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The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter - July 2013

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Keep up to date with our latest events and publications by liking our Facebook Page at:http://www.facebook.com/rexandheathergilroyInsideSKYWATCH NEWS – SKYWATCH AT MCMAHONS LOOKOUT!SKYWATCH AT THE DON BOYD LOOKOUT.AND ‘DIGITAL DINOSAUR’ ON KINGS TABLELAND.UFO REPORTS GLEANED FROM THE INTERNET
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Newsletter of

The Blue

Mountains UFO

Research Club. Vol. 4 Issue No 7

JULY, 2013.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.

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Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month, at

the Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 1pm onwards. We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park in Ficus Street where there is safer parking. PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES. ALSO, NO LARGE BAGS IN THE CINEMA OR THE HOUSE. PLEASE NOTE. Please contact us prior to bringing along any new friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteries generally. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the ‘unexplained’ are invited to share them with us all. Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [email protected] [or catch

our website on rexgilroy.com or mysteriousaustralia.com]. Also see us at ‘Rex and Heather Gilroys Blue Mountains UFO Research Club’ on Facebook. A plate of food to share for afternoon tea is appreciated.


The meeting begins at 1pm with get-together in the house chit-chat as usual.

After a ‘cuppa’ everyone will adjourn to the Rex Cinema.

Latest UFO sightings reports from members of any UFOs seen across the Blue Mountains and elsewhere.

General discussion by members on UFO related matters.

DVD presentation on UFO matters.

Meeting adjourns to the house for a ‘cuppa’ and more chit-chat.

Return to the Rex Cinema for more DVD presentations.

Any suggestion from members on future Skywatch locations will be welcome.

Following the huge success of our previous meeting and Skywatch out at McMahons Lookout, Kings Tableland on June 15th, which resulted in some great photography and sightings and was thoroughly enjoyed by all, in future our meetings will include a night time Skywatch at major locations together with a BBQ. For our next Skywatch on Saturday night 20th July [weather permitting] we will be going to Hargreaves Lookout, out on Shipley Road, Blackheath where there is a shelter shed and BBQ facilities. The views here of the Megalong Valley are superb. So besides rugging yourselves up, bring along meat and drinks and perhaps some firewood for the BBQ if required. As there have been UFO sightings made here lately perhaps we will get lucky and see something.

[Don’t forget - warm clothing is a MUST as it can get quite cold at night] and bring a torch

and binoculars.

If any member has information or an article to place in either “Mysterious Australia” or “The

Blue Mountains UFO Research Club” newsletters please feel free to forward it to us by the

second Saturday of the month. [OR if anyone has material/DVD or a report to present at our

meetings please bring it along as you are welcome to present it].

To assist with the costs involved in producing the

newsletters a gold coin donation is requested.

Rex and Hea th e r G i l r o y , Aus t r a l i a ’ s t o p UFO and ‘Un exp l a i n e d ’ Mys t e r i e s Re s e a r c h t e am .

Pho t o c o py r i g h t © Rex G i l r o y 2013 .

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.



by Rex Gilroy. Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013. This Skywatch will be remembered as a great night enjoyed by all who attended it, following our

monthly Blue Mountains UFO Research Club meeting on Saturday 15th June, 2013. McMahons Lookout lies at the far end of King Tableland, south of Wentworth Falls, and provides a

spectacular view by day of the Burragorang Valley looking west across the area of the top secret Australian-American underground space base as everyone knows.

It has been the scene of countless UFO Sightings over the years and the scene of many eerie happenings believed associated with the underground ‘time-window’ experiments going on there.

The time was 6.39pm when a number of our Club members drove from our Katoomba home in a convoy of at least four vehicles. Taking part in the adventure were – The Gilroys; Donerade Burton; Arwyn Kamarudin; Dave Thomas; Ann Taylor; Patrick Vacheron; Michael Flaherty; Mark Nagy; Glenn Woods; Nigel and Jody Kerr and Peter Obrien. Phil Ingram commenced the adventure but he had to turn back.

Not everyone arrived at the carpark at once, and Heather and I went in Glenn Woods vehicle with Donerade. We were first to arrive at 7.13pm and we walked to the Lookout from where can be seen the northern branch of the lake Burragorang backwaters. Beyond here in the distance lie the two adjoining gullies containing flight entrances. The time was 7.13pm when were arrived.

It was at that moment that upon immediately looking down at the north end of the lake, close to the shore I spotted a single ‘saucer’ craft, glowing yellow beneath the water at one of the four underwater shoreline nests discovered on previous visits here. The glowing ‘saucer’ remainedlit up until about 7.37pm when it suddenly ‘switched off’!

Meanwhile the other cars began arriving and the lookout was soon filled with eager Skywatchers who were in time to see the mysterious underwater-moored ‘saucer’.

At 7.24pm I spotted a yellowish light briefly in the valley in the southern gully of the two containing the UFO entrance. The object appeared to be a craft entering the Base.

The time was now 7.33pm when we all spotted in the west, beyond the earths’ atmosphere out in space, a bright ‘peacock-coloured’ glowing object. Dave observed it to be making erratic movements quite noticeably, and I saw this also with my binoculars. To its north was another bright light and both were, from our observation point, low on the horizon. The light to the north glowed different colours also ie green, yellow, blue and I realised as I observed it through my binoculars that the object was the gigantic space port that periodically appears and from which telescopes and good binoculars have on previous occasions observed spacecraft to arrive or depart.

The ‘peacock’ object was also a gigantic space craft of some kind and we all observed it until it suddenly ‘switched off’ at 7.37pm. The spaceport was soon obscured by a cloud cover.

The moon, not yet full, had meanwhile been in and out of the clouds which were coming in from the south with a cold wind, but it began to illuminate the Burragorang Valley and its gullies, so that the two underground Base entrance gullies could be seen.

Then at 7.43pm a bright silvery light was spotted by me in the south gully as before. Following this sighting I spotted at 7.51pm another silver light on the horizon west of the two gullies. It then quickly descended into the wilderness depths.

AT 8.45pm Ann Taylor captured a UFO in separate photos with her camera. It had appeared in the western sky and was reddish in colour. It was moving north and displayed a reddish coloured vapour trail behind it. It then turned yellowish.

Ann’s photos were certainly the ‘catch of the evening’. The photos showed an oblong-shaped craft. Ann seems to have a ‘knack’ at capturing UFOs on

camera. With all the forthcoming Skywatches our Club will be conducting in the future who knows that she will come up with next!

Clouds were coming in and the cold was increasing, so shortly after Ann took her photos of the strange craft, we ended the Skywatch, looking forward to the next meeting when the next Skywatch venue will be at Hargraves Lookout, Blackheath, which overlooks Megalong Valley, another ‘hotspot’ for UFO activity.


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.


As the sun began setting the enthusiastic Skywatchers gathered outside the Gilroy home all rugged up.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Glenn Woods centre of photo, drove all the way from Cowra for the meeting and

Skywatch. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Cold but happy members of the Blue Mountains UFO Research Club on arrival at McMahons Lookout carpark. [right to left –

Nigel Kerr; Mark Nagy; Arwyn Kamarudin and Patrick Vacheron].

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Gathering at the Lookout. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Looking into the darkened Burragorang Valley. Mystery objects were about to

make their appearance. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Patrick Vacheron points to a distant object spotted moving over the valley.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.


Ann Taylor sets up her camera and with which she shortly captured a UFO.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Dave Thomas all rugged up hoping for a ‘close encounter’.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

While Heather joins the others at the Lookout, Ann sets up her camera.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Heather and Donerade enjoying the camaraderie of the gathering.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

In between watching the skies members broke for a rest and snacks.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Jodie[left of picture] and Nigel Kerr [middle] and Donerade Burton chatting during the

Skywatching. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.



Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

At long last I have had a chance to do a Skywatch at the secret Skywatching site of the late Don Boyd - my friend and the editor of the legendary Psychic Australian Magazine, which created so much interest in UFOs and all manner of other ‘unexplained’ mysteries during the mid-1970s-early 1980s.

The location overlooks the Jamieson Valley and Burragorang to the south. It can be awkward for some perhaps to get there but well worth the effort for the magnificent daytime view and at night the opportunity to perhaps see UFOs.

Don, a real ‘character’ never short of ideas for way-out field trips, once had me lead him, his mate Geoff Holland and a couple of others on a search for evidence of living Giant Australian Monitor Lizards [ie the 27-30ft long Megalania prisca] deep into the Wollemi National Park Wilderness, where sightings and feet impressions have been known since late 19th century times. We failed to find any traces but enjoyed ourselves immensely.

One cold winters night in 1980 Don and Geoff Holland once took me to their secret lookout for a Skywatch.

We didn’t see any UFOs that night, and for one reason or another I never got a chance to go back there with them. I did try to relocate the site over the years abut was unsuccessful. After Don’s passing and Geoff’s move from Sydney to Brisbane, I had just about given up on ever relocating it.

Geoff came down for the past few Christmases to stay with us until after New Years Eve and by then he was battling cancer. He returned for Christmas 2012 but did not look good and he was aware that he had lost the battle. Determined to see us one more time, assisted by his nephew Ian Holland, he spent a week with us in early April.

The two photos of a UFO taken by Ann Taylor. Above and right is the first taken at 8.45pm.

Photo copyright © Ann Taylor 2013. Same photo as left slightly enhanced. Photo copyright © Ann Taylor 2013.

Above and right is the second taken at 8.47pm. Photo copyright © Ann Taylor 2013.

Same photo as left slightly enhanced which shows a distant oblong shaped UFO with a vapour trail.

Photo copyright © Ann Taylor 2013.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.


On Saturday 6th April, the day before he and Ian were to leave, I was able to have Geoff direct me to the lookout, so together with Ian, Heather drove us to the location on Geoff’s directions.

Together with Ian [Geoff couldn’t leave the car] I soon located a bush track that led down onto an isolated clifftop. After all these years I had, thanks to Geoff, relocated it. Geoff passed away on April 30th so I was very fortunate to learn its location. This clifftop will always remain Don Boyds’ Secret Skywatch clifftop to me.

Interestingly, on the day Geoff directed us to the location Ian and I saw a silver object, saucer-like, shoot up out of Burragorang Valley from the area of the underground space research base operated in secret by Australian and American scientists and the military. It flew quickly out of sight high into overhead clouds. Our sighting was over within 3 to 5 seconds. We were so pleased as the UFO appearance sort of ‘celebrated’ the rediscovery of Dons’ Skywatch site.

***** On Thursday 20th June 2013 together with Dave Thomas, equipped with thermoses of coffee and biscuits, cameras and binoculars, we drove there for my first Skywatch since that night with Don and Geoff back in 1980. We arrived here at 8.45pm and watched the Jamieson and Burragorang Valleys as the cold night settled upon us with intermittent cloud cover. Then at 8.52pm a bright, silver light momentarily appeared over behind the sloping east end of Mt Solitary to the south. It was gone in an instant, like someone opening and closing a house door at night, allowing the light from inside to be seen momentarily, only this was a small opening of the underground base in the Burragorang. Then at 9.18pm I spotted a silver light moving at least 50,000 or more feet above Kings Tableland, approaching from the east, heading west. Dave also saw the object. As we watched, at 9.22pm it changed course high over Burragorang to head north-west. We observed it until 9.25pm when its course was obscured by clouds. The cold was increasing, visibility decreasing, so we abandoned our first Skywatch here at 10.30pm.


Rex Gilroy all rugged up on the Don Boyd secret Skywatch lookout, waiting for an ET visitation.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Dave Thomas drinking coffee to combat the freezing cold.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.



Copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Having left the Don Boyd Skywatch location Dave and I spent some time on Kings Tableland Road, hoping to photograph some light energy orbs or other digital phenomena. I captured some ‘haze’ amid roadside trees and on the road. We soon left for home as the cold was getting a bit much for us. After Dave had dropped me off Heather downloaded my images onto the computer. There were three indistinct images which are still being studied, but one was a real surprise.. Out there on Kings Tableland Road I had taken a quick snap before retreating to the car and, when viewed on the computer there was the fuzzy image of what can only be described as a long neck extending back to a large body with the faint outlines of four legs having manifested barely a few metres from me in the middle of the road. The image does not fit entirely into the picture, with the top part of a bent neck and the hind quarters and tail being out of picture but for the faint outlines of the hind legs.

Obviously the enlarged colour image that is on the computer is better than the black and white copy produced here in this article, but the image captured certainly appears to be that of a sauropod dinosaur [Roetosaurus or Austrosaurus are the two species that come to mind – Jurassic period, 144-208 million years ago]. If the creature I caught with my digital camera is what it appears to be, then digital photography is going back to the Age of Dinosaurs. I suspect the other images may turn out to be smaller dinosaur species of the same time frame, moving about near the sauropod in a swampy environment in an age when the Blue Mountains as we know them were yet to be formed. Interestingly I have, over the years, recovered fossil feet impressions of dinosaurs, principally those of small species on Kings Tableland…


Dave points to a strange object in the night sky.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Rex watching the Burragorang Valley soon after seeing a bright light momentarily appear in the valley.

Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.


AUSTRALIA - THREE TRIANGLES Port Macquarie --After leaving Coles convenience store at 18:30 on June 4, 2013, with two of my roommates in their car, my female roommate saw two red lights and one brighter white light in a triangular formation hovering in the dark near the airport and Hastings River Drive. I then

looked as it moved up and over until it was upside down. We then entered the roundabout and lost sight of the lights. Heading up Widerson Street I spotted the triangle lights lower and closer to us, almost as if following behind us. Panic kicked in so my female roommate and I stopped looking. We arrived home and ten minutes later my female roommate peered out the curtain of a window facing

west and again the triangle lights hovering low were 75 meters away. The three of us saw it. I got out my phone to capture the UFO on camera it had vanished. All three of us have spiritual beliefs close to spiritualist. The night before we witnessed the UFO I had an extremely lucid dream with white light pouring from the windows and a tall and 'lanky' grey being entered my room. I felt no fear just excitement and curiosity as it approached. It seemed to communicate without sound. I conversed with it for what seemed like hours before it left.


FROM THE INTERNET. NB. These reports are presented for your perusal, information and enjoyment and whilst all care is taken with their presentation no responsibility for their

authenticity is taken by the editor. Please exercise your own judgement. These following reports have been used with the kind permission of –

Filer's Files

George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director MUFON Eastern Region Director www.nationalUFOcenter.com.

The strange sauropod dinosaur-like image [what else can it be?] photographed on Kings Tableland Road by Rex. Other images yet to be published

after close scrutiny may be smaller dinosaur species that were photographed standing near the ‘sauropod’ in a past dimension captured on

Rex’s camera. Photo copyright © Rex Gilroy 2013.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.


The dream then speed forwards to the next night. My mother was now also in the house with me as the light poured in the windows. My mother was scared for my safety as I walked outside into the light and conversed with the same entity outside and introduced my mother to my friend. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com


Published: 11:56 AM 7/4/2013 CENTRAL COAST GOSFORD EXPRESS ADVOCATE It was large, spherical, luminous and hovering over Empire Bay. Drew Ryan had no idea what it was. Mr. Ryan is a hobby photographer, and managed to snap has numerous images and extensive video footage which he says back up his UFO claim. "I have seen many unexplained things in the Central Coast skies, but most recently, on Tuesday night I observed and photographed a large luminous ball shaped object over Empire Bay,” Mr. Ryan said. "The ball changed colour several times until it went orange, and then it moved slowly across the sky to hover over Woy Woy for some time." Strangely enough, the day of the sighting was World UFO Day. But it is not the first time Mr. Ryan has seen this particular phenomenon. This was the fifth time I have seen this same object in the Central Coast skies in the past couple of months," he said. Many other people have mentioned seeing it to me. I drove to Staples lookout to try to get a better view and some people there told me it had appeared pear-shaped to them." Mr. Ryan, who is affiliated with several UFO groups, said he was often called upon to view footage taken by other people. "I am certainly no expert but I have been photographing these phenomena for a long time," he said.

"Many of the pieces I look at can be easily explained. "You have to consider the camera equipment and software used to decide on authenticity of footage. “But there is no doubt in my mind there are things flying in the skies which cannot be explained. "And sightings are definitely growing in frequency I would like to see a real investigation of these phenomena take place. "As an ex-military man I have never seen anything like them."


Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.



Published: 2:44 PM 7/1/2013 By Roger Snodgrass, For The New Mexican The upcoming Roswell UFO Festival, July 5-7 this year, celebrates the 66th anniversary of a legendary flying saucer crash about 100 miles northwest of Roswell on a ranch near Corona. To this day, nobody knows for sure why officials at the Roswell Army Air Base at the time announced that a “flying disk” had been recovered. The story was quickly rescinded and the universe was seemingly split between those who believe the initial account and those who don’t. The officially corrected version and follow-

up explanations long after the fact declared that the debris was from a secret research balloon project code-named MOGUL and that the “small bodies” recovered in the crash were not aliens, but test dummies. The UFO festival caters to the believers and puts on a world-class agenda of paranormal experts in everything from the latest archaeological finds from the 1947 incident to crop circles, alien abductions, prehistoric astronomy and government cover-ups. Asked to pick a high point of the program this year, Mark Briscoe, executive director of the International UFO Museum said all 20 speakers were major researchers. “We’re really excited about Jesse Marcel Jr.,” he added. According to Marcel’s book, The Roswell Legacy, published in 2008, his father Jesse Marcel Sr. was the first military officer at the scene of the crash and in the middle of the original controversy. “From my understanding, Jesse Jr. got to see the debris and hold it,” said Briscoe. “This is the last time he is going to speak.” Those who don’t subscribe to the Roswell narrative, on the other hand, side with the scientific consensus. From nearly the beginning, scientists took almost the opposite tack. At the nuclear weapons laboratory in Los Alamos in about 1950, according to an archival document, Edward Teller remembered walking to lunch at Fuller Lodge with three other scientists, including Nobel Laureate Enrico Fermi. Teller, often identified as “the father of the hydrogen bomb,” said he had kind of a vague memory, “that we talked about flying saucers and the obvious statement that the flying saucers are not real.” Over lunch, Teller recalled that in the middle of the conversation, “Fermi came out with the quite unexpected question, ‘Where is everybody?’ The group laughed, Teller explained, because even though it came out of the blue, they knew it was about extra-terrestrials. Despite all the talk about aliens and flying saucers, Fermi was asking why we had seen no sign of them so far. Fermi’s question would become known as the Fermi Paradox. Another member of the group, Herbert York, continued the story in a letter. “[Fermi] then followed up with a series of calculations on the probability of Earth-like planets, the probability of life given an Earth, the probability of humans given life, the likely rise and duration of high technology, and so on.” While the circumstances of the alien encounter are argued each year in Roswell, there can be little doubt that this most famous of alien encounters had a great deal to do with the birth of whole new field of science. The search for other intelligent life in the universe that was casually born in Los Alamos in 1950 has led in turn to the discovery of Earth-like planets and now includes the study of extra-terrestrial life, or astrobiology. Fermi’s paradox and back-of-the-envelope calculations were the first steps toward a formulation known as the Drake Equation, conceived by astronomer Frank Drake in 1961 that identified seven factors thought to determine how many technological civilizations exist in our galaxy. Numbers for those variables have grown more certain since then, and Drake wrote an essay in the International Journal of Astrobiology this year in which he said, “It is gratifying to know that over the years the Equation has not been found erroneous: It is alive and well in its original form.” Eric Jones, the LANL astronomer who did the research on the birth of the Fermi Paradox, went on to co-edit a book published in 1985, Interstellar Migration and the Human Experience, which includes his findings for the Los Alamos monograph in an appendix. Among many other developments in this field, last year the Defense Advanced Research Project

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.


Agency began funding the 100-year Starship program to develop capabilities for human interstellar travel by the next century. Contact Roger Snodgrass at [email protected] permanent link: http://www.ufocasebook.com/2013/anothersideroswell.html

source & references: http://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/health_and_science/article_3287494f-abe3-542d-9826-a20f3dfbfd97.html. graphic - www.ufocasebook.com



NOSE CONE The Air China Boeing 757 was forced to make emergency landing It landed with a severely dented and scratched nose cone Pilot heard a large bang and then the plane 'struggled to perform'

By BECKY EVANS PUBLISHED: 21:05 GMT, 10 June 2013 | UPDATED: 01:06 GMT, 11 June 2013

A passenger jet was forced to make an emergency landing after a mysterious mid-air collision with a 'foreign object' at 26,000ft severely dented its nose cone. The front of the Air China Boeing 757 had been pushed in and scratches and scraped paintwork were clearly visible when it landed. The plane was climbing over China when a large bang was heard from the front of aircraft.

Pictures of the Air China jet show the damage the mysterious mid-air collision caused to its nose cone after

The dented nose cone has caused speculation online that the aircraft hit a UFO as it flew over China

The pilot said the aircraft was struggling to perform and he immediately called air traffic controllers, according to reports. He was then allowed him to return to the airport. Experts said investigations into the suspected crash have raised suspicions that the aircraft was hit by a 'foreign object'.

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.


However, they do not believe it was caused by a bird strike as no blood or feathers were visible on the dented nose cone. The damage was only spotted when the plane, which was travelling from Chengdu to Guangzhou, safely landed. The pictures have prompted online speculation that it was caused by a UFO or a drone strike. Other theories posted on the Aviation Herald include pressure from rapidly heated and expanded air. Former government UFO investigator Nick Pope told The Sun that an examination of the nose cone should reveal what hit it. He said traces of whatever collided with the aircraft should be visible. However, he questioned whether the 'secretive' Chinese would reveal the cause. Mr Pope told The Sun: 'Cases like this show that whatever people believe about UFOs, there are serious air safety issues here.

'MoD and CAA files contain dozens of reports of near misses between UFOs and commercial aircraft. 'It's only a matter of time before there's a catastrophe.' The Air China Boeing 757 (similar to the one pictured) was forced to make an emergency landing

No one was hurt in the mysterious incident. Last week, it emerged that three passenger jet pilots saw UFOs above Britain's Scientology headquarters on their approach to Gatwick Airport. A report revealed that they each saw 'two flat, silver discs', with some flying within 100ft. Air traffic control then spotted six UFOs on their radars before they suddenly disappeared. The encounter, which was probed by the UK Airprox Board, happened on December 30 just before 9am over the Scientology headquarters in East Grinstead, Sussex. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2339139/Was-bird-A-Plane-Or-UFO--Chinese-passenger-jet-hits-mysterious-object-26-000ft-lands-severely-dented-nose-cone.html#ixzz2WQfepMkZ



Date of sighting: August 2011 Location of sighting: Italy New Details: This may be near USA Aviano Air Base, in the north-east of Italy, near Pordenone. Here is an amazing catch by someone hiking on the hill and happens to have their video cam on. Most of us have done that at one time or another. But then suddenly two jets chasing a UFO shoot across the sky and over the hills. Todays cameras are catching high details. Details that make me think its legit are: 1. The flashing light on the UFO 2. The person lowers the lens to look at the ground as he runs to catch sight of them again, a fake would always focus ahead [as shown in the video footage]. 3. An escort of two military jets so close means the UFO is being flown by one of their pilots. They are in formation. 4. This alien looking craft could be part of the "Project Blue Beam" plan to take place. 5. Rocca Pia castle in Italy has an underground base. The aliens call themselves the "W56," because in the base 56 different space faring species can be found. Check this old post of ours at http://scottcwaring.blogspot.com/2011/05/entrance-to-alien-base-at-rocca-pia.html

Newsletter of The Blue Mountains UFO Research Club – July, 2013.


Please Note:


same time, same place – 12 Kamillaroi Road, Katoomba.

Our previous meeting was a huge success with a number of new people and we look forward to seeing you at our next one. There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba weather permitting. Meanwhile, there is a lot happening ‘up there’ at present so - Until our next meeting –

Watch the Skies!

Rex and Heather
