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The Benefice of Pimperne, Stourpaine and Durweston with ... · Psalm 145 Isaiah 54.1-14 Luke...

Date post: 20-Oct-2020
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Page 1 18th October 2020_v4.docx The Benefice of Pimperne, Stourpaine and Durweston with Bryanston Pews News for 18th October 2020 18th Sunday after Trinity Our Priest-in-Charge is Reverend Belinda Marflitt. Tel: 0333 011 8088 Prayers will be said by Belinda, every morning and evening at the Vicarage. If there is anything specific you would like her to pray for please email her on [email protected] or phone her on the number above Weekly Services 18 th 25 th October 2020 Day Time Service Location Sunday 9:30 am 11 am Morning Service Morning Service Zoom* St Peter, Pimperne Monday 9:30 am Morning Prayer Zoom* Wednesday 9:30 am Morning Prayer Zoom* Thursday 10 - Noon Church Open Private Prayer All churches Friday 9:30 am Morning Prayer Zoom* Sunday 9:30 am 11 am Morning Service Morning Service Zoom* St Nicholas, Durweston *New to Zoom? Instructions on how to set it up can be found at http://www.psdbenefice.org.uk/support-info/zoom. Then, call Martin to register for the service(s) you wish to take part in. He will then send you a regular invitation which will include the relevant link. Need help? Call Barry on 01258 480713, or Martin on 07540 777707
  • Page 1 18th October 2020_v4.docx

    The Benefice of Pimperne, Stourpaine and Durweston with


    Pews News for 18th October 2020

    18th Sunday after Trinity

    Our Priest-in-Charge is Reverend Belinda Marflitt. Tel: 0333 011 8088

    Prayers will be said by Belinda, every morning and evening at the Vicarage. If there is anything specific you would like her to pray for please email her on

    [email protected] or phone her on the number above

    Weekly Services 18th – 25th October 2020

    Day Time Service Location


    9:30 am 11 am

    Morning Service Morning Service

    Zoom* St Peter, Pimperne

    Monday 9:30 am Morning Prayer Zoom*

    Wednesday 9:30 am Morning Prayer Zoom*

    Thursday 10 - Noon

    Church Open – Private Prayer

    All churches

    Friday 9:30 am

    Morning Prayer



    9:30 am 11 am

    Morning Service Morning Service

    Zoom* St Nicholas, Durweston

    *New to Zoom? Instructions on how to set it up can be found at http://www.psdbenefice.org.uk/support-info/zoom. Then, call Martin

    to register for the service(s) you wish to take part in. He will then send you a regular invitation which will include the relevant link.

    Need help? Call Barry on 01258 480713, or Martin on 07540 777707

    mailto:[email protected]://www.psdbenefice.org.uk/support-info/zoom

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    Collect for the Week of 18th October O God, forasmuch as without you we are not able to please you; mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

    Readings for the Week 11th October

    Day Morning Evening

    Sunday 18th Oct 2020

    Isaiah 45.1-7 Psalm 96.1-9 Matthew 22.15-22

    Psalm 145 Isaiah 54.1-14 Luke 13.31-end

    Monday 19th Oct 2020

    Psalm 98 2 Kings 17.24-end Philippians 1.1-11

    Psalm 105 1 Maccabees 6.1-17 John 13.1-11

    Tuesday 20th Oct 2020

    Psalm 106 2 Kings 18.1-12 Philippians 1.12-end

    Psalm 107 1 Maccabees 6.18-47 John 13.12-20

    Wednesday 21st Oct 2020

    Psalm 111 2 Kings 18.13-end Philippians 2.1-13

    Psalm 119.129-152 1 Maccabees 7.1-20 John 13.21-30

    Thursday 22nd Oct 2020

    Psalm 115 2 Kings 19.1-19 Philippians 2.14-end

    Psalm 116 1 Maccabees 7.21-end John 13.31-end

    Friday 23rdh Oct 2020

    Psalm 139 2 Kings 19.20-36 Philippians 3.1-4.1

    Psalm 130 1 Maccabees 9.1-22 John 14.1-14

    Saturday 24th Oct 2020

    Psalm 121 2 Kings 20 Philippians 4.2-end

    Psalm 118 1 Maccabees 13.41-end 14.4-15 John 14.15-end

    Sunday 25th Oct 2020

    Nehemiah 8.1-4a, 8-12 Psalm 119.9-16 Matthew 24.30-35

    Psalm 119.137-152 Deuteronomy 17.14-15, 18-end John 6.36b-end

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    Help is being offered to those who are self-isolating or unable to get to the


    Pimperne Village – Age Concern Kath Oxlee main office 01258 475582 Stourpaine Village – Age Concern Jackie Arnold 07545 212989

    A big thank you to all who have contributed so far. Food bank items are still required and can be put in the plastic bins located outside the Vicarage or in St Peter’s Church porch. Please

    contact Revd Belinda on 0333 0118088 if you have any questions regarding this.

    *****A huge thanks to those who responded to the Harvest Food Bank Request*****

    Pews News will continue to be produced weekly. It is available from the benefice website or can be emailed to you weekly by emailing [email protected] Only a few paper copies will be produced, for those who have no access to the

    Internet, which will be left in the lychgate at Pimperne and the Church porches at Durweston and Stourpaine for collection.


    Other Resources - on our Website. http://www.psdbenefice.org.uk

    Item Menu Link

    Orders of Service: Services for this time

    Recordings: Services for this time > Rev Belinda’s Prayer Services

    Contact Form: Contact > Support

    Pews News: Pews News

    Benefice Magazine: Benefice Magazine

    News: News

    Latest News: On the home page

    The Church of England website has some useful resources. If you have access to

    the web the link is www.churchofengland.org.

    BBC Radio is also a great resource, particularly if you unable to access the


    • The Morning Service on BBC Radio 4 Longwave Mon - Fri at 09.45,

    • Sunday Worship on BBC Radio 4 at 08.10 and on BBC Local Radio at 8am

    • Choral Evensong on BBC Radio 3 on Wednesdays at 15.30 and Sundays at 15.00.

    mailto:[email protected]://www.psdbenefice.org.uk/http://www.churchofengland.org/

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    No internet? Try the Daily Hope phone line Daily Hope offers music, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England, on your phone! The line – which is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 – has been set up particularly for those unable to join online church services.

    NEWS REVIVAL! Benefice Magazine It has been decided to issue the Benefice Magazine online as a monthly edition for November, December and possibly January. Its success will depend on YOU! Judy Jakes needs:

    Photos of anything you think might be of interest to people

    in the three villages

    Articles on things that have happened between May and


    Information on things that are planned (Covid permitting of


    Adverts for your business

    November is not far away, so Judy needs to have these by this Wednesday, 21st October, for consideration for the November edition. Please send to Judy on [email protected]. Thank you.

    Opening of Churches for Private Prayer. The churches of St Peter, St Nicholas and Holy Trinity are open on Thursday mornings from 10am to Noon and also on Sundays from 11am to 4pm. The only exception is when there is an Evening Service (2nd Sunday at St Nicholas, Durweston), when the Church will remain closed until the Evening Service at 6pm. Please follow the guidance posted at the entrances to each Church. When the Churches are closed our church porches will still be available as Prayer Spaces for private prayer.

    If you would like us to pray for someone or a situation, you are welcome to write it down (it can be anonymous), place it in an envelope provided and put it in the basket which can be found in the Church porches of St Peter, Pimperne, Holy Trinity, Stourpaine and St Nicholas, Durweston. They will be collected on Saturday morning. Unfortunately, due the current restrictions, we are not able to provide pens and paper. Information about our services, morning and evening prayer can be found on our website http://www.psdbenefice.org.uk.

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    Sunday Church and Zoom Services - The Sunday service rota from

    18th October to 29th November can be found on page 12 and on the Website; please read!

    Services are open to all and everyone across the Benefice.

    If you are thinking of attending a Church service, please could you consider the following:

    Hymn books, Bibles and service orders have been stored away. If you are attending the BCP service, please could you bring a copy of the Prayer Book with you. For other services there will be a take-away service sheet for you to keep.

    Social distancing in church remains at two metres. This means we may need to restrict the number of people attending the service.

    No groups may exceed 6 unless from the same household.

    You will be asked to wait at the door; the church warden or sides person will direct you to your seat.

    The wearing of face coverings is mandatory when attending Church Services.

    At the end of the service, please remain seated until you are asked to leave by the church warden or sides person.

    The toilets at St Peter’s and St Nicholas’ churches will be open for use.

    Please do not gather in the Church Yards after Services.

    There will be a retiring collection at the end of the service. Please place your gift in the basket as you leave. However, there is high level risk of cross contamination associated with coins and notes. If this is your usual way of giving, could you perhaps now consider paying by standing order? If you would like more information on this method of payment, please contact your church treasurer:

    St Peters - Velda Andrews [email protected] Holy Trinity - Caro Mackay St Nicholas - John Young [email protected]

    The completed risk assessment for ‘opening churches for worship’ can be found on the Benefice website.

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    Pimperne Village School Letter Link Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this letter project so far. Your letters and post cards have been laminated and taken to Pimperne school. The stories you have shared will delight the children and copies are on the Children's notice board at the back of St Peters. If you have not written your memory of school days yet, please send to me by email, or phone me and I will collect a copy from you. It is still not too late! Many thanks, Jacqui Torrance [email protected] 07950 753320 or 480713.

    REMINDER! Used Stamp Appeal and Collection Point for bone cancer research. Please continue to collect your stamps and keep them until the present crisis is over. Every single stamp helps. Thank you everyone, Jacqui Torrance

    Future items for this news sheet should be sent to the Team Administrator at

    [email protected] by Monday 12.00 midday.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    1 All my hope on God is founded; He doth still my trust renew. Me through change and chance he guideth, Only good and only true. God unknown, He alone Calls my heart to be his own. 2 God's great goodness ay endureth, Deep his wisdom, passing thought: Splendour, light, and life attend him, Beauty springeth out of nought. Evermore, From his store New-born worlds rise and adore. 3 Daily doth the almighty giver Bounteous gifts on us bestow; His desire our soul delighteth, Pleasure leads us where we go. Love doth stand At his hand; Joy doth wait on his command. 4 Still from man to God eternal Sacrifice of praise be done, High above all praises praising For the gift of Christ his Son. Christ doth call One and all: Ye who follow shall not fall.

    Meine Hoffnung stehet feste Joachim Neander (1650-1680) paraphrased Robert Bridges (1844-1930)

    Hymns for Sunday 18th October with

    St Martin’s Singers

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    1 Through all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy, the praises of my God shall still my heart and tongue employ. 2 O magnify the Lord with me, with me exalt his name; when in distress to him I called, he to my rescue came. 3 The hosts of God encamp around the dwellings of the just; deliverance he affords to all who on his succour trust. 4 O make but trial of his love: experience will decide how blest are they, and only they, who in his truth confide. 5 Fear him, ye saints, and you will then have nothing else to fear; make you his service your delight, your wants shall be his care. 6 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the God whom we adore, be glory, as it was, is now, and shall be evermore.

    Nahum Tate (or Teate) (1652-1715) and Nicholas Brady (1659-1726)

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    1 We cannot measure how you heal or answer every sufferer's prayer, yet we believe your grace responds where faith and doubt unite to care. Your hands, though bloodied on the cross, survive to hold and heal and warn, to carry all through death to life and cradle children yet unborn. 2 The pain that will not go away, the guilt that clings from things long past, the fear of what the future holds, are present as if meant to last. But present too is love which tends the hurt we never hoped to find, the private agonies inside, the memories that haunt the mind. 3 So some have come who need your help, and some have come to make amends, as hands which shaped and saved the world are present in the touch of friends. Lord, let your Spirit meet us here to mend the body, mind and soul, to disentangle peace from pain and make your broken people whole.

    John L Bell (born 1949) and Graham Maule (1958-2019) © 1989, 1996 WGRG, c/o Iona Community, 21 Carlton Court, Glasgow, G5 9JP, Scotland. www.wildgoose.scot

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    1 O for a thousand tongues to sing my dear Redeemer's praise, the glories of my God and King, the triumphs of his grace. 2 Jesus - the name that charms our fears, that bids our sorrows cease; 'tis music in the sinner's ears, 'tis life, and health, and peace. 3 He speaks; and, listening to his voice, new life the dead receive; the mournful, broken hearts rejoice; the humble poor believe. 4 My gracious Master and my God, assist me to proclaim and spread through all the earth abroad the honours of thy name.

    Charles Wesley (1707-1788)

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    Sunday Services

    October / November 2020

    +++Please note Services and times subject to change due to changing Covid-19 Restrictions +++

    Date Time Service Location

    18 October 9:30 am 11 am

    Morning Service Morning Service

    Zoom St Peter, Pimperne

    25 October 9:30 am 11 am

    Morning Service Holy Communion

    Zoom St Nicholas, Durweston

    1 Nov 8am 9:30 11am

    Holy Communion BCP Morning Service Holy Communion

    Holy Trinity, Stourpaine Zoom St Peter, Pimperne

    Remembrance Sunday 8th Nov 10:50 am

    11+ am Remembrance Ceremony HC Service

    St Peter, Pimperne

    10:50 am 11+ am

    Remembrance Ceremony Remembrance Service (Bryanston Village Social

    club are offering coffee and a

    bar after the service. All


    St Nicholas, Durweston

    6:30 pm Remembrance Service Holy Trinity, Stourpaine

    15th Nov 9:30am Morning Service Zoom 11am Holy Communion Holy Trinity, Stourpaine 6pm Evening Prayer (BCP) St Nicolas, Durweston Christ the King 22nd Nov 9:30am Morning Service Zoom 11am Holy Communion* St Peter, Pimperne Advent Sunday 29th Nov 9:30am Morning Service Zoom 11am Holy Communion St Nicholas 6pm Advent Service St Peter, Pimperne

    *Bishop Nicholas will be preaching and Presiding
