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the best benefits

Date post: 18-Feb-2016
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The best benefits, relief from benefit woes.


More than just a team of insurance brokers, we are benefit solution providers.

When it comes to prescribing the most comprehensive employee health benefits at the lowest possible cost, The Best Benefits are seasoned cost savings specialists who understand what’s best for you and your employees.

Our mission is to help owners of Canadian businesses develop leading-edge health and dental benefit plans. These innovative solutions will help prevent costs from spiralling out of control, as is the case for so many companies today.

Over the years The Best Benefits has cared for, maintained and treated group cases suffering chronic symptoms like excessive renewal rate increases despite favourable claims experience. We apply independent financial tests to formally evaluate health benefit plans, and then resuscitate and rehabilitate our clients’ group health coverage.

Not only have clients that followed our advice received reductions in their premiums, we can show you how using one of our innovative plans can result in our mailing you a return of some of your prior payments.

Has your insurance company ever issued you a refund cheque?


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You will receive reliable, old-fashioned service when you speak directly to a representative by calling 1.866.989.1616.

Or visit our online clinic at www.thebestbenefits.ca. It is easy to use. You can: • ask questions • compare plans • watch helpful tutorials • download useful podcasts that explain in simple speak what benefit solutions are available for you and your company • get immediate online quotes for quick relief

wHErE IS Our ‘cLINIc’

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When it comes to prescribing the most comprehensive employee health benefits at the lowest possible cost, The Best Benefits are seasoned cost savings specialists who understand what’s best for you and your employees.

Our mission is to help owners of Canadian businesses develop leading-edge health and dental benefit plans. These innovative solutions will help prevent costs from spiralling out of control, as is the case for so many companies today.

We apply independent financial tests to formally evaluate health benefit plans, and then resuscitate and rehabilitate our clients’ group health coverage.


Toll Free 1.866.989.1616


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The Best Benefits are health benefits specialists who provide money saving solutions for employers who offer health plans and insurence.


cHEck-uP During a quick consultation, our cost savings specialists ask

“Does it hurt here?” to identify symptoms that prevent an employee benefits plan from fully satisfying your needs.

After carefully assessing the root causes of your pain, we prescribe proven treatment plans that offer long-term benefit solutions and cost-containment strategies. The following are examples of typical symptoms and how we treat them:

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4. Group Plan Complacency

Another unique competitive advantage that The Best Benefits specialists provide is an instant online rate quotation system. You can see the basic charges for a group benefit plan in just two minutes compared with the 7 to 10 days that you have to wait for an insurance company quote.

5. Benefit Overuse

Many health benefit plans suffer from higher prescription drug claims and accelerated usage of paramedical benefits provided by massage therapists and chiropractors. This is due in part to the withdrawal of coverage under government plans. To overcome this symptom, we can show you wellness benefits like the Employee Assistance Program that:

represents preventive medicine and therefore should save money, and has a fixed monthly cost that remains the same regardless of the number of times the benefits are used.

6. Loss of Skilled Employees

Health benefits are a key reason why employees may choose to work for a company initially. We understand you need to have a compelling benefit plan to attract, maintain and incent your most valued employees. Even in a slower economy, group health benefits are still essential for retaining skilled and experienced employees.

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1. Unhealthy Renewal Rate Increases

You are acting responsibly with your group plan, yet you still receive an unfair premium rate increase. Because we are independent brokers who work with many financial institutions, we can provide competitive solutions which include amended insurance benefits, health spending accounts and ASO { Administrative Services Only } plans. Let us be your insurance advocates. Our job is to act on your behalf when we negotiate with insurance companies to ensure that you receive the best possible deal. Has your insurance provider ever issued you a refund cheque? We have.

2. Benefit Expense Anxiety

Even if you are fairly happy with your current group health benefit plan, you may be uncertain as to whether they are providing maximum value for your hard-earned dollars. After a brief consultation with one of our specialists, you will learn how you can save money while maintaining or improving your current coverage.

3. Fear of the Unknown

Small businesses don’t have time to research the latest benefit plan designs. That’s what we do. The Best Benefits have developed a unique set of benefit plans sourced from leading financial institutions that can be customized to meet the budgetary needs of our clients.

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With The Best Benefits, you’re in complete control when you choose a course of treatment for your employee benefits plan.

Immediate Pain Relief. You may prefer to try one of our over-the- counter health and dental plans without seeing a cost savings

specialist. The Best Benefits has designed a medicine cabinet of health and dental plans for immediate relief from employee benefit plan discomfort. For these benefit plans, visit www.thebestbenefits.ca for an instant online quote.


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Comprehensive Diagnosis & Prescribed Solution. When you are ready to see one of our specialists, you will enjoy a thorough

employee benefit plan examination, a professional diagnosis, along with a clear prescription for the most effective benefit solution for your unique ailment. We are independent professionals. That is, we specialize in working with all group health benefit providers and not just one insurance company.

That means that we can take your group health plan out to an increasingly competitive marketplace where health benefit providers will aggressively bid for your business. We will come back to you with a full proposal based on all insurance company bids. Our cost savings specialists will help you choose from those insurers willing to offer you the best benefit package at the lowest possible price.

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Revolutionary ASO { Administrative Services Only } Treatment. Part of what we may prescribe is a breakthrough treatment for

cutting out the fat in employee health and dental costs. With an ASO strategy, our clients pay only health or dental claims plus a fixed fee with no additional insurance expense padding such as reserve adjustments, inflation and trend factors, or risk and profit charges.You keep the savings.

Our Benefits Plus Rewards Program is a complete, easy-to-administer business solution that offers competitive group benefits, compre-

hensive payroll processing, outsourced human resources services and special employee rewards – all in one package.

Highlights of this unique program include:• Fixed group benefit renewal fees, with administrative charges set at 13%• Ceridian payroll services, in many cases paid for by the fixed-fee savings• Cost-effective and efficient outsourcing of HR management duties• Employee Assistance Program (EAP)• Employee reward privileges such as member discounts and savings

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Traditional Experience-Rated Group Insurance

ASO Plan(Administrative Service Only)

* Adds up all these to calculate premium

* Saves money on benefits

Actual Paid Claims

Admin Charges

Insurance Costs

Reserve Adjustment


Trend Factor

Risk Charge

Profit Charge


Profit Charge

Risk Charge

Admin Fees

Inflation Factors










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The success of our professional relationship depends on you telling us exactly where your group health benefit plan hurts. That way, our specialists can prescribe the appropriate therapy for your health and wellness coverage. The Best Benefits keeps all client information strictly confidential.

To complete our cost savings proposal for you, we will need some information on your business and employees. For a description of the information that we will require, complete our request to quote form.

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To begin the cost savings solution, we need to first define the problem. Albert Einstein once said:

“If I had an hour to save the world, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute finding solutions”.

Please go online and click on the “solution finder” button and complete the easy to follow information gathering form. Once you provide us with the required information, we will begin the thoughtful investigation that will bring about a solution that will

save you money.

Before you get that heart-stopping Employee Health Benefits renewal letter, make an appointment now to get a check-up from one of our cost savings specialists or visit our online clinic at www.thebestbenefits.ca.

The health of your group benefits plan often depends on how fast you act; spend two minutes right now to get an immediate online quote. Our online quote system also provides you with additional options to qualify for even lower benefit rates when you provide more information.

Insurance companies often make you wait until the last minute to push through double-digit premium rate increases based on their padded expense factors.

Give yourself enough time for an immunization against unhealthy renewal rate increases by contacting one of our cost savings specialists today.

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The BesT BenefiTs

100-449 The Queensway south, Keswick, Ontario L4P 2C9

T 905•989•1616 Tf 1•866•989•1616 f 905•476• 6436



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