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The Blueprint Decoded Notes

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1 Believe The Hype… Four Life Altering Days Of Brain Hemorrhaging Immersion Traveling DEEP Down The “Rabbit Hole” To The Most Advanced Understanding Of Dating, Social Dynamics, And Self-Actualization In Existence
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Believe The Hype…Four Life Altering Days Of

Brain Hemorrhaging Immersion – Traveling

DEEP Down The “Rabbit Hole” To The Most Advanced Understanding

Of Dating, Social Dynamics, And Self-Actualization In Existence

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Day One DVDs 1-5 - Liberation the terrifying genius of your hidden selfDVD 1When you are outcome attached, just needing the outcome, will kill your game.

Being successful with women, is nothing something you do, its something you ARE.

The theme is Being not Doing.

When you approach a woman, you are not doing, you are just being.

Do not put women on pedestals, its all in your head. It is not accurate.

You are both (men and women) on the same level, no one is better than anyone else.

if you are making a girl laugh, the goal is to be having fun yourself. not to be entertainer man, but be sexworthy man.

Go out, and your sticking points will fix themselves.

Most people in the world walk through life in a walking daze.

material possessions are not the answer, you do not need money.

around 55 minutes in

Sperm Wars / Lover vs Provider

the girl has the boyfriend who has the money (provider) and when she is ready to have kids, will go to the lover to get the great genes.

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Using money to pickup girls lands you as Provider

You want to hook up, then go into relationship mode.

You can meet girls, even if your broke.

money is no factor.

The next most limiting belief is looks.

Looks don’t mean shit, nothing.

A chode is a guy who essential doesn't have his own sense of value, cares what others think of him, or thinking he has to go out with her for a certain amount of time before she will have sex with you.


Commonalities (saying you like something someone else likes to get them to like you)

romantic (buying flowers, and chocolates for a girl I just met)

being the friend (consoling the girl, telling her the bf is mean, thinking she will like you)

None of these work.

Social Conditioning, comes from the media and society, parents, work, friends, religion, advertising, anywhere

When you see someone do something and get a girl, it does not mean that doing that causes attraction. Its arbitrary.

women want guys who stand out. which means don’t be doing the same approaches as everybody else.

we let society dictate our beliefs to us. we give them our authority.

Think of the hypnosis concept, pacing and leading.

you tell someone something is right, you believe them, then they lead you somewhere else, and since you believe the first, you continue to believe the rest.

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Humans learn real fast. We learn so fast because we learn socially (from those around us) all the time, constantly.

2 different ways we learn.

1 - 1st hand experience

2 - socially.

Social Conditioning is good most of the time.

1 how certain they are of their ideas

2 how in alignment they are to their ideas

3 number of other people that also bind to those ideas

Ideas, no matter how stupid, can spread like wildfire.

i.e. ghost riding the whip

People look at what other people are doing. And try and do it.

humans are very superstitious, they believe what others believe based off the beliefs from society.

look at things with your own eyes.

don’t act how others tell you how to act

the cause of attraction is VALUE

value is anything that helps you survive and give good emotions (s and r)

value is a magnet

caveman doesn't care how he looks, he just thinks about what he wants to eat.

a woman looks for certain qualities in a man

decisiveness, resourcefulness, dominance, fearlessness,

Don't be a chode, and valueless

caveman didn't have a mirror, you don't need one either.

a woman doesn't need a guy to take care of her. So don't be provider man.

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DVD 3Girls are not as shallow as most men are.

She likes the qualities that show your realness.

This is communicated in sub-communication.

men look at visual clues (hot) women look at behavior clues.

2 types of sub are your behavior, and how others react around you.

your sub communications can change at an instant (opposed to looks which last a long time) women can sense this, and she will loose attraction instantly.

the words you say to a women, do not really resonate with her, because she is really looking at the sub communication.

the more attracted she becomes, the less your words even matter.

when you try and logically convince her (i got a nice watch) all that nice sub communication just gets cut off.

Your Value is NOT static. Your behavior can change in SECONDS.

Attraction is a very fast (happens in seconds) and straightforward process.

if she does not like you, it doesn't matter, don't think about how you can make her like you.

Don’t get crushes on girls that do not like you.

neediness is VERY unattractive.

don’t come at girls with a scarcity mentality

Society gives you never ending mental stimulation.

A magic pill for everything.

The answer to all your problems.

Because the supply will always meet the demand.

people want to be the guy they see on TV

society and advertising = a superficial value system

with these values, an attractive girl is the pinnacle of achievement. even if you saved thousands of lives, the only thing that matters is the hot girl in the miniskirt

you cannot win the social conditioning game.

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on 1 level, its nice to have something new, like new shoes, but have you ever thought that you should feel like that all the time.

your possessions can be a reflection of who you are, and for your own enjoyment. This is for YOU, not for others.

Do what you want to do, not to impress someone else or live up to someone else's standards.

don't be paranoid about what other people think about you, and having that shit fucking with your head every day nonstop.

stop being paranoid.

be who you are meant to be. act through your own intentions

the best consumers are dissatisfied, with mild paranoia, some general confusion about who he is, no identity, and no values.

just wants what other people want.

the average person watches 6 hours of TV a day, getting hyper saturated to advertising, and being a spectator all day. we look at other people, and no longer want the glory.

people standby and watch shit w/o living their own lives.

the glory is to be had, turn off the tv and web surfing. its garbage, don't be wasting time channel surfing and looking at other people.

a lot of people go on bootcamps just to see what happens and be a spectator, they don't want to actually go out and do these things, just see people doing it.

people do not take action.

you should have a life of your own design.

dont worry about what other people think, life is short, fuck it.

life blows by, do what you want, because this is all you got.

fuck social conditioning, and fuck what anyone thinks of you.

dont just take value, give it.

don't go by other peoples standards, and have them dictate things to you, because you will always come up short.

stop reacting to other peoples standards, dictate your own standards and pull others into your standards

if you are a dork, own your dorkyness, stop looking up to other people standards. have your own sense of values.

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when you do that, and you talk to a girl, she will be having to live up to your standards opposed to looking up to hers.

be firm in your own sense of identity in who you are and what you value.

stop reacting to girls, thinking please tell me who i am by giving me IOI's. its not attractive

stop being a bitch, stop pretending to like things you do not.

stop looking at the surface of things, and look at the depth.


Living in reaction

not knowing, who you are, what you value, what your appreciative for, how your emotions work, what you want out of life, why certain influences are positive or corrupting.

expanded version of a chode, your inner chode =

Don't know who they are, what they value, what their appreciative for, have no vision out of life, and why certain things influence them. they live in reaction, their minds are scattered and are missing their center.

what is the best way for you to be living your life, and how are the decisions you are making effect your sub communications.

dont compromise your values or your self.

people want ego enhancement. most people think, im a little fucking troll, like gollem from lord of the rings, they want that precious ring to be enhanced.

they want to be better than the next guy, and stand out.

unless your able to be outgoing, talk to a women, be yourself, have a good time, then there is work to be done.

most people want the tatics, the quick fixes, then they look for the principles.

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anytime you do not use something, it will weaken. if you don't think, it becomes dull, if you dont use your muscles, they weaken. when you come back from outer space, your bones loose density.

we as a species are lazy, and do not want to do anything, and waste energy

people dont want to fix the larger problems

The Self is always coming thru

if you are a cool guy and say some dumbass stuff, you will get away with it.

You dont need to be "doing stuff" all the time to attract the girl, just BE

backwards rationalization, we invent logical reasons for things that happen.

Value Comes First -- Don't forget this, it means if you have "low value" the girl will not really notice you, if you have "high value" and you are a big jerk, she will focus in on that one bit of you being nice, as being your a nice guy.

She will rationalize and impose those abilities on guys.

when you have tons of value, anything you do is funny, the girl will laugh uncontrollably

without the value, it likely will not go.

value is not everything, it just comes first, most of the time, generally speaking.

Time and Energy are finite. People only have so much time and energy. Because we have so little, we are only capable of doing so much, and because that is our nature, we seek out relationships that benefit us the most.

Don't judge it, it just is what it is, we will all die, its neither bad or good, it just is what it is.

your emotions are designed to guide you towards relationships that will benefit you the most

the longevity of a relationship will always be dictated by the value people continue to get out of it. the same way it is with a friend.

RAS - Reticular Activation System

There is only so much you can focus on at the same time.

RAS filters out that which is of no value to you, and zones in on that which does have value to you.

Your RAS will focus on VALUE and THREATS (hot chick / "terrorist")

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when you have value in your relationship the person only focuses on the good things, the nice things, they don't think about the bad times. when the relationship starts going bad, they focus only on the bad things.

if you have that high value, the girl will be focused in on your voice, no matter what else is going on, she will be deep into what you are saying or what not.

When your talking to a friend, and a hot chick comes by, and you focus on her, thats RAS, realize when it happens.

If your talking to a friend, and hot chick pats you on the shoulder, and you turn around and talk to her, thats RAS, and tells her she has value, and you do not hook up with girls of her caliber all the time.

Most "PUAS" try to not react, you are really reacting.

What you want to do is get in touch with who you are and how you naturally act, if a friend poked you, you would just go, "hey dude, hold up" and continue your convo, just be normal.

being normal around super hot women, makes you very attractive.

what you should or should not focus on.

don't be walking through life thinking people are rationalizing about you. This is loser talk, and you will create that.

You need to be able to hold paradoxical concepts in your mind, and not have it phase you. Dont be focusing on it. You can recognize it, but you assume the best.

assume people are friendly, positive, and friends, and you wish all things are well for everyone. but at the same time, you have a firm grasp on reality.

accept that the world knows you nothing, and in the long run you will get back what you deserve.

don't be thinking you deserve value, don't get caught up in bs. keep things light

The Magnet

Value is a magnet, dragging around your perception with you all the time.

when you have alot of value, people will listen to you and try and impress you. if you have no value, nothing happens.

don't look for other people for stimulation, you are the party.

Subjective Perception

situational value, a form of value not worth anything on its own, but in its particular environment, it means a lot.

guy throwing party at house, celebrity, bartender, promoter, professor at the college, the environment gives them status they would not have on their own.

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this gives them situational confidence.

situational confidence, if you know you can get a positive response in your environment, you feel like you can be you.

when you take that person out of his environment, it changes his persona.

value prompts you to be more attractive.

when you know you have value, you will be outside of your head, and when you think you don't you will be inside your head.

Another way to call it is "in the moment" when you dont, its "micro managing"

don't be thinking is that good enough, will this make people like me, this attracts noone. this is why you need to be outside your head and in the moment.

be detached form the outcome of any particular situation.

take things as they come, be present of what is going on around you, expect that everyone is your friend.

enjoy the moment for what it is. dont be thinking how can I make it better, it makes you feel needy, forced, and contrived.

don't think how everyone will respond to what you say and over analyzing it.

the best way to make people like you, is express your personality freely, and let the chips fall as they may.

some people will like you, and others will hate you because you can do this, and express yourself.

this implies you are cool with who you are, and you probably have the value to back it up. this communicates more value that trying to communicate value.

when you go in your head and try to impress, you fuck it up, and repel the girl.

stop trying to drop smart cleaver things, and trying to impress women.

saying cool things is fine, but you need to stay outside of your head and vibe, opposed to going in to say cool stuff and then breaking the vibe.

you will be sub-communicating that you dont need any more friends or anything, you have value to back things up.

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DVD 5Reactiveness

in any interaction, someone is reacting more to someone than the other.

when your reacting to someone, what does that mean?

1 - their natural personality is being affected by you

2 - the way they feel about themselves is tied up on your responses to them

3 - there focus is more directed towards you than others in the room

4 - they feel a heightened emotional response towards you. based on physical contact. "that funny tingling feeling" the other one is, she is analyzing how she is taking up your space and time. Other people do not want to take up your space if they think you are of higher value than you.

Anytime you are thinking about calling someone and worrying about if its the right time to call, you view yourself as not having as high a value as them.

when you have these reactions towards people, you are giving your value away.

everyone prefers to hang out with people that do not give there power away.

9 minutes in, explains how situational confidence of a dennys manager can pull hot chicks, because of how everyone acts around him at the restaurant. due to his situational confidence.

you need CORE confidence, not situational, its Im going to have fun, no matter what anyone thinks, you are the life of the party.


whoever has the most people reacting to them, and reacting the least in return, will have the most attraction.

express yourself freely, have fun, and don't be the same old stiff.

Having core value, opposed to situational. with core value, you have to make it into your reality.

you should have core confidence, if you have confidence in any situation its a glitch in the matrix.

if you act like a rock star, you will get treated like a rock star

everyone enjoys a great vibe. this is valuable, everyone appreciates fun and a good personal connection.

when you know that your personality alone is enough, you can give yourself permission to act in a way you want thats attractive.

be consistent, in any environment. be the same guy with or without your friends.

go have an adventure, do things, go out on your own, in a new environment, and meet new people.

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that is core confidence.

this isn't heart warming shit, its just fucking badass, and a great thing to have. develop freedom and authenticity for yourself.


love is caused by yourself, not by other person, it is a trance you put yourself into.

love will take a concept of a person, and make them into something they are not, or an object.

understand that the concept of your girlfriend is that, and dont confuse that as to who she is as a person.

chode version of love = walking with a gap of self esteem, he gets with a girl, and feels what a cool guy would call normal (the good feeling inside) it comes from the validation. then you think you are in love with that person,

this can be codependence

you should be able to self generate that good feeling.

a lot of guys use a woman as situational confidence, and when that is gone, you loose it.

dont be coming to people with an empty cup, needing to get it filled up, offer value.

when you get involved with someone, you take on their problems with your own. finance, health, family all these things.

don't let the nimbus dim.

your concept of wanting to fall in love, fucks up everything, because you try to become output attached.

you dont know the girl, enjoy the emotions, and the experience fully, but do not have attachment, as you do not know her, and once you become dependent, she will change.

love is something you experience within your self. something you experience when you look at your sky, or you are with your friends.

you need to get that spiritual side of yourself handled to mack the hoes.

that doesn't mean religion, but your place in the world, you need that good feeling independently, and feel at home in the world.

then you become independently amused, and validated, you don’t even need a relationship.

when you have this, girls will be popping out from fire hydrants and shit, when you no longer desire relationships.

when you try and posses something, based on a relationship, and you try and make it yours, it dies. just let it be.

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the glow you feel in your body is something you have on your own. dont rely on validation or consumerism for it, get it from yourself.

Lesson for the night, do what you want when you want, be the person your meant to be. Don't give a fuck what others think of you. think of the kind of behaviors you have when you feel good, and allow yourself to feel that way.

This entire day was dedicated to an atomic breakdown of the fundamental dynamics of social conditioning.  This brutal demolition will permanently damage the roots of your insecurity.

Piece by piece and brick by brick, the mental walls that imprison you will be torn down, cracking you “out of the Matrix” and setting you free.

You'll achieve a level of personal insight that some people never achieve in their whole lives – and in doing so, you'll be given the clarity of purpose that triggers immediate and dramatic gains in seductive force.

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Day Two DVDs 6-10 - Ignite the Ravening power of your authentic coreDVD 6The second day has one purpose – to ignite the fire of masculine power that lies dormant in your heart.  This is about learning how to tap into that shining part of you that society has suppressed.

No matter where you are, and no matter what you've been through, this whole day is focused on driving deeply into – and resurrecting – your primal core.

This seething essence will rivet women to you, injecting a sexual resonance and charismatic power into every word you speak – and every move you make.


Your concept of who you are. what makes you who you are, or what gives you certain status relative to other people.

so much of your personality is arbitrary, and comes from social feedback, feedback you get from talking to other people.

you may think you cannot change your identity, and you cannot change what your supposed to be.

many of your personality traits are developed from reaction

you can be who you want to be.

the person you are today, can be completely different a year from now.

never think oh i could never do that, that cant be me.

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what is social feedback? social feedback is 1st hand experience vs second hand experience.

Your mind is constantly pinging, to find out who you are, and what is normal in the environment.

on a subtle level, we are looking to see how others are reacting to what your doing.

a great deal of your reality is unverified, and second hand.

when someone else believes (like a really popular person) something very assuredly, and when they have that certainty about who you are, it puts psychological pressure on you to become that person.

you do not have to bow down to the social pressure, but it is still there.


everybody in their mind has a concept of what a cool person and a not cool person looks like.

you have an imprint in your mind on how your supposed to act.

your situation is always changing, and as it does, your mind is always looking at social feedback to figure out how much value you have and which personality is appropriate at that time.

why does your mind only give you access to your personality that it thinks others will like?

evolutionarily speaking, in the past, if you pissed someone off, people would kill you

when you are a newbie, and trying on new behaviors, you will look like a dumbass, but it happens, its usual, you just have not learned to calibrate it.

get over it

you have to be able to endure humiliation, repeatedly.

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DVD 7State

you have to have the value, to back up your confidence.

when you have that value, and confidence, it gives you state, or the nimbus

nimbus = radiant light, giving yourself permission to be who you are.

state is a fancy word for confidence, and the emotional system that looks that the system to see rather to or not you have value and give you access to the personality that works best

characteristics of being in state

feeling of being complete

a surge of positivity, and steadiness and dominance.

a naturalness when everything clicks

a feeling that YOU are the source of good emotions in the environment

being out of state

being incomplete

being weight down, anxious or ancy

unnaturalness where everything is off rhythm and off time

you view other people as a source of other emotions (this is a scarcity mindset)

when you are out of state, you feel everyone is having fun but you.

its where other people have value, and you dont want to bother them.

in state, you have the good emotions and you don't care

out of state, you have no good emotions, and your self conscious and you do care.

instate you have full access to your cool guy personality, the best parts of you, you can really be your best self.

your mind quiets, your in the moment, and outside your head. no bull shit self dialogue.

when the nimbus is raging, you can yell, pick up a girl, and start running.

when your really in state, you don't need any game, its just all there.

everything you do in state works.

you never feel like you will run out of things to say

state sub communicates value

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You must understand this to truly understand state.

when you know state matters, you will resist it. on one level you can understand that state is liberating, but on another level you have to have a personal level which is I will just pretend as though im in state, and act the same way regardless.

you do NOT need to be monitoring whether you are in state or not

Resistance is an emotion. it is the emotion your experience when you wish the reality in front of you existed in some different way.

if your thinking, I want to be in state, i want to be in state, this is resistance.

never resist the now, (zen concept) total acceptance to what is immediately in front of you.

you also have to have right action to change what is in front of you.

dont resist (such as I dont like this) opposed to zen, this is what it is.

dont identify with the emotion, just recognize it.

the first gateway out of resistance is to accept it.

dont resist being out of state, if you keep resisting it will stay persistent.

take right action.

be decisive, know where you going, what you want to do, just do it.

most people think being to scared is a good reason to not do something.

Do what you want to do, regardless of the emotions in your body.

non-resistance = acceptance

right action + non-resistance = great way to get in state.

meditation can teach you non-resistance.

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Identity criterion

the concept of your thermometer

what does your mind need to view yourself as a worth while guy.

the rules you have to decide whether or not you should go into state

think of it as not approaching girls because your not wearing cool clothes, you need to get over this, and get in state regardless if your wearing your "best clothes" or what else.

when you get a new shirt, and ppl stare at you, and like you, because of the shirt, you associate your new found success with the shirt, and call it your lucky shirt. But it is not the shirt, it is you, and how you feel because of the new shirt.

Never rely on your clothing.


a chode crystal is when you got a bunch of chodes out together, and they crystalize together. newbies going in packs

Dont sweat being alone, its ok to go somewhere by yourself.

competencies - it is something that allows you to feel like you are the source of good emotions. such as a guitar, magic, or pickup lines.

Hello, my name's ____

Its all in complete belief

Think women can like you just for you, you do NOT need that line, or that competency (guitar, magic, funny lines, etc)

the old way is the magic penny, it shoots up your state / thermometer / nimbus - o - meter

new way is girls like you for you, you need no tricks or tactics.

Role Plays.

Play your own game, don't second guess just because you are around or near someone else.

like if your a teacher and your dominating telling people what to do or say, then you go out to the club, your no longer dominating, your not playing that role.

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to see the trading of roles, check out the youtube video of jamie fox tooling a comedian during a roast


if your talking to a girl, and another guy starts talking, you act like you dont hear it, and then the girl sees this, and it lowers the other guys value.

recognize that a role is just a role, and you don't need to identify yourself with the role.

Don't let the ego structures dictate your response.

A congruence test (shit test) when a girl calls you a jerk is to try and get you to play that role.

Core Confidence

The final part is Core Value

The cause and effect relationship with these things are skewed, wondering what causes what.

Take great clothes. Think of the group Outkast, and the weird ass clothes. He has style because he makes it cool. He has the layer of charisma that makes that style cool. They dictate it

Don't try and get the perfect clothes, instead, just say, I'm going to MAKE these clothes cool, I'm going to OWN them.

Don't be reacting to other peoples standards, make your own and make others react to yours.

if you do not plant the seed, nothing will ever grow.

don't react to trends and chasing them, make your own trend.

stop walking through life in a walking daze, a trance, stop reacting to your emotions.

Know who you are, and what you value. Know why your emotions work and how. Stop living in reaction.

when you feel confident, people react to you.

core confidence - have an unshakeable conviction of who you are and what you are entitled to, lets you take on a charismatic attitude that gets people reacting to you regardless of the situation your in.

You Value your own opinion of yourself, more highly than the opinion of others, and you determine your own value based on your own criteria.

you believe your life has a value, rather others believe that or not.

self seek from within, opposed to without (clothes, friends, status)

Just know who you are, you are not your FUCKING khakis, your wallets, your furniture.

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Conflicting Realties

your sense of reality, allows you to make predictions on the world

its the map of how the world works

whoever has the strongest reality wins

Beliefs of the bitchy LA 10 reality:

1. I am a hot girl.

2. You are “the next guy of the night”.

3. You need validation, approval and sex from me.

4. I am too hard for you to get.

5. But feel free to entertain me if you like.

to impose this she will say, oh your trying to pick me up, or your a jerk, etc.

Dude who gets a lot of girls reality:

1. I have no shortage of options.

2. I am chatting you.

Why? I'm having fun, girls are silly, girls are fun to be around, girls are adorable, and I am chatting you.

3. I am totally fulfilled in everything, I have everything that I need.

4. You seem cool and if you turn out to be different than other girls, we might hang out.

5. When I want something, I take it, but for now I am just chatting and having fun.

Friends will cock block, but only when your a chode.

How tyler handles the cold approach.

Point A ------------------- Point B (quickest path)

if it gets complicated, and this is not working, then go fancy.

Guys want to learn all the cool fancy ass moves, like the glowing globing.

Don’t identify with any method, just try and go as simple and direct as possible, and calibrate moment to moment, if something isn't working, move on to something else.

To be able understand anything that I am saying you have to

1. need to have the reference experiences to back it up

2. ask yourself “Why does this work?” What are the mechanics behind this that make this work.

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DVD 9Who is screening, and who is trying to impress. Understand the dynamic of these.

The self is always coming though

You can't hide it.

instead of reacting to what others like, have a centered rootedness in your own beliefs and mannerisms in your own life.

dont react to reacting.

the cool people are have their own fun.

you should be able to amuse yourself.

the ability to amuse yourself is one of the most attractive quality you can cultivate.

when you are on your own, you have to be able to enjoy yourself and amuse yourself.

when you feel good on your own, that good feeling naturally leads to that nice un-reactiveness, you no longer feel that black hole of neediness

un-reactive does not mean un-responsive or inexpressive, you do not want to turn into Clint Eastwood (blank stare)

Respond to the world, but on your own terms.

act through your own intentions.

if a girl is trying to push you into a role, such as chasing her, or trying to get her, do not let that into your reality.

Stay positive, upbeat, and be you, and draw her into that good reality and state you are in.

This is what allows the best guys to be what they are.

hold your state, dont react to negative outside influences.

imagine you got a whole in the shape of a triangle, and a peg the shape of a circle, you cannot plug the triangle into the circle. So you being treated negatively, is SOOO FAR outside of your reality, not only do I NOT put up with negativity, I don't even realize negativity even exists, as I have never seen it. AKA the way you are acting is retarded, as no one else acts like you.

Just act like you cannot even see or hear the negativity, think PePe Le Pu. Do not see negative feedback.

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negativity does not enter into your space, and whoever has the strongest reality wins.

Your job is NOT to assert your reality on everybody. You are supposed to assert it on yourself. You dont want to try and suck others into your reality.

Be self-possesed.

most people are lacking trust in your faculties. they do not trust themselves and look to others for guidance.

Trust your own judgement.

the girl will throw shit up at you, weight, hairy back, wtf ever, just to see how you react, nothing really matters, just be un reactive.

don't qualify, don't try to impress, just be your best self, and trust in your own judgement.

he who has the most unwavering certainty and the least emotional reaction to different views, will have the most dominate reality.

its like Jack in the tv show LOST

if you believe some short coming you have (weight, height, complexion) is a big deal, then it is a big deal. if you think it is no big deal, then it isn't. its up to you.

the simple statement, so many people are putting limitations on myself, why would I want to add anything else.

your a worthwhile guy, happy with your looks, your lifestyle, and got an abundance of women in your life who want to be with you.

if you have that, and are non-reactive, you can bring others into your reality.

a best way to take a girl out, take her shopping for you, clothes, food, whatever.

you invite her into your world, she gets a taste of it. she visits other guys realties all the time, and she will stay in the one she gets the most good emotions.

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The 4 Pillars of a strong reality

1. Who you are – status, sense of identity, sense of entitlement

2. Your values – tastes, opinions, sense of humor

a. You do not get mesmerized by superficiality.

b. Creates a dynamic – screening/impressing. “naturally screening person” –

wants to make her live up to your standards

3. personal boundaries – When someone steps over them, you don’t allow that so much

– makes her trust you; want to have fun? Go out one night and mention numerous

“boundaries” – “uncross your arms” “don’t stand there”,…

a. being respectful

b. valuing your time (“You are the CEO of your life and you hire and fire

at your own choosing.”)

4. how you expect people to act around you – fun/value-offering

“When you are willing to fight, you are less likely to get into a fight.” – why?

People get that vibe and that is why you do not have to deal with it so much.

“If I am in a positive state, I do not want other people to put me down.”

“Misery loves company.”

“self-boundary”: knowing your own personal boundary about what you

expect from yourself; “I will not accept second-class behavior – not from others or myself.”

“Whatever price tag you put on yourself, that is what your price is.”

when you know what your values are, you do NOT get mesmerized by superficiality,

you know everyone shits piss fart and smell funny, don't be caught up on the plastic society.

when you are a chode, women are goddesses

when you date hot girls, you realize the truth, how she has to do all this stuff to look good, and everything, and may even be annoying, and thus, no longer a goddess. Then women become attractive again, but not from the surface, but from depth.

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DVD 10Have a strong set of boundaries

When you establish a personal boundary, people will get that vibe off you.

self boundary, what you will accept from yourself (i.e. don't accept second rate behavior)

the 4 pillars who you are (identity) your values personal boundaries how people should act around you

do you expect them to be having fun? or what.

when you live as a chode, your chodelyness increases.

learn to laugh at yourself

let go of trying to control what people think of you.

the more your reality gets broke down, the stronger it becomes.

the more this happens, the more you come into your power.

dont be inside your head, and sheltering yourself from the world.

Be versatile and dynamic, with the ability to melt into any environment.

everyday ask yourself, are you becoming more chode, or more lord.

women have very weak realities, it is much stronger than your typical chode off the street, thats why if you have a strong reality it will draw her in

masculine polarity - your grounding amidst your emotional chaos, the magnet that draws women towards you in the form of your deepest self esteem

total trust in your ability to determine reality. ex..

1 acting only through your own intentions. (do what you want to do, feel rooted in your own power, have an I see, I take attitude, a kid who cant control himself)2 be uncontrollable and above manipulation 3 dictating the reality around you opposed to being affected by it4 being in the moment and walking through the world with ease5 no intimidation of the world or the girl what so ever6 tapping in the energy inside you not around you as the source of your mood7 feeling no spike or lows of self esteem from any girls responses for you, you might loose attraction, but not the sense of who you are.

to simplify all this, 2 words, have fun. that is masculine polarity in a nutshell

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Day Three DVDs 11-15 - Acceleration - Accelerate your masculinity into an unstoppable magnetic force

DVD 11your mind may try and block you from the nimbus, from going into state.

how can you shock yourself out of that?

You are not your mind. Just take over, and not let your mind drag you around. Just show your mind that you are not screwing around, its happening anyway, give me my state or else, i'm going to keep doing it.

don't get stuck in your head, just GO, force your body and your mind to do something, approach the girl and go, don't wait until you have something to say, just GO, be obnoxious to your mind.

don't let yourself get down, and have pity and resistance.

if the girl doesn't think she can rely on you and feel at ease, she cant be herself either. this is why she does congruence tests, to see how you are and how you will react.

when she is giving a congruence test, she wants to feel your reality, and see how you don't react.

man / action. girl / reaction = this is the goal, most people do the opposite.

Be authentic, be who you are meant to be.

Chaos VS Grounding

really hot girls seem to walk straight, without looking around at everyone while they are walking. Like a catwalk model.

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DVD 12

The girls fun is, how can I get him, how can I make him respond.

For guys, the first thing you can do is "flipping the script"

wherever you go, it should be, this is my house, and everyone here are my friends.

Approach people as if they are your friends.

carry yourself with total confidence, and a playful cockiness.

a confident guys that what he has to say, has to be heard, and is funny, and people will like it.

take conversations in the direction you want them to go.

dont take orders, or respond to nonsense.

position yourself as already chosen in your environment, and your choosing the girl you like

think of yourself as the guy whose house it is (the lord), everyone already chooses and or accepts you, so you pull the girl in, saying who are you.

you are saying I see what I want and I'm taking it.

be the chosen one. imagine you are a prince, like prince harry, and how they might carry themselves.

just walk up, pull her over, and say who are you. and she will qualify herself to you.

women like to experience a full range of emotions, and they draw state from their environment.

state is self motivated for a guy, and this can change everything for you.

feel your breathe, and slow it down. this is a good way to destroy the hecticness in a club. when you slow it down, you think how you fit in with the environment, and your more connected to your higher self.

you can pump your own state at will, jump up and down, have fun, tyler calls it a "power jump", allow yourself to slow down, stop worry about petty problems of who is better than who, or etc, and be aware, and be happy.

sex is an expression, its a way to cut loose. an outpouring of love.

30 second make out, be high energy, and keep pushing her away, like your crazy, how am I even talking to you right now, what am I going to to with you.

come here, come here, come here, and kiss (1 hr in)

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DVD 13

when your talking to someone, and dont give a fuck what others think about you, most people appreciate it.

most people think what you say has to be awesome, and highly over estimate what they say, don't think of it. just be in touch with your higher self

amuse yourself, don't be entertainer man, but feel free to entertain yourself

when you walk up to a women to talk to her, you don’t want to be thinking about what to say, instead you should think nothing, just feeling, just feel good, no need for preparation.

2 beliefs, what you have to say is valuable, purely because it comes from you

what you have to say is interesting, not because of the content, but because she is interested in what you find interesting.

it doesn't need to be the perfect thing to say.

you need to turn off all that noise that is blocking you. when your talking to a family member, you don't run out of things to say, you only run out when you want something.

think, when you see a girl, oh, i want to see if she’s cool, oh, i want to ask her a question, or, I want to expand the party.

Don’t be a step ahead of yourself, just be natural.

on meeting women, thinking is your biggest weakness

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don't try and diffuse the tension, just stay with it, be with it, and keep staring at her eyes. be conscious, but not self conscious.

Have a child like attitude, I see, I take.

be the big happy baby. no woman can be mad at a guy who just likes her.

focus on her, not what her responses are (20)

going into your head and thinking of what to say next, does NOT help keep attraction. just listen to her, not chode listen, but listen. dont think of it as doing, but the co-exists, being, just being together.

Dont judge the actual words she says, dont, interpret, comparison, or label what she says. Your not in a business meeting. Listen to the sounds, the resonation in her voice, enjoy her, and her core femininity. And see the depth in her as a woman.

stop trying to give your perspective on it, or agreeing with it, or trying to fill up the silence.

when she finishes talking, and your feeling it, having a hmm, pondering look. stay with the tension, don't resist the tension or the awkwardness. While she is waiting, anticipation is building, thus building sexual tension.

enjoy the experience, stop trying to judge it, and asking how it compares. experience reality head on.

Borat is totally unreactive, perfect at creating total chaos and staying with it.

you are responsible for yourself. thats why having your own fresh set of eyes is soo important.

your main responsibility is to hold your awareness where it counts.

stop thinking up fancy scenarios, and mental movies about your past or your future. thinking about you will cant be happy now, but in the future you will get your happy ending.

stop future projecting, and letting your awareness go where it is not needed.

stop obsessing about the future, because you do not like the now, it is acting to escape, which is not a good reason.

future projections create anxiety, just be in the now, don't think of the future, just look at what is directly in front of you.

being fully present means you are focused on what is happening in the moment, and you melt into the moment, opposed to falling in it.

how many of your thoughts are useless and repetitive

stop looking at the surface opposed to the depth.

brainstorming on a project is fine, that is thinking by your intentions opposed to being dragged around by your thinking.

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DVD 14

Past events should have NO EFFECT on you. STOP thinking as a victim.

trust in you to carry yourself forward.

take things as they come type attitude

Being, not doing.

stop thinking of the outcome, this is what causes anxiety and nervousness

Read the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged.

do what you enjoy.

if you start getting nervous, just think TRUST, trust that if your in the moment, your faculties will take care of you.

move through the world knowing you a very necessary part of the whole. you are not above, or below, you are just apart of the whole.

this seminar is a signpost, pointing towards a better way of being.

everyone has fear of your own success, fear of your own greatness

a success barrier is when you think you want success, but your mind has blocks setup to prevent you from achieving it.

you have to push through what defines your reality.

you are not your mind

look at the situation the best you can, and go the best way you can at that time, stop pondering, if something bad happens, you will handle it later.

“to get the nimbus burning in a raging inferno - be indifferent”

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DVD 15

Be water. You don't have a rigid structure, you don't have these huge beliefs that get crushed.

jeet kune do by bruce lee.

dont invest your ego into your method.

2 concepts of a weak reality and a strong reality.

1 is you have a strong belief system

the other is you have a flexible one that can go through an impasse

reordering perception to reorder the map. people do this all the time

the ability to quickly sift through ideas and accept or reject them is a great ability.

the better you can hold paradoxical ideas, the easier you can go through different maps and hold your own.

see yourself in others

you have to be able to handle paradoxical realities.

because the map is not the territory. every concept of reality we have is just a concept, a label on the reality but not the reality itself.

don't base your reality on the way the world looks / treats you.

what you think of other people is a reflection of yourself.

if you have a concept of yourself as being a chode, you have to break through the success barrier.

if you do 10 approaches, and 9 are fantastic, the success barrier will cause you to focus on the failure. try and just focus on the positive.

your mind does not accept negative things, instead of saying don't talk so fast, so try and speak slower.

focus on the positive, not the negative nonsense, and you get the skills that you want.

see the best in yourself, and in other people.

cut yourself a ton of slack when you go out.

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Day Four DVDs 16-19 - Ascension - Imbue your being with mind-warping sexual presence

DVD 16

This day is the ultimate climax and fulfillment of everything that's been laid down leading up to it.

This is where you'll move beyond “learning” as you feel the electric power of authenticity literally WOVEN into the very fabric of your being.

Your presence will transcend all social, personal and sexual issues, generating a field of infectious positivity that is palpable and real.

And if you employ precisely what you’ve been taught, women will react to you with helpless, mesmerized desire – and men will react with deference and humility.

You will become the uncontested center of your social universe.

internalization means you have something on a level that you never need to think about it again.

which is what RSD calls deep identity level change

we all have a fear of success, we have certain bearings on how the world works, and when we move up, our world stops making since, and we have to learn the ends and outs of a new lifestyle.

being in high status, it is as easy, or easier than being low status.

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anticipated responses - an assumption is the same thing -- this is the way you expect the world to respond to you.

1 - whether a person of your status will be treated well or badly

2 - whether people are either trustworthy or manipulative (friendly or mean)

3 - whether there is an abundance or scarcity of people in the world who could like you

Do you like yourself?

would you hang out with someone like yourself?

If you saw a guy that looked like me, would be like of course, or what's that all about?

anticipate people will like you for you.

don't be approval seeking

insecure people always have to verbalize that "they know the deal"

when you see the girl you like, dont change, and become the romantic hero

be non-judgemental, so a girl a feel out ease and have fun with you

self fulfilling prophecy means whatever you think, will happen, based on those beliefs

keep telling your gf that you like it when she is really nice, which will shape her identity into something that you want.

if someone just disses you, accept it and have fun with it (48 minutes)

only acknowledge the reality that you want, and the self fulfilling prophecy will come in and exist

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DVD 17

Micro Behaviors, very subtle things, like the dilation in your pupils

when talking to a girl, try and keep your eyes real steady.

you can make a girl laugh when telling a story when you want her to by thinking it

girl surrounded by guys, just walk up straight to the girl looking at her, and motioning the guys to get out of the way (moses parting the red sea) when you are INSANELY on.

its just like when your working out, your in the zone, do this heavy ass set, and go to the fountain, people just move out of your way, its the same thing.

Flinching or retreating into your mind. This is the exact opposite of anticipated responses, and causes you to doubt yourself.

if you retreat into your head, your anticipated response will not work.

you are the island, and she is the boat checking out your reality.

your reality should overpower the other realities

having sex is offering value, women enjoy it as much if not more than men, so having sex is not you taking value, it is you giving value.

your not pulling stuff off, you are being you, have integrity, your not scamming women.

you have to believe men and women are of equal value, and that you are of equal value.

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your not selling yourself to a girl, and your not lower value, if you think these things, you will retreat into your head.

flirting with a girl you are messing around, having fun, and thats totally cool.

to shut off the noise and feel good, take a deep slow breath, and slow down, this is where your integrity comes from, and allows you to "part the red seas"

Trust in a foreign set of bearings. When we develop new bearings we dont have the reference experience to trust in them.

for it to be internalized you have to be natural at doing it, and be in the moment when you do it, not in your head.

you learn something, you do it, and you gather evidence about how it works, you need to learn the ins and outs of whatever your doing, don't be self conscious.

The Newbie's Paradox

Its like putting in contacts, when you first start, it hurts and burns, but you keep doing it every day, and eventually your mind says oh, this is ok, and your fine.

you need reference experiences to get that unwavering belief.

to do this, you need to fully assume it works, and be indifferent if it doesn't.

don't make this stuff into something cool and powerful, have a "its no big deal" attitude, so you dont keep trying to test it.

you want to be on a level where all this is fully internalized, and no big deal, its just you.

its not a belief system, its an understanding, you dont think about it, like you dont think you will fall through the floor, you know it will hold you up, you don;t just believe it.

to get the nimbus burning in a raging inferno - be indifferent

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you cant go out and "try" and cultivate belief, as you are gathering evidence, you have to believe it totally.

the harmonious ting of indifference, when you can let go of that ring of attachments.

bombard your mind, feel it up with soo many references and experiences so your brain just explodes.

when your going out and you keep getting blown out of sets, just keep going, stop quitting, then your brain goes, its ok, im still here, im fine, then you cross that indifference threshold.

this threshold can be crossed extremely quickly.

stifling is a cup, that is holding you in. it is saying dont extend your behavior beyond a certain range. yelling and what not will get you unstifled.

every 5 minutes do a stifle check.

the richness in your voice, is what the girls look for, so be unstifled.

dont be confident, be indifferent, and confidence will come from that.

once your mind has the click that it is better to be the cool dude, your mind will automatically RAS into other cool guys.

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DVD 18

How to cross the indifference threshold quickly, and how we get unstifled quickly

you need to be the outside source, the momentum

you are not your mind

these are silly games, do something that is out of character "isn't really you" and expand out the energy and space you are taking up.

1 the imitation game, i.e. imitate a lion, switch between person to person and it will suck in the beginning, then get better later on.

i.e from the video, lion, crocodile, toaster, rooster, rhino (7 minutes in), t-rex, tornado, whale, cow, pig, (its not about being accurate, be the cartoon retarded version, make loud ass noises) hippo, elephant,

commonalties, yell more (infringing on peoples air space), get out of character, flail around, break out of your normal self, get out of the stifling.

push yourself over the edge

clap and jump up and down, it will fill the club up with energy (15 minutes)

this is where the pounce can come in, just into a crowd of guys with a girl, its called chode vaporization,

this just gives you QUICK indifference, which gives you better, and greater reference.

logic is the opposite of emotion.

when you are vibing, you should not feel like proving yourself

be relaxed and vibe with the girl, and then something will float up and shoot into your head, thus being quick witted

you dont need to qualify yourself, and you need to learn vibing

1- trust that girls like you just for you -- walk up to her, talk to her, w/o striving for outcome

2- believe that sex between a man and woman is inevitable and natural and not a big deal

a path of excess (excessive action) can lead to wisdom

most people walk thru life in a walking daze

being a chode is easy, its the path of least resistance

you do not have to push yourself, everything is fine, it is congruent with most mainstream beliefs.

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DVD 19

Ego and Self Esteem

confidence and feeling good about yourself, should be your default state.

the diff between them is - self esteem you are born with it, you cannot explain it, like the word soul, it is self sustaining. while ego is a rational construct as a substitute for self esteem

when you start to feel really great, and find self esteem, and you think other people are so trapped in ego, that is how ego comes back in

happiness is your default state

the ego tries to shelter us from the unknown.

life IS the unknown.

Ernest Becker

The Illiad of Homer (the world is an arena of heroism, so people will sing my name when i'm gone)

since we don't know anything, our mind says we have to make context

the ego looks for people to compare yourself too, and wants to kick the next man down, so you can be better.

instead of saying I want to meet my potential, you say I want to be the best, which provides separation opposed to togetherness.

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the more personal the wound, the more universal the wound.

your ego is a black hole, constantly wanting references

to get rid of neediness, you have to kill the ego

tyler = syndrome from the incredibles (haha, so funny, so good) 22 minutes in

its a good description of what the ego is trying to do, he is the guy who feels cut off, and removed from the sense of togetherness.

do not seek happiness in the future, happiness is now.

the now is all there ever is, no matter where you are, you can / should feel good, this is your self esteem, the ability to generate state from within.

your creativity will shoot through the roof.

The Result is Anti Climatic

the result can never be as good as the doing.

offering value is one of the best things you can do

just think up a word (like wall) and walk up and talk about it to any girl without seeking reaction

Value Givers and Value Takers

When you are just offering value that is an attractant, if your taking thats a repealer

We have a socially created reality.

Self Amusement, means not trying to get women to respond and talking about things you think they may like

What you do is just try and self amuse, say things that pump your own state, and say things you think are funny, if they are silly or stupid.

As long as what you are doing amuses you, thats great. She is interested in knowing what you find interesting.

When you bring the party, she is interested, when your trying to get into the party she's repelled

Don't be the social chameleon

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Presence is contagious

if her mind is in chaos, and you provide presence, you calm her down

your the oak tree, she is the squirrel running around.

we all have brutal failings, and we think its only us, and that forges out identity.

you don't make an identity out of you having a hand, because everyone else has it, but you cant make it a problem because everyone else has one.

Do that with your personal wound, it happens to everyone, it is not solely you.

To kill the ego, accept both your good and your bad. the more personal the more universal

View the girl as seeing the self coming through, see yourself in all people (opposed to judging or whatever)

Get over comparing yourself with others. feel good independently of others actions
