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Page 2: The Astrological Lodge of London (ALL) nominates · PDF fileThe Astrological Lodge of London (ALL) nominates ... She is a past President of the Astrological Lodge of ... infl uential

Conference Programme 20152 Conference Programme 2015 19

The Astrological Lodge of London (ALL) nominates

Wanda SellarWanda Sellar comes from a background in journalism, initially reporting in the fi eld and subsequently working on an agony column on a national newspaper for Marjorie Proops and Miriam Stoppard. For a while she had an ‘astrological agony column’, locally in Essex, where she lives, answering readers’ questions using horary astrology.

Astrology as been her main subject of interest for a great many years, having qualifi ed with the Mayo School of Astrology quite early in her career and then with Olivia Barclay’s Qualifying Horary Practitioner course. Wanda has also trained in various therapeutic disciplines, such as aromatherapy and refl exology. For a number of years she taught various subjects appertaining to astrology and healing for local authorities both in London and in Essex.

She is a past President of the Astrological Lodge of London, a post she held for six years, prior to the six years she served as secretary. She has been the Editor of the AA’s Astrology and Medicine Newsletter for nearly 20 years, which she enjoys just as much now as when she began. Whilst medical astrology has been of abiding interest, she has latterly become more inspired by esoteric astrology. This has evolved after training as a Regression therapist, a therapy she practised for ten years, encouraging her interest in reincarnation leading to studying the works of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. She is keen to research astrology using the esoteric rulers.

In recent years Wanda has taught astrology in Japan. She has no less than fi ve books to her credit: two on aromatherapy, one of which is The Directory of Essential oils, covering its uses as well as astrological rulerships, and three on astrology, including The Consultation Chart, Introduction to Medical Astrology and most recently Introduction to Decumbiture. She is now working on her latest book, The Twelfth House.

Wanda has recently set up her own astrology school, Iceni School of Astrology, here she is offering an online Medical Astrology course.

The London School of Astrology (LSA) nominates

Tem TarriktarAs founder, editor and publisher of The Mountain Astrologer, Tem Tarriktar has been a signifi cant and deeply appreciated fi gure of our community for a quarter of a century. It is diffi cult to overestimate the importance of Tem’s magazine – it is simply the fi nest and most prestigious publication in our profession.

Since fi rst printing TMA as a small, Xerox-generated newsletter in 1987 (some 183 issues ago!), Tem Tarriktar and his team have built TMA into a magazine that stands tall in our community. It is loved and respected for the range and quality of its articles and authors, for the care taken at every stage of the publishing process, and for its openness to – and support of – practitioners from every astrological discipline. Tem himself is loved and respected, too, for his integrity, humility, humour and warmth.

Both publication and publisher never fail to elicit immense good will in others. TMA continues to be a showcase for new writers, a forum for a diverse range of astrological approaches, and a place where astrologers of all levels can access the highest standards in astrology and writing. Although the publication is a team effort, over the years Tem has been involved in every aspect of its production, from layout to advertising to design, and he has written 70 articles and over a hundred editorials.

Tem’s passion for astrology blossomed when he started studying the subject in 1982. With no formal astrological education, he learned his craft through books, observation, and membership of local groups. By the time he went to his fi rst astrology conference (UAC) in 1989, he was already teaching astrology classes. Tem later organised two ‘out in nature’ Planet Camp conferences (1991, 1994) – events that were, in the truest sense, astrological community collaborations.

In founding, publishing, editing and maintaining the most informative, infl uential and respected astrological magazine in the Western world, we feel that in 2015 Tem Tarriktar richly deserves to be recognised by our community for his immense contribution to astrology.

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The Astrological Association of Great Britain nominates

Mike HardingSince becoming a committed astrologer in the early 1980s, Mike Harding has played a key formative role in the institutional advance and academic standing of British astrology. For ten years he was a committee member of The Faculty of Astrological Studies, where he was a popular teacher and an early Director of its Counselling within Astrology course. He was an Astrological Association Council Member from 1982, editing its Transit magazine and becoming its Chair (1986–90). In 1990, he founded and became fi rst Chair of the Association of Professional Astrologers (now Association of Professional Astrologers International). During those years he wrote two key books: Working with Astrology (with Charles Harvey, 1990) and his own highly infl uential Hymns to Ancient Gods (1992); plus some early astro-computing software routines.

Mike is now Senior Lecturer, clinical and academic supervisor and Course Leader at the School of Psychotherapy and Psychology, Regent’s University, London, and Co-Chair SPP Ethics Committee, where he focuses on existential psychotherapy drawing mainly on the work of Heidegger and Wittgenstein. His interests include the experience of time and the infl uence of language on our sense of self. In this role, he is particularly interested in possible links between philosophy, psychoanalysis and the wisdom traditions of older cultures, and has written extensively on the practice and philosophy of astrology.

As an academic lecturer over recent decades, Mike has sustained his commitment to astrology, speaking regularly at conferences and frequently supporting and advising colleagues. Extensive articles for The Astrological Journal, Correlation, as well as The Journal for Existential Analysis and British Psychological Society, have established and continue to sustain an important bridge of the highest quality between mainstream academia and profound astrological analysis.

For well over 30 years, Mike has strived for and displayed to the world undeniably high standards of astrology. In all these ways he has given it exceptional service and would be a most worthy recipient of the Charles Harvey Award.

The Association of Professional Astrologers International(APAI) and Qualifying Horary Practitioner (QHP) nominate

Dr Benjamin DykesIn view of his outstanding contribution to the astrological community, the Association of Professional Astrologers International (APAI) and the Qualifying Horary Practitioner (QHP) wish to nominate Dr. Benjamin Dykes for the Charles Harvey Award. Ben Dykes is not only a leading mediaeval astrologer, but has also undertaken the translation of numerous astrological texts, both Latin and Arabic. Previously, such texts had only been available to the specialist scholar. These include his two-volume English translation of the Latin works of Guido Bonatti (2007). This ten treatise text, which took two years to complete, is almost 1600 pages in length and is accompanied by detailed commentary. Further publications include works from authors such as Hephaistio, important Persian/Arabic texts and The Book of Nine Judges.

In addition to providing access to important ideas and texts, Ben has made a signifi cant contribution to our understanding of traditional concepts and techniques. These include Persian methods of solar returns, distributions or directions through the bounds (terms), the direction of solar return positions and the Persian/Arabic and mediaeval uses of profections with transits.

In terms of his astrological research and translation work, Ben is uniquely placed, having a PhD in philosophy and being a holder of the Medieval Astrology Diploma, taught by Robert Zoller. As an astrological consultant, Ben also runs a number of specialist courses and is a lecturer of international repute. Both the APAI and the QHP would ask the astrological community to acknowledge Ben’s important work, his deep commitment and his enduring contribution, which continues to inform our understanding of astrology’s history and development.

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Page 02Conference Chart

Page 02Venue Map

Page 04President’s Welcome Message

Page 05-11Conference Itinerary

Page 12-16Conference Speakers

Page 17-19Charles Harvey Award

The Astrological AssociationBCM 450, London WC1N 3XXTel: +44 (0)20 86250098 Fax: +44 (0)20 86250097

offi [email protected]

Programme is subject to change

The address of the venue is: The Executive CentreWyboston Lakes, Great North RoadWyboston, Bedfordshire, MK44 3AR


The shuttle will be running back and forth between the Executive Centre and the Training Centre (Accommodation blocks) at the following times:

Friday 11th September 2014 13.00 - 15.00 16.15 - 17.30 00.15 - 01-15

Saturday 12th September 2014 08.00 - 09.00 18.30 - 20.00 00.15 - 01.15

Sunday 13th September 2014 08.00 - 09.30


Friday NightThe Charles Harvey Award this year will be announced during dinner. The bar will be open until 1am.

Saturday NightWe invite you to attend the Saturday Night Dinner, dressed or representing ‘The Edwardian Era’. This is to help celebrate the Lodge’s centenary. Prizes for the best dress or idea will be awarded on the basis of mass acclamation.

After dinner — a chance to socialise in the courtyard or talk with friends in the lounge bar or cafe down the hall. A DJ will be playing in the main lounge after dinner.

The bar will be open until 1am.

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Welcome to our 2015 Annual Conference!

Just over 100 years ago, Alan Leo’s founding of the Astrological Lodge of London seeded interest and rediscovery of the roots of astrology’s many traditions. Formal education in these, alongside advances in modern consulting, mundane and other new methods make up the high standard of contemporary astrology. Founded from the Lodge in 1958, the Astrological Association has held a major annual astrology conference for the past forty-seven years. This year the ever-expanding potential of our knowledge is represented by 36 expert speakers, as well as the wisdom every delegate brings to our time together.

The chart for our opening appropriately focuses on tradition by having ascendant-ruler Saturn on the MC. With just eleven days left in Scorpio, the challenge is to marshal everything we value from the past to focus understanding for Saturn’s fi nal ingress (this cycle) into Sagittarius. The packed seventh house shows that there will be many wonderful companions offering a strong impetus for change (Venus and Mars in Leo trining Uranus in Aries, opposed by Mercury in Libra) and meticulous attention to detail (Sun in Virgo). Standing out in the seventh is Moon conjunct Jupiter in Virgo opposing Neptune rising in Pisces; the fi rst Jupiter/Neptune opposition since the Leo/Aquarius one that drove the Iraq War. Can determined attention to detail cut through to clarify and fi nd solutions to problems faced by us and the planet in the years since?

Then there are some fun plans and a disco on Saturday night, to sleep through the dark late lunar phase and awaken rejuvenated by the new moon at 0742 BST Sunday morning.

All delegates at this year’s astrology conference could not be at a better place at a better time to remember (or learn for the fi rst time) important knowledge and make plans for a important future.

Have a wonderful time together!

Roy Gillett – President September 2015


Conference Programme 2015 17


The Faculty of Astrological Studies (FAS) nominates

Lynn BellThe Faculty is proud to nominate Lynn Bell for the Charles Harvey Award. Lynn’s contribution to astrology has been outstanding. Her work is rooted in an active consultation practice, but she is well-known and well-loved internationally as a conference speaker, lecturer, teacher and writer.

She has spoken at most of the major astrology conferences around the world, and has taught in many countries. As a tutor at the CPA and at the Faculty’s Summer School in Oxford she has particularly contributed to the rich tradition of astrological teaching in the UK, inspiring countless students and helping them to establish careers of their own.

She is well-loved as a writer, too. Her articles have appeared in most of the major astrological publications, including regularly in The Astrological Journal, and she is author of a number of seminal books: Cycles of Light, Planetary Threads and The Mars Quartet (with Darby Costello, Liz Greene and Melanie Reinhart).

Lynn has a background in literature and sociology, with training in Eriksonian Hypnosis and experience in family therapy. It is partly this breadth of knowledge which enables her to be active beyond the world of astrology, disseminating knowledge of, and encouraging respect for, our subject in intelligent and interested non-astrological communities, and allowing opportunities for inter-disciplinary work and cross-fertilisation of ideas. Notable in this regard has been her work at the New Chartres School with teachers such as Rupert Sheldrake and Caroline Myss. Thanks to the excellence of Lynn’s teaching, astrology has gained an important place in the fabric of the school’s curriculum. In particular, her co-teaching with Caroline Myss has allowed her to link Myss’s work on archetypes and sacred contracts to the astrological paradigm.

For the depth and inspiration of her work over many decades, and for her engagement with related disciplines which enrich, and are enriched by, astrology, we believe Lynn to be one of astrology’s most insightful exponents and one its very best ambassadors.

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Damian Rocks is a professional astrologer and teacher, and the founder of www.starslikeyou.com.au. In 2014, Damian opened a wellness centre in Sydney dedicated to holistic health and astrology. He holds an MA from Bath Spa University, the FAA Diploma of Astrology, and in 2012 was awarded the FAA Gold Medal for Excellence. He teaches a Diploma of Astrology Course in Sydney as well as online, and is available for private consultations, tuition and speaking engagements.

Wanda Sellar has been a consultant astrologer for over thirty years. She is a teacher, and an author of three books on astrology and two on aromatherapy. The astrology books include ‘The Consultation Chart’, ‘Introduction to Medical Astrology’, and ‘Introduction to Decumbiture’. She has edited the AA’s ‘Astrology & Medicine Newsletter’ for 18 years, is a past President of the Astrological Lodge, and is Principal of the Iceni School of Astrology’s Medical Astrology Course.

Komilla Sutton is the co-founder and Chair of the British Association for Vedic Astrology. A renowned consultant, teacher and lecturer, her Academy teaches a three-year online study program. She has sponsored the Fresh Talents of Vedic Astrology Conferences in Pondichery and New Delhi. She is the author of ‘Personal Panchanga’, ‘The Essentials of Vedic Astrology’, ‘Lunar Nodes: Crisis and Redemption’, and ‘Vedic Love Signs’. Her new book, ‘Nakshatra: the Stars beyond the Zodiac’, will be published soon.

Alex Trenoweth is an astrologer, secondary school teacher, and musician. She is also the author of ‘Growing Pains’, a book on the astrology of adolescence. She has spoken extensively in the UK and US, and was the UK chapter chairperson at a conference in India earlier this year. On top of a busy consulting, teaching and lecturing schedule, she a jazz trumpeter with the South London Jazz Orchestra and has performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

Conference Programme 2015 5

CONFERENCE ITINERARYNote: Complimentary tea, coffee and refreshments are available throughout the day at various stations and in the coffee shop in the Executive Centre.


9.30 – 12.30 Cambridge Tour

Prudence Jones Roman, Saxon and Viking Cambridge: Come and explore the pivotal border site of Cambridge history, with its strange legends, ghostly tales, and almost as unbelievable chronicles. This route covers the meeting point of some of our earlier astrological walks – including some more recent archaeology and some ghosts as yet unvisited – so whether you’ve been on all of the tours or only one or two, you’ll gain even more by coming to this one. Here is the historical hinterland of the Cambridge scholars, familiar to astrologers, Dr John Dee, Isaac Newton, and John Flamsteed.

14.00 – 16.30 Choose between:


Wanda Sellar Room 3Spiritual Consciousness, the Zodiac and the Body: The zodiac signs, as seen from the esoteric viewpoint, hold the key to our health, complexes and wellbeing. We will examine each of the signs in terms of the lessons inherent in them, and consider their Personality and Soul Rulers. We will also compare and discuss the meanings of these rulers.

Faye Cossar Room 4Vocational Astrology – The Right Career Path: Imagine waking each morning wanting to go to work! Faye will focus on identifying a truly fulfi lling profession for you and your clients by using a career counselling framework. Case studies will demonstrate how to create a lasting career profi le from the birth chart.

16.30 – 17.15 Greetings - fi rst time conference attendees Training Room 1

16.30 – 17.15 Speakers Meeting Coffee Shop

17.30 – 17.45 Conference Opening Conference Room 1

17.50 – 18.35 PLENARY

Lee Lehman Conference Room 1The Astrology of Sustainability: In order to understand the coming events of the next fi fty years, we have to also understand the environmental stresses of Pluto going through Saturn’s signs. This lecture presents a history of those events, and how it will apply as we move forward.

18.35 – 19.10 Light refreshments Lounge Foyer

19.15 – 20.15 PLENARY

The Carter Memorial Lecture Claire Chandler Conference Room 1When an Astrologer Speaks…: Power surrounds the astrologer, and an understanding of the nature of power is essential. We must recognise the constraints that frame our practice; we cannot choose to ignore them for they will not ignore us. Knowledge is Power.

20.15 Dinner Restaurant

The Charles Harvey Presentation. The bar will be open until 1am



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SATURDAY 12TH SEPTEMBER07.00 – 10.00 Breakfast Restaurant

09.00 – 10.00 Choose between:

Geoffrey Cornelius Room 3The Other Side of Saturn: The Trans-Saturnian Showing of Astrology. Beyond Saturn is not more of the same, and a halfway house of theory is not enough. Just as our symbols show modernity, so must our practice be transformed. For the modern astrologer this is shocking, inspiring and profoundly disturbing. Illustrated with examples.

Nick Kollerstrom Room 4Eureka and Mystic Moments – When Inspiration Strikes: Somehow the great Eureka moments in the history of science seem to have ended in the 1950s, and instead the universe is now giving us mystic-type moments of illumination. These seem to have a similar astrological signature of quintiles and septiles, so in this talk Nick will discuss both together.

Alan Ayre Room 2Astrology and Giant-Killers: In this talk Alan explores how teams composed of so-called ‘average’ players can beat teams with ‘superstars’. For example, at the 2014 World Cup Finals, Costa Rica beat Italy and out-performed England. Find out how compatibility, transits and astrocartography all play their part in a team ‘over-performing’.

Jadranka Coic – speaking for The Astrological Lodge of London (APAE Student Track) Room 6The Lunation Cycle and Eclipses: The lunation cycle between two new Moons is the most obvious astrological cycle to notice and follow. But is it an easy one to explain? In this talk I will be discussing lunations, with an accent on the traditional meanings of Moon phases and eclipses.

10.15 – 11.15 Choose between:

Nicholas Campion Room 3Is the Self – our Soul - in the Horoscope? Many astrologers talk as if astrology is a universal language which describes the entire life. All answers to all questions are then in the chart. But there are traditions which challenge this, asserting the primacy of the individual will, and challenging notions of astral fate. What are the implications for the practice of astrology?

Darby Costello Room 4Neptune and Longing: Neptune is considered a ‘transpersonal’ or ‘generational’ planet by many astrologers today. And yet it describes a dimension that is very much part of our personal lives. In this talk we shall look at how we can get lost in Neptune’s realm without ever knowing it, and how Neptune mixes up our intimate and even social needs and desires with its ever-mysterious call.

Eve Dembowski – speaking for The School of Traditional Astrology (APAE Student Track) Room 2Considerations Before Judgement – What Makes a Chart Radical? This lecture will explore, through chart examples, the astrological rationale behind ‘considerations before judgement’, and trace the meaning and importance of a chart being radical. It will also unveil the magical connections between the horary chart and natal chart.

Sheila Harrison Room 6The Quest – The Past is the Passport to Our Future: The discovery in a Scottish attic of an embroidered silk square sewn by a First World War soldier, who died in Alexandria, Egypt, sets off a search that unravels a whole Sagittarian family saga — and leads right up to a descendant born with the Sun in Sagittarius in December 2014.

11.30 – 12.15 PLENARY

Brian Clark (via satellite) Conference Room 1Day and Night: Our past has bequeathed us the notion of planetary sect, opening a panorama of ways of thinking about the horoscope from a diurnal or nocturnal perspective. Astrology offers us a simple, yet complex











Conference Programme 2015 15

Miloslawa Krogulska is a Polish astrologer and teacher with twelve years of experience. Her articles have been published in the nationwide press, and her TV/radio appearances have helped popularize astrology in Poland. She is often asked to make comments about celebrities and politicians in the media. Miloslawa is co-founder of the Polish Astrological Association and publisher of two magazines: ‘The Tarotist’ and ‘Professional Astrology’. A member of Astrological Association since 2002, she lives and works in Warsaw, Poland.

Lee Lehman has a Ph.D. in Botany from Rutgers University. She is author of nine astrology books, the most recent being ‘The Magic of Electional Astrology’. She is Vice President of the Board of OCA Corp., and teaches at IAA, the Midwest School of Astrology, and Kepler College. Her annual masterclass series presents classical topics in an intensive learning format. Her correspondence courses bring classical astrology to the forefront as an astrological system.

Sue Lewis for The Astrological Psychology Association (APA) holds diplomas from the Faculty of Astrological Studies and the Astrological Psychology Association. She tutors for the APA and has an MA in Western Esotericism, a Certifi cate in Transpersonal Perspectives, and is an active member of the Transpersonal Perspectives Group. Her book, ‘Astrological Psychology, Western Esotericism, and the Transpersonal’ will be published by HopeWell Books in 2015.

Emily Lord-Kambitsch fi rst studied astrology with Dr. Jennifer Freed in Santa Barbara, California in early 2009. Having gained preliminary experience in consultation in California, she began study at the London School of Astrology, and received from there a Certifi cate in Astrology. She is working toward a PhD in Classics from University College London, and enjoys highlighting connections between classical mythology and astrology in her consultations. For more information, visit her website at astrologywithemily.com.

Chris McRae has been a professional astrologer since 1970, as a consultant, teacher, lecturer and author. She lectures frequently, is an ISAR Consulting Skills Trainer, and her community work includes being ISAR Board Vice-President, Chair of the International Council, and Chair of the Certifi cation Program. She has trained and conducted seminars in Russia, Turkey, Israel, Europe, Australia, and two recent trips to China. Chris won the UAC 2012 Regulus Award for Professional Image.

Shawn Nygaard for The London School of Astrology (LSA) is an archetypal astrologer from Minneapolis, where he teaches classes on the in-depth meanings of astrological symbols. He spent a year working for an astrology hotline, doing readings for clients from around the world. Shawn hosted the popular archetypal astrology radio show, ‘Imagine That!’, and has been a guest speaker at the Minnesota Jung Association. Shawn graduated from the CMED Institute in Chicago, where he studied archetypes with Caroline Myss.

Frank Piechoski is a professional astrologer whose specialties include mundane, electional, vocational and locational astrology. Above all, he advocates the practical application of astrology to daily life. His lectures and workshops include presentations at UAC, NCGR, ISAR, the Astrological Association of Great Britain Conference, and many local and regional groups.

Izabela Podlaska-Konkel The Secrets of the 8th House: The 8th house is quite infamous among astrologers. Throughout the centuries it has been considered a house of loss, fear and even death. In the 20th century, humanistic astrologers assigned big money, sex and hidden, sinful pleasures to this house. However, is it really as black as it’s often painted? I shall investigate its old and new meanings and look at examples of how they have changed over the past few centuries. The lecture is for astrologers of all levels.

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Öner Doser, a leading Turkish astrologer, has many followers in the social and national media, including twenty-two million TV viewers. He has organized an online live interactive training program, and in 2005 founded Istanbul’s AstrolArt School, which has trained over 650 students. He has had fourteen books published – three translated into English – and articles in ‘The Astrological Journal’. Since 2012, he has organized International Astrology Days in Istanbul with foreign astrologers, a fourth is planned March 2015.

Kim Farley for The Faculty of Astrological Studies (FAS) took up astrology in the late 1980s and has since maintained a private practice in London. She teaches at Certifi cate and Diploma level in London classes for the Faculty and the LSA. Introducing beginners to the subject remains her primary joy and she continues to be delighted by the way astrology offers itself to the imagination. In addition to astrological work, she is also an independent funeral celebrant.

Kim Farnell is President of the Astrological Lodge of London. She gained an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology in 2005, and her Diploma from The Faculty of Astrological Studies in 1990. She has lectured extensively both in the UK and overseas, appeared on radio and TV as an astrologer, and had articles published in astrological periodicals all over the world. Working as an editor/writer, she is the author of several books.

Sheila Harrison is an astrologer who studied at The Centre for Psychological Astrology from 1987–1990. She began learning astrology in 1979 and has worked continuously, running classes from 1986 to the present day. She has taught Adult Education, private classes and tarot groups, and maintains a broad client base. Astrology is a passion for Sheila, who fi nds unlocking the chart and working with students and clients endlessly fascinating.

Maggie Hyde for The Company of Astrologers (COA) is co-founder of The Company of Astrologers, London (from 1983) and a regular Company tutor. She has an MA in Mysticism and Religious Experience and is currently the astrologer for ‘Glamour’ magazine. She is a guest lecturer on the Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred MA at Canterbury Christ Church University. Her books include ‘Jung and Astrology’, ‘Introducing Jung’ and ‘Astrology for Beginners’.

Mark Jones is an astrologer, psychosynthesis therapist and hypnotherapist based in Bristol, England, and works with clients and students worldwide. Mark is a regular speaker and workshop leader in North America. His fi rst book, ‘Healing the Soul’, explains his approach. His second book, ‘The Soul Speaks: the Therapeutic Power of Astrology’, explores the transformative power of the natal chart reading. Mark has chapters in ‘Astrology: the New Generation’, ‘Transpersonal Astrology’ and ‘Insights into Evolutionary Astrology’.

Prudence Jones is an astrologer, therapist and author based in Cambridge, and a regular speaker at AA events. A former Chair of the APAI and member of the AA Council, she has written on ancient and medieval astrology, sacred city layout and the astronomical orientation of sites, in addition to pioneering modern experiential astrology. Her books ‘Creative Astrology’ and ‘A History of Pagan Europe’ (with Nigel Pennick) are currently in print.

Nick Kollerstrom is a writer and historian of science. Formerly an honorary research fellow at University College London (UCL) and a BBC lunar gardening correspondent, he is the author of several books, including ‘Gardening and Planting by the Moon’ (annually from 1980), ‘Newton’s Forgotten Lunar Theory’ (2000), ‘Crop Circles’ (2002), and ‘Terror on the Tube’ (2009). Kollerstrom was awarded his PhD in 1995 for a thesis entitled, ‘The Achievement of Newton’s “Theory of the Moon’s Motion” of 1702’.

Conference Programme 2015 7

and profound approach to refl ect on images of day and night. Through my work with dreams, images of the night have profoundly affected my approach to the ‘day’ viewing of any horoscope. This lecture will refl ect on astrology as an intelligence of the night and how its symbols and images can be applied in the solar light of day.

12.15 – 12.30 The Astrological Association CIO AGM Conference Room 1 – all members welcome

12.15 – 13.45 Lunch Restaurant

13.45 – 14.45 PLENARY

Presidents of The Astrological Lodge of London Conference Room 1A discussion with the Lodge’s current and past presidents (Nick Campion, Geoffrey Cornelius, Bernard Eccles, Wanda Sellar, Claire Chandler and Kim Farnell) to celebrate the Lodge’s 100th anniversary.

15.00 – 16.00 Choose between:

Kim Farnell Room 2When Astrologers Go Bad: Astrologers spend a lot of time defending their work and themselves. For centuries, they’ve fought accusations of fraud, dishonesty and abuse of the weak-willed. But as with any other profession, we can list criminals and unsavoury characters amongst our number. This talk looks at the lives and actions of some of those astrologers.

Catherine Blackledge Room 4William Lilly – The Man who Could Predict the Future: ‘Prediction’ is a word that astrologers often avoid, but prediction is at the heart of William Lilly’s astrology. Thanks to his accurate forecasts, Lilly rose to become the most famous man in 17th-century England and its greatest magus. Discover which predictions secured his success, and how he enthralled the war-torn nation.

Shawn Nygaard – speaking for The London School of Astrology (APAE Student Track) Room 6Neptune and The Mystic Chords of Memory: Neptune’s oceanic nature resonates with a sense of timelessness and eternity, and water has an intimate symbolic connection with memory – both forgetting and remembering. ‘That which is imagined need never be lost,’ writes Clive Barker. This talk explores these themes and how they relate to Neptune’s watery ways.

Rod Chang Room 2Comets and Astrology: Comets are associated with taboos in people’s hearts. When some people see comets, they believe that something unlucky or disastrous will occur. In this presentation, I shall look at how ancient astrologers viewed the effects of comets, and consider modern views on comets and how they infl uence the natal chart.

16.15 – 17.15 Choose between:

Gary Christen Room 6Inner Dialog, Outer Experience: The personal points used in Symmetrical Astrology provide a framework for interpreting natal, forecasting or mundane work simply and deeply. Learning where to look allows us to see deeper sides of people’s inner lives, their outlooks and how they fi t into this world.

Wade Caves Room 3The Divinatory Art of Horary Astrology: Horary astrology is often reported to be a soulless predictive technique with little to offer today’s astrologer. Using modern and historical examples, we will look at horary in the light of the divinatory art that it truly is — a living technique that transcends mere prediction to open up avenues of possibility.

Frank Piechoski Room 4Finding the G (Global) Spot: This talk will use astro-mapping techniques along with traditional mundane astrology practices to identify world hotspots. We’ll bring cycles, lunations and events down to specifi c places on Earth to increase the accuracy of mundane forecasts and help make sense of world affairs.











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Kim Farley – speaking for The Faculty of Astrological Studies (APAE Student Track) Room 2How Not to be Scared by Forecasting — and Other Tales from the Astrologer’s Desk: Although the best minds agree that all we really have is ‘now’, this comes fi rmly sandwiched between two thens: the then of the past and the then of the future. Given that it sometimes seems impossible to view either objectively, perhaps imagination is the truest lens we have? Kim’s talk will offer her own take on working (and playing) with the past and future and letting the planets run free.

17.30 – 18.30 Choose between:

Mark Jones Room 3Uranus as Deep Memory: Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, transforms our understanding of linear mind through non-linear soul. Deep memory, symbolized by Uranus–Aquarius, contains everything: lost-memories, inter-uterine recall and past-life experience. Accessing this memory fi eld deepens our understanding of psychological processes, allowing release of restrictive patterns within the psyche. This talk includes examples from Mark’s client work.

Komilla Sutton Room 4Mars — Anger, Frustration, Passion or Divinity: Mars can bring anger, frustration, impulsiveness, wrong passions and risky behaviour. The deity of Mars is Murugun, revered as a protector, yogi and divinity god of logic and discrimination. This talk will focus on how to use Mars’s energy to the path of growth, personal strength and inner calmness.

Oner Doser Room 6Integrating Medieval Astrology Prediction Techniques: As the writer of a book on prediction in astrology, I would like to show how to combine predictive techniques like profections, fi rdaria and solar returns. I shall show how these techniques are complementary by giving examples from my own natal chart.

THE LODGE RITUALEvery year the Lodge offer an annual ritual. This year it will be held at the Conference. All are welcome.

18.30 – 19.00 Local Group Meetings Training Room 1

18.30 – 19.00 APAE meeting Room 6

20.00 Dinner Restaurant Fancy Dress Dinner: Edwardian Dress. DJ from 9pm. Bar will be open until 1am











ADA PHILLIPS SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 2015The Ada Phillips scholarship is given to students of APAE registered schools in memory

of the Association’s fi rst Treasurer, Ada Phillips.

This year’s Ada Phillips Scholarship recipients are:

Kim BuckleyKathy He

Susan LiontiDaniel Nasir

The Mavis Klein Scholarship was awarded to:

Beryl Bennett

Conference Programme 2015 13

Gary Christen is a well-known practitioner of Uranian Astrology, which he has evolved into modern Symmetrical Astrology. An astrologer since his teens, he’s the fi rst person in modern times awarded an accredited B.A. in Astrology (Livingston College, Rutgers University, 1974). An international lecturer, Gary has taught since the early 1970s. A professional astrologer from 1969, Gary co-founded Astrolabe, Inc., helping develop Astrolabe products. He is currently perfecting Nova ChartWheels and writing ‘An Approach to Astrology’.

Brian Clark (via satellite) has been a consulting astrologer and educator for most of his adult life and is the creator of the Astro*Synthesis distance learning program, which has been shaped from his experience as an astrological educator over the past 36 years (www.astrosynthesis.com.au). Through Odyssey Tours to Ancient Greece, Brian conducts tours to sacred sanctuaries, especially those dedicated to healing and divination. He has been honoured with Life Membership in the Federation of Australian Astrologers and its professional body, the Association of Professional Astrologers, for his contributions to the discipline of astrology.

Jadranka Coic for The Astrological Lodge of London (ALL) was born and raised in Croatia and, in 1991, moved to London. She works as an accountant but spends free time either practising astrology or growing vegetables on her allotment in accordance with Moon cycles. Jadranka started to study astrology more than fi fteen years ago with The Faculty of Astrological Studies. She is the Lodge’s Treasurer and Beginner’s Class Tutor, as well as organiser of the annual Astrology and Healing Seminar.

Geoffrey Cornelius has a background in philosophy and is a consultant and teacher. He is a practitioner of several forms of divination, including the I Ching and tarot. A former President of the Astrological Lodge of London, in 1983 he co-founded The Company of Astrologers with Maggie Hyde and other leading practitioners. He has a Ph.D. in Religious Studies, specializing in divination, and he teaches on the Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred MA at Canterbury Christ Church University.

Faye Cossar has been an astrologer for personal and business clients for over twenty-fi ve years. Originally from New Zealand, she now lives in the Netherlands and runs The Amsterdam School of Astrology (www.asastrology.nl). She lectures worldwide and holds an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology from Bath Spa University. Her book, ‘Using Astrology to Create a Vocational Profi le: Finding the Right Career Direction’, was published in 2012 by Flare. Faye’s websites are www.fayecossar.com and for business astrology www.juxtaposition.nl.

Darby Costello is a much-loved astrologer, international lecturer and student mentor. Darby was Head Tutor at the CPA for many years. She has written books, completed the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at Bath Spa, and was presented with the prestigious Charles Harvey Award in 2013. www.darbycostello.co.uk

Eve Dembowski for The School of Traditional Astrology (STA) is a published writer and traditional astrologer with a particular interest in horary. She was the convener at the 2009 and 2010 Regulus Traditional Astrology Conference. She holds a Diploma of Applied Astrology, the FAA Practitioner’s Diploma, a Certifi cate in Medieval Astrology, and the STA Diploma of Traditional Horary Astrology. She is a tutor for the STA and presents its Practitioner’s Level Horary Certifi cate in Australia and online.

Monica Dimino is full-time professional astrologer from Boston with an international clientele. She is a Registered Nurse with post-graduate work in education and a Certifi ed Gestalt Therapist. Her astrological credentials include: PMAFA, Certifi ed OPA Group Leader, NCGR Level IV, and the ISAR CAP. She chairs the ISAR’s Consulting Skills Training Course. Monica is dedicated to improving the practice of professional astrology and breaking through the opposition to astrology that still persists.

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Conference Programme 201512

Demian Allan for The British Astrological and Psychic Society (BAPS) is the new astrologer for ‘Kindred Spirit’ magazine and the ‘Mind Body Spirit’ publication. He teaches astrology at The College of Psychic Studies and is the in-house astrologer for Watkins Books. Demian had his fi rst book published in 2012, ‘The Astrological Dynamics of the Universe’, and is the President of The British Astrological and Psychic Society.

Alan Ayre is the author of ‘Football Aims for the Stars: How the Constellations Can Affect Planet Football’, and ‘Astro-Logic and Winning Footb all: How Giant-killings and Cup Upsets Happen’. Alan holds a Diploma from The White Eagle School of Astrology. He has been researching the infl uence and application of astrology in football for over ten years, and will be illustrating the key chart indicators that help players fulfi l their potential and give teams a competitive advantage.

Naomi Bennett has practised astrology since 1970 and is currently President of the Astrological Society of Austin, Texas. She has a B.S. in Psychology, and an eleven-year career in computer sales with Fortune 500 companies. She teaches astrology as a branch of sacred geometry and advises clients. Her new book, ‘Foundations of Astrology’, is available at Amazon.com. Her quarterly mundane and fi nancial forecasts are on YouTube at naomibennett360. Her website is www.LearnAstrologyNow.com and her email is [email protected].

Dr Catherine Blackledge is a writer whose career and interests span the worlds of science and the occult. Her most recent book is ‘The Man Who Saw the Future: a Biography of William Lilly’ (2015). Her fi rst book, ‘The Story of V’ (2003), was an internationally-acclaimed cultural history of the vagina, and has been translated into ten languages. She has a science degree and a PhD, and has been a student of astrology for over a decade.

Nicholas Campion is Director of the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. He is also Director of the Sophia Centre and Senior Lecturer in the School of Archaeology, History and Anthropology. His books include the two-volume ‘History of Western Astrology’, ‘Astrology and Popular Religion in the Modern West’, ‘Astrology and Cosmology in the World’s Religions’ and ‘What do Astrologers Believe?’

Wade Caves is an astrological consultant and speaker specializing in horary and classical astrology. Wade received a Certifi cate with Honours from The Mayo School of Astrology, and a certifi cation as a horary practitioner from Deborah Houlding’s School of Traditional Astrology (STA) in 2013. He now serves as a tutor and faculty member for the STA. Wade is based in San Francisco, California, and can be reached at [email protected] and wadecaves.com.

Claire Chandler MA, D.F.Astrol.S is currently a political activist, astrologer and project manager based in London. She is particularly interested in historical cycles and how astrology can help us explore our personal and collective narratives. She was President of the Astrological Lodge of London from 2002–08 and completed her MA in Cultural Astronomy in 2013. Her website is www.clairechandler.com.

Rod Chang has studied astrology for over twenty years, both through self-study and through the LSA and the FAS. Rod’s favourite area is mundane astrology and he has a humanistic approach to astrology. He has written a number of books on astrology in Chinese and has taught astrology in Mandarin for ten years. He is co-founder of the Academy of Astrology with Jupiter Lai, which aims to promote Western Astrology to Chinese speakers.


Conference Programme 2015 9

SUNDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER07.00 – 10.00 Breakfast Restaurant

09.00 – 10.00 Choose between:

Nicholas Campion Room 3What do Astrologers Believe? This talk presents key fi ndings from Nick’s fi fteen years of academic research into what astrologers believe. How many astrologers believe in reincarnation, think that they attract clients with particular horoscopes, claim that the rules of astrology are fi xed or fl exible, that Jesus Christ answers prayer, or that Darwin was right? Come along for a snapshot of what astrologers believe, and compare your views.

Öner Doser Room 4An Islamic View of Hermetic Knowledge: Hermes, who is identifi ed with Thoth of Egypt, Unnuh of the Jewish, Idris prophet in Quran, is directly linked to astrology. In this talk, I will discuss astrology within the frame of cosmology in Islamic texts.

Miłosława Krogulska Room 6The 12th House – What Are We Really Afraid Of? The 12th house represents our hidden fears collected from early childhood. They can become our enemies in later life, sucking our energy and enthusiasm like vampires. Today, we’ll enter this dark room and confront old and new fears. We’ll examine its cusp and ruler and consider how planets feel when they are trapped inside. Please bring your charts. (If you’ve got no problems with the 12th house but are you curious why, for example, Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterfl ies, you are still warmly invited.)

Sue Lewis – speaking for The Astrological Psychology Association (APAE Student Track) Room 2The Moon Node Chart in Huber Astrology: In Huber astrology, the Moon Node Chart is a key to understanding the past. In this talk I will outline its structure and demonstrate how the comparison of the Moon Node Chart with the Natal Chart can identify karmic themes we need to work with during this lifetime.

10.15 – 11.15 Choose between:

Geoffrey Cornelius Room 3Providence vs. Prediction: The difference between showing symbol and speculating on its back goes to the heart of the classical and modern tradition. Insights from the hermeneutics of divination will be used to raise questions about astrological practice. Illustrated with examples.

Izabela Podlaska-Konkel Room 2The Secrets of the 8th House: The 8th house is quite infamous among astrologers. Throughout the centuries it has been considered a house of loss, fear and even death. In the 20th century, humanistic astrologers assigned big money, sex and hidden, sinful pleasures to this house. However, is it really as black as it’s often painted? I shall investigate its old and new meanings and look at examples of how they have changed over the past few centuries. The lecture is for astrologers of all levels.

Alex Trenoweth Room 4The Day the Music Died: Genuine grief over a celebrity death can seem implausible, but when three popular musicians died in a terrible plane crash one freezing February morning, a young Don MacLean was so traumatised that he poured his anguish into writing the classic song ‘American Pie’. Alex explores the astrology of ‘The Day the Music Died’.

Demian Allan – speaking for The British Astrological and Psychic Society Room 6(APAE Student Track) Lilith and Lust: This talk will consider the relationship between Black Moon Lilith and the cultural changes in the way we see partnerships, as well as how women react to Lilith’s energy and men’s perception of Lilith in their own natal charts.

11.30 – 12.30 Choose between:

Mark Jones Room 3The Arc of the Infi nite – The Planetary Nodes: The Moon’s Nodes are well known, not so the Planetary Nodes. This talk revisits Dane Rudhyar’s nodal research, expanding upon his insights, and explores the signifi cance of the Planetary Nodes individually and collectively as a way to understand the past and shape the future.










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Conference Programme 201510

Faye Cossar Room 4Co-creating with the Planets: Rupert Sheldrake challenges the assumption that nature has ‘laws’, suggesting instead that it has ‘habits’. Perhaps the same applies to planetary archetypes. Are they fi xed? Do we have an infl uence in creating the future? Faye will explore the changing meaning ascribed to planets using Uranus as an example.

Kim Farnell Room 6Impending Doom: Interpreting Comets in Astrology: To most people nowadays, comets are merely a celestial light show. To some they are a source of fear and terror. To the astrologers of the past they were messengers of coming changes and events. What precisely did they signify?

Damian Rocks Room 2Horary Tools for Psychological Astrologers: This talk is a practical look at how traditional horary techniques can be applied in a contemporary format for client-centred astrology. Incorporating consultation charts and horary charts with common techniques available to most psychological astrologers, we will explore how the simple use of horary can lead to far greater accuracy in client work, revealing deeper archetypal themes that seek to be expressed both in the moment and over time.

12.30 – 13.30 Lunch Restaurant

Conference Bookshop Remember to purchase any books before the bookshop closes.

13.30 – 14.30 Choose between:

Wanda Sellar Room 2The Twelfth House: Perhaps the most mysterious of all the houses and promising more gloom than joy according to traditional concepts, the 12th house nevertheless fi gures prominently in the charts of many high achievers. In this talk, we will also consider the concepts of self-undoing, witchcraft, health and spirituality.

Maggie Hyde – speaking for The Company of Astrologers (APAE Student Track) Room 3Being an Astrologer in a Late Capitalist World: This talk will consider how we can navigate a path of good fortune with astrological divination. Illustrated with example charts.

Komilla Sutton Room 4The Secrets of Lunar Nodes, Past Lives and Present Infl uences: Lunar nodes are known as Rahu and Ketu. Vedic philosophy believes that karma (actions) from the past is responsible for what happens in this life. Rahu and Ketu both represent the past and how to understand this axis and deal with the present.

Frank Piechoski Room 6Sex and Blood and Chocolate: A look at how Venus and Mars operate in charts – not only natally, but also in synastry. Included will be a look at some relationships in the music industry – some tempestuous, some stable – and how Venus–Mars placements operate in these charts.

14.45 – 15.45 Choose between:

Alan Ayre Room 2Astrology and Star Players: Success in football (or any endeavour for that matter) depends on an individual being true to his or her authentic self. Many talented youngsters fall by the footballing wayside whilst their less talented peers go on to great achievement. In this talk, Alan identifi es the astrological factors that help players connect with their ‘inner’ footballer, and help fi nd their ‘path’, feel fulfi lled, and realise their full potential.

Naomi Bennett Room 3Sacred Geometry in Astrology: In her book, ‘Foundations of Astrology’, Naomi shows how geometry and astronomy were fundamental to the design of planetary rulerships of zodiac signs and houses. Her research, presented in this talk, goes beyond Greek texts to include other Egyptian artefacts that are keys to the Hellenistic Planetary Order.










Conference Programme 2015 11

Wade Caves Room 4Radicality in Electional Astrology: Electional astrology is perhaps the most proactive application of our art, but its promise is often underutilized. This talk will examine the historical procedure of electing a chart in an attempt to highlight a crucial fi rst step that has fallen out of modern practice and deserves re-introduction: adapting the election from a root chart.

Emily Lord-Kambitsch Room 6Ancient Voices in Modern Astrology: Hesiod’s ‘Works and Days’ and Ovid’s ‘Fasti’ are ancient didactic texts, unveiling the origins of humans’ moral/ritual relationship to the gods, and to one another. This talk explores Greco-Roman inspirations for astrology contained in these texts that may inform our approaches to astrology today.

16.00 – 16.45 CLOSING PLENARY

Darby Costello Conference Room 1Almost On Our Way – Into Saturn in Sagittarius: We have all been watching and experiencing Saturn moving through the early degrees of fi ery Sagittarius. Before going retrograde and slipping back into the deep waters of Scorpio it got into squaring range of Neptune. On 18 September it will be back in Sagittarius and on its way – but not before encountering Neptune once again. What on earth is this year about? And what it is leading to? Are we navigating it wisely? We shall address these questions here.

16.45 – 17.00 Offi cial Conference Closing Conference Room 1 19.00 – 20.00 Dinner Restaurant

MONDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER07.00 – 09.00 Breakfast Restaurant

(12.30 – 13.30 Lunch) Restaurant

09.30 – 17.00 Choose between:

WorkshopGary Christen Room 3Event Sequences and Event Ecology: The resonance between common factors as seen through Symmetrical Astrology allows us to look at Arc Openings, the distance between planets and other factors in the horoscope. The basis of Planetary Pictures, Openings combine simplicity, elegance, easy use, deliver terrifi c results and demonstrate how resonance underlies all astrology.

WorkshopLee Lehman Room 4Classical Solar Returns: This workshop presents the theory and practice of solar returns, beginning with its historical variations, but mainly provides a hands-on approach to give participants the opportunity to leave the workshop feeling confi dent in the use of solar return methodology. Here we examine the use of Solar Returns to evaluate the signifi cance of particular years, and the themes they present, as well as the use of multiple consecutive solar returns to understand the fl ow of time over longer time intervals than a year. We will also examine common life themes and how they look in solar returns.

ISAR Consulting Skills Training Room 2Techniques that will make your client preparation much easier and your sessions with clients far more fruitful.With Chris McRae and Monica Dimino.

COMPULSORY 18-HOUR ATTENDANCE WILL BE:FRIDAY 2PM – 4.30PM (2 hours)SATURDAY 8AM – 11.30AM (3.5 hours)SUNDAY 8AM – 11.30AM (3.5 hours)MONDAY 8.30AM – 6.30PM (9 hours plus lunch)

Programme subject to change









