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GENERAL INDEXby Bonnie J. Blackburn


general index2

Page numbers in italics indicate catalogue entries.

AAbbocatelli, Pentesilea di Guglielmo

degli, 574Abbott, Senda, 14, 43 nn. 17 and 41, 44

n. 60, 427, 674 n. 6Abercorn, Duke of, 525 n. 3Aberdeen, Art Gallery

Vecchietta, portable triptych (no. 4571), 607

Abraham, Bishop of Suzdal, 419Accarigi family, 244Acciaioli, Lorenzo, Bishop of Arezzo,

554 nn. 14–15Acciaioli, Margherita, 109Acciaiuoli, Donato, 266Achenbach (coll.), 475Achillini, Giovanni Filoteo, 354Acton, Harold, 85 n. 57, 220, 558, 630Adam, Robert, 23Adams, Henry, 722Adelasia, Donna, 324Adimari, Alemanno, 280Adorno, Prospero, 250Adrian VI Boeyens, Pope, 586 n. 19Aganoor Pompilj, Vittoria, 292Aglio, Giuseppe, 198 n. 3Agnese di Antonio di Benedetto di

Neroccio da Siena, 265Agnew and Sons, Thomas, 161, 228,

230–31, 378, 410, 462, 579, 735, 741Agostini, Nicolò degli, 409Agostino da Lodi, 745Agostino di Duccio, 151, 154, 156, 495

relief in Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini, 511

Agostino di Marsilio, 466 n. 17Agostino Veneziano, 113 n. 10

One Man Striking Another, Possibly Hercules Striking Cacus (London, British Museum, no. 1873,0809.750), 583–84 (Fig. 97.2)

Aichholz, Eugène de Miller, 486–87Airoldi, Domenico, 571Aitken, Charles, 44Ajaccio, Musée Fesch

Tura, Cosmè, Virgin and Child with a Female Martyr Saint and Saint Jerome (no. 852–1–560), 202 n. 4

Alamanni family, 603Alana (coll.), 302–03, 305, 425, 469Albenga, Museo Diocesano d’Arte

SacraNicolò da Voltri, Five Apostles and

Christ and Six Apostles, 590 (Fig. 98.1)

Alberici, Augusto, 397, 400 n. 11Alberti, Guglielmo, 13, 206Alberti, Leon Battista, 173, 234, 242,

607Alberti family, 388Albertinelli, Mariotto, 288 n. 8, 293

Annunciation (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 8643), 344

Albizzeschi, Bernardino degli, see Bernardino, St.

Albrighi, Luigi, 14, 34, 79, 143–44 (Fig. 12.1)

Alcanyiç, Miquel, and StarninaAscension (New York,

Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1876.10; New York, Hispanic Society of America, no. A2031), 527

Alessandro da Caravaggio, 203Alesso di Benozzo and Gherardo

del ForaAnnunciation (App. 1), 536, 539

n. 2, 735Alexander VI Borgia, Pope, 509, 576Alexeivich, Alexei, Grand Duke of

Russia, 58Alfei, Curzio, 554 n. 15Alfei, Francesco di Bartolomeo, 549

n. 2Alfonso V of Aragon, King of

Naples, 330, 530Alfonso of Aragón, Duke of

Calabria, later King of Naples, 266, 490

Algarotti, Francesco, 621Alighieri, Dante, 231, 572, 644

Commedia, 106, 272 n. 12, 404, 474, 563commentator on, 309Convivio, 556Inferno, 416 n. 9, 563, 567 nn. 21–22Paradiso, 194, 196 n. 19, 330, 336 n. 20,

362, 474Purgatorio, 309, 474

Alinari (photographers), 84–85, 257, 264, 308, 500, 644, 648 n. 1

Altenburg, Lindenau-MuseumAndrea del Brescianino,

Annunciation (no. 166 A–B), 178

Associate of Lippo and Tederigo Memmi, Maestà (no. 43), 450

Daddi, Bernardo, Coronation of the Virgin (no. 13), 97 n. 22

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child with Saints Andrew and John the Baptist (no. 51 [52]), 245, 249 n. 5

Giovanni di Paolo, altarpiece for Malavolti chapel, San Domenico, Siena (no. 77), 330–31, 335 n. 6

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin and Child (no. 76), 334

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Man of Sorrows (no. 48), 134, 135 n. 21

Matteo di Giovanni, lunette with the Nativity from the Placidi altarpiece (nos. 82–83), 427 n. 13, 435, 342

Matteo di Giovanni, Saint Nicholas of Bari (no. 81), 434

Memmi, Lippo, Virgin and Child (no. 43 [29]), 193, 455

Neri di Bicci, predella panel of Adoration of the Christ Child (no. 154), 486

Perugino, Pietro, Saint Filippo Benizzi (no. 114), 532

Taddeo di Bartolo, Adoration of the Magi (no. 86), 593

Altichiero, 588Alunno, Niccolò, 34, 59, 87–92, 618

altarpiece for San Francesco, Cagli (Milan, Brera, no. 504), 87, 91

altarpiece for San Nicolò, Foligno (Paris, Louvre, no. 53), 87

Annunciation for Confraternità dell’Annunziata, Perugia (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 169), 92

Crucifixion (Claremont, Pomona College Museum of Art, no. P 61.1.9), 92 n. 11

Crucifixion (Foligno, Palazzo Arcivescovile), 90

frescos in San Michele Arcangelo on Isola Maggiore, Lago Trasimeno, 91, 92 n. 16

polyptych for San Rufino, Assisi (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo), 87, 90–91

polyptych of Pinacoteca of San Severino Marche, 92 n. 22

Saint Anne Metterza (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.1.107), 92 n. 11

Saint Francis (Assisi, Sacro Convento), 90

Saint Michael Archangel (Princeton University Art Museum, no. 65-266), 90, 92 nn. 11 and 13

triptych (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1927.207.1), 59, 69 n. 129

Virgin and Child and Saints (Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini, no. 1226), 90, 91 (Fig. 1.1)

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saint Francis of Assisi and Bernardino of Siena, a Donor, and Angels in Glory (Deruta, Pinacoteca Comunale, no. 7), 87, 90–91

—— (attrib.)Annunciation (Pl. 1), 34, 88–92;

attribution to Francesco di Gentile da Fabriano, 88, 92

—— with Pietro di Giovanni Mazzaforte

frescos (Crucifixion) in chapel of Cola delle Casse, Santa Maria in Campis, Foligno, 87, 91, 92 nn. 11 and 16

frescos in Cappella Tega, Sant’Anna, Spello, 87, 91, 92 nn. 13 and 16

Alunno di Benozzo, 735“Alunno di Domenico,” 32Amadeo, Giovanni Antonio, 197, 262

Virgin and Child and Angels (Florence, Misericordia, no. 1973.1005), 255

Amadesi, Aldo, 627Amadi, Francesco di Giovanni, 279,

280 n. 6, 284Amadi family, 284Ambrogio di Bonaventura, 279“Amico di Sandro,” 32, 44, 668–69

Amsterdam, RijksmuseumAngelico (Fra), Virgin of Humility

(no. SK-A-3011), 100Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin and Child

(nos. 3379 and A3287), 118 n. 4Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, Virgin of

Humility (no. A 4002), 193, 194 (Figs. 22.1, 22.2), 195–96

Cima da Conegliano (?), Virgin and Child (no. SK–A 1219), 208 n. 14

Giovanni di Paolo, Crucifixion (no. SK-C-1596), 331

Gossaert, Jan, drawing of Hercules Kills Eurythion (no. 48:521), 586 n. 18

Jacobello del Fiore, Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence with Two Nuns (no. SK–A–4001), 350

Orcagna, Virgin and Child Enthroned (no. SK-C-1608), 97 n. 17

Squarcione, Francesco, Virgin and Child (no. A3124), 522 n. 4

Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti

Lotto, Lorenzo, Assumption of the Virgin for San Francesco delle Scale, Ancona, 390, 394

Lotto, Lorenzo, Virgin and Child with Saints Stephen, John the Evangelist, Simon Zelotes, and Lawrence, 392

Titian, Gozzi altarpiece, 508Anghiari, Sant’Agostino

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (lost), 427, 434, 438

Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Museum of Art

Sano di Pietro, replica of Pietro Lorenzetti’s Nativity of the Virgin (no. 1977/2.1), 373

AntwerpKoninklijk Museum voor Schone

KunstenMartini, Simone, Crucifixion,

Deposition, Annunciate Angel, Virgin Annunciate from Orsini polyptych (nos. 257–60), 49, 425 n. 7

Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraalde Backer, Jacques, Last

Judgment for the tomb of Christophe Plantin, 623, 624 n. 5

van Amsterdam, Jacob Cornelisz., 396Mass of Saint Gregory, 396 n. 23

Andersen, Hendrik, 69 n. 137Anderson (photographers), 28André, Édouard, 305 n. 20, 512Andrea da Firenze, 537Andrea da Licio, see DelitioAndrea da Murano, 308Andrea del Brescianino, 177–81

altarpiece with Virgin and Child and Saints from San Benedetto fuor de’ Tufi, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 409), 178, 180


general index 3

Annunciation (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 166 A–B), 178

Coronation of the Virgin (Siena, San Paolo), 178

Holy Family (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 1075), 177–78

Holy Family with an Angel (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.1678), 180

Madonna della Cintola (Florence, Museo di San Marco), 178

male portrait (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 235), 180 n. 2

male portrait (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 113), 180 n. 2

male portrait (Shropshire, Attingham Park, National Trust no. 609008), 180 n. 2

male portrait (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. 7057), 180 n. 2

panels of Virtues (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. I.B.S. nos. 5–7), 178

Portrait of a Woman as Saint Ursula (Bordeaux, Musée des Beaux-Arts, no. Bx E 837), 179

Portrait of a Woman Holding Gloves (Gazzada, Fondazione Cagnola, no. 13), 179

portrait of a young woman with a book (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, no. A370), 179

Saint Anne Metterza (formerly Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, no. 230), 178

Saint Anne Metterza (Madrid, Prado, no. 505), 178

Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Rome, Galleria Borghese, no. 88), 179

Sulpizia Petrucci (Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini, no. 1778), 179

Virgin and Child (Collezione Chigi Saracini, Siena; Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena, no. 19), 179

Virgin and Child (Florence, Pandolfini, 11 Oct. 2011, lot 150), 178

Virgin and Child (formerly Ugurgieri collection, Siena; present whereabouts unknown), 178

Virgin and Child with Saints (Buonconvento, Museo d’Arte Sacra della Val d’Arbia, no. 28), 178, 180

Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist and Saint Vincent Ferrer and Five Angels (Florence, Uffizi, depositi, no. 1205), 178

Virgin and Child with Two Angels (Voronezh, Kramskoy Museum of Fine Arts, no. 87), 178

work for the Compagnia di San Bernardino (Siena, hospital of Santa Maria della Scala), 177

—— (?)Holy Family with the Young Saint

John the Baptist (formerly Rabinowitz collection, Long Island, New York), 179–80

Virgin and Child (London, Victoria and Albert Museum, no. 289), 179–80

Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist (Naples, Capodimonte, no. 500), 179

—— and Raffaello del BrescianinoBaptism of Christ (Siena,

Baptistry), 177–78, 180Andrea del Castagno

overdoors, Sant’Apollonia, Florence, 134

Andrea dell’Aquila, 401Andrea di Bartolo, 334–35, 336 n. 17,

587Annunciate Angel (present

whereabouts unknown) (App. 2), 735

polyptych (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 220 and 57), 451 n. 6

Andrea di Bonaiutofrescos (Pisa, Camposanto), 97Saint Agnes and Saint Domitilla

(Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 3154), 96

Saint Mary Magdalene (New York, private collection), 93 n. 2

Virgin and Child with Ten Saints (London, National Gallery, no. 5115), 93–94, 96

Virgin Enthroned Nursing the Christ Child with Angels, an Evangelist (?), Saint John the Baptist, a Bishop Saint, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Pl. 2), 94–97

works for Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 93

—— with assistanceCoronation of the Virgin (formerly

Rothermere collection), 97 n. 21

—— with Paolo Uccellofrescos (Florence, convent of

Santa Maria Novella), 677Andrea di Cione, see OrcagnaAndrea di Giovanni, 484 n. 15Andrea di Giusto, 98–101, 102, 104

Adoration altarpiece for Sant’Andrea a Ripalta (Ripalta, Museo della Collegiata), 486

altarpiece for the convent of San Bartolomeo delle Sacca, Prato (Museo Civico, no. 8), 98, 100

altarpiece of the Assumption of the Virgin for Santa Margherita, Cortona

(Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 3452), 98

Lapa triptych (Florence, Santa Lucia de’ Magnoli), 98

predella panel (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 58E), 98

Serristori altarpiece of the Adoration of the Magi (Figline Valdarno, Sant’Andrea a Ripalta), 98, 100

Virgin of Humility (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 879), 100

Virgin of Humility and the Dove of the Holy Spirit (Pl. 3), 99–101

Andrea Pisanoreliefs of the inventors of the arts

(Florence, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, nos. 28–49), 311

Andrieu, Pierre, 689 n. 50, 714Anesi, Paolo, 621Angelico (Fra), 28–29, 44 n. 54, 52, 76,

87, 90, 93 n. 2, 98–99, 102, 141 n. 5, 172, 176 n. 7, 223, 227, 241, 243 n. 46, 343, 401, 481, 487, 541, 544, 552–53, 564, 650, 687, 742

altarpieces (Siena, San Domenico), 559

book illumination, 103–04, 329 n. 20Christ Pilgrim Received by Two

Dominicans (Florence, San Marco), 59 (Fig. II.19)

fresco cycle (Orvieto cathedral, Cappella Nova), 571–72

fresco of Dead Christ (Florence, San Marco), 135 n. 26

frescos in the Vatican, 156, 158, 300Guidalotti altarpiece from

San Domenico, Perugia (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 96, and Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 40252), 91, 92 n. 18

Linaioli tabernacle (Florence, Museo di San Marco, no. Uffizi 879), 100, 482

Man of Sorrows (Livorno, Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori, on deposit from Santa Maria del Soccorso), 150

mural of Saint Lawrence (Vatican, Cappella Nicolina), 484

Naming of the Baptist (Florence, Museo di San Marco, no. 1499), 98, 100

Penitent Saint Jerome (Princeton University Art Museum, no. yIg96 3-I), 488

polyptych for San Domenico, Perugia (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, nos. 91–108 and Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, nos. 251–52), 156

triptych from San Pietro Martire, Florence (Florence, Museo di San Marco, no. 8769), 76 n. 7

Virgin and Child (London, National Gallery, no. L37), 103

Virgin and Child (San Diego Museum of Art, no. 1946:18), 386

Virgin and Child owned by Baccio Gondi, 328 n. 18

Virgin of Humility (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, no. SK-A-3011), 100

Virgin of Humility (Turin, Galleria Sabauda, no. 105), 99 (Fig. 3.1), 100, 242

Virgin of the Star from Santa Maria Novella, Florence (Florence, Museo di San Marco), 377

—— and Lorenzo Monacoaltarpiece for the Strozzi family,

Santa Trinita, Florence (Florence, Museo di San Marco, no. 1870 and Gallerie dell’Accademia, nos. 8615–17), 384

—— workshop, 612 n. 10frescos in the Chiostro degli

Aranci (Florence, Badia), 104 n. 4

Angelucci, Canon (Giulio Anastasio?), 562

Angelucci, Pietro Antonio, 562Anne of Brittany, Queen of France,

210Annigoni, Pietro

Bernard Berenson in Bed (Pl. 118), 692–93

Anon. Florentine painterVirgin of Humility Crowned by

Two Angels (San Gimignano, Museo Civico, no. 18), 196 n. 15

Anon. forgerSienese forgery (present

whereabouts unknown) (App. 100), 50, 58, 759

Anon. northern Italian painterVirgin of Humility (Milan, Museo

Poldi Pezzoli, no. 586), 290 (Fig. 39.2)

Anon. RomanApollo and Daphne (Naples,

Museo Archeologico Nazionale, no. VI 9, 6), 368, 369 (Fig. 51.2)

marble group with Iphigenia (Rome, Musei Capitolini, no. 9778), 368

Pompeian frescos of Diana (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 03.14.13 F, and Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, no. 9112), 368

Anon. Sienese paintercassone (New York, Metropolitan

Museum of Art, no. 14.44), 68 n. 96

Crucifixion (Gazzada, Villa Cagnola), 187 n. 11


general index4

Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Catherine of Siena (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 1169), 496

Virgin of Humility (Siena, Museo Civico, no. 18), 334, 336 (Fig. 45.3)

Anon. southern Netherlandish master

Hercules and Antaeus (Entschede, Rijksmuseum Twenthe, no. 30), 584

Anon. Tuscancassone panels with two episodes

from the legend of Trajan (London, National Gallery, nos. 1135–36), 475

cassone with scenes from the legend of Meleager and Atalanta (Prague, Národní Galerie, no. O 710), 464, 632, 635 n. 3

Virgin and Child Enthroned (Pl. 117), 77 (Fig. III.7), 660

Virgin and Child Enthroned (Volterra, Pinacoteca, no. 20), 51 (Fig. II.9)

Anon. woodworkerintarsia choir stall with Saint

Francis in Glory (Città di Castello, San Francesco, Cappella Vitelli), 563–64 (Fig. 94.1)

Anrep, Baroness Alda von, 14, 34–35, 40, 45, 79, 107, 148, 227, 569, 741

Anrep, Baron Cecil von, 227, 741Anrep, Baron Egbert von, 45, 79, 569Anrep, Helen, 668, 675 n. 37Anselmi, Michelangelo, 523, 525—— (?)

Giovanni Battista Castaldi (Naples, Capodimonte, no. 109), 525 n. 7

Ansovino di Maestro Pietro, 151Anthony (purchaser), 538–39Antinori, Cora, 39Antinori, Niccolò, 141Antoine, Grand Bâtard de

Bourgogne, 580 n. 20Antonello da Messina, 30, 119, 128, 207,

234, 308, 516Hermannstadt Crucifixion

(Sibiu, Muzeul National Brukenthal, no. 732), 41

Pietà (New York, Frick Collection, no. 1907.1.56), 41

Pietà (Venice, Museo Correr, no. 42), 670

Virgin Annunciate (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 8054), 147

Antonfrancesco di Giovanni, 568, 570Antonia da Caylina, 251Antoniazzo Romano, 515Antonio da Crevalcore, see Leonelli,

AntonioAntonio da Fabriano, 118 n. 5Antonio da Firenze, 102–06, 257, 306

n. 2altarpiece with the Annunciation

between Saints Benedict and Giovanni Gualberto for (Montenovo [now Ostra Vetere], Santa Maria di Piazza), 102

book illuminations, 102fresco (Florence, Loggia dei

Mercanti), 102processional standard (Saint

Petersburg, Hermitage, no. GE 8280), 102, 104

Saint Benedict; Virgin of Humility; Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Pl. 4), 103–05

Antonio da Viterbo, 413–14—— (?)

Allegory of Music (Vatican, Borgia apartments), 414

Virgin and Saints Jerome and Francis (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 31.100.74), 414

Antonio d’Anghiari and Piero della Francesca

unfinished altarpiece for the Camaldolese abbey, Borgo San Sepolcro, 562

Antonio di Bonvisin, 351Antonio di Carlo, 129, 426Antonio di Desiderio, 243Antonio di Domenico, see Antonio

da FirenzeAntonio di Donnino, 180Antonio di Jacopo, 102, 104Antonio di Marco del Buono, 106Antonio di Maso, 415, 416 n. 3Antonio di Niccolò, 544Antonio d’Ubertino Verdi, 109Antonio Veneziano, 93Antwerp School

Allegory of Old Age (Pl. 106), 623–25Apollonio di Giovanni, 106–08

book illuminations, 106cassoni (New Haven, Yale

University, nos. 1871.34–35), 106

—— and Marco del Buono workshop

Virgin and Child (formerly Bergamo, private collection), 107

Virgin and Child (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1909.32), 107

Virgin and Child (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 26), 107

Virgin and Child (San Casciano Val di Pesa, Santo Stefano), 107

Virgin and Child with a Pomegranate and Two Music-making Angels (Pl. 5), 107–08

Virgin and Child with Four Angels (Berea, Ky., Berea College Art Department, Special Collections, no. 104.11 [K528]), 107 (Fig. 5.1)

Aquinas, Thomas, Saint, 97 n. 7, 388, 456

Arabic lettering in portraits, 289–90, 292 n. 4, 406

Aragona, Isabella d’, Duchess of Milan, 144

Araldi Erizzo, Pietro, 198 n. 3Aretino, Pietro, 162, 164, 166, 390, 437Arezzo

cathedralBuffalmacco, Buonamico,

fresco, 223confraternity of Saint Anthony

AbbotDomenico Veneziano,

processional banner (lost), 234

Museo di Arte Medievale e Moderna

Scheggia, Virgin and Child with Angels (no. 28), 482

pieveLorenzetti, Pietro, polyptych,

135 n. 21, 324, 373, 379San Francesco

Piero della Francesca, Legend of the True Cross, 644

Aringhieri, Alberto, 25, 56, 451, 640, 747Aristotile da Sangallo, 344Armanni, Mario, 542, 545Arnolfo di Cambio, 458 n. 29, 581 n. 45Arona, Santi Gratiano e Felino

Bergognone, Ambrogio, altarpieces for Gerolamo Calagrano, 141

Arrighetti, Arrigo di Neri, 442Arrighetti, Giovacchino di Neri,

443 n. 18Arrighetti family, 443 n. 18Arrighi family, 750Artaria (auction house), 470 n. 32Artini, Luigi, 80, 516Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli

Cristoforo di Bindoccio, and Meo di Pero, frescos, 512, 514 n. 10

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, polyptych (no. 38), 244, 612 n. 3

Francesco d’Antonio, gilt copper cross for Sant’Agostino, Asciano (no. 62), 610

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Saint Michael Archangel, 437 n. 10

Martino di Bartolomeo, Annunciation (no. 39), 554 n. 27

Matteo di Giovanni, polyptych for Scotti altar, Sant’Agostino, Asciano (no. 45), 426, 427 n. 5, 432 n. 18, 434, 436

Matteo di Giovanni, Saint Augustine (no. 48) (Pl. 66, Comp. B), 434, 436 (Fig. 66.1), 437

Matteo di Giovanni, Saint Michael Archangel (no. 48) (Pl. 66, Comp. C), 434, 436 (Fig. 66.1), 437

Memmi, Tederigo, Virgin and Child from San Lorenzo, Asciano (no. 36), 442

Pietro di Giovanni d’Ambrogio, triptych for Sant’Agostino, Asciano (no. 43), 554 n. 27

Sano di Pietro, altarpiece of the Nativity of the Virgin from Sant’Agata, Asciano (no. 46), 548, 553 (Fig. 91.2), 554

Ascoli Piceno, San DomenicoCrivelli, Carlo, polyptychs, 646

Ashburnham, 5th Earl of, 20Ashton, Frederick, 704Asian art, 49, 81, 564, 677Aspertini, Amico

Adoration of the Shepherds (Florence, Uffizi, no. 3803) (App. 4), 38, 735

Alessandro Achillini (Florence, Uffizi, acquired 2009), 580 n. 31

Saint Joseph (Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini , no. 1124), 217

Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist (Carpi, Fondazione Severi), 217

Aspertini, Giovanni Antonio, 356, 359Assisi

Basilica di San Francesco, Sacro Convento, 57

Museo della Basilica di San Francesco

Alunno, Niccolò, Saint Francis, 90

—— Collezione Frederick Mason Perkins

D’Asnasch, Nicola, Frederick Mason Perkins, 53 (Fig. II.11)

D’Asnasch, Nicola, Irène Vavasour Elder Perkins, 53 (Fig. II.11)

Delitio, Andrea, Virgin and Child, 84 n. 32

formerly Girolamo da Brescia (Fra), Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John and Saint Francis of Assisi, 84 n. 32

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint Margaret (no. 89), 192 n. 12, 374

Niccolò di Segna, Saint James the Great, 499 n. 17

Niccolò di Segna, Saint John the Evangelist, 499 n. 17

Sassetta, Saint Christopher (no. 38) (Pl. 94, Comp. J), 562, 565–66

Ennio Riccardi Collection, 82Museo Diocesano e Cripta di San

RufinoAlunno, Niccolò, polyptych for

San Rufino, Assisi, 87, 90–91San Francesco, Lower Church

Giotto, frescos, 424Giotto, fresco of Crucifixion,

316Giotto, frescos for Saint

Nicholas chapel, 310, 315–17Giotto, triptych of Saint

Nicholas chapel, 329 n. 32Giotto workshop, Bishop Saint,

Saint Nicholas chapel, 315 (Fig. 43.4), 316

Giotto workshop, Saint Anthony


general index 5

of Padua, Saint Nicholas chapel, 314 (Fig. 43.2), 315

Giotto workshop, Virgin and Child with Saints Francis of Assisi and Nicholas of Bari, Saint Nicholas chapel, 315 (Fig. 43.3), 316

Lorenzetti, Pietro, frescos, 329 n. 31, 373, 376–77, 379

Lorenzetti, Pietro, triptych with Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Francis for Orsini chapel, 373

Martini, Simone, fresco of Saint Louis of Toulouse, 329 n. 31, 310

Martini, Simone, murals in chapel of San Martino, 450

Martini, Simone, Saint Clare, 59 (Fig. II.19)

Master of San Francesco, Lamentation/Entombment, 322

San Francesco, Upper ChurchCimabue, frescos for, 310Cimabue, Crucifixion, 187 n. 13Giotto, Apparition at Arles, 315Giotto, frescos, 309–10, 311 n. 8,

316Giotto, Saint Francis Walking

through the Fire, 326Master of Cesi, copy of Giotto’s

frescos in Saint Nicholas chapel, 317

Torriti, Jacopo, and workshop, frescos in nave, 310

Santi Maria degli Angeli, Museo della Porziuncula

Master of San Francesco, Saint Francis of Assisi, 399–400 (Fig. 58.2)

Tesoro of the Basilica of San Francesco

Giunta Pisano, Saint Francis, 400 n. 8

Associate of Lippo and Tederigo Memmi

Maestà (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 43), 450

Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, no. 6430), 449

Triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Pisa, Santa Caterina), 450

Virgin and Child (Orvieto, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo), 449

Associate of Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi

Maestà (New York, Richard L. Feigen), 446 (Fig. 68.2), 450, 451 n. 16

Saint Agnes (Worcester, Mass., Worcester Art Museum, no. 1923.35), 446 (Fig. 68.3), 450

Saint Catherine of Alexandria and Saint Lucy (Pl. 68), 25, 49, 56, 59, 63 (Fig. II.22), 74, 82, 85 n. 56, 444–51

Athens, National Gallery and Alexandros Soutzos Museum

Marco di Paolo Veneziano,

Thronus gratiae (Holy Trinity) (no. 173194), 397

Athens, Georgia Museum of ArtBergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and

Child (no. R-9, K1011), 144 n. 5Cicognara, Antonio, Ecce Homo

with Mary Magdalene (no. 61.1889), 197, 200

Atlanta, Ga., High Museum of ArtCosta, Lorenzo, altarpiece,

Santa Maria delle Rondini, Bologna (nos. 58.38–41), 209, 215

Giovan Francesco da Rimini, Adoration of the Christ Child (Kress no. 1580), 158 n. 5

Niccolò di Segna, Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. 58.52, Samuel H. Kress collection, no. 41) (Pl. 80, Comp. H), 502, 504

Niccolò di Segna, Saint Maurice (no. 58.51, Samuel H. Kress collection, no. 40) (Pl. 80, Comp. D), 503

Augustine, Saint, 651Augustus II, Elector of Saxony

(Augustus III, King of Poland), 621

Aumale, Duke of (Henri d’Orléans), 66 n. 42

Auteuil, Villa MontmorencyPiot, René, Parfum des nymphes,

677, 679 (Fig. VI.5), 714Averoldi family, 250–51Avignon

CordeliersMemmi, Lippo and Tederigo,

panel in Orsini chapel (lost), 456

Musée du Palais des PapesGiovannetti, Matteo,

altarpieces and frescos for the chapel of Saint-Jean-Baptiste (lost), 457

Musée du Petit PalaisBergognone, Ambrogio,

Lamentation (no. 9911), 141Biagio d’Antonio, Archangel

Michael Dividing the Souls of the Dead (no. 20680), 147

Liberale da Verona, cassone with Rape of Helen (no. 110), 360

Lorenzetti, Pietro (workshop), Crucifixion with the Seated Mourning Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist (no. 12), 194

Martini, Simone, Virgin of Humility in porch, 194, 334–35 (Fig. 45.1), 336 n. 7, 443

Neri di Bicci, Virgin and Child (no. M.I. 484), 482

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, spalliere panels with Judgments of Solomon and Daniel (nos. 218–19), 512

Puccio di Simone, Coronation of the Virgin and Saints (no. M.I.414) (Pl. 88, Comp.

C), 97 n. 22, 538 (Fig. 88.2), 539 (Fig. 88.3)

Strozzi, Zanobi, altarpiece from San Girolamo of the Hieronymites of Fiesole (no. M.I. 467), 488

Taddeo di Bartolo, Virgin and Child (no. 32), 591

Zoppo, Marco, altarpiece for the Collegio di Spagna, Bologna (no. 525), 466

Notre-Dame-des-Domsformerly Martini, Simone,

Virgin of Humility in porch, 194, 334–35 (Fig. 45.1), 443

Saint-LaurentPietro da Siena, panel for

Cardinal Martino de Bocha (lost), 457

Aynard, Édouard, 658Azzano, San Lorenzo

Zabolino, Jacopo, frescos of the evangelists and Saint Sebastian, 618

BBaccio d’Agnolo, 532Bachiacca, 109–13

altarpiece with Saints Macarius, Sebastian, and Vincent Ferrer (Borgo San Lorenzo, parish church), 109

Baptism of Christ (present whereabouts unknown), 42 n. 6

Leda and the Swan (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Jack and Belle Linsky Collection, no. 1982.60.11), 112 (Fig. 6.1)

panels for Benintendi wainscoting of spalliere (Dresden, Gemäldegalerie, no. 80, and Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 267), 109

panels for Borgherini wedding bed (Rome, Galleria Borghese, nos. 425, 427, 440, 442; London, National Gallery, nos. 1218–19), 109

spalliere with grotesques (Florence, Soprintendenza, nos. IA 38, 39, 496–503), 109

tapestry cartoon depicting the month of May (Florence, Polo Museale Fiorentino, no. IA 526), 112

variations on standing Leda (Troyes, Musée des Beaux Arts, no. 875.3.1; Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, no. 2539), 112, 113 n. 5

—— workshopLeda and the Swan (Pl. 6), 110–13

de Backer, JacquesLast Judgment for the tomb

of Christophe Plantin (Antwerp, Onze-Lieve-Vrouwekathedraal), 623, 624 n. 5

Badia a Isola, churchSano di Pietro, altarpiece, 548

Badia a Isola Master (Nerio di Ugolino [?]), 603

Badile, Antonio II (Master of the “Cespo di Garafano”)

wedding chest for Giusti family (Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, no. 46092–1B4020), 475 n. 19

Badile, Giovanni, 264 n. 3Baechler, Marie Justine, 676, 682, 688

n. 11, 714, 719Baglioni, Braccio, 158Baglioni, Gian Paolo, 580 n. 30Baglioni, Malatesta, 525, 580 n. 30Baglioni, Orazio, 580 n. 30Baglioni family, 156, 158, 234, 580 n. 30Bagnacavallo, Pinacoteca Civica

Bagnacavallo (Bartolomeo Ramenghi), Virgin and Child and Four Saints, 217

Bagnacavallo (Bartolomeo Ramenghi)

fresco of the Coronation of Saints Cecily and Valerian (Bologna, Santa Cecilia), 217

Portrait of a Lady (London, private collection), 217

Saint Francis of Assisi (formerly in Venice, Franchetti collection), 218

Saint Jerome (Bayonne, Musée Bonnat, no. 963), 217–18

Virgin and Child and Four Saints (Bagnacavallo, Pinacoteca Civica), 217

—— or AspertiniAnnunciation (London, Christie’s,

23 June 1967, lot 48), 217Bagnano, Santa Maria

Raffaello del Brescianino (?), Virgin and Child with Two Saints and Donor, 180 n. 4

Bagnères-de-Bigorre, Musée SaliesBotticini, Francesco, Saints

Giovanni Gualberto, John the Baptist, and Anthony of Padua (no. 236), 171

Bagno a Ripoli, Santa Maria QuartoDaddi, Bernardo, high altarpiece,

223Bakst, Léon, 714Balbino, Giuliano, 579Balboni and Rossi (coll.), 465Baldi, Ugo, 562, 646Baldi, Vendeghini, or Angelo di

Pietro MaccagninoSaint George (Ferrara, Pinacoteca

Nazionale, no. 337), 519, 522 n. 5

Baldovinetti, Alesso, 25, 28, 32–33, 44 n. 63, 77, 171, 234, 236, 239–42, 243 n. 37, 401, 670, 675 nn. 53 and 54, 682–83

Virgin and Child (Paris, Louvre, no. 1134B), 240

Balducci, Matteo, 50, 509–12, 514 n. 1, 754

Balestra, Antonio, 370


general index6

Baltimore, Walters Art MuseumAndrea del Brescianino, Holy

Family with an Angel (no. 37.1678), 180

Basaiti, Marco (attrib.), Portrait of a Young Man with a Fur Collar (no. 444) (App. 5), 736

Bicci di Lorenzo, Annunciation (no. 37.448), 418

Bronzino, Agnolo (workshop), Portrait of a Baby Boy (no. 37.451) (App. 11), 81, 737

Ceccarelli, Naddo, Virgin and Child (no. 37.1159), 376

Daddi, Bernardo (workshop), Virgin and Child (no. 37.553) (App. 24), 82, 84 n. 27, 740

Donatello, reliefs of cherub’s heads (nos. 27.200–01), 331 n. 12

Duquesnoy, François, Infant Christ with Instruments of the Passion (no. 27.374, 331 n. 12

Florentine School, Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist (no. 37.506) (App. 33), 743

Giambono, Virgin of Humility (no. 37.537) (App. 40), 744

Giovanni Agostino da Lodi, Virgin and Child (no. 37.545) (App. 42), 745

Giovanni di Paolo, altarpiece for Malavolti chapel, San Domenico, Siena (nos. 37.489 A–D), 330–31, 335 n. 6

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas of Tolentino and Galganus; Annunciate Archangel, the Redeemer, Virgin Annunciate; Saints Dominic and Bartholomew; Saints Francis of Assisi and John the Baptist (no. 37.554) (App. 43), 28, 745

Lorenzetti, Pietro, or Dijon Master, Virgin and Child with Two Bishop Saints and Saints Margaret and Lucy and Angels (no. 37.731), 376–77

Master of Clusone, Virgin and Child with Saints Mark and Peter (no. 37.515), 506

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child (no. 3.1038), 438

Mazzola, Filippo, Dead Christ Supported by Angels (no. 37.1056) (App. 75), 81, 84 n. 32, 753

Montagna, Bartolomeo, Virgin and Child (no. 37.1036) (App. 77), 743, 754

Niccolò di Segna, Saint Lucy (no. 37.756) (Pl. 80, Comp. A), 503

Rosselli, Cosimo, Virgin and Child (no. 37.518) (App. 90), 81, 757

Squarcione, Francesco, Virgin and Child (no. 37.519) (App. 94), 56, 522 n. 4, 758

Bandinelli, Baccio, 240, 583–84

Banti, Anna, 31, 261Barbadori family, 151Barbagelata, Giovanni, 251Barbantini, Nino, 32, 212, 615Barbargelata, Giovanni

altarpiece (Genoa, Disciplini di Santa Brigida), 251

Barbarigo, Agostino, Doge, 114Barbarigo family, 119Barbeano, Sant’Antonio Abate

Gianfrancesco da Tolmezzo, frescos, 306, 308

Barberini, Carlo, 349 n. 9Barberini, Francesco, Cardinal, 456Barcelona

Bosch collection, 527Museu Frederic Marès

Cambó, Francesc, Virgin and Child (no. 64971), 520

Este, Baldassare d’, Mater dolorosa (no. 65977), 356

Neri di Bicci, predella with Saint Lawrence (no. 64972), 484

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, part of main altarpiece of the cathedral of Burgo de Osma (no. 934), 526

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, retable of Saint Barbara (no. 35.672), 527

Scheggia, panels of the Virtues (nos. 64967–68), 568

Museu PicassoPicasso, Pablo, prototype of

decorated plate owned by Berenson (no. 112.447), 712

Bardi (Parma), Santa MariaParmigianino, Mystic Marriage of

Saint Catherine, 523Bardi, Lapo, 326Bardi family, 310–11, 315, 317, 323, 326–29,

400, 603, 644Bardini, Stefano, 28, 58, 68 n. 109, 85,

305, 756Bargagli, Andrea, 129Bari, Pinacoteca Provinciale

Bartolomeo Vivarini, altarpiece from Andria (no. 1994), 358 n. 4

Barlow, Sir Thomas, 170 n. 2Barna da Siena, 64, 193, 196 n. 2, 248,

441–42, 443 n. 4, 450, 753triptych with Saint Catherine,

a Bishop Saint, and the Virgin Annunciate (Le Mans, Musée de Tessé, nos. 286–87), 451 n. 16

Barnaba da Modena, 93, 587painting of 1374 (London, National

Gallery, no. 2927), 590Barocci, Federico, 64Baroncelli, Nicolò

Crucifixion (Ferrara, cathedral, iconostasis), 616

Baroncelli family, 311, 317–18, 326, 328–29, 650

Baronzio, Giovanni (attrib.)Adoration of the Magi (London,

Courtauld Gallery, Gambier-Parry collection, no. 89), 666–67 (Fig. V.4)

Barozzi, Dino, 14, 58, 759Barr, Alfred, 711Barsotti, Ferdinando, 150 (Fig. 13.2)Bartolino de’ Nobili, 384Bartolino della Canonica, 251Bartolo di Fredi, 63, 196 n. 2, 244, 442,

455, 457, 587, 592, 648, 751triptych for chapel of the

Annunciation (Montalcino, San Francesco), 554 n. 18

Bartolomeo (Baccio) d’Ubertino Verdi, 109

Bartolomeo (Bacino) d’Antonio d’Ubertino, 109

Bartolomeo (Fra), 178–79, 239, 344, 670Holy Family (Los Angeles County

Museum of Art, no. M.73.83), 240

Virgin and Child (Florence, San Marco), 644 n. 2

Bartolomeo d’Antonio, 541Bartolomeo da Camogli

Virgin of Humility (Palermo, Museo Nazionale, no. 8), 194

Bartolomeo da Caylina, 250–51Bartolomeo da Pisa, 564Bartolomeo da Reggio, 470 n. 9Bartolomeo della Gatta, 293Bartolomeo di Giovanni, 147, 510Bartolomeo di Giovannino d’Angelo,

562Bartolomeo di San Concordio, 406Baruffaldi, Girolamo, 209Basaiti, Marco, 124, 459, 516, 674 n. 7

Dead Christ with Mourning Angels (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 7), 125

Virgin Adoring the Christ Child between Saints Peter and Liberale (Padua, Musei Civici, Emo Capodilista, no. 33), 125

—— (attrib.)Portrait of a Young Man with a Fur

Collar (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 444) (App. 5), 736

BaselFoundation Beyeler

Picasso, Pablo, color drawing of Dora Maar, 711

KunstmuseumBergognone, Ambrogio,

predella of Saint Ambrose Enthroned and Four Saints (no. 1347), 136, 137 n. 2

Master of 1455, Meeting of Saint Paul Hermit and Saint Matthew (no. 1598), 284–85

Basetti (dealer), 512Baslini, Giuseppe, 198 n. 3Basso, Bernardino di Piero, 345Basso della Rovere, Girolamo,

Cardinal, 511, 571Basso della Rovere family, 509Bastiani, Lazzaro, 115, 118, 120, 736—— (attrib.)

Penitence of Saint Jerome (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 6), 736

—— workshop (Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus?)

David and the Shunammite and Adam and Eve (Venice, Museo Correr, no. 1104), 410

Two Knights and Page (Venice, Museo Correr, no. 380), 410

Bastianini, Giovanni, 58, 68 n. 109Gaetano Bianchi (Florence,

Biblioteca Medica Laurenziana), 644–45 (Fig. 111.1), 646

Bate, Francis, 697Bate, Percy, 665Battista da Vicenza, 467, 470 n. 7Battista di Giovanni (Fra), 562Battista di Niccolò da Padova, 541

n. 3, 546 n. 7Baudelaire, Charles, 42 n. 7Bayonne, Musée Bonnat

Bagnavacallo (Bartolomeo Ramenghi), Saint Jerome (no. 963), 217–18

Bellini, Gentile, Blessing Child (no. 3), 118

Daddi, Bernardo, Virgin Annunciate (no. 971) (Pl. 28, Comp. A), 226–27

Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio (from Parma), 358 n. 18

fresco of Christ and the Samaritan Woman (Parma, San Giovanni Evangelista) (lost), 356, 359

miniature of a sacrifice scene (Chicago, Art Institute, Joseph and Helen Regenstein Foundation, no. 1989.686), 369

(Zeri: Crevalcore) painting of bird pecking at grapes (Riverdale-on-Hudson, New York, Stanley Moss collection), 356

see also SodomaBeardsley, Barbara H., 14, 80, 561Beaton, Cecil, 565 (Fig. 94.2)Béatrizet, Nicolas, 112Beattie, Mrs. (Ellen Jane Beattie), 230Beattie, William McAlmont, 230Beatty, Sir Alfred Chester, 600, 602

n. 33Beatty, Edith, 33Beazzano, Agostino, 120 n. 18Becca, Monna, 182Beccafumi, Domenico, 64, 176, 178,

337, 509–10fresco of Marriage of the Virgin

(Siena, Oratorio di San Bernardino), 278 n. 13

predella with Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine from San Benedetto fuori Porta Tufi (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 417–20), 492, 494

Beccaria, Agostino, 250Beckerath, Franz Adolf von, 93 n. 2,

202Beerbohm, Max, 733Beine, Karl August, 504


general index 7

Beistegui, Carlos de, 39, 658Belcari, Feo, 419Belforte del Chienti, Sant’Eustachio

Boccati, Giovanni, polyptych for, 151

Belgioioso, San Giacomo della Cerreta

Foppa, Vincenzo, fresco of Virgin Nursing Child, 262

Belgrade, Narodni MuzejConder, Charles, At the Seashore

(no. 768) (App. 20), 32, 726, 739Matisse, Henri, Crimson Beeches

or Trees at Melun (App. 72), 31, 33, 665, 668, 677, 752

Pissarro, Camille, Landscape at Saint-Charles, Éragny (no. 426) (App. 87), 22, 32, 50, 689 n. 37, 756

Bell, Vanessa, 668, 675 n. 68, 695, 697Bellanti, Giovanni di Bernardo, 134,

135 n. 16Bellanti family, 129Bellesi, Giuseppe, 539Bellini, Alvise, 119Bellini, Gentile, 114–18, 119–20, 671,

675 n. 26Annunciation (Madrid, Museo

Thyssen-Bornemisza, no. 38), 114

Blessed Lorenzo Giustiniani (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 570), 114, 118

Blessing Child (Bayonne, Musée Bonnat, no. 3), 118

canvases for the Sala del Maggior Consiglio in the Palazzo Ducale, 114

canvases for the Scuola di San Marco, 114

cover for a Byzantine reliquary (London, National Gallery, no. 6590), 114

Madonna di Costantinopoli (Matelica, Museo Piersanti, no. 9), 118

narrative paintings, 114–15Nativity with the Doge Cristoforo

Moro in Prayer (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson collection, cat. 168), 114, 118

organ shutters of San Marco, Venice, 114, 118

portraits of doges, 114Sermon of Saint Mark in

Alexandria (Milan, Brera, no. 164), 114

Sultan Mehmed II (London, National Gallery, no. 3099), 114

Young Turkish Scribe (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P15e8), 114

—— (?)Virgin and Child with a Goldfinch

(Pl. 7), 30, 115–18Bellini, Giovanni, 24, 30, 34, 37–38,

44–45, 80, 114–16, 118, 119–25, 128,

206–07, 209, 242 n. 12, 251, 254, 262, 306, 308, 515, 615, 633, 665, 670, 706, 736

altarpiece (Venice, San Giovanni Crisostomo), 120

altarpiece (Venice, San Zaccaria), 119

and Giorgione’s frescos (Venice, Fondaco dei Tedeschi) (lost), 120

Baptism of Christ (Vicenza, Santa Corona), 119

Barbarigo altarpiece (Murano, San Pietro Martire), 119

book illuminations, 119Circumcision (London, National

Gallery, no. 1455), 126Dead Christ Supported by Four

Angels in the Sepulcher (Rimini, Museo della Città), 134

Donà delle Rose Pietà (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 882), 462

drawing of him on his bier (Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery, Weld-Blundell Drawings Collection, no. WAG 1996.84), 120 n. 18

Dürer’s opinion on, 120epitaph, 120 n. 18Feast of the Gods (Washington,

D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1942.9.1), 120, 674 n. 7

friendship with Pietro Bembo, 119, 120 n. 13

Naked Woman at the Mirror (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, no. GG 97), 120

official painter of the Venetian Republic, 119

Pesaro altarpiece, 119polyptych (Venice, Santi Giovanni

e Paolo), 119Portrait of a Boy (Birmingham,

Barber Institute of Fine Arts, no. 46.11), 119

Portrait of Fra Teodoro da Urbino as Saint Dominic (London, National Gallery, no. L1115), 120

Portrait of Jörg Fugger (Pasadena, Norton Simon Museum, no. M.1969), 119

“Presepio” for Isabella d’Este, 119Sacred Allegory (Florence, Uffizi,

no. 903), 119Saint Dominic for Alfonso d’Este

(private collection, destined for Denver Art Museum), 119

Saint Jerome (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1939.1.217), 119

San Giobbe altarpiece (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 38), 147

Supper at Emmaeus (lost), 119triptych in the Frari, Venice, 119Virgin Adoring the Christ Child

(Cambridge, Mass., Fogg

Museum, no. 1843.103), 124, 125 n. 7

Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (Cologne, Lempertz, 18 Nov. 1965, lot 76), 125 n. 9

Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (Davis Madonna) (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 30.95.256), 24, 125 n. 12

Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (Padua, Musei Civici), 125 n. 12

Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (Ravenna, Accademia delle Belle Arti, no. 211), 125 n. 9

Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, no. 865–1B110), 125 n. 12

Virgin and Child (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, nos. 3379 and A3287), 118 n. 4

Virgin and Child (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, nos. 1177 and 1786), 118 n. 4

Virgin and Child (Detroit, Institute of Arts, no. 28.115), 120

Virgin and Child (Milan, Brera, no. 298), 120

Virgin and Child (Paris, Gabriel Fodor collection; later Paris, Kalman collection), 118 n. 3

Virgin and Child (Pavia, Pinacoteca Malaspina, no. 22), 118 nn. 1 and 3

Virgin and Child (Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, no. 860–1B77), 122, 125 nn. 5 and 12, 320, 328 n. 3

Virgin and Child Frizzoni (Venice, Museo Correr, no. 1836), 118 n. 4, 122, 125 n. 4

Virgin and Child Kress (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1939.1.352), 118 n. 4

Virgin and Child Lehman (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.1.81), 118 n. 3

Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saints Peter and Paul with a Donor (Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery, no. 1977P227), 119

Virgin and Child of the Trees (Madonna degli Alberetti) (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 596), 119

—— workshop, 120 n. 9Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (Pl.

8), 37 (Fig. I.22), 121–25Virgin Adoring the Christ Child

(Carzago di Calvagese della Riviera, Fondazione Sorlini), 125

Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (London, National Gallery, no. 2901), 124–25 (Fig. 8.2)

Virgin and Child Winthrop (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1943.103), 736

—— follower of (Cristoforo Caselli?)

Virgin and Child (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 7), 736

—— and Gentiletriptychs of Santa Maria della

Carità (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, nos. 621, 621a–c), 118

Bellini, Giovanni di Niccolò, 522 n. 4Bellini, Jacopo, 114–19, 236, 255, 258, 280,

351–52, 675 n. 26album of drawings (British

Museum, nos. 1855.8.11.1–98), 120

altarpiece of Saint Michael Archangel, San Michele, Padua (destroyed), 301, 304

Annunciation altarpiece (Brescia, Sant’Alessandro), 118 n. 2

fresco of Saint Michael Archangel, San Michele, Padua (lost), 297

textile designs, 300Virgin and Child (Bergamo,

Accademia Carrara, no. 525), 116, 118 n. 2

Virgin and Child (Gazzada, Fondazione Cagnola, no. 22), 118 n. 2

Virgin and Child (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 59.187), 118 n. 2

Virgin and Child (Paris, Louvre, no. R.F. 41), 118 n. 2

Virgin and Child (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 271), 118 n. 2

—— or followers of Gentile BelliniMarriage of the Virgin and

Adoration of the Magi, 675 n. 26

—— and GentileAdoration of the Magi (Ferrara,

Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 327), 115 n. 1

Crucifixion (Venice, Museo Correr, no. 29), 115 n. 1

Descent into Limbo (Padua, Musei Civici, no. 416), 115 n. 1

Saints Anthony Abbot and Bernardino of Siena (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1990. 118.1), 115 n. 1, 118

triptych for Gattamelata chapel (Padua, Il Santo), 114, 118

—— and GiovanniSaint Mark Preaching in Alexandria

(Milan, Brera, no. 160), 120Bellini, Luigi, 406, 465Bellini, Nicolò, 119, 120Bellini, Nicolosia, 114, 119Bellini, Stefano, 255Bellini family, 162Belliniano, Vittore, 120


general index8

Bellius, Iulius, 137 n. 15Bello, Marco

Circumcision (Rovigo, Accademia dei Concordi, no. 89), 128 (Fig. 9.2)

Holy Family with Saint Zacharias (London, Christie’s South Kensington, Sept. 2009, lot 613), 128 n. 6

Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist and Saint Benedict (Pl. 9), 126–28

Virgin and Child (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 185), 128 n. 6

Virgin and Child with Young Saint John the Baptist (Oxford, Christ Church, no. 184), 128

Bellucci, Roberto, 80, 88, 110, 115, 143, 183, 211, 217, 252, 298, 387, 524, 538, 651

Bellunello, Andrea, 308Bembo, Ambrogio, 198 n. 7Bembo, Benedetto, 197, 198 n. 7

Virgin and Child (Verona, Museo Canonicale, no. D3), 198 n. 12

Bembo, Bonifacio, 140, 250, 254–55Bembo, Gerolamo, 256Bembo, Pietro, 119, 120 n. 13Bembo family, 255Benaglio, Francesco, 306 n. 6

altarpiece (Venice, Museo Correr, no. I 235), 471

—— circle ofVirgin Adoring the Christ Child

with God the Father (Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, no. 246–1B370), 306 n. 2

Benci, Amerigo, 546 n. 7Benci, Giovanni, 544, 546 n. 7Benci family, 541, 544, 546 nn. 7–8Bencivenni, Zucchero, 404, 406Benedetto da Cingoli, 266Benedetto di Bindo, 330, 559, 588

diptych with the Virgin of Humility and Saint Jerome in his Study (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 153), 196 nn. 8 and 14

Benedict XII Fournier, Pope, 457Benedict XV della Chiesa, Pope, 650Benincasa, Giacomo, 492Benincasa, Pietro di Dionisio, 102Benintendi, Giovanmaria, 109Benson (coll.), 125Benson, Evelyn Holford, 128Benson, Robert Henry, 128Bentivoglio, Anton Galeazzo, 209Bentivoglio, Giovanni II, 209Bentivoglio, Griseide, 209Bentivoglio family, 210, 215, 354, 356Benvenuti, Pietro, 644Benvenuto di Giovanni, 25, 57, 129–35,

176, 265, 273, 337, 343, 608, 611, 639–40, 747

Annunciation, San Bernardino, Sinalunga, 135 n. 10

Adoration of the Magi

(Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1937.1.10), 135 n. 18, 646, 648 n. 5

altarpiece (Montepertuso, San Michele), 129, 135 nn. 10 and 12, 656

altarpiece, Borghesi chapel (Siena, San Domenico), 129, 135 nn. 10, 12, and 18, 342

altarpiece (Vescovado di Murlo, San Fortunato), 129

altarpiece of the Ascension (Siena, Pinacoteca, no. 434, and Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, nos. 429, 1131–34), 130

Annunciation between Saints Michael Archangel and Catherine of Alexandria (Volterra, Pinacoteca, no. 23), 129, 130 n. 5

book illuminations, 129–30ceiling coffers (Siena, Santa Maria

della Scala), 130 n. 11Crucifixion (Washington, D.C.,

National Gallery of Art, no. 1952.5.53), 132

Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels in the Sepulcher (Pl. 10), 63–64, 81–82, 131–35, 276

frescos in chapel of Sant’Antonio di Padova, Baptistery, Siena, 129

frescos of Saint Benedict in Glory (Florence, Museo Bardini, no. 772), 130

Nativity of Christ (Volterra, Pinacoteca, no. 24), 129, 135

Passion scenes, Compagnia di Santa Lucia, Siena (lost), 129

predellas (Bolsena, Santa Cristina, and Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 78), 145

Saint Anthony of Padua and the Miracle of the Mule (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 1020), 129

Saints John the Baptist and Michael Archangel (Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts, no. B-933), 129, 132 (Fig. 10.1), 134

San Giovanni Gualberto (Raleigh, North Carolina Museum of Art, no. 60.17.31), 130 n. 6, 131, 134 n. 5

unknown subject (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 8), 736

Virgin and Child with Angels (present whereabouts unknown), 129, 132 (Fig. 10.2), 134

Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian and Fabian, Santa Lucia, Sinalunga, 132

Virgin and Child, Saint Peter, and Saint Nicholas (London, National Gallery, no. 909), 129

Virgin of Mercy (Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena, no. 2923), 135 n. 17

—— and Girolamo di BenvenutoAnnunciation with Saints Anthony

Abbot and Francis of Assisi (Buonconvento, Museo d’Arte Sacra della Val d’Arbia, no. 82), 130, 132–33

Assumption of the Virgin (formerly New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art), 130

Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian and Fabian (Siena, Collegiata della Santissima Trinità), 130

Berea, Ky., Berea College Art Department, Special Collections

Apollonio di Giovanni and Marco del Buono workshop, Virgin and Child with Four Angels (no. 104.11 [K528]), 107 (Fig. 5.1)

Berenson, Bernardadvice on purchases, 20, 24–26,

28–30, 36, 41, 43 n. 15, 44 n. 56Aesthetics and History in the Visual

Arts, 122, 672, 722and Alessandro Contini

Bonacossi, 143, 396and anti-Jewish laws, 33and Asian art, 62, 64attitude to Mary, 34–36and Belle da Costa Greene, 29,

61, 599, 677, 682–83, 687, 688, 735, 741

book on Caravaggio, 702book on Lorenzo Lotto, 669–70,

673and Godefroy Brauer, 43 n. 38Central Italian Painters of the

Renaissance, 28, 32, 49–50, 54, 152, 179, 296, 339 n. 2, 376, 498–99, 572, 684

and Kenneth Clark, 44 n. 81, 45 n. 99, 675 n. 30, 702 n. 2, 709

on his collection, 39, 652collection during war years, 33–34on connoisseurship, 25, 41, 47–69,

423, 669, 671–72controversy about Sassetta

attribution, 26, 50–54, 67 nn. 58–59, 69, 666

donation of I Tatti to Harvard University, 33, 39–40

donations to museums, 32–33, 38, 44 n. 65, 92 n. 2, 199, 215, 216 n. 17, 735, 737, 739–40, 746, 750–51

and Robert Langton Douglas, 52–53, 666–67

Drawings of the Florentine Painters, 171, 347, 572, 670, 672–73

and Joseph Duveen, 29, 44 nn. 61 and 63, 60, 92 n. 1

enemies, 37–38, 44 n. 75, 45 nn. 104 and 107, 665, 668, 675 nn. 36, 38, and 67

Essays in the Study of Sienese Painting, 63, 549

Florentine Painters of the

Renaissance, 223, 309, 311 n. 8, 285, 347, 384, 680, 683, 688 n. 32, 689 n. 33

and formalism, 672–74and Roger Eliot Fry, 665–75,

697–700and Isabella Stewart Gardner,

19–20, 22, 25, 28, 30–32, 43 n. 15, 50, 57, 59–60, 69 n. 137, 125 n. 2, 160–61, 199, 640, 685, 687, 741, 747, 756

gifts to him, 22, 26, 32, 36, 42 n. 7, 50, 143

gifts to individuals from his collection, 26, 36, 227, 532, 534, 687, 735, 738, 739, 741–42, 752, 756

Golden Urn, 700and Renato Guttuso, 701–03honorary degree, 31, 37, 45 n. 104,

212and Herbert Horne 667–68;

business agreement with, 59inventory of I Tatti, 33–34, 38Italian Painters of the Renaissance,

31, 110; French version, 689 n. 32

and John G. Johnson, 43 n. 38, 60and Icilio Federico Joni, 57–59,

638–42and Prince Paul Karadordevic, 32and Roberto Longhi, 31–32, 37–38,

44 n. 74, 45 n. 107, 212–13, 233, 262

marriage to Mary Costelloe, 19, 26

medal, 45 n. 109and Millard Meiss, 41, 65and Reginald Popham Nicholson,

708–10North Italian Painters of the

Renaissance, 167, 199, 210, 252, 254, 523, 670–71, 675 n. 58, 736

and Richard Offner, 41paintings lent, 31–32paintings sold from his collection,

26, 60and Frederick Mason Perkins, 60and photography, 44 n. 89, 55, 85

nn. 69–70photographic collection, 33–34photos of, 20 (Fig. I.1), 21 (Fig. I.7),

23 (Fig. I.8), 32 (Fig. I.16), 37 (Fig. I.22), 38 (Fig. I.23), 39 (Fig. I.24), 40 (Figs. I.25, I.26), 43 n. 17, 46 (Fig. II.1), 48 (Fig. II.4), 55 (Fig. II.14), 56 (Fig. II.15), 124 (Pl. 8.1), 144 (Fig. 12.1), 150 (Fig. 13.2), 396 (Fig. 57.3), 552 (Fig. 91.1), 565 (Fig. 94.2), 692–93 (Pl. 118); 696 (Pl. 121); 701 (Pl. 123), 704 (Fig. 124.1); 706 (Fig. 125.1), 707 (Pl. 125), 722 (Fig. 143.1), 145–46 (Pl. 145); 750 (App. 61), 757 (App. 89)

and Pablo Picasso, 711–13and René Piot, 677–90, 719purchases for

Aldo Noseda, 25


general index 9

Jean Paul Richter, 24purchases from

Aldo Briganti, 30Godefroy Brauer, 29–30, 54, 246Harry Burton, 71Cavenaghi, 43 n. 48Colnaghi, 28–29 (Fig. I.12), 44

nn. 54 and 56, 52Emilio Costantini, 44 n. 54Cesare Gallina, 30Giuseppe Gibazzi, 25Henri Matisse, 31Mazzocchi family, 44 n. 54, 60Aldo Noseda, 28–29, 204, 252,

384, 387, 615, 755Marchesa Marianna Paulucci

Panciatichi Ximenes d’Aragona, 28, 49, 66 n. 11, 238–39, 758

John Mason Perkins, 56Pablo Picasso, 36Jean Paul Richter, 42 n. 7, 215,

216 n. 17Salvadori (Venice), 29Salvadori e figlio, 51Salvadori, 43 n. 43, 69 n. 151Steinmeyer et Fils, 30 (Fig. I.14)Steinmeyer and Böhler, 211–12Torrini, 24, 56 (Fig. II.16), 57Elia Volpi and Tito Gagliardi,

27, 43 n. 51, 44 n. 54purchases in

Florence, 30–31Lucerne, 31Milan, 141 n. 3Paris, 30–31Rome, 58Venice, 20, 30, 42 n. 9, 57, 121

purchases of Asian art, 31purchases of Sienese painting, 49, 63purchases through Frederick

Mason Perkins, 25residences

I Tatti, 19, 23, 26, 27 (Fig. I.11), 28–29, 33–34, 60–62 (Fig. II.21), 63 (Fig. II.22), 71, 73 (Fig. III.3), 76 (Fig. III.6), 79 (Fig. III.9), 84 n. 28, 206 (Fig. 24.1), 641 (Fig. IV.3), 754

La Canovaia, via di Camerata, 20–23, 43 n. 13, 706

Villa Linda, 706Villa Kraus, Fiesole, 21Villa Rosa, Fiesole, 21

and Jean Paul Richter, 24Rumor and Reflection, 33, 44 n. 89, 45

n. 91, 65, 729Russoli catalogue, 28and William Rothenstein, 728sales from his collection, 26–27,

30, 49sales through Miss Toplady, 59and George Santayana, 732and Meyer Schapiro, 31, 44 n. 73Seeing and Knowing, 711and Sienese painting, 47–69Sketch for a Self-Portrait, 65, 71, 711Studies in Medieval Painting, 64Study and Criticism of Italian Art,

240, 301, 668–69, 671

textile collection, 22–23Three Essays in Method, 671–72,

689 n. 39Venetian Painters of the Renaissance,

20, 66 n. 10, 83 n. 21, 120 n. 3, 161, 167, 372,

Venetian Painting in America, 351Venetian School, 128and John Walker, 45 n. 102and Henry Walters, 60and Wildenstein, 41and Federico Zeri, 41

Berenson, Elizabeth (Bessie), 759Berenson, Judith, 14, 688 n. 11Berenson, Laurence, 34, 45, 757Berenson, Mary Costelloe

on connoisseurship, 47–69death, 34–35on Robert Langton Douglas, 51–52,

67 n. 58and Roger Fry, 665–75gifts, 234lecture on connoisseurship, 723–24A Life, 66 nn. 2–6marriage to Bernard Berenson,

19, 26notes on paintings, 21 (Fig. I.4), 30

(Fig. I.13), 372 (Fig. 52.3)paintings of, 37 (Fig. I.21)photos of, 20 (Fig. I.1), 32 (Fig. I.16),

40 (Fig. I.26), 46 (Fig. II.2), 48 (Fig. II.3), 56 (Fig. II.15), 61 (Fig. II.20), 552 (Fig. 91.1), 725–26 (Pl. 144), 730 (Fig. 1471.)

and René Piot, 677–90, 719portrait of by Edward Clifford,

36–37residence before marriageIl Frullino, 1 via di Camerata, 21,

26, 43 n. 13, 50, 243, 752and William Rothenstein, 728

Berenson, Senda, see Abbott, SendaBerenson collection inventories, 13Bergamo

Accademia CarraraBellini, Jacopo, Virgin and Child

(no. 525), 116, 188 n. 2Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint

Ambrose Enthroned and Four Saints (no. 614), 136, 137 n. 2

Botticelli, Sandro, Man of Sorrows (no. 526), 150

Carnevale (Fra), Virgin and Child (no. 510), 402–03

Cicognara, Antonio, Saint Catherine of Alexandria with a Nun in Adoration (no. 58 MR 00120), 197, 199–200, 202 n. 7

Cicognara, Antonio, tarot cards from the Visconti Sforza set (no. 06 AC 00889/24–26), 197, 198 n. 7, 199

Cima da Conegliano (attrib.), landscape (no. 179), 635 n. 6

Costa, Lorenzo, Saint John the Evangelist (no. 533), 214

Foppa, Vincenzo, Three Crucifixes (no. 30), 250, 254–56

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child (no. 926 [556]), 438

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, Virgin and Child (Collezione Morelli, no. 549), 496 (Fig. 79.1)

“Vicino da Ferrara,” panel with crying angel (no. 947), 616

Conti Moroni collectionCarpinoni, Domenico,

Personification of Faith, 506Lorenzelli collection

Foppa, Vincenzo, Saint Sebastian, 255

Lupi-Olivazzi collection, 328San Bartolomeo

Lotto, Lorenzo, altarpiece for, 390

Santa Maria MaggioreLotto, Lorenzo, intarsie for

choir, 390Santi Stefano and Domenico

Bergognone, Ambrogio (workshop), polyptychs, 146 n. 10

Santo SpiritoBergognone, Ambrogio,

altarpiece, 137, 140Bergognone (Ambrogio da Fossano),

47, 136–46, 197, 258, 262, 264, 395–96, 537, 613, 736

Adoration of the Christ Child (Pl. 11), 36, 78 (Fig. III.8a), 79, 81, 84 n. 27, 138–42, 484 n. 2, 736

Adoration of the Christ Child (Würzburg, Martin von Wagner Museum, no. 14018), 138

Adoration of the Shepherds with Angels (Milan, Brera, no. 7438), 140–41

altarpiece for Santo Spirito, Bergamo, 137, 140

altarpiece for oratory of the Natività della Vergine, Sant’Ambrogio, Milan (destroyed; formerly Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, no. 52), 137, 144

altarpieces for Gerolamo Calagrano (Milan, Pinacoteca Ambrosiana; Arona, Santi Gratiano e Felino), 141

Baptism, Melegnano, 146 n. 10Crucifixion (Birmingham,

Museum and Art Gallery, no. P.57.60), 142

Crucifixion (Certosa di Pavia), 136Crucifixion (London, Courtauld

Gallery, no. P.1947. LF.36), 44 n. 5

Flagellation (formerly in the Bruini collection, Lido di Venezia), 141

Four Prophets (Milan, Brera, nos. 5484–87), 144 n. 5

fresco (Milan, San Simpliciano), 140

high altarpiece for Santa Maria dell’Incoronata, Nerviano (Milan, Brera, no. 489), 137

Lamentation (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, no. 9911), 141

Lamentation (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 65), 66 n. 5, 141, 142 n. 24

Man of Sorrows with a Monk (Gazzada, Fondazione Cagnola), 138

mural paintings in Santa Maria presso San Satiro (Milan, Brera, nos. 54, 985–87, 1196–1201, and 5545), 136, 146 n. 10

Nerviano altarpiece (Milan, Brera, no. 489), 140, 144

Pentecost for the Scuola dello Scurolo di Sant’Ambrogio, Milan (lost), 137

polychromy of sculptures for altar of the Madonna dell’Albero, Milan cathedral, 137

polyptych in San Michele in Cremia on Lake Como, 141

Saint Ambrose Enthroned and Four Saints (Certosa di Pavia; predella in Basel, Kunstmuseum, no. 1347; Turin, Galleria Sabauda, nos. 134 and 134b, and Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, no. 614), 136, 137 n. 2

Saint Anthony Abbot (Melzi collection), 146 n. 11

Saint Benedict (Museo della Certosa, no. 1964, 534; side panels in Nantes, Musée des Beaux-Arts, nos. 18 and 6397, and Milan, Civiche Raccolte d’Arte, Castello Sforzesco, no. 447), 136, 137 n. 3

Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Milan, Brera, no. 985), 146 n. 10

Saint James the Great (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. GE 4109), 146 n. 10

Saint Joseph (La Spezia, Museo “Amedeo Lia,” no. 280), 146 n. 11

Saint Paul (Gallarati Scotti collection), 146 n. 11

Saint Stephen and Saint Lawrence (British Royal Collection, nos. JS 41, 42), 146 n. 11

Saints Anne and Joachim (Melzi collection), 146 n. 11

stories of the Passion of Christ (Milan, Santa Maria Assunta in Magenta, and London, National Gallery, nos. 1077.1 and 1077.2), 136, 144

triptych in San Giusto, Susa, 142unknown subject (present

whereabouts unknown) (App. 8a), 38, 736

Virgin and Child (Athens, Georgia Museum of Art, no. R-9, K1011), 144 n. 5

Virgin and Child (Florence, Fondazione Longhi), 79, 144 n. 5


general index10

Virgin and Child (Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, no. 1644/640), 138

Virgin and Child (Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, no. 1630/654), 141

Virgin and Child with a Devotee for parish church of Garegnano, Milan (present whereabouts unknown), 144, 146 (Fig. 12.2)

Virgin and Child with Blessing Redeemer with the Fathers of the Church and the Evangelists (Borromeo collection and Certosa di Pavia), 136, 144

Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Catherine of Siena (London, National Gallery, no. 298), 136

Virgin and Child with Saints Christopher and George (Poznan, Muzeum Narodowe, no. Mo 4), 136

Virgin and Child with Saints Peter and Paul (Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich Museum, no. 51; lost, and Pavia, Museo della Certosa, nos. 1964, 538, and 537), 136

Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian and Roch (London, National Gallery, no. 1077, and Milan, Gallarati Scotti collection), 136, 142 n. 24

Virgin Nursing the Christ Child, Flight into Egypt, and Massacre of the Innocents (Pl. 12), 79, 143–46, 395 n. 7

Virgin of the Carpet (Certosa di Pavia), 141

work for basilica of Sant’Ambrogio, Milan, 137, 144

work for Certosa of Pavia, 136–37work for San Pietro in Gessate,

Milan, 137work for Santa Maria della

Passione, Milan, 137work for Santa Maria presso San

Satiro, Milan, 136–37—— (?)

Virgin and Child (Milan, Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, no. 1903), 146 n. 13

—— (Bernardo Zenale?)Virgin and Child Seated on a Rock

with Saints Ambrose and John the Baptist and a Kneeling Donor (British Royal Collection, no. JS 40), 146 n. 11

—— (Lorenzo Fasolo?)Virgin and Child Enthroned with

Angels (Melzi collection), 146 n. 11

—— workshopMan of Sorrow with the Virgin

Mary and John the Evangelist (Milan, Brera, no. 5546), 144 n. 7

polyptychs (Bergamo, Santi

Stefano and Domenico), 146 n. 10

Saint Jerome between Saints Ambrose and Catherine of Alexandria (Milan, Brera, no. 1167), 144 n. 7

triptych from Santa Maria Rossa, Crescenzago (Milan, Museo Diocesano, no. 2001.052.001), 137

—— and Bernardinopolyptych for Osnago chapel

(Milan, San Giovanni Battista) (parts in Milan, Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, nos. 11 and 12, and Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. P. 10), 136, 144

work for Incoronata, Lodi, 136, 144work for San Simpliciano, Milan,

137, 144—— and collaborator (Pietro da

Velate?)Saint Siro Enthroned and Four

Saints (Certosa di Pavia), 136Bergognone, Bernardino

Saint Roch (Milan, Brera, no. 1143), 137

—— (attrib.)Crucifixion (Milan, Museo

Diocesano, Crespi Collection), 137, 140 (Fig. 11.1)

Bergson, Henri, 689 n. 33Beringhieri, Giovanni d’Ambrogio,


Achenbach collectionformerly Morone, Domenico

(workshop), Five Musicians Court Messalina (KHI, no. 475103), 474–75

Hans Wendlandformerly Michele di Matteo,

Saint Nicholas of Bari, 469Junstgewerbemuseum

Giovanni di Paolo, book covers (no. K 9224)), 330

Kaiser-Friedrich Museumformerly Andrea del

Brescianino, Saint Anne Metterza (no. 230), 178

formerly Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with Saints Peter and Paul (no. 51; lost), 136

formerly Bergognone, Ambrogio, altarpiece for the oratory of the Natività della Vergine, Sant’Ambrogio, Milan (no. 52; destroyed), 137, 144

formerly Costa, Lorenzo, altarpiece, Santa Maria delle Rondini, Bologna (no. 112A), 209, 215

formerly De Roberti, Ercole, altarpiece of San Lazzaro, Ferrara (no. 111; destroyed), 200, 214, 216, 613

formerly Domenico di Bartolo, casket (no. 56), 278 n. 13

formerly Donatello, terracotta relief of Dead Christ (no. 2439), 134

formerly Foppa, Vincenzo, retable with the Lamentation for Trivulzio chapel in San Pietro in Gessate, Milan (no. 133), 251

formerly Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist (no. 1146), 354–55

formerly Lorenzo Monaco, Virgin with Saints John the Baptist and Nicholas of Bari (no. 1119), 386

formerly Sassetta, high altarpiece for the Osservanza near Siena (lost) (no. 1122), 559

Kaufman collection, 131Königliche Museen

formerly Michele di Matteo, pilaster panels from the Borromeo altarpiece, 469

formerly Michele di Matteo, Saint Raphael Archangel and Tobias, 467, 469

Staatliche MuseenAndrea del Brescianino, male

portrait (no. 235), 180 n. 2Andrea di Giusto, predella

panel (no. 58E), 98Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin and

Child (nos. 1177 and 1786), 118 n. 4

Bordon, Paris, Mars and Venus Imprisoned by Vulcan’s Net (no. 963), 166

Bordon, Paris, Virgin and Child with Saints Fabiano, Roch, Catherine of Alexandria, and Sebastian (no. 191), 165

Cima da Conegliano, Seaside Duel (no. 17A), 633

Daddi, Bernardo, Saint Thomas Aquinas Awarded for Resisting the Devil in the Form of a Woman (no. 1094), 231

Daddi, Bernardo, triptych (no. 1064), 97 n. 22

De Roberti, Ercole, Saint John the Baptist (no. 1120), 302, 305 n. 19, 616

Dell’Abate, Nicolò, Knight of Santiago (no. 259 A), 525 n. 4

Domenico Veneziano, Adoration of the Magi (no. 95A), 234–35, 238, 242 n. 9, 495

Domenico Veneziano, Martyrdom of Saint Lucy (no. 64), 234–35

van Eyck, Jan, Virgin in the Choir of a Cathedral (no. 525 C), 377

Foppa, Vincenzo, Virgin and Child (no. 1368), 261–62

formerly Michele di Matteo,

pilaster panels from the Borromeo altarpiece, 469

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas of Bari and Catherine of Alexandria (no. 1130), 279

Giovanni da Milano, predella with scenes of the Passion (no. 1059), 535

Girolamo da Carpi, Cardinal Ippolito II d’Este with his Secretary (no. B 113), 525 n. 5

Liberale da Verona, predella panels (no. 1655), 364

Lippi, Filippo, Adoration of the Christ Child (no. 69), 158

Lippi, Filippo, Portrait of a Woman (no. 1700), 403

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Beata Umiltà altarpiece (nos. 1077, 1077A), 374

Lotto, Lorenzo, Portrait of an Architect (no. 153), 396 n. 12

Martini, Simone, Entombment from Orsini polyptych (no. 1070A), 425 n. 7

Memmi, Lippo, Virgin and Child (no. 1081A), 196 n. 6, 442, 451 n. 19

Memmi, Lippo, Virgin of Humility (no. 1072), 194, 442

Memmi, Tederigo, Annunciation and Six Saints (no. 1142), 442

Michele da Verona, Engagement (no. 1175), 464

Morone, Domenico, Virgin and Child (no. 1456), 471, 475

Palma Vecchio, Jacopo, Virgin and Child (no. 31), 124

Parmigianino, altarpiece of the Baptism of Christ (no. 1179), 523

Perugino, Pietro (?), or Antonio da Viterbo (?), Virgin and Child (no. 143), 414

Sano di Pietro and Benvenuto di Giovanni, reliquary or triptych (nos. 1120, 1121), 129

Sassetta, Apparition of the Blessed Ranieri to a Cardinal (no. 1945) (Pl. 94, Comp. L), 562, 566

Signorelli, Luca, altarpiece for Bichi chapel (no. 79), 342

Signorelli, Luca, portrait of a man (no. 79C), 578

Suavius, Lambert, Resurrection of Lazarus (no. 658), 586 n. 20

Vecchietta, Mass of Saint Anthony Abbot (no. 63), 610

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Saint Jerome (no. 112E), 613, 615–16

Zoppo, Marco, Pesaro altarpiece (no. 1170), 522 n. 10

Berlinghieri, Bonaventuraretable in San Francesco, Pescia,

400 n. 7Berlioz, Hector, 714Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint, 153


general index 11

Bernardi, Giannino de’, 490Bernardino da Fossano, 136–37Bernardino da Parenzo, 633Bernardino di Mariotto, 370, 372Bernardino, Saint, 362, 548–49, 563–64Bernardo, Nicolò, 635Bernardo, Pietro, 635Bernardo family, 632–34Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, 240, 331Berruguete, Alfonso, 344, 346, 348Bersuire, Pierre, 368Berthault, Pierre-Gabriel, after

Jean-Louis PrieurMurder of Patriot Nicolas Jean-

Baptiste Lescuyer in the Church of the Cordeliers at Avignon on 16 October 1791 (Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département estampes et photographie, Reserve QB-370 (47)-FT 4), 456–57 (Fig. 69.2)

Bertini, Giuseppe, 252, 256 n. 5, 743Bertini, Ludovica, 340, 559Bertolli, Antonio, 644Bertoni, Marcello, 85 n. 68Besozzi, Raimondo, Cardinal, 396

n. 18Bessarion, Basilio, Cardinal, 114–15Betti, Petruccio, 383 n. 26van Beuningen, Daniël George, 258Bevilacqua, Giovanni Ambrogio,

141–42Madonna della Pace (Dresden,

Gemäldegalerie, no. 68), 138, 140

Bezzuoli, Giuseppe, 644Biagio d’Antonio, 44, 79, 147–50, 271

Adoration of the Child with Saints and Donors (Tulsa, Philbrook Museum of Art, no. K1088), 147

altarpiece for San Domenico del Maglio, Florence (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 1386), 147

altarpiece in San Francesco, San Casciano Val di Pesa, 147

Archangel Michael Dividing the Souls of the Dead (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, no. 20680), 147

battle scenes (Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland, nos. 778, 780, and elsewhere), 147

Betrothal of Jason and Medea (Paris, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, no. PE102), 147

Crossing of the Red Sea (Vatican City, Sistine chapel), 147

figures in landscape of Ghirlandaio’s Calling of the First Apostles, 147

Man of Sorrows (Pl. 13), 79, 148–50Pergola altarpiece (Faenza,

Pinacoteca Civica “Bruno Molajoli,” no. 124), 147

two scenes in Rosselli’s Last Supper (Vatican City, Sistine chapel), 147

Virgin and Child with an Angel (Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, no. 591), 147

—— and Jacopo del SellaioMorelli-Nerli wedding chests

(London, Courtauld Gallery, nos. F.1947.LF.4–5), 271

—— Jacopo del Sellaio, and Zanobi di Domenico

wedding chests (London, Courtauld Gallery, Lee collection, no. 58), 147

—— and Pietro Perugino, wall in Sala dei Settanta in Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 147

Bianchi, Gaetano, 644–49Self-portrait (Florence, Uffizi,

no. 9180), 644 n. 7Virgin and Child with an Angel,

Pilgrim, and a Donor (Florence, Confraternita della Misericordia), 644

—— (?) (assembler), see Toscanelli Altarpiece

Bianchi Bandinelli, Ranuccio, 65Bianchi Ferrari, Francesco, 408, 410Bicci di Lorenzo, 38, 98, 481, 486,

568, 737Annunciation (Baltimore, Walters

Art Museum, no. 37.448), 418Annunciation (Florence, San

Simone), 418fragment of altarpiece by Niccolò

Matas for Santa Croce, Florence, 649 n. 11

fresco for the baptismal font (Gangalandi, San Martino), 415

Nativity and the Annunciation to the Shepherds (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1920.19) (App. 9), 737

Saint Lawrence Enthroned (formerly in Colinsburgh, Fife, Crawford and Balcarres collection), 484

Saint Lawrence for the monastery of Monticelli (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 471), 484

—— (workshop)work on Florence cathedral, 419

Bichi family, 266, 273, 337, 342Bichi-Ruspoli-Forteguerri (coll.), 558Biella, Rivetti collection

Cristiani, Giovanni di Bartolomeo, triptych from oratory of the Nerli, Montemurlo, 220

Biffi Sommi, Antonio, 198 n. 3Biffi Sommi, Gerolamo, 198 n. 3Biffi, Giambattista, 198 n. 3Bigazzi, Giuseppe, 25, 433, 437Billi, Antonio, 235Binduccio dello Scelto, 268–72Bing (Siegfried, dealer), 677, 714Biondo, Flavio, 279Birkmayer, Mr. and Mrs., 69 n. 135Birmingham

Barber Institute of Arts

Bellini, Giovanni, Portrait of a Boy (no. 46.11), 119

Signorelli, Luca, Portrait of Niccolò Vitelli (no. 45.3), 574, 578 (Fig. 96.2), 580 n. 29

Museum and Art GalleryBellini, Giovanni, Virgin and

Child Enthroned between Saints Peter and Paul with a Donor (no. 1977P227), 119

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Crucifixion (no. P.57.60), 142

Bonifacio, Adoration of the Shepherds (no. 1955P101), 161

Birmingham, Ala., Birmingham Museum of Art

Bordon, Paris, Mercury and Minerva Arm Perseus (no. 61.117), 166

Lippi, Filippino, Man of Sorrows with the Instruments of the Passion (no. 1961.99), 148 (Fig. 13.1), 150

Scheggia, predella panels with the Temptation of Saint Anthony Abbot and Saint Bernardino of Siena Preaching (nos. 1960.107 and 196.108), 570

Bissolo, Francesco, 119Blanche, Jacques, 45Blathwayt family, 695Blayds, Thomas, 538–39Bliss, Lillie P., 42 n. 7Blood, Florence, 14, 684, 689 n. 65Blumenthal, George and Florence,

756, 759Boccaccio, Giovanni, 472, 697–98,

700 n. 4Boccardi, Giovanni di Giuliano, 546 n. 18Boccati, Giovanni, 90, 107, 151–55, 172,

522 n. 8Adoration of the Magi (Helsinki,

Sinebrychoff Art Museum, no. A III 1900), 151

altarpiece for the Franciscans of Camerino, 151

panels of the Crucifixion (Urbino, Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, no. 1990 D5; Venice, Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro, no. 103; Turin, Galleria Sabauda, Collezione Gualino, no. 662), 153, 154 n. 3

Pietà (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 437), 152

polyptych (Belforte del Chienti, Sant’Eustachio), 151

retable for chapel of San Savino, cathedral of Orvieto (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 1209-74), 152

Sposalizio, 494 n. 1Virgin and Child with Four Angels

(Pl. 14), 28, 62 (Fig. II.21), 84 n. 27, 152, 153–55, 264 n. 7

Virgin of the Orchestra (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 147), 151, 153–54

Virgin of the Pergola (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, nos. 150–51), 151–52

works for Palazzo Ducale, Urgino, 151

Bocchi, Francesco, 240Bocha, Martino de, Cardinal, 457Bôcher, Ferdinand, 66 n. 1Bocheta, Ginevra, 119Bode, Wilhelm, 37–38, 45, 235, 240, 243,

396, 667Böhler, Julius, 32, 113, 211–12, 214, 216

n. 12, 241, 467, 469–70Boileau de Buillon, Gilles, 582 n. 2Bologna

Balboni and Rossi collection, 465castle of Porta Galliera

Giotto, painting for chapel (lost), 311

Collezioni Comunali d’ArteLeonelli da Crevalcore,

Antonio, triptych (no. P. 578), 358 n. 4

Compagnia dei CalzolariFalloppi da Modena, Giovanni,

polyptych, 465Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio

(CarisBo)Jacopo di Paolo, Crucifixion,

465, 468Zoppo, Marco, section of an

altarpiece for the Collegio di Spagna, Bologna, 466

Hercolani collection, 354, 466 n. 14formerly Leonelli da

Crevalcore, Antonio, two paintings, 354 n. 2

Maccaferri collectionCosta, Lorenzo (workshop),

Adoration of the Child, 218Malvezzi collection, 466 n. 15Misericordia

Costa, Lorenzo, and Francesco Francia, altarpiece for, 209

Museo d’Arte Industriale Davia Bargellini

Jacopo di Paolo, Saint John Baptist (on deposit), 468

Museo di Santo StefanoMichele di Matteo, Saint

Petronio Enthroned with Stories of Saints Petronio and Stephen, 465

Pinacoteca NazionaleArtist unknown, Saint Jerome

(no. 812), 359Carbone, Francesco

(Carboncino), copy of Ercole De Roberti’s lost fresco of the Crucifixion (no. 7065, on deposit in Bologna, San Pietro Vecchio) (App. 17), 214, 616, 739

Costa, Lorenzo, altarpiece for the abbey of Monteveglio (on deposit), 215

Francia, Francesco, Nativity (no. 584), 209

Gentile da Fabriano, Saint


general index12

Bartholomew (?) (no. 7255 ) (Pl. 38, Comp. C), 281, 287 (Figs. 38.5–6)

Gentile da Fabriano, Saint Matthew (?) (no. 7156) (Pl. 38, Comp. B), 281–82, 286 (Figs. 38.3–4)

Giotto, polyptych (no. 284), 311, 318 n. 3

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Saint Apollonia (no. 553), 356

Master of Ambrogio Saraceno, painting from San Giovanni in Monte (on deposit), 354 n. 7

Michele di Matteo, polyptych with the Pietà (no. 247), 466

Michele di Matteo, Ringhieri polyptych from San Martino, Bologna (nos. 214, 218, 248), 466

Parmigianino, Virgin of Saint Margaret (no. 116), 523

Perugino, Pietro, Virgin in Glory and Saints (Scarani altarpiece for San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna) (no. 579), 209, 217

Vivarini, Antonio and Bartolomeo, polyptych of 1450 (no. 273),470 n. 3; details from, 302–03 (Fig. 41.5)

San FrancescoCosta, Lorenzo, Triumph of

Fame, 209, 214, 215 (Fig. 25.2)Masegne, Pierpaolo and

Jacobello dalle, marble ensemble, 189, 468, 562

San Giacomo MaggioreFrancia, Francesco, altarpiece

for Bentivoglio chapel, 209Leonelli da Crevalcore,

Antonio, triptych of the Virgin and Child with Saints James the Great and Augustine, Bologna, 354

Lorenzo Veneziano, high altarpiece, 468

San Giovanni in MonteCosta, Lorenzo, Coronation of

the Virgin, 209Costa, Lorenzo, Virgin and

Saints, 209San Marino Maggiore

Costa, Lorenzo, Assumption of the Virgin, 210

San Michele in BoscoMichele di Matteo, frescos, 468

San PetronioCosta, Lorenzo, and Francesco

Francia, altarpiece of Vaselli chapel, 209

De Roberti, Ercole and Francesco del Cossa, Griffoni triptych (dispersed), 613, 615–16

Michele di Matteo, fresco of Saint Anthony of Padua in chapel of Santa Brigida, 465

Parmigianino, Saint Rocco, 512

Simone di Filippo, altarpiece for Cospi chapel, Bologna, 468

Vivarini brothers (attrib. Zeri), Griffoni altarpiece, 358 n. 5

San Pietro VecchioDe Roberti, Ercole, fresco of

the Crucifixion (lost), 209, 215, 739

De Roberti, Ercole, Garganelli chapel, 355, 358

Santa CeciliaBagnacavallo (Bartolomeo

Ramenghi), fresco of the Coronation of Saints Cecily and Valerian in Santa Cecilia, Bologna, 217

Costa, Lorenzo, fresco, 209–10Bolognini family, 467Bolsena, Santa Cristina

Benvenuto di Giovanni, predellas, 145

Sano di Pietro and Benvenuto di Giovanni, altarpiece, 129

Boltraffio, Giovanni Antonio, 214, 706

Litta Madonna (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. GE 249), 143

“Boltraffio” (unknown Lombard painter)

portrait of a young man (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 268), 706 n. 1

Bonacci Brunamonti, Maria Alinda, 292

Bonaccorsi, Francesco, 349 n. 3Bonacolsi, Bardellone, 329 n. 27Bonacolsi, Filippo, Bishop, 324, 329Bonacolsi, Francesco, 329 n. 27Bonaiuto di Giovanni, 415, 416 n. 4Bonaparte, Princesse Mathilde

Laetitia Wilhelmine, 343 n. 4Bonati, Angiola, 144 n. 7Bonaventura, Saint, 564Bonaveri family, 360Bondone di Angiolino, 309Bonfigli, Benedetto, 30, 44, 151, 156–59,

234, 296 n. 6Adoration of the Magi (Perugia,

Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, nos. 140–41), 156

Annunciation (Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, no. 1977.23), 156

Annunciation (Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, no. 1977.23), 158

Annunciation with Saint Luke (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 138), 156

cycle for chapel of Palazzo dei Priori, Perugia, 156

fresco of San Bernardino, Perugia cathedral, 156

frescoed chamber for the Palazzo dei Priori, Perugia, 234

gonfaloni, 156Maestà for San Pietro, Perugia

(lost), 156Virgin Adoring the Christ Child

and the Annunciation to the Shepherds (Pl. 15), 63, 157–59, 264 n. 7, 484 n. 2

Virgin and Child with Four Music-making Angels (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 144), 156

Virgin and Child with Saints (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 158), 156

work on papal palace of Pope Nicholas V, 156

—— with Bartolomeo CaporaliAdoration of the Magi (Perugia,

Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, nos. 142, 145), 156

Bonham and Sons, 286Boni, Lionardo, 488Boniface VIII Caetani, Pope, 316–17,

326Bonifacio (Bonifacio de’ Pitati), 26,

160–64, 167Adoration of the Shepherds

(Birmingham, Museum and Art Gallery, no. 1955P101), 161

Adoration of the Shepherds (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. 33), 160

altarpiece of Saint Michael Archangel Defeating Satan, Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice, 160

Gaius Mucius Scaevola Burning his Hand before King Porsenna and Coriolanus and his Mother (formerly Weitzner collection, New York), 162

Hannibal being Presented to his Father, the General Hamilcar Barca (?) (private collection), 163–64 (Fig. 16.1)

Head of Hasdrubal Brought to Hannibal (Pl. 16), 26, 161–64

Holy Family (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P26w8), 160–61

Holy Family with Saint Peter (Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, no. 484), 160

Holy Family with Tobias and the Angel (Milan, Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, no. 43), 160

Joseph Being Drawn from the Well (Princeton University Art Museum), 161

paintings cycle for Palazzo dei Camerlenghi, Venice, 160, 162

Saint Roch (San Bonifacio, Verona), 160

Virgin and Child (London, National Gallery, no. 1202), 160

Virgin and Child (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. 31), 160

Virgin and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Venice, Cini collection), 160

Bonn, Wesendonck collectionformerly “Vicino da Ferrara,” four

Dominican saints, 613, 616

Bonnard, Pierre, 714Bonnat, Léon, 227Bonsi, Giovanni, 220Bonsignori, Francesco, 463–64Bonsignori, Giovanni, 409Bontempi, Candido, 522 n. 6Bordeaux, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Andrea del Brescianino, Portrait of a Woman as Saint Ursula (no. Bx E 837), 179

Bordon, Paris, 44, 80, 161, 165–70altarpiece for San Nicolò della

Lattuga, Venice, 165altarpiece of the Holy Family

with Saint Jerome (Milan, Santa Maria presso San Celso), 166

altarpiece of the Virgin Presenting Saint Dominic to the Redeemer (Milan, Brera, no. 103), 166

Bathsheba at her Bath with her Maidens (Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz Museum, no. 517), 166

Christ among the Doctors (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P26W11), 161, 167

Descent in Limbo (private collection), 170 n. 15

Fisherman Consigns the Ring to the Doge (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 320), 165, 267

frescos in the church of the Dominican sisters of San Paolo, Treviso, 166

frescos in the Palazzo del Podestà, Vicenza, 168

Holy Family with Saint Ambrose and a Donor (Milan, Brera, no. 104), 168

Holy Family with Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. 110), 168

Mars and Venus Imprisoned by Vulcan’s Net (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 963), 166

Mars, Venus, Flora, and Cupid (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, no. 233), 166

Mercury and Minerva Arm Perseus (Birmingham, Ala., Museum of Art, no. 61.117), 166

Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Genoa, Doria collection), 168, 170

Paradise (Treviso, Musei Civici, no. P99), 166

Pentecost (Milan, Brera, no. 108), 165

Portrait of a Gentleman (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 512), 165, 170

Portrait of a Man with a Dagger (Vienna, Liechtenstein Museum, no. GE93), 165

portrait of Carlo da Rho and Paola Visconti (unidentified), 166


general index 13

Portrait of Nicolaus Korbler (Vienna, Liechtenstein Museum, no. GE1128), 165

Rest on the Flight into Egypt (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. 219), 168

Rest on the Flight to Egypt, with the Vision of Saint Eustache (Pl. 17), 80, 167–70

Sacred Conversation (Dijon, Musée Magnin, no. 23), 170

Sacred Conversation (Milan, Brera, no. 106), 170

Sacred Conversation (Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, no. 168), 168, 170 n. 15

Sacred Conversation (Rome, Doria Pamphilj collection, no. 363), 169

Sacred Mysteries for Salamon altar, Treviso (unidentified), 166

Saint George and the Dragon (Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 354), 165

Saint George Slaying the Dragon from Noale, 168

Saint Jerome in a Landscape (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 206), 168

Saint Lawrence between Saints Jerome, Peter, John the Baptist, and Sebastian, Treviso cathedral, 166

story of Noah in the Loggia of the Palazzo del Capitanio, Treviso, 165

Two Studies of Saint Joseph (London, Victoria and Albert Museum, no. Dyce 265 recto), 170 (Fig. 17.1)

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints George and Christopher (Lovere, Galleria Tadini, no. 67), 165, 168

Virgin and Child with Saint Anthony Abbot and a Young Donor (Sotheby’s 8 Dec. 2011, lot 109), 167, 170 n. 2

Virgin and Child with Saint Homobonus and a Donor (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 55), 168

Virgin and Child with Saints Fabiano, Roch, Catherine of Alexandria, and Sebastian (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 191), 165

Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Anthony Abbot Commending a Donor (Glasgow Museums, no. 570), 168–69

Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, and George (Glasgow Museums, no. 191), 168–69

Virgin and Child with Saints Mary Magdalene, Catherine of Alexandria, and Eligius (Warsaw, Muzeum Narodowe, no. 187395), 165

Borenius, Tancred, 675 n. 36Borgherini family, 344Borgherini, Pierfrancesco, 109Borghese family, 342–43Borghesi, Giovanni di Agostino, 129Borghesi, Iacopo, 129Borghesi, Mariano, 129Borghesi family, 132, 134–35, 509, 511Borghini, Vincenzo, 534Borgia, Cesare, 574, 576, 580 n. 21,

581Borgo San Lorenzo, parish church

Bachiacca, altarpiece with Saints Macarius, Sebastian, and Vincent Ferrer, 109

Giotto, Virgin and Child, 318 n. 3Borgo San Sepolcro, see SansepolcroBorja, Alfons de, Bishop of Valencia

(later Pope Calixtus III), 527–28, 530

Borja, Rodrigo de, Cardinal Bishop of Valencia (later Pope) Alexander VI, 530

Borromei, Borromeo, 468Borromeo, Alessandro, 465–69Borromeo, Federico, Cardinal, 573Borromeo, Galeazzo, 468Borromeo Arese, Giberto, 392, 395Borromeo family, 36, 79, 136, 198,

391–92, 395 n. 5, 467–70, 579 n. 7Borromini, Francesco, 280Bosaglio, Orazio, 260 n. 4Bosch (coll.), 527Bossi, Battista, 137Bossi, Francesco, Bishop of Perugia,

135 n. 13, 187 n. 14, 192 n. 10, 380, 383, 430, 432, 606 n. 14

Bossi, Giacinto, 146Bossy (coll.), 343Boston

Horace Morison collectionformerly Master of Staffolo,

Saint Apollonia, 84 n. 32Isabella Stewart Gardner

Museum, 23Artist unknown, cassone

panels with Orsini arms (no. F21n16), 366

Bellini, Gentile, Young Turkish Scribe (no. P15e8), 114

Bonifacio, Holy Family (no. P26w8), 160–61

Bordon, Paris, Christ among the Doctors (no. P26W11), 161, 167

Botticelli, Sandro, Tragedy of Lucretia (no. P16e20), 20, 22

Bramantino, Three Women (no. P15w20), 42 n. 9

Catena, Vincenzo, Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter (no. P26e17), 161

Cicognara, Antonio, Saint Lucy and her Mother Eutychia at the Tomb of Saint Agatha (no. PS15S4a), 42 n. 9, 199–200, 202 (Fig. 23.1)

Daddi, Bernardo, Virgin and Child with Goldfinch (no. P15w26) (App. 25), 741

Giambono, Saint Maurus Abbot

(no. P15.1) (Pl. 41, Comp. G), 42 n. 9, 303 (Fig. 41.4), 304–05

Giotto and workshop, Presentation in the Temple (no P. 30 W9) (Pl. 44, Comp. B), 322–23, 327

Giuliano da Rimini, altarpiece (no. P27e46), 317

Liberale da Verona, Nativity (no. P26s8), 42 n. 9

Martini, Simone, polyptych from Santa Maria dei Servi, Orvieto (no. P15e4), 60, 69 nn. 136–37, 441, 450

Piermatteo d’Amelia, Annunciation (no. P16w4), 59, 640–41 (Fig. IV.4)

Titian, Rape of Europa (no. P26e1), 20

Museum of Fine ArtsBramantino, Virgin Nursing the

Christ Child (no. 13.2859), 202 nn. 2 and 7

Catani Chiti, Giuseppe (“Piero della Francesca”), Female Portrait (no. 40.237), 650

Crivelli, Carlo, Pietà (no. 02.4), 239, 243 n. 24

Del Cossa, Francesco, marriage salver (no. 17.198), 427

Duccio di Buoninsegna and workshop, Crucifixion with the Redeemer and Angels, Saint Nicholas of Bari, and Saint Gregory (no. 45.880), 186 (Fig. 20.1)

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin of Humility (no. 30.772), 336 n. 16

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child (no. 39.536), 56

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus, Judgment of Paris (no. 44.659), 408 (Fig. 61.2), 410

Memmi, Tederigo, Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. 15.1145), 442, 450

Niccolò di Ser Sozzo and Francesco Neri da Volterra, pastiche altarpiece (no. 1883.175a–c), 686 n. 5, 649 n. 13

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, Borja Retablo of the Virgin of Xátiva (no. 29.1129) (reconstruction), 528 (Fig. 86.1)

Sano di Pietro, painted reliquary (no. 60.536), 548

Ugolino di Nerio, Mary Magdalene (no. 15.952), 606

“Vicino da Ferrara,” desco with Meeting of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba (no. 17.198), 520

Botkin, Mikhail Petrovich, 102Botticelli, Sandro, 22–23, 28, 30, 45, 50,

61, 64, 73, 171, 652, 668–72, 729Calumny of Apelles (Florence,

Uffizi, no. 1496), 651

fresco of the Annunciation (Florence, Uffizi, on deposit), 106

Lorenzo de’ Lorenzi (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, no. 48), 580 n. 31, 581 n. 54

Man of Sorrows (Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, no. 526), 150

Primavera (Florence, Uffizi, no. 8360), 19

Tragedy of Lucretia (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum), 20, 22

Virgin and Child with Six Saints (Florence, Uffizi, no. 8657), 414, 671–72 (Fig. V.6)

Botticini, Francesco, 44, 71, 74–75, 147, 171–76, 272 n. 1, 737

altarpiece from San Girolamo of the Hieronymites of Fiesole (London, National Gallery, no. 227), 488

altarpiece of the Three Archangels (Florence, Uffizi, no. 8359), 171

Birth of the Virgin (Rome, Colonna collection, no. 1657) (Pl. 18, Comp. B), 172, 174–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Donor Facing Left (Rome, Colonna collection, no. 1658) (Pl. 18, Comp. D), 172, 174–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Donor Facing Right (Rome, Colonna collection, no. 1658) (Pl. 18, Comp. C), 172, 174–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Flagellation of Christ (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 10), 75, 82, 737

Marriage of the Virgin (Pl. 18), 152, 171, 172–76 (Fig. 18.1), 481

Palmieri altarpiece (London, National Gallery, no. 1126), 171, 175

Presentation of the Virgin (Milan, Saibene collection, no. 62) (Pl. 18, Comp. E.2), 173–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Saints Anna and Joachim (New York, Brooklyn Museum, no. 22.466) (Pl. 18, Comp. E.1), 172, 174–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Saints Giovanni Gualberto, John the Baptist, and Anthony of Padua (Bagnères-de-Bigorre, Musée Salies, no. 236), 171

tabernacle of Saint Sebastian (Empoli, Museo della Collegiata di Sant’Andrea, no. 26), 171

tabernacle of the Sacrament (Empoli, Museo della Collegiata di Sant’Andrea, no. 27), 171

Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Pancras, Sebastian, and Peter (Paris, Musée


general index14

Jacquemart-André, no. 763), 171, 175

Botticini, Giovanni di Domenico, 171, 173

Botticini, Raffaello, 171Bottigella, Giovanni Matteo, 251, 255Bouchot, Henri, 658Boudin, Stéphane, 39Boughton, Alice, 54 (Fig. II.12), 724

(Fig. 143.2)William James (Washington, D.C.,

National Portrait Gallery, no. NPG.87.37), 672, 724 (Fig. 143.2)

Bourbon Condé, Louis Elizabeth de, 657

Bourbon del Monte, Arimberto, 581 n. 35

Bourbon del Monte, Pompeo, 581Bourbon-Conti, Louise Henriette

de, Duchess of Orléans, 657Bourget, Paul, 66 n. 22, 296, 531Braccesco, Carlo

Annunciation (Paris, Louvre, no. 1410), 262

Braccio da Montone, 568Bradley, Katherine Harris, 728Braguti, Pier Luigi, 260 n. 4Bramante, Donato, 258, 572, 739

Meli chapel (Cremona, San Lorenzo), 200

Prevedari engraving and choir (Milan, Santa Maria presso San Satiro), 200

Bramantino (Bartolomeo Suardi), 197, 199, 258, 260 n. 4, 355, 536, 539, 739

Three Women (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P15w20), 42 n. 9

Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 13.2859), 202 nn. 2 and 7

Brambilla, Agostino, 144 n. 7Brambilla, Luigi, 144 n. 7Brancacci family, 98, 344Branchini family, 330–31Braque, Georges, 711Brauer, Godefroy, 28–30, 43, 54, 56, 68

n. 96, 157, 246, 248 n. 1, 378 n. 1, 753, 758

Braun (photographer), 67, 125Brea, Ludovico, 251, 258Brescia

cathedralFoppa, Vincenzo, Lamentation

with Saints Peter, Paul, John the Baptist, and Stephen for Scuola del Santissimo Sacramento (lost), 251

Loggetta dell’OrologioFoppa, Vincenzo and Gian

Giacomo Moretti, frescos (destroyed), 251

Pinacoteca Tosi MartinengoFoppa, Vincenzo, banner for

Orzinuovi (no. 129), 251San Giorgio al Broletto

Gentile da Fabriano, decoration of palace chapel, 279

Sant’AlessandroBellini, Jacopo, Annunciation

altarpiece, 118 n. 2Santa Maria del Carmine

Foppa, Vincenzo, altarpiece for chapel of Sant’Eligio (lost), 250

Foppa, Vincenzo, decoration of Averoldi chapel, 250–51

Santa Maria MaddalenaFoppa, Vincenzo, polyptych for

high altar (lost), 250Brescian school

Francesco Franchini (Como, Musei Civici, no. 598), 580 n. 31

Breslauer, Bernard, 546 n. 4Bridget of Sweden, Saint, Revelations,

140–41, 157, 481–82, 486Briganti, Aldo, 30–31, 460, 462 n. 1Brison, Alessandro, 141British Royal Collection, on loan to

the National Gallery, LondonBergognone, Ambrogio, Saint

Stephen and Saint Lawrence (nos. JS 41, 42), 146 n. 11

Bergognone, Ambrogio (Bernardo Zenale?), Virgin and Child Seated on a Rock with Saints Ambrose and John the Baptist and a Kneeling Donor (no. JS 40), 146 n. 11

Gentile da Fabriano, Quaratesi polyptych for San Niccolò Oltrarno, Florence, 103, 280, 288 n. 22, 289–90, 292

Lotto, Lorenzo, portrait of Andrea Odoni (no. 48), 390

Pesellino, Francesco, Trinity altarpiece for Pistoia (no. L15), 234, 235 n. 7

Brockhaus, Heinrich, 106Broederlam, Melchior, 255Brogi, Francesco, 68, 379, 383, 432 n. 21,

552, 672Bronzino, Agnolo, 328, 737

Andrea Doria (Milan, Brera, no. 565), 580 nn. 8 and 31

portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi (Florence, Uffizi, no. 741), 524

—— (workshop)Portrait of a Baby Boy (Baltimore,

Walters Art Museum, no. 37.451) (App. 11), 81, 737

Browning, Robert, 48, 66 n. 20, 124, 509

Bruggisser, Jules, 215Bruini (coll.), 141Bruneau, Paul Adrien, 383 n. 28Brunelleschi, Filippo, 388, 418Brunner, Charles, 657Bruno (Don), 442Bruschi, Livio, 627Brussels

Bibliothèque Royale de BelgiqueLiédet, Loyset, Daphne Praying

to Diana for Protection from Apollo (MS cod. 9392, fol. 90v), 368 (Fig. 51.1)

Sadeler I, Raphael, Old Age (engraving after Maarten de

Vos) (Cabinet des Estampes, no. S. I 35159), 623 (Fig. 106.1)

Kastell van GaasbeekGiambono, Saint Augustine, 297Giambono, Saint Louis of

Toulouse, 297Zeecrabbe Castle, Ucclé, Michel

van Gelder collectionformerly Fei, Paolo di

Giovanni, Marriage of the Virgin, 278 n. 10

BucharestMuzeul Nat‚ional de Arta

Domenico Veneziano, Virgin and Child (no. 4), 241

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus workshop, Vulcan Fabricating Cupid’s Wings in the Presence of Venus (no. 7984/18), 410 n. 12

Royal Collectionformerly Michele di Matteo,

Virgin and Child, 465Buchelius, Arnold, 586 n. 18Budapest

Mezey collection, 125Szépmuvészeti Múzeum

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Lamentation (no. 65), 66 n. 5, 141, 142 n. 24

Bergognone, Ambrogio and Bernardino, polyptych for Osnago chapel, San Giovanni Battista, Melegnano (no. P. 10), 136, 144

Biagio d’Antonio, altarpiece for San Domenico del Maglio, Florence (no. 1386), 147

Boccati, Giovanni, retable for chapel of San Savino, cathedral of Orvieto (no. 1209-74), 152

Costa, Lorenzo, Venus (no. 1257), 210

Fungai, Bernardino, Virgin and Child (no. 4209), 273

Guido di Domenico, Biccherna cover (no. 4), 248

Jacopo del Casentino, Virgin and Child Enthroned (no. 6006), 97 n. 20

Licinio, Bernardino, Head of a Lady (no. 51.2879), 44 n. 56

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus (?), Hercules Defeating a Centaur (no. 1411), 410

Pannonio, Michele, Muse Thalia (no. 44), 518, 520 (Fig. 84.1)

Ráth collection, 44 n. 56 Taddeo di Bartolo, altarpiece

of 1395 for Pisa (no. 53.500), 588

Buddhist figures, 31, 72 (Fig. III.2), 82, 565 (Fig. 94.2), 677

Budé family, 583–84, 586Buffalmacco, Buonamico

fresco in Arezzo cathedral, 223Buffum, Sophia Kimber, 723

Buffum, William, 724 n. 8Bugatto, Zanetto, 250Buggiano Castle, Abbazia di Santi

Maria, Michele e PietroVerdi Family workshop, altarpiece

of the Baptism of Christ, 109, 113

Verdi Family workshop, Saint Nicholas of Bari Giving Dowries to Three Poor Sisters, from the altarpiece of the Baptism of Christ, 112 (Fig. 6.2)

Bugiardini, Giuliano, 179, 288 n. 8Virgin, Christ Child, and Saint John

the Baptist (Kansas City, Mo., Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, no. 68–10), 729 (Fig. 146.1)

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, 38, 63–64, 81, 82, 84, 182–96, 374, 431, 500, 552, 604, 645–46, 648, 737; see also “Lorenzetti, Ugolino”

Adoration of the Shepherds (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1917.89), 182, 193, 442, 554 n. 27

Adoration of the Shepherds in the San Vittore triptych, Siena cathedral, 458 n. 11

altarpiece for Canigiani chapel in Santa Croce, Florence (Florence, Museo dell’Opera di Santa Croce, no. 8), 182, 189, 192 (Fig. 21.3)

altarpiece for hospital and confraternity of the Misericordia, Siena (Siena, San Pellegrino alla Sapienza, on deposit at the Pinacoteca Nazionale and Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, no. 494), 187 n. 15

altarpiece for San Pietro a Ovile, Siena (Siena, Museo Diocesano), 183

altarpieces for Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 59, 76; Florence, Uffizi, nos. 6136, 6137), 182, 192

Assumption (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 61), 182–83

Bishop Saint with Saint Peter (Pienza altarpiece) (Pl. 21), 188–92

book covers, 182Crucifixion (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg

Museum, no. 472.1931), 612 n. 9Crucifixion (Chicago, Smart

Museum of Art, no. 1973.40), 194

Crucifixion (Paris, Louvre, no. 312), 182

Crucifixion altarpiece for Santa Caterina delle Ruote, Radicondoli (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 54), 182

Crucifixion with Saint Francis of Assisi (Pl. 20), 63, 184–87, 257


general index 15

painting for Palazzo Pubblico, Siena (lost), 182

polyptych for Santo Stefano in Canova, San Gimignano (Siena, Salini collection), 182, 189

polyptych in San Cerbone near Lucca (Lucca, Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi, nos. 160, 162; Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, Samuel H. Kress Collection, no. 1943.4.20; Rome, Pinacoteca Capitolina, nos. 345, 346), 182, 183 n. 3, 189

Saint Ansano (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 42), 606 n. 6

Saint Francis of Assisi with Saint James the Great (Pienza altarpiece) (Pl. 21), 188–92

Saint Galgano (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 43), 606 n. 6

Saint John the Baptist with Saint Paul (Pienza altarpiece) (Pl. 21), 186, 188–92

Saint Mary Magdalene with Saint Louis of Toulouse (Pienza altarpiece) (Pl. 21), 182, 188–92

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 80), 183

Virgin and Child from the Pienza altarpiece (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, no. 8) (Pl. 21 Comp.), 192

Virgin of Humility (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, no. A 4002), 193, 194 (Figs. 22.1, 22.2), 195–96

—— (?)Crucifixion (Saint Petersburg,

Hermitage, no. 5507), 187 n. 13—— (attrib.)

Virgin and Child (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 12), 38, 737

—— or workshopVirgin of Humility (Pl. 22), 63–64,

81–82, 84 n. 27, 193–96, 431 n. 2—— and Simone Martini

Assumption of the Virgin (Siena, Antiporto di Camollia), 182–83

Bulgarini, Bulgarino di Simone, 187 n. 15

Bulgarini family, 186Bülow, Hans von, 729Buonarroti, Michelangelo, 109–10,

112–13, 279–80, 342, 344–46, 349 n. 10, 531, 670, 673

cartoon for Battle of Cascina, 344David, 344design of door on via San Gallo,

Florence, 345Doni tondo (Florence, Uffizi,

no. 1456), 344Leda and the Swan, 112Libyan Sibyl (Sistine chapel), 110Saint John the Baptist Bearing

Witness (New York,

Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1970.134.2), 344

BuonconventoMuseo d’Arte Sacra della Val

d’ArbiaAndrea del Brescianino, Virgin

and Child with Saints (no. 28), 178, 180

Benvenuto di Giovanni, and Girolamo di Benvenuto, Annunciation with Saints Anthony Abbot and Francis of Assisi (no. 82), 130, 132–33

Duccio di Buoninsegna, Virgin and Child for Santi Pietro e Paolo, Buonconvento (no. 2), 430, 432 n. 14

Girolamo di Benvenuto and Benvenuto di Giovanni, Annunciation with Saints Anthony Abbot and Francis (no. 82), 337

Master of the Buonconvento Crucifix, Crucifix (no. 1), 430

Matteo di Giovanni, predella of the Buonconvento altarpiece (no. 19) (Pl. 65, Comp. B), 431 (Fig. 65.1)

Pietro di Domenico, Assumption (no. 81), 432 n. 22

Sano di Pietro, Virgin and Child between Saints Bernardino and Catherine of Siena (no. 17), 430

Santi Pietro e PaoloMatteo di Giovanni, Virgin and

Child Enthroned with Four Angels (Pl. 65, Comp. A), 430–31 (Fig. 65.1), 432 n. 19

Orioli, Pietro di Francesco, Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, and Sebastian, 430, 432 n. 14

Buonrizzo, Giovanni Alvise, 165Burbank, Calif., Western Diocese of

the Armenian ChurchT’oros sarkawag (T’oros the

deacon), Ascension; Pentecost (donation of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Karabian) (Pl. 100, Comp. C), 600, 601 n. 2

T’oros sarkawag (T’oros the deacon), Resurrection of the Dead; T’oros the Deacon Presented to Christ by the Virgin (donation of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Karabian) (Pl. 100, Comp. D), 598, 600, 601 nn. 2, 9, and 12

Burchiello (Domenico di Giovanni), 482

Burgo de Osma, cathedralPeris Sarrià, Gonçal, main

altarpiece, 526Burke, John, 43, 66 n. 8, 642 n. 4Burlazzo, Bartolomeo, 198 n. 12Burne-Jones, Edward, 36–37, 45, 68

n. 92, 651, 698, 738Sidonia von Bork 1560 (London,

Tate Gallery, no. N05877), 738

Sidonia von Bork 1560 (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 13), 36, 738

Burton, Alfred E., 724 n. 9 Burton, Gertrude, 723Burton, Harry, 14, 55–56, 66

n. 26, 71–72, 73 (Fig. III.3), 74 (Fig. III.4), 78, 81–85, 132, 138, 141 n. 2, 179, 180 (Pl. 19a), 196, 204, 226, 254, 267, 272 n. 1, 365, 428, 444, 446, 448, 449 (Pl. 68d), 451 n. 8, 579 n. 2, 580 n. 9, 683, 689 n. 53, 719, 720–21 (Figs. 142.4–7) 737, 740

Busati, Luca Antonio, 125 n. 2, 756Buscot Park, Oxfordshire, Faringdon

collectionMorone, Domenico (workshop),

scenes of Roman history, 475Bussolo, Pietro, 251Bussy, Dorothy Strachey, 694

photo of, 694 (Fig. 119.1)Bussy, Simon, 35, 78, 694, 738

Ann Stephen (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 14), 84 n. 53, 694, 738

Barbara Strachey (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 15), 694, 738

Black Hornbill (Pl. 119), 694Christopher Strachey (present

whereabouts unknown) (App. 16), 694, 738

Lady Ottoline Morrell (London, Tate Gallery, no. N06015), 694

Lytton Strachey (London, National Portrait Gallery, no. 4595), 694

Butinone, Bernardino, 197, 255, 258Virgin and Child with Saints John

the Baptist and Lucy (Isola Bella, Borromeo collection), 198 n. 14

—— and Bernardo Zenaledecoration of Grifi chapel (Milan,

San Pietro in Gessate), 251Butler, Charles H., 94, 97 n. 2, 172, 735Byne, Arthur, 530

CCaccia, Claudio, 198 n. 3Caccia Sarti, Maria Antonia, 198 n. 3Caccialupi, Augusto, 152Cadmus, Paul, 702Caffarini (Tommaso d’Antonio), 492Caffi, Michele, 197, 257, 260Caen, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Cima da Conegliano, Virgin and Child with Saints George and James Major (no. 57), 203

Cagnola, Carlo, 539 n. 1 Cagnola, Guido, 14, 19, 44, 118, 125 n. 5,

138, 141, 179, 328 n. 3, 395 n. 6, 440, 536, 538–39, 579, 604–06, 646, 649 n. 18, 735, 739, 753

photo of, 538 (Fig. 88.1)Calagrano, Gerolamo, 136, 140–42Calepino, Ambrogio, 251Calverley, William, 538–39Calvi, Girolamo Luigi, 146 n. 10

Cambó, Francesc, 356, 520, 568Virgin and Child (Barcelona,

Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, no. 64971), 520

Cambridge, Fitzwilliam MuseumDomenico Veneziano, Annunciation

and Miracle of Saint Zenobius (nos. 1106–07), 234

Franchi, Rossello di Jacopo, Virgin and Child with Saints Andrew, John the Baptist, James the Great, and Anthony Abbot (?) (no. 1129) (App. 37), 744

Liberale da Verona, predella panels (no. PD.21–1961), 364

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus workshop, Apollo and Poseidon Help Laomedon Construct Troy and Laomedon Refuses to Pay Apollo and Poseidon (nos. M. 69–70, as Michele da Verona), 410 n. 12

Spinello Aretino, pinnacles from an altarpiece (no. 550), 648 n. 5, 649 n. 13

Cambridge, Mass.Harvard Art Museums/Arthur

M. Sackler MuseumT’oros sarkawag (T’oros the

deacon), Communion of the Apostles (no. 1960.200) (Pl. 100, Comp. B), 595, 598–99 (Fig. 100.4), 600

T’oros sarkawag (T’oros the deacon), Raising of Lazarus (no. 1960.196) (Pl. 100, Comp. A), 595, 598–99 (Fig. 100.3)

Harvard Art Museums/Fogg Museum, 38

Alunno, Niccolò, triptych (no. 1927.207.1), 59, 69 n. 129

Apollonio di Giovanni and Marco del Buono workshop, Virgin and Child (no. 1909.32), 107

Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (no. 1843.103), 124, 125 n. 7

Bellini, Giovanni (workshop), Virgin and Child Winthrop (no. 1943.103), 736

Bicci di Lorenzo, Nativity and the Annunciation to the Shepherds, no. 1920.19) (App. 9), 737

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, Adoration of the Shepherds (no. 1917.89), 182, 193, 442, 554 n. 27

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, Crucifixion (no. 472.1931), 612 n. 9

Crivelli, Vittore, Saint Jerome (no. 1920.18) (App. 23), 38, 740

Daddi, Bernardo, Virgin and Child with Christ Blessing (gift of Grenville L. Winthrop, Class of 1886, no. 1923.35) (App. 26), 82, 84 n. 27, 741


general index16

Desiderio da Settignano, Virgin and Child with the Penitent Saint Jerome (no. 1929.10) (App. 30), 31, 742

Foppa, Vincenzo (workshop), Virgin and Child (no. 1939.100) (App. 35), 256 n. 5, 264, 743

Giovanni di Paolo, Adoration of the Christ Child (no. 1943.112) (App. 44), 28, 745

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Crucifixion with Saints Clare and Francis (no. 1943.119), 373

Luca di Tommè, cross (no. 1970.59), 611

Matteo di Giovanni, Saint Jerome in his Study (no. 1966.3), 427

Neri di Bicci, Adoration of the Christ Child (no. 1958.294), 484

Pacino di Bonaguida, Saint Proculus on a Journey Stops a Doe in the Wilderness and Saint Proculus Induces the Doe to Give Milk to his Thirsty Companions (no.1943.110–11) (App. 81), 755

Previtali, Andrea, Virgin and Child with Saint James the Great (no.1939.101) (App. 88), 44 n. 72, 125 n. 2, 756

Sano di Pietro, Descent into Limbo (no. 1922.172), 549 n. 5

Spinello Aretino, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Eight Angels (no. 1905.1), 648 n. 5, 659 n. 13

Taddeo di Bartolo, altarpiece of 1418 for Gubbio (no. 1965.2), 588

Camerino, Franciscan churchBoccati, Giovanni, altarpiece, 151

Campagnari, Luigi, 165Campagnola, Domenico, 207Campagnola, Giulio, 633Campana, Giovanni Pietro, 539Campana, Puccio, 420, 424Campana family, 632, 634Camparboli, San Sebastiano

Girolamo di Benvenuto and Benvenuto di Giovanni, frescos, 337

Campi, BernardinoBaldassare Castiglione (Como,

Musei Civici, no. 584), 580 n. 31

Campin, Robert (follower of )Mass of Saint Gregory, 396 n. 23

Canavesio, Giovanni, 308, 366, 735Canigiani, Ser Francesco di Simone

de’, 183 n. 2Canigiani family, 182–83, 189, 192Cannon, Henry W., 28, 164 n. 3Çanou, Joan, 530Canova, Antonio, 23, 178, 209Cantagalli, Ulisse, 644 n. 4Cantoni, Achille, 14, 19, 22, 28, 122, 138,

141 n. 3, 252, 320, 328 n. 4, 736Capecchi, Dr. Alberto, 746Capel-Cure, Francis T., 735

Caporali, Bartolomeo, 156, 572Caporali, Giovanni Battista, 572Capponi, Giovanni Marco, 137Capranica, Angelo, Cardinal, 558Caprioli, Aliprando, 573, 578–79, 581

n. 44Caprioli, Angelo

Vitellozzo Vitelli (from Ritratti di cento capitani, Rome, Domenico Gigliotti, 1600, fol. 78v), 573, 579, 581 (Fig. 96.8)

Capriolo, Elia, 251Caracciolo da Lecce, Roberto, 278 n. 7Caravaggio, 209, 254, 256 n. 13, 702Carbone, Francesco (Carboncino),

215, 739copy of Ercole De Roberti’s lost

fresco of the Crucifixion (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 7065, on deposit in Bologna, San Pietro Vecchio) (App. 17), 214, 616, 739

Carbone, Ludovico, 518Cariani, Giovanni, 508Carli, Giovan Girolamo, Abbot, 135

n. 14, 338, 340, 343, 432 n. 21Carlo da Rho, 166Carlo di ser Paolo, 102Carlone, Benedetto, 203Carnarvon, Lord (George Herbert),

73Carnevale (Fra) (Bartolomeo di

Giovanni Corradini), 151–52, 401, 739

Ancient Hero (Gazzada, Fondazione Cagnola, no. 26) (App. 18), 536, 539 n. 2, 739

Annunciation (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 645), 419

Annunciation (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1939.1.218), 419

Virgin and Child (Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, no. 510), 402–03

Virgin and Child (Hannover, Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum, no. KM 83), 402

Caroto, Giovan Francesco, 408, 410, 472

painting in Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, no. 1368-1B262, 472

Carpaccio, Vittore, 83, 114–15, 120, 206, 408, 410, 459, 462, 471, 475, 515, 633

Apparition of the Crosses of Mount Arafat in the Church of Sant’Antonio in Castello (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 175), 304

—— (?) (Andrea Previtali?)Head of a Man (Pasadena,

Norton Simon Museum, no. F.1965.1.012.P), 758

Carpan, Bartolomeo, 396 n. 13Carpenter, Charles George Rice,


CarpiCassa di Risparmio

Costa, Lorenzo, Saints Ursula, Anthony of Padua, and Catherine of Alexandria, 210

Fondazione SeveriAspertini, Amico, Virgin and

Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist, 217

Foresti collectionformerly Leonelli da

Crevalcore, Antonio, Virgin and Child, 356, 369

Carpinoni, Domenico, 506Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary

(Clusone, Santa Maria Assunta), 508

Personification of Faith (Bergamo, Conti Moroni collection), 506

Carracci, 64, 540Carrer, Antonio, 42Carter, Howard, 55Carzago di Calvagese della Riviera,

Fondazione SorliniBellini, Giovanni, workshop,Virgin

Adoring the Christ Child, 125Caselli, Cristoforo, 119, 736

altarpiece for the Consorzio dei Vivi e dei Morti, Parma (Parma, Galleria Nazionale, no. A), 359

Casini, Angelo di Naddo, 231 n. 5Casini, Antonio, Cardinal, Bishop of

Siena, later Bishop of Grosseto, 559

Casini, Diana, 231Casio de’ Medici, Girolamo, 354Casolani, Alessandro, 67 n. 73Casole d’Elsa, Museo Archeologico

e della CollegiataPacchiarotti, Giacomo, fresco in

Casole d’Elsa, 509Casse, Cola delle, 91, 92 nn. 11 and 16Cassirer, Paul, 467, 470 n. 26Castagno, Andrea del, 134, 150, 234, 235

n. 10, 297, 549 Pazzi Madonna from the

Castello di Trebbio (Florence, Uffizi, Donazione Contini Bonacossi, no. 2), 242

Castel del Piano, Santa Maria delle Grazie

Sienese School, Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Bartholomew and Angels, 627 (Fig. 108.2), 628

Castelfiorentino, Museo di Santa Verdiana

Giotto and/or Duccio, Virgin and Child, 309

Castelfranco, E., 503Castelli-Mignanelli (coll.), 619Castelnuovo Verardenga, Santi

Giusto e ClementeGiovanni di Paolo, altarpiece for

the Malavolti chapel, San Domenico, Siena, 335 n. 6

Castiglione d’Orcia, Sala d’Arte San Giovanni

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin and Child, 334

Castiglione del BoscoLorenzetti, Pietro, fresco of

Annunciation and Saints, 374Castiglione Olona

Vecchietta, work for Cardinal Branda Castiglioni, 607

Castiglioni, Branda, Cardinal, 607Castiglioni family, 330Catani Chiti, Alessandro, 650Catani Chiti, Giuseppe

Annunciation and Saint Michael Archangel altarpieces for the English Church, Florence, 650

cartoons for Gianbattista Conti for the Sacro Cuore del Suffragio, Rome, 650

decoration of Bufalini oratory (Siena), 650

design of the marble altar of the church of Tajpur in India, 650

Holy Family (Rome, Casa di Cura Sacra Famiglia), 650

La Madre del Buon Sentiero, for Lady Almina Victoria Herbert, Countess of Carnavon, 650

Mater amabilis (present whereabouts unknown), 652

Nativity with Angels (present whereabouts unknown), 652

triptych of the Immaculate Virgin with Saints Joseph, Anne, Paul, and Elizabeth for the Baptistery of Siena, 650

triptych of the Redeemer for San Francesco, Siena, 650

Virgin and Child with Animals (present whereabouts unknown), 652

Virgin and Child with Saints (present whereabouts unknown), 650

Virgin and the Holy Innocents Adoring the Christ Child (Pl. 112), 30, 651–53

works in Baroncelli chapel in the cemetery of San Miniato al Monte, 650

works in San Francesco, Prato, 650works in Santa Caterina

d’Alessandro, Florence (now Nostra Signora del Sacro Cuore), 650

works in the Cassa di Risparmio, Prato, 650

—— (“Francesco Pesellini”)Annunciation (Kansas City, Mo.,

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, no. 45–42), 650

—— (“Piero della Francesca”)Female Portrait (Boston, Museum

of Fine Arts, no. 40.237), 650—— and Alessandro

painting of the Sacred Heart (Rome, Sacro Cuore del Suffragio), 650


general index 17

—— and Alessandro Franchicartoons for the windows of Santa

Maria dei Servi, Siena, 650Catena, Vincenzo

Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P26e17), 161

Virgin and Child with Young John the Baptist (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 101), 128

Virgin and Child with Young John the Baptist (present whereabouts unknown), 128

Virgin and Child with Young John the Baptist and a View of Campo Santa Maria Formosa (Tokyo, National Museum of Western Art, no. P.2011–0001), 126 (Fig. 9.1), 128

Catherine the Great, Tsarina of Russia, 540

Cattaneo, Giovanni Siro, 251Cattani da Staggia, Scolaro di Lapo

de’, 503Cavalcaselle, G. B., 50, 52, 64, 66–67,

138, 146 n. 10, 161, 206, 235–36, 239–41, 243 nn. 23 and 28, 254, 261, 274 n. 7, 292, 300–03, 305 n. 5, 306, 308–09, 498, 549, 552, 587–88, 603, 615, 627, 644, 649 n. 16, 669

drawing of Domenico Veneziano, Virgin and Child (Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, MS It. IV. 2037 [= 12278]), 236, 239 (Fig. 31.1)

drawing of Giambono, Saint Michael Angel (Venice, Biblioteca Marciana, Fondo Cavalcaselle, It. IV. 2031 [= 12272]), 298, 301 (Fig. 41.1)

Cavaleri, Michele, 260 n. 4Cavalieri, Lina, 73Cavalletto, Giovanni Battista, 359Cavalli, Sigismondo, 160Cavallini, Pietro, 77–78, 660Cavallotti, 742Cavenaghi, Luigi, 14, 19, 25–30, 44, 57

(Fig. II.17), 58, 69 n. 137, 121–22, 125 n. 5, 141 n. 3, 179, 180 n. 1, 204, 206, 236, 242 n. 4, 252–57, 320, 327, 361–62, 365, 495–96, 551, 573, 579, 580 n. 9, 640, 679, 688 n. 18, 742, 747, 756, 759

Cavendish-Bentinck, George Augustus Frederick, 161, 370

Ceccarelli, Naddo, 457triptych (Norfolk, Va., Chrysler

Museum, no. II.72.3), 377Virgin and Child (Baltimore,

Walters Art Museum, no. 37.1159), 376

Virgin and Child (private collection), 458 n. 15

Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (Siena, San Martino), 556 (Fig. 92.2)

Cecconi, Angelo, 382Celestine V (Pietro da Morrone),

Pope, 316

Cellini, Benvenuto, 28bronze bust of Bindo Altoviti, 28

Celsi, Niccolò di Cristoforo, 427Ceneda, cathedral

Jacobello del Fiore, Coronation of the Virgin, 351

Cenni di FrancescoVirgin Enthroned Suckling the

Christ Child (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 6119), 97 n. 18

Cennini, Cennino, 281, 431 n. 1, 485, 487 n. 2, 649 n. 16

Cernuschi, Enrico, 260 n. 4Cervelliera, Giovanni di Francesco

del, 544, 546 n. 9Cesare da Sesto, 137Cézanne, Paul, 665, 668, 683–84, 697,

702Gardanne (New York,

Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 57.181), 42 n. 6

La Campagne d’Auvers-sur-Oise (private collection), 42 n. 6

La route (private collection), 42 n. 7

Chaalis, Musée Jacquemart-AndréArtist unknown, Presentation

of the Virgin in the Temple (no. 1966), 358 n. 20

Giotto, panels with saints (nos. 10. 11), 318 n. 1

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, Allegory of Winter (no. 1889.76) (Pl. 82, Comp. D), 512, 514 (Fig. 82.4)

Chaise-Dieu, abbey of Saint-RobertGiovannetti, Matteo, altarpieces

for chapels (lost), 457Chanler, Elizabeth Winthrop, 675

n. 26Chantilly, Musée Condé

Sassetta, Mystic Marriage of Saint Francis (no. CHY 10) (Pl. 94, Comp. T), 50–51 (Fig. II.8), 562, 566

Chapman, John Jay, 675 nn. 26–27Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 702Charenton-le-Pont, Médiathèque de

l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Saint-Cyr)

Martini, Simone, Virgin of Humility; copy by Alexandre-Dominique Denuelle (no. 1996/089), 334–35 (Fig. 45.1), 336

Charles IV, Emperor, 284Charles V, Emperor, 165, 510Charles I of Anjou, King of Naples,

581 n. 45Charles VIII, King of France, 344,

574–76Chatsworth, Devonshire Trust

Coxcie, Michiel, drawing of Hercules and Cacus (no. 1138), 586

Cheramy, Paul-Arthur, 131–32, 134 n. 2Cherry, Carl, 724 n. 9Cherry, Lancelot A., 14, 651–52Chiavelli, Chiavello, 279Chicago

Art InstituteBazzi, Giovanni Antonio

(from Parma), miniature of a sacrifice scene (Joseph and Helen Regenstein Foundation, no. 1989.686), 369

Matteo di Giovanni, lunette with the Nativity from the Placidi altarpiece (nos. 1933.1018–19), 427 n. 13, 435, 342

Michele da Verona, Phaeton Driving the Chariot of Apollo (George F. Harding Collection, 1984.27), 459 (Fig. 70.1), 464

Smart Museum of ArtBulgarini, Bartolomeo,

Crucifixion (no. 1973.40), 194Chieppio, Annibale, 581 n. 45Chigi, Agostino, 531Chigi, Fabio, 443Chigi, Sigismondo, 179, 410Chigi Saracini (coll.), 179, 266, 368, 559Chioggia, Museo Diocesano

Paolo di Martino Veneziano, two polyptychs, 397

Chiusdino, Oratory of San Galgano (formerly)

Sassetta, Madonna della Neve, 53, 55 (Fig. II.13), 66 n. 11

Chiusi, San SecondianoFungai, Bernardino, Nativity with

Saints Vincent and Jerome, 273Chiusure, San Michele

Neroni, Bartolomeo (Riccio), altarpiece, 437 n. 10

Christensen, R. W., 494Christie and Manson, 320, 323, 327–28,

538–39Christie, Manson, and Woods, 134,

172, 300, 320, 327, 538–39, 735Christie’s (London), 27, 44, 59, 97 n. 2,

102, 128, 161, 164, 217–18, 249, 286, 318, 335–36, 343, 348, 370, 366, 469, 480, 525, 640, 695, 735, 741, 747, 752, 756

Christie’s (New York), 277–78, 348, 410, 469–70, 475, 756

Christus, Petrus, 41painting including van Eyck’s

Sancta facies (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 60.71.1), 150

Ciampolo di Meo, 268, 272Ciano, Galeazzo, 33Ciantore, Bandino di Conte dei, 442Ciceri, Francesco, 137Cicogna, Antonio Emanuele, 470

n. 20Cicognara, Antonio, 28, 32, 38, 42, 136,

197–202, 739Adoration of the Christ Child

with Two Saints (Cremona, Museo Civico Ala Ponzone, no. 38), 197, 198 n. 14

book illumination, 197, 200Communion of a Nun (formerly

in Leipzig, Franz Adolf von Beckerath collection), 202 n. 11

Ecce Homo with Mary Magdalene (Athens, Georgia Museum of Art, no. 61.1889), 197, 200

frescos in San Pantaleone, Cremona (lost), 197

lost painting in Sant’Antonio Abate, Cremona (formerly in Finzi collection, Cremona), 202 n. 8

Prezagni altarpiece in Sant’Angelo, Cremona (lost), 197

Saint Catherine of Alexandria with a Nun in Adoration (Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, no. 58 MR 00120), 197, 199–200, 202 n. 7

Saint Lucy and her Mother Eutychia at the Tomb of Saint Agatha (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. PS15S4a), 42 n. 9, 199–200, 202 (Fig. 23.1)

tarot cards from the Colleoni Baglioni pack, 200

tarot cards from the Visconti Sforza set (New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, nos. M.630.5, M.630.8, M.630.13; Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, no. 06 AC 00889/24–26), 197, 198 n. 7, 199

Three Angels Guarding the Corpse of Saint Lucy (Pl. 23), 28, 32, 199–202, 739

Virgin (fragment) (Hanover, N.H., Hood Museum of Art, no. P.962.30), 197

Virgin and Child (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 64) (App. 19), 32, 197, 739

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria (Ro Ferrarese, Fondazione Cavallini Sgarbi), 197, 200, 202 n. 7

work for hospital of Santa Maria della Pietà, Cremona, 197

—— (?)Saint Jerome (Ravenna, Pinacoteca

Comunale, no. 51), 202 n. 7Virgin and Child Enthroned

(Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst, no. 1751), 202 n. 7

—— (Master of Pratovecchio?)polyptych (London, National

Gallery, no. 584), 200 n. 2Cicognini, Antonio, 202 n. 8Cignaroli, Giambettino, 459, 475 n. 18Cima da Conegliano, 29, 33, 44, 70, 76,

80–81, 121–22, 125 n. 2, 203–08, 258, 515, 632–35, 682, 688, 756

Adoration of the Shepherds for San Giorgio in Alga, Venice (lost), 203

altarpiece for the Lateran Congregation for San Bartolomeo, Vicenza (Vicenza, Pinacoteca, no. A146), 203, 208 n. 12


general index18

Annunciation (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. GE 256), 203, 206

Constantine and Saint Helen (Venice, San Giovanni in Bragora), 203

Dragan altarpiece, see Sacred Conversation

episodes of the legend of Theseus and Ariadne (Zurich, private collection; Paris, private collection; Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli (on deposit from the Brera, no. 1013 d.t. 55; Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. nos. 177–78), 208 n. 14

high altarpiece of the Baptism of Christ (Venice, San Giovanni in Bragora), 119, 203, 208

Incredulity of Saint Thomas (London, National Gallery, no. 1816), 203

painting for San Francesco, Conigliano (lost), 203

panels with mythological scenes (Tours, Musée des Beaux-Arts, nos. D.53.2.3–4), 633

polyptych for San Martino, Navolè (Vittorio Veneto, Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra), 206

polyptych for the church of Sant’Anna, Capodistria (on deposit in Mantua, Palazzo Ducale), 203

polyptych (Miglionco, Santa Maria Maggiore), 203, 206

Sacred Conversation (Dragan altarpiece) (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 36), 203, 206–07

Sacred Conversation for Montini chapel, Parma cathedral (Parma, Galleria Nazionale, no. 360), 203

Saint Jerome (Florence, Uffizi, no. Contini Bonacossi 19), 208 n. 14

Saint Mark from Santa Maria dei Crociferi, Venice (London, National Gallery, no. 4946), 206

Saint Peter Enthroned between Saint John the Baptist and Saint Paul (Milan, Brera, no. 292), 125 n. 2, 203

Saint Peter Martyr between Saints Nicholas of Bari and Benedict (Milan, Brera, no. 177), 203, 207

Saint Sebastian (Pl. 24), 29, 70 (Fig. III.1), 76, 80, 81, 204–08, 679, 699 n. 18

Saint Sebastian (Strasbourg, Musée des Beaux-Arts, no. 353), 206–07

Saint Sebastian from the Oderzo

altarpiece (Milan, Brera, no. 5875), 207

Saint Sebastian from the Olera altarpiece (Olera, San Bartolomeo), 207, 208 n. 12

Seaside Duel (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 17A), 633

three fragments with Dionysian scenes (Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, no. 686; Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. nos. 177–78), 635 n. 7

Tobias and the Archangel with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Nicholas (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 701), 125 n. 2

tondi with mythological scenes (Parma, Galleria Nazionale, nos. 370, 373), 635 n. 7

vexillum for Santa Maria in Covolo (lost), 203

Virgin and Child (Gemona del Friuli, Museo Civico, no. 172), 203

Virgin and Child from Santa Maria delle Consolazione, Este (on loan to Este, Museo Nazionale Atestino), 203

Virgin and Child with Saints George and James Major (Caen, Musée des Beaux-Arts, no. 57), 203

Virgin and Child with Saints Michael Archangel and Andrew (Parma, Galleria Nazionale, no. 361), 207

Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian, John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, and Roch with Members of the Scuola di San Giovanni Evangelista (Milan, Brera, no. 5975), 203

—— (?)Judgment of Midas (Copenhagen,

Statens Museum for Kunst, no. 116A), 635 n. 7

Theseus at the Court of Minos (Zurich, private collection), 633

Virgin and Child (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, no. SK–A 1219), 208 n. 14

—— (attrib.)landscape (Bergamo, Accademia

Carrara, no. 179), 635 n. 6Redeemer (Pavia, Pinacoteca

Malaspina, no. 383), 635 n. 6Cimabue, 41, 54, 290, 305, 309–10, 425

Crucifixion (Assisi, San Francesco, Upper Church), 187 n. 13

frescos (Assisi, San Francesco, Upper Church), 310

Cincinnati, Taft MuseumMaster of the Richardson

Triptych, triptych (no. 1962.9), 248

Cingoli, San DomenicoLotto, Lorenzo, Virgin of the

Rosary, 392 (Fig. 57.1), 395

Cini (coll.), 160, 464, 471, 474–75, 504, 520, 566, 614, 648–49

Cini, Vittorio, 85 n. 67, 545Cinughi, Giovanni, Cardinal, Bishop

of Pienza, 340, 427Cione brothers, 476; see also Andrea

di Cione; Jacopo di Cione; Nardo di Cione

Cione workshop, 28, 96, 384, 476–77, 479–80

Lamentation of the Dead Christ in the Sepulcher (York, York Art Gallery, no. 727) (Pl. 74, Comp.), 478, 480 (Fig. 74.3)

Saint Benedict Reviving a Young Monk (Pl. 74), 28, 30, 477–80

Cipriani, Margherita, 475 n. 19Cirino da Montelsi (Fra), 378 n. 9Ciseri, Antonio

paintings (Florence, Galleria d’Arte Moderna, no. C.G. 32), 644 n. 7

Città di CastelloPalazzo Vitelli a Sant’Egidio

Fontana, Prospero, and Orazio Samacchini, frescos of the Battle of Fornovo di Taro, 576

Pinacoteca ComunaleSignorelli, Luca, Martyrdom of

Saint Sebastian (no. 16), 571Signorelli, Luca (copy), portrait

of Paolo Vitelli, 578Signorelli, Luca, and Piero

della Francesca (?), fresco fragment from Torre del Vescovo (no. 15), 571

San FrancescoAnon. woodworker, intarsia

choir stall with Saint Francis in Glory in Cappella Vitelli, 563–64 (Fig. 94.1)

Artist unknown, Saint Francis in Glory, 567 n. 23

Spinello Aretino, altarpiece (lost), 563, 567 n. 18

Civelli, Carloaltarpiece (Montefiore dell’Aso,

Santa Lucia), 135 n. 26Civerchio, Vincenzo, 252, 256–57, 260Claremont, Cal., Pomona College

Museum of ArtAlunno, Niccolò, Crucifixion

(no. P 61.1.9), 92 n. 11Clark, Kenneth, 14, 44–45, 63, 199,

200, 243 n. 45, 675 n. 36, 697, 702 n. 2, 709–10

Clement V de Got, Pope, 326Clement VI Roger, Pope, 456–57,

458 n. 24Clement VII de’ Medici, Pope, 523,

578Cleveland Museum of Art

Artist unknown, reliquary frame (no. 1978.26), 376

Giovanni di Paolo, predella with legend of Saint Catherine of Siena (no. 1966.2), 330, 492

Lippi, Filippo, side panels of altarpiece for Naples (nos. 1964.150.1–2), 670, 675 n. 54

Memmi, Tederigo, Virgin and Child (no. 52.110), 442

Morone, Domenico, collaborator of, panel of Trajan dispensing justice (no. 16.790), 474

Niccolò di Segna, Angels (nos. 1962.1–2), 499 n. 13

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, part of main altarpiece of the cathedral of Burgo de Osma (no. 1947.208), 526

Sassetta, Saint Francis before Christ on the Cross (no. 62.36) (Pl. 94, Comp. G), 65, 562, 565

Ugolino di Nerio, Virgin and Child with Saints and Crucifixion (no. 1961.40), 189

Clifford, Edward, 36–37portrait of Mary Berenson

(London, National Portrait Gallery, no. 5877), 738

Clifford, Ester Rowland, 84 n. 43Clifford, Henry, 84 n. 43Clusone, Santa Maria Assunta

Carpinoni, Domenico, Fifteen Mysteries of the Rosary, 508

Novaero, Tonino, Virgin and Child in Glory with Saints Gotthard, Bernardino of Siena, Mary Magdalene, Nicholas of Bari, and Alexander, 505–06 (Fig. 81.1)

Cock, Hieronymus, 583, 586 n. 11prints of Colosseum, 583

Cocteau, Jean, 690 n. 85, 711Codman, Ogden, 21, 43Cola delle Casse family, 91–92Colacicchi, Giovanni, 34Colinsburgh, Fife, Crawford and

Balcarres collectionformerly Bicci di Lorenzo, Saint

Lawrence Enthroned, 484Collegiacone (near Cascia)

Zabolino, Jacopo, frescos of saints in Santa Maria Apparente, 618

Colmar, Musée d’UnterlindenGrünewald, Matthias, Meeting of

Saint Paul Hermit and Saint Matthew (no. 88. RP.139), 285

Colnaghi, Martin, 756Colnaghi’s, 20, 28–29, 44, 152–53, 747,

756Cologna, Achille, 198 n. 3Cologne

Kölnisches StadtmuseumSuavius, Lambert, study for

the facade of the Rathaus, Cologne (Graphische Sammlung, no. A I 3/728), 582

LempertzBellini, Giovanni, Virgin

Adoring the Christ Child (18 Nov. 1965, lot 76), 125 n. 9

formerly Michele di Matteo, Saint Augustine, 469

Wallraf-Richartz MuseumBordon, Paris, Bathsheba at


general index 19

her Bath with her Maidens (no. 517), 166

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, altarpiece for hospital and confraternity of the Misericordia, Siena (no. 494), 187 n. 15

Lochner, Stefan, Virgin of Humility (no. 67), 256

Colonna (coll.), 10, 172–76Colonna, Aspreno I, 172, 176Colonna, Bartolomeo, 118Columbia, S.C., Columbia Museum

of ArtMatteo di Giovanni, Virgin and

Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Sebastian (no. 62.920, K. 1746), 438

Colvin, Sidney, 667Como, Musei Civici

Brescian school, Francesco Franchini (no. 598), 580 n. 31

Campi, Bernardino, Baldassare Castiglione (no. 584), 580 n. 31

Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo del, Michele Marullo (no. 583), 580 n. 31

“Compagno di Pesellino,” 106, 108, 675 n. 53

Compluti, Bruno, 324Conder, Charles

At the Seashore (Belgrade, Narodni Muzej, no. 768) (App. 20), 32, 726, 739

Conigliano, San FrancescoCima da Conegliano, painting for

(lost), 203Coningham, Geraldine Emily, 328Coningham, Henry, 328Coningham, W. J. C., 328Coningham, William, 328Connors, Françoise, 717Conti, Gianbattista, 650Contini Bonacossi, Alessandro, 14,

36, 79, 85 n. 57, 125 n. 12, 143, 150, 208, 235 n. 2, 242, 305, 340, 392, 395 n. 7, 396, 474–75, 487, 503, 525 n. 4, 539, 548, 559, 603

photo of, 396 (Fig. 57.3)Conway, William Martin, 264 n. 2Conzett und Huber, 39, 79

(Fig. III.9), 80Cook (coll.), 131, 158, 458, 506, 670, 675

n. 54, 700Cook, Sir Francis, 579Cook, Sir Herbert, 178, 301, 579Cook, Ronald, 286Cooper, Edith Emma, 14, 728Copenhagen

Statens Museum for KunstCicognara, Antonio (?),

Virgin and Child Enthroned (no. 1751), 202 n. 7

Cima da Conegliano (?), Judgment of Midas (no. 116A), 635 n. 7

Giovanni da Milano, predella with scenes of the Passion (no. 3756), 535

Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo, panels with Saints Vittore

and Corona for altar of San Vittore, Siena (nos. KMS3625 and KMS3624), 183 n. 6, 194, 442

Thorvaldsens MuseumTaddeo di Bartolo (attrib.),

Saint Mary Magdalene, Agony in the Garden, and Kiss of Judas, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. B2), 593–94 (Fig. 99.3)

Coppoli, Carlo, 268, 272 n. 5Coral Gables, Fla., Lowe Art

MuseumFrancesco di Giorgio Martini,

Virgin and Child (no. 61.25), 56Fungai, Bernardino, tondo

(no. K-1341), 273Corfu

episcopal palaceDamaskenos, Michael, Saint

John Chrysostom, 233 n. 3municipal cemetery church

Damaskenos, Michael, Saint Anthony Abbot on iconostasis, 233 n. 3

Corner family, 119–20Coro, Giovanni dal, 391–96 Corot, Camille, 697Correggio (Antonio Allegri), 207, 210,

523, 670Correr, Antonio, 351Corridonia, Pinacoteca Parrochiale

Vivarini, Antonio and Bartolomeo, polyptych, 91

Corsham, Wiltshire, Corsham CourtGranacci, Francesco, Annunciation

(Pl. 47, Comp. A), 346, 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Corsi (coll.), 318, 466Corsi, Arnaldo, 84, 382, 402Corsi, Benedetto, 102Corsi, Filippo, 102Corsi, Giovacchino, 257Corsini family, 644 n. 4Cort, Cornelis, 584

engravings of Franz Floris’s Labors of Hercules, 584

Cortese, Cristoforo, 397 n. 4Cortesi, Paolo, 572Cortona, Museo Diocesano

Lorenzetti, Pietro, crucifix for San Marco, Cortona, 373

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Maestà, 458 n. 12

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels, 373, 379

Niccolò di Segna, Virgin and Child, 498

Sassetta, Del Peccia triptych for chapel of San Niccolò in San Domenico, Siena, 559

Signorelli, Luca, Nativity from the upper church of the Gesù, Cortona, 578

Cortreille, Alain, 469, 470 n. 33Cosimo di Giovanni, 546 n. 6Cosini, Silvio, 346

marble tabernacle for Madonna delle Grazie, Montenero, outside Livorno, 346

Cospi family, 468Costa, Enrico, 14, 19–20, 24, 42

nn. 5–7, 43, 58, 390photo of 20 (Fig. 1.2)

Costa, Lorenzo, 31, 209–19, 354, 356, 515, 740, 758

Adoration of the Magi (Milan, Brera, no. 584), 209

altarpiece for the abbey of Monteveglio (on deposit at Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale), 215

altarpiece in Santa Maria delle Rondini, Bologna (formerly Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, no. 112A; Atlanta, High Museum of Art, nos. 58.38–41), 209, 215

Assumption of the Virgin, (Bologna, San Martino Maggiore), 210

book illuminations, 209Coronation of a Poetess (Paris,

Louvre, no. 1261), 209Coronation of the Virgin in

San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna, 209

Court of Comus (Paris, Louvre, no. 1262), 210

Crucifixion (Pl. 25), 31, 211–15, 615decoration of choir in Ferrara

cathedral (lost), 209Dormition of the Virgin (Raleigh,

North Carolina Museum of Art, no. GL60.17–38), 215

fresco of the Fall of Troy, 209fresco of the oratory of Santa

Cecilia, Bologna, 209–10frescos of the story of Judith, 209Holy Family (Dublin, National

Gallery of Ireland, no. 526), 217–18

Holy Family (Toledo Museum of Art, no. 65.174), 210

Investiture of Federico Gonzaga as Captain of the Church (Prague, Národní Galerie, no. 87), 210

Saint John the Evangelist (Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, no. 533), 214

Saint Sebastian (Dresden, Gemäldegalerie, no. 42A), 209, 215

Saint Veronica for Florimond Robertet (lost), 210

Saints Ursula, Anthony of Padua, and Catherine of Alexandria (Carpi, Cassa di Risparmio), 210

scenes from the legend of the Argonauts (Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, no. 344; Padua, Musei Civici, no. 424; Paris, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, no. PE90), 209, 210 n. 1

Triumph of Fame (Bologna, San

Giacomo Maggiore), 209, 214, 215 (Fig. 25.2)

Venus (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 1257), 210

Virgin and Child (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 244) (App. 21), 740

Virgin and Saints (Bologna, San Giovanni in Monte), 209

—— and workshopHoly Family (Pl. 26), 217–19, 264

n. 7—— (workshop)

Adoration of the Child (Bologna, Maccaferri collection), 218

—— and Francesco Franciaaltarpiece (Bologna,

Misericordia), 209altarpiece of Vaselli chapel

(Bologna, San Petronio), 209—— follower of

Crucifixion (New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, no. 1943.261), 218 n. 5

Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata (London, Christie’s, 30 Nov. 1979, lot 49), 218 n. 5

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Anthony Abbot and Sebastian (Richmond, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, no. 58-31), 218 n. 5

Virgin and Child with Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (formerly Lugano, Thyssen-Bornemisza collection), 218 n. 5

Costa, Michele, 218Costabili (coll.), 209Costantini, David, 14Costantini, Emilio, 14, 28, 44, 737,

756, 758Costantino da Vaprio, 250Costelloe, Frank, 14, 19, 24, 26, 47, 57Costelloe, Frank, 19Costelloe, Karin, see Stephen, KarinCostelloe, Mary Whitall Smith, see

Berenson, MaryCostelloe, Ray, see Strachey, RaeCova Minotti (coll.), 397Covolo, Santa Maria

Cima da Conegliano, vexillum for (lost), 203

Foppa, Vincenzo, Annunciation, 256 n. 5, 257, 262

Cox, Elijah Albert?, 45Coxcie, Michiel, 583, 586

drawing of Hercules and Cacus (Chatsworth, Devonshire Trust, no. 1138), 586

Cozzarelli, Giacomo, 265–66Cozzarelli, Guidoccio, 25, 64, 427,

430–31, 433, 436cassone panel with story of

Lucretia (formerly Paris, Trotti et Co.), 337, 338 n. 12

Crabbe, George, 702Cracroft, Mary, 83 n. 16Cracrofts, 72, 83 n. 16


general index20

Craglietto, Gaspare, 260 n. 3Craig, Gordon, 714, 728Crawford and Balcarres, earls of, 437

n. 7, 484Crema, Tensini collection 142Cremia, San Michele

Bergognone, Ambrogio, polyptych, 141

CremonaFinzi collection

formerly Cicognara, Antonio, painting in Sant’Antonio Abate, Cremona, 202 n. 8

Museo Civico Ala PonzoneCicognara, Antonio, Adoration

of the Christ Child with Two Saints (no. 38), 197, 198 n. 14

Master of Montecelli d’Ongina (Gerolamo Bembo), Virgin and Child with Saints George and Nicholas of Tolentino (no. 27–29), 254, 256 n. 11

Scazoli, Paolo Antonio de, Virgin and Child (no. 42), 198 n. 12

San DomenicoMazzola, Filippo, high

altarpiece, 197San Lorenzo

Bramante, Donato, Meli chapel, 200

Piatti, Giovanni Antonio, and Giovanni Antonio Amadeo, arca of the Persian Martyrs, 197

San PantaleoneCicognara, Antonio, frescos

(lost), 197Sant’Angelo

Cicognara, Antonio, Prezagni altarpiece (lost), 197

Santa Maria della PietàCicognara, Antonio, work for,

197Crespi, Aldo, 558Crespi, Antonio Maria (Busto), 573Crespi, Cristoforo Benigno, 57, 137,

140, 141 nn. 3 and 9, 256 n. 5, 264 n. 8, 293, 397, 550–52, 554 n. 5, 631, 736, 743

Crespi, Giuseppe Maria, 370Crisostomo di Jacomo di Ser Nino

da Orvietofrescos for choir of Orvieto

cathedral, 412Crisp, Francis Edward Fitzjohn

Karin Costelloe (Pl. 120), 695–96portrait of a servant girl in gray

(London, Christie’s, 6 Sept. 2001, lot 110), 695

portraits of members of the Blathwayt family (National Trust, nos. 453792–95), 695

Crisp, Jane Euphemia, 695Crisp, William Fitzjohn, 695Cristiani, Bartolomeo, 220Cristiani, Giovanni di Bartolomeo

altar frontal of Saint John the Evangelist (Pistoia, San Giovanni Fuoricivitas), 220

altarpiece (Pistoia, San Giovanni Fuoricivitas), 220

decoration of a private house in Pisa, 220

Saint Anthony Abbot (Pl. 27), 220–22Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (?)

and Saint Paul (formerly in Rome, Fassini collection), 222

standards, 220triptych (Florence, New York

University, Villa La Pietra), 220

triptych from oratory of the Nerli, Montemurlo (Biella, Rivetti collection), 220

Cristofana di Cristofano da Campagnatico, 265

Cristoforo da Ferrara, 351Cristoforo da Lendinara, 358 n. 9

Adoration of the Christ Child with Saint Bernardino and God the Father (Modena, Banca Popolare Emilia Romagna) (App. 22), 740

Cristoforo di Bindoccio, 182, 189, 512—— and Meo di Pero

frescos in former Palazzo Bandinelli, Asciano (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli), 512, 514 n. 10

frescos in San Francesco, Pienza, 189

Crivelli, 56, 68 n. 94Crivelli, Carlo, 87, 129–34, 300–01, 520,

522 n. 8Dead Christ (Philadelphia

Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 158), 135 nn. 25 and 26

Pietà (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 02.4), 239, 243 n. 24

polyptychs (Ascoli Piceno, San Domenico), 646

Crivelli, Cherubino, 137Crivelli, Giovanni di Tommasino, 156Crivelli, Ludovica, 209Crivelli, Taddeo, 209, 518Crivelli, Vittore, 38, 68, 427, 740

Saint Jerome (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1920.18) (App. 23), 38, 740

Crowe, J. A., 50, 52, 67, 161, 206, 235, 261, 292, 300–01, 305, 498, 549, 552, 587–88, 603, 644, 669

Crowe, Wilhelm Wolff, 305Cruttwell, Maud, 72, 83 n. 16Csák, Blessed Maurice, 404Cust, Robert Hobart, 49, 53, 55–56,

66 n. 26, 67 n. 69, 71–75, 83Cutting, Lady Sybil, 532, 534Czernin (coll.), 672

DDa Varano, Giulio Cesare, 151, 154Da Varano family, 151, 154Daddi, Bernardo, 41, 44, 94, 96, 223–31,

317, 404, 406, 482, 535, 538–39, 612 n. 10, 740–41, 743

altarpiece with the Virgin and Child with Saints Giovanni

Gualberto, Pancras, Michael Archangel, and Benedict (New Orleans Museum of Art, no. 61.60), 230

Coronation of the Virgin (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 13), 97 n. 22

Crucifixion (Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, stolen 1957), 227

Crucifixion and Saint Christopher (Pl. 28), 22, 50, 80–82, 224–27

fresco of Pulci Beraldi chapel (Florence, Santa Croce), 223

heptaptych for the high altar of Florence cathedral (Florence, Uffizi, nos. 6127–28, 8345, and 8458), 589

high altarpiece (Bagno a Ripoli, Santa Maria Quarto), 223

Nativity (Pl. 28, Comp. B; present whereabouts unknown), 227, 741

Nativity (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 28), 741

painted cross (Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, no. 3195), 609

painting for altar of San Bernardo in Palazzo della Signoria, Florence (lost), 223

predella dedicated to Saint Ursula, 223

Saint Dominic Rescuing a Shipwreck (Poznan, Muzeum Narodowe, no. 11), 231

Saint Dominic’s Vision of Saints Peter and Paul (New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, no. 1871.6), 231

Saint Mary Magdalene (New York, private collection), 230

Saint Peter Martyr Stopping a Runaway Horse while Preaching in a Square (Paris, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, no. PE 77), 231

Saint Thomas Aquinas Awarded for Resisting the Devil in the Form of a Woman (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1094), 231

Saints Lawrence and Stephen in the Pulci Beraldi chapel (Florence, Santa Croce), 482

San Pancrazio altarpiece, Florence, San Pancrazio (and Florence, Uffizi, no. 8345), 223

triptych (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1064), 97 n. 22

triptych (Florence, Bigallo), 223, 227 (Fig. 28.3)

triptych (London, Courtauld Gallery, no. P. 1978.PG.81.1), 224 (Fig. 28.1), 227

triptych from the Ognissanti (Florence, Uffizi, no. 3073), 223, 230

Virgin and Child (Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 180), 230

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Giovanni Gualberto, Francis, John the Baptist, and Nicholas of Bari (?) (Pasadena, Norton Simon Museum, no. F.1970.06.2.P) (App. 27), 741

Virgin and Child with Angels (Pl. 29), 45 n. 87, 228–31

Virgin and Child with Christ Blessing (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1923.35) (App. 26), 82, 84 n. 27, 741

Virgin and Child with Goldfinch (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P15w26) (App. 25), 741

Virgin Annunciate (Pl. 28, Comp. A); (Bayonne, Musée Bonnat, no. 971), 226–27

—— (workshop)Virgin and Child (Baltimore,

Walters Art Museum, no. 37.553) (App. 24), 82, 84 n. 27, 740

—— (follower of )Coronation of the Virgin (Turin,

Galleria Sabauda, no. 102), 97 n. 22

Daddi, Daddo, 223Dal Pozzo, Bartolomeo, 459Dalena, Luigi, 656Dalla Torre, Moisè, 14, 20, 372Dalle Destre, Vincenzo, 119Damaskenos, Michael

icon of the Presentation in the Temple (Sinai, Saint Catherine), 232

iconostasis (Venice, San Giorgio dei Greci), 232

Saint Anthony Abbot on iconostasis (Corfu, municipal cemetery church), 233 n. 3

Saint John Chrysostom (Corfu, episcopal palace), 233 n. 3

Saint John the Baptist (Zakynthos, Post-Byzantine Museum), 233 n. 3

—— (attrib.)Saint Simeon Receiver of God (Saint

Simeon Theodochos) (Pl. 30), 232–33

Daniel, A. M., 675 n. 45Daniele da Volterra (Daniele

Ricciarelli), 28, 583, 586Daniell (Francis Henry Blackburne

Daniell [?]), 320, 327D’Annunzio, Gabriele, 22, 42 n. 7,

43, 62, 67 n. 47, 69 n. 157, 125 n. 2, 531, 729

Dante, see Alighieri, DanteD’Arco, Luigi, 198 n. 3Darnley, 7th Earl of, 20D’Asnasch, Nicola

Frederick Mason Perkins (Assisi, Museo del Tesoro della Basilica di San Francesco), 53 (Fig. II.11)

Irène Vavasour Elder Perkins (Assisi, Museo del Tesoro


general index 21

della Basilica di San Francesco), 53 (Fig. II.11)

Datini, Francesco di Marco, 97, 153, 196 n. 7, 567 n. 17

Daumier, Honoré, 572Davis, Theodore M., 14, 19, 24–25,

59–60, 69 nn. 135 and 137, 72–73, 83 n. 21, 752

De Bardi, Donato, 141, 254De Cristoforis, Malachia, 257, 260 n. 3De Donati, Ambrogio, 251De Donati brothers, 136De Fedeli, Stefano, 250, 262De Gasperi, Alcide, 38De’ Giorgi, Elsa, 143De Macis, Antonio, 284De Magistris, Stefano, 250De Marchi, Pantaleone, 197De Mattheis, Ulisse, 650De Mottis, Agostino, 250De Mottis, Cristoforo, 250De Mottis, Jacopino, 136, 142 n. 12, 197De Nicola, Giacomo, 64, 274, 383, 433,

579, 627De Nobili (Marchese), 230De Nobili, 604, 606 n. 4De Orchi, Antonia, 579 n. 8De Piccolellis, Elisabetta, 43De Roberti, Ercole, 28–32, 37, 131,

197–200, 204, 209–18, 264, 302, 354–59, 615–16, 626, 671, 734, 739, 747

altarpiece for Canonici Portuensi in Ravenna (Milan, Brera, no. 203), 200

altarpiece of San Lazzaro, Ferrara (destroyed; formerly Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, no. 111), 200, 214, 216, 613

fresco of the Crucifixion for San Pietro Vecchio, Bologna (lost), 209, 215, 739

Garganelli chapel (Bologna, San Pietro Vecchio), 355, 358

predella from San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna (Dresden, Gemäldegalerie, nos. 45–46; Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery, no. 2773), 616

Saint Jerome (Venice, Fondazione Giorgio Cini), 616 (Fig. 103.1)

Saint John the Baptist (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1120), 302, 305 n. 19, 616

—— and Francesco del CossaGriffoni triptych for San Petronio,

Bologna (dispersed), 613, 615–16

—— (circle of )Adoration of the Shepherds (New

York, Sotheby’s, 6 June 2012, lot 9), 734

De Wolfe, Elsie, 23, 723–24photo of, 724 (Fig. 143.3)

Deacon, Gladys, 14, 53, 55 (Fig. II.14)Degas, Edgar, 677, 694, 726, 728

Pédicure (Paris, Musée d’Orsay, no. RF 1896), 43 n. 14

unidentified painting owned by Enrico Costa, 42 n. 7

Waiting (Pasadena, Norton Simon Museum and J. Paul Getty Museum, no. M.1983.1.P), 21, 43 n. 14

Degli Albizzi, Benedetto di Bando, 97Degli Albizzi, Giovanna, 147Degli Albizzi, Michele di Vanni,

311, 317–18Degli Albizzzi family, 478Degli Erri, Angelo and Bartolomeo,

471, 520, 671Degli Erri, Bartolomeo, 147

Saint Vincent Ferrer Preaching before a Pope (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, no. A93), 671

Del Bravo, Carlo, 686Del Cossa, Francesco, 42, 64, 197,

199–200, 202, 210, 217, 354, 520, 613, 615–16, 671

marriage salver (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 17.198), 427

Saint Peter (London, National Gallery, no. 597), 616

Saint Vincent Ferrara (London, National Gallery, no. 597), 358 n. 4

two saints on pilasters for the Osservanza, Bologna (Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, no. 69), 615

Del Giudice, Signorina, 396photo of, 396 (Fig. 57.3)

Del Serra, Alfio, 143, 192, 211, 398, 454, 550

Del Tasso, Giovan Battista, 113Del Zotto, Giovanni Francesco, see

Gianfrancesco da TolmezzoDel Zotto, Odorico Daniele, 306Delacroix, Eugène, 683, 689, 714Delaroff, Paul, 754Delitio, Andrea, 740

Annunciation (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 29), 742

Virgin and Child (Assisi, Museo del Tesoro della Basilica di San Francesco), 84 n. 32

Dell, Robert E., 53, 67 n. 69, 666–67Della Ciaia family, 426, 430Della Robbia, Andrea

lunette of Virgin and Saints on facade of basilica of Viterbo, 414

Della Robbia, Francesco (Fra Ambrogio), 580 n. 22

Della Robbia, Giovanni, 580 n. 22Della Robbia, Luca, 242Della Robbia, Marco (Fra Mattia),

580 n. 22Della Rovere, Francesco, 412, 414Della Rovere, Giorgio, Bishop of

Orvieto, 576Della Rovere, Giovanni, 635Della Rovere, Giuliano, Cardinal, 251Della Rovere family, 414Della Valle, Giovanni, 137Della Valle, Girolamo, 603 n. 7Della Valle, Guglielmo, 309, 338, 340,


Dell’Abate, NicolòGentleman with a Falcon (Sydney,

Gallery of New South Wales, no. 167.1991), 525 n. 4

Knight of Santiago (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 259 A), 525 n. 4

Dell’Altissimo, Cristofano di Papi, 573, 578–79, 581 n. 41

Vitellozzo Vitelli (Florence, Uffizi, no. Ic476), 578, 581 (Fig. 96.7)

Delli, Daniele, 98Demandolx-Dedons (Comte), 198Demidoff, Anatole, 340, 343 n. 4,

644, 646Demidoff, Paul, 644, 646, 648 n. 8Denenberg, Stuart, 76, 81, 84 n. 27Denis, Maurice, 677, 687, 714Denuelle, Alexandre-Dominique,

335–36copy of Simone Martini, Virgin of

Humility, 335 (Fig. 45.1)Denver Art Museum

Bellini, Giovanni, Saint Dominic for Alfonso d’Este (promised to museum), 119

Jacobello del Fiore, polyptych for San Pietro in Penna, Fermo (nos. E–128), 351, 398

Zenale, Bernardo, altarpiece (no. K1626), 143

Deodato, Canon (Leonardo Sangiovanni), 203

Deruta, Pinacoteca ComunaleAlunno, Niccolò, Virgin and Child

Enthroned with Saint Francis of Assisi and Bernardino of Siena, a Donor, and Angels in Glory (no. 7), 87, 90–91

Desiderio da Settignano, 240–41, 243 n. 31, 742

marble relief of Virgin and Child (Florence, Bargello, no. Dep. P. 92 n.4), 240

Virgin and Child with the Penitent Saint Jerome (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1929.10) (App. 30), 31, 742

—— and Geri da SettignanoVirgin and Child (London,

Victoria and Albert Museum, no. 7582-1861), 241 (Fig. 31.3), 242

Desvallières, George, 714Detroit Institute of Arts

Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin and Child (no. 28.115), 120

Foppa, Vincenzo, Adoration of the Christ Child with Saint Benedict (no. 68.294), 141, 250

Sassetta, Procession to Calvary (no. 46.56) (Pl. 94, Comp. C), 562, 565

Sassetta, Agony in the Garden (no. 53.270) (Pl. 94, Comp. A), 562, 565

Sassetta, Betrayal of Christ (no. 46.56) (Pl. 94, Comp. B), 562, 565

Di Negro, Gaetano Maria, 48–50, 66

Dick-Lauder, Sir Thomas, 650Dido Master, 106Dijon

Musée des Beaux ArtsSano di Pietro (?), Christ in his

Tomb Flanked by the Seated Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist (no. 1183), 554 n. 19

Musée MagninBordon, Paris, Sacred

Conversation (no. 23), 170Dijon Master, 373, 376–77, 646Dillis, J. G. von, 348Dolce, Lodovico, 390Dolmetsch, Arnold, 698Domenico da Monticchiello, 268,

270, 272 n. 9Domenico di Bartolo, 67 n. 73, 470

n. 31, 548casket (lost; formerly Berlin,

Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, no. 56), 278 n. 13

fresco of the Distribution of Alms in the Pellegrinaio of the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, 377

—— and Sano di Pietrofresco of the Coronation of the

Virgin for the office of the Biccherna, Siena, 548

Domenico di Cambio, 196 n. 7Domenico di Neri, 102

statue (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, no. 17), 383 n. 22

statue of the Risen Christ (private collection), 330

Domenico di Niccolò “dei cori”, 245 n. 7, 330, 383

Domenico Veneziano, 25–29, 32–33, 38, 44, 84, 108, 151, 158, 171, 206, 234–43, 541, 544, 607, 610, 742

Adoration of the Magi (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 95A), 234–35, 238, 242 n. 9, 495

Annunciation and Miracle of Saint Zenobius (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, nos. 1106–07), 234

fresco of Saint John the Baptist and Francis of Assisi (Florence, Santa Croce), 234

frescoed room in Baglioni palace, Florence (destroyed), 234

frescoed tabernacle for the Canto dei Carnesecchi (London, National Gallery, no. 1215), 234–35

high altarpiece of Santa Lucia dei Magnoli, Florence (Florence, Uffizi, no. 884), 234, 238, 241–42

Martyrdom of Saint Lucy (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 64), 234–35

paintings owned by Lorenzo de’ Medici, 234

processional banner for the confraternity of Saint Anthony Abbot, Arezzo (lost), 234

Stigmatization of Saint Francis and


general index22

Saint John in the Wilderness (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, nos. 251, 715), 234, 235 n. 2

Virgin and Child (Pl. 31), 23 (Fig. I.8), 25, 66 n. 11, 77, 85 n. 69, 236–43, 264 n. 7, 742

Virgin and Child (Bucharest, Nat‚ional de Arta, no. 4), 241

Virgin and Child (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1939.1.211), 241

wall of high altar chapel (Florence, Sant’Egidio), 234, 241

wedding chests for Marco Parenti (lost), 234, 240

work in Baglioni Palace, Perugia, 156

—— (after) and Neri di BicciSaint John the Baptist in the Desert

(Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1943.4.48) (App. 31), 29, 234, 240, 742

Dominici, Giovanni, 194–96, 482Donado de Castelli, 352Donatello, 43, 104, 116–20, 151, 154, 240,

255–56, 265, 297, 330, 426, 465, 519–20, 548–49, 607

altar in the Santo, Padua, 475bronze relief of Dead Christ

and Angels, high altarpiece (Padua, Santo), 134

Chellini Madonna (London, Victoria and Albert Museum, no. A.1–1976), 255

Feast of Herod on baptistery font, 548

Madonna del Perdono for the cathedral of Siena (Siena, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, no. OA/4751), 496

Madonna from via delle Fogge, Verona (London, Victoria and Albert Museum, no. A.1-1932), 118 n. 7

marble relief of Dead Christ (London, Victoria and Albert Museum, no. 7577-1861), 134

Miracle of the Penitent Son (Padua, Santo), 255

reliefs of cherub’s heads (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, nos. 27.200–01), 331 n. 12

terracotta relief of Dead Christ (formerly in Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, Berlin, no. 2439), 134

Virgin and Child owned by Baccio Gondi, 328 n. 18

Dondi Dall’Orlogio, Gian Antonio Galeazzo, 298–305

Donegal, Glebe House and Gallery

Hill, Derek, Nicky Mariano Reading to Bernard Berenson, 704 (Fig. 124.2)

van Dongen, Kees, 714

Doria (coll.), 168Doria Pamphilj (coll.), 169–70Doria, Lazzaro, 250Dossi, Battista, 759Dossi, Dosso, 47, 742

Old Man in Fur (Milan, Saibene collection, no. 115), 525 n. 2

portrait (Florence, Uffizi, no. 889), 525 n. 2

portrait (Paris, Louvre, no. 866), 525 n. 2

Portrait of a Man (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 251) (App. 32), 742

Doucet, Jacques, 686, 714Douglas, Robert Langton, 14, 51, 52

(Fig. II.10), 53–55, 59, 67 nn. 51 –52, 57–560, 69, 71, and 78, 68, 72, 83 n. 16, 196 n. 2, 327, 449, 480 n. 6, 538, 627, 666–67

Dowdeswell and Dowdeswells, 28–29, 58 (Fig. II.18), 59, 94, 167, 172, 491, 494 n. 1, 741, 756, 759

Dowdeswell, Charles, 14, 68Dowdeswell, Charles William, 68 n. 108Dowdeswell, Walter, 14, 43–44, 68,

260 n. 6Dragan, Giorgio, 203, 206–07Dresden, Gemäldegalerie

Bachiacca, panels for Benintendi wainscoting of spalliere (no. 80, and Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 267), 109

Bevilacqua, Giovanni Ambrogio, Madonna della Pace (no. 68), 138, 140

Costa, Lorenzo, Saint Sebastian (no. 42A), 209, 215

De Roberti, Ercole, predella from San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna (nos. 45–46), 616

Master of the Spinola Annunciation (?), Saint John the Baptist in Prison Speaking to Two Apostles (no. 5), 420

Parmigianino, Virgin and Child with Saints Stephen and John the Baptist (no. 160), 523

Parmigianino, Virgin of the Rose (no. 161), 523

Sano di Pietro, cross (no. 25/26), 612

Drey (gallery), 376Drey, A. S., 736Drey, Francis A., 343, 752Drey, Margaret H., 343 n. 32Druet, Eugène, 714Du Bos, Charles, 686, 690Dublin

Chester Beatty LibraryT’oros sarkawag (T’oros the

deacon), Deesis (MS 559.2) (Pl. 100, Comp. E), 595, 598, 600 (Fig. 100.5), 602 n. 33

T’oros sarkawag (T’oros the deacon), Dormition of the Virgin (MS 559.2) (Pl. 100, Comp. F), 595, 598, 600 (Fig. 100.6), 601, 602 n. 33

National Gallery of IrelandBiagio d’Antonio, battle scenes

(nos. 778, 780), 147Costa, Lorenzo, Holy Family

(no. 526), 217–18Granacci, Francesco (attrib.),

Rest on the Flight into Egypt (no. 98), 344, 347

Dubray, Luigi, 252, 256Duccio di Buoninsegna, 41, 48–49,

54, 66 nn. 17 and 28, 67 n. 78, 74, 257, 290, 309, 373, 379, 430–32, 498, 499 n. 1, 502–03, 587, 592, 604, 646, 648

Maestà for chapel of the Nove, Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, 182, 186–87, 383 nn. 6 and 8, 431, 553, 589, 592, 603, 606

pentaptych (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 28), 380

polyptych for Santa Maria della Scala, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 47), 192, 380

Rucellai Madonna (Florence, Uffizi, unnumbered), 603

Virgin and Child for Santi Pietro e Paolo, Buonconvento (Buonconvento, Museo d’Arte Sacra della Val d’Arbia, no. 2), 430, 432 n. 14

Virgin Taking Leave of Saint John the Evangelist (Siena, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo), 552

—— and workshopCrucifixion with the Redeemer

and Angels, Saint Nicholas of Bari, and Saint Gregory (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 45.880), 186 (Fig. 20.1)

Duckett, Minnie, 66 n. 26, 83 n. 20Duckett, Sarah Ann, 83 n. 20Duckett, William Morton, 83 n. 20Duff Cooper, Lina, 642 n. 4Duff Gordon, Lady Lucie, 730Dukas, Paul, 686, 714Duquesnoy, François

Infant Christ with Instruments of the Passion (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 27.374, 331 n. 12

Durand, François Félicien, 694Durand-Ruel, Paul, 21, 43, 47, 66

n. 9, 694Dürer, Albrecht, 394, 582

engraving of the Penance of Saint John Chrysostom (Bartsch 63), 112

Feast of the Rose Garland (Prague, Národní Galerie, no. O 1552), 120

Duse, Eleonora, 26, 674 n. 6, 729Duveen, Joseph, 14, 28–29, 44 nn. 61

and 63, 60, 69, 92 n. 1, 143, 564, 641–42, 728 n. 1

Dyce, Revd. Alexander, 170 n. 11

EEastlake, Lady Elizabeth, 19, 42 n. 1,

131–32, 134

Eastlake, Sir Charles, 19, 132, 134 n. 2, 566 n. 3

Edinburgh, Scottish National Gallery

Master of San Lucchese, predella (nos. 1539 A–B), 480

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, Saint Michael Archangel (no. 1.021), 526

Titian, Three Ages (no. 77), 167Edward III, King of England, 456Edwards, Pietro, 467Egidi, Gabriele, 14, 30, 63, 422, 457, 604Egidio di Ventura, 571Ehrich (gallery), 343Einaudi, Giulio, 701–02El Paso Museum of Art

Sano di Pietro, Santa Maria delle Grazie (Samuel H. Kress Collection, no. K 522), 628

Eleonora di Toledo, Duchess of Florence, 109, 112–13

Eliot, T. S., 641Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 692Ellis, Theodore T., 538Emo di Capodilista, Leonardo, 125,


Museo della Collegiata di Sant’Andrea

Botticini, Francesco, tabernacle of Saint Sebastian (no. 26), 171

Botticini, Francesco, tabernacle of the Sacrament (no. 27), 171

Lorenzo Monaco, Virgin of Humility (no. 2), 388

Santo StefanoMasolino da Panicale, Virgin

and Child with Two Angels, 55, 67 n. 86

Entschede, Rijksmuseum TwentheAnon. southern Netherlandish

master, Hercules and Antaeus (no. 30), 584

Ercole di Jacobello del Fiore, 350–52Ercoli

Portrait of Bernard Berenson (Pl. 121), 696

Erevan, Armenia, Mashtots Institute of Ancient Armenian Manuscripts (Matenadaran)

Artist unknown, Canon Table (MS 10859, fol. 9r), 598 (Fig. 100.1)

T’oros sarkawag (T’oros the deacon), Incipit of the Gospel of Matthew (MS 10859, fol. 23r), 598 (Fig. 100.2)

Erichsen, Nelly, 639, 642 n. 4Ernst (coll.), 217Ernst II von Sachsen-Gotha-

Altenburg, 540Errera, Isabelle, 22, 43“Espressionista Gozzolesco”

frescos in chapel of San Bernardino (Montefalco, San Francesco), 618

Man of Sorrows (Milan, Finarte, 27 Oct. 1987, lot 103), 618

Este, Museo Nazionale Atestino


general index 23

Cima da Conegliano, Virgin and Child from Santa Maria delle Consolazione, Este, 203

Este, Alfonso I d’, Duke of Ferrara, 112, 119–20, 167

Este, Baldassare d’, 358, 613, 616Mater dolorosa (Barcelona,

Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, no. 65977), 356

panel with twelve apostles for convento of Mortara (Pavia) (lost), 614

portrait of a woman (England, private collection), 614

Portrait of Borso d’Este (Milan, Civiche Raccolte d’Arte, Castello Sforzesco, no. 546), 614

—— (?)Dormition of the Virgin (Milan,

Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, no. 1001), 614

Virgin and Child (Switzerland, private collection), 614

Este, Borso d’, Duke of Ferrara, 360, 518, 522

Este, Francesco d’, Duke of Modena, 581 n. 44

Este, Isabella d’, Marchioness of Mantua, 119–20, 209–10, 354

Este, Leonello d’, Marquis of Ferrara, 518–19

Este, Nicolò III d’, Marquis of Ferrara, 613

Esztergom, Keresztény MúzeumMatteo di Giovanni, fragments

of lunettes for the Massacre of the Innocents in Sant’Agostino, Siena (no. 55.175), 427 n. 8

Matteo di Giovanni, Saint Jerome (no. 55.177), 434

Eugenius IV Condulmer, Pope, 158, 465, 528

European SchoolHead of a Man in Renaissance

Costume (Pl. 107), 626, 747Eusebio di San Giorgio, 296export of works of art, 59Eyck, Barthélémy d’, 658van Eyck, Jan, 150–51, 154, 302

Sancta facies (lost), 150Virgin in the Choir of a Church

(Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 525 C), 377

—— (follower of )Crucifixion (Venice, Galleria

Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro, no. inv. CGF—d128), 302, 305 n. 18

Eyre, Charles, 43

FFabbri, Egisto, 21, 43Faber, Geoffrey, 641–42Fabre, François-Xavier, 178Fabriano, Pinacoteca Civica “Bruno

Molajoli”Biagio d’Antonio, Pergola

altarpiece (no. 124), 147

Palmezzano, Marco, Micheline altarpiece (no. 110), 516

Palmezzano, Marco, portraits of saints (no. 111), 516

Puccio di Simone, Saint Anthony Abbot, 535

Fabricius, Johannes, 584Facio, Bartolomeo, 279–80Fairchild, Sally, 723Fairfield, Conn., Bellarmine

Museum of ArtNiccolò di Segna, Saint Anthony

Abbot and Saint Andrew (nos. K1224a and b), 499 n. 17

Falciani, Emma, 33Falcò Pio di Savoia (coll.), 613Falcò Pio di Savoia, Prince Giovanni,

287 n. 8Falconetto, Giovan Antonio, 408, 410Falconetto, Giovan Maria, 47, 408, 471

book illumination, 408Falconieri family, 534Faldi, P., 644 n. 7Falloppi da Modena, Giovanni

Coronation of the Virgin (formerly Florence, Ricasoli collection), 465

polyptych of the Bolognese Compagnia dei Calzolari, 465

Virgin of Humility (formerly Bologna, Balboni and Rossi collection), 465

Fancelli, Luca, 531Fano, Pinacoteca Civica

Giambono, altarpiece for Santa Maria del Ponte Metauro, Fano (no. 1980, SC2), 297, 304

Fantastico (Giovan Francesco d’Avanzarano), 412

Fantini, Guglielmetto, 366Farabulini, David, 158 n. 1Farinati, Pietro, 706“Farinati, Pietro” (19th c.)

painting of an Elderly Man (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 228), 706 n. 1

Faringdon (coll.), 475Fasolo, Lorenzo, 146 n. 11Fassini, Barone Alberto, 222Faulkner, Md., Loyola Retreat

HousePennacchi, Pier Maria, Virgin and

Child, 84 n. 32Faure, Maurice-Louis, 688 n. 13Favenza, Vincenzo, 43Federighi, Antonio, 362

frieze of the Cappella di Piazzo (Siena, Campo), 364

Seven Ages of Man, floor panel (Siena, cathedral), 514 n. 2

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, 28, 54, 63, 196 n. 2, 244–49, 330, 440

altarpiece for Mannelli chapel in San Maurizio, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale), 244, 249 n. 5

altarpiece (Siena, San Bernardino al Prato), 244

book covers, 245Crucifixion with the Seated Virgin

and John the Evangelist (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, on deposit from the Museo Civico [no. 253]), 245

diptych (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 146), 245

frescos for Accarigi chapel (Siena, San Domenico), 244

frescos of saints and the Infancy of Christ (Siena, Sant’Agostino), 244

Marriage of the Virgin (formerly in Michel van Gelder collection in Zeecrabbe Castle, Ucclé, Brussels), 278 n. 10

Minutolo triptych (Naples, cathedral), 244, 249 n. 6, 612 n. 9

Nursing Virgin (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art), 249 n. 8

polychromy of statue of Saint Savinus (Siena, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, no. 4621), 244

polyptych (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli, no. 38), 244, 612 n. 3

polyptych for Sant’Andreino, Serre di Rapolano (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 300), 244, 248

Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1961.9.4), 244, 248

Saint James Major, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Mauritius (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 126), 244, 504 n. 8

triptych with Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 137), 246, 249 n.4

triptych with the Nativity of the Virgin and Saints (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 116), 244

Virgin and Child (Siena, Santissima Annunziata), 244

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints, Eve and the Serpent, and the Annunciation (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Robert Lehman Collection, no. 1975.1.23), 248, 249 (Fig. 32.1)

Virgin and Child with Saints Andrew and John the Baptist (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 51 [52]), 245, 249 n. 5

Virgin of Humility for the Piccolomini altar, Siena cathedral (Siena, Museo

dell’Opera del Duomo), 245, 248

Vitetti triptych (London, Christie’s, 1 June 1956, lot 20), 249 n. 6

—— and Bartolo di Fredidecoration of Malavolti chapel

(Siena, San Domenico), 244—— and workshop

Nursing Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints John the Evangelist, Peter, Andrew, and John the Baptist with Crucifixion; Saints Lucy and Anthony Abbot with Annunciate Angel; Saints James the Great and Catherine of Alexandria with Virgin Annunciate (Pl. 32), 28, 54, 63, 246–49, 440 n. 5

Feigen, Richard L., 211, 446, 450–51Feis, Jakob, 164 n. 2Felice di Michele, 546 n. 22Feliciangeli, Bernardino, 28, 152–53Feo family, 515Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria, 573Ferentillo, San Pietro in Valle

Artist unknown, copy of Giotto’s frescos in Saint Nicholas chapel in Upper Church, San Francesco, Assisi, 317

Fermo, Pinacoteca CivicaJacobello del Fiore, polyptych for

Santa Lucia, Fermo (no. 16), 350, 398

Feron-Stoclet, Mme., 425Ferrara

Casa di Risparmio“Vicino da Ferrara,”

Annunciation, 613–14cathedral

Baroncelli, Nicolò, Crucifixion for the iconostasis, 616

Costa, Lorenzo, decoration of choir (lost), 209

Pannonio, Michele, fresco of interior of facade, 518

Tura, Cosmè, organ shutters, 613Certosa

Pannonio, Michele, decoration of apartment of Borso d’Este, 518

Costabili collection, 209Fondazione Sgarbi Cavallini

Artist unknown, Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist, 358 n. 20

Massari collection, 613–14Pinacoteca Nazionale, 38

Baldi, Vendeghini, or Angelo di Pietro Maccagnino, Saint George (no. 337), 519, 522 n. 5

Bellini, Jacopo and Gentile, Adoration of the Magi (no. 327), 115 n. 1

Cicognara, Antonio, Virgin and Child (no. 64) (App. 19), 32, 197, 739

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin and Child (no. 326), 288 n. 37, 352


general index24

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Deposition (no. 66), 356

Master of the Assumption of the Magdalene, altarpiece from Sant’Andrea, Ferrara (no. 78), 217

Pannonio, Michele, Saint Bernardino (no. 74), 518, 520 (Fig. 84.2)

“Vicino da Ferrara,” fresco of Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata (no. 231), 614

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Passion (no. 400), 132

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Saint Bernardino da Feltre (no. 67), 613

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Saint Jerome (no. 70), 613, 616

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Saint John the Baptist (no. 70), 613

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Saint Sebastian (no. 332), 613, 615

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Strozzi altarpiece with stories of the Passion (no. 400), 613, 616

Strozzi collection, 616Vendeghini Baldi collection,

519, 522, 613, 615Zaccarini collection, 613, 615

Ferrari, Francesco Bianchi (attrib.) (Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus?)

Arion (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, no. A733), 410

Ferrari, Gaudenzio, 19, 42, 72copy of Perugino’s Deposition of

Christ (Vercelli, Pinacoteca Borgogna, no. Sala VII), 626 n. 1

Ferrario, Roberto, 198 n. 3Ferrario, Stefano, 198 n. 3Ferretti da Ancona, Leonardo, 102Ferroni (Marchese), 470 n. 31Fflouke, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 724

n. 5“Fiduciario,” 265, 492Field, Hamilton Easter, 678, 688 n. 11Field, Michael (Katherine Harris

Bradley and Edith Emma Cooper), 14, 728

Fielding, Percy, 25, 49, 58, 69, 567 n. 30Fields, Ivor, 706 (Fig. 125.1)

photo of Kerr-Lawson’s lost oil painting of Bernard Berenson (London, National Portrait Gallery, Ax161073), 706 (Fig. 125.1)

Fieschi, Toderina, 158Fiesole, San Girolamo of the

HieronymitesNeri di Bicci, altarpiece for (lost),

488Figline Valdarno, Sant’Andrea a

RipaltaAndrea di Giusto, Serristori

altarpiece of the Adoration of the Magi, 98, 100

Filarete (Antonio Averlino), 235, 250

Filelfo, Francesco, 151Filippo di Giuliano, 171Filippo di Vinci, Abbot, 175Finzi (coll.), 202Fioravanti, Giacomo Maria, 293Fiorentini, Alfonso, 43Fiorenzo di Lorenzo, 45, 59, 626, 640Fiscali, Domenico, 686Fischer (gallery), 437, 469–70Fisher, Mark, 45Fitch, Clyde, 28Flat, Paul, 689, 714Fleres, Ugo, 645, 648 n. 2Flexner, Helen Thomas, 60Flipart, Charles Joseph (attrib.)

Harpsichord Player (London, Charles Beddington Limited), 372 (Fig. 52.2)

Flipart, Charles Joseph, 372Florence

1944 bombing damage, 35 (Fig. I.19)Accademia del Disegno

Tricca, Angiola, caricature, 644 n. 7

Arte della Seta, via dei Fossi, 62Badia

Angelico (Fra) (workshop), frescos in the Chiostro degli Aranci, 104 n. 4

Giovanni di Consalvo, frescos in Chiostro degli Aranci, 477

Baglioni palaceDomenico Veneziano, frescoed

room (destroyed), 234Baptistery

Ghiberti, Lorenzo, bronze doors, 384, 388

BargelloArtist unknown, Madonna dei

Gran Duchi (no. 2A), 377Desiderio da Settignano,

marble relief of Virgin and Child (no. Dep. P. 92 n.4), 240

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Scipio Africanus (no. 2023), 266

Vecchietta, Saint Bernardino for Narni (inv. “Sculture in legno,” no. 9), 608

Vecchietta, tomb monument for Mariano Sozzini the Elder (no. 205 B), 340

Biblioteca Medica LaurenzianaBastianini, Giovanni, Gaetano

Bianchi, 644–45 (Fig. 111.1), 646Bigallo

Daddi, Bernardo, triptych 223, 227 (Fig. 28.3)

Nardo di Cione, frescos in the Oratorio, 476

Bigazzi, Giuseppe, 121 via del Proconsolo, 25

Borgherini palaceGranacci, Francesco,

decoration of stories of Joseph, 344

cathedralBicci di Lorenzo (workshop),

work on, 419Giotto, altarpiece for Santa

Reparata, 318 n. 1

Cimitero della Misericordia, Bianchi chapel

Passaglia, Augusto, bronze bust on the tomb of Gaetano Bianchi, 644 n. 7

Confraternita della MisericordiaBianchi, Gaetano, Virgin and

Child with an Angel, Pilgrim, and a Donor, 644

English ChurchCatani Chiti, Giuseppe,

Annunciation and Saint Michael Archangel altarpieces, 650

Fondazione LonghiBergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin

and Child, 79, 144 n. 5Girolamo di Benvenuto,

Miraculous Snowfall on Mount Esquiline (Pl. 46, Comp. C), 342–43

Frascione, Vittorio (dealer)formerly Michele da Verona,

Crucifixion, 462Frescobaldi collection

Martini, Simone, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, 450

Galleria d’Arte ModernaCiseri, Antonio, paintings

(no. C.G. 32), 644 n. 7Ussi, Stefano, paintings of c.

1860 (no. C.G. 39), 644 n. 7Galleria dell’Accademia

Albertinelli, Mariotto, Annunciation (no. 8643), 344

Andrea di Bonaiuto, Saint Agnes and Saint Domitilla (no. 3154), 96

Andrea di Giusto, altarpiece of the Assumption of the Virgin for Santa Margherita, Cortona (no. 3452), 98

Andrea di Giusto, Virgin of Humility (no. 879), 100

Angelico (Fra) and Lorenzo Monaco, altarpiece for the Strozzi family in Santa Trinita, Florence (nos. 8615–17), 384

Bicci di Lorenzo, Saint Lawrence for the monastery of Monticelli (no. 471), 484

Cenni di Francesco, Virgin Enthroned Suckling the Christ Child (no. 6119), 97 n. 18

Gheraducci, Don Silvestro dei, Virgin of Humility (no. 3161), 387

Granacci, Francesco, Baptism of Saint Apollonia (no. 10589) (Pl. 47, Comp. F), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Granacci, Francesco, Beheading of Saint Apollonia (no. 8691) (Pl. 47, Comp. M), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Granacci, Francesco, Gerolami altarpiece (no. 3247), 344

Granacci, Francesco, King Tarsus Orders Saint Apollonia

Beheaded (no. 8694) (Pl. 47, Comp. L), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Granacci, Francesco, Saint Apollonia Cures the Men who Were Blinded by the Flames; Her Father Orders Her Thrown from a Tower; and Angels Save Her (no. 8693) (Pl. 47, Comp. K), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Granacci, Francesco, Saint Apollonia Debating (no. 8691) (Pl. 47, Comp. G), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Granacci, Francesco, Saint Apollonia Tied to the Column (no. 8690), (Pl. 47, Comp. H), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Granacci, Francesco, Saint Apollonia’s Teeth Extracted (no. 8692) (Pl. 47, Comp. I), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Jacopo di Cione, Virgin Annunciate (no. 8465), 537–38

Lorenzo Monaco, Christ in Gethsemane (no. 438), 386

Lorenzo Monaco, Man of Sorrows with the Arma Christi (no. 46), 394

Lorenzo Monaco, Strozzi altarpiece (nos. 8615–17), 384

Lorenzo Monaco, Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Margaret, John the Baptist, and Peter (no. 1890 n. 470), 649 n. 16

Lorenzo Veneziano, Annunciation (nos. 201–2, 217, 219–20), 400

Master of the Cassone Adimari, cassone (no. 8457), 568

Master of Castello, Adoration of the Christ Child (no. dep. 174), 157

Master of the Castello Nativity, Adoration of the Christ Child (inv. Dep. 171), 401

Master of the Dominican Effigies, double-sided dossal from Santa Maria, Montughi or Santa Margherita delle Romite, Florence, 404

Nardo di Cione, altarpiece of the Trinity with Saints Romuald and John the Evangelist, for chapel of San Romualdo in Santa Maria degli Angeli (no. 8464), 478–80

Neri di Bicci, Annunciation for the Vettori family (no. 8622), 486

Neri di Bicci, Coronation of the Virgin and Twelve Saints (inv. depositi, no. 13) (Pl. 18, Comp. A), 174 (Fig. 18.1), 175

Galleria PalatinaRaphael, Madonna del

Baldacchino (no. 165), 178


general index 25

Sebastiano del Piombo, Baccio Valori (no. 409), 525

Verrocchio, Andrea del, Head of Saint Jerome (no. 370), 626 n. 1

Giuseppe Bigazzi, 121 via del Proconsolo, 25

Grassi collection, 425Loggia dei Mercanti

Antonio da Firenze, fresco, 102Misericordia

Amadeo, Giovanni Antonio, Virgin and Child and Angels (no. 1973.1005), 255

Moretti (gallery), 425Museo Bardini

Benvenuto di Giovanni, frescos of Saint Benedict in Glory (Florence, Museo Bardini, no. 772), 130

Museo dell’Opera del DuomoAndrea Pisano, reliefs of the

inventors of the arts (nos. 28–49), 311

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, altarpiece for Canigiani chapel in Santa Croce, Florence (no. 8), 182, 189, 192 (Fig. 21.3)

Museo dell’Opera di Santa CroceNardo di Cione, altarpiece for

Santa Maria degli Angeli (no. Dep 170), 476, 478

Museo di San MarcoAndrea del Brescianino,

Madonna della Cintola, 178Angelico (Fra), Linaioli

tabernacle (no. Uffizi 879), 100, 482

Angelico (Fra), Naming of the Baptist (no. 1499), 98, 100

Angelico (Fra), triptych from San Pietro Martire (no. 8769), 76 n. 7

Angelico (Fra), Virgin of the Star from Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 377

Angelico (Fra) and Lorenzo Monaco, altarpiece for the Strozzi family in Santa Trinita, Florence (no. 1870), 384

Ricciardo di Nanni da Castelfiorentino, Saint Augustine between the Doctors of the Church in the Initial I and the Initial E (MS 567) (Pl. 90, Comp. G), 545, 547 (Fig. 90.4)

Museo HorneArtist unknown, Standing

Virgin with infant (no. 67), 376

Giotto, Saint Stephen, 318 nn. 1 and 3, 326

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. 48) (Pl. 54, Comp. D), 379–80, 382

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint Leonard of Noblat (no. 47) (Pl. 54, Comp. B), 380, 382

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint Lucy (?) (no. 50) (Pl. 54, Comp. E), 380, 382

Museo Stefano BardiniCorsi collection, 318, 466Giambono, Saint John the Baptist

(no. 1074) (Pl. 41, Comp. B), 302–03 (Fig. 41.4), 304

Michele di Matteo, Virgin and Child (no. Comune 49, Collezione Corsi 1324), 466

Toscani, Giovanni di Francesco, Virgin and Child (no. 44), 318 n. 21

Museo StibbertFrancesco di Giorgio Martini

and workshop, Arrival of Paris and the Abduction of Helen of Troy (no. 297, deposit) (Pl. 36, Comp.), 267–70 (Fig. 36.1, 36.2), 271–72

Vecchietta, Double-Sided Processional Cross (no. 3649), 610–12 (Fig. 102.2)

New York University, Villa La Pietra

Cristiani, Giovanni di Bartolomeo, triptych, 220

Sano di Pietro, Virgin and Child with Saints Peter and Paul and Four Angels (Acton Collection, no. XXX.B.6Pl), 558 (Fig. 93.1)

Venetian-Adriatic School, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints and Angels (Acton Collection), 630 (Fig. 109.1)

Nostra Signora del Sacro CuoreCatani Chiti, Giuseppe, works

in, 650Ognissanti

Ghirlandaio, Domenico, fresco, 427

OrsanmicheleGhiberti, Lorenzo, statue of

Saint John the Baptist for, 384Orcagna, Assumption of the

Virgin, 476Ugolino di Nerio, Virgin and

Child (lost or unidentifiable), 603

Verrocchio, Andrea del, Incredulity of Saint Thomas, 571

Palazzo Davanzati (Elia Volpi gallery), 27–28

Palazzo della SignoriaDaddi, Bernardo, painting

for altar of San Bernardo (lost), 223

Palazzo Vecchio, 26Biagio d’Antonio, and Pietro

Perugino, wall in Sala dei Settanta, 147

Lorenzetti, Pietro, or Dijon Master, Virgin and Child from a polyptych (Donazione Loeser, no. 1933–22), 192, 374, 376

Pandolfini (dealer)Andrea del Brescianino, Virgin

and Child (11 Oct. 2011, lot 150), 178

Polo Museale FiorentinoBachiacca, tapestry cartoon

depicting the month of May (no. IA 526), 112

Ricasoli collectionformerly Falloppi da Modena,

Giovanni, Coronation of the Virgin, 465

formerly Falloppi da Modena, Giovanni, Virgin of Humility, 465

Salvadori and Giuseppe Salvadori, 22, 26

Salvadori e figlio, 43–44, 51, 62, 69 n. 151, 260, 562, 564, 566

San Felice in PiazzaGiotto, crucifix, 318 n. 3Neri di Bicci, altarpiece, 481

San GaggioLorenzo Monaco, altarpiece

for, 384San Giorgio alla Costa

Giotto, Virgin and Child, 314, 318 nn. 3 and 4

San Giovannino dei CavalieriNeri di Bicci, predella with

Saint Lawrence of the Coronation of the Virgin altarpiece, 484

San LorenzoLippi, Filippo, Martelli

Annunciation, 418–19San Marco

Angelico (Fra), Christ Pilgrim Received by Two Dominicans, 59 (Fig. II.19)

Angelico (Fra), fresco of Dead Christ, 135 n. 26

Bartolomeo (Fra), Virgin and Child, 644 n. 2

San Martino alla ScaleLippo d’Andrea, Legend of

Saint Bernardo degli Uberti, 644 n. 2

San Michele VisdominiPontormo, Pucci altarpiece,

626 n. 1San Miniato al Monte

Catani Chiti, Giuseppe, works in Baroncelli chapel in the cemetery, 650

Spinello Aretino, frescos with the legend of Saint Benedict resuscitating a monk, 478

San PancrazioDaddi, Bernardo, San Pancrazio

altarpiece (no. 8345), 223San Simone

Bicci di Lorenzo, Annunciation, 418

Sant’ApolloniaAndrea del Castagno,

overdoors, 134Sant’Egidio

Domenico Veneziano, wall of high altar, 234, 241

Santa CroceDaddi, Bernardo, fresco

of Pulci-Berardi chapel, Florence, 223

Daddi, Bernardo, Saints Lawrence and Stephen in the Pulci Beraldi chapel, 482

Domenico Veneziano, fresco of Saint John the Baptist and Francis of Assisi, 234

Giotto, altarpiece for Baroncelli chapel, 311, 317, 318 n. 3, 326

Giotto, altarpieces, 323Giotto, Death of Saint Francis

(Bardi chapel), 145, 326 (Fig. 44.4)

Giotto, frescoes for Bardi chapel, 310–11, 315, 317, 326, 328 n. 14, 329 n. 35, 644

Giotto, Peruzzi chapel, 310, 318 n. 1, 326, 328 n. 14, 329 n. 35

Giovanni del Biondo, Rinuccini polyptych, 646

Master of the Cappella Medici Polyptych, altarpiece in Medici chapel, 404

Ugolino di Nerio, altarpiece with the Crucifixion in Bardi chapel (lost or unidentifiable), 603

Ugolino di Nerio, high altarpiece (disassembled), 189, 589, 603, 606

Santa Lucia de’ MagnoliAndrea di Giusto, Lapa

triptych, 98Santa Maria degli Angeli

Lorenzo Monaco, predella to Bartolini de’ Nobili altarpiece (dispersed), 384

Santa Maria del CarmineLippi, Filippino, fresco in

Brancacci chapel, 344Lorenzo Monaco, altarpiece

for, 384Masolino da Panicale (?),

fresco of the Calling of the Apostle Peter and Andrew (Brancacci chapel), 98

Santa Maria MaggioreMariotto di Nardo, frescos, 644

Santa Maria NovellaAndrea di Bonaiuto, works for, 93Andrea di Bonaiuto with Paolo

Uccello, frescos in convent, 677Artist unknown, Annunciation

in Santa Reparata altarpiece in crypt, 423

Giotto, crucifixes, Florence, 318 n. 3

Granacci, Francesco, high altar, Florence, 344

Masaccio, Trinity, 644 n. 2Master of the Dominican

Effigies, Christ and the Virgin Enthroned with Dominican Saints and Blesseds, 404

Nardo di Cione, frescos in Strozzi chapel (lost), 476


general index26

Orcagna, altarpiece in Strozzi chapel, 476

Orcagna, frescos above the high altar (lost), 476

Uccello, Paolo, frescos in the Chiostro Verde, 686

Ugolino di Nerio, high altarpiece (lost), 603

Santa TrinitaNeri di Bicci, altarpiece of the

Assumption of the Virgin in Spini chapel, 481

Santi ApostoliJacopo di Cione, reliquary

panel, 376Santissima Annunziata

Perugino, Pietro, retable (disassembled), 293, 532

SoprintendenzaBachiacca, spalliere with

grotesques (nos. IA 38, 39, 496–503), 109

Tito Gagliardi, 28Uffizi, 38

Andrea del Brescianino, Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist and Saint Vincent Ferrer and Five Angels (depositi, no. 1205), 178

Aspertini, Amico, Adoration of the Shepherds (no. 3803) (App. 4), 38, 735

Aspertini, Amico, Alessandro Achillini (acquired 2009), 580 n. 31

Bellini, Giovanni, Sacred Allegory (no. 903), 119

Bianchi, Gaetano, Self-portrait (no. 9180), 644 n. 7

Botticelli, Sandro, Calumny of Apelles (no. 1496), 651

Botticelli, Sandro, fresco of the Annunciation (on deposit), 106

Botticelli, Sandro, Primavera (no. 8360), 19

Botticelli, Sandro, Virgin and Child with Six Saints (no. 8657), 414, 671–72 (Fig. V.6)

Botticini, Francesco, altarpiece of the Three Archangels (no. 8359), 171

Bronzino, Agnolo, portrait of Bartolomeo Panciatichi (no. 741), 524

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, altarpieces for Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala (nos. 6136, 6137), 182, 192

Buonarroti, Michelangelo, Doni tondo (no. 1456), 344

Castagno, Andrea del, Pazzi Madonna from the Castello di Trebbio (Donazione Contini Bonacossi, no. 2), 242

Cima da Conegliano, Saint Jerome (no. Contini Bonacossi 19), 208 n. 14

Daddi, Bernardo, heptaptych

for the high altar of Florence cathedral (nos. 6127–28, 8345, and 8458), 589

Daddi, Bernardo, triptych from the Ognissanti (no. 3073), 223, 230

Dell’Altissimo, Cristofano di Papi, Vitellozzo Vitelli (no. Ic476), 578, 581 (Fig. 96.7)

Domenico Veneziano, high altarpiece of Santa Lucia dei Magnoli, Florence (no. 884), 234, 238, 241–42

Dossi, Dosso, portrait (no. 889), 525 n. 2

Duccio di Buoninsegna, Rucellai Madonna (unnumbered), 603

Foppa, Vincenzo, Virgin and Child (no. 9492), 256 n. 5

Gentile da Fabriano, Adoration of the Magi (no. 8364), 242 n. 14, 398

Gentile da Fabriano, Quaratesi polyptych for San Niccolò Oltrarno, Florence (nos. 887a–e), 103, 280, 288 n. 22, 289–90, 292

Gentile da Fabriano, Strozzi altarpiece of Adoration of the Magi (no. 8364), 280, 282, 288 n. 22, 290, 292, 335, 518, 559

Giorgione, Trial of Moses (no. 945), 635 n. 9

Giotto, Badia altarpiece (depositi Santa Croce no. 7), 310, 314 (Fig. 43.1), 315–16, 318 n. 3

Giotto, Maestà from Ognissanti (no. 8344), 309–10, 318 n. 3

Giotto, Maestà from Santa Trinita (no. 8343), 309

Giovanni di Paolo, altarpiece for San Domenico, Siena (no. 3255), 330, 334

van der Goes, Hugo, Portinari altarpiece (no. 3191–2–3), 571

Granacci, Francesco, Charles VIII’s entry into Florence (no. 3908), 344

Granacci, Francesco, drawing (no. 198), 347

Liberale da Verona, predella panel with legend of Saint Benedict (no. [1890] 1602), 364

Lippi, Filippo, Adoration of the Christ Child (no. 8350), 157

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with the Blessing Redeemer (no. 9411) (App. 63), 38, 376, 646, 750

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Beata Umiltà altarpiece (nos. 8347, 6129–31, 6120–26; Berlin, Staatliche Museen, nos. 1077, 1077A), 374; predella (nos. 6120, 6129), 135 n. 21, 612 n. 3

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Maestà from Pistoia (no. 445), 458 n. 12

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Virgin and Child with Angels from San Francesco, Pistoia (no. 445), 374, 377

Lorenzo Monaco, Coronation of the Virgin (no. 885), 384

Martini, Simone, and Lippo Memmi, Annunciation with Saints Ansano and Massima for chapel of Sant’Ansano, Siena cathedral (nos. 451–53), 129, 278 n. 6, 426, 442, 450, 455, 458 n. 15, 554 n. 27

Orcagna, completed by Jacopo di Cione, altarpiece of Saint Matthew for Orsanmichele, Florence (no. 3163), 476

Parmigianino, Virgin of the Long Neck (no. 1328), 523

Pollaiolo, Antonio del, Labors of Hercules (nos. 1478, 8268), 329 n. 20

Pollaiolo, Piero del, altarpiece for chapel of the Cardinal of Portugal, San Miniato, Florence (no. 1617), 171

Primaticcio, Francesco, Self-Portrait (no. 1771), 525

Sassetta, Madonna della Neve (Donazione Contini Bonacossi, no. 1), 340, 548, 559, 564

Ugolino di Nerio, polyptych for San Pietro in Villore, San Giovanni d’Asso (Donazione Contini Bonacossi, no. 4), 603, 606

Vanni, Andrea, Virgin and Child with Saint Luke and the Annunciation (no. 9476), 448, 627 (Fig. 108.1)

Vecchietta, triptych of 1457 (no. 1681), 607

Verrocchio, Andrea del, drawing of angel’s head (no. 130 E), 675 n. 53

Villa della GallinaPollaiolo, Antonio del, frescos,

677Villa La Pietra, Bichi-Ruspoli-

Forteguerri collection, 558Volterra (dealers), 462 n. 7, 570 n. 4

Florentine SchoolHoly Family with the Young Saint

John the Baptist (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.506) (App. 33), 743

Floris, Franzcycle of paintings on the Labors

of Hercules, 584Hercules and Antaeus (Brussels,

private collection), 584Fodor, Gabriel, 118Fogaccia, Filippo (Baradello), 506Fogg, Sam, 425Folchetti, Stefano

Adoration of the Shepherds (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 134) (App. 34), 743

Folignochapel of Cola delle Casse, Santa

Maria in CampisAlunno, Niccolò, with Pietro

di Giovanni Mazzaforte, frescos (Crucifixion), 87, 91, 92 nn. 11 and 16

Palazzo ArcivescovileAlunno, Niccolò, Crucifixion,

90Fontainebleau, Noailles collection

formerly Lorenzetti, Pietro, panel of a polyptych, 374

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Bishop Martyr, 192

Fontana, Gian-Jacopo, 288 n. 21Fontana, Prospero and Orazio

Samacchinifrescos of the Battle of

Fornovo di Taro (Città di Castello, Palazzo Vitelli a Sant’Egidio), 576

Fonte, Tommaso della, 492Fontenellato, castle of the Sanvitale

Parmigianino, fresco of legend of Diana and Acteon, 523

Foppa, Vincenzo, 28–29, 32, 81, 85, 137, 140–41, 250–64, 475, 537, 613

Adoration of the Christ Child with Saint Benedict (Detroit Institute of Arts, no. 68.294), 141, 250

altarpiece for Bottigelli chapel (Pavia, San Tommaso), 251

altarpiece for Santa Maria Gualtieri, Pavia (lost), 251

altarpiece for chapel of Sant’Eligio, Santa Maria del Carmine, Brescia (lost), 250

Annunciation (Crema, Stramezzi collection), 256 n. 5, 257, 262

banner for Orzinuovi (Brescia, Pinacoteca Tosi Martinengo, no. 129), 251

cartoons for windows (Milan, cathedral), 250

decoration of Averoldi chapel (Bescia, Santa Maria del Carmine), 250–51

decoration of Portinari chapel (Milan, Sant’Eustorgio), 250

Doria altarpiece (Rivarola, Certosa di San Bartolomeo), 250–51

fresco for chapel of San Giovanni Battista (Genoa, San Lorenzo), 250

fresco of Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist (Milan, Brera, no. 999), 251

fresco of Virgin Nursing Child, San Giacomo della Cerreta, Belgioioso, 262

high altarpiece for Santa Maria delle Grazie, Bergamo (Milan, Brera, nos. 161–63, 516–17, 1225, 2094–97, 5539), 251, 262

Lamentation with Saints Peter, Paul,


general index 27

John the Baptist, and Stephen for Scuola del Santissimo Sacramento, Brescia cathedral (lost), 251

Maestà for Santa Maria delle Grazie, Monza, 250

Malletta altarpiece for the Carmine, Pavia (panel, Princeton University Art Museum, no. 1962–59), 250, 255

mappamundo with depictions of beasts, 250

Ordeal of Saint Sebastian (Pl. 34), 32, 257–60

paid by general council of Brescia to teach painting and architecture, 251

partition wall (Pavia, San Giacomo della Vernavola), 250

polychromed statues for a retable (Salò, cathedral), 251

polyptych for high altar of Santa Maria Maddalena, Brescia (lost), 250

polyptych for Fornari chapel, Santa Maria di Loreto, Savona (Savona, Pinacoteca Civica, no. 1987, no. 10), 251

retable with the Lamentation for Trivulzio chapel, San Pietro in Gessate, Milan (formerly Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, no. 133), 251

Saint John the Baptist and Saint Dominic (Düsseldorf, private collection), 251

Saint John the Evangelist on Patmos (Savona, Santa Maria di Castello), 251, 258 (Fig. 34.1)

Saint Paul (New Orleans Museum of Art, no. 61.70), 256 n. 5

Saint Sebastian (Bergamo, Lorenzelli collection), 255

Saint Sebastian (Milan, Civiche Raccolte d’Arte, Castello Sforzesco, no. 1), 257–58

Saint Stephen and Saint Michael (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, nos. GE 7772–73), 251

Spinola altarpiece (Genoa, San Domenico), 251

Three Crucifixes (Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, no. 30), 250, 254–56

unfinished painting for Genoa, Santa Maria di Castello, 251

unknown subject (App. 36), 743Virgin and Child (Berlin,

Staatliche Museen, no. 1368), 261–62

Virgin and Child (Florence, Uffizi, no. 9492), 256 n. 5

Virgin and Child (Milan, Civiche Raccolte d’Arte, Castello Sforzesco, no. 305), 261

Virgin and Child (Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli), 262 (Fig. 35.1), 264

Virgin and Child, Saint Theodore, and Saint Augustine (Milan, Civiche Raccolte d’Arte, Castello Sforzesco, nos. 543, 544, 545), 256 n. 5, 261

Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 257), 261

Virgin of Humility (Maastricht, Bonnefantenmuseum, no. 3430), 254–55

Virgin of Humility belonging to Principe Luigi Alberico Trivulzio, 252, 254, 262

Virgin of Humility with Angels (Madonna della siepe) (Pl. 33), 29, 32, 81, 85 n. 69, 252–56

wooden statues for altar of Saint Sebastian, Genoa cathedral, 251

work for Certosa of Pavia, 250work for Medici bank in

Milan (London, Wallace Collection, no. P 538), 250, 255

—— and Gian Giacomo Morettifrescos in the Loggetta

dell’Orologio, Brescia (destroyed), 251

—— with Ludovico Brearetable for Cardinal Giuliano

della Rovere (Savona, cathedral), 251

—— with Zanetto Bugatto and Costantino da Vaprio

reliquary tabernacle (Pavia, Castello Sforzesco), 250

—— (follower of )Gerli Presentation in the Temple

(Milan, Brera, no. 5456), 262—— (workshop)

Virgin and Child (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1939.100) (App. 35), 264, 743

Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (Madonna della tenda) (Pl. 35), 28, 75 (Fig. III.5), 76, 261–64

Forbes, Edward Waldo, 59, 69 n. 129, 84 n. 43, 122, 124

Foresti (coll.), 352, 356, 358–59Foresti, Jacopo Filippo, 114forgeries and counterfeits, 24–25, 55,

57–58, 68 nn. 109 and 119, 77–78, 122, 446, 448, 626–28, 638–42, 644–61, 747–49; see also Joni, Icilio Federico

Formenti, Giovanni, 251Fornari family, 251Forster, E. M., 708Forti, Giuseppe, 329 n. 25Fortini, Pietro, 509–10, 512Fortuny, Mariano, 22, 43Fosca, François (Georges de Traz),

687, 694Foscari, Francesco, Doge, 114Fostoria (coll.), 494Fouquet, Jean, 255, 262, 659Fouret, Évariste, 380–81, 383 n. 28Fournier, Jacques, Cardinal, 456–57

Fox, General Charles Richard, 319–20, 327

frames, 61–62, 69 n. 160Franceschi, Francesco de’, 301–02

pentaptych from San Pietro, Padua, 304

Francescho di Giovanni Benvenuto, 349 n. 5

Francesco, Maestroaltarpiece (Venice, Galleria di

Palazzo Cini, no. 2880), 648 n. 5, 649 n. 15

Francesco d’Andrea, 129Francesco d’Antonio, 568, 610

gilt copper cross for Sant’Agostino, Asciano (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli, no. 62), 610

Francesco d’Antonio del Chierico, 542, 545 nn. 2–4, 546 n. 4, 468

Francesco da Carrara, Lord of Padua, 311, 317, 318 n. 19

Francesco da Milano, 165Francesco da Modena, 130Francesco de’ Franceschi

Saint Michael Archangel (Padua, Musei Civici, no. 395), 301, 302 (Fig. 41.3)

Saint Peter, 302 (Fig. 41.2)Francesco del Fiore, 350, 352

book illumination, 350lost triptych, 350

Francesco di Gentile da Fabriano, 81, 92 n. 6, 619, 742, 751

paintings reattributed to Luca di Paolo da Matelica, 88

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, 44, 64, 71–75, 122, 129, 265–72, 275, 360–65, 490, 491 nn. 2–3, 494, 519, 608, 611

architectural projects, 266Assassination, or Discord (Siena,

Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, Collezione Chigi Saracini, no. 291), 368

book illumination, 265bronze relief of Deposition with

Federico Montefeltro and family (Venice, Santa Maria dei Carmini), 265, 368

Coronation of the Virgin (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 440), 265, 362

Coronation of the Virgin, Santissima Annunziata, Siena (destroyed), 265

designs for floor (Siena, cathedral), 265

God the Father in Glory (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1952.5.8), 265

Nativity (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 41.100.2), 265

Nativity (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 437), 265

portrait of Bianca Saracina (MS), 266 n. 8

Saint John the Baptist (Museo dell’Opera di Siena, no. OA/4622/1998), 265

Siena, San Sebastiano in Vallepiatta (architecture), 266

Scipio Africanus (Florence, Bargello, no. 2023), 266

sculptures of Rape of the Sabines (Victoria and Albert Museum, no. 251–1876 and Siena, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, Collezione Chigi Saracini, no. MPS 291), 266

tabernacle of the Virgin and Child (Siena, San Sebastiano in Vallepiatta), 496

Tancredi Nativity (Siena, San Domenico), 266, 427

Virgin and Child (Coral Gables, Fla., Lowe Art Museum, no. 61.25), 56

—— and workshopArrival of Paris and the Abduction

of Helen of Troy (Florence, Museo Stibbert, no. 297, deposit) (Pl. 36, Comp.), 267–70 (Fig. 36.1, 36.2), 271–72

Flight of Helen’s Attendants (Pl. 36), 56, 63, 82, 264 n. 7, 267–72, 365 n. 6, 689 n. 53

—— workshopStory of Oenone and Paris (Los

Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, no. 70.PB.45), 271 (Fig. 36.3)

—— with “Fiduciario”altarpiece of the Coronation of

the Virgin (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 44), 492

—— with Lotto di Domenicocoffered ceiling (Siena, Santissima

Annunziata), 265Francesco di Segna, 499 n. 1, 648Francesco di Ser Nardo of

Barberino, 404Francesco di Simone da Santacroce, 508Francesco di Vannuccio, 67 n. 81, 244,

248–49triptych (Siena, Pinacoteca

Nazionale, no. 183), 249 n. 6Virgin and Child (Siena, San

Giovannino della Staffa), 55Virgin of Humility (Siena,

Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena, no. 101551 [2642]), 334, 336 (Fig. 45.2), 376

Francesco Napoletano (Francesco Galli), 258

Franchetti, Giorgio, 153–54, 218, 302, 305 n. 18, 337, 462

Franchetti, Giulio, 22Franchi (not identified), 215Franchi, Alessandro, 650Franchi, Rossello di Jacopo

Virgin and Child with Saints Andrew, John the Baptist, James the Great, and Anthony Abbot (?) (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, no. 1129) (App. 37), 744

Francia, Francesco (Francesco Raibolini), 28, 44, 209–10, 217, 354, 515


general index28

altarpiece for Bentivoglio chapel (Bologna, San Giacomo Maggiore), 209

Nativity (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 584), 209

Franciabigio, 109Francis I, King of France, 165Francis II, King of France, 165Francken the Elder, Frans, 624Francken (the Younger), Frans II, 624Frankfurt, Städelsches Kunstinstitut

Girolamo da Carpi, Renée of France, Duchess of Ferrara (no. 42), 525 n. 5

Mantegna, Andrea, Saint Mark (no. 1046), 92

Meo da Siena, polyptych of 1333 for San Pietro, Perugia (no. 1202), 591 n. 4

Frascione, Vittorio, 462Frederick III, Emperor, 114Freedman, Barnett

dust jacket of Ioni, Affairs of a Painter, 642 (Fig. IV.5)

Freppa, Giovanni, 644Frescobaldi (coll.), 450Frick, Helen Clay, 58Frick, Henry Clay, 697Friedsam (coll.), 414Frizzoni, Gustavo, 14, 118, 122, 125, 146,

204, 243 n. 20, 252, 254, 256 n. 5, 257–58, 303, 305, 343, 392, 394, 395 n. 6

Froissart, Jean, 367, 369Froment, Nicholas, 658Frost, William Edward, 161Fry, Sir Edward, 697Fry, Helen Coombe, 664–67, 674

nn. 6 and 11, 697–98, 700photo of, 664 (Fig. V.1)Saints Martha and Mary (stained

glass designed for J. Powell and Sons, High Cross, Hertfordshire, Saint John the Evangelist), 666 (Fig. V.2)

unknown subject (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 38), 666, 697, 739, 744

Fry, Roger, 37, 41, 44–45, 52, 67 n. 49, 68, 120, 202 n. 2, 235, 240, 243 n. 40, 261, 254, 343, 422, 664–75, 697–700, 706 n. 1, 728 n. 1, 739, 758

Boccaccio’s Garden of Love (Pl. 122), 26, 665–66, 697–700

photo of, 664 (Fig. V.1)The Pool (private collection), 700postcard to BB, 668 (Fig. V.5)title page to R. C. Trevelyan’s

Polyphemus & Other Poems (London, 1901), 700 (Fig. 122.2)

Frydman, Monique, 567 n. 37Fuccio di Donna Imeldina, 499 n. 3Fucecchio, Museo Civico

Master of Fucecchio, altarpiece from the collegiata of Fucecchio (no. 3), 568

Fugger, Christoph, 166Fugger family, 119, 165Fuligno, Cenacolo

Perugino, Pietro, Last Supper, 644

Fuller Maitland, William, 320, 327Fungai, Bernardino, 44, 129, 273–78,

509, 744, 752altarpiece of Virgin and Child

Enthroned with Saint John the Baptist and a Deacon Saint (Montenero d’Orcia, Chiesa della Madonna), 278 n. 18

Annunciation; Marriage of the Virgin; Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels (Pl. 37), 80, 274–78

Assumption of the Virgin (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 441), 278 n. 18

Bishop Saint, Saint James Major, Saint Alberto of Trapani, and Saint Apollonia (Washington, D.C., Howard University Gallery of Art, nos. K=1163A–D), 273

book illumination, 274Coronation of the Virgin (Siena,

Santa Maria dei Servi), 273, 277Coronation of the Virgin (Siena,

Santa Maria in Portico a Fontegiusta), 278 n. 18

Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels in the Sepulcher (York Art Gallery, no. 1455), 134, 277 (Fig. 37.2), 278 n. 16

Marriage of the Virgin (lost; formerly Gotha, Herzogliches Museum), 276 (Fig. 37.1)

Nativity with Saints Vincent and Jerome (Chiusi, San Secondiano), 273

spalliera painting (Houston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 44.560), 273

spalliera panels (New York, private collection, and Poland, Pszczyna Castle), 273

spalliere depicting the story of Scipio Africanus (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. 267; Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, no. 44.560), 273

Stigmatization of Saint Catherine (Siena, Oratorio della Cucina di Santa Caterina in Fontebranda), 273, 492

tondos (Coral Gables, Florida, Lowe Art Museum, no. K—1341, and London, National Gallery, no. 331), 273

unknown subject (two paintings) (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 39), 744

Virgin and Angels Adoring the Christ Child (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, no. 68), 274

Virgin and Child (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 4209), 273

Virgin and Child (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. 4136), 273

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Peter and Paul (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 105), 273

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Sebastian, Jerome, Nicholas, and Anthony of Padua (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 431), 273

—— and Fra GiulianoAssumption of the Virgin (cloister

of San Girolamo, Siena), 273furniture in I Tatti, 20, 21 (Figs. I.5,

I.6), 31 (Fig. I.15)

GGabriella di Buccio di Biancardo, 560Gaburri, Giuliano di Matteo, 177Gaddi, Agnolo, 384–85, 587Gaddi, Taddeo, 96, 223, 228, 230, 326, 535

altarpiece (Pistoia, San Giovanni Fuoricivitas), 220, 476

Gaeta, NunziataGiotto, New Testament stories

(lost), 325Gaetano di Negro, Abbot, 50

(Fig. II.7)Gaetano, Alfonso, 33, 35Gagarin, Prince Grégoire, 187 n. 13Gagliardi, (Giovanni) Tito, 14, 27–28,

44, 639, 642 n. 4Galassi, Maria Celia, 85Gallarati Scotti (coll.), 136, 142–43, 146Galli, Erminia Vittoria, 396 n. 1Galli, Francesco

Saint Sebastian (Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen, no. 2546), 258

Gallieno of Florence, 534Gallina, Father Cesare, 30, 650–52Gallo, Claudio, 539Gallo, Rodolfo, 468Gamba, Carlo, 42, 460, 462, 579, 615Gambarelli, Crescenzio

Saint Catherine of Siena and Christ Saying Offices Together (San Domenico, Siena), 342

Gambier-Perry (coll.), 666–67Gangalandi, San Martino

Bicci di Lorenzo, fresco for the baptismal font, 415

Ganneau (?), Mr., 422Garbo, Raffaellino del, 414, 532, 534,

743, 746García, Andreu, 526Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 14, 19–32,

42 n. 9, 43, 50, 57, 59–60, 66, 68 n. 96, 69 n. 137, 125 n. 2, 161, 167, 199, 200, 325, 327, 372, 640, 642, 659, 685, 687, 689 n. 37, 722–24, 732, 741, 747, 756

attitude to her collection, 23photo of, 20 (Fig. I.3)

Garganelli, Bartolomeo, 209, 214–16, 355, 358, 616

Garrett, Robert M., 601–02Gaspare di Giovanni, 351Gastaldi, Bernardo, 166Gattamelata (Erasmo da Narni), 297Gattamelata family, 114, 118

Gatti, Crescenzio, 621Gauguin, Paul, 33Gazzada, Fondazione Cagnola

Anon. Sienese painter, Crucifixion, 187 n. 11

Andrea del Brescianino, Portrait of a Woman Holding Gloves (no. 13), 179

Bellini, Jacopo, Virgin and Child (no. 22), 118 n. 2

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Man of Sorrows with a Monk, 138

Carnevale (Fra), Ancient Hero (no. 26) (App. 18), 536, 539 n. 2, 739

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child with Angels and Saints Jerome and Bernardino da Siena and Two Angels (no. 9) (App. 73), 440 (Fig. 67.1), 753

van Gelder, Michel, 278Gemona del Friuli

Museo CivicoCima da Conegliano, Virgin

and Child (no. 172), 203Melchior von St. Paul,

Presentation in the Temple (no. 1), 306 n. 2

Palazzo del ComuneGianfrancesco da Tolmezzo (?),

Nativity (lost), 306 n. 2San Leonardo

Gianfrancesco da Tolmezzo, altarpiece, 306

Santa Maria delle GrazieGianfrancesco da Tolmezzo,

altarpiece with Saint Joseph (lost), 308 n. 5

Gener, Guerau, 526–27Geneva, Musées d’Art et d’Histoire

Palmezzano, Marco, Judith and Holofernes (no. CR 0120), 516

Genga, Girolamo, 509Genoa

cathedralFoppa, Vincenzo, wooden

statues for altar of Saint Sebastian, 251

Disciplini di Santa BrigidaBarbargelata, Giovanni,

altarpiece for, 251Doria collection

Bordon, Paris, Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, 168, 170

Gnecco collectionformerly Niccolò di Segna,

Saint Augustine and Saint Ambrose, 499 n. 17

San DomenicoFoppa, Vincenzo, Spinola

altarpiece, 251San Lorenzo

Foppa, Vincenzo, fresco for chapel of San Giovanni Battista, 250

Santa Maria di CastelloFoppa, Vincenzo, unfinished

painting for, 251Gensini, Mario, 85 n. 62, 121


general index 29

Gentile da Fabriano, 74, 81–82, 114, 116, 134, 156–57, 238, 241–42, 254–55, 256 n. 18, 279–92, 300, 330, 350, 431 n. 2, 465, 588, 648, 658

altarpiece for San Domenico, Perugia (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 129), 156

ancona commissioned by Carlo Malatesta, 292

ancona commissioned by Pandolfo III Malatesta, 292

Coronation of the Virgin (Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, no. 77.PB.92), 290

decoration of palace chapel (Brescia, San Giorgio al Broletto), 279

fresco cycle of the Peace of Venice, Sala del Maggior Consiglio, Doge’s Palace (lost), 279

fresco for Santa Margherita, Treviso (Treviso, Musei Civici, no. P 57), 279, 280 n. 7

fresco of Virgin and Child (Orvieto, cathedral), 280

fresco of Virgin and saints, Palace of the Guild of the Notaries, Siena (lost), 134

Holy Family with Saint Benedict for tomb of Cardinal Alemanno Adimari, Santa Francesca Romana, Rome (unidentified), 280

polyptych “Madonna dei Banchetti” (lost), 280, 510 n. 18

polyptych for Santa Maria in Valdisasso, Valle Romita (Milan, Brera, no. 55), 279, 282, 290, 400, 468

portrait of Pope Martin V with ten cardinals (lost), 280

Quaratesi polyptych for San Niccolò Oltrarno, Florence (Florence, Uffizi, nos. 887a–e; British Royal Collection, on loan to the National Gallery, London; Pinacoteca Vaticana, nos. 247–50; Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1939.l.268), 103, 280, 288 n. 22, 289–90, 292

Saint Bartholomew (?) (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 7255) (Pl. 38, Comp. C), 281, 287 (Figs. 38.5, 38.6)

Saint Matthew (?) (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 7156) (Pl. 38, Comp. B), 281–82, 286 (Figs. 38.3, 38.4)

Saint Paul Hermit (San Francisco, private collection) (Pl. 38, Comp. A), 282, 284–85 (Fig. 38.2), 286

Saint Peter and Saint James the Great (Sandei altarpiece) (Pl. 38), 85 n. 69, 279, 280 n. 7, 281–88, 292

Strozzi altarpiece of Adoration of the Magi (Florence, Uffizi, no. 8364, and Paris, Louvre, no. 295), 242 n. 14, 280, 282, 288 n. 22, 290, 292, 335, 398, 518, 559

Virgin and Child (Pl. 39), 74, 82, 289–93

Virgin and Child (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 326), 288 n. 37, 352

Virgin and Child (New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, no. 1871.66), 292

Virgin and Child (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 30.95.262), 279, 284

Virgin and Child, Santa Maria della Vita, Velletri, 280

Virgin and Child Enthroned (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1939.1.255), 290

Virgin and Child with Saints Julian and Lawrence (New York, Frick Collection, no. 66.1.167), 288 n. 22

Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas of Bari and Catherine of Alexandria (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1130), 279

Virgin and Child with Singing Angels for San Domenico, Perugia (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 129), 157, 238, 241, 279, 285, 288 n. 22

Virgin of Humility (Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, no. 77.(B.77), 292

Virgin of Humility (Pisa, Museo Nazionale di San Matteo, no. 4909), 280, 290

work in papal basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome, 280

—— workshopVirgin and Child Enthroned with

Two Angels (Tulsa, Okla., Philbrook Museum of Art, no. 2258), 290 (Fig. 39.1)

Gentili (coll.), 593George III, King of England, 621Gera (Jacopo di Michele), 220Geraldini, Angelo, 151Geri da Settignano, 241–42Gerini, Niccolò di Pietro, 93 n. 5,

97, 587Ascension of Christ

commissioned by Francesco di Marco Datini, 567 n. 17

fragment of altarpiece by Niccolò Matas for Santa Croce, Florence, 649 n. 11

triptych (London, National Gallery, nos. NG 579.1–5), 646

Gerino da Pistoia (Gerino di Antonio Gerini), 77, 293–96

altarpiece (Pistoia, San Giorgio a Porciano), 293

altarpiece for San Piero Maggiore, Pistoia (Pistoia, Museo Civico, no. 66), 293–94

Annunciation for Tommaso d’Alderotto, Pistoia (lost), 293

Circumcision for Compagnia di Buon Gesù, Borgo San Sepolcro (lost), 293

Crucifixion (Pistoia, San Domenico), 293

Distribution of Bread and Fish to the Multitudes (Poggibonsi, San Lucchese), 293–94, 296 (Fig. 40.1)

fresco series on the Muses in papal villa at Magliana (Museo di Roma), 293

frescos for convento of La Verna, 293

processional banner (Borgo San Sepolcro, Museo Civico, on deposit), 293

Resurrection (Pistoia, San Bartolomeo Apostolo), 293

Saint James Major (Pistoia, Madonna dell’Umiltà), 283

Virgin and Child and Saints (London, Courtauld Gallery, no. P.1966.GP.196), 293

—— (attrib.)Man of Sorrows (Pl. 40), 294–96Saint James Major (Pistoia,

Archivio di Stato), 296 n. 2Gerolamo da Treviso il Giovane,

260 n. 4Gerolamo di Tommaso da Treviso,

260 n. 4Ghéon, Henri, 686Gheraducci, Don Silvestro dei

Virgin of Humility (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 3161), 387

Gherardo da Castel del Piano, 268, 272 n. 9

Gherardo del Fora and Alesso di Benozzo, 539

Annunciation (App. 1), 735Gherardo di Cepparello, 177Gherardo Giovanni, 544–45Gherarducci, Silvestro dei, 384,

387–88Gherarducci, Simone dei, 384Ghiberti, Giovanni, 478Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 104, 280 n. 9,

309–10, 311 n. 10, 317, 318 n. 23, 323, 328 n. 14, 330, 442, 476, 531, 534 n. 5

bronze doors (Florence, baptistery), 384, 388

statue of Saint John the Baptist (Florence, Orsanmichele), 384

Ghiberti, Mi chele, 478Ghiberti, Vittorio, 534 n. 5Ghirardacci, Cherubino, 209Ghirlandaio, Benedetto, 700 n. 5Ghirlandaio, Domenico, 171, 273, 341,

344, 427, 583, 644fresco (Florence, Ognissanti), 427

fresco of Calling of the First Apostles (Vatican City, Sistine chapel), 147

—— and Sebastiano Mainardifresco of Legend of Saint Fina (San

Gimignano, Collegiata), 644Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo del, 179, 344

Michele Marullo (Como, Musei Civici, no. 583), 580 n. 31

Ghislieri, Bonaparte, 209Ghyka, Princess Catherine Jeanne,

678, 688 n. 11, 689 n. 65Giacomino Pugliese, 361Giacomo di Lorenzo da Bologna

frescos for choir (Orvieto, cathedral), 412

Giacomo di Nicola da Recanatialtarpiece for Sant’Elpidio a

Mare (Paris, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, no. PE 98), 398

Giamberti, Marco, see Del Buono, Marco

Giambono (Michele di Taddeo di Giovanni Bono), 28, 33, 292 n. 6, 297–305, 586, 744

altarpiece for San Michele, San Daniele in Friuli (lost), 296

altarpiece for Santa Maria del Ponte Metauro, Fano (Fano, Pinacoteca Civica, no. 1980, SC2), 297, 304

altarpieces (Venice, Sant’Alvise), 297

Bishop Martyr Saint (Padua, Musei Civici, no. 384) (Pl. 41, Comp. I), 303 (Fig. 41.4), 304–05

Bishop or Abbot Saint (Saint Augustine?) (Padua, Musei Civici, no. 7) (Pl. 41, Comp. A), 304

Bishop Saint (Ambrose?) (Newark, Del., Alana collection) (Pl. 41, Comp. E), 302–03 (Fig. 41.4), 305

Coronation of the Virgin for Sant’Agnese, Venice (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 33), 297

Crucifixion with Mourning Angels (?) (lost), 303 (Fig. 41.4)

mosaic of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple (Venice, San Marco, Mascoli chapel), 297

Papal Saint (Saint Gregory the Great?) (Padua, Musei Civici, no. 8) (Pl. 41, Comp. D), 305

Saint Augustine, Kastell van Gaasbeek (Brussels), 297

Saint Augustine (?) (Padua, Musei Civici, no. 7), 302, 303 (Fig. 41.4), 304

Saint Chrysogonus (Venice, San Trovaso), 297

Saint Gregory the Great (?) (Padua, Musei Civici, no. 8), 302, 303 (Fig. 41.4), 305

Saint Jerome (?) (lost), 303 (Fig. 41.4)


general index30

Saint John the Baptist (Florence, Museo Stefano Bardini, no. 1074) (Pl. 41, Comp. B), 302–03 (Fig. 41.4), 304

Saint Lawrence (?) (lost), 303 (Fig. 41.4)

Saint Louis of Toulouse, Kastel van Gaasbeek (Brussels), 297

Saint Mark (London, National Gallery, no. 3917) (Pl. 41, Comp. F), 303 (Fig. 41.4), 305

Saint Maurus (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P15.1) (Pl. 41, Comp. G), 42 n. 9, 303 (Fig. 41.4), 304–05

Saint Michael Archangel Enthroned (Pl. 41), 24, 62 (Fig. II.21), 135 n. 23, 298–305; reconstruction of altarpiece, 302, 303 (Figs. 41.4 and 41.5)

Saint Peter (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, Kress collection, no. 1939.1.80) (Pl. 41, Comp. C), 302–03 (Fig. 41.4)

Saint Stephen (formerly Bellagio; present location unknown) (Pl. 41, Comp. C), 303 (Fig. 41.4), 305

Saint Vincent (?) (lost), 303 (Fig. 41.4)

Virgin of Humility (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.537) (App. 40), 744

—— (with Niccolì Pizzolo?)Dormition of the Virgin (Venice,

San Marco, Mascoli chapel), Venice, 297

—— and Pietro Lambertisepuchral monument of Cortesia

da Serego (Verona, Sant’Anastasia), 297

Gianfrancesco da Tolmezzo (Giovanni Francesco Del Zotto), 306–08

Adoration of the Magi (Pl. 42), 307–08altarpiece (Gemona del Friuli,

San Leonardo), 306altarpiece with Saint Joseph for

Santa Maria delle Grazie, Gemona del Friuli (lost), 308 n. 5

frescos (Provesano, San Lorenzo), 306, 308

frescos (Barbeano, Sant’Antonio Abate), 306, 308

frescos (Comelico, San Nicolò), 306, 308

frescos (Socchieve, San Martino), 306

polyptych (Socchieve, San Martino), 306, 308

Santa Giuliana altarpiece from Castel d’Aviano (Pordenone, Museo Civico d’Arte), 306 n. 2

various frescos in churches, 306Virgin and Child (Venice, Gallerie

dell’Accademia, no. 789), 306, 308

—— (?)Nativity, Palazzo del Comune of

Gemona del Friuli (lost), 306 n. 2

—— and workshopfresco of Adoration of the

Kings (Settimo di Cinto Caomaggiore, San Giovanni Battista), 308 n. 9

Gianicola di Paolo, 152 n. 3, 296Giano di Filippuccio, 451 n. 29Gibellini, Francesco, 468Gibson, Marianna, 700 n. 5Gide, André, 677–83, 686–87, 690

n. 85, 694, 714, 719photo of, 694 (Fig. 119.1)

Giglioli, Dr., 668, 675Gillet, Louis, 514 n. 14, 686, 688–89

n. 32, 690 n. 83Gimpel and Wildenstein (gallery), 365Ginoulhiac, Lina, 305Ginoulhiac Gibert, Didi, 305Ginoulhiac Gibert, Gustave, 305Ginoulhiac Gibert family, 303Giole in Chianti, castle of Brolio

Ugolino di Nerio, work in, 603Giolfino, Antonio, 471Giolfino, Nicola, 42–43, 47, 410, 633Giorgio da Cremona, Blessed, 142

n. 13Giorgio di Matteo, 102Giorgione, 119–20, 167, 206, 633

Homage to the Poet (London, National Gallery, no. 1173), 635 n. 9

Tempesta (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 915), 635 n. 9

Trial of Moses (Florence, Uffizi, no. 945), 635 n. 9

Virgin and Child with a View of the Ducal Palace (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, no. WA1949.222), 124–25

Giottino (attrib.), 22, 745Crucifixion (present whereabouts

unknown) (App. 41), 22, 43 n. 15, 745

Giotto di Bondone, 44, 49, 54, 84–85, 223, 230, 276, 290, 309–29, 330, 373, 420–24, 441, 467, 538–39, 603, 666

altarpiece for Baroncelli chapel (Florence, Santa Croce), 311, 317, 318 n. 3, 326

altarpiece of the Deposition with scenes of the Passion, San Francesco, Mantua (dispersed), 324

altarpieces (Florence, Santa Croce), 323

altarpiece for Santa Reparata (Florence, cathedral), 318 n. 1

Apparition at Arles (Assisi, San Francesco, Upper Church), 315

Badia altarpiece (Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi, depositi Santa Croce no. 7), 310, 314 (Fig. 43.1), 315–16, 318 n. 3

crucifix (Florence, San Felice in Piazza), 318 n. 3

crucifixes (Florence, Santa Maria Novella), 318 n. 3

crucifixes (Padua, Musei Civici), 318 n. 3

crucifixes (Rimini, San Francesco), 318 n. 3

Crucifixion (Strasbourg, Musée des Beaux-Arts, no. BA 167), 422

Death of Saint Francis (Florence, Santa Croce, Bardi chapel), 145, 326 (Fig. 44.4)

design for reliefs of inventors of the arts sculpted by Andrea Pisano, 311

fresco of Crucifixion (Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church), 316

frescoes for Bardi chapel (Florence, Santa Croce), 310–11, 315, 317, 326, 328 n. 14, 329 n. 35, 644

frescoes of Blessed Michelina (Rimini, cloister of San Francesco) (Vasari), 325

frescos for Saint Nicholas chapel (Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church), 310, 315–17

frescos for Scrovegni chapel (Padua), 309–10

frescos in Assisi, San Francesco, Upper Church, 309–10, 311 n. 8, 316

frescos in Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church, 424

frescos of the royal residence (Naples, Castelnuovo), 311

Gloria mondana, or Allegory of Fame, 311

Lamentation (Padua, Scrovegni chapel), 320, 673–74 (Fig. V.7)

Maestà from Ognissanti, Florence (Florence, Uffizi, no. 8344), 309–10, 318 n. 3

Maestà from Santa Trinita, Florence (Florence, Uffizi, no. 8343), 309

mosaic of the Navicella in the atrium of Old St. Peter’s (Vatican City; fragments), 310

New Testament stories in the Nunziata of Gaeta (Vasari), 325

painting for Baccio Gondi, 323–24painting for chapel of the castle

of Porta Galliera, Bologna (lost), 311

panels with saints (Chaalis, Musée Jacquemart-André, nos. 10. 11), 318 n. 1

Peruzzi chapel, Santa Croce, Florence, 310, 318 n. 1, 326, 328 n. 14, 329 n. 35

Peruzzi polyptych (Raleigh, North Carolina Museum of Art, no. 60.17.7), 148, 310, 315, 318 nn. 1, 3, and 10, 326 (Fig. 44.5)

picture of Saint Thomas Aquinas, San Cataldo, Rimini (Vasari), 325

polyptych (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 284), 311, 318 n. 3

polyptych commissioned by Cardinal Jacopo Stefaneschi (Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 120), 310

Saint Anthony of Padua (Pl. 43), 27, 32, 63, 312–18

Saint Francis Walkig through the Fire (Assisi, San Francesco, Upper Church), 326

Saint Stephen (Florence, Museo Horne), 318 nn. 1 and 3, 326

Stigmatization of Saint Francis (Paris, Louvre, no. 309), 310, 314, 316, 318

triptych of Saint Nicholas chapel, Lower Church, San Francesco, Assisi, 329 n. 32

Virgin and Child (Borgo San Lorenzo, pieve), 318 n. 3

Virgin and Child (Florence, San Giorgio alla Costa), 314, 318 nn. 3 and 4

Virgin and Child owned by Petrarch, 311, 317, 318 n. 19

Virgin and Child Goldman (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 367), 318 nn. 1 and 3

work in San Francesco, Rimini (Vasari), 325

—— and/or DuccioVirgin and Child (Castelfiorentino,

Museo di Santa Verdiana), 309

—— and workshopAdoration of the Magi (New York,

Metropolitan Museum of Art, John Stewart Kennedy, Fund, 1911, no. 11.126.1) (Pl. 44, Comp. A), 322–23, 326–27

Crucifixion (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 667) (Pl. 44, Comp. D), 322–23, 325 (Fig. 44.3), 327

Descent into Limbo (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 5295) (Pl. 44, Comp. E), 322, 327

Entombment of Christ (Pl. 44), 30 (Fig. I.13), 31–32, 45 n. 87, 84 n. 43, 85 n. 69, 318 n. 1, 319–29; reconstruction of altarpiece, 322–23 (Fig. 44.1)

Last Supper (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 643) (Pl. 44, Comp. C), 322–23, 327

Pentecost (London, National Gallery, no. 5360) (Pl. 44, Comp. F), 322–23, 328

Presentation in the Temple (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no P. 30 W9) (Pl. 44, Comp. B), 322–23, 327

—— workshopBishop Saint (Assisi, San


general index 31

Francesco, Lower Church, Saint Nicholas chapel), 315 (Fig. 43.4), 316

Saint Anthony of Padua (Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church, Saint Nicholas chapel, 314 (Fig. 43.2), 315

Virgin and Child (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, no. WA1913.1), 316 (Fig. 43.5), 317, 318 n. 19

Virgin and Child with Saints Francis of Assisi and Nicholas of Bari (Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church, Saint Nicholas chapel), 315 (Fig. 43.3), 316

Giovan Francesco d’Avanzarano, called Fantastico

frescos for choir (Orvieto, cathedral), 412

Giovan Francesco da RiminiAdoration of the Christ Child

(Atlanta, Ga., High Museum of Art, Kress no. 1580), 158 n. 5

Giovan Francesco da Tomezzo, 308Giovan Giacomo di Andrea, 412Giovan Pietro da Corte, 250Giovanelli (coll.), 350, 352Giovani Francesco da Rimini

small tondos with God the Father (New York, Brooklyn Museum, no. 34.835, and formerly Cook collection), 158 n. 5

Giovannetti, Matteo, 455–57altarpieces for chapels in abbey of

Saint-Robert, Chaise-Dieu (lost), 457

altarpieces and frescos for chapel of Saint-Jean-Baptiste in papal palace, Avignon (lost), 457

Virgin and Child with a Donor (private collection), 455–56 (Fig. 69.1)

Giovanni Agostino da Lodi, 137 n. 8Virgin and Child (Baltimore,

Walters Art Museum, no. 37.545) (App. 42), 745

—— and Ambrogio Bergognonealtarpiece for Certosa di Pavia, 137

Giovanni Angelo d’Antonio (Master of the Annunciation of Spermento), 90, 151

Giovanni Antonio da Pesaro, 102Giovanni Antonio di Erasmo da

Narni, 297Giovanni Bono, 297Giovanni d’Alemagna, 467, 469

Saint Apollonia (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1939.1.7), 345

—— and Antonio VivariniCoronation of the Virgin (Venice,

San Pantalon), 297Giovanni d’Andrea, 488Giovanni da Asola, 508Giovanni da Bologna, 335

Virgin of Humility with Saints (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 230), 334

Giovanni da Lezze, 162, 164Giovanni da Milano, 41, 93, 183 n. 17,

254, 535–37, 539 n. 1altarpiece from the Misericordia

of Prato (Prato, Museo Civico, no. 1308), 535

pinnacles (London, National Gallery, nos. 579.6–8), 646

predella with scenes of the Passion (Bergamo, private collection; New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.105; Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1059; Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst, no. 3756), 535

Giovanni da Modena (Giovanni Falloppi), 465

Giovanni da Morrovalle (Fra), 310Giovanni da Pisa and Nicolò Pizolo

terracotta altarpiece, Ovetari chapel (Padua, Eremitani), 118 n. 3

Giovanni da Prata, 292Giovanni da Tossignano, Bishop, 518Giovanni dal Saon, 390, 392, 396 n. 14Giovanni del Biondo, 587

fragment of altarpiece by Niccolò Matas for Santa Croce, Florence, 649 n. 11

Rinuccini polyptych (Florence, Santa Croce), 646

Saint Benedict Reviving a Young Monk (Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, no. 52/36), 477 (Fig. 74.1), 478

Giovanni di Ambrogio, 554Giovanni di Bartolo, 426Giovanni di Consalvo, 104 n. 4, 478

frescos in Chiostro degli Aranci (Florence, Badia), 477

Giovanni di Consolo, 559Giovanni di Dono, 102Giovanni di Duccio, 458

Virgin of Mercy in Carpentras (lost), 458 n. 43

Giovanni di Francesco del Cervelliera, 200, 235, 544, 546

Giovanni di Meo del Guasta, 129Giovanni di Paolo, 54, 56, 68 n. 96,

330–36, 588Adoration of the Christ Child

(Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, no. 1943.112) (App. 44), 28, 745

altarpiece (Pienza, cathedral), 331altarpiece (Siena, Sant’Andrea),

334altarpiece for Branchini chapel,

San Domenico, Siena (Pasadena, Norton Simon Museum, no. F.1978.01.P), 330, 331 n. 4, 335 n. 6

altarpiece for Malavolti chapel, San Domenico, Siena

(Castelnuovo Verardenga, Santi Giusto e Clemente; Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 197, 193; Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, nos. 37.489 A–D; Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 77), 330–31, 335 n. 6

altarpiece for San Domenico, Siena (Florence, Uffizi, no. 3255), 330, 334

altarpiece of the Purification of the Virgin (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 211), 330, 334

book covers (Siena, Museo delle Biccherne, nos. 40 and 42; Berlin, Junstgewerbemuseum, no. K 9224); Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 131), 330

book illuminations, 330Christ Redeemer and Four

Evangelists (Siena, Salini collection), 330, 648 n. 5, 649 n. 12

Creation of the World (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.1.31), 335

cross for the Osservanza, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 200), 330, 334

Crucifixion (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, no. SK-C-1596), 331

cupboard with scenes from the legend of Saint John the Baptist, 330

Expulsion from Paradise (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 06.1046), 56, 335

Last Judgment (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 172), 335

painted derivations of reliefs by Ghiberti and Donatello on Sienese baptistery font, 330

pinnacles with Christ and the Four Evangelists (Siena, Salini collection; New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 32.100.70), 649 n. 12

polychromy of Domenico di Niccolò’s statue of the Risen Christ (private collection), 330

polyptych for the high altar of San Niccolò near Porta Romana, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 173), 330, 331 n. 6

predella with legend of Saint Catherine of Siena (disassembled; Cleveland Museum of Art, no. 1966.2), 330, 492

Saint Clare polyptych (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 32.100.76), 330, 331 n. 6

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (Montepulciano, Sant’Agostino), 330

scenes from Saint Nicholas of Tolentino’s miracles (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, inv. 723; Vienna, Gemäldegalerie, no. 1177), 330

triptych for Cardinal Giovanni Berardi di Tagliacozzo (Milan, Finarte, 2 Apr. 1989, lot 300 and Venice, Finarte Semenzato, 29 Feb. 2004, lot 46), 334

Virgin and Child (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 76), 334

Virgin and Child (Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 125), 376

Virgin and Child, Castiglione d’Orcia, 334

Virgin and Child, Istia d’Ombrone, 334, 335 n. 5

Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas of Tolentino and Galganus; Annunciate Archangel, the Redeemer, Virgin Annunciate; Saints Dominic and Bartholomew; Saints Francis of Assisi and John the Baptist (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.554) (App. 43), 28, 745

Virgin of Humility (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 30.772), 336 n. 16

Virgin of Humility (London, Christie’s, 3 July 2012, lot 30), 335 n. 6

Virgin of Humility (Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, no. 1933.9), 336 n. 16

Virgin of Humility (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 41.190.16), 335 n. 6

Virgin of Humility (Siena, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena, no. 4265), 335 n. 6

Virgin of Humility (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 206), 336 n. 16

work for Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, 330

work in San Domenico, Siena (Guelfi altarpiece), 330, 331 n. 5

—— and workshopsimplified version of Purification

of the Virgin (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. I.B.S. n. 9), 330

Virgin of Humility (Pl. 45), 28, 54, 332–36

—— workshoppolyptych for a Cistercian

church (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 199, 199, 201), 331


general index32

Giovanni di Paolo Veneziano, 397Giovanni di Pietro, 426, 427 n. 4Giovanni di Ser Giovanni, see

ScheggiaGiovanni di Stefano, 490, 560Giovanni Pietro da Gallarate, 137Giovanni Pisano, 234, 373

Epistle lectern (Pisa, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo), 134

ivory statue for Pisa cathedral (Pisa, Museo Nazionale di San Matteo), 377

statue of Virgin and Child, in cathedral facade, Siena (lost), 377

Giovio, Lodovico, 579 n. 8Giovio, Paolo, 531, 573–81 Giraldi, Guglielmo, 520Girolamo da Brescia (Fra)

Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John and Saint Francis of Assisi (formerly Assisi, F. M. Perkins), 84 n. 32

Girolamo da CarpiCardinal Ippolito II d’Este with his

Secretary (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. B 113), 525 n. 5

Ippolito de’ Medici with Monsignor Marco Bracci (London, National Gallery, no. 20), 525 n. 5

Renée of France, Duchess of Ferrara (Frankfurt, Städelsches Kunstinstitut, no. 42), 525 n. 5

Girolamo da Cremona, 64, 131, 360, 364–65, 427

book illumination, 362, 519Girolamo da Treviso il Giovane

(also attrib. Vincenzo Civerchio)

Descent into Limbo (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 9217), 260

Girolamo di Benvenuto, 63, 129–30, 337–43, 509

Apparition of the Virgin to Pope Liberius (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 46, Comp. E), 342–43

Apparition of the Virgin to the Roman Patrician John and his Wife (Pl. 46), 63, 338–43

Assumption of the Virgin for Natività di Maria all’Osservanza near Montalcino (Montalcino, Museo Civico e Diocesano d’Arte Sacra, no. 17MD), 337, 338 n. 7

Assumption of the Virgin (Siena, Santa Maria in Portico a Fontegiusta), 337

Foundation of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 46, Comp. F), 342–43

Lamentation over the Dead Christ (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. I.B.S. n. 19) (Pl. 46, Comp. B), 342

lunettes in Sala delle Sibille,

Borgia Apartments, Vatican Palace, 337

Miraculous Snowfall on Mount Esquiline (Florence, Fondazione Longhi) (Pl. 46, Comp. C), 342–43

Portrait of a Lady (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, Samuel H. Kress Collection, no. 1939.1.353), 337, 338 (Fig. 46.1), 341

repairs to Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s frescos in the Sala della Pace of the Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, 337

Resurrection of Christ (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 46, Comp. D), 342–43

Resurrection of Christ from Sozzini chapel, San Domenico, Siena (lost), 340, 342

salver with Hercules at the Crossroads (Venice, Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro, no. 87), 337

Sozzini altarpiece (reconstructed), 341 (Fig. 46.3)

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels Holding Snowballs, Saints Dominic, Jerome, Catherine of Alexandria, and Catherine of Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 414a) (Pl. 46, Comp. A), 342

—— and Benvenuto di GiovanniAnnunciation with Saints

Anthony Abbot and Francis (Buonconvento, Museo d’Arte Sacra della Val d’Arbia, no. 82), 337

Assumption of the Virgin for Santa Maria della Grancia near Grosseto (Rome, private collection), 337, 338 n. 2

frescos (Camparboli, San Sebastiano), 337

frescos of cycle of prophets and patriarchs in confraternity of San Bernadino (Siena, hospital of Santa Maria della Scala), 337

Girolamo di Giovanni, 337Girolamo di Giovanni da Camerino,

522 n. 8Girolamo di Sano di Pietro, 556Giuggioli, Carlo, 274Giuliano (Fra), 273, 274 n. 2Giuliano da Maiano, 175, 481–82,

484, 488all’antica wooden tabernacle for

Marco Parenti, 243 n. 33Giuliano da Rimini, 318 n. 16

altarpiece (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P27e46), 317

Giuliano da Sangallo, 329, 583Giuliano di Jacopo, 102, 104, 546 n. 9Giuliano di Rinieri da Ricasoli, 346Giulio di Nicolò, 412

Giulio Romano, 112, 166Giuliotti, Domenico, 642 n. 3Giunta Pisano, 400

Saint Francis (Assisi, Tesoro of the Basilica of San Francesco), 400 n. 8

Giunti, Umberto, 654Giusti family, 475 n. 19Giustiniani, Giovanni, 470 n. 20Giustiniani, Lorenzo, Blessed

Lorenzo, 114, 297 n. 2Giustiniani, Vincenzo, 209Glasgow Museums

Bordon, Paris, Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Anthony Abbot Commending a Donor (no. 570), 168–69

Bordon, Paris, Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, and George (no. 191), 168–69

Gnazza, Paolo di Giacomo, 412Gnecco (coll.), 499Gnoli, Umberto, 88, 92 n. 6, 470,

579, 618van der Goes, Hugo

Portinari altarpiece (Florence, Uffizi, no. 3191–2–3), 571

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 540, 732Goldoni, Carlo, 370Goloubev, Victor, 690 n. 80Golovin, Willard B., 196, 442, 451Gondi, Baccio, 323–24, 328 nn. 15–16Gondi, Benedetto, 324Gonella, Guido, 38, 45Gonzaga, Francesco II, Marquis of

Mantua, 119–20, 574, 580 n. 19Gonzaga, Ludovico, Marquis of

Mantua, 518Gonzaga, Vincenzo, Duke of

Mantua, 578, 581 n. 45Gore, Annesley, 503Gori, Anton Francesco, 424–25Gossaert, Jan, 583–84

drawing of Hercules Kills Eurythion (Amsterdam, Rijksprentenkabinet, no. 48:521), 586 n. 18

History of Hercules (lost), 586 n. 18Gotha, Herzogliches Museum

formerly Fungai, Bernardino, Marriage of the Virgin (lost), 276 (Fig. 37.1)

Gozzadini, Giovanni, 282–83, 286–87Gozzoli, Benozzo, 72, 83, 87, 90, 129,

152 n. 3, 156, 433, 481, 508, 682altarpiece for the Sapienza Nuova

(Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 124), 151

fresco of walls (Pisa, Camposanto), 250

frescos of chapels of Saint Jerome and Saint Francis (Montefalco, San Francesco), 618

Graffione (Giovanni), 243 n. 18Graham, Robert, 343Granacci, Francesco, 109, 344–49, 746

altarpiece (Villamagna, San Donnino), 344

Annunciation (Wiltshire, Corsham, Corsham Court) (Pl. 47, Comp. A), 346, 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Baptism of Saint Apollonia (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 10589) (Pl. 47, Comp. F), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Beheading of Saint Apollonia (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 8691) (Pl. 47, Comp. M), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Charles VIII’s entry into Florence (Florence, Uffizi, no. 3908), 344

decoration of stories of Joseph (Florence, Borgherini palace), 344

drawing (Florence, Uffizi, no. 198), 347

floats for festival of San Giovanni, 344

Gerolami altarpiece (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 3247), 344

high altar (Florence, Santa Maria Novella, 344

King Tarsus Orders Saint Apollonia Beheaded (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 8694) (Pl. 47, Comp. L), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Madonna della Cintola (Sarasota, Fla., Ringling Museum of Art, no. 24), 344

panels for Tornabuoni Salviati wedding, 344

Saint Apollonia (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 1066) (Pl. 47, Comp. B), 346, 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Saint Apollonia Brought before King Tarsus Speaks Despite her Ordeal (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 47, Comp. J), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Saint Apollonia Causes an Idol to Break in Two; Flames from Saint Apollonia’s Stake Blind the Bystanders (Pl. 47), 345–49; reconstruction of the altarpiece, 348 (Fig. 47.1), 349 (Fig. 47.2)

Saint Apollonia Cures the Men who Were Blinded by the Flames; Her Father Orders Her Thrown from a Tower; and Angels Save Her (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 8693) (Pl. 47, Comp. K), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Saint Apollonia Debating (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 8691) (Pl. 47, Comp. G), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Saint Apollonia Tied to the Column (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 8690), (Pl. 47, Comp. H), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)


general index 33

Saint Apollonia’s Teeth Extracted (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 8692) (Pl. 47, Comp. I), 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Saint Jerome (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 1065) (Pl. 47, Comp. D), 346, 348–49

Saint John the Baptist (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 1067) (Pl. 47, Comp. C), 346, 348–49

Saint Mary Magdalene (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 1068) (Pl. 47, Comp. E), 346, 348–49

Saint Vincent Ferrer altarpiece (Rimini, Museo della Città, no. 29), 344

—— (attrib.)Dead Christ Supported by the Virgin

in the Sepulcher (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, WA1913.7) (App. 45), 746

Rest on the Flight into Egypt (Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland, no. 98), 344, 347

Grandi, Antonio and Carlo, 14, 19, 28, 103, 138, 141, 184, 257, 260 n. 8, 742

Grandi, Ercole, 217Grant, Duncan, 668, 697Grasselli, Giuseppe, 198 n. 3Grassi (coll.), 425Grassi, Giovannino de’, 279Grassi, Ippolito de’, 210Grassi, Luigi, 14, 85 n. 57, 331, 422–23,

425, 632, 635, 735Grassi, Marco and Cristina, 554Grassi, Martino, 251Greene, Belle da Costa, 14–15, 29, 61,

599, 602 nn. 24–26, 631, 677–78, 681–83, 687–88, 690 n. 101735, 741

photo of, 678 (Fig. VI.2)Greenough, Edith, 724 n. 2Gregorietti, Guido, 14, 40, 206, 558, 712Gregorio di Cecco, 588Gregory I, the Great, Pope, 474Gregory IX Segni, Pope, 315Greig, Selina Macaulay (Zina), 23,

39, 121, 125 n. 2Grenoble, Musée de Grenoble

Taddeo di Bartolo, altarpiece of 1395 for Pisa (permanent deposit from the Louvre), 588

Grevembroch, Jean, 288 n. 38Griccioli, Silvio, 56, 437Grien, Hans Baldung, 586Griffoni family, 358, 613, 615–16Grifi, Ambrogio, 251Grifoni, Nicola, 85 n. 68Griggs, Maitland F., 248 n. 1, 365, 753Grimaldi, Iacopo, 310Grimaldi, Matteo di Giovanni, 546

n. 6Grindlay, W., 538–39Gritti, Andrea, Doge, 162Gritti, Francesco, 300Gronau, Georg, 240, 755Grosseto, Museo d’Arte Sacra della

Diocesi di GrossetoSassetta, Virgin of the Cherries, 559

Grossi (coll.), 356, 358–59Grünewald, Matthias, 285

Meeting of Saint Paul Hermit and Saint Matthew (Colmar, Musée d’Unterlinden, no. 88. RP.139), 285

Gualino, Riccardo, 513, 536, 613Gualtieri di Giovanni, 588Guardi, Francesco, 23, 372, 749

Landscape (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 46), 43 n. 29, 746

Guarienti, Giuseppe, 475 n. 16Guariento di Arpo, 284–85, 301, 470 n. 7

Meeting of Saint Paul Hermit and Saint Matthew in Sala del Maggior Consiglio, Doge’s Palace, Venice (lost), 284

Guarino Veronese, 518Guasparre d’Agostino, 130 n. 1Guasti, Cesare, 650Guercino (Giovanni Francesco

Barbieri), 64Guggenheim, Michelangelo, 15, 22,

42, 303, 305Guggenheim, Peggy, 704Guglielmi, Bartolomeo di Francesco,

560Guglielmo Galeazzo “cremonensis”

Virgin and Child Enthroned (formerly Marseilles, Count Demandolx-Dedons collection), 198 n. 12

Guglienzi family, 475Guicciardini, Francesco, 574–79, 580

nn. 18–19 and 23Guidalotti, Benedetto, 152 n. 3Guidalotti family, 91Guidi da Montegranelli, Carlo, 488Guido di Domenico, 248, 249 n. 10

Biccherna cover (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 4), 248

Guido di Giovannistatue of Saint Savinus (Siena,

Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, no. 4621), 244

Guido di Nerio, 603Guido di Salvo (Fra), 231Guidotti, Sallusto, 209Guidotti family, 466 n. 13Guillem, Pere, 530Gutekunst, Otto, 20, 28, 747Guttuso, Renato, 38 (Fig. I.23), 701–04

Bernard Berenson, early 1950s (present whereabouts unknown), 701 (Fig. 123.1)

Il colloquio (Pl. 123), 36, 79, 701–03Crucifixion (Rome, Galleria

dell’Arte Moderna), 701—— and Giulio Einaudi

postcard to Bernard Berenson, 30 Aug. 1948, 702 (Fig. 123.2a–b)

HHackert, Jakob Philipp, 540Hall (unidentified owner), 320, 327–28Halpern, Wolf, 738Hamilton, Carl W., 44, 234, 235 n. 2,

241, 742

Hampton CourtMantegna, Andrea, Triumphs, 210

Hannover, Niedersächisches Landesmuseum

Carnevale (Fra), Virgin and Child (no. KM 83), 402

Master of Clusone, Virgin and Child with Saints (no. 395), 506

Hanotaux, Gabriel, 686Hanover, N.H., Hood Museum

of ArtCicognara, Antonio, Virgin

(fragment) (no. P.962.30), 197Harding, George F., 459Harris, Henry, 668, 671, 675Hartley, Marsden, 724 n. 9Hartt, Frederick, 15, 34–35Haskard Casardi (dealer), 230Hatfield, Warren Wood, 94Hazarian, Haroutune, 600Heberle, J. M., 503van Heek, Jan Herman, 503van Heemskerck, Maarten, 583

drawing of Colosseum, 583’s Heerenberg, Huis Bergh

Niccolò di Segna, Saint James the Great (no. 27) (Pl. 80, Comp. E), 503

Niccolò di Segna, Saint Mary Magdalene (no. 26) (Pl. 80, Comp. B), 503

Heinemann (coll.), 613Helbig, Princess Nadine, 646, 649

n. 18Helbig, Wolfgang, 649 n. 18Helsinki, Sinebrychoff Art Museum

Boccati, Giovanni, Adoration of the Magi (no. A III 1900), 151

Henderson, Nigel, 738Henraux, Albert, 56, 729Henraux, Lucien, 43, 56, 681, 689

n. 39Herbert, Almina Victoria, 650Hercolani (coll.), 354, 466 n. 14Herriman, William H., 173, 176Heugel, Henri, 486–87Heugel, Jacques, 487Hey, Jean, 658Heywood, William, 52, 56, 67High Cross, Hertfordshire, Saint

John the EvangelistFry, Helen Coombe, Saints

Martha and Mary (stained glass designed for J. Powell and Sons), 666 (Fig. V.2)

Highnam Court, Gloucestershire, Gambier-Perry collection, 666–67

Hildebrand, Adolf von, 672Hill, Derek

letter to BB, 704 (Fig. 124.3)Nicky Mariano Reading to Bernard

Berenson (Donegal, Glebe House and Gallery), 704 (Fig. 124.2)

photo of, 704 (Fig. 124.1)View near Antella (Pl. 124), 704–05

Hinks, Roger, 37Hitler, Adolf, 33

Hodgkin, Mariabella, 697Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-

Schillingsfürst, Friedrich Johann Karl zu, 15, 23–24, 39, 121, 125 n. 2

Holbein, Hans, 28, 44Holland, Lord, 503Holmes, C. J., 667Holroyd, Charles, 50, 84 n. 28Horne, Herbert, 15, 38–39, 43, 45, 49

(Fig. II.5), 43, 54, 56, 58–59, 66 n. 24, 68 n. 109, 69 n. 135, 83 n. 23, 267, 272 n. 2, 318, 326, 376, 379–80, 382–83, 642 n. 4, 666–68, 698, 700 n. 16, 739

Houghton, Edmund, 15, 22, 55, 61, 66 n. 47, 67 n. 86, 83 n. 12

Houghton, Mary, 61Houston, Museum of Fine Arts

Fungai, Bernardino, spalliera painting (no. 44.560), 273

Houstoun-Boswall, Lady, 210 n. 1Huber, Wolf, 737Huldschinsky, Oscar, 44Hultin, Olav, 37, 738Huon of Bordeaux, 361, 365Hurges, Philippe de, 586 n. 28Hutton, Edward, 15, 56, 68 n. 82, 248

n. 1, 695, 753

IIbn Ezra, Abraham, 458 n. 8Ibsen, Henrik, 674 n. 6Ilchester, Lord (coll.), 150Illasi (near Verona), parish church

Stefano da Zevio (circle) or Giovanni Badile, Virgin Nursing the Christ Child, fresco, 261, 264 n. 3

illumination of books and manuscripts, 102, 104–04, 106, 119, 129–30, 135 n. 24, 197, 200, 203, 265, 274, 329 n. 20, 330, 350, 360, 362, 369, 404, 408, 415, 471, 519, 541–46, 548, 595–602, 607, 610, 658

Imitator of a 15th-century French style

Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist (Pl. 116), 658–59

import licenses, 29–30Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique,

689 n. 39Innocent III dei Conti di Segni,

Pope, 296Innocent VIII Cybo, Pope, 274, 574Innocenzo da Imola

Portrait of a Lady (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 47), 746

insurance lists, 31Irish, Jane, 567 n. 37Irving, Washington, 730Isabelle of France, Queen of

England, 658Isola Bella, Borromeo collection

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with Blessing Redeemer with the Fathers of the Church and the Evangelists (Certosa di Pavia), 136, 144


general index34

Butinone, Bernardino, Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Lucy, 198 n. 14

Istia d’Ombrone, San SalvatoreGiovanni di Paolo, Virgin and

Child, 334, 335 n. 5Italo-Byzantine school

Virgin and Child (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 48), 746

JJacobello del Fiore, 350–53, 400

altarpiece for Corpus Domini, Venice (notice), 350

altarpiece for San Cassiano, Pesaro (lost), 350

altarpiece for Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice (notice), 350

Assassination of Saint Peter Martyr (Washington, D.C., Dumbarton Oaks, no. 22.1), 350

Coronation of the Virgin (Ceneda, cathedral), 351

Crucifix (Pesaro, Casteldimezzo), 350

frescos of apostles (Venice, Scuola Grande della Carità), 350

Lion of Saint Mark (Venice, Palazzo Ducale), 350

Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence with Two Nuns (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, no. SK–A–4001), 350

polyptych for San Pietro in Penna, Fermo (dispersed; Denver Art Museum, nos. E–128), 351, 398

polyptych for Santa Lucia, Fermo (Fermo, Pinacoteca Civica, no. 16), 350, 398

triptych of Justice from Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Magistrato del Proprio (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 15), 350, 352 (Fig. 48.2)

triptych of Montegranaro (Pesaro, Santa Maria delle Grazie), 350

triptych of Santa Michelina, Pesaro (Pesaro, Museo Civico, no. 3817), 350

triptych of the Misericordia (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 13), 350

Virgin and Child (Pl. 48), 74, 81–82, 351–52

Virgin and Child (formerly Milan, Foresti collection), 352

—— (attrib.)Virgin and Child (formerly Venice,

Giovanelli collection; present whereabouts unknown), 350, 352 (Fig. 48.1)

—— and Ercole del Fiorealtarpiece from Sant’Agostino,

Teramo (Teramo, cathedral), 351

“Jacobus de Neritus,” 301, 305 n. 12

Jacopa di Tommaso da Cetona, 129, 337

Jacopino da Reggio, 470 n. 9Jacopo da Ulma (Fra), 466Jacopo da Varazze, 288, 345, 355, 394,

474, 545 n. 1, 554 n. 7Jacopo del Casentino, 424

Virgin and Child Enthroned (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 6006), 97 n. 20

Jacopo della Querciastatue of Annunciate Angel (lost),

426Jacopo di Antonio, 546 n. 9Jacopo di Cione, 93, 96, 476

Coronation of the Virgin for San Pier Maggiore, Florence (London, National Gallery, nos. 569–78), 97 n. 21

reliquary panel (Florence, Santi Apostoli), 376

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, no. 15,000), 97 n. 14

Virgin Annunciate (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 8465), 537–38

Jacopo di Mino del Pellicciaio, 594 n. 7

Jacopo di Nerito, 301Jacopo di Paolo, 467, 470 n. 18

Crucifixion (Bologna, Fondazione CarisBo), 465, 468

Saint John Baptist (private collection, on deposit at the Museo d’Arte Industriale Davia Bargellini, Bologna), 468

Jacquemart, Nélie, 305 n. 20, 512Jacquier, Giuseppe, 75, 84 n. 39Jacquier, Vittorio, 15, 30, 71, 74–76

(Fig. III.6), 77 (Fig. III.7b), 78–85 passim, 88, 90, 103–05 (Pl. 4b), 122 (Pl. 8b), 141 n. 2, 167–68 (Pl. 17b), 184, 187 n. 6, 204, 257, 261, 264 n. 1, 294, 296 n. 1, 308, 355, 387, 398, 406, 422, 460 (Pl. 70a), 462–64 (Pl. 71a) 511, 524, 550, 586, 626, 648, 660, 738, 741, 743, 754–58

James, Albert, 49James, William, 672, 675 n. 69, 689

n. 33, 723–24, 732photo of, 724 (Fig. 143.2)

Jarves, James Jackson, 50Jaume I, King of Aragon, 530Jaume Mateu, 526Jesi, Pinacoteca Comunale

Lotto, Lorenzo, Entombment of Christ, 390

Lotto, Lorenzo, Saint Lucy altarpiece for confraternity in San Floriano, Jesi, 390, 392

Jesurum, Michelangelo, 43Jews, deportation from Florence, 33John XXII Duèze, Pope, 326, 456–57Johns, Augustus, 45Johnson, Barbara Piasecka, 525 n. 6Johnson, John G., 15, 26, 43, 45, 49,

60, 81, 88, 107–08, 114, 118, 128, 135,

168, 180, 196, 208, 243, 261, 264, 330, 373, 401–02, 494, 496, 549, 580, 581 n. 54, 610, 619, 635, 668, 697, 706, 740, 742–43, 751, 754, 757–58

Jonghelinck, Niclaes, 584Joni, Icilio Federico, 24–25, 28, 54–59,

68 n. 123, 440, 444, 446, 451 nn. 7 and 9, 604, 606, 608, 612, 626–28, 638–42, 650, 652, 654–56, 736, 747–49, 759

Alberto Aringhieri in Prayer (after Pintoricchio) (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 49), 25, 56 (Fig. II.16), 451 n. 9, 639–40 (Fig. IV.2), 747

Book cover (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 50), 747, 749

Head of a Boy (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 51), 55, 747

photo of, 638 (Fig. IV.1)Portrait (present whereabouts

unknown) (App. 52), 626, 747Saint Holding his Head (present

whereabouts unknown) (App. 53), 748

Shrine (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 54), 748

Sienese forgeries (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 55), 736, 748, 759

triptych (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 56), 748

Venetian forgeries (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 57), 749

Venetian View (?) (after Guardi) (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 58), 750

Virgin and Child (Pl. 113), 25, 58, 640, 655

Virgin and Child Enthroned; Male Saint and Annunciate Angel; Male Saint and Virgin Annunciate (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 59), 25, 750

Virgin and Child with Angels (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 60), 750

Virgin and Child with Two Angels (Rome, Semenzato, 17 Mar. 1992, lot 201, as Neroccio), 654

Virgin and Child, drawing (Siena, private collection), 448, 628 (Fig. 108.4)

—— and collaboratorVirgin and Child Enthroned with

Angels (Pl. 114), 25, 640, 650Joyce, James, 711Julius II Della Rovere, Pope, 390, 412,

414, 572Julius, Duke of Brunswick-

Wolfenbüttel, 578

KKalebdjian brothers, 600, 602 n. 33Kalman (coll.), 118Kandinsky, Wassily, 702

Kansas City, Mo., Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art

Bugiardini, Giuliano, Virgin, Christ Child, and Saint John the Baptist (no. 68–10), 729 (Fig. 146.1)

Catani Chiti, Giuseppe (“Francesco Pesellini”), Annunciation (no. 45–42), 650

Lorenzo Monaco, Virgin of Humility (no. 40–40), 388–89

Karabian, Mr. and Mrs. Walter, 600Karadordevic, Paul, Prince of

Yugoslavia, 32–34 (Fig. I.17), 44 nn. 85–86, 739, 752, 756

Karlsruhe, Staatliche KunsthalleNovaero, Tonino, Holy Family

with Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. 1165), 503, 506 (Fig. 81.2), 508

Kauffmann, Angelica, 540Kaufman (coll.), 131Keats, John, 21, 230, 404Keller, Albert, 503Keller, Deane, 34Kennedy, Jacqueline, 39Kern, Léon, 564Kerr-Lawson, James, 22, 25, 28, 72, 83

n. 16, 706–07, 736, 747, 750Bernard Berenson (Pl. 125), 706–07Bernard Berenson (present

whereabouts unknown) (App. 61), 706, 750

Mary Smith Costelloe (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 62), 706, 750

Kesselring, General Field Marshal Albert, 34

Keynes, John Maynard, 668, 695Kiev, Bogdan and Varvara Khaneko

Museum of ArtMarco di Paolo Veneziano, Virgin

of Humility (inv. 73, cat. 53), 397 (Fig. 58.1), 400

Kilvert, B. Cory, 396 n. 3Kilvert, Delora, 396 n. 3Kinnaird, Lord, 348Kisters (coll.), 343Klagenfurt, Rudolfinum,

Landesmuseum KärtnenArtist unknown, painted stucci

of Trajan dispensing justice (nos. 90a, 90b), 474

Kleinberger (gallery), 44, 470, 741Knoedler, M. (gallery), 741Knutsford, Cheshire, Tatton Park

Morone, Domenico (workshop), cassone of the entrance of the Trojan Horse (no. TAT/P/144), 475

Kolch, David, 15, 80, 115, 274, 345, 477, 524

Koller (gallery), 424–25Kraffter, Hieronymus, 165Kraków

Muzeum Ksiazat Czartoryskichformerly Neroccio di Bartolomeo

de’ Landi (attrib.), Virgin and Child with Two Adoring Angels (no. 158), 496


general index 35

Mariotto di Nardo, Christ in Glory (no. XII–190), 648 n. 5

Ugolino di Nerio, Saint Michael (Collection, no. XII.183), 606

Zamek Królewskina Wawelu, Lanckoronski collection

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus, Orpheus (no. 7967), 408 (Fig. 61.1)

Kress, Rush H., 396 n. 5Kress, Samuel H., 36, 396 Kress family, 387Kress Foundation, 143Kreuzlinger, Switzerland, Kisters

collection, 343Krk (Veglia), Saint Lucy

Paolo Veneziano, Saint Lucy and Stories from her Legend, 398–99

Kugler, Franz, 467Kurdian, Harry, 601–02

LLa Marck, Érard de, Prince-Bishop

of Liège, 584, 586 n. 28La Spezia, Museo “Amedeo Lia”

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint Joseph (no. 280), 146 n. 11

Lorenzetti, Pietro, predella (no. 133), 135 n. 21

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint James the Great, 192

Lorenzetti, Pietro, panel of a polyptych (no. 78), 374

Morone, Domenico (workshop), Trajan Entrusting his Son to a Widow (?) (no. 84), 474 (Fig. 73.1), 475

La Verna, conventoGerino da Pistoia, frescos, 293

Lafenestre, Georges, 470, 658–59Lagostera, Guillem, 530Lamberti, Niccolò di Pietro, 297Lamberti, Pietro, 297Lambertini family, 465Lampugnani, Melchiorre, 136, 141, 250Lancisi, Anton Maria, 567 n. 34Lanckoronski (coll.), 408Landi, see Neroccio di Bartolomeo

de’ LandiLane-Fox Pitt-Rivers, Lt.

Gen. Augustus, 538Lansdowne, Lord, 730Lanz, Otto, 193, 196 n. 2, 254, 503Lanzi, Luigi, 309Lapa, Madonna, 98Lapsley, Gaillard, 710Larciani, Giovanni, 344Larderel (coll.), 385–86Laschi, Emilio, 612 n. 7Lasinio, Carlo, 158 n. 1Latini, Brunetto, 310Latini, Latini, 310Lattanzio da Rimini, 119

polyptych (Moi de’ Calvi, province of Bergamo), San Martino, 203

Lattanzio di Niccolò, 87Laurana, Francesco, 66 n. 1Laureani, Mons. Gabriele, 158 n. 1

Lavery, John, 45Lawson, Cecil Gordon, 512Layard, Austin Henry, 264 n. 2Lazzaroni, Michele Angelo, 15, 125

n. 7, 369, 573, 579 n. 4, 580 n. 9, 581 n. 54, 740

Le Mans, Musée de TesséBarna da Siena, triptych with

Saint Catherine, a Bishop Saint, and the Virgin Annunciate (nos. 286–87), 451 n. 16

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint Agatha (no. LM 10.13) (Pl. 54, Comp. A), 380–81

Le Roy, Martin, 698, 700Leader, John Temple, 644 nn. 2–3Leconte de Lisle, Charles Marie

René, 714Lee (coll.), 147Lee, David, 124Lee, Vernon (Violet Paget), 15, 48, 66

n. 14, 729Lee of Fareham (Arthur), 404Lees, David, 37, 124Legros, Alphonse, 726Lehman, Philip, 44, 654Lehman, Robert, 92, 118, 170, 186–87,

249, 406, 437Leipzig

Franz Adolf von Beckerath collection

formerly Cicognara, Antonio, Communion of a Nun, 202 n. 11

Museum der Bildenden KunstMorone, Domenico

(workshop), four tondos of ancient Roman stories from a cassone (inv. I. 1372–73), 475

Lely, Sir Peter, 170 n. 11Lempertz, H. (auction house), 125,

469–70, 503Lenzi, Domenico, 404Leo X de’ Medici, Pope, 344, 534Leo XIII Pecci, Pope, 158 n. 1Leonardo da San Fior, 203Leonardo da Vinci, 109, 112, 143,

178–179, 207, 251, 265, 671La Belle Ferronière, copy owned

by Mrs Andrée Lardoux Hahn, 672, 675 n. 66

Last Supper, 142 n. 24Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio,

354–59Christ Crowned (Williamstown,

Mass., Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, no. 929), 356

Christ Crowned with Thorns (Otterlo, Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, no. 70), 355–56, 358 n. 20

Decapitated Head of Saint Catherine (Milan, Civiche Raccolte d’Arte, Castello Sforzesco, no. 757), 356

Decapitated Head of Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Pl. 49), 355–59

Deposition (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 66), 356

Holy Family (Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, no. 2709), 355

Holy Family owned by Leonari family, Pesaro (lost), 354 n. 2

Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist (formerly Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, no. 1146), 354–55

Nativity with the Monti family, Bologna (lost), 354 n. 2

painting of fruit for Isabella d’Este (lost), 354

Portrait of a Youth (Venice, Museo Correr, no. Cl. I no. 0053), 355

Portrait of the Sacrati Family (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 8709), 216 n. 4, 355

Saint Apollonia (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 553), 356

Saint Francis Showing his Stigmata (Princeton University Art Museum, no. 56–3), 355–56, 358

Saint Paul, château of Étrepy (Marne) (Rome, Palazzo Ruspoli), 356, 358 n. 10

Saint Peter, château of Étrepy (Marne) (Rome, Palazzo Ruspoli), 356, 358 n. 10

six paintings in sacristy of San Michele in Bosco (lost), 354 n. 2

triptych (Bologna, Collezioni Comunali d’Arte, no. P. 578), 358 n. 4

triptych of the Virgin and Child with Saints James the Great and Augustine (Bologna, facade of San Giacomo Maggiore), 354

trompe d’oeil of window opening onto a fruit orchard (lost), 354 n. 2

two paintings in the Hercolani collection, Bologna (lost), 354 n. 2

Virgin and Child (formerly Carpi, Foresti collection; Milan, Sotheby’s, 15 Dec. 1992, lot 269), 356, 369

Virgin and Child (formerly Manusardi [C. M. M.] collection, Milan), 355–56

Virgin and Child (Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, no. 61.18), 356, 358 n. 12, 359

Virgin and Child Enthroned, château of Étrepy (Marne) (Rome, Palazzo Ruspoli), 356, 358 n. 10

Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian, Joachim, Anne, Francis of Assisi, and Claire of Assisi (Modena, Grossi collection; currently on deposit at Museo Civico), 356, 358 n. 12, 359

Lepke, Rudolph (Rudolph Lepke’s Kunst-Auctions-Haus), 470 n. 24

Lescuyer, Nicolas Jean-Baptiste, 456–57

Leslie, Charles Robert, 730Leuchtenberg (coll.), 168Level, André, 688 n. 5Lévy (photography firm), 67Lewis, Katherine, 45, 738Leyden, Lucas van 110, 112–13Lianori, Pietro di Giovanni, 465Libanori, Antonio, 498Liberale da Verona, 63–64, 131, 134,

360–69, 427, 471, 518Adoration of the Magi, Verona

cathedral, 410altarpiece for Sant’Elena, Venice

(lost), 360Betrothal of Apollo and Daphne and

Apollo in Pursuit of Daphne (Pl. 51), 75, 366–69

book illumination, 135 n. 24, 360, 369

cassone (Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, no. 48–1B838), 364

cassone panel with Virginia (Milan, Saibene collection), 368

cassone with Rape of Helen (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, no. 110), 360

Chess Players (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 43.98.8) (Pl. 50, Comp. B), 361–62 (Fig. 50.1), 364 (Fig. 50.2), 365

Christ Redeemer with Saints John the Evangelist, Leonard, Benedict (or Bernard), John the Baptist, and a Bishop Donor, cathedral of Viterbo, 360, 364

Encounter at a Window (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1986.147) (Pl. 50, Comp. A), 362 (Fig. 50.1), 365

Evangelists for San Girolamo al Teatro Romano, Verona (Museo Archeologico), 360

frescos of Bonaveri chapel (Verona, Sant’Anastasia), 360

Nativity (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P26s8), 42 n. 9

Onlookers (Pl. 50), 63, 361–65predella panel with legend of

Saint Benedict (Florence, Uffizi, no. [1890] 1602), 364

predella panels (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1655), 364

predella panels (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, no. PD.21–1961), 364

Saint Sebastian (Milan, Brera, no. 177), 360

Virgin and Child (present whereabouts unknown), 42 n. 7


general index36

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints Benedict and Francesca Romana (Rome, Santa Maria Nuova), 360

—— with Nicolò Solimanidecoration of a chapel in

Santissima Annunziata, Rovato (lost), 360

—— or Girolamo da Cremonacassone panel with Rape of

Europa (Paris, Louvre, no. MI 585), 362, 369

Liberius, Pope, 340Licinio, Bernardino, 162

Head of a Lady (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 51.2879), 44 n. 56

seated Saint Mark in the act of writing between Allegories of Justice and Temperance, from the Magistrato della Ternaria dell’Oglio, Venice (lost), 635 n. 17

Lido di Venezia, Bruini collectionformerly Bergognone, Ambrogio,

Flagellation, 141Lieberman, Ralph, 85 n. 68Liechtenstein, Fostoria collection 494Liédet, Loyset, 367–68

Daphne Praying to Diana for Protection from Apollo (Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, MS cod. 9392, fol. 90v), 368 (Fig. 51.1)

Liège, Musée CurtiusSuavius, Lambert, Holy Women

at the Sepulcher (no. A 36), 586 n. 20

Lifar, Serge, 714Limbourg brothers, 443, 658Lindsay, Alexander, 437 n. 7Lindsay, Lady Caroline, 124Lindsay, David, 437 n. 7Linsky, Jack and Belle, 112Lioni, Agnolo, 408Lioni, Girolamo, 408Lippi, Filippino, 414, 419, 532, 669

fresco in Brancacci chapel (Florence, Santa Maria del Carmine), 344

Man of Sorrows with the Instruments of the Passion (Birmingham, Ala., Birmingham Museum of Art, no. 1961.99), 148 (Fig. 13.1), 150

Lippi, Filippo, 108, 156–58, 234, 235 n. 10, 250, 384, 401–03, 481, 522, 541, 650

Adoration of the Christ Child (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 69), 158

Adoration of the Christ Child (Florence, Uffizi, no. 8350), 157

Annunciation (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 1072), 544

Barbadori altarpiece (Paris, Louvre, no. 1344), 151

fresco of the Nativity (Spoleto, cathedral), 158

Martelli Annunciation (Florence, San Lorenzo), 418–19

Portrait of a Woman (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1700), 403

Portrait of a Couple (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 89.15.19), 403

side panels of altarpiece for Naples (Cleveland Museum of Art, nos. 1964.150.1–2), 670, 675 n. 54

—— and workshopfrescos (Spoleto, cathedral), 618

Lippi, Mariotto di Nozzo, 175–76Lippo d’Andrea

Legend of Saint Bernardo degli Uberti (Florence, San Martino alla Scala), 644 n. 2

Lippo di Vanni, 64, 374Conversion of Saint Augustine, with

Saint Monica (San Leonardo al Lago, Monteriggioni), 433, 436–37 (Fig. 66.2)

Lisio, Giuseppe, 62, 69 n. 157Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery

Bellini, Giovanni, drawing of him on his bier (Weld-Blundell Drawings Collection, no. WAG 1996.84), 120 n. 18

De Roberti, Ercole, predella from San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna (no. 2773), 616

Vecchietta, predella of Franciscan scenes (no. 132), 611

LivornoLardarel collection

formerly Lorenzo Monaco and workshop, Virgin and Child with Saint Jerome, a Female Martyr, Saint Julian, and Saint Dorothy, 385 (Fig. 55.1), 386

Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori, on deposit from Santa Maria del Soccorso

Angelico (Fra), Man of Sorrows, 150

Llewelyn-Davis, Richard, 738Lo Vullo, Gaetano, 444, 446, 561Lochis (coll.), 116Lochner, Stefan

Virgin of Humility (Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, no. 67), 256

Lochoff, Nicholas, 15, 58–59 (Fig. II.19), 68 n. 121

Lodi, IncoronataBergognone, Ambrogio and

Bernardino, work for, 136, 144Loeser, Charles, 15, 38, 42 n. 7, 43, 45,

47, 62, 192, 19 n. 2, 286, 373–74, 376, 732–33

Loewenstein, Captain Alfred, 365Loewi, Adolfo, 43Lola, Francesco, 465Lomazzo, Giovanni, 142 n. 17Lombard, Lambert, 582, 584, 586 n. 21

Lombardi, Francesco, 562, 564, 566 n. 3, 646

LondonBritish Museum

Agostino Veneziano, One Man Striking Another, Possibly Hercules Striking Cacus (no. 1873,0809.750), 583–84 (Fig. 97.2)

Bellini, Jacopo, album of drawings (nos. 1855.8.11.1–98), 120

Titian, drawing for Saint Peter of Frari Assumption (no. 1895, 9,15.823), 168

Verrocchio, Andrea del, drawing of female head (no. 1895,0195.785), 675 n. 53

Carfax Gallery, 59Cavendish Works in Soho, 59Charles Beddington Limited

Flipart, Charles Joseph (attrib.), Harpsichord Player 372 (Fig. 52.2)

Christie and Manson, 320, 323, 327–28, 538–39

Christie, Manson, and Woods, 134, 172, 300, 320, 327, 538–39, 735

Christie’s South Kensington, Sept. 2009, lot 613

Bello, Marco, Holy Family with Saint Zacharias, 128 n. 6

Christie’s, 27, 44, 59, 97 n. 2, 102, 128, 161, 164, 286, 336, 343, 348, 370, 366, 480, 640, 735, 741, 747, 752, 756

Anon. follower of Lorenzo Costa, Saint Francis of Assisi Receiving the Stigmata (30 Nov. 1979, lot 49 [as Master of the Assumption of the Magdalene]), 218 n. 5

Bagnacavallo (Bartolomeo Ramenghi) or Aspertini, Annunciation (23 June 1967, lot 48), 217

Crisp, Francis Edward Fitzjohn, portrait of a servant girl in gray (6 Sept. 2001, lot 110), 695

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, Vitetti triptych (1 June 1956, lot 20), 249 n. 6

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin of Humility (3 July 2012, lot 30), 335 n. 6

Michele di Matteo, Man of Sorrows with the Mourning Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist (7 Dec. 2011, lot 142), 466

Michele di Matteo, Saint Lawrence (10 July 2015, lot 134), 469 (Fig. 72.1)

Raphael, Lorenzo de’ Medici, Duke of Urbino (5 July 2007, lot 91), 525

Toscani, Giovanni di Francesco, Virgin and Child (copy sold 28 Mar. 1969, lot 15, as follower of Giotto), 318 n. 21

Colnaghi’s, 20, 28–29, 44, 152–53, 747, 756

Courtauld GalleryArtist unknown, cassone

with Apollo and Daphne (no. P.1947.LF.2.61), 367

Baronzio, Giovanni (attrib.), Adoration of the Magi (Gambier-Parry collection, no. 89), 666–67 (Fig. V.4)

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Crucifixion (no. P.1947. LF.36), 44 n. 5

Biagio d’Antonio, and Jacopo del Sellaio, Morelli-Nerli wedding chests (nos. F.1947.LF.4–5), 271

Biagio d’Antonio, Jacopo del Sellaio, and Zanobi di Domenico, wedding chests (Lee collection no. 58), 147

Daddi, Bernardo, triptych (no. P. 1978.PG.81.1), 224 (Fig. 28.1), 227

Gerino da Pistoia, Virgin and Child and Saints (no. P.1966.GP.196), 293

Master of the Dominican Effigies, polyptych from San Paolino, Florence (no. P.1947.LF.294), 404, 406

Neri di Bicci (follower of ), Virgin of the Goldfinch (no. P.1966. GP.283), 482

Stefano d’Antonio di Giovanni (Vanni) di Guido, cassone panel (no. P.1947.LF.2.61), 464

Dowdeswell and Dowdeswells, 28, 59

National Gallery, 24Andrea di Bonaiuto, Virgin

and Child with Ten Saints (no. 5115), 93–94, 96

Angelico (Fra), Virgin and Child (no. L37), 103

Anon. Tuscan, cassone panels with two episodes from the legend of Trajan (nos. 1135–36), 475

Artist unknown, Wilton Diptych (no. 4451), 658

Bachiacca, panels for Borgherini wedding bed (nos. 1218–19), 109

Barnaba da Modena, painting of 1374 (no. 2927), 590

Bellini, Gentile, cover for a Byzantine reliquary (no. 6590), 114

Bellini, Gentile, Sultan Mehmed II (no. 3099), 114

Bellini, Giovanni, Circumcision (no. 1455), 126

Bellini, Giovanni, Portrait of Fra Teodoro da Urbino as Saint Dominic (no. L1115), 120

Bellini, Giovanni (workshop), Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (no. 2901), 124–25 (Fig. 8.2)


general index 37

Benvenuto di Giovanni, Virgin and Child, Saint Peter, and Saint Nicholas (no. 909), 129

Bergognone, Ambrogio, stories of the Passion of Christ (nos. 1077.1 and 1077.2), 136, 144

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Catherine of Siena (no. 298), 136

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian and Roch (no. 1077), 136, 142 n. 24

Bonifacio, Virgin and Child (no. 1202), 160

Botticini, Francesco, altarpiece from San Girolamo of the Hieronymites of Fiesole (no. 227), 488

Botticini, Francesco, Palmieri altarpiece (no. 1126), 171, 175

Cicognara, Antonio (Master of Pratovecchio?), polyptych (no. 584), 200 n. 2

Cima da Conegliano, Incredulity of Saint Thomas (no. 1816), 203

Cima da Conegliano, Saint Mark from Santa Maria dei Crociferi, Venice (no. 4946), 206

Del Cossa, Francesco, Saint Peter (no. 597), 616

Del Cossa, Francesco, Saint Vincent Ferrara (no. 597), 358 n. 4

Domenico Veneziano, frescoed tabernacle for the Canto dei Carnesecchi (no. 1215), 234–35

Fungai, Bernardino, tondo (no. 331), 273

Gerini, Niccolò di Pietro, triptych (nos. NG 579.1–5), 646

Giambono, Saint Mark (no. 3917) (Pl. 41, Comp. F), 303 (Fig. 41.4), 304–05

Giorgione, Homage to the Poet (no. 1173), 635 n. 9

Giotto and workshop, Pentecost (no. 5360) (Pl. 44, Comp. F), 322–23, 328

Giovanni da Milano, pinnacles (nos. 579.6–8), 646

Girolamo da Carpi, Ippolito de’ Medici with Monsignor Marco Bracci (no. 20), 525 n. 5

Jacopo di Cione, Coronation of the Virgin for San Pier Maggiore, Florence (nos. 569–78), 97 n. 21

Lorenzetti, Pietro, or Dijon Master, Saint Savinus before the Governor of Tuscany (no. NG1113), 244, 373, 376–77

Lorenzo di Giovanni (Master of San Miniato), Virgin and Child (no. 593), 178

Lotto, Lorenzo, Family Group (no. 1067), 390

Master of the Castello Nativity, altarpiece for parish church of Faltugnano (no. 3648), 401

Master of the Judgment of Paris, desco (on loan from Cook collection), 700 n. 10

Matteo di Giovanni, Assumption of the Virgin, Sant’Agostino, Asciano (no. 1155) (Pl. 66, Comp. A), 426–28, 432 n. 6, 433, 436 (Fig. 66.1)

Memmi, Lippo (?), Saint Peter and Saint Mary Magdalene (nos. 4491, 4492), 442

Michele da Verona, Coriolanus Persuaded by his Family to Spare Rome (no. 1214), 464

Morone, Domenico, cassone panels with Rape of the Sabines (nos. 1211–12), 459, 471, 475

Parmigianino, Lorenzo Pucci (on deposit from duke of Abercorn), 525 n. 3

Perugino, Pietro, altarpiece for the Certosa of Pavia (nos. 288.1–3), 531

Pesellino, Francesco, Trinity altarpiece for Pistoia (nos. 727, 3162, 3230, 428), 234, 235 n. 7

Pesellino, Francesco, Triumph of David (no. 6580), 278 n. 13

Piero della Francesca, Baptism of Christ (no. 665), 426

Piero di Cosimo, Fight between the Centaurs and Lapiths (no. 4890), 642 n. 4

Pollaiolo, Antonio and Piero del, Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (no. 292), 426, 428

Pontormo, A Discussion (no. 3941), 42 n. 6

Raphael, Mackintosh Madonna (no. 2069), 178

Sassetta, Funeral of Saint Francis and the Verification of the Stigmata (no. NG4763) (Pl. 94, Comp. U), 562, 564, 566

Sassetta, Saint Francis before the Pope: Granting of the Indulgence of the Portiuncula (no. NG4759) (Pl. 94, Comp. P), 562, 564, 566

Sassetta, Saint Francis before the Sultan (no. NG4761) (Pl. 94, Comp. S), 562, 564, 566

Sassetta, Saint Francis Meets a Knight Poorer than Himself and Saint Francis’s Vision of the Founding of the Franciscans (no. NG4757) (Pl. 94, Comp. N), 562, 564, 566

Sassetta, Saint Francis Renounces his Earthly Father (no. NG4758) (Pl. 94, Comp. O), 562, 564, 566

Sassetta, Stigmatization of Saint

Francis (no. NG4760) (Pl. 94, Comp. Q), 562, 564, 566

Sassetta, Wolf of Gubbio (no. NG4762) (Pl. 94, Comp. R), 562, 564, 566

Scazoli, Paolo Antonio de, Ecce Homo (no. 3069), 200

Signorelli, Luca, Adoration of the Shepherds (no. 1133), 571

Signorelli, Luca, with Pintoriccio and Girolamo Genga, frescoes for Pandolfo Petrucci’s family palace in Siena (nos. 910 and 3939), 572

Tura, Cosmè, Roverella altarpiece (no. 772), 209

National Portrait GalleryBussy, Simon, Lytton Strachey

(no. 4595), 694Clifford, Edward, portrait of

Mary Berenson (no. 5877), 738

Fields, Ivor, photo of Kerr-Lawson’s lost oil painting of Bernard Berenson (Ax161073), 706 (Fig. 125.1)

Morrell, Lady Ottoline, Dorothy Bussy (née Strachey), Simon Bussy, and André Gide, August 1920 (no. Ax140872), 694

Strachey, Ray Costelloe, Karin Costelloe Stephen between her Brother-in-law Oliver Strachey and the Philosopher George Edward Moore, 1914 (no. x88547), 695–96 (Fig. 120.1)

Strachey, Ray Costelloe, Mary Berenson (no. D206), 37 (Fig. I.21)

Richard Philip Gallery (in 2008)Artist unknown, Saint Julian,

222Sotheby’s, 176, 210, 286, 365, 406,

470, 494, 546, 600, 735, 741Bordon, Paris, Virgin and Child

with Saint Anthony Abbot and a Young Donor (8 Dec. 2011, lot 109), 167, 170 n. 2

Morone, Domenico (workshop), four tondos of ancient Roman stories from a cassone (10 July 2014, lot 191, as master of the Arma Christi of San Lorenzo), 475

Primaticcio, Francesco, portrait of a man in the guise of Saint George (8 July 2009, lot 16), 525 n. 6

Tzafouris, Nicholas, triptychs with double-sided folding wings (18 Oct. 2001, lot 4), 425 n. 9

Tate GalleryBurne-Jones, Edward, Sidonia

von Bork 1560 (no. N05877), 738

Bussy, Simon, Lady Ottoline Morrell (no. N06015), 694

Wilson, Richard, Portrait of Francesco Zuccarelli (no. 3727), 621

Victoria and Albert MuseumAndrea del Brescianino (?),

Virgin and Child (no. 289), 179–80

Bordon, Paris, Two Studies of Saint Joseph (no. Dyce 265 recto), 170 (Fig. 17.1)

Desiderio da Settignano and Geri da Settignano, Virgin and Child (no. 7582-1861), 241 (Fig. 31.3), 242

Donatello, Chellini Madonna (no. A.1–1976), 255

Donatello, Madonna from via delle Fogge, Verona (no. A.1-1932), 118 n. 7

Donatello, marble relief of Dead Christ (no. 7577-1861), 134

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, sculptures of Rape of the Sabines (no. 251–1876), 266

Nardo di Cione, Coronation of the Virgin (no. C.A.I 104), 479

Vecchietta, reliefs of the Flagellation (no. A.163:2–1910), 607

Waddington Galleries, 494Wallace Collection

Foppa, Vincenzo, work for Medici bank in Milan (no. P 538), 250, 255

Scazoli, Paolo Antonio de, Annunciation (no. P 536), 200

London and Buckhurst Park, Sussex, Robert Henry and Evelyn Holford Benson collection, 125

Long Island, NewYork, Rabinowitz collection

formerly Andrea del Brescianino (?), Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist, 179–80

Longfellow, Alice Mary, 723, 724 n. 6Longhi, Alessandro, 370, 372Longhi, Paul, 467Longhi, Pietro (Pietro Falca), 23–24,

42, 370–72, 621Card Game (copy) (Pl. 52), 24, 161,

164 n. 2, 370–72Card Game (copy in Venice,

Ca’ Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento Veneziano, no. 140), 370 (Fig. 52.1), 372

Longhi, Roberto, 31–32, 36–39 (Fig. I.24), 44 nn, 74–76, 45 nn. 104 and 107, 79, 98, 114, 143, 147–48, 150, 152, 172, 196 n. 2, 199, 200 n. 2, 209–17, 223, 231, 233, 235 n. 11, 240, 254–55, 256 n. 13, 257, 260 n. 4, 261–62, 302, 318 n. 1, 325, 342–43, 355–56, 358, 360, 376, 378 n. 2, 420, 422–24, 462, 465, 470–71, 518, 524, 525 n. 1, 537–38, 607, 610, 613, 615–16, 633, 701–02, 742

dedication to Berenson, 214 (Fig. 25.1)


general index38

Lonhy, Antoine de (workshop)Adoration of the Magi (Turin,

Galleria Sabauda, no. 28 bis) (App. 3), 735

Loredan, Leonardo, Doge, 114Lorenzelli (coll.), 255Lorenzelli, Bruno, 258Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, 48, 49–56, 66

n. 28, 74, 182, 330, 373–77, 552, 556, 559, 587, 609, 737, 750

altarpiece possibly for Santa Marta, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 77, 77a–c), 458 n. 34

altarpiece (Siena, San Pietro in Castelvecchio), 376

Coronation of the Virgin altarpiece for San Francesco, Montalcino (Montalcino, Museo Civico e Diocesano d’Arte Sacra), 592

cycle of the Effects of Good and Bad Governments (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico), 512

frescos (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico) 49

frescos in the Sala della Pace (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico), 337

frescos of Stories of the Virgin and of Saint Galganus (Montesiepi, San Galgano), 498, 499 n. 10

Saint John the Baptist (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 53), 451 n. 6

Saint Michael Archangel (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli), 437 n. 10

Saint Paul (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 52), 451 n. 6

Virgin and Child (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 39.536), 56

Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Catherine of Alexandria (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 184), 451 n. 6

Virgin and Child with the Blessing Redeemer (Florence, Uffizi, no. 9411) (App. 63), 38, 376, 646, 750

Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (Siena, Oratorio di San Bernardino e Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra, no. SB OA/228), 377, 556 (Fig. 92.1)

Lorenzetti, Pietro, 56–57, 67 n. 79, 182–83, 192–94, 196 n. 2, 324, 373–83, 431, 498–500, 502, 552–53, 559, 587, 609, 645–46, 649 n. 18, 737

altarpiece (Siena, Santa Maria del Carmine), 498

altarpiece pinnacle (Oxford, Exeter College), 379

Beata Umiltà altarpiece (Florence, Uffizi, nos. 8347, 6129–31, 6120–26; Berlin,

Staatliche Museen, nos. 1077, 1077A), 374; predella (nos. 6120, 6129), 135 n. 21, 612 n. 3

Birth of the Virgin (Siena, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, no. OA/4540), 193, 377, 553

Bishop Martyr (Fontainebleau, Noailles collection), 192

crucifix for San Marco, Cortona (Cortona, Museo Diocesano), 373

Crucifixion (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 2002.436), 377

Crucifixion with Saints Clare and Francis (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Art Museum, no. 1943.119), 373

Crucifixion (Siena, San Francesco, chapter house), 373

fresco of Annunciation and Saints (Castiglione del Bosco), 374

frescos (Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church), 329 n. 31, 373, 376–77, 379

high altarpiece for San Niccolò al Carmine, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. I.B.S. n. 16a, 16b, 62, 64, 83, and 578–79); Pasadena, Norton Simon Museum, nos. F1973.08.1–2P), 373

Kress triptych (Seattle Art Museum, no. 61.157), 373

Maestà (Cortona, Museo Diocesano), 458 n. 12

Maestà from Pistoia (Florence, Uffizi, no. 445), 458 n. 12

Man of Sorrows (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 48), 134, 135 n. 21

Martyr Saint (Prague, Národní Muzeum, no. DO.5014), 192

Monticchiello altarpiece (reconstruction), 380, 382 (Fig. 54.3), 498

Nativity of the Virgin, facade of the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, 373

pinnacles (Siena, Salini collection), 499 n. 3

polyptych for altar of San Savino, Siena cathedral (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, no. 0A/4540; London, National Gallery, no. 1113), 244, 373

polyptych (Monticchiello, Santi Leonardo e Cristoforo), 380

polyptych (Tarlati altarpiece; Arezzo, pieve), 135 n. 21, 324, 373, 379

polyptych with Virgin and Child (Florence, Palazzo Vecchio, Loeser collection, no. 1933–22; New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 13.312; Assisi, Sacro Convento di San Francesco, Collezione Federico Mason Perkins,

no. 89; La Spezia, Museo Civico “Amedeo Lia,” no. 78; Prague, Národní Galerie, nos. DO.5014–15; private collection, formerly Fontainebleau, Noailles collection), 374

predella (La Spezia, Museo “Amedeo Lia,” no. 133), 135 n. 21

reliquary of Blessing Christ Redeemer Enthroned and a Kneeling Augustinian Devotee (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 53, Comp.), 374, 376–78 (Fig. 53.1), 646

Resurrected Christ (Siena, Museo Diocesano), 373

Saint John the Baptist (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 82), 451 n. 6

Saint Agatha (Le Mans, Musée de Tessé, no. LM 10.13) (Pl. 54, Comp. A), 380–81

Saint Anthony Abbot (Prague, Národní Muzeum, no. DO.5015), 192

Saint Bartholomew (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 79), 451 n. 6

Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Florence, Museo Horne, no. 48) (Pl. 54, Comp. D), 379–80, 382

Saint Catherine of Alexandria (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 13.312), 192

Saint Cecily (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 81), 451 n. 6

Saint James the Great (La Spezia, Museo “Amedeo Lia”), 192

Saint Leonard of Noblat (Florence, Museo Horne, no. 47) (Pl. 54, Comp. B), 380, 382

Saint Lucy (?) (Florence, Museo Horne, no. 50) (Pl. 54, Comp. E), 380, 382

Saint Luke (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 54, Comp. F), 382

Saint Margaret (Assisi, Sacro Convento di San Francesco, Frederick Mason Perkins collection, no. 89), 192 n. 12

San Giusto polyptych (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 50), 451 n. 6

Standing Virgin with Child and a Kneeling Augustinian Devotee (Pl. 53), 56, 68 n. 96, 374–78, 379, 431 n. 2

triptych (Siena, Banca Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, no. 9282), 612 n. 9

triptych with Blessing Christ (Seattle Art Museum, no. K.2777), 379–80

triptych with Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist

and Francis (Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church, Orsini chapel), 373

Virgin and Child (Milan, Brera, no. 968), 646

Virgin and Child (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, no. 7) (Pl. 54, Comp. C), 380, 382

Virgin and Child Enthroned (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 91; EW1985-21-1, 2), 373

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels (Cortona, Museo Diocesano), 373, 379

Virgin and Child with Angels from San Francesco, Pistoia (Florence, Uffizi, no. 445), 374, 377

—— (?)fresco on the facade of the

Ospedale della Scala, Siena (lost), 553

—— (attrib.)Saint Luke (Pl. 54, Comp. F), 380

(Fig. 54.1)Saint Mark (Pl. 54), 373, 379–83

—— or Dijon MasterChrist before Pilate (Vatican

City, Pincoteca Vaticana, no. 40168), 376–77

Saint Savinus before the Governor of Tuscany (London, National Gallery, no. NG1113), 373, 376–77

Virgin and Child with Saint Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria and Six Angels (Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, no. 593), 376

Virgin and Child with Two Bishop Saints and Saints Margaret and Lucy and Angels (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.731), 376

—— workshopCrucifixion with the Seated

Mourning Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, no. 12), 194

Holy Family of Humility (Riggisberg, Abegg-Stiftung, no. 14.21.66), 194, 196 (Fig. 22.3)

Holy Family in Humility in an interior (Ancona, private collection), 194

“Lorenzetti, Ugolino” (now Bartolomeo Bulgarini) 63, 183, 186, 196 n. 2, 383 n. 7, 604

Lorenzo da Lendinara, 358 n. 9Lorenzo di Bicci, 481Lorenzo di Giovanni (Master of San

Miniato), 72altarpiece (Pistoia, cathedral), 293Virgin and Child (London,

National Gallery, no. 593), 178

Virgin Adoring the Christ Child


general index 39

(Notre Dame, Ind., Snite Museum of Art, no. 1974.011) (App. 64), 36, 750

Lorenzo di Niccolò, 484predella with scenes of Saint

Lawrence’s legend (New York, Brooklyn Museum of Art, no. 03.74–79), 484

Lorenzo di Vitale, 102Lorenzo Monaco, 29, 98, 104, 384–89,

648, 658, 670, 745altarpiece (Florence, San Gaggio),

384altarpiece (Florence, Santa Maria

del Carmine), 384Christ in Gethsemane (Florence,

Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 438), 386

Coronation of the Virgin (Florence, Uffizi, no. 885), 384

fragment of altarpiece by Niccolò Matas for Santa Croce, Florence, 649 n. 11

Man of Sorrows with the Arma Christi (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 46), 394

predella to Bartolini de’ Nobili altarpiece for Santa Maria degli Angeli, Florence (dispersed), 384

Strozzi altarpiece (Florence, Museo di San Marco, no. 1870 and Gallerie dell’Accademia, nos. 8615–17), 384

triptych of Passion scenes (Paris, Louvre, no. R.F. 965; Prague, Národní Galerie, no. 458), 384

Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Margaret, John the Baptist, and Peter (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 1890 n. 470), 649 n. 16

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints John the Baptist and Zanobi (Pl. 55), 80, 385–86

Virgin and Child with Two Saints and Two Angels (Stockton, Cal., Haggin Museum, no. 72x–504), 386

Virgin of Humility (Pl. 56), 29, 384, 387–89

Virgin of Humility (Empoli, Museo della Collegiata di Sant’Andrea, no. 2), 388

Virgin of Humility (Kansas City, Mo., Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, no. 40–40), 388–89

Virgin of Humility (Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, no. 144), 388

Virgin of Humility (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 09.01), 388

Virgin of Humility (Paris, Louvre, no. M.I. 381), 388

Virgin of Humility (Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie), 388 (Fig. 56.1)

Virgin with Saints John the Baptist and Nicholas of Bari (formerly Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, no. 1119), 386

—— and workshopVirgin and Child with Saint Jerome,

a Female Martyr, Saint Julian, and Saint Dorothy (formerly Livorno, Lardarel collection), 385 (Fig. 55.1), 386

Lorenzo Veneziano, 350, 470 n. 6Annunciation (Florence, Galleria

dell’Accademia, nos. 201–2, 217, 219–20), 400

high altarpiece (Bologna, San Giacomo Maggiore), 468

Lion altarpiece (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 5), 398

Lion polyptych from Sant’Antonio Abbate in Castello, Venice (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 10), 285

Loreto, Archivio Storico della Santa Casa

Lotto, Lorenzo, Libro di spese diverse, 390–92, 394 (Fig. 57.2)

Los AngelesCounty Museum of Art

Bartolomeo (Fra), Holy Family (no. M.73.83), 240

J. Paul Getty MuseumDaddi, Bernardo, predella

panel dedicated to Saint Ursula (no. A.70.P-53), 223

Francesco di Giorgio Martini (workshop), Story of Oenone and Paris (no. 70.PB.45), 271 (Fig. 36.3)

Gentile da Fabriano, Coronation of the Virgin (no. 77.PB.92), 290

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin of Humility (no. 77.(B.77), 292

Lotto, Lorenzo, 19, 24, 44, 128, 166, 390–96, 505–06, 537, 668–70, 673, 712, 751, 756

altarpiece (Bergamo, San Bartolomeo), 390

altarpiece for San Domenico, Treviso (Treviso, Musei Civici, and Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, no. 575), 390

altarpiece of Saint Antonino (Venice, Santi Giovanni e Paolo), 390

altarpiece of the Crucifixion (Monte San Giusto), 392

Annunciation (Recanati, Museo Civico di Villa Colloredo Mels), 21 (Fig. I.4)

Assumption of the Virgin (Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti), 390

Assumption of the Virgin (Ancona, San Francesco delle Scale), 394

Crucifixion with the Arma Christi (Pl. 57), 36, 79, 143, 391–96

Entombment of Christ (Jesi, Pinacoteca Comunale), 390

Family Group (London, National Gallery, no. 1067), 390

frescos (Trescore, oratorio Suardi), 390

Holy Family with Saint Gabriel Archangel (Princeton University Art Museum, no. 38), 505

intarsie for choir (Bergamo, Santa Maria Maggiore), 390

Libro di spese diverse (Loreto, Archivio Storico della Santa Casa), 390–92, 394 (Fig. 57.2)

Married Couple (Madrid, Museo del Prado, no. 288), 390

portrait of Andrea Odoni (British Royal Collection, no. 48), 390

Portrait of an Architect (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 153), 396 n. 12

Saint Lucy altarpiece for confraternity in San Floriano, Jesi (Jesi, Pinacoteca Comunale), 390, 392

Saint Nicholas of Bari in Glory (Venice, Santa Maria dei Carmini), 42 n. 5, 58, 390

Transfiguration (Recanati, Pinacoteca Comunale), 390

Virgin and Child (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 194) (App. 65), 751

Virgin and Child with Saints Stephen, John the Evangelist, Simon Zelotes, and Lawrence (Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti), 392

Virgin of the Rosary (San Domenico, Cingoli), 392 (Fig. 57.1), 395

Lotto di Domenico, 265Loubières, Jean de, 457Louis IX, King of France, 326, 644Louis XII, King of France, 210Louis XIV, King of France, 581 n. 44Louis XV, King of France, 657Louis Armand II, Duke of Bourbon,

657Louis Philippe, Duke of Orléans,

657Louis of Toulouse, Saint, Bishop of

Toulouse, 310–11, 326, 329Lovere, Galleria Tadini

Bordon, Paris, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints George and Christopher (no. 67), 165, 168

Luca di Domenico, 271Luca di Paolo da Matelica, 88, 742

Annunciation with the Blessing God the Father; Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels with the Man of Sorrows (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 879) (App. 66), 81, 751

Virgin and Child (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 129), 619

Luca di Paolo Veneziano, 397Luca di Tommè, 182, 244, 374, 503,

587, 606Christ Redeemer (New York,

Sotheby’s, 25 Jan. 2001, lot 1), 504 n. 6

cross (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1970.59), 611

polyptych of 1367 (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 109), 504 n. 20, 612 n. 3

Virgin and Child with a Goldfinch and Isaiah and Ezekiel (Princeton University Art Museum, no. Y1) (App. 67), 38, 751

Lucas van Leydenengraving of the Prodigal Son

(Bartsch 78), 110Lucca

Museo Nazionale di Villa GuinigiBulgarini, Bartolomeo,

polyptych in San Cerbone near Lucca (nos. 160, 162), 182, 183 n. 3, 189

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, Assumption (no. 166), 608

Ugolino di Nerio, predella for Lucca, 603

San FredianoVecchietta, altarpiece

(unfinished), 608Lucchesi (Conte), 322, 327–28Lucerne

Fischer (gallery), 437, 469–70formerly Michele di Matteo,

Saint Christopher, 496Steinmeyer-Böhler, 31, 212

Lucini Passalacqua, Giovanni Battista, 252

Ludovico da Pietralunga (Fra), 317, 424

Ludovico di Luca (?)predella of Sano di Pietro’s

triptych of the Virgin and Child with Saints Ambrose and Jerome in the church of the Osservanza (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 216), 549 n. 2

Ludovico di Michele da Verona, 459Ludwig of Bavaria, Crown Prince,

322, 327, 348Lugano

Museo CivicoRomanelli, Mariano d’Agnolo,

Seated Christ Child (on display from private collection), 245 n. 7

Thyssen-Bornemisza collectionformerly Anon. follower of

Lorenzo Costa, Virgin and Child with Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, 218 n. 5

Lugard, Frederick, 708


general index40

Luini, Bernardino, 136–37Luling, Marina, 37, 40Lumière (photo technique), 32, 70,

75–78, 84, 206, 660Lumière, Auguste and Louis, 76, 84

nn. 45–46Lupi-Olivazzi (coll.), 328Luther, Martin, 394, 711Luxemburg, Musée d’Histoire et

d’ArtMaster of the Giovanelli

Madonna, Virgin and Child, 352

Lycett Green, F. D., 478, 480Lyon, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Benvenuto di Giovanni, Saints John the Baptist and Michael Archangel (no. B-933), 129, 132 (Fig. 10.1), 134

MMaar, Dora, 711Maastricht, Bonnefantenmuseum

Foppa, Vincenzo, Virgin of Humility (no. 3430), 254–55

“Vicino da Ferrara” (?), Baptism of Christ (fragments) (nos. 3434–35), 613

Maccaferri (coll.), 218Maccagnino, Angelo di Pietro, 519–20Maccari, Leopoldo, 514 n. 2Machiavelli, Niccolò, 45, 574–80 Machiavelli, Zanobi

various paintings of the Virgin and Child, 619

Mackay, Hugh, 343Macrino d’Alba, 146 n. 11Madrid

Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, no. 1977.23

Bellini, Gentile, Annunciation (no. 38), 114

Bonfigli, Benedetto, Annunciation, 156, 158

Costa, Lorenzo, scenes from the legend of the Argonauts (no. 344), 209, 210 n. 1

Del Cossa, Francesco, two saints on pilasters for the Osservanza, Bologna (no. 69), 615

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin of Humility (no. 1933.9), 336 n. 16

Ugolino di Nerio, Crucifixion (no. 1982.no.I9), 648 n. 5

PradoAndrea del Brescianino, Saint

Anne Metterza (no. 505), 178Lotto, Lorenzo, Married Couple

(no. 288), 390Parmigianino, Holy Family

(no. 238), 523Parmigianino, Pier Maria Rossi

(no. P00279), 525Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, and

Guerau Gener, retable with life of Saint Dominic (no. P3111), 526–27

Raphael, Virgin of the Fish (no. P00297), 508

Maestro Esiguo, 735Maestro Francesco, 648–49Magagna, Antonio, 512Magalotti, Sister Aurelia, 349 n. 9Magazzari, Antonio, 215, 739Magi, Ireneo, 68 n. 126Magni, Cesare, 747Mainardi, Sebastiano, 347, 644Maineri, Antonio di Bartolomeo, 216

n. 4, 354Malafibia, Giovanni di Menico, 552Malagonella, Gioacchino, 292Malaguzzi Valeri, Francesco, 146

n. 10Malaspina, Alfonso, 644 n. 4Malatesta, Annalena, 157Malatesta, Carlo, Lord of Rimini,

292Malatesta, Giovanna, 151, 154Malatesta, Malatesta da Verucchio,

324–25Malatesta, Pandolfo III, Lord of

Brescia, 279, 292Malatesta, Sigismondo Pandolfo,

154, 325Malatesta, Venenzio, 154Malavolti family, 244–45, 330–31Malchiostro, Canon Brocardo, 169Mâle, Émile, 65, 686Mallarmé, Stéphane, 42 n. 7Malletta, Giovanni Battista, 250, 255Malouel, Jean

Virgin and Child (Paris, Louvre, no. RF 1942–29), 658

Malvezzi (coll.), 466 n. 15Mandelli, Giovanni, 311Manet, Édouard, 47Manetti, Antonio di Tuccio, 568Manfrin (coll.), 475 n. 26Manfron, Giulio, 168Manfron family, 165, 169Manieri, Giovanni Francesco, 359Mannelli family, 244, 249, 487Mannlich, Johann Christian von, 322Manno di Orlando, 548Mannucci, Luca, 482Mansueti, Giovanni di Niccolò, 115,

118 n. 5, 751Virgin and Child with Young

Saint John the Baptist and Saint Benedict (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 68), 752

Mantegna, Andrea, 25–26, 42, 64, 114, 118–20, 134, 151, 210, 239, 243 n. 23, 250–51, 302–04, 305 n. 16, 307–08, 359, 364, 464, 474, 518, 520, 615, 669, 758

altarpiece from chapel of San Luca in Santa Giustina, Padua (Milan, Brera, no. 200), 91, 303

Camera degli sposi (Mantua, Palazzo Ducale), 644

frescos in Ovetari chapel (Padua, Eremitani), 91, 475

Madonna della Vittoria (Paris, Louvre, no. 369), 574

Madonnas, 675 n. 57Ovetari chapel frescos (copies of )

(Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, no. MJA)—P–2246), 302, 305 n. 20, 475

prints of the Lamentation, 462Saint Eufemia (Naples,

Capodimonte, no. 53), 91Saint Mark (Frankfurt,

Städelsches Kunstinstitut, no. 1046), 92

San Zeno altarpiece (Verona, San Zeno), 116 (Fig. 7.1), 118, 360, 471

Triumphs (Hampton Court), 210Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome

and Louis of Toulouse (Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, no. P 2184), 116 (Fig. 7.2), 118

—— and Giovanni BelliniContinence of Scipio (Washington,

D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1952.2.7), 120

MantuaPalazzo Ducale

Cima da Conegliano, polyptych for the church of Sant’Anna, Capodistria (on deposit), 203

Mantegna, Andrea, Camera degli sposi, 644

Morone, Domenico, Expulsion of the Bonacolsi, 459, 471–72

San FrancescoGiotto, altarpiece of the

Deposition with scenes of the Passion (dispersed), 324

Manusardi, Gian Marco, 355–56, 358Marabotti (coll.), 260 n. 4Maraini, Fosco, 36Marçal de Sas, 526, 528Marcello, Jacopo Antonio, 119Marcello, Nicolò, Doge, 114Marchesi, Pietro, 250Marchi, Grazia, 37Marchig, Giannino, 15, 34, 36

(Fig. I.20), 78, 80, 85 n. 64, 88, 103, 107, 121, 126, 138, 143, 148, 153, 167, 217, 232, 274, 307, 345, 351, 385, 398, 402, 413, 416, 460, 462–64, 472, 481, 511, 519, 524, 527, 569–70, 588, 592, 619, 658–59

Marco del Buono, see Apollonio di Giovanni (workshop)

Marco di Martino de RoxatisVirgin and Child (Milan, Cova

Minotti collection), 397Marco di Paolo Veneziano

Crucifixion (private collection), 397Entombment of Christ (Milan,

Longari), 397panel with subjects from

apocryphal gospels (formerly Paris, Moratilla), 397

panels of Virgin and Child, saints, and sacred stories (Split, Galerija Umjetnina; Milan, Museo Diocesano, Crespi collection), 397

polyptych in San Silvestro, Venice, 397

Saint Francis of Assisi (Pl. 58), 81, 85 n. 56, 398–400, 431 n. 2

Thronus gratiae (Holy Trinity) (Athens, National Gallery, and Alexandros Soutzos Museum, no. 173194), 397

Virgin and Child with a Franciscan Friar (Spartanburg, S.C., Bob Jones University Museum, no. 91.1), 400

Virgin of Humility (Kiev, Bogdan and Varvara Khaneko Museum of Art, inv. 73, cat. 53), 397 (Fig. 58.1), 400

—— and sonscover of the Pala d’Oro (Venice,

San Marco), 397—— and Giovanni Veneziano

polyptych for San Domenico, San Severino Marche (San Severino Marche, Pinacoteca Civica, and New York, Frick Collection, no. 1930.1.124), 397

Marconi, Rocco, 758Marcozzi, Carlo, 79, 391 (Pl. 57b), 392,

395 n. 5Marghieri, Clotilde, 36, 45, 710Mariano del Buono, 541, 545Mariano di Nanni, 426Mariano di Ser Austerio, 218 n. 4Mariano, Nicky, 15, 32–33, 40, 54, 71,

76, 79–85, 143, 196 n. 2, 206, 227, 355, 396, 534, 539, 546, 651, 655, 660, 668, 675, 692, 704, 708–12, 717, 741–43

painting of, 704 (Fig. 124.2)photo of, 396 (Fig. 57.3)

Marinelli, Gaetano, 650Marini, Marino

L’angelo della città (Venice, Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, no. 76.2553 PG 183), 704 (Fig. 124.3)

Mario d’Armano, 390Mariotti, 370Mariotto, 243 n. 28Mariotto di Andrea da Volterra,

490, 491 n. 9Mariotto di Nardo, 480 n. 2

Christ in Glory (Kraków, Muzeum Ksiazat Czartoryskich, no. XII–190), 648 n. 5

fragment of altarpiece by Niccolò Matas for Santa Croce, Florence, 649 n. 11

frescos (Florence, Santa Maria Maggiore), 644

Markevitch, Igor, 33, 39Markevitch, Vaslav, 33van Marle, Raimond, 132, 150, 196, 206,

290, 340, 379–80, 382, 428, 433, 438, 449, 454, 467, 522, 587, 633, 660

Marmitta, Francesco, 359Marochetti, Baron Carlo, 730Marseilles, Count Demandolx-

Dedons collectionformerly Guglielmo Galeazzo

“cremonensis,” Virgin and Child Enthroned, 198 n. 12


general index 41

Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding Lewis, 286

Marshall, John, 243 n. 27Marsili, Leonardo, Archbishop of

Siena, 430, 432 n. 21Martel, Jacques Léon de, 564Martelli family, 418–19Martín I, King of Aragon, 526Martin V Colonna, Pope, 279–80,

292, 528Martini da Udine, Giovanni, 81, 753Martini, Donato, 441–51Martini, Simone, 25, 28, 30, 44, 48–49,

56, 59–60, 63, 66 n. 17, 74, 82, 85, 182, 217, 244, 245, 278, 290, 217, 330, 334, 336 n. 6, 373–74, 431 n. 2, 441–51, 502, 552, 559–60, 587, 603, 645–46, 753

altarpiece in the Cappella de’ Signori (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico), 442, 548

altarpiece of 1320 for Pisa (Pisa, Museo Nazionale di San Matteo), 589

Assumption (Siena, Antiporto di Camollia), 67 n. 73, 337, 434, 437 n. 9, 443, 559, 607

Bishop Saint (Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, no. 222), 450

Crucifixion, Deposition, Annunciate Angel, Virgin Annunciate from Orsini polyptych (Antwerp, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, nos. 257–60), 425 n. 7

Entombment from Orsini polyptych (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1070A), 425 n. 7

fresco of Saint Louis of Toulouse (Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church), 329 n. 31, 310

Maestà (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico), 97 n. 8, 441, 454–55

Orsini polyptych (Antwerp, Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten, nos. 257–60), 49

polyptych (Orvieto, Santa Caterina d’Alessandria), 441

polyptych (San Gimignano, Sant’Agostino), 450

polyptych from Santa Maria dei Servi, Orvieto (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P15e4), 60, 69 nn. 136–37, 441, 450

portrait of Cardinal Napoleone Orsini (lost), 317

Road to Calvary from Orsini polyptych (Paris: Louvre, no. 760bis), 49, 424, 425 n. 7

Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Florence, Frescobaldi collection), 450

Saint Clare (Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church), 59 (Fig. II.19)

Saint Louis of Toulouse Crowning King Robert II of Anjou

(Naples, Capodimonte, no. I.C.28–29), 441, 449–50, 455

Saint Lucy (Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, no. 220), 450

Virgin of Humility in porch of Notre-Dame-des-Doms, Avignon (Avignon, Musée du Palais des Papes), 194, 334–35 (Fig. 45.1), 336 n. 7, 443

Virgin of Humility; copy by Alexandre-Dominique Denuelle (Charenton-le-Pont, Médiathèque de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine (Saint-Cyr), no. 1996/089), 334–35 (Fig. 45.1), 336

—— (Lippo Memmi?), Saint John (New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, no. 1943.239?), 248 n. 1

—— and Lippo MemmiAnnunciation with Saints Ansano

and Massima for chapel of Sant’Ansano, Siena cathedral (Florence, Uffizi, nos. 451–53), 129, 278 n. 6, 426, 442, 450, 455, 458 n. 15, 554 n. 27

Martinioni, Giustiniano, 206, 297 n. 2Martino di Bartolomeo, 588

Annunciation (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli, no. 39), 554 n. 27

Saint Anthony Abbot with Saint John the Baptist; Saint Stephen with the Angel of the Annunciation; Saint James the Great with the Virgin Annunciate; Saint Julian the Hospitaller (?) with Saint Nicholas of Bari (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, nos. 30.95.263–66) (App. 69), 60, 69 n. 137, 752

Martino di Bondone, 309Martinozzi family, 607Martorell, Bernat

four scenes from the legend of Saint George (Paris, Louvre, nos. RF 1570–73), 658

Mary of Hungary, Regent of the Low Countries, 582

Marziale, Marco, 119Mas, Jean du, 580 n. 20Masaccio, 104, 241, 559, 568

altarpiece for the Carmine, Pisa, 98

Crucifixion (Naples, Capodimonte, no. 36), 610

Trinity in Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 644 n. 2

Mascoli family, 297, 607Masegne, Pierpaolo and Jacobello

dalle, 468, 562marble ensemble (Bologna, San

Francesco), 189Masini, Antonio, 465Maso di Banco, 535Masolino da Panicale, 241, 480, 607

Virgin and Child with Two Angels (Empoli, Santo Stefano), 55, 67 n. 86

—— (?)fresco of the Calling of the

Apostle Peter and Andrew (Florence, Santa Maria del Carmine, Brancacci chapel), 98

Massaio, Piero di Jacopo del, 415–16Massarenti, Marcello, 503Massari (coll.), 613–14Masson, Charles, 714Master A. M., 306Master of 1441, 416 n. 1Master of 1455

Meeting of Saint Paul Hermit and Saint Matthew (Basel, Kunstmuseum, no. 1598), 284–85

Master of Ambrogio Saraceno, 356painting from San Giovanni in

Monte (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, on deposit), 354 n. 7

Master of Benvenuto da Garofalo, 355Master of Biadaiolo, 406

book illumination, 404Master of Casa Pendaglia, 518Master of Castello, 157–58, 402

Adoration of the Christ Child (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. dep. 174), 157

see also Master of the Castello Nativity

Master of Cesicopy of Giotto’s frescos in Saint

Nicholas chapel (Assisi, San Francesco, Upper Church), 317

Master of Cesio, 359Master of Clusone

Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist and the Prophet David (formerly Paris, Sedelmeyer), 506

Virgin and Child with Saints (Hannover, Niedersächisches Landesmuseum, no. 395), 506

Virgin and Child with Saints Mark and Peter (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.515), 506

Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist (formerly Richmond, Cook collection), 506

Master of Cola delle Casse, 92 nn. 11 and 13

Master of Fucecchioaltarpiece from the collegiata of

Fucecchio (Museo Civico, no. 3), 568

Master of Margherita Cipriani, 475 n. 19

Master of Monte Oliveto, 759Crucifixion (New Haven, Yale

University Art Gallery, no. 187.10b), 186

Crucifixion (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Robert Lehman collection, no. 1975.1.2), 186, 187 (Fig. 20.2)

Virgin and Child with Nine Angels (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Robert Lehman Collection, no. 1975.1.1), 187 (Fig. 20.2)

Master of Montecelli d’Ongina (Gerolamo Bembo)

Virgin and Child with Saints George and Nicholas of Tolentino (Cremona, Museo Civico Ala Ponzone, no. 27–29), 254, 256 n. 11

Master of Moulins (Jean Hey), 658Master of Palazzo Venezia, 441–42,

443 n. 4, 449–50—— or Lippo Memmi

Virgin and Child (Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini, no. 1545), 442, 449, 455, 458 n. 14

Master of Panito (Domenico Panetti), 355

Master of Pratovecchio, see Giovanni di Francesco del Cervelliera

Master of Saint IvoGarden of Love (private

collection), 698 (Fig. 122.1)Master of San Francesco, 318 n. 22,


(Assisi, San Francesco, Lower Church), 322

Saint Francis of Assisi (Assisi, Santa Maria degli Angeli, Museo della Porziuncula), 399–400 (Fig. 58.2)

Master of San Lucchese, 478predella (Edinburgh, Scottish

National Gallery, nos. 1539 A–B), 480

Saint Augustine (untraced), 480Master of San Miniato, see Lorenzo

di GiovanniMaster of San Silvestro, 397Master of San Trovaso, 146 n. 7Master of Sant’Eligio, 280 n. 7Master of Santa Cecilia, 423, 666Master of Signa, 79, 415–19

Annunciation; Presentation in the Temple; Saint Ansano; Adoration of the Christ Child; Saint Martin of Tours (?); Nativity of the Virgin (Pl. 63), 34, 85 n. 56, 416–19

Florentine fresco cycles and tabernacles, 419

frescoes of the legend of the Blessed Giovanni (Signa, the pieve of San Giovanni Battista), 415

Master of StaffoloSaint Apollonia (formerly Boston,

Horace Morison collection), 84 n. 32

Master of Terenzano, 404


general index42

Master of the Adoration of Ferrara, 522 n. 4

Master of the Annunciation of Spermento, 151

Master of the Assumption of the Magdalene

altarpiece from Sant’Andrea, Ferrara (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 78), 217

as the young Ortolano, 218Master of the Baptist Stories, 92 n. 13Master of the Barberini Panels, see

Carnevale (Fra)Master of the Berenson Madonna,

619Master of the Buonconvento

CrucifixCrucifix (Buonconvento, Museo

d’Arte Sacra della Val d’Arbia, no. 1), 430

crucifix (Valdipugna, San Tommaso Apostolo), 606

Master of the Cappella Basso della Rovere (Giacomo Pacchiarotti), 510 n. 8

Master of the Cappella Medici Polyptych

altarpiece in Medici chapel (Florence, Santa Croce), 404

Master of the Cassone Adimaricassone (Florence, Accademia,

no. 8457), 568Master of the Castello Nativity, 44,

157–58, 401–03Adoration of the Christ Child

(Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, inv. Dep. 171), 401

altarpiece for parish church of Faltugnano (Prato, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo; Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. nos. 24 and 25; London, National Gallery, no. 3648), 401

Female portrait (present whereabouts unknown), 402 (Fig. 59.1), 403

—— (attrib.)Virgin and Child in a Landscape

(Pl. 59), 402–03Master of the “Cespo di Garafano,”

see Badile, Antonio IIMaster of the Chigi Saracini

Heroinesfrescos from Palazzo Petrucci,

Siena (Princeton University Art Museum, nos. Y1962/61–62), 514 n. 12

Master of the Chiostro degli Aranci, 104, 173

Master of the Dominican Effigies, 404–07

book illumination, 404Christ and the Virgin Enthroned

with Dominican Saints and Blesseds, Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 404

double-sided dossal from Santa

Maria, Montughi or Santa Margherita delle Romite, Florence (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia), 404

fragment of altarpiece by Niccolò Matas for Santa Croce, Florence, 649 n. 11

Garden of Virtues (Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Cod. Barb. lat. 3984, fol. 39), 404, 406 (Fig. 60.2)

Nursing Virgin (present whereabouts unknown), 405 (Fig. 60.1)

panel with Last Judgment and other scenes (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.1.99), 406

polyptych from San Paolino, Florence (London, Courtauld Gallery, no. P.1947.LF.294), 404, 406

Saint Catherine of Alexandria and an Angel (Pl. 60), 405–07

Saint Margaret (present whereabouts unknown), 405 (Fig. 60.1), 406

Master of the Fabriano Altarpiece, 535, 537

Master of the Fogg Nativity, 186Master of the Fountain of Life

Mass of Saint Gregory, 396 n. 23Master of the Giovanelli Madonna,

350Virgin and Child (Luxemburg,

Musée d’Histoire et d’Art), 352

Master of the Griselda Legend, 266, 273, 277, 490

Miraculous Communion of Saint Catherine of Siena (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 70), 752

Master of the Grossi Altarpiece, 356Master of the Imola Triptych, 522Master of the Jarves Cassoni, 106Master of the Judgment of Paris

desco (Cook collection, currently on loan to the National Gallery, London), 700 n. 10

Master of the Kress Landscapes, 344Master of the Lanckoronski

Orpheus (formerly Michele da Verona), 408–11

Ceiling Panels with the Story of Phaeton (Pl. 61), 43 n. 29, 409–11

Judgment of Paris (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 44.659), 408 (Fig. 61.2), 410

Orpheus (Kraków, Zamek Królewskina Wawelu, Lanckoronski collection, no. 7967), 408 (Fig. 61.1)

Soldiers on March (Nijmegen, Museum Het Valkhof, no. C. XVI. 243), 410

—— (?)Fall of Phaeton (New York,

Christie’s, 23 May 2000, lot 180), 410

Hercules Defeating a Centaur (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Muzeum, no. 1411), 410

Perseus and Pegasus with the Head of Medusa (Venice, Semenzato, 12 Dec. 1999, lot 140, as Young Falconer next to his horse by Carpaccio), 410

Seascape (Tokyo, National Museum of Western Art, no. P1978–003), 410

—— (workshop)Apollo and Poseidon before Troy in

Construction, 410 n. 12Apollo and Poseidon Help

Laomedon Construct Troy and Laomedon Refuses to Pay Apollo and Poseidon (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, nos. M. 69–70, as Michele da Verona), 410 n. 12

Hercules Attacking Troy (?) and Telamon Marrying Hesione, Laomedon’s Daughter, in the Presence of Hercules (New York, Brooklyn Museum, nos. 26.517–18, as Michele da Verona), 410 n. 12

Vulcan Fabricating Cupid’s Wings in the Presence of Venus (Bucharest, Muzeul Nat‚ional de Arta, no. 7984/18), 410 n. 12

Vulcan Fabricating Cupid’s Arrows in the Presence of Venus (Milan, Finarte, 12 Mar. 1963, lot 92, as Girolamo Mocetto), 410 n. 12

Master of the Libreria Sagramosofrescos in Libreria Sagramoso

(Verona, San Bernardino), 471–72

predella with the legend of Saint Blaise (Vicenza, Museo Civico, no. A 41), 472

—— (attributed to)Pietà with Saints (Verona, Museo

di Castelvecchio, no. 1368-1B262), 472

Master of the Loeser Madonna, 373, 378 n. 3

Master of the Madonna of Orte, 128 n. 5, 412–14

Virgin and Child before a Landscape (Pl. 62), 128 n. 5, 413–14

Virgin of the Oak (Viterbo, Palazzo dei Priori), 412, 414 (Fig. 62.1)

Master of the “Occhi Spalancati” (Cicognara), 202 n. 6

Master of the Pomposa Refectory, 318 n. 16

Master of the Richardson Triptychtriptych (Cincinnati, Taft

Museum, no. 1962.9), 248—— (Paolo di Giovanni Fei


triptych (Rome, Raoul Tolentino collection), 248

—— or a follower of Paolo di Giovanni Fei

Saint Anthony Abbot and Saint John the Evangelist (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 307), 249 n. 11

Master of the Riflessi, 372Master of the Saint Catherine Legend

Mass of Saint Gregory, 396 n. 23Master of the San Lorenzo Arma

Christi, 475Master of the Schifanoia Month of

August, 613Master of the Sherman Predella,

104 n. 4Master of the Spinola

Annunciation, 32, 44, 420–25Annunciation (private collection)

(Pl. 64, Comp. B), 420, 422 (Fig. 64.2)

Crucifixion (Pl. 64), 32, 45 n. 87, 420–25

Lamentation (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 64, Comp. D), 423 (Fig. 64.3), 424

Nativity (Newark, Del., Alana collection) (Pl. 64, Comp. A), 422 (Fig. 64.2), 424

Virgin and Child (Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 176 [46]) (Pl. 64, Comp. C), 422 (Fig. 64.2), 423

Virgin and Child Enthroned (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 64, Comp. D), 423 (Fig. 64.3), 424

—— (?)Lamentation (formerly with dealer

Grassi), 422–23Lamentation (Vatican City,

Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 171 [55]), 422–23

Saint John the Baptist in Prison Speaking to Two Apostles (Dresden, Gemäldegalerie, no. 5), 420

Master of the Squarcialupi Codex, 272 n. 26

Master of the Stockholm PietàPietà (attrib. Sodoma) (Stockholm,

Nationalmuseum, no. 1612), 42 n. 7

Master of the Straus Madonna, 386, 441, 443 n. 4

Master of the Strozzi Funerary Chapel, 480

Master of the Vitae Imperatorum (attrib.)

Letter C with King David, Franciscan Friars Singing Psalms, and the Blessing Redeemer (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 71), 752

Master of VertineCrucifixion (New York, New-

York Historical Society, no. 1867.14), 186


general index 43

Master of VerucchioCrucifixion (Villa Verruchio, Santa

Croce), 325 (Fig. 44.2)Master of Vicchio di Rimaggio, 317Matej, Micael, 466 n. 1Matelica, Museo Piersanti

Bellini, Gentile, Madonna di Costantinopoli (no. 9), 118

Mathey, Paul, 131–32, 134 n. 2Matisse, Henri, 36, 45, 681, 683, 688

n. 5, 689 nn. 33 and 37, 694, 714Crimson Beeches or Trees at Melun

(Belgrade, Narodni Muzej) (App. 72), 31, 33, 665, 668, 677, 752

The Dance (New York, Museum of Modern Art, no. 201.1963), 677–78 (Fig. VI.3)

Matsukata, Kojiro, 689 n. 38Mattei (duchi di Giove), 742Matteo da Gualdo, 28, 520Matteo di Angelo, 554Matteo di Giovanni, 30, 50, 74, 84–85,

131, 426–40, 490, 654–55, 753altarpiece (Siena, Museo

dell’Opera del Duomo, no. OZ/3003), 129

altarpiece for San Giovanni Battista in Val d’Afra, Borgo San Sepolcro (Sansepolcro, Museo Civico), 426, 432 n. 7, 494

Annunciate Angel (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 66, Comp. D), 434, 436 (Fig. 66.1), 437

Annunciation from S. Pietro Ovile (Siena, Museo Diocesano), 53, 67 n. 61

Apostle (Pl. 65), 64, 74 (Fig. III.4), 82, 428–32

Assumption altarpiece (reconstruction), 433, 436 (Fig. 66.1)

Assumption of the Virgin, Sant’Agostino, Asciano (London, National Gallery, no. 1155) (Pl. 66, Comp. A), 426–28, 432 n. 6, 433, 436 (Fig. 66.1)

Assumption of the Virgin with Saints (Borgo San Sepolcro, Santa Maria dei Servi), 427

banner for the chapel of Santa Maria della Misericordia, Borgo San Sepolcro (lost), 427 n. 17

Borgo San Sepolcro altarpiece (unfinished), 427

Buonconvento altarpiece (reconstruction), 430–31 (Fig. 65.1)

Celsi altarpiece for Siena cathedral (Siena, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, no. OA/3001), 427

chapel of German confraternity (Siena, Saint Barbara), 342

Conversion of Saint Augustine (Pl. 66), 25, 64, 81–82, 85 n. 67, 427, 433–37

Della Ciaia altarpiece in Santa Maria dei Servi, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 286), 426, 430, 432 n. 16

fragments of lunettes for the Massacre of the Innocents in Sant’Agostino, Siena (Esztergom, Keresztény Múzeum, no. 55.175), 427 n. 8

high altarpiece for Bishop Giovanni Cinughi (Siena, Santa Maria delle Neve), 427

lunette with the Nativity from the Placidi altarpiece (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 414b); predella panels (Chicago, Art Institute, nos. 1933.1018–19, and Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, nos. 82–83), 427 n. 13, 435, 342

marble panel with the Massacre of the Innocents (Siena, cathedral), 426

Massacre of the Innocents (Naples, Capodimonte, no. 38), 426, 428

Massacre of the Innocents (Siena, Sant’Agostino), 426, 427 n. 8, 433–34

Massacre of the Innocents (Siena, Santa Maria dei Servi), 426

Placidi altarpiece in San Domenico, Siena (dispersed), 427–28, 434, 436

polyptych for Scotti altar, Asciano (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli, no. 45), 426, 427 n. 5, 432 n. 18, 434, 436

predella of the Buonconvento altarpiece (Buonconvento, Museo d’Arte Sacra della Val d’Arbia, no. 19) (Pl. 65, Comp. B), 431 (Fig. 65.1)

predella in museum of Borgo San Sepolcro, 84 n. 32

Saint Augustine (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli, no. 48) (Pl. 66, Comp. B), 434, 436 (Fig. 66.1), 437

Saint Barbara altarpiece for chapel of the German confraternity (Siena, San Domenico), 427, 432 n. 6

Saint Jerome (Esztergom, Keresztény Múzeum, no. 55.177), 434

Saint Jerome altarpiece (Pienza, cathedral), 426

Saint Jerome in his Study (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1966.3), 427

Saint Matthew altarpiece for Pienza cathedral, 134, 426, 432 n. 6

Saint Michael Archangel (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli, no. 48) (Pl. 66, Comp. C), 434, 436 (Fig. 66.1), 437

Saint Nicholas of Bari (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 81), 434

Tancredi altarpiece for San Domenico, Siena (unfinished), 134, 427

triptych (Siena, San Pietro a Ovile), 426, 430, 432 n. 6

Virgin and Child (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 3.1038), 438

Virgin and Child (Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, no. 926 [556]), 438

Virgin and Child (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 74), 753

Virgin and Child (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 400), 655

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Four Angels (Buonconvento, Santi Pietro e Paolo) (Pl. 65, Comp. A), 430–31 (Fig. 65.1), 432 n. 19

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints, once in Sant’Agostino, Anghiari, 427, 434, 438

Virgin and Child in a Landscape (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 283), 438, 440

Virgin and Child with Saints Anthony of Padua and Bernardino (Siena, Museo dell’Opera, no. OA/3003), 426

Virgin and Child with Saints Bernardino of Siena and Catherine of Siena (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.1.52), 438

Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Sebastian (Columbia, S.C., Columbia Museum of Art, no. 62.920, K. 1746), 438

Virgin and Child with Angels and Saints Jerome and Bernardino da Siena and Two Angels (Gazzada, Fondazione Cagnola, no. 9) (App. 73), 440 (Fig. 67.1), 753

Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Catherine of Alexandria and Five Cherubim (Pl. 67), 64, 81–82, 248, 438–40

Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and James the Great (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 280), 432 n. 18

Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian and Catherine of Siena and an Angel (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 446), 440

Virgin Annunciate (Providence, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, no. 57.301) (Pl. 66, Comp. E), 434, 436 (Fig. 66.1), 437

Virgin of the Snow (Siena, Santa Maria delle Nevi), 340

—— (workshop)altarpiece in San Lorenzo,

Montepescali, 427 n. 14, 438Matteo di Giovanni (illuminator),

546 n. 6Matteo di Giovanni da Asciano, 552–53Maufra, Maxime, 66Maximilian I, King of Bavaria, 327,

328 n. 11Maximilian Henry of Bavaria,

Prince-Bishop of Liège, 584Maynard, J. Seymour, 752Mayor, A. Hyatt, 241Mazone, Giovanni, 250–51Mazza, Antonio, 355, 358Mazza, Tommaso del, 649Mazzaforte, Pietro di Giovanni, 87,

91, 92 n. 10Mazzocchi, Cavaliere Leandro, 752Mazzocchi family, 44, 60Mazzocchi heirs, 752Mazzola, Filippo, 124

Dead Christ Supported by Angels (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.1056) (App. 75), 81, 84 n. 32, 753

high altarpiece for San Domenico, Cremona, 197

Mazzoni, Giuseppe, 448, 606 n.5Mazzoni, Guido, 359McIlhenny, Henry P., 704Mdimna (Valletta), Malta, cathedral,

the Metropolitan ChapterVenetian-Adriatic School, Virgin

Nursing the Christ Child, 630 (Fig. 109.2)

Meacci, Ricciardo, 650van Meckenem, Israel, 396

Mass of Saint Gregory, 396 n. 23Medici, Bartolomea de’, 109Medici, Cosimo de’, il Vecchio, 151,

541, 544, 545 n. 4, 546 n. 20Medici, Cosimo I de’, Duke of

Florence, 109, 113, 578, 581 n. 45Medici, Eleonora de’, Duchess of

Mantua, 581 n. 45Medici, Giovanni di Cosimo de’, 151,

541, 544, 546Medici, Giovanni di Pierfrancesco

de’ (il Popolano), 401Medici, Giulio de’, Cardinal (Pope

Clement VII), 578Medici, Lorenzo de’, the

Magnificent, 43, 112, 234, 344, 568, 571

Medici, Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’, 157

Medici, Marco de’, 459Medici, Piero di Cosimo de’, 151,

157–58, 234–35, 401, 541Medici, Prince Francesco de’, 109Medici family, 44, 151, 157–58, 234–35,

250, 401, 404, 488, 534, 541, 544, 568, 576, 733

Mehmed II, Sultan, 114, 119, 426Meiss, Millard, 38, 41, 63, 65, 93, 173,

183, 193, 334, 336, 376, 444, 646Melagnano

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Baptism, 146 n. 10


general index44

Melbury Sampford, Dorset, Lord Ilchester collection, 150

formerly Sellaio, Jacopo del, Man of Sorrows, 150

Melchior von St. PaulPresentation in the Temple

(Gemona del Friuli, Museo Civico, no. 1), 306 n. 2

Meldolla, Andrea, see SchiavoneMeleguli da Lodi, Alberto, 136Meleguli da Lodi, Lucia, 136Meli family, 200Mella, Edoardo Arborio, 644Melozzo da Forlì, 515, 572Melzi, Giacomo, 146 n. 11Memmi, Filippuccio, 451 n. 29Memmi, Giovanna, 441Memmi, Lippo, 56, 67 n. 73, 68 n. 96,

82, 85, 129, 182, 193–94, 244, 248 n. 1, 374, 376, 378 n. 1, 441–51, 452–58, 552, 554, 645–46, 753

Blessing Redeemer (Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 15–27), 449

frescos in the Cappella dei Nove (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico), 442

high altarpiece for San Francesco, Pistoia (lost), 442

Last Supper (San Gimignano, Collegiata), 442

Maestà (San Gimignano, Palazzo Pubblico), 441, 450, 454–55

Saint Martin and the Beggar and Fall of the Rebel Angels (Paris, Louvre, nos. D.L. 1967-1 A–B), 443

Saint Augustine for Franciscan church in San Gimignano (drawing) (Siena, Salini collection), 455

Saint Francis for Franciscan church in San Gimignano (drawing) (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 49), 455

Saint John the Baptist (New York, formerly Williard B. Golovin collection), 196 n. 6, 442, 451 n. 19

Saint Louis of Toulouse for Franciscan church in San Gimignano (drawing) (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 48), 445

Virgin and Child (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 43 [29]), 193, 455

Virgin and Child (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1081A), 196 n. 6, 442, 451 n. 19

Virgin and Child (Madonna del Popolo) (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, on deposit), 442, 450, 451 n. 19

Virgin and Child (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 595), 451 n. 19

Virgin and Child and Cardinal (Washington, D.C., National

Gallery of Art, no. 1937.1.11), 451 n. 19

Virgin of Humility (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1072), 194

—— (?)Saint Paul (private collection), 442Saint Peter and Saint Mary

Magdalene (London, National Gallery, nos. 4491, 4492), 442

—— and Memmi workshopVirgin of Mercy (Orvieto,

Cathedral, Cappella del Corporale), 49, 441, 444 (Fig. 68.1), 449–50

—— and Simone Martini (workshop of )

Saint John the Evangelist (New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, no. 1943.239) (App. 76), 30, 440 n. 5, 449, 753

—— and Tederigo Assumption of the Virgin (Munich,

Alte Pinakothek, no. WAF 671), 443, 458 n. 14

Blessed Andrea Gallerani (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, on deposit from San Pellegrino alla Sapienza), 442

Casciana Alta Altarpiece for chapel of Santo Stefano, Pisa cathedral (Pisa, Museo Nazionale di San Matteo), 441

frescos (San Gimignano, Collegiata), 441, 443 n. 5, 449, 455

panel in Orsini chapel of the Cordeliers, Avignon (lost), 456

panels with Saints Vittore and Corona for altar of San Vittore, Siena (Copenhagen, Statens Museum for Kunst, nos. KMS3625 and KMS3624), 183 n. 6, 194, 442

polyptych for the Franciscans of San Gimignano (dispersed), 442

polyptych with saints seated on curule chairs for San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno, Pisa, 441

Saint John the Evangelist and Saint Peter for San Bernardo, Montepulciano (private collection), 441

Saint Thomas Aquinas in Glory (Orvieto, Santa Caterina d’Alessandria), 441

triptych for hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, Siena (lost), 442

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels and Saints Peter, Paul, and Dominic for San Dominico, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, on deposit), 443, 455

Virgin and Child for San Bernardo,

Montepulciano (Siena, Pinacoteca, no. 595), 441

Virgin of Humility (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1072), 442

—— and Tederigo (attrib.)Maestà (Pl. 69), 29, 63–64, 442, 449,

452–48Memmi, Tederigo, 64, 182–83, 193–94,

441–51, 452–58Annunciation and Six Saints

(Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1142), 442

Crucifixion and Lamentation (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum, no. A73), 442

Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 15.1145), 442, 450

Virgin and Child (Cleveland Museum of Art, no. 52.110), 442

Virgin and Child from San Lorenzo, Asciano (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli, no. 36), 442

—— (?)sketches on Simone Martini’s

Blessed Agostino Novello with Scenes from his Life (Siena, Sant’Agostino, on deposit in the Pinacoteca Nazionale), 456

Memmi–Martini Compagnia, 441–43

Memmi family, 248Memmo di Filippuccio, 441, 443 n. 7,

451, 499half-length saints (San

Gimignano, Museo Civico), 488 n. 17

Menabuoi, Giusto de’, 587Menes Silva, Amadeo de, 141Meo da Siena, 589–90

altarpiece for Santa Maria di Valdiponte (Monteabate) (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, nos. 1–3 and 1068), 589–90

polyptych of 1333 for San Pietro, Perugia (Frankfurt, Städelsches Kunstinstitut, no. 1202), 591 n. 4

Meo di Pero, 182, 189, 512Mercole, castle of Sant’Angelo

Zabolino, Jacopo, frescos in San Bernardino, 618

Mesker (coll.), 128Methuen, Frederick Henry Paul, 348Metman, Louis, 714Metzger, Johann, 348Mexico City, Museo Soumaya

Piazza, Callisto, Portrait of a Gentleman (no. 13544) (App. 85), 756

Mezey (coll.), 125Michaeli, Hypolito, 586 n. 18Michele da Verona, 30, 128, 367, 408,

410, 459–64

altarpiece with Virgin and Child between Saints John the Baptist, Andrew, Lawrence, and Peter (Villa Estense, Sant’Andrea), 459

cassone panels (formerly Venice, Cini collection), 474–75

Christ Entrusting the Virgin to Saint John the Evangelist (Venice, Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro, no. 104), 462

Coriolanus Persuaded by his Family to Spare Rome (London, National Gallery, no. 1214), 464

Crucifixion (formerly with the dealer Vittorio Frascione), 462

Crucifixion (Milan, Brera, no. 160), 459, 462, 464

Crucifixion (Padua, Santa Maria in Vanzo), 459, 462 (Fig. 70.2)

drawings of Saint Luke (Munich, Graphische Sammlung, no. 2246), 462

drawings of Saint Paul (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.1.382), 462

Engagement (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1175), 464

Lamentation (Pl. 70), 30, 460–62Lamentation (Verona, San Giorgio

in Braida, Chapterhouse), 462

Lamentation (Verona, Santa Chiara), 462

Phaeton Driving the Chariot of Apollo (Chicago, Art Institute, George F. Harding Collection, 1984.27), 459 (Fig. 70.1), 464

Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 27.41), 128

—— (workshop)Apollo and Daphne (Pl. 71), 463–64

—— and Francesco Moronefrescos in Santa Chiara, Verona,

459Michele di Guidone, 470 n. 18Michele di Matteo, 80, 465–70

altarpiece for abbey of Nonantola (Museo dell’Abbazia), 466

altarpiece from Sant’Elena, Venice (Venice: Gallerie dell’Accademia), 285, 465, 467, 469–70 (Figs. 72.3, 72.4)

Crucifixion in the Gesuati church of San Girolamo, Siena, 466

design of stained glass, 466Dream of the Virgin (Pesaro,

Museo Civico, no. 4557), 465Female Hermit Saint (formerly

Paris, Alain Cortreille), 469Female Saint (Newark, Del., Alana

Collection), 469fresco of Saint Anthony of Padua


general index 45

in chapel of Santa Brigida (Bologna, San Petronio), 465

frescos for San Michele in Bosco, Bologna, 468

frescos in baptistery of Siena, 466Male Hermit Saint (formerly New

York, Parke-Bernet), 469Man of Sorrows with the Mourning

Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist (London, Christie’s, 7 Dec. 2011, lot 142), 466

pilaster panels from the Borromeo altarpiece once in Berlin, Staatliche Museen, 469

polyptych with the Pietà (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 247), 466

predella with Legend of Heraclius (Paris, Louvre, no. R. F. 30, and Swiss private collection), 465

Ringhieri polyptych from San Martino, Bologna (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 214, 218, 248), 466

Saint Agatha (formerly New York, Arnold Seligmann and Rey Co.), 469

Saint Agnes (formerly New York, Arnold Seligmann and Rey Co.), 469

Saint Ambrose (formerly Paris, Alain Cortreille), 469

Saint Anthony Abbot (formerly New York, Parke-Bernet), 469

Saint Augustine (formerly Cologne, Lempertz), 469

Saint Barbara (formerly Munich, Julius Böhler), 469

Saint Benedict or Bernard of Clairvaux (formerly Munich, Julius Böhler), 469

Saint Christopher (formerly Lucerne, Fischer), 496

Saint Dominic (formerly New York, Reinhardt Galleries), 496

Saint Francis of Assisi (New York, Parke-Bernet, 28 Nov. 1951, lot 59, as Domenico di Bartolo), 469

Saint John the Baptist (Pl. 72), 80, 285, 467–70

Saint Lawrence (London, Christie’s, 10 July 2015, lot 134), 469 (Fig. 72.1)

Saint Louis of Toulouse, Female Martyr Saint, Bishop Saint (present whereabouts unknown), 469 (Fig. 72.2)

Saint Nicholas of Bari (formerly Berlin, Hans Wendland), 469

Saint Petronio Enthroned with Stories of Saints Petronio and Stephen (Bologna, Museo di Santo Stefano), 465

Saint Raphael Archangel and Tobias (formerly Berlin, Königliche

Museen, deaccessioned 1923), 469

Saint Stephen (New York, Christie’s, 9 June 2010, lot 204), 469

Saints Constantine and Bartholomew (Pesaro, Museo Civico, no. 3993), 465

Virgin and Child (formerly Bucharest, Royal Collection), 465

Virgin and Child (Florence, Museo Stefano Bardini, no. Comune 49, Collezione Corsi 1324), 466

Virgin of Humility (Palermo, Chiaromonte Bordonaro), 465

—— and Pietro di Giovanni Lianoribanners of the gonfaloniere and

the commune, Bologna, 465Michelino da Besozzo, 255, 279Michiel, Marcantonio, 137Mickleshanski, Judith, see Berenson,

JudithMiddeldorf, Ulrich, 66 n. 1, 255Miglionico, Santa Maria Maggiore

Cima da Conegliano, polyptych, 203, 206


Alunno, Niccolò, altarpiece for San Francesco, Cagli (no. 504), 87, 91

Bellini, Gentile, Sermon of Saint Mark in Alexandria (Milan, Brera, no. 164), 114

Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin and Child (no. 298), 120

Bellini, Jacopo and Giovanni, Saint Mark Preaching in Alexandria (no. 160), 120

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Nerviano altarpiece (no. 489), 140, 144

Bergognone, Ambrogio (workshop), Man of Sorrow with the Virgin Mary and John the Evangelist (no. 5546), 144 n. 7

Bergognone, Ambrogio (workshop), Saint Jerome between Saints Ambrose and Catherine of Alexandria (no. 1167), 144 n. 7

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Adoration of the Shepherds with Angels (no. 7438), 140–41

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Four Prophets (nos. 5484–87), 144 n. 5

Bergognone, Ambrogio, mural paintings in Santa Maria presso San Satiro (nos. 54, 985–87, 1196–1201, and 5545), 136, 146 n. 10

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. 985), 146 n. 10

Bergognone, Bernardino, Saint Roch (no. 1143), 137

Bergognone, high altarpiece for Santa Maria dell’Incoronata, Nerviano (no. 489), 137

Bordon, Paris, altarpiece of the Virgin Presenting Saint Dominic to the Redeemer (no. 103), 166

Bordon, Paris, Holy Family with Saint Ambrose and a Donor (no. 104), 168

Bordon, Paris, Pentecost (no. 108), 165

Bordon, Paris, Sacred Conversation (no. 106), 170

Bronzino, Agnolo, Andrea Doria (no. 565), 580 nn. 8 and 31

Cima da Conegliano, Saint Peter Enthroned between Saint John the Baptist and Saint Paul (no. 292), 125 n. 2, 203

Cima da Conegliano, Saint Peter Martyr between Saints Nicholas of Bari and Benedict (no. 177), 203, 207

Cima da Conegliano, Saint Sebastian from the Oderzo altarpiece (no. 5875), 207

Cima da Conegliano, Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian, John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, and Roch with Members of the Scuola di San Giovanni Evangelista (no. 5975), 203

Costa, Lorenzo, Adoration of the Magi (no. 584), 209

De Roberti, Ercole, altarpiece for Canonici Portuensi in Ravenna (no. 203), 200

Foppa, Vincenzo (follower of ), Gerli Presentation in the Temple (no. 5456), 262

Foppa, Vincenzo, fresco of Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist (no. 999), 251

Foppa, Vincenzo, high altarpiece for Santa Maria delle Grazie, Bergamo (nos. 161–63, 516–17, 1225, 2094–97, 5539), 251, 262

Gentile da Fabriano, polyptych for Santa Maria in Valdisasso, Valle Romita (no. 55), 279, 282, 290, 400, 468

Liberale da Verona, Saint Sebastian (no. 177), 360

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Virgin and Child (no. 968), 646

Mantegna, Andrea, altarpiece from chapel of San Luca in Santa Giustina, Padua (no. 200), 91, 303

Michele da Verona, Crucifixion (no. 160), 459, 462, 464

Piero della Francesca, Madonna and Child with Saints, 41

Cantoni, 22cathedral

Bergognone, Ambrogio,

polychromy of sculptures for altar of the Madonna dell’Albero, 137

Civiche Raccolte d’Arte, Castello Sforzesco

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint Benedict, side panels (no. 447), 136, 137 n. 3

Este, Baldassare d’, Portrait of Borso d’Este (Castello Sforzesco, no. 546), 614

Foppa, Vincenzo, Saint Sebastian (no. 1), 257–58

Foppa, Vincenzo, Virgin and Child (no. 305), 261

Foppa, Vincenzo, Virgin and Child, Saint Theodore, and Saint Augustine (nos. 543, 544, 545), 256 n. 5, 261

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Decapitated Head of Saint Catherine (no. 757), 356

Morone, Domenico (workshop), cassone panel (no. 157), 475

Cova Minotti collectionMarco di Martino de Roxatis,

Virgin and Child, 397Crespi collection, see Milan,

Museo DiocesanoFinarte

“Espressionista Gozzolesco,” Man of Sorrows (27 Oct. 1987, lot 103), 618

Giovanni di Paolo, triptych for Cardinal Giovanni Berardi di Tagliacozzo (2 Apr. 1989, lot 300), 334

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus workshop, Vulcan Fabricating Cupid’s Arrows in the Presence of Venus (12 Mar. 1963, lot 92, as Girolamo Mocetto), 410 n. 12

Foresti collection, 356, 358–59formerly Jacobello del Fiore,

Virgin and Child, 352Gallarati Scotti collection, 143

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint Paul, 146 n. 11

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian and Roch, 136, 142 n. 24

Galleria Scopinich, 539Longari

Marco di Paolo Veneziano, Entombment of Christ, 397

Manusardi [C. M. M.] collectionformerly Leonelli da

Crevalcore, Antonio, Virgin and Child, 355–56

Melzi collectionBergognone, Ambrogio, Saints

Anne and Joachim, 146 n. 11Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint

Anthony Abbot, 146 n. 11Bergognone, Ambrogio

(Lorenzo Fasolo?), Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels, 146 n. 11


general index46

Museo DiocesanoBergognone, Ambrogio

(workshop), triptych from Santa Maria Rossa, Crescenzago (no. 2001.052.001), 137

Bergognone, Bernardino (attrib.), Crucifixion (Crespi Collection), 137, 140 (Fig. 11.1)

Marco di Paolo Veneziano, panels of Virgin and Child, saints, and sacred stories (Crespi collection), 397

Paolo Veneziano, Virgin and Child (Crespi Collection), 631

Starnina, Virgin of Humility Crowned by Two Angels (no. 2000.018.020), 388

Museo Poldi PezzoliAnon. northern Italian painter,

Virgin of Humility (no. 586), 290 (Fig. 39.2)

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child (no. 1644/640), 138

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child (no. 1630/654), 141

Biagio d’Antonio, Madonna and Child with an Angel (Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, no. 591), 147

Cima da Conegliano, episodes of the legend of Theseus and Ariadne (on deposit from the Brera, no. 1013 d.t. 55), 208 n. 14

Cima da Conegliano, three fragments with Dionysian scenes (no. 686), 635 n. 7

Daddi, Bernardo, painted cross (no. 3195), 609

Foppa, Vincenzo, Virgin and Child, 262 (Fig. 35.1), 264

Lorenzetti, Pietro, or Dijon Master, Virgin and Child with Saint Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria and Six Angels (no. 593), 376

Raphael, painted cross (no. 4129), 609

Pinacoteca AmbrosianaBergognone, Ambrogio,

altarpieces for Gerolamo Calagrano, 141

Bergognone, Ambrogio (?), Virgin and Child (no. 1903), 146 n. 13

Bergognone, Ambrogio and Bernardino, polyptych for Osnago chapel, San Giovanni Battista, Melegnano (nos. 11 and 12), 136, 144

Bonifacio, Holy Family with Tobias and the Angel (no. 43), 160

Este, Baldassare d’ (?), Dormition of the Virgin (no. 1001), 614

Mino da Fiesole, marble sculpture of the Virgin and Child (no. 2415), 244 n. 7

Rasini collection, 633Saibene collection

Artist unknown, Presentation of the Virgin (Pl. 18, Comp. E.2), 176

Botticini, Francesco, Presentation of the Virgin (no. 62) (Pl. 18, Comp. E.2), 173–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Dossi, Dosso, Old Man in Fur (no. 115), 525 n. 2

Liberale da Verona, cassone panel with Virginia, 368

San Giovanni Battista, MelegnanoBergognone, Ambrogio and

Bernardino, polyptych for Osnago chapel, 136, 144

San Pietro in GessateBergognone, Ambrogio, work

for, 137Butinone, Bernardino, and

Bernardo Zenale, decoration of Grifi chapel, 251

San SimplicianoBergognone, Ambrogio, fresco,

140Bergognone, Ambrogio and

Bernardino, work for, 137, 144Sant’Ambrogio

Bergognone, Ambrogio, work for, 137, 144

Sant’EustorgioFoppa, Vincenzo, decoration of

Portinari chapel, 250Santa Maria Assunta, Magenta

Bergognone, Ambrogio, stories of the Passion of Christ, 136, 144

Santa Maria della PassioneBergognone, Ambrogio, work

for, 137Santa Maria delle Grazie

Leonardo da Vinci, Last Supper, 142 n. 24

Santa Maria presso San CelsoBergognone, Ambrogio, work

for, 136–37Bordon, Paris, altarpiece of

the Holy Family with Saint Jerome, 166

Bramante, Donato, Prevedari engraving and choir of, 200

Scuola dello Scurolo di Sant’Ambrogio

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Pentecost (lost), 137

Sotheby’sLeonelli da Crevalcore,

Antonio, Virgin and Child (15 Dec. 1992, lot 269), 356, 369

Treccani collection, 372Milanesi, Gaetano, 50–51, 177, 182, 193,

646, 649 n. 15, 723, 724 n. 12Millet, Jean-François, 694Minerbetti, Giovanni di Andrea,

224 n. 1Mini, Antonio, 112Minneapolis Institute of Arts

Nardo di Cione, reliquary panel (no. 68.41.7), 376

Mino da Fiesole, 28, 44, 144 n. 7, 145, 146 n. 7, 240, 242

marble sculpture of the Virgin and Child (Milan, Pinacoteca Ambrosiana, no. 2415), 244 n. 7

Virgin Annunciate (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1943.4.71), 67 n. 73, 68 n. 109

—— (19th-c. imitator of )Virgin and Child (New York,

Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 30.95.105), 69 n. 137

Minutolo, Enrico, Cardinal, 244–45, 249

Mioni da Tolmezzo, Domenico, 126, 308

Miscomini, Antonio, 349 n. 3Miss Toplady, 24, 49 (Fig. II.6), 59, 68

n. 118, 69 nn. 134–35, 564, 567 n. 30Mocenigo, Giovanni, Doge, 114, 118Mocetto, Girolamo, 410 n. 12Modena

Banca Popolare Emilia RomagnaCristoforo da Lendinara, 358 n. 9,

Adoration of the Christ Child with Saint Bernardino and God the Father (App. 22), 740

Museo CivicoLeonelli da Crevalcore,

Antonio, Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian, Joachim, Anne, Francis of Assisi, and Claire of Assisi (on deposit from Grossi collection), 356, 358 n. 12, 359

Modestini, Mario, 396 n. 6, 504 n. 3Moi de’ Calvi (province of

Bergamo), San MartinLattanzio da Rimini, polyptych

for, 203Moisin (Paris art dealer), 69 n. 160Molteni, Giuseppe, 146 n. 10Mombello, Pio Falcò collection

formerly “Vicino da Ferrara,” Saint Maurelius, 613

Mond, Ludwig, 24, 42 n. 6, 305Mondella, Giambattista, 408Mondrian, Piet, 32, 702Montagna, Bartolomeo, 131, 208 n. 12,

306, 670, 736Lamentation in sanctuary of

Monte Berico, 462Virgin and Child (Baltimore,

Walters Art Museum, no. 37.1036) (App. 77), 743, 754

MontalcinoMuseo Civico e Diocesano d’Arte

SacraGirolamo di Benvenuto,

Assumption of the Virgin for Natività di Maria all’Osservanza near Montalcino (no. 17MD), 337, 338 n. 7

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Coronation of the Virgin altarpiece for San Francesco, Montalcino, 592

San FrancescoBartolo di Fredi, triptych for

chapel of the Annunciation, 554 n. 18

Monte Berico, sanctuaryMontagna, Bartolomeo,

Lamentation, 462Monte di Giovanni, 544–45Monte Oliveto Maggiore

Signorelli, Luca, frescos with the legend of Saint Benedict resuscitating a monk, 478, 571

Sodoma, fresco cycle of the legend of Saint Benedict, 47

Monte San GiustoLotto, Lorenzo, altarpiece of the

Crucifixion, 392Montecarlo, Sotheby Parke-Bernet,

356Montefalco, San Francesco

“Espressionista Gozzolesco,” frescos in chapel of San Bernardino, 618

Gozzoli, Benozzo, frescos of chapels of Saint Jerome and Saint Francis, 618

Montefeltro, Federico da, Lord of Urbino, 152, 154, 265

Montefeltro, Giovanna di, 635Montefeltro, Guidobaldo da, 154Montefeltro family, 154Montefiore dell’Aso, Santa Lucia

Civelli, Carlo, altarpiece, 135 n. 26Montemerano in the Maremma,

San GiorgioSano di Pietro, altarpiece, 548Vecchietta, altarpiece of the

Assumption, 607Montenero (Livorno), Madonna

delle GrazieCosini, Silvio, marble tabernacle

for, 346Montenero d’Orcia, Chiesa della

MadonnaFungai, Bernardino, altarpiece of

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saint John the Baptist and a Deacon Saint, 278 n. 18

Montepertuso, San MicheleBenvenuto di Giovanni,

altarpiece, 129, 135 nn. 10 and 12, 656

Montepescali, San LorenzoMatteo di Giovanni (workshop),

altarpiece, 427 n. 14, 438Montepulciano

cathedralTaddeo di Bartolo, high

altarpiece of 1401, 588Taddeo di Bartolo, Lamentation,

592, 594 (Fig. 99.1)Museo Civico e Pinacoteca

CrocianaUgolino di Nerio, polyptych

with the Virgin and Child for Santa Maria dei Servi, Montepulciano, 603, 606

Sant’AgostinoGiovanni di Paolo, Saint

Nicholas of Tolentino, 330


general index 47

Monteriggioni, San Leonardo al Lago

Lippo di Vanni, Conversion of Saint Augustine, with Saint Monica, 433, 436–37 (Fig. 66.2)

Montesiepi, San GalganoLorenzetti, Ambrogio, frescos of

Stories of the Virgin and of Saint Galganus, 498, 499 n. 10

Niccolò di Segna, altarpiece with Virgin and Child in chapel of rotunda, 498

Montesquiou-Fezensac, Robert de, 66 n. 35

Montfalcon, Aymon de, Bishop of Lausanne, 534 n. 4

Monti, Giovanni Battista, 392, 395Monti family, 354, 395 n. 5Monticchiello, Santi Leonardo e

CristoforoLorenzetti, Pietro, polyptych

for, 380Niccolò di Segna, fresco of Saint

Christopher, 498Montini, Bartolomeo, 203Montisi, pieve della Santissima

AnnunciataNeroccio di Bartolomeo de’

Landi, predella with the Crucifixion and legend of Saint Sebastian, 494, 496

Montorfano, Giovanni Battista, 250Monza, Santa Maria delle Grazie

Foppa, Vincenzo, Maestà, 250Moore, George Edward, 674, 744

photo of, 696 (Fig. 120.1)Moore, Henry, 36, 702Moore, Marianne, 724 n. 9Morandi, Giorgio, 702Morassi, Antonio, 142 n. 13, 255, 372Moratilla (Eduardo; art dealer), 397, 474Moravia, Alberto, 36Moreau, Gustave, 683, 688 n. 5, 694,

714Morelli, A., 539Morelli, Giovanni, 24, 42 n. 7, 43, 112,

141, 146, 177–78, 197, 215, 216 n. 17, 264 n. 2, 369, 414, 496, 669–72, 723, 724 n. 11, 729

Morelli, Lorenzo di Matteo, 147Moretti (gallery), 425Moretti, Cristoforo, 250–51, 254Moretti, Fabrizio, 348, 425Moretti, Gian Giacomo, 251Moretti, Pietro, 251Moretto da Brescia, 167

Portrait of a Woman (present whereabouts unknown), 328 n. 5

Morgan, John Pierpont, 60–61, 69 n. 141, 197–98, 599, 667, 687, 735, 741, 758

Morisini, Lucia, 470 n. 20Morone, Domenico, 360, 366, 408,

410, 471–75, 671book illumination, 471cassone panels with Battle of

the Amazons (Princeton University Museum of Art, no. 35.34), 471

cassone panels with Rape of the Sabines (London, National Gallery, nos. 1211–12), 459, 471, 475

decoration of the Domus Pietatis, Verona (lost), 471

Expulsion of the Bonacolsi (Mantua, Palazzo Ducale), 459, 471–72

fresco from the Palazzo del Capitano Veneto in Verona with Virgin and Child and Saints Sebastian and Roch (Verona, Museo di Castelveccio, no. 6223–1B1099), 472 n. 12

fresco of Saint James the Great between Saints Jerome and Lawrence (?) (Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, no. 1267–1B564), 471, 475

frescos from San Nicola da Tolentino, San Floriano di Valpolicella, 471

panels with Saints Bartholomew, Roch, Francis, and Bernardino (Verona, Museo di Castelvecchio, nos. 180–1B344, 171–1B345, 182–1B399, 183–1B400), 471, 475

Trajan Judging his Own Son (?) (Pl. 73), 472–75

Trinity (formerly in Venice, Cini collection), 471

Virgin and Child (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1456), 471, 475

—— (attributed to)Pietà with Saints (Verona, Museo

di Castelvecchio, no. 1368-1B262), 472

—— (workshop)Arma Christi (Verona, San

Lorenzo), 474–75cassone of the entrance of the

Trojan Horse (Knutsford, Cheshire, Tatton Park, no. TAT/P/144), 475

cassone panel (Milan, Civiche Raccolte d’Arte, Castello Sforzesco, no. 157), 475

Five Musicians Court Messalina (formerly in Berlin, Achenbach collection, KHI, no. 475103), 474

four panels with stories of Mucius Scaevola and Virginia (New York, Christie’s, 15 Apr. 2008, lot. 235), 475

four tondos of ancient Roman stories from a cassone (Leipzig, Museum der Bildenden Kunst, inv. I. 1372–73; London, Sotheby’s 10 July 2014, lot 191, as master of the Arma Christi of San Lorenzo), 475

scenes of Roman history (Buscot Park, Oxfordshire, Faringdon collection), 475

Trajan Entrusting his Son to a Widow (?) (La Spezia, Museo Civico “Amedeo Lia,” no. 84), 474 (Fig. 73.1), 475

—— and Francesco, with Giovan Maria Falconetto

frescos in San Biagio chapel (Verona, Santi Nazaro e Celso), 471

—— collaborator ofpanel of Trajan dispensing justice

(Cleveland Museum of Art, no. 16.790), 474

Morone, Francesco, 47, 408, 410, 459, 471Moroni (Conti), 506, 508Moroni, Giovanni Battista (Moroni

da Brescia), 328 n. 5Abbess Lucrezia Agliardi Vertova

(New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 30.95.255), 83 n. 21

Bust of a Man (present whereabouts unknown), 328 n. 5

Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 694Dorothy Bussy (née Strachey),

Simon Bussy, and André Gide, August 1920 (London, National Portrait Gallery, no. Ax140872), 694

photo of, 694 (Fig. 119.1)Morrell, Philip, 49, 69, 567 n. 30Moschini, Giannantonio, 301Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of

Fine ArtsBordon, Paris, Sacred Conversation

(no. 168), 168, 170 n. 15Fungai, Bernardino, spalliere

depicting the story of Scipio Africanus (no. 44.560), 273

Lorenzo Monaco, Virgin of Humility (no. 144), 388

Martini, Simone, Bishop Saint (no. 222), 450

Martini, Simone, Saint Lucy (no. 220), 450

Sassetta, Saint Stephen (no. 1496) (Pl. 94, Comp. I), 562, 565

Sassetta, Saint Lawrence (no. 1494) (Pl. 94, Comp. H), 562, 565

Moss, Stanley, 356Mostyn-Owen, William, 15, 31, 292,

366, 396, 470, 610, 633, 635, 743, 759Mourey, Gabriel, 688 n. 32Müller, Friedrich, 322–23, 328 n. 8Mündler, Otto, 141, 239–40Munich

Alte PinakothekAndrea del Brescianino, Holy

Family (no. 1075), 177–78Antonello da Messina, Virgin

Annunciate (no. 8054), 147Benvenuto di Giovanni,

Saint Anthony of Padua and the Miracle of the Mule (no. 1020), 129

Bordon, Paris, Portrait of a Gentleman (no. 512), 165, 170

Carnevale (Fra), Annunciation (no. 645), 419

Giotto and workshop, Crucifixion (no. 667) (Pl. 44, Comp. D), 322–23, 325 (Fig. 44.3), 327

Giotto and workshop, Descent into Limbo (no. 5295) (Pl. 44, Comp. E), 322, 327

Giotto and workshop, Last Supper (no. 643) (Pl. 44, Comp. C), 322–23, 327

Girolamo da Treviso il Giovane (also attr. Vincenzo Civerchio), Descent into Limbo (no. 9217), 260

Granacci, Francesco, Saint Apollonia (no. 1066) (Pl. 47, Comp. B), 346, 348–49 (Fig. 47.2)

Granacci, Francesco, Saint Jerome (no. 1065) (Pl. 47, Comp. D), 346, 348–49

Granacci, Francesco, Saint John the Baptist (no. 1067) (Pl. 47, Comp. C), 346, 348–49

Granacci, Francesco, Saint Mary Magdalene (no. 1068) (Pl. 47, Comp. E), 346, 348–49

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Portrait of the Sacrati Family (no. 8709), 216 n. 4, 355

Lippi, Filippo, Annunciation (no. 1072), 544

Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo, Assumption of the Virgin (no. WAF 671), 443, 458 n. 14

Nardo di Cione, Saints Julian (?), Benedict, Peter, Bishop Saint, and Saint Stephen (no. WAF 1027), 478 (Fig. 74.2), 479

Scazoli, Paolo Antonio de, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Bernardino, Augustine, Benedict, and Anthony Abbot (no. 255), 197

Titian, Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and a Donor (no. 977), 169

Vecchietta, predella of Franciscan scenes (no. 1020), 611

Drey (gallery), 376Graphische Sammlung

Michele da Verona, drawings of Saint Luke (no. 2246), 462

Julius Böhlerformerly Michele di Matteo,

Saint Barbara, 469formerly Michele di Matteo,

Saint Benedict or Bernard of Clairvaux, 469

Murano, San Pietro MartireBellini, Giovanni, Barbarigo

altarpiece, 119Murray, Charles Fairfax, 15, 56, 68

n. 92, 107, 348Murray, Gilbert, 724Murcia, cathedral of Santa María

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, and workshop, Pere Guillem, and


general index48

Guillem Lagostera, retable of Saint Michael Archangel, 528, 530 (Fig. 86.2)

Mussini, Luigi, 650Mussolini, Benito, 33, 702Mutti, Adolfo, 142 n. 13Muzio di Francesco, 329

NNadal, Alvise, 508Nager, Franz, 260 n. 4Nagler, George Kasper, 467Nanni di Giovanni di Ser Cecco, 330Nanni di Pietro, 130 n. 1, 427 n. 4Nannoccio di San Giorgio, 177Nantes, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint Benedict, side panels (nos. 18 and 6397), 136, 137 n. 3


Andrea del Brescianino (?), Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist (no. 500), 179

Anselmi, Michelangelo (?), Giovanni Battista Castaldi (no. 109), 525 n. 7

Mantegna, Andrea, Saint Eufemia (no. 53), 91

Martini, Simone, Saint Louis of Toulouse Crowning King Robert II of Anjou (no. I.C.28–29), 441, 449–50, 455

Masaccio, Crucifixion (no. 36), 610

Matteo di Giovanni, Massacre of the Innocents (no. 38), 426, 428

Parmigianino, portrait of Galeazzo Sanvitale (no. 111), 523

CastelnuovoGiotto, frescos of the royal

residence, 311cathedral

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, Minutolo triptych, 244, 249 n. 6, 612 n. 9

Museo Archeologico NazionaleAnon. Roman, Apollo and

Daphne (no. VI 9, 6), 368, 369 (Fig. 51.2)

Anon. Roman, Pompeian frescos of Diana (no. 9112), 368

Nardo di Cione, 43, 93, 96, 220, 476–80

altarpiece either for the Albizzi chapel, Santa Maria degli Angeli, Florence, or high altar in the monastery church, 479

altarpiece of the Trinity with Saints Romuald and John the Evangelist, for chapel of San Romualdo in Santa Maria degli Angeli (Florence, Galleria de’Accademia, no. 8464), 478–80

altarpiece for Santa Maria degli Angeli (Florence, Museo dell’Opera di Santa Croce, no. Dep 170), 476, 478

Coronation of the Virgin (London, Victoria and Albert Museum, no. C.A.I 104), 479

frescos in Oratorio del Bigallo, Florence, 476

frescos in Strozzi chapel (Florence, Santa Maria Novella) (Ghiberti), 476

Madonna in Ufficio della Gabella, Florence (perhaps New York, Brooklyn Museum of Art, nos. 1995.2 and 2000.27), 476

reliquary panel (Minneapolis Institute of Arts, no. 68.41.7), 376

Saints Julian (?), Benedict, Peter, Bishop Saint, and Saint Stephen (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. WAF 1027), 478 (Fig. 74.2), 479

standing image of Saint Benedict (Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, no. 2259), 478–79


Vecchietta, Saint Giovenale, 608Vecchietta, Saint Anthony

Abbot, 608Sant’Antonio Abate

Vecchietta, altarpiece for confraternity, Narni, 608

National TrustCrisp, Francis Edward Fitzjohn,

portraits of members of the Blathwayt family (nos. 453792–95), 695

Nattier, Jean-Marc, 44, 621, 657Portrait of Louise Henriette de

Bourbon-Conti (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 56.100.2), 657

Portrait of Louise Henriette de Bourbon-Conti (Stockholm, Nationalmuseum, no. NM 1186), 657

—— (manner of )Supposed Portrait of the Duchess of

Orléans (Pl. 115), 657Naya, Carlo, 674 (Fig. V.7)Negri, Giovanni Alimento, 137Negri, Pescennio Francesco, 114Nello di Mino de’ Tolomei, 441Neri da Montegargulo, Bishop, 466

n. 17Neri da Volterra, Francesco, 648–49Neri di Bicci, 171, 174–76, 415–16, 419,

481–89, 742, 754Adoration of the Christ Child

(Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1958.294), 484

Adoration of the Christ Child with Saint Lawrence (Pl. 75), 481–84

Adoration of the Christ Child

with the Annunciation to the Shepherds and Stories of the Magi (Pl. 76), 484 n. 2, 485–87

altarpiece (Florence, San Felice in Piazza), 481

altarpiece (Fiesole, San Girolamo of the Hieronymites) (lost), 488

altarpiece of Saint Lawrence (Viterbo, San Sisto), 484

altarpiece of the Assumption of the Virgin (Florence, Santa Trinita, Spini chapel), 481

Annunciation for the Vettori family (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, no. 8622), 486

Annunciation with Saints Luke and Apollonia (Pescia, Museo Civico), 419

Coronation of the Virgin and Twelve Saints (Florence, Galleria dell’Accademia, inv. depositi, no. 13) (Pl. 18, Comp. A), 174 (Fig. 18.1), 175

Madonna della Cintola in San Miniato (Pisa, Museo Diocesano), 481

Miracle of Saint Bernardino of Siena (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 75, Comp. A) and Baptism of Christ (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 75, Comp. B), 486–87 (Fig. 76.1)

predella panel of Adoration of the Christ Child (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 154), 486

predella with Saint Lawrence (Barcelona, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, no. 64972), 484

predella with Saint Lawrence of the Coronation of the Virgin altarpiece (Florence, San Giovannino dei Cavalieri), 484

Saint Jerome in Penance before the Crucifix (Pl. 77), 488–89

tabernacle of Saint Lawrence for the Compagnia della Bruciata (private collection), 484

unknown subject (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 78), 754

Virgin Adoring the Child (New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, no. 1943.220), 482

Virgin and Child (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, no. M.I. 484), 482

Virgin and Child (San Gimignano, Museo Civico, no. 21), 481

—— (follower of )Virgin of the Goldfinch (London,

Courtauld Gallery, no. P.1966. GP.283), 482

Nerio di Ugolino, 603Nerli, Vaggia di Tanai, 147

Nerli family, 220, 271Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi,

25, 63–64, 67 n. 73, 68 n. 126, 131, 265, 267, 343, 378, 438, 440, 490–97, 509

Assumption (Lucca, Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi, no. 166), 608

cassone panels (Raleigh, North Carolina Museum of Art, nos. GL. 60.17.29–30), 364

fragments with four saints (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 109), 494

lunette in the Sergardi tabernacle (private collection), 610

Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena with Christ (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 78 Comp.), 492 (Fig. 78.1), 494

Portrait of a Lady (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1942.9.47), 362

panel for the company of Santi Francesco e Girolamo sotto le volte (Siena, Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala), 495

predella fragment with legend of Saint Bernardino (Siena, Museo Civico, no. 373), 494

predella of the legend of Saint Sebastian from Montisi (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, nos. 64–66), 610

predella panels of the Crucifixion and Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, nos. 64–65), 496

predella with the Crucifixion and legend of Saint Sebastian (Montisi, pieve of Santissima Annunciata), 494, 496

Saint Jerome for the company of Santi Francesco e Girolamo sotto le volte (Siena, Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala), 495

Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Christina, Galgano, and Jerome (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 1169), 610

triptych with Virgin and Child with Saints Michael Archangel and Bernardino of Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 282), 496

Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Bernardino of Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 281), 496

Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Catherine of Alexandria (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 295), 496

Saint Catherine of Siena’s Vision


general index 49

of Saints Francis of Assisi, Augustine, and Dominic (Pl. 78), 63, 80, 491–94, 496

Virgin and Child (Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, Collezione Morelli, no. 549), 496 (Fig. 79.1)

Virgin and Child with Saints Anthony Abbot and Sigismund (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1952.5.17), 59

Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Anthony of Padua and Two Music-Making Angels (Pl. 79), 25, 49, 56, 378 n. 1, 438, 495–97

—— (?)Virgin and Child (Florence, I

Tatti, stolen 1990), 30, 440 (Fig. 67.2)

—— (attrib.)Virgin and Child with Two

Adoring Angels (formerly Kraków, Muzeum Ksiazat Czartoryskich, no. 158), 496

Neroni, Bartolomeo (Riccio), 274 n. 3altarpiece in San Michele

Arcangelo, Chiusure, 437 n. 10Nevin, Robert Jenkins, 152New Haven, Yale University Art

GalleryAnon. follower of Lorenzo Costa,

Crucifixion (no. 1943.261), 218 n. 5

Apollonio di Giovanni, cassoni (nos. 1871.34–35), 106

Daddi, Bernardo, Saint Dominic’s Vision of Saints Peter and Paul (no. 1871.6), 231

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin and Child (no. 1871.66), 292

Martini, Simone (Lippo Memmi?), Saint John (no. 1943.239?), 248 n. 1

Master of Monte Oliveto, Crucifixion (no. 187.10b), 186

Memmi, Lippo, and Simone Martini (workshop of ), Saint John the Evangelist (no. 1943.239) (App. 76), 30, 440 n. 5, 449, 753

Neri di Bicci, Virgin Adoring the Child (no. 1943.220), 482

Taddeo di Bartolo, Saint John the Baptist (no. 1943.251), 591

New Orleans Museum of ArtDaddi, Bernardo, altarpiece with

the Virgin and Child with Saints Giovanni Gualberto, Pancras, Michael Archangel, and Benedict (no. 61.60), 230

Foppa, Vincenzo, Saint Paul (no. 61.70), 256 n. 5

New YorkArnold Seligmann and Rey Co.

formerly Michele di Matteo, Saint Agatha, 469

formerly Michele di Matteo, Saint Agnes, 469

Brooklyn MuseumBotticini, Francesco, Saints

Anna and Joachim (no. 22.466) (Pl. 18, Comp. E.1), 172, 174–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Giovani Francesco da Rimini, small tondos with God the Father (no. 34.835, and formerly Cook collection), 158 n. 5

Lorenzo di Niccolò, predella with scenes of Saint Lawrence’s legend (no. 03.74–79), 484

Nardo di Cione, Virgin and Child in Ufficio della Gabella, Florence (nos. 1995.2 and 2000.27), 476

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus workshop, Hercules Attacking Troy (?) and Telamon Marrying Hesione, Laomedon’s Daughter, in the Presence of Hercules (nos. 26.517–18, as Michele da Verona), 410 n. 12

Christie’s, 277–78, 348, 470, 756Master of the Lanckoronski

Orpheus (?), Fall of Phaeton (23 May 2000, lot 180), 410

Michele di Matteo, Saint Stephen (9 June 2010, lot 204), 469

Morone, Domenico (workshop), four panels with stories of Mucius Scaevola and Virginia (15 Apr. 2008, lot. 235), 475

Ehrich Galleries, 343Frick Collection

Antonello da Messina, Pietà (no. 1907.1.56), 41

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin and Child with Saints Julian and Lawrence (no. 66.1.167), 288 n. 22

Marco di Paolo Veneziano and Giovanni Veneziano, polyptych for San Domenico, San Severino Marche (no. 1930.1.124), 397

Vecchietta, reliefs of the Resurrection (no. 1916.2.02), 607

Friedsam collection, 414Hispanic Society of America

Alcanyiç, Miquel, and Starnina, Ascension (no. A2031), 527

Kleinberger Galleries, 44, 470, 741M. Knoedler and Co., 741Marco and Cristina Grassi

Sano di Pietro, Dream of Saint Joseph, 554 nn. 9 and 19

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 26Alcanyiç, Miquel, and

Starnina, Ascension (no. 1876.10), 527

Alunno, Niccolò, Saint Anne Metterza (no. 1975.1.107), 92 n. 11

Anon. Roman, Pompeian frescos of Diana (no. 03.14.13 F, and Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, no. 9112), 368

Anon. Sienese painter, cassone (no. 14.44), 68 n. 96

Antonio da Viterbo (?), Virgin and Saints Jerome and Francis (no. 31.100.74), 414

Bachiacca, Leda and the Swan (The Jack and Belle Linsky Collection, no. 1982.60.11), 112 (Fig. 6.1)

Bellini, Giovanni, Lehman Madonna (no. 1975.1.81), 118 n. 3

Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (Davis Madonna) (no. 30.95.256), 24, 125 n. 12

Bellini, Jacopo, Virgin and Child (no. 59.187), 118 n. 2

Buonarroti, Michelangelo, Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness (no. 1970.134.2), 344

Cézanne, Paul, Gardanne (no. 57.181), 42 n. 6

Christus, Petrus, painting including van Eyck’s Sancta facies (no. 60.71.1), 150

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, Nursing Virgin (no. 41.190.13), 249 n. 8

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints, Eve and the Serpent, and the Annunciation (Robert Lehman Collection, no. 1975.1.23), 248, 249 (Fig. 32.1)

formerly Benvenuto di Giovanni, and Girolamo di Benvenuto, Assumption of the Virgin, 130

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Nativity (no. 41.100.2), 265

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin and Child (no. 30.95.262), 279, 284

Giotto and workshop, Adoration of the Magi (John Stewart Kennedy, Fund, 1911, no. 11.126.1) (Pl. 44, Comp. A), 322–23, 326–27

Giovanni da Milano, predella with scenes of the Passion (no. 1975.105;), 535

Giovanni di Paolo, Creation of the World (no. 1975.1.31), 335

Giovanni di Paolo, Expulsion from Paradise (no. 06.1046), 56, 335

Giovanni di Paolo, pinnacles with Christ and the Four Evangelists (no. 32.100.70), 649 n. 12

Giovanni di Paolo, Saint Clare polyptych (no. 32.100.76), 330, 331 n. 6

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin of Humility (no. 41.190.16), 335 n. 6

Liberale da Verona, Chess Players (no. 43.98.8) (Pl. 50, Comp. B), 361–62 (Fig. 50.1), 364 (Fig. 50.2), 365

Liberale da Verona, Encounter at a Window (no. 1986.147) (Pl. 50, Comp. A), 362 (Fig. 50.1), 365

Lippi, Filippo, Portrait of a Couple (no. 89.15.19), 403

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Crucifixion (no. 2002.436), 377

Lorenzetti, Pietro, panel of a polyptych (no. 13.312), 374

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. 13.312), 192

Lorenzo Monaco, Virgin of Humility (no. 09.01), 388

Martino di Bartolomeo, Saint Anthony Abbot with Saint John the Baptist; Saint Stephen with the Angel of the Annunciation; Saint James the Great with the Virgin Annunciate; Saint Julian the Hospitaller (?) with Saint Nicholas of Bari (nos. 30.95.263–66) (App. 69), 60, 69 n. 137, 752

Master of Monte Oliveto, Crucifixion (Robert Lehman Collection, no. 1975.1.2), 186, 187 (Fig. 20.2)

Master of Monte Oliveto, Virgin and Child with Nine Angels (Robert Lehman Collection, no. 1975.1.1), 187 (Fig. 20.2)

Master of the Dominican Effigies, panel with Last Judgment and other scenes (no. 1975.1.99), 406

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child with Saints Bernardino of Siena and Catherine of Siena (no. 1975.1.52), 438

Michele da Verona, drawings of Saint Paul (no. 1975.1.382), 462

Michele da Verona, Virgin and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist (no. 27.41), 128

Mino da Fiesole (19th-c. imitator of ), Virgin and Child (no. 30.95.105), 69 n. 137

Moroni, Giovanni Battista, Abbess Lucrezia Agliardi Vertova (no. 30.95.255), 83 n. 21

Nattier, Jean-Marc, Portrait of Louise Henriette de Bourbon-Conti (no. 56.100.2), 657

Orioli, Pietro di Francesco, cross (no. 22.60.61), 612

Picasso, Pablo, drawing of Ambroise Vollard (no. 47.140), 711

Pintoricchio, ceiling frescos for the Palazzo del Magnifico, Siena (no. 14.114.1–22), 54


general index50

Rossellino, Antonio, Virgin and Child with Angels (no. 41.190.40a), 756

Sano di Pietro, Virgin and Child Enthroned (no. 1975.1.41), 548

Sassetta, Adoration of the Magi (no. 43.98.1), 559

Sassetta, Annunciation (no. 1975.1.26) (Pl. 94, Comp. V), 562, 566

Scheggia, salver with Allegory of Fame (no. 1995.7), 568

Sernigi family, bowl with Sernigi arms (no. 56.171.76), 154 (Fig. 14.1)

Taddeo di Bartolo, Christ and the Twelve Apostles (no. 1991.27.1), 591 (Fig. 98.2)

Tullio Lombardo, Adam (no. 36.163), 207 (Fig. 24.2), 208

Ugolino di Nerio (attrib.), and Master of Monte Oliveto, Crucifixion with the Virgin and Saints Clare, John the Evangelist, and Francis of Assisi; Annunciation, Nativity, Adoration; Coronation of the Virgin, Saints John the Baptist, Stephen (or Lawrence), Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Catherine of Alexandria, and an Unidentified Female Saint (Bequest of George Blumenthal, no. 41.190.31 a–c) (App. 97), 759

Ugolino di Nerio, Virgin and Child (no. 1975.1.5), 603

Museum of Modern ArtMatisse, Henri, The Dance

(no. 201.1963), 677–78 (Fig. VI.3)

New-York Historical SocietyMaster of Vertine, Crucifixion

(no. 1867.14), 186Newhouse (gallery), 365Parke-Bernet (gallery), 469–70, 512

formerly Michele di Matteo, Male Hermit Saint, 469

formerly Michele di Matteo, Saint Anthony Abbot, 469

Michele di Matteo, Saint Francis of Assisi (28 Nov. 1951, lot 59, as Domenico di Bartolo), 469

Pierpont Morgan LibraryCicognara, Antonio, tarot cards

from the Visconti Sforza set (nos. M.630.5, M.630.8, M.630.13), 197, 198 n. 7, 199

Reinhardt Galleries, 469–70formerly Michele di Matteo,

Saint Dominic, 496Richard L. Feigen

Associate of Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi, Maestà, 446 (Fig. 68.2), 450, 451 n. 16

S. Rosenberg and Stiebel, Inc., 752Schaeffer Galleries, 503Sotheby’s, 128, 141, 288, 378, 464, 470,

474, 503, 600, 698, 738

De Roberti, Ercole (circle of ), Adoration of the Shepherds (6 June 2012, lot 9), 734

Luca di Tommè, Christ Redeemer (25 Jan. 2001, lot 1), 504 n. 6

Tzafouris, Nicholas, triptychs with double-sided folding wings (25 Jan. 2001, lot 49), 425 n. 9

Weitzner collectionformerly Bonifacio, Gaius

Mucius Scaevola Burning his Hand before King Porsenna and Coriolanus and his Mother, 162

Williard B. Golovin collectionformerly Memmi, Lippo, Saint

John the Baptist, 196 n. 6, 442, 451 n. 19

New York and Paris, Grassi StudioTaddeo di Bartolo, Crucifixion, 593

Newark, Del.:, Alana collection, 469Giambono, Bishop Saint

(Ambrose?) (Pl. 41, Comp. E), 302–03 (Fig. 41.4), 305

Master of the Spinola Annunciation, Nativity (Pl. 64, Comp. A), 422 (Fig. 64.2), 425

Michele di Matteo, Female Saint, 469

Newgate (co. Durham), Barnard Castle, Bowes Museum

Sassetta (attrib. Berenson), Miracle of the Eucharist, 54

Newhouse (gallery), 365Newton, Gilbert Stuart, 730Niccolò da Uzzano, 234Niccolò di Buonaccorso, 244

Virgin and Child (Paris, Louvre, no. R.F. 1976–7; San Diego, Timken Museum of Art, no. 1967:002), 196 nn. 14 and 19

Niccolò di Gheri, 187Niccolò di Liberatore, see Alunno,

NiccolòNiccolò di Mazzaforte, 92Niccolò di Segna, 498–504, 562,

645–46altarpiece for the Augustinians

in Borgo San Sepolcro (unidentified), 498

altarpiece with Virgin and Child (Montesiepi, chapel of rotunda of San Galgano), 498

Angels (Cleveland Museum of Art, nos. 1962.1–2), 499 n. 13

Apostle and Saint Francis (Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, nos. 2470–71) (Pl. 80, Comp. I), 504

Bishop Saint (Florence, private collection), 499 n. 17

Blessing Christ (Siena, Salini collection), 498

Crucifix (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 46), 498

fresco of Saint Christopher (Monticchiello, Santi Leonardo e Cristoforo), 498

frescos in Spinelli chapel (Siena, Santa Maria dei Servi), 498

high altarpiece for San Maurizio, Siena (dispersed), 498, 503

pentaptych for Vallombrosan abbey in Siena (dispersed), 498

Redeemer (Raleigh, North Carolina Museum of Art, Kress collection, no. 219), 499 n. 13

Resurrection altarpiece for the abbey (now cathedral) of San Giovanni Evangelista, Borgo San Sepolcro (reconstruction), 498, 503 (Fig. 80.2), 562, 646

Saint Anthony Abbot and Saint Andrew (Fairfield, Conn., Bellarmine Museum of Art, nos. K1224Ab), 499 n. 17

Saint Augustine and Saint Ambrose (formerly Genoa, Gnecco collection), 499 n. 17

Saint Bartholomew with Saints John the Evangelist and Nicholas of Bari (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 37) (Pl. 80, Comp. G), 503–04

Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Atlanta, Ga., High Museum of Art, no. 58.52, Samuel H. Kress collection, no. 41) (Pl. 80, Comp. H), 502, 504

Saint Dominic (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 80, Comp. C), 503

Saint James the Great (’s Heerenberg, Huis Bergh, no. 27) (Pl. 80, Comp. E), 503

Saint James the Great (Assisi, Convento di San Francesco, Collezione Frederick Mason Perkins), 499 n. 17

Saint John the Baptist (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 80, Comp. F), 503

Saint John the Evangelist (Assisi, Convento di San Francesco, Collezione Frederick Mason Perkins), 499 n. 17

Saint Julian the Hospitaller (formerly Rome, C. Sestieri), 499 n. 17

Saint Lucy (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.756) (Pl. 80, Comp. A), 503

Saint Mary Magdalene (’s Heerenberg, Huis Bergh, no. 26) (Pl. 80, Comp. B), 503

Saint Maurice (Atlanta, Ga., High Museum of Art, no. 58.51, Samuel H. Kress collection, no. 40) (Pl. 80, Comp. D), 503

San Maurizio altarpiece (reconstruction), 502 (Fig. 80.1)

triptych from San Giovanni d’Asso (dispersed), 498

Virgin and Child (Pl. 80), 500–04Virgin and Child (Cortona, Museo

Diocesano), 498Virgin and Child (Venice, Galleria

di Palazzo Cini, no. 8), 504 n. 2

Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, nos. 4–6), 499 n. 13, 502

Niccolò di Ser Sozzo and Francesco Neri da Volterra

pastiche altarpiece (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 1883.175a–c), 686 n. 5, 649 n. 13

Niccolò di Tommaso, 41, 96, 157Niccolò Fiorentino, see Spinelli,

Niccolò di ForzoreNicholas III Orsini, Pope, 317, 318

n. 14Nicholas IV Masci, Pope, 310, 316Nicholas V Parentucelli, Pope, 156,

492Nicholas V Rainalducci, antipope,

456Nicholson, A. L., 742Nicholson, Mary Elinor (Molly),

708–10Nicholson, Reginald Popham

(Simon), 708–10Tree (Pl. 126), 708–09, 710

—— (attrib.)Plane Trees at the Château de la

Roguette, Hyères (Pl. 127), 710Nicola di Antonio da Firenze

triptych (Urbino, Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, no. 1990 D2), 102

Nicola di Maestro Antonio da Ancona, 102, 104

Nicolau, Pere, 526, 528Nicolò (Fra), 203Nicolò da Voltri, 590–91

Five Apostles and Christ and Six Apostles (Albenga, Museo Diocesano d’Arte Sacra), 590 (Fig. 98.1)

predella (Quarto, San Gerolamo), 590

Nicolò dell’Abate, 524–25Nicolò di Francesco del Fiore, 350Nicolò di Gaspare di Lello, 156Nicolò di Pietro, 350

Amadi tabernacle with image of the Virgin (Venice, Santa Maria dei Miracoli), 280 n. 6

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 675 n. 69, 680Niguarda, Francesco, 137Nijmegen, Museum Het Valkhof

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus, Soldiers on March (no. C. XVI. 243), 410

Nijinska, Kyra, 33Nimatallah, 85 n. 68Nini, Bernardino, 490Noailles, Charles, 192, 374, 710–11Noailles, Marie-Laure de

(Bischoffsheim), 710–11


general index 51

Noaleformerly Bordon, Paris, Saint

George Slaying the Dragon, 168Nocci, Camillo, 377, 378 n. 9Nonantola, Museo dell’Abbazia

Michele di Matteo, altarpiece, 466

Nordhoff, Evelyn Hunter, 68 n. 120Norfolk, Va., Chrysler Museum

Ceccarelli, Naddo, triptych (no. II.72.3), 377

Norton, Charles Eliot, 69 n. 129, 348, 722 n. 2

Norton, Grace, 722Norton, Richard, 348Norton, Robert, 710Noseda, Aldo, 15, 25, 28–29, 31, 42,

122, 204, 206, 208 n. 2, 252, 254 (Fig. 22.1), 256 n. 5, 320, 362, 384, 387, 615, 755

emblems, 204 (Pl. 24a)Notre Dame, Ind., Snite Museum

of ArtLorenzo di Giovanni (Master of

San Miniato), Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (no. 1974.011) (App. 64), 36, 750

Puccio di Simone, Crucifixion (no. 61.47.4) (Pl. 88, Comp. B), 538 (Fig. 88.2), 539 (Fig. 88.3)

Novaero, Giovanni Pietro, 505Novaero, Tonino

Holy Family with Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Karlsruhe, Staatliche Kunsthalle, no. 1165), 503, 506 (Fig. 81.2), 508

Virgin and Child in Glory with Saints Gotthard, Bernardino of Siena, Mary Magdalene, Nicholas of Bari, and Alexander (Clusone, Santa Maria Assunta), 505–06 (Fig. 81.1)

Virgin and Child with Saints Francis of Assisi and Jerome (?) (Pl. 81), 505–08

Nuzi, Allegretto, 279, 404 n. 1, 535, 538, 658

OOderisi da Gubbio, 309Odoni, Andrea, 390Offner, Richard, 38, 41, 107, 220,

223–24, 230, 235, 309–10, 325 n. 1, 401, 404, 406, 423–24, 444, 476, 478–79, 535, 537, 593

Ognibene da Verona, 397Ojetti, Ugo, 23, 414, 686–87Olera, San Bartolomeo

Cima da Conegliano, Saint Sebastian from the altarpiece, 207, 208 n. 12

Olgiate Molgora (near Cremona), Sommi Picenardi collection, 197, 198 n. 3

Oliverotto da Fermo, 576Orcagna (Andrea di Cione), 93, 220,

223, 384, 476–80, 537, 648, 649 n. 15

altarpiece in Strozzi chapel (Florence, Santa Maria Novella), 476

Assumption of the Virgin (Florence, Orsanmichele), 476

frescos above the high altar in Santa Maria Novella, Florence (lost), 476

Virgin and Child Enthroned (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, no. SK-C-1608), 97 n. 17

work in cathedral of Orvieto, 476—— completed by Jacopo di Cione

altarpiece of Saint Matthew for Orsanmichele, Florence (Florence, Uffizi, no. 3163), 476

—— school of, 94Oretti, Marcello, 465Origo, Iris, 534Orioli, Pietro di Francesco, 273, 427,

490, 509cross (New York, Metropolitan

Museum of Art, no. 22.60.61), 612

Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, and Sebastian (Buonconvento, Santi Pietro e Paolo), 430, 432 n. 14

Virgin and Child with Two Angels and a Model of the Church of Santa Maria in Portico a Fontegiusta in Siena (Williamstown, Mass., Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, no. 934), 438

Orloff, Prince Alexey Fyodorovich, 340, 343 n. 4

Orloff-Demidoff, Prince, 343 n. 4Orsi, Carlo, 731Orsi Battaglini, Nicolò, 85 n. 68Orsi da Collecchio, Bernardino,

209–10, 359Virgin and Child and Saints

(Reggio Emilia, Museo Diocesano), 210 n. 5

Orsini, Antonio (Master of the Imola Triptych), 522 n. 4

Orsini, Francesco, 574, 580 n. 21Orsini, Gian Gaetano, 310, 316–17,

318 n. 14Orsini, Matteo, Cardinal, 457Orsini, Napoleone, Cardinal, 316–17,

318 n. 14, 442, 456, 458 n. 33Orsini, Paolo, 580 n. 21Orsini del Balzo, Raimondello, 394Orsini family, 49, 316–18, 366, 373,

424, 456Orte, Museo Diocesano

Pastura, Virgin and Child, 412Ortolano, 217–18Orvieto

cathedralAngelico (Fra), fresco cycle in

Cappella Nova, 571–72Crisostomo di Jacomo di Ser

Nino da Orvieto, frescos for choir, 412

Gentile da Fabriano, fresco of Virgin and Child , 280

Giacomo di Lorenzo da Bologna, frescos for choir, 412

Giovan Francesco d’Avanzarano, called Fantastico, frescos for choir, 412

Memmi, Lippo, and Memmi workshop, Virgin of Mercy, Cappella del Corporale, 49, 441, 444 (Fig. 68.1), 449–50

Orcagna, work in, 476Pastura, restoration of Ugolino

di Prete Ilario’s frescos in choir, 412

Signorelli, Luca, fresco cycle in the Cappella Nova, 571, 581 n. 33

Signorelli, Luca, frescos for chapel of San Brixio, 412

Ugolino di Prete Ilario, frescos for choir, 412

Museo dell’Opera del DuomoAssociate of Lippo and

Tederigo Memmi, Virgin and Child in Orvieto, 449

Santa Caterina d’AlessandriaMartini, Simone, polyptych,

441Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo,

Saint Thomas Aquinas in Glory, 441

Osnago, Francesco, 136Osoppo, Santa Maria ad Nives

Pellegrino da San Daniele, Virgin and Child with Saints, 308

Osservanza Master (?)cross (Siena, Nobile Contrada del

Nicchio), 611–12see also Sano di Pietro

Ostra Vetere (formerly Montenovo), Santa Maria di Piazza

Antonio da Firenze, altarpiece with the Annunciation between Saints Benedict and Giovanni Gualberto, 102

Ottawa, National Gallery of CanadaAssociate of Lippo and Tederigo

Memmi, Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. 6430), 449

Jacopo di Cione, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints (no. 15,000), 97 n. 14

Ugolino di Nerio, polyptych with Saint Anne and the Infant Virgin (no. 26956), 603

Otterlo, Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Christ Crowned with Thorns (no. 70), 355–56, 358 n. 20

Ovetari family, 91, 118, 151, 297, 302, 475, 519

Ovid, 268, 271–72, 367, 409–10, 464Oxford

Ashmolean MuseumAndrea del Brescianino,

portrait of a young woman with a book (no. A370), 179

Degli Erri, Bartolomeo, Saint Vincent Ferrer Preaching before a Pope (no. A93), 671

Ferrari, Francesco Bianchi (attr.) (Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus?), Arion (no. A733), 410

Giorgione, Virgin and Child with a View of the Ducal Palace (no. WA1949.222), 124–25

Giotto workshop, Virgin and Child (no. WA1913.1), 316 (Fig. 43.5), 317, 318 n. 19

Granacci, Francesco (attrib.), Dead Christ Supported by the Virgin in the Sepulcher (WA1913.7) (App. 45), 746

Memmi, Tederigo, Crucifixion and Lamentation (no. A73), 442

Christ ChurchBello, Marco, Virgin and Child

with Young Saint John the Baptist (no. 184), 128

Exeter CollegeLorenzetti, Pietro, altarpiece

pinnacle, 379Oxford and Asquith, Earl of, 433

PPacchia, Girolamo del, 64, 509, 510Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, 50, 509–14,

754Allegory of Autumn (present

whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 82, Comp. C), 512, 514 (Fig. 82.3)

Allegory of Spring (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 82, Comp. A), 512, 514 (Fig. 82.1)

Allegory of Summer (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 82, Comp. B), 512, 514 (Fig. 82.2)

Allegory of Time (Pl. 82), 50, 511–14Allegory of Winter (Chaalis,

Musée Jacquemart-André, no. 1889.76) (Pl. 82, Comp. D), 512, 514 (Fig. 82.4)

banner for the company of the Beato Andrea Gallerani (lost), 509

Borghese altarpiece in Santo Spirito, Siena (predella in Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 406), 509

decoration of central nave of Siena cathedral, 509

decoration of chapel in Santa Maria a Tressa, Siena (lost), 510

decoration of chapel of Sant’Andrea (Siena, San Francesco), 509

decoration of oratory of company of San Giovanni Battista della Morte (Siena), 510

Enthroned Virgin and Child (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 141) (App. 79), 27, 754


general index52

fresco in Casole d’Elsa (Casole d’Elsa, Museo Archeologico e della Collegiata), 509

images of the Redeemer in Borghesi chapel (Siena, Santo Spirito), 511

images of the Redeemer in chapel of Girolamo Basso della Rovere (Rome, Santa Maria del Popolo), 511

Last Supper (Siena, Santa Marta, refectory), 509, 510 n. 14

Miracle of the Stigmatization of Saint Catherine of Siena (Siena, oratory of Santa Caterina in Fontebranda), 509–10

painted curtain for Gentile da Fabriano’s Madonna “dei banchetti,” 510 n. 18

painting of clockface of Torre del Manga of the Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, 509

Saint Mary Magdalene and an Angel (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 80), 754

spalliere panels with Judgments of Solomon and Daniel (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, nos. 218–19), 512

triumphal arch for entrance of Charles V in Siena, 510 n. 18

Virgin and Child with Saints (Sant’Ippolito near Asciano), 509

work for guild of notaries, Siena, 510

—— and Pintoricchiodecoration of Piccolomini Library

(Siena, cathedral), 509, 511Pacepta, Donna, 618Pacher, Michael, 306Pacino di Bonaguida, 423, 660

book illumination, 404Saint Proculus on a Journey Stops a

Doe in the Wilderness and Saint Proculus Induces the Doe to Give Milk to his Thirsty Companions (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, bequest of Grenville L. Winthrop, 1943.110–11) (App. 81), 755

Pacioli, Luca, 571Padua

EremitaniGiovanni da Pisa and Nicolò

Pizolo, terracotta altarpiece in the Ovetari chapel, 118 n. 3

Mantegna, Andrea, frescos in Ovetari chapel, 91, 475

Musei CiviciArtist unknown, Adoration of

the Magi (no. 425), 464 n. 5Basaiti, Marco, Virgin Adoring

the Christ Child between Saints Peter and Liberale (no. 33), 125

Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin Adoring the Christ Child, 125 n. 12

Bellini, Jacopo and Gentile, Descent into Limbo (no. 416), 115 n. 1

Costa, Lorenzo, scenes from the legend of the Argonauts (no. 424), 209, 210 n. 1

Francesco de’ Franceschi, Saint Michael Archangel (no. 395), 301, 302 (Fig. 41.3)

Giambono, Bishop Martyr Saint (no. 384) (Pl. 41, Comp. I), 303 (Fig. 41.4), 304–05

Giambono, Bishop or Abbot Saint (Saint Augustine?) (no. 7) (Pl. 41, Comp. A), 304

Giambono, Papal Saint (Saint Gregory the Great?) (no. 8) (Pl. 41, Comp. D), 305

Giambono, Saint Augustine (?) (no. 7), 302, 303 (Fig. 41.4), 304

Giambono, Saint Gregory the Great (?) (no. 8), 302, 303 (Fig. 41.4), 305

Giotto, crucifixes, 318 n. 3San Francesco

Vivarini, Antonio and Bartolomeo, altarpiece for, 358 n. 4

San MicheleBellini, Jacopo, altarpiece of

Saint Michael Archangel, San Michele, Padua (destroyed), 301, 304

Bellini, Jacopo, fresco of Saint Michael Archangel (lost), 297

San PietroFranceschi, Francesco de’,

pentaptych, 304Santa Maria in Vanzo

Michele da Verona, Crucifixion, 459, 462 (Fig. 70.2)

Sant’Antonio (Il Santo)Bellini, Jacopo and Gentile,

triptych for Gattamelata chapel, 114, 118

Donatello, altar in, 475Donatello, bronze relief of

Dead Christ and Angels, high altarpiece, 134

Donatello, Miracle of the Penitent Son, 255

Scotti collection, 305Scrovegni chapel

Giotto, frescos, 309–10Giotto, Lamentation, 320, 673–74

(Fig. V.7)Pagani, Vincenzo, 516Paganori, Vincenzo, 43, 51, 566 (Pl. 94d)Palermo

Chiaromonte BordonaroMichele di Matteo, Virgin of

Humility, 465Museo NazionaleBartolomeo da Camogli, Virgin of

Humility (no. 8), 194Palla di Nofri family, 280Pallavicini family, 425Palm Beach, Fla., Mesker collection,


Palma Giovane, Jacopo, 288 n. 23Palma Vecchio, Jacopo, 160, 162, 169,

351, 508Virgin and Child (Berlin, Staatliche

Museen, no. 31), 124Palma, Antonio, 506Palmerino di Guido, 310, 318 n. 13Palmezzano, Marco, 147, 515–17

Carmine Annunciation altarpiece (Forlì, Pinacoteca Civica “Bruno Molajoli,” no. 120), 516

Judith and Holofernes (Geneva, Musées d’Art et d’Histoire, no. CR 0120), 516

Micheline altarpiece in Faenza (Pinacoteca Civica “Bruno Molajoli,”, no. 110), 516

Portrait of a Youth (Vienna, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, no. 1098), 516

portraits of saints (Faenza, Pinacoteca Comunale, no. 111), 516

—— (?)Portrait of a Man (Pl. 83), 44 n. 72,

516–17Palmieri, Matteo, 171Palmieri, Ruggiero, 33Palmieri Nuti, Antonio, 54, 56, 67

n. 73, 68 n. 96Panciatichi, Antonio di Giovanni,

243 n. 31Panciatichi, Bartolomeo, 524Panciatichi Ximenes d’Aragona,

Ferdinando, 26–28, 66, 236, 239–40, 243, 675, 757–78

Pandolfo da Pontecarvo, 458 n. 29Panetti, Domenico, 355, 358Pannonio, Michele, 362, 518–22

Angel Playing a Lute (Princeton University Art Museum, no. X1945-5), 518, 522 (Fig. 84.3)

Crucifixion with Saint Claire of Assisi (private collection), 518, 520

decoration of apartment of Borso d’Este (Ferrara, Certosa), 518

fresco of interior of facade of cathedral, Ferrara, 518

Muse Thalia (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 44), 518, 520 (Fig. 84.1)

polychromy of scultures in altarpiece of court chapel of Leonello d’Este, 518

Saint Anthony Abbot (private collection), 518, 520

Saint Bernardino (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 74), 518, 520 (Fig. 84.2)

Saint George and a Dragon (private collection), 518, 520

Virgin and Child (Pl. 84), 28, 84 n. 43, 519–22

Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas of Bari, Jerome, Augustine, and Christopher (Venice, Cini collection), 519–20

Panozzi, Angelo, 502, 504

Paoletti, Egisto, 612 n. 7Paoletti, Guido (?), 38, 45, 750Paolieri, Ferdinando, 639, 642 n. 3Paolini, Paolo, 15, 28, 77–78, 88, 92 n. 1,

113 n. 1, 558 n. 2, 660, 742–43, 754Paolo da Caylina, 250Paolo da Siena, 457Paolo da Verona, 534Paolo di Amadeo, 297Paolo di Giovanni, 63, 504Paolo di Martino Veneziano

two polyptychs for Chioggia (Chioggia, Museo Diocesano), 397

Paolo Schiavo, 106, 134, 607Paolo Veneziano, 290, 397–400

Crucifixion (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1939.1.143), 324

Saint Lucy and Stories from her Legend (Krk (Veglia], Saint Lucy), 398–99

Virgin and Child (Milan, Museo Diocesano, Crespi collection), 631

—— and workshoppanels with apostles (Poitiers,

Musée de la Ville, nos. 851–1–7 and 851–1–14), 285

Papini, Giovanni, 681, 689Parenti, Marco, 234, 240, 243 n. 33Parentino, Bernardo, 25, 308, 474—— follower of

Adoration of the Christ Child with Saint Joseph and the Shepherds (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 82), 755

ParisAlain Cortreille

formerly Michele di Matteo, Female Hermit Saint, 469

formerly Michele di Matteo, Saint Ambrose, 469

Bibliothèque Nationale de FranceBerthault, Pierre-Gabriel, after

Jean-Louis Prieur, Murder of Patriot Nicolas Jean-Baptiste Lescuyer in the Church of the Cordeliers at Avignon on 16 October 1791 (, Département estampes et photographie, Reserve QB-370 (47)-FT 4), 456–57 (Fig. 69.2)

Spinelli, Niccolò di Forzore, medals of Paolo Vitelli (nos. AV 1331, AV 1642, It. Pers. 380), 574, 569 (Fig. 96.4), 580 n. 20

Bossy collection, 343Durand-Ruel gallery, 47Duveen, 29Gabriel Fodor collection; later

Paris, Kalman collectionBellini, Giovanni, Virgin and

Child, 118 n. 3Louvre

Alunno, Niccolò, altarpiece for San Nicolò, Foligno (no. 53), 87

Baldovinetti, Alesso, Virgin and Child (no. 1134B), 240


general index 53

Bellini, Jacopo, Virgin and Child (no. RF 41), 118 n. 2

Braccesco, Carlo, Annunciation (no. 1410), 262

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, Crucifixion (no. 312), 182

Costa, Lorenzo, Coronation of a Poetess (no. 1261), 209

Costa, Lorenzo, Court of Comus (no. 1262), 210

Dossi, Dosso, portrait (no. 866), 525 n. 2

Gentile da Fabriano, Strozzi altarpiece of Adoration of the Magi (no. 295), 242 n. 14, 280, 282, 288 n. 22, 290, 292, 335, 398, 518, 559

Giotto, Stigmatization of Saint Francis (no. 309), 310, 314, 316, 318

Liberale da Verona or Girolamo da Cremona, cassone panel with Rape of Europa (no. MI 585), 362, 369

Lippi, Filippo, Barbadori altarpiece (no. 1344), 151

Lorenzo Monaco, triptych of Passion scenes (no. RF 965), 384

Lorenzo Monaco, Virgin of Humility (no. M.I. 381), 388

Malouel, Jean, Virgin and Child (no. RF 1942–29), 658

Mantegna, Andrea, Madonna della Vittoria (no. 369), 574

Martini, Simone, Road to Calvary from Orsini polyptych (no. 760bis), 49, 424, 425 n. 7

Martorell, Bernat, four scenes from the legend of Saint George (nos. RF 1570–73), 658

Memmi, Lippo, Saint Martin and the Beggar and Fall of the Rebel Angels (nos. D.L. 1967-1 A–B), 443

Michele di Matteo, predella with Legend of Heraclius (no. RF 30), 465

Niccolò di Buonaccorso, Virgin and Child (no. RF 1976–7), 196 nn. 14 and 19

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, part of main altarpiece of the cathedral of Burgo de Osma (no. RF 1579, 1708, 1709), 526

Pesellino, Francesco, altarpiece (no. 1661), 147

Piot, René, Landscape in the Florentine Hills (Département des Arts Graphiques, no. RF 23346), 678, 680 (Fig. VI.7), 683

Piot, René, Marie Justin Baechler (Département des Arts Graphiques, no. RF 31699, recto), 676 (Fig. VI.1), 677, 682, 714

Piot, René, Valley from Settignano (Département

des Arts Graphiques, no. RF 31697), 678, 680 (Fig. VI.6), 683

Pisanello, drawings of textile designs (Département des Arts Graphiques, no. 2537), 300

Quarton, Enguerrand, Pietà (no. RF 1569), 658

Sassetta, Blessed Ranieri Shows the Friars the Miser of Citerna’s Soul Carried to Hell by Demons (no. RF 1988–9) (Pl. 94, Comp. K), 562, 566

Sassetta, Liberation of the Prisoners of Florence (no. RF 1965–2) (Pl. 94, Comp. M), 562, 566

Sassetta, Saint Anthony of Padua (no. RF 1956–11) (Pl. 94, Comp. F), 562, 564–65

Sassetta, Saint John the Evangelist (no. RF 1956–11) (Pl. 94, Comp. E), 562, 564–65

Sassetta, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Six Angels (no. RF 1956–11) (Pl. 94, Comp. D), 562, 564–65, 566 n. 7

Signorelli, Luca, Adoration of the Magi (no. 1526), 571, 581 n. 37

Titian, Concert champêtre (no. 71), 42 n. 7

Titian, Virgin and Child with Saints Stephen, Maurice (?), and Jerome (no. 1577), 167, 169

Moisin, 69 n. 160Moratilla (Eduardo; art dealer),

397, 474formerly Marco di Paolo

Veneziano, panel with subjects from apocryphal gospels, 397

Musée d’OrsayDegas, Edgar, Pédicure (no. RF

1896), 43 n. 14Musée des Arts Décoratifs

Biagio d’Antonio, Betrothal of Jason and Medea (no. PE102), 147

Costa, Lorenzo, scenes from the legend of the Argonauts (no. PE90), 209, 210 n. 1

Daddi, Bernardo, Saint Peter Martyr Stopping a Runaway Horse while Preaching in a Square (no. PE 77), 231

Giacomo di Nicola da Recanati, altarpiece for Sant’Elpidio a Mare (no. PE 98), 398

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Crucifixion (no. Pe 91), 613, 616

Musée Jacquemart-AndréBotticini, Francesco, Virgin and

Child with Saints John the Baptist, Pancras, Sebastian, and Peter (no. 763), 171, 175

Mantegna, Andrea, Ovetari chapel frescos (copies of )

(no. MJA)—P–2246), 302, 305 n. 20, 475

Mantegna, Andrea, Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Louis of Toulouse (no. P 2184), 116 (Fig. 7.2), 118

Tura, Cosmè, Apotheosis of Saint Ursula (no. 1015), 200, 201 n. 2

Sedelmeyerformerly Anonymous Master

of Clusone, Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist and the Prophet David, 506

Sirez de Longeville collection, 179–80

Trotti et Co., 264, 340, 743formerly Cozzarelli, Guidoccio,

cassone panel with story of Lucretia, 337, 338 n. 12

Parisati da Montagnana, Jacopo, 114, 308

Parke-Bernet (gallery), 469–70, 512Parma

Galleria NazionaleCaselli, Cristoforo, altarpiece

for the Consorzio dei Vivi e dei Morti, Parma (no. A), 359

Cima da Conegliano, Sacred Conversation for Montini chapel, Parma cathedral (no. 360), 203

Cima da Conegliano, tondi with mythological scenes (nos. 370, 373), 635 n. 7

Cima da Conegliano, Virgin and Child with Saints Michael Archangel and Andrew (no. 361), 207

San Giovanni EvangelistaBazzi, Giovanni Antonio (from

Parma), fresco, 356Bazzi, Giovanni Antonio (from

Parma), fresco of Christ and the Samaritan Woman (lost), 356, 359

Parmigianino, decorations for, 523Parmesan School

Virgin and Child (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 83), 755

Parmigianino (Francesco Mazzola), 523–25

Allegorical Portrait of Charles V (lost), 523

altarpiece of the Baptism of Christ (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1179), 523

Conversion of Saul (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, no. 68A), 523

decorations for San Giovanni Evangelista, Parma, 523

fresco of legend of Diana and Acteon F(ontenellato, castle of the Sanvitale), 523

Holy Family (Madrid, Prado, no. 238), 523

Lorenzo Pucci (London, National

Gallery, on deposit from duke of Abercorn), 525 n. 3

Malatesta Baglioni (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, no. 277), 525 n. 3

Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine (Bardi [Parma], Santa Maria), 523

Pier Maria Rossi (Madrid, Prado, no. P00279), 525

portrait of Galeazzo Sanvitale (Naples, Capodimonte, no. 111), 523

Saint Rocco (Bologna, San Petronio), 512

Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, no. 58), 523

Virgin and Child with Saints Stephen and John the Baptist (Dresden, Gemäldegalerie, no. 160), 523

Virgin of Saint Margaret (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 116), 523

Virgin of the Long Neck (Florence, Uffizi, no. 1328), 523

Virgin of the Rose (Dresden, Gemäldegalerie, no. 161), 523

—— (copy after)Knight of the Order of Santiago

(present whereabouts unknown), 524 (Fig. 85.1), 525

Portrait of a Man (Pl. 85), 524–25Parsons, Harold Woodbury, 650Parsons, Mr., 423, 425Pasadena, Norton Simon Museum

Bellini, Giovanni, Portrait of Jörg Fugger (no. M.1969), 119

Carpaccio, Vittore (?) (Andrea Previtali?), Head of a Man (no. F.1965.1.012.P), 758

Daddi, Bernardo, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Giovanni Gualberto, Francis, John the Baptist, and Nicholas of Bari (?) (no. F.1970.06.2.P) (App. 27), 741

Giovanni di Paolo, altarpiece for Branchini chapel, San Domenico, Siena (no. F.1978.01.P), 330, 331 n. 4, 335 n. 6

Lorenzetti, Pietro, high altarpiece for San Niccolò al Carmine, Siena (nos. F1973.08.1–2P), 373

Pasadena, Norton Simon Museum and Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum

Degas, Edgar, Waiting (no. M.1983.1.P), 21, 43 n. 14

Pasqualino VenetoCircumcision (present

whereabouts unknown) (App. 84), 755

Passaglia, Augustobronze bust on the tomb of

Gaetano Bianchi (Florence, Cimitero della Misericordia, Bianchi chapel), 644 n. 7


general index54

Passavant, Johann David, 142 n. 21Passerini, Margherita, 534Passerini, Silvio, Bishop of Cortona

(later Cardinal), 534Pasti, Matteo de’, 45Pastura (Antonio del Massaro da

Viterbo), 412–13restoration of Ugolino di Prete

Ilario’s frescos in choir of Orvieto cathedral, 412

Virgin and Child (Orte, Museo Diocesano), 412

Pater, Walter, 41–42, 669, 673, 675 n. 48, 724 n. 13

Paul of Yugoslavia, Prince, see Karadordevic, Paul

Paulucci Panciatichi Ximenes d’Aragona, Marianna, 25–28, 49, 238–39, 243 nn. 23 and 25–26, 757–58

purchases, 25 (Fig. I.10)Pavia

Castello SforzescoFoppa, Vincenzo with Zanetto

Bugatto and Costantino da Vaprio, reliquary tabernacle for the ducal chapel, 250

CertosaBergognone, Ambrogio,

Crucifixion, 136Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint

Ambrose Enthroned and Four Saints, 136, 137 n. 2

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with Blessing Redeemer with the Fathers of the Church and the Evangelists, 136, 144

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin of the Carpet, 141

Bergognone, Ambrogio, work for, 136–37

Bergognone, Ambrogio, and collaborator (Pietro da Velate?), Saint Siro Enthroned and Four Saints, 136

Foppa, Vincenzo, work for, 250Giovanni Agostino da Lodi

and Ambrogio Bergognone, altarpiece, 137

convento of MortaraEste, Baldassare d’, panel with

twelve apostles (lost), 614Museo della Certosa

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint Benedict (no. 1964), 534

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with Saints Peter and Paul (nos. 1964, 538, and 537), 136

Pinacoteca MalaspinaBellini, Giovanni, Virgin and

Child (no. 22), 118 nn. 1 and 3Cima da Conegliano (attrib.),

Redeemer (no. 383), 635 n. 6San Giacomo della Vernavola

Foppa, Vincenzo, partition wall, 250

San TommasoFoppa, Vincenzo, altarpiece for

Bottigelli chapel, 251

Santa Maria GualtieriFoppa, Vincenzo, altarpiece

(lost), 251Pazzagli, Giuseppe, 744Pazzi, Giacomo de’, Bishop of

Arezzo, 576Pazzi family, 242Pecci, Giovanni Antonio, 437 n. 10,

559Peccia, Niccolò di Angelo del, 559Pellegrini family, 464, 474Pellegrino da San Daniele

Virgin and Child with Saints (Osoppo, Santa Maria ad Nives), 308

Pellegrino di Mariano, 265, 550Pellicciaio, Jacopo di Mino del, 182,

244, 587, 594Pellicioli, Mauro, 506Pendaglia family, 518Penna, Federico, 654Penna, Lazzaro di Giovanni della,

466Pennacchi, Pier Maria, 84

Virgin and Child (Faulkner, Md., Loyola Retreat House), 84 n. 32

Pennell, Joseph and Elizabeth Robins, 66 n. 22

Pensaben, (Fra) Marco (Marco Bello?)

Virgin and Child (Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie, no. 237), 126 n. 2

—— and Girolamo Savoldoaltarpiece (Treviso, San Nicolò),

170 n. 15Pepoli, Galeazzo, 466Pericciuoli, Alfredo, 627Pericciuoli family, 451 n. 14Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, 526–30

altarpiece of Saint Martin of Tours (Valencia, Museo de Bellas Artes, no. 250), 526

Borja Retablo of the Virgin of Xátiva (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 29.1129) (reconstruction), 528 (Fig. 86.1)

main altarpiece of the cathedral of Burgo de Osma (also pieces in Paris, Louvre, no. RF 1579, 1708, 1709; Barcelona, Museu Frederic Marès, no. 934; Cleveland Museum of Art, no. 1947.208), 526

panels from the Borja Retable (?) (Pl. 86), 527–30

retable of Saint Barbara (Barcelona, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, no. 35.672), 527

retable with life of Saint Anne (lost), 526

retable with lifes of John the Baptist and John the Evangelist (lost), 526

retables with lives of the Virgin (lost), 526

Saint Bartholomew (Worcester,

Mass., Worcester Art Museum, no. 1919.315), 528

Saint Michael Archangel (Edinburgh, Scottish National Gallery, no. 1.021), 526

Saints Martha and Clement (Valencia, Museo Catedralicio Diocesano), 526, 528

—— and workshopretable of the Joys of the Virgin,

parish church of Rubielos de Mora, 527

—— and workshop, Pere Guillem, and Guillem Lagostera

retable of Saint Michael Archangel (Murcia, catheddral of Santa María), 528, 530 (Fig. 86.2)

—— and Guerau Generretable with life of Saint Dominic

(Madrid, Prado, no. P3111), 526–27

—— and Pere NicolauVirgin and the Annunciation

(Valencia, Museo de Bellas Artes, nos. 406–7), 526

—— Marçal de Sas, and Guerau Gener

altarpiece for Pere Torrella of Valencia, 526

Perkins, Frederick Mason, 15, 25, 28–29, 52, 53 (Fig. II.11), 54–64, 67 nn. 58 and 66, 67 nn. 78 and 82, 68 nn. 89–90, 94, and 96, 74–75, 82, 84, 132, 150, 196, 230, 231 n. 1, 267, 272 n. 2, 274 n. 7, 278 n. 17, 292 n. 1, 334, 340, 374, 376, 378 n. 1, 383, 428, 431 n. 2, 432–33, 440, 444–50, 451 n. 7, 495, 499, 552, 554 n. 20, 566, 580 n. 9, 588 n. 18, 592, 604, 606 n. 5, 608, 610, 612, 627, 640, 654, 688, 740, 758–59

Perkins, Irène Vavasour Elder, 15, 53 (Fig. II.11), 57

Perkins, Lucy Olcott, 15, 52, 54 (Fig. II.12), 55–57, 60, 67 n. 52, 68 nn. 98–100, 374, 606 n. 5, 688 nn. 18 and 22–23

Perna, Pietro, 578, 581 n. 43Perry, Rachel, 724Perry, Ralph Burton, 15, 76, 724 n. 15Persicini, Giovanni, 290Perugia

Baglioni PalaceDomenico Veneziano, work

in, 156cathedral

Bonfigli, Benedetto, fresco of San Bernardino, 156

Galleria Nazionale dell’UmbriaAngelico (Fra), Guidalotti

altarpiece from San Domenico, Perugia (no. 96), 91, 92 n. 18

Angelico (Fra), polyptych for San Domenico (nos. 91–108), 156

Alunno, Niccolò, Annunciation

for Confraternità dell’Annunziata, Perugia (no. 169), 92

Benvenuto di Giovanni, predellas (no. 78), 145

Boccati, Giovanni, Pietà (no. 437), 152

Boccati, Giovanni, Virgin of the Orchestra (no. 147), 151, 153–54

Boccati, Giovanni, Virgin of the Pergola (nos. 150–51), 151–52

Bonfigli, Benedetto, Adoration of the Magi (nos. 140–41), 156

Bonfigli, Benedetto, Annunciation with Saint Luke (no. 138), 156

Bonfigli, Benedetto, Virgin and Child with Four Music-making Angels (no. 144), 156

Bonfigli, Benedetto, Virgin and Child with Saints (no. 158), 156

Bonfigli, Benedetto, with Bartolomeo Caporali, Adoration of the Magi (nos. 142, 145), 156

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin and Child with Singing Angels for San Domenico, Perugia (no. 129), 157, 238, 241, 279, 285, 288 n. 22

Gozzoli, Benozzo, altarpiece for the Sapienza Nuova (no. 124), 151

Luca di Paolo da Matelica, Annunciation with the Blessing God the Father; Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels with the Man of Sorrows (no. 879) (App. 66), 81, 751

Meo da Siena, altarpiece for Santa Maria di Valdiponte (Monteabate) (nos. 1–3 and 1068), 589–90

Perugino, Pietro, Adoration of the Magi (no. 180), 531

Taddeo di Bartolo, double-sided heptatych of 1403 for Perugia (nos. 62–64, 66, and 1072), 588

Taddeo di Bartolo, high altarpiece for San Francesco al Prato, Perugia (no. 62), 562

Taddeo di Bartolo, single-field painting (no. 67), 588

Palazzo dei PrioriBonfigli, Benedetto, cycle for

chapel of, 156Bonfigli, Benedetto, frescoed

chamber for, 234San Domenico

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin and Child, 157

San PietroBonfigli, Benedetto, Maestà for

(lost), 156Perugino, Pietro, 27, 77, 109, 143, 147,

273, 277, 293–94, 296, 344, 531–34, 571–72, 626, 754

Adoration of the Magi (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 180), 531


general index 55

altarpiece for the Certosa of Pavia (London, National Gallery, nos. 288.1–3), 531

Christ Giving the Keys to Peter (Vatican City, Sistine chapel), 531, 571

Crucifixion (Siena, Santo Spirito), 293

fresco of Saint Jerome (copy) owned by Baccio Gondi, 328 n. 18

Last Supper (Fuligno, Cenacolo di Fuligno), 644

Nativity for the Vieri chapel in San Francesco, Siena (lost), 337, 509

retable of Santissima Annunziata, Florence (disassembled), 293, 532

Saint Filippo Benizzi (Altenburg, Lindenau-Museum, no. 114), 532

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (Rome, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica in Palazzo Barberini, no. 1212), 532 (Fig. 87.1)

Virgin in Glory and Saints (Scarani altarpiece for San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 579), 209, 217

—— (designer)Saint James the Great (Pl. 87), 532–34Saint John the Evangelist (Pl. 87),

532–34—— (?) or Antonio da Viterbo (?)

Virgin and Child (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 143), 414

Peruzzi, Angelo, Bishop of Sarsina, 606 n. 12

Peruzzi, Baldassare, 64, 178Peruzzi, Bernardo, 102Peruzzi family, 148, 238, 243 n. 35, 310,

318, 325–29jettons, 240 (Fig. 31.2)


Jacobello del Fiore, Crucifix, 350

Museo CivicoMichele di Matteo, Dream of

the Virgin (no. 4557), 465Michele di Matteo, Saints

Constantine and Bartholomew (no. 3993), 465

Santa Maria delle GrazieJacobello del Fiore, triptych of

Montegranaro, 350Jacobello del Fiore, triptych

of Santa Michelina, Pesaro (no. 3817), 350

PesciaMuseo Civico

Neri di Bicci, Annunciation with Saints Luke and Apollonia, 419

San FrancescoBerlinghieri, Bonaventura,

retable, 400 n. 7

Pesellino, Francesco, 29, 106–08, 135 n. 18, 158, 241, 401, 546 n. 9, 646, 650, 675, 742

altarpiece (Paris, Louvre, no. 1661), 147

Trinity altarpiece for Pistoia (London, National Gallery, nos. 727, 3162, 3230, 428; British Royal Collection, no. L15; Saint Petersburg, Hermitage, no. 5511), 234, 235 n. 7

Triumph of David (London, National Gallery, no. 6580), 278 n. 13

Pesello (Giuliano d’Arrigo), 235Petit, Georges, 131, 134, 260, 487, 554,

714, 743, 753–54Petrarca, Francesco, 106, 114, 311,

317–18, 442, 456, 511, 568Triumph of Time, 511

Petrucci, Pandolfo, 337, 341, 572Petrucci, Sulpicia, 179, 410Petruccio di Lorenzo, 382

altarpiece in Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, 373

Petruccioli, Cola, 248Philadelphia Museum of Art

Andrea del Brescianino, male portrait (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 113), 180 n. 2

Anon. Sienese painter, Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Catherine of Siena (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 1169), 496

Apollonio di Giovanni and Marco del Buono workshop, Virgin and Child (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 26), 107

Bellini, Gentile, Nativity with the Doge Cristoforo Moro in Prayer (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 168), 114, 118

Bello, Marco, Virgin and Child (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 185), 128 n. 6

Benedetto di Bindo, diptych with the Virgin of Humility and Saint Jerome in his Study (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 153), 196 nn. 8 and 14

“Boltraffio” (unknown Lombard painter), portrait of a young man (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 268), 706 n. 1

Bordon, Paris, Saint Jerome in a Landscape (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 206), 168

Botticelli, Sandro, Lorenzo de’ Lorenzi (John G. Johnson Collection, no. 48), 580 n. 31, 581 n. 54

Cima da Conegliano, episodes of the legend of Theseus and Ariadne (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. nos. 177–78), 208 n. 14

Cima da Conegliano, three fragments with Dionysian

scenes (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. nos. 177–78), 635 n. 7

Costa, Lorenzo, Virgin and Child (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 244) (App. 21), 740

Crivelli, Carlo, Dead Christ (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 158), 135 nn. 25 and 26

Dossi, Dosso, Portrait of a Man (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 251) (App. 32), 742

“Farinati, Pietro” (19th c.), painting of an Elderly Man (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 228), 706 n. 1

Folchetti, Stefano, Adoration of the Shepherds (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 134) (App. 34), 743

Foppa, Vincenzo, Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 257), 261

Giovanni di Paolo, Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Saving a Shipwreck (John G. Johnson Collection, inv. 723), 330

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Virgin and Child Enthroned (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 91; EW1985-21-1, 2), 373

Lotto, Lorenzo, Virgin and Child (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 194) (App. 65), 751

Luca di Paolo da Matelica, Virgin and Child (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 129), 619

Master of the Castello Nativity, altarpiece for parish church of Faltugnano (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. nos. 24 and 25), 401

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, fragments with four saints (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 109), 494

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Christina, Galgano, and Jerome (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 1169), 610

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, Enthroned Virgin and Child John G. Johnson Collection, (cat. 141) (App. 79), 27, 754

Piatti, Giovanni Antonio, Foulc Virgin and Child (no. 1930–1–74), 197

Piermatteo d’Amelia, Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 140), 45 n. 110

Sano di Pietro, Christ Carrying the Cross (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 1295), 549 n. 5

Sienese School, predella panel of Adoration of the Magi (John G. Johnson Collection, cat.

277) (App. 92), 26, 49, 66 n. 11, 243 n. 23, 757

Sodoma, Virgin and Child (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 278) (App. 93), 49, 740, 758

Tura, Cosmè, Saint Peter and Saint John the Baptist (John G. Johnson Collection, cat. nos. 241a–b) (App. 96), 26, 66 n. 11, 81, 243 n. 23, 667–68, 758

Philipp Julius, Duke of Pomerania-Stettin, 581 n. 46

Philippa, Queen of England, 456Phillips, Sir Claude, 167–70, 667Phillips, William, 33photographers, see Alinari;

Anderson; Artini, Luigi; Bertoni, Marcello; Burton, Harry; Conzett and Hubet; Filippi, Tomaso; Grifoni, Nicola; Houghton, Edmund; Jacquier Vittorio; Lee, David; Lieberman, Ralph; Marcozzi, Carlo; Nimatallah; Orsi Battaglini, Nicolò; Paganori, Vincenzo; Quattrone, Antonio; Reali, Rodolfo; Roli, Ghigo; Scala

Piagenti, Lapa, 492Piatti, Giovanni Antonio

Foulc Virgin and Child (Philadelphia Museum of Art, no. 1930–1–74), 197

Saint Benedict (Sarasota, Fla., Ringling Museum of Art, no. SN 5359), 198 n. 14

—— and Giovanni Antonio Amadeo

arca of the Persian Martyrs (Cremona, San Lorenzo), 197

Piazza, CallistoPortrait of a Gentleman (Mexico

City, Museo Soumaya, no. 13544) (App. 85), 756

Pica, Sebastiano, 412 n. 6Picasso, Pablo, 36, 701–02, 711–13

color drawing of Dora Maar (Basel, Foundation Beyeler), 711

Corrida with Figures (A Centaur Picador Spearing a Bull) (Pl. 128), 36, 712–13

drawing of Ambroise Vollard (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 47.140), 711

prototype of decorated plate owned by Berenson (Barcelona, Museu Picasso, no. 112.447), 712

Piccinelli, Andrea de’, see Andrea del Brescianino

Piccinelli, Giovanni Antonio di Tommaso de’, 177

Piccinelli, Raffaello de’, see Raffaello del Brescianino

Piccini, Giulia, 704Piccolomini, Andrea, 509Piccolomini, Caterina, 560Piccolomini, Francesco Maria,

Bishop of Pienza, 192 n. 10


general index56

Piccolomini, Gregorio Lolli, 360Piccolomini, Lodovico di Pietro,

343 n. 21Piccolomini family, 189, 245, 248,

266, 560Piccolomini Bellanti, Antonio, 341Piccolomini del Testa, Tommaso,

Bishop of Pienza, 490, 491 n. 10Picenardi, Giuseppe, 198 n. 3Picenardi, Luigi Ottavio, 198 n. 3Pichetto, Stephen S., 396 n. 5Pienza

cathedralGiovanni di Paolo, altarpiece,

331Matteo di Giovanni, Saint

Jerome altarpiece, 426Matteo di Giovanni, Saint

Matthew altarpiece, 134, 426, 432 n. 6

Sano di Pietro, altarpiece of Saints James and Philip, 548, 558

Vecchietta, Assumption of the Virgin, 495, 607, 610

Museo DiocesanoBulgarini, Bartolomeo, Virgin

and Child from the Pienza altarpiece (no. 8) (Pl. 21 Comp.), 192

Domenico di Neri, statue (no. 17), 383 n. 22

Fungai, Bernardino, Virgin and Angels Adoring the Christ Child (no. 68), 274

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Virgin and Child (no. 7) (Pl. 54, Comp. C), 380, 382

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, predella of the legend of Saint Sebastian from Montisi (nos. 64–66), 610

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, predella panels of the Crucifixion and Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (nos. 64–65), 496

Niccolò di Segna, Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and John the Evangelist (nos. 4–6), 499 n. 13, 502

Vecchietta, altarpiece for Spedaletto, Siena (no. 60), 607, 610

Vecchietta, Martyrdom of Saint Blaise (no. 60), 610 (Fig. 102.1b)

Vecchietta, panel of monk being resuscitated (no. 61), 607

Vecchietta, Saint Mark (no. 60), 610 (Fig. 102.1a)

San FrancescoCristoforo di Bindoccio, and

Meo di Pero, frescos, 189Pierfrancesco Fiorentino, 67 n. 73,

675 n. 53Piermatteo d’Amelia, 618

Annunciation (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P16w4), 59, 640–41 (Fig. IV.4)

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 140), 45 n. 110

Piero della Francesca, 25, 57, 119, 154, 234–42, 243 nn. 18 and 23, 250, 354, 475, 549, 562, 571–72, 613, 616, 650, 671, 740

Baptism of Christ (London, National Gallery, no. 665), 426

Legend of the True Cross (Arezzo, San Francesco), 644

Madonna and Child with Saints (Milan, Brera), 41

Piero di Cosimo, 243 n. 28Fight between the Centaurs and

Lapiths (London, National Gallery, no. 4890), 642 n. 4

Piero di Jacopo del Massaiobook illumination, 415

Piero di Lorenzo di Pratese, 401Piero di Puccio, 587Pietro Alamanno, 519–20, 522 n. 8Pietro d’Abano, 309Pietro da Rho, 200Pietro da Siena

panel for Cardinal Martino de Bocha in Saint-Laurent, Avignon (lost), 457

Pietro da Velate, 136Pietro di Domenico

Assumption (Buonconvento, Museo d’Arte Sacra della Val d’Arbia, no. 81), 432 n. 22

Pietro di Giovanni d’Ambrogio, 208 n. 11, 619

triptych for Sant’Agostino, Asciano (Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli, no. 43), 554 n. 27

Pietro Leopoldo I, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 383 n. 17

Pigli family, 93 n. 2Pino, Paolo, 166Pinsent, Cecil Ross, 15, 29, 45, 61, 63,

68 n. 114, 69 n. 160, 84 n. 28, 71, 74, 76, 83–84, 457, 534, 677–79, 682–84, 688–89, 700, 719

Pintoricchio (Bernardino di Betto), 50, 56–58, 273, 293, 412, 511–12, 531, 572, 639–40, 754, 756

Alberto Aringhieri (copy by Icilio Federico Joni; present whereabouts unknown) (App. 49), 25, 56 (Fig. II.16), 57, 451 n. 9, 747

ceiling frescos for the Palazzo del Magnifico, Siena (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 14.114.1–22), 54

decoration of the Piccolomini Library (Siena, cathedral), 37, 451 n. 9, 509, 511

fresco with Alberto Aringhieri in prayer (Siena, cathedral), 640

murals in Sala delle Sibille, Borgia Apartments, Vatican Palace, 337

Virgin and Child (App. 86), 58, 756

Pio, Alberto, 210Piombin, Stefano, 303, 305Piot, René, 73–74, 76, 84, 204, 676–90,

714–21Big Library Mural (Pl. 142), 29,

61, 73 (Fig. III.5), 76, 683, 714, 720–21 (Figs. 142.4–7), 719–21

Blue and White Vase with Delphinium and Other Flowers with a Landscape Background (Pl. 130), 683, 716

Dahlia, Gladiolus, Cornflower, and Other Flowers (Pl. 132), 678, 683, 716

drawings for figures in The Lovers from the Big Library Mural (France, private collection), 681, 719 (Figs. 142.1–3)

Female Head (Pl. 129), 688, 690 n. 101, 715

Fragment from the Apocalypse of Angers (from Louis Gillet, Histoire des arts, vol. XI, Histoire de la nation française), 686 (Fig. VI.10)

frontispiece to “A propos des cubistes” (Salon d’Automne Bulletin, no. V, 1917), 680–81 (Fig. VI.8)

Half-length Figure of a Man against a Tree (Pl. 139), 682, 718

Head of Woman Looking Left (Pl. 140), 682, 718

Landscape in the Florentine Hills (Paris, Louvre, Département des Arts Graphiques, RF 23346), 678, 680 (Fig. VI.7), 683

Landscape Looking toward Settignano (?) (Pl. 135), 683, 717

Landscape with a Distant View of Florence (Pl. 134), 678, 683, 717

Landscape with View of Vincigliata (Pl. 136), 683, 717

Marie Justin Baechler (Paris, Louvre, Département des Arts Graphiques, RF 31699, recto), 676 (Fig. VI.1), 677, 682, 714

Parfum des nymphes (Auteuil, Villa Montmorency), 677, 679 (Fig. VI.5), 714

Requiescat in pace (Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Musée Départemental du Prieuré, on deposit from Paris, Musée d’Orsay, no. RF 1981 30, LUX 148), 679 (Fig. VI.4), 714

Small Landscape (Pl. 137), 683, 717triptych Chambre funeraire

(partly preserved Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Musée Départemental du Prieuré, on deposit from Paris, Musée d’Orsay), 677, 679 (Fig. VI.4), 688, 714

Valley from Settignano (Paris, Louvre, Département des Arts Graphiques, RF 31697), 678, 680 (Fig. VI.6), 683

Vase of Irises and Tulips (Pl. 131), 678, 683, 716

Vase with Peonies with a Landscape Background (Pl. 133), 678, 716

Vineyard (Pl. 138), 683, 717Woman Looking Right (Pl. 141),

682, 718Piovene, Guido, 552Pirandello, Luigi, 648 n. 2Pirez, Álvaro, 288 n. 11Pisa

CamposantoAndrea di Bonaiuto, frescos, 97Gozzoli, Benozzo, fresco of

walls, 250Museo dell’Opera del Duomo

Giovanni Pisano, Epistle lectern, 134

Museo di San MatteoArtist unknown, Saint Francis,

400 n. 7Museo Diocesano

Neri di Bicci, Madonna della Cintola in San Miniato, 481

Museo Nazionale di San MatteoGentile da Fabriano, Virgin of

Humility (no. 4909), Gentile da Fabriano, 280, 290

Giovanni Pisano, ivory statue for Pisa cathedral, 377

Martini, Simone, altarpiece of 1320 for Pisa, 589

Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo, Casciana Alta Altarpiece for chapel of Santo Stefano in Pisa cathedral, 441

San FrancescoTaddeo di Bartolo, fresco cycle,

587–88San Paolo a Ripa d’Arno

Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo, polyptych with saints seated on curule chairs, 441

Santa CaterinaAssociate of Lippo and

Tederigo Memmi, Triumph of Saint Thomas Aquinas, 450

Santa Maria del CarmineMasaccio, altarpiece, 98Scheggia and Massaccio,

altarpiece, 568Pisanello, 138, 235, 254, 256, 279, 280 n. 7,

282, 350, 352, 670drawings of textile designs (Paris,

Louvre, Département des Arts Graphiques, no. 2537), 300

Saint George and the Princess (Verona, Sant’Anastasia, Pellegrini chapel), 464

Pissarro, Camille, 32–33, 43, 45, 47, 694, 756

Landscape at Saint-Charles, Éragny (Belgrade, Narodni Muzij, no. 426) (App. 87), 22, 32, 50, 689 n. 37, 756

PistoiaArchivio di Stato

Gerino da Pistoia (attrib.), Saint James Major, 296 n. 2


general index 57

cathedralLorenzo di Giovanni (Master

of San Miniato), altarpiece, 293

Madonna dell’UmiltàGerino da Pistoia, Saint James

Major, 283Museo Civico

Artist unknown, Saint Francis (no. 1), 400 n. 7

Artist unknown, Saint John the Evangelist (no. 22), 222

San Bartolomeo ApostoloGerino da Pistoia, altarpiece

for San Piero Maggiore, Pistoia (no. 66), 293–94

Gerino da Pistoia, Resurrection, 293

San DomenicoGerino da Pistoia, Crucifixion,

293San Francesco

Memmi, Lippo, high altarpiece (lost), 442

San Giorgio a PorcianoGerino da Pistoia, altarpiece

for, 293San Giovanni Fuoricivitas

Cristiani, Giovanni di Bartolomeo, altar frontal of Saint John the Evangelist, 220

Cristiani, Giovanni di Bartolomeo, altarpiece, 220

Gaddi, Taddeo, altarpiece, 220, 476

Pitati, Bonifacio de’, see BonifacioPitt, William, 621Pius II Piccolomini, Pope, 129, 134,

188, 331, 340, 362, 426, 492, 509, 607Pius III Todeschini Piccolomini,

Pope, 509Pizan, Christine de, 367–68Pizzolo, Niccolò, 118 n. 3, 151, 297, 519Placci, Carlo, 15, 43, 56, 132, 204, 206,

233, 579, 639, 678, 681, 684, 689 n. 63, 729 (Pl. 146 and Fig. 146.1)

drawing of, 729 (Pl. 146)photo of, 729 (Fig. 146.1)

Placidi family, 427–28, 433–34, 436Plantin, Christophe, 624Plassart, Christian, 613Platt, Dan Fellows, 15, 56–57, 73, 83

n. 19Plint, Thomas E., 738Poggi, Giovanni, 15, 26, 29–30, 32–33,

38, 42 n. 7, 44, 59, 71, 83, 88, 462 n. 1, 541, 579, 581 n. 51, 646, 648 n. 2, 649 n. 18, 739

Poggibonsi, San LuccheseGerino da Pistoia, Distribution

of Bread and Fish to the Multitudes, 293–94, 296 (Fig. 40.1)

PoitiersHôtel des Ventes de la Puye

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Christ in the Tomb with Saint Maurelius and Jerome (Christian Plassart,

commissaire-priseur, 14 Mar. 1998, no lot number), 613

Musée de la VillePaolo Veneziano and workshop,

panels with apostles (nos. 851–1–7 and 851–1–14), 285

Poix, Princess of (Madeleine Marie Isabelle Dubois de Courval), 710

Pollaiolo, Antonio del, 171, 235, 241, 258, 265, 481, 532, 683

engraving of the Battle of the Nudes, 426, 428

frescos in the Villa della Gallina, hills of Florence, 677

Labors of Hercules (Florence, Uffizi, nos. 1478, 8268), 329 n. 20

—— and Piero delMartyrdom of Saint Sebastian

(London, National Gallery, no. 292), 426, 428

Pollaiolo, Piero del, 426altarpiece for the chapel of the

Cardinal of Portugal in San Miniato, Florence (Florence, Uffizi, no. 1617), 171

Pollaiolo brothers, 171–72, 241, 428Pollock, Jackson, 702Poniatowski, Prince Stanisław, 320,

323, 327–28Pontano, Giovanni, 271Pontormo (Jacopo Carrucci), 109, 675

n. 53, 733, 755A Discussion (London, National

Gallery, no. 3941), 42 n. 6Pucci altarpiece (Florence, San

Michele Visdomini), 626 n. 1Pordenone, Museo Civico d’Arte

Gianfrancesco da Tolmezzo, Santa Giuliana altarpiece, Castel d’Aviano, 306 n. 2

Pordenone (Giovanni Antonio de’ Sacchis), 165, 168–69, 210, 306, 358 n. 9, 635

Porter, Arthur Kingsley, 44, 604, 686, 722

Portinari, Pigello, 140, 250, 262Portinari, Tommaso di Folco, 234Portinari family, 140, 234, 250, 254, 262, 571Potter, John Briggs, 68 n. 96Pottier, M., 573Pouget, Bertrand du, 311Poznan, Muzeum Narodowe

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with Saints Christopher and George (no. Mo 4), 136

Daddi, Bernardo, Saint Dominic Rescuing a Shipwreck (no. 11), 231

PragueNárodní Galerie

Anon. Tuscan, cassone with scenes from the legend of Meleager and Atalanta (no. O 710), 464, 632, 635 n. 3

Artist unknown, Madonna of Vyšehrad (on loan; no. VO 791), 336 n. 17

Costa, Lorenzo, Investiture of Federico Gonzaga as Captain of the Church (no. 87), 210

Dürer, Albrecht, Feast of the Rose Garland (no. O 1552), 120

Lorenzetti, Pietro, panels of a polyptych (nos. DO.5014–15), 374

Lorenzo Monaco, triptych of Passion scenes (no. 458), 384

Národní MuzeumLorenzetti, Pietro, Martyr Saint

(no. DO.5014), 192Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint

Anthony Abbot (no. DO.5015), 192

PratoCassa di Risparmio

Catani Chiti, Giuseppe, works in, 650

cathedralUccello, Paolo, with Andrea di

Giusto, frescos in the chapel of the Assumption, 98

Museo CivicoAndrea di Giusto, altarpiece

for the convent of San Bartolomeo delle Sacca, Prato (no. 8), 98, 100

Giovanni da Milano, altarpiece from the Misericordia of Prato (no. 1308), 535

Museo dell’Opera del DuomoMaster of the Castello Nativity,

altarpiece for parish church of Faltugnano, 401

San FrancescoCatani Chiti, Giuseppe, works,

650Praz, Mario, 729Prestinari, Donato, 137Previtali, Andrea, 124, 508, 758

Virgin and Child with Saint James the Great (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1939.101) (App. 88), 44 n. 72, 125 n. 2, 756

Prezagni, Guglielmo, 197Prezzolini, Giuseppe, 683, 689Prieur, Jean Louis, 457, 458 n. 24

see also Berthault, Pierre-GabrielPrimaticcio, Francesco, 524

portrait of a man in the guise of Saint George (London, Sotheby’s 8 July 2009, lot 16), 525 n. 6

Self-Portrait (Florence, Uffizi, no. 1771), 525

Princeton University Art Museum, 38, 56

Alunno, Niccolò, Saint Michael Archangel (no. 65-266), 90, 92 nn. 11 and 13

Angelico (Fra), Penitent Saint Jerome (no. yIg96 3-I), 488

Bonifacio, Joseph Being Drawn from the Well, 161

Foppa, Vincenzo, panel of Malletta altarpiece for the Carmine, Pavia (no. 1962–59), 250, 255

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Saint Francis Showing his Stigmata (no. 56–3), 355–56, 358

Lotto, Lorenzo, Holy Family with Saint Gabriel Archangel (no. 38), 505

Luca di Tommè, Virgin and Child with a Goldfinch and Isaiah and Ezekiel (no. Y1) (App. 67), 38, 751

Master of the Chigi Saracini Heroines, frescos from Palazzo Petrucci, Siena (nos. Y1962/61–62), 514 n. 12

Morone, Domenico, cassone panels with Battle of the Amazons (no. 35.34), 471

Pannonio, Michele, Angel Playing a Lute (no. X1945-5), 518, 522 (Fig. 84.3)

Princeton University Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections

T’oros sarkawag (T’oros the deacon), Portrait of the Evangelist Matthew (Manuscripts Division, Robert Garrett collection, Garrett Armenian MS Supplementary Series no. 5) (Pl. 100, Comp. G), 601

Prineri family, 165Probi, Angelo, 119Probi, Giovanni Andrea, 119Procacci, Ugo, 38, 104, 415, 444, 451, 458Proust, Marcel, 681, 689Prouté, Paul, 624Provesano, San Lorenzo

Gianfrancesco da Tolmezzo, frescos, 306, 308

Providence, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin Annunciate (no. 57.301) (Pl. 66, Comp. E), 434, 436 (Fig. 66.1), 437

Pseudo-Bonaventura, 140Pseudo-Crevalcore, 356“Pseudo-Giotto” (Santa Cecilia

Master), 666–67Pseudo-Pier Francesco Fiorentino,

401, 743Pseudo-Puccio Capanna, 424Pseudo-Zabolino, 618Pszczyna (Poland), Castle

Fungai, Bernardino, spalliera panels, 273

Pucci, Antonio, 309Pucci family, 626Puccinelli, Angelo

Saint Michael Archangel with Saints Anthony Abbot and John the Baptist (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 67), 451 n. 6

Puccio di Simone, 220, 535–39Annunciate Angel (Pl. 88a) and

Virgin Annunciate (Pl. 88b), 536–39, 739


general index58

copy of Bernardo Daddi, Virgin and Child with Two Angels, 231

Crucifixion (Notre Dame, Ind., Snite Museum of Art, no. 61.47.4) (Pl. 88, Comp. B), 538 (Fig. 88.2), 539 (Fig. 88.3)

Crucifixion and Nativity; Virgin and Child with Saints Julian and Michael Archangel and Annunciation (York Art Gallery, no. 726), 538 (Fig. 88.2)

Saint Anthony Abbot (Fabriano, Pinacoteca Civica “Bruno Molajoli”), 535

triptych with Adoration of the Magi (Worcester, Mass., Worcester Art Museum, no. 1940.34) (Pl. 88, Comp. A), Annunciate Angel (Pl. 88a), Coronation of the Virgin and Saints (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, no. M.I.414) (Pl. 88, Comp. C), and Virgin Annunciate (Pl. 88b) (reconstruction), 97 n. 22, 538 (Fig. 88.2), 539 (Fig. 88.3)

—— and Allegretto Nuzialtarpiece from San Antonio

Abate fuori Porta Pisana, Fabriano (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1937.1.6), 535

Pulci-Beraldi family, 223, 482Puligo, Domenico, 179Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, 687

QQuaratesi, Bernardo, 280Quaratesi, Giovanni di Bartolomeo,

106Quaratesi family, 103–4, 288–90, 292Quarto, San Gerolamo

Nicolò da Voltri, predella from, 590

Taddeo di Bartolo, frescos, 590Quarton, Enguerrand

Coronation of the Virgin (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, Charterhouse), 658

Pietà (Paris, Louvre, no. RF 1569), 658

Quercia, Jacopo della, 426, 559Quercia, Priamo della, 66 n. 47Querini family, 162

RRabinowitz (coll.), 179–80Radicchi, Giuseppe, 514 n. 2Raffaello del Brescianino, 177–81—— (?)

Virgin and Child with Two Saints and Donor (Bagnano, Santa Maria), 180 n. 4

—— (attrib.)Young Woman as Saint Catherine of

Alexandria (Pl. 19), 81, 179–81Raikewich, Vitold, 257Raimondi Monticelli (Marchesa),

579 n. 8

Raimondo da Capua, Blessed, 492Raleigh, North Carolina Museum

of ArtBenvenuto di Giovanni,

San Giovanni Gualberto (no. 60.17.31), 130 n. 6, 131, 134 n. 5

Costa, Lorenzo, Dormition of the Virgin (no. GL60.17–38), 215

Giotto, Peruzzi polyptych (no. 60.17.7), 148, 310, 315, 318 nn. 1, 3, and 10, 326 (Fig. 44.5)

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, cassone panels (nos. GL. 60.17.29–30), 364

Niccolò di Segna, Redeemer (Kress collection, no. 219), 499 n. 13

Rambaldi, A., 282Ramboux, Johann Anton, 336, 503,

566 n. 7Rankin, William, 360Raphael (Raffaele Sanzio), 110, 122,

160, 177–79, 266, 385, 390, 516, 531, 540, 584, 586 n. 21, 609, 711, 759

Bindo Altoviti (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1943.4.33), 178

Lorenzo de’ Medici, Duke of Urbino (London, Christie’s, 5 July 2007, lot 91), 525

Mackintosh Madonna (London, National Gallery, no. 2069), 178

Madonna del Baldacchino (Florence, Galleria Palatina, no. 165), 178

painted cross (Milan, Museo Poldi Pezzoli, no. 4129), 609

tondo, 396Virgin of the Fish (Madrid, Prado,

no. P00297), 508Rasini (coll.), 633Rasini, Marino, 142 n. 13Rasini, Blessed Ranieri, 324Ráth, György, 44Rauschenberg, Robert, 702Ravanel, Nathalie, 595Ravenna

Accademia delle Belle ArtiBellini, Giovanni, Virgin

Adoring the Christ Child (no. 211), 125 n. 9

Pinacoteca ComunaleCicognara, Antonio (?), Saint

Jerome (no. 51), 202 n. 7Raverti, Matteo, 468Read, Charles, 602Reali (photography firm), 34, 85, 91,

103–04, 121, 138, 167, 232, 274–05, 307–08, 345, 351, 402, 413, 416, 460, 462–63, 524, 658, 660, 736, 755

Reali, Alberto, 78, 85Reali, Rodolfo, 77 (Fig. III.7a), 78

(Fig. III.8a), 79–80, 85, 91 (Pl. 1b), 104 (Pl. 4A), 121 (Pl. 8a), 167 (Pl. 17a), 275 (Pl. 37d), 351 (Pl. 48a), 402 (Pl. 59a), 416 (Pl. 63a), 460 (Pl. 70b), 524 (Pl. 85a), 648 (Pl. 111c)


Museo Civico di Villa Colloredo Mels

Lotto, Lorenzo, Annunciation, 21 (Fig. I.4)

Pinacoteca ComunaleLotto, Lorenzo, Transfiguration,

390Reggio Emilia, Museo Diocesano

Orsi da Collecchio, Bernardino, Virgin and Child and Saints, 210 n. 5

Regio, Raffaele, 409Reiffenstein, Johan Friedrich (attrib.)

Three Figures of the Commedia dell’arte (Pl. 89), 540

Reinach, Salomon, 66 n. 42Reinhardt (gallery), 469–70Reinhardt, Max, 714Reixach, Joan, 526, 530Rembrandt van Rijn, 55, 351, 747Ricasoli (coll.), 465Riccardi, Ariodante, 627Riccardi, Ennio (coll.), 82Riccardo di Cima da Conegliano

(Fra Nicolò), 203Ricciardo di Nanni da

Castelfiorentino, 541–46Archangel Raphael and Tobias in

the Initial D (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. J), 545

Assumption of the Virgin in the Initial G (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. F), 545, 547 (Fig. 90.3)

David Presenting his Soul to God in the Initial A and Two Angels Holding a Quatrefoil with the Symbol of the Holy Spirit (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. A), 545, 547 (Fig. 90.1)

God the Father Appearing to All the Saints Gathered around the Virgin in the Initial G (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. H), 545

Prophet in the Initial P (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. B), 545

Saint Augustine between the Doctors of the Church in the Initial I and the Initial E (Florence, Museo di San Marco, MS 567) (Pl. 90, Comp. G), 545, 547 (Fig. 90.4)

Saint John the Baptist in the Initial D (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. D), 545

Saint Lawrence in the Initial C (Pl. 90), 542–46

Saint Lucy in the Initial D (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. L), 545

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino in the Initial O (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. K), 545

Saint Paul in the Initial G (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. C), 545

Saints Peter and Paul in the Initial N (private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. E), 545, 547 (Fig. 90.2)

Two Apostles in the Initial M (Milan, private collection) (Pl. 90, Comp. I), 545

Riccobaldo da Ferrara, 309, 324, 329 n. 24

Riccomanni, Francesco di Giovanni, 178 n. 7

Riccomanni, Raffaello di Giovanni, 178 n. 7

Richa, Giuseppe, 176, 347Richard II, King of England, 658Richardson, F., 512Richardson family, 248–49Richmond, Cook collection, 131, 458,

670, 675 n. 54, 700formerly Anonymous Master of

Clusone, Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist, 506

formerly Giovanni Francesco da Rimini, small tondos with God the Father, 158 n. 5

Richmond, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts

Anon. follower of Lorenzo Costa, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Anthony Abbot and Sebastian (no. 58-31), 218 n. 5

Richter, Jean Paul, 26, 42 n. 7, 44, 161, 164 n. 2, 167, 215, 216 n. 17, 236, 300–01, 305 n. 13, 325, 327, 370, 372, 739, 746, 758

notebook, 24 (Fig. I.9)Ricketts, Charles, 28, 240, 586 n. 13,

674 n. 4, 675 n. 36Ridolfi, Angelo, 548Ridolfi, Bartolomeo di Iacopo, 175—— or Mariotto di Nizzo Lippi (?)

Donor Facing Left (Pl. 18, Com. D), 176

Ridolfi, Bernardo di Lorenzo, 175–76—— (?)

Donor Facing Right (Pl. 18, Comp. C), 176

Ridolfi, Carlo, 206, 288 n. 23, 352Ridolfi, Enrico, 26, 239Ridolfi, Girolamo, 102Ridolfi, Pagnozzo, 175Ridolfi family, 175Rigaud, Charles, 683Riggisberg, Abegg-Stiftung

Lorenzetti, Pietro (workshop), Holy Family of Humility (no. 14.21.66), 194, 196 (Fig. 22.3)

RiminiMuseo della Città

Bellini, Giovanni, Dead Christ Supported by Four Angels in the Sepulcher, 134

Granacci, Francesco, Saint Vincent Ferrer altarpiece (no. 29), 344

San CataldoGiotto, picture of Saint

Thomas Aquinas (lost), 325


general index 59

San FrancescoGiotto, crucifixes, 318 n. 3Giotto, frescoes of Blessed

Michelina in cloister (lost), 325

Giotto, work (lost), 325Tempio Malatestiano

Agostino di Duccio, relief in Tempio Malatestiano, Rimini, 511

Ringhieri family, 466Rinieri, Bernardo di Stoldo, 106Rinuccini, Alamanno, 235Rinuccini, Cino di Filippo di Cino,

106Rinuccini family, 646Rinversi, Anna, 114, 119, 300Rio, Alexis-François, 549Ripalta, Museo della Collegiata

Andrea di Giusto, Adoration altarpiece for Sant’Andrea a Ripalta, 486

Ristoro da Selvatella, 498–99Rivarolo, Certosa di San Bartolomeo

Foppa, Vincenzo, Doria altarpiece, 250–51

Rivaud, Charles, 714Riverdale-on-Hudson, New York,

Stanley Moss collectionBazzi, Giovanni Antonio (from

Parma), painting of bird pecking at grapes, 356

Rivetti (coll.), 220Ro Ferrarese, Fondazione Cavallini

SgarbiCicognara, Antonio, Virgin and

Child Enthroned with Saints Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria, 197, 200, 202 n. 7

Robert of Anjou, King of Naples, 450

Robertet, Florimond, 210Roberto de Turre da Adria, 456,

458 n. 29Robertus de Busto (?), 456, 458Robinson and Fisher (dealer), 167Robinson, A. Mary F. (Madame

Duclaux), 66 n. 14Robinson, Lawrence, 343Rockefeller, Abby Aldrich, 599Roderic de Osona, 530Rodin, Auguste, 694Rohan-Chabot (Comtesse de), 689

n. 32Roli, Ghigo, 85 n. 68Romanelli, Mariano d’Agnolo,

244–45Seated Christ Child (Lugano,

private collection; on display in the Museo Civico), 245 n. 7

Romano, Giulio, I modi, 112Rome

Casa di Cura Sacra FamigliaCatani Chiti, Giuseppe, Holy

Family, 650Castelli-Mignanelli collection, 619Colonna collection, 10

Botticini, Francesco, Birth of the Virgin (no. 1657) (Pl.

18, Comp. B), 172, 174–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Botticini, Francesco, Donor Facing Left (no. 1658) (Pl. 18, Comp. D), 172, 174–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Botticini, Francesco, Donor Facing Right (no. 1658) (Pl. 18, Comp. C), 172, 174–76 (Fig. 18.1)

Doria Pamphilj collectionBordon, Paris, Sacred

Conversation (no. 363), 169Fassini collection

formerly Cristiani, Giovanni di Bartolomeo, Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (?) and Saint Paul, 222

Galleria Borghese, 24Andrea del Brescianino, Saint

Catherine of Alexandria (no. 88), 179

Bachiacca, panels for Borgherini wedding bed (nos. 425, 427, 440, 442), 109

Galleria dell’Arte ModernaGuttuso, Renato, Crucifixion,

701Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Antica

in Palazzo BarberiniAlunno, Niccolò, Virgin and

Child and Saints (no. 1226), 90, 91 (Fig. 1.1)

Andrea del Brescianino, Sulpizia Petrucci (no. 1778), 179

Aspertini, Amico, Saint Joseph (no. 1124), 217

Master of Palazzo Venezia or Lippo Memmi, Virgin and Child (no. 1545), 442, 449, 455, 458 n. 14

Perugino, Pietro, Saint Nicholas of Tolentino (no. 1212), 532 (Fig. 87.1)

Galleria Sangiorgi, 28, 43, 84, 745Musei Capitolini

Anon. Roman, marble group with Iphigenia (no. 9778), 368

Savoldo, Giovanni Girolamo, Portrait of a Woman as Saint Margaret (no. PC 49), 180 n. 3

Museo di RomaGerino da Pistoia, fresco series

on the Muses in papal villa at Magliana, 293

Palazzo RuspoliLeonelli da Crevalcore,

Antonio, Saint Paul, château of Étrepy (Marne), 356, 358 n. 10

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Saint Peter, château of Étrepy (Marne), 356, 358 n. 10

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Virgin and Child Enthroned, château of Étrepy (Marne), 356, 358 n. 10

Palazzo Zuccari, 24

Pinacoteca CapitolinaBulgarini, Bartolomeo,

polyptych in San Cerbone near Lucca (nos. 345, 346), 182, 183 n. 3, 189

Sacro Cuore del SuffragioCatani Chiti, Giuseppe,

cartoons for, 650Catani Chiti, Giuseppe and

Alessandro, painting of the Sacred Heart, 650

San Giovanni in LateranoGentile da Fabriano, work

in, 280Sangiorgi, 22Santa Francesca Romana

Gentile da Fabriano, Holy Family with Saint Benedict for tomb of Cardinal Alemanno Adimari (unidentified), 280

Santa Maria del PopoloPacchiarotti, Giacomo, images

of the Redeemer in chapel of Girolamo Basso della Rovere, 511

Santa Maria NuovaLiberale da Verona, Virgin and

Child Enthroned with Angels and Saints Benedict and Francesca Romana, 360

SemenzatoJoni, Icilio Federico, Virgin

and Child with Two Angels (17 Mar. 1992, lot 201, as Neroccio), 654

Sestieri, C.formerly Niccolò di Segna,

Saint Julian the Hospitaller, 499 n. 17

Sterbini collection, 58Tolentino, Raul, collection

Master of the Richardson Triptych (Paolo di Giovanni Fei workshop?), triptych, 248

Zeri collection Suavius, Lambert (attrib.), Love

Punished, 584 (Fig. 97.3)Rondanini, Davide, 198 n. 3Rondinelli, Niccolò, 633Roque, Jacqueline, 712Rosaspina, Francesco, 215, 739Rosen, David, 504 n. 3Rosenberg and Stiebel (dealers), 752Rosenberg, Léonce A., 595, 598, 600,

745Rosi, Giuseppe, 432 n. 5Ross, Denman Waldo, 672, 674

Bernard Berenson (probably lost) (App. 89), 722 (Fig. 143.1), 757

Landscape (Pl. 143), 722–24Ross, Henry, 26, 83 n. 12, 731Ross, Janet, 15, 26, 29, 61, 695, 698,

706, 731photo of, 642 n. 4, 730 (Fig. 147.1)

Ross, Robert, 59, 739Rosselli, Bernardo di Stefano, 481, 486Rosselli, Clemente, 176Rosselli, Cosimo, 175, 273, 481, 536,

539, 735

Last Supper (Vatican City, Sistine chapel), 147

Virgin and Child (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.518) (App. 90), 81, 757

Rosselli, Domenico, 66 n. 1Rosselli, Francesco, 545 n. 2Rosselli, Stefano, 231Rossellino, Antonio, 171, 242, 756

Virgin and Child with Angels (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 41.190.40a), 756

Rossellino, Bernardo, 426Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 37, 512, 619,

698, 729Rossetti, Giovambatista, 301, 305 n. 12Rossi, Bernardo de’, Bishop of

Treviso, 390Rossi, Giacomo, 87Rosso Vercellese, Giovanni, 409Rosso, Medardo, 689 n. 37Rothenstein, William, 28, 61–62,

726–29, 739Bernard Berenson (Pl. 145), 82,

727–28Carlo Placci (Pl. 146), 579, 729Mary Smith Costelloe Sewing (Pl.

144), 725–26Parting at Morning (London, Tate

Gallery no. T07283), 726Rothermere (coll.), 97 n. 21Rothschild, Baron Edmond de, 658Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans-van

BeuningenBachiacca, variations on standing

Leda (no. 2539), 112, 113 n. 5Galli, Francesco, Saint Sebastian

(no. 2546), 258Rouault, Georges, 714Rouché, Jacques, 686, 714Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 23Rovelli (Conte), 580 n. 30Rovelli, Alfredo, 580 n. 8Rovelli, Ippolita, 579 n. 8Roverella family, 209, 614Rovigo, Accademia dei Concordi

Bello, Marco, Circumcision (no. 89), 128 (Fig. 9.2)

Roxatis, Marco di Martino de, 397Rubens, Peter Paul, 42Rubielos de Mora, parish church

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, and workshop, retable of the Joys of the Virgin, 527

Rubinstein, Ida, 714Rublev, Andrej, 384Rucellai, Caterina, 106Rucellai, Francesco, 424–25Rucellai, Gerolamo di Piero di

Cardinale, 488Rucellai, Giovanni, 106, 234–35, 240Rucellai family, 54, 230, 424, 488Ruck, Arthur, 503, 512Ruíz Villegas, María Guadalupe,

729 n. 4Rumohr, Carl Friedrich von, 309, 759Rupolo, Domenico, 24, 125Rusconi, Giovanni Antonio, 164Ruskin, John, 68 n. 92


general index60

Russell, Alice (Alys) Smith, 15, 668Russell, Bertrand, 695Russell, John, 726Russoli, Franco, 28, 36, 39, 100, 711Rustici, Vincenzo, 509Rusticucci, Jacopo, 416Rusuti, Filippo, 559

SSacchi, N., 260 n. 4Saccone di Mala, Pietro, 323, 328 n. 15Sackville-West, Vita, 534Sacrati, Uberto, 216 n. 4Sadeler I, Raphael, 623

Old Age (engraving after Maarten de Vos) (Brussels, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, Cabinet des Estampes, no. S. I 35159), 623 (Fig. 106.1)

Sagramoro da Soncino, Jacopo, 518Saibene, Alberto, 172–76, 176, 368, 525Saint Petersburg

HermitageAntonio da Firenze,

processional standard (no. GE 8280), 102, 104

Andrea del Brescianino, male portrait (no. 7057), 180 n. 2

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint James the Great (no. GE 4109), 146 n. 10

Boltraffio, Giovanni Antonio, Litta Madonna (no. GE 249), 143

Bonifacio, Adoration of the Shepherds (no. 33), 160

Bonifacio, Madonna (no. 31), 160Bordon, Paris, Holy Family with

Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. 110), 168

Bordon, Paris, Rest on the Flight into Egypt (no. 219), 168

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo (?), Crucifixion (no. 5507), 187 n. 13

Cima da Conegliano, Annunciation (no. GE 256), 203, 206

Foppa, Vincenzo, Saint Stephen and Saint Michael (nos. GE 7772–73), 251

Fungai, Bernardino, spalliere depicting the story of Scipio Africanus (no. 267), 273

Fungai, Bernardino, Virgin and Child (no. 4136), 273

Niccolò di Segna, Apostle and Saint Francis (nos. 2470–71) (Pl. 80, Comp. I), 504

Pesellino, Francesco, Trinity altarpiece for Pistoia (no. 5511), 234, 235 n. 7

Leuchtenberg collection, 168Sainte-Maure, Benoît de, 268Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Musée

Départemental du PrieuréPiot, René, Requiescat in pace (on

deposit from Paris, Musée d’Orsay, no. RF 1981 30, LUX 148), 679 (Fig. VI.4), 714

Piot, René, triptych Chambre funeraire (on deposit from Paris, Musée d’Orsay), 677, 679 (Fig. VI.4), 688, 714

Salamon, Andrea, 166Salimbeni, Vanni di Ser Toso dei,

499 n. 10Salini (coll.), 182, 189, 330, 455, 490,

498–99, 648–49Salò, cathedral

Foppa, Vincenzo, polychromed statues for a retable, 251

Salvadore di Filippo, 510Salvadori (Venetian dealer), 29, 44,

260 n. 4, 580 n. 9Salvadori, Giuseppe, 15, 22, 26, 366,

724 n. 5Salvadori, Salvadore, 15, 22, 26, Salvadori e Figlio (Florentine

dealers), 43–44, 51, 62, 69 n. 151, 260, 562, 564, 566

Salvetti, Camilla di Paolo, 337, 341Salvetti, Paolo, 341Salviati, Francesco, 166, 177Salviati family, 344Samacchini, Orazio, 576Sambon, Giulio, 94, 135 n. 18, 252, 562,

645–46, 649 n. 15, 743Sambonifacio family, 368San Casciano Val di Pesa

San FrancescoBiagio d’Antonio, altarpiece, 147

Santo StefanoApollonio di Giovanni and

Marco del Buono workshop, Virgin and Child, 107

San Daniele in Friuli, San MicheleGiambono, altarpiece (lost), 296

San DiegoMuseum of Art

Angelico (Fra), Virgin and Child (no. 1946:18), 386

Timken Museum of ArtNiccolò di Buonaccorso, Virgin

and Child (no. 1967:002), 196 nn. 14 and 19

San Floriano di Valpolicella, San Nicola da Tolentino

Morone, Domenico, frescos, 471San Gimignano

CollegiataGhirlandaio, Domenico and

Sebastiano Mainardi, fresco of Legend of Saint Fina, 644

Memmi, Lippo, Last Supper, 442

Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo, frescos, 441, 443 n. 5, 449, 455

Museo CivicoAnon. Florentine painter,

Virgin of Humility Crowned by Two Angels (no. 18), 196 n. 15

Memmo di Filippuccio, half-length saints, 488 n. 17

Neri di Bicci, Virgin and Child (no. 21), 481

Palazzo PubblicoMemmi, Lippo, Maestà, 441,

450, 454–55

Sant’AgostinoMartini, Simone, polyptych,

450San Giovanni d’Asso

Niccolò di Segna, triptych (dispersed), 498

San Giovanni ValdarnoMuseo della Basilica di Santa

Maria delle GrazieScheggia, altarpiece with the

Virgin and Saints Catherine of Alexandria, John the Baptist, Peter, and Ansano, 118 n. 3, 570

San LorenzoScheggia, fresco, 570Scheggia, Martyrdom of Saint

Sebastian, 568San Michele Arcangelo on Isola

Maggiore in Lago TrasimenoAlunno, Niccolò, frescos in, 91,

92 n. 16San Miniato al Tedesco

Artist unknown, Saint Francis (lost), 400 n. 7

San Nicolò di Comelico, San NicolòGianfrancesco da Tolmezzo,

frescos, 306, 308San Severino Marche, Pinacoteca

CivicaAlunno, Niccolò, polyptych, 92

n. 22Marco di Paolo Veneziano

and Giovanni Veneziano, polyptych for San Domenico, San Severino Marche, 397

San Simeon, Hearst CastleArtist unknown, panel of Trajan

dispensing justice (no. 15), 474Sandei, Alvise, 287 n. 5Sandei, Enrico di Duccio, 284Sandei, Francesco di Enrico, 279, 288

n. 39, 292Sandei family, 281, 284Sandrart, Joachim von, 582 n. 2Sanford, Anna Horatia Carolina, 348Sanford, Revd. John, 348Sangallo, Giuliano da

drawing book in Vatican Library, 329 n. 20

Taccuino senese, 583Sangiorgi (gallery), 28, 43, 84, 745Sangiorgi, Giorgio, 15, 22Sangiorgi, Giuseppe, 15, 20, 22, 28, 748Sano di Pietro (Osservanza Master),

50, 52, 54, 58, 62, 67 n. 61, 135 n. 13, 360, 362, 486–87, 490, 548–58, 560, 607, 609–10, 654, 675

altar of Angelo Ridolfi in San Giovanni, San Gimignano (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 224), 548

altarpiece of San Giorgio (Montemerano in the Maremma), 548

altarpiece for San Maurizio, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 230), 548

altarpiece for Santa Petronilla,

Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 259 and 260), 548

altarpiece (Badia a Isola), 548altarpiece for the parish church in

Scrofiano (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 255), 548

altarpiece of Saints James and Philip (Pienza, cathedral), 548, 558

altarpiece of the Nativity of the Virgin (Asciano, Sant’Agata), 548; pinnacle (Pl. 91), 550–53; (reconstruction) (central section in Asciano, Museo di Palazzo Corboli, no. 46), 553 (Fig. 91.2), 554

Assumption (private collection), 62, 69 n. 159

book covers, 548book illuminations, 548Christ Carrying the Cross

(Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 1295), 549 n. 5

counterfeit, 25cross (Dresden, Gemäldegalerie,

no. 25/26), 612Descent into Limbo (Cambridge,

Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1922.172), 549 n. 5

Dream of Saint Joseph (New York, Marco and Cristina Grassi), 554 nn. 9 and 19

Gesuati altarpiece (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 246), 548, 556, 558

image of the Virgin donated by his son to San Domenico, Siena, 556

image of the Virgin for Cardinal Angelo Capranica, 558

painted reliquary (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 60.536), 548

Pietà with Saint Sebaldus and Donor Peter Volckhamer (Siena, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, no. 5423), 548

polyptych for San Girolamo dei Gesuati (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 233), 548

predella for Simone Martini’s altarpiece in the Cappella de’ Signori, Siena, 548, 553

predella of the Passion of Christ (dispersed), 548, 549 n. 5

replica of Pietro Lorenzetti’s Nativity of the Virgin (Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Museum of Art, no. 1977/2.1), 373

Saint George altarpiece for San Cristoforo, Siena (Siena, Museo Diocesano, and Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, nos. 40133, 40135), 548, 549 n. 5

Saint Maurice (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 232), 504 n. 8


general index 61

San Bernardino Preaching in the Square in Front of San Francesco and the Campo (Siena, Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, nos. 3506 and 3508), 548

Santa Maria delle Grazie (El Paso Museum of Art, Samuel H. Kress Collection, no. K 522), 628

scenes from the legend of Saint Anthony Abbot (dispersed), 548, 609

triptych of the Virgin and Child with Saints Ambrose and Jerome church of the Osservanza near Siena), 502, 548

Virgin and Child between Saints Bernardino and Catherine of Siena (Buonconvento, Museo d’Arte Sacra della Val d’Arbia, no. 17), 430

Virgin and Child Enthroned (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.1.41), 548

Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Bernardino and Two Angels (Pl. 93), 63, 557–58

Virgin and Child with Saints Peter and Paul and Four Angels (Florence, New York University, Villa La Pietra, Acton Collection, no. XXX.B.6Pl), 558 (Fig. 93.1)

Virgin and Child with Two Angels and Saints Jerome, Bernardino, Lawrence, and Ansano (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 254), 558

Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (Pl. 92), 555–56

Virgin Taking Leave of the Apostles (Pl. 91), 63, 548–49, 550–54, 751

—— (?)Assumption of the Virgin (Milan,

private collection), 554 n. 19Christ in his Tomb Flanked by the

Seated Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist (Dijon, Musée des Beaux Arts, no. 1183), 554 n. 19

Saint John the Baptist (Dallas, private collection), 554 n. 20

—— and Benvenuto di Giovannialtarpiece (Bolsena, Santa

Cristina), 129book illuminations, 129reliquary or triptych (Berlin,

Staatliche Museen, nos. 1120, 1121), 129

—— and Domenico di Bartolofresco of the Coronation of the

Virgin (Siena, office of the Biccherna), 548

—— and Sassettafresco of the Coronation of

the Virgin (Siena, Porta Romana), 548, 560

Sansepolcro (Borgo San Sepolcro)Camadolese abey

Antonio d’Anghiari and Piero della Francesca, altarpiece, 562

Compagnia di Buon GesùGerino da Pistoia, Circumcision

(lost), 293Museo Civico

Gerino da Pistoia, processional banner (on deposit), 293

Matteo di Giovanni, altarpiece for San Giovanni Battista in Val d’Afra, Borgo San Sepolcro, 432 n. 7, 494

Matteo di Giovanni, completion of triptych with Piero della Francesca’s Baptism of Christ, 426

Matteo di Giovanni, predella, 84 n. 32

San Francesco, 60San Giovanni Evangelista

Niccolò di Segna, Resurrection altarpiece (reconstruction), 498, 503 (Fig. 80.2), 562, 646

Santa Maria dei ServiMatteo di Giovanni,

Assumption of the Virgin with Saints, 427

Santa Maria della MisericordiaMatteo di Giovanni, banner

for (lost), 427 n. 17Sansepolcro Master, 499Sansovino, Francesco, 279, 284, 288

n. 23, 297, 350Sansovino, Jacopo, 390Santayana, George, 722, 732 (Pl. 148

and Fig. 148.1), 733photo of, 732 (Fig. 148.1)

Santi, Giovanni, 266, 274 n. 8Santini, Antonio, 355, 358Santini, Enrico, 358Sant’Ippolito (near Asciano)

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, Virgin and Child with Saints, 509

Sanudo, Marin, 120Sanuti, Nicolò, 465Sanvitale, Galeazzo, 523Saracini, Bianca, 266 n. 8Sarasota, Fla., Ringling Museum

of ArtGranacci, Francesco, Madonna

della Cintola (no. 24), 344Piatti, Giovanni Antonio, Saint

Benedict (no. SN 5359), 198 n. 14

Schiavone, Juraj, Portrait of Petrarch (no. 43), 114

Sargent, John Singer, 23, 695, 724 n. 10Portrait of Elizabeth Winthrop

Chanler (Washington, D.C., Smithsonian American Art Museum, no. 1980.71), 675 n. 26

Sargis of T’arvez, 597Sarti, Giovanni, 737Sarto, Andrea del, 109, 178–79, 328

Head of Christ owned by Baccio Gondi, 328 n. 18

Sassetta (Stefano di Giovanni), 26, 28–29, 31, 33, 44, 50–55, 60–61, 65–68, 74, 85, 206, 324, 330, 340, 399, 426, 559–67, 548–49, 552, 554, 558, 605, 607, 610, 619, 646, 648, 654, 666, 734

Adoration of the Magi (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 43.98.1, and Siena, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Collezione Chigi Saracini, no. 98), 559

Agony in the Garden (Detroit Institute of the Arts, no. 53.270) (Pl. 94, Comp. A), 562, 565

altarpiece for Arte della Lana, Siena, 559

altarpiece or panel of Saint Louis of Toulouse for San Francesco, Siena (lost), 559

Annunciation (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.1.26) (Pl. 94, Comp. V), 562, 566

Apparition of the Blessed Ranieri to a Cardinal (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1945) (Pl. 94, Comp. L), 562, 566

Betrayal of Christ (Detroit Institute of the Arts, no. 46.56) (Pl. 94, Comp. B), 562, 565

Blessed Ranieri of Borgo San Sepolcro (Pl. 94a), 47, 560–68, 646

Blessed Ranieri Shows the Friars the Miser of Citerna’s Soul Carried to Hell by Demons (Paris, Louvre, no. RF 1988–9) (Pl. 94, Comp. K), 562, 566

book illumination, 610cross for San Martino, Siena

(Siena, Fondazione Monte dei Paschi, Collezione Chigi Saracini, nos. 95 and 100), 559

Del Peccia triptych for chapel of San Niccolò in San Domenico, Cortona (Cortona, Museo Diocesano), 559

Funeral of Saint Francis and the Verification of the Stigmata (London, National Gallery, no. NG4763) (Pl. 94, Comp. U), 562, 564, 566

high altarpiece for the Osservanza near Siena (lost) (formerly Berlin, Kaiser-Friedrich-Museum, no. 1122), 559

Liberation of the Prisoners of Florence (Paris, Louvre, no. RF 1965–2) (Pl. 94, Comp. M), 562, 566

Madonna della Neve (Florence, Uffizi, Donazione Contini Bonacossi, no. 1), 53, 55 (Fig. II.13), 66 n. 11, 340, 548, 559, 564

mock-up of Jacopo della Quercia’s design for the baptismal font, baptistery, Siena, 559

Mystic Marriage of Saint Francis (Chantilly, Musée Condé, no. CHY 10) (Pl. 94, Comp. T), 50–51 (Fig. II.8), 562, 566

portrait of San Bernardino for the Compagnia di San Giovanni Battista della Morte (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 205), 559

Procession to Calvary (Detroit Institute of Arts, no. 46.56) (Pl. 94, Comp. C), 562, 565

Saint Anthony of Padua (Paris, Louvre, no. RF 1956–11) (Pl. 94, Comp. F), 562, 564–65

Saint Augustine (private collection) (Pl. 94, Comp. W), 562, 566

Saint Christopher (Assisi, Collezione Frederick Mason Perkins, the Museo della Basilica di San Francesco, no. 38) (Pl. 94, Comp. J), 562, 565–66

Saint Francis of Assisi in Glory (Pl. 94c), 47, 560–68, 646

Saint Francis before Christ on the Cross (Cleveland Museum of Art, no. 62.36) (Pl. 94, Comp. G), 65, 562, 565

Saint Francis before the Pope: Granting of the Indulgence of the Portiuncula (London, National Gallery, no. NG4759) (Pl. 94, Comp. P), 562, 564, 566

Saint Francis before the Sultan (London, National Gallery, no. NG4761) (Pl. 94, Comp. S), 562, 564, 566

Saint Francis Meets a Knight Poorer than Himself and Saint Francis’s Vision of the Founding of the Franciscans (London, National Gallery, no. NG4757) (Pl. 94, Comp. N), 562, 564, 566

Saint Francis Renounces his Earthly Father (London, National Gallery, no. NG4758) (Pl. 94, Comp. O), 562, 564, 566

Saint John the Baptist (Pl. 94b), , 47, 560–68, 646

Saint John the Evangelist (Paris, Louvre, no. RF 1956–11) (Pl. 94, Comp. E), 562, 564–65

Saint Lawrence (Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, no. 1494) (Pl. 94, Comp. H), 562, 565

Saint Matthew (Venice, Fondazione Giorgio Cini) (Pl. 94, Comp. X), 562, 566

Saint Stephen (Moscow, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, no. 1496) (Pl. 94, Comp. I), 562, 565


general index62

San Sepolcro altarpiece (Pl. 94), 26, 31 (Fig. I.15), 47, 50–54, 68 n. 90, 324, 399, 426, 560, 565–66, 649 n. 12, 734; restoration, 80; reconstruction, 562, 567 (Figs. 94.3, 94.4)

Stigmatization of Saint Francis (London, National Gallery, no. NG4760) (Pl. 94, Comp. Q), 562, 564, 566

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Six Angels (Paris, Louve, no. RF 1956–11) (Pl. 94, Comp. D), 562, 564–65, 566 n. 7

Virgin of Humility (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 325), 67 n. 66, 559

Virgin of Humility (Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 139), 559

Virgin of the Cherries (Grosseto, Museo d’Arte Sacra della Diocesi di Grosseto), 559

Wolf of Gubbio (London, National Gallery, no. NG4762) (Pl. 94, Comp. R), 562, 564, 566

—— (attrib. Berenson)Miracle of the Eucharist (Newgate

[co. Durham], Barnard Castle, Bowes Museum), 54

—— and Sano di Pietrofresco of the Coronation of

the Virgin (Siena, Porta Romana), 548, 560

Guglielmi-Piccolomini polyptych for the altar of the Natività di Cristo in San Pietro alle Scale, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 240, and Siena, Museo Diocesano), 559

Sassetti, Baro, 603Savoldo, Giovanni Girolamo, 47, 165,

170 n. 11, 508high altarpiece, San Nicolò,

Treviso, 169Meeting of Saint Paul Hermit

and Saint Matthew (Venice, Gallerie dell’Accademia, no. 328), 285

Philosopher in Green (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, no. 213), 170 n. 15

Portrait of a Woman as Saint Margaret (Rome, Musei Capitolini, no. PC 49), 180 n. 3


Foppa, Vincenzo with Ludovico Brea, retable for Cardinal Giuliano della Rovere, 251

Pinacoteca CivicaArtist unknown, Fornari

altarpiece (no. cat. 1987, n. 10), 258

Foppa, Vincenzo, polyptych for Fornari chapel in Santa

Maria di Loreto, Savona (no. 1987, no. 10), 251

Santa Maria di CastelloFoppa, Vincenzo, Saint John the

Evangelist on Patmos, 251, 258 (Fig. 34.1)

Savonarola, Girolamo, 580 n. 22, 729Savorgnan, Urbano, 282, 284 n. 6, 287Scaglia, Desiderio, Cardinal, 200, 202Scala (photographers), 85 n. 69Scaletti, Leonardo, 28, 32, 199–200Scapecchi, Corrado, 656Scapi, Bernardo de’, 470 n. 19Scarani family, 217Scazoli, Paolo Antonio de, 202

Annunciation (London, Wallace Collection, no. P 536), 200

Ecce Homo (London, National Gallery, no. 3069), 200

Ecce Homo (Vienna, Liechtenstein Museum, no. GE860), 200

Virgin and Child (Cremona, Museo Civico Ala Ponzone, no. 42), 198 n. 12

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Bernardino, Augustine, Benedict, and Anthony Abbot (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 255), 197

Schaeffer (gallery), 503Schapiro, Meyer, 31, 44Scharf, Arthur, 752Scheggia (Giovanni di Ser

Giovanni), 98, 118 n. 3, 568–70altarpiece with the Virgin and

Child and Saints Cosmas, Anthony Abbot, James the Great, John the Baptist, Nicholas of Bari, and Damian (London, private collection), 570

altarpiece with the Virgin and Saints Catherine of Alexandria, John the Baptist, Peter, and Ansano for San Giovanni Valdarno (Museo della Basilica di Santa Maria delle Grazie), 118 n. 3, 570

fresco in San Lorenzo, San Giovanni Valdarno, 570

gilded and painted tabernacle by Giuliano da Maiano, 243 n. 33

Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (San Giovanni Valdarno, San Lorenzo), 568

Nativity (Turin, private collection), 570 n. 5

panels of the Virtues (Barcelona, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, nos. 64967–68), 568

predella panels with the Temptation of Saint Anthony Abbot and Saint Bernardino of Siena Preaching (Birmingham, Ala., Birmingham Museum of Art, nos. 1960.107 and 196.108), 570

salver with Allegory of Fame

(New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1995.7), 568

triptych with Saints Anthony Abbot and Bernardino of Siena (Rome, private collection), 570

Virgin and Child Enthroned (present whereabouts unknown), 568 (Fig. 95.1), 570

Virgin and Child with Angels (Arezzo, Museo di Arte Medievale e Moderna, no. 28), 482

—— and workshoppanels of four Triumphs of

Petrarch (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 149–52), 567

—— workshopSaints Anthony Abbot and

Bernardino (Pl. 95), 570–71—— and Massaccio

altarpiece for the Carmine, Pisa, 568

Schiavo, Paolo, 106, 134, 607Schiavone (Andrea Meldolla), 164,

757Susanna and the Elders (present

whereabouts unknown) (App. 91), 757

unidentified; possibly Squarcione, Virgin and Child (App. 94), 758

Schiavone, Francesco, 520Schiavone, Giorgio (Juraj Culinovic)

Portrait of Petrarch (Sarasota, Fla., Ringling Museum of Art, no. 43), 114

Schio, Alvise da, 282Schlumberger, Jean, 683Schongauer, Martin, 306Schott, Jean, 582 n. 2Schuré, Édouard, 680Scolari, Margaret, 711Scopinich (gallery), 539van Scorel, Jan, 583–84, 586 n. 21

Adam and Eve, 586 n. 19Scott, Geoffrey, 15, 29, 31, 61

(Fig. II.20), 62, 69 n. 153, 71, 457, 512, 532, 534, 646, 651, 682–84, 695, 728

Scott, Walter, 730Scotti (coll.), 305Scotti, Giacomo, 426, 427 n. 5, 432, 434Scotti, Gottardo, 250Scotti, Jacopo, 610Scrovegni, Enrico, 309, 320, 322, 324,

327, 329 n. 27, 422Seattle Art Museum

Lorenzetti, Pietro, triptych with Blessing Christ (no. 61.157), 373, 379–80

Sebastiano da Milano, 203 n. 1Sebastiano del Piombo, 44, 120, 125

n. 2, 207, 524–25, 756altarpiece (Venice, San Giovanni

Cristostomo), 207Baccio Valori (Florence, Galleria

Palatina, no. 409), 525Sedelmeyer (dealer), 506

Segna di Bonaventura, 186, 187 nn. 5 and 7, 498–99, 603–04, 606, 660

Seilern, Antoine, 227Sekeyan (dealer), 754Seligmann, Arnold, and Rey, 469–70Sellaio, Jacopo del, 147, 150, 271

Man of Sorrows (formerly in collection of Lord Ilchester), 150

Sellers, Eugénie, 37, 42 n. 6Semenzato (auction house), 125, 336,

410, 654Senese (painter), 412Sereni, Padre, 562Sergiuliani, Cavaliere, 562Serlio, Sebastiano, 396 n. 12Serlupi Crescenzi, Filippo, 15, 33,

692 n. 1Sermini, Gentile, 361Sernigi family, 153–54

bowl with Sernigi arms (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art no. 56.171.76), 154 (Fig. 14.1)

Séroux d’Agincourt, Jean Baptiste, 192 n. 6, 603

Serristori, Bernardo, 98Serristori, Hortense, 678, 688 n. 11Sérusier, Paul, 714Settimo di Cinto Caomaggiore, San

Giovanni BattistaGianfrancesco da Tolmezzo

and workshop, fresco of Adoration of the Kings, 308 n. 9

Seurat, Georges, 665Sevadjian, Hatchik, 600Sforza, Anastasia, 158Sforza, Battista, 152, 154Sforza, Francesco, Duke of Milan,

158, 250, 255, 635Sforza, Galeazzo Maria, Duke of

Milan, 250, 419Sforza, Gian Galeazzo Maria, Duke

of Milan, 265Sforza, Ludovico (il Moro), Duke of

Milan, 136Sforza, Polissena, 154Sforza family, 136, 152, 197, 199, 250Shannon, Charles, 28, 240, 586 n. 13Shropshire, Attingham Park

Andrea del Brescianino, male portrait (National Trust no. 609008), 180 n. 2

Sibiu, Muzeul National BrukenthalAntonello da Messina,

Hermannstadt Crucifixion (no. 732), 41

Sickert, Walter, 697Sidorov, Alexander, 550Siena

Antiporto di CamolliaBulgarini, Bartolomeo, and

Simone Martini, Assumption of the Virgin, 182–83

Martini, Simone, Assumption, 67 n. 73, 337, 434, 437 n. 9, 443, 559, 607

BaptisteryAndrea del Brescianino and


general index 63

Raffaello del Brescianino, Baptism of Christ, 177–78, 180

Catani Chiti, Giuseppe, triptych of the Immaculate Virgin with Saints Joseph, Anne, Paul, and Elizabeth, 650

Giovanni di Paolo, painted derivations of reliefs by Ghiberti and Donatello on font, 330

Michele di Matteo, frescos, 466Vecchietta and assistants,

fresco of ceiling and apse, 607

Bufalini oratoryCatani Chiti, Giuseppe,

decoration of, 650Campo

Federighi, Antonio, frieze of the Cappella di Piazzo, 364

Cappella de’ SignoriSano di Pietro, predella for

Simone Martini’s altarpiece, 548, 553

Taddeo di Bartolo, Virgin with Saint John the Evangelist, 552–53

cathedralBulgarini, Bartolomeo,

Adoration of the Shepherds in the San Vittore triptych, 458 n. 11

Federighi, Antonio, Seven Ages of Man, floor panel, 514 n. 2

Giovanni Pisano, statue of Virgin and Child in cathedral facade (lost), 377

Matteo di Giovanni, marble panel with the Massacre of the Innocents, 426

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, decoration of central nave, 509

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, and Pintoricchio, decoration of Piccolomini Library, 509, 511

Pintoricchio, decoration of the Piccolomini Library, 37, 451 n. 9, 509, 511

Pintoricchio, fresco with Alberto Aringhieri in prayer, 640

Sassetta, Madonna della Neve (Florence, Uffizi, Donazione Contini Bonacossi, no. 1), 53, 55 (Fig. II.13), 66 n. 11, 340, 548, 559, 564

Vecchietta, ciborium for Santa Maria della Scala, 607

Vecchietta and Sano di Pietro, polychromed statue of the Virgin Annunciate (lost), 607

church of the OsservanzaSano di Pietro, triptych of

the Virgin and Child with Saints Ambrose and Jerome, 502, 548

Collegiata della Santissima Trinità

Benvenuto di Giovanni, and Girolamo di Benvenuto, Madonna and Child with Saints Sebastian and Fabian, 130

Chigi Saracini collection, 179, 266, 368, 559

Andrea del Brescianino, Virgin and Child, 179

Compagnia di Santa LuciaBenvenuto di Giovanni, Passion

scenes (lost), 129Fondazione Monte dei Paschi di

SienaAndrea del Brescianino, Virgin

and Child (no. 19), 179 Benvenuto di Giovanni, Virgin

of Mercy (no. 2923), 135 n. 17Francesco di Giorgio Martini,

relief of Rape of the Sabines (formerly identified as Assassination, or Discord) (Collezione Chigi Saracini, no. MPS 291), 266

Francesco di Vannuccio, Virgin of Humility (no. 101551 [2642]), 334, 336 (Fig. 45.2), 376

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin of Humility (no. 4265), 335 n. 6

Lorenzetti, Pietro, triptych (no. 9282), 612 n. 9

Sano di Pietro, Pietà with Saint Sebaldus and Donor Peter Volckhamer (no. 5423), 548

Sassetta, Adoration of the Magi (Collezione Chigi Saracini, no. 98), 559

Sassetta, cross for San Martino, Siena (Collezione Chigi Saracini, nos. 95 and 100), 559

German confraternity of Saint Barbara

Matteo di Giovanni, chapel, 342Loggia della Mercanzia

Vecchietta, marble statues of Saint Paul and Saint Peter, Siena, 607

Vecchietta, statues for, 426Museo Civico

Anon. Sienese painter, Virgin of Humility (no. 18), 334, 336 (Fig. 45.3)

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, predella fragment with legend of Saint Bernardino (no. 373), 494

Museo dell’Opera del DuomoDonatello, Madonna del

Perdono for the cathedral of Siena (no. OA/4751), 496

Duccio di Buoninsegna, Virgin Taking Leave of Saint John the Evangelist, 552

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, polychromy of statue of Saint Savinus (no. 4621), 244

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, Virgin of Humility for the Piccolomini altar, Siena cathedral, 245, 248

Francesco di Giorgio Martini,

Saint John the Baptist (no. OA/4622/1998), 265

Guido di Giovanni, statue of Saint Savinus (no. 4621), 244

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Birth of the Virgin (no. OA/4540), 193, 377, 553

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Nativity of the Virgin (no. OA/4540), 553

Lorenzetti, Pietro, polyptych for altar of San Savino in Siena cathedral (no. OA/4540), 244, 373

Matteo di Giovanni, altarpiece (no. OZ/3003), 129

Matteo di Giovanni, Celsi altarpiece for Siena cathedral (no. OA/3001), 427

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child with Saints Anthony of Padua and Bernardino (no. OA/3003), 426

Sano di Pietro, San Bernardino Preaching in the Square in Front of San Francesco and the Campo (nos. 3506 and 3508), 548

Museo delle BiccherneGiovanni di Paolo, book covers

(nos. 40 and 42), 330Museo Diocesano

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, altarpiece for San Pietro a Ovile, Siena, 183

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Resurrected Christ, 373

Matteo di Giovanni, Annunciation from S. Pietro Ovile, 53, 67 n. 61

Sano di Pietro, Saint George altarpiece for San Cristoforo, Siena, 548, 549 n. 5

Sassetta and Sano di Pietro, Guglielmi–Piccolomini polyptych for the altar of the Natività di Cristo in San Pietro alle Scale, Siena, 559

Vecchietta, decoration of Martinozzi chapel in San Francesco, Siena, 607

Vecchietta, Pietà from San Donato, Siena, 607

Nobile Contrada del NicchioOsservanza Master (?), cross,

611–12Office of the Biccherna

Domenico di Bartolo and Sano di Pietro, fresco of the Coronation of the Virgin, 548

Sano di Pietro and Domenico di Bartolo, fresco of the Coronation of the Virgin, 548

Oratorio di San Bernardino e Museo Diocesano di Arte Sacra

Beccafumi, Domenico, fresco of Marriage of the Virgin, 278 n. 13

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Virgin Nursing the Christ Child

(no. SB OA/228), 377, 556 (Fig. 92.1)

Turapilli, Ventura di Ser Giuliano, and Antonio Magagna and Sinolfo d’Andrea, frieze, 512

Oratory of company of San Giovanni Battista della Morte

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, decoration, Siena, 510

Palace of the Guild of the Notaries

Gentile da Fabriano, fresco of Virgin and saints (lost), 134

Palazzo Chigi alla Bocca del Casato

Sodoma, Ovidian stories in decoration, 410

Palazzo del Magnifico, 54Torrini, 24, 55, 57

Palazzo PubblicoBulgarini, Bartolomeo, painting

for (lost), 182Duccio di Buoninsegna, Maestà

for the chapel of the Nove, 182, 186–87, 383 nn. 6 and 8, 431, 553, 589, 592, 603, 606

Girolamo di Benvenuto, repairs to Ambrogio Lorenzetti’s frescos in the Sala della Pace, 337

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, cycle of the Effects of Good and Bad Governments, 512

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, frescos, 49

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, frescos in the Sala della Pace, Siena, 337

Martini, Simone, altarpiece in the Cappella de’ Signori, 442, 548

Martini, Simone, Maestà, 97 n. 8, 441, 454–55

Memmi, Lippo, frescos in the Cappella dei Nove, 442

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, painting of clockface of Torre del Manga, Siena, 509

Petruccio di Lorenzo, altarpiece, 373

Taddeo di Bartolo, fresco cycle of 1405–06, 577–78

Vecchietta, fresco of Saint Catherine of Siena in the Sala del Mappamondo, 607, 610

Vecchietta, Virgin of Mercy, 607Pinacoteca Nazionale

Andrea del Brescianino, altarpiece with Virgin and Child and Saints from San Benedetto fuor de’ Tufi in Siena (no. 409), 178, 180

Andrea del Brescianino, panels of Virtues (nos. I.B.S. nos. 5–7), 178

Andrea di Bartolo, polyptych (nos. 220 and 57), 451 n. 6


general index64

Beccafumi, Domenico, predella with Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine from San Benedetto fuori Porta Tufi (nos. 417–20), 492, 494

Benvenuto di Giovanni, altarpiece of the Ascension (no. 434), 130

Bordon, Paris, Virgin and Child with Saint Homobonus and a Donor (no. 55), 168

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, altarpieces for Ospedale di Santa Maria della Scala (nos. 59, 76), 182, 192

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, Assumption (no. 61), 182–83

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, Crucifixion altarpiece for Santa Caterina delle Ruote, Radicondoli (no. 54), 182

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, Saint Ansano (no. 42), 606 n. 6

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, Saint Galgano (no. 43), 606 n. 6

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels (no. 80), 183

Duccio di Buoninsegna, pentaptych (no. 28), 380

Duccio di Buoninsegna, polyptych for Santa Maria della Scala, Siena (no. 47), 192, 380

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, panels from altarpiece for Mannelli chapel in San Maurizio, Siena (no. 126), 244, 249 n. 5

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, Crucifixion with the Seated Virgin and John the Evangelist (on deposit from the Museo Civico [no. 253]), 245

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, diptych (no. 146), 245

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, polyptych for Sant’Andreino, Serre di Rapolano (no. 300), 244, 248

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, Saint James Major, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Mauritius (no. 126), 244, 504 n. 8

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, triptych with Saint Catherine of Alexandria (no. 137), 246, 249 n.4

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, triptych with the Nativity of the Virgin and Saints (no. 116), 244

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Coronation of the Virgin (no. 440), 265, 362

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Nativity (no. 437), 265

Francesco di Giorgio Martini with “Fiduciario,” altarpiece of the Coronation of the Virgin (no. 44), 492

Francesco di Vannuccio, triptych (no. 183), 249 n. 6

Fungai, Bernardino, Assumption of the Virgin (no. 441), 278 n. 18

Fungai, Bernardino, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Sebastian, Jerome, Nicholas, and Anthony of Padua (no. 431), 273

Giovanni di Paolo, altarpiece for Malavolti chapel, San Domenico, Siena (nos. 197, 193), 330–31, 335 n. 6

Giovanni di Paolo, altarpiece of the Purification of the Virgin (no. 211), 330, 334

Giovanni di Paolo, cross for the Osservanza, Siena (no. 200), 330, 334

Giovanni di Paolo, Last Judgment (no. 172), 335

Giovanni di Paolo, polyptych for the high altar of San Niccolò near Porta Romana, Siena (no. 173), 330, 331 n. 6

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin of Humility (no. 206), 336 n. 16

Giovanni di Paolo and workshop, simplified version of Purification of the Virgin (no. I.B.S. n. 9), 330

Giovanni di Paolo workshop, polyptych for a Cistercian church (nos. 199, 199, 201), 331

Girolamo di Benvenuto, Lamentation over the Dead Christ (no. I.B.S. n. 19) (Pl. 46, Comp. B), 342

Girolamo di Benvenuto, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels Holding Snowballs, Saints Dominic, Jerome, Catherine of Alexandria, and Catherine of Siena (no. 414a) (Pl. 46, Comp. A), 342

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, altarpiece possibly for Santa Marta, Siena (nos. 77, 77a–c), 458 n. 34

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Saint John the Baptist (no. 53), 451 n. 6

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Saint Paul (no. 52), 451 n. 6

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Catherine of Alexandria (no. 184), 451 n. 6

Lorenzetti, Pietro, high altarpiece for San Niccolò al Carmine, Siena (nos. I.B.S. n. 16a, 16b, 62, 64, 83, and 578–79), 373

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint Bartholomew (no. 79), 451 n. 6

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint Cecily (no. 81), 451 n. 6

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Saint John the Baptist (no. 82), 451 n. 6

Lorenzetti, Pietro, San Giusto polyptych (no. 50), 451 n. 6

Luca di Tommè, polyptych of 1367 (no. 109), 504 n. 20, 612 n. 3

Ludovico di Luca (?), predella of Sano di Pietro’s triptych of the Virgin and Child with Saints Ambrose and Jerome in the church of the Osservanza (no. 216), 549 n. 2

Master of the Richardson Triptych or a follower of Paolo di Giovanni Fei, Saint Anthony Abbot and Saint John the Evangelist (no. 307), 249 n. 11

Matteo di Giovanni, Della Ciaia altarpiece in Santa Maria dei Servi, Siena (no. 286), 426, 430, 432 n. 16

Matteo di Giovanni, lunette with the Nativity from the Placidi altarpiece (no. 414b), 427 n. 13, 435, 342

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child (no. 400), 655

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child in a Landscape (no. 283), 438, 440

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and James the Great (no. 280), 432 n. 18

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian and Catherine of Siena and an Angel (no. 446), 440

Memmi, Lippo, Saint Francis for Franciscan church in San Gimignano (drawing) (no. 49), 455

Memmi, Lippo, Saint Louis of Toulouse for Franciscan church in San Gimignano (drawing) (no. 48), 445

Memmi, Lippo, Virgin and Child (no. 595), 451 n. 19

Memmi, Lippo, Virgin and Child (Madonna del Popolo) (on deposit), 442, 450, 451 n. 19

Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo, Blessed Andrea Gallerani (on deposit from San Pellegrino alla Sapienza), 442

Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo, Virgin and Child for San Bernardo, Montepulciano (no. 595), 441

Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels and Saints Peter, Paul, and Dominic for San Dominico, Siena (on deposit), 443, 455

Memmi, Tederigo (?), sketches on Simone Martini’s Blessed Agostino Novello with Scenes from his Life (on deposit from Sant’Agostino), 456

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, triptych with Virgin and Child with Saints Michael Archangel and Bernardino of Siena (no. 282), 496

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Bernardino of Siena (no. 281), 496

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Catherine of Alexandria (no. 295), 496

Niccolò di Segna, Crucifix (no. 46), 498

Niccolò di Segna, Saint Bartholomew with Saints John the Evangelist and Nicholas of Bari (no. 37) (Pl. 80, Comp. G), 503–04

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, predella of Borghese altarpiece in Santo Spirito, Siena (no. 406), 509

Puccinelli, Angelo, Saint Michael Archangel with Saints Anthony Abbot and John the Baptist (no. 67), 451 n. 6

Sano di Pietro, altar of Angelo Ridolfi in San Giovanni, San Gimignano (no. 224), 548

Sano di Pietro, altarpiece for San Maurizio, Siena (no. 230), 548

Sano di Pietro, altarpiece for Santa Petronilla, Siena (nos. 259 and 260), 548

Sano di Pietro, altarpiece for the parish church in Scrofiano (no. 255), 548

Sano di Pietro, Gesuati altarpiece (no. 246), 548, 556, 558

Sano di Pietro, polyptych for San Girolamo dei Gesuati (no. 233), 548

Sano di Pietro, Saint Maurice (no. 232), 504 n. 8

Sano di Pietro, Virgin and Child with Two Angels and Saints Jerome, Bernardino, Lawrence, and Ansano (no. 254), 558

Sassetta, portrait of San Bernardino for the Compagnia di San Giovanni Battista della Morte, Siena (no. 205), 559

Sassetta, Virgin of Humility (no. 325), 67 N. 66, 559

Sassetta and Sano di Pietro, Guglielmi-Piccolomini polyptych for the altar of the Natività di Cristo in San Pietro alle Scale, Siena (no. 240), 559

Scheggia and workshop, panels of four Triumphs of Petrarch (nos. 149–52), 567


general index 65

Taddeo di Bartolo, altarpiece of 1409 for Siena (nos. 127, 131, 132, and 134), 588, 606 n. 3

Tegliacci, Niccolò di Ser Sozzo, and Luca di Tommè, high altarpiece for San Tommaso Apostolo, Siena (no. 51), 606

Ugolino di Nerio, Crucifixion (no. 34), 603

Ugolino di Nerio, monumental cross (fragment) (no. 596), 603

Ugolino di Nerio, polyptych for a Franciscan church (no. 39), 606

Vecchietta, altarpiece with Virgin and Child and Four Saints for his own burial chapel (no. 219), 607–08

Vecchietta, panels depicting Sienese saints and stories of the Passion for a reliquary cabinet (no. 204), 607, 610

Porta RomanaSano di Pietro and Sassetta,

fresco of the Coronation of the Virgin, 548, 560

Salini collection, 182, 189, 330, 455, 490, 498–99, 648–49

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, polyptych for Santo Stefano in Canova, San Gimignano, 182, 189

Giovanni di Paolo, Christ Redeemer and Four Evangelists, 330, 648 n. 5, 649 n. 12

Lorenzetti, Pietro, pinnacles, 499 n. 3

Memmi, Lippo, Saint Augustine for Franciscan church in San Gimignano (drawing), 455

Niccolò di Segna, Blessing Christ, 498

San Bernardino al Prato, San Bernardino

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, altarpiece for, 244

San DomenicoAngelico (Fra), altarpieces

for, 559Benvenuto di Giovanni,

altarpiece, Borghesi chapel, 129, 135 nn. 10, 12, and 18, 342

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, and Bartolo di Fredi, decoration of Malavolti chapel, 244

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, frescos for Accarigi chapel, 244

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, Tancredi Nativity, 266, 427

Gambarelli, Crescenzio, Saint Catherine of Siena and Christ Saying Offices Together, 342

Giovanni di Paolo, Guelfi altarpiece, 330, 331 n. 5

Girolamo di Benvenuto, Resurrection of Christ from Sozzini chapel (lost), 340, 342

Matteo di Giovanni, Placidi

altarpiece (dispersed), 427–28, 434, 436

Matteo di Giovanni, Saint Barbara altarpiece for chapel of the German confraternity, 427, 432 n. 6

Matteo di Giovanni, Tancredi altarpiece (unfinished), 134, 427

San FrancescoCatani Chiti, Giuseppe,

triptych of the Redeemer, 650

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Crucifixion, chapter house, 373

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, decoration of chapel of Sant’Andrea, 509

Perugino, Pietro, Nativity for the Vieri chapel (lost), 337, 509

Sassetta, altarpiece or panel of Saint Louis of Toulouse (lost), 559

Turapilli, Ventura di Ser Giuliano, arch of Vieri chapel, 510 n. 10

San Giovannino della StaffaFrancesco di Vannuccio,

Madonna, 55San Girolamo

Fungai, Bernardino and Fra Giuliano, Assumption of the Virgin, cloister, 273

Michele di Matteo, Crucifixion, Siena, 466

San MartinoCeccarelli, Naddo, Virgin

Nursing the Christ Child, 556 (Fig. 92.2)

San MaurizioNiccolò di Segna, high

altarpiece (dispersed), 498, 503

San PaoloAndrea del Brescianino,

Coronation of the Virgin, 178San Pellegrino alla Sapienza, on

deposit at the Pinacoteca Nazionale

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, altarpiece for hospital and confraternity of the Misericordia, Siena, 187 n. 15

San Pietro a OvileMatteo di Giovanni, triptych,

426, 430, 432 n. 6San Pietro in Castelvecchio

Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, altarpiece, 376

San Sebastiano in VallepiattaFrancesco di Giorgio Martini,

architecture, 266Francesco di Giorgio Martini,

tabernacle of the Virgin and Child, 496

Sant’AgostinoFei, Paolo di Giovanni, frescos

of saints and the Infancy of Christ, 244

Matteo di Giovanni, Massacre of the Innocents, 426, 427 n. 8, 433–34

Signorelli, Luca, Bichi altarpiece (dispersed), 571

Signorelli, Luca, frescos in Bichi chapel, 273, 337

Sant’AndreaGiovanni di Paolo, altarpiece,

334Sant’Antonio di Padova,

baptisteryBenvenuto di Giovanni,

frescos, 129Santa Caterina in Fontebranda

Fungai, Bernardino, Stigmatization of Saint Catherine, Oratorio della Cucina, 273, 492

Pacchiarotti, Giacomo, Miracle of the Stigmatization of Saint Catherine of Siena, oratory, 509–10

Santa Maria a TressaPacchiarotti, Giacomo,

decoration of the chapel (lost), 510

Santa Maria dei ServiCatani Chiti, Giuseppe and

Alessandro Franchi, cartoons for the windows of, 650

Fungai, Bernardino, Coronation of the Virgin, 273, 277

Matteo di Giovanni, Massacre of the Innocents, 426

Niccolò di Segna, frescos in Spinelli chapel, 498

Santa Maria del CarmineLorenzetti, Pietro, altarpiece,

498Santa Maria della Scala

Andrea del Brescianino, work for Compagnia di San Bernardino, 177

Benvenuto di Giovanni, ceiling coffers, 130 n. 11

Domenico di Bartolo, fresco of the Distribution of Alms in the Pellegrinaio, 377

Giovanni di Paolo, work for, 330Girolamo di Benvenuto and

Benvenuto di Giovanni, frescos of cycle of prophets and patriarchs in confraternity of San Bernadino, 337

Lorenzetti, Pietro (?), fresco on the facade (lost), 553

Lorenzetti, Pietro, Nativity of the Virgin, facade, 373

Memmi, Lippo and Tederigo, triptych (lost), 442

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, panel for the company of Santi Francesco e Girolamo, 495

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, Saint Jerome for the company of Santi Francesco e Girolamo, 495

Taddeo di Bartolo, Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Andrew for Compagnia di Santa Caterina della Notte, 591, 593–94 (Fig. 99.2)

Vecchietta, fresco of the Vision of the Blessed Sorore in the Pellegrinaio, 607

Vecchietta, mural cycle of the Articles of the Apostles’ Creed for the old sacristy, 607

Vecchietta, Risen Christ for his own burial chapel, 607

Vecchietta, work for, Siena, 607Santa Maria delle Nevi

Matteo di Giovanni, high altarpiece for Bishop Giovanni Cinughi, 427

Matteo di Giovanni, Virgin of the Snow, 340

Santa Maria in Portico a Fontegiusta

Fungai, Bernardino, Coronation of the Virgin, 278 n. 18

Girolamo di Benvenuto, Assumption of the Virgin, 337

Santa MartaPacchiarotti, Giacomo, Last

Supper, refectory, 509, 510 n. 14

Santissima AnnunziataFei, Paolo di Giovanni, Virgin

and Child, 244Francesco di Giorgio Martini,

Coronation of the Virgin (destroyed), 265

Francesco di Giorgio Martini with Lotto di Domenico, coffered ceiling, 265

Santo SpiritoPacchiarotti, Giacomo, images

of the Redeemer in Borghesi chapel, 511

Perugino, Pietro, Crucifixion, 293Torrini (antique shop), 24, 55, 57Ugurgieri collection

formerly Andrea del Brescianino, Virgin and Child (present whereabouts unknown), 178

Vallombrosan abbeyNiccolò di Segna, pentaptych

(dispersed), 498Sienese School

predella panel of Adoration of the Magi (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 277) (App. 92), 26, 49, 66 n. 11, 243 n. 23, 757

Virgin and Child (Pl. 108), 81, 448, 627–29

Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Bartholomew and Angels (Castel del Piano, Santa Maria delle Grazie), 627 (Fig. 108.2), 628

Sigismund of Luxemburg, King of Hungary, 279, 350, 559


general index66

Signa, pieve of San Giovanni Battista

Master of Signa, frescoes of the legend of the Blessed Giovanni, 415

Signorelli, Carlo, 206Signorelli, Luca, 33, 38, 44, 48, 71, 74,

206, 266, 272 n. 1, 277, 370, 490, 571–91

Adoration of the Magi (Paris, Louvre, no. 1526), 571, 581 n. 37

Adoration of the Shepherds (London, National Gallery, no. 1133), 571

altarpieces for Arcevia, 571altarpiece for Bichi chapel

(Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 79), 342

Bichi altarpiece for Sant’Agostino, Siena (dispersed), 571

altarpieces for Volterra, 571fresco cycle in the Cappella Nova

(Orvieto, cathedral), 571, 581 n. 33

frescos and altarpiece in Bichi chapel (Siena, Sant’Agostino), 273, 337

frescos for chapel of San Brixio (Orvieto, cathedral), 412

frescos with the legend of Saint Benedict resuscitating a monk (Monte Oliveto Maggiore), 478, 571

Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian (Città di Castello, Pinacoteca Comunale, no. 16), 571

Nativity from the upper church of the Gesù, Cortona (Museo Diocesano), 578

portrait of a man (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 79C), 578

Portrait of Niccolò Vitelli (Birmingham, Barber Institute of Arts, no. 45.3), 574, 578 (Fig. 96.2), 580 n. 29

Portrait of Vitellozzo Vitelli (Pl. 96a); Portrait of Camillo Vitelli (Pl. 96b), 29, 63, 69 n. 160, 75, 78, 82, 84 nn. 28 and 37, 122, 573–81

—— (copy)portrait of Paolo Vitelli (Città

di Castello, Pinacoteca Comunale), 578

—— and workshopTestament of Moses (Vatican City,

Sistine chapel), 571—— and Piero della Francesca (?)

fresco fragment from Torre del Vescovo (Città di Castello, Pinacoteca Comunale, no. 15), 571

—— with Pintoriccio and Girolamo Genga

frescoes for Pandolfo Petrucci’s family palace, Siena (London, National Gallery, nos. 910 and 3939), 572

Silicus Italicus, 266Silvio, Gian Pietro, 170 n. 15Simes, Nathaniel P., 327Simon, Norton, 741Simone di Filippo

altarpiece for Cospi chapel (Bologna, San Petronio), 468

Simone Martini, see Martini, Simone

Sims, Charles, 45Sinai, Saint Catherine

Damaskenos, Michael, icon of the Presentation in the Temple, 232

SinalungaSan Bernardino

Benvenuto di Giovanni, Annunciation, 135 n. 10

Santa LuciaBenvenuto di Giovanni,

Virgin and Child with Saints Sebastian and Fabian, 132

Sinolfo d’Andrea, 512Sirén, Osvald, 84 n. 43, 384, 387, 404,

477–78, 675 n. 68Sirez de Longeville (coll.), 179–80Sisley, Alfred, 43Sixtus IV Della Rovere, Pope, 141,

414, 571Sluter, Claus, 255Smith, Hannah Whitall, 15, 27, 37, 48,

66 n. 1, 726Smith, Joseph, 621Smith, Logan Pearsall, 15, 24–26, 29,

42 n. 5, 45, 47–51, 58–60, 63, 66 nn. 20, 24, and 40, 68 n. 118, 69 nn. 133–35, 76, 121, 235 n. 11, 370, 496, 564, 567 n. 30, 722, 726, 746, 752, 754, 758

Smyth, Craigh Hugh, 599, 686, 719Socchieve, San Martino

Gianfrancesco da Tolmezzo, frescos, 306

Gianfrancesco da Tolmezzo, polyptych, 306, 308

Sodoma (Giovanni Antonio Bazzi), 25–26, 42, 47–49, 64, 66 n. 1, 73, 83, 178, 243 n. 23, 337, 342, 356, 509–10, 740, 757, 758

fresco cycle of the legend of Saint Benedict (Monte Oliveto Maggiore), 47

Ovidian stories in decoration for Palazzo Chigi alla Bocca del Casato (Siena), 410

Virgin and Child (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. 278) (App. 93), 49, 740, 758

Soffici, Ardengo, 681, 683, 689Sogliani (Giovanni Antonio), 329

drawings owned by Baccio Gondi, 329 n. 18

Sohn-Rethel, Otto, 342Solari, Cristoforo, 203, 207Solario, Andrea, 125 n. 14, 261Solimani, Nicolò, 360Solly, Edward, 467, 469Somervell, Graham Charles, 172Sommariva, Emilio, 751

Sommi (Biffi Sommi), Serafino, 198 n. 3

Sommi Picenardi (coll.), 197, 198 n. 3Sotheby Parke-Bernet, 356Sotheby’s (London), 170, 176, 210, 286,

365, 406, 425, 470, 475, 494, 525, 546, 600, 735, 741

Sotheby’s (Milan), 356Sotheby’s (New York), 128, 141, 288,

378, 425, 464, 470, 474, 503, 600, 698, 734, 738

Soulier, Gustave, 690 n. 93Sozzini, Alessandro, 341Sozzini, Bartolomeo, 343 n. 21Sozzini, Caterina, 343Sozzini, Lelio, 341Sozzini the Elder, Mariano, 340, 343

n. 21Sozzini the Younger, Mariano, 337,

341, 343 n. 17Sozzini, Niccolò di Galgano, 338,

340, 342Sozzini family, 338–42Spanierman, Ira, 525Spannocchi, Ambrogio, 129Spanzotti, Giovanni Martino, 83

n. 10, 735Spartanburg, S.C., Bob Jones

University MuseumMarco di Paolo Veneziano, Virgin

and Child with a Franciscan Friar (no. 91.1), 400

Spata (Spada), Cinzia di Bartolomeo, 165

Spello, Cappella Tega in Sant’AnnaAlunno, Niccolò, with Pietro

di Giovanni Mazzaforte, frescos, 87, 91, 92 nn. 13 and 16

Spencer Stanhope, John Roddam, 650

Speroni, Giuseppe, 198 n. 3Spinelli, Niccolò di Forzore

(Niccolò Fiorentino), 574, 579, 580 n. 22

medal of Grand Bâtard Antoine de Bourgogne, 580 n. 20

medal of Jean du Mas, 580 n. 20medals of Paolo Vitelli (Paris,

Bibliothèque Nationale de France, nos. AV 1331, AV 1642, It. Pers. 380), 574, 569 (Fig. 96.4), 580 n. 20

Spinelli family, 498Spinello Aretino, 587, 648–49, 735

altarpiece for San Francesco, Città di Castello (lost), 563, 567 n. 18

frescos with the legend of Saint Benedict resuscitating a monk (Florence, San Miniato al Monte), 478

pinnacles from an altarpiece (Cambridge, Fitzwilliam Museum, no. 550), 648 n. 5, 649 n. 13

Virgin and Child Enthroned with Eight Angels (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1905.1), 648 n. 5, 659 n. 13

Spini family, 481

Spinola, Battista, 251Spinola, Stefano, 420, 423, 425Spinola family, 32, 45, 420–25Split, Galerija Umjetnina

Marco di Paolo Veneziano, panels of Virgin and Child, saints, and sacred stories, 397

Spoleto, cathedralLippi, Filippo, fresco of the

Nativity, 158Lippi, Filippo, and workshop,

frescos, 618Springfield, Mass., Museum of Fine

Arts Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio,

Virgin and Child (no. 61.18), 356, 358 n. 12, 359

Squarcione, Francesco, 91, 114, 116, 119, 131, 134, 199, 255, 471, 758

Madonna (Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, no. A3124), 522 n. 4

Virgin and Child (Baltimore, Walters Art Museum, no. 37.519) (App. 94), 56, 522 n. 4, 758

Stahel, Thomas, 165Stainton, Thomas, 420, 422Starnina (Gherardo di Jacopo), 317,

384, 425, 526–28Virgin of Humility Crowned by

Two Angels (Milan, Museo Diocesano, no. 2000.018.020), 388

Steer, Philip Wilson, 45Stefaneschi, Jacopo, Cardinal, 194,

310, 442, 458 n. 33Stefano d’Antonio di Giovanni

(Vanni) di Guido, 51, 67, 367, 415, 416 n. 4

cassone panel (London, Courtauld Gallery, no. P.1947.LF.2.61), 464

Stefano da Ferrara, 305 n. 19Stefano da Verona, 138Stefano da Zevio (Stefano di

Giovanni da Verona), 254–55, 261, 282, 287 n. 8

—— (circle) or Giovanni BadileVirgin Nursing the Christ Child,

fresco (parish church of Illasi, near Verona), 261, 264 n. 3

Stefano di Francesco, 243 n. 33Stefano Fiorentino, 420, 423–24Steffanoni, Attilio and Franco, 742Stein, Gertrude, 36, 83 n. 16, 677, 711Stein, Leo, 83 n. 16, 666, 677, 711Steinmeyer et Fils, 30, 320Steinmeyer, Fritz W., 211–12, 216 n. 2,

328 n. 5, 470, 503Steinmeyer-Böhler (gallery), 31, 212Stephen, Adrian, 695, 738Stephen, Judith, 738Stephen, Karin Costelloe, 15, 19,

45–48, 55, 61, 695–96, 726, 738painting of, 695–96 (Pl. 120)photo of, 696 (Fig. 120.1)

Stephens, Mrs. Frederick, 406Sterbini, Giulio, 58, 157, 158 n. 1, 449,

753, 759


general index 67

Sterling, Charles, 525 n. 6Sterne, Laurence, 730Stevens, Wallace, 724 n. 9Steward, Gwendolyn, 132Stibbert, Frederick, 73, 267–72, 610–12,

642 n. 4, 644Stimmer, Tobias, 573, 578–81

Camillo Vitelli (from Paolo Giovio, Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium, Basel, 1575, p. 182), 578, 580 (Fig. 96.6)

Vitellozzo Vitelli (from Paolo Giovio, Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium, Basel, 1575, p. 185), 578, 580 (Fig. 96.5)

woodcut illustrations from Paolo Giovio’s collection, 578

Stockholm, NationalmuseumMaster of the Stockholm

Pietà, Pietà (attr. Sodoma) (no. 1612), 42 n. 7

Nardo di Cione, standing image of Saint Benedict (no. 2259), 478–79

Nattier, Jean-Marc, Portrait of Louise Henriette de Bourbon-Conti (no. NM 1186), 657

Stockton, Cal., Haggin MuseumLorenzo Monaco, Virgin and

Child with Two Saints and Two Angels (no. 72x–504), 386

Stoclet, Adolphe, 97, 223, 422–23, 425Storibono, Francesco, 304Strachey, Barbara, 37, 45, 78, 694, 738Strachey, Christopher, 78, 694, 738Strachey, Oliver, 35, 372, 695–96, 738Strachey, Ray Costelloe, 15, 19, 35,

47–48, 61, 372, 675 n. 37, 726, 738, 743Karin Costelloe Stephen between her

Brother-in-law Oliver Strachey and the Philosopher George Edward Moore, 1914 (London, National Portrait Gallery, no. x88547), 695–96 (Fig. 120.1)

Mary Berenson (London, National Portrait Gallery, no. D206), 37 (Fig. I.21)

photo of, 696 (Fig. 120.1)Stramezzi (coll.), 256–57, 262Strasbourg, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Cima da Conegliano, Saint Sebastian (no. 353), 206–07

Giotto, Crucifixion (no. BA 167), 422Strauss, Richard, 714Strong, Charles, 45Strong, Sandford Arthur, 37, 389Strozzi (coll.), 616Strozzi, Carlo, 106–07Strozzi, Caterina, 234, 240, 343 n. 21Strozzi, Lorenzo di Palla di Nofri,

343 n. 19Strozzi, Palla di Nofri, 280Strozzi, Tito Vespasiano, 614Strozzi, Zanobi, 104, 329 n. 20, 488,

541, 542 n. 7, 543altarpiece from San Girolamo of

the Hieronymites of Fiesole (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, no. M.I. 467), 488

Strozzi family, 384, 476, 480, 613–14, 616

Strozzi Sacrati, Massimiliano, 132Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie

Bonifacio, Holy Family with Saint Peter (no. 484), 160

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Holy Family (no. 2709), 355

Lorenzo Monaco, Virgin of Humility, 388 (Fig. 56.1)

Pensaben, (Fra) Marco (Marco Bello?), Virgin and Child (no. 237), 126 n. 2

Suarès, Joseph Marie de, 456–57. 458 n. 28

Suavius, Lambert (Zutman), 28, 582–86Holy Women at the Sepulcher

(Liège, Musée Curtius, no. A 36), 586 n. 20

Minerva and the Muses (Switzerland, private collection), 586 n. 20

Resurrection of Lazarus (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 658), 586 n. 20

study for the facade of the Rathaus, Cologne (Kölnisches Stadtmuseum, Graphische Sammlung, no. A I 3/728), 582

—— (attrib.)Burning of Troy (Utrecht,

Centraal Museum, no. 7701), 582 (Fig. 97.1), 584

Love Punished (Rome, Zeri collection), 584 (Fig. 97.3)

—— circle of, Hercules and Cacus (Pl. 97), 28, 583–86

Suida, Wilhelm, 254, 257, 261–62, 739Sulley, Arthur J., 230, 741Superbi Gioffredi, Fiorella, 15, 80,

100, 211, 294, 440, 463Superville, Humbert de, 192 n. 6, 603Supino, Igino Benvenuto, 240Susa, San Giusto

Bergognone, Ambrogio, triptych, 142

Sydney, Gallery of New South Wales

Dell’Abate, Nicolò, Gentleman with a Falcon (no. 167.1991), 525 n. 4

Symonds, John A., 731Synge, Ann (née Stephen), 738Synge, Richard Laurence

Millington, 738

TTaddeo di Bartolo, 55, 60, 69 b. 137,

245, 330, 562, 587–94 Adoration of the Magi (Altenburg,

Lindenau-Museum, no. 86), 593

altarpiece of 1395 for Pisa (Budapest, Szépmuvészeti Múzeum, no. 53.500 and Grenoble, Musée de Grenoble, permanent deposit from the Louvre), 588

altarpiece of 1397 (Triora, near Imperia, Liguria), 588

altarpiece of 1401 (Montepulciano), 588

altarpiece of 1409 (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, nos. 127, 131, 132, and 134), 588, 606 n. 3

altarpiece of 1411 (Volterra, Pinacoteca e Museo Civico, no. 21), 588

altarpiece of 1418 for Gubbio (Cambridge, Mass., Fogg Museum, no. 1965.2), 588

Bishop Saint and Saint Galgano (present whereabouts unknown), 56

Christ and the Twelve Apostles (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1991.27.1), 591 (Fig. 98.2)

Crucifixion (New York and Paris, Grassi Studio), 593

double-sided heptatych of 1403 for Perugia (Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, nos. 62–64, 66, and 1072), 588

fresco cycle (Pisa, San Francesco), 587–88

fresco cycle of 1405–06 (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico), 577–78

frescos (Quarto, San Gerolamo), 590

high altarpiece for San Francesco al Prato, Perugia (Perugia, Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 62), 562

Lamentation (Montepulciano, Cathedral), 592, 594 (Fig. 99.1)

pentaptych for an oratory at Collegalli, near San Miniato (private collection), 576

Saint John the Baptist (New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery, no. 1943.251), 591

single-field painting for Perugia (Galleria Nazionale dell’Umbria, no. 67), 588

Virgin and Child (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, no. 32), 591

Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Andrew (Siena, Ospedale Santa Maria della Scala, Compagnia di Santa Caterina della Notte), 591, 593–94 (Fig. 99.2)

Virgin with Saint John the Evangelist (Siena, Cappella de’ Signori), 552–53

—— with assistanceChrist and the Twelve Apostles (Pl.

98), 588–91, 594 n. 7Lamentation (Pl. 99), 55, 592–94

—— (attrib.)Saint Mary Magdalene, Agony in

the Garden, and Kiss of Judas, Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Copenhagen, Thorvaldsens Museum, no. B2), 593–94 (Fig. 99.3)

Tagliacozzo, Giovanni Berardi di, Cardinal, 334

Tajpur, India, churchCatani Chiti, Giuseppe, design of

the marble altar, 650Tamagni, Vincenzo, 510Tanari, Alessandro, 215, 739Tancredi, Caterina, 337Tancredi family, 134, 266, 277, 427Tarlati, Guido, Bishop of Arezzo,

324, 328 n. 15, 373Tarquinia, Museo Nazionale

Archeologico, depositArtist unknown, Saint Paul, 432 n. 7

Tassi, Domenico, 137Tauzia, Both de, 227Tavazzi, Filippo, 355, 358Taylor, Tom

copy of Forsaken by Gilbert Stuart Newton (Pl. 147), 730–31

Tegliacci, Niccolò di Ser Sozzo, 374, 606, 648–49

—— and Luca di Tommèhigh altarpiece for San Tommaso

Apostolo, Siena (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 51), 606

Teniers the Younger, David (attrib.)Head of a Man (present

whereabouts unknown) (App. 95), 43 n. 29, 758

Tensini (coll.), 142Teodoro da Urbino (Fra), 120Teramo, cathedral

Jacobello del Fiore and Ercole del Fiore, altarpiece from Sant’Agostino, Teramo, 351

Terenzano, San MartinoArtist unknown, altarpiece, 406

Terni, Ferrante, 260 n. 4Terni family, 260 n. 4textile design, 300textiles, 43 n. 24Thaw, Mrs. Benjamin, 753Thomas, Hadrien, 726Thomas, M. Carey, 695Thornton, Mr., 343Thyssen-Bornemisza (coll.

[Lugano]), 218Tiepolo, Giovanni Battista, 23, 328

n. 5, 711Tini, Niccolò, 377Tintoretto, Domenico, 285

altarpiece with portraits of Francesco Sandei and children (lost), 285

Tintoretto, Jacopo, 170 n. 11portrait of Nicolò Bernardo

(lost), 635 n. 17Three Apples (Venice, Scuola

Grande di San Rocco), 684–85 (Fig. VI.9)

Tintori, Leonetto, 454Titian (Tiziano Vercelli), 120–21, 160,

165–70, 350, 390, 505, 508, 524, 757altarpiece for San Nicolò della

Lattuga (Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 40351), 165

Annunciation in Malchiostro


general index68

chapel, Treviso cathedral, 169

Assumption (Venice, Frari), 160Concert champêtre (Paris, Louvre,

no. 71), 42 n. 7Death of Saint Peter Martyr for

Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Venice (destroyed), 350

drawing for Saint Peter of Frari Assumption (London, British Museum, no. 1895, 9,15.823), 168

Gozzi altarpiece (Ancona, Pinacoteca Civica Francesco Podesti), 508

Pesaro altarpiece (Venice, Frari), 508

Rape of Europa (Boston, Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, no. P2631), 20

retouching of Bellini, Feast of the Gods, 120

Three Ages (Edinburgh, Scottish National Gallery, no. 77), 167

Virgin and Child with Saint John the Baptist and a Donor (Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 977), 169

Virgin and Child with Saints Stephen, Maurice (?), and Jerome (Paris, Louvre, no. 1577), 167, 169

Virgin and Child with Saints Stephen, Maurice (?), and Jerome (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, no. 166, 169

Tizio, Sigismondo, 135 n. 22Tocchi, Marino, 618Todini, Francesco, 394Toffoli, D., 24, 57, 440, 642 n. 5, 656 n. 2Toklas, Alice B., 36, 711Tokyo, National Museum of

Western ArtCatena, Vincenzo, Virgin and

Child with Young John the Baptist and a View of Campo Santa Maria Formosa (no. P.2011–0001), 126 (Fig. 9.1), 128

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus (?), Seascape (no. P1978–003), 410

Toledo Museum of ArtCosta, Lorenzo, Holy Family

(no. 65.174), 210Tolentino, Raoul, 248Tolomei, Giorgio, 548Tolomei, Giovanni di Tese, 603Tolomei, Nello di Mino de’, 441Tolomei family, 426Tomè di Giovanni da Cetona, 130

n. 8Tommasi-Aliotti, Luigi, 303, 305Tommasino da Baiso, 467Tommaso d’Alderotto, 293Tommaso del Mazza

fragment of altarpiece by Niccolò Matas for Santa Croce, Florence, 649 n. 11

Tonapetean, P., 602Tonghio, Giacomo del, 244Torelli, Filippo di Matteo, 541 n. 3Torelli, Jacopo, 546 n. 18Tornabuoni, Lorenzo, 147Tornabuoni, Lucrezia, 157, 401Tornabuoni family, 157, 344Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario

Giovanni del Biondo, Saint Benedict Reviving a Young Monk (no. 52/36), 477 (Fig. 74.1), 478

T’oros of Taron, 597–98T’oros sarkawag (T’oros the

deacon), 595–602Ascension; Pentecost (Burbank,

Calif., Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, donation of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Karabian) (Pl. 100, Comp. C), 600, 601 n. 2

book illumination, 595–602Communion of the Apostles

(Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Art Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, no. 1960.200) (Pl. 100, Comp. B), 595, 598–99 (Fig. 100.4), 600

Deesis (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, MS 559.2) (Pl. 100, Comp. E), 595, 598, 600 (Fig. 100.5), 602 n. 33

Dormition of the Virgin (Dublin, Chester Beatty Library, MS 559.2) (Pl. 100, Comp. F), 595, 598, 600 (Fig. 100.6), 601, 602 n. 33

Incipit of the Gospel of Matthew (Erevan, Armenia, Mashtots Institute of Ancient Armenian Manuscripts (Matenadaran), MS 10859, fol. 23r), 598 (Fig. 100.2)

Portrait of the Evangelist John (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 100, Comp. J), 601

Portrait of the Evangelist Luke (Venice, Armenian Mekhitarist Congregation of San Lazzaro, Kurdian Collection, fragment no. 27) (Pl. 100, Comp. I), 601

Portrait of the Evangelist Mark (present whereabouts unknown) (Pl. 100, Comp. H), 601

Portrait of the Evangelist Matthew (Princeton University Library, Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Manuscripts Division, Robert Garrett collection, Garrett Armenian MS Supplementary Series no. 5) (Pl. 100, Comp. G), 601

Raising of Lazarus (Cambridge, Mass., Harvard Art

Museums/Arthur M. Sackler Museum, no. 1960.196) (Pl. 100, Comp. A), 595, 598–99 (Fig. 100.3)

Resurrection of the Dead; T’oros the Deacon Presented to Christ by the Virgin (Burbank, Calif., Western Diocese of the Armenian Church, donation of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Karabian) (Pl. 100, Comp. D), 598, 600, 601 nn. 2, 9, and 12

two additional leaves from the Matenadaran MS (private collection), 601 n. 14

Two Sheets from a Gospel (Pl. 100), 595–602

T’oros Taronets’i, 598, 601Torrella, Pere, 526Torrentino, Lorenzo, 578, 581 n. 40Torrigiani (Marchese [Pietro (?)]),

756Torrigo, Francesco Maria, 310Torrini, Enrico, 448, 642 n. 11Torrini, Francesco Domenico, 57, 68,

448, 642 n. 11Torrini, Giulio, 57, 68, 448, 640, 642

n. 11Torrini, Lodovico, 15, 24–25, 49

(Fig. II.5), 55–59, 66 n. 19, 67 n. 58, 68 n. 126, 378 n. 1, 446, 448, 451, 495, 639–40, 642 n. 11, 654–56, 747

Torrini, Lodovico (son of Lodovico), 57, 68

Torrini brothers, 68 n. 102, 378, 446, 448, 495, 654–56

Torriti, Jacopo, and workshopfrescos in nave of Upper Church

of San Francesco, Assisi, 310Toscanelli, Giuseppe, 26, 29, 44, 48,

51, 59, 62, 94, 97, 107, 113, 135 n. 18, 188, 192, 379–81, 500, 560–62, 564, 566 n. 1, 644–49

Toscanelli, Nello, 646Toscanelli Altarpiece (Pl. 111), 10

(photo), 29, 44 n. 62, 48, 59, 62, 188, 379–80, 500, 645–49

Toscani, Bruno, 296Toscani, Giovanni di Francesco, 317

Virgin and Child (Florence, Museo Stefano Bardini, no. 44), 318 n. 21

Virgin and Child (copy sold London, Christie’s, 28 Mar. 1969, lot 15, as follower of Giotto), 318 n. 21

Virgin and Child (Paris, Drouot Richelieu, Francis Briest commissaire Priseur, 30 May 1988, lot 3), 317 (Fig. 43.6), 318 n. 21

Toti, Pompilio, 581 n. 44Tours, Musée des Beaux-Arts

Cima da Conegliano, panels with mythological scenes (nos. D.53.2.3–4), 633

Tozzi, Federigo, 68 n. 102, 448, 640, 642 n. 3

Tozzo (Gaspare di Giovannantonio), 177

Trani, San DomenicoTullio Lombardo workshop, Pietà,

208 n. 22Traubel, Horace, 710Traversari, Ambrogio, 387Treccani (coll.), 372Trecchi, Massimiliano, 198 n. 3Trescore, Oratorio Suardi

Lotto, Lorenzo, frescos, 390Trevelyan, R. C., 665, 675 n. 48, 700Treviso

cathedralBordon, Paris, Saint Lawrence

between Saints Jerome, Peter, John the Baptist, and Sebastian, 166

Titian, Annunciation in Malchiostro chapel, 169

Loggia of the Palazzo del Capitanio

Bordon, Paris, story of Noah, 165

Musei CiviciBordon, Paris, Paradise

(no. P99), 166Gentile da Fabriano, fresco for

Santa Margherita, Treviso (no. P 57), 279, 280 n. 7

Lotto, Lorenzo, altarpiece for San Domenico, Treviso, 390

San NicolòPensaben, (Fra) Marco (Marco

Bello?), and Girolamo Savoldo, altarpiece, 170 n. 15

Savoldo, Giovanni Girolamo, high altarpiece, 169

San PaoloBordon, Paris, frescos, 166

Tricca, Angiolacaricature (Florence, Accademia

del Disegno), 644 n. 7Triora (near Imperia, Liguria)

Taddeo di Bartolo, altarpiece of 1397, 588

Trivulzio, Prince Luigi Alberico, 252, 256 n. 5, 261

Trivulzio, Renato, 251Trivulzio family, 251, 262Trotti et Co. (gallery), 264, 338, 340,

743Troyes, Musée des Beaux Arts

Bachiacca, variations on standing Leda (no. 875.3.1), 112, 113 n. 5

Truchsess von Waldburg, Otto, Cardinal, 165

Truhanova, Natalia, 714Tucci, Bartolomeo di Antonio, 542

n. 6, 546Tullio Lombardo, 207, 635

Adam (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 36.163), 207 (Fig. 24.2), 208

—— workshopPietà (Trani, San Domenico), 208

n. 22Tulsa, Okla., Philbrook Museum

of ArtBiagio d’Antonio, Adoration of the


general index 69

Child with Saints and Donors (no. K1088), 147

Gentile da Fabriano workshop, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Two Angels (no. 2258), 290 (Fig. 39.1)

Tura, Cosmè, 64, 132, 134, 209–10, 214, 216 n. 4, 239, 250, 358, 427, 518, 520, 522 n. 8, 613–15

altarpiece for San Guglielmo, Ferrara (lost), 200

Apotheosis of Saint Ursula (Paris, Musée Jacquemart-André, no. 1015), 200, 201 n. 2

organ shutters (Ferrara, cathedral), 613

Roverella altarpiece (London, National Gallery, no. 772), 209

Saint Peter and Saint John the Baptist (Philadelphia Museum of Art, John G. Johnson Collection, cat. nos. 241a–b) (App. 96), 26, 66 n. 11, 81, 243 n. 23, 667–68, 758

Virgin and Child with a Female Martyr Saint and Saint Jerome (Ajaccio, Musée Fesch, no. 852–1–560), 202 n. 4

Turapilli, Ventura di Ser Giuliano, 510, 512

arch of Vieri chapel (Siena, San Francesco), 510 n. 10

—— and Antonio Magagna and Sinolfo d’Andrea

frieze (Siena, Oratorio di San Bernardino), 512

Turin, Galleria SabaudaAngelico (Fra), Virgin of Humility

(no. 105), 99 (Fig. 3.1), 100, 242Boccati, Giovanni, panels of the

Crucifixion (Collezione Gualino, no. 662), 153, 154 n. 3

Bergognone, Ambrogio, Saint Ambrose Enthroned and Four Saints (nos. 134 and 134b), 136, 137 n. 2

Daddi, Bernardo (follower of ), Coronation of the Virgin (no. 102), 97 n. 22

Lonhy, Antoine de (workshop), Adoration of the Magi (no. 28 bis) (App. 3), 735

“Vicino da Ferrara” (?), Virgin and Child (no. 169), 613

Turino di Matteo, 340Turn und Taxis, Princess Marie

von, 729Turner, J. M., 37Twentieth-century restorer

Virgin and Child and Four Angels (Pl. 117), 77 (Fig. III.7a), 78, 660–61

Tzafouris, Nicholastriptychs with double-sided

folding wings (New York, Sotheby’s, 25 Jan. 2001, lot 49; another London, Sotheby’s, 18 Oct. 2001, lot 4), 425 n. 9

UUberti, Bernardo degli, 644Ubertini, Francesco, see BachiaccaUbertini, Guglielmo, Bishop of

Arezzo, 581 n. 42Ubertino da Casale, 456Uccello, Paolo, 98, 235 n. 10, 465–66,

482, 549, 677frescos (Florence, Chiostro Verde

of Santa Maria Novella), 686—— with Andrea di Giusto

frescos in chapel of the Assumption (Prato, cathedral of Prato), 98

Ugolini, Agnese di Niccolò di Minoccio, 271

Ugolino di Nerio, 183, 603–06, 759altarpiece with the Crucifixion

in Bardi chapel in Santa Croce, Florence (lost or unidentifiable), 603

Crucifixion (Madrid, Madrid, Thyssen-Bornemisza, no. 1982.no.I9), 648 n. 5

Crucifixion (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 34), 603

high altarpiece for Santa Croce, Florence (disassembled), 189, 589, 603, 606

high altarpiece for Santa Maria Novella, Florence (lost), 603

Madonna in Orsanmichele, Florence (lost or unidentifiable), 603

Mary Magdalene (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 15.952), 606

monumental cross (fragment) (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 596), 603

polyptych (Williamstown, Mass., Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, no. 1962.148), 603

polyptych for a Franciscan church (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 39), 606

polyptych for San Pietro in Villore, San Giovanni d’Asso (Florence, Uffizi, Donazione Contini Bonacossi, no. 4), 603, 606

polyptych with Saint Anne and the Infant Virgin (Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada, no. 26956), 603

polyptych with the Virgin and Child for Santa Maria dei Servi, Montepulciano (Montepulciano, Museo Civico e Pinacoteca Crociana), 603, 606

predella for Lucca (Museo Nazionale di Villa Guinigi), 603

Saint Catherine of Alexandria (Urbana, University of Illinois, Krannert Art Museum, no. 65–16–4), 606

Saint Michael (Kraków, Muzeum

Ksiazat Czartoryskich, Collection, no. XII.183), 606

Saint Thomas Apostle (Pl. 101), 56, 59, 74, 82, 604–06

Virgin and Child (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, no. 1975.1.5), 603

Virgin and Child with Saints and Crucifixion (Cleveland Museum of Art, no. 1961.40), 189

work in castle of Brolio near Giole in Chianti, 603

—— (attrib.), and Master of Monte Oliveto

Crucifixion with the Virgin and Saints Clare, John the Evangelist, and Francis of Assisi; Annunciation, Nativity, Adoration; Coronation of the Virgin, Saints John the Baptist, Stephen (or Lawrence), Peter, Mary Magdalene, and Catherine of Alexandria, and an Unidentified Female Saint (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bequest of George Blumenthal, no. 41.190.31 a–c) (App. 97), 759

Ugolino di Prete Ilariofrescos for choir of Orvieto

cathedral, 412Ugolino di Vieri, 374Ugurgieri (coll.), 178Ugurgieri, Andrea di Deio degli,

268, 272 n. 11Ugurgieri, Ugo di Azzolino, 271Ugurgieri family, 271United Kingdom, Rothermere

collectionformerly Andrea di Bonaiuto

with assistance, Coronation of the Virgin, 97 n. 21

Urban VIII Barberini, Pope, 349Urbana, University of Illinois,

Krannert Art MuseumUgolino di Nerio, Saint Catherine

of Alexandria (no. 65–16–4), 606

UrbinoGalleria Nazionale delle Marche

Boccati, Giovanni, panels of the Crucifixion (no. 1990 D5), 153, 154 n. 3

Nicola di Antonio da Firenze, triptych (no. 1990 D2), 102

Palazzo DucaleBoccati, Giovanni, works for, 151

Ussi, Stefanopaintings of c. 1860 (Florence,

Galleria d’Arte Moderna, no. C.G. 39), 644 n. 7

Utili, Giambattista, 147, 150Utrecht, Centraal Museum

Suavius, Lambert (attrib.), Burning of Troy (no. 7701), 582 (Fig. 97.1), 584

Utuvert, Joan, 526, 528

VValdipugna, San Tommaso Apostolo

Master of the Buonconvento Crucifix, crucifix, 606

ValenciaMuseo Catedralicio Diocesano

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, Saints Martha and Clement, 526, 528

Museo de Bellas ArtesPeris Sarrià, Gonçal, altarpiece

of Saint Martin of Tours (no. 250), 526

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, and Pere Nicolau, Virgin and the Annunciation (nos. 406–7), 526

Valentiner, Wilhelm, 37–38, 45, 401Valerio, Matteo, 137 n. 8Valéry, Paul, 677Vallotton, Félix, 714Valori, Baccio, 525Valori family, 240Vanni, Andrea, 54–55, 67 n. 79, 81,

182–83, 244, 587, 592, 627–28Virgin and Child with Saint

Luke and the Annunciation (Florence, Galleria degli Uffizi, no. 9476), 448, 627 (Fig. 108.1)

Vanni, FrancescoFlight into Egypt (owned by

Robert Hobart Cust), 75Vanni, Stefano di Antonio di, 67

n. 47, 416Vannoni, Ferruccio, 504 n. 3Vannucci, Jacopo, Bishop of

Cortona, 571Varnucci, Antonio di Luca, 546 n. 18Varnucci, Bartolomeo di Antonio,

541, 542 n. 4, 546 nn. 7 and 18Varnucci, Chimenti di Antonio di

Luca, 546 n. 18Varnucci, Giovanni di Antonio, 542

n. 4, 546 nn. 7 and 18Vasari, Giorgio, 54, 459

on Niccolò Alunno, 87attribution of Biagio d’Antonio

altarpiece for San Domenico del Maglio to Verrocchio, 147

on Bachiacca, 1on Paris Bordon, 165–67on Bartolomeo Bulgarini, 182on Bernardo Daddi, 223on designs for tapestries, 534on Domenico Veneziano, 234–35on Francesco di Giorgio Martini,

265on Gentile da Fabriano, 280on Gian Maria Falconetto, 408on Gerino da Pistoia, 293on Giotto, 309–10, 311 n. 10, 323–25on Baccio Gondi, 324, 329 n. 16on Francesco Granacci, 344–45,

349 nn. 10 and 14on Liberale de Verona, 360on Pietro Lorenzetti, 182on Lippo Memmi, 442–43, 443 n. 8on Michelangelo, 279, 280 n. 2on Domenico Morone, 471


general index70

on Pietro Perugino, 531–32on Raffaellino del Garbo, 532, 534on Luca Signorelli, 571 (Fig. 96.1),

572, 575, 578, 581 nn. 34 and 42on Raffaello del Brescianino, 177,

178 n. 7on Ercole De Roberti, 215on Lambert Suavius, 582on Taddeo di Bartolo, 587on Ugolino di Nerio, 603tabernacle for high altar

(Florence, Santa Croce), 646Vaselli, Donato, 209Vaselli family, 359Vatican City

Biblioteca Apostolica VaticanaMaster of the Dominican

Effigies, Garden of Virtues (Cod. Barb. lat. 3984, fol. 39), 404, 406 (Fig. 60.2)

Sangallo, Giuliano da, drawing book (Cod. Barb. lat. 4424), 329 n. 20

Borgia ApartmentsAntonio da Viterbo (?),

Allegory of Music, 414Girolamo di Benvenuto,

lunettes in Sala delle Sibille, 337

Pintoricchio, murals in Sala delle Sibille, Borgia Apartments, 337

Cappella NicolinaAngelico (Fra), frescos, 156,

158, 300papal palace of Pope Nicholas

V, 156work by Benedetto Bonfigli, 156

Pinacoteca VaticanaAngelico (Fra), polyptych for

San Domenico (nos. 251–52), 156

Angelico (Fra), Guidalotti altarpiece from San Domenico, Perugia (no. 40252), 91, 92 n. 18

Bordon, Paris, Saint George and the Dragon (no. 354), 165

Daddi, Bernardo, Virgin and Child (no. 180), 230

Gentile da Fabriano, Quaratesi polyptych for San Niccolò Oltrarno, Florence (nos. 247–50), 103, 280, 288 n. 22, 289–90, 292

Giotto, polyptych commissioned by Cardinal Jacopo Stefaneschi (no. 120), 310

Giovanni di Paolo, book covers (no. 131), 330

Giovanni di Paolo, Virgin and Child (no. 125), 376

Lorenzetti, Pietro, or Dijon Master, Christ before Pilate (no. 40168), 376

Master of the Spinola Annunciation, Virgin and Child (no. 176 [46]) (Pl. 64, Comp. C), 422 (Fig. 64.2), 423

Master of the Spinola Annunciation (?), Lamentation (no. 171 [55]), 422–23

Memmi, Lippo, Blessing Redeemer (no. 15–27), 449

Sano di Pietro, Saint George altarpiece for San Cristoforo, Siena (nos. 40133, 40135), 548, 549 n. 5

Sassetta, Virgin of Humility (no. 139), 559

Titian, altarpiece for San Nicolò della Lattuga (no. 40351), 165

Vecchietta, predella of Franciscan scenes (no. 142A), 611

Vivarini, Antonio and Bartolomeo, polyptych for church in Pesaro (no. 40303), 91

Saint Peter’sGiotto, mosaic of the Navicella

in the atrium (fragment), 310Sistine chapel

Angelico (Fra), mural of Saint Lawrence, 484

Biagio d’Antonio, Crossing of the Red Sea, 147

Biagio d’Antonio, two scenes in Rosselli’s Last Supper, 147

Buonarroti, Michelangelo, Libyan Sibyl, 110

Ghirlandaio, Domenico, fresco of Calling of the First Apostles, 147

Perugino, Pietro, Christ Giving the Keys to Peter, 531, 571

Rosselli, Cosimo, Last Supper, 147

Signorelli, Luca, and workshop, Testament of Moses, 571

Vecchietta (Lorenzo di Pietro), 50, 52, 67 n. 60, 129–31, 265, 490, 494–96, 607–12

altarpiece for confraternity of Sant’Antonio Abate (Narni), 608

altarpiece for San Frediano, Lucca (unfinished), 608

altarpiece for Spedaletto, Siena (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, no. 60), 607, 610

altarpiece of the Assumption for San Giorgio, Montemerano, 607

altarpiece with Virgin and Child and Four Saints for his own burial chapel (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 219), 607–08

Assumption of the Virgin (Pienza, cathedral), 495, 607, 610

Biccherna cover, 607book illuminations, 607ciborium for Santa Maria della

Scala, Siena (now in the cathedral), 607

decoration of Martinozzi chapel in San Francesco, Siena

(Siena, Museo Diocesano), 607

Double-Sided Processional Cross (Pl. 102), 56, 608–12

Double-Sided Processional Cross (Florence, Museo Stibbert, no. 3649), 610–12 (Fig. 102.2)

fresco of Saint Catherine of Siena in the Sala del Mappamondo (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico), 607, 610

fresco of the Vision of the Blessed Sorore (Siena, Pellegrinaio of Santa Maria della Scala), 607

Funeral of Saint Anthony Abbot (Washington, D.C., National Gallery of Art, no. 1952.5.73), 610

marble statues of Saint Paul and Saint Peter (Siena, Loggia della Mercanzia), 607

Martyrdom of Saint Blaise (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, no. 60), 610 (Fig. 102.1b)

Mass of Saint Anthony Abbot (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 63), 610

mural cycle of the Articles of the Apostles’ Creed (Siena, old sacristy of Santa Maria della Scala), 607

panel of monk being resuscitated (Pienza, Museo Diocesano, no. 61), 607

panels depicting Sienese saints and stories of the Passion for a reliquary cabinet (Siena, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 204), 607, 610

Pietà from San Donato, Siena (Siena, Museo Diocesano), 607

portable triptych (Aberdeen, Art Gallery, no. 4571), 607

predella of Franciscan scenes (Liverpool, Walker Art Gallery, no. 132; Munich, Alte Pinakothek, no. 1020; Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 142A), 611

reliefs of the Flagellation (London, Victoria and Albert Museum, no. A.163:2–1910), 607

reliefs of the Resurrection (New York, Frick Collection, no. 1916.2.02), 607

Risen Christ for his own burial chapel, Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, 607

Saint Anthony Abbot (Narni, cathedral), 608

Saint Bernardino for Narni (Florence, Bargello, inv. “Sculture in legno,” no. 9), 608

Saint Cassius (lost), 608Saint Giovenale (Narni, cathedral),

608Saint Mark (Pienza, Museo

Diocesano, no. 60), 610 (Fig. 102.1a)

statues for the Loggia della Mercanzia, Siena, 426

tomb monument for Mariano Sozzini the Elder (Florence, Bargello, no. 205 B), 340

triptych of 1457 (Florence, Uffizi, no. 1681), 607

Virgin of Mercy (Siena, Palazzo Pubblico), 607

work for Cardinal Branda Castiglioni in Castiglione Olona, 607

work for the hospital of Santa Maria della Scala, Siena, 607

—— and assistantsfresco of ceiling and apse of

Sienese baptistery, 607—— and Sano di Pietro

polychromed statue of the Virgin Annunciate for Siena cathedral (lost), 607

Velázquez, Diego, 674 n. 6Velletri, Santa Maria della Vita

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin and Child, 280

Vendeghini Baldi (coll.), 519, 522, 613, 615

Vendramin, Andrea, Doge, 114, 208Vendramin, Samaritana, 120Venetian School

Landscape with a City and a Mounted Horseman (Pl. 110a); Rural Landscape with a Meeting between a Queen and a Horseman (Pl. 110b), 206, 632–35

Venetian-Adriatic SchoolVirgin and Child (Pl. 109), 55, 233,

630–31Virgin and Child Enthroned with

Saints and Angels (Florence, New York University, Villa La Pietra, Acton Collection), 630 (Fig. 109.1)

Virgin Nursing the Christ Child (Mdimna (Valletta), Malta, cathedral, the Metropolitan Chapter), 630 (Fig. 109.2)

VeniceArmenian Mekhitarist

Congregation of San LazzaroT’oros sarkawag (T’oros the

deacon), Portrait of the Evangelist Luke (Kurdian Collection, fragment no. 27) (Pl. 100, Comp. I), 601

Biblioteca MarcianaCavalcaselle, G. B., drawing of

Domenico Veneziano, Virgin and Child (MS It. IV. 2037 [= 12278]), 236, 239 (Fig. 31.1)

Cavalcaselle, G. B., drawing of Giambono, Saint Michael Angel (Fondo Cavalcaselle, It. IV. 2031 [= 12272]), 298, 301 (Fig. 41.1)

Ca’ Rezzonico, Museo del Settecento Veneziano


general index 71

Longhi, Pietro, Card Game (copy; no. 140), 370 (Fig. 52.1), 372

Ca’ Rezzonico, Pinacoteca Egidio Martini

Artist unknown, cassone with Sambonifacio arms (no. 4), 368

Casetta Rossa (Casina delle Rose), 23–24, 39

Cini collection, 464Bonifacio, Virgin and Child with

Saint Catherine of Alexandria, 160

De Roberti, Ercole, Saint Jerome, 616 (Fig. 103.1)

Francesco, Maestro, altarpiece (no. 2880), 648 n. 5, 649 n. 15

formerly Michele da Verona, cassone panels, 474–75

formerly Morone, Domenico, Trinity, 471

Niccolò di Segna, Virgin and Child (no. 8), 504 n. 2

Pannonio, Michele, Virgin and Child with Saints Nicholas of Bari, Jerome, Augustine, and Christopher, 519–20

Sassetta, Saint Matthew (Pl. 94, Comp. X), 562, 566

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Portrait of Tito Vespasiano Strozzi, 614

Collezione Peggy GuggenheimMarini, Marino, L’angelo della

città (no. 76.2553 PG 183), 704 (Fig. 124.3)

Finarte SemenzatoGiovanni di Paolo, triptych for

Cardinal Giovanni Berardi di Tagliacozzo (29 Feb. 2004, lot 46), 334

Fondaco dei TedeschiBellini, Giovanni and

Giorgione’s frescos for (lost), 120

Galerie Salvadori in Palazzo Moro Lin, 44 n. 62

Galleria Giorgio Franchetti alla Ca’ d’Oro

formerly Bagnavacallo (Bartolomeo Ramenghi), Saint Francis of Assisi, 218

Boccati, Giovanni, panels of the Crucifixion (no. 103; Turin, Galleria Sabauda, Collezione Gualino, no. 662), 153, 154 n. 3

van Eyck, Jan (follower of ), Crucifixion (no. inv. CGF—d128), 302, 305 n. 18

Girolamo di Benvenuto, salver with Hercules at the Crossroads (no. 87), 337

Michele da Verona, Christ Entrusting the Virgin to Saint John the Evangelist (no. 104), 462

Gallerie dell’AccademiaCarpaccio, Vittore, Apparition

of the Crosses of Mount

Arafat in the Church of Sant’Antonio in Castello (no. 175), 304

Basaiti, Marco, Dead Christ with Mourning Angels (no. 7), 125

Bellini, Gentile, Blessed Lorenzo Giustiniani (no. 570), 114, 118

Bellini, Giovanni, Donà delle Rose Pietà (no. 882), 462

Bellini, Giovanni, Madonna degli alberetti (no. 596), 119

Bellini, Giovanni, San Giobbe altarpiece (no. 38), 147

Bellini, Giovanni (workshop), and Gentile, triptychs of Santa Maria della Carità (nos. 621, 621a–c), 118

Bellini, Jacopo, Virgin and Child (no. 271), 118 n. 2

Bordon, Paris, Fisherman Consigns the Ring to the Doge (no. 320), 165, 267

Catena, Vincenzo, Virgin and Child with Young John the Baptist (no. 101), 128

Cima da Conegliano, Sacred Conversation (Dragan altarpiece) (no. 36), 203, 206–07

Cima da Conegliano, Tobias and the Archangel with Saint John the Baptist and Saint Nicholas (no. 701), 125 n. 2

Fungai, Bernardino, Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Peter and Paul (no. 105), 273

Giambono, Coronation of the Virgin for Sant’Agnese, Venice (no. 33), 297

Gianfrancesco da Tolmezzo, Madonna and Child (no. 789), 306, 308

Giorgione, Tempesta (no. 915), 635 n. 9

Giovanni da Bologna, Virgin of Humility with Saints (no. 230), 334

Jacobello del Fiore, triptych of Justice from Venice, Palazzo Ducale, Magistrato del Proprio (no. 15), 350, 352 (Fig. 48.2)

Jacobello del Fiore, triptych of the Misericordia (no. 13), 350

Lorenzo Veneziano, Lion altarpiece (no. 5), 398

Lorenzo Veneziano, Lion polyptych from Sant’Antonio Abbate in Castello, Venice (no. 10), 285

Michele di Matteo, altarpiece from Sant’Elena, 285, 465, 467, 469–70 (Figs. 72.3, 72.4)

Savoldo, Giovanni Girolamo, Meeting of Saint Paul Hermit and Saint Matthew (no. 328), 285

Giovanelli collectionformerly Jacobello del Fiore

(attrib.), Virgin and Child, 350, 352 (Fig. 48.1)

Guggenheim, Michelangelo, 22Lido

Bruini collection, 141Magistrato della Ternaria

dell’OglioLicinio, Bernardino, seated

Saint Mark in the act of writing between Allegories of Justice and Temperance (lost), 635 n. 17

Manfrin collection, 475 n. 26Moisè Dalla Torre, 20

Museo CorrerBastiani, Lazzaro, workshop

(Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus?), David and the Shunammite and Adam and Eve (no. 1104), 410

Bastiani, Lazzaro, workshop (Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus?), Two Knights and Page (no. 380), 410

Antonello da Messina, Pietà (no. 42), 670

Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin and Child (Frizzoni Madonna) (no. 1836), 118 n. 4, 122, 125 n. 4

Bellini, Jacopo and Gentile, Crucifixion (no. 29), 115 n. 1

Benaglio, Francesco, altarpiece (no. I 235), 471

Leonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio, Portrait of a Youth (no. Cl. I no. 0053), 355

Palazzo dei CamerlenghiBonifacio, paintings cycle for,

160, 162Palazzo Donà Giovanelli

collection, 350, 352Palazzo Ducale

Bellini, Gentile, canvases for, Sala del Maggior Consiglio, 114

Gentile da Fabriano, fresco cycle of the Peace of Venice, Sala del Maggior Consiglio (lost), 279

Guariento di Arpo, Meeting of Saint Paul Hermit and Saint Matthew in Sala del Maggior Consiglio (lost), 284

Jacobello del Fiore, Lion of Saint Mark, 350

Salvadori, 29San Giorgio dei Greci

Damaskenos, Michael, iconostasis, 232

San Giorgio in AlgaCima da Conegliano, Adoration

of the Shepherds (lost), 203San Giovanni Crisostomo

Bellini, Giovanni, altarpiece, 120Sebastiano del Piombo,

altarpiece, 207San Giovanni in Bragora

Cima da Conegliano, Constantine and Saint Helen, 203

Cima da Conegliano, high altarpiece of the Baptism of Christ, 119, 203, 208

San MarcoBellini, Gentile, organ shutters,

114, 118Giambono (with Niccolì

Pizzolo?), Dormition of the Virgin, Mascoli chapel, 297

Giambono, Presentation of Mary in the Temple, Mascoli chapel, 297

Marco di Paolo Veneziano and sons, cover of the Pala d’Oro, 397

San Nicolò della LattugaBordon, Paris, altarpiece for, 165

San PantalonGiovanni d’Alemagna and

Antonio Vivarini, Coronation of the Virgin, 297

San SilvestroMarco di Paolo Veneziano,

polyptych, 397San Trovaso

Giambono, Saint Chrysogonus, Venice, 297

San ZaccariaBellini, Giovanni, altarpiece, 119

Sant’AlviseGiambono, altarpieces for, 297

Sant’ElenaLiberale da Verona, altarpiece

(lost), 360Santa Maria dei Carmini

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, bronze relief of Deposition with Federico Montefeltro and family, 265, 368

Lotto, Lorenzo, Saint Nicholas of Bari in Glory, 42 n. 5, 58, 390

Santa Maria dei MiracoliNicolò di Pietro, Amadi

tabernacle with image of the Virgin, 280 n. 6

Santa Maria Gloriosa dei FrariBellini, Giovanni, triptych, 119Titian, Assumption, 160Titian, Pesaro altarpiece, 508Vivarini, Bartolomeo, altarpiece

in Bernardo chapel, 635 n. 17Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Bellini, Giovanni, polyptych, Venice, 119

Bonifacio, altarpiece of Saint Michael Archangel Defeating Satan, 160

Lotto, Lorenzo, altarpiece of Saint Antonino, 390

Titian, Death of Saint Peter Martyr (destroyed), 350

Scuola Grande della CaritàJacobello del Fiore, frescos of

apostles, Venice, 350Scuola Grande di San Marco

Bellini, Gentile, canvases for, 114

Scuola Grande di San RoccoTintoretto, Jacopo, Three

Apples, 684–85 (Fig. VI.9)


general index72

Semenzato (auction house), 125, 336, 654

Master of the Lanckoronski Orpheus (?), Perseus and Pegasus with the Head of Medusa (12 Dec. 1999, lot 140, as Young Falconer next to his horse by Carpaccio), 410

Toffoli, D., 24, 57Venier, Ottaviano, 542, 545–46Ventura, Eugenio, 85 n. 57Venturi, Adolfo, 141, 150, 168, 179, 254,

257, 261–62, 358, 506, 524, 614, 671Venturi, Lionello, 536Vercelli, Pinacoteca Borgogna

Ferrari, Gaudenzio, copy of Perugino’s Deposition of Christ (no. Sala VII), 626 n. 1

Verdi Family workshopSaint Nicholas of Bari Giving

Dowries to Three Poor Sisters from the altarpiece of the Baptism of Christ (Buggiano Castello, Abbazia di Santi Maria, Michele e Pietro), 112 (Fig. 6.2)

Verino, Ugolino, 106Vermeer, Johannes, 672, 675

“Painter and Model” (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, no. 9128), 672, 675 n. 68

Vermehren, Augusto, 80, 491Vermehren, Otto, 491Verona

cathedralLiberale da Verona, Adoration

of the Magi, 410Domus Pietatis

Morone, Domenico, decoration of (lost), 471

Liberale da Verona, Evangelists for San Girolamo al Teatro Romano, 360

Museo CanonicaleBello, Marco, Virgin and Child

(no. D3), 198 n. 12Museo di Castelvecchio

Artist unknown, cassone with Sambonifacio arms (no. 48–1B838), 368

Badile, Antonio II (Master of the “Cespo di Garafano”), wedding chest for Giusti family (no. 46092–1B4020), 475 n. 19

Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin Adoring the Christ Child (no. 865–1B110), 125 n. 12

Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin and Child (no. 860–1B77), 122, 125 nn. 5 and 12, 320, 328 n. 3

Benaglio, Francesco (circle of ), Virgin Adoring the Christ Child with God the Father (no. 246–1B370), 306 n. 2

Caroto, Giovan Francesco (attributed to), Pietà with Saints (no. 1368-1B262), 472

Daddi, Bernardo, Crucifixion (stolen 1957), 227

Liberale da Verona, cassone (no. 48–1B838), 364

Morone, Domenico, fresco of Saint James the Great between Saints Jerome and Lawrence (?) (no. 1267–1B564), 471, 475

Morone, Domenico, panels with Saints Bartholomew, Roch, Francis, and Bernardino (nos. 180–1B344, 171–1B345, 182–1B399, 183–1B400), 471, 475

Morone, Domenico, fresco from the Palazzo del Capitano Veneto, Verona with Virgin and Child and Saints Sebastian and Roch (no. 6223–1B1099), 472 n. 12

San BernardinoMaster of the Libreria

Sagramoso, frescos in Libreria Sagramoso, 471–72

San BonifacioBonifacio, Saint Roch, 160

San Giorgio in BraidaMichele da Verona,

Lamentation in Chapterhouse, 462

San LorenzoMorone, Domenico

(workshop), Arma Christi, 474–75

San ZenoMantegna, Andrea, altarpiece,

116 (Fig. 7.1), 118, 360, 471Sant’Anastasia

Liberale da Verona, frescos of Bonaveri chapel, 360

Giambono and Pietro Lamberti, sepuchral monument of Cortesia da Serego, 297

Pisanello, Saint George and the Princess in Pellegrini chapel, 464

Santa ChiaraMichele da Verona,

Lamentation, 462Michele da Verona and

Francesco Morone, frescos, 459

Santi Nazaro e CelsoMorone, Domenico, and

Francesco, with Giovan Maria Falconetto, frescos in San Biagio chapel, 471

Veronese, Paolo, 125, 733Verrocchio, Andrea del, 147, 171, 173,

235 n. 10, 273, 481, 531, 683drawing of angel’s head (Florence,

Uffizi, no. 130 E), 675 n. 53drawing of female head

(London, British Museum, no. 1895,0195.785), 675 n. 53

Head of Saint Jerome (Florence, Galleria Palatina, no. 370), 626 n. 1

Incredulity of Saint Thomas (Florence, Orsanmichele), 571

Vertova, Luisa, 15, 27, 79, 83, 138, 140–41, 143, 162, 206, 258, 262, 267, 301, 315, 366–67, 392, 395, 440, 632, 646, 652, 660, 701

Vescovado di Murlo, San FortunatoBenvenuto di Giovanni,

altarpiece, 129Vettori, Francesco di Pagolo, 106Vettori family, 486Viau, Georges, 33Vicenza

Museo CivicoMaster of the Libreria

Sagramoso, predella with the legend of Saint Blaise (no. A 41), 472

Palazzo del PodestàBordon, Paris, frescos, 168

PinacotecaCima da Conegliano,

altarpiece for the Lateran Congregation for San Bartolomeo, Vicenza (no. A146), 203, 208 n. 12

Santa CoronaBellini, Giovanni, Baptism of

Christ, 119“Vicino da Ferrara,” 32, 358 n. 15, 522,

613–17Annunciate Virgin (Vienna,

Dorotheum, 12 Oct. 2011, lot 464), 613

Annunciation (Ferrara, Casa di Risparmio), 613–14

Christ in the Tomb (formerly Modena, private collection), 613

Christ in the Tomb with Saint Maurelius and Jerome (Poitiers, Hôtel des Ventes de la Puye, Christian Plassart, commissaire-priseur, 14 Mar. 1998, no lot number), 613

Crucifixion (Paris, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, no. Pe 91), 613, 616

desco with Meeting of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba (Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, no. 17.198), 520

four Dominican saints (formerly Bonn, Wesendonck collection), 613, 616

fresco of Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 231), 614

panel with crying angel (Bergamo, Accademia Carrara, no. 947), 616

Passion (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 400), 132

Portrait of Tito Vespasiano Strozzi (Venice, Fondazione Giorgio Cini), 614

Saint Bernardino da Feltre (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 67), 613

Saint George (formerly Zurich, Heinemann collection), 613

Saint Jerome (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 112E), 613, 615–16

Saint Jerome (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 70), 613, 616

Saint John the Baptist (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 70), 613

Saint John the Baptist (Pl. 103a); Saint Jerome (Pl. 103b), 29, 204, 212, 615–17

Saint Maurelius (formerly Mombello, Pio Falcò collection), 613

Saint Sebastian (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 332), 613, 615

Strozzi altarpiece with stories of the Passion (Ferrara, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 400), 613, 616

—— (?)Baptism of Christ (fragments)

(Maastricht, Bonnefantenmuseum, nos. 3434–35), 613

Virgin and Child (Turin, Galleria Sabauda, no. 169), 613

Vico, Giambattista, 23Victoria, Queen of England, 730Vienna

Akademie der Bildenden KünstePalmezzano, Marco, Portrait of

a Youth (no. 1098), 516Czernin collection, 672Dorotheum

“Vicino da Ferrara,” Annunciate Virgin (12 Oct. 2011, lot 464), 613

GemäldegalerieGiovanni di Paolo, scenes from

Saint Nicholas of Tolentino’s miracles (no. 1177), 330

Kunsthistorisches MuseumBellini, Giovanni, Naked

Woman at the Mirror (no. GG 97), 120

Bordon, Paris, Mars, Venus, Flora, and Cupid (no. 233), 166

Lotto, Lorenzo, altarpiece for San Domenico, Treviso (no. 575), 390

Parmigianino, Conversion of Saul (no. 68A), 523

Parmigianino, Malatesta Baglioni (no. 277), 525 n. 3

Parmigianino, Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror (no. 58), 523

Savoldo, Giovanni Girolamo, Philosopher in Green (no. 213), 170 n. 15

Titian, Virgin and Child with Saints Stephen, Maurice (?), and Jerome (no. 166, 169

Vermeer, Johannes, “Painter and Model” (no. 9128), 672, 675 n. 68

Liechtenstein MuseumBordon, Paris, Portrait of a Man

with a Dagger (no. GE93), 165Bordon, Paris, Portrait


general index 73

of Nicolaus Korbler (no. GE1128), 165

Scazoli, Paolo Antonio de, Ecce Homo (no. GE860), 200

Vieri, Girolamo de’, 337Vieri, Ugolino di, 374Vieri family, 337, 509Viezzoli, Mario, 423, 425Villa Estense, Sant’Andrea

Michele da Verona, altarpiece with Virgin and Child between Saints John the Baptist, Andrew, Lawrence, and Peter, 459

Villa Verruchio, Santa CroceMaster of Verucchio, Crucifixion,

325 (Fig. 44.2)Villamagna, San Donnino

Granacci, Francesco, altarpiece, 344Villani, Filippo, 309Villani, Giovanni, 309, 311Villeneuve-lès-Avignon,

CharterhouseQuarton, Enguerrand, Coronation

of the Virgin, 658Vinea, Francesco, 644 n. 7Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène, 644Virgil Master, 106–07Virgil, 268, 563, 678, 680, 687

Aeneid, 106, 583illuminated manuscript, 106

Visconti, Bianca Maria, Duchess of Milan, 250, 635

Visconti, Gian Galeazzo, 279Visconti, Paola, 166Visconti family, 141, 197, 199, 311Visconti Venosta, 143Vismara, Giacomino, 250–51Vitali family, 465, 466 n. 13Vitelli, Alessandro, 578, 581 n. 44Vitelli, Camillo, 29, 75, 82, 573–79, 580

nn. 22 and 23, 581 nn. 35 and 37Vitelli, Chiappino, 579 n. 6Vitelli, Giovanni, 576Vitelli, Giulio, Bishop of Città di

Castello, 574Vitelli, Niccolò, 574–80, 581 nn. 35

and 41Vitelli, Paolo, 574–79, 580 n. 19, 581

nn. 35 and 37Vitelli, Vitellozzo, 29, 82, 571, 573–79,

580 n. 21, 581 nn. 33, 35, 37, and 41–42

Vitelli family, 75, 78, 564, 571Viterbo (outside); Artist unknown,

ex-voto of Madonna della Quercia, 414

Viterbobasilica di Santa Maria della

QuerciaDella Robbia, Andrea, lunette

of Virgin and Saints on facade, 414

cathedralLiberale da Verona, Christ

Redeemer with Saints John the Evangelist, Leonard, Benedict (or Bernard), John the Baptist, and a Bishop Donor, 360, 364

Gentili collection, 593

Palazzo dei PrioriMaster of the Madonna of

Orte, Virgin of the Oak, 412, 414 (Fig. 62.1)

San SistoNeri di Bicci, altarpiece of

Saint Lawrence, 484Vitetti, Leonardo, 512Vitetti family, 249Vitéz, Janos, Archbishop of

Esztergom, 541Vitruvius, 109, 265, 572Vittadini, Giovanni Battista, 252,

256 n. 5Vittore da Feltre, 203Vittoria, Alessandro, 635Vittorio Veneto, Museo Diocesano

di Arte SacraCima da Conegliano, polyptych

for San Martino, Navolè, 206Vivarini, Alvise, 114, 119–20, 131–32,

206, 515–16, 669–70Vivarini, Antonio, 297, 467, 744, 754—— and Bartolomeo

altarpiece, San Francesco, Padua, 358 n. 4

polyptych for church in Corridonia (now in Pinacoteca Parrochiale), 91

polyptych for church in Pesaro (Vatican City, Pinacoteca Vaticana, no. 40303), 91

polyptych of 1450 in Bologna (Bologna, Pinacoteca Nazionale, no. 273),470 n. 3; details from, 302–03 (Fig. 41.5)

Vivarini, Bartolomeo, 91, 302–03, 306, 308, 358, 428, 470

altarpiece in Bernardo chapel (Venice, Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari), 635 n. 17

altarpiece from Andria (Bari, Pinacoteca Provinciale, no. 1994), 358 n. 4

Vivarini, Luigi, 132Vivarini brothers, 87, 305–06, 466—— (attrib. Zeri)

Griffoni altarpiece (Bologna, San Petronio), 358 n. 5

Vivarini family, 87Vollard, Ambroise, 42 n. 6, 711Volpi, Aimo and Balzarino (attrib.)

Saints Dorothea and Augustine (present whereabouts unknown), 146 n. 11

Volpi, Elia, 27, 44, 487, 627–28Volpi, Giuseppe, 37Volpini, Angelo, 347Volta, Giovanni, 390Volterra, Pinacoteca e Museo Civico

Anon. Tuscan, Virgin and Child Enthroned (no. 20), 51 (Fig. II.9)

Benvenuto di Giovanni, Annunciation between Saints Michael Archangel and Catherine of Alexandria (no. 23), 129, 130 n. 5

Benvenuto di Giovanni, Nativity of Christ (no. 24), 129, 135

Taddeo di Bartolo, altarpiece of 1411 for Volterra (no. 21), 588

Volterra (dealers), 462 n. 7, 570 n. 4Volterra, Giuseppe, 486 , 487 n. 2Volterra, Gualtiero, 487Volterra, Gustavo, 487Voronezh, Kramskoy Museum of

Fine ArtsAndrea del Brescianino, Virgin

and Child with Two Angels (no. 87), 178

Vos, Maarten den, 623Vuillard, Édouard, 686, 714

WWaagen, Gustav Friedrich, 467Waddington (gallery), 494Walker, Gillian, 738Walker, John, 36, 39, 45, 738, 750wall coverings, 42 n. 10Wallace, Lucy Byrant, 604wallpaper, 21Walters, Henry, 15, 60, 231 n. 1, 331, 503,

736–37, 740–41, 743–45, 753–54, 757Warburg, Aby, 106Warren, Edward Perry, 128, 243 n. 27Warrender, Admiral George, 167–69Warsaw, Muzeum Narodowe

Bordon, Paris, Virgin and Child with Saints Mary Magdalene, Catherine of Alexandria, and Eligius (no. 187395), 165

Warwick chasuble (London, Victoria and Albert Museum, no. 402—1907), 300

Washington, D.C.Dumbarton Oaks

Jacobello del Fiore, Assassination of Saint Peter Martyr (no. 22.1), 350

Howard University Gallery of Art

Fungai, Bernardino, Bishop Saint, Saint James Major, Saint Alberto of Trapani, and Saint Apollonia (nos. K-1163A–D), 273

National Gallery of ArtBellini, Giovanni, Feast of the

Gods (no. 1942.9.1), 120, 674 n. 7Bellini, Giovanni, Saint Jerome

(no. 1939.1.217), 119Bellini, Giovanni, Virgin and

Child (Kress Madonna) (no. 1939.1.352), 118 n. 4

Bellini, Jacopo and Gentile, Saints Anthony Abbot and Bernardino of Siena (no. 1990. 118.1), 115 n. 1, 118

Benvenuto di Giovanni, Adoration of the Magi (no. 1937.1.10), 135 n. 18, 646, 648 n. 5

Benvenuto di Giovanni, altarpiece of the Ascension (nos. 429, 1131–34), 130

Benvenuto di Giovanni, Crucifixion (no. 1952.5.53), 132

Bulgarini, Bartolomeo, polyptych in San Cerbone

near Lucca (Samuel H. Kress Collection, no. 1943.4.20), 182, 183 n. 3, 189

Carnevale (Fra), Annunciation (no. 1939.1.218), 419

Domenico Veneziano (after) and Neri di Bicci, Saint John the Baptist in the Desert (no. 1943.4.48) (App. 31), 29, 234, 240, 742

Domenico Veneziano, Stigmatization of Saint Francis and Saint John in the Wilderness (nos. 251, 715), 234, 235 n. 2

Domenico Veneziano, Virgin and Child (no. 1939.1.211), 241

Fei, Paolo di Giovanni, Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple (no. 1961.9.4), 244, 248

Francesco di Giorgio Martini, God the Father in Glory (no. 1952.5.8), 265

Gentile da Fabriano, Quaratesi polyptych for San Niccolò Oltrarno, Florence (no. 1939.l.268), 103, 280, 288 n. 22, 289–90, 292

Gentile da Fabriano, Virgin and Child Enthroned (no. 1939.1.255), 290

Giambono, Saint Peter (Kress collection, no. 1939.1.80) (Pl. 41, Comp. C), 302–03 (Fig. 41.4), 304

Giotto, Virgin and Child Goldman (no. 367), 318 nn. 1 and 3

Giovanni d’Alemagna, Saint Apollonia (no. 1939.1.7), 345

Girolamo di Benvenuto, Portrait of a Lady (Samuel H. Kress Collection, no. 1939.1.353), 337, 338 (Fig. 46.1), 341

Mantegna, Andrea, and Giovanni Bellini, Continence of Scipio (no. 1952.2.7), 120

Memmi, Lippo, Virgin and Child and Cardinal (no. 1937.1.11), 451 n. 19

Mino da Fiesole, Virgin Annunciate (no. 1943.4.71), 67 n. 73, 68 n. 109

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, Portrait of a Lady (no. 1942.9.47), 362

Neroccio di Bartolomeo de’ Landi, Virgin and Child with Saints Anthony Abbot and Sigismund (no. 1952.5.17), 59

Paolo Veneziano, Crucifixion (no. 1939.1.143), 324

Puccio di Simone, and Allegretto Nuzi, altarpiece from San Antonio Abate fuori Porta Pisana, Fabriano (no. 1937.1.6), 535

Raphael, Bindo Altoviti (no. 1943.4.33), 178


general index74

Vecchietta, Funeral of Saint Anthony Abbot (no. 1952.5.73), 610

National Portrait GalleryBoughton, Alice, William James

(no. NPG.87.37), 672, 724 (Fig. 143.2)

Smithsonian American Art Museum

Sargent, John Singer, Portrait of Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler (no. 1980.71), 675 n. 26

Watts, George Frederick, 45, 730Wauters, Henry, 362, 365Weitzner, Mrs. Julius, 162Wendell, Barrett, 723, 724 n. 2Wendland, Hans, 469–70, 755Wesendonck (coll.), 613, 616Westlake, N. H. J., 741van der Weyden, Rogier, 519–20Wharton, Edith, 15, 21, 23, 687, 708,

710, 738Wharton, Lord, 586 n. 18Whistler, James Abbott McNeill, 42

n. 7, 49, 66 n. 35, 138, 697, 728White, Clarence Hudson, 678 (Fig.

VI. 2)White, Mary Lou, 15, 80, 110, 115, 199,

274, 282, 320, 334, 345, 409, 413, 460, 511, 554, 561, 635

Wilde, Oscar, 31, 739Wildenstein, Georges, 41, 143, 227, 348,

365, 378, 535, 692, 704, 740, 742Willet, Henry R., 327Williams, William Carlos, 724 n. 9Williamson, George Charles, 72, 83Williamstown, Mass., Sterling and

Francine Clark Art InstituteLeonelli da Crevalcore, Antonio,

Christ Crowned (no. 929), 356Orioli, Pietro di Francesco, Virgin

and Child with Two Angels and a Model of the Church of Santa Maria in Portico a Fontegiusta in Siena (no. 934), 438

Ugolino di Nerio, polyptych (no. 1962.148), 603

Wilson, Richard, 621Portrait of Francesco Zuccarelli

(London, Tate Gallery, no. 3727), 621

Winthrop, Grenville L., 15, 125 nn. 2 and 7, 736, 741–43, 745, 755–56

Witz, Konrad, 41, 285Wolff, Wilhelm, 305 n. 19Woodward, William Harrison, 511–12Woolf, Virginia, 23, 695, 697Worcester, Mass., Worcester Art

MuseumAssociate of Simone Martini and

Lippo Memmi, Saint Agnes (no. 1923.35), 446 (Fig. 68.3), 450

Peris Sarrià, Gonçal, Saint Bartholomew (no. 1919.315), 528

Puccio di Simone, triptych with Adoration of the Magi (no. 1940.34) (Pl. 88, Comp. A), 538 (Fig. 88.2), 539 (Fig. 88.3)

Wordsworth, William, 702

Worthington, Grace Thomas, 567 n. 30

Wrightsman, Charles and Jayne, 39Würzburg, Martin von Wagner

MuseumBergognone, Ambrogio, Adoration

of the Christ Child (no. 14018), 138

XX-radiography, 58, 85 n. 68

YYates, Lena (Jeanne d’Orge), 724 n. 9York Art Gallery

Cione workshop, Lamentation of the Dead Christ in the Sepulcher (no. 727) (Pl. 74, Comp.), 478, 480 (Fig. 74.3)

Fungai, Bernardino, Dead Christ Supported by Two Angels in the Sepulcher (no. 1455), 134, 277 (Fig. 37.2), 278 n. 16

Puccio di Simone, Crucifixion and Nativity; Virgin and Child with Saints Julian and Michael Archangel and Annunciation (no. 726), 538 (Fig. 88.2)

Young, Minnie Duckett, 83 n. 20

ZZabolino, Jacopo (Zambolini), 62,

618–20frescos (castle of Sant’Angelo in

Mercole, San Bernardino), 618

frescos of saints (Collegiacone, near Cascia, Santa Maria Apparente, 618

frescos of the evangelists and Saint Sebastian (Azzano, San Lorenzo), 618

Virgin of the Pomegranate with Four Angels (Pl. 104), 61–62, 208 n. 11, 619–20

Zaccarina da Lonate, 250Zaccarini (coll.), 613, 615Zaganelli brothers, 147, 515Zaist, Giambattista, 198 n. 3Zakynthos, Post-Byzantine Museum

Damaskenos, Michael, Saint John the Baptist, 233 n. 3

Zambelli, Carlotta, 714Zampolini, Parruccio, 618Zangolo (da Rimini), 318 n. 16Zanino di Pietro, 465Zanobi d’Antonio d’Ubertino, 109Zanobi di Domenico, 147, 217Zecchini, Giovanni, 260 n. 8Zen, Carlo, 15, 19, 122, 320, 328 n. 4, 551,

751Zenale, Bernardo, 146 n. 11, 251

altarpiece (Denver Art Museum, no. K1626), 143

Zenone VeroneseVirgin and Child with the Young

Saint John the Baptist (present whereabouts unknown) (App. 101), 759

Zeri, Federico, 38, 42, 84, 87, 91–92, 103–04, 141–42, 146, 172, 179–80, 196 n. 9, 199–200, 217, 265, 292 n. 8, 318 n. 21, 342, 343 n. 7, 348 n. 1, 354–55, 362, 366, 374, 415, 419, 437 n. 4, 470 n. 33, 474–75, 480, 486–87, 498, 506, 520, 584, 735, 743

“Zeri’s Master,” 356Zonti family, 475Zoppo, Marco, 119, 120, 134, 466, 520

Pesaro altarpiece (Berlin, Staatliche Museen, no. 1170), 522 n. 10

section of an altarpiece for the Collegio di Spagna, Bologna (Avignon, Musée du Petit Palais, no. 525; Bologna, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio, and an unknown location), 466

Zuccarelli, Francesco, 621–22landscapes for Augustus II of

Saxony, 621—— manner of

Landscape with Figures (Pl. 105), 621–22

Zuleima, Azmet, 153Zurich

Gallerie Koller, 424–25Heinemann collection

formerly “Vicino da Ferrara,” Saint George, 613

Schweizerische LandesmuseumDaddi, Bernardo, predella

panel dedicated to Saint Ursula (no. LM 7253), 223
