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The biography of Ignatius Jan Paderewski -Politics -Last Years -Curious Facts About Polska Fabryka...

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Ignactius Jan Paderewski 18. XI VI.1941 Prime Minister of the Polish Republic In years 16.I XII.1919 The childhood and youth Ignatius Jan Paderewski was born on 18 th November 1860 in Kuryłówka in Podole. In years he gained education in the Varsovian Musical Institute, the name Varsovian Conservatory has remained since the year Musical Career During foreign travels, Paderewski met, among others, the famous Polish actress Helena Modrzejewska. Getting fascinated with his talent she presented him the considerable sum of money. With this money he could continue his studies in Vienna, under the guidance of Theodor Leszetycki.. His first major success was a debut as pianist in 1887 and just year later in Paris he held his first big concert. After that he moved to London there, among others, he even played for Queen Victoria herself. His first tour in the United States in turned out to be yet another of his great triumphs it’s worth mention that Paderewski was forced to go on this tour because of his financial problems. He settled permanently in the USA. There he gained huge popularity and was called: the greatest of all, the master, a king of pianists, a wizard of the ivory keys. In 1899 he got married to Helena Górska the ceremony was a great disappointment for many female admirers charmed with his talent and appearance (especially with his long, wavy hair). In spite of purchasing the mansion in Poland (Kąśna Dolna - Malopolska), Paderewski family settled in Morges, not far from Swiss town Lausanne. Paderewski composed his only opera Manru at the turn of the century. Its first world performance took place in Drezno on 29 th May 1901, and soon after in Lvov. Its USA world premiere took place in Metropolitan Opera House on 14 th February 1902 where it was shown 9 times in one season then it disappeared from the billboard and has never been played again so far. One ought to add that Manru was and still remains the only Polish opera (composed by a Pole), which had ever been presented in Metropolitan Opera House.

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The biography of Ignatius Jan Paderewski -Politics -Last Years -Curious Facts About Polska Fabryka Wdek OLD DISTILLERY Sp. z o.o. Products Production Process Contact Polska Fabryka Wdek OLD DISTILLERY Ignactius Jan Paderewski 18. XI VI.1941 Prime Minister of the Polish Republic In years 16.I XII.1919 The childhood and youth Ignatius Jan Paderewski was born on 18 th November 1860 in Kurywka in Podole. In years he gained education in the Varsovian Musical Institute, the name Varsovian Conservatory has remained since the year Musical Career During foreign travels, Paderewski met, among others, the famous Polish actress Helena Modrzejewska. Getting fascinated with his talent she presented him the considerable sum of money. With this money he could continue his studies in Vienna, under the guidance of Theodor Leszetycki.. His first major success was a debut as pianist in 1887 and just year later in Paris he held his first big concert. After that he moved to London there, among others, he even played for Queen Victoria herself. His first tour in the United States in turned out to be yet another of his great triumphs its worth mention that Paderewski was forced to go on this tour because of his financial problems. He settled permanently in the USA. There he gained huge popularity and was called: the greatest of all, the master, a king of pianists, a wizard of the ivory keys. In 1899 he got married to Helena Grska the ceremony was a great disappointment for many female admirers charmed with his talent and appearance (especially with his long, wavy hair). In spite of purchasing the mansion in Poland (Kna Dolna - Malopolska), Paderewski family settled in Morges, not far from Swiss town Lausanne. Paderewski composed his only opera Manru at the turn of the century. Its first world performance took place in Drezno on 29 th May 1901, and soon after in Lvov. Its USA world premiere took place in Metropolitan Opera House on 14 th February 1902 where it was shown 9 times in one season then it disappeared from the billboard and has never been played again so far. One ought to add that Manru was and still remains the only Polish opera (composed by a Pole), which had ever been presented in Metropolitan Opera House. Politics After the breakout of World War I he began to lead widely conceived diplomatic activity in the interest of Poland and Poles, using his own popularity in the west and, among others, he raised funds to help the war victims and was one of cofounder of help committees for Poles in Paris and London. In 1915 together with Henryk Sienkiewicz in Vevey he founded the Swiss General Committee of Help to War Victims in Poland. The same year he left to the United States where he continued his political activity. At the beginning of his every performance he brought up the subject of the independence of Poland. In the short time he succeeded to come closer to an adviser of the president Wilson, Edward House. Later he met the president himself to whom in January 1917 he delivered the memorial devoted to Poland. Perhaps on that account the matter of our country independence was put up in the famous 14 Wilsons points. In August the year 1917 he was appointed a representative of the Polish National Committee in the U.S.A. under lead of Roman Dmowski. After Jozef Pilsudski return to home-country and committed the mission of forming new government to Jedrzej Moraczewski Paderewski also came back to Poland. On 25 th December 1918 he appeared in Gdask, from where he headed to Pozna. His arrival in capital of Wielkopolska and the enthusiastic welcome became an impulse to the breakout of polish suprising ended with success. After arrival to Warsaw, Paderewski met with Pisudski and accepted role of mediator between him and the camp of Dmowski. On 16 th of January 1919 he became the Prime Minister holding at the same time position of foreign minister. Along with Roman Dmowski he represented Poland on the conference in Paris at the end of which Versailles Treaty was signed ended the World War I. Paderewski knew, that his government activity was temporary one, hence in November 1919 he handed in the resignation. Then he left to Switzerland to get some rest from politics. Yet, after the beginning of Polish- Soviet War in 1920 he came back to his home country. He became the delegate of Polish government to the League of Nations. However, he resigned from this function in 1921. Last Years In 1922 he went to USA and came back to giving concerts there. For this tour he managed to earn 500 thousand US dollars, an astronomic amount of money for that time. He continued also his humanitarian activity (in 1932 to his concert in Madison Square Garden came a record audience -16 thousand, revenue was donated to unemployed United States musicians). Meanwhile he was granted many awards and medals, among others, the Lordship title from his majesty George V. After the death of Pilsudski in 1935 Paderewski became an active member of so called Front Morges. This Organization was in opposition to polish regime government politically they were so called Centre-right; one of its founders was Wladyslaw Sikorski. Front Morges demanded a democratization of political life, and wanted Paderewski for a president of Poland. After the beginning of World War II Paderewski was one of members of polish government on exile. He became a head of Polish National Council in London, which was a kind of polish parliament on exile. In 1940 he went back to USA to lead again independence activity. In the year 1940 in spite of the deteriorating health he went once again to the U.S.A., to act in the interest of Poland. He managed to obtain loans for Sikorski government for arming Polish army formed in western countries. Ignatius Jan Paderewski died on 29 June 1941 in New York. The following day the Prime Minister of the government on exile and the commander-in-chief in one person Gen. Wadysaw Sikorski issued an order No. 11 last words of the letters were: The Polish nation wears a deep mourning after the memory of I.J. Paderewski It loses with His death one of the greatest guiding spirits. Honour His memory! The present order is to be read before the front of squads and on decks of battleships of the Polish Republic". Originally he was buried in the military cemetery Arlington in Washington. However in 1992 coffin with his ashes was brought to Poland And was placed in Saint Johns Cathedral basement in Warsaw. He was honoured after death with a war Order Virtuti Militari. Medals and Awards Virtuti Militari The Honourable Legion The order of the British Empire Doctorates honoris causa of universities in Lvov (1912), Cracow (1919) and Pozna (1924), as well as of several American colleges. The honorable citizen of Warsaw Curious details In Lublin you can find a park named after Ignatius Jan Paderewski at the entrance of which his bust is situated, his monument can be found in the Ujazdowski Park. Bust stands in a place which was prepared for it before The World War II. In Bydgoszcz few places were named after Ignacy Jan Paderewski: Airport, Pomeranian Philharmonic and the Grammar-school No. 16. In the Military college in Kings Baths (azienki Krlewskie )in Warsaw one can find the Museum of the Emigration named Ignatius Jan Paderewski where the sculpture of his head is ttanding. The Grammar-school No. 2 in Puszczykowo has been under the auspices of I. J. Paderewski since the year On 10 th May 2005, in the park Chaoyang in Beijing was held a ceremony of the unveiling of Ignatius Jan Paderewski bust. In 1948 in U.S.A. from initiative of Polish emigrants, Foundation named Ignatius Paderewski was formed in New York it main goal was promotion of Polish culture in United States. Ignatius Paderewski was however not only a politician. One cannot forget about his composers creation and the humanitarian activity. Charmed with Polish Tatra Mountains, where he often visited his friend, Titus Chaubiski, he collected melodies of Tatra Highlands, and created "Album Of the Tatra mountains" set of compositions on the piano inspired by folk music. He also supported the idea of construction of modern sanatorium for tuberculosis near Giewont and was one of stockholders, construction began in He also financially helped an organization called the Zakopane- The Brotherhood Help Health House and the Museum Of the Tatra mountains.. Polska Fabryka Wdek OLD DISTILLERY Sp. z o.o. it is a company based on the highest Polish values. The engagement of creators of the brand -Paderewski -- and also their determination to reach the goals they have set, provides You with the top quality product- Paderewski Vodka. Our company mission is to positively influence on image of Poland worldwide. Base of our propaganda is Jan Ignatius Paderewski. Environment that surrounds the creation of our product grants the Paderewski vodka the exceptional quality and the prestige. High-quality spirits produced by the Polska Fabryka Wdek OLD DISTILLERY Sp. z o.o. is due to the highest quality of care at every stage of production. Our laboratory, closely cooperating with the laboratory in London, monitor and verify the quality of raw materials, intermediates and final products. Paderewski Vodka is filtered five times, with process of mature 72 hours long, all that makes Paderewski Vodka possess velvet smoothness and exceptional pureness it also assures that it has an unique, excellent flavor and makes tasting an unforgettable experience. To maintain top quality we obey very restricted manufacture standards. Paderewski vodka is the top quality refined vodka. Its own exceptional taste owes to the excellent, natural cereal spirit, distilled five times, to crystal clean water from the period of Tertiary drawn from the own water intake and unique Polish recipe. Its exceptionality is externalized by the original and unrepeatable bottle. Polska Fabryka Wdek OLD DISTILLERY Sp. z o.o. cultivates traditions of great Pole Ignatius Jan Paderewski. It has rights to the use of all insignia and names all that emphasis the confidence which Paderewskis family has in our company as well as in solidity and quality of our product. Polska Fabryka Wdek OLD DISTILLERY Sp. z o.o. This project was implemented at the turn of 2010/2013 on the initiative of a group of people who want to launch a special and unique product. The main driving force for today's OLD DISTILLERY was the mark created by Paderewski.. The main idea was to introduce this product to world markets. In turn, our actions show us that customers are able to distinguish between fancy and unique taste of high alcohol. Demand for these products has enabled us to invest adequate resources in the construction of the production line. Today, as an independent brand manufacturers are their spirits. Polska Fabryka Wdek OLD DISTILLERY is a manufacturer of high quality vodka. Our products are made on the basis of grain alcohol. In production we use top-notch water, crystal clear, that it is made to us from the nearby shots. We comply with the highest standards of purity of this product class. Evidence of this by the fact of having adequate certifications in the sector of production of goods suitable for direct human consumption.. Take a look at in particular with our products, and the production capacity which gives us our modern production line. Contact: Polska Fabryka Wdek OLD DISTILLERY Sp. z o.o. ul. Chmielna 8/ Pozna POLAND tel./fax +48 (061) Polska Fabryka Wdek OLD DISTILLERY
