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THE BANNER I S - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00061/0391.pdfpUr T...

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T pUr lJJl r y + r THE BANNER PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY- s ICBSCBIPTION fl PER ANNUM INV RlDLY S IN ADVANCE 1 y KKTERED AT VIE POST OFFICE AT CHIP LIT FtA AB SECOND CLASS UAH P HATTER T C JONKd EDITOR ADVEUtlRINO RATES ON APrHCATM- NChlploy r Fin Aug flth 1808 I DEMOCRATIC TICKET J For Congressman First Florida District HON STEPHEN M SPAIU MAN COUNTY DEMOCRATIC TICKET For Representative COLEMAN For Tax Assessor J W ViixiAJts For Tax Collector- A Q JONES For Treasurer R C IIonNE T J MOIHEY For Members of School Board i O B Birsii- V F Russ E SINGLETON t Tho Cubans are repenting of their re- fusal ¬ to play In our back yard Garcia Is still at Jlguanl r Yellow journalism Is ow telling as many lies to defame the Cubans as Itonco 1 did to prove their heroism and angelic perfection Undo Sam Is great on the financial problem these days Cubans and Filipi- nos ¬ r prefer the heavier Mexican dollars and our treasury Is buying tons of them for 50 cents each How long before these I new citizens will educate themselves out of the depths of Populism TU C It would not bo a bad Idea If Spain would put tho remnant of her much tt vaunted navy In a glass case and send It to tho Omaha Exposition with a nickel b in tho slot attachment to make tho wheel j go round In this way sho might secure- a handsome nucleons for that warlndem is nlty fund which she may soon bo com- pelled ¬ to raise TU C The most pitiable feature of the war Is the spectacle of Sapasta and his cabinet feeding tho decrepit and degenerate Span- Ish nation with a broth of falsehood In f the hope of Imparting to It sufficient 5t1 strength to stand the shock of learning the truth An American prime minister r ° who dished out false statements for home consumption would soon find him- self ¬ h a statesman out of a Job b a To Cure Constipation Forever Take Cascarets Candv Cathartla hoe or S5o It C C C rail druggists rotund money A THE ELECTION IN NOVEMBER Voters should not loose sight of tho fact that there will be no election In Florida until November 8th tho constitutional amendment changing tho State elections from October November having been adopted at tho last election and now tho vote for county and State officers and Congressmen will be cast the some day Another thing should bo remembered and that Is at tho coming election thrco constitutional amendments passed by the e last legislature aro to bo voted upon the first accepting guarantee or surety com- panies ¬ foreign or domestic as surety on officIal bonds the second authorizing Legislature to clotho tho Railroad Com- mission ¬ a with Judicial powers In all mat- ters ¬ rY connected with the functions of Its office and tho third providing that upon true Impeachment of any officer ho shall bo disqualified from holding office until acquitted and tboGorcrnorshall appoint- a 4 successor ad Interim It Is evident that Forldas constitution needs considerable patching as there has not been an election held slnco Its adop ¬ tion but that some change had to be mad In 1l 7I ANOTHER LINE OF STEAMERS TO BE ESTABLISHED BETWEEN IENSACO 5 IA AND BREMEN The Liverpool Journal Commerce of July 10 says Tho tendency of American 5e + + railway companies tobecomo interested In steamship lines as before Indicated In tho Journal of Commerce Is now manifesto In the arrangement monde by Mess Watts Watts Co Chaprl street acting on be laU of the Louisville R Kashvlllo Rail ¬ road Company with Messrs OlllUon and Chadwick shipowners of tits city to run a fortnightly service from Pensacola to Bremen direct The now lino will com- mence ¬ their Railings from Pcnsacola with thn opening of the cotton season and as S Indicated continue fortnightly Tho pros poets for tho line seems promising con sldcrlng tho apparent success of the char- tered service run by Mossrs Watts Watts- Co between these two ports for some- time past The sonleg will otter better facilities for the cotton corn tobacco and other merchandise and should Insure de- velopment ¬ of the trade The agents In the United States will be Messrs Kunch- Bdye e Co Produce Exchange N Y 4 Ponsacola Journal it ti A jy eve- r u- ft r TILE TERMS OF PEACE Tho terms on which tho United States- are willing to ceaso hostilities against Spain are officially stated to bo as fol ¬ lows 1 Tho Independence of Cuba and tho adjacent Islands held by Spain 2 The cession of Portorlco to the Unit ¬ ed States 3 A coaling station and ono city In tho Philippine Islands to be under the con ¬ trol of this government Theso terms cannot bo considered hard- on Spain Is view of our complete victories- by land and sea Unquestionably wo could have enforced harder conditions- but those which are proposed we think aro about the best for tho honor and real interest of our government The Independenco Cuba wo suppose contemplates the absolution of tho island from all tho obligations for which Spain has pledged Cuba as security The amount- of these obligations Is estimated various- ly at from f3OO000X1O tofSOOOOOOOO Spain will have to attetd to them as best she canTho cession of Porto Rico Is to be mado In lieu of a money indemnity for tho war as Is also tho cession of a coaling station and one city In tho Philippines Manila- of course This Is also a happy solution Porto Rico Is very Important to uso as a strate- gic ¬ point It Is also an Island of large productiveness now and of Immense pos ¬ slbllltles under our control By securing a coaling station and a city in tho Philippines we gain great advant ¬ ages In the Pacific and yet avoid tho dangers of complications In eastern diplo- macy I Wo will gain a larger part of tho trade of those Islands than over and will have a station for our navy that will ho- of great value to us Tho future of Cuba Is left an open question by the terms pro ¬ posed We are pledged to tho establish- ment and maintenance of a stable gov ¬ ernment If Cuba cannot bring about that result for herself we will have to accomplish It for her At any rate It Is prnctlcully certain that Cuba will soon be controlled by Americans whether we take- It or not Will Spain accept the conditions which have been offered If there Is a remnant of prudence and common senso left In her statesmanship sho surely will The struggle Is for her more hopeless than over and tho longer sire continues It the harder terms she will have to come to Wo believe that Spain will accept what wo Ross otter Instead of waiting for the I certainty of worse things for her In tho early future TAX ASSESSMENTS LETTER FROM TilE STATE COMPTROLLER ON TilE SUBJECT Treasury Department State of Flori- da Comptrollers Office Tallahassee Ju- ly ¬ lS5IIon FF LEngle Chairman Hoard County Commissioners Dual Coun- ty Jacksonville Fla Dear SirRefer ¬ ring to your favor of the 18th Inst I beg to say that the law provides that tho tax assessor shall turn our to tho board of I county commissioners at a meeting to bo hold on tho first Monday In October of each nnd every year for that purpose at which meeting the county commissioners I shall examine and compare such original and copies and cause tho assessor who shall attend such meeting from day today i to correct all mistakes and Inaccuracies I In description or other character and uf ter such books shall have been examined and corrected the board of county com ¬ I missioners shall Indorse on them a certi- ficate ¬ that they have so examined thorn and that they are correct which certifi ¬ cate shall be signed by at least thro mom ¬ bars of the board See section 29 chapter 4323 Lases of Florida I Under this provision of law tho board eli You Take Scotts- Emulsion through the winter If so we are sure it quieted your cough healed the rawness in your throat increased your weight gave you mare color and made you feel better in every way But perhaps your cough has come back again or you are get- ting ¬ a little thin and pale hen not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer will do you as much good as when the weather Is cold Its persistent use will certainly give you a better appetite and n stronger digestion- It will cure your weak throat and heal inflamed lungs- It will cure every case of consumption when- a cure Ispossl Ie I Dont be persuaded- to take something they say Is just as good AU Drogrlt jc ndi SCOTT a BOIVNB NY ¬ r of county commissioners Is vested with full power to see tltattho law relating to the assessment of real and personal prop ¬ I arty has been fully complied with and to withhold approval of tho assessment rolls until thoy are found to be correct The meeting of the board as provided for In said section Is Intended for tho final examination of tho assessment rolls and you will see that tho board may remain- In session from day to day until tho ex ¬ amination Is completed and tho correc ¬ tions properly made as therein provided This ls In addition to the powers confer red on the county commissioners as a- board of equalizers The certificate of the board of county commissioners that the assessment rolls tave been examined and that they are correct Is Intended to mean Just wflat It says and Is limited solely by tho discre- tion vested In tho board Very truly yours- W II REYNOLDS Comptroller- A ears Thine for You transaction you cannot loselsa sure thlug Biliousness sick litudutliu Itr rod lover plies uud a thouhuu other Ills ore caused by constipation nlugplsb liver Uascarcts Candy Cathartic till won- derful ¬ now liver stimulant and inter trial oulo are all druggists giuirautced to cure- r refunded U U U are a sure ping Try a box today lUc Ko foe Umulo booklet free Bee our big ad FLORIDAS SUPREMACY Florida Is wonderful State It was hurt for a time by tho freeze but Its va- rious resources are bringing a wide range of development that In time will provo Its seeming loss to have been a blessing In disguise Florida land will produce 200 bushels of sweet potatoes worth say2tcents per I bushel or WO per acre or 25 barrels of white potatoes worth f 1 per barrel Wiry I poor men will try to dig a living out of fl00 land Is most surprising They could I own a homo In Florida and In a fow years j tiring It up In valuo to that of the highest priced land In any other locality I Como South young man Dont WP It I Remember that land Is advancing val- ue ¬ and that other people are finding out the truth Lingering means a lost op- portunity Como South old man Got out of tho old deathdealing winter climate the Northern States that kills old people be- cause It keeps them housed up Buy a small piece of lands build a simple little house with open fireplaces to dry It out In damp weather plant a big garden and all the fruit trees you can and raise pigs cows and all kinds of fowls Then you will live happily comfortably- and with a minimum of labor lu a clim- ate ¬ which Is delightfully pleasant and wonderfully healthful JUST SO Returning life and prosperity In Cuban ports Is happily likened by the New York Journal of Commerce to a change that occurs when a section of the Colorado desert Is brought under the Influence of irrigation Thonggrlcnltural and mineral resour- ces of the West Indies and tho Philippines have been little more than touched under a government that provides no roads that heavily burdens Industry and that makes tho preservation of pence and or- der Impossible Tho American business- man Is already waiting In the waters of Cuba for the warriors to give him tho chance to establish trtde The American financier Is studying Island maps as care fully as tho soldier Is and Is measuring bo need of fiscal Institutions and means of transportation Commerce Is all ready with Its balm to heal the wounds of war and tho money that Americans will make will not bo mado out of the people eman- cipated ¬ from subjection to Spanish cap ¬ taingenerals It will lie made by supply- ing those people with the things they arced and assisting them to develop tho resources of their own countries for cen tunes blighted by Spanish land pirates This prophecy Is already seeing tho llrst fruits of Its fnltlllmcnt In tho rehabilita- tion ¬ of tho port at Santiago loodn- d Disease of Nerves No one need suffer with neuralgia This disease U quickly and permanently cured by Browns Iron Bitten Every disrate of- he blood nerves and stomnch chronic or otherwise succumbs to Drowns Iron Bitters Known and used for nearly n quarter of a century It stands today fore- most ¬ among our most valued rriiinllci Browns Bitters sold by all dealers RAISING AN ARMY EtlHOPEAN EXrEUTS SIMPLY AMAZED AT OUR woes Washington July 26A con olldat <<l statement prepared by Major John A Johnston assistant adjutant general I shows that of the 277BOO men authorized by Congress to be enlisted In the regular I and volunteer armies 254470 up to this tlmn has boon mustered Into the service- Of the 23Q21 required to complete tho au- thorized ¬ quoto of the army 13209 arc reg- ulars ¬ 8000 are volunteers under the sec- ond ¬ call sro are Immunes and 811 are en- gineers ¬ Tire authorized strength of tho regular army Is 01000 On April Itcentalne2- o5oo d men Since that time 23103 recruits have been obtained from a probable75000 applicants by a limited number of re truing officers the majority of whomwcre I s i > WINt OF CARDlll FOR ALL WOMEN NInTENTS Of t- r all the pain andslcknessfrom- which women a suffer is caused by weakness or derangement in the organs of- menstruatlon + Nearly always I when a woman Is not well thess organs are affected Bqt when they are strong and healthy a woman is very seldom sick t P Elq- EfqIneofQ1 e OE to natures provision for the reJ latlon of the menstrual functl i I It cures all female troubles It Is equally effective for the girl in her teens the young wife with do ¬ mestic and maternal cares and the woman approaching period known as the It Change of They all need it They are all bsnefltted by IL 1 0- For advice In eases requiring pea directions address the Ladles Advisory Department The Chattanooga Medicine Co CtatU- oooei Tem JIJIs TH08J COOPER Tupllo Mltlttrn- Nr sister tuflired from very Irrejultr and menstruation and doctors could not reline her Win of Cardul intlrety cured her and use helped ny mother through the Change WINE Of CARDU jsss strangers In tho country canvassed and during a period competition by State authorities for tho same men In tho opinion of the officials of the War Do partment tile returns of regular army en- listments will progress as the ptato com petition ceases Tho strength of tire reg ¬ ular army today less recent casualltlrs estimated at 2000 Is 47603 Tho authorized strength of tho volun- teer army Is 210500 Of that number 125000 were Included In tie Presidents first call for troops all of which have boon recruited mustered and put In tho field 75000 were included In the second call 07000 of which have been mustered Into tho service 3000 were to constitute three special regiments of cavalry 10000 were Immures and 3500 were engineers Of the volunteers under the second call 35000 enlisted men have been distributed among Incomplete organizations In the field and 32000 constitute new organiza- tions ¬ Tho three special cavalry regi- ments commanded by Colonels Roosevelt Torroy and Orlgsly have been recruited- to their full strength and there aro hun ¬ dreds of applicants for any vacancies that may occur In them Congress authorized tho enlistment of 10000 yellow fever Immuncs and of that number 9133 havo been mustered Into tho service All of tho ten regiments are com- plete ¬ except tire Seventh Eighth and Tenth and they probably are not to bo recruited to their full strength Of the 3500 engineers authorized bv special act of Congress fH9 have been mustered In The First regiment contains 53 officers and 1000 men tho second 53 of leers and 1100 men and tho third Mo fi- lers ¬ and 300 men It Is expected that the Third regiment Isto be recruited to Its full strength In a few days Tho recruiting mustering equipping and placing In tho field of tire piiiscnt great army of almost 300000 men In less than ninety days every man having to undergo a strict examination regarded- by array exports as a wonderful achieve- ment ¬ Officers representing the armies of European nations havo been amazed- at tho work accomplished and frankly admit that Europe contains little of such fighting material as Is to be found In abundance In the United States Everybody Bays So CascareU Candy Catlrartlc the most won- derful ¬ medical of the age pleas- ant ¬ and refreshing to the taste act gently positively on Jlvei mid bowels cleansing the entire system dispel colds cure lieadaobo fever habitual constipation biliousness Please buy and a box of U 00 tndny10 111 flu cents Bold and guaranteed to cure by druggists GUy Tonsorial Parlor Lee Thomas Propr- My prices are SUAVEn lOeents HA1R CUT 20 cane SHAVE AND HAIR CCT 25 eats SHAMPOO 10 cents pConntry trade solicited also I Only First Class York hone t ft tr9N CS < G FAWCEH CO- Commission L Proprltlonot lI CtlUIIAM I C G MILLS Merchants L tleaafadrcn of SolfRllltI tlonr Grill kleafnd ell Unto ol Corn Cjodt MM fc I Hour p eked either la nvlk or C t tll ape rackages or ally BoZO l Ten Cars Chsko ctai RuttProo OeUthis J years crop at rottottom pkis J uncrAC aorLr < I of ooonuj 1nwuttv vorivfOtStuni tSminl 210218 BAY STREET WEST I Savannah Ga u Are you- a subscriber to The Banne- rIF IF sOr Should be i be price is only 8100 per yea- rANn It iBtbe heat weekly paptr in I r I West Florida And thoroughly Democratic in Its principals und teachings THISt- his is not tbe cnipalgn year I but you need th- eBANNER I I I I to keep yon posted If you wont something will he a joy and comfort to you send no ONE DOLLAR a r get the Banner or ONE YEAR- s H J a I > = g dc r ° c = = I o 0I- I = = 11I a zr- G w- 0Cr C d 0 t F- to r 0 is I O I C = a 5 S- c = wR = S r n n O C C t E oS bit I c Z c c tIoI- III r = z- G C- tR Ir Xc It 2 oIIII c t C- a Cd o I E C- oQ l zrC- o I O o G- m g F f fl 1 Qc < Il = i- O jean a m GL- F 00 hat s a- O 8 e- eG = z tioo uCiV- e1iSendTrade J I i n I I- IS 111 1 ri I- ant NarksobulneAandall Pat OUR Ornee rs OvrotTr U NODtlln Fta and we tn armies patnlill lessUmethsushou remote trum ahtngto- rtioa model We IIlllle Inpaa tim orHnor fr- ee of charge Our Ire = not due till II A PAMIjLtT UO 10 Obtain stem urured d COst ran lu the U S and foreign Waal dent tree Address coumn4 < j I P Opp y Or C frS w tl 4Tew b C tr I PRDMPTLYSECURED Write for our Interesting bools inrcnh ord and you arc steI died Send nsrongli j or model of invention or Iniprovoment and wo fOur yon iroe our opinion ns to Whether It h bl P ten lblo Wo a special of nppUatloD8 reJcclcd In ° baud y Highest rolerencet tum1ehed MARION dk MARION PATENT SOLICITORS rib XXFKRTS Cirti t Ilechanlcal Engineers of ih Ioljrtectmto School of Engineering Jllebclollln Applied Sciences Nem brn Xs tent Law Association American Water Works Allocution Dew England Water Works As P Q Surveyors Aaeociaton Assoc Nember Can I Society of CITE t S A O- mThrice MOXTEEAICAN VABIHNQTVY C as Week Edition tK THE NFW YORK WOULD AND T11E Cliipley Banner FUJI 115 PER YEAli The Tutea yveokWorldhasnowbeeoma the ev err Monday V tdnesdny and Friday fho most liberal offer over to public The Tbrlco a week Worll1lslnrgu- thou any Weekly or news a per published fnrnlsLIng eighteen pal eight columns wide every week tllll the Jhlplty A11Y1t lor One Dollar and 8fxt the trots a year The World combines ull the freshness and crispness of u dLII1 with instructive und 8j octal features of a weekly Address for further Information ThoCHlPLKY BAJJSLI Cblpley fla Skin DiseasesF- or tho speedy and permanent cure of tetter rheum and eczema Cham berlains Eye and Skirt Ointment is without an equal It relieves the Itch ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure It also cures itch itch scald head sore nipples itching piles chapped hands chronic sore eyes and granulated lids Dr Cads Condition Powders for Itcrns are the best tonic blood purifier nnd vermifuge Price 25 cents Soldtj- BO YEARS CXPBRIENOE- TRAD MARKS DESIGNS OOPYRIOHT8 Ac AnroDB sending sketch soil description nar qulcklr Certain free whether an Invention Is probably patentnbla Communications strictly- canadenllaL Oldest aleue1 or tecurtnc patent In America We a Washington once Patents taken through Munn ft Co receln special notice lu tbe- 80lENTIFIO AMERICAN U ie Illustrated largest circulation ol any scientific weeklr term 19 00 a eect il r months Specimen and 11AM BOOK ON PATENTS sent free Address t MUNN a CO r- 3G1 Broadway New ork Weed he a ara1 Aa13 OR WOHAH A3wuttED- INCOME I mme d la e I RIGHT PER- SON I0 THE BESJ PAY EVER CF FBRBD FOR SIMILAR GEKV1CB TheCoiunpaliiau MjgajlneediUilb r Jtiw 1IKBn wishes to add ii qirtcr of a million to Its clientele already hrj- eil of Ihli king icadenposfciitd by any periodical In the IT IS PREPARED TO PAY HAND- SOMELY ¬ FOR ASSISTANCE REN- DERED It wishes the services oi ono reliable man or woman in every town village country district cr manufacturing establishment in every State All that is required of any- one is reliability earnestness and work No matter on what other work you are engaged it will pay you to examine into this offer Vpply slating poltlon capability and refer- ences 10 THE COSMOPOLITAN MA GAZIN C in2tonir the Hiid on New Park A BUSINESS EDUCATION the desired by the young men and women oho It can bo obtained at n lass expense nitho- DeFuII1nlt Spg Biifiincw College than ncywhere else In tbe South Full Tune Business Including Bookkeenlntbort writing business Arithmetic I Etc ONLY f37 l Board 10per wonth Catalogue Free AddressH F TOOK HA Frln- UeFunlnk Springs Via see TH- EINTRIAII t OUll1ETI1Tt TALLAHASbKE FLA HAS T EOREATEisT ENQUIRY UOU THE ICES imIKS AN1 E TEIt1RiSE OF FLORIDA ASY 1AIER IN Tilt STATE IT RUES TO EVERY STAn AND TBRR1TORY IN THE IMON SEND FOR SAM t OOIV IT WIII D SENT FREE W Gf WELL Ed cC rOr In burin tttOt teooomr U r eKtva vaDce + because the cost 1 cultivation wutcd on Interior Me i away largely esceeds the origin tat or the best and detmt seeds to- t bad The belt U alw T the cheapen Pay a trifle more for FERRYS- SEEDS y and ohm1 jfur mon 8 worth 11ve genes e everywbeae AtwsrsbesptdAnnordheaO- JIFERdYCOOctro t IoIld
Page 1: THE BANNER I S - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/58/91/00061/0391.pdfpUr T lJJl r y + r THE BANNER PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY- s ICBSCBIPTION fl PER ANNUM INV

TpUr lJJl r














Fin Aug flth 1808I


J For Congressman First Florida DistrictHON STEPHEN M SPAIU MAN


For RepresentativeCOLEMAN

For Tax AssessorJ W ViixiAJts

For Tax Collector-A Q JONES

For TreasurerR C IIonNE


For Members of School Boardi O B Birsii-V F Russ


t Tho Cubans are repenting of their re-



to play In our back yard Garcia Is

still at Jlguanl

r Yellow journalism Is owtelling asmany lies to defame the Cubans as Itonco


did to prove their heroism and angelic


Undo Sam Is great on the financial

problem these days Cubans and Filipi-



r prefer the heavier Mexican dollars

and our treasury Is buying tons of them

for 50 cents each How long before theseI

new citizens will educate themselves outof the depths of Populism TU C

It would not bo a bad Idea If Spainwould put tho remnant of her much

tt vaunted navy In a glass case and send Itto tho Omaha Exposition with a nickel

b in tho slot attachment to make tho wheel

j go round In this way sho might secure-

a handsome nucleons for that warlndemis nlty fund which she may soon bo com-



to raise TU C

The most pitiable feature of the war Is

the spectacle of Sapasta and his cabinetfeeding tho decrepit and degenerate Span-

Ish nation with a broth of falsehood Inf the hope of Imparting to It sufficient

5t1 strength to stand the shock of learningthe truth An American prime minister

r ° who dished out false statements forhome consumption would soon find him-self


h a statesman out of a Jobb

a To Cure Constipation ForeverTake Cascarets Candv Cathartla hoe or S5o

It C C C rail druggists rotund moneyA


Voters should not loose sight of tho factthat there will be no election In Floridauntil November 8th tho constitutionalamendment changing tho State electionsfrom October November having beenadopted at tho last election and now thovote for county and State officers andCongressmen will be cast the some day

Another thing should bo rememberedand that Is at tho coming election thrcoconstitutional amendments passed by the

elast legislature aro to bo voted upon thefirst accepting guarantee or surety com-panies


foreign or domestic as surety onofficIal bonds the second authorizingLegislature to clotho tho Railroad Com-


a with Judicial powers In all mat-ters


rYconnected with the functions of Its

office and tho third providing that upontrue Impeachment of any officer ho shallbo disqualified from holding office untilacquitted and tboGorcrnorshall appoint-a4 successor ad Interim

It Is evident that Forldas constitutionneeds considerable patching as there hasnot been an election held slnco Its adop ¬

tion but that some change had to be madIn 1l



The Liverpool Journal Commerce ofJuly 10 says Tho tendency of American5e

+ + railway companies tobecomo interested Insteamship lines as before Indicated In thoJournal of Commerce Is now manifestoIn the arrangement monde by Mess WattsWatts Co Chaprl street acting on belaU of the Louisville R Kashvlllo Rail ¬

road Company with Messrs OlllUon andChadwick shipowners of tits city to runa fortnightly service from Pensacola toBremen direct The now lino will com-mence


their Railings from Pcnsacola withthn opening of the cotton season and as

S Indicated continue fortnightly Tho prospoets for tho line seems promising consldcrlng tho apparent success of the char-tered service run by Mossrs Watts Watts-

Co between these two ports for some-time past The sonleg will otter betterfacilities for the cotton corn tobacco andother merchandise and should Insure de-velopment


of the trade The agents Inthe United States will be Messrs Kunch-Bdyee Co Produce Exchange N Y

4 Ponsacola Journal






ft r


Tho terms on which tho United States-

are willing to ceaso hostilities againstSpain are officially stated to bo as fol ¬

lows1 Tho Independence of Cuba and tho

adjacent Islands held by Spain2 The cession of Portorlco to the Unit ¬

ed States3 A coaling station and ono city In tho

Philippine Islands to be under the con ¬

trol of this governmentTheso terms cannot bo considered hard-

on Spain Is view of our complete victories-by land and sea Unquestionably wocould have enforced harder conditions-but those which are proposed we thinkaro about the best for tho honor and realinterest of our government

The Independenco Cuba wo supposecontemplates the absolution of tho islandfrom all tho obligations for which Spainhas pledged Cuba as security The amount-of these obligations Is estimated various-ly at from f3OO000X1O tofSOOOOOOOO Spainwill have to attetd to them as best she

canThocession of Porto Rico Is to be mado

In lieu of a money indemnity for tho waras Is also tho cession of a coaling stationand one city In tho Philippines Manila-of course

This Is also a happy solution PortoRico Is very Important to uso as a strate-gic


point It Is also an Island of largeproductiveness now and of Immense pos ¬

slbllltles under our controlBy securing a coaling station and a city

in tho Philippines we gain great advant ¬

ages In the Pacific and yet avoid thodangers of complications In eastern diplo-

macyI Wo will gain a larger part of thotrade of those Islands than over and willhave a station for our navy that will ho-

of great value to us Tho future of CubaIs left an open question by the terms pro ¬

posed We are pledged to tho establish-ment and maintenance of a stable gov ¬

ernment If Cuba cannot bring aboutthat result for herself we will have toaccomplish It for her At any rate It Isprnctlcully certain that Cuba will soon becontrolled by Americans whether we take-It or not

Will Spain accept the conditions whichhave been offered

If there Is a remnant of prudence andcommon senso left In her statesmanshipsho surely will The struggle Is for hermore hopeless than over and tho longersire continues It the harder terms she willhave to come to

Wo believe that Spain will accept whatwo Ross otter Instead of waiting for the

I certainty of worse things for her In thoearly future



Treasury Department State of Flori-da Comptrollers Office Tallahassee Ju-ly


lS5IIon F F LEngle ChairmanHoard County Commissioners Dual Coun-ty Jacksonville Fla Dear SirRefer ¬

ring to your favor of the 18th Inst I begto say that the law provides that tho taxassessor shall turn our to tho board of

I county commissioners at a meeting to bohold on tho first Monday In October ofeach nnd every year for that purpose atwhich meeting the county commissioners

I shall examine and compare such originaland copies and cause tho assessor whoshall attend such meeting from day today

i to correct all mistakes and InaccuraciesI In description or other character and ufter such books shall have been examinedand corrected the board of county com ¬

I missioners shall Indorse on them a certi-ficate


that they have so examined thornand that they are correct which certifi ¬

cate shall be signed by at least thro mom ¬

bars of the board See section 29 chapter4323 Lases of Florida

I Under this provision of law tho board

eli You TakeScotts-

Emulsionthrough the winter If so weare sure it quieted your coughhealed the rawness in yourthroat increased your weightgave you mare color and madeyou feel better in every wayBut perhaps your cough hascome back again or you are get-ting


a little thin and palehen not continue the

same helpful remedy rightthrough the summer will doyou as much good as when theweather Is cold

Its persistent use will certainlygive you a better appetite and nstronger digestion-

It will cure yourweak throat and heal

inflamed lungs-It will cure every caseof consumption when-a cure Ispossl Ie I

Dont be persuaded-to take something they say Is justas good

AU Drogrlt jc ndiSCOTT a BOIVNB NY



of county commissioners Is vested withfull power to see tltattho law relating tothe assessment of real and personal prop ¬

I arty has been fully complied with and towithhold approval of tho assessment rollsuntil thoy are found to be correct

The meeting of the board as providedfor In said section Is Intended for tho finalexamination of tho assessment rolls andyou will see that tho board may remain-In session from day to day until tho ex ¬

amination Is completed and tho correc ¬

tions properly made as therein providedThis ls In addition to the powers conferred on the county commissioners as a-

board of equalizersThe certificate of the board of county

commissioners that the assessment rollstave been examined and that they are

correct Is Intended to mean Just wflat Itsays and Is limited solely by tho discre-tion vested In tho board

Very truly yours-W II REYNOLDS


A ears Thine for Youtransaction you cannot loselsa

sure thlug Biliousness sick litudutliu Itrrod lover plies uud a thouhuu otherIlls ore caused by constipation nlugplsbliver Uascarcts Candy Cathartic till won-derful


now liver stimulant and inter trialoulo are all druggists giuirautced to cure-r refunded U U U are a sureping Try a box today lUc Ko foeUmulo booklet free Bee our big ad


Florida Is wonderful State It washurt for a time by tho freeze but Its va-

rious resources are bringing a wide rangeof development that In time will provo Itsseeming loss to have been a blessing Indisguise

Florida land will produce 200 bushels ofsweet potatoes worth say2tcents per

Ibushel or WO per acre or 25 barrels ofwhite potatoes worth f1 per barrel Wiry I

poor men will try to dig a living out offl00 land Is most surprising They could I

own a homo In Florida and In a fow years j

tiring It up In valuo to that of the highestpriced land In any other locality I

Como South young man Dont WP It I

Remember that land Is advancing val-


and that other people are finding outthe truth Lingering means a lost op-

portunityComo South old man Got out of tho

old deathdealing winter climate theNorthern States that kills old people be-

cause It keeps them housed up Buy asmall piece of lands build a simple littlehouse with open fireplaces to dry It outIn damp weather plant a big garden andall the fruit trees you can and raise pigscows and all kinds of fowls

Then you will live happily comfortably-and with a minimum of labor lu a clim-


which Is delightfully pleasant andwonderfully healthful


Returning life and prosperity In Cubanports Is happily likened by the New YorkJournal of Commerce to a change thatoccurs when a section of the Coloradodesert Is brought under the Influence ofirrigation

Thonggrlcnltural and mineral resour-ces of the West Indies and tho Philippineshave been little more than touched undera government that provides no roadsthat heavily burdens Industry and thatmakes tho preservation of pence and or-

der Impossible Tho American business-man Is already waiting In the waters ofCuba for the warriors to give him thochance to establish trtde The Americanfinancier Is studying Island maps as carefully as tho soldier Is and Is measuringbo need of fiscal Institutions and meansof transportation Commerce Is all readywith Its balm to heal the wounds of warand tho money that Americans will makewill not bo mado out of the people eman-cipated


from subjection to Spanish cap ¬

taingenerals It will lie made by supply-ing those people with the things theyarced and assisting them to develop thoresources of their own countries for centunes blighted by Spanish land piratesThis prophecy Is already seeing tho llrstfruits of Its fnltlllmcnt In tho rehabilita-tion


of tho port at Santiago

loodn-dDisease of NervesNo one need suffer with neuralgia This

disease U quickly and permanently curedby Browns Iron Bitten Every disrate of-

he blood nerves and stomnch chronicor otherwise succumbs to Drowns IronBitters Known and used for nearly nquarter of a century It stands today fore-most


among our most valued rriiinllciBrowns Bitters sold by all dealers



Washington July 26A con olldat<<lstatement prepared by Major John A

Johnston assistant adjutant generalI shows that of the 277BOO men authorizedby Congress to be enlisted In the regular

Iand volunteer armies 254470 up to thistlmn has boon mustered Into the service-Of the 23Q21 required to complete tho au-


quoto of the army 13209 arc reg-


8000 are volunteers under the sec-ond


call sro are Immunes and 811 are en-gineers


Tire authorized strength of tho regulararmy Is 01000 On April Itcentalne2-o5oo

dmen Since that time 23103 recruits

have been obtained from a probable75000applicants by a limited number of retruing officers the majority of whomwcre







rall the painandslcknessfrom-which women

asuffer is causedby weakness orderangement inthe organs of-


Nearly alwaysI when a woman Is not well thess

organs are affected Bqt whenthey are strong and healthy a

woman is very seldom sick

t P Elq-EfqIneofQ1



to natures provision for the reJlatlon of the menstrual functl i

I It cures all female troubles ItIs equally effective for the girl inher teens the young wife with do ¬

mestic and maternal cares andthe woman approaching periodknown as the It Change ofThey all need it They are allbsnefltted by IL


For advice In eases requiring peadirections addressthe Ladles Advisory DepartmentThe Chattanooga Medicine Co CtatU-oooei Tem

JIJIsTH08J COOPER Tupllo Mltlttrn-

Nr sister tuflired from very Irrejultrand menstruation and doctorscould not reline her Win of Cardulintlrety cured her and use helped nymother through the Change


strangers In tho country canvassed andduring a period competition by Stateauthorities for tho same men In thoopinion of the officials of the War Dopartment tile returns of regular army en-

listments will progress as the ptato competition ceases Tho strength of tire reg ¬

ular army today less recent casualltlrsestimated at 2000 Is 47603

Tho authorized strength of tho volun-teer army Is 210500 Of that number125000 were Included In tie Presidentsfirst call for troops all of which have boonrecruited mustered and put In tho field75000 were included In the second call07000 of which have been mustered Intotho service 3000 were to constitute threespecial regiments of cavalry 10000 wereImmures and 3500 were engineers

Of the volunteers under the second call35000 enlisted men have been distributedamong Incomplete organizations In thefield and 32000 constitute new organiza-tions


Tho three special cavalry regi-

ments commanded by Colonels RooseveltTorroy and Orlgsly have been recruited-to their full strength and there aro hun ¬

dreds of applicants for any vacancies thatmay occur In them

Congress authorized tho enlistment of10000 yellow fever Immuncs and of thatnumber 9133 havo been mustered Into thoservice All of tho ten regiments are com-


except tire Seventh Eighth andTenth and they probably are not to bo

recruited to their full strengthOf the 3500 engineers authorized bv

special act of Congress fH9 have beenmustered In The First regiment contains53 officers and 1000 men tho second 53 ofleers and 1100 men and tho third Mo fi-



and 300 men It Is expected that theThird regiment Isto be recruited to Itsfull strength In a few days

Tho recruiting mustering equippingand placing In tho field of tire piiiscntgreat army of almost 300000 men In lessthan ninety days every man having toundergo a strict examination regarded-by array exports as a wonderful achieve-ment


Officers representing the armiesof European nations havo been amazed-at tho work accomplished and franklyadmit that Europe contains little of suchfighting material as Is to be found Inabundance In the United States

Everybody Bays SoCascareU Candy Catlrartlc the most won-


medical of the age pleas-ant


and refreshing to the taste act gentlypositively on Jlvei mid bowelscleansing the entire system dispel coldscure lieadaobo fever habitual constipationbiliousness Please buy and a boxof U 00 tndny10 111 flu cents Bold andguaranteed to cure by druggists

GUy Tonsorial Parlor

Lee Thomas Propr-My prices are

SUAVEn lOeentsHA1R CUT 20 caneSHAVE AND HAIR CCT 25 eatsSHAMPOO 10 cents

pConntry trade solicited alsoI

Only First Class York hone


ft tr9N CS <


CommissionL Proprltlonot lICtlUIIAM



GMILLS Merchants

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lTen Cars Chsko ctai RuttProo OeUthis Jyears crop at rottottom pkis J

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It iBtbe heat weekly paptr in

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ant NarksobulneAandall PatOUR Ornee rs OvrotTr U

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