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supported by: The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum 2018 Program Profile
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The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies

Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum 2018 Program Profile

Page 2: The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies … · ArtSound Studio, Jogja HipHop Foundation, Lokanata ... Atma Jaya Catholic University provides visa sponsorship

Program Details ACICIS Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum

January 3 - 7, 2018


January 8 - 19, 2018

Academic Program

January 22 - February 17, 2018

Supervised Professional Placement & Program

Jakarta, Indonesia

What is ACICIS? The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) was established

with government funding in 1994 to provide a unique support network for students

wishing to study in Indonesia. Consisting of 26 member universities, including leading

institutions in the field of Indonesian studies in Australia, the UK and the Netherlands,

ACICIS coordinates various semester-long, 6-week short course, and educational

study tour options in Indonesia. Since its inception, ACICIS has helped over 2,000

students from Australia and abroad attend universities in Indonesia and complete

professional placement modules. Current study options include: professional

practicum courses in Journalism and Development Studies (Jakarta), intensive

Indonesian language study, Islamic Studies and teacher training (Yogyakarta), and an

independent field study and International relations program (Bandung, West Java).

Courses are fully assessed by our Indonesian partner universities and accepted by

member universities for credit towards home university degrees in Australia and


Contact DetailsACICIS Resident Director: Ms Elena Williams, MA

[email protected]

+62 274 515 519

+62 818 267 712

Academic Program Officer: Dr Elly Kent

[email protected]

+61 403 549 284



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What is the Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum (CADPP)? ACICIS’ Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum (CADPP) is a six-week program designed to

expose Australian and international students to the vibrancy of contemporary Indonesian creative arts and

design, combining academic elements with hands-on practical creative production experience. Running

from early January to mid-February each year, the CADPP combines a formal two-week academic program

with a four-week supervised practicum placement that provides an opportunity for students – or early

career professionals – to gain professional experience working within Indonesia’s creative industries.

The formal academic program blends intensive Indonesian language tuition (40 hours) with a series

of seminars and fieldtrips led by experts and practitioners from Indonesian creative arts and design

organisations (30 hours).

Host Organisations for the four-week practicum placement include companies and organisations operating

in a wide range of fields within Indonesia’s creative industries, including but not limited to: graphic design,

web design, sound design, arts management, gallery curation, performing arts, film and television,

animation, digital and multimedia, app design, as well as architecture and urban design. Placements

provide students with the chance to engage first-hand with the dynamism of contemporary Indonesian art,

design and cultural production. All industry placements provide an English-language working environment.

The CADPP is designed as an accredited university program, to meet requirements for work integrated

learning modules and other practicum-based courses at ACICIS member universities. The CADPP is a

competitive entry program with an anticipated limit of 25-30 participants per program iteration.

The two main aims of the CADPP are to:

1. Provide students with a practical learning experience with a Host Organisation (or individual artist, artist

collective or art/design studio) in an Indonesian creative arts and design workplace environment; and

2. To enhance bilateral understanding through the creation of new partnerships between Australian and

Indonesian counterparts, and to serve as a medium for the exchange of ideas in the field of creative

arts and design.

Atma Jaya Catholic University Universitas Katolik Atma Jaya is one of Indonesia’s premier private universities. Founded in

1960, this dynamic institution has two campuses located in the heart of Jakarta. Atma Jaya has

consistently been ranked in Indonesia’s Top 5 private universities by Globe Asia and Tempo

magazines, and has been ACICIS’ Professional Practicum partner in Jakarta since 2007. Its Faculty

of Business Administration and Communication Sciences, which facilitates the CADPP program,

is staffed by industry professionals with both Jakarta-based and international teaching and

research experience.

The CADPP academic module takes place at the Semanggi campus, located in the centre of

Jakarta’s business and commerce district on Jl. Jenderal Sudirman.

CADPP Structure The structure of the six-week CADPP program is as follows:

� Two weeks of intensive Indonesian language classes (mornings) at Atma Jaya Catholic University,

designed to give participants basic Indonesian language capacity;


� A series of seminars and fieldtrips led by experts and practitioners from Indonesian creative arts and

design organisations;

Followed by

� A four-week supervised practicum placement designed to give participants an English-speaking

professional experience within an Indonesian or international organisation (or with an individual

practitioner, artist collective or art/design studio) operating within Indonesia’s creative industries.

A professional Academic Program Officer is assigned to Jakarta for the duration of the CADPP to coordinate all aspects of the program. During the initial two week academic period, the Academic Program Officer will also coordinate a series of introductory visits between students and host organisations.

2018 CADPP Program Dates

The 2018 CADPP program will start with an orientation period at Atma Jaya Catholic University

from Wednesday, 3 January, 2018 – Sunday, 7 January, 2018.

The intensive language program and seminar series will run from 8 -19 January, 2018.

The four-week industry placements commence on Monday, 22 January, and conclude Friday,

17 February, 2018.

Participants and Selection The CADPP is a competitive entry program with a restricted intake. The program targets senior

undergraduate students, Masters of Creative Arts and Design students, and early career


In their initial program application, students are asked to nominate sectoral interests and preferred professional industry placements. A student’s preferences will be considered alongside their academic record, demonstrated skill-sets, portfolio and Host Organisation requirements in order to assign the student a placement that is appropriate to both student and Host Organisation.

The CADPP Academic Program Officer and ACICIS Resident Director manage selection and practicum placement allocation. Host Organisations are encouraged to provide details in advance of preferred or required candidate skill‐sets for their workplaces.

ACICIS will confer with Host Organisations prior to confirming students’ placements. Host Organisations may nominate to review participant qualifications or to arrange an interview over Skype or email prior to accepting a practicum candidate.


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Professional Placement Options Industry placements will give students the chance to engage in the vibrancy of contemporary

Indonesian arts and cultural production. Depending on the organisation and current programs,

students can expect to be involved in a wide range of creative arts and design productions.

Students are asked to nominate their interests and preferred industry placements as a part of

the application process. Preferences will in turn be reviewed alongside academic records

and proven skillsets prior to placing students with particular organisations.

Students are assigned mentors in the workplace to guide them over the four-week period.

Organisations for the 2018 CADPP come from a range of sectors, including:

Host Organisations may change as the program develops, and students are advised that

they are applying for the CADPP program, not for a specific placement. Host organisation

representatives may nominate to review participant qualifications and portfolios prior to finalising

acceptance of the candidate(s).

What Does the CADPP Offer Host Organisations? Via a careful selection process, ACICIS endeavours to provide host organisations with competent

interns with prior practical experience.

CADPP participants bring with them good critical abilities, a solid understanding of major

theoretical issues in the fields of Creative Arts and Design, strong design skills, and varying

degrees of professional or volunteer experience.

The majority of participants are native English speakers and/or are enrolled in English language

degree programs at their home university. Practicum placements may see students assigned to

tasks such as:

� Working in the field with local artists and international agencies;

� Assisting with media and communication strategies;

� Designing concepts and preparing content for a variety of media;

� Research assistance and data collection for features;

� Pitching creative ideas for media and content;

� Animation and Post-production

Amphibi Studios, Castle Animation,

Chromatics3D, Cimahi Creative Association,

Lanting Animation

� Graphic Design and Illustration

CherryPuppies, Grey International, Lowen

Indonesia, Wanara Studios

� Performing Arts Indonesian Dance Festival, ISI-Institute of the Arts, Papermoon Puppet, Teater Koma, Jakarta Performing Arts

� Music/Recording Studios

ArtSound Studio, Jogja HipHop Foundation,


� Websites and Social Media

Bright Stars, Jack’s Labs, MBDCmedia,

� Fashion Design

Ardiyanto Batik, Batik Fractal, Threads of Life

� Environment and Sustainable Design

Amygdala Bamboo, Greeneration Foundation

� Festivals, Arts collectives and Galleries

Jakarta Arts Festival, Yogyakarta Open Studio

� Film and Video Production,

Asia Calling TV, Good News Film, HBO Asia,

Kalyana Shira Films, LifeLike Pictures , Metro

TV, Sembilan Matahari


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Assessment The academic emphasis of the CADPP is on experiential and professional learning within the

work environment. Assessment may include:

Pre-trip preparation activities, readings and assignments;


seminars and workshops, at Atma Jaya;


analysis and critique of personal and placement organisation activities, which is able to be

marked by home universities;

Written research paper with topic as to be decided by home university, making reference to

both academic readings and to experience in the workplace (optional).

� Digital portfolio/poster/artwork displaying the student’s creative discipline within the Indonesian

creative arts and design context.





The student’s Host Organisation workplace mentor is also required to provide a brief report on the student’s

activities and performance while undertaking their placement. This includes evaluation of a student’s


workplace, their approach to work, and their demonstrated cross-cultural communication skills (both oral



To complete this program satisfactorily, students must demonstrate the ability to perform tasks in a





A student’s home university retains the right to set and grade other assessment tasks related to the


awarded for their participation in the program, it is up to individual home universities to determine their own

protocols and rules for awarding academic credit to students who undertake and successfully complete

the program..

The CADPP is designed to meet the Australian university equivalency requirements of half of a full-



CADPP Management and Pastoral Care ACICIS manages all aspects of the CADPP from the point of participant arrival to departure. A full-time

Academic Program Officer is assigned to the program. The Academic Program Officer is assisted by the

ACICIS Jakarta Program Coordinator and local staff. ACICIS provides participants with a comprehensive pre-

departure and in-country orientation program, routine and emergency assistance for participants for the

duration of the program, and supervision of the workplace performance.

Over the course of the six-week program the Academic Program Officer will meet regularly with host

organisations to assess the progress of participants and help to iron out any problems that may arise.

Atma Jaya Catholic University provides visa sponsorship for CADPP participants under a ‘Socio-Cultural’

visa. The professional placement is conducted as part of a formal academic program hosted by the

university, and as such, students are strictly prohibited from undertaking any paid work during their


All CADPP participants must hold comprehensive medical insurance that covers emergency evacuation.

Participants are bound to the conditions of the ACICIS Risk Management Strategy.

Travel as part of an professional placement is permissible so long as it meets the requirements of ACICIS’

Risk Management Strategy. Participants or hosts are encouraged to inform the Academic Program Officer

of any proposed travel plans as early as possible. The CADPP has been designed in such a way that ACICIS

and Atma Jaya Catholic University carry the weight of administrative and pastoral care duties, thus freeing

host organisations of any such burdens.


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CADPP Program Protocol The success of the ACICIS Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum (CADPP) requires the cooperation of ACICIS, all student-participants, and the organisations which host them during their internship. The smooth operation of the Practicum is enhanced when these three ‘stakeholders’ agree to the following protocol:

1. ACICIS agrees to: Arrange a fortnight of university classes at a partner university in Jakarta;

Arrange one month of appropriate work experience/ professional placement for the participant in a relevant work environment where English is a medium of communication;

Have a staff member (Academic Program Officer) present in Indonesia to assist participants throughout the program with academic matters;

Provide appropriate advice and support to the Host Organisation regarding the requirements of the professional placement for the duration of the program;

Provide the home university or employer with an evaluation report on each participant, with a recommended pass/fail grade for the practicum;

Provide participants with full contact details of the Australian Embassy (or the embassy of their home country) in Jakarta, such as may be required for security purposes, and to inform appropriate Embassy officials of the arrangements for the ACICIS Professional Practicum;

Assist participants in obtaining the appropriate visa for the program.

2. The student participant agrees to: Participate fully in the lecture/workshop activities;

Complete all academic assessments as required;

Participate fully in the working life of the host organisation under the supervision of a mentor, to an extent appropriate to be participant’s level of experience and skill;

Behave in accordance with the highest professional standards and in a culturally and contextually appropriate manner.

3. The Host Organisation agrees to accept a specified number of ACICIS Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum participants for a one-month period of work experience and to provide each participant with:

� A ‘mentor’ who will supervise and advise the participant;

� On-going advice regarding a student’s duties in that work environment;

� A conducive work environment and facilities for the participant (desk/ work space, and access to


� Involve the participant in all regular activities of the work environment, as appropriate to the

participant’s level of experience and skill;

� Provide ACICIS with a brief written assessment report by the mentor on the participant by the end of

the placement (1-2 paragraphs- ACICIS will supply a template for this);

� Provide ACICIS with feedback on the program and any suggestions for future improvements

Additional Information The CADPP is open to both Australian and non-Australian citizens/students.

There are no Indonesian language pre-requisites for the program. Unless an applicant

indicates they have strong Indonesian language skills and would like an Indonesian language

placement, work placements will be in English-language environments.

Professional placement schedules are to follow the regular working hours for the host


Host organisations may accept more than one intern.

The professional placement is for a maximum of four weeks. Should host organisations wish

to extend the placement period all ACICIS pastoral care duties do not apply. New visas will

be required as Atma Jaya - sponsored visas will not be extended beyond the dates of the


CADPP students have the option to continue with part-time language studies at Atma Jaya

University during the placement period (at their own expense).

Host organisations are not liable for expenses regarding the hostign of a student. Any travel

expenses related to placement activities should be discussed with participants well in-

advance. Should participants be unable to afford additional work-related travel expenses, an

alternative set of duties should be provided.

Host organisations have the right to terminate the placement should candidate performance

be unsatisfactory.

� Students enter Indonesia on a ‘Social-Cultural 211’ (‘Sosio Budaya’) visa, and as such, are

strictly prohibited from carrying out any paid work during their placement, or receiving any

form of financial compensation for their duties performed while on the ACICIS program.


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Sponsorship Packages ACICIS is seeking proposals from Australian and Indonesian organisations interested in

supporting the continued growth of the CADPP through a range of sponsorship packages.

Packaging arrangements may include: one-off or ongoing financial contributions to ACICIS

Indonesia’s CADPP program; in-kind support for the CADPP through the provision of speakers,

networking events and/or venue support; or scholarships and/ or grants provided directly to

CADPP students.

In turn, ACICIS would acknowledge such support through the inclusion of your organisation’s

logo on our site and promotional materials; acknowledgement of your support throughout

our CADPP program documents; and, where appropriate, the allocation of an intern/s at your

organisation in Jakarta.

For sponsorship enquiries, please contact ACICIS’ Resident Director, Ms Elena Williams, directly,

at: [email protected].


Consortium Director The Consortium Director is responsible for the overall management of ACICIS, chairing the National Reference Group which determines ACICIS policy.

The Consortium Director and Founder of ACICIS is Professor David T Hill AM. Professor Hill is an Emeritus Professor at Murdoch University in Perth, having recently retired from his position in the Asian Studies Program at Murdoch University where he was a Fellow of the Asia Research Centre for Social, Political and Economic Change. His research interests are in Indonesian media, literature, biography, and cultural politics, and he is a NAATI-accredited professional English-Indonesian interpreter and translator. In 2009 Professor Hill was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council to develop a national strategic plan for the advancement of Indonesian language in Australian universities. Professor Hill has been a Visiting Senior Research Fellow in the Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore (2006), an invited participant in the Government’s “Australia 2020 Summit” (April 2008), was a Board Member of the DFAT Australia-Indonesia Institute (2011-14) and has previously chaired the Board of Management of the Asia Research Centre at Murdoch University.

In 2015, Professor Hill was inducted as a Member of the Order of Australia in the 2015 Australia Day Honours.

Resident Director ACICIS’ Resident Director oversees the provision of academic and pastoral advice to students, liaises with Indonesian authorities and universities, and ensures that ACICIS’ 13 in-country programs run smoothly. The current Resident Director is Ms Elena Williams, who was a former ACICIS student in 2005 and later served as the Yogyakarta Program Manager between 2008 and 2010. Ms Williams holds a Masters of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development in Gender Studies from The Australian National University, and has a keen interest in gender and development, anthropology and social movements. Ms Williams will oversee the CADPP, coordinate the academic program, and provide pastoral care and support to students.

CADPP Academic Program Officer The CADPP Academic Program Officer is responsible for managing the design and implementation of the CADPP program and liaising with Host Organisations, university staff and students. Throughout the program, the Academic Program Officer advises students on academic and industry-specific matters, offers pastoral care and emergency assistance, and represents ACICIS at participating Host Organisations and related events.

ACICIS Development Officer

Citra Syukma Bayu Sakti (Citra) is ACICIS’ Development Officer for the Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum Program (CADPP). Citra graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung with a Masters of Visual Art, majoring in Printmaking. Her thesis and written works include interests in a range of religious studies, semiotics, and visual culture. She is passionate about how Australia brings an interesting dimension into Indonesia contemporary art in a global context. Citra has been working for more than six years in the education sectors including teaching at universities in Bandung and Jakarta. Previously she has also worked as a surface designer at digital retail companies and in 2014 she founded a kitsch store called Kalimera. Citra has also participated in various creative projects and events at national and international levels such as curatorial projects, workshops, seminars, and collaborative events with the arts community. Citra enjoys indie folk, short stories, and is a fan of Arsenal football club.

ACICIS Jakarta Program Coordinator The ACICIS Jakarta Program Coordinator serves as the primary liaison with Atma Jaya Catholic University on matters pertaining to current or future ACICIS programs hosted by Atma Jaya. The current Program Coordinator, Mr Nurfitra Yutha Asa, assists the Resident Director in the planning and conduct of Jakarta Practicum programs and provides regular pastoral support services for ACICIS students in Jakarta.


International Cooperation Coordinator Dr Yohanes Eko Widodo, S.Sos., SH., MM, PhD, serves as the International Cooperation Coordinator for Atma Jaya Catholic University. Based in the Faculty of Administration, Business and Communication Sciences, Dr Eko works on the general administration of the CADPP and manages various academic and logistical aspects of the program throughout.

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ACICIS Contact Details

ACICIS welcomes the opportunity to partner with your

organisation in the 2018 CADPP. Please feel free to contact us

at the details below for further information.

For all in-‐country enquiries, including corporate sponsorship

queries, hosting a CADPP intern or becoming involved as an

industry speaker, please contact the ACICIS Resident Director:

Ms Elena Williams, MA

ACICIS Resident Director

ACICIS Yogyakarta Office

Gg. Alamanda CT X/ 18A

Catur Tunggal, Depok

Sleman, Yogyakarta 55281

T: +62 274 561 477

M: +62 818 267 712

E: [email protected]

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ACICIS Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum

Indonesian Partner University

ACICIS Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum

Professional Placement Host Organisations


AcknowledgementsACICIS gratefully acknowledges the financial and in-kind

support it has received from the Australian Government’s New

Colombo Plan Mobility Program, which has partially funded

the development of the Creative Arts and Design Professional

Practicum for 2015 – 2017. The New Colombo Plan is a

signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims

to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting

Australian undergraduates to study and undertake professional

experiences in the region. For more information on the New

Colombo Plan, please visit: https://www.dfat.gov.au/new-


ACICIS also gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the

Australian National University, Charles Darwin University, Curtin

University, Griffith University, RMIT University, the University of

Adelaide, University of New South Wales, University of Tasmania,

University of Technology Sydney in providing some related

course materials upon which this CADPP Curriculum Outline


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ACICIS is gratefully hosted by

ACICIS Member Universities

supported by:
