gold lace and bordered with cream feather trimming: American Heauty rosea; dia- monds. Mrs.I., (i. Smith of An aconda.heavy MMl MMMM in gendarme blue and white, court train; corsage garniiiire of Jet and gold willi runic* of bluck and blue chiffon. Mrs. John T. (iillic. eeru ehaugeable silk Iriinmcd w ith ecru point de gene luce, corsage garniture of tidal wave carna- tions. Mi-*. William Fant, MM fancy silk with la ce garniture. Mr*. Schatzluin, Ian and brow n street suit. Mr*. F. X. Gianl, jr., wliilo faille even- ing dres*. Mrs. John T. Davis, gown of black with bonnet. Mr*. Atwnter of Helena, costume of white ladies' cloth; diamonds. Mrs. James W. Forbis. old rose silk, with chiffon of same color; rose gloves and slippers. 'I ho flora! decorations in the club looms Friday night were incomparably the finest ever seen in ihe city of Butte. Then- were ferns ami palms and fragrant flowers in profusion. First to catch the eye on en- tering the lobby was n table loaded with blooming hydrangea*, while the nook be- tween the massive clock and the adjoining di orway was u mass of palms. Japanese maple and jasmine. Filtering the reception room, to ihe h it was a large vase a tall bouquet of lilies, liyilr.ingia blossom*, and those |>erfectly mated rows, ihe la France and the richer-tilled duchess of Albany. These lovely blooms were en- riched vv ith abundance of fern tin- dag- ger varu-ly and the graceful farleyense brought from Ml. Auburn, Mass.. w here it is brought to |M>rfectiou, To the right, a hronie llgure secined tube |M™cping out from a grove of grurctul miniature trcca— Japanese maples with delicate leafage in tints of nil ami hronie arched aUive. Beyond this corner the mantle was fes- MWMI in Kinilax ilru|N-d high in the center about a tlm- Kentia palm. To the right of the in.mile was a mass of Kt-uti.is hy dran- gea*, a lew MMM and ihe silk oak. Be- yond this, ii tall jar held a LsMMMa w hile in the farther corner i mass of plants and flowers filled the space and adorned a table of |Milislied oak. anil near these was u large baskci in the shape of n watering |*it tilli-il w ith terns and rosea, from ihe MHM of w hich flowed a *trcam of delicate w Idle M M M Near the platform improvised for tha orchestra stood a brume llgure veritably, under its ow n vim-and M M I M M M M I I in this MMMM the *lyrox ohu**ia. which is declared lobe the most beautiful shrub in existence. 1 hi* vuiiely was lately secured by Mrs. Knox, in the card r,sun was u most duh- •MM grouping of plants of choicest vari- ety. Fvcry tiook wa* filled, the draperies MM adorned, and broad sti4'icha* of wall were hidden from view under ilie profu- sion of foliage and flowers. These lent their delicate MMMM "lid they delighted the eye of every guest. Miss Ivate Hcnnessy gave a delightful mat nice en, hie parly, in honor of Mra. O'Neilnnd Miss D'Arcy, at her residence on Washington ftiroet. Thursday afier- H M The parlors wcro made brilliant by artificial light, sunlight being excluded by heavy curtains: the M M M * Moral decorations were entirely of ferns and roses. I be chamlelier* were almost hidden by garlands of MffM and MMMM roses: ihe many card table* were draped in silk* of various shades and orminieuusl hy MMMMi w Inch were favors for M M M and the beauty of the scene washeigjii- elliilhy the elegant toiietft of M M M I'm incrs for the gaiiu wetv elected by a choice of ribbon*, one being MMMM :• m a hug by each guest, the four rWMM of a color MMMM the holders IMMMTMMMIM MM table MMMMM in ii .il MM ?i MM a MMMM conic*!, the 111'*! prize, a lu*MM MMMMl i up, wu* awarded to Mra J. F. Forbis and the seo- oM priiu, a deckttfcards in llsh net case bearing the motto "All is fish that comes to my net," was presented to Mrs. E . O . MJM. A dainty collation was served, after which the guests were entertained with music, vocal and instrumental. Those present were Meadamea Thomas l..ncl|c. E. W. S. Tingle. M. J. Conned. James Lynch. M . B . Brow nlee, J. R. Bus- ell. J. F. Forbis. E. O. Dugan. John Gil lie. J. H. Wellcome. E. J. ( tangle, C. F. IJoyd. H. A. D'Aeheul. R. Riehunls. W . H . Twohy, J. K. Clark, Sam Johnstone. Misses Rumley of Helenu, Horsl, Evans, Lickie, the Misses Bnslerick, lie- Misses Hammond, the Misses BMMMMIMMM Crowe, Hiikch. Downey,O'Donuell, Jacobs and Haker. Mis* Roscuer of San Francisco will ac- company Mr*. John NovcR on her return to limn- aUnit ihe first of June, and will v i-H Miss Carrie Jacobs. V B. Ringeling ot Philipsburg was in Huite during Ihe week. Mr. nt.d Mis. M . B . Brow nlee expect lo MMM to tln-ir new home the lust of the w i -ck. Mr. nml Mr*. R. B. Haddow will occupy the llrownlec resilience after next week. •I. F. Forbis spent the past week in Deer Lodge. Mrs. J. R. Wharton and children will S|>end the MMMM on the Pacific coast. Mr. and Mis. George Huldorn have tukcu rooms ut the McllermotI, where they will remain for the summer. Mrs. I>. A. l.argey is slowly convalescing from her iccent illnesa, P. A. Largcy is passing a week at Vir- ginia City. Joseph Daft is still quite ill at the home of his sister. Mrs. John F. Forbis. Miss May Casey started for Salt Lake on Thursduy. and w ill he absent from home for several weeks. Miss Carolyn Ken von is ill at her home. Mrs. L. J. Shurp and her niece. Maiy Napton, are ex|*-ctcd to arrive in Butte on June 1. Dr. and Mrs. Culver will arrivo in Biittn during ihe coming week, and will spend the summer at the home of W. A.Clark, Mr*. Culver's father. Messrs. Brophy, Walsh, Hennessy and O'Farrcll will entertain a theatre party at the Rhea entertainment, Monday eve- ning. Mrs. O'Xeil and Miss D'Aarcy. who have been guests of P. J. Brophy for several weeks, will leave Butte on Tuesday. Mrs. (.. E. Rockwood and Mrs. (ieoffrcy Lavelle and children are expected to re- turn the lust of the week from their so- journ in California. F. E. Corbett passed a few days in Phil- ipsburg, returning to Butte Friday eve- ning. J. C. Maslin visited Bozcman and Hel- enu during the week. Mr. und Mrs. Owsley, and Mrs. Bishop have returned from California where they have been passing two months. I George Broderick und Miss Broderiek , wenl to Boulder Springs to-day, to pass a ' few days. I Mi-s Kate Hennessy entertained Mr. | nnd Mrs. D. F. Halluhau of Anaconda, at 1 lunch to-day. ! Mrs. George Linsley and Mrs. I.. O. | Leonard of Anaconda visited friends in Butte on Friday. Mrs. J. M. Kennedy of Anaconda made a trip to Butte to-day. IN T H E UAKIIKN CITY. Doing, la Ihe Social Circles nt Missoula the I'ast Week. MISSOI I.A, May Mke The encampment of the department of Montana. (•. A. R., proved very pleasant sociully. Not only wus it the occasion for the meeting of old comrades, but also of the meeting of other friend*. So far as the public was con- cerned, the social *es*ions were of more iiii|K>rtance than those devoted to busi- ness. The chief social occasions during the encampment were the camp fire on Thursday night and the banquet on Fri- day night. The camp fire was behl at the opera house. The public bad been cordially in- vited to attend, and had accepted the in- vitation, for the house wus Idled. The feulures of the evening were the ad- dresses of Rev. Dr. Raliegh and Major Henry Camp, the recitations by E. E. Hiok- ernell and singing by Mrs. Camp. Music was also furnished by- a double quartette, consisting of Messrs. Bovcc. Roese, Ham- ilton, Rukcr. Yacger. Inch, Wildman and Davis. On Friday evening a banquet was given hy Fred Winthop post No. 11, in honor of the encampment. Il was served in the K . of P. hall by Ihe Florence lintel people. The banquet was a social success. There were about 1X10 people at the tables-vet- erans and their wives, sons mid daughters, offici i - from ihe fort and a large number of citizens, for the committee on invita- tions did its work liberally. On the platform at the front of the hall was the splendid Twenty-Fifth Infantry band who had lurnishcd some music before tin- ban- quet and from time to time between the after dinner speeches, delighted the audi- ence vv iih its rendering of patriotic and other airs. After the gucsis had done jus- tire to the viands liefore thrm the feast of wit and wisdom commenced. General John I.. Slonne. the newly installed de- partment commander, acting as loast muster. Toasts were responded to as follows: '"The President of the I'nited Slates," Comrade Hugh Lamont of Mis- soula : "Our State. Molilalia." Comrade P. R. Dolman of Butte: "The Legisla- ture." Comroile Will Kenn»-dy of Boulder; "The Sons of Veterans." dipt. H. A. Nie- denhofenof Butte;"The Private .Soldier." Comrade Davidson: "The Regular Army." Comrade Curtis of Helena: "The Woman's Relief Corps," Mrs. r. R. Dolman of Butte; "Some Reminis- censes." Comrade Harry C. Y'aegerof Hel- ena : "Our Flag." Comrade Henry'Camp of Ohio: Comrade Clark of Missoula re- cited "Only a Common Soldier " The toasts were interspersed w ith music The band played several selections; the Gate City quartette, consisting of Messrs. Lyon. Tibbitts. llickernrll and Andrews, sang several songs and led in the singing of several war songs in which ihe guests joined, and Mrs. Fisher and Mr*. Mvers •ang "Victory at Last." It was after 1 o'clock this morning w hen the programme wa* ci mpleted and ihe gucsis departed, and another depart incut encampment piacia ally caire lo on eiul. Many ol the visitors rciurnid to their hemes on the early trams this morning. For those who MMMMM a carnage drive was arranged, tak ng in the south sale. Fort Missoula and Homier. All the comrades and their wive* enjoyed the M M M M l M the inmost. It was espi-ci.illy pleasant to those » ho Iiv e ill Ic** fav oicd pans of the stale nml vvcie enabled lor a few days at least lo enjoy the sight ol grass, tree* anil 11. w cr*. 1 lie filial meeting of the South Missoula Whist club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rowland last night. When Ihe season closed before Lent Tyler Worden had won the gentlemen's royal prise, but Mrs. Worden and Mrs- Lister were tied for the ladies' royal. Last night's meeting was held partly to play off MM He. Twenty-one hands were played, and still the ladies remained lied. Then seven points were played and Mrs. Worden won. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fergu- son, Dr. and Mrs. G. F. McCullough. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge F. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Worden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Dorman. Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Lister. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bradley, Mr*. W. Kling- berg and Mrs. S. J. Coffee. Last night Mrs. W. M . Biekfonl gave a whist party for Miss Bickford, who leaves shortly for Maine to spend her summer vacation. Eight tables of whist were played. The prizes were won by Mi** Spurrier and Mr. Randall and the boobies hy Miss Hall and Mr. Morgan. The guesta were Misses Heckwilh, Knapp. Knowlcs, Robinson, Crutehfleld, Hall, Straiighn, Jenkins. Siewarl. Reeves, Spurrier, West, Helen Hatheway. Worden, Martin and Hayes, and Messrs. V J. Could. F. P. Keith, C. W. Blair, A. S. Morgan. W. S. Settle, Ca L. Cillcspic, George Bcckw ith, Andrew Keekwith. A. M. Sterling, Frank Randall, Charles H. Hall, T. E. Evans, Frank Bogart and Dr. Robinson. On Monday afternoon Mrs. Charles Stuart gave a luncheon in honor of Mrs. Peterson, the guest of Mrs. J. G. Taylor. In addition to the gueat of honor the ladies present were Mrs. C. F. Davies, Mrs. J. G. Taylor. Mrs. William Dyson. Mrs. B. Haskell and Mrs. G. A. Lewis. Mrs. Peterson left for California on Tuesday night. Although here but a short time she made a number of friends, all of whom regretted her departure. On Wednesday evening Mies Sarah Folkldeson was married to Samuel Cooky, a machinist at the Northern Pacific shops. Rev. Dr. Raliegh, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. The wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Rupert in East Missoula and was at- tended by nearly all the men from tho shops as well as many other friends. A delicious sup|*sr was served after the ceremony. Many beautiful presents were received. Colonel Bush, who has been recently as- signed lo the Tweuty-flfth infantry is ex- pected here in about two months. His household effects have been shipped from Fort Niagara, but he will take a leave of absence before coming West. Major McKibben is expected west in three months. The officers at the post are not sure that he will be assigned to Fort Missoula but ho|te that he will be, not only because they desire him there but because he has a daughter who would he a valuable addition to the younger society at the post. Captain Law son expects to leave for the East in about three week*. Xext week Hon. W . M . Bickford accom- panied by Miss Bickford and Miss Knapp, will go East. Mrs. Bickford and Miss Edith Bickford expect to go to California. Mrs. Biram Knowles entertained Cap- tain and Mrs. R. E. Fisk of Helena and Captain and Mrs. James H. Mills of Deer Lodge during the G. A. R. encampment. Hon. Charles M. Crutehfleld spent part of the week in Anaconda. Mrs. fieorge F. Brooks will go lo Denver for a visit in alsiut two weeks. She may- go from there to California and return with Mrs. Bickford. John Moore and family have taken the residence' recently vacated by H . C. Hich- born on Eust Front street. Y'esterday evening I»r. and Mrs. C. W. Uunburd entertained Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bishop and Mrs. John McCormick at din- ner, tho orcasiou being the sixth anni- versary of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop's marriage. It looks as if the genial city editor of the (iazetle was contemplating matrimony. He asked that his pass to the base ball games lie made out for two, ami Manager Blair accordingly made it out for John D. Ruff and wife. Miss Lillie M. Wood of Graiton. N. D.. arrived on Thursday evening for a six weeks' visit with her brothers, Joseph and George Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Gilbert are in the city from Lo Lo to-day. Mrs. Murray B. Miles is expected home from Chicago about June 1. Miss Crutehfleld expects lo go to Helena to-day for a visit. The recent change in the superintend- eney of the Rocky Mountain division has made three valuable additions to Missoula society in Superintendent anil Mrs. Brim- son and Miss Briinson. They have already made many friends in the eity. On Monday evening the almuni associa- tion of the Missoula High school enjoyed tho annual banquet at the home of Miss Sloane of the closs of 'PL Officers of the coming year were elected as follows. President. Mrs. Tylar H. Thompson, vice •MMk Miss Louise Worden : secretary ami treasurer. Miss Marcia liord: mem- bers of Ihe executive committee. Miss Alice Reeves and Ralph Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cronk of Helena are in the city. Mrs. F. C. Schliep and daughter are visiting in the Bitter Root valley. AT HO/KM A V Not a Very Lively Week In Social Cir- cles. Bozr .MAN. May 21. —Mrs. Colonel May. who has been visiting relatives in Mary- land for some months, returned home last Saturday. C. W. Delvey left a few days ago for St. Paul. He will take Ihe management of the St. Louis hotel on Lake Minne- tonka. For several years past Mr. Delvey has been manager of the hotels in the National park, and during the past fall and winter has successfully managed the Hoie man. His departure is sincerely re- gretted by the citisens of Bozcman. Mrs. W . W . Wylie wenl to Helena Thursday lo deliver a lecture there Thurs- day night on the National W. C. T. I'.con- vention M M in Boston last November, and to w hich she was sent as the delegate from Montana. Bert Vaille. t.eo. Barnaby and John Dahlmg are attending the meeting of th" Grand Ixwlge of Knights of Pythias in scs. sinn at Groat Fall*. Miss M. F. Hanks of Dillon spent Wed- nesday in the city. Alioul M ladies were pleusantly enter- tained at an afternoon tea Thursday ny Mr*. Myron Fern* and Mrs. Ed. L M M in the parlors of the Boreman. Hon. D. F.McF.lwce came up from Three Forks Thursday. Kestaiiraul men take notice The stock and fixtures of the Exchange restaurant i* for sale cheap. Vpply lo Kitchen Broth- er*. No. I" South Main Street. Huite. A flMMRM M M M On of Hntte's Largosl llnslness Fnter- plises. For four weeks past work has been go- ing on on West Granite street in convert- ing the big pavilion into one of the great- est store rooms in the west, by William Weinstciii of Helena. Car load after ear load of gmccrica and all manner and de- scription of house furnishing goods have been hauled in uniil Ihe big place is well IHled. and well displayed, bill no sooner hud Mr. Weinstein gotten his Great Mar- ket started and open !or business than he determined In leave Huite again and an- nounced mat he would sell his immense stock at uny price lo effect a sale and close out. To bhow thut he means busi- ness and is HI earnest about selling out il is only necessary to go into his house fur- nishing department where he has a stock of tinware, crockery anil glass- ware that is -imply astounding. I lu re he sees fancy sprinklers for Mcents: till pie and jelly plan s of any size or sliupe, for f> cents; Japanned comb cases. V . ; four quail heavy dinner pails with cup. MM.I good wooden pails. 20c.; fancy M M M pitcher and basin, 65c. and everything else in proportion. In the grocery department, which car- ries the largest stis-k in Butte. Price's hik'ug |M.w-ler will sell at MMM MM as long as the stock lasts; potatoes at «ne. pei im pounds : two |K>uud IKIXCS of soda cracker t. Ice.; two pound bricks of fin- est creamery butter. MB, , best table but- ter in VI pound tubs at Jl> coins a pound; 10 pound sack of sail, 1."* . a n d so o n . Among other remarkable bargains are the best alarm clocks for MM anil hand- some nil panning-. IffMMflM and aqua- relles at «0 cents lo Mi. As for station- ery, that is being sold at customers' own pr.i es and everything in the Great Market slaughtered in a manner that is a caution. It is an opportunity such as is seldom of- h ied lo the people of Hutte and they should take advantage, of it. Unite'. Progress. That Hutte is fast becoming one of the largest distributing points in Montana wus clearly proved to tin: MMM to-day w hen he saw an entire car load of bananas, Ihe first ever received in this city, being unloaded by that enterprising produce man. M . G . Cobn, » and Mi West Park street, who shows his confidence in Butte and its coming market prestige and im- iwtancc in receiving such a large con- signment of this fruit. A few more mer- chants with this confidence in Butte would he a good thing for the community, as nothing lends more to assist Ihe ad- vancement of tho !*™st interests of a city than a display of *elf-coiil)ilenee in it by its own merchants. There can be no doubt that West Park MMl will event- ually look something like ihe famous South'Water street of Chicago, as tho writer has noticed from day to day that the merchants on that thorougldure arc, continually receivine larger consignments of produce, fruits, etc. than ever hereto- fore. HIGHT —AND— FAIRFIELD Our Watch Stock is something' enormous. In our show case alone we have 242 watches. Then there is our window dis- play of them and a reserve stock in the safe. We don't confine you to one kind or make of movement or one pattern or weight of case. W e can show you till you arc tired of looking and then probably you will not have seen half of them. In addition to the standard American makes, we carry high grade imported goods with Observatory rating for time. Can we show you? Jewelers, BUTTE MONT. T. D. Fitzgerald, NOTARY PUBLIC, Real Estate, Insurance. Collections 1 OFFICR. B1 »M>»BII Mm rviviv


T H E A N A C O N D A S T A N D A R D , S U N D A Y M O R N I N G . M A Y 29, 1892.



THIS wrck brought a n n u l Ion spring season MM lingered t o o lout;. It lias ls>cti II week o f f i l i a l sunshine

and tbedays h u t b e e n talo n up wi l l i r iding, i l i ii ine. t e i in i - ami trips tu tho canyons in scat-cli o f flowers.

h. K. MacDniiald • | H ' i n a part o f th<* past « r r k III Hul lo .

Mrs . John U 'Nie l of IM-.-t Lodge ani l l io r dniigtilci ' . Mrs . Arthur MMM) of (i .ur i -Bnii.vixited Mrs. I'. M . (iciger In-i Tin winy fwi<! |WiMiv<

M . M a i V « B u i l d wi l l meet next Thurs­day n f l c t - n i s i u a l the residence «»f Mi*-. Krauk Kennedy.

Mn>. Thomas l .avolle anil k*T i M M P M I • ml nurse and M M K u k|iatrii k i i t i i i i i i ' i l In MMM 0 1 1 Tin MI.IV ,

Mr«. L . «i. Iwitti gave a i ! i l i t f h l f i l l New­market |«iii> m i Tliursilay evening ut lirr N H M in 'I*'' Mmitaiia-

l .a - l Sunday a f l c i noon w a s « | n > n t plcas-iiully l>> a III:nilM 1 nl |s-nplo vvlm v i l l i . M M o n linrM-huck anil o t lw i* in car-II. .t< —. si I M d is lam c up tin - M M

•I. I.. I'icrce. « h o h a * for some IIIIH-M i n d know 11 and well l iked in Ana­conda, h ' f l th - 1 iii last i M k f I" M" III. no M ay is-iina neiitly,

M M < . W . I . , s u m s cave a pio-.-rosi.ivf-M M pnr'y UMM i M V W M M l l M pallots ol tin- Mol i la l ia in hoiiia-of her i i .u .ui iu r. Mrs I M I A •M|. M M M I n l icshuic t i t - MM N 1 1 1 1 I ami I M MM pi ucs . u l« auti l t i l Japanese l.oiil-ou ihs l i mi l l a t | i i a . i i i J D | UIICSC inkstand- t o M r s . I r a n i . K i i n i n l y ani l J V . PWM M>" r i a l l a i l a s < HI for I be IwMJ MM*i MMl M M W, H . H I I M M M M M I h i M t l i i i l . a jumping .'in k. • lull- 1o I.. \N . Kat ie II-stem M aw.-ii l i il tiii* gcni l i M*l 1-ooby 11 toy iMk

O i l the -.Mil of thin M l Wade CMMM1 M M ! • " ta i l 0 1 1 all <M<nihil 1 • iI> through 1 III- I ast.

T i n ' M M o f the I 'ansoplllali < till> v i l l Ml IMMMM MMMMM in Ml rooms o l M i - I . II. | M M

Sunday M M M I Miss Blm k f i u i l . vv In» M i t o this oily to M M M 4 IM W M P M M M I rot in in 11 t o In'i' I M M HI M 1 Mi

M r . . 'm l Mrs . Shelley A M M H M l * ! • (•. Smi t i i vent to Unti l- on Kriduy to i « -11 in in 111111I MMJll as Ml MMM o l Mi M M O M I M I U a i o m l IM Milt'crBu*r 1-I11I1 i-cccptinu.

l-asl 'J liursday Father 1 S u n liapli/c<| M i i ' h a i - I anil Anna . IM <*l111« 11• u i»f '1 M M ami Anna Hei'lsili-o,

M r ami Mrs . Q M g M j "I Peer l.ndg«-spent a purt ol tin MM vvi-ok at IM M> M M

H. A . K u i i k l o , fo inur 'y nl MMBV spent last Suiiduy in t in- city.

T h e Dupl i ru t i ' Whist club u i ' l I I J U M M M M M M J with M M 4 . M« KwMlMi in M l p a r l o r s of tin Mol i l a l i a .

On iMMM) I ' l l . I I M M ami M r . I I m l M r * . L.<". * ' raf ts , with thi-ir sail 'IVt i*», let I th iH city t o visit \ i « York.

D M . C a V C M h . C M . 0 . 0 « I M M J I < > -V u u l k i i r r . S. I . to lpat i ii k. iMi (imu h v M M C L . Van le r eatne from Helena las.t Momla> lo Instiliiu* thi» Ana iomla Onh- i

of K M V N O . ttt. A l l M M ••' IM I .Iks who w e r e presruf a l tin' meelilMl Mmulay M M i n C i «#Sie l l A S se\eral |Kn | i le f r u i n Uni te wIm w c r i ' • IK ir pMMi MMM M l MJMH # M I I l u o i f I 'lijoyiible ihau ihoy hull am i r i pa t i i l .

F . V.. Sarijeaiii was a nueut at ihe M o n ­tana last M j M t t V i

I. . J . ' r i iomas. \\ h « i i a m i * to tins r i ly t . i M M ' I K - P I M N I i " i i n . I I I , M M J M Ihltti- last Si imlax.

Father Hi 'K>i ki i T of l ler r LOMIRP, I H K I Fathi ' i I'auw< l> n o f Huito. M S I I I i l Futln i l>o S U T I ' on Thursilav.

D. J . FitXfferahl ivun n i ' i l to Anarumla Inst Sumluy al ter an almence of M-vi-rul w<»oks.

John Matfu in 1 was r-'cihtoriil at the Montana last W i ll in—il.i> .

t in | W M ) I'. .1. Ihoph) o f MMM> M H M IIIS MM*) Mrs. (.. O ' N H I . o f l A M i i s t o n . \ V \ o . . a n i l In* e m i H i u . M i ^ s MMjTMfMl H' A r i A of Joliot. III., al t l i r Montana .

The Oak MMl Whisl rM "HHMMM ncki \Vi-ilni 'sila> fav«*iiiii|j i l l tin-i-4'suli'io-I-

of M r ami M i s . Hait lct t . I«i«t eveniuu Mrs. I". S. M a \ -

fci'll PMl * ih 'hch l f t i l M M M H M M M J part> in lionoi ol In i sisii-r. M i - - I o l i i i rn . T'lio-o pn-senl w i n - ; Mpsilaim-s Smi th . 1'utih*. K a i / - !r II-III. l lur i i s , MMk L H I S I H V ami I t l l l s lo l i ; M l s i a - » l l . l l l . l l . l l -M H t M f s M M M M T e n a n l . IN-lern ami l l i i r -• ton . a n i l M i - - - i s. M m i l i . W i l l lains. K it j -ensn n i . WVIh D M . I"II/I;I r a h l . M H IIIHI-n l i l . Mai l i i n i i i - - . h<l l \ . Ihu n.-. |>aw-.-n. r-pel man and l . insh >.

M N M C l M i i n I M kV B u t t * >i»i-|i-l> l u i n s iini l o r t in* N o i l

•*rt I IM l« I I n u t ol tin- s r i i . i n t .

B t ' l T i . , Mat Mi IVMfMl " s M M • p a i - io t is liouii ' w a s t i l l - ' i l up ilu- Silt i-iTtow r l u h has •-ntertainctl its f r i i - m l a Mi f**r-mal wa>. I'lu* nt ' i 'ptiou t i t i n I rn|;»t l i i j l l i l M * dintllliliuslnsl I it n - kit i s l i h*»s-p l l a l l l t tin- ei III Ii n u n of ila- i luli a | M , , \ , do thc-ii MtfMt4*MMJ|M• M M l way . S o earefull.t l i . n l . i l l the details tor H i n t af­f a i r M M niitii 'it-ated. that nothing MM iMMMMlrMMl nutflit I 'oiitrihiiii- in t in-pleabun o f Ihe iiueatt and to MM • -i»t- o» w i l l . Whi le tin* hosl- i i i a i h - fMMMIi pi< p a r u t i o i i . i i run IM- said that IIIOM- who w e r e i n v i t « l for the MMMJMMl i s|>e-eial effort to honor tin- afTnii Ihnti- >-o-eiety waft seen at lift MM last l*i ulat ni lii. The » r c i i c presented w In n the Mt*MM> t m n t i i i i im heieln was one of r a n heauty and hri l l iam t. The weuhh ol -jewels worn h \ t l a 1.idles was U n i t di«/-l l l n g . H i e costumes wt»rc remarkahle l o r their elegance the ladies hurl n irtnnll) d o n n « d thejr newest and i l n ir tery lte»l and tin- lieauit of Hn. | no i -nre was i M M i ht I In­ar t is t ic hgliiint! ol ili<- MM and t in wealth of floral decorations which had been provided without Hint . There w a s n o dancing, b u t an excellent programme of choiceat selections was MMMMl l ' \ tin-V i e n n a ladies' orclitstra. In tin- spacious parlors there MM ample MM faff all the guests t o seat themselves in informal ( roups and enjot the music or disru-s t In pHt-sinc gossip in a r i - i l i i l wat. T i n f loral d o orations MMMlMMMlM t in evening 's chief attraction*. Tin se W I - M the woik o l Mrs . K n o v l a Mi MMl on the f l f i o r In-low that occupied lit ihei tuh a t e m p i II,B h i m h prepainl h) l i M M f M *er\<tl during the- n i l i n - evening. I ^ t c - i n the night much wus s a i d in praise of t lie N i t e r How club 's er.i clie n t punch. Il

wat Beneroual) patroniretl. yet t h e c u r i o u a coincident i' is 11.at M M V individual met

i on ih i - s i r cc t* l o - d a y i s Ihe pari icular in-M v M M l " h o "wenl houie M M * early i l l tin- evening." Ix-fore t h e p u n c h ( l o t t e d heely. 'I l ie M M M of Kr i i l . i t n i g h t

! MffMk M M tin- M M l of the c lub to whose • (Tolls the success of l l i c l r c o p -

I lion was so largely d u e 'I h e member" of | the i c c i p d o n M M A M H M were I ' . I I . l ' a l -! nier, F . F.. ( oris tt. J . I . Dawson, J . K . ! I M M A. C Holmes.*; . W. h i in I I . , F . I K. M i l l e r . J . F l i n k i n g . N . C Hay. F .

M c g i ' l , J . I I . Welle , , inc. I I . (.. H i l l ! 1'- I . Hi niiew-y, K , W . S. Tingle M M chnnmai i

! of the ct'in tu it (ce ol in MM < MM and \ V . Y, F M M I M M the < • luinii tce on im ita-l ions . Among the n,dels of lbe M * M j were thcuc:

Mrs . M . H. Ilrow u l e e , elegant g<iwii of old ruse Inoi-adi- t r immed t t i lh tello-t moire and f-bitfon. court traim-ihri'il w i i h gold .-.paliglca. IMNIICC d i H - o l t n t u a n d slcct i - -less:>c]|ott Initterciip.-i in coifTure: diu-uiomls ; lM*|iiet of American lieautiea.

M r s . M . J . ( o i im - l l . importi-d costume of black cmhi'oidereil uiousi-cline d o soie

: Willi heliotro|ie ribbon*, a fu l l garland of I hyacinth* was fahteni-cl at ihe buck o f t h e

IMKIII-C. passed over the right shoulder ami e x l e i u l i i l M Ila* foot of the skirt ut t h e

I lefl side, black prince of Wah s feather* at ||f**M M M T | d ia inoinU.

M l s, John I'. I'oi b i N , grey silk embroil ' ' crcd in pink l ow-knots, M M M I M M M

in grey • h i l fou . p ink v e l v e t sleeve*; mtr-IIK-1 ro-t - : po.it Is and diamonds.

M r s . ( . r . Hough wore an elegant m i p o i n d ci 'st l l l l ie of i-ix-am I I ,un le t - Ince MM poiiip.nh'Ui g n < n si lk, bodice t r im-nu l l ttilh la v e i i d t r nh l ens, d iamond o r -M M *

M i a . -I. H. W'elh-i ice, princes* gown o f w I,He coid) i l silk ti n nx d w ith point Ineo

and seed p r a i h . decollete. MMM o f W i l ­l iam I 'nmei* Heiinet r o s i s m i l with a i l l " i i riUM

M i s. J . It. Itn-si II , grey silk and velvet with ItfaMMJi o f MMMMl and diichcssc luei-; brah- rose*.

M r * . II . Knox , gown o f h l . u k MMM silk ; diamond*.

M l *. James Ta l l s i t . black chautil l t Ince o t c r black silk : ibamond MJMM

M r * . A. H . Harre i . cal l ing MMMI o f grey Hr i l fo r i l )'ortl with passtntcii icric. MMM to MMMk

M i s * M i c Ilaldw in . g o w n o f w hile satin and ehi t lou. wi l l i MM ornament*.

M i s * ( o r a Young, black embroidered cli itlt n mail)- ot er golil and | l i-m changv-ahla si lk.

M i t s l ' a r r i e Jnrtihe. reception gnwn of M M shot s.lk. t r imnic i l in hlncl. i l i i l l on , oil- 1-0*1- glove* and slippi rai pink MMb

M r s . M M (•oitlon. geldeii l-rown s i l k r e -M ion ilress.

M i s . I'.ahnweilli-r, elegant bi.vrk silk t t i lh tesf i , | yi-Hotv l-lllbloiilered cl-l'pe, p)-rh- KMM) luce ami jet boiini- i .

M i l TV* I. I.ippim o i t . g o w n of Hie d ° O r silk, eii i r i t inc. skirt flounced with chan-tilly lace, hot I s M l i c e irinttm-d in lace and jet. wi l l i black ami yellow birds a t t h e M V H I M M H diamond oi-mimeni*.

M M Young of I b - l c n a . MMMMl gown of ce i l hi lie. draped o tcr i toll icon t 11 i n i m e t ] u i i h a flounce of |M)iut d c Fa r i* luce.

Mr* . Thomas Favelle, wiiite iM'nga l ine t i i i i i i i i ed w i i l i a i -b i f f i i i i flounce l*inler)-d with many row* of satin MMMH perle d e j i i rdin rosi-* ; diamonils .

M i s s Florence K i r k p a l r i c k worean even-iug ilress of lavender c n - | H > M M i n gold, wi ib girdle of gold paaaetnenteric, and carried a biim h of lilacs.

Miss Laura Haker. w lute anil pale blue >1ri|>e<l s i lk , likirt Isirtlered with band o f blue velvet headed w ith diu-lies* lace, cor­sage ornamented with blue velvet ribhona and lace, bride rose*.

M is* I'V.inkye Horst, cor i i -colorcl - i l k w n b low Uidiee. f u l l Iter!ha and sleeve* o f ch i f fon , bouquet o f la France roses.

M i s * Kenyoi i wore a beaut iful gown of MMM MMM wnb front of embroidered elntfon. deep MMM and Watte.in MMM era o l ehil lon.la Fr inco and Albaiiv nim-s.

M i s * h i rkpa t r i ck . peachhlnw silk gown, MMM -mil M M MMMM of white l i lac*.

M i s * I luru Wi lcox wore a most beeom-iug i-vemiig ilix-s* of w hin-sat in brocade. Illt inned wnb pearl pas-i i i icni .n i c and carried hniii|iii»l of pink roses.

M i s * Hat tu- Ft an*, pink silk MMMM MMMal W i l l i y e l l o w M M M ) broad gii t l le anil ISIWH of yellow ribholi. y e l l o w hhhol l cm t\ i i , , | in BoMMff) glut es and slippel s in yellow . hand botiipiel of perle d e jal tbn |-o*os.

M r s . F. I.. Miller.grey embroidered ereno princes-gow i i . ruffle of pink chiffon sur­rounding lb, ' neck and cxii-nding diagon­ally down the M M of tin- s k i r l , p ink I M M )

M r s . I n . Al l i son , white Irish M J M ) M M M M F lench luce, i-ar M M M h r v M M ' l i , bracelet* mid mt klace ol |iearla ami M M M M M )

Mrs . II . F . M M M M M M Xnacoiiila. black whip conl i-eei'pi ion d ie - - .

M r * J . I . C Tliornton. MMMM M M over heat y black s i lk . MMMMM of jet.

M r s . Sam Johnstone, black m l with pink silk. Unmet of black with pink i i l l u ­ming*.

Mrs . I.ay lord, street nut ami bonnet. M r s . Hen ( u l k l l l s . black luce n i t h p ink

chif fon. Mr>. H a n i l loer ing. cream figured silk

wnb cream C M M M I diamonds. Mrs . F. T. McHrn le , cosi i i im. of stei-l

gray .mil black w i t h ftteel l i iinni n ig*; uiei met rose*.

M i s \ . J . | )a \ in . black chanidly net; diamond*.

Mrs . John Hordeaiix. yellow eiepe d e M M I M M M M M M ! ! diamond*.

M l * . B> F . I . t in . i l l . b l a c k and while stripi-il s i lk . MMM w ith black.

Miss Nell ie M M M J M I M M M silk cos­tume em w uli Vainly ke hoi I ice.

M 'ft* 1' ,\r» v. w bile silk gow n. M M M M M ) t r immed W i l l i prolusion of ruby velvet nbboi i , M M M l ro»cs.

M r - . K n l i u r d * . white china silk with clutTon.

Miss R u m ley of Helena. M M M M M IM-1! akirt MiMMl with MM nu ln of *mi-lax and i i i a igue r i i i * . fungi- of margticr-ni - a* ,, M M M ) MMM ol pmk and w Inn- carnation*.

M i s - Thornton. Pari* gown MMMM watered silk dotted wii l i inraya " f HI.W. I -in M M M M h o d k i l i c r . d a i m i k an i l vvaisl with M M M I U M U M of helio-M j W « hifl'on. huge M M o( H l » f l

M M M M HOW e l - . M i - - rUdU ThorntM, g. » n of m.iis

•M|»»> MM i k i r i i n m m . i l B-Htl l , , | | put ol Mh MraMglk pi.is.int fjMMff, M k-laei- of MM) bride MM -.

| Miss K a l e MMW)flMMM blue and

copper changeable silk, brocaded wi th while flower spray s . streamer* and butter

! fly how* of whi le rihlxni. l u nch bodiee, t r immed i n chiffon and riMM.

M r * . J . M . Q i i i n n . black roMMMa MM dm In s* of Al l iany i o-e-.

M r s . K . B . Haddow. fawn rolored si lk and velvet vis i t ing gown with bonnet; Ben net roses.

M r * . James Hoatson. M M M e o s l u m e of grey silk mid M M M M M M l

M m * Mary Jones, mle gix-en princess gown, l u l l skirt eoniinuing into a pointed bodice.

M i s . W. ('. Tvvohy, black lace costume, M M M how of M M l i,hi on. Unca l led with gold: garniture o f inargucrites.

M r s . H . S. ( ' lurk, black silk MMflMMi dreks; pink row*.

M i * . W i l l i a m M M M gown of black pi-au de soie with velvet; la M M M roses.

M i s * Surah H i rger.gic.v v i*iti i igco*tuiue wi th M M

M i s - Crowe, bluck reception dress; pink carnat ion*.

M r * . O 'Nc i l . du rk brow n, w ith brow m i n d rose hrtx-adc.

M r s . J a n u s l y n c h , black brocade t r immed w ith luce; superb diamonds.

M i * . C . F . Booth, gown of white s i lk en t r iune , decollete.

Miss Laekie , white silk evening dress t r i i n n n d w ith swim'* dow n.

Mr* . Ferdinand Sands, M M M M l gown o f M M M M J M M M silk t r immed with cream lace.

M r * . F a y e t t e Harr ington, black lace costume, fan M M i with red M M M M

Mrs . \ . C , Hay. black net over s i lk , bou­quet of M M M

Mis* Hirdseye. lavender silk w ith ch i f fon , la France roses.

Miss Sue Hi idscyc . whi le india s i lk , bride roses.

M i * * H a m m o n d , becoming costume of M M M colored china s i l l . .

M i - - Ha t t i c Hi iuunond, hluo si lk t r immed w ith point de Par is M M M lace.

Mrs . l l r . Heed, black silk gow n, mertnet rose*.

Mrs . James Murphy, bluck costume with long g. 'iinituie of duchess of Albany roses.

Mrs . I 'cuthcrly, cream s i lk and lace, corsage M M M M of Albany rosesand hand bouquet of la France rose*.

M r s . H i n Tihhcy, black laco gown; d m hes* and la Fiance rosea.

M r s . F . W . S. Tingle , si lver striped gauze over white silk : d iamond pendant, senrlol carnation*.

Mrs . Judge M c l l a t l o n , c ream India si lk and diamond*.

M r s . J . M . Whi te , princess gown of lemon and pale hcliotbrope fancy s i lk .

M r * . Frank Leonard. *trni green recep­tion goW II.

Mrs . Dr . Ciilli*pie, black gowu of heavy eordod si lk .

Mrs . J . F . Dawson, black velvet gow n , court t rain. U id i cc t r immed in je l and w bile chi f fon, diamond-.

Miss Daisy DIIW KOII, M M f f l M M si lk white i ililM>II t r immings and sash.

Mrs . h im tson. black *ilk mid jet. Mr* . Shelley Tu l t l e of Anaconda, ele.

g-int O M M and cream sal in M l M M > l eoiirt t ra in , corsage t r immed with gold lace and bordered with cream feather t r i m m i n g : American Heauty rosea; dia­monds.

Mrs.I. , ( i . Smi th of A n aconda.heavy M M l M M M M in gendarme blue and white, court t r a in ; corsage garn i i i i re of Jet and gold wi l l i runic* of bluck and blue chi f fon .

Mrs . John T . ( i i l l i c . eeru ehaugeable s i lk Ir i inmcd w ith ecru point de gene luce, corsage garniture of tidal wave carna­tions.

Mi-*. W i l l i a m Fant, M M fancy silk wi th la ce garniture.

Mr* . Schatzluin, Ian and brow n street suit.

Mr* . F . X . G i a n l , jr . , wl i i lo fa i l le even­ing dres*.

Mrs . John T . Davis, gown of black wi th bonnet.

M r * . Atwnter of Helena, costume of white ladies' c l o th ; diamonds.

Mrs . James W . Forbis . o ld rose s i l k , with chiffon of same color ; rose gloves and slippers.

'I ho flora! decorations in the club looms Fr iday night were incomparably the finest ever seen in ihe city of Butte. Then- were ferns ami palms and fragrant flowers i n profusion. Firs t to catch the eye on en­tering the lobby was n table loaded wi th blooming hydrangea*, while the nook be­tween the massive clock and the adjo in ing d i orway was u mass o f palms. Japanese

maple and jasmine. F i l te r ing the reception room, to i h e h it was a large vase a ta l l bouquet o f l i l ies, l iyilr . ingia blossom*, and those |>erfectly mated rows , ihe l a France and the richer-tilled duchess of Albany. These lovely blooms were en­riched vv ith abundance of fe rn tin- dag­ger varu-ly and the graceful farleyense brought f rom M l . Auburn, Mass. . w here it is brought to |M>rfectiou, T o the right, a hronie llgure secined t ube |M™cping out f rom a grove of grurctul miniature trcca— Japanese maples with delicate leafage in tints of n i l ami hronie arched aUive . Beyond this corner the mantle was fes-M W M I in K i n i l a x ilru|N-d high in the center about a tlm- Ken t i a palm. T o the right of the in.mile was a mass o f Kt-uti.is hy dran­gea*, a lew M M M and ihe silk oak. Be­yond t h i s , i i t a l l jar held a L s M M M a w hile in the farther corner i mass of plants and flowers f i l l e d the space and adorned a table of |M i l i s l i ed oak. anil near these was u large baskci in the shape of n watering |*it tilli-il w i th terns and rosea, f rom i h e M H M of w hich flowed a *trcam of delicate w Idle M M M Near the p la t fo rm improvised for tha orchestra stood a brume llgure veritably, under its ow n v im-and M M I M M M M I I in this M M M M the *lyrox ohu**ia. which is declared l o b e the most beaut iful shrub in existence. 1 h i * vuiiely was lately secured by M r s . Knox , i n the c a r d r,sun was u most d u h -• M M grouping of plants o f choicest vari­ety. Fvcry tiook wa* f i l led, the draperies M M adorned, and broad sti4'icha* of wal l were hidden f rom view under ilie profu­sion o f foliage and flowers. These lent their delicate M M M M " l i d they delighted t h e eye of every guest.

Miss Ivate Hcnnessy gave a del ight fu l mat nice e n , hie parly, in honor of Mra . O ' N e i l n n d Miss D ' A r c y , at her residence on Washington ftiroet. Thursday af ier-H M The parlors wcro made bril l iant by ar t i f ic ial l ight, sunlight being excluded by heavy cur ta ins : the M M M * Moral decorations were entirely of ferns and roses. I be chamlelier* were almost hidden by garlands o f M f f M and M M M M roses: i h e many card table* were draped in si lk*

of various shades and orminieuusl hy M M M M i w Inch were favors for M M M and the beauty of the scene washe ig j i i -e l l i i l h y the elegant toiietft of M M M I'm incrs for the gaiiu wetv elected by a choice of ribbon*, one being MMMM

:• m a hug by each guest, the four r W M M of a color M M M M the holders I M M M T M M M I M M M table M M M M M in ii . i l M M ? i M M a MMMM conic*!, the 111'*! prize, a lu*MM M M M M l i up, wu*

awarded to M r a J . F . Forbis and the seo-oM p r i iu , a deck ttf cards i n l lsh net case bearing the motto " A l l is f i sh that comes to my net," was presented to M r s . E . O . M J M . A dainty col la t ion was served, after which the guests were entertained with music, vocal and instrumental . Those present were Meadamea Thomas l . .ncl |c . E. W . S. T ing le . M . J . Conned. James Lynch . M . B . Brow nlee, J . R. Bus-

ell . J . F. Forbis . E . O. Dugan. John G i l lie. J . H . Wel lcome. E . J . ( tangle, C . F . IJoyd. H . A . D 'Aeheu l . R. Riehunls . W . H . Twohy, J . K . C l a r k , S a m Johnstone. Misses Rumley of Helenu, H o r s l , Evans , L ick ie , the Misses B n s l e r i c k , lie- Misses Hammond, the Misses B M M M M I M M M Crowe, Hiikch. Downey ,O 'Donue l l , Jacobs and Haker.

Mis* Roscuer of San Francisco wi l l ac­company M r * . John NovcR on her return to l imn- aUnit ihe first of June, and wi l l v i - H Miss Carrie Jacobs.

V B . Ringeling ot Phi l ipsburg was in Huite dur ing Ihe week.

Mr . nt.d M i s . M . B . Brow nlee expect lo M M M to tln-ir new home the lust of the w i-ck.

M r . nml Mr* . R. B . Haddow wi l l occupy the llrownlec resilience a f t e r next week.

•I. F . Forbis spent the past week in Deer Lodge.

M r s . J . R. Wharton and children wi l l S|>end the M M M M on the Pac i f i c coast.

M r . and M i s . George Huldorn have tukcu rooms ut the Mcl l e rmo t I , where they w i l l remain for the summer.

Mrs . I>. A . l.argey is slowly convalescing f rom her iccent i l lnesa,

P . A . Largcy is passing a week at V i r ­ginia Ci ty .

Joseph Daft is s t i l l quite i l l at the home of his sister. M r s . John F . Forbis .

Miss May C a s e y started fo r Salt Lake on Thursduy. and w i l l he absent f rom home for several weeks.

Miss Carolyn Ken von is i l l at her home. M r s . L . J . Shurp and her niece. M a i y

Napton, are ex|*-ctcd to arrive in Butte on June 1.

Dr. and M r s . Culver w i l l arr ivo in Bii t tn du r ing ihe coming week, and wi l l spend the summer at the home of W . A . C l a r k , Mr*. Culver 's father.

Messrs. Brophy, W a l s h , Hennessy and O ' F a r r c l l w i l l entertain a theatre party at the Rhea entertainment, Monday eve­ning.

M r s . O 'Xe i l and Miss D 'Aarcy . who have been guests of P . J . Brophy fo r several weeks, wi l l leave Butte on Tuesday.

M r s . (.. E . Rockwood a n d Mrs . (ieoffrcy Lavelle and chi ldren are expected to re­turn the lust of the week f rom their so­journ in Ca l i fo rn i a .

F. E . Corbett passed a few days in P h i l ­ipsburg, returning to But te Friday eve­ning.

J . C . M a s l i n visited Bozcman and He l ­enu dur ing the week.

M r . und M r s . Owsley, a n d Mrs . Bishop have returned f r o m C a l i f o r n i a where they have been passing two months.

I George Broder ick und M i s s Broderiek , wenl to Boulder Springs to-day, to pass a ' few days. I M i - s Kate Hennessy entertained M r . | nnd Mrs . D. F . Hal luhau of Anaconda, at 1 lunch to-day. ! M r s . George Linsley and Mrs. I.. O. | Leonard of Anaconda vis i ted friends i n

Butte on Fr iday . M r s . J . M . Kennedy of Anaconda made

a t r ip to Butte to-day. IN T H E UAKIIKN CITY.

D o i n g , l a Ihe S o c i a l Ci rc les nt Missoula the I'ast Week .

M I S S O I I .A , M a y Mke T h e encampment of the department of Mon tana . (•. A . R . , proved very pleasant sociully. Not only wus it the occasion for the meeting of o ld comrades, but also of the meeting of other friend*. So fa r as the public was con­cerned, the social *es*ions were of more iiii|K>rtance than those devoted to busi­ness. The chief social occasions dur ing the encampment were the camp fire on Thursday night and the banquet on F r i ­day night.

The camp fire was behl at the opera house. The public bad been cordially in­vited to attend, and had accepted the in ­vitat ion, for the house wus Idled. T h e feulures of the evening were the ad­dresses of Rev. Dr . Ral iegh and M a j o r Henry Camp, the recitations by E . E . Hiok-ernell and singing by M r s . Camp. Mus ic was also furnished by- a double quartette, consisting of Messrs. Bovcc . Roese, H a m ­i l ton, Rukcr . Yacger. Inch, W i l d m a n a n d Davis.

On Friday evening a banquet was given hy Fred Win thop post No. 11, in honor of the encampment . I l was served in the K . of P . hall by Ihe Florence lintel people. The banquet was a social success. There were about 1X10 people at the tables-vet­erans and their wives, sons mid daughters, offici i - f r o m ihe fort and a large number of citizens, fo r the committee on invi ta­tions did its work l iberal ly . On the pla t form at the front of the hall was the splendid Twen ty -F i f t h Infant ry band who had lurnishcd some music before tin- ban­quet and f r o m t ime to t ime between the af te r dinner speeches, delighted the audi­ence vv i ih its rendering of patriotic and other airs. A f t e r the gucsis had done jus-tire to the viands liefore t h r m the feast o f

wit and wisdom commenced. General John I.. Slonne. the newly installed de­partment commander , acting as loast muster. Toasts were responded to as fol lows: '"The President of the I 'ni ted Slates," Comrade Hugh Lamont of M i s ­soula : " O u r State. M o l i l a l i a . " Comrade P . R . Dolman of B u t t e : "The Legisla­ture." Comroile W i l l Kenn»-dy of Boulder ; " T h e Sons of Veterans." d i p t . H . A . Nie-denhofenof B u t t e ; " T h e Private .Soldier." Comrade Davidson: " T h e Regular A r m y . " Comrade Cur t i s of Helena : " T h e W o m a n ' s Rel ief Corps," M r s . r. R . Dolman of But te ; "Some Reminis-censes." Comrade Harry C . Y'aegerof He l ­ena : "Our F l a g . " Comrade Henry 'Camp of O h i o : Comrade Cla rk of Missoula re­cited "On ly a Common Soldier " The toasts were interspersed w ith m u s i c The band played several selections; the Gate City quartette, consisting of Messrs. Lyon . T ibbi t t s . l l i c k e r n r l l a n d Andrews, sang several songs and led in the singing of several war songs in which ihe guests joined, and Mrs. Fisher and Mr* . Mvers •ang "Vic tory at Las t . " It was af ter 1 o'clock this morning w hen the programme wa* ci mpleted and ihe gucsis departed, and another depart incut encampment p i a c i a ally c a i r e lo on e iu l . Many ol the visitors r c i u r n i d to their hemes on the early trams this morning . For those who M M M M M a carnage dr ive was arranged, tak ng in the south sale. Fort Missoula and Homier. A l l the comrades and their wive* enjoyed the M M M M l M the inmost. It was espi-ci.illy pleasant to those » ho Iiv e i l l Ic** fav o icd pans of the stale nml vvcie enabled lor a few days at least lo enjoy the sight o l grass, tree* an i l 11. w cr*.

1 lie f i l ia l meeting of the South Missoula

Whist c lub was held at the home of M r . and M r s . J . D. Rowland last night. When Ihe season closed before Lent Tyler Worden had won the gentlemen's royal prise, but M r s . Worden and Mrs-Lister were tied for the ladies ' royal. Last night 's meeting was held partly to play off MM He. Twenty-one hands were played, and s t i l l the ladies remained l ied . T h e n seven points were played and M r s . Worden won. Those present were M r . and M r s . A . B . Fergu­son, Dr. and Mrs . G . F . McCul lough . M r . and M r s . (ieorge F . Brooks. M r . and M r s . Ty le r Worden , M r . and M r s . Charles F . Dorman. M r . und M r s . J . W . Lister. M r . and Mrs . A . J . Bradley, M r * . W . K l i n g -berg and Mrs . S. J . Coffee.

Last night Mrs . W . M . B i e k f o n l gave a whist party for Miss B i c k f o r d , who leaves shortly for Maine to spend her summer vacation. Eight tables of whist were played. The prizes were won by M i * * Spurrier and M r . Randa l l and the boobies hy Miss H a l l and M r . Morgan . The guesta were Misses Heckwi lh , K n a p p . Knowlcs , Robinson, Crutehf le ld , H a l l , Strai ighn, Jenkins . S iewar l . Reeves, Spurrier , West, Helen Hatheway. Worden , M a r t i n and Hayes, and Messrs. V J . Cou ld . F . P . K e i t h , C. W . B l a i r , A . S. Morgan . W . S. Settle, Ca L . C i l l c sp i c , George Bcckw i th, Andrew Keekwith . A. M . Ster l ing, Frank Randa l l , Charles H . H a l l , T . E . Evans, Frank Bogart and Dr. Robinson.

On Monday afternoon M r s . Charles Stuart gave a luncheon i n honor of Mrs . Peterson, the guest of M r s . J . G . Taylor . In addi t ion to the gueat of honor the ladies present were M r s . C . F . Davies, M r s . J . G . Tay lo r . M r s . W i l l i a m Dyson. M r s . B . Haske l l and M r s . G . A . Lewis.

Mrs . Peterson lef t fo r Ca l i fo rn i a on Tuesday night. Al though here but a short t ime she made a number of f r iends , a l l of whom regretted her departure.

On Wednesday evening Mies Sarah Folkldeson was marr ied to Samuel C o o k y , a machinis t at the Northern Pac i f i c shops. Rev. Dr . Ral iegh, pastor of the Methodist church , off ic ia t ing. The wedding took place at the residence of M r . Rupert i n East Missou la and was at­tended by nearly a l l the men f r o m tho shops as wel l as many other f r iends . A delicious sup|*sr was served af te r the ceremony. Many beau t i fu l presents were received.

Colonel Bush , who has been recently as­signed lo the Tweuty- f l f th in fan t ry is ex­pected here in about two months. H i s household effects have been shipped f r o m Fort Niagara, but he w i l l take a leave of absence before coming West .

M a j o r M c K i b b e n is expected west in three months. T h e officers at the post are not sure that he w i l l be assigned to Fort Missoula but ho|te that he w i l l be, not only because they desire h im there but because he has a daughter who would he a valuable addition to the younger society at the post.

Captain Law son expects to leave for the East in about three week*.

Xext week Hon. W . M . B i c k f o r d accom­panied by Miss B i c k f o r d and M i s s K n a p p , w i l l go East. M r s . B i c k f o r d and Miss Edi th B i c k f o r d expect to go to Ca l i fo rn ia .

M r s . B i r a m Knowles entertained Cap­tain and M r s . R . E . F i sk of Helena and Capta in and M r s . James H . M i l l s of Deer Lodge dur ing the G . A . R. encampment .

H o n . Charles M . Crutehf le ld spent part of the week in Anaconda.

M r s . fieorge F . Brooks w i l l go lo Denver for a visit in alsiut two weeks. She may-go f r o m there to C a l i f o r n i a and return with M r s . B i c k f o r d .

John Moore and fami ly have taken the residence' recently vacated by H . C. Hich-born on Eust Front street.

Y'esterday evening I»r. and M r s . C . W . Uunburd entertained M r . and M r s . C . W . Bishop and M r s . John McCormick at d in­ner, tho orcasiou being the sixth anni­versary of M r . and M r s . Bishop's marriage.

It looks as i f the genial c i ty editor of the (iazetle was contemplat ing matr imony. He asked that his p a s s to the base bal l games lie made out for two, ami Manager B l a i r accordingly made it out fo r John D. Ruf f and wife .

M i s s L i l l i e M . W o o d of G r a i t o n . N . D. . arrived on Thursday evening for a six weeks' visit with her brothers, Joseph and George W o o d .

M r . and M r s . Frederick Gilbert are in the city f r o m Lo L o to-day.

M r s . Murray B . Mi l e s is expected home f r o m Chicago about June 1.

Miss Crutehfleld expects lo go to Helena to-day for a visit .

The recent change in the superintend-eney of the Rocky Mounta in division has made three valuable additions to Missoula society in Superintendent an i l M r s . B r i m -son and M i s s Br i inson . They have already made many fr iends in the eity.

On Monday evening the a l m u n i associa­tion of the Missou la High school enjoyed tho annua l banquet at the home of Miss Sloane of the closs of ' PL Officers of the coming year were elected as follows. President. M r s . T y l a r H . Thompson , vice • M M k Miss Louise Worden : secretary ami treasurer. M i s s Marc i a l i o r d : mem-bers of Ihe executive committee. Miss Al ice Reeves and Ralph Moore.

M r . and M r s . J . J . Cronk of Helena are in the city.

M r s . F . C . Schl iep and daughter are visi t ing in the Bi t te r Root valley.

AT H O / K M A V

Not a Very Lively Week In Social Cir­cles.

Bozr.MAN. M a y 21. —Mrs. Colonel M a y . who has been vis i t ing relatives in Mary­land for some months, returned home last Saturday.

C . W . Delvey left a few days ago for St. Pau l . He w i l l take Ihe management of the St. Louis hotel on Lake Minne-tonka. For several years past M r . Delvey has been manager of the hotels in the National park, and during the past f a l l and winter has successfully managed the Hoie man. His departure is sincerely re­gretted by the citisens of Bozcman.

M r s . W . W . W y l i e wenl to Helena Thursday l o deliver a lecture there Thurs­day night on the National W . C. T . I ' . con­vention M M in Boston last November, and to w hich she was sent as the delegate f r o m Montana .

Bert Va i l l e . t.eo. Barnaby and John Dahlmg are at tending the meeting of th" G r a n d Ixwlge of Knigh t s of Pythias in scs. sinn at Groat F a l l * .

Miss M . F . H a n k s of Di l lon spent Wed­nesday in the city.

Al iou l M ladies were pleusantly enter­tained at an afternoon tea Thursday ny Mr*. Myron Fe rn* and M r s . E d . L M M in the parlors of the Boreman.

Hon. D. F .McF. lwce came up f rom Three Forks Thursday.

K e s t a i i r a u l men take notice The stock and fixtures of the Exchange restaurant i * for sale cheap. Vpply lo Kitchen Broth­er*. No. I " South Main Street. H u i t e .

A flMMRM M M M O n of Hntte's Largosl llnslness Fnter-

plises. For four weeks past work has been go­

ing on on West Granite street i n convert­ing the big pavi l ion into one of the great­est store rooms i n the west, by W i l l i a m Weins tc i i i of Helena. Ca r load af ter ear load of gmccrica and a l l manner and de­scription o f house furnishing goods have been hauled in un i i l Ihe b i g place is well IHled. and wel l displayed, bi l l no sooner hud M r . Weins te in gotten his Great Mar ­ket started and open !or business than he determined In leave Huite again and an­nounced mat he would sell h i s immense stock at uny price lo effect a sale and close out. T o bhow thut he means busi­ness and is H I earnest about sell ing out i l is only necessary to go into his house fur­nishing department where he has a stock of t inware, crockery an i l glass­ware that is -imply astounding. I lu re h e sees fancy sprinklers

for M c e n t s : t i l l pie and jelly plan s of any size or sliupe, for f> cents; Japanned comb cases. V . ; four q u a i l heavy dinner pails with cup. M M . I g o o d wooden pails. 20c.; fancy M M M pitcher and basin, 65c. and everything else in proportion.

In the grocery department, which car­ries the largest stis-k in Butte . Price 's h i k ' u g |M.w-ler wi l l sell at M M M MM as long as the stock lasts; potatoes at «ne. pei i m pounds : two |K>uud IKIXCS of soda

crackert. Ice.; two pound bricks of f in ­est creamery butter. MB, , best table but­ter in VI pound tubs at Jl> coins a pound; 10 pound sack of sa i l , 1."* . and so on.

Among other remarkable bargains are the best a l a r m clocks for MM ani l hand­some nil pann ing- . I f f M M f l M and aqua­relles at «0 cents lo M i . As for station­ery, that is being sold at customers' own pr . i es and everything i n the Great Marke t slaughtered i n a manner that is a caution. It is an opportunity such as is seldom of-h ied lo the people of Hutte and they should take advantage, of it.

U n i t e ' . Progress. That Hutte is fast becoming one of the

largest d is t r ibut ing points in Montana wus clearly proved to tin: MMM to-day w hen he saw an entire car load of bananas, Ihe first ever received in this ci ty, being unloaded by that enterprising produce man. M . G . Cobn , » and Mi West Park street, who shows his confidence in Butte and its coming market prestige and im-i w t a n c c i n receiving such a large con­signment of th is f ru i t . A few more mer­chants w i th this confidence in But te would he a good thing for the community , as nothing lends more to assist Ihe ad­vancement of tho !*™st interests of a city than a display of *elf-coiil)ilenee in it by its own merchants. There can be no doubt that West Park MMl w i l l event­ually look something like ihe famous S o u t h ' W a t e r street of Chicago, as tho writer has noticed f r o m day to day that the merchants on that thorougldure arc, continually receivine larger consignments of produce, f rui ts , etc. than ever hereto­fore.



Our Watch Stock is something' enormous. In our show case alone we have 242 watches. Then there is our window dis­play of them and a reserve stock in the safe. We don't confine you to one kind or make of movement or one pattern or weight of case. W e can show you till you arc tired of looking and then probably you will not have seen half of them. In addition to the standard American makes, we carry high grade imported goods with Observatory rating for time.

Can we show you?



T. D. Fitzgerald, N O T A R Y P U B L I C ,

Real Estate, Insurance.



O F F I C R . B1 » M > » B I I M m rviviv
