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The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local

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Issue 73, October 2011. Never underestimate the importance of community.
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Page 3: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local

The nights may be drawing in

but Autumn is a key time to sell your property,don’t delay! Call now for a free market appraisal.

Page 4: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Ashtead Residents’ Association 8 Dr Walker discusses a common problem 46

Leatherhead Residents’ Association 10 Give a cat a home 50

APMH - refurbishment completed 12 Quiz - Musicals 54

NSPCC’s Send a letter from Santa 16 Leatherhead Theatre 56

Quiz - TV Doctors 18 Simple Crossword 58

Surrey Hills Onward Learning 20 Recipe - Chicken Dhansak 60

Fairtrade Xmas Craft Fair 26 What’s on in November? Pages 64-70 64

Ashtead Day Centre Luncheon Club 28 Tips from Ashtead’s Happy Householder 72

Book Reviews 30 Local history article 74

Fathers & Fireworks - a story 32 Railways around Leatherhead & Dorking 76

Andy’s Blog 34 Gardening - Hedge your boundary 78

Wallace & Gromit’s Tea Party 36 RHS calls for plant experts 80

Local Rotarian completes Gt North Run 36 MV Police column 82

2011 Harvest Photo Competition 40 Transition Ashtead 84

Bonfire warning from Wildlife Aid 42 November’s crosswords 88

Air fresheners - are they healthy? 44 Useful numbers 90

What’s in here this month?

Solutions on page 86

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From the PublisherWinter will soon be upon us and our very own Happy Householder inAshtead has sent through some tips (page 72) to help us prepare forwhat is expected to be another hard winter, yikes not again!

A few days ago I popped over to meet with Mr Roger Walker,Consultant Urologist at Ashtead Hospital. A charming man who talkedto me about a very common problem amongst women of all ages, butbecause it is a rather sensitive and taboo subject, is not discussedopenly, see page 46.

This month there are a great deal of fairs and markets, some of which will help us start ourChristmas shopping. The what’s on pages can be found from 64-70.

The Royal Horticultural Society is calling for plant experts to help with their next planttrials, so if you are interested in, or have knowledge of, either Euphorbia and/or Stipaplease go to page 80 for the details.

This year’s pantomime at the Leatherhead Theatre is Dick Whittington from 13th-31stDecember, more info on this and other shows and films can be found on the theatre page 56.

My friend Flip Cargill has written a very interesting piece about the use of air fresheners, it’sa real eye-opener (page 44). Flip is a sweetie, she and hubby have an allotment around the

corner and I sometimes wake to find a ‘food parcel’ lefton my doorstep as they whiz past on their way home.It’s like having my very own organic fruit and vegdelivery service!

Lots of new businesses coming on board for November,such as Ashley Flooring (opposite page), GKDesignerwear (p.17), Reflexology Pathways (p.53), andsome that you’ll recognise from earlier editions such asWemms Maths Unlimited (p.38), Surrey Hills CookerySchool (p.39), Ken Dodge (p.59), and Frascati (p.61).

I’m already starting my own private build-up toChristmas and anyone who knows me, knows that it’smy favourite time of the year. No doubt more to comeas we get closer to The B.D.

Finally, all that remains is for me to wish you a safe andfun bonfire night whether it is at a public display or inthe back garden and remember to give some thought toour little friend the hedgehog and ensure that he’s nothiding underneath your bonfire before you light it -more info from Wildlife Aid on page 42. Sadly it seemsthere are to be no firework displays at Leatherhead orDorking, and it appears that Brockham or Epsom may beour nearest.


Zen GeorgePublisher01372 [email protected]

AdvertisingThe Ashtead & Leatherhead Localprovides local businesses withaffordable, quality advertising. Adscost from £53 +VAT per month, perquarter page for a 10,000distribution (yes, really!) and can bedesigned where required.

Technical & Legal stuffWhilst every care has been taken toensure that the data in this magazineis accurate, the Publisher cannotaccept, and hereby disclaims, anyliability to any party for loss ordamage caused by errors or omissionsresulting from negligence, accidentor any other cause.

No part of this magazine may bereproduced, stored in any retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form -electronic, mechanical, recording,photocopying, or otherwise - withoutprior permission of the Publisher.

All in-house artwork and editorialpresented in this magazine remainsthe copyright of Zen George.

© Zen GeorgeAll rights reserved 2011.

01372 [email protected]

© Cover design/photography by Andy Newbold 01372 383018

Page 7: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

flooring with a difference

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Page 8: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Last month, the Ashtead Residents’Association was pleased to present toresidents, a meeting on the newdevelopments to Ashtead Train Station andthe Olympic Cycle Race.

Our first speaker was Feras Alshaker,Project Manager, from Southern Railway.He spoke about The National StationsImprovement Programme (NSIP), itsbackground, parameters, and funding. Hethen moved on to Ashtead specifically andthe work that has gone into the station sofar and what is to come. Feras also talkedthrough the designs and talked about theperiod of time between beginning buildingwork and all the work being completed.The revised station includes some 60additional car parking spaces and additionaldisabled spaces. In addition there will benew cycle racks with an increased cyclecapacity of 110 cycles. The enlarged stationwill offer much better facilities fortravellers.

Our next speaker was Surriya Subramaniam,Cultural Development Officer, SurreyCounty Council, who talked about therecent test race that took place in Augustand the issues that arose from race. Healso spoke about the race itself and howthe residents can participate in the event interms of helping and watching the race andalso spoke about the events planned for theevening after the race has finished, thatmay take place in Dorking and/orLeatherhead.

Thank you to both speakers who gave uptheir free time to speak to us and also to allthe residents who attended the meeting.

We have also recently created new ways forresidents to get in touch with us. If youhave access to the internet, check out ournew Facebook page – Ashtead ResidentsAssociation. In addition we will shortly be

launching our new improved web site (sameaddress/URL as now) so watch out for thenew pages and let us have your comments.We are indebted to Carmel Eynon for herhelp in setting up this new site.

We are also still operating the “Active inAshtead” email service. If we hear of newsaffecting Ashtead we will email you withdetails. Your email address is protected andwill not be passed to anyone else. If youwould like to be included in this service,just email [email protected].

We are constantly looking for new membersto join our committee. We meet on the 2nd

Tuesday of every month at the AshteadPeace Memorial Hall. We often hearcomments that “Someone should dosomething about that!” Well your presentCommittee is only 12 strong and with thebest will in the world they cannot doeverything. We need more help. If you arenot a Committee person that’s ok, we haveother ways in which you can help. So if youfeel passionate about Ashtead and wouldlike to make a difference to yourcommunity, please get in touch. You cancontact us at [email protected].

Clare AnsettEvents Co-ordinator & Membership Secretary

Are you a member of the ARA? If not,why not join and help us to become aneven stronger voice for Ashtead?Membership currently costs £2.50 a yearper household. We are also looking forcommittee members to join us, so if youwould like to join or have a generalquery, please contact our MembershipSecretary, Clare Ansett on 07733 621614or by email [email protected]. Wewill be delighted to hear from you.

Autumn Meeting


Founded 1945www.ashteadresidents.org.uk

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Shops & Services

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Page 10: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Much of our last meeting was taken up in discussion ofthe Roads in Surrey. This followed the Highways Forumcovering the County Division of Leatherhead andFetcham East.

The re-organisation of Surrey Highways means that theorganisation has grouped the Districts and Boroughs sothat we fall into the East Surrey Area. Much of this isnow managed through the computerised system, so thatwhen you log a request, report a pothole etc. it isacknowledged by e-mail and directed to the officerdealing with the matter. One should then receivefurther messages as the item moves through thesystem. Unfortunately some aspects of the systemhave not been doing what they should, but we wereassured that the distribution of work was now gettingthrough to the contractors concerned. If you want tosee the current update on roadworks throughout Molevalley you can access this through the SurreyCCwebsite.

From my point of view the most interesting part wasthe chance to ask questions – and I had great pleasurein hearing the positive responses which I was given.

The LRA called for greater pedestrian Priority on all ourTown Roads. To start with there is a need for acrossing of Waterways Road, between Mill Lane and thePumping Station. This would be a great benefit topedestrians coming from Fetcham to the Town viaBridge Street. We were told that this proposal is still ‘inthe system’ and was under consideration.

Road Markings are in need of repainting in many places.We were told that there is a 4 year cycle, and that thiswas being re-setup. Hence some roads may go as longas 8 years before being attended to, but then it shouldbe 4 yearly after that. We should be logging bad caseson the website.

It was with some relief that we learnt that a new carparking survey is shortly to be carried out in the Townwith a view to extending the lengths of yellow lines.

Since the last study we have had the extension to theRandalls Road Car Park, so some of the pressure shouldhave come off the residential roads. We were told thatthe experimental Residents Only scheme in MinchinPlace was considered to have been a great success. Nodoubt the on-street parking survey will recommendsimilar zones throughout the centre of the Town. Greatfor residents but they could cause friction with othervisitors to the Town.

What is to happen to the pedestrian refuge in LerretWay over the next 10 months until the real Olympiccycle races? We are told that a permanent ‘removable’island is to be installed, and that it will fit between thewhite lines unlike the previous one which caused astream of complaints, although I’m not aware of anyaccidents having been caused.

The need for a plate stating no cycling in Church Walkwas again discussed. The problem is that youngsterswho have not yet studied the Highway Code frequentlythink that the sign consisting of a red circle with abicycle in it means that it is a cycleway. This is furtherconfused by the Mole Valley Parks Department whohave put up a sign in the Red House Gardens stating NoCycling and then have used the sign with a cancellationbar across it. Although it would then be in Black ratherthan red, it indicates that an existing ban of cycling hasended. Unfortunately the officer responsible does notunderstand the problem, despite an explanatory letterenclosing photographs and further emails, and makes alaughing stock of himself and the Council.

The need for explanatory plates to the priority signs atthe North Street pinch point was brought up. Suchsigns have been used in Pixham Lane, and are neededin North Street. Two of the present signs have beenbent by vehicles, clearly the result of a failure bydrivers to understand their meaning. The signs inPixham Lane have not suffered.

Hubert CarrChairman


---------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes I would like to join the Leatherhead Residents’ Association

Name _______________________________________________________________

Address _______________________________________________________________


Telephone _______________________________________________________________

Enc. £2 for one year / £5 for three years payable to the Leatherhead Residents’ Association.

Please send to: LRA, Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AHTel: 07986 430935www.leatherheadresidents.org.uk

If you would like to receive information from the Leatherhead Residents’ Association via email, then pleasecontact us by going to our website.

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Shops & Services



before Xmas EveOnly



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What’s This New Building Then?Well, this is the product of the much-vaunted “Vision2010”.

Congratulations to everyone who has contributed tothe fund by making a donation, buying a brick orattending an event (and it’s not too late if you haven’tdone so yet – just phone the hall on 01372 272921).

Phase 1 was completed last year, and everyone sayshow much brighter and better the Marshall Room is,how much more modern and efficient are the newgents’ toilets, and how much bigger is the main store.But users and Trustees are quite used to these now,and are getting very excited about the opening of thenew wing.

Phase 2 is now complete except for a few small details and soon you will be welcome to comeand see for yourself, but let’s see if I can give you a foretaste of what it will be like:

The footpath next to the Car Park guides you to the splendid new oak double doors. Pause toadmire them on the tarmac of the enlarged entrance area, where there is space to have a chator park your buggy. They reflect the style of the front doors whilst being manufactured to thevery latest environmental standards.

Now enter the spacious lobby. This gives access to the main hall (sharp left) and the CommitteeRooms (straight ahead). But first glimpse the new bar (on your left) with its solid oak countertop and plenty of space for you and your friends to stand, and for the bar helpers to serve you.Later this will be fitted out in fine style, but for now it will kept simple.

Go through the double doors to the rear corridor, where you will find the “New Ralli Room”, nolonger oddly shaped but bigger, squarer and more useful. Still the bright, friendly room it alwayswas but now brighter and more modern, and fitted with large cupboards for storage.

And finally – if you wish - pay a quick visit to the new toilets, with more and better facilitiesthan before.

Please come and visit us, and enjoy using one of the pleasures of living in Ashtead – the AshteadPeace Memorial Hall.

Roy Guy

Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall

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Shops & Services

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Shops & Services

Contact us for information on

Personal Financial PlanningInheritance Tax Planning, Pensions, Income Protection Mortgages

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Cameron House, Church Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8EQTel: 01372 374444

Email: [email protected]

Charlwood Leigh is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (FSA)

Financial Planning and Wealth ManagementCharlwood Leigh has been based in Leatherhead for over 40 years advising

a wide range of personal and corporate clients on how to managetheir assets, save tax and protect their families. We would welcomethe opportunity to meet you and discuss your affairs in confidence.

Our first meeting will, of course, be at our expense.

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Shops & Services

Please call Sharon or Shelley on:

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Shops & Services

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Shops & Services

Page 18: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

Your Friendly, Reliable, Local Cleaning Service

01372 [email protected]

• Domestic Cleaning

• Spring Cleans

• End of Tenancy Cleans

• Drive & Patio Cleaning• Ashtead based family run cleaning business serving

the local area since 2005• All work is covered by both Employers’ and Public

Liability Insurance• At First Choice we take great pride in all work

undertaken and believe that our strength lies in offeringa friendly, flexible and totally reliable service

Answers on page 86

Page 19: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

222 Kingston Road, New Malden, Surrey. KT3 3RJ. T: 0208 94 94 394342 High Street, Dorking, Surrey. RH4 1QX. T: 01306 882 619


Bathrooms Wet Rooms

EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE - NEXT DAY DELIVERY ON MOST GOODS20% Off All Bathrooms in November 2011 - With This Advert

Page 20: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

Hunt ScottChartered Surveyors

• RICS Homebuyer Reports• Property Valuations• Rent Reviews• Business Rating

Have your new homeinspected before you buy -the RICS Homebuyer Report

Tel: 01306 886536Email: [email protected]

Website: www.hunt-scott.co.uk

296 High Street, Dorking, RH4 1DZ

Regulated by RICS

Half Term Breaks at Surrey Hills Onward Learning

This is the time of year when we are able to offerdiscounts on our courses held at the Leatherhead Institute.

Although many are already full, where there are stillvacancies in classes which have already started, it ispossible to join at half term, thereby saving half a term’sfee.

Examples are Glories of British Art on Tuesday eveningswhich is moving on to study Joshua Reynolds; Geology onWednesday afternoons which is covering the identification

of igneous and metamorphic rocks; Writers Circle, taught by a published author, onWednesday evenings, and What is this thing called Psychology on Thursday mornings.

Nearly all our Language courses are full but there are still vacancies in two - Germanfor beginners (Tuesday evenings) and French Elementary (Thursday mornings

For further information on our classes, please phone 01372 363708,collect a brochure from the Letherhead Institute or local libraries, orvisit our website surreyhillsonwardlearning.org.uk.

TAXlilineneTax self assessment and accountancy services

• Local business• Free initial home or office visit• Affordable fixed fee• Personal and friendly service• Over 12 years’ experience in filing self

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8 Mulberry Court, Ashtead, KT21 2LN

01372 277685 / 07773 523 350E: [email protected]

Page 21: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

Alan Greenwood & SonsFuneral Directors & Memorials

The Funeral Service that Caters for Everyone’s Needs

We are your local Independent Family Funeral DirectorsAnd are personally involved in the arrangements of

All our funerals, 365 days a year.Arrangements can be made either at your Home or at our Premises

Prepaid Funeral Plans & Monumental MasonryPersonal, discreet 24 Hour Service

25 The Street, Ashtead, KT21 1AA01372 277444 also at Ewell and Bookham

Page 22: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

To assist elderly and/or disabled persons to remain independent intheir own home. We can provide highly trained care staff to help with:-

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www.tendacare.co.uk01372 272240

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Quality Home Care

Page 23: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

E n g l i s h m a n ‘ s C a s t l e

9 - 15 Church Street, Leatherhead(next door to the theatre)


Opening Hours:Monday - Saturday 9am-5pm

01372 375865


Collins and Hayes






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Winter has begun and the blues start to kick in...Don’t let the doom and gloom of cold days & dark nights bring you down

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Page 24: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


‘Gentleman Charlie’Chimney Sweep

I offer a professional, friendly and CLEANservice with a FREE smoke test, from £40

Your chimney should be sweptevery year for your safety.

07533 644805w: gentleman-charlie.com

e: [email protected]

Word processing & colour laser printingservices, established in Ashtead since 1993

letters | mailshots | leaflets | flyersnewsletters | envelopes/labels | reports

tables/charts | presentations | spreadsheetsPlease contact Melodie Hunt

for an Information & Pricing Folder01372 277808

[email protected]

Shops & Services


Contact Joseph01372 373844

[email protected] available on request


Page 25: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services


Your local domestic/commercial cleaningand ironing specialists

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You name it – we’ll clean it!References readily available.

For a free no obligation quotecall Dawn today on:

01737 851280 (eves)

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Page 26: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

Fairtrade Christmas Craft FairSaturday 19th November, 2pm-5pm

Dorking Christian Centre, Church St, Dorking RH4 1DW

A number of Fairtrade charities selling leather goods, carvings,handmade cards, beaded bags, jewellery, and many other giftsand homemade preserves and cakes, as well as Traidcraft andTearcraft goods. Refreshments available.

Eleven towns in Surrey, including Leatherhead, have FairtradeTown Status. The Surrey Fairtrade Steering Group is nowworking to gain Fairtrade County Status for Surrey. The first

Fairtrade County in the South East.

Surrey retailers selling Fairtrade goods, businesses and cafes selling Fairtraderefreshments, Fairtrade Churches and schools, and Surrey County Council are allcontributing to make this aim achievable. We need to show too that the generalpublic are behind this campaign by continuing to choose Fairtrade goods.

Fairtrade ensures that producers in developing countries can compete in the worldmarket through trade, and improve living standards in their local communities.

For more information contact Sheila Hill via email [email protected]


WWe’ree’re ononourour wayway!!

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Page 27: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

2244 hhoouurr nunursingrsing carecare

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••FoFor furtr furtherher detadetailsils plpleaseease contactcontact

thethe MaManagenager or on 0n 01372 27451372 27455252

Email: [email protected] Website: www.redhouseashtead.co.uk

43 Sk43 Skinneinnersrs LaneLane, Asht, Ashteaead, Surd, Surrerey, KTy, KT21 2NN21 2NN



Page 28: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services



Personal 24 hour service from aprivately funded family business



Ashtead Day Centre - Over 60’s Luncheon Club

We are very much in need of volunteers to help the cooking teams of our over 60’sluncheon club.

The Ashtead Day Centre was formed in 1966, for the benefit of over 60’s people livingin Ashtead and who would enjoy getting out and socialising, it has been very wellattended over the years and currently has a membership of around 50.

The club opens every Thursday at 10.30am in the Ralli Room of the Peace MemorialHall where the members for a small charge receive a freshly cooked meal, pudding andcup of tea.

There are five teams of volunteers. Each team prepares and serves the meals ondifferent Thursdays so any volunteer helpers would only need to offer one to four hoursa month except August when the club closes.

Please help us, not only is it a worthwhile and rewarding but great fun as well.

If however you would like to become a member, we still have a few spare places left.

Please telephone John or Mary on 276042 or Yvonne on 272631 if youare thinking of volunteering or would like to become a member.

Page 29: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services


Caring for those you care about

• Person-centred 24 hour care• Unrestricted visiting• Excellent cuisine• Newly refurbished rooms withen-suite toilets

• Registered with Quality CareCommission

• Respite care• Integrated social , outings andactivities programme

• Deferred Payment Plan• Visiting professionals:- Chiropodist- Physiotherapist- ‘Pets as Therapy’ scheme

41 Skinners Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2NN

Tel: 01372 276052

Page 30: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


I Know Why theCaged Bird Sings byMaya AngelouAn incredible storyabout thetransformation of aquiet racism victim intoa self-assured andconfident youngwoman. As the first in asix volume series, hereMaya Angelou tells thetale of her coming-of-age in awfulcircumstances, butfinds strength in thebirth of her son todiscover her inner voiceand passion forindependence.

Bad Blood by LornaSageA fantastic memoirdepicting threegenerations of the Sagefamily, and the familyhistory which led to herown mother’s beliefthat Lorna was bornwith “bad blood”. Fearnot, there is light at theend of the tunnel asLorna’s life turnsaround with the arrivalof a newhusband,baby anduniversity –and lifeaway fromthemiserableShropshirevillage shecallshome.

First They Killed myFather: A Daughterof CambodiaRemembers byLoung UngPenned by a survivor ofthe Pol Pot regime,Loung Ung spent thefirst part of herchildhood growing up incomfort as the daughterof a GovernmentOfficial, but when theKhmer RougestormedPhnom Pennin 1975, herlife wastransformedbeyondbelief. Thistitle recallsher life inwork camps,separatedfrom herfamily and friends, andbeing trained as a childsoldier, as she somehowfound the bravery tofight on in search of anew life.

A Child Called It byDave Pelzer

One of the mostfamous titlesdepicting ashatteredchildhood, thisis the horrificstory of a boyreferred to byhis alcoholicmother as ‘anit’ and whosuffered at herhands years ofhorrific abuse

and sadistic torture.Not a pleasant or aneasy read, butnonetheless fascinating.

A Kestrel for aKnave by BarryHinesLife is tough for BillyCasper; brought up in aYorkshire miningvillage, mistreated athome and in trouble at

school. But lifetakes on a newmeaning whenhe finds akestrel andrears him ashis pet ‘Kes’.Sad, intenseand touching,this novelmanages toconjureinspiration and

awe through the eyes ofan unlikely protagonist.

Glass Castle byJeannette WallsThis may be yet anotheraccount of a torturedchildhood, but as abrilliantly-writtenmemoir the tale isuplifting and told withhumour and strength.Raised in a less-than-loving family, theauthor describes herupbringing faced withpoverty, abuse andneglect, yet she writeswith seemingacceptance andcompels the readerfrom start to finish.

Breaking Nightby Liz Murray

Born to an addictfather and amother who spentmost of herdaughter’schildhood in andout of a mentalinstitute, LizMurray ended upon the streets ofNew York at thetender age of 15.Desperate tosalvage her lifefrom turning intothat of herparents, theauthor recountsher tale of howshe enrolled inschool, achieved ascholarship fromthe New YorkTimes and wenton to graduatefrom Harvard. Atruly inspirationalread.

Just out...

Recent years have seen a massive rise in the popularity of booksdepicting tortured childhoods - and although this may not be thehappiest of subjects, many of these titles are fascinating, well-written and extremely emotive. This month, to celebrate Children inNeed, we’ve put together a selection of the best books in this genre.

Children in NeedChildren in Need

MustMust--read titlesread titles

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Shops & Services

Page 32: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Sam, Ruth and the children were off to theschool fireworks display but, as they gatheredtheir hats and coats, Sam felt a suddenoverwhelming sense of sadness.

November the fifth was always a bitter sweettime for Sam. His father died in November andthis year was the tenth anniversary of hisdeath. When Sam was a child, his father hadtaken enormous pride in organising familyfireworks and there had been great competitionwith Mr Clarkson, the next door neighbour as towho could put on the most impressive display.

Sam could still see his dad, standing at thebottom of the garden, in his green wellingtonboots, tatty brown corduroy trousers andsheepskin coat, holding an enormous metal'army surplus' torch. He always planned hisdisplay with military precision and would referto his 'order of ignition sheet' which soundedvery impressive to Sam but was usually writtenon the back of a brown envelope.

Every element of the display was carefullyconsidered. The weekend before the big day,he would take Sam and his two brothers tochoose the fireworks. Not being content withthe selection at the local newsagents, he woulddrive to a specialist supplier, several milesaway and went to great length to read all thelabels and discuss the various effects with theshop owner. Sam loved to hear him talk aboutrocket cones, screechers, spitting comets andnames like 'Tropical Storm', 'Hornet's Nest' and'Crackling Cauldron'.

Each boy was allowed to choose one fireworkfor themselves. Sam's younger brother, James,always liked the spinning catherine wheels.Peter liked the exploding traffic lights but Samand his Dad loved the rockets. The higher theywent, the better they were.The garden would be set up during theafternoon. A nail would be hammered into thetall beech tree and milk bottles would be duginto the ground at strategic points. Thefireworks would be carefully put into positionwhile Sam's mother prepared Heinz tomatosoup, hot baked potatoes and baked beans.The big treat after the display was always abowl of steaming hot banana and custard.

As soon as it was completely dark, Sam's fatherwould usher everyone outside. He had a tapeof the 1812 overture in the family cassetterecorder and Sam's mother was signalled when

it was time to press the play button.A theatrical experience then followed as Sam'sFather performed 'miracles' in the garden. Hewould light each fuse with a long taper and callout "Stand well clear... Launch in tenseconds!" The family would then yell thecountdown, from ten down to one, gettingmore excited with each number. Mostfireworks went off at "four", always taking Samand his brothers by surprise. Looking back, thiswas clearly a deliberate strategy but they fellfor it every time and then whooped withexcitement as each firework worked itscolourful magic.

Sam liked to watch his father, at the bottom ofthe garden, waiting for the brief moment whenhe'd be framed by the light of an explodingfirework. The look of childlike delight on hisdad's face was one that Sam would carry withhim for the rest of his life.

The climax of the display would be the rocket.They would always buy the biggest one theycould afford with names like 'Tornado' or'Meteor'. Being the eldest, Sam would beallowed to light the taper but his father alwaysheld his arm, ready to snatch him away if therewas a problem. Father and son would watch inawe as the rocket soared into the sky beforeexploding into a shower of coloured lights."That one's for you Sam," He would say. "Isn'tshe a beauty?!"

The family had a lovely time at the schooldisplay but something was missing for Sam andhe knew what he had to do.

A few days later, on the tenth anniversary ofhis father's death, he bought the biggest rocketfirework that he could find and set it up in thegarden. As soon as it was dark, he called thefamily outside. He lit the fuse and stood backto watch. As the rocket soared into the sky hesaid to himself "That one's for you Dad... Isn'tshe a beauty?!"

Copyright Sarah LottOctober 2011

The Memory BookWebsite: www.thememorybook.co.ukEmail: [email protected]: @thememorybookFacebook: The Memory Book

Celebrate Your Life!

Fathers and Fireworks

Page 33: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Shops & Services

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Page 35: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Clubs & Activities

How does yourgarden grow?

with Peter Almond

Join us on a 12 week course starting onWednesday 2nd November from 10am-12pm in St Giles’ Church Hall, Ashtead.

Discover what makes plants tick and howto apply that knowledge in your garden.

Study the fascinating life cycle of plantsfrom the germination of seeds throughtheir growth, development andflowering phases. Discover themicroclimates in your garden and howthey influence the plants you grow.Share your garden experiences withothers and develop your gardening skills.Investigate the relevance of sustainablegardening and the pleasures ofgardening for wildlife.

This is one of manyWEA Courses for2011/12 which arelisted in our brochureavailable from locallibraries, LeatherheadHelpshop, MVDCOffices, LeatherheadInstitute and Theatre.

For info call Joy Tapping on01306 713355

or visitwww.weafetchandbookham.org.uk

Page 36: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Local Rotarian completes Great North RunOn Sunday 18th September 2011, David Gibson,Immediate Past President of the Rotary Club ofLeatherhead, completed the Great North Run in avery respectable time of 2 hours, 33 minutes and 40seconds, just seven minutes behind his eldest son,David, and fourteen minutes behind his youngest son,Ben.

Mr Gibson, from Crabtree Lane in Bookham, said hewas delighted with the time in which he hadcompleted the 13.1-mile course, which was actuallyten minutes faster than when he last took part in theevent in 2007. He also hopes to have raised over£500 in sponsorship for Barnardo’s, one of the two

charities the Rotary Club of Leatherhead supported during Mr Gibson’s year as Club President.

At the club’s weekly meeting on Wednesday 21st September, Mr Gibson presented a bottle ofchampagne to fellow club member Graham Ryding, who won the sweepstake within the club toguess the time in which Mr Gibson would complete the event. Mr Ryding came closest with a guessof 2 hours and 35 minutes. Rumours that most of the club had submitted a finishing time in daysrather than hours are completely unfounded!

The Rotary Club of Leatherhead meets at 7pm most Wednesdays at the Police FederationHeadquarters in Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. For further information about the club and itsactivities, please visit www.leatherheadrotary.org.uk or contact Simon Edmands on 07753 821964or [email protected]

David Gibson (centre), with David (left) and Ben

Page 37: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


LeatherheadBridge Club

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Clubs & Activities

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To find out more about groupclasses, call 07904 323784 or visitwww.celebrationdanceschool.co.uk

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Page 38: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Education & Tuition

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One to one and group tuitionin year 3 to adult

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Focused A level revisioncourses availableChristmas Holidays


Page 39: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Ashtead Art LoversWant to know moreabout art, artists andthe times they lived in?

Tel: 01372 272235E: [email protected]: www.ashteadartlovers.co.uk

The Ashtead & LeatherheadLocal has been invaluablefor advertising my guitartuition business. Around70% of my students foundme through my advert.Alex, guitar teacher

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Education & Tuition


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Page 40: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local







2011 Harvest Photograph CompetitionNow in its fourth year, Denbies Wine Estate is pleased to behosting the annual harvest photograph competition inconjunction with Andy Newbold photography. Thecompetition welcomes photographers of all ages and abilitiesto capture their interpretation of harvest at Denbies WineEstate. With spectacular views over Box Hill, the NorthDowns and Dorking from all aspects of the estate, theopportunities are endless.

All entries will be judged by local celebrity professionalphotographer Andy Newbold. This year’s 1st prize is a familyportrait sitting within the vineyard at Denbies courtesy of

Andy Newbold photography including a 12x10” print of the preferred image, 2nd prize is a DenbiesChristmas hamper (to the value of £80) and 3rd prize is a mixed case of 6 bottles of DenbiesWine. The winning photographs will be featured in Denbies 2012 publications and all entries willbe displayed in the Denbies Art Gallery from Tuesday 27th December – Wednesday 4th January2012.

Entry forms are available from Denbies Reception or by emailing the events department at:[email protected]

The closing date for entries is 14th November and the entry fee is £3.50 for eachphotograph or £10 for four photographs. All of the profits will be donated to charitywhich this year will be ‘Meru’ based in Epsom who help make disabled Children’s liveseasier by finding solutions to everyday problems – www.meru.org.uk

Page 41: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


“I am delighted with theresponse to the adverts thatFire & Iron has placed in theAshtead & LeatherheadLocal; it has proved to be aterrific way for us tocommunicate with our localaudience, reaching people inan economical and highlyeffective way. Zen isincredibly helpful andfriendly too, which makesthe whole process of placinga single advert, or planninga long-term campaign, veryeasy.” Lucy Quinnell, Fire &Iron


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Page 42: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Wildlife Aid says that if you are burning leaves orgarden debris over the coming months, you shouldtake extra care not to injure any hedgehogs or putthem at risk. You should be particularly careful ifyou are planning to build a big bonfire for GuyFawkes Night.

The hedgehog – perhaps the most iconic Britishmammal – is dying out. The hedgehog population ofthe UK is falling rapidly and could face extinction.

Wildlife Aid Foundation director Simon Cowell MBEsays: “Bonfire Night is a big danger as hedgehogswill always curl up and nest inside any pile ofleaves or garden debris if it looks warm andinviting. So please be vigilant. Do it with greatcare, not by sticking sharp rakes into the pile.Ideally, you should move or turn over the entirepile of leaves, just to be extra certain. And doublecheck any bonfire just before you light it.”

For those hedgehogs that make it through thebonfire season, the bitter winter weather posesanother risk to their lives. When hedgehogshibernate their body temperature can fall to just afew degrees above freezing and their heart rateslows. They depend on their body fat to survive.A hedgehog weighing less than 600 grams may notlive through the winter if it isnot helped.

“For the hedgehogs that we are‘over-wintering’ here at theWildlife Aid Foundation we needto feed them daily to ensurethey build up enough body fat.The least we can do for ourhedgehog patients is provide ahearty meal and a roof overtheir heads during the mostsevere cold weather. After all,life for the little hedgehog istough enough as it is. For suchtiny creatures, hedgehogscertainly eat a lot! Our little

guys chomp their way through around 45 to 50 tinsof dog food every single day! Over the entirewinter that’s 10,000 tins of food!”

Simon points out that the dangers to hedgehogs inour gardens are all year round.

“With people having invaded and taken over thehedgehog’s natural habitats, there are nowadaysplenty of new menaces to these little animals.Hedgehogs like long grass so they are at risk fromcareless lawn-mowing. A lawnmower or strimmercan kill.”

Ponds are another problem. “Hedgehogs can swimbut they are not very strong and their endurance inwater is not great – they will drown if they can’tget out of a garden pond, so please make sure youhave a ‘ramp’ made from wood or stones to helpthem.

“Another thing is that hedgehogs eat slugs andsnails, and can poison themselves if they eat slugsthat have been killed with slug pellets. That’sanother hazard for hedgehogs that people don’ttend to think about.”

“In 1950 there were estimated to be more than 30million hedgehogs in Britain. Now, due mostly tothe huge number of roads and cars we have in thiscountry, the hedgehog population is down to aboutone million, and possibly a lot less.

“If we don’t intervene to help the hedgehogwherever and whenever we can, this mostthoroughly British of all wild animals could beextinct in the next two decades – locally if notnationally.”

To find out more about the Foundation and tosupport its vital work for all British wildlifespecies, go to www.wildlifeaid.org.uk.

Bonfire warning from Wildlife Aid

Page 43: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



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Page 44: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Air fresheners - healthy or not?

The main causes of health problems are toxicity &malnutrition, although we often blame ourgenes. Clean air, like clean food and water is basic tohealth.

Air fresheners are a quick fix for odour removal.There is hardly anything healthy about them!

Signs of reactions to air fresheners:HeadacheIrritated eyes & noseOther allergic reactions

Asthma-like reactions have been reported from studies of animal (mice) Alsoindications of neurotoxicity, causing odd behaviours.

If you have any of these symptoms, stop using air fresheners for a time and record howyou feel.

Common reactions to toxic air freshener:Limonene - irritates eyes, mouth, skin. Unco-ordination &dizziness.petroleum distillates - can irritate or damage your lungs.Toluene - fatigue and confusionBenzene compounds - carcinogenicphthalates - interfere with hormone production.Methylformamide linked to cancer in humans - not readilydisposed of by the bodyterpinolenemethoxybenzaldehydebutanoic acid

Read product labels carefully.Manufacturers may warn of potential health hazards such as cancer.Air fresheners often paralyse nose sensitivity, & don’t remove odours. Even if yournose does not sense it, it is still what you are breathing.

Healthy odour removal options

Improve ventilation and/or use an activated carbon air filter, which can absorb theodorous gasesZeolite Crystals (pieces of minerals proven to absorb many toxic gasses), to fightpet, body, urine, wine and other odours. Zeolite is easy to maintain - put it out inthe sun to let it release the captured air pollutants.Houseplants – living air purifiers Some green plants are living air purifiers. Theyeffectively clean air from formaldehyde, VOG (volatile organic gases,) benzene, andcarbon monoxide, the gases commonly missed by an HEPA filter or an ionic airpurifier.

continued on page 48

Page 45: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


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Health & Beauty

Page 46: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Ladies - don’t suffer in silence -it’s more common than you think

Roger Walker is a consultant urologist,specialising in female urology andurogynaecology, practising at AshteadHospital, The Clock House, Epsom and atSt Anthony’s Hospital, North Cheam.

Mr Walker has been specialising in his field forover 20 years and sits on the executive of theBritish Association of Urological Surgeons.

I asked Mr Walker how common incontinence isin women and he gave me these interestingstatistics:

• One in 14 women aged 15-44• One in seven women aged 45-65• One in five women aged over 65• One-third of women in residential homes• Two-thirds of women in nursing homes

There are different types of incontinenceexperienced by women such as stressincontinence - leakage when you sneeze,laugh, cough or exert yourself; urgeincontinence - a strong urge to pass urine andleak before getting to the bathroom; or mixedincontinence which includes the two typesmentioned above.

There are many causes of incontinence such asthe menopause, getting older, childbirth orgenetics but in up to 95% of cases Mr Walkercan help improve women’s lives significantly.‘As this is such a sensitive subject it is difficultto get women to come forward, butprogrammes such as Embarrassing Bodies havehelped enormously in breaking down barriersand showing women that they no longer haveto suffer in silence - something can be done tohelp.’

There are manytreatments open towomen ranging fromsimplephysiotherapy,pelvic floorexercises,medication and,further down theline, simple andstraightforward

surgical procedures whichwill usually involvetreatment as a day patientor, in some cases, willinclude an overnight stay.

Mr Walker’s message to sufferers is:

• It’s a common problem, but you are notsuffering alone

• Don’t suffer in silence• A range of effective treatments are

readily available

I very much enjoyed meeting with Mr Walker,he is a charming man who displays a realpassion for improving the lives of women.

The preferable route is for sufferers to bereferred to Mr Walker via their own GP, butthey can also contact his office directly.Contact details below.

Mr Roger Walker can be contacted through hisPA, Michèle Burton, who is based at AshteadHospital, on 01372 275161 (option 6) or viaemail on [email protected] more information, visitwww.roger-walker.co.uk

Mr Walker specialises in:● Overactive bladder and Botoxbladder treatments ● Pelvic floorprolapsed and repairs ● Stress urinaryincontinence and tape surgery ● Painfulbladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis ●Cystitis/recurrent urinary tractinfection ● Bladder cancer ● Urethralsyndrome ● Prolapse

The Clockhouse, Epsom

Page 47: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


LLadieadies - don’t suffer in silence -s - don’t suffer in silence -itit’s more co’s more common than ymmon than you thiou thinknk

InIncontcontinenceinence is ais a probproblem slem suffereuffereddby manyby many womewomen, jun, justst looklook at tat thesehese statistatististicscs::

ThereThere areare llots ofots of tretreatmatmentsents opeopenn to youto you ranging franging from simplrom simpleephysiphysiotheotherapyrapy, pelvic fl, pelvic floor exeoor exercises, medircises, medicatiocation and,n and,fufurtrtherher dowdown tn the lhe linine, sie, simple andmple and straightfstraightforwardorward

susurgirgicacall procedures wprocedures whichichh couldcould help youhelp you..

Mr RMr Rogeroger WalkerWalker, Consul, Consultanttant UrolUrologiogist andst and UrogynaecologiUrogynaecologist,st,hhasas had overhad over 20 ye20 yearsars’ exper’ experience in thience in the field ande field and works out of thworks out of theeClClockhouse Medicaockhouse Medicall Practice inPractice in EEpsom, Ashteadpsom, Ashtead HHospiospitatal andl and StSt

Anthony’sAnthony’s HoHospispital ital in Nn North Corth Cheam.heam. If youIf you wouldwould like a colike a compmpletelletelyyconfidentialconfidential consultconsultatioation with him to discun with him to discussss hhow heow he cancan hhelp yoelp youu

ppleleasease concontact his otact his officffice, dee, details beltails belowow::

For more information visit www.roger-walker.co.uk

We look forward to hearing from you -You no longer have to suffer in silence - we can help

• OOnnee inin 14 women ag14 women ageded 15-15-4444

• OneOne inin seven womenseven women agedaged 45-645-655

• OneOne inin fifive women ave women agedged ooverver 6565

CoContact Mr Wantact Mr Walker’lker’s PAs PA, Mi, Michèlechèle BurtonBurton onon01372 2701372 2751651611 (option(option 6)6) or via emaor via email oil onn

mimichele@[email protected]

Page 48: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Continued from page 44

Spider plants and golden pothos clean air from carbon monoxide.

Ficus, aloe vera, fig trees, spider plant, and elephant ear philodendron can reduceFormaldehyde, which is emitted everywhere by plastic items, particle board, pressedwood furniture, carpeting and construction materials.

VOGs can be absorbed by the banana tree.

House plants are most effective in enclosed spaces, eg kitchens.

Toxic house plants include:nightshade, creeping charlie, foxglove, oleander, sago plant, privet, rhododendron,umbrella plant, ivy, ripple ivy, sweet pea, vinca, spider mum, and poinsettia.

HEPA cleaners (High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance)Most have close to hundred (99.99) percent home air filtration effectiveness inremoving common home particle allergens, including lead, asbestos and other dust,then pollen, dust mite droppings, mould spores and other particles, even as small as0.1-0.3 microns.

Ionic Air Purifiers are commonly used to clean dust, allergens, and tobacco smokeindustrial pollutants such as welding smoke, from indoor air in homes.

Candles made with vegetable waxes or beeswax & 100% cotton wicks are cleanburning and do not contain the toxins found in candles made with paraffin wax.The pollution and toxins released by burning paraffin wax are similar to thosereleased by burning gas or oil although in smaller quantities. Wicks can contain ametal core which can also release toxic fumes.

Incense Burning incense may be good for spiritual wellbeing, but could damage yourhealth. The fragrant smoke contains a cocktail of harmful chemicals linked tophysical disorders, scientists say.

Joss sticks contain carbon monoxide and other toxic fumesResearch suggests that breathing in the toxic fumes is as bad for the health asinhaling tobacco smoke and is linked to headaches, lung disorders, cancer, liverdamage and nerve problems.

Healthier air fresheners found at health food stores & online. Pot pouris, lavendersachets, fresh flowers etc

Flip CargillNatural Health TherapistLiveWellNaturally.co.uk01372 383 468

Page 49: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Health & Beauty

Page 50: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



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Health & Beauty

Page 51: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


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Page 52: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Surrey Farmer’s Marketis moving to Dorking

Every third Saturday of the month

After four years in a field in Cobham,Surrey Markets is moving to the centreof Dorking in October.

There will be over 20 stalls offeringfresh cheese, meat, game, eggs, fish,breads, cakes, pies, fruit andvegetables – ideal for the specialdinner party or just to eat healthilyand well.

You can find us in St Martin’s Walk inthe upper car park, just off the HighStreet, from 9.30am – 2pm on the thirdSaturday of every month.

Come and see us onSaturday 19th November.

Leatherhead Podiatry

10% off your first appointment on production of this ad (offer ends 30th Nov 2011)

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Health & Beauty

Page 53: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


The Ashtead and Leatherhead Localwas the natural way for theChernobyl Children's Lifeline MidSurrey Link to reach out to a reallylocal audience and Zen's help inlaying out the article led to reallyimpressive results. Thank you Zen!Simon Cooke,Mid Surrey Link

Health & Beauty

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Leatherhead Town Centre

Page 54: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Mr N. Patel B.D.S., U.Lond., L.D.S., R.C.S.Mr N. Stretch B.D.S., U.Lond., L.D.S., R.C.S.

Implant Referral Centre

Health & Beauty

Answers on page 86

Page 55: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



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01372 279755Newton Wood Road, Ashtead, KT21 1NN


“Autumn Watch” @ Ashtead Healthy Living

According to traditional Chinese medicine during season of autumn the organs thatrequire extra care and attention are the lungs and the colon. Autumn is a time forpurification and conservation of energy in preparation for the long and cold winterahead.

Come to Ashtead Healthy Living to try a colon hydrotherapy treatment that can helpstrengthen your immune system and help to renew your body. During November andDecember I will include a delicious fresh fruit or vegetable juice for you to taste withthe recipe to take away to help give your immune system a boost and keep away anypossible infections or virus normally associated with this season.

Another benefit of having a colonic is that it allows your body to detoxify. We are allexposed to a variety of different types of toxins in the air that we breathe, the foodsthat we eat and the water that we drink. The body was made to remove these toxins,but there are many times when they get ahead of the body’s ability to take care ofthings naturally.By boosting the detoxification process through colonics, you allow yourbody to cleanse itself from the inside out and to improve the body’s ability to healitself.

First treatment £70. Follow up treatment £65 or buy 3 treatments for £180.

For more information give Jane a call on 01372 279755.

Health & Beauty

Page 56: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Please go to www.the-theatre.org to check timingsand make on-line bookings, or call the box office on

01372 365141

Spirit LevelFreewheelers Theatre Company, English Touring Opera and English National BalletWednesday 2nd , 7.45pm. £10, Concessions for disabled people and children aged 12 andunder. Buy 10 seats and get the 11th free.www.freewheelerstheatre.co.ukLeatherhead based Freewheelers Theatre Company bring you their ambitious collaboration with EnglishTouring Opera and English National Ballet, Spirit Level,fuses music, dance, drama and animation to tella magical story about a mysterious, wet and speechless man who one day appears on a beach.

Oh, What A Lovely War!by Theatre Workshop, Charles Chilton, Gerry Raffles andmembers of the Original Castpresented by Blackeyed TheatreFri 4th and Sat 5th, 7.30pmAdult £15, Friends £13,Students/Children/Groups 10+ £9 eachwww.blackeyedtheatre.co.ukTold through stories and songs of the First World War period, and at turns

satirical, funny and deeply moving, combining live music, dance, songs and sketches it creates apicture of life for those on the front line and those behind it. “Magnificent...Extraordinary...Ashaunting as it is harrowing...astonishing power, catch it if you can” The Stage

Bobby ChenFriday 18th November, 8pmAdult £16, Friends/Concessions £13.50"...an armour-clad player of complete technique, a thinking musician, a natural Romantic”International Piano MagazineInternationally acclaimed pianist Bobby Chen returns to The Leatherhead Theatre in the year of thebicentenary anniversary if the birth of Liszt, in 1811. Chen will perform a stunning selection of worksby Liszt in addition to pieces from his masterful solo repertoire.www.bobbychen.org

Films Showing in NovemberThe Debt (15)Tues 1st and Thurs 3rd at 2pm and 7.30pmJane Eyre (PG)Tues 8th, Wed 9th and Thurs 10th at 2pm and 7.30pmMidnight in Paris (12A)Fri 11th at 2pm and 7.30pm. Tues 15th at 7.30pm. Wed 16th and Thurs 17th at 2pm.

November Mezz Bar EventsWeds 16th Open Mic Night, 8.30pm Free EntryFri 25th Jazz Jam with Jenny Green, 8.30pm, Free Entry

STOP PRESS...STOP PRESS...STOP PRESS...PANTO NEWSThis year’s panto is the fabulous Dick Whittington which brings you everythingthat you know and love from the great tradition of pantomime: comedy, poptunes, stunning costumes, a terrible villain, a touching love story, and the castalways pops out to meet the families after the show.

Tuesday 13th - Saturday 31st December Perfomances: 10.30am or 2pmSpecial Price Tickets at £6 available for some performances. Adults £14,Children, Concessions and Friends £12. Family Ticket £45. Group Discount: Buy 10 seats and get thenext seat free. Schools Rate: £7 per seat and teachers go free.

Page 57: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Health & Beauty

Ashtead Reflexology

Judith Richardson01372 279406 | 07773 284211www.ashteadreflexology.co.uk

Looking for a gift idea?...or simply want topamper yourself?

ReflexologyGift Vouchers £35

Taster SessionGift Vouchers £20

Reflexology may help reducestress and promote

general health and well-beingVisit my website for client testimonials

Page 58: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Art, Jewellery & Gifts

Solution on page 86

Across1 A strong effect on (6)4 Sore (6)9 Stopping place (7)

10 Narrates (5)11 Slumber (5)12 Arrives at (7)13 Presenting (11)18 Item (7)20 Mechanical engine (5)22 Higher up (5)23 Dealt with (7)24 Help (6)25 Theatre seats (6)

Down1 Be certain of (6)2 Wood smoothing tool (5)3 Crunchier (7)5 Additional (5)6 Popular sea mammal (7)7 Withstand (6)8 Components of recipe (11)

14 Countries (7)15 Remark (7)16 Yellow fruit (6)17 Classifications (6)19 A board game (5)21 The whole amount (5)

Simple Crossword1 2 3 4 5 6 7


9 10

11 12

13 14 15

16 17

18 19 20 21

22 23

24 25

Page 59: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Art, Jewellery & Gifts

22 Bri22 Bridge Strdge Streeeet,t,LeaLeaththerheaerhead, KTd, KT22 8B22 8BZZ

TelTel: 0: 01372 3773631372 377363

∗ BBespespokeoke FramFraminingg

∗ FramFramed Origed Originalsinals &&

LimitLimited Edited Edition Prion Printintss

∗ Gifts & JeweGifts & Jewellerlleryy

∗ CaCardrdss

∗ Ready MadeReady Made FramFrameses

& M&Mountountss

Children’s HospiceCharity Christmas Cards& Diaries. Every penny

you spend on themat Bumbles goes direct

to Chase.They need your help.

‘Window Shopping’ © Chase

We have chosen the very best value-for-money quality products from over60 manufacturers to provide you with the best possible selection offabulous and unique gifts for your one-stop Christmas shop this year.

90 The Street, Ashtead, KT21 1AW Tel: 01372 276219Email: [email protected]



01372 3701372 375184 or 07951 093105184 or 07951 0931066or e-mail me at kenor e-mail me at kendodgedodge@[email protected]

Page 60: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Food & Drink

This warming curry is perfect for a chillyAutumn evening. It’s a fairly mild dish, but ifyou prefer something a little hotter, add achopped red or green chilli pepper to the mincedonion mixture.

1. Place the onion, garlic and ginger in a food processor or blender and whizz for a fewseconds until finely minced.

2. Heat the oil in a large, deep frying pan and fry the minced onion mixture for 10minutes, stirring occasionally, until softened and golden brown. Stir in the curry pasteand cook for 1 minute.

3. Cut the chicken fillets into large chunks and add to the frying pan. Cook over a mediumheat until no longer pink. Stir in the red lentils and stock or water. Cover and simmergently, stirring occasionally for 30-35 minutes until the chicken and lentils are tender.

4. Add the tomatoes and simmer uncovered for a further 10 minutes until the sauce hasthickened and the tomatoes are soft. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground blackpepper. Serve with boiled basmati rice and onion and cucumber relish. Garnish withfried onions.

1 large onion, peeled and roughly chopped2 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed2 tsp grated fresh root ginger2 tbsp sunflower oil2 tbsp mild curry paste (such as Patak’s)

500g skinless chicken fillets100g red lentils

600ml chicken stock or water2 large tomatoes, roughly chopped

Salt and freshly ground black pepperBoiled basmati rice and onion and cucumber relish (see tip),to serveFried onions, to garnish

TOP TIP - To make the relish, simply mix together finely shredded red onion with thinly slicedcucumber, fresh chopped mint, a squeeze of lemon juice and a little salt.

Chicken DhansakChicken Dhansak

Serves 4Ready in1 hour20 minutes

Page 61: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


HHomomee Cooked IndiaCooked Indian Fn FooooddIn-In-hohome came catetering sering servicrvicee

Do you wisDo you wishh toto hohost ast a dinnerdinnerparty bparty but don't wantut don't want toto cookcook??

Enjoy the real taste of Punjabi (north Indian)food in the comfort of your home without thehassleSpend time with your friends and familyI always use finest spices and freshingredients to prepare a delicious PunjabimealGuest numbers from as few as ten to a largeparty catered forI bring my own utensils and tools and alwaysleave your kitchen clean and tidy

I will help you select the menu and the foodis spiced to your preference

CCookery leookery lessons avssons availaailableble

SatnaSatnam Talm Talwawarr01372 273494 | 0701372 273494 | 07799799 333923339211

ssktktalwar@[email protected]

Food & Drink

The entire history of the spice trade starts withpepper. For around 4,000 years pepper has beentraded from its origin in India. At many points intime it was valued highly enough to be used ascurrency.

Known as the ‘King of Spices’, pepper is now themost commonly used spice in the world and graces almost every dining table,alongside salt. Pepper comes from various species of a vine-like plant and is soldin many forms. The fruits of the plant are the peppercorns. Black pepper is thedried, unripe fruit while white pepper is ripened a little further than black pepperbefore having its black shell removed. Green peppercorns also come from thesame plant but are harvested at a different stage in their development.

Whole peppercorns last indefinitely but the ground spice quickly loses its flavour.For this reason, freshly ground pepper should be added to food after cooking ortowards the end of the process. Finely ground white pepper is used in whitesauces to maintain the clean appearance of the dish.

Pepper has antibacterial properties and improves digestion. It also helps treatnausea and increases body temperature which can help cure fevers.

Spice of Life - Pepper

Pepe Estevez looks forward towelcoming you to his renowned

Italian restaurant

Pre-Xmas Promotion Mon-Fri(Thursday 1st - Friday 23rd Dec)

Set Lunch - £19.50 - Three courses & coffeeSet Dinner - £21.50 - Three courses & coffee

Extremely popular - booking strongly advisedÁ la carte dining always available

LLoonndodonn RdRd,, MickMicklehaleham, RHm, RH5 6E5 6EHH

01301372 372 37395739500www.frascati.co.uk

Christmas Lunch£55.50 - Four courses & coffee

New Year’s Eve Dinner£59 - Four courses & coffee

Page 62: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Food & Drink

Page 63: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Gold Star Taxisof Leatherhead

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Why use a generalist whenyou can use a specialist?

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Local Taxis & Motor Services

It has been a pleasure to watch theAshtead & Leatherhead Localdevelop over the past six years andfor me it has been a great place topromote my work as a photographer.I am sure that Zen's friendlyapproach and down to earthpersonality has been a big factor inits success and she understands theneeds of her advertisers, avoidingthe 'pressure sell' which so oftenputs people off advertising.I hear regular praise from people

who have advertised in the mag -the proof of the pudding is of coursethe responses I have had and theextra awareness and business it hascreated for me - I am proud to beassociated with Zen and The Ashtead& Leatherhead Local, and hope tobe so for many years to come. AndyNewbold

Page 64: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



Wednesday 2nd -Saturday 12th

Autumn Exhibition, Leatherhead Art Club, 40 - 44 Church Street, Leatherhead (oppositePrezzo). Original works in various media inc watercolours, oils, acrylic and mixed.Mon-Sat 10am-5.30pm, Sunday 12-5pm. www.leatherheadartclub.co.uk

Friday 4th

The Bocketts Bonanza Gift Fayre, Old Barn Tearooms, Bocketts Farm Park in aid of SaveThe Children UK. 10am-4pm. Christmas shopping made easy, with lots of unique andaffordable gifts for sale including kitchen and home ware, jewellery, books, cards andchildren’s toys. Small Entrance fee to Save the Children Fund

Saturday 5thBrockham Bonfire, charity fundraising event. Arrive in Brockham village by 6.30-7pm.Parking £8 per car. Car parks open at 4.30pm, 7.45pm lighting of the bonfire, 8.15pmfirework display. Other useful information can be found on www.brockhambonfire.com

Saturday 5th

Epsom Fireworks Display & Funfair. Hook Road Arena, gates open 5.30pm, displaystarts at 7.30pm. Free park and ride available from Chessington World of Adventures.Tickets in advance at £5 each from Ashtead: Alison’s Bakery, Craddocks Pde; Mr PatelNewsagent, 88 Woodfield Lane; Post Office, The St. From Leatherhead: ChannonNews, 21 North St; The Company Man, Swan Centre; JD Food & Wine, Kingston Rd.Tickets £7.50 on the door.

Tuesday 8thBookham Craft Club - Christmas Exhibition & Sale. Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall,Church Rd, Bookham. 10am-12pm. Free entry. Cakes, raffle, Christmas decorations,home made gifts and refreshments.

Thursday 10th

Denbies Plum Pudding Event Hosted by Denbies Executive Chef , Denbies Wine Estate,London Rd, Dorking, RH5 6AA. 6pm-8pm The perfect hands-on opportunity to makeyour Christmas pudding before the rush of the season! Join us for a pre-Christmas socialwith all the ingredients for a memorable & delicious evening! Includes mulled wine &canapés & your Christmas pudding will be ready for pre-Christmas collection! £25

Saturday 12th

Leatherhead and District NCT Nearly New Sale 1.45pm Downsend SchoolLeatherhead. Grab a bargain, baby/toddler clothes, toys, equipment for sale. £1.50entrance fee - which goes direct to NCT. For more details visit www.nct.org.uk/branches/leatherhead

Saturday 12thPiano recital by Christopher Guild, Dorking Halls, 7.30pm. Music byBeethoven,Respighi, Liszt, Debussy, Scriabin. Tickets £15 (students half price;children under 16 free) from 01306 740619 & 01306 881717

Saturday 14th

Rotary Club of Leatherhead Quiz Night, Parish Church Hall, Church Rd, Leatherhead.£12.50 each, inc supper. Max 8 people per team but we can combine smaller nos intoone team. No alcohol on sale, bring your own drinks. Info and tickets from RichardPunnett 01372 377425.

Friday 18thLecture 'Researching the History of the Country House' by Dr RichardGoodenough. Letherhead Institute, High St, Leatherhead. Coffee 7.30pm, lecture8pm. Admission £1 - all welcome Leatherhead and District Local History Society

Friday 25thFriends of Stoneleigh Dancing Club Christmas Dance at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall7.30 to 11pm, ballroom and latin dancing to Andrew Varley’s keyboard music. Dressformal, refreshments and bar. Tickets £14 in advance 01737 352894 or 01372 277938.

Saturday 26th

Worldwide Charities Fair at St Georges in Ashtead, 1030am-3.45pm. Supporting arange of charities at home and abroad. Hot lunches and refreshments. Stalls sellingcrafts, fair trade items and gifts. Inc a Fair Trade Fashion Show at 1.30pm. EntranceFree. Jo Sherring 01372 271497.

Saturday 26thChristmas Fair at St Martin’s Church, Church Street, Epsom KT17 4PX. 11am-3pm andlots of stalls plus homemade soup and ploughman's lunch available. In Church there willbe a working model railway. Free admission. www.stmartinsepsom.org

Friday 11thA Taste of Italy - Italian market comes to Leatherhead High St, 9am-4.30pm. 18gazebos selling speciality breads, cheeses, cured meats, classic Cremona Torrone(nougat), cakes, sweets, biscuits, olive oils, balsamic vinegars, olives and pasta.

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What’s On?

Ashtead Friday Market Christmas SpecialFriday 11th November - Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall

Following on from the success of last year’sChristmas Special, the Ashtead Friday Market isholding another event on Friday 11th November,with specially extended opening times from9am-3pm, so there will be plenty of time toget all your gifts in one visit.

As usual, there will be cakes, plants, cards,antique and contemporary jewellery, toys,books, marmalade, collectables,handicrafts, china, glass and bric-a-brac.Tea and coffee is available.

Please do come and see all the goodies wehave on offer and help us to beat last year'srecord of £1885 which we gave to the RNLI.

If you haven't been yet, you are missing out!

Contact Chris on 01372 272076 for furtherdetails.

Page 66: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



Box Office 07763 568973Adults £9 / Children £5 (Under 16)

Please see our Website for details of previous shows on:-surreycommunity.info/woodfieldentertainers

Or e-mail us on [email protected]

By Ian Hornby

Ashtead Peace Memorial HallDECEMBERThursday 15th, Friday 16th,Saturday 17th7.30pm (Doors open 7pm)Saturday 17thMatinée performance at 1.30pm(Doors open 1pm)

What’s On?

Dyscover is a Surrey-based charity that providessupport and opportunity for people with aphasiaand their families.

Aphasia occurs when the language centre of thebrain is damaged by stroke, illness or injury.Aphasia is a problem with communication and canaffect speaking, understanding of the spokenword, reading and writing. However, Aphasiadoes not affect mental capacity and this makesthe condition incredibly frustrating.

With the help of speech and language therapists,Dyscover offers a programme of activities to helppeople rediscover their confidence and self-esteem and maximise their communication skills

There are 250,000 people in the UK with aphasia.For further information contact:

Jane Warren01737 819419jwarren@dyscover,org.ukwww.dyscover.org.uk | Charity No: 1099432

Page 67: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


What’s On?

Page 68: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local




Ashtead Evening Townswomen’s Guild talks ‘Leatherhead Hospital past, present andfuture’, Dr Fred Meynen. APMH. Visitors welcome £2. Julia Mitchell 01372 276511

Wed 2nd(monthly)

Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group. Competitive flower show Ashtead Peace MemorialHall. 2pm-8.30pm, prize giving 8pm. Visitors welcome £3. Di Stirling 01372 279501

Wed 2nd(monthly)

Rotary Club of Leatherhead, Police Federation Headquarters, Highbury Drive,Leatherhead. 7pm-9pm. Visitors always welcome. Further information from SimonEdmands on 07753 821964.

Wed 2nd(monthly)

Ashtead WI, AGM 7.15pm for 7.30pm Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Details SandraBrown 01372 276736

Thurs 3rd(monthly)

Leatherhead Barn Dance Club. 8pm-10.15pm 1st Thurs of month. Abraham Dixon Hall,Letherhead Institute, £2.50. Ruth & Jim Gwilliam. 01403 750844

Thursday 3rd(weekly)

Leatherhead Sequence Dance Club, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, Church Road.7.45pm-10.15pm, £2.50. Mrs Doris Gibson 01372 374160

Thursday 3rd(weekly)

GO50 L/d Health Walk. 10.15am for 10.30am. L/head Leisure Centre, KT22 9BL. 1½hours/2-3 miles. Richard Jeffries, 01483 534706, [email protected]

Friday 4th(weekly)

Morning coffee and scones served in the Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace MemorialHall. Prepared and served by volunteers to raise money to help run the Hall. Docome along, you will be most welcome.

Friday 4th(monthly)

Soup Lunch held in St. Michael's Church Hall, the Marld, between noon and 2pm.Homemade soup, bread and pudding with tea/coffee for £5. All money goes to SaveThe Children and CAtholic Fund for Overseas Development. A welcoming venue tomeet friends and neighbours, enjoy a good meal and raise funds for 2 worthy charities.

Friday 4th(weekly)

Leatherhead Country Market, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, Church Rd. 10.30am-11.30am. Cakes, plants, meat, pies, eggs and crafts together with coffee or tea.

Friday 4th(weekly)

10am-12noon The Sewing Room, Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. Now stocking a rangeof haberdashery, beading supplies, papercraft and greetings cards. Not too early tostart thinking about ‘Christmas’!

Sunday 6th(weekly)

Leatherhead Parish Church welcomes everyone to our services. 9.30am TraditionalCommunion Service with Choir. 10.45-11.15am Coffee in Church. 11.15amContemporary Service with Band

Tues 8th orFri 11th

Leonardo Da Vinci: The Man behind the Portraits. Da Vinci was an artist, engineer,botanist, biologist & architect. We will look at how the times he lived in influencedwhere and who he worked for. £10 www.ashteadartlovers.co.uk: 01372 272235

Wed 9th (2ndWed mthly)

Tylney Luncheon Club, Leatherhead Leisure Centre, 12.30pm. Different speaker eachmonth, visitors always welcome. More info from Iris Heims 01932 864 822

Friday 11th Ashtead Friday Market Christmas Special, 9am-3pm, see previous page

Thursday17th (mthly)

Meet third Thurs of the month (except December) Leatherhead & District FriendsGroup (50+), 2pm-4pm, North Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Rd (other sideof the bridge). Tea/coffee/biscuits, bingo. £1 per month

Wed 30th NHS Blood donor session: Parish Church Hall, Church Rd, Leatherhead. Two sessions :1.30pm-4pm and 5pm-7.30pm.

Wed 2nd(weekly)

Termtime only. 10am - 12noon The Parish Church Parent & Toddler Group welcomesall under 5's with a carer at The Parish Church Hall, Church Road. Come along for achance to meet other parents and childminders over a cup of coffee while the childrenplay happily and make new friends of their own

If there’s an event in December you’d like mentioned, please contact me (details p.6)before Saturday 12th November. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis.

Details correct at time of going to print.

Page 69: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


What’s On?

GO50 at Age UK Surrey offers guided Walks, Cycle Rides & Nordic Walks for the 50+ age group.This is just a taste of what’s on offer. Contact Richard Jeffries 01483 534706,

email: [email protected] website: www.acsurrey.org.uk

November Guided Walks (Walking boots or other suitable footwear recommended)

Thursday 3rdMonday 7thTuesday 8th

Thurs 3rd: Reigate Heath : 3¾m Flat walk to Skimmington Castle andWonham Mill. 10:15am start at Flanchford Road car park, west of Reigate,south of the A25, RH2 8AB | Mon 7th: Earlswood : 4m One gradual hill, butfairly flat. 10:15am start at small car park at Petridge Wood Common, shortway down A2044 Woodhatch Rd, RH1 5JH | Tue 8th: Brockham –Betchworth – Buckland : 8m An undulating walk inc. pub lunch.10:15am startat the Green at Buckland, just north of A25, RH3 7BB

November Guided Cycle Rides (Please bring a bike suitable for off-road cycling )

Wednesday 2ndFriday 25thMonday 28th

Wed 2nd: Ashtead Woods, Horton Park & the Hogsmill : Easy ride, 10am atThe Woodman in Barnet Wood Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2DA | Fri 25th: FridayStreet : Meet 10am at Friday Street car park, Friday Street Rd, RH5 6JR. CPis ¼m on right (low entrance height!) | Mon 28th: Merstham : Rural circuitalong minor roads and tracks to Outwood Windmill, refreshments and back.Meet 10am at Hungers End Café on A23 at Merstham, free parking opposite inQuality St, RH1 3EA

Friday 18thFri 18th: Garsons Farm : 4½m Undulating walk through woodland/heathland,a few steep parts. Optional cafe or pub refreshments. 10:30am start atGarsons Farm overflow CP, Winterdown Rd, Esher, KT10 8LR. Bus 515

November Guided Nordic Walks (Please bring your own poles)

Page 70: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


What’s On?

Sing Your Heart Out for Heart Research UKHeart Research UK is calling singers, of all styles and abilities, to givevoice to their favourite songs this Christmas, as part of its annualfestive fundraiser, ‘Sing for your Heart,’ between 8 and 15 December.Whether you’re tone deaf or a total diva, a soloist or sing as part ofgroup, the event will get people to give their heart and lungs a goodworkout, whilst raising money for pioneering research into theprevention, treatment and cure of heart disease.

Singing is not only a great way to de-stress and have fun, it can alsoimprove your physical health and wellbeing. Singing exercises the heartand lungs, oxygenates the blood, gives the abdominal and intercostalmuscles a workout, improves posture, and releases muscle tension. Italso improves breath control, which can assist asthma sufferers orpeople who experience panic attacks.

Those who support ‘Sing for your Heart’ can sing with friends, family and colleagues, in railwaystations, shopping centres or a local social venue. Anyone - from choirs, bands, schools andcolleges, companies and societies of all sorts – can take part. There are no hard and fast rules,except to have fun and raise funds for national charity, Heart Research UK.

To request your free Sing for your Heart fundraising pack call Heart ResearchUK on 0113 234 7474, email [email protected] or visitwww.heartresearch.org.uk to download a pack.

Mass in BlueAshtead Choral Society (ACS) opens its season withan absolutely not-to-be missed concert of twochoral works inspired by jazz.

Will Todd, an accomplished jazz pianist,composed the very popular Mass in Blue as anupbeat setting of the Latin mass and a sparklingblend of jazz and clear, strong, choral writing.ACS is delighted to be accompanied on thisoccasion by the composer himself on piano, soloistBethany Halliday and the Will Todd Ensemble forwhat will, undoubtedly, be an experience ratherthan just a performance!

The choir will also perform George Shearing’ssettings of seven Shakespeare sonnets. GeorgeShearing was an Anglo-American jazz pianist whowas born blind but whose musical talents wererecognised very early on.

Tickets are £17 for reserved seats and £14unreserved and include a glass of wine in theinterval. This will be an extremely popularconcert, so booking ahead is advisable.

Tickets available from the Box OfficeManager on 01372 275369.

Page 71: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Visitour showroom-







House & Garden

Page 72: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


With the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness being unusually warm this year, you may havebeen lulled into a sense of false security as to the imminent arrival of winter. Several weatherforecasting agencies are warning of a nasty cold surprise in store for us so, if you have not alreadydone so, it is time to have your boiler serviced. Try Cliff White from ’iplumb’ or Sam Wheeler ofHeating Matters, (see right) and both are Gas Safe Registered for your peace of mind. This winterwe will really notice the rise in fuel charges.

Who doesn’t relish the sight of an open fire, but how often do you have your chimney swept?Regular sweeping is essential because soot and tarry deposits build up, heightening the risk of achimney fire. Do it now, before the snow and ice arrives, call Rury ‘Gentleman Charlie’ ourFetcham based chimney sweep who features in the Shops & Services section.

Many of us with old cottages have decided to get rid of our carpets and exposeour original floorboards. In the heat-wave you might have relished the factthat your house was nice and cool. However, you will find that in winter yourbeautiful new look is physically cold! If you have a suspended floor thedownstairs boards will be butted together allowing draughts to whistle upbetween the gaps. What the interior designers don’t tell you is that to keepyour house warm, you should lift your boards and insulate between the joists.

There are several products which your local building supplier can recommend for your budget.This is a job for the professional or very competent DIYer, but well worth doing. Having exhaustedyourself doing this, caulk the gaps between the boards. All this hard work will give you a lovelylook AND mitigate the rise in your fuel bills, but will be hard on the knees! If you have a concretefloor, lay insulation under any new hard flooring.

There are long term investments such as double glazing, as well as simple oneslike draught proofing your windows and external doors, or even investing ininterlined curtains. Loft and cavity wall insulation have made a great dent in myfuel consumption compared to when I first moved into my house. Ensure hot-water tanks and the pipes in the loft are lagged well because much heat can belost from these and insulation will stop pipes freezing.

For those of you with oil or solid fuel heating, check yourtanks and bunkers and order your winter supplies now.Last year, a friend of mine had her family with theirvarious spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends and children allcoming for lunch on Christmas day and came downstairsto find her AGA completely cold because she had failed tocheck the oil tank!

So Insulate, Insulate, Insulate. Have a safe and warmWinter!

The Happy HouseholderAshtead

Winter Draws On!Helpful tips from the Happy Householder

Page 73: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


House & Garden

“I have been advertising in theA&L Local magazine for over fiveyears and I can categorically statethat for me it has workedcontinuously and has providedwork on a regular monthly basis.Presently, I have more work than Ican handle.” Graham Sheargold,Help@Hand

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For a free estimate,please contact Simon on:01372 27672907947 673174

Page 74: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Elm Bank House and its estatewas owned for many years bythe Rickards family and wasdescribed as a ‘mid –Georgianresidence with 21 ½ acres ofland’. Early in QueenVictoria’s reign it was ownedby the Clarke family, one ofwhom, Captain WilliamStanley Clarke, was an ElderBrother of Trinity House and aDirector of the East IndiaCompany. He also boughtand pulled down theadjoining Church House sothat his land extended to thechurchyard. By the late

1850s, Reginald F. Remington, a director of theEpsom & Leatherhead Railway Company, hadbecome its owner.

The Rickards came to Elm Bank in the 1870s.In 1852 Edward J. Rickards married HarriettLouisa Millett at Send. He was a Solicitor andshe was the daughter of Frederick and MariaMillett. Her father was a retired Bengal civilservant. In the Rickards’ time, Elm Bankgrounds were often open for social functionsespecially those connected with the church.Edward Rickards was a churchwarden for a longtime and was for 19 years Chairman of theLeatherhead Parochial Committee concernedmainly with water supply and sanitation. They had five children, two sons and three daughters. Itwas his wife who arranged for the erection of the churches lych gate in memory of Harriett Millett in1885. (I can only assume the dedication was for the affection she held for her aunt Harriett, due tothe fact that on her arrival in England from India around 1840 where she was born and only aged 10at the time; she lived with her at ‘The Palace, Montpelier Road, Brighthelmstone’. Her parents,two younger sisters, and two younger brothers returned to this country later in the 1840s.)

Elm Bank was sold by Mrs E. Rickards in 1924, the house and fine gardens were eventually demolishedand developed into St. Mary’s Road housing estate.

Goff Powell – with acknowledgement to Edwina Vardey – History of Leatherhead – A Town at the Crossroads- L&DLHS 1988 and other sources

For information regarding Membership, Lectures and Museum opening hours contact:Leatherhead & District Local History Society,Leatherhead Museum, Hampton Cottage, 64 Church Street,Leatherhead, KT22 8DP

Tel: 01372 386348mail to: [email protected]: www.leatherheadlocalhistory.org.uk

Leatherhead & District Local History SocietyPotted Histories No 33

Elm Bank House, (St. Mary’s Road Estate) Leatherhead

Elm Bank House c:1886 The Lych Gate c: 1886

Entrance to St. Mary’s Road c:1928

Page 75: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local




Help@HandHere for you!

Help@Hand is your local handyman service basedaround the Dorking, Leatherhead and surroundingareas. The Principal, Graham Sheargold seesthere’s a desperate need for someone to offer aservice that tackles odd jobs, small repairs,decorating and general maintenance. Hubby isbusy; relatives and friends don’t have the time.The result - NOTHING GETS DONE!“Don’t worry, Help@Hand is here for you. Idon’t tackle specialise trade work, but if you needfurniture assembling, doors or mirrors hanging,painting or decorating then I can help. I also fitgrab and hand rails, clean patios, renovate sheds,fit shelving, pictures etc, etc. All those little jobsthat never get done.Thinking of moving? Rooms looking tired?Would your home benefit from a little TLC? Askabout my special makeover - a lot can be achievedin just a few days.

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House & Garden

Page 76: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


At Surrey Hills Onward Learning, (aprovider of adult education classes)we are delighted to have theopportunity to appear in theAshtead and Leatherhead Local.

The ‘A & L Local’ is well presented,accessible and has a widereadership, so ideal for gettingone’s brand known.

Every time we include anadvertisement we get severalenquiries which result inenrolments.

We are sure that the Ashtead andLeatherhead Local has contributedsignificantly to the rise of ourstudent numbers by some 15%during the last year. Jill Harris,Principal

AshteadDecorators & Carpenters

All Internal and external painting, decoratingand wallpaper hanging.

Internal and external carpentry andstonemasonry,

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Railways around Leatherhead & Dorkingby Peter Tarplee

The latest in a series of publications from Leatherhead & District LocalHistory Society, this book is intended as a social history showing howrailways have developed in this part of Surrey over the years. It is not adetailed technical study but describes how the system grew and changedas the part played by railways varied. The arrival of the railways was, formany people, their first opportunity to travel more than a few miles fromhome. It also enabled goods to be delivered over a much wider area thanhitherto.

When the various smaller companies in this area were grouped into theSouthern Railway in 1923 the need for stations from competing companiesin the same town disappeared and many stations were closed, as occurredin Epsom and Leatherhead. The book also describes industrial and narrow-gauge railways in Surrey and

mentions some preserved lines where one can re-livethe experience of railways as we once knew them.

Copies may be purchased from LeatherheadMuseum and all good booksellers or post free fromour Sales Secretary, 64 Church St, Leatherhead,KT22 8DP. Cheques payable to ‘L&DLHS’

ISBN 978-0-9552785-6-3158 Pages – 146 Illustrations £10.00

House & Garden

Page 77: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


House & Garden

◊ LLooccaall,, well-knowell-knownwn buildibuildingng ananddrroofoofing cing companompanyy

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01372 278884 / 07762 120576email: [email protected]

208 Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2DB

Page 78: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Hedge your BoundaryHedge your BoundaryBy Pippa GreenwoodBy Pippa Greenwood

Marking your garden boundary with ahedge rather than a wall or fence helps toprovide more gardening opportunities plusthe living boundary may also be a realboon for wildlife, so if you’re thinkinggarden boundaries, think hedging.

If you want a garden boundary that looksgood and is green in all senses of theword, then you can’t go far wrong with ahedge. Hedges are generally grown fromcontainer-grown plants (bought at anytime of year, with well-established rootsystem and living in a pot) or from ‘bare root’plants which are perfect bought at this timeof year and planted straight away. Bare roothedging is not an option available for everytype of plant. Some garden centres offer it,but generally for the freshest plants andwidest selection you’re better going to ahedging specialist nursery. These plants areoften quite small, but great value and soonromp away, providing you with a low-costgood looking hedge.

So which should you choose? Here are someof which I’m especially fond:

Hornbeam: This deciduous tree makes greatclassic hedging and in the autumn leaves turnan attractive bright yellow. It’s long-livedand once established makes a good hedge forroosting birds. It’s easy to keep trimmed anddense, its only downside being few leavesremain in winter. Does well in sun or partshade.

Beech: A tough and hardy deciduous treethat makes a great hedge. Great kept neatlyclipped for a formal look. Although it doesshed its leaves, they turn a wonderful tan-brown towards the end of autumn and a highpercentage remain on the plants until newleaves appear in springtime.

Native Hedging (including hawthorn, wildrose, guilder rose, blackthorn): Perfect for amore rural look with lots of wildlife. Nativehedging is often available as a mixedselection of suitable plants, all the aboveplanted randomly along the hedge line makea great mixed deciduous hedge which willprovide shelter, nesting sites and nectar from

the attractive flowers and food from thevarious hips and berries.

Yew: Perfect for a more formal hedging. It’severgreen and its narrow dark green leavesmake a great backdrop for plants within thegarden. Unlike most other evergreen hedging,if it’s allowed to grow out of hand, it doesrespond well to being cut back quite hard.Avoid damp sites and remember thatalthough the end result looks great, this isone of the slower growing hedging plants.

Prunus laurocerasus: Also known as thecherry laurel, it’s a large-leafed evergreenwhich forms a very good, dense hedge. Itproduces small, pretty white flowers, but ifyou clip the hedge regularly you rarely seemany of them. The leaves are a light, glossygreen, avoiding the sombre feeling someevergreen hedges can bring.

Thuja plicata: Known as the western redcedar, the variety ‘Atrovirens’ makes aparticularly good evergreen hedge. It growsreasonably rapidly and is often used whenone would like some aspects of a Leylandhedge but wouldn’t want its potential to getout of hand. The foliage produces a gorgeouspineapple aroma when crushed.

Berberis including B.darwinii: Another verydense and attractive hedge, deciduous, semi-evergreen or evergreen depending on whichyou choose. Berberis has plenty of spines tooso is often used in ‘defensive’ planting. Theflowers are small but very pretty in shades oforange and yellow. Avoid very wet soils.

House & Garden

Page 79: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Sign up for Pippa’s newsletter atwww.pippagreenwood.com and you’llreceive a free e-book on organicgardening. Her website also offers astylish ‘Grow Your Own with PippaGreenwood’ gift card, a perfect giftwhere the recipient receives theirchosen garden ready veg plants in thespring. Every week Pippa emails withtopical hints, tips and advice. Voucherspriced from just £39 for up to 66 garden-ready plants, 6 packets of seed andthe weekly emails.

Euonymus japonica: A great hedging plantwith evergreen leaves, many with attractivevariegations bringing extra colour andinterest to the boundary. Avoid a wet soiland choose a sunny or partly shaded spot,making sure that the soil does not becometoo dry in summer.

Photinia x fraseri: This evergreen shrubmakes an interesting hedge and if you choosea variety such as ‘Red Robin’, you can enjoyflamboyant red patches of colour throughoutthe hedge in the spring as new growth iswonderfully coloured. Does best in a fertilesoil with plenty of sun or part shade.

Whichever of these fantastic options takesyour fancy, don’t forget the plantingbasics:

• Plant container grown hedging plantsnearly any time of year, avoiding verywet, cold or dry weather.

• Plant bare-root hedging at any time that itis available, mainly late autumn to latewinter or very early spring.

• Prepare the ground by forking in bulky

organic matter such as garden compost,bagged compost or well-rotted manure.

• Most hedging is best planted with eachplant about 45cm (18in) apart along therow. For a denser hedge plant in twostaggered rows, each row about 30-45cmapart.

• Don’t forget to keep the young hedgeproperly pruned – if left to grow alone,it’ll rarely become good and dense.

House & Garden

Page 80: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


RHS Calls for Plant Experts

The RHS, the UK’s leading gardening charity, is looking forkeen gardening amateurs, members of the trade andgardening professionals to get involved with its plant trials. In2012 there is an opportunity for those with an interest in andknowledge of Euphorbia and/or Stipa to become members oftwo new assessment panels. To enquire about gettinginvolved and the commitment required, contact the RHS by emailing [email protected].

“We are introducing some changes to the way we undertake plantassessments in our Award of Garden Merit (AGM) trials,” says JimGardiner, Director of Horticulture at the RHS. “Next year a numberof our trials, including Euphorbia and Stipa, will be assessed bydedicated panels. We are hoping that this panel structure willgive increased opportunity for working professional gardeners,members of the trade and members of specialist plant societiesto become more involved.”

The charity has already looked at the benefits of using a plant-specific panel this year when it brought together professionalgardeners, experts, specialists and amateurs with a specific

interest in dahlias. That panel had eight members including GregRedwood from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, who said about his

involvement, “It is an absolute pleasure being involved with this panel. Wediscussed and assessed the plants thoroughlyand it was very beneficial to have detailedcomments and explanations from the dahliaexperts. I am learning a lot.”

The stipa panel will be established for a three-year trial and the euphorbia panel for a two-year trial. Both will hold approximately six toeight meetings per year.

All panel members are required to bemembers of the RHS. The charity is hoping todraw from a wide range of interested partiesincluding commercial producers, breeders,botanists and keen growers.

“The ambition for all our trial panels is toensure that we are assessing plants thatinterest UK gardeners and to help allgardeners make informed decisions whenpurchasing plants. The RHS Award of GardenMerit is an excellent vehicle, which issupported strongly by the trade, to helpeducate and inform gardeners. We are verygrateful to our assessment panel memberswho share with us their valuable knowledgeand expertise, which underpins the selectionof suitable plants,” says Jim.

Page 81: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local




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Page 82: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local



We’re moving...

As part of Surrey Police’s initiative torecruit more front-line police officers,during October we will have moved outof Dorking and Leatherhead PoliceStations and co-locating within thecommunity. In Dorking we are movingin to Mole Valley District Council officesin Pippbrook, and in Leatherhead, wehave secured accommodation within alocal business premises.

In addition to the “business as usual”that is required of your local SaferNeighbourhood Teams in terms ofpolicing local communities, there areseveral new challenges and initiativesthat fall to your local officers to takeon board. In Mole Valley, we have awell-developed system to offer supportand advice to anyone who becomes avictim of burglary. Compared withother areas, Mole Valley is regarded asvery low risk in terms of people’shomes being targeted by thieves. Thatsaid, the impact of becoming victim ofa burglary cannot be underestimatedand local officers are keenly aware ofthis.

From now until Christmas, your localteams will be heavily involved inproviding additional free advice andsupport to all members of thecommunity in terms of helping to makehomes and premises more secure. Ifanyone would like to take advantage ofthe expert and free advice availablefrom our Crime Prevention Advisor,Mike Bessent, then please let us know.You can email your local team [email protected] or callus on 01483 639635. Mike’s advice is

qualified, impartial and is based onmany years experience of working inthe field of crime-prevention.

Recently, several people have reportedto us about being contacted by their“credit card” companies, asking themto provide information over the phoneas a “security check”. This is a scam!Never provide anyone with your carddetails or any other personalinformation over the telephone. Inparticular, never provide the last threenumbers on the reverse of your card, asthis will enable transactions to be madeagainst your account.

We have also received several examplesof letters, supposedly relating tounclaimed funds from the estate ofsomeone with the same surname as therecipient. The letters we have seenappear to originate from China and askfor contact details so that these fundscan be obtained, with an offer to splitthe proceeds with the beneficiary.Again, this is a scam and the bestadvice we would give is to throw theletter away. On no account makecontact with the email address ortelephone numbers given in the letter.

Neil Clarke, 13363Neighbourhood Team [email protected]

In the event of a non-emergency contactSurrey Police on 101.

In the event of a crime in progress or anemergency, telephone 999

Your local team can also be contacted byemail to [email protected]


Page 83: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Offer not available in conjunction with any other advertised offer. Terms and conditions apply

Page 84: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Have you noticed Transition Ashtead’s Village Vegetable project? Youprobably have, but do you know what the Transition movement is really allabout?The Big Two issues are PEAK OIL and CLIMATE CHANGE, which are linked by ourreliance on fossil fuels. Mankind’s history of burning coal, gas and oil has drivenan amazing improvement in living standards – keeping us warm, fed with

relatively cheap food, giving us a technological society that was only a dream asrecently as even 50 years ago. The science is undisputed – burning fuels produces

CO2 , driving global temperatures up by the “greenhouse effect”. We need to reduceemissions!

The question is, can we, as individuals, make a difference? Transition Ashtead isvery optimistic. We know we can make a difference if we work together to adapt tochanges most of us will see in our life times. Nobody wants areturn to a pre-technological society, so the key is to shift ourbehaviour (or Transition) to a lower carbon lifestyle that cansustainably support a good standard of living without damagingthe environment.

So why Village Veg? Our food supply uses lots of oil!In ten years time, oil prices are likely to triple (or more) asthe market is hit by rising demand and falling supplies -imagine the impact of that on the price and availability ofimported food! Should we continue to import, for example,apples from China, or plant more orchards? It makes a lot of senseto start growing and buying local produce. This has the double benefit ofreducing food ‘miles’ (ie CO2 emissions) and increasing our food security.

The Transition vision is for a self-reliant community, taking pride in using localproduce and services. We’d love to see a network of local producers, supplying food fromsmall scale mixed farming, with many allotments and productive gardens too. Productioncan be maximised using permaculture to grow a huge variety of crops close together -Primrose Farm in Wales produces £25,000 worth of fresh organic vegetables and fruit peryear from 1.5 acres of land. Wild life also benefits enormously from this type of farming.(www.primroseearthcentre.co.uk) Some foods would still need to be imported but we’dhave the basics (including local wine from Denbies!)

Inspiring more local growing is the long term aim of the Village Vegetables project.Okay, admittedly we have started small with the Street planters but we are open tosuggestions, the more ingenious the better - there is land all over the place that can beproductive, provide a habitat for wildlife and boost food security.

Transition Ashtead would welcome more active, inventive people, so we canexpand and initiate projects like the Village Vegetables. It may be a serious subject but wealways have fun doing TA events and projects - laughter is obligatory! Please get in touch,details below if you want to join us at the vanguard of village life.

Chris Ellis and Caroline Cardew-Smith

For more information about Transition Ashtead or to join any of our ActionGroups, see our website at www.TransitionAshtead.org.uk Contact ourSecretary Caroline on 07768 806201 or email [email protected]

Transition AshteadWorking towards a sustainable Ashtead

What’s it all about?

Page 85: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


House & Garden

Ashtead HandymanNo Job Too Small

Free Estimates, Fully InsuredDecorating, Gardening,General Maintenance

Contact Steve Jenkins07734 005741/01372 [email protected]

In need of help?Call Terry@

M & T ServicesYour local, friendly handymanProperty maintenanceGardening / Garden ClearancePainting & Decorating

01372 60220707970 035472

Fully insured. Prompt Service.Family business est. 20 yrs.

Howard Davies on 07967 199343Wayne Davies on 07969 981662OR 01293 430187 (evenings)[email protected]

EAN: 962265

Bathroom FittingKitchen FittingPainting

& Decorating(Interior & Exterior)PlasteringTilingFencing

Small Extensions

Page 86: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Ashtead Art Lovers wouldnot be growing withoutThe Ashtead &Leatherhead Local. Thankyou Zen, for such a greatmagazine. Mell Fraser

October Crossword Solutions

Simple Crossword Solution

Across: 1 Impact, 4 Tender, 9 Station,10 Tells, 11 Sleep, 12 Reaches,13 Introducing, 18 Article, 20 Motor,22 Above, 23 Treated, 24 Assist, 25 Stalls.

Down: 1 Insist, 2 Plane, 3 Crisper, 5 Extra,6 Dolphin, 7 Resist, 8 Ingredients,14 Nations, 15 Comment, 16 Banana,17 Grades, 19 Chess, 21 Total.

Quiz - TV Doctors1. Silent Witness2. The Fugitive3. E.R.4. House5. The Muppet Show6. Friends7. Scrubs8. Grey's Anatomy9. The Simpsons10. Quantum Leap

Quiz - Musicals1. Cats2. The Taming Of The Shrew3. How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?4. Pygmalion5. Mary Poppins (the song is

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious)6. Cliff Richard7. The Rocky Horror Show8. A Chorus Line9. Richard (Rodgers) and Oscar

(Hammerstein)10.We Will Rock You ("Galileo Figaro" is

mentioned in Bohemian Rhapsody)

Across: 1 Defeat, 4 Pitfalls, 9 Mutate,10 Resolved, 12 Tahitian, 13 Angles,15 Owns, 16 Abraded, 20 Armenia,21 Vats, 25 Abroad, 26 Flagrant,28 Confined, 29 Morose, 30 Neatness,31 Centre.

Down: 1 Demotion, 2 Fetching, 3 Astute,5 Idea, 6 Flounder, 7 Lively, 8 Sadist,11 Marbles, 14 Rapidly, 17 Creation,18 Layabout, 19 As it were, 22 Cancan,23 Brenda, 24 Ignore, 27 Pets.

Across: 1 Mascot, 7 Wrestler, 8 Sum,9 Marian, 10 Cord, 11 Carat, 13 Snooker,15 Octagon, 17 Tiger, 21 Epic, 22 Taurus,23 Kit, 24 Knitwear, 25 Doctor.

Down: 1 Mosaic, 2 Summer, 3 Twain,4 Pennant, 5 Stucco, 6 Reprieve,12 Al Capone, 14 Loathed, 16 Alcott,18 Gasket, 19 Rafter, 20 Guard.

Page 87: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


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Professional, approved and locallyrecommended electrician offeringa wide range of services including:

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Page 88: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


Across1. False little newsman was

dishonoured (6)4. Fabric to judge and rip (8)9. Girl who turned from riding

(6)10. Robs Rome for a hat (8)12. Dog running at a snail (8)13. Waddle about and hang

about! (6)15. Nobleman heard to give

praise (4)16. Lothario rescued excitedly

(7)20. Evil cast in a production (7)21. Fashionable Foreign Office

data (4)25. Loads of headless dogs (6)26. Lady-killer? (8)28. Cause inn rotten bother (8)29. Toledo could be plundered

(6)30. Lot dealt out and summed

up (8)31. First time a slip caused

alarm (6)

Down1. Skilled

followingdiamonds forexample,right? (8)

2. Month beforewe met aRomanemperor (8)

3. Leaderlessbigots’ lives(6)

5. A pot putback at thesummit (4)

6. Beers Mac brewed andclasps tightly (8)

7. An aged sort of plan (6)8. Worn deed or recipe (6)11. Are cams used for

these pieces of equipment?(7)

14. Call debts suspect (7)17. All babes play this game! (8)18. Entreat a worried beast (8)

19. Red icons forced to think(8)

22. Throne-shaped buzzer (6)23. Draft I found floating freely

(6)24. Street travelled on or

walked (6)27. Maniac nearly held a skin

disorder (4)

Cryptic Crossword

Across1. Trader who sells sewing

and dressmaking materials(11)

9. Spotted wildcat (7)

10. Employment (5)

11. Ditch around a castle (4)

12. Military wake-up call (8)

14. Coffee-chocolate drink (5)

15. Squeeze with the fingers(5)

20. Not copied from somethingelse (8)

22. Capital of Norway (4)

24. Jewelled headdress (5)

25. Authentic (7)

26. Embroidery resemblingtapestry (11)

Down2. Pear-shaped

fruit (7)

3. Mild yellowDutch cheese(4)

4. Bumper car (6)

5. Memento (8)

6. Electronicmessage (5)

7. Accuse ofbeingresponsible (5)

8. Hightemperature(5)

13. Country formerly known asSiam (8)

16. Pillow (7)

17. Main artery of the body (5)

18. Bracelet (6)

19. One stroke over par in golf(5)

21. Mental representation (5)

23. Reverse an action (4)

General Knowledge Crossword

Solutions in next month’s edition

Page 89: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


House & Garden

M D Edwards & SonCressida House, 10 Humphrey Close, Fetcham, Surrey KT22 9PZ

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Telephone Beverley Edwards for a free estimate

Page 90: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


USEFUL NUMBERSAshtead Art Group01372 272987 (Jan Cheeseman - Mem Sec)Ashtead Bowling Club01372 274690 (Jenny Williams)Ashtead Chess Club01372 813487 (Richard Jones)Ashtead Choral Society01372 272835 / 278359Ashtead Cricket Club01372 276286 (Sarah Culhane)Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group01372 279501 (Di Stirling)Ashtead Friendship Centre01372 274288 (Don Butt)Ashtead Good Neighbours01372 277350 (Marian Guess)Ashtead Horticultural Society01372 274708 (Sue Jones)Ashtead Library08456 009009Ashtead Day Centre Over 60s Lunch Club01372 276042Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall01372 272921Ashtead Players/Young Players01372 279614Ashtead Residents’ Association07733 621614 (Jim Malynn)Ashtead Squash & Tennis Club01372 272215Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild01372 276511 (Julia Mitchell)Ashtead Women’s Institute01372 276736 (Sandra Brown)Childline0800 1111Citizens Advice Bureau01372 375522Cruse Bereavement Care020 8393 7238Electricity (EDF)0800 783 8866Epsom General Hospital01372 735735Fetcham Singers (ladies choir)01372 276736 (Sandra Brown)Gas (Transco)0800 111999(minicom/textphone for deaf/hard of hearing0800 371787)Leatherhead Choral Society01372 277742 (Vivien Redman)Leatherhead & District Angling Society01372 377654Leatherhead Helpshop01372 363385

Leatherhead Community Association01372 360508Leatherhead Horticultural Society01372 375605 (Len Skilton)Leatherhead Leisure Centre01372 377674Leatherhead Library08456 009009Leatherhead Lions Club020 8224 5356 (David Careswell)Leatherhead Museum01372 386348Leatherhead Orchestra01372 376871 (Membership Secretary)Leatherhead Police Station0845 1252222Leatherhead Residents’ Association07986 430935Mid Surrey Community Mediation07513 524241Mole Valley Carers Support01306 640020Mole Valley District Council01306 885001Probus Club of Ashtead01372 276742 (Brian Light)Probus Club of Leatherhead01372 450930 (Andrew Crawford)Rotary Club of Ashtead01372 727573 (Keith Allardyce)Rotary Club of Leatherhead07753 821964 (Simon Edmands)Royal Association for the Deaf01306 881958Royal British LegionLeatherhead/Fetcham Branch01372 811422Ashtead Branch 01372 817492

Samaritans01372 375555Shopmobility Leatherhead01372 362400St Helier HospitalMain switchboard 020 8296 2000Surrey County Council08456 009009Surrey Trading Standards01372 371717Volunteering Centre, Leatherhead01372 383456Water (Sutton & E Surrey Water)Emergencies/general 01737 772000Wildlife Aid09061 800132 (24 hr helpline)

Page 91: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


House & Garden

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01372 453411The Old Forge, Church Street, Effingham KT24 5LY

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At MPS we are pleased to offer up to £200scrappage/trade-in allowance against

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Page 92: The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local


01372 271504

[email protected] [email protected]

£459,950 £475,000 £499,950

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£995 pcm £2400 pcm £3250 pcm

