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The Arl(ansas Family Historian · NEW HOPE METHODIST CHURCH by J. Floyd Bullock 41 HOME GUARD...

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The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 4, No.2, Apr/May/June 1966 < , '1

The Arl(ansas Family Historian

Volume 4, No.2, Apr/May/June 1966

< ,




published Quarterly






Published quarterly by the


Box 587

Conway, Arkansas

Mrs. Dolores Murphy . . . . . Editor

Founded 1962

Membership $5.00 Annually


Lee B. Spencer President Conway, Arkansas

Mrs. Gerald B. McLane Vice-President Hot Springs, Arkansas

W. E. Bailey . . . Secretary-Treasur<= ,. Enola, Arkansas

DIRECTORS Sam G. Boucher . J. Floyd Bullock . . Mrs. A E Dauley . Mrs. H. Guy Gardner Mrs. F. O. Griffin, SL Q. A. Hardin ... Sen. Robert Harvey

Jonesboro Camden

Perryville . Russell viJ Ie ... Helena . Fort Smith

Swifton Miss Mary Hudgins . Hot Springs Mrs. Jesse L. Montgomery . . Marianna Mrs. C. Grace Morphew . . . Blytheville Mrs. M. A. Neel . . . . . Hazen Mrs. Lawrence Newton. . Hampton Alvin Seamster . . . . . . Garfield Miss Amlie Laurie Spencer. EI Dorado Dr. James S. Upton . . . . . . Conway


AGS NEWS Page 35


PARK FAMILY RECORDS by Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis 37

THE HOLLIS FAMILY by Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis 39

AN EARLY ARKANSAS FAMILY by Mrs. Leister E .. Presley 40


HOME GUARD UNITS, DALLAS COUNTY by Mrs. Lawrence Newton 43







A genealogical workshop sponsored by the Arkansas Genealogical Society was held in Hot Springs, Arkansas, on April 25th, at the Avenelle Motor Lodge.

Mr. and Mrs. George B. Ever­ton, Sr. of Logan, Utah, conducted the workshop, serving as moderators and lecturers. Subjects covered during the all-day session were "Starting and Continuing Your Gen­ealogical Records", "Records for Forefather Facts" and "Taking the Mys tery out of Family Relationships".

The Workshop was attended by 82 persons. The committee planning the program was composed of Mrs. Gerald B. McLane, Dr. James S. Upton, and Mrs. H. Guy Gardner. They were assisted by Mrs. J. R. Bush, Mrs. Frank Cline, and Miss Mary Hudgins of Hot Springs.

Shown above at the Genealogical Workshop held in Hot Springs on April 25th are, left to right: Guy W. Murphy, Conway; Mrs. Gerald B. McLane, Hot Springs, vice-president of AGS; Dr. James S. Upton, Conway, AGS Board member; and Mr. and Mrs. George B. Everton, Logan, Utah, workshop directors.


The following publications have recently been acquired for the AGS Library: "County Government and Archives in Pennsylvania", "Lincoln, Mass. Vital Records to

1850"; "Some Wilsons of Ulster" by Louis A. Astell; "San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists, Vol. 1" by Louis J. Rasmussen, all on exchange from the Library of Congress.

"Handy Book for Genealogists" and "The How Book for Genealogists" by George B. Ever­ton, Sr., donated by Mr. Everton. "Hancock-Cofer-Jones-Massie Families of Virginia and Kentucky" by Helen L. Bloore, donated by Miss Bloore. "The Stringer Family and Kin" by Alvin Ward Vogtle, donated by Mr. Vogtle. "Arkansas Genealogical Research Aid", Mrs. William H. Counts, Editor, donated by Mrs. Counts.


The quarterly meeting of the officers and directors of AGS was held Saturday, April 16th, at the home of Mrs. Gerald B. McLane, in Hot Springs. The group discussed plans for the workshop on April 25th, and made tentative arrangements for the annual meeting to be held in October. The next meeting of the AGS Board is scheduled for July 30th at the home of Mrs. F. O. Griffin, Sr. of Helena.


We have received numerous letters from members asking why they had not received the Spring issue of "The Arkansas Family Historian". We're sorry to be so late, and offer as excuse one Patrick Reagan Murphy, a son born April 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Guy W. Murphy. Mrs. Murphy is editor of "The Arkansas Family Historian". Young Patrick joins three bro­thers and a sister iII. the Murphy household, five good reasons why the editor sometimes runs behind schedule.



Through the courtesy of an Arkansas friend, I have the Fall, 1965 issue of your magazine containing "Arkansas Fishbacks" which interested me very much, as I have been picking up random references on Fishback-Campbell for some time; and, more particularly, because the Henry M. Rector reference rang" a bell in my memory that caused me to scan again the name Rector (associated with Chinn-Conway) in a very wonderful book "Branch, Harris, Jarvis, Chinn" by Benjamin Harris Branch, Jr., III, of Arlington, Virginia, whose Branch ancestry merges with that of my husband, Clayton B. Howe, son of Susan Elizabeth Branch Howe, a direct descendant of Pocahontas. Benjamin Branch's book is one that should be in every midwest historical library . It is beautifully researched, beautifully printed, and beau­tifully baound, and brings to life associations not heretofore well known here.

I am a product of the Arkansas hills, myself, born and reared in Logan County, not far from the Greenwood mentioned by Mr. Carselowery of the Fishback family. So, I could not resist writing to tell you that I have enjoyed my short acquaintance with your publication.

" Mrs. C. B. Howe Route 1 Box 91, Lexington, Mo. 64067

Thank you so kiIjrlly for running my query in your "The Arkansas Family Historian". There have been several families who have written to me; so far the results havtln't been too productive, but several questions have been answered. One gentleman wrote, saying he had visited in my grandfather's home and knew them personally, that he remembered him to have been a doctor. I 'Was elated over this because it was the very first confirmation of the teach­ings of my mother concerning him. I truly appreciate your help. Thank you" kindly.

Marie C. Wayman 480 E. 3rd So. " Price, Utah.

I enjoyed your magazine so very much and when r attended our Genealogical Society's meet­ing here in Shreveport, I carried my copy and passed it aroulld. The members were very im­pressed with the magazine and voted to subscribe to it. I'm looking forward to my next issue.

Mrs. Cleo Schoolfield P. O. Box 802 Shreveport, Louisiana

Through my querie publiShed last year a cousin, James Abston of Monticello, Ark., con­tacted me and we are well on the way to finding our ancestor. Best wishes in your endeavors.

Margaret A. Richardson (Mrs. Agna B.) 6741 Granada Road Prairie Villa~"",;Kansas

Just a quick note to thank you again for referring me to Mrs. Gerald B. McLane. She has done wonders for my Arkansas "puzzles" and the family now knows a great deal more than we did about the Arkansas great-uncles and cousins. We still have a lot more work to do, but thanks to you and Mrs. McLane, we now have facts instead of unverified family traditions.

In your letter you stated that Mrs. McLane had published an index to the 1830 and 1840 censuses but you were not certain that she had indexed 1850. She has indeed indexed the 1850 Arkansas census, which you might want to announce in "The Arkansas Family Historian" .

Homer C. Cooper 100 Gail Drive Athens, Georgia 30601

(NOTE: Mrs. McLane says she has indexes on all Arkansas counties for 1850, but these are not in printed form.)



Mrs H, P, Hollis


The following is a family Bible record of the Park family who lived near Athens, Geol'gia, The father and mother are not identified, Would like to find information concerning them,

Joseph, a son, born Nov, 11, 1753, died February 2, 1781. Mary, a daughter, born January 3, 1756, Jean, a daughter" born March 7, 1758, died an infant, Margaret, a daughter, born April 26, 1762, died Nov, 22, 1800, William, a son, bor~l March 17,. 1760, died an infanL John, a son, was born February 19, 1765, died Dec, Sam, a son, born March 4, 1767, William, a son, born November 26, 1769,

Father departed this life February 15, 1780, Father's age 54 years. Mother departed January 3, 1784, Mother's age 5L

William Park and Peggy, his wife, were married October 30, 1798, Their children: John Park, born March 8, 1800, Polly Park, born March 8, 1802, Peggy, born January 25, 1804, Anney, born 1806, Lilly, born 1808. Jean, born July 25, 1810, Linney, born August 16, 1812, Betsey, born September 9, 1814, William, born Decembe.r 25, 1816, died Sept, 7, 1820, Robert Campbell, born August 5, 1820, died August 4, 1893, Emily, born August 27, 1827,

Second MaTl"iage: WillIam Park and Mary Wilson Espy were married on May 15, 1828, She died June 16 1844,

Third Marriage: WIlliam Park and Polly Corlin were married April 10, 1845, William, born Sept. 17, 1846, Ann, born June 6, 1848,

Fourth Marriage: WIlliam Park and Naney W, Adams were married October 17, 1850,

From Mrs 0 Curtis B, Parks. Sr, of Gainesville, Gao. I have the follOWing tombstone in­scriptions from a cemetery located neal' Athens. Ga,. where my Park gr-grandfather, Robert. Campbell Park, was born, There are the usual discrepancies here as can always be found in dates on old stones and in fading wriiing from old Bibles, but: eVidently this old cemetery is the resting place of my ancestor" William Park, Nov, 20, 1769; d, Nov, 28. 185L 82 years, 2 (7) days, Anna Park, daughter of William and Peggy Park, aged 12, d, May 20, 1818, Infant Park:


William Park, deceased Sept. 7, 1820, Peggy Park, daughter of William Park, age 17, Mrs. P, Park Mrs, M, M. Park Mary W, Park, d, June 16, 1844, aged 59 years, Polly Park, wife of William Park, d, May, 1847, aged 27 years.

Robert Campbell Park was born August 5, 1820, near Athens, Georgia, and was married on Oct. 22, 1840, to Sarah Ann Crawford, who was born July 5, 1823. They lived most, if not aU, of their married life in LaFayette Co., Ark, She died Sept. 8, 1881, and is bur'ied in Mars Hill Cemetery, LaFayette Co. He died Aug, 4, 1893, and is buried on the "Old Park Place", south of Oak Grove, LaFayette Co. Children of this marriage were:

1. Mary Jane, born July 25, 1841, died October 23, 1863, Did not marry.

2, Margaret Volumnia (Lum), born Sept, 3, 1842, married Robert C. Mitchell (her cousin) in Ouachita County. Th6ir children:

a, Elma, born Aug, 13, 1874, married J. A. Gilmer, Two sons. b. Edith, born Jan. 24, 1880; never married.

3, Susan Elizabeth Park, born May 14, 1844.

4. Alura Amanda, born Jan. 1, 1847, d, Max. 6, 1884; m, Ira Edwards. Their children: a. Eunice, born April 12, 1871, never married, died Jan. 13, 1932. b. Eula, born Oct. 18, 1869, married W .. D, Owsley. c. Mae, born , married "Bud" Kinard, d. Ollie, born Apr. 24, 1873, married Sallie Love Averett, died Dec. 17, 1912. e. Neta, born ____ , marr ied William Knott.

5. Sarah Emma Park, born July 10, 1848, married N T, Lester, died May 16, 1885.

6. Eunice Camilla, born Feb, 16, 1850, died Oct. 2, 1870.

7, John Thomas, born May 21, 1852, died Sept. 19, 1861.

8. William Robert, born Jan, 18, 1855,. died June 16, 1857,

9. Winfield Alphonso {Bud - Zenus), born Jan. 15, 1857, m. Mary Jane Poe, d. June 4,1924, a. Emma, born Sept.. 10, 1880, died June 1, 1882. b. Baby girl, born March 8, 1882, died March 8, 1882. c. Baby girl, born Feb, 6, 1883, died Feb. 6, 1883. d. Lucien Thomas, born Nov. 7, 1883, ITL Lillian Cornelius, Oct. 27, 1907, e. Owen Alma, born May 18, 1886, m. 1st Lenna Allen; m, 2nd Lillie Renfro. f. Arthur Lee, born June 29, 1888, m. 1st Carrie Allen; m. 2nd Linnie Shurtleff. g. Lula, born Aug. 24, 1890, died March 3, 1925. h. Minnie Alice, born Nov. 20, 1892, IT!, James R., Roton, OcL 27, 1926. 1. Bertie, born Feb. 18, 1895, m. N. Thomas Burrow, March 7, 1920. j. Otis, born May 13, 1897, m. Ruby Cornelius, Oct. 19, 1919. k. Polly Esther, born Nov. 6. 1899, m. Josepb Guy Hendrix, Feb. 23, 1919. L Sarah Velma, born Mareh 26, 1903, m, Claude GrImmett, May 10, 1924.


10. Willie Alexander, born June 20, 1858, m. Cora Ford, Feb. 2, 1883; d. Sept .. 7, 1888. a. Robert C. Park, born . M. Carmen Painter.

11. Alice Park, born Feb. 15, 1861, m. David A. Averett, Jan. 22, 1879; died 1952. a. Sallie lola (Ola), born Nov. 12, 1879, m. C. G. Bright, Feb. 27, 1901; d. 1964. b. Early, died young. c. Robert Zambri, born Sept. 5, 1889, m. Lessie B. McDonald, July 27, 1919; d. 1947. d. Oliver Wallace, born , M. Corrine Metty -::-___ _ 'e. Bessie Alice, born Oct. 20, 1895, died Aug. 22, 1~99.

LaFayette County, Arkansas, continues to be "home base" for many members of the des­cendants of this family, though some are scattered far and wide.


Micajah Hollis, born Aug. 4, 1782, in North Carolina, was married on April 10, 1808 to Frances Hodges, bron July 2, 1790. He died in Tennessee, Dec. 12, 1832, possibly in Wilson County, which is where they were married and lived part, if not all, of their married life. Frances Hodges Hollis died in Arkansas, June 28, 1860. Children born to this couple were:

1. Jeremiah, born Aug. 25, 1809. Ancestor of Calhoun Co., Ark. Hollises. 2. Jesse, born Jan. 1, 1811. Lived most of life in McNairy Co., Tenn. 3. Elizabeth C., born Feb. 14, 1813. Ancestor of Calhoun Co. Collies. 4. Matilda, born Feb. 21, 1815. Ancestor of Calhoun Co. Abels, Ables. 5. James C., born July 6, 1817. Lived in McNairy Co., Tenn. 6. Harvey B., born Jan. 16, 1820. Lived in Anderson and Erath Cos., Texas. 7. MaryAnn, born Feb. 6,1822, m. William Stinnett, Ouachita Co., Arkansas. 8. John D., born March 21, 1824. Lived in Erath Co., Texas. 9. Nancy M., born Feb. 19, 1826, mi., Read Emerson. One son, James.

10. William G., born May 27, 1828. Live(l.in Calhoun and Ouachita Cos., Arkansas.

All of the above children were born in Tennessee, and the birthdates were recently found in an old Bible now owned by Mrs. Elsie Harrison, Route 4, Camden, Ark. The other infor­mation comes from Memoirs written by W. T. Hollis and J. W. Hollis, sons of the above Jeremiah Hollis. I would welcome correspondence from anyone interested in the Hollis his­tory and particularly from descendants of the Texas and Tennessee branches.

I also have birthdates of the brothers and sisters of Frances Hodges which I copied from this old Bible, and would like to hear from anyone regarding the Hodges family of late 1700's in Tennessee and North Carolina.

Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis 628 Banner Street Camden, Arkansas




Mrs, Leister E. Presley

The following information is taken from a deedfland Power of Attorney recorded in White Co., Arkansas, Deed Record "A", page 303, dated June 5, 1841.

Don Joseph Vallure de Hautervive, Captain of the Sixth Regiment of Louisiana under the Spanish government. He was given two grants of land in Louisiana by the Spanish government and one grant in Arkansas. The Arkansas grant was the land along the White River and its tributaries and was granted in 1793. He died in New Orleans in 1799. He was married to Maria Fitiuti Moran who died in 1806. His wife and children were residents of Arkansas Post. Vallure is also spelled Valliere, Vaillure, Valliure and Vallier in these papers.

1. Antione Vallure, died without issue in 1799, but after his father'S death.

II. Maria Fituiti Vallure, died 1808-09. Married Francis Vaugine in 1790. He died 1832.

A. Eitenne Vaugine, d. 1829. Married Matilda Desruesseau. She married James Brooks after his death. 1. Joseph B. Vaugine, age 13 years in 1841.

B. Maria Felicite Vaugine, m. James Scull in 1809. Both were living in 1841, no heirs listed.

C. Elunnett Vaugine, m. John Dodge in 1816. Both living in 1841, no heirs listed,

D. Francis N, Vaugine, m. Odiel (or Oriel) Desruesseau ca 1826. Both living in 1841, no heirs listed.

E. Eulelea Vaugine, d. 1827. Married Creed Taylor ca 1821. 1. Ann Elizabeth Taylor (a minor in 1841). 2. Eulalie Vaugine Taylor (a minor in 1841).

F. Paul Vaugine, m. Harriet Wolf Ca 1825. Living in 1841, no heirs listed.

III. Don Francis Vallure, d. 1805. Married Marianna La Rose.

A. Francis Vallure, m. Julia Mitchell, both living in 1841, no heirs listed.

B. Marianna Vallure, d. 1837, Married Creed Taylor in 1828. 1. Samuel Taylor, about ten years old in 1841.

C. Maria Felicita Vallure, d. ca 1833. Married Achilles Godin ca 1823. " . 1. Achilles Godin, about 13 years old in 1841. 2. Georgianna Godin, about 9 years old in 1841. 3. William Godin.

IV. Mary Elizabeth Augustein Vallure, died without issue ca 1804.




J. Floyd Bullock

The New Hope Methodist Church is no longer in existence, It was a few miles west of Arkadelphia, Clark County, Arkansas. The land for the Church and the Cemetery was dona­ted by my great-great-grandfather, John Bridges.

When the Church was to be built, my gr-gr-grandfather wanted the building to face just so. Therefore, he went at midnight to set the cornerstone by the North Star. Mr gr-grand­father Thomas Jefferson Clingan (John Bridges , son-in-law) worked with him on this project. The Church building was also used as a school, and my grandmother started to school here.

I have not been able to find out where the membership of the Church was sent when the Church was discontinued, but I have been able to locate an old membership roll. It is at the home of Mrs. Edgar (Lizzie) Elder of the Hearn community. It is not the original roll, but was the oldest one I found.

1. M.n E. Bridges 2, T. A. Boyd, died May 15, 1887, 3. S. E. Bridges 4. Louisa Bridges 5. John Bridges, died Apr. 21, 1895.

(my great-great-grandfather) 6. D. J. Bridges 7. W. J. Bridges 8. James Bridges, died Nov, 22, 1887. 9. H. E. Bridges

10. J. B. Boyd 11. Malissa Carter,

(withdrew Sept. 17, 1888) 12. G. E. Carter 13. SarahA. Carter 14. Emeline C. Clingan

(my great grandmother) 15. G. W. Carter

(expelled Sept. 15, 1888) 16. S. N. Carter 17. T. J. Clingan

(my great grandfather) 18. J. H. Carter 19. Nick Costen (joined by

confession May 8, 1887) 20. J. S. Dunn 21. M. E. Dunn 22. Mary L. Elder 23. Willie Elder 24. Susan A. Golden 25. Rebecca Gibbs, Sr.

26. Rebecca T. Gibbs, Jr. 27. Rosie Gibbs 28. J. A. Gibbs 29. Fred E, Greene 30. B. D. Huie 31. G. W. Hart 32. R. P, Hart 33. John R. Huggs 34. N. T. Hill 35. Emma Hart 36. Lucinda Hitchcock 37. Lou Hart 38. Mary C. Hart 39. Tabitha J. Huie 40. Malissa L. Hughes 41. Florence E. Hughes 42. F. M. Hughes 43. C. A. Hughes 44. M. A. Hart, died May 25, 1887. 45. Isabelle Jackson 46. Susan Lee 47. C. N. Lee 48. Edward McDaniel 49. Mollie McDaniel 50. Ailsy McDaniel 51. Elizabeth Mackey 52. John Mackey (C. L.) 53. D, N. Pennington (D. E. ?) 54. Sanford Pennington, Ex. 55. J. D. Pennington 56, G. A, L Pennington



57. Sarah Pennington 58. Matilda Pennington 59. Elizabeth J. Pennington 60 . Carrie Pennington 61. Lenorah Pennington 62. Emma C. Pennington 63. Adline Pierce 64. M. M. Pierce 65. J. P. Pierce 66. J. P. Stroope 67. Mary H. Stroope 68. Henry Sossamon

(withdrew Sept. 17, 1888) 69. Manervia Stroope 70. W. M. Tarver, L. P. 71. Sibby C. Tarver 72. Wm. Thomas, C. L. 73. Rosie Thomas 74. Buella Theabolt 75. Sarah C. Thompson 76. T. J Thompson 77. Charity A. Thompson 78. Martha Tarver 79. Rosella Wilkerson 80. A. C. Wilkerson 81. J. E, Williams 82. J. Q, Bridges, by Bap.

(Sept. 17, 1887)

83. D. N. Marberry, by bap. Sept. 17, 1887, withdrew Sept. 17, 1888.

84. Julia Marberry, by bap. Sept. 17, 1887, withdrew Sept. 17, 1888.

85. Lee Page, by bap. Sept. 17, 1887. 86. Alford Bridges, by bap. Sept. 17, 1887. 87. Warren J. Clingan, by bap. Sept. 17, 1887. 88. A. J. Bridges, by bap. Sept. 17, 1887. 89. Johnie Bridges, by bap. Sept. 17, 1887. 90. Lowe Thomas, by bap. Sept. 17, 1887. 91. 92. Gorgia Hart, by faith, 1887. 93. H. F. Finley, by bap. 1887. 94. W. H. Williams, faith, 1887. 95. John H. Golden, faith, 1887. 96. Mary Knox, by letter, 1887. 97. W. A. Gibbs, by bap. 1887. 98. Bertie Pennington, bap. 1887. 99. T. E. Costen, by bap. 1887.

100. Mattie Boyd, by experience, 1888. 101. J. T. Tarver, profession, 1888. 102. Clifford Lee, profession, 1888.

I have uncles, aunts, and cousins galore in this church roll, but have only tried to iden­tify my direct line of ancestry.

The Court House at Arkadelphia, county seat of Clark County, have all their old records. The people in the Court House are most cooperative and helpful if anyone is searChing there.

J. Floyd Bullock 521 Chestnut St., SW Camden, Arkansas


BY; Willma Humphreys Newton (Mrs. Lawrence Newton)

Hampton, Arkansas

4 :l

As the War Between The States became an accepted fact in the minds of the people of the South, those in Dallas County, Arkansas, like those elsewhere in the South, took steps to keep the slave population in check. Fear of a slave uprising was one that was always ne ar the surface of the mind of the Southern planter, who lived in isolated areas surroundecl by a 1 arge group of slaves. With many of the men going to war, it was decided to organize a Home Guard to secure the safety of those at home.

This Guard not only held the slaves in check, but looked after the families of soldiers to see that their actual needs were met. The personnel of the Guard seems to change from time to time, and as more of the young men went into actual fighting with some military organiza­tion. the Home Guard literally became Old Men and Boys Companies.

The following are the lists which appear in the County Court records:

Dallas County, Arkansas County Court Record "B", Page 90 July 1st, 1861 July Term County Court 1861 HOME GUARD OF MINUTE MEN.

It is ordered by the Court that the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed a Home Guard of Minute Men, for the following Townships, To wit:

PRINCETON TOWNSHIP James B. Thrasher Isaac W. Jones James Ketchum Ruffin A. Willis

SMITH TOWNSHIP Willis L. Somerville Sanford Reamey John N. Amis L. D. Lipscomb

Thomas L. Watt William Taylor Henderson Oakley James Woods

Alexander Butler N. R. Tunstall Tyre H. Brown Wm. A. Lea

MA,."!CHESTER TOWNSHIP Charles H. Blacknall Jesse R. Harris Hiram C. Marsh Robert McAlister

OWE N TOWNSHIP Isaiah Jackson Ben Woodworth Geo. W. Beard Harrison Leath

Wiley Easley Harris B. Pater Kimbro Jones Henry Blacknall

Albion Russell R. W. Dickerson E. L. Dickerson Seburn Posey

HOLLY SPRINGS TOWNSHIP Samuel A. Saunders G. W. Harris J. B. Hogue Burrell Shaddock

Basil C. Harley Richard H Martin Miles Hardy R. J. Eubanks

Thomas J. Reid Francis Griffin W. F. Willis J. N. Blacknall

Joseph A. Whitaker Dr. J. A. Goeghagan A. W. Littlejohn E. M. Harris

John McFaddin James S. Leath John W. Peebles Geo. W. Mallett

Joseph L. Crownover F. O. Pledger

Fredrick A. Benson

J. E. Woods R. C. Harley

G. D. Hughes Ben M. Smith J. H. Pattillo

W. S. Horton N. K. Jones E. E. Dowdy

Willis Tatum Wm. P. Ryland H. O'Neal

A. J. Leath Alexander Hall




HOLLY SPRINGS TOWNSHIP (cont'd) John L. Walsh John Sinquefield A. E. Sorrells Burrell B. Beard

JACKSON TOWNSHIP E. D. Trammel W. A. Wilkins J. B. Smith Nathan Proctor

SALINE TOWNSHIP Elijah Measels F. W. Earl T. J. Weeks James T. Crawford

CHESTER TOWNSHIP Dr. James M. Lea Bartless Barby Isaac McLendon Alexander Pinchback

John Knight L J. Alston Josiah Stover J. N. Fortune

Henry Rogers Milton Bratton Henry Darby Stephen Garlington

Wm. H. Wallis H. D. Bland Robt. Jamison Wm. Archer

Daniel Huff John A. Chewning

Felix G. Huddleston Nathan Steelman H. J. J. Wilkerson Samuel McMurry

L. B. McCright Albert Garner Berry Childers James Easterling

Simon C. Robinson John R. Westbrook Stephen P. Holloway Uriah Wilson

Dallas County, Arkansas County Court Record "B", Page 121 October 10, 1861 HOME GUARD OF MINUTE MEN

PRINCETON TOWNSHIP Wm. R. Connell B. H. Cooksey Spencer Greer B. F. McAllister

SMI'L'H TOWNSHIP Wm:H. Young Maurice Smith James Stephenson

B. H. Holmes Stephen Winstead Archer Hayes James H. Baird

Wm L. Pattillo Wm. Dyer Wm. Smith

MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP Kimbrough Jones James G. Perry Dr. J. P. Tenny

OWEN TOWNSHIP P. H. Williams Thos. J. Pride Thos. J. Daly

Daniel Jones James M. Trigg Charles L. Bullock

J ames Butler B. F. Brazeal George Harrison

HOLLY SPRINGS TOWNSHIP Samuel Peterson D. Q. Stell David Mahan Thomas Peterson Sherwood Rowland .J, L, Key

G. G. Lea Wm. A. Bridges Obed Cheatham E. S. Taylor

Saml. W. Smith Alexander Butler H. P. Hall

Dr. J. T. Craig James W. Dunn Peyton V. Duke

Daniel Moorman A. L. Russell Blake Bryant

C. A. Hogue Moses Daniel John S. Jones


Jesse Grizzle * (* Griswold)

WilU:i\m Todd William Daniel J. B. Wheeler

Moses Rogers Frank Johnson T. C. Harrison

Hugh Hood Garland Hadwick Noah Trice

John Ballard Willis Hunter E. McHogg

E. H. Green

C. M. Wilcox J. A. Gray

Jacnes S. Gibson

Wm. H Head


.r ACKSON TOWNSHIP Lewellen Jacobs Elijah St(lver Lewis Amis

SALINE TOWNSHIP Daniel Hawks M. V. Dykes Wm. Ledbetter

CHESTER TOWNSHIP Wm. K. Harrison James H. Guess Thomas Riggin

Lewis Haskins Wm. McDonald L. C. Silman

James T. Robertson Elisha Kilpatrick Wm. H. Walker

Charles Strong J. M. Orr R. M. Thrasher

COUNTY COURTiiECO\l;JD B, Page 122 October 11, 1861

Ruffin Oakley W. W. Killebrough JohnK. Stell

Solomon Sparks Lindsey Seymore

Thos. S. Beaty Spirous Rogers John A. Verser

R. Bryant

M. I. Daniel John Carter

J. L. Yeargin

HOME GUARD: It is ordered by the Court that the Home Guard of Minute Men in each County be, and they are required to took to the families of Volunteers in their respective Township, and to furnish. such articles for food and raiment as may be absolutely neces­sary for the support and relief of any of the families of the Volunteers from their respec­tive townships who are in actual service when from affliction or indigence, such relief may be absolutely necessary and that they report their proceedings in this behalf to the next term of this Court.


. PRINCETON TOWNSH1P Wm. R .. HlU'l~r J08(jph VIM

COUNTY COURT RECORD "B", Page 144 January 10, 1862

J. E. Woods J08eplt H. Pickett Pef1lr §Wb."'bfdield R. Il. Martin

P. Wittt§ Peter POpe 'i1'

John Mann John'l'. G. Taylor

SMITH TOWNSHIP Albert Butler David C. Hall Alexander Butler

T. J. B. Neely Maurice S:lnith Lafayette Ross

MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP Sidney DlIlln John W. Cain James Delamar David E. Jones S. C. PorterHeld H. A,. Jahnsoo

Wrn. A. Lea E. R. Blll'cus

Isaac P. 'fenny J{1hn Sims

John Gibson Ben M. Smith

J. H. Scott A. J. Hunter


OWEN TOWNSHIP P. H. Williams Thomas J. Pride James S. Gibson

Thos. J. Daly Jame!f N. Butler Blaie Bryant

B. F. Brazeal George Harrison

Daniel Moorman A. L. Russell

46 "


HOLLY SPRINGS TOWNSHIP A. L. Patterson V. B. Lafferty Thos. Patterson G\!,orge J .. Deen

JACKSON TOWNSHIP J. R. Fielder David Vaughan Cornelius Russell

SALINE TOWNSHIP John R. Wright DeKalb Wylie Wm. Garlington

CHESTER TOWNSHIP Noah Trice J. R. Westbrooks Wm. McAlister

H. H. Pryor Ben F. Hearn

R. M. Denny John H. Wyatt W. E. Laroque

James Kennedy Jessee Crouse Daniel Burford

Robt. Harrison, Jr. S. P .. Holloway R. A Crowder

S. D. Spake J. A. Goodgame

Seth H. Barnes Jeremiah Wood

J. H. Barnett John Kilpatrick

Alexander Pinchback Robert Banks


Alex. Toney Wm. Steel

James H. Beard H. H. Elliott

G. V. Childers Wm. Barker

John Orr Hugh Ross


COUNTY COURT RECORD "B", Page 161 April 9, 1862

It is ordered by the Court that the following named persons be and they are hereby appOinted a Home Guard of Minute Men, for the following townships, to wit:

PRINCE TON TOWNSHIP P. H. Holmes F. W. Compton T. M. Martin W. Winstead B. H. Cooksey A. Hayes

SMITH TOWNSHIP S. Ramey E. H. Green G. G.· Matlock

William Smith T. H. Brown H. P. Hall

MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP Chas. H. Blacknall Chapman Williams Jesse Harris

OWEN TOWNSHIP P. H. Williams T. J. Pride Thos. J. Daly

N. K. Jones Chas. Bullock J. A. Whittaker

J. N Butler B. F. Brazeal A. A. Anderson

H. W. Barlow D. M. Bryant Wm. A.· Lea, Jr.

L. D. Lipscomb Thos. J. Reid

E. E. Dowdy Johnathan Pitts

Daniel Morman James S. Gibson

Jordan Abbott Kenehn Harrison Wm. Owens

Alex Butler Peter Lantorn

Basil Lea John Harville

Blake Bryant A. L. Russell


HOLLY SPRINGS TOWNSHIP D. J. Sumner (Summers?) Stephen Jones

J. R. Williams A. A. Mitchell J. C. Delamar Wm. J. Flynn

JACKSON TOWNSHIP Lewellen Jacobs John Benson Bailey T. Bledsoe

SALINE TOWNSHIP Elijah Measles James Sims Franldin Johnston

CHESTER TOWNSHIP B. Barbee R. Jamerson H. D. Bland

Frank Barnes George Adams F. G. Huddleston

Jas. T. Robertson H. N. Darby Rich'd Watters

S. C. Robinson R. A. Crowder Robert Orr

David Sorrells J. H. Brooks H. W. Tomlinson

Robinson Bryant Parker Edwards

James Harris Wesley Hurley

A. J. Wells Spirous Rogers

J. White J. J, Stewart F. O. Pledger

Ruffin Oakley Lewis Am.is

Argyle Monroe B. W. Bennett

S. P. Holloway Noah Brice

It is further ordered by the Court that their duties so far as regards the indigent fami­lies (of) volunteers cease from the date of the present appointments.

Also it is further ordered that they see that all slaves are dismissed to prevent the assemblage of slaves in unusual numbers to keep the slave population in proper subjection and to see that peace and order are observed, and said guard are authorized to arrest all suspected persons and bring them before some Justice of Peace without Warrant by trial before Civil authorities.

NOTE: Mrs. Newton has in her files a long list of the families who were helped by the Home Guard. The list shows name of soldier, military outfit he was in. whether he was in service or dead, and the names of each member of his family, their ages and relationship.





Elbert NooneI'

Oakland Cemetery is located in Faulkner County, Arkansas and is reached by traveling eight miles east of Conway on U, S. Highway 64, then five miles north on State Highway 36, then three miles west on the Holland road.

Acklan, Laura B., b. Jan. 4,1883; d, Mar. 15, 1925.

Bass, Eunice C., b. Feb. 9, 1862; d. Aug. 31, 1930. Bass, John G., b. Feb. 5, 1866; d. Apr. 23, 1906. Bass, Josephine, b. 1858; d. 1948. Bass, Sterling L., d, Mar. 19, 1957, age 67 yrs., 7 months, 4 days. Bass, O. Clarence, Co. D, ISC Inf. -Cav.

Bearden, Irby, b. 1850, d. Nov. 7, 1905. Bennett, H. P., b. Sept. 10, 186;1, d. Jan. 13, 1933. Bennett, T. M., b, Sept. 10, 1861, d. Dec. 21, 1941.

Berry, Dexer, Infant, no dates. Berry, Infant, no dates. Berry, McCarty Elora, 1897 - 1958. Berry, Lemuel Brook, b. Jan. 17, 1846, d. June 24, 1941. Berry, Mary Eve, b. Aug. 15, 1857, d. Apr. 2, 1931.

Brady, Minnie M., b. Jan. 7, 1905, d. Nov. 6, 1958. Brady, William, no dates, Col L 3 Ark. Cav, Brady, William V., b. Jan. 16, 1897, d. (no date), Bratton, Lillie Mae, b. Jan. 11, 1897, d, Nov. 7, 1954. Brockway, Bobby Gail, b. May 14, 1939, d. May 22, 1939, son of F. D. and Velma, Brown, W. W., d. 1914, age 73 years,

Bryant, D. L., b, Sept. 20, 1860, d. Jan. 19, 1921. Bryant, Emma 0" b. Oct. 28, 1888, d. Oct. 11, 1889, dau. of D. L. and M. A. Bryant. Bryant, Frankie, b. Sept. 28,1892, d. Sept, 13,1904, sonofD. L. and M. A. Bryant. Burks, Grover, 1893 - 1959. Burks, Ozella, 1894-

Butler, Amanda, b. Oct. 18, 1859, d. Feb. 19, 1900 (1930 ?) Butler, Arvie, b. Sept. 20, 1904, d. Jan. 7, 1906. Butler, Bart E ., b. Oct. 19, 1898, d. July 6, 1935. Butler, C. R., b, Aug. 31, 1915, d. Aug. 31, 1915. Butler, Chas. H., b. Dec. 2, 1879, d, Butler, Ezra, b, Aug. 24, 1918, d. Apr. 9, 1922. Butler, Lizzie, b. June 12, 1882, d, Butler, Martha Ann, b. July 29, 1879, d. Jan. 13, 1955. Butler, Millie Turner, b. Feb. 14, 1897, d. Jan. 10, 1931.


Cable, Ida F., b. May 11, 1876, d. Mar. 14, 1902, wife of J. W. Cable. Cable, John W., b. Dec. 25, 1872, d. Sept. 15, 1876. Cable, Robbie, b. Feb. 28, 1871, d. Aug. 2, 1875. Cagile, Francis, b. Sept. 8, 1886, d. July 29, 1935. Carden, R. A., b. Feb. 19, 1868, d. Apr. 21, 18 1 (or 1931). Carter, Mary, b. Dec. 24, 1843, d. Sept. 1, 1935. Carter, W. M., b. Dec. 5, 1837, d. June 22, 1925. Cheney, Clem Mae, Mrs., d. Aug. 24, 1948.

Clement, Barbra Jean, Sept. 5, 1939, dau. of A. E. and Thelma Clement. Clement, Carlos Lynn, Aug. 17, 1944, son of A. E. and Thelma Clement. Clement, Cyil D., b. Aug. 12, 1909, d. Clement, Flora J., Jan. 5, 1913. Clement, Ida F ., Mar. 24, 1902. Clement, Lillie R., b. Nov. 23, 1887, d. Oct. 14, 1941, wife of T. F. Clement. Clement, Lizzie, b. Jan. 19, 1899, d. June 28, 1925, wife of R. H. Clement. Clement, Tommie, b. July 8, 1920; d. July 8, 1938. Clements, James W., b. Sept. 3, 1880, d. Feb. 19, 1936. Cobb, Jessie H., March 16, 1921.

Davis, William A., d. Jan. 30, 1960, age 79 years, 7 months, 23 days. Douglas, Ernest Chester, d. June 21, 1960, age 69

Parents: Thomas E. and Margarett Douglas; Wife: Sarah Pearl Haller. Dowdy, Francis M., b. Dec. 13, 1850, d. Dec. 15, 1912. Dowdy, Margarett C., b. Mar. 10, 1854, d. June 25, 1934. Dunn, Odie B., b. Mar. 29, 1915, d. May 5, 1916. Dunn, William, b. May 29, 1892, d. June 24, 1892, son of J. L. and M. M. Dunn. Duran, Nancy E. Grisham, b. Sept. 16, 1876, d. Feb. 21, 1921.

Ferry, Baby, b. Aug. 14, 1924, d. Aug. 23, 1924. Ferry, James J., b. 1879, d. 1933. Ferry, Cordelia, b. 1888, d. 1944. Fleming, Emma E., b. Dec. 25, 1872, d. Mar. 17, 1909, wife of S. H. Fleming. Fleming, Mrs. James B., d. Aug. 23, 1959, age 90 years, 9 months, 20 days. Flouwlen, Frank N., b. Nov. 29, 1923, d. Nov. 4, 1944

(Ark. Sgt. 199 Inf. Div., WW II) Franklin, Elizabeth Cora, 1902 - 1937.

Gann, Lenorah Dorah, b. Aug. 27, 1880, d. Aug .. 21, 1875 (one of dates incorrect) Garrett, Carolyne, b. 1856, d. 1916. Garrett, Dora, b. July 17, 1878, d. Apr. 27, 1960. Garrett, E .. Milton, 1853 - 1909. Garrett, Hannah E ., 1868 - 1943. Garrett, Ida, b. Feb. 17, 1881, d. Aug. 12, 1893. Garrett, James, b. Feb. 20, 1851, d. May 12, 1908. Garrett, Jennie, b. Feb. 17, 1854, d. Sept. 11, 1913. Garrett, Or. Tom, b. Nov. 14, 1879, d. May 30, 1960.

Glover, Doll, b. Aug. 26, 1878, d. May 21, 1959. Glover, E. J., b. Feb. 24, 1860, d. Glover, Mrs. S. M., b. Feb. 20, 1879, d. June 2, 1952.

4. 9



Gibbs, David M., b. Jan. 4, 1886, d. Aug. 7, 1911. Gibbs, Dovi.e, 1882 - 1955. Gibbs, Ella D., Nov. 18, 1874. Gibbs, Infant, no dates. Gibbs, J. M., b. Dec. 22, 1852, d. 1917. Gibbs, John F., b. Dec. 1877, d. 1950. Gibbs, Tolrac, b. Feb. 20, 1877, d. Mar. 19, 1898. Spouse: W. H. Gibbs. Gibbs, William H., b. Dec. 24, 1874, d. Sept. 16, 1957.

Goggans, Agnes, b. Jan. 22, 1904, d. Dec. 4, 1908. Goggans, Estella, b. July 30, 1902, d. Sept. 2, 1902. Good, Alna Ellis, b. Aug. 1, 1874, d. Sept. 6, 1958. Good, Minnie Louise, b. Sept. 9, 1879, d. Good, WilliamR., b. Nov. 17, 1881, d. Oct. 11, 1924. Goode, Alta, b. Oct. 17, 1876, d. Apr. 17, 1917. Goode, Amanda Mahala, b. Nov. 9, 1858, d. June 6, 1926. Goode, C. D., b. Apr. 2, 1872, d. Feb. 12, 1933. Goode, Elma, b. May 23, 1920, d. July 4, 1921. Goode, Fred T., b. Sept. 1, 1878, d. Dec. 4, 1921. Goode, Habson, b. Sept. 15, 1898, d. Jan. 30, 1901. Goode, Mildred, b. June 11, 1909, d. (not readable). Goode, Otho G., b. Aug. 1, 1887, d. Goode, Oscar E., b. Nov. 19, 1882, d. Apr. 14, 1898. Goode, Ruth Goode, Sarah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 29, 1867, d. Jan. 31, 1931. Goode, Samuel W., b. Oct. 20, 1865, d. Apr. 19, 1930.

Gore, Clarence T., b. Dec. 12, 1905, d. Dec. 3, 1950. Gore, Deola, 1914 - 1915. Gore, Ellis, 1873 - 1940. Gore, Floyd, 1920 - 1945. Gore, Forol, 1919 - 1919. Gore, Gladys, 1912, - 1913. Gore, Jennie, 1871 - 1958. Gore, J. L., d. Mar. 14, 1909. Gore, Winnie, 1903 ,- 1903.

Grisham, Arthur B., b. Jan. 27, 1874, d. Apr. 8, 1883. Grisham, Bernard Dwight, b. May 7, 1910, d. Mar. 22, 1910 (one of dates incorrect)" Grisham, Calvin Vesta, b. May 10, 1905, d. Nov. 14, 1949, Ark. S 2 U.S.Navy WW II. Grisham, Elizabeth, b. Oct. 11, 1877, d. Feb. 11, 1949. Grisham, GeOI'ge Ann, b. Sept. 6, 1862, d. Sept. 5, 1954. Grisham, Green W., no dates, Corp. Co. K, 1 Ala. Cav. Grisham, Jessie M., b. June 20, 1889, d. Sept. 10, 1918, son of Robert and Mary Grisham. Grisham, Lawson William, d. Feb. 7, 1959, age 54 years, 7 months, 6 days. Grisham, Martin L", b. Oct. 9, 1871, d. Mar. 4, 1912. Grisham, Sim 0., b. Apr. 24, 1875, d. Mar. 6, 1949. Grisham, Uella, b. Jan. 19, 1915, d. Aug. 12, 1934, wife of Clarice James Grisham. Grisham, William C., b. Oct. 25, 1876, d. July 1, 19180



Harman, Baby, d. Mar. 14, 1914. Harman, E. W. A., b. Feb. 19,1894, d. Dec. 23, ,wifeofE. E. Harman. Harman, James S., b. Aug. 26, 1877, d. Nov. 22, 1930. Harman,. Mary, b. Dec. 22, 1883, d. Jan. 7, 1957, wife of J. M Harman. Harman, Rebbel Elbertie. b. Aug. 19, 1908, d. Jan. 30, 19\16, dau. of J. M. and Mary. Harman, Tommy, b. Apr. 23, 1902, d. Oct. 26, 1905. Hanna, JohnM., Capt., Co. H 46 Tenn. InC CSA, no dates. Hanna, Martha L., b. June 6, 1896, d. Aug. 18, 1896. Hardin, Nancy C., b. May 5, 1859, d. July 26, 1910 Hardin, J. E., b. Nov. 15, 1851, d. Jan. 4, 1954. Hardin, Osca Lee, b. Apr. 27, 1885, d. 1887, son of W. E. and E. L. Hardin. Hardin, Royec\,., d. Oct. 10, 1928.

Harrod, Inf. son of L. R. and M. M. Harrod, b. May 18, 1886, d. May 22, 1886. Harrod, Mary Susan, b. Sept. 28, 1881, d. Harrod, Ola Q. Victoria, b. Jan. 27, 1903, d. Apr. 10, 1910. Harrod, Presly William, b. Jan. 17, 1887, d. Sept. 6, 1953. Herrod, C. C., b. July 20, 1840, d. Feb. 13, 1893. Herrod, S. E., b. Jan. 12, 1855, d. Oct. 5, 1921, wife of C. C. Herrod. Herrod, Elizabeth, b. 1841, d. Oct. 4, 1887, wife of James Herrod. Henderson, Connie L., b. Jan. 20, 1916, d. Jan. 9, 1919, dau. of C. E. and Fannie. HIce, S. J., 1875. Hutto, Mamie Lucille, b. June 10, 1904, d. Sept. 14, 1905, dau. of J. A. and Bessie. Ingram, Hinkle Samuel, a. Mar. 10, 1959, age 73 years, 10 months, 12 days.

Jackson, Charles W., b. Oct. 17, 1887, d. Dec. 16, 1943. Jackson, Amanda, b. Apr. 7, 1855, d. Oct. 8, 1922, wife of J. W. Jackson. Jackson, John, b. Nov. 20, 1853, d. Jan. 19, 1933. Jackson, Susan E., b. Apr. 17,1855, d. Oct. 8,1922. James, A. Lee, b. Jan. 15, 1885, d. June 5, 1934. James, Annie N., b. Sept. 18, 1864, d. Feb. 19, 1910. James, Charlie F., b. July 4, 1888, d. June 12, 1915. James, F. E., d. 1901, age 10 years. James, Fannie, d. Jan. 14, 1949. James, Ira Dickson, b. Dec. 3, 1852, d. Mar. 31, 1951. James, Jeffie Shaw, b. July 5, 1895, d. Jan. 29, 1930. James, Martha Caroline, b. July 9, 1829, d. July 11, 1874. James, Nancy Luella, Feb. 14, 1863. James, Silas A., b. July 12, 1821, d. Sept. 14, 1911. James, William Kirby, b. July 15, 1857, d. Feb. 19, 1927. Johnson, G. W., 1871 - 1933. ,Johnson, Mathe, d. May 29, 1959, age 81 years, 4 months, 7 days.

Killough, Claudine, d, May 17, 1951, age 1 month, 10 days. Killougp., James M., d, Sept. 4, 1959, age 89 years, 6 months, 1 day. Killough, .Josie, Dec. 28, 1882. Killough, Juddie L., b. Nov. 15, 1912, d. Nov. 27, 1912. Killough, Mary M., d. (not readable), age 79 years. Killough, Miner A., b. July 8, 1884, d. Mar. 29, 1957. Killough, Pauline K., b. June 16, 1919, d. Feb. 26, 1941. Killough, Willie L., d. May 15, 1954, age 2 days.



Kirby, Sarah Earnhart, b. May 20, 1939, d. Sept. 25, 1957, wife of Billy Doyle Kirby. Lackey, Benj. F., b. Mar. 23, 1859, d. Nov. 30, 1941, Lackey, Birtha E., b. May 18, 1886, d. Aug. 14, 1925. Lackey, Fannie F., b. Aug. 9, 1893, d. Feb. 9, 1955. Lackey, John H., b. Nov. 8, 1881, d. Feb. 22, 1895, son of B. F. and M. E. Lackey. Lackey, Jones A., . b. June 28, 1889, d. Oct. 4, 1955. Lackey, Mary, b. Nov. 24, 1867, d. Mar. 28, 1950. Lackey, Sarah Ruthie, b. Apr. 9, 1883, d. Feb. 11, 1898, dau. of B. F. and M. E. Lackey. Lackey, Vida, d. (not readable), age 37 years. Langley, GeorgeW., b. Feb. 12, 1890, d. Feb. 15, 1890. Langley, Martha C., b. &d. SepL 18, 189l. Langley, Maudie May, b. June 23, 1893, d. July 14, 1893. Langley, Prudence, b. Oct. 16, 1808, d. Jan. 10, 1876. Langley, Verner Taylor, b. Jan. 23, 1898, d. Feb. 8, 1899.

Lee, Nancy, b. Feb. 5,1905, d. Sept. 12,1910, dau. ofS. T. andN. G. Lee Lewelling, S. Wiley, b. Oct. 20, 1863, d. Aug. 8, 1901. Lewelling, Ruth Cora, b. Dec. 27, 1894, d. Dec. 30, 1894. Lewelling, Vergil M., b. May 1, 1891, d. Sept. 21, 1909. Lewellyn, Dohes Jean (no dates) Louie, Joe L., b. Dec. 1, 1925, d. Oct. 19, 1948. Louie, Wash H., 1886 - 1907. Lovett, ---, b. Feb. 26, 1873, d. Sept. 26, 1923. Lovett, W. F., b. Mar. 29, 1869, d. Apr. 7, 1923. Lovie, W. W., b. May 9, 1864, d. Sept. 7, 1905. Lovie, NancyE., b. Nov. 3, 1851, d. Aug. 28,1926. Lovie, A. LethaR., 1887 -1948. Lowery, Gideon, Co. E, 3 Miss. InL CSA (no dates) Lowery, James D., Sgt. Co. G, 42 Miss. Inf. CSA (no dates)

Mabry, Arthur Lee, b. Sept. 19, 1881, d. Mar. 19, 1945. Mabry, Francis Mary, d. Jan. 7, 1959, age 76 years, 15 days. Mabry, G. B., Julyl'14, 1890. Mabry, Gid, b. and d. 1884. Mabry, Infant, b. and d. 1892. Mabry, James E., b. Jan. 20, 1858, d. July 4, 1943. Mabry, Lizzie, May 16, 1893. Mabry, Mary, b. Mar. 30, 1819, d. Jan. 14, 1895 .

. Mabry, Mary E., b. Feb. 20, 1860, d. Mar. 24, 1930. MII-bry, Nancy A., b. Sept. 25, 1881, d. Mar. 16, 1958. Mabry, R!"becca, b. Jan. 29, 1859, d. Oct. 9, 1931, Wife of J. E. Mabry.

Mack, Farlin, d. Apr. 22, 1960, age 15 years, 6 days. Marks, Danic!", d. D!"c. 14, 1906 .

. Mathew, Alabam F., b. Nov. 20 (26), 1863, d. Jun!" 12, 1910. Math!"w, Ollie B., b. Oct. 5, 1893, d. Oct. 17, 1904. Math!"ws, Earl E., b. Sept. 15, 1889, d. F!"b. 24, 1944. Mathews, Hattie D., b. Aug. 13, 1895, d. Mathews, James E., d. Feb. 27, 1960, age 28 y!"ars, 9 months, 15 days. Maulden, Joe B., b. Dec. I, 1925, d. Oct. 19, 1948.


McCarty, Flemming EmmaE., b. Dec. 25, 1872, d. Mar. 17, 1909, wife ofS. H. McCarty, Clara Carter, 1876 - 1903.

· McCarty, Jimmy, Infant, d. 1903. McCarty, J. Harry, b. Feb. 22, 1873, d. Nov. 25, 1955. McCarty, Mary L., p. Dec. 30, 1881, d. Nov. 1, 1946. McCarty, Mollie, b. Nov. 12, 1882, d. Apr. 16, 1914. McDonald, Dr. W. T., .b. Oct. 17, 1867, d. May 26, 1940. McDonald, Ella M., b. Nov. 22, 1870, d. Dec. 6, 1946. McDonald, Cyril, b. Dec. 3, 1900, d. Aug. 17, 1910. McElroy, dau. of J. P. and Lillie McElroy, b. June 19, 1924, d. Feb. 8, 1928.

· McElroy, J. N., b. Jan. 4, 1862, d. June 6, 1937. McElroy, John, d. July 17, 1956, age 61 years, 8 months, 26 days. McElroy, Mary E., b. Feb. 4, 1866, d. Jan. 26, 1954. McElroy, Vernon Earl, b. Oct. 21, 1918, d. Oct. 7, 1945, Texas Pvt 1 Armd. Regt.

McGaha, Clarice Corene, b. Sept. 29, 1943, d. Apr. 24, 1947. McGaha, George Robert, b. Dec. 31, 1880, d. Nov. 23, 1922. McGaha, Hester Pauline, b. May, 1918, d. June, 1921. McGaha, Mrs. J. A., d. July, 1941. McGaha, Maggie Beatrice, d. Apr. 12, 1959, age 77 years, 8 months, 2 days. McGaha, Martha G., d. Apr., 1949 (?) McGaha, Mary Duran, b. Dec. 1, 1885, d. Mar. 29, 1923. McGaha, Ralph F., d. May 24, 1960, age 62 years, 8 months, 21 days.


McPherson, Merdeth, b. Dec. 8, 1904, d. Dec. 18, 19.04, son of A. and M. L. McPherson. McPherson, Virgie, b. Feb. 9, 1903, d. Dec. 12, 1905, son of A. and M. L. McPherson.

· Middleton, James B., b. Dec. 6, 1896, d. May 26, 1897. Middleton, Mary Ann, b. Sept. 12, 1882, d. Oct. 6, 1899 .

. Middleton, Mary Ann Smith, b. Nov. 18,1858, d. Mar. 4,1946. Middleton, Mary Geraldine, b. Feb. 5,1910, d. Oct. 23,1910, dau. of A.S. and M. A. Middleton, Nancy T., b. Mar. 25, 1878, d. Aug. 14, 1883. Middleton, Thomas Jefferson, b. Sept. 24; 1858, d. Feb. 8, 1928. Miliam, W. B., b. May 30, 1890, d. Sept. 22, 1915. Milligan, Levi, b. Mar. 5, 1917, d. Mar. 5, 1929.

Newberry, Anna Sue, b. Feb. 26, 1932, d. Apr. 8, 1936. Newberry, Crotella, Dec. 7, 1957. Newberry, Forum, b. Apr. 4, 1911, d. Nov. 17, 1944. Newberry, Leo, b. Apr. 19, 1913, d. Jan. 2,1957. Newberry, Margaret Lou Bass, b. Jan. 24, 1876, d. Sept. 23, 1958. Newberry, Weighbourne, 22 Apr. 1935, Ark. Pvt. Med. Dept. Newberry, Zachary Taylor, b. Mar. 21, 1849, d. Dec. 29, 1917.

· Nisbett, L. L., b. Jan. 13, 1884, d. Aug. 25, 1907. Nisbett, W. D., b. Feb. 27, 1884, d. Dec. 25, 1907. Nisbett, R. C., b. Jan. 23, 1885, d. Nov. 13, 1904.

Parham, Ava V., b. Dec. 10, 1893, d. Mar. 3, 1936. Parham, H W., b. Feb. 8, 1859, d. Sept. 2, 1927.

· Parham, John H., Oct. 13, 1888. Parham, Roy, b. Aug. 14, 1902, d. Jan .. 6, 1918. Parham, Mrs. S. J., b. Mar. 1, 1868, d. Nov. 4, 1954.




Parson, E. E., b. Aug. 12, 1856, d. Nov. 19, 1934. Parson, Mary E., b. Nov. 5, 1848, d. Apr. 28, 1921.

. Parson, James W., b. Apr. 16, 1856, d. June 2, 1901. Parson, Amanda, d. July 28, 1898. Parson, ---, d. 1951, age 34 years, 17 days. Patrick, F. L., b. Mar. 3, 1871, d. Jan. 14, 1959. Patrick, Julia, Aug. 3, 1874. Pettie, Ashford, b. Aug. 8, 1858, d. Oct. 6, 1914. Pettie, EllenR., b.Aug.20, 1863, d.July3, 1941. Pettie, Pearl, b. Feb. 27, 1894, d. June\24, 1911. Phillips, Gertrude James, d. July 30, 1959, age 51 years, 6 months, 13 days. Powell, Annie C. Fressie, b. Feb. 8, 1890, d. Nov. 22, 1928. Powell, Lucy Leona, b. Nov. 22, 1919, d. Aug. 12, 1927. Powell, Faydean Ruby, b. May 29, 1930, d. May 1, 1941. Price, Ellie F., d. Jan. 28,1946, age 73 years, 4 months, 19 days.

Rains, John W., b. Apr. 5, 1855, d. Feb. 15, 1922. Rains, Joseph F., b. Mar. 24, 1902, d. July 3, 1932. Rains, C. C., b. Feb. 4, 1900 (1910), d. July 20, 1914, son of J. C. and Ethel Rains. Reedy, Joseph, b. May 10, 1842, d. June 28, 1899. Reedy, Robert, b. Mar. 3, 1878, d. Mar. 1, 1900, son of Joseph and Cassie Reedy. Roberts, Josie, b. Sept. 28, 1880, d. Oct. 20, 1941. Roberts, William, b. Sept. 18, 1880, d. Roberts, Ola, d. Jan. 9, 1959, age 42 years, 3 months, 1 day. Robinson, Myrtle V., b. May 9, 1892, d. Jan. 15, 1951. Robinson, William C., b. May 12, 1883, d. Dec. 6, 1949. Roland, J. D., b. Mar. 3, 1862, d. Dec. 11, 1940. Roland, MaryiE., b.1863, d. Oct. 6, 1944. Ross, Charley, b. Dec. 1,1885, d. Oct. 21,1902, son of Rev. D. C. and Jennie Ross. Ruple, Syrg~s W., b. Aug. 10, 1854, d. June 13, 1919. Ruple, Etta, d. Apr. 15, 1940, age 40 years. Ruple, Louis, 1917 - 1928.

Sanders, Caroline C., b. Mar. 4, 1869, d. Jan. 9, 1953. Sanders, Thomas J., b. Apr. 3, 1869, d. Aug. 31, 1956. Shelton, Mrs. Moll, d. Dec. 19, 1941, age 79 years, 8 months, 15 days.

Smith, Aldron Philips, d. Sept. 2, 1956, age 86 years, 9 months, 12 days. Smith, Bertie, b. Apr. 20, 1863, d. Dec. 14,1899, sonofC. B. andM. E. Smith. Smith, Billie, 1929 - 1949. Smith, Billy Russell, b. Mar. 9, 1839, d. July 9, 1940. Smith, Ella E., 1910 - 1913. Smith, Flora May, b. July 26, 1893, d. Sept. 18, 1896, dau. of W. T. and H. Smith. Smith, J. L., b. Dec. 19, 1840, d. Feb. 18, 1882. Smith, Jess D., 1877 - 1941. Smith, Lee W., 1900 - 1901. Smith, Mary E., b. Nov. 26, 1839, d. Oct. 30, 1917. Smith, Mary M., d. Mar. 1, 1954, age 81 years, 10 months, 5 days. Smith, Mattie L., 1878 ·-1960.


Smith, Nora Hill, 1880 - 1939. Smith, Robert H., 1881 - 1951. Smith, Robert Lee, 1909 - 1939. Smith, SarahM., d. Apr. 27,1948, age 71 years, 5 months, 4 days. Smith, Ruben A., b. Dec. 11, 1892, d. Apr. 14, 1893, son of C. B. and M. E. Smith.

Spiller, Mrs. Emma, d. Dec. 4, 1952, age 49 years, 10 days. Spruce, Rev. T. D., 1884 - 1948. Spruce, Maude Lloyd, 1887 - 1955. Spruce, Russell Lane, 1910 - 1911. Spruce, David Few, 1916 - 1923. Stephen, JohnM., b. Apr. 13, 1851, d. Dec. 25,1956. Stephen, Susan E., b. May 30, 1855, d. Nov. 21, 1923. Stephen, Myrtle J., b. Sept. 7, 1897, d. Dec. 8, 1948. Stevenson, William E., b. Sept. 15,1887, d. Stevenson, Nona Goode, b. Nov. 28, 1889, d. Sept. 25, 1954. Stevenson, Mae Dean, b. Aug. 8,1920, d. Apr. 5,1921, dau. ofW. E. and Nona. Stevenson, Carroll Wesley, b. May 10, 1905, d. Nov. 14, 1949, Ark S2 USN, WW IL Sturgeon, Aldora, b. Jan. 28, 1889, d. Nov. 28, 1941. Sturgeon, Marion, b. Aug. 22, 188S, d. May 4, 1959. Sturgeon, Phillips Bertha Mae, b. May 28, 1909, d. Feb. 4, 1934. Surratt, Almon (no dates)

Tapley, Thomas Jerry, b. Feb. 11, 1863, d. June 19, 1960, age 87 (error) son of William Alben and Mary Lou Miliam Tapley, born in St. Clair Co" Ala..

Tarlton, Phogion, b. Oct. 18, 1894, d. Feb. 25, 1913. Tate, A. P., b. Dec. 14, 1832, d. July 1, 1945 (?) Tate, E. A., b. Sept. 13, 1846, d. Nov. 25,1902, born in Ala. Tedder, Homer Lee, b. Sept. 13,1909, d. Jan. 25,1916, sonofW. M. and B. B. Tedder. Tedder, Infant son, b. Apr. 18, 1907, d. Apr. 28, 1907. Villnes, Alice J., b. Dec. 20, 1878, d. Oct. 4, 1906.

Webb, Bascum Kimble, b. Apr. 20, 1917, d. July 5, 1918. Webb, Cathern, b. Dec. 26, 1869, d. Oct. 8, 1905, wife of G. W. Webb. West, Dewitt Talmage, b. Apr. 28, 1891, d. July 1, 1891. West, J. R., b. May 29, 1854, d. Oct. 12, 1885. West, Lizzie J., b. Jan. 11, 1869, d. Dec. 13, 1900, wife of W. J. WesL West, Minnie E., b. Dec. 12, 1878, d. Dec. 9, 1892, wife of W. J. West. West, Tommie Dean, b. Jan. 6, 1895, d. Oct. 8, 1893 (error), son of.l, T. and A. D. Woodworth, Nettie, 1898 - 1942.

Yancy, H. B. (no dates) ?owens Btry Ark L Arty CSA York, Coleman, d. Aug. 20, 1934.



Will pay all the postage to borrow or acquire the first issue of The Arkansas Family His-torian (Vol. I, No.1) from any member who has an unbound single copy or a copy not needed.

SFC Ronald H. Cochran 1121 S. Wakefield St. Apt. 2 Arlington, Va. 22204

I am doing research on the following families: Faubus, Patton, Walker and Creech from Kentucky; Spurlock and Sullins from Tennessee; Martin from Mississippi; and Anderson, Blevins, Montgomery, Newlon and Stewart. These families settled in Madison Co. between 1814 and 1889. I would like any information on these families and/or county history.

Ada Sullins Anderson 110 E. Rock Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

I would like to contact anyone doing research on the following, families: fIopkins;.Bates, Copeland, Gregory, Noble, Mabry and Dingler. They are all from southeastern Arkansas.

Thad R. Bates 16949 So. Western Gardena, Calif. 90247

I am very much interested in the Stotts family of Craighead County, as well as other Ark­ansas families. Is anyone else working on this family?

Mrs. Gilbert White 1701 Clark St. Bastrop, Louisiana 71220

I am looking for information on the Stone, Vaughan and Pinkley (Pinckney) families. Ruth Tilus Route 1 Box 430 A Snohomish, Wash. 98290

I am searching for Lane, Smith, Brewer, Carter, Chenoweth, Morgan and Dickens in the Arkansas area.

Mrs. O. B. Smith Etter Route Box 10 Dumas, Texas

I am working on these lines: Davis, Kellin, Grace, Ware, Owens, Thomas, Newman, Jackson, Lee, Horn, Williams, Buffington, Nobles, Hathcoat, Heathcoat.

Mrs. J. K. Rogers Route 1 Box 117B Oak Ridge, Louisiana 71264

I am interested in the Braswell family history. Other spellings are Brassell, Brazil, Brasel, Brasuell, Bracewell, etc.

O. Klute Braswell Box 249 Berryville, Arkansas 72616



BAILE Y I need information concerning Wiley David Bailey, such as place and date of birth, wife's

maiden name, names of children, etc. May have been born Mar. 23, 1855, probably in Tenn. James W. Bailey 3505 Barry Ave. Fort Smith, Ark. 72901

BARBER - BAKER Need information on Margarette R. Barber and William F. Baker. They were married

July 4, 1875, Yellville, Ark., moved to Dardanelle, then to Hot Springs. Margarette was born Aug. 15, 1858, Searcy Co., Ark., daughter of Jobe Barber and -- Hardister. Jobe Barber died on the march home from the Civil War; his wife died soon after, leaving Mar­garette an orphan. William Baker moved to northern Ark. soon after the war with his father, Taylor Baker, located in Izard Co., then to Baxter Co.

Mrs. R. C. Bowen 515 Sunrise Terrace Springfield, Mass. 01119

BLEDSOE - SHUMATE I offer a reward for records on these persons: Isaac Newton Bledsoe and his wife Sarah

Shumate Bledsoe, and on a Daniel Shumate. They were living in Stone Co., Mo. all during the Civil War. Some of the Shumates lived across the line in Ark. Daniel Shumate was 75 years old in 1860 census, born in Tenn. Isaac Bledsoe was born in Tennessee in 1821.

Mrs. Carl Bledsoe Bledsoe Ranch Wild Horse, Colorado 80803

BROWN - SHARPE - DUNLAP Will welcome correspondence with anyone who may have information on the following fam­

ily: Lovell Nighton Brown, b.1830, Mo., m. first to -- Sharpe, had children William David, b. 1852; John and George. Married 2nd to Adeline Dunlap, b. 1835, Ark., had children Cor­delia, b. 1859; Emma, Richard, James, Joseph, Mary, Frances and Nora, all born in Ark. The family was listed on 1860 census in Johnson Co. ; 1880 in Washington Co.; were in Benton Co. in 1888, then back to Washington Co.

Mrs. Wm. T. Taylor 217 Benton Avenue Missoula, Montana 59801

BYRD - BURLESON I am interested in finding the parents of Richard C. Byrd who was acting governor of Ark.

in 1849 and was one of the founders of Little Rock. Am under the impression that he belonged to the Byrd family of Virginia and was a grandson of Col. William Byrd of "Westover". Also would like information on his sister, Wlizabeth Byrd, who married Jonathan Burleson.

, Harold T. Purvis 600 No. 33rd St. Waco, Texas 76707

CLARK - HENDERSON James Clark, born N.C. ca 1780-82, married Agnes --, born ca 1783 in Va. This family

was in KentuckY, then moved to Tennessee in the early 1800's, then to Madison Co., Ark. in the 1830's. I have the names of several of their children from various sources, but have not been able to verify the maiden name of Agne's Clark. I believe it may have been Henderson, as she had a son Henderson Clark, and there were Hendersons living in Madison County.

Miss Varine Varnell 1112 West 10th St. Austin, Texas 78703



COYLE (COIL) We need the parents of George Worthy Coyle (Coil), b. in Ark. in 1854. Married Ellen

Dunn ca 1876. According to 1880 Woodruff Co. census his father was born in Miss. and his mother in Alabama. The 1870 census of Monroe Co. does not show him with his parents.

Mrs. Robert Coyle Route 1 Oregon, Illinois

CRYER Would like to contact someone who knows ancestry of Kesiah Cryer, b. 1797, came to

Texas from Ark. in 1831. Her husbands were: 1st, Wm. Hemphill, d. Ark.; 2nd,Henry (1) Jacobs, d. Ark.; and 3rd Geo. Taylor, d. Texas. Was she related to Morgan Cryer who was in Hempstead Co. in 1820 and Washington Co., Ark. in 1840? Or John Cryer who came to Texas from Ark. in 1820's? Will exchange information on these or other early citizens of Fayette Co. and Burnet Co., Texas. Many came from Ark.

Mrs. Gladys Alexander 1200 Sherrard Burnet, Texas 78611

CUSICK - TOLER Would like to get the family history of Thomas Clay Cusick and wife Sarah Dobbs, in Lee

Creek twp., Washington Co., Ark. in 1880. They had children: SiB, Sadie, Nancy, Shrilda MelVina, Rufus, Mary and Martha. Rufus m. 1st Emma --, had son Edward T.; m. 2nd Martha Self, had son Walter; Rufus was postmaster at Olell, Ark. for 40 years; died 1927. Shrelda M. Cusick m. Jonathan Wm. Toler, son of Wm. Toler and Bethena Haggard of Tenn.

Katie Robertson 2416 1st Avenue Safford, Arizona 85546

EDWARDS I am trying to trace the family history of the Edwards family that came from Indiana to

Helena, Ark. in 1857 or 1858. Would like to hear from anyone with information on them. Mrs. Ed Edwards 207 S. Plum Holden, Mo. 64040

ENGLAND I wish to contact someone who is a descendant of an England family that lived around Con­

way, Arkansas before the Civil War. John McCamin Engls.nd, born Jan. 21, 1814(?), married ca 1838 to Lavesta Ann Hamilton, b. Feb. 12, 1823. They had 15 children. I am descended from the 11th child, Robert Dow England, who was a doctor in Arkansas all of his life. He was born at Conway, Ark. Jan. 18, 1860, m. Eugenia Luemma Hall, b. Jan. 18, 1861, in Columbia Co., Ark. They were married July 9, 1884, at either Conway or QUitman, Ark. Their oldest two children were born in Conway: Agnes England, b. June 11, 1885 and John Franklin England, b. Nov. 27, 1886, who was also a doctor.

Mrs. Gerald Statz 521 North Cedar Kingman, Kansas 67068

FAULKNER I would like to hear from someone who has information on the relationship of the Faulkners

(Green Faulkner who m. -- Alexander and had children Eliza and Tom) to the families of Andrew Armstrong Daniel andThomas HanleyVaughan. Daniel and Vaughan families lived in Lawrence Co., Ala. 1850-1900 and maybe later. I have much Daniel data and will be glad to exchange.

ala A. Johnson 407 5th Ave ... S.W. Dw:atur, Ala. 35601



FRIEND Would like information on my gr-gr-grandfather, James Friend, b. Maryland, m. Mary

Jane Millwood in Scott Co. ca 1820, moved to Marion Co. (or Washington Co.) a few years later, then to Ozark Co., Mo. where they died. My gr-grandfather, Elijah Friend, was sup­posedly born in Marion Co., Ark. and had a brother John. A John Friend died in Washington Co. in 1832 at the home of Jack Morgan. I found a John, Israel, William and James Friend in Marion Co. in 1829, and a Charles, Israel, James and Nicholas in 1830. Would like any information on any of the above.


Dean Wallace 3624 Garfield Topeka, Kansas

Am interested in.learning something about the ancestry and background of my grandfather, Colonel Hiram Lane Grinstead CSA, who was killed in the battle of Jenkin's Ferry, near Cam­den, Arkansas, April 30, 1864.


Gilbert H. Grinstead Route 2 Box 242 Berryville, Ark. 72616

Wesley Harris was born in Virginia in 1842, m. Tennessee Clark, born in TIL ca 1884. They moved to Logan Co., Ark. Would like to contact anyone with information on them.

Mrs. Doeley Burton 815 No. Fourth St. Fort Smith, Ark. 72901

HUDSON James Harris Hudson was born in western Tenn. in 1804, moved with his parents and

other members of the family to Lawrence Co., Ark. ca 1819 (now Randolph Co.) Here he married Sarah Bellah (believed to be a daughter of Allen Bellah family of the same migra­tion). In 1830 James Harris Hudson, his wife and two children moved to Carroll Co., where five more children were born.· By 1865 the family was located permanently in B!!rry Co., Mo. We need information on parents, brothers and sisters of James Harris Hudson and any other relatives who may have come to Ark. in the 1819 migration.

Mrs. A. S. Hudson 321 W. Fourteenth St. Bartlesville, Oklahoma

JOHNSON - LINDSE Y Would like any information on the Daniel Stell Johnson family of Saline Co. and Hyder

Lindsey family, living in Dallas Co., Ark. in 1850. Mrs. Corda Johnson Seal 1825 N.E. 25th st. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

JONES My gr-gr-grandfather, William R. Jones, was living in Ouachita Co., Ark. in 1850 when

my gr-grandfather was born. They lived around Louann .. I found them in the 1850 census in Washington twp. The children were: Joel W., Annia, M dea, Virginia, Martin, Missouri, Elizabeth, Nathaniel, Isabella, Thedore Lafayette (my line). and Arinca. Joel W. and Martin both served in Civil War. I will appreciate hearing from anyone who might be or know of any descendents of this family.

Mrs. D. C. Towery 1005 Hanover Edna, Texas



KIRKPATRICK - DUCKWORTH - BESHEARS Would like information regarding Lewis Kirkpatrick, first postmaster at Des Arc, Ark.

He died in 1845 or 1846. Would like to know where he came from. His wife, Presley, was born in 1809 in So. Carolina. After Lewis Kirkpatrick's death. Presley m. James Beshears of So. Carolina. He died in 1848. Would like to know Presley's maiden name and when they came to, Arkansas. One of their daughters, Sira, m. George HarTis Duckworth, b. in N. C. in 1821,': d. in Ark. in 1889. George Duckworth had a son, Robert, b. 1850, Tenn. George Harris Duckworth went to Texas, then,returned to Ark. and married Sira. Would like any additional information on George Harris Duckworth.

Mrs. Margaret Sunny 1326 Birch Home'Nood, illinois

KREBS Am most desirous of obtaining information on the early life of Judge Edmund F. Krebs.

He was born in Holly Springs, Mississippi, Oct. 25, 1827; his father was Placeed, a French­man; his mother was Rebecca, a Choctaw Indian. He lIved at Scullyville, Oklahoma 1846-77, moved to Krebs 1878-1887, a town he founded. He had the responsibility of collecting tax due to the Indian Agency from those living on Indian land. Would like to locate his grave and ob­tain any information about his early life or that of his parents.

Sylvester DeGiacomo Box 78 Krebs, Oklahoma 74554

LEE My grandfather, Francis Marion Lee, was born Jan. 20, 1873, in Springdale, Ark. His

parents were Francis Marion Lee and Elizabeth Ramsey Le6, both born in Benton Co. I have a marriage certificate from Benton Co. of a marriage of Francis Marion Lee and Missie L. B. Downum dated Oct. 2, 1877. Did Elizabeth Ramsey Lee die:? Were there any other chIldrent

My father's mother's people came from Mation Co., Ark. Martian Williams, b. Mar. 16, 1851 and his wife Lucy Herrington, b. Sept. 25, 1851. Her mother's maiden name was Welch and her father, -- Herrington, came from Ky. There are also cousins in Baxter Co., Ark., tt:aptain Benjamin Bodenhammer who came to Ark. in 1871 from Mo. and his father Chapman Bocjj3nhammer who joined him in 1880. I would like information on any of these families.

Virginia Greenwood 1611 N. Drury St. Springfield, Mo.

LEVERTON - FVLCHER Need information on Barley, Reed Leverton, farmer and lay Baptist preacher, b. 1818,

m. to Alley Williams ca 1841; d. in Ash Flat, Sharp Co., Ark. in 1860. Also need information on Joshua Fulcher, b. Miller Co., Ark., Feb. 12, 1815. Other hnes I am working on are: Main, Thomas, Fulcher, Leverton, Mast, Robbins, Dozier, Drake, Mann, Wilson, Taylor, Thorn, Keese, Lewis, Bay, Jeffries, Bridges and others.

Mrs. John Leverton 703 Charles Place N. W. Albuquerque, N. M.


My gr-grandfather was Henry Milton Lindsay, born in Little Rock, Ark., ca 1830-35, son of Henry Lindsay and Rebecca Hattfield Lindsay. He married Mary Jane Dudley. Would like any information on this family.

Frances DeWitt 308 So. Jefferson Pierre, So. Dakota



LINDSEY - JOHNSON I am working on my Lindsey and Johnson lines and have lost them inArka.ri~_"Hylles M.I.

and Mary Barbee Lindsey were in 1850 census in Dallas Co., Ark., both born c-a 1810, N. C., Children listed were: Jonal, b. N. C., 1836; William, b. Tenn., 1837; Martha Ann Elizabe~h b. Tenn., June 25, 1838 (my gr-grandmother): Christopher, Tenn., 1841: Caroline, b. Miss. 1843; Joanna, b. Miss., 1845. In 1870 census Hyder Lindsy, age 60, and wife, Mary, are in Little River Co., Ark. In 1876 Joanna L. Head writes that father had died in Richmond, Ark.

My gr-grandfather Daniel Stell Johnson was born in Tenn. 1811, and died in 1891 in Indian Territory. Was married to a Mrs. Gallespi, who had a son, C. C. Gallespi. Th~y had a dau. , Drucilla who married a Mr. Bert in Ark. When his first wife died, he m. Martha Ann Elizabeth Lindsey in 1858. In 1860 census they are in Saline Co., Ark., Daniel, age 50, b. Tenn.; Mar­tha, age 23, born Ala., and Belfield, age 1, born Ark. Mary Zelia Johnson was b. in Lonoke, Ark., Feb. 1, 1862. Rumors are that Daniel Stell Johnson lived in Tenn., Miss., La., Ark., Texas and Okla., that his father served with Gen. Scott in the march to Mexico. in 1812, and that his mother's maiden name was Stell. He may have had borthers Henry, Steve and Sam.

Irene Lanners 5606 Dryad Houston, Texas 77035

LOWE William Mayberry Lowe married Zillah Beatrice Futrell, Dec. 10, 1901, in Lawrence,

Ark. (Garland Co.) Would like to get further information on him, date and place of birth, names of parents, and their birth and death dates.

Gerald O. Lowe 3016 W. Woodside Spokane, Wash. 99208

LOWREY - CLAYTON Am trying to get genealogy on the William Clayton Lowrey family. Was the son of Cyn­

thia Clayton and -- Lowrey, date would be 1800 or before. Pearl Jackson

. Ranqolph, Utah

LEWIS - ROGERS Armstead D. Lewis, b. Nov. 28, 1832, where? Died Dec. 26, 1876, buried McCaskill,

Ark. MarriedApr.~~, 1853 to Nancy A.Rogers, b. Oct. 17,1830, d. Apr. 24,1898. Where was she born? Children were: Margaret Ann, Nov. 19, 1855, m. William Henry EleyonDec. 30, 1875, d. Dec. 14, 1893; James LeROY, m. Mar. 26, 1878 to S. S. Black; Thomas, m. Oct. 22, 1879 to Jane Lafferty; Addison DeKalb, b. June 9, 1859, m. Rada Dodson, d. Jan. 9, 1925. Would appreciate any information regarding this family, especially birth places of parents.

Mrs. Monna Le»s Route I Box 69 Cedar City, Utah


My lines are Henry McKinney, b. Tenn. 1809, Texas 1838, Elizabeth McKinney, David, John and Johnanthian (twins) McKinney. Old Three Hundred: Abner Harris, William Beard m. Martha Harris, William Barrett, Andrew Roberts, fatherWilliamRoberts, Abner H. Hodge, A. Pebehouse (Pevehouse).

Miss Dessie V. McKinney Box 4 Prairie Lea, Texas 78661



McKISSICK - ALLEN Need birth and marriage records on the following persons: Robert Brown McKissick m.

Mary Jane Massire, had son Joseph H. McKissick, b. June 17, 1883 at Alma, Crawford Co., Ark. Andrew Jackson Allen m. Nancy True, had a daughter, Minnie Bell Allen, b. Feb. 21, 1884, at Alma, Crawford Co., Ark.

. Mrs. B. D. McKissick • 729 Colorado Avenue Baltimore, Maryland 21210

OFFICER - FRANCE - VERBLE - WILLIAMS - BRADY Would like information concerning the following families: Officer, France,

Williams and Brady--especially the Officers who lived in northwest Arkansas. happy to correspond with anyone who might have anything at all on these people.

Judge Casto P. Officer McMinnville, Tennessee 37110


Verble, Will be

Who was Peggy --, wife of William Park, whom he married Oct. 30, 1798, and where? They are buried in cemetery near Athens, Ga. Who were parents of William Park, father died Feb. 15, 1780, aged 54 years, mother died Jan. 3, 1784, aged 51 years. Who were parents of Sarah Crawford, b. July 5, 1823, near Athens, Ga.


Mrs. H. P. Hollis 628 Banner St. Camden, Arkansas

PARKER - CAR TER My gr-grandfather, Chesley Leonidas Parker, was born June 21, 1846, Tenn., came to

Benton Co., Ark., m. Ann Belle Hastings, Jan. 17, 1874 at Gentry. Need all the information possible about his trip to Ark. from Tenn. and what his occupation was. His father was Lewis Parker, born in Tenn. and m. Julia Carter. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

D. V. Parker 3505 Falcon Fort Worth, Texas 76119

PARSONS I am trying to find the burial' place of a gr-gr-grandfatiJ.er, Benjamin Franklin Parsons.

He was on his way west with his family when he died in Little Rock, ca 1868. He was about 46 years old.

Kathleen Parsons 925 ,!j., W. Laurel st. Grants Pass, Oregon 97526

REE VES Want given name of Reeves who died during Civil War, leaving two sons, John and James.

Morgan. His widow married a man named Johnson. It is not known what eounty he served from in Ark. or if his widow applied for pension. She moved to Cooke Co., Texas after her marriage to Johnson. Would also like to know if tiJ.ere are descendants of John Reeves, son of James Morgan Reeves and Maud E. Johnson. After the death of Maud E. ca 1888, James Morgan Reeves married Sarah Henson at Gainsville, Texas, 1889. The son John stayed in Arkansas with relatives; about 1892 the girls Bell, Sarah, Lena and Maud came to Texas to live with their father and sf;epmother. Have '~ot heard from John since then; ~uld be about 85 years old if still living.

Mrs. Lottie Schutz Box 428 Marble Falls, Texas 78654




John Shannon b. ca 1830, Ala., m. Hulda C. (Kitty) Self, b. 1847, S.C. in Arkansas Co., Ark. ca 1868. Was in Arkansas Co. in 1860 census. Where was he in 1850? He had brother Franklin Shannon who m. Alabama --, and a sister Lucinda. Children of John and Kitty Shan­non were: John Franklin, 1870; Samuel, 1872 (died young); t..sa, 1874. Am also interested in corresponding with researchers on the Hall-Wood line of Arkansas Co. and the Garrett, Crump, Tucker and Bain families of Columbia Co., Ark.

Mrs. J. J. Till 134 Oak Park San Antonio, Texas 76705

SIMMS I am seeking information on descendents of Alfred Simms, b. Oct. 23, 1872, Wayne Co.,

Ill., moved to Ward, Ark. ca 1910-13. He m. -- Bell; they had son William Herbert Simms, b. Mar. 12, 1912. Believe Alfred died about 1914; Wm. H. may have been killed in WWII.

Mrs. Lois Jean Goodson 318 No. 5th St. Albion, Illinois

SLAPE My grandfather was Jim Slape, born in Harrison, Ark., Nov. 4, 1889. Would like to have

his parents' names, other children, and any dates and places. Mrs. Howard E. Williams 510 W. Pittsburg Place Broken Arrow, Okla.

STILL Need information on Andrew Jackson Still, who died in Boone Co., Ark. near Harrison on

Feb. 15, 1878. Am trying to find place and date of his birth. He was the son of Samuel still, Jr. and Mary Yokum (Black). He m. Marcia Ann Howard, who died in Long Beach, Cal., 1918.

Mrs. Alice B. Heagy 5611 Springhill Place Los Angeles, Cal. 90043

TATE - GUY My mother is a Tate, b. in Gurdon, Clark Co., Ark., descendant of Robert S. Taite, Sr.,

born 1806 in Tenn., who came with his father to Ark. on May 5, 1819, when he was 13 years old. His father came with a party of 80 on a keelboat which in~luded his brothers George, Anderson and Captain Dick. Goerge and Anderson settled in Union Co. and Dick around Encore Cora Fabre, Libeety Twp. near Camden, Ark. The· Guys were from Thomas Abner Guy of Nettleton, the son of Abner Guy (b. N. C.) and Evaline of Alabama.

Mrs. Pauline Guy Bullock 8 Rowland Drive Longview, Texas

TRAMMELL Harrison H. Trammell, b. 1811, Ill., m. ca 1845 to Margaret --, where?, when? They

had children Wm., 1846; Mary, 1848; Richard S., 1855, m. Kittie --; Rufus, 1858, all born in Ark. Harrison was in Washington Co. June, 1835 when Wm. D. Hart and wife Martha sued him. Think they went to Sebastian Co., Ark. where they died. Richard S. and wife are buried in Cross Cemetery near Greenwood. Would like to have copies of the cemetery records. I have lots of Trammell information and will be glad to exchange.

Mrs. F. Lee Rankin 2320 McFaddin Ave. Beaumont, Texas 77702



WARD - MEAD - FUNDERBURK Need help with the Isaac and Rosanna Ward family. They were the parents of many chil­

dren: Theodore, Mollie, Martha, William, Benjamin, Levi, Lydia Belle, and many more. Mollie m. Dave Driver and resided at Bonanza, Ark. Ahout 1925 he was employed as a brake­man on the railroad out of Fort Smith. Lydia Belle m. Henry Clay Funderburk ca 1890 at Hackett, Ark. My mother, Martha Pauline Funderburk was born at Forsyth, Mo. in 1896, m. Ray Claude Mead, son of Alexander Mead and Drucilla Perryman. Alexander Mead was horn 1856 in Ky. Drucilla Perryman Mead was horn in Conway, Mo., ca 1876, daughter of Joseph Perryman and -- James. Alexander and Drucilla Mead are buried at Catoosa, Okla.

Mrs. Gordon Langley Route 1 Billings, Mo. 65610

WHARTON - JOHNSTON I am seeking information on the family of John Clark Johnston (Johnson), b. 1799, Tenn.,

m. Sibby, b. 1805, Ala.; moved. to Ark. from Tenn., graI\t\3d land in Ark. 1849. Census of 1850 and 1860 shows him in Madison Co., Ark. He had children Uriah m. Elizabeth Clark; William m. Hether Wharton (?); John(Jack), b. Tenn. 1830, m.Mary Ann Elizabeth (Polly) Wharton (his cousin); Cathrine m. John Harrison Wharton; Margret, Dennis, George and Frances Marion.

Calib Wharton and Joshua Wharton were also listed in Madison C. by Goodspeed. They are two of seven brothers who first moved to Tenn. and then to Ark. Their father, John Wharton, b. Va., served in Revolutionary War. I need to know which of these two brothers is father of Jeptha Wharton, b. 1809, d. 1863, m. Dortha Malone, b. 1812, Ga., d. 1887. They are the parents of Mary Ann Elizabeth (Polly) Wharton Johnston. I have much data I will exchange.

Anne E. Johnston 406 Mulberry Lane Bellaire, Texas 77401

WOODWARD I am seeking information on Moses R. Woodward and his wife Polly Lydia McClead of Car­

roll Co., Ark. He practised medicine in 1898 and probably twenty years before. Also Melville C. Wood and first wife, Susan, both horn Scott Co., Va., migrated to Madison Co., Ark. Susan died ca 1898; his second wife was Frusie Elva Woodward of Carroll Co., Ark. Will exchange information on Oxford, Briggs, Woodward, Kerby, Blackburn, Moore, Tippens, Calwell, McClead and Wood families.

Mrs. S. Newton Route 4 Box 208


Conway, Ark. 72032

My Wyatt and Clary families were in Washington Co., Ark. in the 1830's. My Wyatt an­cestor died there .. My gr-gr-grandfather, John Sumner Clary, was there until late 1850's. Gr-grandfather Ransom Hamilton Clary married while living there, ca 1844. My Crawford family was living in the area as early as 1825 when Louisa Crawford was born near old Fort Gibson. Her parents were Marshall Crawford and Rebecca Sinclair. I find the family in Washington Co. in 1830 census and in Crawford Co. in 1840. They came to Texas in 1842.·

My husband's mother's family, Dubose, was in Union and Calhoun counties as early as 1845. I have this family quite well in hand except for an 1850 census reading. Have been told there was no census of this county in 1850.. Would appreciate any help on these families.

Mrs. C. D. Foster 2024 W. Summit San Antonio, Texas 78201



, II An Index :to tile Jll.3.0 Census of Missouri", by Mrs. Capitola Glazner and Mrs. Gerald B. McLane'. Covers'the then existing 32 counties, 191 pages, two columns each, 19, 085 names of heads of households and county of residence. Price $12.50. Order from Mrs. Gerald B .

. McLane, 112 Leach Street, Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas. 71901

"Roster of the Oklahoma Society Daughters of the American Revolution, 1909 - 1959 and Reg­ister of Ancestors", $4.00; and Supplement for same, 1964, $1. 50. Mrs. P. L. Willson, 1310 N. 12th St., Duncan, Oklahoma. 73533

"History of the Second Presbyterian Church, Lexington, Kentucky, of the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. 1815-1965", by Robert Stuart Sanders, D.D. Illus. 242 pp. Price: $7.65, postage included. The Second Presbyterian Church, 460 East Main St., Lexington, Kentucky. 40507

"Aldridge Records, Vol. 1", by F. R.Aldridge. Listings of Aldridge families from censuses of the southern states, plus Indiana and Illinois. Also several hundred descendants of William Alldredge of North Carolina and over 880 marriages from the various states. Also includes the various spellings Alldridge, Aldredge, Alldredge, Aldred, Allred, Alread, Alred, Aldrich, or Arledge. 167 pages, 17 pages index. Price $10.00. F. R. Aldridge, 139 Ewing Drive, Nashville, Tennessee. 37207

"Hancock, Cofer, Jones, Massie", by Helen L. Bloore. A genealogical record of the descen­dants of the Hancock, Cofer, Jones and Massie families of Virginia and Kentucky. From 1637 to present. 40 pp. Price $2.25. Helen L. Bloore, 214 C East Lomita Ave., Glendale, Calif.

"A Family Histor'Y: The Ancestry of Ransom Frank Welch and Susan Curtis Welch", by June R. Welch. Price $8.00. Contains data on these families: Welch, Prigmore, King, Owens, Curtis, Pearce, Catlin, Hart, Ashlock, Estes, McCarty, Tolliver, Bridges, Hooper, Miller, Parson, Smith, Williams, Cleveland and many others. June R. Welch, 524 Southland Center, Dallas, Texas. 75201

"Genealogy and Census Records of Old Ninety Six and Abbeville District Families, Vol. Price $6.50. The Pauline Young Genealogical Library, Box 433, Liberty, S. C.

1" ,

"William White--Mayflower Passenger", a reprint of the 1895 edition of "Ancestral Chrono­logical Record of the William White Family from 1607 -8 to 1895" by Thomas and Samuel White. 315 pages, plus 44 illus. and genealogical index. Hard cover, offset printed. Price: $12.50. Calvin D. Gruver, Box 23, State College, Arkansas. 72467

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE: An Index to Volume III of "The Arkansas Family Historian" will be published later this year. The index will be for all six issues of Volume III beginning with Summer, 1964 and con­tinuing through the Fall, 1965 issue. These will sell for $1. 00 each. We would like to take as many orders in advance as possible so that we may estimate the number to have printed. Send order to Arkansas Genealogical SOCiety, Box 587, Conway, Arkansas. 72032
