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The animal kingdom (undone)

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Page 1: The animal kingdom (undone)


Joshua P. Magpantay

Page 2: The animal kingdom (undone)

CHORDATES They are notochord, the dorsal hollow nerve cord, gill slits and a post-anal tail

In many chordate, the notochord later becomes the backbone

chordate group have notochord, tail and gill slits only in the embryo stage.

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There are species which has a lower chordate ( tunicates and lancelets.)

The adult tunicates have only gill slits present Tunicates attach to solid materials like rock or coral reefs.

They are filter feeder, taking in food particles suspended in water.

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•Have four chordate characteristics present in the adult stage• They live in sandy ocean bottom• They are also suspensions feeders• They move like a fishlike motion using the muscle on both sides of their body

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VERTEBRATES•Most vertebrates are sea and land dwellers•The vertebrates’ notochord is replaced by the backbone or the vertebral column.•The nerve cord is enclosed by the projection of the vertebrae.

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•The tail can be the bone and muscle that animals use for swimming aquatic species.•For some vertebrates, the gill slits remain till the adult stage•These are modified into structure of gas exchange.

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FISHES •Found in salty, fresh, cold, even hot water.•Most have scales for protection.•Paired fins for movement and gills for gas exchange.

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FISHES •They may lay eggs to produce or give birth to live young •They are cold blooded, because their body temperature changes when environment temperature changes .•Certain fishes do not have true teeth or may be jawless as compared to other

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JAWLESS FISHES• Jawless fishes belong to class AgnathaExample:•Lampreys, being parasites, have tooth-like structure in their mouth that can be attach to bodies of other fishes•The hagfish is wormlike and use a tooth-like tongue to eat dead organism

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• Include the rays, skates and sharks•They have skeleton made of soft, flexible protein material called cartilage.•Some of them are covered with tough, sandpaperlike skin due to the presence of toothlike scales

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•Skate and rays have winglike fins, this fins enable the fish to move•Some of them eat floating planktons while Others feed on invertebrates at the bottom of seas and oceans

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•Shark may feed on small fishes or on floating algae.•The whale shark is the largest fish locally known as “butanding”

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• They are bony fishes• These fishes that have an endoskeleton made of hard calcium material called bone• Example of bony fishes are: milkfish, tuna, goldfish, tilapia and eels • Lungfish breathes through the lungs in addition to having gills also for respiration

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AMPHIBIANS•Means “double life”•Animals that lives part in water and part on land•Amphibians are divided into three groups, the: Caecilians, Salamanders and Frog and Toads

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REPTILES • Animals that are exhibits more adaptations for living land•Have smooth or rough scales for protection from loss of body water

Example of reptiles:Lizard and Snakes

Crocodiles and AlligatorsTurtles and Tortoises

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•Have smooth scales•Example of lizard are house lizard, gecko, monitor lizard, chamleleon and horned toad•Snakes are legless and have flexible jaws•Some of them are poisonous like cobra and rattle snake

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•Alligator live in freshwater•Crocodiles live in fresh and salty water in tropical and subtropical regions•The Philippine crocodile is critically endangered crocodile species in the world

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TURTLES AND TORTOISES• Are enclosed in a shell• The head and legs are pulled inside of this shell as protection for predator• Tortoise lives on land• Turtles live mostly in water

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BIRDS•Most bird are adapted to fly• Presence of wings and feather, large flight muscles in the breast bone• They are weight less because their bone are light and hollow filled with air• Their body temperature remains the same despite varying environmental temperature due to the insulation provided by feathers

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BIRDS• They have bills or beaks• Their wings and feet are different according to what food and place they live.• Certain birds feed on rice or corn grains, they have role in dispersing seeds to various places• Philippine eagle has been declared as a critically endangered species

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MAMMALS • Animals which have mammary glands that produce milk• They breathe in air •Have four chambered hearts and are warm-bloodied•Give birth to live young and care for them

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•Monotremes•Marsupials •Eutherians

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•Lay eggs similar to those of birds•They have spiny anteater•Examples is duck-billed platypus

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•The pouched mammals also give birth to live young•Some marsupials are found in central and south America •Examples: koalas, kangaroos and wombats and flying phalangers

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EUTHERIANS •The largest group of mammals. Known as placental mammals•They bear fully developed young inside the mother’s uterus •These young are attached to placenta, which they receive nourishment until they are born.

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Oder Characteristics Examples Insectivora Insect-eating Shrews, molesChiroptera Flying BatsRodentia Gnawing Rats, mice, squirrelsLagomorpha Rodentlike Rabbits, hares Endetata Toothless Armadillos Cetacea Aquatic Whales, dolphins Sirenia Aquatic Dugong, manateeProboscidea Trunk-nosed ElephantsCarnivora Flesh-eating Dogs, cats, bears,

seals, walruses Ungulata Hoofed foot Horses, zebras,

rhinoceros, giraffes, carabaos, goat, pigs

Primates Large brain relative to body size

Lemurs, monkeys, apes, humans.

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PRIMATES• They are able to walk erect,• Fingers and toes adapted to grasp or hang on branches and hold things or manipulate food•High degree of intelligence • Exhibits social behavior like living in organize groups• Take care of orphaned individuals or even fight with competing groups

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UNIQUENESS OF MAMMALS• Present from very the very cold to warmest regions and in salt waters.•Waste of this animals serve as fertilizers to plant.•Mammals have become an important part of ecosystems.

• In grassland• In forest• In farmland• In whatever way, good or bad mammals affect the

ecosystems where they live

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“Rainforest have high rainfall, thus have lots of plants in them. This condition provides shelter, water and food to many species that can survive drought or disasters as well as competition with other species. This result to stable ecosystem with lesser rate of species loss”

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