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THE ANNALS OF THE “ŞTEFAN CEL MARE” UNIVERSITY Physical Education and Sport Section The Science and Art of Movement Volume IX issue 2 ISSN - 1844-9131 SUCEAVA DECEMBER 2016



Physical Education and Sport Section

The Science and Art of Movement

Volume IX issue 2

ISSN - 1844-9131


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016






THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016




Florin Leuciuc


RECUNOAŞTEREA JUSTIŢIEI SPORTIVE DE CĂTRE STAT………...................….71 Liliana Budevici-Puiu

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016



Volcu Gheorghe, PhD candidate, university lecturer

State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau. Keywords: competences, research, managerial practice,

manager-trainer, professional training. Abstract: In this article I have performed an experimental study

regarding the research competences development of future manager-trainers within managerial practice.

Managerial practice is a discipline with a substantial contribution to the professional forming of future manager-trainers. It contributes to the completion of future manager-trainer's profile by training and managerial work skills forming necessary to all organizing forms of labor training activities.

Topicality. Current educational process manifests itself by

changing the aspect of involving the knowledge assimilation, information, on a practical one focusing on capacity and skills building. For this reason we draw attention to the approach of the preparation and training of the specialists focused on developing the competences and capabilities of teaching and learning, evaluation and behaviour in the field. [2]. Thus, the finalities/goals have evolved from knowledge area to the purposes one (educative-instructive), then in the objectives area and in recent decades in the competences forming. Managerial practice contributes substantially to their forming. Through the 240 training hours allocated to students of III-rd year and the 300-hour for MA first year, the graduate-student acquires competences regarding the preparation of planning documents organizing and conducting the educational process with athletes and why not research competences.

From a professional view, managerial practice represents the moment of research and discovery, forming a certain idea of affinity, predisposition and even the belief that being a teacher involves the specialist who wants wholeheartedly to deal with the education of young generation.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Professional training is done in stages, starting with the acquisition of knowledge, information, continues with the analysis, generalization, abstracting these and finally, with their display in practice [1,4,8, 9,10].

Managerial practice as a component of the training curricula provides general system of managerial scientific research work of students within profile disciplines and scientific student's communities within departments.

To train the students of physical culture and sports institutions is one of the main goals of field higher education and the introduction of sports managerial practice in the curricula contributes substantially to solving this challenge.

The preventive analysis of the problem, regarding the theory and practice of higher education has allowed us to see that the highlighting the factors that determine the level of professional training in the context of manifestation of students's research competences will be the basis for formulating the purpose and objectives of the research.

Research goal - improving the process of training and application of research competences of MA students within managerial practice, as manager-trainer's part of personality.

Research objectives: 1. Studying the theory and current practice of scientific training

and professional-pedagogical one in the context of managerial research of the future manager-trainers.

2. Assessment of scientific training and professional-pedagogical level of the future manager-trainers in the context of managerial and scientific content.

3. Theoretical and experimental argumentation of research competences training methodology of the MA students' within "Managerial practice".

To realize the stated purpose and objectives I applied the following research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of the specialized literature data; analysis of planning documents, evidence and control; pedagogical observation; Quiz survey method; pedagogical experiment, comparative method. Research results.

In order to realize the research activity content of students and MA students scheduled for sports managerial practice program, it was

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


performed the investigation and pedagogical observation of students and MA students of Sports Faculty.

The gained data from the investigation confirmed the preliminary assumption that students are not sufficiently trained and do not have the requirement levels, necessary for research competences within managerial practice.

On the knowledge level of the manager-trainer in management research domain, 59% consider it insufficient, 33% - sufficient and 8% considered a good level of knowledge (Figure 1). Proceeding from the above data we see that the level of knowledge in management research domain is insufficient.

Fig.1. Percentage distribution of answers regarding the knowledge level of

manager-trainer in research management domain. When asked " Are you ready to organize and conduct the

scientific research work within managerial practice? " 42% of III rd- year students responded affirmatively and 58% of MA students.

When asked " In which aspects of research activity have you encountered difficulties within management practice?", most respondents (84%) mentioned the projection of scientific work and carrying on some scientific activities, studying the laws of anatomical and physiological development of sportsmen depending on age (74%), studying the scientific aspect of the content and pedagogical professional activity laws of the trainer (68%).

The results of sociological investigation highlighted the obstacles that MA students encounter in organizing and performing the scientific work within managerial practice, a fact which allowed us to establish that

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


the disadvantages of research activity within the practice can be explained by the following factors: lack of scientific aspects in educational process foreseen in the managerial practice program in the context of research competences manifestation. subjective attitude towards this form of activity from both the students, MA students as well as some managers, specialized Methodists; insufficient knowledge regarding the projection methodology and adaptation of the scientific research; low competence regarding the stages system, levels and aspects of students's training, MA students for the scientific research activity as a basic part of the professional and pedagogical activity of the physical education specialist etc.

During the sports-managerial practice, according to the fulfilled experiment and analysis of specialized literature [3,5,6,7] takes place the intensification of the training process and self-determination of the manager-trainer, the knowledge and skills needed for the management activity are accumulated and deepen, as well the pedagogical are improved, a fact demonstrated both by the students included in the control group and experiment within the management practice evaluation (Figure 2 and Figure 3).

The methodology of research skills training specific for sports management practice is an integrative process that includes: understanding and knowledge of scientific theory, research managerial methods, techniques of data collection and those of processing and interpretation; formulation, by the perspective of managerial issues, questions and assumptions regarding the trainer, so that they serve for the scientific work (especially for explanation, interpretation and analysis); to know and test independently in his own scientific activity, knowledge, explanations and interpretations in the field of sports management, which implies the possibility of using the required methods; to evaluate the results, to be able to master the issues concerning the training.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Fig.2. Average marks obtained by the students of control and experiment

groups at the initial stage within the managerial practice.

Fig. 3. Graphical representation of obtained average by the control and

experiment groups within managerial practice. The marks average obtained after carrying on the pedagogical

experiment, both the control group and the experimental one, recorded such values as 8.45 ± 0.28 and respectively 9.16 ± 0.24, which confirms the hypothesis of our research in which we assumed that development and application of a university curriculum and of course adapted content

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


"Current issues of management research in the field of physical culture" will help to enhance the preparation level of manager-trainers in physical education and sports domain for the management research activity.

After studies we can conclude that one of the main components of the conducting process of training managerial, professional and pedagogical competencies for research reason of future manager-trainers is under the sole control of their activity and giving scientific and methodical aid.

At the same time we find that the pedagogical, instructive-formative experiment (in the classrooms) and the practical and methodical one (in terms of managerial practice) displayed the effectiveness of development and application of new university curricula and of adopted course content "Current issues of management research in the field of physical culture" by means of existence different levels of research competences mastering by MA students.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Budevici-Puiu A.; Carp Iu. „Abordarea măiestriei pedagogice

prin prisma competenţelor specialistului din domeniul educaţiei fizice şi sportului”. Conf.internaţ. „Probleme acmeologice în domeniul culturii fizice”. Chişinău, Valinex, 2015 p. 8-13.

2. Branişte Gh. „Formarea competenţelor de proiectare didactică la studenţii facultăţilor de educaţie fizică şi sport”. Teză de doctor în ştiinţe pedagogice, Chişinău, USEFS, 2015. 150 p

3. Carp I. „Pregătirea studenţilor facultăţilor de educaţie fizică şi sport pentru activitatea de cercetare ştiinţifică”. Teză de doctor în ştiinţe pedagogice, Chişinău, I.N.E.F.S., 1999. 210 p.

4. Carp I. „Pregătirea profesional-pedagogică a studenţilor facultăţilor de educaţie fizică şi sport în cadrul practicii pedagogice”. // Actualităţi şi perspective în educaţia fizică şi sportivă de performanţă: Conf.internaţională de comunicări şi referate ştiinţifice. – Galaţi: Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos”, 2003. p. 10 – 12.

5. Carp I.; Crăciun N. „Aspecte teoretico-metodice cu privire la pregătirea profesional-pedagogică a studenţilor facultăţilor de educaţie fizică şi sport”. Conf.internaţ. „Educaţia fizică şi sportul – fenomen social”. Bacău, 2003. p. 93- 98.

6. Gagea A. „Tratat de cercetare ştiinţifică în educaţie fizică şi sport”, Bucureşti: Discobolul, 2010. 665 p.

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7. Grimalschi T.I. „Structura organizării activităţii didactice în formarea tînărului profesor-cercetător”. // Bazele dirijării procesului instructiv-educativ şi de antrenament în educaţia fizică şi sport. Culegere de lucrări metodico-ştiinţifice ale profesorilor şi savanţilor tineri. Chişinău, 1996. p. 16 – 20.

8. Jurat V. „Unele aspecte ale sistemului de pregătire profesională a specialistului de cultură fizică şi sport” Conf.internaţ. „Probleme acmeologice în domeniul culturii fizice”. Chişinău, Valinex, 2015 p. 44-49.

9. Абдулина О.А. „Общепедагогическая подготовка учителя в системе высшего педагогического образования”: Для пед. спец. высш. учебн. заведений. – 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: Просвещение, 1990. 141 с.

10. Данаил С.Н. „Актуальные проблемы физкультурного образования в учебных заведениях в контексте современных разработок теории” // Probleme actuale privind perfecţionarea sistemului de învăţămînt în domeniul culturii fizice: Materiale ale conf. ştiinţ.internaţionale. Chişinău.: Liceum, 1996. p. 4-10.



Cuvinte cheie: competenţe, cercetare, practică managerială, antrenor-manager, pregătirii profesionale.

Rezumat: În acest articol am efectuat un studiu experimental

privind dezvoltarea competenţelor de cercetare la viitorii antrenori-manageri în cadrul practicii manageriale.

Practica managerială constituie o disciplină de învăţământ cu un aport substanţial la formarea profesională a viitorilor antrenori-manageri. Ea contribuie la întregirea profilului de viitor antrenor-manager prin pregătirea şi formarea deprinderilor de muncă managerială necesare tuturor formelor de organizare a activităţilor de antrenament.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016



Irina Delipovici, university lecturer, The State University of Physical Education and Sport

“If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.”

Marcus Tullius Cicero

The key words: adolescents, the method of game and competition, self-confidence, a lecture of physical education, dynamics of the academic year. Summary: lectures of physical education in the 9th form organized by combination of the method of game and competition, contribute to extension of society of self-confident teenagers in the dynamics of educational process. Relevance: In spite of the illusion of welfare, the problem of physical education in the pre-university education system of the Republic of Moldova needs scientific research and results concerning the continuous improvement of the lectures of physical education and increase of their role in preparing pupils and students for the life in modern society.[2,3] The efficient organization of the lectures of physical education for adolescents of 14-15 years old is somehow a difficult problem for teachers, because pupils in this age may have an unpredictable behavior in ordinary situations and can manifest paradoxical and unexpected reactions, expressed by increased excitability, negativity, stubbornness, and roughness. But exactly in this age the base of morality and the personality are formed, and this demands a correct approach to a pupil’s personality, selection of the means and methods appropriate for

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


education, based on the maintenance of their interest and educating self-confidence.[5] For the adolescents of this age, who have many doubts during the decision making process, educating of self-confidence plays especially an important role in reaching a personal success. When the confidence in own forces is too low, then the ability to cope with stress, efficient adjustment to human society is disrupted.[4,7] The pupils of the 9th form finish the secondary school education with a view to further educational or professional route and efficient integration in the adult environment, who should contribute to increase of their degree of socialization taking into consideration their real qualities, encourage small successes and help in getting more confidence in own forces are the problems that need to be solved efficiently by the specialists from the domain of physical education. Self-confidence is an attitude in which the inviduals have the optimistic views, but, at the same time, realistic about themselves and their situations. Such an attitude means that self-confident persons are able to rely on their own forces and decisions. Also it means that they are able, largely and within a reasonable, to take control of their lives and to protect the rights and aspirations in the modern world, that can sometimes intimidate us.[8] In the last years in the specialized bibliography, the concept of physical education of the personality [6] is more often met and which is promoted by the specialists from the domain of physical culture. Basically, it is developed by the promotion of the two basic concepts: a) physical education is designed to insure socialization of the pupils and his adjustment to the modern society; b) physical education must insure maximum finding of movement potential and inclination of the student toward certain physical activities, his interest in life. We expect that some methods of physical preparation of students used during the lessons of physical education can contribute to efficient realization of those concepts including also the increase of self-confidence of students in own forces. Thus, the method of game and competition offers the possibility to entertain but, simultaneously, to demonstrate their physical potential in public, creativity, dexterity, ingenuity, their hidden abilities, the chance to display their talents presenting "their personal pride" that inevitably could contribute to the increase of self-confidence. Also, the permanent change of situations on the playground and non-standard motions can favor the continuous

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


improvement of the movement quality, the ability to analyze – the synthesis of the central nervous system, improvement of the functional status movement analyzers, optical and aural, which also can be a positive impact on the wellbeing of the body, stimulating the appearance of self-confident. Hypothesis of the work: we expect the method of game and competition , used in the lessons of physical education with the students of the 9th form can improve their self-confidence. The aim of the work: Explanation of the importance of the method of the game and competition used in the lessons of physical education in improvement of the self-confidence of the adolescents of 14-15 years old. Organization of the research: The research was conducted in the „ M. Sadoveanu” Lyceum and „Pro-Success” Lyceum from Chisinau, on a contingent of adolesents (n=70) aged 14 to 15 years, in the dynamics of the academic year 2015-2016. Research methods: investigation- interviewing teenagers at the beginning and at the end of the school year. At the beginning of the year, we conducted this investigation, in order to appreciate the 9th grades confidence in their own abilities. For this purpose we used the test “How confident are you in yourself?” composed of 25 questions. There were multiple choice questions, with three possible answers, and the right answer was assessed with a certain score. The general score of every pupil was assessed as follows (Table 1):

Table 1 The level of pupils’ confidence in theirselves in accordance

with accumulated scores

Nr. Crt.

Overall Score


1 40-50

Your score indicates that you are very confident in yourself and you rely on your own abilities. Since you are so sure and confident in your own forces, you are a person who prefers to be involved and to take control of any occuering situation. The only recomandation for those who have registred a score so high om this test is to beware of excessive self-confidence, so as not to be percieved by other as rude or haughty. You should keep ypur sense os reality, and do not forget that to be successdul you have to wwork hard, because success will not come by itself.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


In the first fugure in shown the structure of 14-15 years old pupils, depending on the accumulated points as a result on initial testing in the beginng of the educational year.

The ditribution of pupils , (%)




40-45 points 25-39 points less than 25 points

Fig. 1. The structure of 14-15 years old pupils, depending on the accumulated points after the test named “How confident are you in yourself?” , done in the beginning of the year, %

Thus we have established that 54% of them gave the answers, which were appreciated by less than 25 points. This shows that these students are not confident in themselves and should think about adoptation of some sustainable strategies in order to develop it. Probably, Physical Education Lessons, involving the rational use of the competition between pupils with the same level of physical ability, could have beneficial consequences in strengthening this feeling, based on the positive dynamics including movement test results during the educational year. While 42% of students tested, although they are optimists, they are less self-confident, compared to some their colleagues who have great confidence in themselves and rely on their own abilities. But the share of the lattest ones is quite small, only 4% of the quota of tated students. If

2 25-39 You seem to be a confident person, with an optimistic attitude. Althouh you are prepared to make some risks in life, your generally prefer safety instead of riscky adventure. Because you are not seen as overly confident, it means that you are able to interact with people on an equal footing, and the ability to interact with others is likely to make you a good member of your team In most cases, you will have more of a positive attitude and the ability to make deccisions in a cautious, measured and structured after carefully weighing all options.

3 < 25 As your score indicates a lack of confidence in your own skills, you need to consider the adoption of a strategy to make yourself more confident. This means first analyzing the reasons for your lack of self-confidence. One reason may be simply your way of being. Many people have a somewhat agitated or are so excessively modest of their own achievements that they tend tobe self-critical.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


we follow the differences between the distribution of girls and boys depending on accumulated points (Figure 2), we note that among the girls involved in the research, there is no one who has obtained the maximum score - over 40 points.








40-50 points 25-39 points less than 25points



Fig. 2. The distribution of girls and boys (%) depending on the accumulated score at the test “How confident are you in yourself?”, done in the begining of the school

year, % Under 25 points were accumulated by 58% of girls and 50% of boys. The fact that over ½ of the teens is awarded to individuals who have confidence in theirselves and skills is a serious social problem that can be solved through active involvement of pupils in movement activities during the physical education lessons. Taking into consideration that these students are residents of urban areas, where the lack of self-confidence creates conditions for various confusing situations and disruptions in health, we examined how the combination of play and competitive methods during the the lessons of physical education can influence this aspect of their lives. Figure 3 shows the experimental group structure based on the points to support test "How confident are you in yourself?" at the beginning and at the end of the school year. We note that the share of people who have accumulated below 25 points decreased in annual dynamics from 54% to 41%, in the favor of those with 25-39 and 40-45 points respectively, the share of which increased from 42% to 46% and from 4% to 13% respectivly. Restructuring of experimental quota at the end of educational year in favor of more self-confidence, it shows that the organization of experimantal lessons is a beneficial one for 14-15 old teens. Being

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


encouraged even for small successes, but also through engaging in movement activities in the gym at the level of each pupils’ possibiity, became more confidential in themselves after graduation from middle school.













40-45 points 25-39 points sub 25 points

Initial Testing

Final Testing

Fig.3. Annual Dinamycs the experimental group structure based on the points to

support test "How confident are you in yourself?" at the beginning and at the end of the school year

There appear the question: "Who is namely tha girls or the boys of experimental group,who have gotten more confident at the end of the medium school?". Analyzing the data of the final testing depending on the sex of adolescents (Figure 4) we have determined that premordial had gained boys share of overconfident increasing by 21% compared with the results of initial testing, while the girls increase was 16 %.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016




41% 42%







40-50 points 25-39 points less than 25points



Figure 4. The structure of experimental group of girls and boys depending on accumulated points to support test "How confident are you in yourself ?" at the end of the school year,%. Conclusions: 1. At the beginning of the school year 54% of 14-15 years old adolescents is awarded to individuals who have self-confidence and believe in their own skills. Taking into consideratiothat that these students are residents of urban areas, where lack of confidence creates prerequisites for various confusing situations, stress disorders and in health. 2. Using the game and competition methods, during physical education lessons has helped to increase the number of overconfident students, the share of which increased in annual dynamics from 46% to 59%. 3. During the school year, the dynamics increased share of girls with a lot of self-confidence from 0 to 8%, and those of boys - from 8% to 17%. 4. The combination between game and competition methods durig the lessons of physical education for ninth grade students due to increase self-confidence, which shows their effectiveness in preparing adolescents for life and work in modern society. Bibliography: 1. Carter Ph. And psychometric intelligence tests. Meteor Press, 2011. p.173-180. 2. Kondakov V. About the necessity of improving the system of physical culture lessons in schools

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3. General secondary in the context of modern pedagogical technologies. In Theory and art physical education in school, 3/2014, p. 38. 4. Law on Physical Culture and Sport in Moldova nr.330-XIV of 03.25.1999. 5. Morosan R., I. Delipovici, Morosan I. Stress - risk factor for health and the role of exercise in preventing and combating it. In Theory and art physical education in school, no.2 / 2015, p.57-60. 6. Munteanu A. Developmental Psychology. Bucharest: Technical Ed., 2009. p.45.Barbashov6. 7. S.V. Theoretical and methodological foundations of personality - oriented technology of sports formation of schoolboys. Author. diss. doctor of pedagogical sciences. Omsk, 2000. 48 p. 8. Psychology and Pedagogy. Editor BA Spasennikov. Arkhangelsk. 2003, 354 p.. 9. www.meteor press.ro (accessed: 14.02.2016)


Cuvinte – cheie: adolescenți, metoda jocului și competiției, încrederea în sine, lecțiile de educație fizică, dinamica anului de învățământ. Rezumat: lecțiile de educație fizică din clasa a IX-a, organizate prin îmbinarea metodei jocului și competiției, contribuie la creșterea contingentului de persoane încrezute în sine în dinamică anuală, ceea ce denotă eficiența lor în pregătirea adolescenților pentru viață și activitate în societatea modernă.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016




Danelciuc Francisc Tadeus “Stefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, FFES

Keywords: baropodometry, assessment, recovery, balance, physical therapy device.

Summary Coordinative capacities are manifesting under different forms,

one of them being the ability of balance, with a decisive role in static, walk, in daily activities of persons after stroke. The study conducted aims to highlight the benefits that can be provided with appropriate equipment and judiciously used in people after stroke, to assess postural balance

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


using baropodometry and also training it using the MBT physiotherapy device

Introduction Cerebrovascular diseases are a major public health problem, ranked

second in Europe after cardiovascular disease. The rehabilitation of patients diagnosed with CVA require long-term programs and care, with increased costs for society.

Even though the methods of recovery after stroke are customized depending on the patient, the goal is the same, namely: the acquisition of a functional status which allows: independence, accommodation with the mental and physical changes caused by stroke, integration into family and society.

Of the most common disabilities after stroke can be mentioned: motor and sensitivity disorders, perception disorders, thinking and communication problems, emotional problems. The most important are the motor disorders represented by muscle weakness, impossible / difficult mobilization of a member, muscle fasciculation, accompanied by the disappearance of sensitivity for painful stimuli, mechanical, thermal.

In stroke recovery it is very important to assess what percentage of the brain is affected and its ability to take over the deficit neurological functions of normal brain.

Disability and ability to recover after stroke depend on the affected area of the brain (in the sphere of dominant / nondominant), area / areas of the brain affected, surface and depth of brain lesions, and associated diseases.

Balance plays an essential role in recovery (static, walking, etc) which is recognized by most experts in the field of rehabilitation. Balance is a component of the coordination abilities, which after Blume (1981) cited by R. Mano (1992) are arranged in a system. Due to disturbance factors balance can be changed or even lost, its recovery is possible through a complicated exertion of postural control due to

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selection and adjustment of muscle control schemes (Sbenghe, 2002, p. 337).

By the same author, postural control is achieved by using three primary sources of information: sensitive somatosensory receptors (extero or proprioceptors), visual receptors and vestibular receptors.

The stability of a body depends on factors such as: position of the center of gravity projected to the bearing surface, weight and height of the center of gravity to the supporting surface (Hay, 1980 pg.154-157).

Maintaining balance a certain period of time depends on several factors some of which are genetically conditioned, reflexes have an important role in this aspect (Bota, 2002 pg.391-393). So stability can be developed through exercises designed for this purpose and also transfer through the use of exercises, used for other purposes than improving balance.

Purpose The present study aims to determine whether the MBT

physiotherapy device can be used successfully in balance recovery on post stroke patients using baropodometric evaluation.

Material and method The research was conducted on a sample of 86 patients (group

representing experimental group) with post stroke hemiparesis hospitalized consecutive in BFKT section of Suceava County Hospital, in the period October 2013 - September 2014. The patients included in the study had an average age of 57.6 ± 7.8 years. Among them were 50 men and 36 women. The control group consisted of 20 people

MBT technology composition: - baropodometric plate (Fig. 1) represents a postural assessment

platform from which information is transferred on the computer monitor regarding the exercised pressures, the plant surface and the oscillations of the center of balance of the person that is on the platform. Access to this information has as effect management/control on the development of postural control stability and also and quality of carrying out steps;

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


- MBT physiotherapy device (Fig. 2) - the recovery MBT device is represented by the fact that is raised in the hell and has a curved rim. Behind it, on the hell area, MBT device offers a rolling ramp, so-called Heel Sensor (or Masai Sensor). Unlike the tip of a stable heel of a typical shoe, this one is very flexible/soft, so that the patient can be guided by the device. Having information (desktop screen) on the state of balance while performing exercises - without moving, leads to the realization of a self-control creating a biofeedback which contributes to correcting movements, increased capacity to maintain balance during static and dynamic action.

Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Result interpretation

The parameters of the evaluation baropodometric platform were analyzed separately in the group of patients with right and left hemiparesis, and compared to the values obtained in the control group. Our study showed statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group on most baropodometric reviewed parameters. (Table 1.)

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Table nr. 1 – Baropodometric parameters at patients with right hemiparesis - women






P2 Control group N=20

Experimental group


Control group N=20

Experimental group N=36

SPD(cm²) 97,25 106,125 > 0,05 101 98,75 <0,05 SPS (cm²) 91 100,125 > 0,05 91 95,8 <0,05 PBD (kPa) 53,925 43,7625 < 0,05 65,1 54,685 <0,05 PBS (kPa) 46,7 57,7 > 0,05 67,3 66,835 <0,05 PBA (%) 53,4 51,85 <0,05 57 56,17 <0,05 PBP (%) 46,933 48,15 >0,05 43 43,83 <0,05

PBLS (%) 55,86667 55,225 <0,05 51,9 54,83 <0,05 PBLD (%) 44,13333 44,775 <0,05 48,1 45,37 <0,05 PBSA (%) 20,075 29,425 >0,05 33,45 30,82 <0,05 PBSP (%) 24,75 25,8 <0,05 18,45 24,065 <0,05 PBDA (%) 24,275 22,4375 >0,05 23,5 20,065 <0,05 PBDS (%) 30,9 22,3375 <0,05 24,55 24,51 <0,05

From the assessment of baropodometric pressure it has showed that the control group (patients in trials without MBT) showed statistically significant elevated values compared to the experimental group (with MBT), of the center of pressure deviation, towards the left unaffected lower limb. This deviation was observed in 29 patients, representing 76.32% of the cases. In 6 patients, representing 15.8% of patients, the deviation center of pressure was normal, and in 3 patients (7.9%) the deviation was towards the paretic side. As represented in Tables 1 and 2 there were also statistically significant parameter changes of oscillations values. Other baropodometric parameters showed no statistically conclusive negative growth as compared with the control group. But in tryout without MBT in both groups there were no statistically significant differences between the experimental group and the control group after most of the parameters studied.

Table nr. 2 Baropodometric parameters at patients with right hemiparesis – men

Baropodometric parameters


WITH MBT P2 Control Exp. Control Exp.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


group N= 20

group N=50

group N= 20

group N = 50

SPD(mm) 90,25 97,25 > 0,05 100,3 98,125 <0,05 SPS (mm) 88 91 > 0,05 99,3 93 <0,05 PBD (kPa) 60,85 53,925 < 0,05 58,98 55,75 <0,05

PBS (kPa) 55,7 46,7 > 0,05 55,08 53,375 <0,05

PBA (%) 52,65 42,38 <0,05 54,04 51,1125 <0,05 PBP (%) 47,35 57,62 >0,05 45,96 48,8875 <0,05

PBLS (%) 47,075 45,16 <0,05 49,42 47,25 <0,05 PBLD (%) 52,925 54,96 <0,05 51,12 52,75 <0,05 PBSA (%) 25,675 20,075 >0,05 25,82 75,0625 <0,05 PBSP (%) 21,4 24,75 <0,05 21,44 20,3125 <0,05 PBDA (%) 26,95 24,275 >0,05 27,35 24,175 <0,05 PBDP (%) 25,95 30,9 <0,05 25,4 28,575 <0,05

a. b.

Fig. 1 Baropodometry with (b.) and without (a.) MBT Table nr. 3 Baropodometric parameters evolution with CP oscillations in right hemiparesis Oscillations WITHOUT MBT


P2 Medium group

Light Group

Medium group

Light group

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OLS -2,09667 -1,2775 -1,675 -2,355 OLD 3,343333 0,64125 1,435 2,471 OA 9,67 4,0125 7,86 9,4595 OP -7,42 -5,24875 -10,18 -6,4905 Table nr. 4 Baropodometric parameters evolution with CP oscillations in left hemiparesis Oscillations WITHOUT MBT


P2 Medium group

Light Group

Medium group

Light group

OLS -2,35333 -1,82625 -0,885 -2,4315 OLD 1,613333 1,34625 1,685 2,5015 OA 8,14 4,0575 6,355 11,6075 OP -6,89667 -5,6 -5,2 -


a. b.

Fig. 2, Center of gravity oscillations on each inferior limb

The analysis of the results allows to conclude that most examined patients formed normostable type of static postural balance. Above are presented images with baric pressures of plantograms (Fig. 1 a and b) and the degree of pressure oscillations of the center of each inferior limb in a patient with right hemiparesis and one with left hemiparesis. (Fig. 2 a and b).

Patient distribution according to center of pressure distribution


16 8 0 00 0 0 0 0

Series 1 74 16 8

Series 2

lotul 1 lotul 2 lotul 3

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Fig. 3. Patient distribution according to center of pressure

group 1 - deviation to the affected side, group 2 - normal, group 3 -

deviation to the affected side Baropodometric research conducted in this study demonstrated that most patients with post stroke hemiparesis ensure static stability of the body in upright position by moving the center of pressure toward the unaffected limb. But the results of this study showed that there is a group of patients who developed another strategy for ensuring stability in maintaining upright body posture. The data represents a high importance for recovery planning for this type of disease.

Conclusions and motions/suggestions

Like other devices, balance methods of assessment, the baropodometric testing platform can provide important data regarding the postural balance evaluation. These data allow us to perform analyzes on the state of training, parameters of balance manifestation.

As particularly important in the treatment after stroke, balance can be restored. Classic treatment are a solution also new technology gives us other opportunities. Finding new methods and helpful equipment in balance recovering, post stroke statics, must be a constant concern of specialists. Baropodometric platform and MBT physiotherapy device are a device that can evaluate and train retrain a patient.

Bibliographical references:

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


1. Apostol I. Fiziologie clinică și performanță umană, Iași: Gr. T. Popa UMF, 2003. p. 210-216.

2. Danelciuc, F.T., MBT și rolul lor în recuperarea controlului postural. În: Cultura fizică: probleme ştiinţifice ale învăţământului şi sportului: Materialele Conferinșei Ştiinţifice Internașionale a Doctoranzilor. Chişinău: USEFS, 16 -17 .11 .2012, p. 61 -65.

3. Kiss, J., Recuperarea neuro-motorie prin mijloace fizical-kinetice partea a II-a. București: Medicală, 1989. p.66.

4. Nica, S.A. Compendiu de medicină fizică şi recuperare, Bucureşti: Universitară, 1998, p. 23-27; 35-39; 59-68.


Cuvinte cheie: baropodometrie, evaluare, recuperare, echilibru, dispozitiv de fizioterapie. Rezumat Capacităţile coordinative se manifestă sub forme diferite, una dintre ele fiind capacitatea de a se echilibra, cu rol hotărâtor în statică, mers, în desfăşurarea activităţilor cotidiene a persoanelor post AVC. Studiul efectuat şi-a propus să evidenţieze avantajele pe care poate să le ofere un echipament adecvat şi judicios utilizat în cazul persoanelor post AVC, pentru evaluarea echilibrului postural cu ajutorul baropodometriei cât şi antrenarea lui prin utilizarea dispozitivului de fizioterapie MBT.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016




Asist. Univ. Dr. Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Keywords: stroke, rehabilitation, postural balance

Summary In our contemporary society, marked by the development of human civilization, we face more and more diseases and pain, caused by the daily lifestyle for each of us. The influence of these features of civilization are felt in the health of our legs, forced to bear the throbing rhythm within an artificial urban context. Should not surprise us the gradual atrophy and the overuse of the joints and hence the list may continue. Introduction For 10 years, Karl Müller and and his team of specialists (doctors, physiotherapists, etc...), built a sole with multiple layers based on core „Masai Sensor” for the purpose of recreating natural conditions of walking on soft and uneven soils. Keeping the natural rolling movement, MBT creates an instability underfoot that has to be offset by increased muscle activity, this way the body is allowed to walk naturally and benefit from the stimulatory effects on locomotor system and the whole body. The use of this type of therapeutic footwear has a beneficial effect on the whole body by activation of the muscles, improve posture, reducing the load on the hip and knee joints. The important part of rehabilitation of static functions, is representated by training the balance function(ROBERTS, T.D.M., 1979). For training the stability there are used physical therapeutic exercises, static platforms and sensory stimulation processes. However, these methods do not always correspond to the requirements of modern recovery because of the limited control of performing tasks by the patient. Material and method

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By using MBT physiotherapy device and also by checking the through plantograms which registers the pressure exerted by the person sitting on platform (wearing the MBT devices) it can be observed the degree and extent of pressure performed at the time given by the review. Prof. Dr. ATTILA SZÉPLAKI M.D., said that: MBT physiotherapy device (Masai Barefoot Technology) is combining a specially constructed shoe with a program of motion specially designed , built on the principle of simple and natural postural orthostatic and going further, natural walking. The goal The basic aim of the method of re-education of postural control by using the baropodometric platform is represented by establishing misconduct stability and vertical position asymmetry through plantogrames, and by using MBT devices, to educate postural control. Reaching the achieve purpose is performed by teaching the patient to move the center of gravity (to hence the pressure ) to the affected area which will induce an increased stability. (Karl M. 2004). Reeducation mechanism of postural control (balance - vertical position) underlies the principle of using physiotherapy devices MBT that gives the possibility of correction of vertical body position of the patient, which must maintain its equilibrium in critical positions. (Benno Nigg, Sabrina Hintzen, Reed Ferber, 2006). The basic component of the rehabilitation process is the registration center projection pressure parameters that reflect delayed stability. Recording is performed using the pressure boropodometric platform, which is placed on the patient. Centre pressure parameters are recorded, reflecting on your monitor screen and print plantograme print form. After performing the exercise program, the results are presented to the patient, then the program should be adjusted dynamic actions to be performed in each case. The program is made according to standard functional capabilities of a healthy individual. Usually the patient can not reach at once successively performing standard program. Therefore it is very important to induce the need to perform recuperative activities, motivation. In this case amid diminishing psycho-emotional state, it has great significance training and motivating the patient to a specialist. In the present study I proposed to me to evaluate the efficiency of devices of Physiotherapy MBT in recovering the body stability, associated with the patient's individual recovery program after

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stroke, to improve the postural control. Effectiveness of the method was studied based on the assessment of postural control development disorders and other basic clinical signs. 20 subjects aged 45-60 years, diagnosed with post stroke hemiparesis, balance is the stage of recovery were randomly divided into two equal groups: control group (with MBT) and an experimental group (without MBT). In the control group patients were selected by age, seniority and type of stroke, clinical and functional parameters did not differ from those in the experimental group. The control group was followed for 45 minutes daily for a period of five weeks of physical therapy sessions in which MBT sites have been used for various exercises positions. The experimental group followed the same program of physical therapy (rehabilitation), traditional exercises being conducted (using tablet balance, air mattresses, etc.), soft-unstable surfaces without MBT. All patients were evaluated before treatment and at the end of the treatment. The active treatment group had to wear MBT over a period of 5 weeks during daily activities as much as possible. Meanwhile, the control group had to perform daily home training program established by physiotherapists. The two groups were examined biomechanical and functional and have been requested parameter: a) before the start of recovery, b) after the end of three weeks of recovery, c) after 5 weeks. Uniipodal parameters were measured or bipod support through baropodometric and degree of spasticity. Analysis uniipodal or bipod support enables: • visualization and monitoring of the maximum pressure exerted on the plant in static state; every point of the fingerprint corresponds to a certain percentage of the maximum pressure thus can be spotted and quantified areas hypo or hyper support; • identifying centers of gravity in static state; Results: Following the evaluation made through electronic baropodometric (baropodometric platform) were obtained footprint static data (static state evaluation). The relationship between the plantar surface and the supporting surface. The average values of parameters baropodometric registered before and after treatment SUBJECT THE CONTROL THE EXPERIMENTAL

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


GROUP- without MBT GROUP-with MBT EVALUATION INITIAL FINAL INITIAL FINAL IM healthy 62,2 % 58,7 % 62,8 % 54,1 % IM affected 37,8 % 41,3 % 37,2 % 45,9 %

Table nr. 1 Static pressure in the lower limbs SUBJECT THE CONTROL


EVALUATION INITIAL FINAL INITIAL FINAL IM healthy 33,2 % 29,5 % 33,6 % 28,6 % IM affected 20,7 % 23,5

% 20,9 % 22,7

% Table nr. 2 In static pressure - distal part of the sole (peak)



EVALUATION INITIAL FINAL INITIAL FINAL IM healthy 29 % 29,2 % 29,2 % 25,4 % IM affected 17,1 % 17,8 % 16,3 % 23,3

% Tabel nr. 3 The pressure while stationary - on the calcaneus

After processing the data recorded by electronic baropodometric

show that subjects who carried out post stroke recovery treatments of physiotherapy devices using MBT, the average percentage of pressure exerted by the legs dipped final testing from baseline. Subjects who undergo rehabilitation treatment without MBT devices had an average percentage of lower pressure (4-5%) than the experimental group subjects. Which means the balance reflex reaction to correct balance is greater in subjects who were treated using MBT devices. Evolution of the spasticity

THE EXPERIMENTAL GROUP THE CONTROL GROUP Initial testing Final testing Initial testing Final testing 2,16 1,43 2,14 1,86

Following assessment of spasticity can see the drop of spasticity in both cases, but with a higher percentage for the experimental group. To illustrate referred below baropodometric analysis of a patient in the experimental group recorded before and after the course of treatment

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were applied kinesiology propgrams experimental physiotherapy devices using MBT.

Conclusions and suggestions Based on the results obtained it can be seen that the inclusion in postural recovery sessions of physiotherapy devices MBT patients post-stroke contribute to the superior results in reducing spasticity rehabilitation and postural control in paralyzed lower limb. As particularly important in the treatment (recovery) after stroke, balance can be restored. Treatment (recovery) is a classic solution and new technology gives us such an opportunity. Finding new methods and equipment helpful in recovering balance, statics post stroke must be a constant concern of specialists. Baropodometric platform and physiotherapy MBT device is a device that can evaluate, but also an opportunity to train him (retrain). Bibliography:

1. Exarcu T., Badiu Gh. , Fiziologia și Fiziopatologia Sistemului Nervos, Medicală București, 1978 p. 469.

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2. Duarte, M., Freitas, S.M.S.F. (2010) - Revision of posturography based on force plate for balance evaluation, Scielo, Rev. Bras. Fisioter. (vol. 14), p. 183- 192.

3. Horak F. Clinical assessment of balance disorders. In: Gait & Posture. 1997, vol. 6, p. 76 – 84.

4. Muller E., Low speed jogging mit MBT. Universitat Salzburg, Departament of Sport Science and Kinesiology. Interner Abschlussbericht 2007, p 324.

5. SBENGHE,T., (2002) – Kinesiologie – Ştiinţa mişcării, Editura Medicală, Bucureşti, pg. 263; 376-395.



Cuvinte cheie: accident vascular, recuperare, echilibru postural Rezumat: În societatea contemporană, marcată de evoluţia civilizației umane, ne confruntăm tot mai mult cu afecţiuni şi dureri provocate de ritmul cotidian şi stilul de viaţă al fiecăruia dintre noi. Influenţa acestor caracteristici ale civilizaţiei moderne se resimt în sănătatea picioarelor noastre, forţate să suporte zilnic un ritm trepidant într-un context artificial urban. Nu trebuie să ne surprindă astfel atrofierea treptată a musculaturii şi suprasolicitarea articulaţiilor şi de aici lista poate continua.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016




Ina Pîrlii, PhD student, SUPES

Keywords: assessment, didactic process, subject, physical

education and sport

Abstract. The assessment of the teaching quality implies a process that allows the appreciation of the effectiveness of academic staff which ensures a specific component from a specific study program. Assessment practices raises questions on what counts as a "science / to know" or "knowing / knowledge" in a certain culture. By the skill to utilize resources and management capacity of the educational process (therefore, the teaching strategy) depend, ultimately, the academic obtained performances by the students. Thus, to establish an evaluation strategy in education is equal to fixing when assessing, in what form, by what methods and means, how you value the information obtained etc. Of course, in the end, according to the conclusions, the student will change its strategy of learning, the teacher the one of teaching and manager the managerial strategy. The assessment strategy shows how to integrate the action of assessment (achievable by the measuring-appraisal-decision operations) in the structure of didactic teaching activity functioning. The evaluation strategy reflects the increasing trend of evaluative actions: from the traditional checks to assess processes and progress conditions of teaching activities, situations of training / learning.

Introduction. Quality assessment in higher education has increased

greatly in recent decades, the researches being focused specifically on the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


quality of teaching - practice increasingly common in higher education in different countries. In this context, teaching is an important factor in assessing the professional quality of the teaching staff.

The researches targeting the higher education from the Republic of Moldova are insufficient, especially, in assessing the quality of teaching, although we could say that its share in the educational process is through a significant percentage of over 50% of a teacher total activity. The assessment of the teaching quality implies a process that allows the appreciation of the effectiveness of academic staff which ensures a specific component from a specific study program [1]. Thus, the goal of the evaluation is to monitor and determine continuously the measure assessment whether the learning outcomes correspond to the target objectives, teaching methods and curriculum content. Moreover, the essential component of teaching process, the assessment, helps to improve the quality of teaching by monitoring innovations in teaching, improvement of courses, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of teaching, active involvement of students in teaching and learning, identifying the problems, the difficulties encountered by students, checking the students’ expectations by measuring satisfaction degree regarding the teaching provided in the disciplines of studies [3,4].

The assessment of education process quality through the students opinions is part of the quality system implemented at the State University of Physical Education and Sport, there being internal rules and procedures in this regard.

The goal of research is to evaluate the quality of teaching the course "Basics of State and Law" through the students’ opinion to identify the specific components of it, concrete techniques used by the didactic staff and not least, to implement within this process, new elements, as effect of the essential questions of the students, but without pretending to an exhaustive statement, given the scale and complexity of the problem addressed.

The methodology of research: literature review, investigation, self-observation, systematic observation, statistical mathematical analysis and graphical method.

Administrarea şi chestionarea studenţilor a avut loc prin distribuirea (chestionarului) şi interpretarea răspunsurilor acordate de către studenţi, cu referire la calitatea predării disciplinei de studiu “Bazele statului şi dreptului”. Activitatea de răspuns la chestionare a fost

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


realizată în cadrul seminariilor desfăşurate cu studenţii de la facultăţile de Sport, Kinetoterapie, Pază, protecţie şi securitate ale USEFS.

The processes of students questioning and results analysis Administration and questioning students was held by distributing

(questionnaire) and interpreting the answers given by the students, referring to the quality of teaching the study subject "Basics of State and Law". Activity response to the survey was conducted within the seminars conducted with students from the faculties of Sports, Physical Therapy, Guard, Protection and Security of SUPES. The methodology for calculating assumed the weighting of responses to declared presence at the course. This self-confessed presence of students, not always show absolute credibility, but the anonymity of questionnaire however incubates a note of sincerity from the respondents. Below there are the results of the analysis of questionnaires. Because of information confidentiality are presented only the synthetic values. In Table 1 we present the number of respondents, the number of valid answers, evaluation criteria of teaching study subject "Basics of State and Law" and the percentage of the results from it.

Table 1.

The number of respondents and evaluation criteria of teaching study subject

"Basics of State and Law" Nr. of


Nr. of respondents

Nr. of valid answers

Evaluation criteria of reference subject \

Answers (%)




Structuring of curricular


Difficulty degree

Volume and applicative value

of discipline

Connection with other

subjects and

interdisciplinary nature

Teaching way and rhythm

Interactivity degree

Innovative content and

To more than

80% of


were received

the expected


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


degree of intellectual and

creative development

Availability to questions

The presence at the course

In Figure 1 and Figure 2 we reflect the situation and reasons for

student absences (according to their statements) at the study discipline "Basics of State and Law"




0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Sports fac.

Physical therapy fac.

GPS fac.

Figure 1. Students’ attendance at the subject “Basics of State and Law”

Attendance at the course

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Sportsfac. Physical


GPS fac.








34 The course was notinterestingwork

personal reasons

good attendance

Figure 2. The reasons for missing the course

In the Table 2 we present criteria for evaluating the subject "Basics

of State and Law" and the results from each of it. The evaluation criteria are included in the value scale of 1 to 5 points, which is the minimum (1) and maximum (5) satisfaction degree of students on study discipline submitted for evaluation.

Nr. of


Evaluation criteria Minimal criteria 1 2 3 4 5

1. Structuring of curricular content

Answer = 2: it is required material restructuring

1 2 3 4 5

2. Difficulty degree Answer = 3: it is required to change the way of transmission the knowledge Answer = 4: optional modification of the teacher

1 2 3 4 5

3. Volume and applicative value of discipline

Answer = 2: filling content with discipline with New topics Answer = 4: focus on content material

1 2 3 4 5

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


4. Connection with other subjects and

interdisciplinary nature

Answer = 2: differentiated approach to complementary disciplines

1 2 3 4 5

5. Teaching way and rhythm

Answer = 3: Requesting restructuring of speech / presentation for response, appropriate teaching rhythm

1 2 3 4 5

6. Interactivity degree

Answer =3: good enough

1 2 3 4 5

7. Innovative content and degree of intellectual and

creative development

Answer = 3: fairly high, the teacher manifests a concern in this regard

1 2 3 4 5

8. Availability to questions Answer = 3: quite high, the teacher manifests an availability to questions

1 2 3 4 5

From Table 2 we can see that in terms of the structure of the

course "Basics of State and Law", this must be restructured according to student opinion. Specifically, the course structure is not sufficiently clear and contains few examples of topics on practice as compared to what is required in the exam.

Regarding the difficulty of the subject, the students said that it must be changed the method of transmission the knowledge, namely, it would be more effective if the teacher would proceed to explain more concrete on the terminology addressed in teaching and theoretical content curriculum it would be filled on examples of legal court cases in sport.

On the volume and value of the discipline, the students reflected the fact that it is too big and theorized, recommending completion the content with new problematic. We can also notice in Table 2 respectively in terms of relationship with other disciplines and interdisciplinary character, a score insufficient given by students, only 2 points, which requires the use of learning as a method, which would help to solve problems regardless of discipline. For example, by using algorithms as a tool for solving various problems and presenting them in visual form (games, simulations, legal cases and simple applications), it would be provided inter- and transdisciplinary, it would be realized the connection between different disciplines, through the use of modern technology, thus developing creativity, teamwork and critical thinking.

Referring to the difficulty of the subject "Basics of State and Law", students consider that this course could be restructured and organized in a

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context accordingly the training activities in relation to the specific situation of learning. For example, communication addressed by the teacher in teaching, pedagogical message prepared and submitted by him to be clear, concrete and easy to be perceived, treated and valued by the student.

In the end we can affirm that it should be achieved continuous assessment of the discipline of study so as to ensure regulation - self-regulation of the activity of permanent education / training. Thus, the correlation of capabilities to know the wishes of students, teaching specific requirements to optimize design, routing business education / training and continuous assessment of the subject they teach, can outline the ideal image of the teaching profession, a structured pedagogical competence. Moreover, it operationalization reflects the overall performance virtually, adaptable to any context, to the extent that provides design, construction, development and completion of training curricular activity [2,5].

The worldwide practiced models of analysis in recent years and reproduced in documents of national and European policies (e.g. Ministry of Education and Research of Romania, 2002; Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, 2014) outline a profile of pedagogical competence of the teacher of any subject which "means more than the fulfillment of separate standard." All these standards - knowledge and understanding of scientific and pedagogical field, classroom organization, teaching planning, monitoring and evaluation activities - "should be taken as a whole to fully appreciate the creativity, the energy required by teaching, managerial abilities own to teaching profession" [5].

Bibliography: 1. Budevici – Puiu L. Pregătirea profesională a specialiştilor de cultură fizică prin utilizarea jocurilor de organizare – consolidare. – Chişinău: Valinex, 2007, 198 p. 2. Cristea S. Studii de pedagogie general. – Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică, 2004, pag.135 – 137. 3. Lisievici P. Calitatea învăţământului. Cadru conceptual, evaluare şi dezvoltare, 1997.

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4. Platon C. Evaluarea calităţii în învăţămîntul universitar. Analele ştiinţifice ale Universităţii de Stat din Moldova, Seria “Ştiinţe socioumanistice”, Chişinău, 2001, vol II, p. 55-58. 5. Opere citite - Standarde Naţionale pentru statutul de profesor calificat/Agenţia de Formare a Cadrelor Didactice din Marea Britanie, Anexa 1, pag.141 – 149.



Amelicichin E., PhD student SUPES

Keywords: marketing abilities, practice stages, socialization,

communication, management.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Abstract: Results of the final evaluation in discipline "Methodology of marketing research " can be an important factor in identifying the students’ skills, knowledge and abilities required by the labor market. Learning by means of practice represents a method of the students' practical training in order to develop the necessary skills to become valuable employees or responsible enterprising. Practice stage provides the training of professional skills and gaining the experience regarding the organization and achievement of activities in the professional field. Practice stages are an essential element also in the professional specialization of the students.

Introduction: The learning results related to the student’s

achievements, rather than the teacher's goals, are usually expressed through what the learner must know, understand and be able to do in the end of a level or module [1,3].

The quality of learning is appreciated as far as possesses transformer qualities, implying the generation of some results in students’ behavior, of certain changes in the behavior of those who learn. Practice stages constitute a compulsory part of the educational process and are realized in order to consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired by students during the years of study and training of the competences established by the National Qualifications Framework [1,9]. Being a key element of the educational process and of professional activity, practice stage provides professional skills training and gaining the experience regarding the organization and activities achievement in the professional field. Practice stages are an essential element also in the students’ professional specialization. The success of graduates in the labor market will depend in a large way, by the degree of which they will know the specifics of professional activity. As a result of carrying out the practice stages, the student - future specialist can determine the prospects for professional achievement in the chosen specialization and the results of the practice justify the assignment of the graduate professional qualifications [2,4,5].

During the period of managerial practice the students become aware of the experience of those who work in these institutions, manage to acquire pragmatic sides of their future professions, ways of applying theoretical knowledge to solve problems that constitute the activities content specific to the field of activity where they work. Students learn to operate with means (tools, sports equipment, documents, registers,

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etc.) which with their help is actually carried out the activity specific to the training field.

Thus in managerial practice, students interdisciplinary apply the studied concepts and carry out their study in a functional system, university or specialized chair, and also it is created teaching approach, by the coordinator of practice, for approaching and application of some new concepts, useful in organizing and leading a business in the sports field. Another goal, issued from this is to check the impact of such a program on the development and improvement of strategies and learning styles of the students, targeted towards understanding and self-regulated learning [1,6,7].

Aim of research consists in determining the level of practical skills development to MA students in the subject "Methodology of Marketing Research "

Methodology of research: The study of bibliographic documents academic available; systematic observation; written survey (observation rubric); portfolios analysis, analysis of the results in managerial practice.

Results achieved in the research The determination of the level of practical skills development, for

MA students that have reviewed the curriculum content of discipline " Methodology of Marketing Research " has let the analysis of whether a program of managerial practice carried out by the MA students of the specialty "Marketing and Legislation in sports" can help to the efficiency of learning and lead to change the students' opinions and conceptions about learning in a constructive way.

Starting from the hypothesis of study, completed by the fact that a program of managerial practice carried out by the MA students of the specialty "Marketing and legislation in sport" can contribute to improve learning and also to increase the use of learning strategies centered on concrete practical activities and application of theoretical knowledge acquired in the course " Methodology of marketing research ", we realized the research on identifying skills that can be acquired by students in the end of practice stage regarding the study discipline " Methodology of marketing research ".

Thus, to the groups of MA students, practitioners the ability of application of the theoretical knowledge achieved in discipline "Methodology of Marketing Research " has been tested in various practical activities, directly concrete marketing researches, depending on

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


a number of criteria, reflected in Table 1 and the concrete achievement of some direct marketing researches reflected in Table 2.

Table 1.

The main marketing research activities in promoting sports entity achieved by MA students in managerial practice stage

Table 1.

Main activities of marketing research in the field of promoting sporting entity achieved by MA students during the period of

managerial practice

Table 2.

Direct researches achieved by MA students

Activities of marketing researches

achieved by MA students

The application importance

of researches in sports entities

Activities of marketing researches in the field of the product buying


The application importance

of researches in sports entities

Studies regarding the motivations

23 Preference towards sports program


Studies regarding advertising and its


54 Gratification given by the product


Studies regarding public image

65 Buying behavior 61

Studies regarding mass – media

26 Buying aims 47

Studies regarding trade power

34 Segmentation Studies


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Criteria Models of researches Way of assumption the information

from the carrier Observation and survey

Way of development in time Permanent and occasional researches

Way of developing the research

Conducted researches at the place of performing the sports events

Researches achieved at the office of sports entity

Street researches Kind of information that follows to

be achieved Quantitative research Qualitative research

Master students conducted marketing researches by their own, based on the requirements established by the head of the managerial practice, based on discussions with friends, employees of monitored entities and their customers. Also MA students said that this would be the only way to really understand the desires of active participants in sport or of fans / customers. Moreover, they believe that the success of communication depends on this understanding. Therefore, the observation method, although it does not allow to obtain some complex information as in the event of survey, it has the advantage of rendering the natural behavior, effectively of sports consumers, without involving the information carrier. The Recurrence to observation requires direct involvement of master student, as potential practicing marketer or manager, respectively their attendance to playgrounds, to gyms, the stands, point of sale of tickets in sporting events, shops of sports gifts and all places where we can collect information regarding consumers and products. Intending the managers in the system and their professional training, preponderant sporting one, this helps them to obtain useful information, such as, for example, personal addresses and other data that cannot be obtained through observation, but by resorting to investigate directly.

Also the practicing MA student has resorted to the achievement of market researches, such as: projecting a new sporting event or product; studies concerning the reviewing the structure of prices stadium or sports arena; the analysis of prices revaluation of certain sports services; revaluation of analysis of price gaps between different products or different places in the stands.

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Moreover, the most common interrogation techniques based on a structured interview, used by practicing MA students as a research tool was the survey. Elaboration of survey has been done with the coordinator of managerial practice, being decisive in achieving the research purpose and objectives. Firstly Master student had to determine necessity of information and later, only to include questions that need answers, anticipating where possible, the types of answers that they expect to receive and the way they will use them. The structure and content of the survey aimed a functional diagram, starting with general questions and continuing with the specific and vice versa ones. Each question has been evaluated from the point of view of its understanding by the respondent, of the probability of getting an answer; simple questions, objectives, that usually receive clearer answers than the questions grouped by topics.

Further we present the results obtained by MA students on the completion of the practice stage in groups of achieved researches. The comparison was conducted between the control group (who did not pass the optional educational program previously set by the coordinator of practice, regarding the concrete achievements on marketing researches) and experiment group (who passed this program). The groups were similar, being composed of MA 11-12 students.

The method of the portfolios analysis, of the subjects’ activity products was to analyze in terms of product, but also the process, in terms of certain parameters established in accordance with the purpose and objectives of research, of data provided by the constituent materials of the portfolio. We analyzed the portfolios made up by students in the managerial practice, considering the way of their information, documenting, collecting and processing the information, the way of creation the portfolio. We also analyzed the final product and its presentation by students of II Cycle.

We started the experiment with the idea of verifying the hypothesis in the development of each activity inserting sequences related to marketing and communication research skills.

The control group continued his teaching activity typically, using classical strategies of teaching, learning and assessment, while the experimental group had particularly a working optional educational program in the managerial practice, considering that they benefited from the study of subject "Methodology of marketing research" with a new curricular content centered on practical aspect and less theoretical one. During the advancement in this unit of learning, we provided guidance

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


and control of learning and practiced various forms of periodical evaluation (tests, surveys) and final (portfolios, tests).

The ratings which we will discuss below reflect the students' practical knowledge after optional educational program in the managerial practice. The given ratings are 1 - insufficient, 3 - sufficient, 5 - good, 7 - very good. Thus, for the items aiming oral communication ability, 30% of students in the control group received the insufficient rating, 24% sufficient rating, 20% well and 26% achieved a very good rating. Students of experimental group in a percentage of 7% achieved an insufficient rating, 12% sufficient, 44% good, but 37% achieved a very good rating, as it is shown in Table 3 and Figure 1.

Table 3. Ratings achieved for the oral communication skills of the students in the

managerial practice using specific terminology of marketing research


Minimum 1

Maximum 7


Control group Experimental Group



Good Very good


Sufficient Good Very good

30% 24% 20% 26% 7% 12% 44% 37%

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Figure 1. Graphical representation of the items achieved by MA students in oral

communication during managerial practice In Table 4 and Figure 2 are reflected the items aiming the written

communication ability. In this way, 10% of students in the control group obtain a good rating, 8% obtain sufficient rating and 30% obtain very good rating, as we notice in Table 5 and Figure 2.

Table 5.

Ratings achieved for oral communication skills of the students during managerial practice using terminology specific to marketing research


Minimum 1

Maximum 7


Control group Experimental group Insufficient Sufficient Good Very

good Insufficient Sufficient Good Very


35% 27% 15% 23% 18% 23% 29% 30%

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Figure 2. Graphical representation of the items achieved by MA students in

written communication during managerial practice In table 6 we present comparative values of research skills

specialized in marketing of the experimental group, after their evaluation by the experts group on the basis of individual activities of MA students carried out during managerial practice and reflected in the practice documentation and the compiled portfolio.

Table 6.

Comparative values of marketing research skills of the experimental group evaluated during managerial practice

Nr. of


Tested values Initial Testing

(without the detailed optional program)

Final testing

(with detailed optional program)

t p

x ± m x ± m 1. The way of information

acquiring 1,78±0,17 2,34±0,31 5,544 <

0,001 2. Studies regarding

advertising and its effectiveness

1,69±0,27 2, 38±0,24 5,543 < 0,001

3. Studies regarding public 1,84±0,29 2,53±0,21 5,746 <

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image 0,001 4. Studies regarding

motivation 2,23±0,24 3,12±0,22 7,723 <

0,001 5. Studies regarding

sporting consumers 1,81±0,25 2,6±0,20 5,392 < 0,01

6. Studies regarding communication (interviews with

members of national team in a particular

sporting trial; interviews with backers; interviews with clients of sporting


1,80±0,23 2,5±0,19 5,384 < 0,01

In Table 6 we can see that the method of collecting and processing the information at the initial testing has registered a less value 1.78 compared to 2.34 at the final testing, t being 5.544 and p less than 0.001. Furthermore the studies on advertising and its importance to master sports entities have reached initial testing values of 1.69 compared to 2.38 at the final, with t equal to 5.543 and p with a value less than 0.001. As for the registered values in studies regarding sports consumers, MA students have registered most significant values with p <0.01, t 5392, and the items from the initial testing being 1.82 compared to those from final testing 2.6. Also, we can observe significant values in studies regarding written and oral communication, where the items were registered 1.8 at the initial testing, 2.5 at the final testing, with a value of the student coefficient of 5.384 and a p <0.01 .

In conclusion we can affirm that through the carried out activities during practical seminars, including also managerial practice, MA students understood what does the organizing process and marketing planning involve, that have managed to materialize and to set goals, to express strategies, develop budgets and expense estimates for achieved sports activities, to apply tactical actions and assessment methods. Moreover, by conducting some marketing research activities, they learned to elaborate and interpret surveys, to analyze the obtained data in various studies of specialty, to process the gathered information and to make conclusions. At the same time, they understood that the determination of the chosen behavior of the sport consumer may essentially contribute for the changing of the consumers’ reactions in information, the way of their interpreting, way of their combination and integration with other information [5,8].

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


In conclusion we can say that all this accumulated knowledge in seminars and in learning process, have contributed to acquisition of marketing skills so necessary to promote and develop sports services.

Bibliography 1. Balaure V. Marketing. Editia a II-a revazută si adaugită, Uranus ,

Bucureşti, 2002. 2. Evans J. R. , B. Berman . Retail Management: A Strategic

Approach, Twelfth Edition; Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2013.

3. Grigorut C. , Ploae V., Zagan R., Zaharia R., Micu A. University Marketing.- The National Library of Romania, 2011.

4. Kotler Ph. The marketing Management. Analysis, planning, implementation and review.- Teora,1998,p.173.

5. Kotler, Ph., Armstrong, G., Saunders, J., Wong, V. Principles of Marketing Paperback – Abridged, 1998, p.43-50.

6. Macavei E.Pedagogie.Teoria educaţiei, vol.I, Aramis Print, Bucureşti, 2001, p 326-328.

7. Mitnitcaia L., Budevici – Puiu L.Marketing general şi sportive, Balinex, Chişinău, 2008.

8. Zaharia, R. The social-political Marcheting. – Uranus, Bucureşti, 2000.

9. https://carieraplus.wordpress.com/2014/11/07/despre-formarea-si-dezvoltarea-profesionala-si-personala/



Bestiuc Afanasov Maria1

Florin Leuciuc2 1Miron Costin Gymnasial School Suceava

2 Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava

Keywords: competences, gymnastics, gymnasium, physical


THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Abstract:The new curriculum is designed as a balance between core curriculum and school curriculum and contributes to decentralization and flexibility in curricular decisions at school level. The aim of our study is the finding opportunities to improve technology new teaching by developing training models operational, intermediate and final for practicing gymnastics lessons, models to coincide with the biomotrical and mental possibilities of the pupils in the 5th and 6th in order to conduct general and specific skills of physical education. Achieving general skills and competencies of physical education by means of gymnastics in the current curriculum has been successful to experiment group, boys and girls, within two years of practice due to the rationalization and optimization of resources for basic gymnastics, acrobatic and jumps, and thanks to achieve consistent patterns of practical training. Permanent was intended to achieve specific competences deriving from themes and are related to the school physical education competences.

Introduction In terms of curricular reform is a new curriculum for 5th and 6th

grades is drafted from the perspective of the transition from model curriculum design centered on objectives - to the model focused on competences (School curriculum for classes 5th – 8th, Physical Education and Sports, București, 2009, p.2). The new curriculum is designed as a balance between core curriculum and school curriculum and contributes to decentralization and flexibility in curricular decisions at school level. Our study aims is to highlight the contribution of basic gymnastics, acrobatic, jumps to achieve general skills and competencies specific to the classes Fifth and Sixth, as a preparation decisive in achieving the final model of the graduate secondary school. Important aspect of this study presents finding ways to improve the means of gymnastics by morpho-functional, motor and mental particularities of the pupils in the 5th and 6th grades whereas the achievement of general skills and specific causes a change of orientation of components and factors of the educational process: content, methods, means and organization. To achieve a better health of children, their physical harmonious, learning skills and abilities necessary for various activities and achieve performance in school sports is imperative thorough knowledge of the

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morphological and functional particularities of the pupils from 5th and 6th grade, who are in full somatic and vegetative growth. At this age there is an intensification of somatic growth and development of functional capacity of the body. Body weight is generally small compared to the length. Children grow quickly in height, muscle stretches, and development remains behind. Develop visual and acoustic-vestibular analyzers favors improvement of gymnastics movements. Increased heart rate makes it difficult to adapt to intense efforts, which require careful dosing. Morpho-functional development level of the respiratory system is insufficient and constitutes a factor of limited exercise capacity, but it can be improved with the development of the lungs and respiratory muscles by gymnastic exercises.

A good understanding of these anatomic, physiological and mental particularities will underpin to plan the specific content of physical education learning units in gymnastics.

Material-method The aim of our study is the finding opportunities to improve

technology new teaching by developing training models operational, intermediate and final for practicing gymnastics lessons, models to coincide with the biomotrical and mental possibilities of the pupils in the 5th and 6th in order to conduct general and specific skills of physical education.

By rationalizing and optimizing the basic gymnastics, acrobatic and jumps, while developing motor skills specific by a continuous increase efficiency lessons in terms of volume, intensity and complexity of the exercise, by performing formative aspect of lessons, assessing systematic and continuous level reached biomotric quantitative accumulation is achieved gradually achieving favorable physical education skills provided in the current curriculum. In our study which aims at making skills using state of school physical education in the school curriculum gymnastics I used several research methods in different stages. We present these methods depending on the steps followed in the study appearance: bibliographic, pedagogical observation, educational experiment, statistical and mathematical, graphics.

Assessment test for ground exercise or isolated acrobatic elements and jumping at gymnastics devices: for 5th grade - jump in support crouched on the gymnastics crate transversaly, followed by descent right

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


jump and for 6th grade - jump in support crouched on the gymnastics crate transversaly, followed by straight jump with extension. Gymnastics lessons were held in the gym of the Secondary School "Miron Costin" Suceava with size 50m / 30m. The gym is equipped with five fixed ladders, 10 gymnastics mats, elastic trampoline, semi-elastic trampoline, two gymnastics crates, a computer connected to the internet, 30 sticks, three medicine balls, 30 bottles of sand (0.5 kg), gym six banks, three devices with traction bars, 2 panels basketball, field sports game handball, field sports game volleyball court, tennis field. In the experiment group are 22 boys and 18 girls coming from class 5th B. The control group is numerically equal to sample experiment and consists of students of class 5th A (22 boys and 18 girls). The stages of the study were determined by climatic conditions were the determining factor favoring the lessons and gymnastics in both samples in 5 grade between 24.11.2014 - 03.06.2015 and in 6 grade between 23.11. 2015 - 18.3.2016.

Results and discissions Technical preparation level to the ground exercise, isolated

acrobatic elements - boys The experiment group, 5th grade

Mark 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10 Frequence 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 4 1 4

X = 9.60 I = 9.00 – 10.00 Above X – 12 cases, below X – 9 cases, equal X – 1 case.

The experiment group, 6th grade

Mark 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10 Frequence 2 2 6 3 4 1 2 2

X = 9,61 I = 9.30 – 10.00 Above X – 12 cases, below X – 10 cases. The average index of progress = 0.01.

The control group, 5th grade

Mark 8.40 8.50 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10

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Frequence 1 2 4 4 6 4 1

X = 8.81 I = 8.40 – 9.10 Above X - 11 cases, below X – 11 cases.

The control group, 6th grade

Mark 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10

Frequence 2 2 3 8 3 2 2

X = 8.80 I = 8.50 – 9.10 Above X – 7 cases, below X – 7 cases, equal X – 8 cases. The average index of progress = 0.01. The average difference at final testings – 6th grade between

experiment and control groups were 0.81 for experiment group.

Technical preparation level to the ground exercise, isolated acrobatic elements - girls

The experiment group, 5th grade Mark 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.80 9.90 10

Frequence 1 1 4 4 3 1 4

X = 9.68 I = 9.30 – 10.00 Above X – 8 cases, below X – 10 cases. The experiment group, 6th grade

Mark 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10 Frequence 2 1 4 2 3 2 4

X = 9.68 I = 9.40 – 10.00 Above X – 11 cases, below X – 7 cases. The average index of progress = 0.

The control group, 5th grade

Mark 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10

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Frequence 3 4 5 2 1 1 1 1

X = 8.63 I = 8.40 – 9.10 Above X – 6 cases, below X – 12 cases.

The control group, 6th grade

Mark 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00

Frequence 3 2 4 3 2 2 2

X = 8.67 I = 8.40 – 9.00 Above X – 9 cases, below X – 9 cases. The average index of progress = 0.04 due to the degree of

difficulty has higher than in 5th grade. The average difference at final testings – 6th grade between

experiment and control groups were 1.01 for experiment group.

9,6 9,61

9,68 9,68

8,81 8,8

















Eşantionul deexperimentEşantionulmartor


Graphical representation of average results obtained in the ground

exercise, freely chosen (boys, girls) Jumps – boys Experimental group, 5th grade

Experiment group Control group

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Mark 8.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10

Frequences 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 2 2 1 4

X = 9.55 I = 8.90 – 10.00 Above X – 11 cases, below X – 11 cases.

Experimental group, 6th grade

Mark 9.00 9.10 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.80 9.90 10

Frequence 1 2 1 4 4 4 3 1 2

X = 9.53 I = 9.00 – 10.00 Above X – 10 cases, below X – 12 cases. The index somewhat weaker (-0.02) due to higher degree of

difficulty than in 5th grade. Control group, 5th grade

Mark 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 Frequence 1 3 3 3 4 4 4

X = 8.75 I = 8.40 – 9.00 Above X – 12 cases, below X -10 cases.

Control group, 6th grade

Mark 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10

Frequence 3 5 5 5 4

X = 8.90 I = 8.70 – 9.10 Above X – 9 cases, below X – 8 cases, equal with X - 5 cases. The average index of progress = 0.15 The average difference at final testings – 6th grade between

experiment and control groups were 0.63 for experiment group.

Jumps, girls

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Experimental group, 5th grade Mark 9.00 9.20 9.30 9.40 9.50 9.60 9.70 9.80 9.90

Frequence 1 1 1 3 2 4 2 2 2

X = 9.55 I = 9.00 – 9.90 Above X -10 cases, below X – 8 cases.

Experimental group, 6th grade

Mark 9.30 9.40 9.50 9,60 9.70 9.80 9.90 10

Frequence 1 1 4 3 2 3 1 3

X = 9.67 I = 9.30 – 10.00 Above X – 9 cases, below X -9 cases. The average index of progress = 0.12 due to the degree of

difficulty has higher than in 5th grade. Control group, 5th grade

Mark 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00 9.10

Frequence 3 2 3 2 4 3 1

X = 8.78 I = 8.50 – 9.10 Above X – 10 cases, below X – 8 cases.

Control group, 6th grade

Mark 8.40 8.50 8.60 8.70 8.80 8.90 9.00

Frequence 2 3 2 3 2 2 4

X = 8.72 I = 8.40 – 9.00 Above X – 8 cases, below X – 10 cases The average index of progress = 0.06 due to the degree of

difficulty has higher than in 5th grade. The average difference at final testings – 6th grade between

experiment and control groups were 0.85 for experiment group.

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9,55 9,53 9,55




















Eşantionul deexperiment


Graphical representation of average results obtained on jumps (boys,


Conclusions Achieving general skills and competencies of physical education by means of gymnastics in the current curriculum has been successful to experiment group, boys and girls, within two years of practice due to the rationalization and optimization of resources for basic gymnastics, acrobatic and jumps, and thanks to achieve consistent patterns of practical training. Permanent was intended to achieve specific competences deriving from themes and are related to the school physical education competences.

Better technical results at the experiment group, both girls and boys obtained in the ground exercise (acrobatic elements isolated) and jumps were due and specific physical preparation on the development of strength, speed, coordination and of specific resistance.

It has achieved a new type of relationship in joint work of pupils under the careful guidance of the teacher who played the proponent for pupils activity, and they became active in learning process to understand the value of training their own self-assessment results.

Independent practice exercises for major muscle groups developing strength, mobility of the spine, the hip-femoral and scapular-humeral joints increased efficiency physical education lessons in gymnastics themes.

Experiment group Control group

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Pupils participation in evaluating the level of the body phisiological functions I was aware and I convinced them the favorable effects of the movement that influenced the strengthening of health.

Two hours of physical education per week are not enough to ensure a proper sports and physical preparation and the introduction of one hour of sports activities based on pupils demands could be a good solution.

References 1. Cârstea, Gheorghe – Teoria şi metodica educaţiei fizice şi

sportului, Editura AN-DA, București, 2000 2. Dragomir, Pertică, Scarlat, Eugeniu – Educaţia fizică şcolară,

E.D.P., București, 2004 3. Luca, Alice – Gimnastica în ciclul gimnazial, Editura „Dosoftei”,

Iaşi 4. Rus, Cristian Mihail – Pentru profesorul de educaţie fizică şi

sport.Gimnastica, Editura Sport-Turism, București, 2005 5. Programe şcolare pentru clasele a V-a – a VI-a, Aria curriculară

Educaţie fizică şi sport, București, 2009



Cuvinte cheie: competențe, gimnastică, gimnaziu, educație fizică

Rezumat: Noul curriculum şcolar este conceput ca un echilibru între curriculum nucleu şi curriculum la decizia şcolii şi contribuie la descentralizarea şi flexibilitatea deciziilor curriculare la nivelul unităţilor şcolare. Scopul studiului nostru îl constituie găsirea posibilităţilor de perfecţionare a tehnologiei didactice noi prin elaborarea de modele de instruire operaţionale, intermediare şi finale pentru practicarea gimnasticii la lecţii, modele care să concorde cu posibilităţile biomotrice şi psihice ale elevilor din clasele a V-a şi a VI-a în vederea realizării cu succes a competențelor generale și specifice ale educaţiei fizice. Realizarea competențelor generale și a competențelor specifice ale educaţiei fizice prin mijloacele gimnasticii prevăzute de actuala programă şcolară a fost încununată de succes la eşantionul de experiment, băieţi şi fete, în doi ani de instruire datorită raţionalizării şi

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


optimizării mijloacelor gimnasticii de bază, acrobatice, ritmice şi a săriturilor la aparate, precum şi datorită realizării consecvente a modelelor de instruire în activitatea practică. Permanent s-a urmărit realizarea competențelor specifice ce decurg din teme şi sunt în corelaţie cu competențele generale ale educaţiei fizice şcolare.



Manolachi Veaceslav1, PhD, university professor,

1State University of Physical Education and Sport, Republic of Moldova

Keywords: effort, volume, intensity, planning, training regimes, micro-cycles, meso-cycles, precompetitive stage, sports result, informational complex, diagnostic-model, performance.

Abstract. The diagnostic-model system of the tests and control

norms of performance fighters in the period of precompetitive training, assures veridical and sufficient information of the fighters training grade towards the existing and quick changes in various effort, volume and training intensity indices.

The actuality of research. The problems regarding the training systematization and efficiency of the fighters at the precompetitive stage have been and will always remain in the attention of domain scientists. That results from the elaboration and integration necessity of the scientific dates regarding the optimal succession identification of the precompetitive meso-cycle structure as one of the important issues in the elaboration of basic principles for the fighters preparation in the competitive period. At the same time, the dates from the specialty literature for managing, planning and realization of precompetitive meso-cycle [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 28, 30, 32, 33] have a general and insufficient character, which does not allow the ascertainment of the means, methods and training regimes opportune correlation in different micro-cycles of this meso-cycle. This action facilitates the possibility of pedagogical errors appearance that consequently strengths the sports results, the inadequate development of the training optimum degree and of course the reduction of sports results.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


The insufficiency of real character and the universality of methodical recommendations for the structuring and managing the fighters precompetitive stage and the necessity of the exact relations ascertainment of the various volume intensity and effort parameters in this period of training have represented as a right reason for the approach of this elaboration.

For the realization of the research were applied the next scientific methods: the theoretical analysis and the generalization of the specialty literature; the pedagogical observation; the specialists’ interrogation; the pedagogical experiment; the statistical-mathematical method.

In the results of the obtained dates analysis in the phase of evaluation research with the help of the factor and correlative analysis, it was established a diagnostic-model specific complex for the checking of physical training and fighters technical-tactical level.

In the composition of this complex were included 8 physical training informative indices (the choice reaction, climbing 5 m rope, 10 chin-up at the fixed bar, chin-up at the fixed bars in 3 sec. in duration of a cycle, triple jump, 5 throws of the partner, 15 throws of the mannequin, 5 minutes test) and 5 technical-sports indices, that characterize multilateral the achievement of the fighters competitive activity ( attack security , defense security, attack interval, the result, universality).

The testing of the fighters training degree must be performed several times in the precompetitive meso-cycle after the indices of the diagnostic-model complex: at the beginning, the middle and the end of this cycle. It must be considered the main principles of the tests theory, appreciation theory and measures theory [10], which increases the efficiency of the diagnostic-model complex application. These principles are:

- the simple relatively procedure of measures and appreciation of the tests results;

-the possibility of creating identical conditions for all the athletes at all the tests phases;

- the relatively short duration of the tests requirements implementation ;

- The creation of a competitive ambience during the test towards the increase of athletes’ motivation;

The practical realization of the testing process of the athletes’ training grade must be performed at the same time, after the insignificantly preventive enlivenment and after the approbation of testing task.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


The testing procedure and the system of tests results evaluation, included in the diagnostic-model complex composition, are exposed below.

The testing of this parameter is effectuated in the laboratory using the reflexo-meter. The running reaction time is measured through the fixing of time interval, necessary for the athlete’s right reaction at the wanted phase with various fighting situations. There are 3 buttons in front of the athlete; every touch of one of them corresponds with a certain fighting situation. The result of such a testing is the choosing reaction time and the accuracy of taking the decision. According to the specialists recommendations for the increase of testing results security [1, 9, 10, 14, 21] it was given 12 attempts. The best and the lowest result is considered occasionally, but from the rest of indexes is determined the medium value , which is the result of the test.

The athlete occupies the initial position sitting on the mat and taking with hands the rope. At the resonant signal with the chronometer concomitant inclusion, the athlete begins to move up on the rope without the legs help. At a distance of 5 m from the mat is fixed the sign, which the athlete must reach it with the hand as quickly as possible, in the moment of touch the chronometer is stopped, but the fixed time on the chronometer is the result in test ( exactly about 0,1 sec.). Each fighter has 2 attempts with a not too high time interval . For the colloquium is considered the best result [2, 4].

The test is applied towards the development degree appreciation of the energy- speed qualities and is included in the complex component according to the specialists recommendations [3,12,15]. The athlete hanged by the fixed bar with stretched hands ( the holding of the fixed bar by overhead and the hands at the shoulders’ distance), the test execution begins at the sonorous signal with the stopwatch fixation. Every cycle of effectuated assignments is counted in voice. After 10 hangings at the bar, the stopwatch is stopped, but the marked time by the stopwatch is considered the tests result.

From the initial position similarly to the previous one, the athlete performs multiple chin-up at the fixed bar, respecting necessarily the regime of suggested exercises. The counting of the executed exercises cycles will be done in voice, in the case when the athlete realizing the chin-up does not touch the bar with chin or does not respect the exercise regime, the testing procedure is canceled, but for colloquium are

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considered only the number of chin-up, which are executed without any mistakes.[4]

To assess the level of the development of the power –speed qualities of the legs muscles it is applied the triple jump from standstill [15,20].The athlete , after the hands moving, pushes with the both legs, landing first on the one leg, then to the other , but after the third jump on the both legs must jump farther. There are proposed three attempts with little intervals of rest. The best attempt is considered the definitive result in the test and is registered in the report.

In order of the exercise standardization in the test , all the fighters execute identical throws, which in the terminology [2,13,24] are called –“ throws over the shoulder”. The testing procedure is established in line with the specialists recommendations [2,13,24] and includes the following. The athlete with the partner almost of the same weight category (±3 kg) sits in the battle position on the mat opposite to each other, the fighter under the testing executes the necessary catch for the execution of the first throws. At the sonorous signal with the simultaneous inclusion of the stopwatch , the athlete as quickly as possible executes five throws. The partner’s aim consists in the quick stand up after every throw and taking the fight position . The stopwatch stops simultaneously with the fifth throwing, but the stopwatch fixed time is the result of the test [5, 24, 26, 27].

During the test the experts group appreciate visually the technique of the methods execution , but the main criterion of the execution correctness consists in the throwing basic structure retention with a right condition and existence of the flying optimal stage of the flung fighter.

This kind of the fight specialized test is used according to the recommendations [3,12], which demonstrated in its high formality at the pedagogical control of the special activity ability of the qualified fighters. The testing procedure shall be the next one:

- The athlete executes throws of the training mannequin at the “Throw!” command with an interval about 4 sec, for a minute. Thus executing 15 throws, the athlete sits on the chair and is counted FP in the first 15 sec at the first, second and the third minute of recovery. On the basis of these measurements is counted the so-called “ adaptation coefficient” according to the formula:



Where: Ka – adaptation coefficient (u.c.);

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ƩFP – sum of three measurements (number); 15 – Number of throws. The adaptation coefficient values in this way obtained is considered

the final result in test. As well as in the previous test, the experts group appreciate the

throws execution quality, the test is considered achieved, if each of 15 throws is executed not worse than “the good “coefficient.

To determine the fighters resistance degree is applied a more complicated test, which influences in many regards the fighter competitive activity. The testing procedure is the following:

The test procedure is as follows: - the athlete performs the throwing of the dummy during five

minutes, at the beginning of every minute he makes in 40 sec. 4 throws in a moderate tempo (each roll within 10 sec.), then at the command "spurt" carries a greater number of throws in 20 seconds; totally after this scheme are performed 5 series of exercises without interruption. The test result is the total number of throws in all five spurts [2, 12, 15, 16] .

The expert group must oversee the quality of the test effectuation and follow technique realization of the throws that allows improvement of standardization conditions requirements towards athletes and growth of test safety.

Gathering information for setting technical-sports parameters is performed by timing techniques, stenography and videos of the fighters’ competitive fights. Based on the recommendations [2, 25], during the fights, in maps specifically designed for timing were fixed all the technical and tactical actions carried out by fighters. Therewith, any method done by fighter is marked with the sign (+) in the respective section with the titled procedure and the procedure conducted by the opponent with the sign (-). Analogical are registered all real fighters attack attempts. If the fight ends before the regulation time by completing "clean" victory of one of the athletes, in the appropriate section it is fixed how much time the fight lasted.

Such a timing system and stenography of fights competition, with the applying protocols prepared in advance and ways of registration, considerably simplify the fixation of technical-tactical actions of fighters carried out directly during competitions or watch videos. Such obtained information is subject to further detailed analysis.

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This analysis is performed by calculating indices that characterize different aspects of fighter’s competitive activity and determines their tactical and technical mastery level. These indices are:

1) the number and quality of victories; 2) the number of technical actions appreciated; 3) the number of points won and lost; 4) attack safety – report of the successful technical actions carried out

against the overall number of attacks [2, 3, 4, 19]; 5) security defense - report of successful reflected attacks of the

opponent to the overall number of attacks [7, 11]; 6) attack interval - the average time of achievement by fighter of the

estimated technical actions [15, 25, 31]; 7) efficaciousness – the report of the earned points number in regard

to the number of technical actions performed [12, 30]; 8) universality - the number of procedures applied by fighter during

competitions, from the following seven groups classification: in position - downs on the ground, debates, throws, counter; the ground floor - twists, throws and counterattacks [3, 13].

Indices of physical training and sports technical mastery, enumerated above, that possess bigger information, constitute the basis of a complex diagnostic model for examining the fighters in immediately pre-competitive preparation.

Such a control should be based on regular factors confrontation of individual data values with model values of controlled indexes. In order to achieve the success of this process it is necessary a reasoned elaboration of control normative system at each indices in accordance with their dynamics during the pre-competitive preparation of the fighters. Such control norms applied to the 8 indices of the complex of diagnostic model are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Control normative of fighters’ physical training indices in pre-competitive

training meso-cycle

Indices and measure unit

Level of normative control Start of the meso-cycle

Middle of meso-cycle

End of meso-cycle

from till from till from till Reaction at running (ms) 235 240 230 235 230 235 Rope lifting 5 m (s) 9,0 9,5 8,5 9,0 8,5 9,0 10 chin-up at the fixed bar (s) 12 13 11 12 11 12

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Lifting at fixed bar during a 3 sec. cycle of a tempo (number)

18 20 20 22 20 22

Triple jump(cm) 700 720 720 740 720 740 5 throws of the partner (s) 9,5 10,0 9,0 9,5 8,5 9,0 15 throws of the dummy (u.c.) 25 26 24 25 23 24 5 min test (number) 56 63 60 67 63 70

In the elaboration of these regulations were taken into account not

only the average values of indices obtained during preventive investigations and optimal manifestations admitted at certain qualities of fighters, which is particularly important in establishing the primordial physical qualities, under which athletes get performance sports results [3, 27].

Analysis of the content from Table 1 shows that the regulatory level at all indices included in the diagnostic model complex tend to increase the requirements for athletes as the competitions approaches. This trend is maintained for degrees indices of general physical training (reaction choice, climbing rope of 5 m, 10 lifts the fixed bar, lifting at the fixed bar during a tempo of 3 sec. cycle, triple jump) only until the middle of meso-cycle pre-competitive training stage. Then the requirements for this index are not increased, but remain at a relatively stable level.

At the same time, levels of special training norms indices continue to rise and reach optimal values at the end of preparatory meso-cycle phase. The differences mentioned in elaboration of normative levels reflect objective laws of specialized qualities development and skills in direct preparation of athletes for competitions

Analysis of competitive activity and the level of technical and tactical training of fighters is performed by the expert assessment method during the battle of control and viewing of video competitions recordings. Mathematical analysis of the main indices, which is a complex motivation of competitive actions, allowed to establish that the next five sports and technical indices have important values:

- safety of attack; - security of defense; - efficaciousness; - universality; - range of attack.

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The modalities for recording the incipient information and calculation of indices listed are exposed above and detailed enough.

We can observe that if assessment of the physical training degree is done on the basis of complex diagnostic-single model, then the estimation of competitive activity is performed by applying the differentiated principle based on anticipated division of fighters in three groups according to the style of fight: attack, counterattack and defense.

Differences of competitive activity indices depending on the style of fight realization predetermines the superiority of one fighters group or another from one of technical-sports clues, fact that was reflected at the establishing of normative levels of these indices in the immediate pre-competitive stage of preparation. These levels are shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Control norms of technical-sports indicators to assess competitive activity of the fighters

Indicators and measure unity Styles of competitive activity

attack counterattack defense safety of attack (%) 65-70 60-65 55-60

safety of defense (%) 60-70 65-75 75-85

range of attack (sec.) 30-40 40-50 50-60

efficaciousness (points) 1,6-1,7 1,6-1,7 1,5-1,6

universality (number) 3-4 3-4 2-3

The analysis of data presented in Table 2 testifies that normative

levels of attack safety indicator are higher safety for fighters who prefer style attack in competitive activity (65-70%). For athletes counter attack style we can consider safety enough the index equal to 60-65%. The index requirement for the defense style wrestlers is even lower and constitutes 55-60%.

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A similar dynamic of normative levels was displayed and at the range of attack index: frequently must attack style attack fighters, which are required to carry no less than an attack for 30-40 sec. Requirements to the level of the range attack index for athletes of other styles is slightly lower and is for counterattack wrestlers - 40-50 sec., and for defenders - 50-60 sec.

Resultativity and universality of fighters with technical actions style of attack and counterattack must be superior, which is: the index of resultativity - 1.6-1.7 points and the index of universality - 3-4 classification of procedure from various groups. For defensive style fighters, sufficient levels of resultativity are 1.5-1.6 points and universality - 2-3 procedures from various groups.

Normative levels of security index defense have contrary orientation: if for attack style fighters the sufficient level of this index can be considered 60-70%, then for counterattack fighters style this should already constitute 65-75%. For athletes with defense style requirements for security defense considerably increases up to 75-85%, which allows them to hold up successful in front of the fighters from others activity styles within the competitive battles.

Totalizing the analysis of data presented in Table 2, we can observe that the normative levels of technical-sports indicators’ values in a largely amount depends on the insufficiency of competitive activity style of fighters. Athletes that use style attack must attack more often than others and have the highest indices of safety for these attacks, keeping at a higher level than the average of resultativity and universality of technical- tactical actions.

Fighters of counterattack style must have the same level of actions resultativity and universality as athletes of attack style, but they can attack a little slower and less safe. Thus they have to defend themselves more secure. Fighters of defense style in competitive activity compared to other athletes have much lower safety indices of range attack, resultativity and universality of technical actions, getting most of times, superiority over opponents based on the considerably increased index of defense safety.

Conclusions Thus, the research results conducted in order to determine the optimal

diagnostic -model tests complex and indices, as well as their regulations

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


to control the preparedness of athletes in pre-competitive training allow the following conclusions:

- Effective preparation for the competition can be ensured under optimum ratio of constituents, including accurate and optimal opportunity to assess the readiness of all the constituents of the athletes in order to individualize the training process and introduce necessary rectifications;

- Getting that assessment is a necessary condition for achieving a complex pedagogic control based on model- diagnostic complex determined by a system of minimum indexes of principal training pedagogical constituents;

- establishment of the indices importance that determine the efficiency of instructional and competitive work out of skilled fighters, revealed the 8th more informative parameters for the assessment of athletes physical training and five technical-sports indicators for measuring the success of athletes competitive activity;

- the elaborated normative levels of control physical exercises of the diagnostic -model complex were obtained considering the average values of indices and their optimal variations permissible, which allows to take into account the individual manifestations of fighters certain qualities;

- To assess the physical training of the fighters was developed a unique diagnostic -model complex and the assessment of athlete’s competitive activity should be carried out taking into account the preventive division of fighters with their appropriate style of supporting the competitive battles.

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Cuvinte-cheie: efort, volum, intensitate, planificare, regimuri de antrenament, microcicluri, mezocicluri, etapa precompetiţională, rezultat sportiv, complex informativ, diagnostic-model, performanţă. Rezumat. Sistemul de diagnosticare-model al testelor şi normativelor de control al luptătorilor de performanţă în perioada de pregătire precompetiţională, asigură informaţie veridică şi suficientă a gradului de pregătire a luptătorilor în scopul modificărilor curente şi operative în diverşi indici ai efortului, volumului şi intensităţii de antrenament.


Liliana Budevici-Puiu1, PhD, university associate professor, 1State University of Physical Education and Sport, Chisinau,

Republic of Moldova

Keywords: sports right, sports justice, state, sports litigations.

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


Abstract. Sport is a social reality, but also an economical reality, while from this point of view the sports activity is performed under the legislation incidence specific to every state. At the international level the sports right develops. Thus, the right of sports institutions is recognized by the state, if not totally, at least practical (in the case of Swiss, Spanish, Belgium, Austrian right etc.) To assure the CEDO respect and the European Union right, the sports jurisdiction should be organized through the creation of parts possibility of appealing either on the national arbitrage and sports specific organized by the federations and national professional leagues, but also existence of the access at the national instance to use the control of such decisions, either on the international sports arbitrage within which the pronounced decisions to be referred to the control of some European instance.

Introduction. The sports right regulates rights, onerous and patrimonial interests, but also personal-not patrimonial. Sport is a social activity that has the rules of performing and also a minimum of institutional frame.

In The Republic of Moldova, the sport for all is regulated by the law regarding the sport and physical education nr.330 - XIV from 25.03.99. According to the law, the widespread of the sport and physical culture is in the responsible of all the specialty authorities, economic agents and associations. This kind of normative document structures the sports organizations in the national federations, leagues, clubs, associations but on the basis of these ones we retrieve, the main actors- the professional and amateur athletes. Thus according to the law regarding the sport and physical education, the national sports federations are organized by the associations adjunction and sports clubs, but their basic goal is the organization and development of a specific sports branch.

The basic acknowledgement of the sports justice by the state is often very difficult. Thereby, the state generally has an important role on the conformity verification with its own juridical order established on the national level, but also the procedures themselves are not often at the stakes level. In the specialty literature, it is made a distinction between “the private juridical right” and “juridical right or sovereign system” recognizing to the sport the first quality, but not the second one. The inclusion of the right in the sports world can not be made, if only by an adaptation of the right and the judge (an example on this line is the

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


formation by the International Olympic Committee of the Sports Arbitral Tribunal).Thusly, we assist to a concrete acknowledgement by the state judge, of the sports movement able to conceive methods of conflicts regulation (jurisdictional) in conformity with the state ones.

The aim of our research is to identify and to accumulate the necessary information for a better knowledge of the national/international legal situations diversity in the way of the conflicts solution in the sports domain.

Our research is focused essentially on the national rank, of the autochthonous sports litigations, but are not neglected at all the ones regarding to the legal department and have a transnational character, because they may have as opponents in the solution process also the people from other countries. Thus, the respective reasons become objects of some decisions taken by the international federations whose office is in another country. Other appropriate examples regarding these aspects we can notice also in the reasons where the opponent parts are from a certain country, but the state judge of the cause comes from another country. In these causes the state judge may appear as a factor of instability, unpredictable and even inaccessible.

The methodology of research which we applied it was chosen, such as to answer to the main requirements specific to an ascertaining study. The methodology system consisted of: the enquiry method; self-observation method; systematic observation method and the method of the activity products analysis.

To achieve the necessary information we used the questionnaire, but the overall synthesis of the questions does not claim to be exhaustive. It provides generally a significant view over the remarked situation regarding the analysis of the regulation framework of the sports law, institutions, instruments and procedures for the sports litigations solving.

For the research efficient achievement, we organized within The State University of Physical Education and Sport, The Scientific-Practical Congress “The Law in Sport” for students, teachers and specialists from the domain. At the Seminar participated the representatives of: The Ministry of Education; The Ministry of Sports and Youth; Moldovan Football Federation; the Badminton Federation from the Republic of Moldova; Gymnastics Union Federation; Moldovan Boxing Federation; The National Taekwondo Federation I.T.F. The

THE ANNALS OF THE "STEFAN CEL MARE" UNIVERSITY ISSN – 1844 – 9131 Volum IX issue 2/ 2016


number of participants can be counted about 100 people (students, graduates, teachers and specialists from physical culture domain).

In this context, the seminar itself or better said the actions of its realization, have raised many issues that expect their clarification in the future.

Further are presented the results of the questioners’ analysis. At the question “Do you know who is the national authority able to

solve the litigations emerging from the sports activity specific to the sports branch which you represent ?” the respondents categories answered positively in a percentage about 52 %, negatively 27 %, but 21% answered hardly at this question (Figure 1).

Fig. 1. The answers regarding the national authority able to solve the litigations emerging from the sports activity

Also, regarding this question, the respondents have noticed that in

order to be able to talk about sport and not only about a physical activity, there must be a competition. On order to the competition existence, there must be a regulation, just to make possible the competitors presentation. In this way, there are required two basic things:

sports institution should approve the sports regulation and the contests one;

to be imposed the respect of these regulations.

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Furthermore, we could use information regarding the circumstance that “The International Federations such as, The International Olympic Committee or WADA (The world Anti-doping Agency) impose to all the entities from sport like any argument towards them to be solved only through the organized arbitration in its framework, but the attack way against such kind of decisions to be, solved by The Court of the Sports Arbitration from Lausanne” (TAS) (according to the Bazil Oglinda estimation, founding partner at the Oglinda Nemes Voicu ONV LAW. At the same time it states that “to achieve this aim, the international federations oblige its members, through their own statutes, respectively the national federations, to include the indispensability of the arbitrage at the TAS“.

Regarding the answers at the question “Do you think that it is claimed the inclusion of judicial instance in the solving of some litigations that result from the sport activity (civil and working causes)?” we can notice from the gained data that the ideas were shared as it follows: generally the agents of sports federations do not support the idea of judicial instances inclusion in sports litigations, noticing that the judicial organs concluded according to its regulations that can solve this kind of causes (53%), but the teachers and the other specialists from domain assert positively this point of view through a percentage about 42 % (Figure 2).

Fig. 2. The graphic representation of the questions regarding the

judicial instances inclusion in the solving of some litigations that result from sports activity

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In the Republic of Moldova the ontological foundation of the existence of some sports jurisdictions is included in the Statute of MOLDOVAN FOOTBALL FEDERATION (MFF) that in the Art. 57 establishes its judicial Organs:

a) Discipline committee b) Competitions committee c) Ethical committee d) Call committee The judicial organs have the right to establish disciplinary

measures, that are described in legal outlooks and of the disciplinary code of the MFF.

The disciplinary code of the MFF adopted by the executive committee of the MFF and inured on the 25 of July 2003 regulates and describes the contraventions of regulations included in the MFF regulations, determines the sanctions, regulates the organization and functioning of responsible organs for the decisions and the procedure that must be followed within these organs.

The call committee – examines the calls over the decisions assumed by the Discipline committee. Every assumed decision by the Call committee is definitive, but over this one it can be referred appeals only to an independent instance and impartial of arbitration - the court of sports arbitration and mediation in football (till 2015). Previously 2015, the calls will be examined by the CNAS MFF.

The disciplinary code of MFF is applied to the physical and legal persons for:

a) territorial associations; b) members of these associations, especially clubs; c) officials; d) players; e) officials of the match; f) any person that has MFF authorization, especially for a match, a

competition or for an another event organized by MFF; g) spectators. Central Commission of Competitions and Discipline (CCCD) is

authorized to sanction any infringement of M.F.F. regulation that is not related with the competence of another organ being responsible for:

a) penalization of serious infringements that officials of the match have not noticed;

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b) correction of obvious mistakes of the referee's disciplinary decisions;

c) extension of the match suspension determined automatically by elimination (see art. 18, par. 4 and art. 19, par. 4);

d) establishment of additional sanctions to those imposed by the referee, as it can be the fine.

The authorities responsible for the enforcement of sanctions are as follows:

• The referee who during matches takes final disciplinary decisions. • The judicial bodies of MFF: CCDC (Central Competitions and

Discipline Committee) and Appeals Commission. • Executive Board of MFF (certain decisions taken by the Appeals

Commission may be submitted to its examination that adopts a final decision).

• Central Medical Commission of MFF or other organs from its oversight (carries out doping tests, analysis of samples and examination of medical certificates).

We can also mention that in 1974 the European Court of Justice has stated very clearly that sport is not the object of the regulation at the level of the EU treaties.

After a period of 30 years, governed by this principle solution, thinking was changed. European Court of Justice issued a decision in which recitals was pointed out that if the sport has a problem in content, or refers to an economic problem which falls under the Treaty, then the Court will be required to rule. Thus, in this moment, it is impossible to do not talk about a legal sports reality for a significant part of the activities covered by European Union rules, according to the decision of the European Court

As for the answers to the question "Can you indicate whether in the regulation framework of the federation is stated their obligation to solve sports disputes?" we can reflect that representatives of national federations other than Moldovan Football Federation, gave negative responses (25%), other specialists in the field (28%), representatives of the MFF gave a 100% positive feedback stating that according to the art.58.3 of MFF status "litigations of national character will be resolved by the judicial bodies of FIFA or appropriate institution of arbitration (CASMF) or national courts in accordance with the statute and legislation in force of RM" At the same time they have mentioned that there is and the Court of Arbitration for Sport and Mediation in Football

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RM beside the Moldovan Football Federation, which is a standing arbitration, independent, non-governmental body with legal personality, which is organized and operated under the laws of the Republic of Moldova regarding arbitration and according to the Bylaw, codes and regulations MFF.

Jurisdiction of the Sports Arbitration Court and Football Mediation from R.M:

will examine and judge any case given in its competence as first and last instance in case the parties have voluntarily decided to submit the case to resolution.

In this case the parties are not required to address in advance to the judicial bodies of MFF: Competitions and Discipline Committee; Referee Committee; Appeals Committee.

Jurisdiction of the Sports Arbitration Court and Football Mediation from R.M:

will examine and judge any case given in its competence as first and last instance recurs (according to the Regulations and MFF Bylaw) in case the solution of the litigations between parts was through judicial bodies of MFF mentioned above;

the Court has the right and possibility to solve litigations in sports that occurred within another sport organizations, between sport organizations and / or among its members.

The members affiliated to MFF have the right according to the Art. 16.1, letter "k" / MFF bylaw "to - and solve independently (without MFF interference) the sports, legal, economic, administrative and other issues assigned to them", and according to art .17.1., letter "e" they are obliged "to adopt a provision, statutory one, which stipulates that any dispute that arises or that relate to the application of bylaws, regulations, directives and decisions of FIFA, UEFA and MFF, may be subject, ultimately, only to an independent and impartial arbitration instance by excluding a ordinary court (civil), namely NCAS / CASMF recognized under this bylaw if the divergence is national, or CAS, in case if the divergence is at the international level.

The members affiliated to MFF and its members, players, coaches, agents, players and agents of matches will execute strictly the decisions taken by MFF, FIFA and UEFA bodies, also are obliged to respect the decisions taken by the National Court of Arbitration Sports (NCAS) and ulterior by the Court of Arbitration for Sport and Mediation in Football from RM, specialized and the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) in

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Lausanne (Switzerland). The affiliated members must include in their bylaws special clauses that will ensure obligation’ compliance and enforcement in the present article.

Any appeal against FIFA or UEFA final decision is attended only by the Court of Sports Arbitration (CSA) in Lausanne, Switzerland, in accordance with the relevant provisions in their statutes.

At the question "Are you aware that EU law has supremacy over any rules issued or enforced by sports institutions?" Most respondents formulated affirmative responses (67%).







specialisti dindomeniu

cadre didactice reprezentanti aifederatiilornationale



Fig.3. The graphical representation of the responses regarding

the supremacy of EU law

The European Court of Justice has established the supremacy of EU law over any adopted or enforced rules by sports institutions: "Every sport regulation that has an economic effect, falls under EU rules regarding the free movement and competition."

According to some opinions of European lawyers (from ONV LAW) it says that "although sports arbitration as alternative form of justice toward state justice is acceptable and justified in principle, anyway it must be given to the parties the right to access at an European instance that controls the legality of rendered arbitral decisions and not as is currently happening, namely that it is regulated an appeal also of arbitration nature to TAS, whose decision may in turn be appealed to the Swiss Federal Court.

The European Parliament in its report - European Dimension in Sport (2011/2087 (INI)), in paragraph 22 provides that "recognizes the legitimacy of sports courts for resolving disputes related to sport as long as they respect people's right to a fair trial" and recommends for the

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Article 22 the creation of a European Chamber of Sports Arbitration Court, that will have the office in Brussels or Luxembourg for the resolution of the sports disputes in the European Union.

The opinion of the lawyers from ONV LAW is that nowadays the judicial system of Arbitration for Sport which provides an interim attack way of the arbitration award to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne is quite questionable in the sense that there are circumstances which, in the context of an consistent argument it could lead to the abuse of the idea of free access to a court in the meaning of art. 6 CEDO. On the other hand, there are prerequisites that the current specialized arbitration system with access only to the supreme court does not guarantee neither Swiss nor the application of the principles of EU law.

In conclusion, we can state that it is required a recognition of sporting justice by the state, and in this new context, we can say that the right of the Sport in Republic of Moldova is a reality impossible to contest. Other arguments in this respect are represented by the different test cases already existing in the national jurisprudence with reference to:

the professional sport that is practiced in various forms and is based not only on the employment contract, but also on civil contracts, the rental of professional athletes, and these contracts have a complex feature, regulating and ensuring the athlete of various business-related to advertising, publicity, promotion etc. In this regard, the employment contract does not represent real guarantees, it may be canceled, revoked in situations where professional athlete has no guarantees. Thus, art. 325 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova stipulates that professional sportsmen labor relations are governed by the stipulations of the code, with the peculiarities set of by the current legislation;

particularities of labor relations between professional athletes and clubs that they represent- according to Chapter V of the Law on Physical Culture and Sports that regulates "sports performance", claims to be that protecting system that takes into account the matters which concern this type of relationship. But, in reality, the professional athletes in their activity face the uncertainty related to the legal status of a professional athlete, being at the discretion of the owners of the teams, the sports clubs;

the need to regulate the relations that arise between sportsmen and sports clubs, regulation that is institutional imposed by the adoption of legal rules with general application in sports and, considering the

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specificity of these activities, it is imposed and the enact of special specific rules for the types of sport practiced.

References: [1] SLUTU, N. (2015). Noţiunea de contract sportiv – contract de

muncă, desprinsă din analiza dispoziţiilor legale interne. În: Revista “Lege şi viaţa”, Chişinău.

[2] Ciubota C. (2011). Dreptul Sportului, o realitate imposibil de contestat. În: interviu cu Dr., avocat, Ciubota & Roata-Palade, Bucureşti, November 28.

[3] Codul Muncii al Republicii Moldova. În: Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova nr. 159-162 din 29.07.2003, cu modificarile ulteroare, art. 45 (în continuare – CM al RM).

[4] Legea nr. 33o/25.03.1999 cu privire la cultura fizica şi sport. În: Monitorul Oficial al R. Moldova nr. 83-86 din 05.08.1999, art 16.

[5] Regulament FMF. Dispozitii UEFA, cerinţe minime ale contractelor sportivilor profesionisti, preluare de pe site-ul oficial, Federaţia Moldoveneasca de Fotbal, vizitat la 06.03.2015.

[6] Regulament de organizare şi funcţionare a Curţii de Arbitraj Sportiv de pe lîngă F.M.F.

[7] Codul disciplinar al Federaţiei Moldoveneşti de Fotbal.


Cuvinte-cheie: dreptul sportului, justiţie sportivă, stat, litigii

sportive. Rezumat. Sportul este o realitate socială, dar şi o realitate

economică, iar activitatea de sport din acest punct de vedere se desfăşoară sub incidenţa legislaţiei specifice fiecărui stat. La nivel internaţional dreptul sportiv se dezvoltă. Astfel, dreptul instituţiilor sportive este recunoscut de către stat, dacă nu integral, cel puţin practic (cazul dreptului eleveţian, dreptul spaniol, dreptul belgian, dreptul austriac etc.). Pentru a se asigura respectarea CEDO şi a dreptului Uniunii Europene jurisdictia sportivă ar trebui organizată prin crearea posibilităţii părtilor de a apela fie la un arbitraj national şi specific sportiv organizat de federatiile sau ligile profesioniste nationale dar să existe accesul la o instanţă naţională care sa exercite controlul unor asemenea

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decizii, fie la un arbitraj internationl sportiv în cadrul căruia deciziile pronunţate să fie supuse controlului unei instante europene.
