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The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - December 2010

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  • 7/31/2019 The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - December 2010




    Vol. 1 Issue No 11

    December, 2010.


    UFO Reports Gleaned from the Internet.

  • 7/31/2019 The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - December 2010


    Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club December, 2010.


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday

    of the month, at the Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 2pm


    We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park inFicus Street where there is safer parking.PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES.

    ALSO, NO LARGE BAGS IN THE CINEMA OR THE HOUSE.PLEASE NOTE. Please contact us prior to bringing along any new friends interested in

    UFOlogy and the mysteries generally. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the unexplained areinvited to share them with us all.

    Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [email protected] [or catch our website on rexgilroy.com or


    A plate of food to share for afternoon tea is appreciated.

    PROGRAM FOR THE18TH DECEMBER. If the weather is warm enough an outdoor round table discussion on UFOs with personal

    sightings reports by members there will be held in our backyard, otherwise this will be heldin the cinema.

    This is our Christmas get together however, if people wish there will be UFOdocumentaries and any further discussion on these matters inside the Rex Cinema.

    Weather permitting there will be our usual Skywatch out on Narrow Neck Plateau. [Dont forget -warm clothing is a necessity as the weather can change very quickly!],and dont forget to bring atorch and binoculars. If any members have ideas for other likely Skywatch locations for our Club

    we would like to hear about them.

    If any member has material or an article to place in either Mysterious Australia or The

    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club newsletters please feel free to forward it to us by the

    second Saturday of the month.To assist with the costs involved in producing these newsletters a gold coin donation is


    Rex and Hea th e r Gi l r oy , Aus t ra l i a s t op UFO

    and Unexp la ined Mys t e r i e s Re s ea r ch t eam.Pho to c opy r i gh t Rex Gi l r oy 2010 .

  • 7/31/2019 The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - December 2010


    Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club December, 2010.



    From: The Daily Telegraph

    December 07, 2010 8:55AM

    Source: The Daily Telegraph

    A PROSPECTOR who went to find gold in the hills thinks he may have found something better -

    evidence that aliens really do exist.

    Adam Cainero believes he captured a photograph of an alien spacecraft hovering above an escarpment nearMajors Creek, in the Southern Tablelands near Braidwood.

    After an unsuccessful weekend fossicking for gold Mr Cainero and a friend were making the long trip homewhen he stopped to take a snap of the steep mountain they had driven down.

    When he got home, Mr Cainero said he realised he had found gold of another kind after all.

    "I just took a picture of the mountain range and the sun was in my eyes so I just kind of pointed and shot,"Mr Cainero said. "Then we looked at the picture - we were, like, no way."

    With its shape and its position in the sky, Mr Cainero said he immediately knew the black object was a UFO.

    "We always see really weird things as we go out to places where there is no one around," he said.

    There had been talk among fossickers about UFOs being in the area, he said. "A lot of people I know who gointo the bush reckon they have seen one," Mr Cainero said.

    Earlier this year The Daily Telegraphrevealed the suburbs around Gosford, on the Central Coast, were thestate's biggest hot spot when it came to UFO sightings, with dozens of cases reported every year. Eachmonth people turn up to meetings to share their UFO experiences.

  • 7/31/2019 The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - December 2010


    Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club December, 2010.


    The region was the scene of one of Australia's most baffling UFO cases - a series of sightings in 1995 and1996 - reported by police and many other credible witnesses.

    Residents saw shiny UFOs hovering above water.


    UFO IN CHINA'S SKIES PROMPTS INVESTIGATIONEighteen Flights Delayed, Theories Abound


    BEIJING, July 14, 2010

    An unidentified flying object (UFO) forced Xiaoshan Airport in Hangzhou, China to cease operations on July7. A flight crew preparing for descent first detected the object around 8:40 p.m. and notified the air trafficcontrol department. Aviation authorities responded within minutes, grounding outbound flights and divertinginbound ones to airports in Ningbo and Wuxi.

    Eighteen flights were affected

    Though normal operations resumed an hour later, the incident captured the attention of the Chinese mediaand sparked a firestorm of speculation on the UFO's identity.

    "It is a hidden U.S. bomber flying toward China," one Internet user wrote on Monday. Another wrote onSunday night, "In my opinion, the UFO is neither a U.S. missile nor a Russian satellite. Suggestions that it isextraterrestrial are even more preposterous. Everyone, use your head. This is clearly a man-madephenomenon. Would the U.S. or Russia risk provoking China's anger by firing a missile or satellite rocket inChinese skies, without warning? I believe the Chinese military is responsible for the UFO. It is a new missile

    or aircraft being tested out."

    Fueling speculations further, Hangzhou residents released photos, taken in the afternoon before the delays, ofa hovering object bathed in golden light and exhibiting a comet-like tail. Less than an hour before theXiaoshan airport shut down, residents said they also saw a flying object emitting red and white rays of light.

    Resident Ma Shijun was taking a nighttime stroll with his wife when he saw the object.

    "I felt a beam of light over my head. Looking up, I saw a streak of bright, white light flying across the sky, soI picked up the camera and took the photo. The time was 8:26 p.m. However, whether the object was a plane,or whether it was Xiaoshan Airport's UFO, I don't have a clear answer," Ma told the Xinhua news agency.

    The photos taken by Hangzhou residents may be unrelated to the UFO that shut down Xiaoshan Airport.According to Hangzhou meteorological authorities, residents in the afternoon probably saw light reflectingoff of an airplane. As for Ma's nighttime photo, Beijing Planetarium curator Zhu Jing told Xinhua that theobject looks just like a plane shining its strobe lamps.

    Investigating the Phenomenon

    For now, the UFO's identity remains shrouded in mystery. A spokesman from the Civil AviationAdministration of China (CAAC) confirmed to ABC News that the matter is under investigation. He declinedto disclose further details. A day after the sighting, however, an anonymous source told China Daily thatauthorities already discovered the identity of the UFO afteran investigationbut could not publically disclosethe information because "there was a military connection." An official explanation is expected to be releasedon Friday, the source said.

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    Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club December, 2010.


    Today, five researchers from the Beijing UFO Research Society and the Shanghai UFO InvestigativeResearch Center traveled to Hangzhou to study the phenomenon.

    "We have several places to visit on our agenda, including the Xiaoshan Airport and the CAAC East ChinaRegional Administration," the director of the Shanghai UFO Investigative Research Center, Lou Jinhong,told ABC News. "I cannot offer an opinion on this case, because we have not yet collected all the relevantdocuments and data. It's not clear how long the investigation will take."

    The Hangzhou incident comes after a string of recent UFO sightings in China. On June 30, residents inXinjiang province saw a flying object bathed in a fan of white light. Sightings have also been reported inHunan, Shandong and Jiangsu provinces.

    I'm not saying there were aliens flying whatever buzzed Hangzhou airspace earlier today. But there's no

    question that it was an object, that it was flying, and that it's as yet unidentified. And yet it looks awfullyfamiliar up close:

    Alien spacecraft? Or an intergalactic iPhone 4 in a giant red bumper?After the UFO was detected at 9pm, dozens of inbound flights to nearby Xiaoshan Airport were diverted.Explanations have so far ranged from "sunlight reflected from planes" to military trials to, but there's noofficial statement yet from the Chinese government. [Daily Mail via Geekologie]

  • 7/31/2019 The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - December 2010


    Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club December, 2010.


    Please Note:

    Our next meeting will be our NEXT will beheld on Saturday15th January, 2011 same time, same place 12Kamillaroi Road, Katoomba.

    Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you at our next one.There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba weather permitting.

    Meanwhile, there is a lot happening up there at present so -Until our next meeting

    Watch the Skies!Rex and Heather


