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The Art of the Business Model

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A keynote by Andrew Taylor, Director, Bolz Center for Arts Administration, Wisconsin School of Business, for the 2011 Arts Enterprise Summit in Kansas City, MO.
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The Art of the Business Model Andrew Taylor Director, Bolz Center for Arts Administration Wisconsin School of Business www.bolzcenter.org [email protected] 2011 Arts Enterprise Summit
Page 1: The Art of the Business Model

The Art of theBusiness Model

Andrew TaylorDirector, Bolz Center for Arts Administration

Wisconsin School of Businesswww.bolzcenter.org

[email protected]

2011 Arts Enterprise Summit

Page 2: The Art of the Business Model

About Me...

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About Us...

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The Art of theBusiness Model

Andrew TaylorDirector, Bolz Center for Arts Administration

Wisconsin School of Businesswww.bolzcenter.org

[email protected]

2011 Arts Enterprise Summit

Page 5: The Art of the Business Model

A Hammer or a Sponge?

IMAGE: Flickr photos by Kaworu Koneru (hammer), leshoward (sponge), eriwst (frame)

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?What the heck is aBusiness Model

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?What the heck is aBusiness Model

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?What the heck is aBusiness Model

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?What the heck is aBusiness Model

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1There is only one business model:

reliable revenue thatexceeds expenses.

Clara Mi"er, Nonprofit Finance Fund

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2A business model describes the rationale of how an

organization creates, delivers, and captures value.

Alexander Osterwalder & Yves PigneurBusiness Model Generation

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3A business model isan intentional arrangement of artisans, audiences, and tools.

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So, let’s talk about tools....

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So, let’s talk about tools....

Limited Liability


Sole Proprietorship

Credit & DebtTickets

Box Office

YouTubeStudio SpaceHardware

& Software




Tax Status




TwitterA Van

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“People don’t want to buy a quarter-inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole.”

Theodore LevittIMAGE: Flickr user Cayusa

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Tools vs. ProblemsIMAGE: Flickr user Whatknot

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“If you only have a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.”

Abraham Maslow (paraphrased)IMAGE: Flickr user bitzcelt

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So, let’s talk about problems....

Are you kidding me?

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“The man who knows how will always have a job.

The man who also knows why will always be his boss.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson 

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4 Problems (of many)• Capital• Exchange• Channels• Net Revenue

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How do I gather the space, equipment, and wealth I need to do what I want to do?

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How do I gather the space, equipment, and wealth I need to do what I want to do?





Receive (gift)

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Sneakers and Studios

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Loveland: Detroit by the Inchwww.makeloveland.com

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Loveland: Detroit by the Inchwww.makeloveland.com

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Low-Profit Limited Liability Company (L3C)

B Corporation

CooperativesFiscal Sponsorship

Series LLC

Social Impact Bonds

Micro Finance

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Who pays, for what, for whom, and how?...and for how much?

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Like Netflix, but for theaterwww.acttheatre.org

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ACT Pass

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Sloup in St. Louissloup2122.blogspot.com

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How do I connect what I door what I’ve made to someone else?

or...What are the paths to successful exchange?

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Regretsy.com(where DIY meets WTF)

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Direct from the Farmer

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Roadside Culturewww.wormfarminstitute.org

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4Net Revenue.PROBLEM:

How do I consistently earnmore than I spend?

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4Net Revenue.PROBLEM:

How do I consistently earnmore than I spend?



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Spend Less.(or...spend better)

The rise of the relentless spendthrift.

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Delicious Monsterwww.delicious-monster.com

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4 Problems (of many)• Capital• Exchange• Channels• Net Revenue

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Start with the problem,not with the tool.

IMAGE: Flickr photos by Kaworu Koneru (hammer) and leshoward (sponge)

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“Talent hits a target no one else can hit;Genius hits a target no one else can see.”

Arthur Schopenhauer 

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“Master your instrument,master the music,

and then forget all thatand just play.”

Charlie Parker

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Thank You.Andrew Taylor

[email protected]

