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THE AUSSTICH - stift-klosterneuburg.at

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Stift Kl osterneuburg Wine Estate Dear Wine Enthusiasts, The sun is shining and the days are long. A mild, warm spring fol- lowed a quiet winter. Flowering occurred in ambient conditions and fruit set looks promising. 2017 brought us great wines and we are again full of optimism for the 2018 vintage. New in our assortment are two wines from Wien (Vienna), which we present in this issue. This month we will introduce another rare wine, a Riesling Beerenauslese from the Wiener Nuss- berg vineyard. Good things are happening at our win- ery. Our wine edition for the CONCOR- DIA social project raised an impressive 12,000 euros. We also provide heaven- ly enjoyment above the clouds on Aus- tria Airlines. What would please us most would be to greet you personally at our winery or at the 20th VieVinum wine fair in the Vienna Hofburg. I wish you pleasant reading enjoyment! Wolfgang Hamm, Winery Director EDITORIAL ISSUE 1/2018 VIENNA WAITS FOR YOU The Viennese and their wine – this has al- ways been a fascinating story. Because Stift Klosterneuburg Wine Estate is located di- rectly outside Vienna, it has been connected to the city’s tradition-rich wine culture for centuries. Reason enough to strengthen this relationship! Vienna (Wien) and its wine have been the the- me for numerous songs and praise. With 700 vineyard hectares within its city limits, Vienna is considered the international capital city of wine. Just once glance toward the Kahlenberg and Bisamberg hillsides makes this perfectly clear. The city’s vineyards and wine culture play a significant role in Viennese identity and naturally carry a certain cultural obligation. Because Stift Klosterneuburg Wine Estate has cultivated vineyards within the city limits for centuries, this is a responsibility that is cons- cientiously fulfilled. » THE AUSSTICH Stift Klosterneuburg winery Wine Magazine e Ausstich
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Stift Klosterneuburg Wine Estate


Wine Enthusiasts,

The sun is shining and

the days are long. A

mild, warm spring fol-

lowed a quiet winter. Flowering occurred

in ambient conditions and fruit set looks

promising. 2017 brought us great wines

and we are again full of optimism for the

2018 vintage. New in our assortment are

two wines from Wien (Vienna), which we

present in this issue. This month we will

introduce another rare wine, a Riesling

Beerenauslese from the Wiener Nuss-

berg vineyard.

Good things are happening at our win-

ery. Our wine edition for the CONCOR-

DIA social project raised an impressive

12,000 euros. We also provide heaven-

ly enjoyment above the clouds on Aus-

tria Airlines. What would please us most

would be to greet you personally at our

winery or at the 20th VieVinum wine fair

in the Vienna Hofburg.

I wish you pleasant reading enjoyment!

Wolfgang Hamm,

Winery Director


ISSUE 1/2018

VIENNA WAITS FOR YOUThe Viennese and their wine – this has al-ways been a fascinating story. Because Stift Klosterneuburg Wine Estate is located di-rectly outside Vienna, it has been connected to the city’s tradition-rich wine culture for centuries. Reason enough to strengthen this relationship!

Vienna (Wien) and its wine have been the the-me for numerous songs and praise. With 700 vineyard hectares within its city limits, Vienna

is considered the international capital city of wine. Just once glance toward the Kahlenberg and Bisamberg hillsides makes this perfectly clear. The city’s vineyards and wine culture play a significant role in Viennese identity and naturally carry a certain cultural obligation. Because Stift Klosterneuburg Wine Estate has cultivated vineyards within the city limits for centuries, this is a responsibility that is cons-cientiously fulfilled. »


Stift Klosterneuburg wineryWine Magazine

The Ausstich

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ISSUE 1/2018



We set a certain quantity of this cult

wine aside each year, so that we can

demonstrate the marvellous ageing

potential of Weissburgunder (Pi-

not Blanc). It’s bouquet is still quite

youthful and displays pronounced

yellow apple and delicate exot-

ic fruit nuances. Sweetly extracted

fruit is elegantly highlighted by a

juicy texture on the palate – a very

complex Burgundian style with tre-

mendous finesse!


This blend of St. Laurent, Zweigelt

and Merlot comes from Tatten-

dorf and excels with dark ruby gar-

net colour and abundant tannins

wrapped in dark berry nuances and

delicate toasty aromas. A juicy, ex-

emplary red wine from the Ther-



As fresh as spring! Our winemaker fer-

mented pristine Zweigelt grapes to

achieve this light, fruity semi-spar-

kling rosé. With a bouquet of rasp-

berry, forest berry and sour cher-

ry, the Rosé Frizzante is a superb

choice for everyone that likes it

fine and fruity.

“White, red or rosé – our vineyards

yield the perfect wine for every

occasion, whether as an accompani-

ment to a meal or as or as a gift for

a special occasion.”

Two true “Wiener” WinesOne city wine is the Wiener Gemischter Satz DAC from the Ried Weisleiten vi-neyard, the other is a Gelber Muskateller (Muscat Blanc à petits grains). The Ried Weisleiten is a prime parcel within the Nussberg vineyard. It is one of the best sites in the country and is a name that enthuses wine fans far beyond the borders of Aus-tria. The Nussberg, the ultimate source of Viennese (Wiener) wine, is the largest contiguous vineyard area in the city and excels with extraordinary diversity. The so-ils within the vineyard differ greatly and the climate also exhibits variations. Grapes ripen late and yield wines with a wonderfully broad spectrum of fruit aromas and distinguished mineral character.

An exemplary Gemischter SatzA centuries old cultivation technique guarantees the authenticity of these wines: wine growers historically planted numerous different grape varieties next to one another in their vineyards. Up to 15 different varieties grew to-

gether in Viennese vineyards. Each variety contributed its own individual character and were harvested and vinified together as a field blend, which also helped counter vintage variations. This was the origin of the “Ge-mischter Satz”, which is not to be confused with blends where different grape varieties are vinified separately and then assembled in a blend. The Gemischter Satz was a standard wine at traditional heuriger (winery ta-verns), but lost significance when varietal wines were in high demand. In recent years old traditions have become more highly appreciated. The Wiener Gemischter Satz experienced such success that a DAC protected designation of origin has been established.

Our new single-vineyard Gemischter Satz DAC grows in the Ried Weis-leiten, a cool northeast facing site on the plateau of the Wiener Nuss-berg vineyard. This late-ripening site with highly calcareous soil yields an extraordinarily mineral Gemischter Satz comprised primarily of the

traditional grape varieties Grüner Veltliner, Weissburgunder (Pinot Blanc), Chardonnay and Riesling. “This wine is from grapes that were harvested rela-tively late. It was fermented in stainless steel and then matured in large woo-den barrels. It excels with complexity and aroma concentration,” describes winery director Wolfgang Hamm. The Wiener Gemischter Satz is currently

the wine shop manager Manfred Strametz’s favourite wine and thus highly recommendable.

Muskateller for the summerThe second new wine is a Gelber Muskateller (Muscat Blanc à petits grains). Our wine shop customers often requested this variety, so when we cleared a suitable vineyard parcel in Vienna’s Kahlenbergerdorf, we decided to plant this grape. “Our Muskateller is highly appreciated in wine tastings,” says winemaker Günther Gottfried. “This is our first harvest of this young vineyard in Kahlenbergerdorf. It is light and wonderfully fra-grant with a delicate Muscat grape aroma.” With just under 12 % alcohol it is a favourite for warm summer evenings!

OUR RECOMMENDATIONSGünther Gottfried, Winemaker

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It is like achieving knighthood when AUA (Austrian Airlines) chooses your wine for their business class passengers. This wine becomes an international ambassador for Austrian wine culture. We are pleased that our Weissburgunder Klassik 2016 was chosen for this honour. The (Pinot Blanc) variety is one of the strengths of Stift Klosterneuburg Wine Estate and Falstaff magazine awarded our Weissburgunder Klassik 2016 90 points!

FOUR “JUICY” GOLD MEDALSStift Klosterneuburg won four gold medals for the best fruit and grape juices in the country at the “Goldene Birne” awards in Wieselburg. Our Apple-Carrot and Cox Orange fruit juices and our St. Laurent grape juice each won gold medals again in 2018. Our new single-orchard apple juice Rubinette stood at the top of the champions podium for the first time with a perfect 20 from 20 points. Our fruit and grape juices have been among the gold med-al champions for many years!

PRECIOUS AUSLESE“Prädikatsweine” translates to “predicated wines”, a wine category that signifies its prestigious status with its name. It does not only re-quire special weather con-ditions, but also a sensitive and practiced vintner hand to produce these noble sweet wine specialties. We are already very enthusias-tic about the barrel sample and will be pleased to re-lease the Riesling Beerenau-slese 2017 from the Wiener Nussberg vineyard in June.

12,000 EURO RAISED WITH OUR CONCORDIA CHARITY WINE EDITIONStift Klosterneuburg Wine Estate bottled a special wine edition for the 25th anniversary of the CONCORDIA charity project. The wines, a classic Grüner Veltliner and a red wine blend, were listed exclusively at Merkur supermarkets and two Euros for every bottle sold went to the CON-CORDIA charity project. As a long-term partner of CONCORDIA, we are proud to have suc-cessfully implement this project together. In this cooperation we did what we do best, and that is to practice respectful interaction with society and the environment to create unique wines. We simultaneously give back to the world and are able to help many people. This endeavour is now complete and our Provost Bernhard Backovsky was able to hand over a 12,000-euro donation to the managing director of Concordia, Ulla Konrad. Many thanks!


HIKE THROUGH THE VINEYARDS *June 17th, 2018, meet at 2:30 pmKahlenbergerdorf Church,Price: € 37/Person

DINNER IN THE VINEYARDS *June 21st, 2018, meet at 6:30 pmKahlenbergerstraße/EichelhofwegTickets: [email protected]

OPERKLOSTERNEUBURG –LA TRAVIATA *July 7th, 2018 (Premier),July 12th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 24th, 26th and 28th as August 1th and 3rd

each 8 pmTickets:[email protected]


* Registration required: T: +43/2243/411-548 E-Mail: [email protected]

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S t if t K loster neubu rg winer y4 | ISSUE 1/2018

Owner and Publisher: Stift Klosterneuburg, A-3400 Klosterneuburg, Stiftsplatz 1 | Contact: Tel. +43/2243 411-522, [email protected], www.stift-klosterneuburg.at | Concept, design and text: Stift Klosterneuburg Wine Estate, Dialogium – Communications Agency | Layout: Stift Klosterneuburg | Translation: Julia Sevenich.


MenüDuck Liver Parfait

on Elderberry Wine Jelly


Melon Tomato Gazpacho

with Mint and Lemon-Olive Oil


Steamed Sea Bass in Herbs

on Truffled Purée


Braised Rump of Veal

with creamy Polenta

and glazed Tomato


Rhubarb Tartlet

with Iced Mint Milk

and glazed Strawberry

Stift Klosterneuburg will set a few, very exclusive tables in one of the most beautiful places in the world. Our “Dinner in the Vineyard” provides an extraordinary experience in the Wiener Nussberg vineyard with a stunning view over Vienna and the Danube River.

Enjoy our wines and a delicious menu on the longest day of the year on the summer solstice.

Date: Thursday, 21 June 2018(Alternative date in case of rainy weather: 28 June 2018)

Meeting point: 6:30 PM | Wiener Nussberg –

on the corner of Kahlenbergerstrasse and Eichelhofweg

Price: € 99 per person including all beverages and coffee

Reservations under: [email protected]

or by telephone +43/2243/25 701
